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Week but theres no question overall two big things stuck out to me. First of all this week was an extraordinarily reminder of just how much legal trouble the legal president is in. Its really something to have all eyes glued on the courthouse in washington, d. C. Watching what jack smith is going to do, waiting for an indictment in the investigation and his attempt to overturn the 2020 election, only to have a new separate Superseding Indictment Draft in the investigation into his mishandling of classified documents. All happening within the span of hours. You really cant make this stuff up sometimes. And put 1 figure on this mountain of legal trouble, just last night the Washington Post came out with a new piece detailing the more than 40 million trumps Political Group is spent on legal costs to defend not just trump, but his advisers and others in the first half of this year alone. The first half of this year alone, at 40 million from Trump Supporters all across the country footing legal bills for him in his circle. So just put a very fine tooth comb on this, 40 million of the five, ten and 20 dollar donations from Trump Supporters across the country has gone to foot trump legal bills and illegal bills of people who helped him. One thing is for sure. Those bills are going to keep piling up. The new Superseding Indictment in the documents case contains of least three indigenous charges in the case, one Additional Defendant and a ton of additional details. Two of the charges here center on oxen, which we can see in a particular jarring passage that says trump, his aide nada and the newly indicted requested that another Trump Employee Quote delete Security Camera footage at the Maralago Club to prevent the footage from being provided to another grand jury. You cant spell out a more much more clearly than that. And why . According to this new Development Carlos de oliveira, who said to be arraigned tomorrow, its said to quote the boss wanted the server deleted. That is right here on page 29 in the indictment. I think we all know who the bosses, thats pretty clear. And giving orders to delete Security Footage is a totally innocent, not at all criminal thing to do right . Sounds totally fine. The new charge here centers on what is willful retention of National Defense information, which basically means he held on to documents that he wasnt supposed to have. And in the case that now famous around documents show them to people he wasnt supposed to show them to. Now i know all of this can be a lot to follow. An indictment in the Election Interference case still feels imminent. Trumps lawyers had a meeting with the Special Counsels office this week in which they were told to expect one. And then Out Of Nowhere comes the Superseding Indictment in florida, unbeknownst to all of us. Which brings us to the other lesson of the week. Even when it might not feel like it or we cant necessarily see it, or we dont know the details of whats happening, the Justice System is always working. Every time jack smiths team makes an announcement, there seems to be a few eyepopping details that nobody was tracking beforehand. Some of them some very motley to me. Theres also a lot going behind the scenes. As this week showed we have no idea and just how much work did Us Department of justice of work is doing into the news break, spending till then the work is very much happening. So however slowly it might seem a sometimes, and there are many times it feels so, the wheels of justice are constantly turning to hold people accountable thats important to remember. This week was a big reminder that. Joining me now is congressman adam schiff. He was an Impeachment Manager during Donald Trumps first impeachment drawn and he was a member of the House Select Committee on january 6th. Thank you so much for joining me here. I felt the need to outline what the first impeachment was about because i think sometimes people forget. There have been so many legal challenges to trump here. I wanted to start, because the numbers in this Washington Post story were just eyepopping or they felt that way. Washington post says that 40 million of legal costs for trump was spent by his pacs and essentially entities paying for his Campaign Just this year alone. What was your reaction when he saw . Well it is eyepopping but it also shows i think by one powerful metric how much Donald Trumps running for Presidency S Part of his strategy this keep out of jail. This is all about the hope that he becomes the next officeholder and he can make all these legal problems go away as the next president. And he is going to spend whatever Campaign Contributions come his way to represent anyone that is deemed loyal to him. The problem with this is that we saw on the january 6th investigation how trump appointed Defense Counsel for witnesses. In one case in particular was suggesting to a witness, hey you should say you dont remember these things even if you do remember them. It allows the Trump Defense team few get their stories to control them almost to control, them get their stories all align, to coach witnesses, to say they forgot things that they do remember. So its problematic from a point of justice, point of view. I think this is what they are trying to accomplish. Now, this week one of the pieces of new details was of course the details in the Superseding Indictment. You of course played a significant and Important Role in the first impeachment trial for trump. As you look to the details here and as were learning more here, do you feel this case of obstruction is even more clear than the earlier case or how do you compare . That they were both strong in different ways. In the mueller investigation, it was trump trying to fire people like comey or even threatening to fire mueller to obstruct the investigation. He was coaching witnesses to grateful statements. Here you have the willful retention of Defense Information as per security information violation of law. Then you have an obstruction of an investigation where trump is essentially obsessed instructing that the boxes be hidden. Then you have an effort to hide the obstruction by coaching people to destroy the Security Footage, video footage. So its essentially coverup on top of a coverup. That seems very concrete, very specific in a way that even goes beyond the obstruction involving the to the mueller report. So here, i think the case is much simpler, much easier for a jury to comprehend. Hiding boxes, the leading Security Footage or at least trying to, you dont need a complex explanation for that. Its such powerful evidence of the president s consciousness of his guilt. Some of it would not even be believable if it was in a movie. Reading some of the specifics. You spent so much time working on intelligence issues, especially on the intelligence committee. What stuck out to me is that there is one document that we know that they have. We also have the recording of the. There are 31 other documents. As youve looked through and they are outlined again in the superseding document, the details of the level of classification. How concerned are you that some of these documents might even be worse or more damaging than the iran darknet that we have more details on . Its hard to imagine things that are more damaging than the iran war plans or other documents that have been described or their classifications. What would concern me most is do any of these documents by reading them reveal who the sources are of information . If they are Human Sources or what the technical source is. Thats the most damaging thing because then that futures threatens future intelligence or lives. Some of these were kept in the bathroom or the stage or in a public resort, that god knows who had access to, and also have to mention to that the Intelligence Community right now in for months has been trying to evaluate what documents are out there that we dont know that we havent seen, that may have been destroyed or if not destroyed maybe worse, maybe in the wrong hands . I want to just turn to another case. There is so much to cover. The investigation into trumps efforts to overturn the 2020 election. Theres a lot of tv for breeding going out there, im not gonna ask you to make a prediction. We know former new York City Police commissioner and trump ally bernie kerik worked with Rudy Giuliani trying to find voter fraud since before the grand jury next month. Youve prosecuted cases. Do you expect that they will come out with an indictment before that or do they need that in order to make the strongest case . We are all blind here because we havent seen the body of evidence that the Special Counsel has, but i would imagine that if the target letter went out, if theyre having lastminute conversations, that smith is ready to indict. He may just want to Dominick Rossiter by Bringing Carrick in. He may not expect to get a lot of valuable information, but he wants to make sure that at least of the other side called kerik you know what hed have to say. I dont think its necessary that the investigation would wait until then, and as we saw in florida, if the Special Counsel gets new information there can always be a Superseding Indictment on these january six charges. And by the way, on the january 6th charges, these are the ones that i think all of us have been waiting for. Theyre the most serious allegations regarding the president s effort to interfere with a peaceful transfer of power for the first time in history. Think that Justice Department he moved talked about the onset about, the wheels moving slowly. They have been, moving slowly but they appear to be arriving at their destination. What we are waiting. Wanted to ask you before you go about this Impeachment Inquiry that Kevin Mccarthy has been floating out there. You have led one of these before and you know the level of detail that is needed. Is there any sense that he even knows what he wants to impeach the president about . No. For a while it wasnt cleared they want to who they wanted to impeach. They want to impeach Merrick Garland or joe biden or Somebody Else . They seem to be an impeachment in search of a subject, and certainly in search of evidence. About what concerns me is i think mccarthy may open an Impeachment Inquiry because he thinks may not off the steam of the crazies in this conference, but by doing it is going to set a train in motion that he may not be able to stop. And of Course Mccarthy is not thinking ahead. Hes Thinking Hanoi keep my speakership for another day, maybe another week. Hes not thinking about what he is doing to the country which is i think really devastating to the country. These kind of full phone in investigators and potential abuse of the impeachment. Power may be hard to stop, but thats an interesting thing to watch no. Congressman adam schiff, thank you so much for coming in and joining me today. Coming up, a former top doj official why that tape of Trump Waiting around the, classified document just got so much more important. Plus Democratic Caucus chair pete aguilar and later harry dunn, one of the officers who defended the Capitol On January 6th on his feelings about another looming indictment. Well be right back. Was not letting me run the show. So, we switched to Verizon Business internet. They have business grade internet, nationwide. vo make the switch. Its your business. Its your verizon. How are folks 60 and older having fun these days . Family cookouts [blowing] [dice roll] playing games [party chatter] dancin in the par age is just a number, and mines unlisted. Try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for Muscle Health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. Boost® high protein. Now available in cinnabon® bakeryinspired flavor. Learn more at boost. Com tv vo Consumer Reports evaluates vehicles for car shoppers in. Reliability, safety, owner satisfaction,pired flavor. And roadtest evaluations. And the results are in. 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But one of the biggest was something he was not charged for, specifically instance in which trump allegedly showed off a classified document showing iran to people who are not authorized to see it to put a mildly in. One of tvs lawyers was very eager to point that out at the time. All we know is is that at the indictment, there was no around document named as part of it. Just what the American Public to realize that. That document they claim he had was not part of the indictment. Well that just got really awkward, because when the superseding document drop thursday, right there on page 37 in the indictment was a new count against trump, presentation concerning Military Activity in a foreign country. This is the Special Counsel stating clear the trump not only had a document on iran but also showed it off. Its also an acknowledgment that the government has the document in its possession. Joining me now is mary mccord, former acting assistant attorney general for national security. I have so many questions about this document. I just want to start with. We now know that they had the documented, jacksons team had the document before the first indictment, so why was it not charged in the first indictment . Why, well could be that they just werent certain at that document that they had gotten back in the 15 boxes that trump did provide to the archives and i think january february, it could be they didnt have the proof that that was the one he was showing to people, the auto bag of receivers for mark meadows up at bedminster. So this tells me, because theyre very explicit in the Superseding Indictment that document is the document charged in count 32. Can ferment . Yes somebody they have a witness somebody can say that is the document. There are 31 other documents that have been listed. We dont know exactly what they are, they have levels of classification. Is your sense that jack smiths team could go after other documents or will be the draw backs to the . I dont think at this point they are probably adding two and more counseling is hobbling. They already have a substantial number, and for each one of those theyve had to negotiate with the Intelligence Community the ability to use that document in court. That couldve also been a reason for this document not being included in the original indictment. Could be that they hadnt finish those discussions with the equity holder, i would be the intelligence e Community Agency clone that information. So if they add more counts of mishandling. They could there, lots to lots more documents they have to have permission of using, and it would just extended, potentially extended trial date, another superseding in indictment. Every time he accounts, every time you are defendants, is a possibility that that will push the trial date. Thats interesting and im sure a factor. There is audio that we knew about, and now they have the physical document. Ive heard other legal experts say that now means that that audi will definitely be used in court. Before it was possible they couldve tried to pull it out. Is that your understanding and how significant is it . I think that even before count 32 was charged there were very good legal arguments for the admissibility of the audio from what he was flashing it around a pet bed minister. Thats what called foreign for 404 b evidence, in reference to rule, 404 b of evidence, allows evidence to come and not to prove Character Action in conforming with character but to prove things like motive and intent and knowledge and absence of mistake. But a judge can rule out 404 b evidence if the judge thinks its Probitive Value is outweighed by its prejudice. Here when it is direct evidence of a count that is charged direct evidence of count 32, theres really no argument that it shouldnt be admitted, so i do think this solidifies the introduction of that into evidence. So tomorrow, Carlos De Oliveira is set to be arraigned. As we are waiting for that, what are you watching, for what will we see . I dont think it will be a particularly noteworthy proceeding. I think the Special Counsels already said theres no reason for mr. Trump or mr. Nauta to be there, so well just be mr. De oliveira and his attorney. I expect he will enter a plea of not guilty, in that will be about it. They will talk about conditions of release because i expect because mr. Nauta and mr. Trump or not incarcerated, they are detained pre, near their will mr. De oliveira. I think they will impose the same conditions on nada. Remember nauta and trump are allowed to talk to each other about work and i think the same will its be the same for mr. Dealer but are not allowed to talk about the facts of the case. Thats the thing that is tough to police. Feels very hard to police. Theres also the Report Mary Last Night about the amount of money spent by trumps legal team from essentially pack funds and his campaign to cover the legal fees. One i dont understand how that is legal but really what do you think about that amounted even the use of that, the use of those Campaign Violence . The amount is extraordinary over 40 million as reported by the Washington Post. I think there are a number of issues raised by this. One, is this consistent with Campaign Finance law or is this a direct contribution to the candidate . I assume they have lots of lawyers looking over this because they are not hiding this, theyre reporting it publicly. The other issues it raises of course is in paying for attorneys for all of the different people have been swept up in this investigation including mr. Nauta, including mr. De oliveira, other conflicts that attorneys may have . We know for example in i believe mr. Nautas attorney has at least in one point represented the person whos referred to in this indictment Superseding Indictment is employee number four, who does seem to be someone who may be cooperating. Clearly you cannot represent a defendant and a cooperator in the same case. Attorneys know this, and its their responsibility to not have a conflict of interest, but sometimes as a prosecutor at, least when i was a prosecutor, if i thought something was a little bit questionable, i might raise it with the judge so that the judge could make an inquiry of the defense and make sure that they are comfortable with their attorney not looking for other counsel. Mary, always give us so much to think about, thank you so much for joining me. Coming up, was a january Six Committee so effective that even got through to ron desantis . Former doc caucus chair pete aguilar joins me next. And later, what does joe biden have in common with the Republican Party when it comes to Donald Trumps big lie . 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And the committee was apparently so effective that even got through to ron desantis. You said trump shouldve done more on january 6th. Like . What well look, i think its been well documented, his conduct when it first started, how we sat there, couldve obviously leaned in a little bit harder. Even his own kids were texting saying these two more, hes to do more. From the committees investigation and herons to the governors ears, he clearly watched some of them. So sure, we still dont know what we will see an indictment or when it will be. We dont know what the specific charges will be, and we still dont know what jack smiths team has that the committee does not. But the American People are already well versed in the Broad Strokes of the store. The quest for democrats is hallie can continue to remind American People about the Clear And Present Danger that donald trump poses to our democracy. Joining me now is congressman pete aguilar from california, hes the chair of the house Democratic Caucus. It some so many times it seems like theres so many eyepopping legal details for trump its a lot to navigate through. When you are meeting with your caucus, what argument, what political argument are you telling them they should make against trump . Well right now what we are focused on is having this august recess to talk about the Economics Recess that the biden administrations had in part because of the work that House Democrats did with Senate Democrats in order to help the economy. Specific to donald trump i think that what we laid out on the January 6th Committee was important, impactful, it helped protect democracy in that record should stand on its own. So we are not waiting around for an indictment to say that we were proven right. We were happy with the work that we did an 800page report that we put out and i think House Democrats and the country can look at that document and say that we did our job. Given all the work that you and other members of the committee did, as youre reading this maralago indictment about trumps behavior, in the Superseding Indictment, but typically some of the mob like behavior that eases with some people around him, does that remind you of some of the things you uncovered during investigation into january 6th . Do you see a trend there . Yeah, i think the trend is that the president was at the center of this effort to stop a peaceful transfer of power, to whip up the insurrectionists to, colleen them to washington, d. C. That point to the capitol, and say he was going to meet them there. Those are the Broad Strokes of the facts and the people around him were clearly not helpful. And then even after, that when all was said and done, Kevin Mccarthy said that the former president bears responsibility, and that lasted a few days, until he went down to maralago himself to help out the former president because he in part neededs support, trumps support in order to count votes and be leader. One of the january 6th Committee Hearings i remember while the lead was on the Pressure Campaign on mike pence to throw the electoral counts. Lets listen quickly to some of your comments from last year well talk about or any other side. How did we get to the point where President Trumps most magical radical supporters led a violent attack on the capital and threatened to hang President Trumps own Vice President . You will hear from witnesses that donald trump pressured mike pence to adopt a legally and morally bankrupt idea that the Vice President could choose who the next president could be. Youll hear about how the Vice President , the white House Counsel and others told donald trump that the Vice President had no such authority. But President Trump would not listen. I, mean Vice President pences role here is so important for histories you just outlined in that hearing. As we are anticipating and waiting for a potential indictment, when it comes to that plan and pences role will be hoping to learn . Well, i think jack smith has had the opportunity according to press reports to hear directly from mike pence. We heard from the mike pence attorney, from his attorney, and we heard from people around in that day but we werent able to hear it directly from him. Our report would be better, the work that we wouldve done would be more complete if many witnesses from Kevin Mccarthy to mike pence had testified before our committee. They did not, but the story is still incredibly clear. Two, 24 pm the president tweeted out threats to mike pence that continued to whip up the crowd and ended up with individuals chanting hang mike pence. This is just who he is. When the former president got backed into a corner, he will do anything he can to avoid getting caught. And thats exactly what he did including if it meant pressuring his own Vice President not to follow the law or the constitution. Such an important thing to remind people of in history. So this week also, House Speaker Kevin Mccarthy started to voice support floated this possibility of an Impeachment Inquiry into President Biden out there. Clearly this is for sure. Theres political reasons. Youve called it a complete distraction, but sometimes its hard to stop these things from moving forward. What is your plan in the plan of the caucus to push back on the either publicly or privately or both . , we will do both. This is and all of the above strategy. They dont have and in the ins evidence against President Biden, this is a complete distraction. When we get back, this is what House Republicans have done. Theyve created a scenario where the most extreme maga republicans in the conference now guide everything that we do. Kevin mccarthy cant pass appropriations bills, he cant pass pieces of legislation without this core group of supporters, and so he has to do anything that they want, including and up to impeachment. But we what we are concerned about are the 12 legislative days that remain until government funding ends, and right now it sure seems like we are on a Collision Course with a Government Shutdown because the farright is battling the extreme right. Thats where we are today. Kevin mccarthy cant control his conference. And they continue to let the most extreme members guide everything they do and so that is what is so dangerous about impeachment discussions. Your question. Its gonna be a busy 12 days for you congressman. Thank you so much for joining me this afternoon. And coming up. We talk a lot about the perpetrators when it comes to the big lie, but ive got a few thoughts to share about the victims who dont get as much attention. And later alas carrie dunn who defended the capitol on january six if it is worried history could repeat itself. Were back after a quick break. E back im Jessica Layton with a look at the hours top stories. The State Department is advising all citizens in niger to shelter in place. The situation is deteriorated its a Military Coup began last week. The new military leaders have closed the countrys borders and canceled all flights in and out of the capital. And in pakistan, an apparent Suicide Bomber killed 55 people a political rally. Nearly 200 more were hurt. This rally was for supporters of a hardline cleric. Well have more inside with jen psaki after this. Psaki after this. When i found that Immigration Record on ancestry®, it just changed everything. 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Trump attempted to disenfranchise more than 13 million voters who cast their ballots for joe biden in the seven states that he and his allies tried to overturn. Had that effort succeeded, even in part, trump wouldve ended essentially invalidated the 81 million votes biden received across the country, which by the way, is more than any candidate at ever received in american history. The nerves President Joe Biden himself who despite the fact may always be viewed by trumps followers as illegitimate. According to a Monmouth Poll conducted may, two thirds of republicans still believe the falsehood that joe biden only won because of voter fraud. That number hasnt changed much in the last three years. The victims of trumps scheme also include countless Election Workers in officials who have been subjected to Harassment Campaigns and even Death Threats just for doing their jobs. Ruby freeman was Election Worker in georgia who was forced to pack up and leave her home of 20 years due to repeated threats on her life. Both she and her daughter samos testify before the January 6th Committee all of the damage those lives had cost them. Ive lost my reputation, ive lost my sense of security. All because a group of people starting with number 45 and his ally Rudy Giuliani decided to scapegoat me and my daughter shea, to push their own lies about how the president ial election was stolen. I dont want to go anywhere i dont dont go out anymore, i second guess everything i do. Its affected my life in a major way. In every way. All because of lies. All because of lies. All because of lies. You know, they are Election Workers who are just trying to do their jobs and contribute to the political process and it was all because of the lies. Just this week, Rudy Giuliani himself was held admitted that he himself was not telling the truth in this case, that he was not, as much as he tortured these two women for many years, that he was not being honest about what he stated about them. You can also argue that the Republican Party was a victim of trumps scheme to overturn the election. In the 2022 midterms, almost every republican battleground states who denied a question the results of the 2020 election lost. But of course there were victims of the violent insurrection at the Capitol On January 6th. That includes the actual targets of the attack that day. Every sitting member of congress and members of their staff, as well as Donald Trumps own Vice President who came within feet of a mob who wanted to hang him. But was the capitol, metropolitan Police Neither Law Enforcement officers who suffer the most direct and severe physical, harm at the end of the maga insurrectionists. As the body camera shows, they were forced to engage in literal hand a hand combat. They were attacked with bats, clubs, pepper spray, flagpoles and a fire extinguisher. They were stabbed, stopped and pushed downstairs. They suffered concussions, broken ribs, and shatters fines. One lost an eye. Five of those officers died in the days and weeks following the attack. On one january 6th defendant who senate for years and camera was caught on camera saying this quote, death is the only remedy for what is in the capitol building. For every one of those slog officers death is remedy, that is the only remedy they get. That is what all of those Men And Women In Uniform or facing that day. So despite what donald trump says on the Campaign Trail and wants his followers to believe, its important to remember that he is not a victim here. The victims are the institutions, the people and the very foundations that have helped sustain our democracy for over 240 years. And trumps lies about the elections remain a threat as long as people empower choose to use them to the political advantage. Capitol police of officer harry dunn made a point in his testimony to general Six Committee two years ago. When people feel emboldened by people in power, they assume that they are right. One of the scariest things about january 6th is that the people who are there even to this day think that they were right. They think that they were right. That makes for a scary recipe for the future of this country. Officer harry dunn joins me here in the studio. Coming up next. Coming up next. Here its lying dormant, waiting. And could reactivate. Shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. And it could wake at any time. Think youre not at risk for shingles . Its time to wake up. Because shingles could wake up in you. If youre over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention. mom the moment i loved our Subaru Outback most. 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Thank you so much, first of all, for joining me, being so outspoken, youve been such an inspiration for so many people. I want to ask you how youre feeling right now. We are on the precipice, we felt this way last week, but it really does that feel this way about an indictment of the former president coming right around the corner. How do you feel about that, how are you feeling in this moment . Ill tell you, what im doing a lot better than i was on that day almost two years ago. Even just looking at that clip, the nerves, the stress, the ptsd, it was so present, and im doing a much better job of being able to cope with it. Even though it still exists. With the looming indictment possibly for january 6th, its been a last week was very anti climactic. You thought it was going to happen on tuesday, then thursday. And now we have transitioned to this week coming up. Is going to be this tuesday . This thursday . Even then, i dont know if that will bring me joy or happiness, or piece. But even when it happens. Even when it happens. Now what . You know . But youve mentioned that you have been doing things to help with the phd. What are you doing to take care of yourself . Talking, not even a. A lot of times, people will suppress their feelings, their emotions. How they feel, its about that burden. They just keep it inside and i refuse to be oppressing myself. I just continues to talk about how im feeling, what i want, whether anybody agrees with me or not. In this case, im happy to know that a lot of people do agree with me. A lot of people are feeling what im feeling. I will talk until my story even if nobody is listening. People are definitely listening. As we look to the legal sides of this, im not a lawyer. I dont think that you are a lawyer either. This isnt about that. There are some predicting that while trump could be indicted for a number of his actions leading up to january 6th, including his efforts to overturn the election and miss lead the public, he might not be indicted for his role in inciting violence on january 6th. We dont know, but give me your sense of how you feel about that. That would be extremely frustrating in a gut punch. Mainly because on january 6th, in the midst of all of that fighting, those individuals that were storming and attacking the capitol with police officers. In the midst of all of that, they told us that the reason that they were there was because donald trump told us to come here. I dont know how that goes in court. They literally told us the reason why they were there. Donald trump sent them. It would be a gut punch. That is why the Justice Department has made statements that has said, we do our talking through court filings. Im trying my best to not listen to the noise. Just Pay Attention to what is being filed in the court. Until then, its still hard, because you hear it, please dont let that be true. Until that happens, im just waiting patiently. Ive heard you say, which is incredibly powerful, that one of the reasons you speak out so often is for your own Mental Health. And also to prevent this from happening again. I know that youve talked to us as recently as last year, maybe even this year about your fear of that. Do you fear still fear that . That this sort of thing could happen again . Donald trump is running for office. He is poised to get the nomination in the Republican Party. This individual thinks that he did not do anything wrong that day. What is to stop him from doing it again . He doesnt even understand the constitution. It is scary. It is very scary. We can make up all of these anecdotes about why he should not be in office, but he doesnt see anything wrong with his behavior. I think that that alone is the scary part. That he has the potential to become the president again. That is scary. You have also been very outspoken on Mental Health and the need to embrace of Mental Health challenges when you have them. Why has that been so important to you . So many people suffer with it silently. Even when the people they dont suffer in silence, they come out about it, they are ridiculed for. Just a few months ago, Senator Fetterman put himself checked himself into for depression, i dont know the specific thing, but it was Mental Health related. The attacks that he got for Somebody Just asking for help, the way that we treat individuals in this country when they ask for help. It is appalling. But people only care when it affects them or somebody they know, or somebody they love directly. In society, that is disgusting. Theres no other way to put. It the way that we treat each other. Somebody asking for help should not be ridiculed. Should not be teased. It should be given every single resource that is available to help them to heal. It is so powerful because i think in Law Enforcement, just like many industries, there arent a lot of people that feel comfortable. You are giving voice to that. Im sure that it wasnt always easy to do that. Have you heard privately from members of Law Enforcement communities that were fearful about talking about Mental Health, but now feel that they can . Ive had a lot of my coworkers. Not a lot, maybe a handful. But even one it is significant to me. They said that they decided to get the help and talk to somebody because i was encouraging them to do so. Even if its just one person, everybody if everybody in this world reaches one person, were all going to be okay. Especially if youre helping people to talk about the Mental Health challenges that they are dealing with. Normalize it. Normalized. Thank you for your voice and being here, and for being such a brave voice about january 6th at the Mental Health challenges that so many people are coming back after a quick break. Stay with us. Break. Stay with us. D seltzer budget. Wayfairs got just what you need what. Yall this is nice. Salad plates . Kelly clarkson . Im fancy now i have always wanted statement lighting. Get nice things at nice prices at wayfair wayfair, youve got just what i need introducing the allnew 2024 chevy trax. Helps you stay connected, safe and charged. The allnew chevy trax starting at 21,495. The possibilities are endless. Meet the team all using chase to keep up with their finances. Smart bankers. Convenient tools. Boom. One bank with the power of both. Chase. Make more of whats yours. Voltaren. The joy of movement. I have moderate to severe crohns disease. Now, theres skyrizi. The joy of movement. Things are looking up ive got Symptom Relief Control of my crohns means everything to me. 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We will be back here next sunday at noon eastern. Stay with there is much more news coming up on msnbc. Nbc. Tonight on the mehdi hasan show. From nixon to trump, the cost of loyalty to a criminal president. We will get into the new charges and new defendant in the classified documents case. Plus, conservative Justice Samuel alito says that the Supreme Court cannot be regulated. Clearly somebody who is not read the constitution. And it just a stop. That is the mention from some black conservatives to run desantis as he defends teaching the benefits of slavery

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