Transcripts For MSNBCW Ayman 20240704 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW Ayman 20240704

is leading the charge to remove domestic extremism from within the governments rags. he joins us live. and investigating ufos. i'm gonna speak with congressman robert garcia about the explosive whistleblower testimony from his hearing on ufos earlier this week. i'm ayman mohyeldin. let's get started. >> what a week. no, not this past one. i'm talking about the week we are actually about to begin. one so jam-packed, so overflowing with legal developments for donald trump that special counsel jack smith superseding indictment might actually look quaint in retrospect. first up, smic d.c. jury set to meet again on tuesday, we might finally see donald trump charge for his efforts to interfere and overturn the 2020 election. but before that, the a fani willis is working from home period visually gains in fulton county, georgia. and it's just it's the most likely timeframe in which willis will announce charging decisions in our election interference investigational. tomorrow, mar-a-lago property manager and new trump codefendant carles delivery is set to be a rain in a classified documents case in miami. that is if he can find a lawyer. according to the superseding indictment, all of the oliveira among other allegations helped move boxes that contain classified information for trump and told the employee that quote, the boss wanted security footage deleted to prevent it from being turned over to a federal grand jury. but as we look ahead towards his trump's growing legal crisis, we don't want to look over the revelations of that superseding indictment. because we learned new details about how trump's homes in mar-a-lago and in bedminster played legal roles leading roles in this crime drama. lisa reuben put it, between january 2021 and august of 2022 when the fbi conducted its court authorized search of mar-a-lago, it hosted 150 social events. those events include a weddings, movie premiers and fund-raisers that together drew tens of thousands of guess. and as former fbi counterintelligence agent peter strzok highlighted, during those 150 social events, there is plenty of photo evidence showing the doors to the basement storage area where classified documents were being kept, were frequently left open and unattended. put up for you very simply, anybody could've snuck in, potentially accessed those materials. but then again, perhaps they wouldn't even need to sneak in. after all, we have a literal recording of trump showing off our nation's top secrets of edmund minister. >> these are the papers, this was done by the military and given to me. i think we can probably, right? >> i don't know we'll have to see. yeah we'll have to try -- to >> declassify. it >> yeah. >> c's president i could've declassified. no i can't you, know this is still a secret. >> and now we have a. problem >> is not interesting? >> that is so cool. >> here's where the situation actually gets interesting. that audio that you just heard there recorded a, trump's bedminster club was obtained by news outlets after jack smith's original indictment. so it appears that smith team went hunting for the document after that, confirmed it was classified, charge trump with another count of willful retention of national defense information. and the kicker? the document wasn't at bedminster. it came from mar-a-lago. it was in a box trump returned to the national archives before the justice department actually issued any subpoenas. that leads us to believe our nation's top secrets might have freely flowed between trump's properties in new jersey and florida. and who knows where else? let's bring in my all-star panel for the. our in his gavalas, nbc legal analyst and criminal defensive. journey rick wilson cofounder of the lincoln project and author of running against the devil applied to save america from trump and democrats from themselves. , daniel moody host of the woke podcasting co-host of the democracy podcast and, katie benner, msnbc contributor and reporter for the new york times. that's reporting that we have it charles de oliveira as not yet got attorney in florida. isn't surprising? what should be read into? that is what will be going down tomorrow now that the superseding indictment is upon us? >> it is strange that in so far it may be indicative that the promise of council and that trump may be taking care of his codefendants maybe a little hollow. because if you recall, his first codefendant walt nauta, took an extra amount to get arraigned or about three weeks for something that is pretty routine and to be candid at an arraignment, you really just need a warm body. sometimes the public defender will stand in, especially the state court, and then you can figure out who you are hiring later on, but for an arraignment, it is an important event in that it kicks off formally the federal case. it starts the clock running for speedy trial purposes, but in terms of substantive things that go on, you just need human there for the most part. so a little strange that they he doesn't have an attorney, but at the same time and indictment came out last week, typically only have a matter of days before the arraignment. so it is a little time sensitive. >> kate of, the 11th's legal fees are being paid by trump's pac. what does that mean going forward and how unusual is a situation we have one defendant paying the fees for another defendant? >> so this is a situation we have seen multiple times in trump world where the trump pac is paying for peoples lawyers. we saw during the january 6th hearings, when lawyers were paid for by trump were essentially representing a number of people who were interviewed by that panel. we are seeing it again here. this is something that is considered -- it's not strictly illegal, but it is considered somewhat odd. it makes you wonder whether or not these defendants will be acting and speaking really in their own interests or in the interest of the person paying their legal fees, not solid questioned always comes up, question came up during the january six hearings, we saw dramatically come to a head when one witness decided to break free and no longer use the trump paid for lawyer. it's gonna be interesting to see whether of trump's codefendants in this case want to use to used of legal attorneys paid for by trump especially looks like their cases are gonna become difficult for them and i want to strike out on their own. >> danielle, let me put this photo back up from peter strzok's original tweet. this was the one that showed scores of photos with the doors i believe leading to the area where these documents were and also as highlighted by my colleague lisa reuben, unattended, during events where many thousands of people were believed to have gone through them. we've also learned that those documents included material about american nuclear capabilities. a, how is that likely to change if at all the public's perception of this? case and to, will have an impact on republican voters? >> i don't think it'll have an impact on republican voters, because they are backing a twice impeached, multiple indictment, has been found sexual harassment, defamation and all these things. i don't think it's gonna change the mind of republican voters who are doubling and tripling down on trump, but you can't just have republican voters and think you are going to win a national election. that's where the issue is. independents, the small amount that there are, and democrats don't want donald trump. the more that we wait, the longer that the summer goes on in the fall, and there we are an indictment watch, who is this man? what we know is that he can't be trusted. he can't be trusted with documents, he can't be trusted to return, he can't be trusted to tell the truth at all, ever. so i think that what we have to understand is that in order to win the white house in a fair and free election, one actually has to acquire votes from everyone. >> wreck to danielle's point, who is this man? chris christie one of the people running for president, he answered that question today. this is who we describe donald trump is being. watch. >> it is most likely that by the time we get on the debate stage on august 23rd, the front runner will be out on bail in four different jurisdictions. florida, washington, georgia and new york. out on bail. >> so, that is who the republican front will be, it'll be most likely someone who's out on bail in four different jurisdictions for charges for different alleged crimes. when you make of his point, the leading gop candidate campaigning while out on bail? >> you know, i've gone back to 2015, 2016 where we heard donald trump besmirching john mccain's war record. we heard him making fun of disabled reporters. we heard him calling mexicans rapists. this is a long stretch of donald trump being in trouble with what people normally believe are devastating attacks. we know the republican parties standard a solo now, so completely debased in every way that for donald trump to be indicted again and again and again, his republican base now takes it as a virtue, not as a calm domination. they make it as he standing up against a deep state or whatever fantasies in their heads. so as much as i want to praise chris christie and will hurd, and lisa hutchison for speaking the truth, you are the three of them together, they come to about four or 5% in the polls in aggregate, and donald trump is in the high 50s. this is not a party that is ready to move on from trump. fraction of it is most certainly, but it's a small fraction, but republican likely primary voters are with this guy to the last dog dies as we sit on self. >> let's not forget, chris christie was a person who served, or at least worked with donald trump for a long time, so he should not be given any free passage because he's found his spine this late in the game. >> i want to ask about these charges. related to the classical five documents, perhaps prosecutors were waiting to find out where that document was in relation to that clip that we were playing that he was showing it to the reporter. what does it say? what do you make of the fact that this document was nowhere to be found? it was basically bouncing around between florida and new jersey before it was ultimately handed over to the national archives. was that the reason why the superseding indictment came late in the game? >> first consider this. the government not only needed to find a document, they needed to authenticate it. and remember, the document was apparently rustled in waved a round at least according to the audio. so the only way you authenticate it presumably and i'm just drawing inferences is the other people in the room. we have to manage and how that went down right? is this document, we'll have about this, when was at this one? they must have gone through at least a stack until whoever was in the room and saw the document, hey you know what? that looks like the one that i saw in the office. this is just me guessing and how they authenticated document. >> your inferring that they know who is in the room with the president that they were able to authenticate the document? >> there's even more to that. they had to be close enough to the president to even see that document waving around, or he may have handed it to them. in order to authenticate it -- >> i'm not showing you the back of, you have to be able to see. >> you have papers in front of you know. could daniel and i authenticate those months from now? i don't think. so that means that somebody had to be pretty certain enough for the government to put an indictment that they sought and recognize it, maybe in context or whatever. the second part of your question. of course, of course that this was in the news that trump made a public denial. the government's human. it's staffed by humans, and when you get out there and say things like, that wasn't the document you are thinking about. i was wrestling round emmanuel or newspaper something else. they are going to say, okay i see a, bluffing of going to raise you on that one. i probably have my poker terminology way off, i don't play poker. there's a lot to read between the lines of this new document indictment. >> katie, i'd like to pivot to jack smith for a moment kuhn's election interference probe. we know the grand jury in d.c. met for seven and a half hours on thursday. what more do they need to do before deciding on charges or not? what are you hearing from your sources about where this process goes from here? >> sure, so the process is important to understand. keep in mind, it's not the justice department than indites donald trump, it'll be the grand jury. so eventually at some point a team ago before the grand jury, the prosecutors will say, this is the indictment, this is the case we wish to make. do you agree with us, would you vote yes? they will walk the grand jury through their arguments and then the grand jury will have ample opportunity to ask questions. oftentimes grand jury's move quickly especially in a case that's very straightforward. this case could have several complications that we talked about them before, first amendment complications, complications around the fact that donald trump never really went to the capitol that day, et cetera. also the grand jury will want to keep in mind that they could be loving serious charges against a former president. the question period could take a while. it could take longer than usual. if i were a grand juror in this instance, i would want to ask many, many questions before i would feel comfortable voting to indict a former president. also, keep in mind that the justice department did meet with trump's lawyers last week and they are going to want to incorporate any information there was even those lawyers. if the lawyers were doing their job, they went in there and try to make every strong case that they could for why the justice department should not indict donald trump and if he couldn't do that they, would want to introduce new evidence, perhaps new witnesses, new thinking to the justice department not the department have to digest and consider before going on with the process of indicting a crime. >> rick, i'm sure you've seen the staggering number that trump and his pac has spent more than $40 million in legal cost this year for himself and others. but that number in perspective for us. how many campaign ads cannot pay for? how crazy is that some in general politics? this guy is running for president, you're almost a year out, year more, and he is burning through money at a staggering rate of $40 million just for legal fees? >> look, $40 million is more than every other campaign except ron desantis and donald trump of race. that would buy him about three weeks of advertising in the early primary states. it could go an awful long way to ramping up places where he is weak. but what it is being used for is being diverted to donald trump. as we have said for years, this guy's most successful business was bulking moderate voters out of ongoing email scam. that's what he's still running on. he says things like, this is for my reelection. no, it's for his legal defense fees. and the burn rate that he is experiencing from legal costs really does indicate the depth and severity of his problems and the multi variant problem that he faces with all these prosecutions and all these different states and domains, because he is clearly a guy who if this was not the case, they could be talking to donald trump from a non extradition company if you didn't have the string of revenue. >> danielle, some are saying this is a grift for him. his campaign as russia says campaign donation emails that he sends to folks in this country work hard for his money. he doesn't care. he's getting five, intend all are donations from people who support, nominees diverting that right into his own legal defense fund. >> i mean, you look and you listen to these people in the honestly believe that donald trump is still the president of the united states. they believe that they are doing their patriotic duty by listening to this man who is a liar. who is telling them that i need your five and $10 because that's what a patriot doesn't order to stand up to this country. biden is a socialist. this is what they are saying so they believe him. 30% of the country believes donald trump is telling them the truth. doesn't matter how many indictments come down. the indictments are also actually making him stronger in terms of the polls, but to people who live like us sitting here in those watching at home, we know the actual truth. >> i appreciate the alien reference, given the week that we've had -- >> it's normal. >> i guess we learned that there were aliens, but didn't even make that much news because we've been tied up with donald trump. even to say something really quick about the aliens about donald? trump >> the aliens i love, but i don't have as a dc comics reference, attorney what earth when she's talking about. i'm beyond the scope. bernie >> preceded very much. katie as well, reconvene please stick around to talk to you a little later on in the show. coming up, dan goldman joins me to discuss his efforts to weed out domestic terrorism in the government ranks. first of all just phalanx here with the headlines. a. jessica >> stories we're watching for this hour. 200 were killed and 55 are killing 200 were killed in pakistan. the applaud explosion came during acts of law rally for a hard-line cleric. russian officials say several ukrainian drones were shot down a moscow hours before a parade that was attended by vladimir putin. it follows a series of attempted drone missile strikes on russia. ukrainian president look zelenskyy said the war is returning to russia and this is absolutely fair. clean up in the u.s. after severe storm brought wind gusts of about 80 miles an hour. one man was killed in virginia after a tree fell on his house. thousands in that area are still without power right now. i'm jessica layton. we have more ayman with ayman mohyeldin right after this break. can help. metamucil's psyllium fiber gels to trap and remove the waste that weighs you down and also helps lower cholesterol and slows sugar absorption to promote healthy blood sugar levels. so you can feel lighter and more energetic. lighten every day the metamucil way. and for a delicious way to promote digestive health try metamucil fiber thins. 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(vo) subaru. more iihs top safety pick plus awards than any other brand. love. it's what makes subaru, subaru. democratic congressman dan ♪ ♪ ♪♪ voltaren. the joy of movement. ♪♪ goli, taste your goals. voltaren. the joy of movement. goldman who will join us in just a moment has more than 65 congressional democrats and finding what steps homeland security is taken weed out domestic extremism in his own ranks. after report concluded 300 current or former dhs employees were members of the right wing oath keepers group as of 2015 and customs and border protection staff were working with conservative militia groups along the u.s. mexico border. last march, the department itself released a report admitting there are quote significant gaps which have impacted its ability to compare sensibly prevent, detect to respond of potential threats related to domestic violent extremism within the dhs. and wake up multiple trials, with the january six insurrection members in congress, express their concern what measures if any have been taken to prevent -- to make sure is not their employees. they want to detailed response from dhs by tomorrow, july 31st. congress meant dan goldman of new york joins me now. congressman, great to see you thanks so much for coming back on the show. this letter comes more than two years after secretary majorca launched that internal review. in the meantime, you've had this report that revealed the number of oath keepers members within dhs ranks. that figure was actually from 2015. we don't have an updated number about what it is, but the urgency is obviously still there. what is at risk if dhs could drags it's heels in the subject? >> well the urgency of course has increased dramatically after january six when members of the oath keepers and other domestic violent extremist groups try to overthrow the government effectively. so the risk here of course that the department of homeland security is charged with keeping our homeland safe. if there are domestic violent extremists with in their ranks, that of course runs counter to their mission and could've completely undermine your mission. so it's been two years which, is part of the reason why we followed up with yet another letter because we appreciate the fact that the department has recognized that there are gaps here. but those gaps need to be filled, and we need to understand that there is a methodical and comprehensive process to determine whether or not there are employees of the department of homeland security who have connections, ties, allegiances to domestic violent extremist groups. >> how do you square or reconcile the first amendment right to have these views and believes as opposed to the potential threat? the senate just passed the annual defense bill that approved 886 billion dollars over the next year that covers the cost of tracking terrorism abroad, but it in its own report, but admits that had no official definition of or guidance about what constitutes a violent extremists, no workforce training to identify and report extremist activity and insufficient funding for the already existing dhs insider program threat. >> these concerns are real. the question of course becomes first of all, our personal opinions being used in further hints of professional activities? and second of all, are those personal views actually protected by the first amendment? i know my republican colleagues seem to now think that if you utter anything that is protected free speech under the first amendment, that is of course not the case. and so there has to be an evaluation whether, a would be protected speech but more importantly whether it is infiltrating any actual professional or career duties that any employees of the department are doing. but you also raise a very important points. do they need more funding? do we need to establish by statute it definition of a domestic terrorist? that is -- that has been open for debate for quite some time and now that we have fbi director christopher wray confirming multiple times in public hearings that the number one threat to our national security is domestic violent extremism, all of that is the case, and we need a whole of government approach to be that it. we have seen the, effect an impact of that through the department of justices prosecutions against domestic violent extremists who executed the january 6th overthrow. >> we have a foreign terrorist organization list at the state department, should we have a domestic terrorist list through dhs? , what are you thoughts and how dhs should approach the point you just raise, the growing threat of domestic extremism? >> it's something we have to evaluate and analyze very closely, especially now that we have a number of defendants convicted for seditious conspiracy. that is a charge so rarely brought in our history and we have now had i believe almost double digit defendants from a variety of domestic violent extremist groups who have been convicted of that. so if it is truly the number one threat, and if this is something that we are even seeing infiltrating our national security, our homeland security, then we need to more aggressively root it out and we are going have to balance it with the first amendment. we all understand that, but we are also going to have to make sure that our homeland is secure and safe and we don't have domestic violent extremists in our midst either perpetrating crimes as they did on january 6th or perhaps undermining the duties and responsibilities of our custom order officials. >> let me switch gears and get your thoughts on congressman on special counsel jack smith. we could see him hit donald trump with an indictment for his efforts to overturn the 2020 election. how does that tie this back to what we have been talking about the growing side of domestic extremism what will you be watching for as we await these possible charges? >> well, there is obvious overlap given all of the convictions that we have had about domestic extremists for their efforts to invade they capitol have prevent a lawful functioning government and effectively try to overturn an overthrow the government. it'll be interesting to see what if any charges it brought against donald trump and what connections the special counsel if any is able to make with these domestic violent extremist groups. we all remember when donald trump said at the debate to the proud boys to stand back and stand by, and that was perceived by them to be a clear message. it's one thing if you do it one time and you may not understand that it will have that impact but donald trump doesn't repeatedly, so he knows what impact it will have, and then the question becomes whether there were more unknown communications or coordination with these domestic violent extremist groups. but that is certainly something i will be looking for. >> congressman dan goldman of new york, it's always a pleasure. thank you so much for your time. good to see. you >> thank you. amen >> up next. everything is coming up roses for president biden. we will tell you why. here's charmin ultra strong. ahhh! my bottom's been saved! with its diamond weave texture, charmin ultra strong cleans better with fewer sheets and less effort. enjoy the go with charmin. meet the team... behind the team. the coach. the manager. and the snack dad. all using chase to keep up with their finances. the coach helps save goals here, because she saved for soccer camp there. anddd check this out... the manager deposited a check. magic. and the snack dad? he's getting paid back. orange slicesss. because this team all has chase. smart bankers. convenient tools. one bank with the power of both. chase. make more of what's yours. joe biden's america it is a phrase republicans if used to criticize the president for as they see it increasing violent crimes or border cries-ing crossings are soaring inflation. there is just one problem with that characterization. the numbers are going the other way. as access points out, violent crime rates are down across the board, lee illegal border crossings cross to the lowest level in nearly two years in june, and inflation is retreating. in fact morgan stanley credited bidenomics with increasing economic growth so significantly the bank was forced to make quote a sizeable upward division to towards its gop jeep -- back with us rick wilson and daniel moody. the numbers don't lie rick. you've got to look at republicans. i keep tabs on republican conversations both on line as well as on fox and fox business. they are struggling to explain this. they really don't know how to talk about it. how do you think republicans can justify blasting bidenomics when what they are saying about his policies are objectively false. >> they have predicated their entire 2022 campaign saying, we are going to run on gas prices and inflation. those things are hurting joe biden tremendously. then they said, well that didn't work for us in 2022, so we can recycle it in 2024 and will go against gas prices and inflation. while inflation is plunging, the economy is looking in every meaningful metric right now frankly well beyond the expectations of anyone. the biden campaign got dealt a full house here. inflation is going down, gas prices are going down, the job picture cannot be more positive in this country. the few things that republicans are trying to cling to are less less relate it to the realities of everyday americans. so when they're trying to say, gas prices of the worst -- will know they're not, they're down $1 over last year. all these things, the cognitive distance between reality and republican fantasy world that exists on fox and newsmax and all the crazy online spaces is wider and wider every day, because real americans are feeling the benefits of an american president who rolled up his sleeves and got to work. he wasn't dramatic about it but he did the things that we needed to do to turn around the economy around after trump's disastrous. rain >> coming out of covid, coming out of trump, it's remarkable with this administration to be able to do in the span of two years. there is no doubting that. the question then cannot translate politically? the polling suggests that president biden is still in the low 40s. is this a messaging issue? what is it that this administration needs to be due to be able to translate these good numbers into political capital? >> and to say something unpopular. people need to stop paying attention to the polls and stop paying start paying attention to what joe biden is doing. the numbers don't lie, republicans do. that's the thing that we need to hold fast to. everything that joe biden has done since the beginning of his administration, he has been winning. this is actually what winning looks like, not what donald trump told us what it was. so when you look at inflation in comparison to the rest of the world, america is doing incredibly well. you look at the gas prices that came down. you look at the infrastructure that was passed and it was a bipartisan bill. so what democrats need to do is keep hammering down on bidenomics. >> you meet ron desantis talk about how enslaved benefit from slavery is not a sign that republicans doing it right? am i getting that? right >> i think it is incredibly wrong to be led by a robot. sorry. >> rick wilson, daniel moody thank you, greatly appreciate your time this evening. congressman robert garcia is here to discuss is hearing on ufos and what the government might be keeping from the public about an identified aerial phenomena. that's next. that's next. with rheum atoid arthritis. because there are options. like an “unjection™.” xeljanz. a pill, not an injection. xeljanz is for adults with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. it can help relieve joint pain and swelling, stiffness, and helps stop further joint damage. some saw improvement within two weeks. xeljanz helps some feel less ra fatigue. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections. before and during treatment, your doctor should check for infections like tb and do blood tests. tell your doctor if you've had hepatitis b or c, have flu-like symptoms, or are prone to infections. serious, sometimes fatal infections, cancers including lymphoma and lung cancer, blood clots, and serious heart-related events have happened. people 50 and older, with heart disease risk factors, had an increased risk of death. tears in the stomach or intestines and serious allergic reactions have happened. needles. fine for some. but for you, there's a pill that may provide symptom relief. ask your doctor about xeljanz. stop right there! this week, get the denny's super slam starting at $7.99. hungry for all your breakfast favorites? when you want america's biggest breakfast starting at $7.99... at denny's, it's diner time. now open really late. , or we learn in the universe? it's a big question and that congress is finally trying to get the answer. this week the house oversight committee held a hearing on ufos and heard testimony from former military facials alleging the government knows more about these objects that what it is telling the public. here is former u.s. intelligence official david grusch. >> i was informed in the course of my official duties of multi decade reverse engineering program. that was denied access to those additional reductions when i was requested it. >> to believe our government is in possession of you did piece? >> absolutely after interviewing 40 witnesses over 40 years. >> joining me now democratic congressman robert garcia of california. he's the -- congressman's, great to have you on the show thank you for making time for us. first of all as an american, what was your reaction when you heard crutches testimony in that hearing. they did convince you of anything you may have been skeptical about tonight would say most americans are? >> thank you. i think first it's important that the committee spent a lot of time making sure that we sent up a serious hearing, we had witnesses that were well vetted, that we had an open mind. think of all of us came to the committee understanding that uaps have been documented, we know that they exist, our own government has made it clear that they exist. but the goal of the committee was to get these witnesses on record and to ensure that we get as much information and questions answered as possible. i thought the witnesses coming forward were credible people with a long history of military service, service to their country, and clearly there are some, the truths that have been said, their viewpoint of the truth that is being said is quite serious. i think it's something that we have a responsibility to look into. uaps are out there. commercial pilots are seeing uaps. our military is interacting with uaps. as far as what they, are i think those are the questions that need to be answered. i think the american public deserves transparency, deserves disclosure, deserves tough questions, and i that is our intent moving forward. i think it's a substantial hearing, a look forward to the weeks and months ahead, it's gonna be an important issue. >> why do you think the government is not being more transparent about this? i understand there is obviously a growing concern maybe more questions than answers. a uap does not necessarily mean alien live it just means an identified aerial phenomena that needs to be explained. why do you think the government is not being more transparent about what they have in their possession? >> well that's what we're trying to find out. listen, i think part of it is and i understand this piece. there are certain pieces about uaps that are and could be classified information. national security information, and we've been made aware with that so we understand that. we understand the sensitivities and importance of classified information around uaps. that's why many of us are congress are asking for a classified briefing within and not just speaking to the witnesses that testified in a classified setting but also other officials in the department of defense those other agency. so the classified piece is really important. it's also as you said ayman we know that a lot of those uaps can be a variety of things. d.o.d. and others have said yes we know what some of these are. some of the information is classified. but they also admitted that they don't know what all of the uaps are. so i think it's up to us to try to get that type of transparency for the american public. the reality is we have one witness who essentially has a coalition of 30 or 35 different airline pilots in these folks are out there and believe that they are safety concerns for our commercial pilots flying our airliners who may encounter this unexplained phenomena these uaps. and feel there's not a way to report them appropriately where we can move the -- electors real solutions here, creating a real reporting system, ensuring that we in congress are getting classified information correctly, continuing the search on uaps. i think this is all part of the work. >> i think it's important work in, i think it also dampened down the hysteria that exists out there right now, and exotic exists out there. let me if i can congressman will have you switch gears for a moment to get your thoughts on donald trump. obviously the biggest news this week include a new charge special counsel jack smith is filed against the ex president in the classified documents case including attempting to delete security camera footage at mar-a-lago. are shocking details like this enough to influence voters do you think? >> i mean, i don't know. clearly he has his base locked in. i can't believe someone who is essentially the biggest con man ever in american politics is about to be the republican nominee for president again. it is crazy to me that even with what will be multiple indictments and we know there are more coming that the republican base continues to support him. he should be nowhere near the presidency, and so it is very worrisome. i hope that that support is softening but i fully expect that he is going to with every indictment become closer to that nomination. he is clearly raising more money every time he gets indicted, every time something bad happens to him in the press, and this person is dangerous, he's clearly has lied time and time again to the american public. he attacks people who are the most vulnerable in our community, and i think we should be worried that the republican party is likely to renominate this man. it's very concerning. >> certainly is. congressman, can you please stick around? i want to squeeze in a quick break. i want to discuss the letter you coauthor with congressman dan coleman pressing all not security but domestic extremism just on the other side of this break. break. fl sunday ticket. 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(vo) subaru. more iihs top safety pick plus awards than any other brand. love. it's what makes subaru, subaru. permission to dig in? granted. breyers carbsmart is so rich, so creamy, it tastes totally off-limits. but with only 4 grams of net carbs in every delicious serving, you've got the green light. better starts with breyers. congressman robert garcia of california's still with us for a few more questions. congressman thank you for sticking around. earlier this hour we discussed with congressman goldman your colleague the letter the two of you are spearheading requesting the department of homeland security explained steps it has taken to weed out domestic extremism within its workforce. and what part of that as to do with reports that as cbp protection staff were working with conservative militia groups along u.s. mexico border. what are your concerns and what are you hoping to hear from dhs? what do you want to hear? >> thanks, i think that obviously that is a great colleague and a number of our freshman class. he and i served on homeland security gather. this is a huge issue. we know that domestic extremism is happening in our government. it's certainly happening at cbp and other places. we have seen reports, countless news reports and we even know that not just the department of homeland security but government wide, we are rooting out domestic extremism. we also know that we just had a discussion about donald trump and what happened on january 6th, what's happening with people trying to infiltrate our government. we know that it's very, very clear that there are groups, domestic terrorism groups, groups that are tied with white supremacists that are also trying to infiltrate the government. department of homeland security especially with other agencies needs to be very aware about what these threats and concerns are. this is continuing to increase not just in homeland security but across the government. dan is doing a great job, i think we are working really hard within our own committee of trying to get answers. >> let me ask you, the same question i asked the congressman earlier about how you thread the needle between the first amendment rights between these individuals and groups to say whatever they want to say about the u.s. government but then crossing over into domestic violence extremists? >> ayman i think that's really critical but at the end of the day but i think that folks that are part of our government, whether it's the military, with the working in customs or border control, never responsible to the constitution. never responsibility to uphold our oath and, responsibility to protect people. i think this idea that we also have folks within the government that are extremists that our domestic extremists is concerning, and it has to be investigated. this is something that we know is a serious issue today and will continue to be so the work and homeland security in a big part of our oversight is focused around domestic extremism. we've seen time and time again, especially with issues around the border and customs border patrol, and some of these groups, and domestic groups that are infiltrating our community. so it's really important. we have a huge number of congressman to with the issue. >> congressman robert garcia thank you so much for your time. appreciate your insights. we have more coming up. . i . i we hav ... wayfair's got just what you need! what... y'all this is nice. salad plates? kelly clarkson? i'm fancy now! i have always wanted statement lighting. get nice things at nice prices at wayfair! ♪ wayfair, you've got just what i need ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪♪ voltaren. the joy of movement. ♪♪ years ago, we used to just fall asleep with a full face of makeup. don't regret, just reverse. no7's new future renew with a world-first peptide technology no other skincare product has. even those that cost 10 times more. reverse visible signs of skin damage in 4 weeks. don't go anywhere, in just a goli, taste your goals.ost 10 times more. goli, taste your goals. moment, the second episode of rain wilson and the geography of bliss premiers, the viper documentary series follows active rain wilson as he explores some of the happiest places on earth. this week, rain travels to bulgaria. the geography of bliss with rain wilson's ten pm msnbc streaming as well on peacock. thank you for making time for us. until we meet again, i'm ayman mohyeldin in new york. have a good night. new - ok. i look in the camera? - yeah. - like on "the office"? - yeah. - [chuckles] - yeah, but not my cup of tea. [mellow acoustic music] - oh, really? [laughs] - i guess it's true that you can't make everyone happy. - which is actually why i'm visiting this country

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Transcripts For MSNBCW Ayman 20240704 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW Ayman 20240704

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is leading the charge to remove domestic extremism from within the governments rags. he joins us live. and investigating ufos. i'm gonna speak with congressman robert garcia about the explosive whistleblower testimony from his hearing on ufos earlier this week. i'm ayman mohyeldin. let's get started. >> what a week. no, not this past one. i'm talking about the week we are actually about to begin. one so jam-packed, so overflowing with legal developments for donald trump that special counsel jack smith superseding indictment might actually look quaint in retrospect. first up, smic d.c. jury set to meet again on tuesday, we might finally see donald trump charge for his efforts to interfere and overturn the 2020 election. but before that, the a fani willis is working from home period visually gains in fulton county, georgia. and it's just it's the most likely timeframe in which willis will announce charging decisions in our election interference investigational. tomorrow, mar-a-lago property manager and new trump codefendant carles delivery is set to be a rain in a classified documents case in miami. that is if he can find a lawyer. according to the superseding indictment, all of the oliveira among other allegations helped move boxes that contain classified information for trump and told the employee that quote, the boss wanted security footage deleted to prevent it from being turned over to a federal grand jury. but as we look ahead towards his trump's growing legal crisis, we don't want to look over the revelations of that superseding indictment. because we learned new details about how trump's homes in mar-a-lago and in bedminster played legal roles leading roles in this crime drama. lisa reuben put it, between january 2021 and august of 2022 when the fbi conducted its court authorized search of mar-a-lago, it hosted 150 social events. those events include a weddings, movie premiers and fund-raisers that together drew tens of thousands of guess. and as former fbi counterintelligence agent peter strzok highlighted, during those 150 social events, there is plenty of photo evidence showing the doors to the basement storage area where classified documents were being kept, were frequently left open and unattended. put up for you very simply, anybody could've snuck in, potentially accessed those materials. but then again, perhaps they wouldn't even need to sneak in. after all, we have a literal recording of trump showing off our nation's top secrets of edmund minister. >> these are the papers, this was done by the military and given to me. i think we can probably, right? >> i don't know we'll have to see. yeah we'll have to try -- to >> declassify. it >> yeah. >> c's president i could've declassified. no i can't you, know this is still a secret. >> and now we have a. problem >> is not interesting? >> that is so cool. >> here's where the situation actually gets interesting. that audio that you just heard there recorded a, trump's bedminster club was obtained by news outlets after jack smith's original indictment. so it appears that smith team went hunting for the document after that, confirmed it was classified, charge trump with another count of willful retention of national defense information. and the kicker? the document wasn't at bedminster. it came from mar-a-lago. it was in a box trump returned to the national archives before the justice department actually issued any subpoenas. that leads us to believe our nation's top secrets might have freely flowed between trump's properties in new jersey and florida. and who knows where else? let's bring in my all-star panel for the. our in his gavalas, nbc legal analyst and criminal defensive. journey rick wilson cofounder of the lincoln project and author of running against the devil applied to save america from trump and democrats from themselves. , daniel moody host of the woke podcasting co-host of the democracy podcast and, katie benner, msnbc contributor and reporter for the new york times. that's reporting that we have it charles de oliveira as not yet got attorney in florida. isn't surprising? what should be read into? that is what will be going down tomorrow now that the superseding indictment is upon us? >> it is strange that in so far it may be indicative that the promise of council and that trump may be taking care of his codefendants maybe a little hollow. because if you recall, his first codefendant walt nauta, took an extra amount to get arraigned or about three weeks for something that is pretty routine and to be candid at an arraignment, you really just need a warm body. sometimes the public defender will stand in, especially the state court, and then you can figure out who you are hiring later on, but for an arraignment, it is an important event in that it kicks off formally the federal case. it starts the clock running for speedy trial purposes, but in terms of substantive things that go on, you just need human there for the most part. so a little strange that they he doesn't have an attorney, but at the same time and indictment came out last week, typically only have a matter of days before the arraignment. so it is a little time sensitive. >> kate of, the 11th's legal fees are being paid by trump's pac. what does that mean going forward and how unusual is a situation we have one defendant paying the fees for another defendant? >> so this is a situation we have seen multiple times in trump world where the trump pac is paying for peoples lawyers. we saw during the january 6th hearings, when lawyers were paid for by trump were essentially representing a number of people who were interviewed by that panel. we are seeing it again here. this is something that is considered -- it's not strictly illegal, but it is considered somewhat odd. it makes you wonder whether or not these defendants will be acting and speaking really in their own interests or in the interest of the person paying their legal fees, not solid questioned always comes up, question came up during the january six hearings, we saw dramatically come to a head when one witness decided to break free and no longer use the trump paid for lawyer. it's gonna be interesting to see whether of trump's codefendants in this case want to use to used of legal attorneys paid for by trump especially looks like their cases are gonna become difficult for them and i want to strike out on their own. >> danielle, let me put this photo back up from peter strzok's original tweet. this was the one that showed scores of photos with the doors i believe leading to the area where these documents were and also as highlighted by my colleague lisa reuben, unattended, during events where many thousands of people were believed to have gone through them. we've also learned that those documents included material about american nuclear capabilities. a, how is that likely to change if at all the public's perception of this? case and to, will have an impact on republican voters? >> i don't think it'll have an impact on republican voters, because they are backing a twice impeached, multiple indictment, has been found sexual harassment, defamation and all these things. i don't think it's gonna change the mind of republican voters who are doubling and tripling down on trump, but you can't just have republican voters and think you are going to win a national election. that's where the issue is. independents, the small amount that there are, and democrats don't want donald trump. the more that we wait, the longer that the summer goes on in the fall, and there we are an indictment watch, who is this man? what we know is that he can't be trusted. he can't be trusted with documents, he can't be trusted to return, he can't be trusted to tell the truth at all, ever. so i think that what we have to understand is that in order to win the white house in a fair and free election, one actually has to acquire votes from everyone. >> wreck to danielle's point, who is this man? chris christie one of the people running for president, he answered that question today. this is who we describe donald trump is being. watch. >> it is most likely that by the time we get on the debate stage on august 23rd, the front runner will be out on bail in four different jurisdictions. florida, washington, georgia and new york. out on bail. >> so, that is who the republican front will be, it'll be most likely someone who's out on bail in four different jurisdictions for charges for different alleged crimes. when you make of his point, the leading gop candidate campaigning while out on bail? >> you know, i've gone back to 2015, 2016 where we heard donald trump besmirching john mccain's war record. we heard him making fun of disabled reporters. we heard him calling mexicans rapists. this is a long stretch of donald trump being in trouble with what people normally believe are devastating attacks. we know the republican parties standard a solo now, so completely debased in every way that for donald trump to be indicted again and again and again, his republican base now takes it as a virtue, not as a calm domination. they make it as he standing up against a deep state or whatever fantasies in their heads. so as much as i want to praise chris christie and will hurd, and lisa hutchison for speaking the truth, you are the three of them together, they come to about four or 5% in the polls in aggregate, and donald trump is in the high 50s. this is not a party that is ready to move on from trump. fraction of it is most certainly, but it's a small fraction, but republican likely primary voters are with this guy to the last dog dies as we sit on self. >> let's not forget, chris christie was a person who served, or at least worked with donald trump for a long time, so he should not be given any free passage because he's found his spine this late in the game. >> i want to ask about these charges. related to the classical five documents, perhaps prosecutors were waiting to find out where that document was in relation to that clip that we were playing that he was showing it to the reporter. what does it say? what do you make of the fact that this document was nowhere to be found? it was basically bouncing around between florida and new jersey before it was ultimately handed over to the national archives. was that the reason why the superseding indictment came late in the game? >> first consider this. the government not only needed to find a document, they needed to authenticate it. and remember, the document was apparently rustled in waved a round at least according to the audio. so the only way you authenticate it presumably and i'm just drawing inferences is the other people in the room. we have to manage and how that went down right? is this document, we'll have about this, when was at this one? they must have gone through at least a stack until whoever was in the room and saw the document, hey you know what? that looks like the one that i saw in the office. this is just me guessing and how they authenticated document. >> your inferring that they know who is in the room with the president that they were able to authenticate the document? >> there's even more to that. they had to be close enough to the president to even see that document waving around, or he may have handed it to them. in order to authenticate it -- >> i'm not showing you the back of, you have to be able to see. >> you have papers in front of you know. could daniel and i authenticate those months from now? i don't think. so that means that somebody had to be pretty certain enough for the government to put an indictment that they sought and recognize it, maybe in context or whatever. the second part of your question. of course, of course that this was in the news that trump made a public denial. the government's human. it's staffed by humans, and when you get out there and say things like, that wasn't the document you are thinking about. i was wrestling round emmanuel or newspaper something else. they are going to say, okay i see a, bluffing of going to raise you on that one. i probably have my poker terminology way off, i don't play poker. there's a lot to read between the lines of this new document indictment. >> katie, i'd like to pivot to jack smith for a moment kuhn's election interference probe. we know the grand jury in d.c. met for seven and a half hours on thursday. what more do they need to do before deciding on charges or not? what are you hearing from your sources about where this process goes from here? >> sure, so the process is important to understand. keep in mind, it's not the justice department than indites donald trump, it'll be the grand jury. so eventually at some point a team ago before the grand jury, the prosecutors will say, this is the indictment, this is the case we wish to make. do you agree with us, would you vote yes? they will walk the grand jury through their arguments and then the grand jury will have ample opportunity to ask questions. oftentimes grand jury's move quickly especially in a case that's very straightforward. this case could have several complications that we talked about them before, first amendment complications, complications around the fact that donald trump never really went to the capitol that day, et cetera. also the grand jury will want to keep in mind that they could be loving serious charges against a former president. the question period could take a while. it could take longer than usual. if i were a grand juror in this instance, i would want to ask many, many questions before i would feel comfortable voting to indict a former president. also, keep in mind that the justice department did meet with trump's lawyers last week and they are going to want to incorporate any information there was even those lawyers. if the lawyers were doing their job, they went in there and try to make every strong case that they could for why the justice department should not indict donald trump and if he couldn't do that they, would want to introduce new evidence, perhaps new witnesses, new thinking to the justice department not the department have to digest and consider before going on with the process of indicting a crime. >> rick, i'm sure you've seen the staggering number that trump and his pac has spent more than $40 million in legal cost this year for himself and others. but that number in perspective for us. how many campaign ads cannot pay for? how crazy is that some in general politics? this guy is running for president, you're almost a year out, year more, and he is burning through money at a staggering rate of $40 million just for legal fees? >> look, $40 million is more than every other campaign except ron desantis and donald trump of race. that would buy him about three weeks of advertising in the early primary states. it could go an awful long way to ramping up places where he is weak. but what it is being used for is being diverted to donald trump. as we have said for years, this guy's most successful business was bulking moderate voters out of ongoing email scam. that's what he's still running on. he says things like, this is for my reelection. no, it's for his legal defense fees. and the burn rate that he is experiencing from legal costs really does indicate the depth and severity of his problems and the multi variant problem that he faces with all these prosecutions and all these different states and domains, because he is clearly a guy who if this was not the case, they could be talking to donald trump from a non extradition company if you didn't have the string of revenue. >> danielle, some are saying this is a grift for him. his campaign as russia says campaign donation emails that he sends to folks in this country work hard for his money. he doesn't care. he's getting five, intend all are donations from people who support, nominees diverting that right into his own legal defense fund. >> i mean, you look and you listen to these people in the honestly believe that donald trump is still the president of the united states. they believe that they are doing their patriotic duty by listening to this man who is a liar. who is telling them that i need your five and $10 because that's what a patriot doesn't order to stand up to this country. biden is a socialist. this is what they are saying so they believe him. 30% of the country believes donald trump is telling them the truth. doesn't matter how many indictments come down. the indictments are also actually making him stronger in terms of the polls, but to people who live like us sitting here in those watching at home, we know the actual truth. >> i appreciate the alien reference, given the week that we've had -- >> it's normal. >> i guess we learned that there were aliens, but didn't even make that much news because we've been tied up with donald trump. even to say something really quick about the aliens about donald? trump >> the aliens i love, but i don't have as a dc comics reference, attorney what earth when she's talking about. i'm beyond the scope. bernie >> preceded very much. katie as well, reconvene please stick around to talk to you a little later on in the show. coming up, dan goldman joins me to discuss his efforts to weed out domestic terrorism in the government ranks. first of all just phalanx here with the headlines. a. jessica >> stories we're watching for this hour. 200 were killed and 55 are killing 200 were killed in pakistan. the applaud explosion came during acts of law rally for a hard-line cleric. russian officials say several ukrainian drones were shot down a moscow hours before a parade that was attended by vladimir putin. it follows a series of attempted drone missile strikes on russia. ukrainian president look zelenskyy said the war is returning to russia and this is absolutely fair. clean up in the u.s. after severe storm brought wind gusts of about 80 miles an hour. one man was killed in virginia after a tree fell on his house. thousands in that area are still without power right now. i'm jessica layton. we have more ayman with ayman mohyeldin right after this break. can help. metamucil's psyllium fiber gels to trap and remove the waste that weighs you down and also helps lower cholesterol and slows sugar absorption to promote healthy blood sugar levels. so you can feel lighter and more energetic. lighten every day the metamucil way. and for a delicious way to promote digestive health try metamucil fiber thins. 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(vo) subaru. more iihs top safety pick plus awards than any other brand. love. it's what makes subaru, subaru. democratic congressman dan ♪ ♪ ♪♪ voltaren. the joy of movement. ♪♪ goli, taste your goals. voltaren. the joy of movement. goldman who will join us in just a moment has more than 65 congressional democrats and finding what steps homeland security is taken weed out domestic extremism in his own ranks. after report concluded 300 current or former dhs employees were members of the right wing oath keepers group as of 2015 and customs and border protection staff were working with conservative militia groups along the u.s. mexico border. last march, the department itself released a report admitting there are quote significant gaps which have impacted its ability to compare sensibly prevent, detect to respond of potential threats related to domestic violent extremism within the dhs. and wake up multiple trials, with the january six insurrection members in congress, express their concern what measures if any have been taken to prevent -- to make sure is not their employees. they want to detailed response from dhs by tomorrow, july 31st. congress meant dan goldman of new york joins me now. congressman, great to see you thanks so much for coming back on the show. this letter comes more than two years after secretary majorca launched that internal review. in the meantime, you've had this report that revealed the number of oath keepers members within dhs ranks. that figure was actually from 2015. we don't have an updated number about what it is, but the urgency is obviously still there. what is at risk if dhs could drags it's heels in the subject? >> well the urgency of course has increased dramatically after january six when members of the oath keepers and other domestic violent extremist groups try to overthrow the government effectively. so the risk here of course that the department of homeland security is charged with keeping our homeland safe. if there are domestic violent extremists with in their ranks, that of course runs counter to their mission and could've completely undermine your mission. so it's been two years which, is part of the reason why we followed up with yet another letter because we appreciate the fact that the department has recognized that there are gaps here. but those gaps need to be filled, and we need to understand that there is a methodical and comprehensive process to determine whether or not there are employees of the department of homeland security who have connections, ties, allegiances to domestic violent extremist groups. >> how do you square or reconcile the first amendment right to have these views and believes as opposed to the potential threat? the senate just passed the annual defense bill that approved 886 billion dollars over the next year that covers the cost of tracking terrorism abroad, but it in its own report, but admits that had no official definition of or guidance about what constitutes a violent extremists, no workforce training to identify and report extremist activity and insufficient funding for the already existing dhs insider program threat. >> these concerns are real. the question of course becomes first of all, our personal opinions being used in further hints of professional activities? and second of all, are those personal views actually protected by the first amendment? i know my republican colleagues seem to now think that if you utter anything that is protected free speech under the first amendment, that is of course not the case. and so there has to be an evaluation whether, a would be protected speech but more importantly whether it is infiltrating any actual professional or career duties that any employees of the department are doing. but you also raise a very important points. do they need more funding? do we need to establish by statute it definition of a domestic terrorist? that is -- that has been open for debate for quite some time and now that we have fbi director christopher wray confirming multiple times in public hearings that the number one threat to our national security is domestic violent extremism, all of that is the case, and we need a whole of government approach to be that it. we have seen the, effect an impact of that through the department of justices prosecutions against domestic violent extremists who executed the january 6th overthrow. >> we have a foreign terrorist organization list at the state department, should we have a domestic terrorist list through dhs? , what are you thoughts and how dhs should approach the point you just raise, the growing threat of domestic extremism? >> it's something we have to evaluate and analyze very closely, especially now that we have a number of defendants convicted for seditious conspiracy. that is a charge so rarely brought in our history and we have now had i believe almost double digit defendants from a variety of domestic violent extremist groups who have been convicted of that. so if it is truly the number one threat, and if this is something that we are even seeing infiltrating our national security, our homeland security, then we need to more aggressively root it out and we are going have to balance it with the first amendment. we all understand that, but we are also going to have to make sure that our homeland is secure and safe and we don't have domestic violent extremists in our midst either perpetrating crimes as they did on january 6th or perhaps undermining the duties and responsibilities of our custom order officials. >> let me switch gears and get your thoughts on congressman on special counsel jack smith. we could see him hit donald trump with an indictment for his efforts to overturn the 2020 election. how does that tie this back to what we have been talking about the growing side of domestic extremism what will you be watching for as we await these possible charges? >> well, there is obvious overlap given all of the convictions that we have had about domestic extremists for their efforts to invade they capitol have prevent a lawful functioning government and effectively try to overturn an overthrow the government. it'll be interesting to see what if any charges it brought against donald trump and what connections the special counsel if any is able to make with these domestic violent extremist groups. we all remember when donald trump said at the debate to the proud boys to stand back and stand by, and that was perceived by them to be a clear message. it's one thing if you do it one time and you may not understand that it will have that impact but donald trump doesn't repeatedly, so he knows what impact it will have, and then the question becomes whether there were more unknown communications or coordination with these domestic violent extremist groups. but that is certainly something i will be looking for. >> congressman dan goldman of new york, it's always a pleasure. thank you so much for your time. good to see. you >> thank you. amen >> up next. everything is coming up roses for president biden. we will tell you why. here's charmin ultra strong. ahhh! my bottom's been saved! with its diamond weave texture, charmin ultra strong cleans better with fewer sheets and less effort. enjoy the go with charmin. meet the team... behind the team. the coach. the manager. and the snack dad. all using chase to keep up with their finances. the coach helps save goals here, because she saved for soccer camp there. anddd check this out... the manager deposited a check. magic. and the snack dad? he's getting paid back. orange slicesss. because this team all has chase. smart bankers. convenient tools. one bank with the power of both. chase. make more of what's yours. joe biden's america it is a phrase republicans if used to criticize the president for as they see it increasing violent crimes or border cries-ing crossings are soaring inflation. there is just one problem with that characterization. the numbers are going the other way. as access points out, violent crime rates are down across the board, lee illegal border crossings cross to the lowest level in nearly two years in june, and inflation is retreating. in fact morgan stanley credited bidenomics with increasing economic growth so significantly the bank was forced to make quote a sizeable upward division to towards its gop jeep -- back with us rick wilson and daniel moody. the numbers don't lie rick. you've got to look at republicans. i keep tabs on republican conversations both on line as well as on fox and fox business. they are struggling to explain this. they really don't know how to talk about it. how do you think republicans can justify blasting bidenomics when what they are saying about his policies are objectively false. >> they have predicated their entire 2022 campaign saying, we are going to run on gas prices and inflation. those things are hurting joe biden tremendously. then they said, well that didn't work for us in 2022, so we can recycle it in 2024 and will go against gas prices and inflation. while inflation is plunging, the economy is looking in every meaningful metric right now frankly well beyond the expectations of anyone. the biden campaign got dealt a full house here. inflation is going down, gas prices are going down, the job picture cannot be more positive in this country. the few things that republicans are trying to cling to are less less relate it to the realities of everyday americans. so when they're trying to say, gas prices of the worst -- will know they're not, they're down $1 over last year. all these things, the cognitive distance between reality and republican fantasy world that exists on fox and newsmax and all the crazy online spaces is wider and wider every day, because real americans are feeling the benefits of an american president who rolled up his sleeves and got to work. he wasn't dramatic about it but he did the things that we needed to do to turn around the economy around after trump's disastrous. rain >> coming out of covid, coming out of trump, it's remarkable with this administration to be able to do in the span of two years. there is no doubting that. the question then cannot translate politically? the polling suggests that president biden is still in the low 40s. is this a messaging issue? what is it that this administration needs to be due to be able to translate these good numbers into political capital? >> and to say something unpopular. people need to stop paying attention to the polls and stop paying start paying attention to what joe biden is doing. the numbers don't lie, republicans do. that's the thing that we need to hold fast to. everything that joe biden has done since the beginning of his administration, he has been winning. this is actually what winning looks like, not what donald trump told us what it was. so when you look at inflation in comparison to the rest of the world, america is doing incredibly well. you look at the gas prices that came down. you look at the infrastructure that was passed and it was a bipartisan bill. so what democrats need to do is keep hammering down on bidenomics. >> you meet ron desantis talk about how enslaved benefit from slavery is not a sign that republicans doing it right? am i getting that? right >> i think it is incredibly wrong to be led by a robot. sorry. >> rick wilson, daniel moody thank you, greatly appreciate your time this evening. congressman robert garcia is here to discuss is hearing on ufos and what the government might be keeping from the public about an identified aerial phenomena. that's next. that's next. with rheum atoid arthritis. because there are options. like an “unjection™.” xeljanz. a pill, not an injection. xeljanz is for adults with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. it can help relieve joint pain and swelling, stiffness, and helps stop further joint damage. some saw improvement within two weeks. xeljanz helps some feel less ra fatigue. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections. before and during treatment, your doctor should check for infections like tb and do blood tests. tell your doctor if you've had hepatitis b or c, have flu-like symptoms, or are prone to infections. serious, sometimes fatal infections, cancers including lymphoma and lung cancer, blood clots, and serious heart-related events have happened. people 50 and older, with heart disease risk factors, had an increased risk of death. tears in the stomach or intestines and serious allergic reactions have happened. needles. fine for some. but for you, there's a pill that may provide symptom relief. ask your doctor about xeljanz. stop right there! this week, get the denny's super slam starting at $7.99. hungry for all your breakfast favorites? when you want america's biggest breakfast starting at $7.99... at denny's, it's diner time. now open really late. , or we learn in the universe? it's a big question and that congress is finally trying to get the answer. this week the house oversight committee held a hearing on ufos and heard testimony from former military facials alleging the government knows more about these objects that what it is telling the public. here is former u.s. intelligence official david grusch. >> i was informed in the course of my official duties of multi decade reverse engineering program. that was denied access to those additional reductions when i was requested it. >> to believe our government is in possession of you did piece? >> absolutely after interviewing 40 witnesses over 40 years. >> joining me now democratic congressman robert garcia of california. he's the -- congressman's, great to have you on the show thank you for making time for us. first of all as an american, what was your reaction when you heard crutches testimony in that hearing. they did convince you of anything you may have been skeptical about tonight would say most americans are? >> thank you. i think first it's important that the committee spent a lot of time making sure that we sent up a serious hearing, we had witnesses that were well vetted, that we had an open mind. think of all of us came to the committee understanding that uaps have been documented, we know that they exist, our own government has made it clear that they exist. but the goal of the committee was to get these witnesses on record and to ensure that we get as much information and questions answered as possible. i thought the witnesses coming forward were credible people with a long history of military service, service to their country, and clearly there are some, the truths that have been said, their viewpoint of the truth that is being said is quite serious. i think it's something that we have a responsibility to look into. uaps are out there. commercial pilots are seeing uaps. our military is interacting with uaps. as far as what they, are i think those are the questions that need to be answered. i think the american public deserves transparency, deserves disclosure, deserves tough questions, and i that is our intent moving forward. i think it's a substantial hearing, a look forward to the weeks and months ahead, it's gonna be an important issue. >> why do you think the government is not being more transparent about this? i understand there is obviously a growing concern maybe more questions than answers. a uap does not necessarily mean alien live it just means an identified aerial phenomena that needs to be explained. why do you think the government is not being more transparent about what they have in their possession? >> well that's what we're trying to find out. listen, i think part of it is and i understand this piece. there are certain pieces about uaps that are and could be classified information. national security information, and we've been made aware with that so we understand that. we understand the sensitivities and importance of classified information around uaps. that's why many of us are congress are asking for a classified briefing within and not just speaking to the witnesses that testified in a classified setting but also other officials in the department of defense those other agency. so the classified piece is really important. it's also as you said ayman we know that a lot of those uaps can be a variety of things. d.o.d. and others have said yes we know what some of these are. some of the information is classified. but they also admitted that they don't know what all of the uaps are. so i think it's up to us to try to get that type of transparency for the american public. the reality is we have one witness who essentially has a coalition of 30 or 35 different airline pilots in these folks are out there and believe that they are safety concerns for our commercial pilots flying our airliners who may encounter this unexplained phenomena these uaps. and feel there's not a way to report them appropriately where we can move the -- electors real solutions here, creating a real reporting system, ensuring that we in congress are getting classified information correctly, continuing the search on uaps. i think this is all part of the work. >> i think it's important work in, i think it also dampened down the hysteria that exists out there right now, and exotic exists out there. let me if i can congressman will have you switch gears for a moment to get your thoughts on donald trump. obviously the biggest news this week include a new charge special counsel jack smith is filed against the ex president in the classified documents case including attempting to delete security camera footage at mar-a-lago. are shocking details like this enough to influence voters do you think? >> i mean, i don't know. clearly he has his base locked in. i can't believe someone who is essentially the biggest con man ever in american politics is about to be the republican nominee for president again. it is crazy to me that even with what will be multiple indictments and we know there are more coming that the republican base continues to support him. he should be nowhere near the presidency, and so it is very worrisome. i hope that that support is softening but i fully expect that he is going to with every indictment become closer to that nomination. he is clearly raising more money every time he gets indicted, every time something bad happens to him in the press, and this person is dangerous, he's clearly has lied time and time again to the american public. he attacks people who are the most vulnerable in our community, and i think we should be worried that the republican party is likely to renominate this man. it's very concerning. >> certainly is. congressman, can you please stick around? i want to squeeze in a quick break. i want to discuss the letter you coauthor with congressman dan coleman pressing all not security but domestic extremism just on the other side of this break. break. fl sunday ticket. 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Amendment , Complications , Move , Arguments , Opportunity , Question Period , Capitol , Et Cetera , Many , Voting , Instance , Juror , Job , He Couldn T , Witnesses , Thinking , Crime , Others , Cost , Perspective , Campaign Ads , 0 Million , 40 Million , Money , Campaign , Politics , Rate , States , Advertising , Ron Desantis , Business , Email Scam , Running On , Variant Problem , Problems , Defense Fees , Costs , Depth , Severity , Reelection , Burn Rate , Prosecutions , Non Extradition Company , Domains , Some , Country , Folks , Donation Emails , Grift , Revenue , String , Russia , He Doesn T Care , Support , Donations , Defense Fund , Nominees , Joe Biden , Liar , Socialist , Duty , Patriot Doesn T Order , 10 , 0 , 30 , Indictments , Aliens , Didn T , Alien Reference , Earth , Reference , Scope , Dc Comics , Bernie , Terrorism , Ranks , Headlines , Stories , Coming Up , Hour 200 , A Jessica , Officials , Explosion , Law Rally , Acts , Cleric , Pakistan , 55 , 200 , Parade , Series , Vladimir Putin , Drone Missile Strikes , Ukrainian , Look Zelenskyy , Drones , House , War , Storm , Tree , Wind , Gusts , Virginia , 80 , Break , Power , Fiber Gels , Waste , Trap , Metamucil , Jessica Layton , Fiber Thins , Blood Sugar Levels , Cholesterol , Sugar Absorption , Digestive Health Try Metamucil , Mom , Subaru Outback , Safety , Family , Brand , Awards , Love , Vo , Thank Goodness , Iihs , Daughter , It Mote Digestive Health , Movement , Joy , Voltaren , Goals , Goli , 65 , Homeland Security , Dhs , Employees , Members , Weed , Finding , Wing , 300 , Militia Groups , Report , Last March , Mexico Border , Oath Keepers Group , Staff , Customs And Border Protection , Threats , Gaps , Insurrection Members , Ability , Trials , Congress , Concern , Response , Prevent , July 31st , Letter , Congressman , Review , Majorca , 31 , Two , Urgency , Oath Keepers , Figure , Dhs Ranks , Groups , Risk , Extremist , Subject , Heels , Extremists , Homeland , Safe , Mission , Extremist Groups , Connections , Ties , Threat , Senate , Views , Tracking Terrorism , Defense Bill , 886 Billion , 886 Billion Dollars , Extremist Activity , Definition , Guidance , Workforce Training , Concerns , Funding , Program Threat , Insider , Colleagues , Opinions , Activities , Hints , Anything , Speech , Whether , Duties , Career , Department Are Doing , Debate , Points , Terrorist , Statute It Definition , Security , Wall , Christopher Wray , Whole , State Department , Justices , Approach , January 6th Overthrow , Thoughts , Terrorist Organization List , Terrorist List , History , Seditious Conspiracy , Variety , Digit , Special Counsel , Gears , Responsibilities , Side , Tie , Overlap , Convictions , Any , Overthrow , Functioning , Boys , Message , Stand By , Thing , Communications , Coordination , Pleasure , Everything , Charmin Ultra Strong , Effort , Ahhh , Bottom , Sheets , Coming Up Roses , Weave Texture , Go , Coach , Manager , Save Goals , Chase , Snack Dad , Finances , Soccer Camp , Bank , Bankers , Check , Tools , Both , Anddd Check This Out , Magic , Orange Slicesss , Phrase , Characterization , Problem , Ing Crossings Are Soaring Inflation , Border Cries , Inflation , Numbers , Violent Crime Rates , Level , Board , Access Points Out , Morgan Stanley , Lee Illegal Border Crossings , Bidenomics , Growth , Quote A Sizeable Upward Division , Jeep , Don T , Lie Rick , Line , Conversations , Tabs , Daniel Moody , On Fox , Fox Business , Policies , Gas Prices , Campaign Saying , Didn T Work , 2024 , Economy , Plunging , Metric , Expectations , Anyone , Picture , Positive , Reality , Distance , Realities , Fantasy World , Everyday Americans , Worst , 1 , , Benefits , Sleeves , Spaces , Newsmax , Fox , Administration , Coming Out Of Trump , Covid , Polling , Capital , Messaging , 40 , Attention , Don T Lie , Beginning , Infrastructure , Comparison , Winning , Rest , Sign , Bill , Slavery , Hammering , Evening , Led , Robot , Xeljanz , Phenomena , Pill , Rheum Atoid Arthritis , Keeping , Injection , Options , Unjectiontm , Infections , Damage , Moderate , Adults , Stiffness , Swelling , Stop , Pain , Saw Improvement , Ra , Fatigue , Doctor , Blood Tests , C , Symptoms , Lung Cancer , Cancers , Tb , Treatment , Hepatitis B , Blood Clots , Lymphoma , Intestines , Heart Disease Risk Factors , Reactions , Death , Stomach , Fine , Tears , Symptom Relief , Needles , Super Slam Starting , Breakfast , Breakfast Favorites , Denny S , 99 , 7 99 , Universe , Answer , Military Facials , House Oversight Committee , David Grusch , Multi Decade Reverse Engineering Program , Possession , Reductions , Access , Congressman S , Reaction , Crutches , California S , Committee , Uaps , Goal , Military Service , Record , Responsibility , Truths , Viewpoint , Service , Military , Pilots , Transparency , Interacting , Disclosure , Intent , Uap , Alien , Piece , Pieces , Classified Information , Sensitivities , Importance , Briefing , Department Of Defense , Agency , Setting , Type , Coalition , Airline Pilots , Safety Concerns , 35 , Airliners , Hysteria , Work , Electors , Work In , Solutions , Real Reporting System , Exotic , Ex , Footage , Don T Know , Security Camera , Nominee , Biggest Con Man , American Politics , Presidency , Softening , Press , Nomination , Community , Most , Plan , Josh Allen , Dan Coleman , Fl Sunday Ticket , Nfl Sunday Ticket , Myplan , Verizon , Youtubetv , Fan , Mmhm , Value , Hero Fan , 449 , 2 , 49 , Samsung Galaxy S23 , Serving , Carbs , Permission , Granted , Breyers Carbsmart , Light , 4 , Breyers , Workforce , Steps , Reports , Cbp Protection , Freshman Class , Places , News Reports , Discussion , Supremacists , Agencies , Individuals , Answers , Needle , Rights , Domestic Violence , Oath , Constitution , Idea , Working In Customs Or Border Control , Oversight , Issues , Border , Wayfair S , Insights , Prices , Statement Lighting , Salad Plates , Kelly Clarkson , Technology , Makeup , Face , Regret , Skincare Product , No7 , Don T Go Anywhere , Skin Damage , Signs , Goals , Geography , Rain Wilson , Episode , Bliss Premiers , Bliss , The Viper Documentary Series , Bulgaria , Rain Travels , Ten , Night , Well On Peacock , Camera , Chuckles , The Office , Cup Of Tea , Mellow Acoustic Music ,

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