Transcripts For MSNBCW Symone 20240704 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW Symone 20240704

trump's free speech. it is about his conduct. plus, new revelations about the extent of trump's pressure campaign, and we are talking to the man who is in charge of running secure elections there in 2024, we are going to get into the lasting effects of voting in the political process. then, we will take a timeout from donald trump so that our critics can weigh in against lizzo, and what the popstar has to say about it. i have something to say. we start with breaking news this evening, in spite of being warned by a judge not to temper with witnesses or jurors, or interfere with the administration of justice, former president donald trump fired off a threat within the last 24 hours. if you go after me, i am coming after you. now, this threat is the definition of political speech. as part of the prosecution's case against trump. if you hours go, the trial judge gave trump's negotiate deadline of five pm on monday, to respond to a protective order proposal submitted by the special counsel. jack smith cited trump's threat, he also trump -- saying that it could have a quote, chilling effect on witnesses and impact the fair administration of justice. this comes after trump pleaded not guilty in federal court on thursday, in washington d.c., with his third criminal arraignment in four months. trump is charged by special counsel, jack smith, with conspiracy to defraud the united states. conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding. obstruction of an official proceeding, conspiracy against rights. all for his efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election and install himself as president for another term. the 45-page indictment also details how six coconspirators assisted trump in pressuring government officials on his behalf, promoting his lies about the validity of the election and orchestrating a team of fake electors to sow confusion in congress. follow trump's latest appearance in a court of law may have only been around 27 minutes but he, and his allies, they are working overtime to gaslight americans, and the court of public opinion. what is one of their tactics? painting this as a free speech issue. >> this is a free speech killing indictment. killing free speech, that is what it is. >> what the president saw in the 2020 election was all of these irregularities going on. he had every right to comment on that and act politically. you are entitled to question whether it was honest or not. that is the uniqueness of the first amendment. that is the uniqueness of america. but you know what? you shouldn't be prosecuted for your thoughts. >> but the special counsel himself acknowledges on the second page of the indictment, that the defendant had a right leg every american to speak publicly about the election and even to claim falsely that there had been outcome, and determinative fraud during the election, and that he had one. so don't let trump's defenders and salty or intelligence. just think about it. falsely claiming you won an election where crime by itself, that man would have been subjected to indictments every other day right now. so this is not about speech. this is about trump's actions. his conduct. and this indictment, it is action-packed. first details trump's and his coconspirators, quote, use agency to convince officials like the arizona's house speaker and georgia secretary of state to help reverse biden's victories. and what was their basis? debunked claims of widespread election fraud. and these officials refused trump and his allies organized fraudulent slates of electors in the swing states that donald trump lost, and then facilitated efforts to send the fake certificates to congress. the goal of that, according to the indictment, was to create a fake controversy that would give then vice president mike pence an excuse to either send electors certification back to state legislators, or even throw out those electoral votes altogether and declare donald trump the winner. the former president in private, and in public then demanded pence's system and that plan, when congress would vote to certify each state electoral vote on january 6th, 2021. mike pence repeatedly refused but donald trump kept that pressure up. so the moment that pence was seated at the head of the congressional chamber, when it became very clear that the vice president of the united states at the time would not use authority he did not have, donald trump finally directed a mob of his supporters to march on the capitol and quote, take back our country. the violence erupted at the capitol endangered the vice president on nearly every member of congress. it also delayed the congressional certification of the 2020 election by a least six hours. when the justice department says that this was a conspiracy to defraud the united states, i hope that americans all across the country understand the full weight of that accusation. because no matter what name you checked on the ballot in 2020, this was an effort to defraud you. this is not just rightful victory in the 2020 election, this is not a lie about that, it is something even bigger. this is about a democratic process that defines this nation. a process that was carefully devised and endlessly debated by the founders and donald trump and his allies. they claim to review these founders, they claim to revere that process, is his effort to undo all of this to attack our democracy ultimately failed? billions of people across the country, though they still believe donald trump's election lies, our democratic process is more weaker for it. i know, judge or juror, but to me, i think that demands accountability. for more, let's bring in our folks to lead us off. former federal prosecutor, he is a contributing editor for the new york magazine and a contributor for politico magazine. criminal defense attorney and msnbc legal analyst, and shannon mccaffrey, the atlanta journal-constitution's editor for grand jury coverage is also with us. okay. i think you all just heard what these analysis of the indictment, i think it is about conduct, not speech. what do you think about my analysis. do you agree? feel free to say no. >> your analysis is correct. so, the thing to remember here is that the speech was not just speech. it was directed to bring about conduct, and the first amendment does circumscribe the application of civil and criminal laws, but lying is generally not protected by the first amendment. that is why people can be sued civilly for defamation, and it is why people can be charged criminally for financial fraud, even though financial fraud is often just about speech. somebody calling you on the phone and trying to get you to give them the credit card information, and bank account information, or the like. even when someone walks up to you on the street and says, you know, i got it in my pocket, give me your prayers. that is also a crime. so there are going to be some questions about charging some issues that will need to be confronted. the first amendment defense, i think, is quite weak. >> so, danny, the legal team has until five pm on monday to respond to these special counsel's filing about a protective order. i am just wondering, a concern that donald trump could share, frankly, folks at home are listening, they say this sounds familiar, it sounds similar to what we heard in the manhattan district attorney case against donald trump, they are siding harmful, chilling effect on witnesses. specifically citing his social media post. if you were donald trump's defense attorney, what would you be doing? because it is crazy. this is after the judge already told donald trump don't do this. >> on the one hand, the government is really good at trying to seek to impose conditions that will create traps for the defense and that is just the defense attorney speaking. but they always seek to control in pretrial. i understand that. but we are in a situation where no judge or the government, or even a defense attorney has ever had this kind of precedent in terms of fashioning a pretrial order. here is one example, and imagine a situation, trump is on the debate stage. he is standing next to mike pence to not only features prominently in this indictment he features prominently identifying him. he's not some unindicted coconspirator. he's in that indictment, and he has a lot of very interesting things to say. what happens if donald trump is on the debate stage and he turns to mike pence and calls him a traitor, a rat, or a snitch? prosecutors, those words alone will get you prosecuted for witness tampering. so we are in a very confusing situation here and that the judge has the challenge of fashioning an order that will prevent donald trump from intimidating witnesses. but at the same time, preserve not just any, speech but his political speech which we safeguard, arguably, more than regular speech in this country. he has got to be able to talk about it on the campaign. but he also cannot intimidate witnesses. it is a real difficult position for this judge to be and. >> let me ask you something, i have seen a lot of discouraged about what donald trump social media posts, and there are people out there saying that donald trump wants to be thrown in jail for 30 days, 40 days, he can do 30 or 40 days, and it would cement his place with the republican party, and it would make him look more powerful than ever, according to these folks in the eyes of anyone else. why, why should that be considered, or is it a consideration of the prosecutors are taking it into account here? why can't we just treat donald trump like everybody else? >> first of all, we should, let me just say, that would be a terrible idea if that is your strategy on any level. i can't imagine a worse way to begin a criminal case as a defendant. but, the nature of trump's comments, he's being somewhat antagonistic about it, but i do tend to agree with danny's analysis here, and is suggestion that trump is going to need to be given a bit more room to speak than most people. i think the government recognizes that, because it didn't actually ask for a gag order, they simply raise this tweet in the context of arguing that the protective order should be tightly constrained around him. he is going to be able to say things like that. however obnoxious, or undesirable they mean it and a political matter. >> okay. there is another case brewing in georgia around this very issue. you actually reported georgia secretary of state, brad raffensperger, met with federal prosecutors as recently at the end of june, we have the special counsel indictment now with the timeline of the conspiracy. i'm wondering, did you learn anything new there, and can you tell me anything about what is going on with fani willis? >> that has been the question. we've been waiting for those georgia indictment for a while. there was a lot of information in that federal indictment about georgia. i think we ended up counting, there were 48 references to georgia in the indictment and about five, six pages of a 45-page indictment devoted to activities in georgia. certainly, jack smith relied on what happened here to really help build his criminal case. you know, definitely, georgia was at the center of things and you saw that in the federal indictment. in terms of what is happening here, we have been led to believe by fani willis that we will have her announcement on indictments by august 18th, and we have seen a lot of activity down at the courthouse. the barricades going off, and street closures next week. so we are definitely moving into that, sort of, the hot zone, so to speak. we've also seen some people who testified before the special grand jury have received subpoenas to testify before the criminal grand jury. we are getting their. but it is certainly, at one point, it looked like fonio as was the new for us. now it appears she is going forth. it just shows all of the cases and this could end up colliding in terms of scheduling. as it moves forward. >> i want to play some sound from you all from one of donald trump's attorney is. he was on with savannah guthrie on the today show. and i think what he is saying is laying out maybe what we are going to hear from donald trump's team as it relates to the special counsel case and this pending situation in georgia. we will play it and get reaction on the other side. >> professor eastman, laying out a series of options that were discussed with the vice president, pence. vice president pence disagreed on certain issues. but ultimately, what president trump said is, let's go with option the. let's just hold, let's pause the voting, and allow these state legislators to take one last look, and make a determination as to whether or not the elections were handled fairly. that is constitutional law. >> obviously, that was laura ingraham, and not savannah guthrie. again, in, talk to me a bit about what you are hearing. this sounds like an admission. the former president asked him to reject the electors. here, they are talking about a delay, but this admission is the violence either way. >> this goes back to forming the intent. and i think a lot of focus is on divisive council and the first amendment, but really, all of these come down to intent and mike pence is going to be a witness, if he's an actual witness, comes in, and raises his hand, the oath. >> it seems like the government is relying on that and i would add if you are jacks mitt and you are planning on featuring mike pence so prominently in the indictment, you must know something we don't know, which is that we might get him to come in and testify, after all, you can subpoena him, he is a citizen, like anybody else. he may have privilege claims, but yes, jack smith takes everybody and that indictment as a very important witness. he can get them to come in with the exception of the coconspirators. even then, with the immunity he could arguablyge testify as well. that is assuming that those coconspirators, do not come in and decide to cooperate. >> it tangled web of so much happening. thank you, thank you, thank you to our legal experts for breaking this down. danny cevallos, shannon mccaffrey, we will be seeing you in georgia very soon. one state that features heavily in the january 6th indictment is arizona, and it is pushed by donald trump and his allies to be certified in that state. up next, the states democratic secretary of state, adrienne fontes, will join me to talk about this take away from the indictment. and we will get into how he's working through the arizona 2024 election, but first, our bestie is here, my colleague richard lui, with today's other top news stories. richard, what is going on out there? >> simone, good saturday to you, and good afternoon as well. a popular video game influencer is under arrest today. police say that he incited a riot yesterday in new york's union square. stream or high sonata told his followers he would be handing out free play stations there. but before the giveaway began, people were tossing chairs and bottles and throwing garbage at police. it is unclear what sparked the chaos, or if he will face charges. the fda approved the first ever pill to treat postpartum depression. it is taken daily for two weeks. tests show an improvement on anxiety, difficulty in sleep, low energy, and guilt. as little as three days after taking, that the fda is considering the drug for a clinical depression as well. and the texas attorney general reinstated an abortion ban for women with complicated pregnancies. this comes just a day after a county judge exempted women from the states abortion law, if the fetus has a fatal birth defect. the appeal now goes to the state supreme court. more simone for you, right after this break. r this break (vo) verizon small business days are coming. from august 7th to the 13th. now is the time to partner with our experts. get started today with verizon business. it's your business. it's your verizon. mr. clean magic eraser powers through tough messes. so it makes it look like i spent hours cleaning! and you know i didn't. it makes my running shoe look like new. it's amazing! wow, it makes it look like... i don't have kids at all. it's so good, it makes it look like i have magical powers! with 80% less scrubbing, mr. clean magic eraser makes cleaning easy. also available in sheets! 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arizona secretary of state, aegean fontes, good to see you. your office was actually subpoenaed by the special counsel earlier this summer. what was the nature of that communication? >> well, it was the second of two subpoenas that we had the first, last december. we confided with that during the beginning of my turn and then the one in may went to an outside law from that have been representing the secretary's office during that time. a couple of cases had been litigated through this office, and they were looking for a lot of the communications and the discovery from those cases. that is a whole bunch of evidence that is pulled together but may not make it into trial but it is the overall paint the picture behind the scenes. the justice department was looking for a lot of that information. we make sure everything got turned over and it looks like it may have played a little part in building this case. >> and assuming you had an opportunity to read the indictment. did anything in their surprise you? >> no. it didn't. we have been playing close attention to the january 6th committee hearings and the congress. and look, we know all the players here. my successor at the county recorders office, and the board of supervisors, all of these folks are personally familiar to me. it is a tight group of folks around here who have been fighting this fight and standing for the american voter and we run into each other here and there. nothing in the indictment surprised us. i think the only thing that was surprising for me was that it took so long to get it out. >> yes. you know, you are not new to elections, if you will, in arizona. you just noted that you formerly served as the county reporter in maricopa county, the largest county in arizona. so, i am just wondering, the arizona republic of supporting that 17 officials that are tasked with overseeing elections have quit since 2020 and that three of arizona's 15 counties have now critical vacancies, the state legislator denied the request for more funding. you've continuously voiced concerns about election officials having to learn on the job. you have had very firsthand experience. what is your plan to shore up arizona's election infrastructure? because there is an election next year. >> when it is widespread. 12 or 15 counties have lost either an elected director in the last couple of years. that institutional knowledge is critical because elections are different than anything else in government. you have one deadline that does not get extended, it has been analogize to throwing a wedding reception and every detail has to be perfect, and every person who walks in the door is a member of the wedding party if not the bride. you've got to be perfect every single time and so, it is tough work experience matters. we don't have the experience that we used to have. but our office has garnered a whole team of folks from arizona. some of those former election officials at the counties have come to work for us in various offices, and we are ready to assist all of the new folks coming in. we are currently going through election officer certification training. we will have re-training for all of the officers who have been around in the fall, and we are looking for other partners to bring in some of the other areas to really help where we can. but we have some limitations, the entire budget process, not just the legislator, but everyone in the budget process. so whoever came up short for us, we are going to persist. >> mister secretary, what keeps you up at night about next year's election? >> well, there's a couple things that keep me up at night. number one, i do not know what i don't know about generative artificial intelligence and the impact that those technologies might have. we do not know what we don't know about the potential for violence and certain areas. particularly where we have individuals who are willing to cheer lead violence against other people, like the former president has on several locations. those are the things that we cannot necessarily plan for. i used to say that we were ready for everything but godzilla, we have a plan for new sorts of monsters now. but i trust the folks who run our elections. they are regular americans, just like you and me, they are teachers, cops, plumbers, you're next door neighbors, grandparents, they are going to do their best. and really, when you talk about the big lie, it was against them. it was against americans, particularly in arizona, who were just doing their jobs. they are not frauds, they are not cheats, they are not liars, they are just like us. that was the biggest tragedy in my view. their good work was thrown under the bus by the extremists on the extreme maga side of things. they are the ones who got threatened. they are the ones who were dishonored. and i think that there is some vindication for them, thankfully, with this indictment. >> patriots are the folks that we are talking about, i am talking about the folks that administer the election. not the people who try to overturn it. secretary adrienne fontes, thank you for your time, sir, great to see you. >> have a good day. thank you. >> my political panel joins me to help make sense of donald trump's massive lead in the republican primary, despite the fact that he's facing a total of 78 criminal charges. we are going to answer the question on a lot of minds. how on earth is he still allowed to run for president even if he is convicted? 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(vo) verizon small business days are coming. from august 7th to the 13th. now is the time to partner with our experts. get started today with verizon business. it's your business. it's your verizon. >> the former president has insisted that even if he is convicted on any of the 78 criminal charges against him, he will continue his campaign. you may be thinking, wait, a convicted felon running for president? the answer is, yes, even from a prison cell. the truth is, there are only three requirements to be eligible for president. being a natural born citizen, being at least 35 years old, and having lived in the united states for 14 years. a number of states donald trump wouldn't be able to vote as a convicted felon, but he could still be eligible for the oval office. but what about protocol? with trump secret service be with him if he were in prison? if he won the election, how would he received classified briefings? engage in diplomacy? could he pardon himself? let's bring in the political panel because somebody else has to have these answers. -- the politics of a darkening america, and former republican congressman, david jolly of florida, welcome. david, my goodness, okay, what's up? are you concerned? do you have any concerns and donald trump being convicted, but continue to run for office? >> on this question of whether or not he would serve as president in prison, the answer to that is likely, very likely, no. regardless of whether he got pardoned or not. >> but says who, david, says who? >> well, because, the president suggests sentencing. once sentenced, the reporting from prison can be delayed. you have members of congress, their sentencing has been delayed because they have young children or because of spouses being convicted at the same time. there are ways of dealing with sentences. but at the core of all of this, a former president standing for election, seeking to absolve himself of his criminal liability through the political process. that is the hard part for the country. the sober part of this, a former president is standing trial for trying to subvert democracy. the scary part is [inaudible]. >> david, i think somebody didn't like what you are saying because you are telling the truth right there. let me ask the question directly, because what david was basically setting up, do you think that donald trump's campaign is an effort to sidestep potential prison time, to sidestep accountability, is not why he's running? >> absolutely. he announced his campaign last fall, well before any candidate runs for office. clearly, the reason was, he knew the justice department, or fani willis, or alvin bragg was about to indict him. this was clearly an effort to procure any indictments against him, especially from the federal government. his plan is to run out the clock, that is why he is delaying every delay tactic he can, so that he doesn't come to trial. if you are innocent, simone, if you knew that you are not guilty of a crime he were charged for, wouldn't you want a speedy trial? this guy is trying to delay, delay, delay, because he wants to get in office, pardon himself, or shut down the investigation, and that is what he's expecting to get off. >> if i were guilty, i wouldn't be sitting here on the tv, they would have had me in jail. let's see what the people are saying, we'll see what the people are saying. this is according to a recent cnn poll. only 29% of americans actually believe that biden's election was legitimate. david, what do you think about the fact that the 2020 election, is this a reality check for 2024, is this -- is 2024 just a further breeding grounds for conspiracy theories? how can we stop this? i think the truth is really important, here. >> i think 2024 is a year that democrats have to save america and save the country. i really mean that. because the numbers in today's republican party reflect more than just the messaging of donald trump. since 2020, all leading republicans are suggesting that the election was likely stolen. since donald trump's election was stolen, that january six was really just a capital tour gone awry. so the notion that somehow, because jack smith brought charges, everybody in the republican party is going to change their mind is not going to happen. so 2024 puts truth against lies, and it puts democracy against autocracy. that is a question for the american people that will be represented through the candidacy of joe biden. >> donald trump is not the only person running for president, right, on the republican side of the aisle. i want to play's sound from nikki haley. she is responding to donald trump's indictment. >> i don't rush out with a statement yesterday on trump's indictment for one simple reason. like most americans, i'm tired of commenting on every trump drama. i've lost track of whether this indictment is the third, fourth, or fifth. >> i agree with nikki haley. i agree that when the kelly did, keith, i would argue that maybe some of the other republican candidates should have taken a page out of her book. i've never seen so many people who are vying for the same office rush to defend their opponent. they could've just said nothing. >> you are right about that. i will give her a half credit for that. but for god sake, you are running against this person for president, you need to take this person down. he's the leading candidate for the presidency in your party. you can't just push the foot around the issue. you have to directly address him. this is a day for accountability. i like how you use that word at the beginning of your program. as a lot of people are going around saying oh, it is a sad day for america to have trump indicted, no, it was a good day. because when you finally establish the principles that the president of the united states is not above the law, this wasn't just an assault on democracy, it was an assault on black voters in particular, people like me and you, you try to take away our votes in detroit, atlanta, and philadelphia, and the same republicans who are demanding that president obama show adversity, there are the ones that think that donald trump should be able to commit crimes with impunity. there was a racial double standard here that we need to address. just happened yesterday when we only took a few minutes to arrest -- and charge him for inciting a riot in new york. but it took two and a half years to arrest donald trump for the riot that he caused in washington d.c., and he still was in charge for inciting it. it is time for accountability. >> i'm looking for it so that i can drop it. i'm looking for and mike so that i could drop, it david, in the time that i have left, give us everything that keith said. the first republican debate is two and a half weeks away. donald trump might not even be on the stage. how could donald trump's absence or his's presence, how could change the game there? >> i agree with you. i yield my time to keith. way to go, a man. donald trump, politically, does not need to show up for this debate. he is up 30 points, he has nothing to gain, he can make all the other candidates look like children. it is intriguing that the fox leadership, fox news, is trying to negotiate with donald trump. perhaps he gets some sort of leverage, i don't think so, i think he shouts on truth social that fox broke the deal and he takes his ball and goes home. i think there is no reason for donald trump to go to the debate in august. >> all right, former congressman david jolly, thank you very much. this week, tennessee state representative justin j. pearson and justin jones, they have officially been reinstatement to the legislative seats. but the two black members were expelled from the chamber in april after joining the students in protest over gun safety on the house floor. they are two of the tennessee three. now, local officials to restore them to their positions after nationwide backlash. they were still required to run again in a special election. each defeated their challengers, and they head back to nashville ahead of an august 21st special session on gun reform. this is all with the hope that quote, they return, they also provide momentum for democrats, and other lawmakers who support gun measures. as representative jones put, it the find out era of politics is just beginning. and for those not familiar with the phrase, that means they are going to show you better than they can tell you. up next, tributes pouring in for the new york dancer stabbed in a gas station parking lot. even beyoncé pay tribute to him. we will have the latest charges just announced against the teenage suspect, plus later, in the regroup, we are on bagging the case against lizzo. this is all by her former dancers. including claims of fat shaming, and the grammy winner's response. we will have that as well. it is all coming up. s all coming up. not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. try killing bugs the worry-free way. not the other way. zevo traps use light to attract and trap flying insects with no odor and no mess. they work continuously, so you don't have to. zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly. when moderate to severe ulcerative colitis takes you off course. put it in check with rinvoq, a once-daily pill. when i wanted to see results fast, rinvoq delivered rapid symptom relief and helped leave bathroom urgency behind. check. when uc tried to slow me down... i got lasting, steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check. and when uc caused damage rinvoq came through by visibly repairing my colon lining. check. rapid symptom relief... lasting steroid-free remission... ...and the chance to visibly repair the colon lining. check, check, and check. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least 1 heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. put uc in check and keep it there with rinvoq. ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq and learn how abbvie can help you save. 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(vo) verizon small business days are coming. i stay undetectable with fewer medicines. from august 7th to the 13th. now is the time to partner with our experts. get started today with verizon business. it's your business. it's your verizon. >> it is time for the regroup, this is a part of the show where we turn to our culture critics and dig into the team that is circulating in your group chats. we are kicking things off with grammy award winning at sterilize out, and her legal troubles. free of the former dancers accused liz, over touring company, and her dance company of sexual harassment, and creating a hostile work environment, all it lawsuit that was filed this week. they also claimed she pressured one of them to touch a nude performer at an amsterdam club, and subjected the group to an excruciating audition after accusing them of drinking on the job. lizzo denied all allegations in a social media post saying quote, the sensationalized tories are coming from former employees who have already publicly admitted that they were told their behavior on tour was inappropriate and unprofessional. let's bring in our culture critics to break this down for us. mia brown is the co-host -- and ricky scott who we have not seen in a minute is a pop culture -- i appreciate you for making a bit of time for us and today, so, i will start with you. there is video that has resurfaced of one of the dancers, her name is adriana davis. this is her audition tape for the second season of lizzo's watch out for the big girls, watch this. >> i have been working with lizzo for some months, maybe close to a year now. it has been so amazing, and such a beautiful journey. i look up to her so much, and i just want to follow in her footsteps. >> now, in the interview with tmz, adriana address the video and said it further explains how much she was trying to please lizzo, richie, what do you make of all of this? >> you know, working in the entertainment industry is a difficult task in and of itself. that is one thing. and i noticed in lizzo's response, she didn't really comment on the sexual harassment aspect of any of this. probably because that is a bit harder to detail. i honestly, i have to reserve judgment on this one until i get further information. because number one, i am a lizzo fan, i have to go ahead and admit that. i will be truthful with you all today, and just tell it like it is. so it is very difficult for me to really process this. but that video of her talking about how much she, you know, how excited she was, i don't know. that makes all of this a little bit hard to swallow. i think we are looking at two things here. we are looking at workplace conditions, and then we are looking at the sexual harassment charges, which i think that is going to be the harder pill to swallow for lizzo and her team. >> i misspoke, her name is ariana. nina, given what richie says, i think very astute analysis, my friend, it was nbc who first reported that according to the lawsuit, the three former dancers say that they were weight shamed. lizzo is known for embracing body positivity. were you shocked by any of these allegations? the weight shaming, these sexual harassment, the work conditions, any of it? >> yeah, of course. because of what lizzo has stood for, what she has represented. she has basically been in the spotlight the entire time saying you will accept me, you will accept those who are usually not accepted. but i think one thing that we have to keep in mind is that both can be true. she could have, ariana davis could have been inspired by lizzo at one time, and at the same time, she could have been shamed, and there could have been a hostile work environment. you know, there is a director that came out that was working with lizzo at one time and she said that she quit the documentary because there was some bullying happening, and she did say that lizzo was unkind during that time. so it does make you wonder, when someone who was not on tour with liz, who was not one of the dancers doing things that lizzo said may have been acting unprofessional, it does make you think, when there is an outside person also saying the same thing. >> you know, the dancers have been the ones who filed this lawsuit. lizzo, tell your story, i am happy to interview you and get some answers to the pressing questions. you also might need to call judy smith, honey, we could give you her number. i want to shift to cardi b who dodged her legal troubles. this is after she hit an audience member with a microphone for throwing not only liquid, but ice at the rapper. cardi b was recently cleared of criminal battery charges. i saw another angle of the video, it looked like it was an accident from the crowd. but the fans just seemed to be going crazy, and we talk about fans throwing ashes at pink, other folks being hit with a cell phone. why are people going so crazy at these concerts? >> honestly, i don't know. to me, this is a case of mess around and find out. let me let you all know this, queen bey is coming to town this weekend. she's here at the dmv. i better not see anything being thrown up on that stage at any of these concerts this weekend. don't mess around and find out with beyoncé. >> we don't want julius to run up on the thing. i'm hopeful that they will be on their best behavior. nina, your thoughts? >> cardi b said when it's up, then it's up, and it's up, and it stuck. there's another video that showed cardi b throwing a microphone at her dj, as much as i love cardi b, i will tell her like this, girl, calm down. it is the anger management for me. it's not going to work out in your favor, as celebrities, it caused way more money to defend these cases, even when you are not in the wrong. car t has got to chill out. because she is doing a lot. i'm glad that she escaped these charges, but girl, it can't be too many more of these situations happening, okay? >> nina brown, richie sky, thank you all very much. i will see you and beyoncé. before we go today, folks, i want to wish my mother, a very happy 66th birthday today. we see you, girl! all right folks, that's it for me, thank you for watching symone on this saturday. i am simone sanders thompson, you can catch me right here on msnbc weekends at four pm eastern, and anytime on peacock where i have new episodes on the msnbc hub every monday. and for more of this show, you could find us on instagram, twitter, and tiktok. politics nation with the great reverend al sharpton will start right after a short break. ort break. until, i saw how easily it picked up my hair every time i dried it! only takes a minute. look at that! the heavy duty cloths are extra thick, for amazing trap & lock. even for his hair. wow. and for dust, i love my heavy duty duster. the fluffy fibers trap dust on contact, up high and all around without having to lift a thing. i'm so hooked. you'll love swiffer. or your money back! mom: hey! cheap flight alert! daughter: hawaii! can we go? 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Politics , Answers , Whether , Being , My Goodness , Who , Sentencing , Members , Dealing , Reporting , Ways , Spouses , Sentences , Standing , Core , Liability , Inaudible , Prison Time , What , Running , Reason , Candidate , Campaign Last Fall , Sidestep Accountability , Delay Tactic , Alvin Bragg , Clock , Guy , Let , Investigation , Tv , Reality Check , Poll , Cnn , 29 , Grounds , Breeding , Conspiracy Theories , Democrats , Republicans , Numbers , Messaging , Tour , Mind , Notion , Autocracy , Candidacy , Aisle , Joe Biden , Nikki Haley , Statement , On Every Trump Drama , I Don T Rush Out , Track , Candidates , Third , Fifth , Fourth , Kelly , Keith , Opponent , Office Rush , Half , Credit , God Sake , Presidency , Party , Foot , Assault , Wasn T , Program , Word , Above The Law , Principles , Particular , Me And You , Voters , Adversity , Atlanta , Detroit , Philadelphia , President Obama , Crimes , Riot , Double Standard , Arrest , Impunity , Mike , Stage , Debate , Presence , 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Transcripts For MSNBCW Symone 20240704 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW Symone 20240704

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trump's free speech. it is about his conduct. plus, new revelations about the extent of trump's pressure campaign, and we are talking to the man who is in charge of running secure elections there in 2024, we are going to get into the lasting effects of voting in the political process. then, we will take a timeout from donald trump so that our critics can weigh in against lizzo, and what the popstar has to say about it. i have something to say. we start with breaking news this evening, in spite of being warned by a judge not to temper with witnesses or jurors, or interfere with the administration of justice, former president donald trump fired off a threat within the last 24 hours. if you go after me, i am coming after you. now, this threat is the definition of political speech. as part of the prosecution's case against trump. if you hours go, the trial judge gave trump's negotiate deadline of five pm on monday, to respond to a protective order proposal submitted by the special counsel. jack smith cited trump's threat, he also trump -- saying that it could have a quote, chilling effect on witnesses and impact the fair administration of justice. this comes after trump pleaded not guilty in federal court on thursday, in washington d.c., with his third criminal arraignment in four months. trump is charged by special counsel, jack smith, with conspiracy to defraud the united states. conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding. obstruction of an official proceeding, conspiracy against rights. all for his efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election and install himself as president for another term. the 45-page indictment also details how six coconspirators assisted trump in pressuring government officials on his behalf, promoting his lies about the validity of the election and orchestrating a team of fake electors to sow confusion in congress. follow trump's latest appearance in a court of law may have only been around 27 minutes but he, and his allies, they are working overtime to gaslight americans, and the court of public opinion. what is one of their tactics? painting this as a free speech issue. >> this is a free speech killing indictment. killing free speech, that is what it is. >> what the president saw in the 2020 election was all of these irregularities going on. he had every right to comment on that and act politically. you are entitled to question whether it was honest or not. that is the uniqueness of the first amendment. that is the uniqueness of america. but you know what? you shouldn't be prosecuted for your thoughts. >> but the special counsel himself acknowledges on the second page of the indictment, that the defendant had a right leg every american to speak publicly about the election and even to claim falsely that there had been outcome, and determinative fraud during the election, and that he had one. so don't let trump's defenders and salty or intelligence. just think about it. falsely claiming you won an election where crime by itself, that man would have been subjected to indictments every other day right now. so this is not about speech. this is about trump's actions. his conduct. and this indictment, it is action-packed. first details trump's and his coconspirators, quote, use agency to convince officials like the arizona's house speaker and georgia secretary of state to help reverse biden's victories. and what was their basis? debunked claims of widespread election fraud. and these officials refused trump and his allies organized fraudulent slates of electors in the swing states that donald trump lost, and then facilitated efforts to send the fake certificates to congress. the goal of that, according to the indictment, was to create a fake controversy that would give then vice president mike pence an excuse to either send electors certification back to state legislators, or even throw out those electoral votes altogether and declare donald trump the winner. the former president in private, and in public then demanded pence's system and that plan, when congress would vote to certify each state electoral vote on january 6th, 2021. mike pence repeatedly refused but donald trump kept that pressure up. so the moment that pence was seated at the head of the congressional chamber, when it became very clear that the vice president of the united states at the time would not use authority he did not have, donald trump finally directed a mob of his supporters to march on the capitol and quote, take back our country. the violence erupted at the capitol endangered the vice president on nearly every member of congress. it also delayed the congressional certification of the 2020 election by a least six hours. when the justice department says that this was a conspiracy to defraud the united states, i hope that americans all across the country understand the full weight of that accusation. because no matter what name you checked on the ballot in 2020, this was an effort to defraud you. this is not just rightful victory in the 2020 election, this is not a lie about that, it is something even bigger. this is about a democratic process that defines this nation. a process that was carefully devised and endlessly debated by the founders and donald trump and his allies. they claim to review these founders, they claim to revere that process, is his effort to undo all of this to attack our democracy ultimately failed? billions of people across the country, though they still believe donald trump's election lies, our democratic process is more weaker for it. i know, judge or juror, but to me, i think that demands accountability. for more, let's bring in our folks to lead us off. former federal prosecutor, he is a contributing editor for the new york magazine and a contributor for politico magazine. criminal defense attorney and msnbc legal analyst, and shannon mccaffrey, the atlanta journal-constitution's editor for grand jury coverage is also with us. okay. i think you all just heard what these analysis of the indictment, i think it is about conduct, not speech. what do you think about my analysis. do you agree? feel free to say no. >> your analysis is correct. so, the thing to remember here is that the speech was not just speech. it was directed to bring about conduct, and the first amendment does circumscribe the application of civil and criminal laws, but lying is generally not protected by the first amendment. that is why people can be sued civilly for defamation, and it is why people can be charged criminally for financial fraud, even though financial fraud is often just about speech. somebody calling you on the phone and trying to get you to give them the credit card information, and bank account information, or the like. even when someone walks up to you on the street and says, you know, i got it in my pocket, give me your prayers. that is also a crime. so there are going to be some questions about charging some issues that will need to be confronted. the first amendment defense, i think, is quite weak. >> so, danny, the legal team has until five pm on monday to respond to these special counsel's filing about a protective order. i am just wondering, a concern that donald trump could share, frankly, folks at home are listening, they say this sounds familiar, it sounds similar to what we heard in the manhattan district attorney case against donald trump, they are siding harmful, chilling effect on witnesses. specifically citing his social media post. if you were donald trump's defense attorney, what would you be doing? because it is crazy. this is after the judge already told donald trump don't do this. >> on the one hand, the government is really good at trying to seek to impose conditions that will create traps for the defense and that is just the defense attorney speaking. but they always seek to control in pretrial. i understand that. but we are in a situation where no judge or the government, or even a defense attorney has ever had this kind of precedent in terms of fashioning a pretrial order. here is one example, and imagine a situation, trump is on the debate stage. he is standing next to mike pence to not only features prominently in this indictment he features prominently identifying him. he's not some unindicted coconspirator. he's in that indictment, and he has a lot of very interesting things to say. what happens if donald trump is on the debate stage and he turns to mike pence and calls him a traitor, a rat, or a snitch? prosecutors, those words alone will get you prosecuted for witness tampering. so we are in a very confusing situation here and that the judge has the challenge of fashioning an order that will prevent donald trump from intimidating witnesses. but at the same time, preserve not just any, speech but his political speech which we safeguard, arguably, more than regular speech in this country. he has got to be able to talk about it on the campaign. but he also cannot intimidate witnesses. it is a real difficult position for this judge to be and. >> let me ask you something, i have seen a lot of discouraged about what donald trump social media posts, and there are people out there saying that donald trump wants to be thrown in jail for 30 days, 40 days, he can do 30 or 40 days, and it would cement his place with the republican party, and it would make him look more powerful than ever, according to these folks in the eyes of anyone else. why, why should that be considered, or is it a consideration of the prosecutors are taking it into account here? why can't we just treat donald trump like everybody else? >> first of all, we should, let me just say, that would be a terrible idea if that is your strategy on any level. i can't imagine a worse way to begin a criminal case as a defendant. but, the nature of trump's comments, he's being somewhat antagonistic about it, but i do tend to agree with danny's analysis here, and is suggestion that trump is going to need to be given a bit more room to speak than most people. i think the government recognizes that, because it didn't actually ask for a gag order, they simply raise this tweet in the context of arguing that the protective order should be tightly constrained around him. he is going to be able to say things like that. however obnoxious, or undesirable they mean it and a political matter. >> okay. there is another case brewing in georgia around this very issue. you actually reported georgia secretary of state, brad raffensperger, met with federal prosecutors as recently at the end of june, we have the special counsel indictment now with the timeline of the conspiracy. i'm wondering, did you learn anything new there, and can you tell me anything about what is going on with fani willis? >> that has been the question. we've been waiting for those georgia indictment for a while. there was a lot of information in that federal indictment about georgia. i think we ended up counting, there were 48 references to georgia in the indictment and about five, six pages of a 45-page indictment devoted to activities in georgia. certainly, jack smith relied on what happened here to really help build his criminal case. you know, definitely, georgia was at the center of things and you saw that in the federal indictment. in terms of what is happening here, we have been led to believe by fani willis that we will have her announcement on indictments by august 18th, and we have seen a lot of activity down at the courthouse. the barricades going off, and street closures next week. so we are definitely moving into that, sort of, the hot zone, so to speak. we've also seen some people who testified before the special grand jury have received subpoenas to testify before the criminal grand jury. we are getting their. but it is certainly, at one point, it looked like fonio as was the new for us. now it appears she is going forth. it just shows all of the cases and this could end up colliding in terms of scheduling. as it moves forward. >> i want to play some sound from you all from one of donald trump's attorney is. he was on with savannah guthrie on the today show. and i think what he is saying is laying out maybe what we are going to hear from donald trump's team as it relates to the special counsel case and this pending situation in georgia. we will play it and get reaction on the other side. >> professor eastman, laying out a series of options that were discussed with the vice president, pence. vice president pence disagreed on certain issues. but ultimately, what president trump said is, let's go with option the. let's just hold, let's pause the voting, and allow these state legislators to take one last look, and make a determination as to whether or not the elections were handled fairly. that is constitutional law. >> obviously, that was laura ingraham, and not savannah guthrie. again, in, talk to me a bit about what you are hearing. this sounds like an admission. the former president asked him to reject the electors. here, they are talking about a delay, but this admission is the violence either way. >> this goes back to forming the intent. and i think a lot of focus is on divisive council and the first amendment, but really, all of these come down to intent and mike pence is going to be a witness, if he's an actual witness, comes in, and raises his hand, the oath. >> it seems like the government is relying on that and i would add if you are jacks mitt and you are planning on featuring mike pence so prominently in the indictment, you must know something we don't know, which is that we might get him to come in and testify, after all, you can subpoena him, he is a citizen, like anybody else. he may have privilege claims, but yes, jack smith takes everybody and that indictment as a very important witness. he can get them to come in with the exception of the coconspirators. even then, with the immunity he could arguablyge testify as well. that is assuming that those coconspirators, do not come in and decide to cooperate. >> it tangled web of so much happening. thank you, thank you, thank you to our legal experts for breaking this down. danny cevallos, shannon mccaffrey, we will be seeing you in georgia very soon. one state that features heavily in the january 6th indictment is arizona, and it is pushed by donald trump and his allies to be certified in that state. up next, the states democratic secretary of state, adrienne fontes, will join me to talk about this take away from the indictment. and we will get into how he's working through the arizona 2024 election, but first, our bestie is here, my colleague richard lui, with today's other top news stories. richard, what is going on out there? >> simone, good saturday to you, and good afternoon as well. a popular video game influencer is under arrest today. police say that he incited a riot yesterday in new york's union square. stream or high sonata told his followers he would be handing out free play stations there. but before the giveaway began, people were tossing chairs and bottles and throwing garbage at police. it is unclear what sparked the chaos, or if he will face charges. the fda approved the first ever pill to treat postpartum depression. it is taken daily for two weeks. tests show an improvement on anxiety, difficulty in sleep, low energy, and guilt. as little as three days after taking, that the fda is considering the drug for a clinical depression as well. and the texas attorney general reinstated an abortion ban for women with complicated pregnancies. this comes just a day after a county judge exempted women from the states abortion law, if the fetus has a fatal birth defect. the appeal now goes to the state supreme court. more simone for you, right after this break. r this break (vo) verizon small business days are coming. from august 7th to the 13th. now is the time to partner with our experts. get started today with verizon business. it's your business. it's your verizon. mr. clean magic eraser powers through tough messes. so it makes it look like i spent hours cleaning! and you know i didn't. it makes my running shoe look like new. it's amazing! wow, it makes it look like... i don't have kids at all. it's so good, it makes it look like i have magical powers! with 80% less scrubbing, mr. clean magic eraser makes cleaning easy. also available in sheets! 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arizona secretary of state, aegean fontes, good to see you. your office was actually subpoenaed by the special counsel earlier this summer. what was the nature of that communication? >> well, it was the second of two subpoenas that we had the first, last december. we confided with that during the beginning of my turn and then the one in may went to an outside law from that have been representing the secretary's office during that time. a couple of cases had been litigated through this office, and they were looking for a lot of the communications and the discovery from those cases. that is a whole bunch of evidence that is pulled together but may not make it into trial but it is the overall paint the picture behind the scenes. the justice department was looking for a lot of that information. we make sure everything got turned over and it looks like it may have played a little part in building this case. >> and assuming you had an opportunity to read the indictment. did anything in their surprise you? >> no. it didn't. we have been playing close attention to the january 6th committee hearings and the congress. and look, we know all the players here. my successor at the county recorders office, and the board of supervisors, all of these folks are personally familiar to me. it is a tight group of folks around here who have been fighting this fight and standing for the american voter and we run into each other here and there. nothing in the indictment surprised us. i think the only thing that was surprising for me was that it took so long to get it out. >> yes. you know, you are not new to elections, if you will, in arizona. you just noted that you formerly served as the county reporter in maricopa county, the largest county in arizona. so, i am just wondering, the arizona republic of supporting that 17 officials that are tasked with overseeing elections have quit since 2020 and that three of arizona's 15 counties have now critical vacancies, the state legislator denied the request for more funding. you've continuously voiced concerns about election officials having to learn on the job. you have had very firsthand experience. what is your plan to shore up arizona's election infrastructure? because there is an election next year. >> when it is widespread. 12 or 15 counties have lost either an elected director in the last couple of years. that institutional knowledge is critical because elections are different than anything else in government. you have one deadline that does not get extended, it has been analogize to throwing a wedding reception and every detail has to be perfect, and every person who walks in the door is a member of the wedding party if not the bride. you've got to be perfect every single time and so, it is tough work experience matters. we don't have the experience that we used to have. but our office has garnered a whole team of folks from arizona. some of those former election officials at the counties have come to work for us in various offices, and we are ready to assist all of the new folks coming in. we are currently going through election officer certification training. we will have re-training for all of the officers who have been around in the fall, and we are looking for other partners to bring in some of the other areas to really help where we can. but we have some limitations, the entire budget process, not just the legislator, but everyone in the budget process. so whoever came up short for us, we are going to persist. >> mister secretary, what keeps you up at night about next year's election? >> well, there's a couple things that keep me up at night. number one, i do not know what i don't know about generative artificial intelligence and the impact that those technologies might have. we do not know what we don't know about the potential for violence and certain areas. particularly where we have individuals who are willing to cheer lead violence against other people, like the former president has on several locations. those are the things that we cannot necessarily plan for. i used to say that we were ready for everything but godzilla, we have a plan for new sorts of monsters now. but i trust the folks who run our elections. they are regular americans, just like you and me, they are teachers, cops, plumbers, you're next door neighbors, grandparents, they are going to do their best. and really, when you talk about the big lie, it was against them. it was against americans, particularly in arizona, who were just doing their jobs. they are not frauds, they are not cheats, they are not liars, they are just like us. that was the biggest tragedy in my view. their good work was thrown under the bus by the extremists on the extreme maga side of things. they are the ones who got threatened. they are the ones who were dishonored. and i think that there is some vindication for them, thankfully, with this indictment. >> patriots are the folks that we are talking about, i am talking about the folks that administer the election. not the people who try to overturn it. secretary adrienne fontes, thank you for your time, sir, great to see you. >> have a good day. thank you. >> my political panel joins me to help make sense of donald trump's massive lead in the republican primary, despite the fact that he's facing a total of 78 criminal charges. we are going to answer the question on a lot of minds. how on earth is he still allowed to run for president even if he is convicted? 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(vo) verizon small business days are coming. from august 7th to the 13th. now is the time to partner with our experts. get started today with verizon business. it's your business. it's your verizon. >> the former president has insisted that even if he is convicted on any of the 78 criminal charges against him, he will continue his campaign. you may be thinking, wait, a convicted felon running for president? the answer is, yes, even from a prison cell. the truth is, there are only three requirements to be eligible for president. being a natural born citizen, being at least 35 years old, and having lived in the united states for 14 years. a number of states donald trump wouldn't be able to vote as a convicted felon, but he could still be eligible for the oval office. but what about protocol? with trump secret service be with him if he were in prison? if he won the election, how would he received classified briefings? engage in diplomacy? could he pardon himself? let's bring in the political panel because somebody else has to have these answers. -- the politics of a darkening america, and former republican congressman, david jolly of florida, welcome. david, my goodness, okay, what's up? are you concerned? do you have any concerns and donald trump being convicted, but continue to run for office? >> on this question of whether or not he would serve as president in prison, the answer to that is likely, very likely, no. regardless of whether he got pardoned or not. >> but says who, david, says who? >> well, because, the president suggests sentencing. once sentenced, the reporting from prison can be delayed. you have members of congress, their sentencing has been delayed because they have young children or because of spouses being convicted at the same time. there are ways of dealing with sentences. but at the core of all of this, a former president standing for election, seeking to absolve himself of his criminal liability through the political process. that is the hard part for the country. the sober part of this, a former president is standing trial for trying to subvert democracy. the scary part is [inaudible]. >> david, i think somebody didn't like what you are saying because you are telling the truth right there. let me ask the question directly, because what david was basically setting up, do you think that donald trump's campaign is an effort to sidestep potential prison time, to sidestep accountability, is not why he's running? >> absolutely. he announced his campaign last fall, well before any candidate runs for office. clearly, the reason was, he knew the justice department, or fani willis, or alvin bragg was about to indict him. this was clearly an effort to procure any indictments against him, especially from the federal government. his plan is to run out the clock, that is why he is delaying every delay tactic he can, so that he doesn't come to trial. if you are innocent, simone, if you knew that you are not guilty of a crime he were charged for, wouldn't you want a speedy trial? this guy is trying to delay, delay, delay, because he wants to get in office, pardon himself, or shut down the investigation, and that is what he's expecting to get off. >> if i were guilty, i wouldn't be sitting here on the tv, they would have had me in jail. let's see what the people are saying, we'll see what the people are saying. this is according to a recent cnn poll. only 29% of americans actually believe that biden's election was legitimate. david, what do you think about the fact that the 2020 election, is this a reality check for 2024, is this -- is 2024 just a further breeding grounds for conspiracy theories? how can we stop this? i think the truth is really important, here. >> i think 2024 is a year that democrats have to save america and save the country. i really mean that. because the numbers in today's republican party reflect more than just the messaging of donald trump. since 2020, all leading republicans are suggesting that the election was likely stolen. since donald trump's election was stolen, that january six was really just a capital tour gone awry. so the notion that somehow, because jack smith brought charges, everybody in the republican party is going to change their mind is not going to happen. so 2024 puts truth against lies, and it puts democracy against autocracy. that is a question for the american people that will be represented through the candidacy of joe biden. >> donald trump is not the only person running for president, right, on the republican side of the aisle. i want to play's sound from nikki haley. she is responding to donald trump's indictment. >> i don't rush out with a statement yesterday on trump's indictment for one simple reason. like most americans, i'm tired of commenting on every trump drama. i've lost track of whether this indictment is the third, fourth, or fifth. >> i agree with nikki haley. i agree that when the kelly did, keith, i would argue that maybe some of the other republican candidates should have taken a page out of her book. i've never seen so many people who are vying for the same office rush to defend their opponent. they could've just said nothing. >> you are right about that. i will give her a half credit for that. but for god sake, you are running against this person for president, you need to take this person down. he's the leading candidate for the presidency in your party. you can't just push the foot around the issue. you have to directly address him. this is a day for accountability. i like how you use that word at the beginning of your program. as a lot of people are going around saying oh, it is a sad day for america to have trump indicted, no, it was a good day. because when you finally establish the principles that the president of the united states is not above the law, this wasn't just an assault on democracy, it was an assault on black voters in particular, people like me and you, you try to take away our votes in detroit, atlanta, and philadelphia, and the same republicans who are demanding that president obama show adversity, there are the ones that think that donald trump should be able to commit crimes with impunity. there was a racial double standard here that we need to address. just happened yesterday when we only took a few minutes to arrest -- and charge him for inciting a riot in new york. but it took two and a half years to arrest donald trump for the riot that he caused in washington d.c., and he still was in charge for inciting it. it is time for accountability. >> i'm looking for it so that i can drop it. i'm looking for and mike so that i could drop, it david, in the time that i have left, give us everything that keith said. the first republican debate is two and a half weeks away. donald trump might not even be on the stage. how could donald trump's absence or his's presence, how could change the game there? >> i agree with you. i yield my time to keith. way to go, a man. donald trump, politically, does not need to show up for this debate. he is up 30 points, he has nothing to gain, he can make all the other candidates look like children. it is intriguing that the fox leadership, fox news, is trying to negotiate with donald trump. perhaps he gets some sort of leverage, i don't think so, i think he shouts on truth social that fox broke the deal and he takes his ball and goes home. i think there is no reason for donald trump to go to the debate in august. >> all right, former congressman david jolly, thank you very much. this week, tennessee state representative justin j. pearson and justin jones, they have officially been reinstatement to the legislative seats. but the two black members were expelled from the chamber in april after joining the students in protest over gun safety on the house floor. they are two of the tennessee three. now, local officials to restore them to their positions after nationwide backlash. they were still required to run again in a special election. each defeated their challengers, and they head back to nashville ahead of an august 21st special session on gun reform. this is all with the hope that quote, they return, they also provide momentum for democrats, and other lawmakers who support gun measures. as representative jones put, it the find out era of politics is just beginning. and for those not familiar with the phrase, that means they are going to show you better than they can tell you. up next, tributes pouring in for the new york dancer stabbed in a gas station parking lot. even beyoncé pay tribute to him. we will have the latest charges just announced against the teenage suspect, plus later, in the regroup, we are on bagging the case against lizzo. this is all by her former dancers. including claims of fat shaming, and the grammy winner's response. we will have that as well. it is all coming up. s all coming up. not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. try killing bugs the worry-free way. not the other way. zevo traps use light to attract and trap flying insects with no odor and no mess. they work continuously, so you don't have to. zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly. when moderate to severe ulcerative colitis takes you off course. put it in check with rinvoq, a once-daily pill. when i wanted to see results fast, rinvoq delivered rapid symptom relief and helped leave bathroom urgency behind. check. when uc tried to slow me down... i got lasting, steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check. and when uc caused damage rinvoq came through by visibly repairing my colon lining. check. rapid symptom relief... lasting steroid-free remission... ...and the chance to visibly repair the colon lining. check, check, and check. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least 1 heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. put uc in check and keep it there with rinvoq. ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq and learn how abbvie can help you save. 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(vo) verizon small business days are coming. i stay undetectable with fewer medicines. from august 7th to the 13th. now is the time to partner with our experts. get started today with verizon business. it's your business. it's your verizon. >> it is time for the regroup, this is a part of the show where we turn to our culture critics and dig into the team that is circulating in your group chats. we are kicking things off with grammy award winning at sterilize out, and her legal troubles. free of the former dancers accused liz, over touring company, and her dance company of sexual harassment, and creating a hostile work environment, all it lawsuit that was filed this week. they also claimed she pressured one of them to touch a nude performer at an amsterdam club, and subjected the group to an excruciating audition after accusing them of drinking on the job. lizzo denied all allegations in a social media post saying quote, the sensationalized tories are coming from former employees who have already publicly admitted that they were told their behavior on tour was inappropriate and unprofessional. let's bring in our culture critics to break this down for us. mia brown is the co-host -- and ricky scott who we have not seen in a minute is a pop culture -- i appreciate you for making a bit of time for us and today, so, i will start with you. there is video that has resurfaced of one of the dancers, her name is adriana davis. this is her audition tape for the second season of lizzo's watch out for the big girls, watch this. >> i have been working with lizzo for some months, maybe close to a year now. it has been so amazing, and such a beautiful journey. i look up to her so much, and i just want to follow in her footsteps. >> now, in the interview with tmz, adriana address the video and said it further explains how much she was trying to please lizzo, richie, what do you make of all of this? >> you know, working in the entertainment industry is a difficult task in and of itself. that is one thing. and i noticed in lizzo's response, she didn't really comment on the sexual harassment aspect of any of this. probably because that is a bit harder to detail. i honestly, i have to reserve judgment on this one until i get further information. because number one, i am a lizzo fan, i have to go ahead and admit that. i will be truthful with you all today, and just tell it like it is. so it is very difficult for me to really process this. but that video of her talking about how much she, you know, how excited she was, i don't know. that makes all of this a little bit hard to swallow. i think we are looking at two things here. we are looking at workplace conditions, and then we are looking at the sexual harassment charges, which i think that is going to be the harder pill to swallow for lizzo and her team. >> i misspoke, her name is ariana. nina, given what richie says, i think very astute analysis, my friend, it was nbc who first reported that according to the lawsuit, the three former dancers say that they were weight shamed. lizzo is known for embracing body positivity. were you shocked by any of these allegations? the weight shaming, these sexual harassment, the work conditions, any of it? >> yeah, of course. because of what lizzo has stood for, what she has represented. she has basically been in the spotlight the entire time saying you will accept me, you will accept those who are usually not accepted. but i think one thing that we have to keep in mind is that both can be true. she could have, ariana davis could have been inspired by lizzo at one time, and at the same time, she could have been shamed, and there could have been a hostile work environment. you know, there is a director that came out that was working with lizzo at one time and she said that she quit the documentary because there was some bullying happening, and she did say that lizzo was unkind during that time. so it does make you wonder, when someone who was not on tour with liz, who was not one of the dancers doing things that lizzo said may have been acting unprofessional, it does make you think, when there is an outside person also saying the same thing. >> you know, the dancers have been the ones who filed this lawsuit. lizzo, tell your story, i am happy to interview you and get some answers to the pressing questions. you also might need to call judy smith, honey, we could give you her number. i want to shift to cardi b who dodged her legal troubles. this is after she hit an audience member with a microphone for throwing not only liquid, but ice at the rapper. cardi b was recently cleared of criminal battery charges. i saw another angle of the video, it looked like it was an accident from the crowd. but the fans just seemed to be going crazy, and we talk about fans throwing ashes at pink, other folks being hit with a cell phone. why are people going so crazy at these concerts? >> honestly, i don't know. to me, this is a case of mess around and find out. let me let you all know this, queen bey is coming to town this weekend. she's here at the dmv. i better not see anything being thrown up on that stage at any of these concerts this weekend. don't mess around and find out with beyoncé. >> we don't want julius to run up on the thing. i'm hopeful that they will be on their best behavior. nina, your thoughts? >> cardi b said when it's up, then it's up, and it's up, and it stuck. there's another video that showed cardi b throwing a microphone at her dj, as much as i love cardi b, i will tell her like this, girl, calm down. it is the anger management for me. it's not going to work out in your favor, as celebrities, it caused way more money to defend these cases, even when you are not in the wrong. car t has got to chill out. because she is doing a lot. i'm glad that she escaped these charges, but girl, it can't be too many more of these situations happening, okay? >> nina brown, richie sky, thank you all very much. i will see you and beyoncé. before we go today, folks, i want to wish my mother, a very happy 66th birthday today. we see you, girl! all right folks, that's it for me, thank you for watching symone on this saturday. i am simone sanders thompson, you can catch me right here on msnbc weekends at four pm eastern, and anytime on peacock where i have new episodes on the msnbc hub every monday. and for more of this show, you could find us on instagram, twitter, and tiktok. politics nation with the great reverend al sharpton will start right after a short break. ort break. until, i saw how easily it picked up my hair every time i dried it! only takes a minute. look at that! the heavy duty cloths are extra thick, for amazing trap & lock. even for his hair. wow. and for dust, i love my heavy duty duster. the fluffy fibers trap dust on contact, up high and all around without having to lift a thing. i'm so hooked. you'll love swiffer. or your money back! mom: hey! cheap flight alert! daughter: hawaii! can we go? 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Game , Absence , Points , Gain , Way To Go , Fox Leadership , Deal , Right , Ball , Sort , Leverage , Congressman , Seats , Reinstatement , Justin Jones , Tennessee State Representative Justin J Pearson , Students , On The House Floor , Backlash , Positions , Protest , Tennessee Three , Challengers , Momentum , Lawmakers , August 21st Special Session On Gun Reform , Support Gun Measures , August 21st , 21 , Dancer , Tributes , Phrase , Representative Jones Put , Lizzo Fan , BeyoncÉ , Suspect , Regroup , Gas Station Parking Lot , Pay , Dancers , Response , Fan Experience , Fat Shaming , Grammy Winner , 5g Network , 5 , Insects , Zevo , Check , Course , Mess , Rinvoq , Odor , Ulcerative Colitis , Friendly , Uc , Damage Rinvoq , Symptom Relief , Colon Lining , Remission , Leave Bathroom , Urgency , Infections , Chance , Blood Clots , Ability , Fatal , Tb , Doctor , Intestines , Death , Heart Disease Risk Factor , Reactions , Cancers , Heart Attack , Skin Cancer , Risks , Stomach , Lymphoma , Stroke , Tears , 50 , 1 , Gastroenterologist , Abbvie , Subaru , Essential School Supplies , Schools , Retailers , Millions , Ninety Two , Supporter , Forbes , School Supplies Students , Subaru Love Promise , Adoptaclassroom Org , T Mobile , Car Company , Brand , 5g Solutions , Pano Ai , Pano Ai Innovate , Spread , Wildfires , O Shae Sibley , Murder , Stabbing Death , Possession , Hate Crime , Brooklyn , Men , Gas Station , Memorial Service , Victim , Car , Weapon , Choreographer , Friends Last Saturday , 28 , Tribute , Community Members , Activists , Knife , Memorial Ball Yesterday , Homophobic Slurs , The One , Stabbing , Anniversary , Crowd Chanting , Renaissance Album , Power , Community , Death Sentence , Friends , Rest , Website , Fear , Lives , Rhetoric , Lgbtq , O Shae , Freedom , Dovato , Hiv Pills , Adults , 3 , 4 , Help , Symptoms , Ingredients , 2 , Pregnancy , Baby , Tiredness , Trouble Sleeping , Culture Critics , Show , Dig , Group Chats , Sterilize Out , Grammy Award , Sexual Harassment , It Lawsuit , Work Environment , Troubles , Company , Dance Company , Performer , Liz , Amsterdam Club , Employees , Allegations , Audition , Drinking , Tories , Mia Brown , Behavior , Pop Culture , Co Host , Ricky Scott , Adriana Davis , Name , Audition Tape , Girls , Season , Interview , Journey , Footsteps , What Richie , Tmz , Task , Entertainment Industry , Aspect , Any , Judgment , She , I Don T Know , Workplace Conditions , Lawsuit , Friend , Nina Brown , Ariana Davis , Nbc , Work Conditions , Weight Shaming , Body Positivity , Both , Spotlight , Shamed , Documentary , Bullying Happening , Microphone , Audience Member , Cardi B , Judy Smith , Honey , Fans , Battery Charges , Liquid , Crowd , Rapper , Ice , Accident , Angle , Concerts , Hit , Cell Phone , Crazy , Ashes , Weekend , This , Town , Don T Mess , Dmv , Julius , Girl , Anger Management , Up , Throwing , Dj , Favor , Celebrities , Calm Down , Situations , Wrong , Car T , Birthday , Mother , Richie Sky , 66 , Peacock , Hub , Episodes , Ort Break , Instagram , Reverend Al Sharpton , Twitter , Tiktok , Dust , Duster , Trap , Lock , Duty , Cloths , Fluffy Fibers , Dad , Action Hero , Contact , Around , Flight , Daughter , Sfx , Glass , Swiffer , Hawaii , Vacation , Neither , Benefits , Hr , Palm , Paycom , Payroll , Coach , Manager , Snack Dad , Employer , Save Goals , Finances , Soccer Camp , Magic , Anddd Check This Out , Orange Slicesss , It Peyronie S Disease , Curve , Bankers , Bank , Tools , Urologist , Condition , Pd , Goodbye , Stop Typing , Erection , Formation , Scar Tissue , Treatment Plan , Visit Makeapdplan Com Today , Migraine , Qulipta , Plans , Worry , Look At Me Now , Attacks , Frequency , Migraine Feeling , Cgrp , Zero , Constipation , Migraine Medicine , Sleepiness , Politicsnation , Runner , Uncharted Territory , Serious , Set , Round ,

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