Transcripts For MSNBCW Chris 20240704 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW Chris 20240704

our nbc news reporters are following all of the latest developments, and we begin with that court appearance in florida for carlos de oliveira. nbc's ken dilanian following all the latest developments for us. ken, break down what happened in the courtroom and what's going to happen between now and next week. >> reporter: good afternoon, chris. mr. de oliveira made his first appearance in federal court to answer for these charges but wasn't able to enter a plea or have an arraignment because he didn't have local counsel licensed to practice in the southern district of florida. so he will have to come back and do that. the real significance of this case is not really mr. de oliveira who's a low-level employee at mar-a-lago. it's that this new superseding indictment makes an extraordinary allegation against the former president, alleging that he conspired to destroy evidence that was under a grand jury subpoena. it says essentially he ordered these two low-level employees, nauta and deol' oliveira, to go down to florida and make these surveillance tapes disappear. that's something that not even richard nixon was accused of. and the superseding indictment also says that classified war plans which are believed to include plans for a military attack on iran, the government has that document that was described in the original indictment that donald trump said didn't exist but that the government says he was waving around, he was talking on tape and showing to people who were not cleared to see it. so this superseding indictment is a big, big advance in this case. it makes it as much about obstruction of justice as it is about classified documents. and now we see whether this case can get to trial before the 2024 election, chris. >> ken dilanian, thank you. now to moscow and sobering images of a drone attack as ukraine brings the war deep into russian territory. nbc news chief foreign correspondent richard engel is following this story for us. richard, what exactly happened and how is russia responding? >> reporter: so what exactly happened is a little bit difficult to know. we know that on sunday morning just around 4:00 in the morning there were two loud explosions in the financial district in moscow. now, this is a small part right in the center of the city of high-rise skyscrapers, glass towers. not an area that would be very crowded at 4:00 in the morning. clearly a business district. the two explosions happened. now, russian authorities say there were three drones involved in this attack. russia blamed the ukrainian -- ukrainians for carrying it out. and russia said that it managed to jam or intercept or interrupt two of the drones in moscow and stop a third one on the outskirts of the city. but it's not clear if that's an exaggeration by russia, that it is claiming success, because clearly drones did get through, did explode, leave damage that was identifiable and clearly recognizable. this is a different kind of attack than the previous ones we've seen. but what's most unique about this is for the first time the ukrainians aren't just flatly denying it, with president zelenskyy overnight saying that the war is moving to russia, that this is a natural progression and it is in his words wholly justified. >> richard engel, thank you for that. in haiti, meantime, the race is on to find an american nurse and her child who were kidnapped near the capital city of port-au-prince. nbc's monica elba is following this for us. monica, what's the latest? >> reporter: well, this is in relation to an american nurse from new hampshire, chris, named alix dorsainvil and her young daughter. both of them had been living in haiti for some time, working very closely with a non-profit organization. and alix, this nurse, had been working as a school and community nurse for years, saying that she had worked tirelessly with many members of the community there specifically for year, considering haiti her home. but it comes as there has really been an uptick in these violent kidnappings as the country has seen its own incredible political turmoil. and really this has been a humanitarian crisis now as we have seen this gang violence continue to affect americans. it was last -- a couple of years ago that 17 missionaries were taken hostage. some of them were released. later others were able to flee their captors. but the white house and state department are both closely monitoring what is happening with these two u.s. citizens, os about the fact that they have been abducted but not saying much more beyond working with the partners you would expect. here's a little more from the state department briefing just a couple of minutes ago. >> we are aware of the reports that two u.s. citizens were kidnapped in haiti. obviously the safety and security of american citizens overseas is our highest priority. we are in regular contact with the haitian authorities and will continue to work with them. >> reporter: and over the last couple years the u.s. has given several travel warnings to americans not to go to haiti. and coincidentally, on the day that alix and her daughter were kidnapped last week they issued a statement issuing and really encouraging any non-essential personnel to leave haiti at this time. so the u.s. officials very clear on the danger, the risks, the heightened situation there for americans. but the non-profit organization that alix was working with put out their own statement over the weekend saying that this was somebody who wanted to be in haiti, who has dedicated her life to working tirelessly to help the people of haiti and that it's something that she would like to continue to do as all of these different authorities work to hopefully get her and her daughter safely released in the days or weeks to come. chris? >> monica alba, thank you. in washington the battle to reform the supreme court is once again ramping up. nbc's gary grunback joins me now. a top democratic senator is taking issue with some recent comments from justice samuel alito. what did he have to say? >> reporter: yeah, this all began when a "wall street journal" opinion page came out. it was an interview with justice samuel alito. and he said that congress does not have the ability to regulate the supreme court. this is the same justice samuel alito who was under fire over the past few months because of his relationships, perhaps inappropriate, with gop mega donors including harlan crow. and the idea of some sort of supreme court code of ethics has really swept through congress and really through the country in terms of what people want to see out of the supreme court. and that really obviously, as you can imagine, really irked some democratic lawmakers as well. chris murphy got on the sunday shows this weekend. here's what he had to say. >> first of all, it's just stunningly wrong. and he should know that more than anyone else because his seat on the supreme court exists only because of an act passed by congress. it is congress that establishes the number of justices on the supreme court. it is congress that has passed in the past requirements for justices to disclose certain information. and so it is just wrong on the facts to say that congress doesn't have anything to do with the rules guiding the supreme court. in fact, from the very beginning congress has set those rules. >> reporter: now, there's talking about it on the sunday shows and then there's actually doing something about it. but that comes down to three things. the will power to do it, the margins to do it which they may or may not have here in congress, and then the schedule. congress is now out for the next month. in september they're going to be dealing with a number of items including most importantly perhaps funding the government by september 30th. and then the supreme court gets back in session in october. i find it hard to believe that a code of ethics will be instituted midterm. chris? >> gary grumback, thank you for that. coming up in 60 seconds, former president trump calling on republicans to rally around him as his legal troubles mount. but then marches out on stage to this. ♪ one could end up going to prison ♪ ♪♪ ♪ one just might be president ♪ power e*trade's easy-to-use tools, like dynamic charting and risk-reward analysis help make trading feel effortless. and its customizable scans with social sentiment help you find and unlock opportunities in the market. e*trade from morgan stanley. with powerful, easy-to-use tools, power e*trade makes complex trading easier. react to fast-moving markets with dynamic charting and a futures ladder that lets you place, flatten, or reverse orders so you won't miss an opportunity. e*trade from morgan stanley i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. thanks to skyrizi, i'm on my way with clearer skin. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. nothing on my skin means everything! ♪ nothing is everything ♪ ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. with new legal peril looming donald trump is making threats and taking names, trying to squelch any notion republicans might have of backing down or backing someone else. >> any republican that doesn't act on democrat fraud should be immediately primaried. and get out. out. they have to play tough. and they have to be -- and honestly, if they're not willing to do it we've got a lot of good tough republicans around that people are growing to run against them and people are going to win and they're going to get my endorsement every single time. >> well, if there was any question about whether republicans are on trump's side, listen to challenger will hurd. one of the few republicans who dare to challenge the former president. speaking in iowa last week. >> donald trump is running to stay out of prison. and if we elect -- [ boos ] i know. i know. i know. i know. listen, i know the truth -- the truth is hard. >> i want to bring in brendan buck, former aide to republican house speakers paul ryan and john boehner. he's also an msnbc political analyst. katherine christian is the former assistant d.a. at the manhattan district attorney's office and an msnbc legal analyst. so brendan, what's your takeaway from those boos? we heard boos before when in front of the faithful trump has been criticized. but particularly trump again reiterating that the litmus test for republicans should be whether they push his lies about the election and so-called democratic fraud. >> and that is the kind of thing that gets members of congress's attention. you can be sure when he says stuff like that, you're a rank-and-file member of the house, you're going to think about that. you don't want a primary. he alone has that kind of weight, that he can throw it around and push people around. and it's been very successful. and it's part of why he has had that chorus of people backing him up. now, look, will hurd got booed at an event where donald trump was speaking. so that's not terribly surprising. donald trump was also at that dinner. a lot of trump supporters there. i think the rest of the candidates there should be thanking will hurd for having a little bit of the courage to do that. it was one after the other, the more top tier challengers at that dinner, they basically ignored the person who is beating them by 30 points. and then surprise surprise at the end of the dinner donald trump gets up and he attacks other people. that's what he does. it's working for him. i think some of these other candidates should learn a lesson. donald trump is not going to implode. these indictments have not led to him blowing up. you have to chip away at him. and it starts by doing uncomfortable things. will hurd did it there. i don't know that will hurd is necessarily a top-tier candidate at this point. but if other people did that they could start changing things. on the current course they're not going to change. >> on the other side of it, katherine, vivek ramaswamy dismissed the importance of the latest charges. he basically said they're part of a process crime. i want to play what he had to say. >> i think that our general norm in our justice department is you should not convict somebody of a process crime when there was no actual underlying crime. so i v i think that's a major -- >> you think destroying evidence is a process crime? >> i think it is by definition a process crime. nobody left, right, any legal scholar will agree with me on that statement. that is by definition a process crime. a crime that would not have existed but for the existence of an investigation. >> can you help us unpack that? >> well, the definition of a process crime are crimes against the judicial system. so i think this candidate is saying we should do away with lying under oath, which is perjury. that shouldn't be a crime. intentional disobedience of a court order. that's criminal contempt. he's saying i guess that shouldn't be a crime. interfering with an official proceeding. that's obstruction of justice. so process crimes are crimes that go to the heart of the judicial system. so if you got rid of perjury and criminal contempt and you got rid of obstruction of justice and destroying evidence, i see that would be a very big problem for the criminal justice system in this country. >> yeah. when you talk about this sort of chipping away for people who are not vivek ramaswamy, brendan, there's nikki haley, chris christie with his take on the new charges against not just trump but the two others in the documents case. here's what he said. >> it's pretty brazen. these guys were acting like the corleones with no experience. i mean, the day after a grand jury subpoena is served which includes the surveillance tapes they go down to mar-a-lago and walt nauta appears to be the fredo of this family. they send him to go down there. and they send him to go and delete it. >> while i think he was the right president at the right time, you know, earlier and while i think his policies were good, i don't think he's the right president at the right time going forward. i think we've got to move forward. otherwise, we will have a general election that's doing nothing but dealing with lawsuits. >> look, critics have been saying for a while that that is exactly what opponents of trump need to do. you just described this sort of chipping away. but honestly, honestly brendan, does that get them anywhere? >> not all at once. but i think over time -- look, i think donald trump is by far the most likely person to win the nomination and that was the case to begin with. but i can tell you is if you sit around and do nothing he's absolutely going to be the nominee. ron desantis, for example, is giving a speech -- or gave a speech today on the economy. that's great. that's a nice thing that you should do if you're running for president. but you know what would probably get a little more attention? giving a speech that articulates the reason why you don't think donald trump should be the nominee. at some point all of them need to be articulating that. it's not early in this race anymore. yeah. like little things here and there are probably not going to change the trajectory of this race overnight. but you've got to start somewhere. you've all got to jump in. and anybody that's trying to do some self-preservation, which it feels like a lot of them are, are doing nothing but helping donald trump. >> when you talk about, katherine, the idea of what constitutes a crime, when you talk about the majority of other republicans who are running for president who are consistently defending donald trump, is there a larger danger here in dismissing essentially a legal process that has not played itself out? >> well, first of all, he's innocent till proven guilty. absolutely. but the charges are so serious. so to say that a process crime, that obstructing justice is not a serious crime, that trying to destroy evidence wanted by a federal grand jury is not a serious crime, you can say this person is innocent until proven guilty. however, the charges are very serious and the facts if they are true are very serious. so to just sort of pooh-pooh them i find, you know, problematic. >> do you think there's any indication from what we hear, not just from, again, the majority of republican candidates but the crowds that go to these events, of what a jury might be thinking, though, and the hill that might need to be climbed by some of these prosecutors? >> i think clearly what mr. trump is doing is going for jury nullification. so he's hoping he'll get that -- defense attorneys always say i want that one juror, that one juror who will not listen to the law as instructed by the court, who will not follow the facts, and has come in there and has decided you know, whether he's guilty or not, i'm going to vote not guilty. or if i believe he's not guilty i'm going to vote guilty. you don't want that jury either. so i think it's really about jury nullification. >> catherine christian, always great to have you here. brendan buck, you as well. thank you guys. appreciate it. and still ahead, nbc goes one on one with the israeli prime minister as protests continue to flare in that country. what does benjamin netanyahu have to say to accusations his plans for the courts will create a civil war? ill create a civil war? 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"the new york times" is describing the moment as a flashing red light for israel, noting that in recent decades attempts to weaken the court around the world have become recurring signals that democracy is in trouble. nbc's raf sanchez was able to ask prime minister netanyahu about that directly. also with us, rick stengel, phenomenoner undersecretary of state for public diplomacy and public affairs and an msnbc political analyst. so raf, what else did bibi netanyahu have to tell you? >> well, chris, this was a ride-ranging interview. but i wanted to start by asking the prime minister about the deep divisions in the country he leads. those divisions have been on full display every week for the last six months, on the streets here in jerusalem and tel aviv, other cities, with these mass protests as ordinary israelis try to stop the prime minister's plan to weaken the supreme court. those divisions have gotten so severe that a poll last week found 56% of israelis fear their country may be heading toward civil war. and i wanted to ask the prime minister about that. take a listen. >> prime minister, you successfully passed the first part of your legislation, but only after six months of mass protests that have left this country so divided israel's president has actually warned of the danger of civil war. was it worth it? >> there won't be civil war. i guarantee you that. but i think that correcting the imbalance in israel's democracy where the judiciary has basically air gated to itself nearly all the powers of the executive branch and the legislature, yes, i think it is important to do it. i think when the dust settles people will see that israel's democracy has been strengthened and not weakened. >> now, chris, that is kind of the core of the prime minister's argument, that these were necessary reforms to take power out of the hands of unelected judges, put it back in the hands of elected politicians. the protesters, though, are not convinced. they remain on the streets even after the first part of the legislation went through. i also had a chance to ask him about the sort of turbulent period in u.s.-israeli relations. president biden appealed to the prime minister on the eve of that vote last week not to push ahead. he asked him to seek consensus. the prime minister pushed ahead anyway. the white house calling that vote unfortunate because it passed on a party line. now, the president has also been critical of the composition of netanyahu's government, the inclusion of far right members of his cabinet, the national security minister has criminal convictions for inciting racism, for supporting a terrorist organization. you played a little bit of prime minister netanyahu's response when i asked him about the president's criticism. he basically said he is the one leading the government and he is leading it on a sensible, moderate path. now, the president and the prime minister are going to have a chance to sit down face to face later this year in the united states. but even that is becoming a source of tension. the prime minister told us that as far as he is concerned he is invited to the white house, to the oval office. the white house is not confirming that. they are saying no location for this meeting has been confirmed yet. it's possible this could happen on the sidelines of the united nations where the president meets with dozens of prime ministers. that would not be as high-profile as an oval office sit-down. so chris, just the fact that the presidents of the united states, the prime minister of israel can't seem to get on the same page even about the timing and location of a meeting shows you that this is a strained moment in the history of the relationship. >> a critical moment and an important interview. raf sanchez, thank you for bringing it to us. so rick, let me ask you about one of the comments we just heard from the prime minister, that when all of this is over israel will be just as democratic as it was before and even more democratic. your take. >> well, chris, in israel and in the united states and in most western democracies the judiciary is the check on executive power. i think the millions of israelis that are protesting see the judiciary as one of the only antidotes and one of the only ways of preserving democracy in israel with the head of the executive branch who has autocratic tendencies and who is the defendant in a corruption trial that will eventually reach the supreme court. this is a guardrail that democracy shouldn't overwhelm, and that's what the people are afraid of. >> that "new york times" story i referenced earlier cites examples like hungary, india, brazil, arguing that how judges respond to attacks on their independence help decide whether would-be autocrats prevailed in constraining the courts. where do you see this going in israel? >> well, it's happening all over the world, chris. as you mentioned, there's been a democracy recession over the last 20 years with more countries in the world becoming less democratic than countries that are becoming autocratic. israel is a symptom of that. we're a symptom of that. i hope that in israel it could be worked out amicably. i mean, what i don't understand is netanyahu not trying to figure out a way to actually have a kind of compromise. i would say he's never missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity. and he did here. so i don't think it will result in civil war, but it seems to me there's an actually pretty decent compromise available there. >> and as we talk about the global concerns, rick, you have this coup attempt in niger, another democracy that's teetering on the edge right now. protesters there attacked the french embassy yesterday. a lot of them we saw waving russian flags. they were chanting pro-putin messages. now west african leaders are threatening military intervention. what are your concerns as you're watching this unfold? >> well, what's sad about it, chris, and why it complements what we're talking about about the worldwide democratic recession is this was the first free and democratic election that niger has had since it became independent from france in 1960 and now it's been overwhelmed by a military coup. that's not a good indicator for around the world. the western african leaders, the african version of nato have all condemned this and want to have some kind of peaceable reconciliation, which i still hope can happen. >> rick stengel, it is always good to have you on the program. thank you, my friend. appreciate it. and at least 45 people were killed, more than 100 injured in a suicide bombing in pakistan. the explosion occurred during a rally on sunday held by supporters of a hard-line cleric and political leader. no one has claimed responsibility for the attack. but isis is known to operate across the border in afghanistan. the pakistani government has vowed to hunt down those responsible. and still ahead, new evidence of trump's iron grip on the gop. the brand new poll that shows even republicans who think he's a criminal would rather back him than the other candidates. subway's now slicing their meats fresh. that's why soccer pros like me profer the grand slam ham. and this rookie prefers fresh sliced turkey. perfect for when you're subbed out of the game. and if we profer it, we know you'll prefer it too. nothing better than a sub, sub. to you? 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because if you look at two of the key numbers in this poll, brendan, 71% of republican voters still believe that president trump has not committed any serious crimes. and what i said earlier, even republicans who think he is a criminal would rather back him than other candidates. so what do you do with that? >> well, certainly there are going to be people who no matter what donald trump does are going to vote for him. i think a lot of people don't think he committed a crime because people like ron desantis are running interference for him and trying to make excuses for what happened here. so yeah, it's a big hill to climb. but look, the other thing i found really interesting about this poll, a question that asked about attributes of the candidates. and they found that by 54 to 16 people think donald trump is more fun than ron desantis. and politics for a long time now has been about entertainment. and donald trump is just a much better entertainer. and i think ron desantis is running basically a trump-like campaign but being far less entertaining in the process. at some point you have to realize you have to give voters what they want. and donald trump is just very good at that. he'll always be able to sort of outflank you on the entertainment. that's why i think ron desantis's best play is talking about competence. there are attributes in there that people actually trust in ron desantis. they do think he's more moral. they do think he's more likable. lean into those things and try to use them to your advantage. and thus far he's not been doing that. >> can you do that, though, if you don't have the personality? just bluntly. >> yeah, that's been my biggest concern about ron desantis this entire time. i do think it's very limiting. and frankly, look, donald trump tends to dominate the conversation. he dominates everything we do basically in politics. ron desantis hasn't yet figured out that if you have to play donald trump's game to some point you're not going to be able, as you talked about before, you're not going to be abling to dominate the headlines with your economic speech. you might be able to dominate the headlines by going toe to toe with donald trump. you have to be a fighter. that's another thing this poll showed is people in the republican party want a fighter and ron desantis is getting beat by donald trump on that measure right now. so he's got to stand up to him at some point. he's getting late early. people need to figure out you don't have a whole lot of time. as you said no one's ever come back from this far back and if they don't start working on it soon it will be far too late. >> boy, is that the way to summarize it, it's getting late early. so when you look at who's out there if not ron desantis, and there are a lot of folks -- we've talked about the fact he was burning through money, that he's had to reboot the reboot. who else? who else, brendan? >> nobody's jumping to mind. i still think -- i keep talking about ron desantis. i'm hoping ron desantis can figure this out because as much as some of the other candidates, a tim scott, a nikki haley, are all very appealing in certain ways, they've just not shown the willingness to fight and be able to capture people's attention. ron desantis is burning through a lot of money on his campaign side but he still has a huge superpac with lots of money. so he still has some advantages and i think a lot of people are rooting for him. i do think we are not too early to be thinking about people that should be getting out of this race. even in a head-to-head race donald trump is still beating ron desantis but i think at some point earlier than usual you might need to see some people dropping out and consolidating behind an alternative. whether people have the courage to drop out and back a ron desantis i don't know. i think when things are look like this it gets hard to not endorse him. but no one in that pack of people running in the single digits shows to be a real threat. and that's why i think ron desantis is still the best hope for defeating donald trump even as far back as 30-something points. >> brendan buck, always good to see you. thank you. it's the news that no commuter wants to hear. as temperatures rise, so are gas prices. we've got the latest on that, plus the impact the heat is having on train delays. when we return. type 2 diabetes? 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>> resigned. >> in what way? >> i need gas. i can choose whether or not -- how much i'm going to travel. but it's necessary for me to travel. and i don't know of any alternative. so i'm unhappy. >> reporter: and so the question is will gas prices improve? and the answer is of course. maybe toward more like september or so. but before then we spoke to experts that say it's going to go up another 7 to 10 cents. maybe 3.85 for a national average before it gets better. worse of course before it improves. chris? >> all right, steve, thank you for that. all right. morgan's here with cnbc on msnbc. the heat is also putting a strain on rail systems. tell us about that. >> yeah, unintended consequences of these high temperatures. coming into the weekend amtrak advising passengers that heat and weather disruptions could lead to train delays along the northeast corridor. at least one route was delayed friday afternoon. why are you seeing that? well, extreme heat can impact rail infrastructure, can cause things like wires along the tracks to expand. as a safety measure that means rail roords like amtrak running trains at lower speeds than you'd see under normal circumstances. it's not just passenger trains either. even freight railroads and thus supply chains since those railroads move all kinds of materials and goods around the country and around north america. those are experiencing delays too. canadian national saying that rising temperatures increased delays by more than 800% in the western part of that country. and just speaking of tracks, chris, the heat has been hampering amusement parks too. you have some resorts even taking steps to reinforce their roller coasters to be more resilient to some of this extreme weather we're seeing. the "wall street journal," for example, did a big article just looking at that type of infrastructure. so just a few of the ways we're seeing these high record temperatures in recent days, in recent weeks, affectioning so much we take for granted in daily living. >> morgan brennan, thank you so much. drone footage capturing the terrifying moments when a bull shark charged a fishing boat off the florida coast. you've got to see this. look at the shark lunging at the rear of the boat getting between two of its engines. it would attack a total of eight times and causing a lot of damage. fortunately, no one was hurt. >> i didn't think a shark could shake the boat like that. are you kidding me? this is like a ride from universal studios. >> it is just the latest incident. there has been an uptick in shark sightings along the east coast. experts say unprovoked shark attacks are still rare. in new hampshire, cameras were rolling as life guards rushed to save a pilot whose plane crashed into the ocean over the weekend. the faa says the single engine plane was towing a banner saturday when it crashed off hampton beach in front of terrified onlookers. lifeguards swam up 90 feet. they helped the pilot get back the safety. the pilot had reported engine problems but the exact cause is being investigated by the faa. world cup fans getting ready for the u.s. women's national team and they're highly anticipated match-up against portugal. we have an update from new zealand. but first, setting records. the mega millions jackpot has now jumped to $1 billion. that ties it for the lottery's fourth largest prize ever. the next drawing is tomorrow. we'll be right back. have fun, sis! 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(chainsaw revs) (tree crashes) (chainsaw continues) (daughter screams) let's pretend for a second that you didn't let down your entire family. what would that reality look like? well i guess i would've gotten us xfinity... and we'd have a better view. do you need mulch? what, we have a ton of mulch. breaking news. lori vallow hab sentenced to life in prison for the death of her two children. they disappeared in idaho. that led to a months-long search ending with police finding the remains on a property owned by vallow and her husband. she said a near death experience loud her to communicate with, quote, the spirit world. her husband chad is awaiting trial on those same murder charges. a self-care act for brittney griner. she chose not to travel alongside her weekend for two games in chicago to focus on her mental health. her team, the phoenix mercury, tweeting that they, quote, fully support brittney and we will continue to work together on a time line for her return. griner, you'll recall, spent nearly 300 days in russian custody on a drug charge before being freed in a high profile prisoner swap. well, soccer fans, set your alarms. the u.s. women will face the final test of the world coup cup group stage against portugal. if you're a die hard fan, that mean a brutal 3:00 a.m. wake-up call. in auckland for us with the big game. hi, molly. >> reporter: we're back at the stadium. it is pretty quiet but it won't be quiet tuesday evening local time. that's 3:00 a.m. monday into tuesday morning. that will really test the loyalty, of course, of u.s. soccer fans. we had the chance to talk to megan rapinoe about what she expects from this team about the portugal team but also about how badly she wants to win it all. >> ultimately, i think the thing that i'm most proud of is that i'm a winner. and it takes a lot to win. it takes a lot of different people in different roles to be able to do that and every one of them is important. so a look back at the times i've been a starter and some of the most important people to me have been players on the bench haven't seen the game at all. it takes everybody doing everything they can to prepare to win and ultimately, going out and finishing the job. >> she also shared she's had conversations with the u.s. coach about when and if he needs her and she will always be ready. that is the experience, the kind of standing readiness posture of everyone on the bench. we also heard from him earlier. he gave a press conference with naomi and he was asked, where would he put portugal in the rankings? he was talking about how competitive this is. we're seeing the big upsets so rankings don't mean so much. he said i would put portugal at number two. we know they advanced with the draw. because of the tie with the netherlands and they play at exactly the same time, because of tie it may come down to a goal difference. i'll second it back to you. >> nobody who is watching doubts their readiness. that will do it for us this hour. make sure to join us every day 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. eastern. our coverage continues right now. >> hay, everyone. this could be an historic week of legal developments for donald trump. starting in miami, where we got our first look at his newest look at the classified documents case, carlos de oliveira facing charges for lying to investigators and trying to delete security camera footage at mar-a-lago. why he did not enter a me this morning and how much that could play into a delay of the trial date. plus, how many of that could be foaled into a brand new defense fund

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Bench Haven T , Players , Starter , Coach , Conversations , Job , Standing Readiness Posture , Rankings , Bench , Press Conference , Naomi , Tie , Draw , Upsets , Netherlands , Readiness , Goal Difference , Coverage , Hay , Eastern , Miami , Investigators , Security Camera , Delay , Many , Footage , Defense Fund , Brand New ,

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Transcripts For MSNBCW Chris 20240704 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW Chris 20240704

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our nbc news reporters are following all of the latest developments, and we begin with that court appearance in florida for carlos de oliveira. nbc's ken dilanian following all the latest developments for us. ken, break down what happened in the courtroom and what's going to happen between now and next week. >> reporter: good afternoon, chris. mr. de oliveira made his first appearance in federal court to answer for these charges but wasn't able to enter a plea or have an arraignment because he didn't have local counsel licensed to practice in the southern district of florida. so he will have to come back and do that. the real significance of this case is not really mr. de oliveira who's a low-level employee at mar-a-lago. it's that this new superseding indictment makes an extraordinary allegation against the former president, alleging that he conspired to destroy evidence that was under a grand jury subpoena. it says essentially he ordered these two low-level employees, nauta and deol' oliveira, to go down to florida and make these surveillance tapes disappear. that's something that not even richard nixon was accused of. and the superseding indictment also says that classified war plans which are believed to include plans for a military attack on iran, the government has that document that was described in the original indictment that donald trump said didn't exist but that the government says he was waving around, he was talking on tape and showing to people who were not cleared to see it. so this superseding indictment is a big, big advance in this case. it makes it as much about obstruction of justice as it is about classified documents. and now we see whether this case can get to trial before the 2024 election, chris. >> ken dilanian, thank you. now to moscow and sobering images of a drone attack as ukraine brings the war deep into russian territory. nbc news chief foreign correspondent richard engel is following this story for us. richard, what exactly happened and how is russia responding? >> reporter: so what exactly happened is a little bit difficult to know. we know that on sunday morning just around 4:00 in the morning there were two loud explosions in the financial district in moscow. now, this is a small part right in the center of the city of high-rise skyscrapers, glass towers. not an area that would be very crowded at 4:00 in the morning. clearly a business district. the two explosions happened. now, russian authorities say there were three drones involved in this attack. russia blamed the ukrainian -- ukrainians for carrying it out. and russia said that it managed to jam or intercept or interrupt two of the drones in moscow and stop a third one on the outskirts of the city. but it's not clear if that's an exaggeration by russia, that it is claiming success, because clearly drones did get through, did explode, leave damage that was identifiable and clearly recognizable. this is a different kind of attack than the previous ones we've seen. but what's most unique about this is for the first time the ukrainians aren't just flatly denying it, with president zelenskyy overnight saying that the war is moving to russia, that this is a natural progression and it is in his words wholly justified. >> richard engel, thank you for that. in haiti, meantime, the race is on to find an american nurse and her child who were kidnapped near the capital city of port-au-prince. nbc's monica elba is following this for us. monica, what's the latest? >> reporter: well, this is in relation to an american nurse from new hampshire, chris, named alix dorsainvil and her young daughter. both of them had been living in haiti for some time, working very closely with a non-profit organization. and alix, this nurse, had been working as a school and community nurse for years, saying that she had worked tirelessly with many members of the community there specifically for year, considering haiti her home. but it comes as there has really been an uptick in these violent kidnappings as the country has seen its own incredible political turmoil. and really this has been a humanitarian crisis now as we have seen this gang violence continue to affect americans. it was last -- a couple of years ago that 17 missionaries were taken hostage. some of them were released. later others were able to flee their captors. but the white house and state department are both closely monitoring what is happening with these two u.s. citizens, os about the fact that they have been abducted but not saying much more beyond working with the partners you would expect. here's a little more from the state department briefing just a couple of minutes ago. >> we are aware of the reports that two u.s. citizens were kidnapped in haiti. obviously the safety and security of american citizens overseas is our highest priority. we are in regular contact with the haitian authorities and will continue to work with them. >> reporter: and over the last couple years the u.s. has given several travel warnings to americans not to go to haiti. and coincidentally, on the day that alix and her daughter were kidnapped last week they issued a statement issuing and really encouraging any non-essential personnel to leave haiti at this time. so the u.s. officials very clear on the danger, the risks, the heightened situation there for americans. but the non-profit organization that alix was working with put out their own statement over the weekend saying that this was somebody who wanted to be in haiti, who has dedicated her life to working tirelessly to help the people of haiti and that it's something that she would like to continue to do as all of these different authorities work to hopefully get her and her daughter safely released in the days or weeks to come. chris? >> monica alba, thank you. in washington the battle to reform the supreme court is once again ramping up. nbc's gary grunback joins me now. a top democratic senator is taking issue with some recent comments from justice samuel alito. what did he have to say? >> reporter: yeah, this all began when a "wall street journal" opinion page came out. it was an interview with justice samuel alito. and he said that congress does not have the ability to regulate the supreme court. this is the same justice samuel alito who was under fire over the past few months because of his relationships, perhaps inappropriate, with gop mega donors including harlan crow. and the idea of some sort of supreme court code of ethics has really swept through congress and really through the country in terms of what people want to see out of the supreme court. and that really obviously, as you can imagine, really irked some democratic lawmakers as well. chris murphy got on the sunday shows this weekend. here's what he had to say. >> first of all, it's just stunningly wrong. and he should know that more than anyone else because his seat on the supreme court exists only because of an act passed by congress. it is congress that establishes the number of justices on the supreme court. it is congress that has passed in the past requirements for justices to disclose certain information. and so it is just wrong on the facts to say that congress doesn't have anything to do with the rules guiding the supreme court. in fact, from the very beginning congress has set those rules. >> reporter: now, there's talking about it on the sunday shows and then there's actually doing something about it. but that comes down to three things. the will power to do it, the margins to do it which they may or may not have here in congress, and then the schedule. congress is now out for the next month. in september they're going to be dealing with a number of items including most importantly perhaps funding the government by september 30th. and then the supreme court gets back in session in october. i find it hard to believe that a code of ethics will be instituted midterm. chris? >> gary grumback, thank you for that. coming up in 60 seconds, former president trump calling on republicans to rally around him as his legal troubles mount. but then marches out on stage to this. ♪ one could end up going to prison ♪ ♪♪ ♪ one just might be president ♪ power e*trade's easy-to-use tools, like dynamic charting and risk-reward analysis help make trading feel effortless. and its customizable scans with social sentiment help you find and unlock opportunities in the market. e*trade from morgan stanley. with powerful, easy-to-use tools, power e*trade makes complex trading easier. react to fast-moving markets with dynamic charting and a futures ladder that lets you place, flatten, or reverse orders so you won't miss an opportunity. e*trade from morgan stanley i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. thanks to skyrizi, i'm on my way with clearer skin. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. nothing on my skin means everything! ♪ nothing is everything ♪ ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. with new legal peril looming donald trump is making threats and taking names, trying to squelch any notion republicans might have of backing down or backing someone else. >> any republican that doesn't act on democrat fraud should be immediately primaried. and get out. out. they have to play tough. and they have to be -- and honestly, if they're not willing to do it we've got a lot of good tough republicans around that people are growing to run against them and people are going to win and they're going to get my endorsement every single time. >> well, if there was any question about whether republicans are on trump's side, listen to challenger will hurd. one of the few republicans who dare to challenge the former president. speaking in iowa last week. >> donald trump is running to stay out of prison. and if we elect -- [ boos ] i know. i know. i know. i know. listen, i know the truth -- the truth is hard. >> i want to bring in brendan buck, former aide to republican house speakers paul ryan and john boehner. he's also an msnbc political analyst. katherine christian is the former assistant d.a. at the manhattan district attorney's office and an msnbc legal analyst. so brendan, what's your takeaway from those boos? we heard boos before when in front of the faithful trump has been criticized. but particularly trump again reiterating that the litmus test for republicans should be whether they push his lies about the election and so-called democratic fraud. >> and that is the kind of thing that gets members of congress's attention. you can be sure when he says stuff like that, you're a rank-and-file member of the house, you're going to think about that. you don't want a primary. he alone has that kind of weight, that he can throw it around and push people around. and it's been very successful. and it's part of why he has had that chorus of people backing him up. now, look, will hurd got booed at an event where donald trump was speaking. so that's not terribly surprising. donald trump was also at that dinner. a lot of trump supporters there. i think the rest of the candidates there should be thanking will hurd for having a little bit of the courage to do that. it was one after the other, the more top tier challengers at that dinner, they basically ignored the person who is beating them by 30 points. and then surprise surprise at the end of the dinner donald trump gets up and he attacks other people. that's what he does. it's working for him. i think some of these other candidates should learn a lesson. donald trump is not going to implode. these indictments have not led to him blowing up. you have to chip away at him. and it starts by doing uncomfortable things. will hurd did it there. i don't know that will hurd is necessarily a top-tier candidate at this point. but if other people did that they could start changing things. on the current course they're not going to change. >> on the other side of it, katherine, vivek ramaswamy dismissed the importance of the latest charges. he basically said they're part of a process crime. i want to play what he had to say. >> i think that our general norm in our justice department is you should not convict somebody of a process crime when there was no actual underlying crime. so i v i think that's a major -- >> you think destroying evidence is a process crime? >> i think it is by definition a process crime. nobody left, right, any legal scholar will agree with me on that statement. that is by definition a process crime. a crime that would not have existed but for the existence of an investigation. >> can you help us unpack that? >> well, the definition of a process crime are crimes against the judicial system. so i think this candidate is saying we should do away with lying under oath, which is perjury. that shouldn't be a crime. intentional disobedience of a court order. that's criminal contempt. he's saying i guess that shouldn't be a crime. interfering with an official proceeding. that's obstruction of justice. so process crimes are crimes that go to the heart of the judicial system. so if you got rid of perjury and criminal contempt and you got rid of obstruction of justice and destroying evidence, i see that would be a very big problem for the criminal justice system in this country. >> yeah. when you talk about this sort of chipping away for people who are not vivek ramaswamy, brendan, there's nikki haley, chris christie with his take on the new charges against not just trump but the two others in the documents case. here's what he said. >> it's pretty brazen. these guys were acting like the corleones with no experience. i mean, the day after a grand jury subpoena is served which includes the surveillance tapes they go down to mar-a-lago and walt nauta appears to be the fredo of this family. they send him to go down there. and they send him to go and delete it. >> while i think he was the right president at the right time, you know, earlier and while i think his policies were good, i don't think he's the right president at the right time going forward. i think we've got to move forward. otherwise, we will have a general election that's doing nothing but dealing with lawsuits. >> look, critics have been saying for a while that that is exactly what opponents of trump need to do. you just described this sort of chipping away. but honestly, honestly brendan, does that get them anywhere? >> not all at once. but i think over time -- look, i think donald trump is by far the most likely person to win the nomination and that was the case to begin with. but i can tell you is if you sit around and do nothing he's absolutely going to be the nominee. ron desantis, for example, is giving a speech -- or gave a speech today on the economy. that's great. that's a nice thing that you should do if you're running for president. but you know what would probably get a little more attention? giving a speech that articulates the reason why you don't think donald trump should be the nominee. at some point all of them need to be articulating that. it's not early in this race anymore. yeah. like little things here and there are probably not going to change the trajectory of this race overnight. but you've got to start somewhere. you've all got to jump in. and anybody that's trying to do some self-preservation, which it feels like a lot of them are, are doing nothing but helping donald trump. >> when you talk about, katherine, the idea of what constitutes a crime, when you talk about the majority of other republicans who are running for president who are consistently defending donald trump, is there a larger danger here in dismissing essentially a legal process that has not played itself out? >> well, first of all, he's innocent till proven guilty. absolutely. but the charges are so serious. so to say that a process crime, that obstructing justice is not a serious crime, that trying to destroy evidence wanted by a federal grand jury is not a serious crime, you can say this person is innocent until proven guilty. however, the charges are very serious and the facts if they are true are very serious. so to just sort of pooh-pooh them i find, you know, problematic. >> do you think there's any indication from what we hear, not just from, again, the majority of republican candidates but the crowds that go to these events, of what a jury might be thinking, though, and the hill that might need to be climbed by some of these prosecutors? >> i think clearly what mr. trump is doing is going for jury nullification. so he's hoping he'll get that -- defense attorneys always say i want that one juror, that one juror who will not listen to the law as instructed by the court, who will not follow the facts, and has come in there and has decided you know, whether he's guilty or not, i'm going to vote not guilty. or if i believe he's not guilty i'm going to vote guilty. you don't want that jury either. so i think it's really about jury nullification. >> catherine christian, always great to have you here. brendan buck, you as well. thank you guys. appreciate it. and still ahead, nbc goes one on one with the israeli prime minister as protests continue to flare in that country. what does benjamin netanyahu have to say to accusations his plans for the courts will create a civil war? 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"the new york times" is describing the moment as a flashing red light for israel, noting that in recent decades attempts to weaken the court around the world have become recurring signals that democracy is in trouble. nbc's raf sanchez was able to ask prime minister netanyahu about that directly. also with us, rick stengel, phenomenoner undersecretary of state for public diplomacy and public affairs and an msnbc political analyst. so raf, what else did bibi netanyahu have to tell you? >> well, chris, this was a ride-ranging interview. but i wanted to start by asking the prime minister about the deep divisions in the country he leads. those divisions have been on full display every week for the last six months, on the streets here in jerusalem and tel aviv, other cities, with these mass protests as ordinary israelis try to stop the prime minister's plan to weaken the supreme court. those divisions have gotten so severe that a poll last week found 56% of israelis fear their country may be heading toward civil war. and i wanted to ask the prime minister about that. take a listen. >> prime minister, you successfully passed the first part of your legislation, but only after six months of mass protests that have left this country so divided israel's president has actually warned of the danger of civil war. was it worth it? >> there won't be civil war. i guarantee you that. but i think that correcting the imbalance in israel's democracy where the judiciary has basically air gated to itself nearly all the powers of the executive branch and the legislature, yes, i think it is important to do it. i think when the dust settles people will see that israel's democracy has been strengthened and not weakened. >> now, chris, that is kind of the core of the prime minister's argument, that these were necessary reforms to take power out of the hands of unelected judges, put it back in the hands of elected politicians. the protesters, though, are not convinced. they remain on the streets even after the first part of the legislation went through. i also had a chance to ask him about the sort of turbulent period in u.s.-israeli relations. president biden appealed to the prime minister on the eve of that vote last week not to push ahead. he asked him to seek consensus. the prime minister pushed ahead anyway. the white house calling that vote unfortunate because it passed on a party line. now, the president has also been critical of the composition of netanyahu's government, the inclusion of far right members of his cabinet, the national security minister has criminal convictions for inciting racism, for supporting a terrorist organization. you played a little bit of prime minister netanyahu's response when i asked him about the president's criticism. he basically said he is the one leading the government and he is leading it on a sensible, moderate path. now, the president and the prime minister are going to have a chance to sit down face to face later this year in the united states. but even that is becoming a source of tension. the prime minister told us that as far as he is concerned he is invited to the white house, to the oval office. the white house is not confirming that. they are saying no location for this meeting has been confirmed yet. it's possible this could happen on the sidelines of the united nations where the president meets with dozens of prime ministers. that would not be as high-profile as an oval office sit-down. so chris, just the fact that the presidents of the united states, the prime minister of israel can't seem to get on the same page even about the timing and location of a meeting shows you that this is a strained moment in the history of the relationship. >> a critical moment and an important interview. raf sanchez, thank you for bringing it to us. so rick, let me ask you about one of the comments we just heard from the prime minister, that when all of this is over israel will be just as democratic as it was before and even more democratic. your take. >> well, chris, in israel and in the united states and in most western democracies the judiciary is the check on executive power. i think the millions of israelis that are protesting see the judiciary as one of the only antidotes and one of the only ways of preserving democracy in israel with the head of the executive branch who has autocratic tendencies and who is the defendant in a corruption trial that will eventually reach the supreme court. this is a guardrail that democracy shouldn't overwhelm, and that's what the people are afraid of. >> that "new york times" story i referenced earlier cites examples like hungary, india, brazil, arguing that how judges respond to attacks on their independence help decide whether would-be autocrats prevailed in constraining the courts. where do you see this going in israel? >> well, it's happening all over the world, chris. as you mentioned, there's been a democracy recession over the last 20 years with more countries in the world becoming less democratic than countries that are becoming autocratic. israel is a symptom of that. we're a symptom of that. i hope that in israel it could be worked out amicably. i mean, what i don't understand is netanyahu not trying to figure out a way to actually have a kind of compromise. i would say he's never missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity. and he did here. so i don't think it will result in civil war, but it seems to me there's an actually pretty decent compromise available there. >> and as we talk about the global concerns, rick, you have this coup attempt in niger, another democracy that's teetering on the edge right now. protesters there attacked the french embassy yesterday. a lot of them we saw waving russian flags. they were chanting pro-putin messages. now west african leaders are threatening military intervention. what are your concerns as you're watching this unfold? >> well, what's sad about it, chris, and why it complements what we're talking about about the worldwide democratic recession is this was the first free and democratic election that niger has had since it became independent from france in 1960 and now it's been overwhelmed by a military coup. that's not a good indicator for around the world. the western african leaders, the african version of nato have all condemned this and want to have some kind of peaceable reconciliation, which i still hope can happen. >> rick stengel, it is always good to have you on the program. thank you, my friend. appreciate it. and at least 45 people were killed, more than 100 injured in a suicide bombing in pakistan. the explosion occurred during a rally on sunday held by supporters of a hard-line cleric and political leader. no one has claimed responsibility for the attack. but isis is known to operate across the border in afghanistan. the pakistani government has vowed to hunt down those responsible. and still ahead, new evidence of trump's iron grip on the gop. the brand new poll that shows even republicans who think he's a criminal would rather back him than the other candidates. subway's now slicing their meats fresh. that's why soccer pros like me profer the grand slam ham. and this rookie prefers fresh sliced turkey. perfect for when you're subbed out of the game. and if we profer it, we know you'll prefer it too. nothing better than a sub, sub. to you? 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because if you look at two of the key numbers in this poll, brendan, 71% of republican voters still believe that president trump has not committed any serious crimes. and what i said earlier, even republicans who think he is a criminal would rather back him than other candidates. so what do you do with that? >> well, certainly there are going to be people who no matter what donald trump does are going to vote for him. i think a lot of people don't think he committed a crime because people like ron desantis are running interference for him and trying to make excuses for what happened here. so yeah, it's a big hill to climb. but look, the other thing i found really interesting about this poll, a question that asked about attributes of the candidates. and they found that by 54 to 16 people think donald trump is more fun than ron desantis. and politics for a long time now has been about entertainment. and donald trump is just a much better entertainer. and i think ron desantis is running basically a trump-like campaign but being far less entertaining in the process. at some point you have to realize you have to give voters what they want. and donald trump is just very good at that. he'll always be able to sort of outflank you on the entertainment. that's why i think ron desantis's best play is talking about competence. there are attributes in there that people actually trust in ron desantis. they do think he's more moral. they do think he's more likable. lean into those things and try to use them to your advantage. and thus far he's not been doing that. >> can you do that, though, if you don't have the personality? just bluntly. >> yeah, that's been my biggest concern about ron desantis this entire time. i do think it's very limiting. and frankly, look, donald trump tends to dominate the conversation. he dominates everything we do basically in politics. ron desantis hasn't yet figured out that if you have to play donald trump's game to some point you're not going to be able, as you talked about before, you're not going to be abling to dominate the headlines with your economic speech. you might be able to dominate the headlines by going toe to toe with donald trump. you have to be a fighter. that's another thing this poll showed is people in the republican party want a fighter and ron desantis is getting beat by donald trump on that measure right now. so he's got to stand up to him at some point. he's getting late early. people need to figure out you don't have a whole lot of time. as you said no one's ever come back from this far back and if they don't start working on it soon it will be far too late. >> boy, is that the way to summarize it, it's getting late early. so when you look at who's out there if not ron desantis, and there are a lot of folks -- we've talked about the fact he was burning through money, that he's had to reboot the reboot. who else? who else, brendan? >> nobody's jumping to mind. i still think -- i keep talking about ron desantis. i'm hoping ron desantis can figure this out because as much as some of the other candidates, a tim scott, a nikki haley, are all very appealing in certain ways, they've just not shown the willingness to fight and be able to capture people's attention. ron desantis is burning through a lot of money on his campaign side but he still has a huge superpac with lots of money. so he still has some advantages and i think a lot of people are rooting for him. i do think we are not too early to be thinking about people that should be getting out of this race. even in a head-to-head race donald trump is still beating ron desantis but i think at some point earlier than usual you might need to see some people dropping out and consolidating behind an alternative. whether people have the courage to drop out and back a ron desantis i don't know. i think when things are look like this it gets hard to not endorse him. but no one in that pack of people running in the single digits shows to be a real threat. and that's why i think ron desantis is still the best hope for defeating donald trump even as far back as 30-something points. >> brendan buck, always good to see you. thank you. it's the news that no commuter wants to hear. as temperatures rise, so are gas prices. we've got the latest on that, plus the impact the heat is having on train delays. when we return. type 2 diabetes? 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>> resigned. >> in what way? >> i need gas. i can choose whether or not -- how much i'm going to travel. but it's necessary for me to travel. and i don't know of any alternative. so i'm unhappy. >> reporter: and so the question is will gas prices improve? and the answer is of course. maybe toward more like september or so. but before then we spoke to experts that say it's going to go up another 7 to 10 cents. maybe 3.85 for a national average before it gets better. worse of course before it improves. chris? >> all right, steve, thank you for that. all right. morgan's here with cnbc on msnbc. the heat is also putting a strain on rail systems. tell us about that. >> yeah, unintended consequences of these high temperatures. coming into the weekend amtrak advising passengers that heat and weather disruptions could lead to train delays along the northeast corridor. at least one route was delayed friday afternoon. why are you seeing that? well, extreme heat can impact rail infrastructure, can cause things like wires along the tracks to expand. as a safety measure that means rail roords like amtrak running trains at lower speeds than you'd see under normal circumstances. it's not just passenger trains either. even freight railroads and thus supply chains since those railroads move all kinds of materials and goods around the country and around north america. those are experiencing delays too. canadian national saying that rising temperatures increased delays by more than 800% in the western part of that country. and just speaking of tracks, chris, the heat has been hampering amusement parks too. you have some resorts even taking steps to reinforce their roller coasters to be more resilient to some of this extreme weather we're seeing. the "wall street journal," for example, did a big article just looking at that type of infrastructure. so just a few of the ways we're seeing these high record temperatures in recent days, in recent weeks, affectioning so much we take for granted in daily living. >> morgan brennan, thank you so much. drone footage capturing the terrifying moments when a bull shark charged a fishing boat off the florida coast. you've got to see this. look at the shark lunging at the rear of the boat getting between two of its engines. it would attack a total of eight times and causing a lot of damage. fortunately, no one was hurt. >> i didn't think a shark could shake the boat like that. are you kidding me? this is like a ride from universal studios. >> it is just the latest incident. there has been an uptick in shark sightings along the east coast. experts say unprovoked shark attacks are still rare. in new hampshire, cameras were rolling as life guards rushed to save a pilot whose plane crashed into the ocean over the weekend. the faa says the single engine plane was towing a banner saturday when it crashed off hampton beach in front of terrified onlookers. lifeguards swam up 90 feet. they helped the pilot get back the safety. the pilot had reported engine problems but the exact cause is being investigated by the faa. world cup fans getting ready for the u.s. women's national team and they're highly anticipated match-up against portugal. we have an update from new zealand. but first, setting records. the mega millions jackpot has now jumped to $1 billion. that ties it for the lottery's fourth largest prize ever. the next drawing is tomorrow. we'll be right back. have fun, sis! 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(chainsaw revs) (tree crashes) (chainsaw continues) (daughter screams) let's pretend for a second that you didn't let down your entire family. what would that reality look like? well i guess i would've gotten us xfinity... and we'd have a better view. do you need mulch? what, we have a ton of mulch. breaking news. lori vallow hab sentenced to life in prison for the death of her two children. they disappeared in idaho. that led to a months-long search ending with police finding the remains on a property owned by vallow and her husband. she said a near death experience loud her to communicate with, quote, the spirit world. her husband chad is awaiting trial on those same murder charges. a self-care act for brittney griner. she chose not to travel alongside her weekend for two games in chicago to focus on her mental health. her team, the phoenix mercury, tweeting that they, quote, fully support brittney and we will continue to work together on a time line for her return. griner, you'll recall, spent nearly 300 days in russian custody on a drug charge before being freed in a high profile prisoner swap. well, soccer fans, set your alarms. the u.s. women will face the final test of the world coup cup group stage against portugal. if you're a die hard fan, that mean a brutal 3:00 a.m. wake-up call. in auckland for us with the big game. hi, molly. >> reporter: we're back at the stadium. it is pretty quiet but it won't be quiet tuesday evening local time. that's 3:00 a.m. monday into tuesday morning. that will really test the loyalty, of course, of u.s. soccer fans. we had the chance to talk to megan rapinoe about what she expects from this team about the portugal team but also about how badly she wants to win it all. >> ultimately, i think the thing that i'm most proud of is that i'm a winner. and it takes a lot to win. it takes a lot of different people in different roles to be able to do that and every one of them is important. so a look back at the times i've been a starter and some of the most important people to me have been players on the bench haven't seen the game at all. it takes everybody doing everything they can to prepare to win and ultimately, going out and finishing the job. >> she also shared she's had conversations with the u.s. coach about when and if he needs her and she will always be ready. that is the experience, the kind of standing readiness posture of everyone on the bench. we also heard from him earlier. he gave a press conference with naomi and he was asked, where would he put portugal in the rankings? he was talking about how competitive this is. we're seeing the big upsets so rankings don't mean so much. he said i would put portugal at number two. we know they advanced with the draw. because of the tie with the netherlands and they play at exactly the same time, because of tie it may come down to a goal difference. i'll second it back to you. >> nobody who is watching doubts their readiness. that will do it for us this hour. make sure to join us every day 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. eastern. our coverage continues right now. >> hay, everyone. this could be an historic week of legal developments for donald trump. starting in miami, where we got our first look at his newest look at the classified documents case, carlos de oliveira facing charges for lying to investigators and trying to delete security camera footage at mar-a-lago. why he did not enter a me this morning and how much that could play into a delay of the trial date. plus, how many of that could be foaled into a brand new defense fund

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Leaders , Military Intervention , Messages , Embassy , Flags , West African , French , Sad , Indicator , Military Coup , 1960 , Reconciliation , Program , Version , Friend , Nato , 100 , 45 , No One , Explosion , Leader , Responsibility , Suicide Bombing , Cleric , Border , Rally , Pakistan , Isis , Criminal , Afghanistan , Iron Grip , Out Of The Game , Ham , Sub , Meats , Rookie , Soccer Pros , Subway , Grand Slam , Turkey , Deals , Contract , Device , Go5g Plus , Phone Offers , Bind , Customers , Iphone 14 , Trapped , 14 , Magic Eraser , Messes , Running Shoe , Wow , Cleaning , Kids , Scrubbing , Sheets , 80 , Bank , Schedules , Inventory , Point Of Sale System , Payment , Magic Eraser Mais A Giant Pain Y , U S Bank Business Essentials , Alex , Ways , Oven Explosion , Oven , Loans , Business Boom , Jumbo , Ginormous , 12 , Primaries , Rival , Competitor , 37 , Voters , Support , Sienna College , Mike Pence , Tim Scott , 54 , Lead , Strategy , Interesting , Stranglehold , Flaw , Questions , Mind , Virus , Running On , Targeting Wokism , Diehards , Polling , Polls , Voting , Gap , Closest , Position , Numbers , 71 , 71 , Look , Running Interference , Excuses , Big Hill , Politics , Entertainment , Attributes , Entertainer , Fun , 16 , Entertaining , Campaign , Play , Competence , Advantage , Outflank , Moral , Personality , Concern , Game , Headlines , Hasn T , Conversation , Abling , Fighter , Measure , Toe To , Boy , Money , Brendan , Reboot , Folks , Jumping , Who Else , Willingness , Campaign Side , Superpac , Advantages , Lots , Alternative , I Don T Know , Hope , Pack , Threat , Digits , Heat , Don T Take Ozempic , Temperatures , Impact , News , Commuter , Train Delays , Gas Prices , Type 2 Diabetes , Death , Adults , A1c , My Ozempic , Cv Risk , Heart Attack , Studies , Stroke , 7 , Don T , Share , Isn T , Heart Disease , Type 1 Diabetes , Needles , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Pens , Reuse , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Gallbladder Problems , Stomach Pain , Changes , Vision Problems , Reaction , Lump , Neck , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Provider , Stop Ozempic , Blood Sugar Risk , Kidney Problems , Health Care Provider , Insulin , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Dehydration , Nausea , Mom , Flight , Hawaii , Dad , Action Hero , Deal , Vacation , Request , Glass , Neither , Sfx , Paycom , Hand , Scheduling , Employer , Benefits , Palm , Hr , Curve , Payroll , Stop Typing , Urologist , Treatment Plan , Pd , Condition , Surgery , Visit Makeapdplan Com Today , Peyronie S Disease , Police , Driver , Suv , Migrant Workers , Video , North Carolina , Parking Lot , None , Injury , Victims , Hospital , Migrants , Who Wa Behind The Wheel , White Man , Walmart , Morgan Brennan , Gas Station , Steve Patterson , Picture , California , Cnbc , Refineries , Prices , Trains , Pump , Nation , Parts , Cases , Degree Temperatures , Oil Refineries , Gulf , West Coast , Texas , Louisiana , Gasoline , Production , Crude Oil , Capacity , Gas , Dana Griffin , Gallon , Need , Place , , Resigned , Average , Experts , Answer , 3 85 , 10 , Unintended Consequences , Passengers , Strain On Rail Systems , Amtrak , Delays , Tracks , Weather , Wires , Rail Infrastructure , Disruptions , Route , Northeast Corridor , Kinds , Railroads , Safety Measure , Supply Chains , Passenger , Circumstances , Materials , Goods , Rail Roords , Amusement Parks , North America , Canadian , 800 , Resorts , Steps , Roller Coasters , Type , Few , Infrastructure , Article , Bull Shark , Fishing Boat , Living , Drone Footage , Affectioning , Boat , Times , Total , Coast , Engines , Rear , Shark Lunging , Eight , Shark , Incident , Ride , Shark Sightings , East Coast , Universal Studios , Pilot , Life Guards , Faa , Plane , Engine Plane , Shark Attacks , Cameras , Ocean , Banner , Engine Problems , Feet , Cause , Terrified Onlookers , Off Hampton Beach , Fans , Portugal , Women S National Team , Update , World Cup , Setting Records , New Zealand , Mega Millions Jackpot , Drawing , Lottery , Prize , 1 Billion , Billion , Man , Tractor , Upshaws , Shaw , Work , Roasting Marshmallows , Cutting Hair , Piece , Land , Grasp , Mowing Grass , John Deere , Apr , Rate , Off A 1025r , 0 , 1025 , Holes , Gels , Medicine , Pain Hits Fast , Tylenol Rapid , Packs , Pill , Fast Pain Relief , Nature , Water , Sophie , T Mobile Home Internet , Second , Step , Signal , Trees , Tree Crashes , Reality , Chainsaw , Chainsaw Revs , View , Ton , Lori Vallow Hab Sentenced To Life In Prison , Mulch , Children , Led , Property , Idaho , Trial , Murder Charges , Self Care Act , Husband Chad , The Spirit World , Phoenix Mercury , Games , Brittney Griner , Mental Health , Tweeting , Support Brittney , Chicago , Soccer Fans , Drug Charge , Time Line , Custody , Profile , Return , Prisoner Swap , 300 , Women , Test , Die Hard Fan , Alarms , Coup Cup Group Stage , Auckland , Molly , Stadium , Big Game , Hi , Wake Up Call , Megan Rapinoe , Team , Loyalty , Winner , Roles , Everybody , Bench Haven T , Players , Starter , Coach , Conversations , Job , Standing Readiness Posture , Rankings , Bench , Press Conference , Naomi , Tie , Draw , Upsets , Netherlands , Readiness , Goal Difference , Coverage , Hay , Eastern , Miami , Investigators , Security Camera , Delay , Many , Footage , Defense Fund , Brand New ,

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