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Calling for cameras in the courtroom. When trump goes to trial. Plus, he didnt come out in force the throne predicted. Supporters were at his arraignment. They were not alone. We are here in washington d. C. , trump is about to be indicted for the third time this year. How do you feel about that . I dont feel very good about that. The good liar will join later this hour to share their experience talking to the dont face well at their arraignment. It includes one persons anatomically difficult suggestion to one of them. Fallout from the January 6th Insurrection is not just putting out in courtrooms, it is having an economic impact. Sided as a reason for a major financial downgrade this week. That comes even a new job numbers showed increasingly solder Economic Science that bidenomics is working. Last month, we created 187,000 new jobs. Americas Economic Future looks bright. President biden and i will keep fighting to move our nation forward. Also ahead, medical breakthrough, the first pill ever approved to treat Postpartum Depression. We will have more on potential gamechanger for new moms coming up. Incredible stuff. We begin, a course, once again with the breaking news. Trumps team given until monday evening to respond to a doj or request to a protective order hoping to put a stop to trumps threats like this. If you come after me, im coming after you. This, despite the judges warning not to make threats against those who may come forward with information on the case. I want to bring in jordan reuben. Right before the deadline, legal analyst for nbc. Com. You notice that the judge, tommy checkin, was the one who denied trumps request to block the release of records to the january six committee. Quote, she wrote than that president s are not kings. And the plaintiff is not president. What does this indicate you on how she may go forward on this protective order . Whenever this trial may happen, how will she deal with what likely will be repeated upper strung the former president of the United States . This indicates that she is willing to recognize the obvious. I think that from the Special Counsels point of view, when it comes to the protective order and the threat that they cited in it, they hope that that leads to judge chutkan granting that protective order from that same common sense well they hope to draw from. Citing the threat in the motion to make sure trump cant do anything with discovery in terms of sharing sensitive information, they point to that threat in saying, essentially, this is someone who cannot be trusted. That is why we really have to lock him down with this protective order. The question is, what happens . As we move towards whenever the trial may actually happen, i will say it again, it is likely the former president , as he had in the past, well violate some of these orders put out by the judge. Right . In this case, jack smith did not essentially say lets revoke his bond. Lets put him into custody. Lets put this protective order and play. Of course, they are waiting for a Defense Response about that by monday evening. If he continues to violate these protective orders, if they are put in place, at what point do they have to place penalties on the former president . We might find that out very soon from judge chutkan. We havent seen anything like that in trumps other cases. Although there have been orders given their. That may be why. It could, sort, of the unsettle unstated reason why it may be worth granting a protective order. Saying they might have work to do. Something that has happened so far. As weve seen only so much good has happened because the former president does not seem completely undeterred for making threats. I should also know that the daca has been a little busy today. Weve even seen, i checked before we came, on trumps team is actually looking to extend the time that they can have to respond before monday. They want to push that out a few days. Did you see any reasoning as to why they would want to extend . I know let me add on to that, right . I know as we were watching the back and forth inside the courtroom the former president s attorneys were asking for an extension a matter what. Asking for the initial Trial Hearing Extension that is going to be happening, i believe, on august 21st or 28 . Dont know exactly when they said it. On tell me that date if you know, it correctly. I am forgetting it. I think it is the 20th. 28. Right, okay. I know they were going back and forth on getting an extension on the. Why would they want or need an extension on this one . Basically they essentially say they did not stand back on when the order came out it wasnt done with enough comfortable between the government and the defense. They just won a few more days to do it. Basically, they dont have enough time to respond. They want a few more days to do it. That doesnt mean it will be granted. In the first instance even before judge chutkan does on the first. Machanguana more time to respond to the protective order. Jordan reuben. Thank, you appreciated. We want to bring in Maryland Democratic congresswoman, glenn ivey. Great to have you on. Not only as a lawmaker but also as a former federal prosecutor. We have a lot of questions for you in that realm, as well. Talk me through this asking the protective order. What do you make of the statement made by the former president the United States . You come for me, im gonna come for you. If there is any way that any judge, chutkan or anyone else, can rein in someone like donald trump . Well, it is going to be hard. I think he has demonstrated over some of the cases that he doesnt like to be rained. And he wants to continue to make statements. It appears that he has concluded at this point it is politically beneficial for him to continue to make the statements. To help him with raising money. Hes using a lot of the money to pay for his attorneys. It might be challenging to do that. Having said that, judge chutkan is a pretty serious, tough, judge. Very experienced. In, fact she was a trial lawyer in her. Past she knows how to deal with these kinds of difficulties. I think that she she is nobody to play with. I understand that he has a political tract but he is focusing on. Trump also needs to think about the courtroom track. There could be sanctions. Or punishment for this down at the end of the road. I want to talk about this letter that you signed on to to get cameras in the courtroom when the trial goes to given the historic nature of the charges brought forward in these cases, it is hard to imagine a more powerful circumstance for televised proceedings. If the public is to fully accept the outcome, it will be vitally important for it to witness, as directly as possible, how the trials are conducted. The strength of the evidence produced. And the credibility of the witnesses. Can you talk more about the importance of having cameras in this courtroom . Making sure it is publicized, and how that decision goes down . Who makes that final call . Let me say, full disclosure up front, i push for cameras at the core amount of federal level for about 25 plus years now. I think that it makes sense. It worked at the state court level, you know . There are always concerns about lawyers in the judges showboating in that sort of thing. I think we have seen over many, many, years in many many trials that that doesnt tend to happen. This is especially important in this instant here because there are a lot of people out there, apparently, who havent made up their minds about whether to support trump or not or how they feel about these prosecutions. One of the best ways to address that is the open of the courtroom and give them a chance to see the proceedings themselves. Even the Supreme Court permits at least audio in the court. They do a time delay. But you can hear the arguments. Frequently on the same day that they occur. I think that some sort of accommodation like that, at a minimum, would make sense here. We have a defendant who is running for president. There are gonna be voters out there, potentially, millions of voters who might think how this trial is conducted and what the outcome is could to term and how they make their decision. For those reason i think it makes sense. It was astounding as we were getting realtime notes from the media room after what was happening in that courtroom for the last remnant. Its the first time we were getting that. The last two arraignments there was no phones or anything who are allowed in the rooms. We really didnt know except for our reporters who were in there who could then retail what was happening. He the Realtime Dictation of what was happening really changed the game, i think, for so many. Wondering how that is not going to play out. Let me ask you one final question. According to the hill, you told him you dont think these legal issues are making company stronger. You think that President Biden is going to handily beat donald trump. If, in fact, he wins the republican nomination in a 2024 matchup. Look at the latest polling, the New York Times Siena College poll there and did he. 43 to 43. With your optimism, Joe Biden Will would be well ahead. Why do you think we are not seeing that right now . There are a couple of reasons one is there has been a time lag for his numbers for the past year and a half to two years. I think part of that is going to change in a couple of ways. One is as the benefits of what rolls out with respect to the legislation that has been passed gets to be seen by the public. The Infrastructure Bill as they build new bridges and roads. Expansion of the internet and the like. There are a lot of benefits that have come for the first two years of the Biden Administration that are just now coming out and will be seen by the public. The other thing is the opinion polls, i think, they are snapshots but their hypotheticals. He still have people out there hoping that trump is not gonna be the nominee. They maybe not have made up their minds. I think there are some folks their views are going to crystalize in a different way. But both nominate by the party, it is a oneonone race, who do i really want to have their finger on the button . Who do i really want to have run in the country . Who should be the leader the free world . I think that turns into an easy choice. Congressman, thank you sir. All right, more on former President Trumps latest indictment ahead. Up first though, the u. S. Credit rating downgrade for the second time ever, despite a new jobs report that shows the continuing strength of bidenomics. What is to blame . Lets start with republicans in congress throwing about shutting down the government. We are back with just 60 seconds with that. Helping businesses both large and small, communities and the people who live and work there grow and thrive. Were proud to call these places home too. Theyre where we put down roots, and where together, we work to help move everyones financial goals forward. Pnc bank. Bug spray works best. When your family actually wears it. Get odorfree eight hour protection from mosquitoes and ticks without the ick. Zevo onbody repellent. People love it. Bugs hate it. New jobs numbers are out and they are okay. 187,000 jobs added alive slightly below the 20,000 estimated number but still the Unemployment Level was outflow assistance late 60s. The Biden Administration had more concerning news to worry about Credit Rating was downgraded this week from aaa to double a plus after Congressional Republicans threatened de fall back in june. The Fitch Rating Agency also said the January 6th Insurrection played a role by demonstrating cadence over editorinchief of investopedia. Scott, start things off. Worst job numbers looking pretty good, right . Trying to avoid the inflation. We are coming down. Not where fed chair Jerome Powell wants could be but nonetheless coming down. How are folks feeling . It misses a pretty good place to get a read. We are on a Santa Cruz Beach boardwalk. To our south of san francisco. It is a popular Tourist Destination for northern california. They tell us they are having a great season. People are here. The area is expanding. They are building new hotels. That is all good. We still have this persistent issue of inflation. They feel it here in santa cruz again. Tell you it is an expensive place to live and work. There are some good news on that front, as well. One of the big drivers of inflation is worker shortage. They really felt here at the boardwalk. Now they say they are showing some signs of an economy that is starting to come into balance. That has definitely changed. When we came out of covid and reopened, we had a challenging time finding employees. A lot of us were out In The Park Working Lads daily to just keep the doors open. This year hiring has been strong. Young people want to work again. Parents want their kids working again. For all the professional fulltime positions, we are finding lots of applicants, as well. We are really in a tricky phase of all of this. The Federal Reserve tries to slow things down, you keep hearing all the talk about a soft landing. Extend the metaphor little bit. Think about a plane coming in for a landing. The closer you get to the runway, the tougher things arent. That is kind of what we are right now. These larger issues in the Debt Downgrade im sure him talk about. What fitch calls deterioration in governance. There is not a big issue still facing the economy in this country. Yasmin . Scott holmes for us. Thank you. Caleb, this talk a little bit about this. We are looking at the Fitch Credit Downgrade happening, of course, what we are getting that third indictment of the former president , obviously. A lot of folks werent necessarily talking about what had happened. Nonetheless, pretty significant stuff. Press secretary piercing the administration strongly disagreed. Dana yelling saying it is arbitrary. I do good this, how significant is this . What is your analysis . Its a little bit like getting a Speeding Ticket in the mail two months after you did the speeding or ran a red light. This is about the fact that there is deteriorating finances, too much spending, too much government spending. And the Governance Park that humans got were just talking about. Now the fact that congressional leaders couldnt agree on the debt ceiling. Especially with the Budget Conversation happening at the end of this year, september 30th. It could be a Government Shutdown there. And the fact that government leaders cannot deal with their finances and we keep spending, that was the reason for the downgrade. Not too significant to me or you are the viewers but the other rating indecency, they are usually gonna fall. Which could be significant. If there is another Government Shutdown and september, another impasse between democrats and republicans, what does that mean . Not much worse could it get . That could get very serious. A Government Shutdown means for the govern employees. No payments going out. They are suspended temporarily for medicare and social security. Potentially, it means more parks are gonna be close. Government offices are gonna be closed. That slows down the economy at a time when the economy is just trying to get back to speed here. Government hiring would be pretty aggressive Government Shutdown me pretty bad for the economy, overall and also another sign that we cannot get our fiscal act together in congress. You have this infighting back and forth between democrats and republicans. That is one of the reasons you have overspending happening, as well. That is one of the reasons. If you look at the overall economy, caleb, i think it is interesting that that doesnt necessarily seem like it is translating, politically, right . We may very well avoid the recession we thought was gonna happen. Inflation, as i mention, its coming down. But, it is not registering with americans across the board when it comes to who should be patted on the back for that. Adams bidenomics. Biden administration. Why do you think that is . I know that the president ial administration always like to take credit for a booming stock market and booming job growth. In fact, this is all part of economic cycle. We came out of a pretty difficult time through covid. The economy responded with very high inflation because Interest Rates were so low. Now that Interest Rates are on the rise the autonomy is sowing but we are still doing a lot of hiring. It is not because of any president ial administration or decisions, but they like to take credit for. That said, the economy is really strong. We have been averaging 300,000 jobs a month for the past 12 months. That is a pretty good sign. Caleb silver, as always, thank you sir. Still ahead, everybody. Defenders of former President Trump claimed the latest charges are in assault on free speech. We will look at how that argument is likely to go over. Plus the good liars join us after talking to Trump Supporters at his arraignment this week. 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They are trying to criminalize the Attorney Client relationship. They are trying to criminalize exercising the First Amendment. It is a rehashing of a bunch of a First Amendment protected activity. Describing things that the president said in the. These are all constitutionally protected activity in which four Husband Trump engaged. Political activities and free speech protected by the First Amendment. Now, it is actually not. I want to bring back constitutional tierney, andrew lead, talk more about this. The memory directly from this indictment. Then have you talk about it. Jack smith writes this in the indictment, the defendant had the right, like every american, to speak publicly about the election. Even a claim, falsely, that there have been outcome Determinative Fraud during the election. And that he had one. What he did not have the right to do, andrew, was to take action to stop the certification of the election. Talk us through the distinction here. Why it is that these political voices feel as if they can mount this defense of the First Amendment . Yasmin, you are reading paragraph three which is a mirror of what jack smith said when he gave his Press Conference after. No one is trying to take away anyones Freedom Of Speech. In fact, the indictment reads that he could falsely claim that there was outcome Determinative Fraud even when there wasnt any. How do we know that this is nonsense . This entire argument is nonsense . Republicans love scalia. Scalia, scalia, he is like a god. Go to u. S. V williams, and you will see the Supreme Court, scalia, explaining conspiracy, incitement. Those are exceptions. Those are legalese. Let me put it in plain, simple, terms. Conspiracy means two people discussing, two or more people, a crime. Talking. It Freedom Of Speech would block that, he would never have any conspiracies. A mob boss orders a hit. Its the mob boss not responsible to the murder because he spoke the words . It is a preposterous statement, yasmin. And plays well with the base but it will be laughed out of court by judge chutkan. I love the slide. The president is not king. And the plaintiffs is not president. Jack smith was obviously very deliberate about the words he chose in this 45page indictment. You talked about inciting the insurrection. One of the notable reasons why he did not charge for president with inciting an interaction is because, a defense, like the First Amendment rights could in fact be mounted. When we read to you to the New York Times and heavy respond. The Special Counsel layered various charges atop the same fact while sidestepping a Free Speech Question by not charging incitement. Can you draw on that a little bit . Explain to folks why that is . Let me tell you what the case is really about. It is really simple stuff. It doesnt have incitement. They dont even talk about it here is what happened. First, the coconspirators we know five of the six. They went to different states. For example, giuliani who we think is the first one, went and spoke to the legislature. He went to the legislature and said, speaker of the house, in arizona, you need to sidestepping voters. You need to change the vote. Ignore them by calling a joint session. The first thing they did is they went to the states and they tried to bully people in the states to change their votes. The second thing they did is they made the fake electors that United States before with fraudulent signings and fraudulent transmissions. The third thing they did, they went to the Vice President said, trump, trump went to Vice President pence. He said, pence. You should change. You have the power. Pence said, absolutely not. Ironically after the Indictment Pence has doubled down on that. Before saying which got what you are saying, jasmine, he leveraged the violence. He did incite violence, thats not what they are charging. They leverage the violence, the chaos, to try to get the decertification. None of this is about words. Its all about actions. It is about conspiracy. Three of the four charges are conspiracy. The only one that is not as obstruction. This is not about speech. This is about actions, yasmin. Andrew lee, thank you so much, appreciate you sticking around. All right, although the former president has already been indicted four times hes troubles may be growing in fast. One warning signed in atlanta, road closures starting monday around the Fulton County courthouse. Theyre expected to last in the two weeks. More Security Barriers going up, as well. Trump and his allies facing a possible State Indictment for trying to overturn the Election Results in georgia. Fulton county d. A. , fani willis, vowing to stick by her plan to make an announcement by september 1st. Are you ready for what is to come in the next couple weeks . We are day greg bluestein, a political reporter from the atlantic political constitution. The author of flipped, of georgia turned purple and broke the republican monopoly. We talked yesterday when the indictment came down. I do not lie. Here we are, yet again, talk to me about the timing your hearing on this thing . It feels like georgia is on the clock right now. Weve been preparing for this indictment for months. Right now we are at the point where, in the next two weeks, likely, in mid august. We will see. You heard fani willis say she is ready to go. We know that there are still a few loose ends to wrap. Up pretrial pre litigation motions that are pending. We know that she has called at least three witnesses that she subpoenaed of the three witnesses to testify before the grand jury. There are still more work behind the scenes what we are expecting it with before september 1st. Explain to everybody what we are looking at when it comes to charges. How that can vary based on what youve seen from the latest Phone Zeidman from jack smith. Specifically about the broad rico charges. Specifically for gangs and what they can used in this situation like this . For starters it will be georgiabased. Well be using federal law. When it comes to the rico conspiracy charges which weve seen used against mafia bosses another, it is a broader statute. It might be easier for prosecutors in georgia 80s the statute to prosecute a bigger group. Then it might be for federal prosecutors that is one reason we think there might be more than donald trump. We saw trumps name in the rules or conspirators he had to be charged in this case we expect, we have to wait and see, but we do expect multiple defendants to be indicted if Bonnie Willis goes forward on this. Because overinterpretation of the use of the rico status here in georgia. A number of folks have testified in front of the Fulton County grand jury. Brad raffensperger, georgia governor brian kemp. Kathy hutchinson. Francis wants. In ruby freeman. What are your expectations when it comes to their participation in a trial when that happens . Also, the participation of half of these, quote unquote, fake electors used in the state of georgia them, when they we are being told, also flipped. All those folks you just mentioned where star witnesses in the special grand jury investigation. When down for about eight months. We expect some of them to be called before trial if the moves forward. You can see Secretary Of State brad ralph lets burger in the Secretary Of State if that moves forward we know that at least eight of them as you mentioned have agreed to have struck deals with prosecutors in exchange for immunity. They could also be key witnesses going forward. There could be a star studded lineup of bonnie with move towards indictment against donald trump and his allies. Greg, we will talk again very soon, thank. You breaking news moments ago. A suspect in the dance of oh she simply was charged with murder. A 17yearold man also faces a Hate Crime Charge as well as criminal possession of a weapon. Sibley was killed last weekend after a confrontation between a group of friends who were dancing to her beyonce song out a mobile station. The attack on sibley, a game, and outrage the lgbtq and the 28yearold posted a Memorial Service is set for this weekend. The fda approves a firstever pill for Postpartum Depression. What that could mean for the women, the one in a women who experienced a series of potentially lifethreatening conditions coming up next. I absolutely wish that this have been an option for me when i was struggling with my Postpartum Depression. I told my husband i didnt want to live anymore. I really believe that he and my daughter would be better off without me. Ess. Mlb partners with tmobile to not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. 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My frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. For one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. One pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. Now to a breakthrough in the fight against Postpartum Depression. The fda announcing, late friday, it has approved the first ever pill that mothers can take it home for treatment. Nbc news is Marissa Powell has more on this. Good to talk to you. There was no treatment of any kind like this until about four years ago. Tell us about this new treatment. This is so different in the one approved in 2019. That one is administered by an iv. It requires hospital admission. The one approved last night by the fda is a complete gamechanger. It is taken by pill, you take it every day for two weeks. There are a couple of things that really set it apart. It is more accessible to women. You can take it home. It is something that works so much quicker. Typically with antidepressants the treatments take weeks, if not months, to see the results. This is something that is supposed to be seen within three days. You should see a difference. This affects so many women. You just mentioned it yourself. Half 1 million women. One in a women are affected by Postpartum Depression and some, way shape or form. For those at home who might be watching who might not know someone affected, we had a chance to speak to someone who was a new mother who told us just how devastating firsthand just put for them to person can be. Listen for yourself. I told my husband didnt want to live anymore. I really believed that he might auto would be better off without me. The more Treatment Options or are, the better. I absolutely wish this had been an option for me when i was struggling with Michael Cohen and depression. A couple of things that i want to talk about how this new drug works. It targets certain parts of the brain that are responsible for behavior, cognition, mood and arousal. There are side effects, of course. Some of the side effects include dizziness, nausea, headache. I do want to talk about the next steps in the questions, if you. Will the trials ran for about 45 days. They are wondering what the long term impacts are meant to be. This is meant to be a short term solution. They are curious about those long term impact will be. They are curious what the impact will be on Breastfeeding Mothers. They did not test on Breastfeeding Mothers. They recommend that Breastfeeding Mothers do not take this. They are looking in for safe ways to research exactly that. This seems to be such an effective way to treat postpone a depression, they are wondering if this can be used, in some capacity, for overall depression. Those are things the next steps here but in terms of when you can see this on the shelves, they said sometime at the end of this year, yasmin. This is something that a lot of people looking forward to as a big gamechanger in the medical world. That is exactly the words i was gonna be. Is having friends at that with Postpartum Depression, as well. It could be huge for so many women. Marissa par for us, thank. You are, representatives for the Writers Guild of america and Hollywood Studios met on friday for the First Time Since the wga strike began. So far, no agreement has been reached and whether or not to resume contract talks. This marks the first time in over three months that the sides have had any discussion. The wga walked out of its Contract Negotiation in early may. Citing disagreements on residuals, salaries, and Artificial Intelligence amongst other issues. Still ahead, the good liars talking to former President Trumps most loyal supporters at his arraignment. Many of which proved to be a case study into how the attempts to subvert the 2020 election succeeded. Do you think that donald trump did harm by saying the election was stolen . I think hes done great to show that it was stolen. We believe that it was stolen. This is a little bit of a case study here. Insurance so you only pay for what you need. You could save 700 dollars just by switching. Ooooh, let me put a reminder on my phone. On the top of the pile oh. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Life, diabetes. Each day is a unique blend of going, doing, and living. Glucerna protein smart with 30 grams of protein to help keep you moving. Uniquely designed with carbsteady to help manage blood sugar response. Glucerna, bring on the day. dad we got our Subaru Forester wilderness to help manage blood sugar response. To discover all of the places that make us feel something more. vo subaru is the National Park foundations largest corporate donor, helping expand access for all. Mr. Clean magic eraser powers through tough messes. So it makes it look like i spent hours cleaning and you know i didnt. It makes my running shoe look like new. Its amazing wow, it makes it look like. I dont have kids at all. Its so good, it makes it look like i have magical powers with 80 less scrubbing, mr. Clean magic eraser makes cleaning easy. Also available in sheets tony hawk skating for over 45 years has taken a toll on my body. I take Qunol Turmericr because it helpseasy. With healthy joints and inflammation support. Why qunol . It has superior absorption compared to regular turmeric. Qunol. The brand i trust. Sometimes, the lows of Bipolar Depression feel darkest before dawn. With caplyta, theres a chance to let in the lyte. Caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across Bipolar Depression. Unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. And in clinical trials, Movement Disorders and weight gain were not common. Call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. Antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. Elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. Report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be life threatening or permanent. These arent all the serious side effects. Caplyta can help you let in the lyte. Ask your doctor about caplyta. Find savings and support at caplyta. Com. It was quite a scene on thursday. I was at the d. C. Courthouse as President Trump entered and left his arraignment with a small crowd of supporters behind him. I was not the only one. Our friends, the good liars, where theyre trying to hit the trump faithful with some knowledge. Listen to this. What do you think is more likely . Do you think it is more likely that all the attorney general, and Secretary Of State, election officials, the Career Officials are corrupt, or trump is corrupt . No comment, dude, im done, done, i see where you are leading here, man. Which one is more likely . Im not a Tattoo Station . They had a lot of different aspects, but you know, it is a total fraud. Do you think it is the most likely thing, that there was a giant conspiracy, or maybe that donald trump told everyone to be there On January 6th and to be wild. Certainly. What do you think the most likely thing is . Most of the americans voted for trump. So being that way he got the most votes except for joe biden, who had 7 million more. No, joe biden got votes from dead people. You know they investigated that and they didnt find any evidence of that . They found. The people are above the investigations, they are cutting the investigations and not allowing them to go through. I agree this does not make sense. It is a total circus. And you know, it is so interesting, jason, especially that last guy you just talk to, because that is exactly what ive been thinking this whole time in that, you know, these individuals, these are trump faithful. The guys that show up, we should be clear, the guys who show up at a Trump Arraignment are different than the swing voter trump activists who go to a trump rally. You are talking to the devoted through and through. But these are not individuals who are going to sit down and read a 45page indictment and believe anything in it. Despite in the very page of that address, that Conspiracy Theory that he just talked about with dead people voting, they put it out there and they told the truth. Yet, this individual will still repeat that. Yeah, it is hard to not feel sad for the state of the country right now. I think we have a good percentage of the country that believes the 2020 election was stolen, simply because donald trump could not deal with the fact that he lost. He was the loser of the 2020 election. His whole personality on being a winner, calling people losers, he couldnt deal with the fact that he was a loser so now our country is in terrible shape because of his ego. I think that he has proved over and over again he doesnt have the intelligence or temperament to be president , and i think it is ironic that donald trump is calling this, these indictments, the election, interference because that is what we are talking about, interfering with an election, that is what was happening On January 6th. He said that there was widespread voter fraud. He said the election was stolen and it wasnt and he brought a mob of people to d. C. On january 6th and they literally interfered with the certification of the election. So yes, donald trump, there was election interference. But it was done by you. This is not the election interference, it was you who did the election interference. I want to play another exchange that you had fairly colorful exchange, i should say, which ended rather interestingly. Lets watch that. Why do you believe he won . He won. The evidence shows he won. What is the evidence . There is a lot. Like what . There is a lot. Name one thing. Theres so much. There is a lot of evidence that the election was stolen. Name one thing. There was a lot. Bottom line, election stolen. You didnt say one thing. Like i said, if you have another question, you can ask them. I have no more, [laughter] i feel like you get a lot of that. I mean i will say, i will say, i saw these two here, i saw them at the arraignment, and i was humbled because someone came up to us and said can i get a picture with you . And i said well, i stepped aside and i had them take a picture of me. And jason was nice enough to be like well, she is on msnbc. But of course, she wanted a picture with me. But but the point of what i am saying is, people are catching on to what you guys are doing. Whether or not this guy actually knew, he was catching on to the fact that you are trying to do that. And then he reacted. I think to some degree, we try to press people with very fair questions and give them a chance to answer. I thought this one was exceedingly fair. If you put on your maga hat, and showed up to this thing, you might have one thing to say about why the election was stolen. Why you were so sure the election was stolen, but he couldnt pull that one thing out. I thought that was super fair. It just feels like, you know, maga leadership, donald trump, they are all treating this portion of americans like they are babies. Like they dont understand object permanence. Like maybe january 6th, this whole stealing of the election didnt happen because it is not happening in this exact moment, and it is actually working. People think none of this really happened. It is nice to kind of watch that same question over and over, it was a very fair one, and maybe he felt like he was getting ahead of it but he really never came up with an answer. Except that answer that he thought was maybe the best one. I know that you guys took some pictures outside the capital as well while we were there, because you are there On January 6th like i was as well. I kind of had a moment like this one sat differently for me than the other arraignments because of the fact that we were literally standing across the street from where some of this crime took place. The attack on the capitol. And being there was kind of, it was pretty incredible, i think, and seeing the former president show up there and be arraigned, being held accountable for those actions, what was that like for you . Did you have that moment at all . Definitely. We made a point to go to the capitol and go to the exact spot outside where we were when we saw the crowd. The mob, i should say, Trump Supporters break through the capitol police, and storm the capitol, and it is something that has stuck with me. We talked about it before but the bengals we heard that day, the violence we saw that day, its stuck with us. And it is scary. To see a good portion of the country thank it wasnt a big deal, it really was hard to take. Yeah. What about you . It is incredible to see this, i guess battle all over, you know, the truth over information, i think the three of us were there so we saw it happen and we know it happened. To just apply this to Everything Else we see politically when there are two sides, this happened, it was on video, but we were there to see it. It was extraordinary to see it play out as if there are two sides to this one. So it serves that maybe theres consequences for doing Something Like that. It was a full circle moment, to say the least. Thank you. That wraps it up for me everybody, i am yasmin, i will be back tomorrow at two pm eastern. Simone starts right now. Greetings everyone, you are watching symone, we are following breaking developments on how the Special Counsel and judge are responding to a defiant and breath inning new social media post, and former president donald trump. If you watch with, me i am coming for you. This, after pleading not guilty to criminal charges of trying to overturn the 2020 election. We are trying to look at why this

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