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Indictment soiree, if you will, comes after federal prosecutors Accused Trump Of Obstructing justice at maralago. Alleging he and troupe his employees planned to delete Security Video subpoenaed by the grand jury. As we carry on tonight, and talk about the new indictment, keep this in mind. We still have no idea where this is going to go, and what will go down in georgia. Nor what will happen in jack smiths separate investigation into the 2020 Election Interference. However, in both Fulton County, georgia, and in washington d. C. , authorities are preparing for the possibility of indictments. D. C. Police met with the secret Service Thursday to discuss it, that same day, barricades started going up at the Fulton County courthouse. And of course, the 2024 election is all a part of this as well. You think rivals would smell blood in the water, when the . After all, trump is now multi indicted, multi impeached, but only a few dare to bring it up. And when they do, this happens. Donald trump is not running for president to make America Great again. Donald trump is not running for president to represent the people that voted for him in 2016 and 2020. Donald trump is running to stay out of prison. And if we elect blue i know, i know the will hurd, the former congressman among the very few willing to speak the truth. The others just wont. For either the sake of winning, or not taking off trumps base. And you know that song they always play before trump walks out, Only In America . Thats a great song and we love it, but after trumps indictment, maybe not play this portion of it. One could end up going to prison. One just might be president. Only in america. Only in america. You cant script it, folks. Starting off off tonight, msnbc contributor and former watergate prosecutor jill winebanks. She cohosts the hashtag sistersinlaw podcast, and is author of the watergate girl. Also with us, rick wilson, cofounder of the Lincoln Project and msnbc Political Analyst fernand r. Amandi. Welcome to all of you. Ferdinand, by the way, is what president of ben dickson and a Monte International and host of the strange days podcast. Jill, lets start with you. It seems like trump missed the main takeaway from watergate, as ruth marcus writes in the washington post, quote, the coverup is always worse than the crime. That did we miss something . Because clearly he did. Whats your take . First of all, michael, i have to say, i never listen to the words in of Only In America, and that is astounding. But yes, you are completely correct. And Richard Nixon was apparently better at the coverup and then donald trump, because he at least succeeded in erasing 18 and a half minutes, whereas donald trump attempted to delete the surveillance tape, but he didnt get it deleted and so now we have both a coverup and the evidence of what he was trying to coverup, which was the coverup of the documents, because he was trying to move them. He was playing whackamole. Okay, theyre coming. Lets move those boxes. These are okay, put them back. Hide the rest of the. So, i think that it is really a question of whoever hes working with is sort of like the Marx Brothers or the three stooges, and they better get their act together if hes going to have any chance of having a not laughable defense. Yeah, ferdinand, sort of the Marx Brothers analogy kind of comes to mind, particularly when you listen to what Michael Cohen says, trumps codefendants could lose a lot by flipping on their boss. Lets take a listen. Once you stop being specific to him and following his message, well, now you get cut off. And its not just the legal bills become yours, the headaches will become yours as well, because he exacerbates them by doing the things that he does best, which is on social media attacks and so on. What do you think trumps hold is over these staffers . Is it just paying the legal bills . Is it really sort of an intrinsic loyalty there . You know, michael, i think its the question so many have asked over these last eight years. What is this cultish like allure that trump has . Clearly, whether its in proximity to power or whether they just become fullon acolytes, the problem with these supporters is that right now, all of them, whether they accepted or not, are in tremendous legal jeopardy. The only thing that trump can try to promise them is if he can somehow get elected in 18 months, the prospect of some sort of a president ial pardon will all go away. Does anyone really want to take that risk, looking at the case that the Special Counsel seemingly has assembled, This Airtight Smoking Gun Case where they have it on film, on audio . I dont think so. And i think thats why earlier you heard in that clip that you played, michael, will hurd, the one thing that you cant do when a republican primary these days, its telling the truth. Because by telling the truth and accepting that truth, the whole House Of Cards comes collapsing down. And the republican primary voter will have to acknowledge whats been clear now for three election cycles, that donald trump is a ticket to electoral apocalypse and destruction. Youre going to see that problem only get worse with looming indictments happening probably at the beginning of this coming week. The third and the fourth and maybe even the fifth to come. So, rick, ferdinand makes a number of good points, particularly as we see trump out and about in erie pennsylvania. Live here, giving his speech. People applauding and raving. And for him, this sense of loyalty is a Driving Force Cardiac for him. It is the drive he needs. I will hug stood against him, it was quite frankly i barely lonely one from the brewing. What is it about republicans, particularly those running against him, where they just cant find one iota, except for Chris Christie and some degree asa hutchison, that a vein that will pump out the energy they need to rebuke trump and take him on . You know, michael, this is not the party that you and i grew up with. This is not the party of Ronald Reagan and george h. W. Bush, and eisenhower. This is a radically transformed party, it is driven by a cult of personality, im not trying to make too fine a point of that. It is a cult of personality. Theyre obsessed with trump, and so i want to salute asa and will and Chris Christie for showing any sort of daylight, for but its hard to imagine those guys getting more than a dozen votes from immediate Family Members when it comes to a republican primary. Theyre going to get destroyed. Ron desantis is collapsing. Nikki haley and tim scott, they will collapse. Lynn youngkins, the hamlet of the establishment Money Collapse right now, and he is looking at this and saying i dont have an audience. The audience is committed by trump, hes now at over 50 in iowa, hes now very much over 50 in about ten of the early states, and so none of these guys have a real chance to do this. If they want to make a futile moral stand, welcome to the party pal, weve been doing this since 2015. But god bless you for saying this. But there is no audience for them. It does not exist. Joe, this is where it gets really gnarly for me in this whole narrative. Youve got trump asking to review highly sensitive evidence from the maralago case at his home. The Justice Department has responded quote, the government is not aware of any case in which a defendant has been permitted to discuss classified information in a private residence. What kind of ruling are you anticipating from judge cannon on this, because quite honestly, it still kind of Up In The Air where this judge is going to fall down in adjudicating this case. And this may be a very important first test. Well, weve had tests already, she failed the very first one. She did better on the second. This is a very important. A scif is required. No one can take classified documents, and its even worse because his private residence is not a private residence. Its a public club. There were hundreds of thousands of people who passed through there. Very near where the documents were kept, while he was unlawfully retaining them. So its even worse than if it was actually in a private residence. Where it might have been safer than it was at maralago. It cannot be done, and i do expect even from judge cannon, that she will rule that he cannot have permission to have them. That would be a really serious problem, and would present the government with an Ex Essential Position about whether theyregn order to go forward. So, i hope she will see and do the right thing. Jill, i want to go back to you regarding the boys. The two defendants who have been charged. How might these updates to the case affect the trial schedule that the judge is looking at . It certainly, the prosecution . It shouldnt affect much. Firstly, theres only a few weeks between the original indictment in this. And the evidence that goes to just the newest defendant, carlos de oliveira, is not substantial proportions. So its not something that the other two defendants could say, i have to do a lot more preparation because of that. And, also because a judge cannon such a very generous delay in the trial by going to make. And so, within that time period, there is no question that everyone can get things prepared and ready, and de oliveira does not have any thing to do with the actual documents themselves. So he doesnt need security clearances, his lawyer doesnt need security clearances, this is really the coverup part of this. So, i dont think it should necessarily create a delay, but there is going to be some juggling, as we are expecting. At least two more imminent indictments. One from jack smith, for Election Interference, and the other for the same thing, but limited to georgia. And so all of those are going to have to be fit in, and you cant delay very much without running into the argument that its too close to the election. So i think that theres a real reason to move forward. All right, coop jill winebanks, thank you so much. I really appreciate your analysis. Rick and ferdinand, youre sticking around so dont go anywhere. Up next, with trump theres always a tape. Always. And as karma does, he is now reckoning with a warning he gave to the country about hillary clinton. Well take you down memory lane. And later, how the summer of news and next years election are helping fuel misinformation. Mation we examine that and what it means, for democracy. Plus, the house gop went after the Dhs Secretary this week, they called for him to resign. The only problem, facts are not on their side. That and more to come. But first, to Richard Louis with the other big stories were tracking this hour. Richard . Michael, a very good day with you. Were going to start with some breaking news. And her from New Hampshire and her child were reportedly kidnapped in haiti. The Nonprofit Organization she works for says they were taken from their campus near portauprince thursday. The u. S. State Department Says theyre working with haitian authorities, this happened the same day that the u. S. Order when government personnel to leave amid civil unrest. Five people were hurt in a mass shooting outside of a safe way in seattle friday night. Two of them, critically. Police are searching for least two shooters, but no suspects descriptions were released. The shooting happened at a parking lot where i Community Outreach event was taking place. Motive, not clear. And more than 110 million americans are under excessive Heat Warnings and advisories, with temperatures soaring above 100 degrees today, for instance. Phoenix at 1 10 for the 30th day in a row, while strong storms tonight will bring relief from the heat in the northeast. The south will be dealing with suffocating temperatures for a few more days. More american voices for you right after this break. Afthis check. Psych and im about to steal this game from you just like i stole kelly carter in high school. 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It only matters when its someone else, especially and very specifically her and her emails. In a radio interview friday, donald trump reaffirmed that he will not drop out of the 2024 president ial race, even if hes found guilty. Of course, trumps 2024 challengers would love nothing more than to end his candidacy, right . This would be the perfect way to do it. But instead of attacking trump, his rivals mostly ignored his mounting legal troubles at edgy opened last night in iowa. The Associated Press reports trumps competitors fail to quote, ill ever trumps retention of classified documents that might have otherwise been an opportunity to cut into whats comfortable early in the polls. Back with me to discuss, rick wilson, an msnbc Political Analyst, fernand r. Amandi, i you went aside because the wind was getting to your hair. Bro, ive got a solution for you. Come on down. Yeah, recognize, we got a solution for you. You know, i love you both, you know i do, but im gonna hold off on that solution for as long as i can. I dont think recognize had a choice in the matter. Didnt get that message. So rick, we talked a little bit for the last segment, congressman will hurd, former congressman for texas, he is one of the few that sort of went at trump and told the truth about trumpism. Heres how he described trumps culture of losing last night. A red wave didnt materialize in 2022 when it should have. We all know how bad joe bidens numbers are. He can be beat. This can be an opportunity to have concerted leadership for 16 years. Im not talking about winning one election, im talking about a generation of this. Donald trump lost the election in 2020. Because he failed to grow their gop brand. Winning versus losing. Thats a concept in politics. How do you think this message placed moving forward . You know, look. This is a logical and strategic, and correct approach. If youre thinking about politics, as it once was. But now the Republican Party is based on emotion and resentment and anger and fear, that imaginary issue that they believe are the really core things that the country should be facing. Right now weve got a Republican Party that doesnt look at anything other than how does it make them feel, are they is there sufficient outrage being generated. This is not a party that is driven by a lot of Strategic Imperatives anymore, other than stay in trumps good graces, and i hope that they can somehow avoid the political radiation. But what was right, the red wave that they predicted was only in their heads, because their campaigning is all centered around the adulation of donald trump. And thats not where most americans are, but it is certainly where all the Republican Base is. So, youve got ron desantis, ferdinand, you remember him. Florida governor. Hes out there suggesting that if he becomes president , he wouldnt pardon trump because in his words, it would be good for the country. Hey, what do you think about that as a political message at this time . But will it really, in the end, do you think that something the country will feel good about . I number one, of course not. The country would not feel good about it. Thats just stroking the erroneous zones of the maga cult, personality cult base. But what is ron desantis going to say . What is he going to do . He knows better than anybody and those of us who follow the numbers are looking at it every day. His only shot is to somehow transform those trump voters into desantis voters, because trump has clearly well over majority in the republican primary right now. So whats happening right now as hes playing this Last Man Standing game. Hes just trying to hang on as long as he can in the hopes that jack smith and others do their job and create this situation where trump simply can no longer run. But as rick said earlier, thats just not going to happen, because in todays Republican Party, the truth is not the front. The truth is the enemy. And im not sure if its the april 1945 moment yet, but right now, where is the republican primary electorate Trump Supporters . Theyre in the bunker with him. And whether its asia hutchinson, or will hurd, they knew war was on the brink of being totally lost, trying to do Everything Possible to rest power away from the Crazy Sociopath he was completely divorced from reality, and its really not working. If anything, were seeing the more delusional trump gets in his statements, the more hes garnering and strengthening his lock on that republican nomination. And for ron desantis, let me just make a quick point here. Something else thats happened is a real problem for him. The longer he stays in this race and continues to lose altitude as he has, thats creating political problems for him in the state of florida. The state that he thought he had total control over. Hes losing Political Capital and support. The whispers are now being loud screams, and republicans are no longer afraid of desantis in florida like they were before he got in this race. Whats your take on the port in question . Because i know as this thing moves on, its going to become much more of a point for these candidates to address . Look, if youre a republican candidate that says youll pardon donald trump, youre part of the criminal conspiracy. Im sorry. This man does not deserve the pardon, the pardon is an extraordinary gift that the president of the United States should apply only in cases where clemency is deserved. Where mercy is deserved. Donald trump tried to burn down this country, and im sorry. If you are a republican candidate, you could be running any other point, but if youll say you pardon donald trump or even consider it, then i think youre just qualifying the minds of most americans. And ron desantis has already been doing that by claiming all of these investigations are illegitimate. And as pertinent correctly points out, as he has collapsed in the national world, the knives are coming up for the guy in florida. So youre going to end up with donald trump having florida as a secure base for himself in the republican primary, despite all of these troubles. All right. Ferdinand amadi, thank you so much. Rick, a glutton for punishment, hes sticking around for a meeting of the club. Next, one of trumps favorite fast times, stretching the truth. Lets come back to bite him in all of these investigations . And later, the cost of defining federal orders. The no g for greg abbott to court. When you have chronic kidney disease. There are places youd like to be. Like here. 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New charges filed in the classified documents case against donald trump, with two possible indictments looming on both the state and federal levels, predictably, the Disinformation Machine is in overdrive. This week, former president went on his knockoff twitter and told his followers not to listen to legitimate news sources reporting that hes about to be indicted in jack smiths Election Interference probe. He calls it all, of course, fake news. He also says he did nothing wrong and that if hes further indicted, the country will be further destroyed. Could trumps solid decade of peddling this and conspiracy come to bite him in these investigations . Well, rick wilson is here back with me to talk about it. And joining us angelo carusone, president and ceo of media. So, rick, you know you guys at Lincoln Project have done a phenomenal job of cataloging donald trump. On so many levels. So walk us through some of trumps history of disinformation, and give us a sense of even if its possible, not only to be shocked at this point by what trump is saying, but how should we inoculate ourselves so that we can actually get on the right side of preserving democracy . Well, the basic rule michael, is that donald trump is speaking, reading, writing, has the Body Language of any kind that communicates the message that its a lie. He lives in a bottle of pure fantasy, pure delusion, and he relies on a vast Disinformation Machine that is not a scale that no one in the center or the left can rival. Theres nothing like it. Every one of his lies gets amplified by fox, by newsmax, by oan, by a whole consolation of people that are out there who are deeply invested in perpetuating a series of lies, scams, flame flames, and tricks to try to retain power or to regain power. And so i think that you have to fundamentally understand that Donald Trumps ally himself. Everything about him is false. Its contrived and constructed. And so the people that live in that beautiful delusion, sometimes we get to shatter it by showing who trump really is. And folks like angelo do a great job of breaking down the point by point Technical Details of the context and the content of the lies. Yeah, angela. Thats so important what you guys are doing. In fact, when you stop and think about it, here we are fox s once again jumping on trumps bandwagon, amplifying his misleading claims about the indictment and the gop president ial race. Do you have a sense, and if you do, can you share with us whats its going to take to stop with this destructive impact and influence that theyre having, and how institutions like fox play such a negative role in perpetuating the very thing that rick and so many folks out there are trying to fight up against . I think thats the question for our politics, for our society, for what governors whether or not our democracy that remains stable. And for the last decades, theres very little that can be done. You essentially have to smash the entire ecosystem as a whole, and in that case its fox news. But the thing i want to point out now, he was talking about this rightwing echo chamber. Its not just that we have this Massive Media apparatus, its that they have an echo chamber. They can actually take that message and then amplify it so that it reverberates beyond just the people that live inside the bubble. It really radically distorts reality. But this is a very unique moment. 2022 was the first election in 25 years, a quarter century, where i in the country. When it tecumseh left fox news, you had for the first time a significant drop off in fox newss ratings. More than 30 of their audience is gone. And they have not returned. So theyre constructive power is actually been greatly diminished, and right now that larger rightwing Media Apparatus and echo chamber is a course without a conductor. And so to your question, the thing that is really important in this moment is to make sure that they continue to fight with each other. That those fractures and cracks actually become massive gaps, where so much of that infighting just leads to because you cant operationalize noise. The echo chamber is powerful. And were seeing that play out so far in how theyre dealing with trump. In the past, they wouldve had a fullthroated narrative that was not just an absolute defense of i hes light, about an attack. Right now, theyre just ignoring it. And the little bit theyre saying is not much at all to be honest. Rick, phil in light of what we just heard, i want to take you to earth three. Weve just blown past earth to, because weve got republicans like ron desantis out there suggesting that robert f. Kennedy junior, a democrat, should join their cabinet, should they become president. Rfk junior has taken heat for embracing covid conspiracies, and a whole lot more. Whats the game here . The fact that these folks are leaning in the robert f. Ken diddy junior and his bucket of crazy, to me smells really smelling. Its more like an entire feted ocean of crazy. This is something that ron desantis is giving away the game. They understand that they need to activate the crazier and crazier edges and fringes of the Republican Party. When you and i were in the Republican Party, we all knew there werent 15 or 20 of the crazies that were out there. And we try to keep them under control. Now those people comprising the majority of the party, and they are not in control of anybody except donald trump. And so rfk junior represents this a very powerful threat inside the republican and conservative world these days, where they believe in conspiracy theories, they believe there is a deep state, they think bill gates wants five g chips in your brain from the vaccines, all the lunacy and insanity and all the crazy stuff. So desantis embracing rfk junior was very much on brand for some of these desperately trying to find a foot hole in the mountain of complete insanity and lunacy that defines the base of the Republican Party. You know, angela, one other aspect of this thats so defining where this election is going is what analysts are coming up, who are expecting a lot of folks, a lot of these mugshot people and others out there will disseminate that misinformation, in a way that it targets voters of color. As we get closer to the 2024 election, what do you think or what do you know is being done to mitigate against that . How do we guard against more erosion at the ballot box through misinformation . I think thats a real threat. Because the challenge right now is that they could try to convert some voters. But theyre not going to can vote any voters of color. Theyre trying to neutralize them, to suppress their participation. And that narrative is not just playing out at the top level, but one layer beneath it. So if you look at these youtube streams that have 1 million or 2 Million Viewers that are between the ages of 20 and 30, if you look, once a week or even twice a week theyll have a guest of color who claim to formally be a democrat, who voted for joe biden, saying im just not going to do it this cycle. Yeah, i really hate republicans but the only way for me to exercise any power is not to vote in 2024. So thats going to be the major threat and we just have to make sure that people know that its important, that their participation matters. Participation matters folks, you have to take it to the voting box. You have to be there. Rick wilson, my man, thank you for hanging with me and having a little fun. I angelo carusone, thank you as well. Next, republicans are on offense all over the border. About their attacks on Dhs Secretary or not entirely based in fact. And when Congress Returns from recess, the Government Shutdown will be 18 days away. Our heritage is ingrained in our skin. And even when we metamorphosize into our new evolved form, we carry that spirit with us. Because you can take alfa romeo out of italy. But you best believe, you cant take the italy out of an alfa romeo. Cut another Health Insurance commercial, another aquaaerobics scene. Yup. Most Health Insurance companies see us all the same smiley seniors golfing, hiking. Dont forget antiquing. Thats why i chose humana. They see me, not a stereotypical senior. Im prediabetic, so i talked oneonone with a Humana Health educator who really helped me. Now im taking free cooking and meditation classes. Not aquaaerobics . Better care begins with listening. Humana. A more human way to healthcare. Still living with odors . Get back in there and freshen instantly with new febreze air mist. Febrezes new, finer mist floats longer in the air to fight even your toughest odors. So long stinky smells and hello amazing freshness. Discover the new febreze scents today okay everyone, our mission is complete balanced nutrition. Together we provide nutrients to support immune, muscle, bone, and heart health. Yaaay woo hoo ensure with 25 vitamins and minerals and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. vo Verizon Small Business days are coming. With 30 grams from august 7th to the 13th. Now is the time to partner with our experts. Get started today with verizon business. Its your business. Its your verizon. House republicans grilled Dhs Secretary a Leandro Mayorkas over the security of our southern borders. Most of that drilling marinated in Talking Points and misinformation. Heres a taste. In the words of Ronald Reagan, quote, a nation that cannot control its borders is not a nation. The time for action is now. Congress cannot stand by. So we arrive at an unethical conclusion that i do not take lightly. Secretary mayorkas, you must resign. Will you resign . No i will not. I todays gop claims President Biden and democrats are doing nothing to secure our borders. Yet just last month in june we saw a major decline in border crossings. New reporting from axios helps explain why. The Biden Administration has been redirecting a majority of its Homeland Security budget and resources to the southern border. The administration is set to seek Two Billion Dollars in supplemental funding from congress to address border shortfalls. House republicans are scoffing at the idea. So, what are republicans doing . In texas, governor greg abbotts idea of a solution has landed him in court with the doj. He placed floating barrels with webbing a touch below in parts of the rio grande to prevent migrants from crossing. The doj told abbott to remove them, he refused. The geo state said the various or not only unlawful, but to present a humanitarian danger. Advocates say they are death traps. Joining us now, axios politics reporter this stef kight, and krish vignarajah, president and ceo of The Lutheran Immigration and refugee service. Previously served as Policy Director to first Lady Michelle obama. So welcome. Really glad to have you both. Steph did get a little more into your reporting, we mentioned just a moment ago. What is the Biden Administration doing, and whats been the financial challenges that dhs is facing . Well, essentially at this point in time, the department of Homeland Security is billions of dollars short to get through the end of this fiscal largely because of their efforts along the border. So they have already had to move around One Billion Dollars within the agency, theyre planning to go to congress and asking for another two billion to get through the end of september. And of course, this comes as republicans are being very aggressive in their attacks against secretary mayorkas, and as the issue that continues to be a top target for republicans, and still the Biden Administration is willing to go to congress and say hey, we need a lot more money. And its just another indication of just how desperate they are for those funds, for those resources, and how the changes at the border have really required a lot more of the federal government than anyone expected when the budget was initially being such. Chris, whats your sense of what the white house can get done if it doesnt get more help from congress . To the sort of a branch out on their own, or there are some other avenues that they can follow . I think weve seen from the Biden Administration, an effort krish to try to create more orderly legal pathways. They introduced a humanitarian program for some coming from central america, cuba, haiti, venezuela. But the reality is that if we are talking about addressing the southern border, we have to realize that were seeing a substantial increase in those coming from india, china, they were about 20,000 ukrainians who came before united for Ukraine Program was launched. And so for us to have a program that response not just to our needs in terms of humanitarian leadership, but even to National Security in terms of being a partner to europe in responding to the ukrainian refugee crisis, its going to require not just the white house to act, but congress as well. So, i want to follow up with you, steph, a federal judge this week a blocked a Biden Administration policy that bars most immigrants, migrants rather, from applying for asylum if they cross illegally. Where does the ruling stand, and what does it mean for those Seeking Asylum right now . So, at this moment, the ruling is a state for a little less than two weeks now. At this point, the Biden Administration has asked for an Emergency State to enable them to keep that policy in place while this makes its way to the court. So as of this exact moment, that policy is still in effect. But we could see at the end of that policy in the near future. And of course ive spoken to some members of congress who represent districts along the border, and also weve heard from the Biden Administration themselves that there are concerns that seeing this poetry, this restrictive policy go away, could lead to another uptick in the number of people attempting to cross the border illegally. Which is obviously something we will be looking at very closely. And the reasons why the administration is saying hey, we cant go through this in court, please let us keep this for now. Especially the fact that they have seen the numbers start to decline and the numbers are now at a more manageable place for a border officials. So this could be a huge ruling, depending on how this plays out. But i would note of course that migration is complicated, and you never know exactly how changes in policies will change those trends at the border. So, youve got the administration dealing with this migrant policy, and how thats playing out. Talk, if you will very quickly, about the administrations efforts to ramp up the deportations since the trump era. I know a number of people have been focusing on Policy Title Number 42, title 42 rather, which was lifted in may. What are your thoughts here . I think the Biden Administration has been very thoughtful in terms of realizing that title 42 was not helping customs and border protection, and they were clear about the fact that they were not able to process people under title 42. Thats what you had over 2 million incidents, because you had repeat crossers. In terms of the deportation policy, they want to address those who are actually creating instances of concern. We are not just going to deport people for no good reason. So theyve been really focused on those who are committing crimes versus those who are just here to earn a living, here to get their day in court, and potentially illegal relief. Which we think makes a lot of sense. All right stef and good krish, thank you so much. Next, what appears to be a Military Coup underway in the country of we examine what is going on and the americans working to help. Th chevy trax. Helps you stay connected, safe and charged. The allnew chevy trax starting at 21,495. The possibilities are endless. Voltaren. The joy of movement. My frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. 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According to a department official, this uprising if you will, began last week when the same commander believed he was going to be fired. So, he surrounded the president ial residence and is now essentially holding the democratically elected president and his family hostage. As you can see in this video, the ruling partys headquarters was set on fire as well. The u. S. Government has yet to officially call this a Military Coup. If it does, it will freeze more than 400 million in aid to the west african nation. For an nbc news exclusive, correspondent Courtney Kube went to the front lines to evaluate the unrest. And she found a few things, including americans trying to help. Chaos in the capital of niger kyiv. After what appears to be a coup attempt against president Mohammed Bazoum by his own security forces. The latest flash point for people already facing flat clearly everyone here in niger lives below the poverty line. Millions of people dont have enough food. And the terrorist here know that. They often target these vulnerable populations, forcing them to either flee their homes or join their Terror Groups. And then there are diseases like malaria. Last year, over half the children under five who died here were killed by the disease. And the stories are heartbreaking. Could we meet 26yearold adama at this small hut where she lives with her family. U. S. Sent aid staff there to provide free care. Shes already lost one child, and tells us shes getting her twoyearold Son Abdul Malaria Treatment because it kept him alive last year. But, like most children here, abdul still faces chronic malnutrition. Adding to all of this, drought and soaring temperatures turning nearly 275,000 acres from farmland to desert every year. Extreme weather made even worse by climate change. And this humanitarian crisis knows no borders. In neighboring benin, we meet salina and mother of five who walked over an hour to get one of her daughters treated here. She tells us she wants to open a hair salon, but doesnt have enough money. And now she fears her daughter may need surgery. We traveled here with American Military personnel. Captain stephanie jury so is the first woman to lead a group of special operations troops, focused on helping people here. You have to show people that you care about them, and that youre here for them and that their government is here for them. This 29yearold army nurse says this outreach is working. The locals are no longer afraid of the military, and they are brothers and sisters now, she says. Giving them an option other than joining Terror Groups who threaten them if they dont. Bringing together the military and civilians with the same goal. Its helping provide muchneeded resources to these populations in rural areas. Meanwhile tonight, the u. S. Is calling on the president ial guard to release the president , who they are still detaining. Im all right, thanks to Courtney Kube for that report. After the break, a new hour of american voices. New insight showing there are republican members who do care about Donald Trumps alleged crimes. And its not just about maralago. Jack smith is still investigating trumps actions during the last election. And also, the instruction that follows. Were still waiting on Fulton County, georgia. So thats more. Plus, weve got to talk about these extreme temps scorching heat in the east, triple digits in the desert. Its so hot in arizona youll get a blister just touching the pavement. Where is this heading, folks . Dont go anywhere. You shop wayfair, you get big deals for your home every day. So big, well have you saying. Am i a big deal . Yeah you are, because its a big deal, when you get a big deal. Wayfair deals so big that you might get a big head. Because with savings so real. You can get your dream sofa for half the price. Wayfair. Its always a big deal. 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Polling shows there are republicans out there who are worried about trumps alleged crimes. Are they worried enough to back someone else . Plus, after being accused of obstruction of justice, donald trump sees no problem connecting himself to Richard Nixon. The story of Michael Beschloss and packs that for us. The clock is ticking to avoid a Government Shutdown. Farright republicans put baby in a corner. Threatening Speaker Mccarthy with another also tonight, a comet wake up call. Its bound to be the hottest year ever. What can we still do about it . Author john valium helps us find some hope amid this heap. This is american voices. We begin this hour with a warning for gop voters. Donald trump is a loser. Its

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