Transcripts For MSNBCW Chris 20240704 :

MSNBCW Chris July 4, 2024

Space command headquarters are staying put in colorado. Its a huge loss for republican senator from alabama who has single handedly blocked all of joe bidens military nominees. And for american fans who didnt wake up at 3 00 a. M. To see the u. S. Womens soccer team, well go to new zealand to see how fans are handling that overnight, may i say, painful, heartbreaking draw. Our nbc News Reporters are following all the latest developments. Lets start at the d. C. Courthouse with ryan riley. Whats the latest . Reporter were very closely watching to see what activity we can suss out this afternoon. The indictment would have to be returned in open court. Not necessarily by name. So they could simply read out loud that indictment has been returned. U. S. Versus dt in this situation or djt. So thats sort of what were looking for. Going around, checking those doors to see whats happening. The chief judge can have this or can be the on duty federal Magistrate Judge. The on duty judge is usually the person who receives it. Right now, she is in ongoing initial appearances for just over defendants working their way through the system here. So were keeping an eye on that courtroom to see whether she ends up going somewhere else or what exactly happens when those initial appearances usually wrap up, which happens usually within sometime within the next hour. We could see in the 3 00 hour some potential returns. I think that thats when were really, really going to be focused on this. To see what exactly is happening at the courthouse and if there is indeed going to be a really historic investigation launched and an historic indictment returned against the former president of the united states. Ryan riley at the courthouse, thank you so much. Right now, police are searching for a 17yearold suspect in connection with the Stabbing Death of a gay man who was dancing at a brooklyn gas station. Antonia hilton is here for us. What happened and what more can you tell us about the man hunt . This man hunt is underway for the 17yearold but were also learning more about what happened late on saturday night. Oshea was out with friends at the gas station in brooklyn, dancing, goofing off, celebrating to beyonces latest album, when suddenly a group of men approached them, Hurling Anti Lgbtq slurs and demanding they stop dancing. According to friends, thats when he stepped forward and tried to stand up for himself and his friends and tell them that being gay was not bad. Thats when the fight ensued and he ended up being stabbed according to authorities who suspect the 17yearold of committing this crime that has sent these shock waves through the community here in new york. Ive been speaking to people all day who have been grieving the loss of oshea who was in the underground dance scene but also in the professional dance scene through programs at alvin aily and his hometown of philly. As people grieve, theyre pointing to these Larger National concerns. In particular, glad and the Antidefamation League have been pointing out that since june of 2022, there have been more than 350 recorded incidents of harassment and assaults against lgbtq people. Another organization has tracked an average of about 39 anti lgbtq protests happening across the country every month now. Thats up from a previous average of just three of those kinds of protests each month. So they are pointing to a climate, an environment here. For a while now, Advocacy Groups have been warning this kind of rhetoric, the conversation, the plitization would transfer to violence in real life and now theyre looking at his death at an example of their greatest fears. We expect there will be vigils for him later this weekend and people are waiting minute by minute for more updates by authorities as they search for the suspect. What a horrific and senseless loss. Thank you. Now to that escalating battle between President Biden and alabamas senior senator and what it has to do with Space Command. Mike memoli is live from delaware. So whats happening . Well, chris, as the white house announced its decision yesterday that they were going to keep Space Command where its been in colorado springs, colorado, you would expect the kind of swift and severe condemnation from alabama republicans like senator tuberville who called this a blatantly political decision. Of course, the white house sparring already with him over the issue of Military Promotions hes holding up over Abortion Policy. I thought it was interesting to see criticism coming from a fellow democrat, terry sewell, saying this was a decision putting politics over merit. Saying she expected more from the biden administration. What the white house is saying, we remember of course the white house ordered a review of the trump decisions to move Space Command to alabama last fall. And as they were making this decision public, what were hearing from the pentagon as well as this morning from john kirby, a spokesperson from the National Security council was that there was only one factor driving the administrations decision here and that it was operational readiness. The decision that if they had to uproot it, this isnt an overnight operation, in a decade to alabama, that could disrupt readiness of this force at a time when space has emerged as a real emerging battlefield with china. That this is really the explicit explanation from the white house, that there are concerns that china would have a competitive advantage. We should note there was some concern, some reporting in fact that Abortion Policy played a factor here. There was concern that moving this Space Command to alabama would hurt Recruitment Efforts because of alabamas new restrictive Abortion Policy. The white house also saying that this was not a factor in this final decision, chris. Thank you for that. Now to the close call for the u. S. Womens soccer team at the world cup. Molly hunter is in new zealand and she has the highlights from that nail biter. Reporter this Late Night Party shouldnt fool you. The u. S. Fans are not happy with this 00 result. A tie is good enough to move on. Not exactly though the game they wanted. Take a look. Thats going to do it. Wow is all we can say. In the 61st minute, she tries to come to her teams rescue, injecting energy into a u. S. Team in need of a jolt. Still 00 and a heart stopping 90th minute. Cocaptain alex morgan with a shot at gold. Seconds later, portugal hitting the post. Both sides battle to the end sending in subs with two just two minutes to go. Through much of the match, rose leading the offensive charge. Again. And again. But the u. S. Not finding the net. The 28yearold midfielder starting for the first time this tournament after recovering from an injury earlier this spring, getting handed her second yellow card in as many matches, which means shes out for the next one. Disciplined myself to not pick up the yellow and not help the team next game. The u. S. Has started the same 11 players the last two games and tonight, veterans were setting the pace. Going out there, i feel like im confident and my teammates are able to look at me and know im going to bring something and know im going to you know, give everything. And in another game this morning, the Netherlands Landing a 70 final score and securing their top seed of the group. The u. S. Team looking disappointed in that postgame huddle. But the die hard u. S. Fans are determined. The amount of stress i had every single time they were right in front of the goal and i was like, yes, yes, yes. Now next up for the u. S. Team is going to be facing off against sweden in melbourne. They have five days before that game. When we spoke with meghan before that game, she says this team needs to analyze, look at all that footage, and really take these five days to focus in on how they show up as a Stronger Team going forward. Back to you. Thank you. Still ahead, the City Of Atlanta bracing for a possible Trump Indictment in the Georgia Election probe. What the d. A. Has to say about conducting her investigation at the same time as jack smith. E s. Have fun, sis cant stop adding stuff to your cart . Get the Bank Of America customized cash rewards card, choose the Online Shopping category and earn 3 cash back. Subways now slicing their meats fresh. Thats why soccer pros like me profer the grand slam ham. And this rookie pro. Profers fresh sliced turkey. And if we profer it, we know youll prefer it too. Glad you made the cut. You mean slice . Seriously . From prom dresses. To workouts. And new adventures. You hope the more you give the less theyll miss. But even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past. They may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. Although uncommon, up to 1 in 5 survivors of meningitis will have long term consequences. Now as youre thinking about all the vaccines your teen might need, make sure you ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. Its a Split Screen Waiting Game for jack smith to move on possible charges in d. C. Where the grand jury is now in session and Fulton County for the decision against donald trump and others in georgia. Barriers are up in atlanta. Just one sign of heightened security. Of course, no one knows exactly when the decision will drop or collide with jack smiths election interference case. But take a listen to the d. A. I dont know what jack smith is doing and jack smith doesnt know what im doing. In all honesty, if he was standing next to me, im not sure id know who he was. My guess is he cant even pronounce my name correctly. I want to bring in Blaine Alexander and charlie sykes. Lisa ruben is an msnbc legal analyst. I guess theres a difference, lisa, between coordinating and communicating. What do you think is going on between jack smith and fani willis . I agree theres a difference between coordinating and communicating but in this case, i actually dont think either one is happening. I really do think that fani willis and the Department Of Justice are pursuing their investigations on separate tracks. Once either one of them or both indicts, do i think there will be some sort of communication . Probably. I do think there will be communications between and among the various prosecutors here to try and determine a schedule. In particular, alvin bragg, manhattan d. A. , last week said to a New York Public Radio show host that just because he was the first to charge doesnt necessarily mean hell stand on ceremony and insist that his case be first to be tried. Thats the order in which it is now. It sounds to me like hed welcome a call from the Department Of Justice or at least be open to it. My sense is that fani willis will do the same after her grand jury or grand juries indict in her investigation. Okay. We are just getting a report from the d. C. I want to make sure i have it, to my text messages. So the grand jury has been seen leaving. So they are done for the day. What does that tell us . That theyre going home because they expect to see another witness at another time. But i think in light of everything that were hearing, thats increasingly unlikely. I think theyre going home because theyre done. Chances are that they have voted on a true bill of indictment and we should be looking to see whether the foreperson of the grand jury is entering a Magistrate Judge or district judges courtroom right now to hand up that indictment. And begin the process. Charlie, what are you looking for in this indictment . Whether or not theres new evidence, material. Whether or not jack smith makes it a speaking indictment. I think its, it would be naive to think this is going to move Donald Trumps poll numbers. But at this point, the venue is now shifting from politics into the courtroom and this is the big one. This is the indictment that we have been waiting for since january 6th and i think probably will overshadow everything that has come before. I want to step back for a minute, charlie, and remind people what donald trump said about a candidate who faces charges. He was referencing Hillary Clinton back in november of 2016. Take a listen. If she were to win this election, it would create an unprecedented constitutional crisis. In that situation, we could very well have a sitting president under Felony Indictment and ultimately a criminal trial. Should we anticipate that there will be lets say a different take if that happens here . Weve already had an indictment happen but whats your take on what we just heard, charlie . Well, that was then and this is now. What donald trump said about classified documents in 2016 and what hes saying now is rather telling as well as that. Look, all of these positions are very situational. And weve seen people turn on a dime. Weve seen republicans change their standards immediately when it comes to donald trump. So dont be surprised if you have a quote that is say exactly the opposite. Trump had a point back in 2016. We have Uncharted Waters now. The possibility of a president ial candidate being indicted, possibly a convicted felon, taking the oath of office while out on bail or wearing an ankle bracelet. It is very, very possible. Even if he is convicted, he can still run and serve. Something the founders never imagined was possible. I have no doubt. While we wait to see what is happening, if anything indeed is going to come out of the courthouse in d. C. , blaine, i know theres a lot of concern about security. What might happen if an indictment were to come down from fani willis. What are we expecting to hear from the local sheriff today . Its a similar waiting game down here in georgia, chris, in that we know were inside that threeweek period. But we know that this investigation has been going on for quite some time. Two and a half years. Almost the entirety of the time there have been a number of threats that have come into Fulton County. So we are going to ask the sheriff about what theyre going to mitigate them. What sort of intelligence theyre getting as they prepare for potential indictments in this case. It also comes at a time when just over the weekend, fani willis sent another warning to county individuals. We just obtained an email this morning that was sent to fani willis, rather sent by willis to a number of County Commissioners where she forwards a piece of hate mail she received from an Anonymous Sender Last week. I want to read you a little bit of that. A lot of the words i cant say on tv. It was a very quick email. But they call her the n word. They use another word i cant say. Describe her as a pro democrat and whats really striking was that she writes in her email to commissioners this is not unique. Its not very unique. Its pretty typical and what ive come to expect. So when you kind of look at that in the context of what is likely going to happen here in Fulton County over the next few weeks, we know security is heightened. We know weve seen the orange barricades around the courtroom and thats likely only going to increase as the days get closer, chris. Thank you so much for that, blaine. Ive read that email, its disgusting. Lisa, witnesses are still being subpoenaed there in georgia, including a journalist who stumbled into a meeting of alternate republican electors. This was in the georgia capital, december 2020. He wrote a column in which he said quote, when i asked what kind of gathering they were having, they told me it was an education meeting. As it turns out, Donald Trumps Election Team had sent an email because i was lied to and thrown out. It confirmed that legislators were acting in secret. He says he already testified a year ago. Now hes being asked to testify twice more in front of both dwrand juries operating in Fulton County. What does all that tell you . Its not clear to me whether george based on his timeline testified before the Special Grand Jury that released its report. It mae be they need to therefore call him back because he wasnt seen by that Special Grand Jury and therefore those voting on an indictment need to hear his firsthand account and seeing a bunch of fake electors do what is required under georgia law, which is to meet in the capitol and vote and sign that certificate which they tried to do but obviously did not succeed. So charlie, polling, we saw this yesterday, theyve shown trumps legal troubles have not hurt him. May have helped him in the primary race. Hes so far ahead. But take a listen to what one desantis supporter said. He said weve got to find some judge in florida that will indict desantis quick to close this indictment gap. Anytime someone is being persecuted, their camp rallies to their defense. We have charlie frozen. One more question as we are waiting for these indictments. We started with the whole idea of the communication versus coordination what would you expect if we see an indictment come down today from jack smith. Are we going in order here . Are we going in order . Thats an interesting question. I dont think there is any order and part of what i think its important for us to convey to our viewers is that a, this is unprecedented and b, there are no rules. If jack smith charges first and w

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