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Enough. Ill talk to congressman, russia krishnamoorthi, all that plus back on the field. Its a rollercoaster of motion. Im rooted in my faith, im rooted in the love that i received from my family, my cremates and the love All Around The World it keeps me going. Moment for him badly bill safeties, give our hamlins first game back since nearly dying on the field, the imaging welcome back later on this hour. We want to begin this hour with the breaking news. Things get very busy, very fast this week at the Fulton County courthouse in georgia. Donald trump could face a fourth indictment as the grand jury there moves closer to a vote in the election interference from led by d a fani willis. It can happen as early as tuesday. With me to talk about this is tame our hammerlock, and tame are, thank you for joining us we appreciate it. I remember back in january, we heard from Fulton County d. A. , fani willis, same charges were imminent. Here we are in august, looking at two days of testimony in front of the Fulton County grand jury. Monday and tuesday, could we see charges of the indictment coming on tuesday . Yes, thats very much looking like it will be the case. Were saying tuesday because thats when two witnesses confirmed to us that theyve been subpoenaed to appear before a grand jury. And declare testimony about what occurred from their Point Of View in the aftermath of the 2020 elections. The office is presenting to a grand jury thats meeting on monday and tuesday. It typically takes about two days to present a racketeering case as weve seen in the past with this office. We dont expect it to go beyond that brandeberry, it needs dont expect the days office to want to wait another week to wrap it up. If the grand jury meets two days a week. Tell me the calculations that are going through the newsroom at the aj sea and talking about a potential indictment, what names could they be in the indictment along with the charges . Thats a big question. Racketeering indictments can ensnare many different people. Weve seen reporting from cnn another is that it could be upwards of a dozen. A lot of these names were expecting to see surface will not be names weve heard of before. This is something we all live between November 2020 and january of 2021. Were expecting to see folks in Donald Trumps inner circle including rudy giuliani, perhaps someone like johnny smith, candace chance bro, People Who Wear The Unindicted Co Conspirators in jack smiths january 6th case. Were expecting other names especially folks based in georgia. Another Campaign Hands that maybe didnt end up in jack smiths indictment. Its a case of how broad d. A. Willis wants to go with this one. Are we expecting to hear, fani willis has been pretty vocal the past couple of weeks, more so than jack smith was ahead of the two indictments coming out of florida and washington, veasey. Are we expected, are you getting any reporting on whether well hear from her as well if in fact and when this indictment is filed . Yeah, were expecting there will be something, not that different than what we saw from jack smith after he was able to secure the indictments in the january 6th and maralago documents case. I assume shell be saying mostly that the indictment speaks for itself. But were expecting her to make some sort of public remarks. Shes been pretty quiet about this in general. Pretty much since january when she said that indictments were amna. Im dying to see what would be in a likely indictment. Sealed an unsealed, and how quickly, what are you hearing . Unsealed in georgia. Once indictments are handed out its presented to a presiding judge. Im pretty much immediately it becomes unsealed and open court. It may take a little bit for the office to get it online. Were expecting very quickly afterwards to see. Do we know who the presiding judges, whos on the docket for that day, for tuesday . Its a familiar face to all of us whove been covering the case. Judge robert ernie, hes been overseeing the special in all of this. Though i might say that we do not necessarily expect him to be the judge moving forward if and when indictments are handed out as we had into a case thats to be determined by the entire Fulton County branch. It may not be ham going forward. Tame are hallerman, thank you so much, appreciate it. Im sure well be talking to you in the coming weeks. I want to turn now once again to whats happening in hawaii. The fire crews there are continuing to battle flareups into locations along the west coast of maui. As Emergency Personnel work to whatever they can from the remains of the Historic Town of lahaina. At this hour, 93 people have been killed, the numbers expected to rise and hundreds more remain missing are unaccounted for. I will bring in nbcs Steve Patterson whos been on the ground in mali. The overarching question, stephen, you and i talked about this in the last hour as well. Did folks get the proper indication to evacuate what they should have . And if not, is that the reason why we have also so many . I think its hard to assess what led to what. And what the proper notification was. According to this state those sirens didnt go off. I want to make this clear this is in some backwater siren system. Its supposed to be one of the most sophisticated integrated outdoor systems in the entire world, 400 siren spread across this island. Residents i spoke to and the state now admit that those sirens did not go off. The state says [inaudible] tv alerts went out, Radio Messages went out, i spoke to several residents a lot of folks say that they never got any of those. Some of thats because the power was cut according to residents i spoke to long before those messages went out. How could they get messages that would help them . Thats all part of the investigation started by the state attorney general. Well hear more about that as this goes on. Meanwhile, theres more frustration imagine that situation, youre running at your house, jumping in the ocean, youre throwing everything you can into your car with just assured on your back. Theyre finding frustrations when you get to the situation. Outside of the zone, a lot of people have slept in their car, slept in shelters. And yesterday im on this road and residents are waiting in lines that are 2 to 3 miles long, some 15 hours. Only to be turned around a checkpoints like this, this Checkpoint Open to just supply trucks. Theyre sending residents around the side of the island to what residents have described to me as a very dangerous road. I spoke to some of them about their frustrations yesterday. Here is what they told me, listen to this. I have a people staying with me. As soon as i open traffic, i want to kaiser to get diabetes medication, insulin, everything i can get to take back to them. A lot of them dont drive, they dont have gas, im hoping and praying they let me through the line. I slept in my car last night. I dont want to do that again. Im running out of medication. So, im hoping that i can get to the other side. No radio, no updates. If they give you, did you hear any sirens . Nothing. And he Text Messages . Nothing. Its the smoke. You heard that, nothing. In a lot of cases the number one thing i heard that people need is to get their medication. Its crucial people can get back there. However, crews are still really dealing with scenes that are smoldering, scenes that theyre worried about the sanctity about because of how much rain is in that town. Theres a lot of heavy work on identifying the dead at this point. Where are folks staying, how are they getting food, obviously the medical needs in place there are, what about a Long Term Plan that for people who have Lost Everything . A long term is something that will be a process for sometime. The governor has said that he wants to build back, and create affordable housing. Where they lost housing, the shelters are doing great, ill make that clear theyre six spread out across the island. The ones i visited, especially at miley high school everyones fed, everyone has clothes, and blankets. For the most part theyre happy to be alive there. I think theyre doing the best that they can. Really the situation comes down for key medications for people who need them. I think, ive spoken to people that continue to sleep in their cars. And sleep in neighbors houses, friends houses, or strangers houses. Its all Hands On Deck when you have 4500 people on this island that are now displaced. Steve patterson, thank you, we appreciate. It coming up later this hour, ill speak to one man we resident who lost their family home and coconut farm in the fire, sky mcphee joins me on why they believe more federal assistance is needed to pick up the pieces. Lets get to pennsylvania now. Or Surveillance Video captured a deadly House Explosion near pittsburgh. A deadly House Explosion nea pittsburgh [sound of artillery] a fifth person now confirmed dead just outside of pittsburgh, they were for adults and a child. One survivor is hospitalized in critical condition. You can see the force of the blast. It was felt several homes away. The explosion destroying three buildings and damaging at least a dozen more. And people are saying that it was so powerful, look at that. He and his wife were knocked to the ground. Authorities are trying to figure out what caused the blast. Coming up, the same republicans who have been demanding a Special Counselor in the Hunter Biden Case say the one appointed is no good. Just 60 seconds of the joined by congressman, raja krishnamoorthi, to talk about that. As well as news about a prominent democrat who may be ready to run against president biden. Well be right back. Rbeight back. At bombas, we make the comfiest socks, underwear, and tshirts that feel good, and most of all, do good. Because when you purchase one, we donate one to those in need. Visit bombas. Com and get 20 off your first purchase. Bombas. Pano ai chooses tmobile for business for 5g solutions. Because tmobile helps pano ai innovate, so they can stop the spread of wildfires. Nows the time to see what americas largest 5g network can do for your business. Welcome back, everyone. This Morning Cast On The Sunday so faced questions about the hunter biden Special Counsel talk speaking with mike pence, who was supposed to be today about that. While democratic, jamie raskin appeared on abc. Take a listen. The American People have a right to know whether or not president bidens family benefited, or he himself benefited when he was serving in the job that i had as Vice President of the United States. We can document that donald trump pocketed the hotels, the golf courses through business deals when he was president. And his family got they havent laid a glove on joe biden, as president. I want to note there while mike pence is supporting the appointment of a Special Counsel there are a number of gop colleagues that are not despite the calls to appoint one months ago. I want to bring a democratic congressman representative, rajah christa morty, to ask about this much congressman, thank you for joining us, we appreciate. It lets start right there. Your republican colleagues are coming out against the appointment of the Special Counsel. Announced by Merrick Garland late last week. What do you make of it . I think theyre gonna criticize the Justice Department and Merrick Garland regardless of what they do. Perhaps they want jim jordan to be appointed in the independent Special Counsel. You need somebody you can actually who could do the job properly. And let justice do its course here. I wonder if you think this whole thing can stick when it comes to the biden family. Potentially, it seems as a republicans, hold on a six, theyre comparing whats happening with the president and his family to whats happening with the former president of the United States as well. Putting them on the same level Playing Field . What do you make of that . I think that its a desperate attempt that i have not seen one shred of evidence, not one iota of evidence, and indeed there is none linking any Room Wrongdoing committed by hunter biden to anything that President Joe Biden has done. I think theres attempts to continue to do so. Its the reason why a lot of people have tuna. When i talk to my constituents, they echo what Richard Hudson the chair of the National Republican Campaign Committee said which is that, theyre not talking about this at home. This is not one of their top priorities. I think this is gonna continue to be the dog that doesnt hunt. Heres what the axelrod told us the all read for you. Im sure that this did not land well at the white house. There are elements of it that complicate things that republicans as well. Its verda say that nobody on team biden is eager for hunters case to be extending into the election. What do you make of that . For one thing, Hunter Bidens president son, this is going to be obviously of concern on a very personal level for the president. Anytime somebody has this type of concern at the same time theyre running for office. Its going to be an issue. But with regard to an issue that the voters are going to care about. Again, unless theres any evidence linking hunter biden to anything that joe biden has done as president. Its not an issue that voters are going to be concerned about what joe biden. I have not seen any, whether its in the public setting or a classified one. Congressman, i want to ask you about joe manchin. Nbcs exclusive reporting on that. Were hearing that hes skipping this event for the one Year Anniversary of the inflation reduction act. You couple that with also word that hes possibly considering this third party run for president of the United States. Whats your reaction . I dont think that fact that hes gonna be at that event is significant. Again, this is an august recess. With regards to tampa running for president as a third party candidate, i think that any credible thirdparty or independent bed. If it would take away votes from joe biden and make it more likely for donald trump to become president. Its problematic to say the least. I think joe manchin is a patriotic person. I think thats why he voted to convict donald trump at the last impeachment trial. Saying he needed to be held accountable for Seditious Acts and words that threaten democracy. In light of that i think that even he would be concerned that donald trump came knocked office so you think he will do . It i dont know. I hope he does not. I think that again, we cant allow donald trump to come back to office. Congressman thank you sir, appreciate it. Still ahead everybody, from flipping burgers to getting heckled, how gop president ial candidates fared at the Iowa State Fair, and what it says about their power with voters, still stuck on the former president. Plus, the personal stories of many residents. Ill talk to one Business Owner, who Lost Everything, admits the calls for more federal aid to deal with the devastation. A first, Though Football Star Damar Hamlin takes the field, for his first game, since suffering Cardiac Arrest on the field, back in january. And the Buffalo Bills prepare for his retired Triumphant Return, Coming Up Next. Im rooted in my faith, im rooted in you know, the love that i received from my family, my teammates, you know, and the love All Around The World. It just keeps me going. It just keeps me going christina with Verizon Business unlimited, i get 5g, truly unlimited data, and unlimited hotspot data. So, no matter what, im running this kitchen. vo make the switch. Its your business. Its your verizon. Im jayson. Im living with hiv and im on cabenuva. It helps keep me undetectable. For adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, longacting Hiv Treatment you can get every other month. Cabenuva is two injections, given by my Healthcare Provider, every other month. Its really nice not to have to rush home and take a daily hiv pill. Dont receive cabenuva if youre allergic to its ingredients or if you taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. 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You really shouldnt walk out the front door without it. All right, welcome back. Switch today at xfinitymobile. Com. Its only preseason, but the nfl may have had its moment of the year this weekend, as Buffalo Bills safety damar hamlin returned to the field for the First Time Since going into Cardiac Arrest, during a game back in january. Msnbcs emily has the story. A Triumphant Return to the grid iron for Buffalo Bills safety damar hamlin. Back on his hometown turf, suiting up for a Preseason Matchup against the indianapolis colts. His comeback is a major milestone. After nearly dying in january, going into Cardiac Arrest following a tackle during a game against the cincinnati bengals. Since then, hamlins road to recovery has repeatedly stunned. Just days after getting out of the hospital, number 3 seen tearing his team on during the playoffs. [applause] [crowd chanting] a story that galvanize this entire nation. 3 months later, once again, working out. And in july, the team reported hamlin was a full go at training camp. Its been a rollercoaster of emotion, but i am rooted in my faith, im rooted in the love of what i received from my family, my teammates, and the love All Around The World. That just, it keeps me going. The bills safety has become a National Beacon of hope, and advocate for cpr and aed training. This summers espys, thanking the staff who helped save his life. Please welcome, this years recipient of the pat tillman reward for service, the staff on a Buffalo Bills. The crowd here, returning the love hamlin shown, even during an unimaginable year. Emily and msnbc news, new york. Our thanks to Emily Arquette out for that report. After the break, a Potential 4th indictment coming this week. And, donald trump, not losing a step in iowa. So, how did things go for ronda sands and other trump rivals. A live report from the Iowa State Fair, Coming Up Next. 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So, no matter what, im running this kitchen. vo make the switch. Its your business. Its your verizon. All right, welcome back. Republicans are soon at the Iowa State Fair at the rearview mirror, as the 2024 race continues to move right along. But in terms of how the Ngo P Candidates fared at this traditionally important political event, we turn to and joining us live from des moines, at the state fairgrounds. We also have matthew dowd, a political analyst and Party Founder as. Well start things off for us, right. Were there any break out moments . No. I mean, there were no moments of corporations are people my friends, which mitt romney famously said when he got on the soapbox here, when he was in cycle. Instead, it was really people just being able to retreat to their. You watch former President Donald Trump mole through the fare with a cautery of lawmakers in tow, meant to underscore the fact that he has got the support of the majority of the florida delegation, despite the fact that they are current and sitting governor, ron, desantis is also running for president. For desantiss part, we watched him be able to draw big crowds, but also some hecklers were part of that crowd. For desantis, and frankly everyone else not named trump in this field though, the task remains the same, regardless of where they are, yasmin. Which is, how do they break 3 of these Polling Freeze that we are seeing, that has trump still so dominant at the top of the pack . And everybody else, trailing behind. One of the things, that i think most of the candidates are hoping could break some of that loose, is the upcoming first president ial debate, that is coming just about 10 days from now. Its unclear whether or not trump is going to be on that stage. One of the things you would have to do is actually sign the Republican National Committee Press pledge, that says he would support the nominee, whoever that person is. Thats one of the prerequisites to get on the debate stage. Weve watched people like nikki haley and tim scott and desantis all signed that pledge. But, they are not trump, and trump right now is the person who is at the front of the pack, who says that he doesnt necessarily see any upside to getting on that stage. But what it does for everyone else is allow them the biggest of Republican Voters that theyve had the chance to get so far. For many of them, they are prepping for a world where trump is on the stage, and where he isnt. But certainly, whether he is physically there or not, he is the guy that is looming over all of this. That was true here at the state fair, it could be true at the first debate. And frankly, its going to be true until the end of this Republican Nominating contests. So if you are at a trump rally and i asked you this question, i think the answer would likely be that they dont really believe in the indictments, they dont read the indictments, they dont leave anything thats in the indictments, and its not gonna affect how they vote. They are going to be voting for the former president of the United States in the 2024 election. But asking that question now, at the Iowa State Fair, how are folks viewing these 3 indictments, possibly before . Well look, there have been a range of opinions, that i have heard from people. Of course, i have democrats who ive spoken to, who are sort of looking at this Republican Nominating contest in horror, because of the fact that trump is being indicted on so many different accounts, whether its the classified documents, whether its january 6th. Certainly, they are looking ahead to Fulton County. But, among republicans, there is some split opinion that i have heard. There are some that ive spoken to today, who say that these things are madeup, that they are, for lack of a better term, trumped up charges by the political opposition of the former president. They still plan to vote for him, no matter what. But then, i also have spoken to some Republican Voters, who say that whether its because of the indictments, whether its because of the role he played in january 6, attempted to overturn the 2020 election. They think their party needs to move on. Still though, talking to those voters anecdotally, doesnt necessarily explain the polling that weve seen. It is why again, this race seems sort of frozen in time. Because even though there are more indictments, youve got one, you got to, you that 3, that forthcoming, it doesnt change the fact that he remains so dominant. And i think all of that goes back to the idea, that this is a party that has really largely been remade in trumps image, since 2015 and 2016. Ali batali, as always, thank you. Matthew dowd, drawing on what ali was just talking about, right. What a kind of, helpless help us understand what we are seeing in this holding, with 3 indictments already kind of out, and were looking at one and out of Fulton County as well. And yet, the former president continuing to dominate. Well you know, there was a time period where there is a window for his vulnerability, after the november election, when it was shown that a bunch of his candidates that he endorsed lost. Until about the end of february, when there was this opportunity, i think, for another republican to take advantage of this. But what happened is, nobody in that moment took advantage of it, one. And then 2, he started getting indicted, and at the point of time he started getting indicted, his number started rising among republican primary voters, including in iowa. And the other factor that goes into this, and that ability to beat donald trump, is that the sealed is not whatever his 12 or 13 as you showed from that polling. Even though donald trump, quote unquote, is only at 44 , the problem is that the rest of the field divides it up. And that means that he wins the iowa caucus, if the field isnt limited. The opportunity for the republicans, and this would take putting your ego to the side, would be one or 2 candidates take him on in iowa, the other ones step back, and then one or 2 others take him on in New Hampshire, and then one or 2 others take him on in south carolina. And then, show that he is vulnerable along the way. And then, open the field up. But as i said, that takes putting your ego to the side, and it doesnt look like any of the other republicans want to put their ego to the side. Well, it also seems as if that would take, kind of, following the more Chris Christie model of things, in the way they approach campaigning, right. He is really the only one that has kind of come out against the former president s. Compared to, for instance, ron desantis, who has tiptoed around it, right. He is the only other guy, i believe, in the double digits. Yeah, and he is the only, Chris Christie is the only other one that has actually risen in a substantial way, in a state, and he has risen in New Hampshire, primarily driven by independents who vote in the, who will vote in the New Hampshire primary. Its always been seemed to me, as an extra lease flawed strategy, to run against somebody, but not to criticize the person youre running against. I dont, the strategy should be, i think i should be president of the United States, and that person shouldnt. And let me tell you why that person shouldnt be president of the United States. The only one making that argument, which seems to be the argument you make when youre running against somebody, if somebody like Chris Christie. Or, somebody like age hudson. And donald trump is making that argument, as well. Especially when it comes to his chief rival, ron desantis. And im wondering what you make of how we could see a potential break out, and what we can compare it to on the debate stage, in just 10 days now. We dont even know if donald trump is going to be on that debate stage, but a lot of folks looking at ron desantis, right. We you and ive talked about this before. This is a real moment for him to have a breakout, can he actually do, it is the question . Well interesting thing to me, if i were donald trump, just thinking through how his mind works, but if you can. Is, i would actually at this point say, okay, i will go to the debate, and make the rnc in force there, rules and not have him come. That would be an interesting dynamic for him to go. Because they it if they enforce the rules, they said and now theyre not letting me come, which i think would benefit him. But, i wouldnt be surprised if he does Something Like that. The problem for ron desantis is twofold. If donald trump isnt on the stage. One is that he hasnt shown any great ability to break out of this race. His numbers have actually fallen in the last 16, 6 months, as he has run in this race. Thats one of the problems in this. The 2nd thing is, who is he going to, what is he going to do in that primary debate, who is he going to criticize, or what is he going to do in the course of that debate, without donald trump there . So, its left him, he is a flawed candidacy. And then the problem is, the stage is flawed, because the dominant person in the race isnt there. So then, how do you work around that, right . What is your advice to someone like ron desantis. Because its interesting right, you have to tiptoe around the trump voter, you have to tiptoe around the guy thats not on the stage with you. You are not willing to go to the mattresses, lets use that, that phrase there, as Chris Christie is, and criticize the former president of the United States. So, what do you do . Well i mean, first you have to recognize that the strategy that you put in place for the last 4 months has been completely flawed, and your candidacy so far has not operated right. You have to admit that to yourself, in order to make adjustments. Thats the first thing you have to do. The next thing you have to do is, you have to come up with an argument, that roy why isnt donald trump, and why he shouldnt be the nominee, in a much more forceful way in this. My guess is, their strategy right now, it seems to me, is hope some external event removes donald trump from the equation. And thats always, as you, know thats always a bad idea to base your campaign, based on some hope of Something Else happening, in order for you to have a window. He didnt do what he needed to do to begin with, and hes not doing what he needs to do today. Matthew dowd, thank you sir, appreciate it. Youre welcome. All right straight ahead everybody, a major break in the next 48 hours in georgia, as we get closer to a potential new indictment for donald trump, with some new evidence in the case, just being revealed. We want to take you to atlanta, as the city braces for what is coming. As the city braces for what anyl in georgia . We dont have to take a plea deal. Sir. We dont take, ledius you should ask that question. Youre a wise guy. We dont take plead eels, because i did nothing wrong. Nothing wrong. vo Verizon Small Business days are back. From august 7th to the 13th. Get a free tech check and special offers. Like a free 5g phone. Plus, switch, keep your number, and get up to 300 off. With Verizon Business. Its your business. Its your verizon. My most important kitchen tool . My brain. So i choose neuriva plus. 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So, we switched to Verizon Business internet. They have business grade internet, nationwide. vo make the switch. Its your business. Its your verizon. All right, welcome back. We are continuing to keep our eyes on georgia, as former President Trump could face a 4th indictment there this weekend. Its at the Fulton County courthouse. Gary, we actually see those orange barriers, that metal fencing behind you. It seems like preparations in place. What could the next few days look like . Yeah, Security Precautions here in Fulton County are actually very different than some previous indictments that weve seen. Weeks ago, Fulton County officials said that folks who work in the d. A. s office, which is just right across the street here from the courthouse, could work from home the entire month of august. We were also given a sense that there were 3 weeks in august, where this could pinch potentially happen. So, these barricades have been up for about a week now, they are wrapped around the entire building here. And this street behind me is currently open to traffic, it was close for the entire week, while folks were coming in, and out of the courthouse. So thats what security looks like outside. Inside, its your average courthouse, with tsa level security, as you go inside, into the building itself. Because, what we may find, out or at least get a better answer to, is whether or not donald trump and his associates, the actions that they took, the pressure that they put on officials, whether not they actually broke any laws during that time period. Here is what gabe sterling, ceo, and secretary of the States Office here in georgia, had to say. Obviously at this point, you never know whats going to happen. One of my biggest concerns, for years now, and ive said this in election conferences, with professionals who won run elections. Is, somebody will be motivated by some of this kind of language at some point, and you do something stupid. Its not to be an organized thing, its not going to be a bunch of conspirators together. Its gonna be one, probably mentally unstable individual, whos going to be radicalized in this process. And thats my biggest concern through this. Now, we dont know exactly when or what exactly is going to happen this upcoming week, as it relates to a possible indictment. But we do know how grand juries work, because weve seen them in the past few previous indictments here. Whats going to happen is, theres going to be a presentation from the d. A. s office to the grand jury over the next couple of days. And, there may be interviews associate with that. We know on tuesday, theres going to be interviews before the grand jury. After that, there may be a vote, of the 23 members of the grand jury. Its a simple majority here, its not something as the jury in a criminal trial would have to be. And after that, its the indictment were to be handed up, it will be unsealed by a judge in the building, just behind me. All right gary thank you for, appreciate it. We want to bring in now former u. S. Attorney brandon fox, to talk more about this. Brandon, thanks for joining us on this. You actually ran with the largest divisions in the d oj, so i want to start with asking you, kind of your feeling, your sense, as we are watching this reporting coming out of Fulton County, and the expectations of this week, and theyre gonna be Hearing Testimony from, if theyre gonna be seeing an indictment, likely tuesday. Yeah i mean, thats, all indications are thats going to be the case. And, i just question why this is necessary. Because, its going to complicate deebo jays efforts greatly. Because, its going to look like its a political prosecution, the d. O. T. Is trying to stay above the fray, above politics. But, its based on substantially similar conduct, as is being prosecute by jack smiths office. And, the d. O. T. Actually has a policy about this, its called the pti t, if people want to look it up. And, it addresses whether charges should be brought by a different jurisdictions for substantially the same conduct. So again, i question whether this is something that is good for the prosecutors in this case. So, this is the first time here in, its and i think its interesting. So, do you think that, fani willis, if in fact this indictment comes to fruition on tuesday, should drop this case, should not be pursuing it . Well, i dont think that she should be pursuing it against donald trump, for the reasons i just described. If she believes, and i assume she does, as many people knew that he committed a crime, what she should be doing is providing that evidence to jack smiths office, and letting him go with this. But by doing what shes doing, she is going to be prosecuting donald trump. And, go ahead with others, as long whos knocking to complicate the federal case. She is creating potential new witness statements, that Donald Trumps attorneys can use in cross examining those witnesses, multiple statements are never good for witnesses and good for prosecutors. And, potential discovery issues that could be happening. And again, allegations that, its going to look like these are all political prosecutions, and theyre just piling on. Thats why the dj policies in, place to make it not let your piling on, to make it look like youre doing justice instead. Is it not reason enough that the former president cant be pardoned for state prosecutions, as he can for federal . Well i mean, who can be pardoned by . So the president cant pardon donald trump for a state prosecution. Im not a georgia lawyer, but i assume the governor can. And, thats the way it is in most states. So the governor can partner, and you got a republican governor in place in georgia, then again, whats the purpose here, because you would imagine that the same result what happened. I mean, im pretty certain that the governor cant pardon him either, in the state of georgia . Okay well, so i may have that wrong, again im, not a georgia prosecutor. But, i go back to the same principles of prosecution, and whats happening here. Lets say that he is acquitted in the d. C. Prosecution. Do you really want to see that another prosecution for the same content thats occurring. What if he is convicted, in the d. C. Case . Should there really be another prosecution. And, thats what im coming at that is, its complicating what is the more serious charges. Do you think theres been any communication with the Special Counsel on the Fulton County at, all in the lead up to a possible indictment coming on tuesday . It is such a great question. And, again it is super complicated for jack smiths office. He doesnt want to make this look political. So, any outrage to the Fulton County d. A. s office has a tendency to potentially make his prosecution look political. But with the Fulton County d. A. Should be doing, its contacting jack smiths office to coordinate and say, if were going to bring these charges, is that going to affect your case. And if thats the case, then stay away from it. And, if its not, then maybe we will bring it. And thats why, against other individuals, against different conduct, that might be fine. But, i am just worried about what might be happening with the federal case against donald trump, given this prosecution. Brandon fox, thank you sir, appreciate it. Thank. You still ahead everybody, Frustration Mounting in maui for residents, just trying to get home to help their families, survey the damage. I know theyre busy, and they have things to do. But, somebody got to come on and talk to us too. I dont know what to do, i Lost Everything. And i cant even get back home, to help my family out. Im going to speak to one Business Owner who lost their home, and their coconut farm in the fire, its about the desperate calls for more assistance, Coming Up Next. , Coming Up Next nicole my daughter, natalie, she is the youngest of my five children, and she has neuroblastoma. She really didnt have any symptoms until one day she just stopped using her arm. Andrew by the time we realized that she was sick, it had grown into about a softball sized tumor and spread through her bone marrow, her lymph nodes. So its a very fast, aggressive cancer. Nicole so we came to st. Jude and learned how much hope there was and learned how much they could do for natalie here. [soft horn music playing] narrator you can join the battle to save lives by supporting st. Jude childrens research hospital. Families never receive a bill from st. Jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food so they can focus on helping their child live. 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All right, for the thousands of people who call the island of maui home, life will never be the same. Up until last, week it was like any other summer, as local visitors alike enjoy the islands worldclass scenery current culture is. Well and just in just a span of a couple of hours, the most destructive and deadly wildfire that the entire country country has seen over 100 years, reduce their beloved community to rubble and ash. Thousands are now living in shelters, unable to return to their homes. Joining us now to talk more about this in lifelong maui resident, who lost his home, and his coconut farm, when this devastation. Thanks for joining us by phone we, appreciate it, i know you got a lot going on so thank you for taking the time. Can you tell us a little bit about what happened . Good morning. The first thing i would like to say is, good morning to all of my maui people. I love you so much i [crying]. Why do you want to clarify that yes, i did lose my home, but our farm was not in the fire, it did get severely damaged in the wind. So, we are safe on our farm, and we have 6 other families with us here. And, we are just trying to heal now. Im taking a look at a picture of your family chi, and you have a beautiful family. Your kiddo on the same pacifier that my kiddos loved forever. I am sure its so hard to lose your home, amidst all of this, and wondering where other friends are, and how they are doing. What happened on that day . I so the day after the fire, we were able, we had a lot of time, weve been a very south end of the, heinen so we had a lot of time to get out of our home. Thankfully, all of my family is safe. We have really had very good communication without we havent really been able to connect with a lot of our friends yet, which is worrying. And, some of the stories we are starting to hear coming out of the other experiences of this thing are really hard to hear. And, we are just really dreading i coming. You say you had a lot of time, where you properly notified . Were you told to evacuate, how were you told to leave . It was, we could watch the fire from where we were situated in the hyena, we can watch the fire burn all the way down to the ocean. And, we left maybe an hour or 2 before we wouldve really needed to. So, we were lucky in that regard. Tell me about what its like to see what has happened to your community, with all of this . I we are in deep agony, and shock, and so confused. Its hard to even comprehend whats happened, even though ive seen it with ive been in the heineman whole life, every memory ive ever had i. [crying] are you getting enough help, kai, do you have enough supplies, are you guys getting what you need . Yes, we are well taken care of. The department has been doing an imaging job, the Fire Department has to doing an amazing job. We have all the supplies we need, what we need is peace, we need some closure. We need to get together as a community, and see each other and hug each other. We need peace. I [crying] tie, im so sorry for what youre going through, watching these images, seeing what you all have lost, its devastating, and im so sorry that youve all had to go through this. Just know that we are all thinking about you, as we watch this, and hope you get all of the help that you need. I can only imagine what is happening, for you and your family. Im sorry. That have lost so much. No no need to apologize. This is a very hard time for, you and we certainly wish you the best. Is there anything you want folks to know . We love you all so much, we just cant wait to get back to gather with our friends. And rebuild our community. I cant wait to get to you this hour farm here as a Gathering Place for our community. We are going to need, were going to need educators, and our children really are going to need a lot of attention right now. There is no schools, and theyre going to need, theyre going to need some help with the socializing and the mental part of all of this. Yeah a lot of. So, the best that i can i kai mcphee, we wish you the best, and thank you so much. That wraps it up for me im im back in the chair next saturday and sunday 2 pm eastern. Simone starts right now. Starts right now

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