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The air tonight. I can tell you i have an endless appetite to watch blue iv content, shes only Getting Better and more fantastic every show. On that note, i wish you a very good night. From all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thank you for staying up late. I will see you at the end of tomorrow. Thank you athome for joining us tonight, good to have you with us. We are a big country, 330 million people. Very diverse, very heterogeneous in terms of everything, in terms of backgrounds, tradition, the way we live, our values, our opinions, but for all of our diversity, i think we americans can all probably agree, we can all come together around the somewhat obvious idea that if there is one Consumer Product america needs, one thing we are missing as a country, it is probably a gun that is specifically designed for babies. A gun specifically designed to be wielded by babies, specifically an Assault Rifle style semiautomatic long gun made to look kind of like the civilian version of u. S. Military issued rifle, but the sized down, so like toddlers can use them, not toy guns, not super soaker, squirt guns, not bb guns, not kept guns, real guns that fire real bullets. Youve heard of the ar15, well now meet that j. R. 15, as in the junior ar15. The company that makes it is just super cute about the whole idea. They call themselves the tactical, not we won as a little one. Until recently, they had low goes for the little girls and little boys version of this gun for babies. The locals were this little kids skull and crossbones with pacifier four boys, and this little Skull And Bones pacifier with a crossbow on it pacifier for girls. Why should any kid have to wait until they are done with that Heating Process before they can start carrying their own Assault Rifle . They advertised the j. R. 15 as smaller, safer, lighter. They apparently recently did drop the pacifier locals and east we do Cartoon Fountain their advertising. It is not like there are no longer claiming this is an Assault Rifle for babies. They could change their marketing of it. They could say its for a different purpose, they could say theyre making this many sized Assault Rifle for people with unusually short arms. Hey, are you built like a trex . Hard time reaching the Steering Wheel and pedals at the same time . Have we got the Assault Rifle for you. They could marketed for people with lower body strength. Cant handle a gun that weighs more than two pounds . Find yourself unable to lift a carton of milk anymore . Dont worry, it doesnt mean you shouldnt have a Semiautomatic Blowback Action Assault Rifle of your dreams. Specifically designed for you, great great grandma. When they drop to the pacifier logo, explicitly targeting the gun to the teething towns are market, that might have seemed like it was signaling they were abandoning the whole idea of Assault Rifles for kids. It turns out they just dropped the pacifier logos and the cartoon font they are making clear it is not just where people with little, tiny arms, not just for people with very poor upper body strength, it is still definitely for preschool. Stilthe reason you can tell it s there targeted market for this gun, it is because this is the image that pops up on this last splash page of their website. Clear enough . Here is another view of the same target consumer, maybe she is, what, five . I think she is five. If america is now marketing smaller, lighter, fully functional semiautomatic Assault Rifles for five year olds, i mean, what is next . Why would we stop there . If they want to get the full market share that might be available to them, they could do a smaller one that babies could use in the crib, maybe they could fire it with their feet or something. The junior ar15, the jr15 four toddlers is a real thing. For its part, the company who makes this kid a gun says the reason it is so great for kids is not only because it only weighs two pounds, and is sized for little fingers, little arms, and little hands, but they are very hot to tell you it has a Special Safety Features. A Special Safety Feature appears mostly to be a second deliberately awkward safety knob on the other side of the gun from the regular safety. Surely, kids wont be able to figure that one out on their own. The website, snapped outcome, which debunks thick, things in the news and fix things on the internet, they had to do a snopes post not longer assuring people that, no, it is not a projected plot line from the substance or a bright movie written to dramatize how and say things could get in this country. Its a real thing, true, the jr15 a real rifle designed for children . True, yes. It is in the news today because, in the great state of illinois, where there is a pugnacious democratic governor, and a democratic legislature, in illinois, they are about to pass a new law that would ban gun marketing, good gun advertising, that markets guns to kids. This is the poster child kid Assault Rifle for that new law. Of course, theyre not banning the gun itself, have been fourth and we cant do that in this country. Asked the u. S. Supreme court. They are trying to ban the advertising of these Assault Rifles for babies. California passed along the same lines last year, now other blue states, including illinois, are following suit. Gun Rights Groups and their republican supporters are absolutely outraged. They are absolutely against any such move. Why on earth would you want to limit any sort of communication or marketing targeting children with this sort of thing . From their perspective, hey, what could possibly go wrong . To this day, people dont believe me when i tell them what it is that republicans did first the last time they got full control in washington, the last time they got control of both the white house and congress. You remember when that was . That was the result of the 2016 election, and there was so much shocking consternation over what candidate donald trump had said he was going to do with the presidency, and what he had campaigned on. There was so much shock and surprise over the election, the election outcome, particularly at the president ial level, but the election outcome was republicans not only got the white house, they got the house and the senate. A. Amid all the consternation and shock, and all of the rapid change that pretended, no one remembers what they actually did with that power once they got it. Its true, its as real as the ar15 military style Assault Rifle sized down for preschoolers. The substantive thing that new congress did in 2017 when they got full control in washington, the republicans passed legislation that would facilitate access to firearms for people who had been formally adjudicated to be mentally ill. Not just people who seem a little off, but people who were formerly adjudicated by the government to be mentally ill and unable to handle their own affairs. The first thing republicans did with full power in washington was to make it easier for officially crazy people to get guns. To this day, people not believe it, but look it up, it is true. Now, naturally, along that same plotline, we have kids sized fully functional semiautomatic military style Assault Rifles that fire real bullets. California, last year, and illinois, now, are trying at the state level to block the marketing of those. The guns exist, and gun groups and republican supporters are very much opposed, even to trying to regulate the advertising around this new product. I understand, i think i understand perhaps as well as anyone, im going to guess, that National Level American Politics is hurly burly right now. Im here to tell you what is going on in the states, in many cases, it is just as wild. It doesnt get enough attention, i think, even when it directly illuminates or relates to, or is the manifestation of what is going on at the National Level. So, take the fully functional military style Assault Rifle for children example, for one. Take florida, for example, where the Florida Republican governor is not running a great president ial campaign, but he is trying, and doing better than any other republican at mounting some kind of showing against former President Donald Trump. Against former president donal the strongest wind brought under desantiss sales in this primary, the strongest wind in his sails for the purpose of motivating the conservative Republican Base has been his claim he would make america more like florida. Make America Florent again. Ron desantiss pitch for the presidency has been, at its most successful, that his leadership in florida is a success story, hes been electorally successful in florida, florida has turned deep red. He has won reelection by a lot there. If you put him in charge in washington, he would do the same thing for the whole country, and he could put in place that kind of governance he is able to pursue in florida because he has been so successful there. That has been the best version of Ron Desantiss pitch to be president of the United States. The problem is part of the reality going on in florida under Ron Desantiss leprosy. Now they have got leprosy, not a metaphor, actual leprosy. Headlines, Central Florida is a hot spot for leprosy, report says. Headline, what is behind the increase in Leprosy Cases in florida . Headline, as Leprosy Cases rise in florida, what you must know about the infectious disease. Florida has a leprosy problem, florida also has a malaria problem. Headline, alert issued after locally acquired Malaria Cases confirmed in florida, headline, malaria confirmed in florida. Mosquitoes after several cases. Health Officials Say florida, Malaria Cases contracted and transmitted in sarasota which hasnt happened since the 1950s. So, poorer florida. Not good news, right . Leprosy and malaria both, a, in america, be, in the 21st century, and, see, in the same state at the same time. Terrible news for florida. Particularly terrible news because it is happening at a time when rhonda scent is as the governor of florida, because, under rhonda scent is as governor of florida, Florida State government is missing its top to Public Health officials who would be responsible for containing outbreaks and dealing with that marching epidemics. Florida doesnt have anybody in those jobs anymore because who on earth would want to be a Public Health official working for Governor Ron Desantis . His whole make America Florida Gambit is largely based more than anything else on him being a Covid Contrarian who now retroactively insists that covid wasnt a thing, and who handpicked a Surgeon General for his state after the man came forward as part of a group of Covid Truther quacks who, among other things, insisted that some disease, lets be honest, it is caused by sex with demons. If we could get a handle on that problem, i would you need vaccines . Stop it with the demon sex, you perverts. Rhonda santas is running for president in large part on the basis for his farsighted wisdom on covid in florida. His handpicked Surgeon General came out in florida and made it the official recommendation of for that young man shouldnt be vaccinated against covid. Why . Its so dangerous. It falsify the data that supposedly justified that conclusion. He remains the Surgeon General of florida today. Why wouldnt he . Ron desantis loves him in that job. Dont worry, though. Now that its leprosy and malaria in florida, im sure they will do great with it. Ron desantis will then take that model to the whole country, go up. We are seeing interesting stuff in the states as it relates to the most burly thing in National Politics, which is the legal problems of the republican president ial front runner. Well have more coming up later on in the show. Even as former President Trump is charged federally for, among other things, allegedly overseeing a plot to sneak fake votes into the Electoral College count, the local republicans who signed up to be those fake electors in seven states, they are now facing an array of criminal investigations, and, in some cases, charges themselves. And three states now we have either overt confirmation or clear indication that the fake republican electors are the subjects of open criminal investigations at the state level. That is arizona, new mexico, and georgia. One other state, weve got, and the Attorney General there wont say either way whether there is an open criminal investigation. Its another state in michigan, all 16 fake republican electors have been now charged with felonies under state law. Have been now charged with depending on how things proceed and all these other states, we are looking at, potentially, dozens of local republican activists and minor officials, the trumpiest of all, right . People devoted to donald trump who could be looking at felony criminal charges, for their part in the thick electors scheme that the Trump Campaign told them to carry out. They were 84 people who signed up to be fake electors. Just as its possible to look at donald trump as the 1098 defendant to be charged in the january 6th investigation, as abc news this Jonathan Carl has been saying, we may end up seeing trump as the 85th person involved in the vehicle afters scheme to also face potential criminal liability for having jumped off that particularly illadvised legal huff. Everybody else is going to have to face trial for this stuff, but he is not . The way things are being charged at the federal level, the way it looks like whats going to happen on the federal electors things in terms of criminal charges, its going to happen there are open pending Law Enforcement decisions on this now in wisconsin, in new mexico, georgia, which means that part of the overthrow the Election Criminal Liability Saga is worth watching not at the federal level but in those individual states. This is my pitch for watching whats happening in the states as a reflection of and, in some cases, as the most peaking manifestation of whats happening in National Politics. Of all the states right now, if youre picking a single one to keep eyes on, right now, as in tonight into borough, they want to watch, i think is ohio. This is a fascinating story about ohio. But it is also national news. Because ever since the conservatives on the u. S. Supreme court Overturned Roe last year, last june, republicans all over the country have been tempering their glee over that long saga achievement, and finally, now, they can ban abortion. Theyve been tempering their glee over that with their worry over how much the country hates that. However much they, republicans, want to ban abortion, the country really, broadly, does not want that. Most worryingly for republicans, this is something americans are proving their willingness to commit to in the voting booth. You can see it in the plain numbers. Since republicans got their wish, and Overturned Roe, there have been six states in which theres been a statewide vote on Abortion Rights, six of them. In all six, Abortion Rights have won by a lot. It happened in swing states, like michigan, it happened in the liberal states, like california and vermont, it happened in conservative states like montana, kentucky, kansas. Every single state where there has been a statewide vote on Abortion Rights since they Overturned Roe. Every time voters have voted, been able to vote on this issue, they have voted for Abortion Rights and against republican candidates, over, and over again in all the states that have voted on it. That is about to happen again in the great state of ohio. This november, the upcoming november, ohio voters are set to vote on a statewide Ballot Initiative that would amend the State Constitution so it protects Abortion Rights. Now, republicans in the ohio legislature, and governor an ohio, they have instituted and all about total abortion ban in the state. Ohio voters dont like. It ohio voters are very likely going to overturn, theyre going to vote to overturn ohios abortion ban when they go to vote on it in november. Everybody knows that. Ohio prochoice people know that, ohio prolife people know that. People voted against republican Abortion Bans in every state where anybody has voted on it since dobbs, including a state like kansas and kentucky. It is safe to say that voters are going to vote against republican Abortion Bans when they get the chance to do so in november, in ohio. Unless Ohio Republicans can rig it somehow, unless they can figure out a way to change the rule so ohio voters wont be allowed to do that. That is why there is this big, important vote tomorrow that is worth watching. Tomorrow, we are today for an election, right . August 8th . That is on purpose. Ohio republicans put forward a single issued a Ballot Measure that will raise the threshold for amending the State Constitution for what it has been for over a century, 50 . Instead, it now has tb 60 . It is the only thing on the ballot tomorrow, the first time in nearly 100 years that a single issued Ballot Measure has been put before ohio voters in august. That is because everybody expects next to zero Voter Turnout for any single issue Ballot Member in august. Presumably, republicans thinking that, you know, if nobody turns out, they will be able to use their small activist hardcore base to change the rules, thus depriving ohio voters of the right to say, no the right to reject what republicans are otherwise getting away with in that state, even though loss of people in the state, a majority of people in the state, really hate it. Of people in the state, really hate it. What is happening in National Politics is absolutely bananas. The personalities are bananas, the stakes Criminal Defendant, potentially a convicted felon as the leader of one of the two parties is as bananas as it gets. The place where the rubber meets the road, over and over again is the states. With malaria and leprosy running up numbers in a state where they eviscerated Public Health infrastructure for maximum political impact in the president ial primary where blue state governors are having to come up with ways to stop Assault Weapons or toddlers without running a foul every publican appointees on the u. S. Supreme court who will prohibit them from banning any such gun, or a state level criminal prosecutions have efforts to overthrow the lawfully elected government of the United States might not only intersect with federal prosecutions, the state prosecutions might be the only prosecutions left standing if one particular Criminal Defendant gets elected president , and he immediately dismantles the u. S. Justice department, which he has overtly promised to do. Where republicans are now absolutely clear as a bell that this whole democracy thing is not going to work for them on the things that mean the most to them, when they are absolutely clear that voters hate what they are doing, so they better come up with the way to get away with what they are doing without the voters getting a say on it. Those are all very much national, political dynamics, but watch them at work tonight. Tonight and tomorrow in columbus, toledo, cincinnati, akron, youngstown, and cleveland. Joining us now, connie schultz, she is a pulitzer prizewinning columnist who wrote for clevelands newspaper for a decade, and substack her newsletter is called, hopefully yours. Connie, it is great to see you. Thank you for being here tonight. So glad to be with you, rachel. Boy, did you summit up. Well thank you. You laid it out. Let me ask if i mean, im looking at this from a National Tv Show point of view, from a national perspective, but i feel like i am seeing currents of the kind of National Republican project right now in this very specific fight, in your state. What i love, yes, you are speaking from a national perch, but you are smart about it. You know youve got to look close at whats going on in ohio. The early voting numbers are i mean, we keep getting new updates throughout the day today. They are well over 600,000. Now we are getting reports of lines, seen video of lines all the way around the block, the boards of election, they could vote. Signs dont vote, i dont tend to pay a lot of attention to yard signs except in august when i am seeing so many vote no signs throughout the state. I drive around the state, of course. I think i know im not going to do a thing, lets not do that. I know republicans underestimated how much voters were going to care about this. Not just democratic voters. Understand, this is more than a conservative overreach. This is a chance to what they see it as, its a chance to change representative government, right . Its a power grab. A lot of republicans are seeing it the same way. You are right, they claim they try to make this claim it is to save the constitution, protect the constitution, you have the Secretary Of State saying its about abortion, its about abortion. The head of right to life and ohio, it is about abortion. You are right, theyre afraid of what is going to happen in november. They should be. It was overreaching. I have contended all along, ever since the Supreme Court decision, dobbs, i dont think a lot of republicans ever wanted to actually win it all, right . They were going to then face this, the uprising. They have really underestimated how many voters are going to show up. What is interesting as well, one thing you did mention, and i am sure you are aware of, earlier this year, they said no more august elections. It is a waste of money. This could be 20 million, this stunt, 20 million. Early in the year, no more elections. It is bad for democracy, it is bad for our government. Here we are, republicans are, once again, putting this on the ballot in august, and election day is tomorrow. I am looking forward to voting. Im going to do it in person. We both are. Of course, we should acknowledge i am married to u. S. Senator brown, right . That doesnt have anything to do with my opinion. Lets im going to disclose that. The Secretary Of State as one of the people who wants his job right now. Running for the senate, but also pulling the stunt. Also pulling the s let me ask you about the other side of the fight here. Is this a democrats versus republicans fight in ohio . Is this the kind of fight where i mean, it is clearly republicans, and the Antiabortion Movement that is pushing this with a lot of support from outside of the state billionaires and all that stuff, pushing to change the threshold to make it harder for people to vote for Abortion Rights in november, but on the other side of the fight, is this the Democratic Party taking the lead in the organizing, or is it more organic, or more Broad Coalition than that . In terms of people on the other side. Definitely. It is more organic. Where one thing, youve got doctors organized in a way they never had been before to protect reproductive rights. You have got organizations like red white and blue, delia lets the, you know delia. Delia and i were together with the large group of women with red wine and blue if he weeks ago in cleveland for a Training Session on how to get signatures for the November Ballot issue. The thing that couldnt get over afterwards is how many women came up to us to tell us is the first time they had ever been involved in politics in their lives. We are talking about not just younger women, we are talking grandmothers. A lot of women im a grandmother of eight. This is not new for me to care about this. When i hear them saying, over and over again, we thought wed be in a different place at this point and allies. We thought the country would be in a different place. The thing i love about the intention ohio is getting from, this we hope we could get over the narrative that ohio is simply lost. Its a red state now, right . I do think i dont want to make predictions, but im optimistic about tomorrows vote, and i am increasingly optimistic about how this is going to go in november. In large part, as you said, it is a grassroots movement. Its been an organic movement. It is increasingly, what i love, hearing from women who understand that just because we are in our 50s, and our 60s, and 70s, it doesnt mean we have to be irrelevant. It doesnt mean we are going to be invisible. This is new. My mothers generation didnt feel this way. We have a very different approach to life. My its hopefully yours because, to me, that is the only way to approach all of this, right . The latest thing in the world to be is a cynic. You just give up. You dont have to do anything, right . Hope takes work. Hope is also a fact. I see so many hopeful people involved in this right now, and it makes me happy for them because i think theyre going to feel really good tomorrow. Connie, pulitzer prizewinning columnist two decades and, as she mentioned, married to a man named sherrod brown. Connie, weve been watching those Turnout Numbers in ohio. Its hard to extrapolate from anecdotal Turnout Numbers to see what the overall turnout will be. It looks like a lot of ohioans will be out there tomorrow. We will be watching keenly. Thank you for being with us tonight. Thank you for doing this. Much more ahead tonight, including some Breaking News on the trump investigation, a Surprise Court filing from jack smith. I did not think we were getting this tonight. We got, it it is a doozy. It has serious implications. We will have that for you, next, stay with us. Stay with us who needs that much more tide . Crashing Sounds everyones gonna need more tide. Its a mess out there. Thats why theres 85 more tide in every power pod. See . Baby ah. dad we got our Subaru Forester wilderness thats why theres 85 more tide in every power pod. To discover all of the places that make us feel something more. vo subaru is the National Park foundations largest corporate donor, helping expand access for all. We used to struggle with greasy messes. Now, we just freak, wipe, and were done with mr. Clean clean freak, conquering messes is that easy. 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Tell your doctor if you have kidney or Liver Problems, or if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. Dovato may harm an unborn baby. Most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, trouble sleeping, tiredness, and anxiety. Detect this i stay undetectable with fewer medicines. Ask your doctor about switching to dovato. There is Breaking News tonight in the latest federal case against trump. We knew we were going to get something in that case this afternoon or this evening, we didnt know we are going to get this other thing. Heres the situation, let me explain it in laymans terms as i, not a lawyer, understand them. On friday night, special counsel jack smith asked the judge in this case for a Protective Order, which means, when the government hands evidence over to trumps team in defense of the trial, the judge should order trump and his lawyers to not release any of that evidence publicly. In making that request, jack smiths team pointed the judge to this social media post from trump last week, if you go after a movie, im coming after you. By putting this in their filing, requesting the Protective Order, they were alerting the judge to the presence of this posting. The implication was, hey, if this is the kind of thing this guy is saying publicly at this stage, theres no telling what else he would post when we start giving him stuff that is sensitive. On friday, prosecutors asked the judge for this Protective Order. They cited that troubling posting by trump. Today, this afternoon, we knew trumps defense team had to file its reply. They did. Almost as if they were confirming the contentions from the prosecutors in their filing with the judge. They took this proposed Protective Order, the things prosecutors said trump and his team should be barred from releasing to the public, and said a whole bunch of stuff should be crossed off that list. They are specified recordings, transcripts, interview reports, related exhibits witness interviews, trumps team said, tonight, we ought to be able to do whatever we want with all of that, stuff including making all that stuff available to the public. So, that filing from trumps team, saying, no, no Protective Order is necessary. You should narrowly tailor it. We should be able to do what we want with the evidence we get. That was the filing we were expecting tonight from trumps team. What we didnt expect was for jack smiths prosecutors to come back within a couple of hours with a Big Hard Nosed response, pushing back hard on trumps proposal. This is from the new filing from prosecutors that came in within the last hour. Quote, the defendant, trump, proposed an order designed to allow him to try this case in the media rather than in the courtroom. The defendants principal objection to our proposed not permit him to his counsel to disseminate and publicize in the media various materials obtained from the government in discovery. They say they want to make sure trump is not allowed to personally write down any personally identifying information, such as addresses and Phone Numbers of witnesses. They say that, quote, is particularly important here because of the defendant and his coconspirators practice as described in the indictment of publicly targeting individuals. And theyre filing, jack smiths prosecutors urged the judge to implement the Protective Order that they proposed in order to safeguard witness privacy and the integrity of these proceedings. In other words, hey, judge, you know what this guy is like, you know he has a habit of publicly targeting witnesses against him, and anybody else who goes up against him. He is now saying he wants to be able to publicize evidence, and things about witnesses that we give him as part of this trial, dont let him do that. Again, Protective Order was requested on friday, trumps defense team had to file its response by 5 00 today. They did so right before 5 00, and jacksons prosecutors came back a couple of hours after trumps team handed in their filing. When prosecutors say they want these proceedings to go speedily, this is what they mean. They are apparently not getting around. The judge appears to be on the same page because, just in the last few minutes, oh, wait, there is more. In the last few minutes, the judge has ordered a hearing on the issue of this Protective Order to take place no later than this friday. Again, this minute order from judge chutkan handed down, saying, no dawdling, people. We are going to do this this week. We are holding a hearing on it. No later than the end of this week. That happened. Here is Something Else to watch as this federal criminal case against trump hurdles along. Trump, of course, not the only person in legal jeopardy here, not only does he have codefendants, but could soon be seen indictments of other people involved in the conspiracies with which she is charged. We are particularly watching a number of state courts for any potential charges. What that might mean is next. Stay with us. Rsv can be a dangerous virus. [sneeze]. For those 60 and older. Its not just a cold. And if youre 60 or older. You may be at increased risk of hospitalization. [coughing]. From this highly. Contagious virus. Not all dangers come with warning labels. Talk to your pharmacist or doctor. About getting vaccinated against rsv today. More shopping . You should watch your spending honey. Im saving with liberty mutual, mom. They customize your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Check it out, you could save 700 dollars just by switching. Ooooh, ill look into that. 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Tonight, special counsel jack smith and his team have been steaming along and their new federal prosecution of former President Donald Trump with new wrangling tonight in the last few minutes over a potential Protective Order concerning what trump will be allowed to publicize when it comes to evidence from this case. They are apparently steaming along in their Ongoing Investigation of trump, particularly related to the fake electors scheme that stretched across seven different states. Reporter amy gardner and her colleagues at the Washington Post reported today, quote, Naismith Investigation into the electors does not appear to be over. In recent days, federal prosecutors issued a new raft of subpoenas about the pay collectors scheme in multiple states. Okay, well, there are Felony State Charges pending against trumps fake electors in michigan. Are more trump with a collectors going to get charged in more states given this scheme stretched across seven states . Our anything collectors, potentially, looking at charges at the federal level, if there are going to be additional charges brought against fake electors after the federal level, or elsewhere . Does that open up new avenues for potential Witness Testimony against trump and his existing codefendants, or any of his unindicted coconspirators . I have many questions, i did not know this was still an open federal matter. Joining us now, is amy Gardner National political reporter for the Washington Post. Miss gardner, i appreciate you being here tonight to talk about this reporting. Thank you. It is great to be here. Thanks, rachel. Do we know anything about the contours of the federal investigation into the fake electors, and how that investigation might differ or overlap with some of the State Investigations that have already borne fruit in terms of charges in michigan, and may at bear fruit in other states, including georgia, new mexico, arizona, wisconsin . I think we do. We learned quite a bit from the federal indictment this last week. We learned jack smith is alleging something quite revelatory, in my view, which is that the Trump Campaign was, basically, executing a scam, he alleges, by claiming that the electors were meeting only to preserve their Legal Recourse should any of their lawsuits prevail in court in the various states where they were contesting the results. What jack smith is alleging in this indictment is that people, including rudy giuliani, new along that they were planning to use these elector certificates to attempt to obstruct proceedings on january 6th, 2021. That is pretty remarkable. To your question, or that differs from what we think what is happening in some of the states, and what we think is going to continue happening in georgia, potentially, next week, in new mexico, potentially in wisconsin, where Governor Tony Evers called for investigation into the electors, there was a focus more on the electors themselves. It appears that mr. Smith is focused on the Trump Campaign official lawyers who were executing this plan, not the electors themselves. That is one of the key distinctions that we see so far between the federal and State Investigations. Federa l and stat in can you tell anything i was surprised in your reporting today, very interested that you described new subpoenas and a new wrapped of subpoenas going out on the electors issue, even now. Is there anything different that you can tell from what you know about the new subpoenas compared to with earlier parts of the investigation, in terms of how it is evolving . Unfortunately not. We dont know very much at all. What we do know is that, in the states, the focus has also included an examination of the electors themselves. We know, for instance, in georgia, at least three of the electors who voted on december 14th, 2020, for donald trump, and, sort, of president did themselves as the true, proper electors are under investigation, and our targets in the investigation by Fulton County District Attorney fani willis. We really dont know much more about what is happening with the federal investigation. It is not unusual, as im sure you know, for subpoenas to continue after an initial indictment. We also, as you noted in the previous block, there are six coconspirators unnamed in the indictment, the federal indictment, and we know who five of those six are, giuliani, of course, is one of them. We are expecting we dont know whether there will be further indictments, but it certainly would not be unusual for there to be additional charges coming down the pike. Amy gardner, National Political reporter for the Washington Post, who has been really hot on the story for a very long time to, and continues to evolve. I appreciate you. Keep us updated, amy. Thank you. Thank you. Again, we have got state level charges already against fake electors in michigan. We now, or have reason to believe, there are open criminal investigations of other Trump Electors in georgia, new mexico, arizona, and, possibly, and wisconsin. Eyes on those states as this stuff continues to evolve. We will be right back. Stay with us. The first fdaapproved rsv vaccine. Arexvy is used to prevent lower Respiratory Disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. Rsv can severely affect the lungs and lower airways. Arexvy is proven to be over 82 effective in preventing lower Respiratory Disease from rsv and over 94 effective in those with these health conditions. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. Those with weakened Immune Systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. 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It is a video phone, a miraculous space age invention that lets you see the person you are talking to on the phone. The thing is, though, in order to achieve the privilege of selling this Video Phone Gizmo, we first had to pay the company 499. After paying them your own 500, specifically for the privilege of becoming a sales person for them, you then had to recruit other people to sell these video phones or you have to sell a whole lot of them yourself. Selling them turned out to be really hard. They were not really worth buying. This magic acn Video Phone Gizmo could only be used to call other acn video phones. Yeah, you could, maybe, sell one to your mom, if she loves you. She could not use it with anyone else unless you also sold one to your cousin, your aunt, even then, they could only talk to each other, but no one else who didnt have one of these things. You could see why it did not take off. Instead of Making Money Selling Acn video phones, most people who recruited to sell these things lost money. They pumped their savings into the hefty sign up fee, and they had to buy inventory to sell, and the company charged them for training. It added up to a lot. Nobody wanted to buy these things. Some of the people who felt they were duped into this no wind financial black hole of a business scam, they sued. They sued over this promise of getting rich they alleged was materially false. The people who sued did not sue the company that made these phones. They sued the guy who made the promise. The guy who promised them that signing up and scream being 500 to be able to win the privilege of being allowed to sell these phones, that was what would make them millionaires. Acn is not a mystery. If you dont succeed, acn doesnt succeed. Acn uses a model with a proven track record, and it is creating millionaires. A proven track record creating millionaires. Donald trump was the pitchman for acn Video Phone Gizmos, appearing in promotional videos where he talked about how rich you would get by selling this thing. He gave paid speech is at conferences, all about this thing, how you should sign up to solid, and you get rich. He built an entire episode of his nbc shown all around it. There are these acn people standing with him and his children will he markets this thing on nbc. The people who sued him say trumps endorsement of this product, again, for which he was being paid, they say his endorsement was what got them to sign up, and ultimately what lost them thousands of their own dollars. The suit was brought against trump in 2018 when he was president and just now approaching trial. I mentioned this because if you, like thousands of households across the country, are making a list of these scheduled trials involving former President Trump, this is the one you keep forgetting. There is the new york a. G. s fraud case about trumps Business Secretary atlanta tolbert, The Civil Defamation Trial brought by e. Jean carroll said for general next, year the new york Criminal Trial over Campaign Hush Money payments, the Stormy Daniels thing, that Criminal Trial scheduled for march, the federal Criminal Trial on classified documents slated for may, in florida, and the federal January 6th Trial which has yet to be scheduled but looks like it will be fast. And, may we not overlook sandwiched between the Defamation Case and manhattan Criminal Trial, there is the video phone trial, the lawsuit alleging trump duped people into the Video Phone Sales Scam Thing as a business scam. If you are making a chore will at home for deciding who is going to be the point person in your family on each of trumps upcoming scheduled trials, if you land on video phone trial, may this be your Public Service announcement that that is a real thing. More ahead tonight, stay with us. 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