Transcripts For MSNBC The Cross Connection With Tiffany Cros

Transcripts For MSNBC The Cross Connection With Tiffany Cross 20240707

erected days later. now senate democrats are planning a vote next week to codify abortion rights into a federal law. here's what you may have missed in the leaked opinion. in a footnote, justice samuel alito notes that supporters of abortion rights really just want to suppress the size of the african american population. justice samuel alito goes on to suggest that because of roe v. wade a disproportionate percentage of fetuses is black. the man who helped get a voting rights and uphold white racial innocence is now moved to protect a black lives. he offers no context here because while brevity is the soul of what it is also clearly the soul of the dim-witted. we will offer context and a second. shout to the republican voters who paved the way for this very thing to happen. do not mind us. we are still here cleaning up this mess. the mess on our hands now is the trump appointed judges who helped create the conservative majority. now, they are empowered and emboldened at a time when gop supporters are throwing a fatal and temper chain temper tantrums. they are marching against covid vaccines meant to save lives. they are doing this well ironically calling themselves a pro life. let's get into this. joining me now is the president and ceo of whole women's health, amy miller, cofounder and executive director michelle cologne and nancy cardenas the texas state director of a policy at the national institute for reproductive justice. i do want to start with you. this ridiculous claim about disproportionate portion rates for black women has a broader economic health inequities. in 2017, a survey found that 39% of black women could even afford a birth control. that was at a cost of $10 or less. i'm curious to hear from you how a loss of a constitutional right to affect the black women in your state of mississippi? >> abortion restrictions are medically unnecessary and based on assumptions. they are based on a broader political agenda that is racist and based in racism, gina phobia, and designed to assume power over private peoples bodies. protecting abortion acts as essential as part of justice and more urgent and stays with limited access to this in mississippi and texas. >> michelle, i want to speak to you with this that the notion that women should have children with the kids get adopted. this is not always a safe route, particularly for black and brown kids. a black kids do not get adopted often. we are staffed on it. there are often kids who stay in this system with who gets adopted in the statistics it is a disproportionately white children. there are currently tens of thousands of children, hundreds of thousands of children, in the foster care system who are being shuttered shuttled through. when you say this is a better path for women would be a response? >> i'm all for adoption. but just like your stats are there, the proof is in the pudding. there is no rush to adopt a black or brown babies. let's be clear about that. there is no rush by the republicans and antiabortion terrorists and lawmakers in protecting and safeguarding the life of black and brown children or people in this country. it is false rhetoric. it has been used for decades by the antiabortionist establishment and trying to appeal to a black people and to shame black women and black pregnant people and choosing abortion health care. >> to appeal, to shame, and to disregard. amy, you heard michelle refer to the antiabortion this as terrorists. she is a point. those who call themselves pro-life they achieve this through violence. i'm old enough to remember that in the 80s, the antiabortion protesters began bombing clinics, threatening doctors, and by 1990s 1000 abortion doctors had quite. counties nationwide had no abortion clinics. you are an abortion provider. what does this really mean for you? >> i'm thankful to be here with michelle and nancy. there is violence. it is terrorism. i think it is very important to recognize that it is christian extremism that is at the root of this shame and stigma. it allows laws like this to pass. it allows a justices like this to be confirmed. it does not represent the majority of the feelings, beliefs of people in this country. everybody knows and loves someone who has had an abortion in their lifetime. it is not how we want people who need our compassion and dignified care to be treated at any point in time. there is no way that half of the country should lose access to safe abortion care because of a law like this. this time for people to speak up. it has been time for people to speak up. our clinics and all the independent clinics i know across the country are trying to do as much as we continue to stay open as long as possible and welcome as many people as we count for compassionate care as we can >> almost take with you for a second, amy. once the ruling becomes public and they can get back to states, some people think that the ruling will happen and you will not be able to get an abortion tomorrow. this is not true. this is a statewide issue. we have a lot of clinics in texas. let's just say, and texas, this is a place where you can extend that abortion rights will not be available there. literally, what will happen to your clinics. do you shut your doors? do offer other services? >> sure, just back and forth is designed to confuse, delay, make patients on certain. our staff is living on edge. it is a long time in texas that we have had motion bands like this we are here to care for people and give them accurate information. if you ban abortion outright, it is going to be extremely difficult for the majority of the providers in the 26 states that are at risk including texas, to keep our doors open. we provide miscarriage of management, we provide contraception, but like you talked about, so many people cannot get access to those services it places like texas. it is about franchise population who do not have health insurance, access to preventive care and etc. we are going to do our best to stay open and provide care that is for folks who need to travel, for folks who are going to be forced to continue with pregnancy against their will, for folks who are turning to self managed abortion. >> you mentioned disenfranchised populations. nancy, i want to bring you into the conversation. as these anti choice activists eroded abortion rights -- doctors were afraid of abortions. they were cutting corners. they were causing challenges for women. some abortion doctors had reported of training in a child pornography because the pools of doctors to do it became thin and. i talked about the undocumented and immigrant community and how this really will impact them over there. >> here in texas it looks different. even though we had this leak from the court we need to look at the abortion law in texas and how difficult it was already. when we're talking about a border can communities, for example, where i do my work, we are talking about internal immigration checkpoints 100 miles into the united states that make it impossible for those who are undocumented to leave the areas when folks without that documentation are subject to. the conversation of leading to another state, which is already a difficult conversation, because the majority of people who have abortions are already parents. it is not a thing. it is not possible. it is not reflective of the work we do. >> michelle, i want to go back to you, we have been talking a lot about abortion rights all week. people keep throwing up upholding and that the majority of americans do support abortion rights. pulling aside, because my big point is, if you do not have a uterus, please shut the entire up. it is not concern you. we want to talk about kamala harris and senator harris and justice kavanaugh and how they question him on this issue. >> can you think of any laws that give the government of power to make decisions about the white male body? >> i cannot think of any right now senator. >> the fictitious vice president on the show viva said that if men could get pregnant you could get an abortion at an atm. that is a valid point to make here. i'm curious about your thoughts on the people who make this. they are met mostly men, white men, and white men enablers. what would you say to them this morning around this legislation or this ruling out of the supreme court that is going to have a devastating impact on so many women across this country, even their own supporters? this country even their own i have to agree with the comment you made, and i'm trying to keep its classy, but snow. i don't think anyone with a penis should be have-ing any say, of that present pregnant person in that position. in moving forward, in dealing with women's health care and people with the dryness, when i say women, i also include gender nonconforming and trans individuals. if you don't have a uterus, you should not be making any decisions, any opinions, unless you are a medically trained and schooled doctor. period. that's all i'm going to say on that. if you have the other thing is, we have midterms coming up. it's going to be real interesting to see where the quote unquote white for publican pro-choice, i.e., the susan collins of the world. that's becky. if she's going to get up and put her vote where her mouth is. because again, while we talk about how this impacts black and brown pregnant people, they're coming for becky's rights to. so your uterus is not safe as well. now, it's time for you to buck up, girl. >> well, look up and stay tuned, because we're actually going to have a conversation with a panel to talk about the role that a republican conservative white women have played in creating this very landscape we have right now. so, keep the fight, and thank you for bringing very important context to this conversation. thank you, amy -- and dancing for this conversation. coming up, we'll take you live to the ground on ukraine, with the very latest. and we'll tell you why the first lady is doing on this mother's day weekend. but, we have a lot more coming up on the show. you don't want to miss it. you'll be right up after break. you'll be right up after break ♪ limu emu ♪ and doug. ♪ harp plays ♪ only two things are forever: love and liberty mutual customizing your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. 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>> yeah, there's no question, tiffany, that the fighting us escalated and intensified on the ground in the east. especially in mariupol, which is talked about. it's clear right now that russian troops are trying to bring some sort of victory, if you will, for president vladimir putin. ahead of victory day, which is highly celebrated, not only in russia but across europe on monday. so, that fighting has really picked up over the last couple of days, and it has expected to continue to identify. we do know that the un is on the ground in mariupol to again today. they are trying to establish humanitarian corridor, and gets more people out of that area, though they are quick to point out that that collapses pretty quickly. this is the first time they've tried to evacuate civilians. >> >> that is quite frightening. you've talked a little bit about the fighting in the east and it's pushing more refugees and injured into areas where you are in lviv, how is that area handling that situation right now? >> it is a very different situation here. there's a bus behind me in the square, there are people out after what was an air raid siren this morning, it's clear things up. they understand their mission in this war is to help support the frontline and a lot of that comes with taking care of the lives and children who have fled that area. we talked with the mayor of lviv yesterday, who outlined exactly what he looks at towards the future here. >> i must send time thinking about future, new accommodations for refugees, huge center for wounded. it is my job. it is my responsibility to respond. >> i can tell you that that rehabilitation center is something very close to the mayor's heart. they continue every day to see special trains bring in those injured on the frontlines, not only soldiers, but families, including children. >> that is quite frightening to see. thank you so much. jay gray, will definitely check in with you back next hour. and click the super -- exclusive interview on her new show simone, today at 4 pm eastern, right here on msnbc. coming up in our next hour, the u.s. now says that britney griner is being wrongfully detained by the russian government. what does that mean for bringing her back home? we're going to talk about that next hour. but first, another historic appointment in the white house, i am so surreal to talked about. this -- sean pierre will step onto the podium to be the new press secretary. former white house communications director for vice president harris joins me to discuss this exciting, history making appointment. up next. making appointme up next. ♪ with a big, fresh carrot ♪ ♪ and a whole lot of cheese ♪ ♪ and the mirror from your van is halfway down the street ♪ ♪ well, you can say that -- ♪ wait, what? i said, "someone just clipped the side view mirror right off the delivery van." when owning a small business gets real, progressive gets you right back to living the dream. now, where were we? why, you were fixin' to peel me. 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she has this historic appointment. how often is she talking to the president? what does it look like in the briefing room now? >> i want to start by saying that kareen is incredibly brilliant. she is a wonderful human being. when you think about who deserves that job i cannot think of anyone more qualified and more deserving of the opportunity. when she starts -- there is no way of intense pressure field point in your day then preparing the press secretary to go to the podium. she speaks for the president. she represents the country. it is a high pressure job. i did not know any staff level job that is more intense or high pressure filled than that one. but i can say is that she has been tested. she has been at the podium. she's been doing this for a while. she has known the president and first lady for ten plus years. she knows the way he thinks. she knows what he values. that is what matters when you go to the podium. you know the room, you know the players, you know your issues. the pressure is to get it right. it's a pop quiz with everything happening in the world. >> you never know what to expect. i will say this. this is my advice to careen in which she was when i would say to her is that pressure makes diamonds. was more exciting than anything else is that you see black women shining from the vp to the supreme court and now the podium. i am excited about it. i'm excited for my daughter. she can see all the possibilities for her life. we can show the world that we are brilliant in all of our cuts of diamonds. >> i love that. and all of our cuts of diamonds. you managed to mention her qualifications. she's a historic appointment and this is well deserved. karine, as we know, who is a wonderful human being, to know her and love her but she was also the southeast regional director. she was on the obama campaign and you work there together. she was on the obama campaign as a national battleground director. >> she went into the white house before i was. >> she taught at columbia university. she was a deputy campaign manager for o'malley. she is the senior adviser to this campaign. and she is fluent in english, french, and he should cradle. i cannot think of a better person. >> she's also in a historic job. and think you are right. we know this because our prayers toss this all the time that we need to be double prepared and double qualified. but she is quadruple qualified for this job. i cannot wait to see her get to the podium and show out. >> we saw that point being made in scandal based on judy smith. >> wait, i do not watch a scandal. >> you do watch scandal. i remember talking about it. it was based on judy smith who was the first person to take that podium at the white house. to see this again happen -- i want to ask. she is taking the podium while we go into midterms. she will be the face of the presidents message. what you think is her biggest challenge going into the midterms? >> i will tell you what her biggest advantages. she understands how campaigns work. she has been the deputy campaign manager. she understands the playing field, the dynamics, the players, how to get to a win. i think this is going to be her advantage. she's going to bill to walk to the podium more unprecedented than any secretary before her with an understanding, an internment understanding of how the campaigns work and how to get to a win. to, i do not want us to sleep on this. i think we have a fighting chance on the midterm elections. we can go out with democrats. i think we can outperform. i think it is going to be required on an hour and launching a national aggressive message campaign to tell the american people how your life is better today than 18 months ago. >> they also to leave over all the voter suppression. i want to ask, because you come from vice president harris office, what will be her role in the midterms and what should be her role this midterm cycle? they want to see her more. they want to hear about her. you have an intimate relationship and you are up and close and personal in the campaign trail and your second a at the white house. you are qualified yourself. give us your thoughts on them. >> again, i think my advice to my colleagues would be, stop legislating in washington. let's pass the ukraine passage. let's spend the next six months out in the country telling people what we have done, how we improve their lives. i think it requires the engagement of the president, vice president, a cabinet, and congress. it has to be one democratic message and one strategy. i think she can play incredibly well in wisconsin. you have the double downed resources and not just the people resources but the money resources. you have a competitive house races and senate races. ohio, north carolina, pennsylvania, she is the head of the labor task force and she can really have an impact on the ground there with workers. i think she is going to be in trickle to the strategy. she's going to be very important. the one thing that they have to acknowledge and realize, and is something they do, she has brought appeal. we just need to get her out there. >> she does have broad appeal. dealing with her one-on-one and being around her, i don't think people know that she is an aka who want to howard. >> she is from oakland. >> and from oakland. to not sleep on that. >> one of my first meetings with her she quoted rap lyrics. >> tell us. >> it was hilarious. i think it's absolutely right. there are a lot of layers to her. there is a lot that people can identify with. we just need to really get her out there. >> before i let you go, because i am petty. there is a fox news reporter who is always throwing this shade. jen psaki does such a great job of getting the dust off her shoulder and let the little boy learned today. your thoughts on how kareen, who is a sweet person, how she will engage the hostile reporters who are looking to make a headline in the press room? >> she will have to make her presence known. from time to time you are going to have to make your presence felt. i think she has it in her. the cool thing about her is that her demeanor could be disarming and that's when you go in. that's when you go and for the kill. >> we have to learn that and smile and say blank you at the same time. >> it will be interesting to see how she says it with her eyes. >> it's the language we speak. they won't pick up on it but we speak. i'm so happy you are here with me onset. we cited it briefly at the white house staff yesterday. >> you are great. >> i love this ensemble. very cute. thank you so much, ashley, for being here. coming up for you folks at home more mid to our talks with my panel. we will get more abortion supporters are fired up at the polls with the roe v. wade overturning. you don't want to miss it. stay with us. you don't want to miss it. you don't want to miss it. and this is bad? i'm doing it my way. meet plenity. an fda -cleared clinically proven weight management aid for adults with a bmi of 25-40 plenity is not a drug - it's made from naturally derived building blocks and helps you feel fuller and eat less. it is a prescription only treatment and is not for pregnant women or people allergic to its ingredients. talk to your doctor or visit to learn more. andrea: this is the hardest thing we will probably ever have to go through. st. jude has given us transportation, treatment. to know that we don't have bills, they take every other stress off of your shoulders. 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the abortion news, bring them out, bring them out? we'll wait and see. we watched georgia voters break records this week as all players came from foreign fight to cast ballots during early voted. meanwhile, indiana and ohio hosted their primaries. now that we have a preview of what a right-wing extremist conservative majority government could look like, will voters do what's necessary to defeat? joining me now arland that tasha brown, the cofounder of black voters matter, including nbc -- and morgan state university professor and art, nemesis -- and my favorite, the nice, or one telling the stall. correspondent for the nation and author of the recent new york times bestseller, allow me to retort, a black eyes guide to the constitution. i can't think of a better panel. natasha, i saw your tweet when this scotus rooting was leaked. and you think this leak helps them. maybe so, but i was curious if this would be enough to overcome the rampant voter suppression. they could potentially steal this election, we know what happens when the right-wing extremist see results they don't like. what are your thoughts? >> absolutely. i think that is the million dollar question. will it be enough to push the democrats over the edge? but i do believe there is a tremendous amount of frustration in women across the board. everyone i've been talking to very upset about this ruling. this is really around the question of women having agency and literally being able to have the fullness of their humanity really respected. so i do think it's going to happen, i think we're going to see younger women voters, young people could be a game-changer for the democrats as a matter of how they message and ran this opportunity. >> we'll see. jason, and curious your thoughts here, because this ruling was a big deal, as you. no it hasn't been public yet, it was leaked, so if this upholds, what impact do you think it's going to have on the midterms? >> i want to spin off the point that latasha just made. one of my students this semester, are following members of congress on social media all semester. and i was shocked by the numbers of members of congress who 24 hours after this leak, hadn't tweeted anything. had nothing on instagram, hadn't put anything on facebook. and then talk to my kids in class, the first time they had heard about this was when we were in class! >> really? >> actual members of congress hadn't tweeted anything. >> it's not the only way you can hear about something on twitter? >> but if you're a member of congress, this is who you're supposed to be talking. two were at the point where it's, will be young people bring out? we have to talk to them first. that's the thing. i think this isn't going to change anyone from voting republican to democrat, it could turn someone from a non voter to a voter, and that's going to happen if there's enough recruitment and if people make it clear, this does have to change your life. it's not just about abortion, it's about sami laws, it's about same-sex marriage, there's a lot of other ways this affects people personally. >> yeah, and elie, we have a lot of legal challenges here as well according to midterms, because i all eyes on georgia where we've seen voting records of early voting records this week. but we saw also a place where trump had a lot of legal issues, like the grand jury that will decide if they interfered with the election, a 2020 election, he did. what was your prediction, and what does it matter to the georgia gop voters? i can't imagine it would. >> abortion has been legal in texas since september, and i ain't seen nobody do anything about it. there are things that we could be doing right now to make constitutionally protected health care services available to women right now. that were not. doing joe biden should be federalizing abortion services out of federal services right now. he could cast a pill protecting women's rights issues right now. the senators, two in particular, are not doing. that when we talk about having a real uprising of around these issues, what we need to see is not just the people who always care about this rising up, because women have been fighting in the trenches for this for two decades. they're not going anywhere. we need people to get their back. you know what i haven't seen talking about? this man! haven't seen a whole lot of men get risen up and angry about activated over this issue. so we always like to talk about the 62% of white women who voted for donald trump. 62% of white men voted for that. guy so when is that going to? happened so we have that happens, explaining why that needs to happen, i am skeptical that this or any other christian theocratic decision will wake people up and drive them to the polls. >> i think you make such a good point, elie, that's 100%. true i am curious about your thoughts, specifically, in georgia. because, look. we have to hope. that's okay, because i want to hear your thoughts on abortion rhetoric, but i do want your legal perspective, because you're the only lawyer on the panel. on the situation in georgia, even though abortion is a big deal for a lot of people into, i'm just shocked to see that some poles have partial walker pulling ahead of reverend -- a man with multiple personalities accused of beating his wife is pulling harder than a pastor, and i'm curious about the legal entanglement of donald trump in future fearing the 2020 election, of being accused of interfering with the 2020 election, which he did, trying to, anyway, will that impact voters there? >> we haven't seen that happen. yet donald trump has been in legal jeopardy since he came down the escalator, and the people who like donald trump have you -- seen the fact that donald trump is a criminal and don't care about. in the people who don't like donald trump already know he's a criminal and are trying to stop it. we haven't seen new allegations of wrongdoing impact on all trump, but we also have been seeing prosecutions of donald trump! and so i go back to the legal system, i go back to the fact that marjorie taylor greene perjured herself in her trial over her 15th amendment violation, but i was not surprised he was allowed to run again in georgia, because she hasn't actually been charged with sedition by the person who can charge her with tradition, number, one and number two, it takes a prosecutor to prosecute her for the perjury i believe she committed while she perjured self. so we haven't seen the actual prosecutions that might move the needle on some of these voters. >> so, black voters matter is an organization, but you do a lot of work in georgia. elie just about perjuring taylor greene, and the just as she has a low -- being allowed to run again. because black voters are looking to latasha and clifton out organize the failures, and we brought voters from -- i'm curious about how challenging that will be with all the economic issues in society, our rights are being eroded, and this political apathy amongst some who need to see better results and more results. your thoughts on how people can out organize but we're facing this midterm cycle. >> i think it's a matter of who got to respond, and as the end of the day, what is happening is, i often think about some of the issues we see in the media. we're saying that these are the issues we should be caring about. that's not what we say on the streets talking to folks. the anger and frustration that is happening, people in georgia have not forgotten the voter suppression. they have not forgotten what trump has done. so whether it's trump or, not what they do recognize is there's a keen recognition that we are under attack. it's a question whether the resources will be spent in these areas to let those organizations mobilize. it hasn't just the candidates or the party mobilizing voters. i would argue that in 2020, the organization not just the candidates, not just the party, but it was actually the organizations that -- i think that yes, when we're talking about if we can out organize, we always have. it's not a matter of our organizing. here's the question,. though when we turn out for the fight of our lives. >> that is the question. i want to ask jason about that after the break, so stay with us. much more of this conversation with natasha, elliott, and jason after this break. jason after this break ♪ ♪ what do you think healthier looks like? 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isn't he though? >> that's the thing. you will have to talk about local issues. with democrats, you can make this a national race if you want to, but this goes over people's heads. if you talk about roads, business, jobs, health care, as a local level, this is the pathway to victory. if you nationalize the organisms, no one's mind is going to change on abortion. they know what the republicans are running on. they signed up for that. you cannot win talking about health care with the ac, but you can talk about that we have lost rural hospitals in ohio. tim ryan could talk about hospitals. >> tim ryan is really going after a very niche group of people. i wonder, is he trying to reach the democratic base, people of color, and inspire. i want to bring elie into the conversation. i will come back to you. elie, we hear a lot of candidates who talk about the red state voters and the swing voters and how they can win those people. it is frustrating to the base because i put you in office, why don't you talk to me. what is your take on that? >> we are always trying to get the marginalized voter as opposed to turning out the people who show up all the time and vote for our party, the democratic party. one of the issues here is that i am old enough to remember that black people went out into the streets during a pandemic to protest for something. i don't think it was health care, i don't think it was -- yes it was the terrorist police brutality that we face every day. that's why people went out into the streets during a pandemic, for months on end. was as happened? where is my prize? where is my pandemic price? what has changed because of that and where are the candidates who are running on the positive record of what they have changed or but they are going to change over these issues that black people have been out in the streets asking for? that is an example of where you have some democratic candidates who are afraid of taking on police reform when that is actually the thing that the base of the democratic party has asked them to do. >> sasha, i don't have to tell you, you are on the ground in multiple states during the presidential elections. you are in battleground states and working in the south states. but i knows about candidates is that when they are talking to black folks, it is a whisper. it is like i'm going to go into office and hook you up when we get there. when it is the white folks they shouted from the mountain tops. that does not inspire. it does not inspire the base. what would be your advice to candidates running now. a lot of people criticize the democrats but republicans does serve a lot of criticism. what are your advice is for democratic's running now and what they should give to the people? >> minus for the voters. you need to speak loudly. we need to make sure that they are speaking to our issues. we can do that in the way we organize and put pressure on them. i want to go back to what jason said. i disagree with the notion that we do have to focus on local issues but there has to be a national message to pull people together. why? i think you are trying to moma lies a true sense of people that you are trying to mobilize voters but in order to do that, but we seen in the 2020 election, you need to excite and ignite the infrastructure. we need to ignite the infrastructure of people who are going to mobilize the vote. when we talk about the economic, , abortion, national issues, they mobilize voters and activate those who mobilize voters. >> jason, i would like to give anyone who disagrees with you more time. would you like to respond? >> i will not disagree with natasha on national television. [laughs] >> do not disagree with natasha. i will give you the last word. what would be your advice to candidates? >> my advice to candidates is you have to make sure that the national issues are important but in a midterm election it is not just turning out your base with the voter suppression take we have, you have to turn non-voters into voters. national issues can turn a non voter into a voter. if you rely on your base it will not be enough in ohio, or wisconsin. yes to turn these young people or 40 something year olds who said they did not get anything from joe biden, you have to make sure that they register and get involved in the process to win. >> quickly, mccarthy, i think he wants to be a rapper. he keeps dropping these tapes. how is this happening? >> these mix tapes are fascinating. i do not know if you really want these releases. this is not what he wants. >> he has so much unreleased material. thank you natasha brown, jackson, -- we are going to take you back to ukraine to talk the latest. we are also going to be discussing what is next for a wnba star griner who is still detained in russia as the season gets underway without her. this is and much more is coming up that second hour of the cross connection. do not go anywhere. stay with us. on do not go anywhere do not go anywhere stay ♪♪ ♪♪ your mission: stand up to moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. and take. it. on... ...with rinvoq. rinvoq a once-daily pill can dramatically improve symptoms... rinvoq helps tame pain, stiffness, swelling. and for some...rinvoq can even significantly reduce ra fatigue. that's rinvoq relief. with ra, your overactive immune system attacks your joints. rinvoq regulates it to help stop the attack. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least one 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tour with a visit to a school in romania where ukraine refugee students are enrolled. >> we are focusing on the mental health of these kids. not only through the pandemic but now through the war. i think the whole world is saying we need more mental health for these kids and their moms, quite frankly. you can't go through that kind of trauma and not feel affects from it. >> she will be speaking exclusively with my colleague today. on sunday, biden will meet with g7 leaders. president zelenskyy's fears of what putin could do to mark a victory day on may 9th. back with me from lviv is a jay gray. thank you for being back with us jay. on friday, biden announced more weapons for ukraine. i am curious to the 150 million dollar aid package in the escalation between ukraine and russia and how vital is this aid for ukrainian forces? >> let's start with the first part, tiffany. it is clear and russia has stated that they understand that u.s. and other nato allied countries are helping ukraine. obviously, they are not pleased about that. they other side of that coin is that there is not a lot that could be done about it. they understand that it is happening. it will ramp up tensions. but it has not, to this point, been any reaction on the ground or elsewhere as far as that hope is concerned. for the ukrainian army, it is vital. they will tell you this is caught keeping them in the fight. the technology that is coming not only from the u.s. but from other countries to help them on the ground, including missiles and other defensive systems that they are using in the fight, they say, without that, it would be a much different war. >> jay, let me ask, what are western officials speculating could have it on victory day this may 9th? >> i think we are seeing a lot of what is happening in regards to that right now. troops have really stepped up their attacks in the eastern region, they donbas region. it is a frequent attacks. mariupol, which we talked about, continues to be a focus for russian troops trying to secure that region and ukrainian troops are pinned down in a steel mill along with several hundreds of civilians refusing to give in. we will see that continue to escalate through monday. also, we know, some of the areas occupied in mariupol by russian troops have been cleaned out. debris is moved from a streets. statues from the soviet era, russian era. the ground has been cleared up, a refurbished. it would appear that this will be part of the celebration for russia on victory day. remember, this is a holiday where vladimir putin likes to exhibit his military power. it was first created to celebrate the victory over nazi germany in world war ii. since then it has been something that he uses to flex of russia's military muscle. >> we will get more into that. thank you, a jay gray, stay safe. joining me is former senior adviser mike era hawk. i happy to have you here. you just heard would jay said. there is speculation that putin could declare war on monday. can you give our viewers more context on what it is a symbolic day for russia. i'm curious to know what would actually change when putin declared war? the devastation is already hard to see? how much worse can i get? >> victory day celebrations are about galvanizing the russian public behind his war effort. they also have the russian church navigating for this. all these body bags are coming home as the russians are not only losing civilians in this a fight but have lost major generals. they have not figured out a way to coordinate between their land, c, and air assets. the united states has not only providing munitions but the reports about the united states and providing targeted information. all of these are significant russian losses up against a significant threat that they did not expect to have. this celebration is about putin cementing his propaganda machine at home and the declaration of war. this may escalate putin's actions but it does not change the reality on the ground and the limited assets that he has at his disposal. >> it is frightening to see. i am waiting with baited breath. when the wnba season start on friday, they made sure that the world knew that griner is trapped in russia 79 days after her arrest on drug charges at a russian airport. they have determined that the star is being wrongfully detained. this is a classification that may help secure her release. i do want to bring into the discussion two-time wnba champion and olympic gold menace medalist breanna stewart. we will call her stoolie. before i bring nayyera into the conversation, breanna stewart, i want to discuss why brittney griner was over in russia playing. you can earn over 1 million dollars in russia. what makes -- what do we need to change here to make sure the wnba players are valued here in our own country? >> thank you for have -- thank you for having me on, tiffany. how basketball works for professional players as we play from april to october and then we go overseas until april to supplement income, continue to play this basketball, to play yearly. we played on the same team in russia. we are over there because we have a hard cap at the wnba where we cannot allow players to make more money. we need more companies and investors to get behind women so that we can be home and we could be around all the time. now that we know why britney was there, stewy, tell us if you have talked to her spoken to her wife would you know is happening right now? >> i have been constant communication with the team making sure that the family knows that i'm supporting her all the time. i am writing her letters because that is how you do things when someone is wrongfully detained in russia. i'm trying to show her as much support as we can and trying to convey the message that we want to get her home asap. she's been there for 79 days wrongfully detained and hopefully the white house can get her home. >> nayyera i want to bring you back into the conversation because you are an expert on the area. this is speculation. if you can imagine what's britney griner is going to right now and what is the likelihood that she will be returned to her home country in america as soon as possible? as we mentioned, brittani is there because she was trying to make money for her family that she could not, and was denied from making here in the united states. she has been going in and out of russia for ten years yet just as putin invades ukraine and realizes he is up against the united states in a hard work, he decides that somehow she has been carrying marijuana, but does have a ten year sentence. they have harsher drug rules there. suddenly, brittney griner used to be detained. last week, they were able to do a prison exchange. a u.s. marine had been detained for two years. he was exchange for a long time drug traffic, russian drug trafficker in u.s. prison. they stood up at the white house and said bring brittney griner home. there is a tactical of political situation that is going on here where how do you bring someone home? how do you get someone like putin willing to release a celebrity that has been getting him so much attention? it puts putin and makes him feel like he is the aggressor here and he has leverage over the united states. he's also addressing the human rights situation where we have a black, lesbian, independent woman in jail right now in a country that effectively tries to deny her entire existence on a day-to-day basis. deny her entire existence>> putin is the sports enthusiast. stu, i cannot imagine that in the -- any wnba player or athlete look back to russia ever again. i'm curious to know what your prediction is? would you ever go back to russia to play assuming that britney griner comes home and there is a path exchange? >> i'm definitely not going back to russia until britney griner is back home. when we get to that point we will have a conversation about what is going to happen with basketball in russia. the way that everything is going, russia is not what i represent. i cannot find myself being there to play no matter what. >> i want to point out your tweet that you sent out yesterday talking about your teammate b g. you tweet every day. it has been 78 days a, 79 days since britney griner was there. you tagged the white house. when you asked about what the white house would you, what's specifically would you want them to do? if they were watching right now, what was your message to them? >> my message to the white house is to please bring britney home. help her get home. she desire germs to be back with her family, her friends, the wnba. the wnba is not the wnba without britney griner. help get her home. >> nayyera for let you go, howell travis's release impact britney griner's release home. you know what is going on behind the scenes. what do you anticipate is happening between the white house as they try to negotiate britney griner's return? >> paul whelan is still there. between trevor and paul, it is several years that they have been detained. the argument could be made that britney griner is just the latest in a long line of u.s. people who are used by putin as pawns. her identity puts her at a higher risk. she is a high-profile celebrity. these prisoner exchanges and releases are not always done by the book. they are done in conversations with families with these dictatorial leaders and go case by case. every year time someone tweets, talk, mentions her is a reminder that public pressure will make a difference in getting britney griner home. >> she is not forgotten here. former ambassador to the and bill richardson, worked as a hostage negotiator, and he is working on britney greener's case. there is a scheduled hearing for may 19th. we will keep our eye on this. breanna stewart you have an open invitation on this show. we would love to have you back. thank you very much nayyera for offering context here. coming up, we will ask the question why white women vote for republicans and against their own interests? this is coming up on the other side. you do not want to miss this. er side side you do not want to once-weekly ozempic® can help. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. ozempic® helped me get back in my type 2 diabetes zone. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about 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from red wine and blue and co-host of the suburban women podcast, lucy caldwell, to take off her saturday, political strategist and the 2020 presidential campaign strategist. and jill is a contributing reporter and writer. you go ahead and save jill. >> philip of age. >> philip of age. my apologies. i knew i would mess it up. since i mess up your last name you can start first. thanks for being here. i slip into your dms and i'm so happy to have you here. most certainly they helped pave the way for abortion rights to be obliterated. white women have narrow leave favored the republican candidate for 70 years. we talked about the support for trump in 2016 and 2020. it was a continuation of a long-standing pattern. why do you think the bulk of this group stays loyal to a party that does not serve their interest? >> the first thing that is important to understand is that white women is the largest race gender combination voting bloc. they were 41% in 2016 electorate. that was a voting bloc that was bigger than white men, black men, black women, and hispanic men. among this voting bloc you need to break it down in subgroups to understand it. the reality is, white women, who have been able to enjoy the fruits of feminist progress, who have higher education, who have been able to stay single for longer, who delayed childbearing, who live in big cities, those women vote for democrats. they vote in their own interest. on the conservative side, we see women who vote for donald trump, despite sexual assault allegations and vote against women broadly, i think, is a sense that being in a traditional and being respected for being a traditional woman is a safe, or better, then having to go out at it on your own. there's a lot of affiliation with racial status. it is part of what's grants white woman a large degree of privilege in society. there are a lot of white women who want to hang on to that. >> i think that is a good point. rachel, you are one of the people doing the work. you are going around having these conversations, talking to a win in a coup are voters. i'm curious to hear from you what you hear when you have these conversations? what conversation do you feel here about feedback who do not vote in their interest? >> it is interesting you say that. i have had a couple of hard conversations this week with friends. i do not want to shy away from those conversations. they are important to have. everyone is on their journey in a unique place. i do not want to be apologizing for white women. we have a lot of girls to do. at the same time, demonizing is not going to be helpful. as frustrated as i get in my relationships. one of the most powerful things we can do is talk about personal stories and not have this divide about a stay at home moms, working moms, the women who have chosen to have children, those who remain a single longer, all of the stuff creates a strife where there does not need to be any. there should be a galvanizing moment. this should be a moment for all women to come together. we still have a lot of differences. we have a lot of places we need to listen to each other more. i heard -- i hope this will strengthen and galvanize us to work together and see that we need to start listening more and do things that are in everyone's best interest. you can see i am using my husband zuma setup, you know why, because my kitchen is a disaster. it is a disaster. this is a big moment for me to discuss this on tv. i feel like i have an equitable marriage but i don't want anyone to know that my kitchen is a mess and i do not want a health and safety inspector to be in there. this is the realness we need to be having. we are not perfect. i make mistakes every single day. i think we need to allow ourselves to be in this place. even if men are not acknowledging it we need to have these conversations with each other. >> i hear rachel's point, lucy. i'm happy you are here on set with me. it might be uncomfortable but we need to have it. i hear that rachael says we cannot demonize women. i have to tell you, i do not know if that is my ministry. when we talk about republican voting women, who are supporting candidates who are openly racist, openly sexist, openly misogynists, openly xenophobic, i think it is an easily graphic to demonize. you were once a republican. you talk to republican voting women. i am curious about your conversation. you could probably have a better conversation about how i would because i do not know how to be a big hit or big it apologist in the middle. your thoughts on that. >> a problem is that republican women are in this mode, specifically white women, who do benefit from the patriarchy. they are feeling or participating in these same a story of economic insecurity or a privilege that they believe their white's husband, sons, and fathers deserves that are going to a person of color. they have a stake in the old paradigm that is harmful. at the same time, it is good to be a white woman. white women also benefit from the progress that democrats have worked to assure for white women. i think that the conversation is going to change. i do not think that it has occurred to white women. for 50 years, they have not operated in a paradigm where they are coming for the white women too. they are not just coming for abortion rights, there is a bill in louisiana going through that would make it homicide to have a copper iud or have in vitro. unfortunately, most voting blocs, especially white women, are motivated to vote based on what is happening to them, what it means for them. life is pretty good for white women most of the time. democrat, and power, republican in power, economy good, economy bad, they are insulated related to other groups. it is not all white women but by in large if we will generalize. i remember when working as a republican strategist all over the company -- country, it resonates with something jason said in the last hour. all polled our -- whole politics are local income from personal stories. women in households, and women in their households, they are the deciders of things for the family. women are also motivated by being told and republican messaging around we want you to make the best decisions for your family. we want to create a world for you in which you choose the education outcomes, you choose this economic liberty. democrats are not affective at telling personal stories to republican white women. this is going to be a sea change. now, democrats can save for white women, you have a liberty that is at risk here. republicans are coming for you. it bothers me because it is cynical and it bothers me because i would like to see white women vote for a cause greater than themselves. i do see among republican women i talked to is that there is a sea change that we could see. >> we will see, lucy. jill, i want to bring you back into this conversation. i think lucy made some great points that white woman, no matter your party, a benefit. when you look at black women who are fighting so hard on the front lines of democracy, we know a close and personal the harm that these policies can do. it is not my ministry to go out and talk to white women it is their own ministry to do that. i'm curious to see if you think that we will see this see change that lucy is dangling in front of us that we hope we will see. i'm curious to know your thoughts there. >> i hope so. i think we will certainly see it i hmong moderate white women those who swing between democrat and rubble publicans or do not show up to vote in the first place. even conservative white women having abortions, using contraception, doing all of these feminist gates. i'm not sure you are still going to see a lot of those women who are hard-core republicans voting for democrats. it is not really about abortion, it is about restoring the country to a land of traditional gender roles and hierarchies. that is the deal that conservative white women are willing to take. >> when we talk about crt, that is white women upholding that. we see white parents upholding that. it is a very frustrating. you ladies will have to come back. this is a conversation worth having more than once and worse more than the time allotted we have here. thank you so much rachel. make him clean you the kitchen. he is an american hero but he can clean that kitchen. >> thank you lucy kabul and jill. happy mother's day to all of you who are celebrating. a lawsuit seeking a reparation for the tulsa massacre can now proceed after the ruling. we will talk to the attorney who followed with the suit on behalf of the dead and survivors. do not go anywhere. this is coming up next. survivors. survivors. do not go this is coming up next i mean, "riders" is cool, but "bikers" really cool. -seriously? -denied. can we go back to meeting at the rec center? the commute here is brutal. how do we feel about getting a quote to see if we can save with america's number one motorcycle insurer? should flo stop asking the same question every time? -approved! -[ altered voice ] denied! [ normal voice ] whoa. for months, our tv screens have been blanketed with wall-to-wall coverage of ukrainians fighting as their displaced from their homes, having their houses bombs, and countless lives lost. but if i told you that just over 100 years ago, the exact same thing happened to american citizens right here on american soil? well, that's exactly what happened when a mob of angry white, a mob of angry white officials descended 35 blocks in the black area of tulsa, looting and killing and burning it's to the ground. >> i will never forget the violence of the white mob when we left our home. i still see black men in shock, black bodies lined in the streets. i still smell smoke and see fire. i still see black businesses being burned. i still hear airplanes flying overhead. i hear the screams that have lived through the massacre every day. >> she certainly deserves justice, as to all the survivors. on monday, and oklahoma judge will rule on seeking reputations for the tulsa massacre can proceed, giving hope for some measure of justice. joining me to talk about this very important story, mario, also an attorney and a child of descendants. mario, i'm excited have you on the show this morning. tell me when exactly this means for this case going forward, what are the next steps? >> absolutely, tiffany. good to see you. thanks for bringing this report. we made history on monday with opportunity for the first, in more than 100 years, have a case connected to the tulsa race massacre to move forward in some fashion. that is the good news. now, we don't know exactly how exactly were moving forward, because we're waiting for the actual written order from our judge, but we're so ecstatic and elated that our survivors and our community has the opportunity to move this forward. tiffany, you met all the survivors. you know them pretty well. they were all in the courtroom at the time. of course, mother fletcher, mother randall are 107, the you don't hear if you're not talking directly to them, but rightfully in the middle, 101 years old, he hears everything for perfectly. i looked around and saw that he was balling like a baby because she finally knows this is the opportunity to be able to move forward in this case, it was the best possible feeling i've ever had in a professional setting. >> i'm happy you brought up uncle ray. i want to play the sound from him when he learned about him. i believe he talk to one of our colleagues, omar jimenez, at cnn -- >> you really feel it deep down to your core? >> yep. >> it's been a long time coming. >> a long time a long time coming. it's gonna come, a change is coming. >> after decades and decades of trying, this is just for a chance? >> we never had it like this before. you go back 100 years. >> and you don't stop to list? dunn >> won't stop till it's finished. we're not going to stop. we got to keep driving. i'm 101 years old, i've been here a long time. >> we love uncle ray, and we love uncle red. i've been there with you, the mario, i've been to the district of tulsa, and it is justin raging to see what's the black folks fair experienced. i'm just curious because we've seen what happened there, it rippled through time, it rippled through generations. mother fletcher's children, her grandchildren were impacted by the wealth that was taken and stolen. they weren't bothering anybody. they were just living their lives of people were so outraged. how much wealth do you think was loft when destruction happened? >> listen, just talking about the property damage alone, just the property damage, supply, not the business opportunities, property damages, according to harvard university, is over $200 million just in property damage alone. so, when you start factoring in the hundreds of thousands, hundreds more, but we believe to be thousands of lives that were loss, we talk about the loss of wealth of a generation, we think about a person like j.b. -- who owns the largest african-american hotel at the nation. the motel millionaire. all his properties burned to the ground, he was ran out of tulsa as a refugee. he could not come back, because they put indictments on him, saying he was the reason behind the massacre. so, he lost everything. just imagine, in addition to seeing very, off high it's, those types of hotels, you would see stratford all over the nation. you take people like doctor -- who served at the finest, quote unquote, negro surgeon in the nature, attorney who owns the tulsa store, which was the largest, the first african american publication to have a national search circulation. everything but to the ground, he was ran out of tulsa. never returned, because they put false indictments on him. >> that's awful, tomorrow. >> i want to point out to the chamber of commerce attorney, john tucker. he was asked about this, and essentially, he said the massacre was horrible but the nuisance is not ongoing, and what happens in 1921 was a really bad deal, and those people did not get a fair shake, but that was 100 years ago. if i stole money from somebody 50 years ago, i still think a judge might say hey, you need to run back those coins, because he stole something from him. it's essentially saying, why are you bringing up old stuff? how disrespectful to these three people who are over 100 years old who survived this level of white supremacy and terror? just curious to your response to mr. tucker. >> what i'd response is what we tell them in court. the president of the tulsa chamber of commerce, mike neil, admitted in 2019 that but chamber of commerce activities during the massacre and since the massacre is a direct result of the economic disparities that are in tulsa today. within the greenwood district specifically. whatever you want to say the reality is, the mayor has said the same thing. the racial and economic disparities we see installs a is a direct result of the 20 1921 race massacre. here's the thing. oklahoma's law says if a nuisance recreated, if that nuisance was ongoing, and until it's fixed or abated, then you have a valid claim. think about it in that matter. >> yeah. i want to let you make that claim tomorrow, but we're out of time. you'll have to come back. we are way overtime, but thank you not only for being here, but for the work that you do and your continued fight. you always say justice is your ministry. so, keep fighting, good brother. we appreciate you. coming up for you folks at home, why some are sounding the alarm about the lack of resources for women's health care. we talk about the -- problem, stay with us. oblem, stay with us. that no child should die in the dawn of life. to work with many partners all over the world, nothing stops in the way of us achieving that mission, not even war. marta salek md: when there is a need, people stand up and do what is right and ensure that they restart medical therapy as quickly as possible. carlos rodriguez-galindo md: any child suffering today of cancer is our responsibility. no matter who you are, being yourself can be tough when you have severe asthma. triggers can pop up out of nowhere, causing inflammation that can lead to asthma attacks. but no matter what type of severe asthma you have, tezspire™ can help. tezspire™ is a new add-on treatment for people 12 and over... that proactively reduces inflammation... ...which means you could have fewer attacks, breathe better, and relieve your asthma symptoms. so, you can be you, whoever you are. tezspire™ is not a rescue medication. don't take tezspire™ if you're allergic to it. allergic reactions like rash or an eye allergy can happen. don't stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. sore throat, joint and back pain may occur. avoid live vaccines. by helping control your asthma, tezspire™ can help you be you. no matter who you are, ask your asthma specialist about tezspire™ today. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for whatchya... line? 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and more importantly, was like for that child? >> incredibly, tiffany. this has been happening for well before this particular vote comes in. for women who are experiencing difficulty, you will find that women who are at the poverty level, at or below, those are more likely to have an unlikely pregnancy, because i have no access to health care. we have to start really very early, you've got to get education, you've got to get access to contraception, and contraceptive -- for prenatal care. and you also, it's not an uncommon situation here, where those places where the maternal mortality rate is highest, and the infant mortality rate is highest. so, it starts there, but it continues throughout the life of that's mother and that child. >> yeah, people who are pro-life might want to do something about that. i was really surprised. you wrote a wonderful op-ed in the ocean to post, and i was really surprised to learn that more than a billion women, billion with a b, will be in mental paused by 2025 here in this country. 55 million in the united states are currently in menopause, and 75% say they're not receiving support or treatment for the effects. how do we change? that >> one of the things we have to do is we have to start to educate women. i think that we have a two front war hero trying to fight. one, we have to educate women to understand what's the symptoms are of menopause, and how to access health care when they have them. the other part of it, i think, which is even more appalling, is that doctors aren't particularly good at treating metal pause. when we think about only 20% of ob/gyn's feel competent talking about mental pause with women, and bat number falls off precipitously from there, when you get into internal medicine and other sub specialties, women are just sort of left not knowing where to go. and if a doctor doesn't feel comfortable talking about something, guess what? they're probably not going to bring it up. i have to tell you. for my colleagues, we are in a very difficult position, because there's a lot of things that have to be discussed in a very short period of time. so, i think the way to go about this is to get women to understand what is it, what are they feeling, and where did it go when they need help. >> this is an economic issue you point out in europe at, because all the women dealing with this, they've had to take time off work, they're not as productive when they're going through hot flashes, so for women who are going through, this is there anything they could do now to remediate some of these symptoms they're dealing with? >> i think that for the majority of women, one should realize what's going on, that's where the disconnect comes in. women don't understand what's going on or have the symptoms one at a time, so you consult one physician for one thing, you go to a psychiatrist for something else, because you're depressed or your fatigued, and sort of understanding that it all falls under the umbrella of menopause symptoms, and this is the reason why you're not as productive as you need to be, then understand what you're treatments options are. and for some women, it's going to be exercise and meditation and whatever it is, but you have to first adopt a healthy lifestyle, and after you've done those things, then you have to understand that hormone replacement is not off the table. and i think that is what's the whole purpose of that editorial was, to say that we have spent 20 years now since the women's health initiative was reported in living in a world of misinformation. and all i want is for women to have that information, to know what's happening to them, and to decide for themselves, because i fully believe that women are capable of understanding the risks and the benefits of any treatment option that's out there for them. and if it's for you and for healthy women with no complications, there's no reason to suffer. we 100% will go through met on pause. it's not an optional activity. suffering is the part that is optional. if you are suffering, know where you can go to help. and the first place is really to your doctor or to resources that say these are what my treatment options are, evaluate, and make that decision for yourself. and i think that for too long in the medical community, we have sort of overlooked not only that, we've overlooked and actively waved women off the safest and most effective treatment for mental pause. >> quickly, cause we're out of time, but how do you know your perry men apostle? >> if you're in your 40s and your having symptoms, you are parental puzzle. there is no test needed. >> i saw you, that was my family, you said your perimenopausal! you're diagnosed! >> it's all you. need >> it's all i need! >> thank you so much. please come back, thank you so much for being here, you're such a genius, everyone loves talking to you. i appreciate you taking time for. us >> thank you. >> thank. you >> all right, coming up tomorrow on the sunday show, senator amy klobuchar will join for thomas and kate part live as she discusses ravi lip raid, the law, philando miss that, tower 10 am eastern. and, i want to congratulate jonathan and all of those who work on the pride of the white house special. they want a glad media award last night for outstanding long form tv. so, congrats to jonathan and that whole team. coming up next, real talk on the joys and realities of motherhood. doctor malone -- two of our favorite new moms join us next. favorite new moms join us next is different than other money managers. 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>> oh,. man the best part. and stephanie, you know, me i've been very open, very vocal with my whole pregnancy, the labor, the bed rest, all of it. but the most rewarding thing, just last week, just a few days ago, she learned how to laugh. and these things just didn't connect until that moment happened. so even just watching that happen, i was so lucky to be right beside her. it was such a remarkable feeling. so yeah, i've just been told that so many times, the process of watching your person grow up is just, man, it's indescribable! and this girl left a lot, she does, you can tell. >> i can feel! you can hear the personality in laughing. britt, i had to start with linh because you and i are friends and i know we always talk about. this but i'm so happy that you are so happy. tell me the best part about being a mom to your baby. >> he is discovering the world all on his own for the first time, and to watch that kind of excitement and curiosity just makes me remember what's really important in life. tiffany, you know a lot of things had to conspire for us to be able to bring home are healthy baby boy. you know, to make this miracle possible, a lot of prayer, it's incredible support system from our friends and family. about a very culturally medical care that he and i received. as for eight days of hospitalized than rest and unplanned c-section, severe nerve pain in my recovery, and 116 days in the icu, our one pound, nine ounce baby boy is now a nine pounder, and he's smiling and learning and growing, and it's a reminder that miracle still happen. >> miracles happen indeed. lynn, i will tell you a story about britney, i have on the screen. we were on vacation, i don't know if we told you this, but we all scheduled massages, and one in the masseuse said hey, there's time for extra services. we said, why? because someone in your party is pregnant. we were like? what who? we had no idea, linh. we had no idea. and of course, it was later revealed. so what linh, tell me, we talked about the good parts. now, i want to hear the most challenging part that has been for you being a mom. >> i mean, all be honest and brittney, i'm sure you feel the same way, but we are still going through recovery. post, i know nothing about my body before hitting pregnancy, before delivery, and now in these months, i am shocked every day at how i'm able to absorb and the day today, i'll be honest, it's been grueling sometimes. but i think one of the greatest challenges in this, i legitimately had the most irrational breakdown two days ago on this, but our careers have been everything. it's been so closely tied to identity, it's been years of us and specifically with women of color, working in politics. i mean, i spent years so involved in this work, and now it's not only have things changed, but i had to really redefine and read this sets with my own life success needs to look like, right? because there's motherhood, there's our career, but there's so much more to life for us. >> yeah, yeah. >> that is, yeah. every day it's a challenge. it's a challenge. >> brits, i know you will have to get back to your babies, so in 30 challenge texans, tells most shall engine for you. >> the most challenging part is knowing exactly, we are about to enter a mother's day were all the folks who can give birth are staring down the barrel of not having the autonomy and agency over our own bodies. given the trauma people go through in order to give birth, if they decide to, none of that should be forced on anyone. it is a beautiful miracle, but you should have the choice over whether or not you decide to take that journey. >> absolutely. well, thank you so much, both of you, for being here. we love those beautiful babies. thank, you linh and britt. i have to say happy mother's day to my own mother, winona, who's at home watching and texting me. hello, i'm on tv, i can't respond. anyway, happy mother's day, i'll be right back. ther's day i'll be right back ♪ you know how i feel ♪ (coughing) ♪ breeze driftin' on by ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ copd may have gotten you here, but you decide what's next. start a new day with trelegy. ♪ ...feelin' good ♪ no once-daily copd medicine has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy helps people breathe easier and improves lung function. it also helps prevent future flare-ups. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. take a stand and start a new day with trelegy. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy. and save at ♪ ♪ when you order the all new deluxe three cheese and bacon omelette, you get a smile on your plate. only from ihop. join the rewards program and earn double pancoins with any omelette purchase. xfinity mobile runs on america's most reliable 5g network, join the rewards program and earn but for up to half the price of verizon so you have more money for more stuff. this phone? 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Nominee , Chance , Lead , Primary , Cawthorn , Race , Pathway , Heads , Roads , Business , No One , Hospitals , Organisms , Mind , Ac , Group , Base , Tim Ryan , Color , Inspire , Office , Swing Voters , Red State Voters , Talk To Me , Pandemic , Police Brutality , Prize , Record , Police , Reform , Sasha , States , Battleground States , Whisper , Criticism , Mountain Tops , Minus , Sense , Moma , Order , Infrastructure , Word , Natasha On National Television , Process , Quickly , Releases , Tapes , Rapper , Material , More , Star Griner , Wnba , Latest , Jackson , Some Rinvoq , Symptoms , Swelling , Pain , Rinvoq , Pill , Rheumatoid Arthritis , Stiffness , Infections , Joints , Ra , Fatigue , Ability , Rinvoq Relief , Heart Attack , Death , Risks , Stroke , Intestines , Skin Cancer , Cancers , Heart Disease Risk Factor , Stomach , Tears , Fatal , Blood Clots , Lymphoma , Tb , 50 , Reactions , Rheumatologist , Rivnoq , Fast , Gaming , Niece , Button , Wi Fi , Hundreds , Times , Couldn T , Devices , Bandwidth , Three , Devastation , Efforts , Evacuation , Russian Shelling , Satellite Images , Mental Health , Eastern European Tour , Refugee , Visit , Romania , Moms , Kind , Trauma , Putin , Leaders , On Sunday , Colleague , Fears , G7 , Weapons , Aid Package , May 9th , 150 Million , 9 , 150 Million Dollar , Nato , Aid , Escalation , Forces , Allied , Countries , Side , Coin , Tensions , Reaction , Technology , Elsewhere , Ukrainian Army , Missiles , Systems , Attacks , Regards , Eastern Region , Region , Focus , Steel Mill , Donbas Region , Debris , Celebration , Holiday , Statues , Military Power , World War Ii , Nazi Germany , Military Muscle , Speculation , Mike Neil , Hawk , Stay Safe , Victory Day Celebrations , War Effort , Body Bags , Russian Church , Land , Generals , C , Air Assets , Munitions , Reports , Losses , Threat , Propaganda Machine , Reality , Actions , Disposal , Assets , Declaration Of War , Drug , Breath , Charges , Arrest , Russian Airport , 79 , Classification , Release , Champion , The Star , Olympic Gold , Breanna Stewart , Nayyera , Stoolie , Have , Basketball Works , 1 Million Dollars , 1 Million , Team , Income , Basketball , Investors , Companies , Cap , Britney , Stewy , Letters , Communication , Support , Howell Travis S Release Impact Britney Griner , Home Country , Likelihood , Expert , Brittani , Marijuana , Sentence , Prison Exchange , Exchange , Prison , Drug Traffic , Drug Trafficker , U S Marine , Celebrity , Tactical , Attention , Woman , Human Rights Situation , Leverage , Aggressor , Jail , Lesbian , Existence , Player , Basis , Athlete , Sports Enthusiast , Stu , Path Exchange , Teammate B , No Matter What , 78 , Friends , Germs , Scenes , Trevor , Argument , Paul Whelan , Prisoner Exchanges , Line , Identity , Pawns , Book , Case , Conversations , Tweets , Reminder , Difference , Hostage Negotiator , Hearing , Eye , Ambassador , Bill Richardson , May 19th , 19 , Invitation , Oh Ozempic , Oh , Interests , Er , The Other Side , Weight , Heart Disease , A1c , 7 , 12 , Needles , Type 1 Diabetes , Events , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Pens , Reuse , 2 , Don T Take Ozempic , Side Effects , Stomach Pain , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Lump , Pancreatitis , Stop Ozempic , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Neck , Changes , Blood Sugar Risk , Vision Problems , Kidney Problems , Insulin , Type 2 Diabetes , Sulfonylurea , Nausea , Dehydration , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Provider , Prescription , Health Care Provider , 3 , Gift , Tv Comments , Sexual Assault Allegations , Mountain , Shouting , Self Interest , Rachael , Strategist , Lucy Caldwell , Women Podcast , Red Wine , Writer , Jill , Philip , Age , Apologies , Name , Dms , Continuation , Candidate , Leave , 2016 , 70 , Voting Bloc , Interest , Pattern , Bulk , Black Women , Electorate , Black Men , 41 , White Women , Subgroups , Fruits , Feminist Progress , Hispanic , Childbearing , Single , Cities , Sexual Assault , Safe , Privilege , Status , Grants , Affiliation , Degree , Coup , Rachel , Feedback , Couple , Demonizing , Girls , Apologizing , Journey , Stories , Relationships , Divide , Home Moms , Working Moms , Differences , Longer , Strife , Places , Kitchen , Disaster , Husband , Health , Realness , Inspector , Safety , On Tv , Each Other , Mistakes , Ministry , Set , Voting Women , Problem , Apologist , Middle , Hit , Story , Feeling , Mode , Patriarchy , Insecurity , Paradigm , Sons , Fathers , Stake , Progress , Bill , Louisiana , It Homicide , In Vitro , Voting Blocs , Copper Iud , Groups , Democrat , Polled , Company , Households , Deciders , Messaging , Education Outcomes , Sea Change , Cause , Party , Points , Democracy , Policies , Benefit , Lines , Harm , Change , Front , Publicans , Rubble , Gates , Gender Roles , Hierarchies , You Ladies , Crt , Hero , Lucy Kabul , Attorney , Lawsuit Seeking A Reparation For The Tulsa Massacre , Survivors , Riders , Bikers , Cool , Behalf , Dead , Suit , Commute , Motorcycle Insurer , Meeting , Quote , Voice , Flo , Number One , Rec Center , Tv Screens , On American Soil , Houses , Homes , Bombs , Citizens , Wall To Coverage , Mob , Tulsa , Blocks , Killing , Angry White , Looting , 35 , Shock , Smoke , Fire , Massacre , Businesses , Airplanes , Mario , Judge , Oklahoma , Measure , Seeking Reputations For The Tulsa Massacre , On Monday , Report , Descendants , Steps , Absolutely , News , First , Written , Tulsa Race Massacre , Fashion , Mother Fletcher , Courtroom , 107 , Saw , Baby , Balling , 101 , Setting , Uncle Ray , Omar Jimenez , Sound , Core , Gonna Come , Dunn , Driving , Uncle Red , District , Wealth , Grandchildren , Generations , Anybody , Property Damage , Listen , Destruction , Business Opportunities , Property Damages , Harvard University , 200 Million , 00 Million , Thousands , Factoring , African American Hotel , Generation , J B , Motel Millionaire , Reason , Indictments , Properties , Ran Out Of Tulsa , Quote Unquote , Types , It S , Hotels , Addition , Finest , Stratford , Negro Surgeon , Largest , Nature , Search Circulation , African American Publication , John Tucker , Chamber Of Commerce , Nuisance , Somebody , Shake , 1921 , Supremacy , Coins , Court , Terror , Mr , 2019 , Result , Disparities , Activities , Greenwood , 20 , Lack , Folks At Home , Brother , Alarm , Oblem , Partners , The Dawn Of Life , Need , Therapy , Marta Salek Md , Asthma , Out Of Nowhere , Cancer , Md , Triggers , Carlos Rodriguez , Tezspiretm , Inflammation , Add On Treatment , Asthma Attacks , Type , Breathe Better , Eye Allergy , Rescue Medication , Asthma Symptoms , Back Pain , Sore Throat , Infection , Asthma Specialist , Liberty Mutual , Whatchya , Caesar , Hail , Ringcentral , Liberty Biberty Cut , Pssst Julius , Hi Caesar , Flashes , Urinary Tract Infections , Pots , Anxiety , Painful Sex , 55 Million , Menopause , Calling , Research , 75 , Pause , Doctor Malone , Funding , Ob Gyn , Let S Talk About , Term , Tarp , Incredibly , Poverty Level , Difficulty , Prenatal Care , Contraceptive , Mortality Rate , Infant Mortality Rate , Op Ed , The Ocean , 2025 , A Billion , Effects , Two Front War Hero , Medicine , Bat Number , Talking , Doctor Doesn T , Specialties , What S Going On , Disconnect , Falls , Physician , Psychiatrist , Something Else , Meditation , Menopause Symptoms , Treatments Options , Umbrella , Exercise , Lifestyle , Hormone Replacement , Purpose , Table , Editorial , Living , Misinformation , Women S Health Initiative , Complications , Benefits , Treatment Option , Suffering , Activity , Treatment Options , Men Apostle , Perimenopausal , Test , Puzzle , Amy Klobuchar , The Sunday Show , Genius , Miss , Special , Lip Raid , Pride , The Law , Philando , Thomas , Tower 10 , Kate , Motherhood , Congrats , Realities , Tv , Joys , Next , Money Manager , Client , Portfolios , Money Managers , Strategies , Aren T , Fisher Investments , Stocks , Investments , Clients , Commissions , Goals , Commission Products , Act , Fiduciary , Nine , 116 , 30 ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC The Cross Connection With Tiffany Cross 20240707 :

Transcripts For MSNBC The Cross Connection With Tiffany Cross 20240707

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erected days later. now senate democrats are planning a vote next week to codify abortion rights into a federal law. here's what you may have missed in the leaked opinion. in a footnote, justice samuel alito notes that supporters of abortion rights really just want to suppress the size of the african american population. justice samuel alito goes on to suggest that because of roe v. wade a disproportionate percentage of fetuses is black. the man who helped get a voting rights and uphold white racial innocence is now moved to protect a black lives. he offers no context here because while brevity is the soul of what it is also clearly the soul of the dim-witted. we will offer context and a second. shout to the republican voters who paved the way for this very thing to happen. do not mind us. we are still here cleaning up this mess. the mess on our hands now is the trump appointed judges who helped create the conservative majority. now, they are empowered and emboldened at a time when gop supporters are throwing a fatal and temper chain temper tantrums. they are marching against covid vaccines meant to save lives. they are doing this well ironically calling themselves a pro life. let's get into this. joining me now is the president and ceo of whole women's health, amy miller, cofounder and executive director michelle cologne and nancy cardenas the texas state director of a policy at the national institute for reproductive justice. i do want to start with you. this ridiculous claim about disproportionate portion rates for black women has a broader economic health inequities. in 2017, a survey found that 39% of black women could even afford a birth control. that was at a cost of $10 or less. i'm curious to hear from you how a loss of a constitutional right to affect the black women in your state of mississippi? >> abortion restrictions are medically unnecessary and based on assumptions. they are based on a broader political agenda that is racist and based in racism, gina phobia, and designed to assume power over private peoples bodies. protecting abortion acts as essential as part of justice and more urgent and stays with limited access to this in mississippi and texas. >> michelle, i want to speak to you with this that the notion that women should have children with the kids get adopted. this is not always a safe route, particularly for black and brown kids. a black kids do not get adopted often. we are staffed on it. there are often kids who stay in this system with who gets adopted in the statistics it is a disproportionately white children. there are currently tens of thousands of children, hundreds of thousands of children, in the foster care system who are being shuttered shuttled through. when you say this is a better path for women would be a response? >> i'm all for adoption. but just like your stats are there, the proof is in the pudding. there is no rush to adopt a black or brown babies. let's be clear about that. there is no rush by the republicans and antiabortion terrorists and lawmakers in protecting and safeguarding the life of black and brown children or people in this country. it is false rhetoric. it has been used for decades by the antiabortionist establishment and trying to appeal to a black people and to shame black women and black pregnant people and choosing abortion health care. >> to appeal, to shame, and to disregard. amy, you heard michelle refer to the antiabortion this as terrorists. she is a point. those who call themselves pro-life they achieve this through violence. i'm old enough to remember that in the 80s, the antiabortion protesters began bombing clinics, threatening doctors, and by 1990s 1000 abortion doctors had quite. counties nationwide had no abortion clinics. you are an abortion provider. what does this really mean for you? >> i'm thankful to be here with michelle and nancy. there is violence. it is terrorism. i think it is very important to recognize that it is christian extremism that is at the root of this shame and stigma. it allows laws like this to pass. it allows a justices like this to be confirmed. it does not represent the majority of the feelings, beliefs of people in this country. everybody knows and loves someone who has had an abortion in their lifetime. it is not how we want people who need our compassion and dignified care to be treated at any point in time. there is no way that half of the country should lose access to safe abortion care because of a law like this. this time for people to speak up. it has been time for people to speak up. our clinics and all the independent clinics i know across the country are trying to do as much as we continue to stay open as long as possible and welcome as many people as we count for compassionate care as we can >> almost take with you for a second, amy. once the ruling becomes public and they can get back to states, some people think that the ruling will happen and you will not be able to get an abortion tomorrow. this is not true. this is a statewide issue. we have a lot of clinics in texas. let's just say, and texas, this is a place where you can extend that abortion rights will not be available there. literally, what will happen to your clinics. do you shut your doors? do offer other services? >> sure, just back and forth is designed to confuse, delay, make patients on certain. our staff is living on edge. it is a long time in texas that we have had motion bands like this we are here to care for people and give them accurate information. if you ban abortion outright, it is going to be extremely difficult for the majority of the providers in the 26 states that are at risk including texas, to keep our doors open. we provide miscarriage of management, we provide contraception, but like you talked about, so many people cannot get access to those services it places like texas. it is about franchise population who do not have health insurance, access to preventive care and etc. we are going to do our best to stay open and provide care that is for folks who need to travel, for folks who are going to be forced to continue with pregnancy against their will, for folks who are turning to self managed abortion. >> you mentioned disenfranchised populations. nancy, i want to bring you into the conversation. as these anti choice activists eroded abortion rights -- doctors were afraid of abortions. they were cutting corners. they were causing challenges for women. some abortion doctors had reported of training in a child pornography because the pools of doctors to do it became thin and. i talked about the undocumented and immigrant community and how this really will impact them over there. >> here in texas it looks different. even though we had this leak from the court we need to look at the abortion law in texas and how difficult it was already. when we're talking about a border can communities, for example, where i do my work, we are talking about internal immigration checkpoints 100 miles into the united states that make it impossible for those who are undocumented to leave the areas when folks without that documentation are subject to. the conversation of leading to another state, which is already a difficult conversation, because the majority of people who have abortions are already parents. it is not a thing. it is not possible. it is not reflective of the work we do. >> michelle, i want to go back to you, we have been talking a lot about abortion rights all week. people keep throwing up upholding and that the majority of americans do support abortion rights. pulling aside, because my big point is, if you do not have a uterus, please shut the entire up. it is not concern you. we want to talk about kamala harris and senator harris and justice kavanaugh and how they question him on this issue. >> can you think of any laws that give the government of power to make decisions about the white male body? >> i cannot think of any right now senator. >> the fictitious vice president on the show viva said that if men could get pregnant you could get an abortion at an atm. that is a valid point to make here. i'm curious about your thoughts on the people who make this. they are met mostly men, white men, and white men enablers. what would you say to them this morning around this legislation or this ruling out of the supreme court that is going to have a devastating impact on so many women across this country, even their own supporters? this country even their own i have to agree with the comment you made, and i'm trying to keep its classy, but snow. i don't think anyone with a penis should be have-ing any say, of that present pregnant person in that position. in moving forward, in dealing with women's health care and people with the dryness, when i say women, i also include gender nonconforming and trans individuals. if you don't have a uterus, you should not be making any decisions, any opinions, unless you are a medically trained and schooled doctor. period. that's all i'm going to say on that. if you have the other thing is, we have midterms coming up. it's going to be real interesting to see where the quote unquote white for publican pro-choice, i.e., the susan collins of the world. that's becky. if she's going to get up and put her vote where her mouth is. because again, while we talk about how this impacts black and brown pregnant people, they're coming for becky's rights to. so your uterus is not safe as well. now, it's time for you to buck up, girl. >> well, look up and stay tuned, because we're actually going to have a conversation with a panel to talk about the role that a republican conservative white women have played in creating this very landscape we have right now. so, keep the fight, and thank you for bringing very important context to this conversation. thank you, amy -- and dancing for this conversation. coming up, we'll take you live to the ground on ukraine, with the very latest. and we'll tell you why the first lady is doing on this mother's day weekend. but, we have a lot more coming up on the show. you don't want to miss it. you'll be right up after break. you'll be right up after break ♪ limu emu ♪ and doug. ♪ harp plays ♪ only two things are forever: love and liberty mutual customizing your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. 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>> yeah, there's no question, tiffany, that the fighting us escalated and intensified on the ground in the east. especially in mariupol, which is talked about. it's clear right now that russian troops are trying to bring some sort of victory, if you will, for president vladimir putin. ahead of victory day, which is highly celebrated, not only in russia but across europe on monday. so, that fighting has really picked up over the last couple of days, and it has expected to continue to identify. we do know that the un is on the ground in mariupol to again today. they are trying to establish humanitarian corridor, and gets more people out of that area, though they are quick to point out that that collapses pretty quickly. this is the first time they've tried to evacuate civilians. >> >> that is quite frightening. you've talked a little bit about the fighting in the east and it's pushing more refugees and injured into areas where you are in lviv, how is that area handling that situation right now? >> it is a very different situation here. there's a bus behind me in the square, there are people out after what was an air raid siren this morning, it's clear things up. they understand their mission in this war is to help support the frontline and a lot of that comes with taking care of the lives and children who have fled that area. we talked with the mayor of lviv yesterday, who outlined exactly what he looks at towards the future here. >> i must send time thinking about future, new accommodations for refugees, huge center for wounded. it is my job. it is my responsibility to respond. >> i can tell you that that rehabilitation center is something very close to the mayor's heart. they continue every day to see special trains bring in those injured on the frontlines, not only soldiers, but families, including children. >> that is quite frightening to see. thank you so much. jay gray, will definitely check in with you back next hour. and click the super -- exclusive interview on her new show simone, today at 4 pm eastern, right here on msnbc. coming up in our next hour, the u.s. now says that britney griner is being wrongfully detained by the russian government. what does that mean for bringing her back home? we're going to talk about that next hour. but first, another historic appointment in the white house, i am so surreal to talked about. this -- sean pierre will step onto the podium to be the new press secretary. former white house communications director for vice president harris joins me to discuss this exciting, history making appointment. up next. making appointme up next. ♪ with a big, fresh carrot ♪ ♪ and a whole lot of cheese ♪ ♪ and the mirror from your van is halfway down the street ♪ ♪ well, you can say that -- ♪ wait, what? i said, "someone just clipped the side view mirror right off the delivery van." when owning a small business gets real, progressive gets you right back to living the dream. now, where were we? why, you were fixin' to peel me. [ laughter ] ♪ life can be a lot to handle. ♪ this magic moment ♪ but heinz knows there's plenty of magic in all that chaos. ♪ so different and so new ♪ ♪ was like any other... ♪ zuriel: st. jude gave us hope. ♪ so different and so new ♪ stephanie: all you've got to do is take care of your child, focus on her healing, give her a life. that for mother means a lot. and-- and thank you to st. jude. fanduel and draftkings, two out of state corporations making big promises to californians. what's the real math behind their ballot measure for online sports betting? 90% of profits go to the out of state corporations permanently. only eight and a half cents is left for the homeless. and in virginia, arizona, and other states, fanduel and draftkings use loopholes to pay far less than was promised. sound familiar? it should. i'm very excited to talk about it's another bad scheme for california. this because history was made at the white house this week as president biden named karine jean-pierre as his new secretary making her the first black and outgate person to speak for the president in press briefings that are washed by the world. to talk about the magnitude of this appointment is the wonderful ashley at cnn. she's the former communications director for kamala harris. ashley, i am still happy that you are here on that with me. can we toast for you to be a historic appointment. talk to me about it. you were cam's director for vice president harris. what happens now? she has this historic appointment. how often is she talking to the president? what does it look like in the briefing room now? >> i want to start by saying that kareen is incredibly brilliant. she is a wonderful human being. when you think about who deserves that job i cannot think of anyone more qualified and more deserving of the opportunity. when she starts -- there is no way of intense pressure field point in your day then preparing the press secretary to go to the podium. she speaks for the president. she represents the country. it is a high pressure job. i did not know any staff level job that is more intense or high pressure filled than that one. but i can say is that she has been tested. she has been at the podium. she's been doing this for a while. she has known the president and first lady for ten plus years. she knows the way he thinks. she knows what he values. that is what matters when you go to the podium. you know the room, you know the players, you know your issues. the pressure is to get it right. it's a pop quiz with everything happening in the world. >> you never know what to expect. i will say this. this is my advice to careen in which she was when i would say to her is that pressure makes diamonds. was more exciting than anything else is that you see black women shining from the vp to the supreme court and now the podium. i am excited about it. i'm excited for my daughter. she can see all the possibilities for her life. we can show the world that we are brilliant in all of our cuts of diamonds. >> i love that. and all of our cuts of diamonds. you managed to mention her qualifications. she's a historic appointment and this is well deserved. karine, as we know, who is a wonderful human being, to know her and love her but she was also the southeast regional director. she was on the obama campaign and you work there together. she was on the obama campaign as a national battleground director. >> she went into the white house before i was. >> she taught at columbia university. she was a deputy campaign manager for o'malley. she is the senior adviser to this campaign. and she is fluent in english, french, and he should cradle. i cannot think of a better person. >> she's also in a historic job. and think you are right. we know this because our prayers toss this all the time that we need to be double prepared and double qualified. but she is quadruple qualified for this job. i cannot wait to see her get to the podium and show out. >> we saw that point being made in scandal based on judy smith. >> wait, i do not watch a scandal. >> you do watch scandal. i remember talking about it. it was based on judy smith who was the first person to take that podium at the white house. to see this again happen -- i want to ask. she is taking the podium while we go into midterms. she will be the face of the presidents message. what you think is her biggest challenge going into the midterms? >> i will tell you what her biggest advantages. she understands how campaigns work. she has been the deputy campaign manager. she understands the playing field, the dynamics, the players, how to get to a win. i think this is going to be her advantage. she's going to bill to walk to the podium more unprecedented than any secretary before her with an understanding, an internment understanding of how the campaigns work and how to get to a win. to, i do not want us to sleep on this. i think we have a fighting chance on the midterm elections. we can go out with democrats. i think we can outperform. i think it is going to be required on an hour and launching a national aggressive message campaign to tell the american people how your life is better today than 18 months ago. >> they also to leave over all the voter suppression. i want to ask, because you come from vice president harris office, what will be her role in the midterms and what should be her role this midterm cycle? they want to see her more. they want to hear about her. you have an intimate relationship and you are up and close and personal in the campaign trail and your second a at the white house. you are qualified yourself. give us your thoughts on them. >> again, i think my advice to my colleagues would be, stop legislating in washington. let's pass the ukraine passage. let's spend the next six months out in the country telling people what we have done, how we improve their lives. i think it requires the engagement of the president, vice president, a cabinet, and congress. it has to be one democratic message and one strategy. i think she can play incredibly well in wisconsin. you have the double downed resources and not just the people resources but the money resources. you have a competitive house races and senate races. ohio, north carolina, pennsylvania, she is the head of the labor task force and she can really have an impact on the ground there with workers. i think she is going to be in trickle to the strategy. she's going to be very important. the one thing that they have to acknowledge and realize, and is something they do, she has brought appeal. we just need to get her out there. >> she does have broad appeal. dealing with her one-on-one and being around her, i don't think people know that she is an aka who want to howard. >> she is from oakland. >> and from oakland. to not sleep on that. >> one of my first meetings with her she quoted rap lyrics. >> tell us. >> it was hilarious. i think it's absolutely right. there are a lot of layers to her. there is a lot that people can identify with. we just need to really get her out there. >> before i let you go, because i am petty. there is a fox news reporter who is always throwing this shade. jen psaki does such a great job of getting the dust off her shoulder and let the little boy learned today. your thoughts on how kareen, who is a sweet person, how she will engage the hostile reporters who are looking to make a headline in the press room? >> she will have to make her presence known. from time to time you are going to have to make your presence felt. i think she has it in her. the cool thing about her is that her demeanor could be disarming and that's when you go in. that's when you go and for the kill. >> we have to learn that and smile and say blank you at the same time. >> it will be interesting to see how she says it with her eyes. >> it's the language we speak. they won't pick up on it but we speak. i'm so happy you are here with me onset. we cited it briefly at the white house staff yesterday. >> you are great. >> i love this ensemble. very cute. thank you so much, ashley, for being here. coming up for you folks at home more mid to our talks with my panel. we will get more abortion supporters are fired up at the polls with the roe v. wade overturning. you don't want to miss it. stay with us. you don't want to miss it. you don't want to miss it. and this is bad? i'm doing it my way. meet plenity. an fda -cleared clinically proven weight management aid for adults with a bmi of 25-40 plenity is not a drug - it's made from naturally derived building blocks and helps you feel fuller and eat less. it is a prescription only treatment and is not for pregnant women or people allergic to its ingredients. talk to your doctor or visit to learn more. andrea: this is the hardest thing we will probably ever have to go through. st. jude has given us transportation, treatment. to know that we don't have bills, they take every other stress off of your shoulders. 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the abortion news, bring them out, bring them out? we'll wait and see. we watched georgia voters break records this week as all players came from foreign fight to cast ballots during early voted. meanwhile, indiana and ohio hosted their primaries. now that we have a preview of what a right-wing extremist conservative majority government could look like, will voters do what's necessary to defeat? joining me now arland that tasha brown, the cofounder of black voters matter, including nbc -- and morgan state university professor and art, nemesis -- and my favorite, the nice, or one telling the stall. correspondent for the nation and author of the recent new york times bestseller, allow me to retort, a black eyes guide to the constitution. i can't think of a better panel. natasha, i saw your tweet when this scotus rooting was leaked. and you think this leak helps them. maybe so, but i was curious if this would be enough to overcome the rampant voter suppression. they could potentially steal this election, we know what happens when the right-wing extremist see results they don't like. what are your thoughts? >> absolutely. i think that is the million dollar question. will it be enough to push the democrats over the edge? but i do believe there is a tremendous amount of frustration in women across the board. everyone i've been talking to very upset about this ruling. this is really around the question of women having agency and literally being able to have the fullness of their humanity really respected. so i do think it's going to happen, i think we're going to see younger women voters, young people could be a game-changer for the democrats as a matter of how they message and ran this opportunity. >> we'll see. jason, and curious your thoughts here, because this ruling was a big deal, as you. no it hasn't been public yet, it was leaked, so if this upholds, what impact do you think it's going to have on the midterms? >> i want to spin off the point that latasha just made. one of my students this semester, are following members of congress on social media all semester. and i was shocked by the numbers of members of congress who 24 hours after this leak, hadn't tweeted anything. had nothing on instagram, hadn't put anything on facebook. and then talk to my kids in class, the first time they had heard about this was when we were in class! >> really? >> actual members of congress hadn't tweeted anything. >> it's not the only way you can hear about something on twitter? >> but if you're a member of congress, this is who you're supposed to be talking. two were at the point where it's, will be young people bring out? we have to talk to them first. that's the thing. i think this isn't going to change anyone from voting republican to democrat, it could turn someone from a non voter to a voter, and that's going to happen if there's enough recruitment and if people make it clear, this does have to change your life. it's not just about abortion, it's about sami laws, it's about same-sex marriage, there's a lot of other ways this affects people personally. >> yeah, and elie, we have a lot of legal challenges here as well according to midterms, because i all eyes on georgia where we've seen voting records of early voting records this week. but we saw also a place where trump had a lot of legal issues, like the grand jury that will decide if they interfered with the election, a 2020 election, he did. what was your prediction, and what does it matter to the georgia gop voters? i can't imagine it would. >> abortion has been legal in texas since september, and i ain't seen nobody do anything about it. there are things that we could be doing right now to make constitutionally protected health care services available to women right now. that were not. doing joe biden should be federalizing abortion services out of federal services right now. he could cast a pill protecting women's rights issues right now. the senators, two in particular, are not doing. that when we talk about having a real uprising of around these issues, what we need to see is not just the people who always care about this rising up, because women have been fighting in the trenches for this for two decades. they're not going anywhere. we need people to get their back. you know what i haven't seen talking about? this man! haven't seen a whole lot of men get risen up and angry about activated over this issue. so we always like to talk about the 62% of white women who voted for donald trump. 62% of white men voted for that. guy so when is that going to? happened so we have that happens, explaining why that needs to happen, i am skeptical that this or any other christian theocratic decision will wake people up and drive them to the polls. >> i think you make such a good point, elie, that's 100%. true i am curious about your thoughts, specifically, in georgia. because, look. we have to hope. that's okay, because i want to hear your thoughts on abortion rhetoric, but i do want your legal perspective, because you're the only lawyer on the panel. on the situation in georgia, even though abortion is a big deal for a lot of people into, i'm just shocked to see that some poles have partial walker pulling ahead of reverend -- a man with multiple personalities accused of beating his wife is pulling harder than a pastor, and i'm curious about the legal entanglement of donald trump in future fearing the 2020 election, of being accused of interfering with the 2020 election, which he did, trying to, anyway, will that impact voters there? >> we haven't seen that happen. yet donald trump has been in legal jeopardy since he came down the escalator, and the people who like donald trump have you -- seen the fact that donald trump is a criminal and don't care about. in the people who don't like donald trump already know he's a criminal and are trying to stop it. we haven't seen new allegations of wrongdoing impact on all trump, but we also have been seeing prosecutions of donald trump! and so i go back to the legal system, i go back to the fact that marjorie taylor greene perjured herself in her trial over her 15th amendment violation, but i was not surprised he was allowed to run again in georgia, because she hasn't actually been charged with sedition by the person who can charge her with tradition, number, one and number two, it takes a prosecutor to prosecute her for the perjury i believe she committed while she perjured self. so we haven't seen the actual prosecutions that might move the needle on some of these voters. >> so, black voters matter is an organization, but you do a lot of work in georgia. elie just about perjuring taylor greene, and the just as she has a low -- being allowed to run again. because black voters are looking to latasha and clifton out organize the failures, and we brought voters from -- i'm curious about how challenging that will be with all the economic issues in society, our rights are being eroded, and this political apathy amongst some who need to see better results and more results. your thoughts on how people can out organize but we're facing this midterm cycle. >> i think it's a matter of who got to respond, and as the end of the day, what is happening is, i often think about some of the issues we see in the media. we're saying that these are the issues we should be caring about. that's not what we say on the streets talking to folks. the anger and frustration that is happening, people in georgia have not forgotten the voter suppression. they have not forgotten what trump has done. so whether it's trump or, not what they do recognize is there's a keen recognition that we are under attack. it's a question whether the resources will be spent in these areas to let those organizations mobilize. it hasn't just the candidates or the party mobilizing voters. i would argue that in 2020, the organization not just the candidates, not just the party, but it was actually the organizations that -- i think that yes, when we're talking about if we can out organize, we always have. it's not a matter of our organizing. here's the question,. though when we turn out for the fight of our lives. >> that is the question. i want to ask jason about that after the break, so stay with us. much more of this conversation with natasha, elliott, and jason after this break. jason after this break ♪ ♪ what do you think healthier looks like? 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isn't he though? >> that's the thing. you will have to talk about local issues. with democrats, you can make this a national race if you want to, but this goes over people's heads. if you talk about roads, business, jobs, health care, as a local level, this is the pathway to victory. if you nationalize the organisms, no one's mind is going to change on abortion. they know what the republicans are running on. they signed up for that. you cannot win talking about health care with the ac, but you can talk about that we have lost rural hospitals in ohio. tim ryan could talk about hospitals. >> tim ryan is really going after a very niche group of people. i wonder, is he trying to reach the democratic base, people of color, and inspire. i want to bring elie into the conversation. i will come back to you. elie, we hear a lot of candidates who talk about the red state voters and the swing voters and how they can win those people. it is frustrating to the base because i put you in office, why don't you talk to me. what is your take on that? >> we are always trying to get the marginalized voter as opposed to turning out the people who show up all the time and vote for our party, the democratic party. one of the issues here is that i am old enough to remember that black people went out into the streets during a pandemic to protest for something. i don't think it was health care, i don't think it was -- yes it was the terrorist police brutality that we face every day. that's why people went out into the streets during a pandemic, for months on end. was as happened? where is my prize? where is my pandemic price? what has changed because of that and where are the candidates who are running on the positive record of what they have changed or but they are going to change over these issues that black people have been out in the streets asking for? that is an example of where you have some democratic candidates who are afraid of taking on police reform when that is actually the thing that the base of the democratic party has asked them to do. >> sasha, i don't have to tell you, you are on the ground in multiple states during the presidential elections. you are in battleground states and working in the south states. but i knows about candidates is that when they are talking to black folks, it is a whisper. it is like i'm going to go into office and hook you up when we get there. when it is the white folks they shouted from the mountain tops. that does not inspire. it does not inspire the base. what would be your advice to candidates running now. a lot of people criticize the democrats but republicans does serve a lot of criticism. what are your advice is for democratic's running now and what they should give to the people? >> minus for the voters. you need to speak loudly. we need to make sure that they are speaking to our issues. we can do that in the way we organize and put pressure on them. i want to go back to what jason said. i disagree with the notion that we do have to focus on local issues but there has to be a national message to pull people together. why? i think you are trying to moma lies a true sense of people that you are trying to mobilize voters but in order to do that, but we seen in the 2020 election, you need to excite and ignite the infrastructure. we need to ignite the infrastructure of people who are going to mobilize the vote. when we talk about the economic, , abortion, national issues, they mobilize voters and activate those who mobilize voters. >> jason, i would like to give anyone who disagrees with you more time. would you like to respond? >> i will not disagree with natasha on national television. [laughs] >> do not disagree with natasha. i will give you the last word. what would be your advice to candidates? >> my advice to candidates is you have to make sure that the national issues are important but in a midterm election it is not just turning out your base with the voter suppression take we have, you have to turn non-voters into voters. national issues can turn a non voter into a voter. if you rely on your base it will not be enough in ohio, or wisconsin. yes to turn these young people or 40 something year olds who said they did not get anything from joe biden, you have to make sure that they register and get involved in the process to win. >> quickly, mccarthy, i think he wants to be a rapper. he keeps dropping these tapes. how is this happening? >> these mix tapes are fascinating. i do not know if you really want these releases. this is not what he wants. >> he has so much unreleased material. thank you natasha brown, jackson, -- we are going to take you back to ukraine to talk the latest. we are also going to be discussing what is next for a wnba star griner who is still detained in russia as the season gets underway without her. this is and much more is coming up that second hour of the cross connection. do not go anywhere. stay with us. on do not go anywhere do not go anywhere stay ♪♪ ♪♪ your mission: stand up to moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. and take. it. on... ...with rinvoq. rinvoq a once-daily pill can dramatically improve symptoms... rinvoq helps tame pain, stiffness, swelling. and for some...rinvoq can even significantly reduce ra fatigue. that's rinvoq relief. with ra, your overactive immune system attacks your joints. rinvoq regulates it to help stop the attack. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least one 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tour with a visit to a school in romania where ukraine refugee students are enrolled. >> we are focusing on the mental health of these kids. not only through the pandemic but now through the war. i think the whole world is saying we need more mental health for these kids and their moms, quite frankly. you can't go through that kind of trauma and not feel affects from it. >> she will be speaking exclusively with my colleague today. on sunday, biden will meet with g7 leaders. president zelenskyy's fears of what putin could do to mark a victory day on may 9th. back with me from lviv is a jay gray. thank you for being back with us jay. on friday, biden announced more weapons for ukraine. i am curious to the 150 million dollar aid package in the escalation between ukraine and russia and how vital is this aid for ukrainian forces? >> let's start with the first part, tiffany. it is clear and russia has stated that they understand that u.s. and other nato allied countries are helping ukraine. obviously, they are not pleased about that. they other side of that coin is that there is not a lot that could be done about it. they understand that it is happening. it will ramp up tensions. but it has not, to this point, been any reaction on the ground or elsewhere as far as that hope is concerned. for the ukrainian army, it is vital. they will tell you this is caught keeping them in the fight. the technology that is coming not only from the u.s. but from other countries to help them on the ground, including missiles and other defensive systems that they are using in the fight, they say, without that, it would be a much different war. >> jay, let me ask, what are western officials speculating could have it on victory day this may 9th? >> i think we are seeing a lot of what is happening in regards to that right now. troops have really stepped up their attacks in the eastern region, they donbas region. it is a frequent attacks. mariupol, which we talked about, continues to be a focus for russian troops trying to secure that region and ukrainian troops are pinned down in a steel mill along with several hundreds of civilians refusing to give in. we will see that continue to escalate through monday. also, we know, some of the areas occupied in mariupol by russian troops have been cleaned out. debris is moved from a streets. statues from the soviet era, russian era. the ground has been cleared up, a refurbished. it would appear that this will be part of the celebration for russia on victory day. remember, this is a holiday where vladimir putin likes to exhibit his military power. it was first created to celebrate the victory over nazi germany in world war ii. since then it has been something that he uses to flex of russia's military muscle. >> we will get more into that. thank you, a jay gray, stay safe. joining me is former senior adviser mike era hawk. i happy to have you here. you just heard would jay said. there is speculation that putin could declare war on monday. can you give our viewers more context on what it is a symbolic day for russia. i'm curious to know what would actually change when putin declared war? the devastation is already hard to see? how much worse can i get? >> victory day celebrations are about galvanizing the russian public behind his war effort. they also have the russian church navigating for this. all these body bags are coming home as the russians are not only losing civilians in this a fight but have lost major generals. they have not figured out a way to coordinate between their land, c, and air assets. the united states has not only providing munitions but the reports about the united states and providing targeted information. all of these are significant russian losses up against a significant threat that they did not expect to have. this celebration is about putin cementing his propaganda machine at home and the declaration of war. this may escalate putin's actions but it does not change the reality on the ground and the limited assets that he has at his disposal. >> it is frightening to see. i am waiting with baited breath. when the wnba season start on friday, they made sure that the world knew that griner is trapped in russia 79 days after her arrest on drug charges at a russian airport. they have determined that the star is being wrongfully detained. this is a classification that may help secure her release. i do want to bring into the discussion two-time wnba champion and olympic gold menace medalist breanna stewart. we will call her stoolie. before i bring nayyera into the conversation, breanna stewart, i want to discuss why brittney griner was over in russia playing. you can earn over 1 million dollars in russia. what makes -- what do we need to change here to make sure the wnba players are valued here in our own country? >> thank you for have -- thank you for having me on, tiffany. how basketball works for professional players as we play from april to october and then we go overseas until april to supplement income, continue to play this basketball, to play yearly. we played on the same team in russia. we are over there because we have a hard cap at the wnba where we cannot allow players to make more money. we need more companies and investors to get behind women so that we can be home and we could be around all the time. now that we know why britney was there, stewy, tell us if you have talked to her spoken to her wife would you know is happening right now? >> i have been constant communication with the team making sure that the family knows that i'm supporting her all the time. i am writing her letters because that is how you do things when someone is wrongfully detained in russia. i'm trying to show her as much support as we can and trying to convey the message that we want to get her home asap. she's been there for 79 days wrongfully detained and hopefully the white house can get her home. >> nayyera i want to bring you back into the conversation because you are an expert on the area. this is speculation. if you can imagine what's britney griner is going to right now and what is the likelihood that she will be returned to her home country in america as soon as possible? as we mentioned, brittani is there because she was trying to make money for her family that she could not, and was denied from making here in the united states. she has been going in and out of russia for ten years yet just as putin invades ukraine and realizes he is up against the united states in a hard work, he decides that somehow she has been carrying marijuana, but does have a ten year sentence. they have harsher drug rules there. suddenly, brittney griner used to be detained. last week, they were able to do a prison exchange. a u.s. marine had been detained for two years. he was exchange for a long time drug traffic, russian drug trafficker in u.s. prison. they stood up at the white house and said bring brittney griner home. there is a tactical of political situation that is going on here where how do you bring someone home? how do you get someone like putin willing to release a celebrity that has been getting him so much attention? it puts putin and makes him feel like he is the aggressor here and he has leverage over the united states. he's also addressing the human rights situation where we have a black, lesbian, independent woman in jail right now in a country that effectively tries to deny her entire existence on a day-to-day basis. deny her entire existence>> putin is the sports enthusiast. stu, i cannot imagine that in the -- any wnba player or athlete look back to russia ever again. i'm curious to know what your prediction is? would you ever go back to russia to play assuming that britney griner comes home and there is a path exchange? >> i'm definitely not going back to russia until britney griner is back home. when we get to that point we will have a conversation about what is going to happen with basketball in russia. the way that everything is going, russia is not what i represent. i cannot find myself being there to play no matter what. >> i want to point out your tweet that you sent out yesterday talking about your teammate b g. you tweet every day. it has been 78 days a, 79 days since britney griner was there. you tagged the white house. when you asked about what the white house would you, what's specifically would you want them to do? if they were watching right now, what was your message to them? >> my message to the white house is to please bring britney home. help her get home. she desire germs to be back with her family, her friends, the wnba. the wnba is not the wnba without britney griner. help get her home. >> nayyera for let you go, howell travis's release impact britney griner's release home. you know what is going on behind the scenes. what do you anticipate is happening between the white house as they try to negotiate britney griner's return? >> paul whelan is still there. between trevor and paul, it is several years that they have been detained. the argument could be made that britney griner is just the latest in a long line of u.s. people who are used by putin as pawns. her identity puts her at a higher risk. she is a high-profile celebrity. these prisoner exchanges and releases are not always done by the book. they are done in conversations with families with these dictatorial leaders and go case by case. every year time someone tweets, talk, mentions her is a reminder that public pressure will make a difference in getting britney griner home. >> she is not forgotten here. former ambassador to the and bill richardson, worked as a hostage negotiator, and he is working on britney greener's case. there is a scheduled hearing for may 19th. we will keep our eye on this. breanna stewart you have an open invitation on this show. we would love to have you back. thank you very much nayyera for offering context here. coming up, we will ask the question why white women vote for republicans and against their own interests? this is coming up on the other side. you do not want to miss this. er side side you do not want to once-weekly ozempic® can help. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. ozempic® helped me get back in my type 2 diabetes zone. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about 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from red wine and blue and co-host of the suburban women podcast, lucy caldwell, to take off her saturday, political strategist and the 2020 presidential campaign strategist. and jill is a contributing reporter and writer. you go ahead and save jill. >> philip of age. >> philip of age. my apologies. i knew i would mess it up. since i mess up your last name you can start first. thanks for being here. i slip into your dms and i'm so happy to have you here. most certainly they helped pave the way for abortion rights to be obliterated. white women have narrow leave favored the republican candidate for 70 years. we talked about the support for trump in 2016 and 2020. it was a continuation of a long-standing pattern. why do you think the bulk of this group stays loyal to a party that does not serve their interest? >> the first thing that is important to understand is that white women is the largest race gender combination voting bloc. they were 41% in 2016 electorate. that was a voting bloc that was bigger than white men, black men, black women, and hispanic men. among this voting bloc you need to break it down in subgroups to understand it. the reality is, white women, who have been able to enjoy the fruits of feminist progress, who have higher education, who have been able to stay single for longer, who delayed childbearing, who live in big cities, those women vote for democrats. they vote in their own interest. on the conservative side, we see women who vote for donald trump, despite sexual assault allegations and vote against women broadly, i think, is a sense that being in a traditional and being respected for being a traditional woman is a safe, or better, then having to go out at it on your own. there's a lot of affiliation with racial status. it is part of what's grants white woman a large degree of privilege in society. there are a lot of white women who want to hang on to that. >> i think that is a good point. rachel, you are one of the people doing the work. you are going around having these conversations, talking to a win in a coup are voters. i'm curious to hear from you what you hear when you have these conversations? what conversation do you feel here about feedback who do not vote in their interest? >> it is interesting you say that. i have had a couple of hard conversations this week with friends. i do not want to shy away from those conversations. they are important to have. everyone is on their journey in a unique place. i do not want to be apologizing for white women. we have a lot of girls to do. at the same time, demonizing is not going to be helpful. as frustrated as i get in my relationships. one of the most powerful things we can do is talk about personal stories and not have this divide about a stay at home moms, working moms, the women who have chosen to have children, those who remain a single longer, all of the stuff creates a strife where there does not need to be any. there should be a galvanizing moment. this should be a moment for all women to come together. we still have a lot of differences. we have a lot of places we need to listen to each other more. i heard -- i hope this will strengthen and galvanize us to work together and see that we need to start listening more and do things that are in everyone's best interest. you can see i am using my husband zuma setup, you know why, because my kitchen is a disaster. it is a disaster. this is a big moment for me to discuss this on tv. i feel like i have an equitable marriage but i don't want anyone to know that my kitchen is a mess and i do not want a health and safety inspector to be in there. this is the realness we need to be having. we are not perfect. i make mistakes every single day. i think we need to allow ourselves to be in this place. even if men are not acknowledging it we need to have these conversations with each other. >> i hear rachel's point, lucy. i'm happy you are here on set with me. it might be uncomfortable but we need to have it. i hear that rachael says we cannot demonize women. i have to tell you, i do not know if that is my ministry. when we talk about republican voting women, who are supporting candidates who are openly racist, openly sexist, openly misogynists, openly xenophobic, i think it is an easily graphic to demonize. you were once a republican. you talk to republican voting women. i am curious about your conversation. you could probably have a better conversation about how i would because i do not know how to be a big hit or big it apologist in the middle. your thoughts on that. >> a problem is that republican women are in this mode, specifically white women, who do benefit from the patriarchy. they are feeling or participating in these same a story of economic insecurity or a privilege that they believe their white's husband, sons, and fathers deserves that are going to a person of color. they have a stake in the old paradigm that is harmful. at the same time, it is good to be a white woman. white women also benefit from the progress that democrats have worked to assure for white women. i think that the conversation is going to change. i do not think that it has occurred to white women. for 50 years, they have not operated in a paradigm where they are coming for the white women too. they are not just coming for abortion rights, there is a bill in louisiana going through that would make it homicide to have a copper iud or have in vitro. unfortunately, most voting blocs, especially white women, are motivated to vote based on what is happening to them, what it means for them. life is pretty good for white women most of the time. democrat, and power, republican in power, economy good, economy bad, they are insulated related to other groups. it is not all white women but by in large if we will generalize. i remember when working as a republican strategist all over the company -- country, it resonates with something jason said in the last hour. all polled our -- whole politics are local income from personal stories. women in households, and women in their households, they are the deciders of things for the family. women are also motivated by being told and republican messaging around we want you to make the best decisions for your family. we want to create a world for you in which you choose the education outcomes, you choose this economic liberty. democrats are not affective at telling personal stories to republican white women. this is going to be a sea change. now, democrats can save for white women, you have a liberty that is at risk here. republicans are coming for you. it bothers me because it is cynical and it bothers me because i would like to see white women vote for a cause greater than themselves. i do see among republican women i talked to is that there is a sea change that we could see. >> we will see, lucy. jill, i want to bring you back into this conversation. i think lucy made some great points that white woman, no matter your party, a benefit. when you look at black women who are fighting so hard on the front lines of democracy, we know a close and personal the harm that these policies can do. it is not my ministry to go out and talk to white women it is their own ministry to do that. i'm curious to see if you think that we will see this see change that lucy is dangling in front of us that we hope we will see. i'm curious to know your thoughts there. >> i hope so. i think we will certainly see it i hmong moderate white women those who swing between democrat and rubble publicans or do not show up to vote in the first place. even conservative white women having abortions, using contraception, doing all of these feminist gates. i'm not sure you are still going to see a lot of those women who are hard-core republicans voting for democrats. it is not really about abortion, it is about restoring the country to a land of traditional gender roles and hierarchies. that is the deal that conservative white women are willing to take. >> when we talk about crt, that is white women upholding that. we see white parents upholding that. it is a very frustrating. you ladies will have to come back. this is a conversation worth having more than once and worse more than the time allotted we have here. thank you so much rachel. make him clean you the kitchen. he is an american hero but he can clean that kitchen. >> thank you lucy kabul and jill. happy mother's day to all of you who are celebrating. a lawsuit seeking a reparation for the tulsa massacre can now proceed after the ruling. we will talk to the attorney who followed with the suit on behalf of the dead and survivors. do not go anywhere. this is coming up next. survivors. survivors. do not go this is coming up next i mean, "riders" is cool, but "bikers" really cool. -seriously? -denied. can we go back to meeting at the rec center? the commute here is brutal. how do we feel about getting a quote to see if we can save with america's number one motorcycle insurer? should flo stop asking the same question every time? -approved! -[ altered voice ] denied! [ normal voice ] whoa. for months, our tv screens have been blanketed with wall-to-wall coverage of ukrainians fighting as their displaced from their homes, having their houses bombs, and countless lives lost. but if i told you that just over 100 years ago, the exact same thing happened to american citizens right here on american soil? well, that's exactly what happened when a mob of angry white, a mob of angry white officials descended 35 blocks in the black area of tulsa, looting and killing and burning it's to the ground. >> i will never forget the violence of the white mob when we left our home. i still see black men in shock, black bodies lined in the streets. i still smell smoke and see fire. i still see black businesses being burned. i still hear airplanes flying overhead. i hear the screams that have lived through the massacre every day. >> she certainly deserves justice, as to all the survivors. on monday, and oklahoma judge will rule on seeking reputations for the tulsa massacre can proceed, giving hope for some measure of justice. joining me to talk about this very important story, mario, also an attorney and a child of descendants. mario, i'm excited have you on the show this morning. tell me when exactly this means for this case going forward, what are the next steps? >> absolutely, tiffany. good to see you. thanks for bringing this report. we made history on monday with opportunity for the first, in more than 100 years, have a case connected to the tulsa race massacre to move forward in some fashion. that is the good news. now, we don't know exactly how exactly were moving forward, because we're waiting for the actual written order from our judge, but we're so ecstatic and elated that our survivors and our community has the opportunity to move this forward. tiffany, you met all the survivors. you know them pretty well. they were all in the courtroom at the time. of course, mother fletcher, mother randall are 107, the you don't hear if you're not talking directly to them, but rightfully in the middle, 101 years old, he hears everything for perfectly. i looked around and saw that he was balling like a baby because she finally knows this is the opportunity to be able to move forward in this case, it was the best possible feeling i've ever had in a professional setting. >> i'm happy you brought up uncle ray. i want to play the sound from him when he learned about him. i believe he talk to one of our colleagues, omar jimenez, at cnn -- >> you really feel it deep down to your core? >> yep. >> it's been a long time coming. >> a long time a long time coming. it's gonna come, a change is coming. >> after decades and decades of trying, this is just for a chance? >> we never had it like this before. you go back 100 years. >> and you don't stop to list? dunn >> won't stop till it's finished. we're not going to stop. we got to keep driving. i'm 101 years old, i've been here a long time. >> we love uncle ray, and we love uncle red. i've been there with you, the mario, i've been to the district of tulsa, and it is justin raging to see what's the black folks fair experienced. i'm just curious because we've seen what happened there, it rippled through time, it rippled through generations. mother fletcher's children, her grandchildren were impacted by the wealth that was taken and stolen. they weren't bothering anybody. they were just living their lives of people were so outraged. how much wealth do you think was loft when destruction happened? >> listen, just talking about the property damage alone, just the property damage, supply, not the business opportunities, property damages, according to harvard university, is over $200 million just in property damage alone. so, when you start factoring in the hundreds of thousands, hundreds more, but we believe to be thousands of lives that were loss, we talk about the loss of wealth of a generation, we think about a person like j.b. -- who owns the largest african-american hotel at the nation. the motel millionaire. all his properties burned to the ground, he was ran out of tulsa as a refugee. he could not come back, because they put indictments on him, saying he was the reason behind the massacre. so, he lost everything. just imagine, in addition to seeing very, off high it's, those types of hotels, you would see stratford all over the nation. you take people like doctor -- who served at the finest, quote unquote, negro surgeon in the nature, attorney who owns the tulsa store, which was the largest, the first african american publication to have a national search circulation. everything but to the ground, he was ran out of tulsa. never returned, because they put false indictments on him. >> that's awful, tomorrow. >> i want to point out to the chamber of commerce attorney, john tucker. he was asked about this, and essentially, he said the massacre was horrible but the nuisance is not ongoing, and what happens in 1921 was a really bad deal, and those people did not get a fair shake, but that was 100 years ago. if i stole money from somebody 50 years ago, i still think a judge might say hey, you need to run back those coins, because he stole something from him. it's essentially saying, why are you bringing up old stuff? how disrespectful to these three people who are over 100 years old who survived this level of white supremacy and terror? just curious to your response to mr. tucker. >> what i'd response is what we tell them in court. the president of the tulsa chamber of commerce, mike neil, admitted in 2019 that but chamber of commerce activities during the massacre and since the massacre is a direct result of the economic disparities that are in tulsa today. within the greenwood district specifically. whatever you want to say the reality is, the mayor has said the same thing. the racial and economic disparities we see installs a is a direct result of the 20 1921 race massacre. here's the thing. oklahoma's law says if a nuisance recreated, if that nuisance was ongoing, and until it's fixed or abated, then you have a valid claim. think about it in that matter. >> yeah. i want to let you make that claim tomorrow, but we're out of time. you'll have to come back. we are way overtime, but thank you not only for being here, but for the work that you do and your continued fight. you always say justice is your ministry. so, keep fighting, good brother. we appreciate you. coming up for you folks at home, why some are sounding the alarm about the lack of resources for women's health care. we talk about the -- problem, stay with us. oblem, stay with us. that no child should die in the dawn of life. to work with many partners all over the world, nothing stops in the way of us achieving that mission, not even war. marta salek md: when there is a need, people stand up and do what is right and ensure that they restart medical therapy as quickly as possible. carlos rodriguez-galindo md: any child suffering today of cancer is our responsibility. no matter who you are, being yourself can be tough when you have severe asthma. triggers can pop up out of nowhere, causing inflammation that can lead to asthma attacks. but no matter what type of severe asthma you have, tezspire™ can help. tezspire™ is a new add-on treatment for people 12 and over... that proactively reduces inflammation... ...which means you could have fewer attacks, breathe better, and relieve your asthma symptoms. so, you can be you, whoever you are. tezspire™ is not a rescue medication. don't take tezspire™ if you're allergic to it. allergic reactions like rash or an eye allergy can happen. don't stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. sore throat, joint and back pain may occur. avoid live vaccines. by helping control your asthma, tezspire™ can help you be you. no matter who you are, ask your asthma specialist about tezspire™ today. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for whatchya... line? 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and more importantly, was like for that child? >> incredibly, tiffany. this has been happening for well before this particular vote comes in. for women who are experiencing difficulty, you will find that women who are at the poverty level, at or below, those are more likely to have an unlikely pregnancy, because i have no access to health care. we have to start really very early, you've got to get education, you've got to get access to contraception, and contraceptive -- for prenatal care. and you also, it's not an uncommon situation here, where those places where the maternal mortality rate is highest, and the infant mortality rate is highest. so, it starts there, but it continues throughout the life of that's mother and that child. >> yeah, people who are pro-life might want to do something about that. i was really surprised. you wrote a wonderful op-ed in the ocean to post, and i was really surprised to learn that more than a billion women, billion with a b, will be in mental paused by 2025 here in this country. 55 million in the united states are currently in menopause, and 75% say they're not receiving support or treatment for the effects. how do we change? that >> one of the things we have to do is we have to start to educate women. i think that we have a two front war hero trying to fight. one, we have to educate women to understand what's the symptoms are of menopause, and how to access health care when they have them. the other part of it, i think, which is even more appalling, is that doctors aren't particularly good at treating metal pause. when we think about only 20% of ob/gyn's feel competent talking about mental pause with women, and bat number falls off precipitously from there, when you get into internal medicine and other sub specialties, women are just sort of left not knowing where to go. and if a doctor doesn't feel comfortable talking about something, guess what? they're probably not going to bring it up. i have to tell you. for my colleagues, we are in a very difficult position, because there's a lot of things that have to be discussed in a very short period of time. so, i think the way to go about this is to get women to understand what is it, what are they feeling, and where did it go when they need help. >> this is an economic issue you point out in europe at, because all the women dealing with this, they've had to take time off work, they're not as productive when they're going through hot flashes, so for women who are going through, this is there anything they could do now to remediate some of these symptoms they're dealing with? >> i think that for the majority of women, one should realize what's going on, that's where the disconnect comes in. women don't understand what's going on or have the symptoms one at a time, so you consult one physician for one thing, you go to a psychiatrist for something else, because you're depressed or your fatigued, and sort of understanding that it all falls under the umbrella of menopause symptoms, and this is the reason why you're not as productive as you need to be, then understand what you're treatments options are. and for some women, it's going to be exercise and meditation and whatever it is, but you have to first adopt a healthy lifestyle, and after you've done those things, then you have to understand that hormone replacement is not off the table. and i think that is what's the whole purpose of that editorial was, to say that we have spent 20 years now since the women's health initiative was reported in living in a world of misinformation. and all i want is for women to have that information, to know what's happening to them, and to decide for themselves, because i fully believe that women are capable of understanding the risks and the benefits of any treatment option that's out there for them. and if it's for you and for healthy women with no complications, there's no reason to suffer. we 100% will go through met on pause. it's not an optional activity. suffering is the part that is optional. if you are suffering, know where you can go to help. and the first place is really to your doctor or to resources that say these are what my treatment options are, evaluate, and make that decision for yourself. and i think that for too long in the medical community, we have sort of overlooked not only that, we've overlooked and actively waved women off the safest and most effective treatment for mental pause. >> quickly, cause we're out of time, but how do you know your perry men apostle? >> if you're in your 40s and your having symptoms, you are parental puzzle. there is no test needed. >> i saw you, that was my family, you said your perimenopausal! you're diagnosed! >> it's all you. need >> it's all i need! >> thank you so much. please come back, thank you so much for being here, you're such a genius, everyone loves talking to you. i appreciate you taking time for. us >> thank you. >> thank. you >> all right, coming up tomorrow on the sunday show, senator amy klobuchar will join for thomas and kate part live as she discusses ravi lip raid, the law, philando miss that, tower 10 am eastern. and, i want to congratulate jonathan and all of those who work on the pride of the white house special. they want a glad media award last night for outstanding long form tv. so, congrats to jonathan and that whole team. coming up next, real talk on the joys and realities of motherhood. doctor malone -- two of our favorite new moms join us next. favorite new moms join us next is different than other money managers. 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>> oh,. man the best part. and stephanie, you know, me i've been very open, very vocal with my whole pregnancy, the labor, the bed rest, all of it. but the most rewarding thing, just last week, just a few days ago, she learned how to laugh. and these things just didn't connect until that moment happened. so even just watching that happen, i was so lucky to be right beside her. it was such a remarkable feeling. so yeah, i've just been told that so many times, the process of watching your person grow up is just, man, it's indescribable! and this girl left a lot, she does, you can tell. >> i can feel! you can hear the personality in laughing. britt, i had to start with linh because you and i are friends and i know we always talk about. this but i'm so happy that you are so happy. tell me the best part about being a mom to your baby. >> he is discovering the world all on his own for the first time, and to watch that kind of excitement and curiosity just makes me remember what's really important in life. tiffany, you know a lot of things had to conspire for us to be able to bring home are healthy baby boy. you know, to make this miracle possible, a lot of prayer, it's incredible support system from our friends and family. about a very culturally medical care that he and i received. as for eight days of hospitalized than rest and unplanned c-section, severe nerve pain in my recovery, and 116 days in the icu, our one pound, nine ounce baby boy is now a nine pounder, and he's smiling and learning and growing, and it's a reminder that miracle still happen. >> miracles happen indeed. lynn, i will tell you a story about britney, i have on the screen. we were on vacation, i don't know if we told you this, but we all scheduled massages, and one in the masseuse said hey, there's time for extra services. we said, why? because someone in your party is pregnant. we were like? what who? we had no idea, linh. we had no idea. and of course, it was later revealed. so what linh, tell me, we talked about the good parts. now, i want to hear the most challenging part that has been for you being a mom. >> i mean, all be honest and brittney, i'm sure you feel the same way, but we are still going through recovery. post, i know nothing about my body before hitting pregnancy, before delivery, and now in these months, i am shocked every day at how i'm able to absorb and the day today, i'll be honest, it's been grueling sometimes. but i think one of the greatest challenges in this, i legitimately had the most irrational breakdown two days ago on this, but our careers have been everything. it's been so closely tied to identity, it's been years of us and specifically with women of color, working in politics. i mean, i spent years so involved in this work, and now it's not only have things changed, but i had to really redefine and read this sets with my own life success needs to look like, right? because there's motherhood, there's our career, but there's so much more to life for us. >> yeah, yeah. >> that is, yeah. every day it's a challenge. it's a challenge. >> brits, i know you will have to get back to your babies, so in 30 challenge texans, tells most shall engine for you. >> the most challenging part is knowing exactly, we are about to enter a mother's day were all the folks who can give birth are staring down the barrel of not having the autonomy and agency over our own bodies. given the trauma people go through in order to give birth, if they decide to, none of that should be forced on anyone. it is a beautiful miracle, but you should have the choice over whether or not you decide to take that journey. >> absolutely. well, thank you so much, both of you, for being here. we love those beautiful babies. thank, you linh and britt. i have to say happy mother's day to my own mother, winona, who's at home watching and texting me. hello, i'm on tv, i can't respond. anyway, happy mother's day, i'll be right back. ther's day i'll be right back ♪ you know how i feel ♪ (coughing) ♪ breeze driftin' on by ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ copd may have gotten you here, but you decide what's next. start a new day with trelegy. ♪ ...feelin' good ♪ no once-daily copd medicine has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy helps people breathe easier and improves lung function. it also helps prevent future flare-ups. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. take a stand and start a new day with trelegy. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy. and save at ♪ ♪ when you order the all new deluxe three cheese and bacon omelette, you get a smile on your plate. only from ihop. join the rewards program and earn double pancoins with any omelette purchase. xfinity mobile runs on america's most reliable 5g network, join the rewards program and earn but for up to half the price of verizon so you have more money for more stuff. this phone? 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, Health Inequities , 2017 , 39 , Estate , Loss , Right , Abortion Restrictions , Mississippi , Cost , 0 , Abortion , Power , Agenda , Peoples , Bodies , Assumptions , Racism , Acts , Gina Phobia , Children , Kids , Part , Access , Notion , Essential , System , Stay , Route , Tens Of Thousands , Statistics , Foster Care System , Hundreds Of Thousands , Rush , Stats , Response , Path , Babies , Proof , Adoption , Pudding , People , Country , Terrorists , Lawmakers , Rhetoric , Establishment , Antiabortionist , Point , Health Care , Shame , Appeal , Antiabortion , Violence , Doctors , Bombing Clinics , Protesters , 1000 , 80 , 1990 , Counties , Terrorism , Abortion Clinics , Abortion Provider , Nancy , Laws , Extremism , Justices , Feelings , Root , Stigma , Care , Someone , Lifetime , Everybody , Compassion , Beliefs , Half , Clinics , Ruling , Lot , Place , Issue , Doors , Staff , Services , Offer , Delay , Motion , Patients , Edge , Providers , Risk , Information , 26 , Franchise Population , Contraception , Management , Miscarriage , Folks , Travel , Pregnancy , Health Insurance , Will , Conversation , Populations , Activists , Choice , Abortions , Challenges , Training , Corners , Pools , Child Pornography , Community , Immigrant , Work , Leak , Example , Communities , Abortion Law , Border , Areas , Immigration , Documentation , 100 , Parents , Upholding , Americans , Kamala Harris , Uterus , Up , Kavanaugh , Vice President , Show , Decisions , Government , Body , Viva , Men , Thoughts , Atm , Men Enablers , Impact , Legislation , Anyone , Comment , Say , Snow , Penis , Person , Women S Health Care , Forward , Dealing , Gender , Position , Dryness , Doctor , Individuals , Opinions , World , Midterms , Where The Quote Unquote White , Susan Collins , I E , Rights , Impacts , Mouth , Becky , Panel , Landscape , It S Time , Girl , Fight , Coming Up , Dancing , Ground , First Lady , Mother , Break , Ukraine , Break Limu Emu , Things , Harp , Doug , Two , Marriage , Car Insurance , Peace , Love , Emu Squawks , Liberty Mutual Customizing , Liberty , Pay , Crowd Gasps , Kevin , Recording Artist , Elodia , 1 , 10 Million , One , Students , Internet , Comcast , Millions , Emmanuel , Projectup , 1 Billion , Billion , Price , Money , Possibilities , Xfinity Mobile , 5g Network , Tools , Verizon , 5 , Phone , Groceries , Concert Tickets , Stuff , Shows , Store , Mother S Day , Squad , Device , Savings , Samsung , 00 , 400 , Joe Biden , Mothers , Stand , Letter , Talk , List , Poland , Doctor Biden , Wall , Dr , Colleagues , Mode Sanders , 4 , School , Interview , Refugees , Officials , Ukrainians , Refugee Situations , Intel , Mariupol , Evacuation Efforts , Military Aid , Dozens , Steel Plant , On Friday , Zelenskyy , Civilians , Lviv , Russians , Nbc News , Jake Gray , Shelling , Question , Victory , Fighting , There , Troops , Russian , East , Military Operation , Sort , Victory Day , Vladimir Putin , Europe , Area , Un , Corridor , Time , Bit , Situation , Square , Bus , Air Raid Siren , War , Mission , Mayor , Frontline , Lviv Yesterday , Job , Center , Accommodations , Something , Responsibility , Rehabilitation Center , Heart , Frontlines , Trains , Families , Jay Gray , Super , Soldiers , Britney Griner , Show Simone , Msnbc , Podium , Appointment , Home , White House , Press Secretary , White House Communications Director , Sean Pierre , Big , History Making Appointment , Making Appointme Up Next , Fresh Carrot , Street , Small Business , Mirror , Van , Cheese , Side View Mirror , Dream , Progressive , Delivery Van , Laughter , Fixin , Plenty , Magic , Chaos , Magic Moment , Hope , Child , Stephanie , Healing , Other , Jude , Zuriel St , State Corporations , Profits , Math , Promises , Californians , Ballot Measure , Sports Betting , Draftkings , Fanduel , 90 , Homeless , Loopholes , Arizona , Virginia , Scheme , California , Karine Jean Pierre , Secretary , Black , Outgate , Press Briefings , Communications Director , Ashley , Magnitude , Cnn , Director , Cam , Human Being , Kareen , Briefing Room , Pressure , Opportunity , Field , Deserving , Level , Ten , Issues , Players , Everything , Advice , Room , Pop Quiz , Anything , Diamonds , Vp , Daughter , Cuts , Qualifications , Campaign , Obama , Deputy Campaign Manager , Battleground Director , Columbia University , Adviser , French , English , Judy Smith , Scandal , Prayers , Watch Scandal , Message , Campaigns , Presidents , Challenge , Advantages , Face , Win , Advantage , Playing Field , Dynamics , Elections , Understanding , Internment , Fighting Chance , 18 , Voter Suppression , Midterm Cycle , Harris Office , Campaign Trail , Relationship , Legislating , Ukraine Passage , Washington , Engagement , Six , Congress , Resources , Strategy , Money Resources , Cabinet , Wisconsin , Ohio , Labor Task Force , Senate , Workers , Head , Races , House Races , North Carolina , Pennsylvania , Realize , Trickle , Aka , Meetings , Oakland , Howard , Rap Lyrics , Layers , Reporter , Jen Psaki , Boy , Shoulder , Shade , Dust , Fox News , Presence , Reporters , Press Room , Headline , Felt , Eyes , Blank , Disarming , Demeanor , Kill , Ensemble , Language , Polls , Talks , Overturning , Adults , Weight Management Aid , Meet Plenity , Fda , Bmi , 40 , 25 , Treatment , Building Blocks , Ingredients , Road , Stress , Shoulders , Bills , Transportation , Andrea , Johnny Cash , Everywhere , Share , Mountain Air , Desert S Bare , Picture , Pity , Colorado , Dodge City , Cedar City , Gravelbourg , Ellensburg , Parkersburg , Pittsburgh , Family , Education , They Weren T , Restaurant , Grandmother , State Office , Ancestry , Field Nurse , Legacy , Aunt , Union Army , San Francisco , Mary Sawyers , Margaret Ross , Paralee Wharton Elder , Lupe Gonzalez , Style , Infiniti Qx60 , Election Cycle , Month Of May , Georgia , Primaries , Abortion News , Ballots , Preview , Indiana , Matter , Majority Government , Conservative , Defeat , Morgan State University , Tasha Brown , Nation , Correspondent , Constitution , Art , Stall , Nice , Nemesis , My Favorite , New York Times Bestseller , Tweet , Natasha Brown , Election , Results , Frustration , Dollar Question , Extremist , Over The Edge , Amount , Everyone , Humanity , Agency , Board , Fullness , Hasn T , Deal , Jason , Women Voters , Game Changer , Members , Semester , Social Media , Latasha , Class , Nothing , Hadn T , Numbers , Instagram , Facebook , 24 , Member , Twitter , Voter , Non , Voting , Isn T , Recruitment , Elie , Ways , Records , Sami Laws , Trump , Prediction , Grand Jury , 2020 , Ain T , Nobody , Pill Protecting Women S Rights Issues , Uprising , Senators , Particular , Anywhere , Back , Haven T , Trenches , Donald Trump , Guy , 62 , 62 , Christian , Needs , Decision , Perspective , Abortion Rhetoric , Lawyer , Wife , Personalities , Pastor , Walker , Poles , Reverend , We Haven T , Entanglement , Why Don T , Fact , Escalator , Criminal , Jeopardy , Don T Care About , Prosecutions , Allegations , Wrongdoing , Marjorie Taylor Greene Perjured , She Hasn T , Number , Tradition , Trial , Sedition , 15th Amendment Violation , 15 , Some , Prosecutor , Needle , Perjury , Self , Organization , Failures , Low , Perjuring Taylor Greene , Clifton , Society , Apathy , Happening , Media , Cycle , Streets , Anger , Candidates , Attack , Organizations , Recognition , It Hasn T , Yes , Organizing , Elliott , Help , Immune System , Sleep , Nutrition , Cvs , Energy , Healthier , Like You , Hair , Heat , Dove , Hair Therapy Shampoo , Dove Hair Therapy Rescue , Conditioner , Peptide , Ceramide , Sound Engineer , Record Label , Taking Off , Job Description , Indeed Instant Match , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Dad Allen , Iphone , Customer , Yep , Subway , Bread Game , On America , Vo , Refresh , Brand New , Mom Allen , Current , 13 , Bread , Daily , Great Point , Me Onset , Season , Economy , Politics , Jobs , Idea , Ron Johnson , Viewers , Mondale , Voting Running , Nominee , Chance , Lead , Primary , Cawthorn , Race , Pathway , Heads , Roads , Business , No One , Hospitals , Organisms , Mind , Ac , Group , Base , Tim Ryan , Color , Inspire , Office , Swing Voters , Red State Voters , Talk To Me , Pandemic , Police Brutality , Prize , Record , Police , Reform , Sasha , States , Battleground States , Whisper , Criticism , Mountain Tops , Minus , Sense , Moma , Order , Infrastructure , Word , Natasha On National Television , Process , Quickly , Releases , Tapes , Rapper , Material , More , Star Griner , Wnba , Latest , Jackson , Some Rinvoq , Symptoms , Swelling , Pain , Rinvoq , Pill , Rheumatoid Arthritis , Stiffness , Infections , Joints , Ra , Fatigue , Ability , Rinvoq Relief , Heart Attack , Death , Risks , Stroke , Intestines , Skin Cancer , Cancers , Heart Disease Risk Factor , Stomach , Tears , Fatal , Blood Clots , Lymphoma , Tb , 50 , Reactions , Rheumatologist , Rivnoq , Fast , Gaming , Niece , Button , Wi Fi , Hundreds , Times , Couldn T , Devices , Bandwidth , Three , Devastation , Efforts , Evacuation , Russian Shelling , Satellite Images , Mental Health , Eastern European Tour , Refugee , Visit , Romania , Moms , Kind , Trauma , Putin , Leaders , On Sunday , Colleague , Fears , G7 , Weapons , Aid Package , May 9th , 150 Million , 9 , 150 Million Dollar , Nato , Aid , Escalation , Forces , Allied , Countries , Side , Coin , Tensions , Reaction , Technology , Elsewhere , Ukrainian Army , Missiles , Systems , Attacks , Regards , Eastern Region , Region , Focus , Steel Mill , Donbas Region , Debris , Celebration , Holiday , Statues , Military Power , World War Ii , Nazi Germany , Military Muscle , Speculation , Mike Neil , Hawk , Stay Safe , Victory Day Celebrations , War Effort , Body Bags , Russian Church , Land , Generals , C , Air Assets , Munitions , Reports , Losses , Threat , Propaganda Machine , Reality , Actions , Disposal , Assets , Declaration Of War , Drug , Breath , Charges , Arrest , Russian Airport , 79 , Classification , Release , Champion , The Star , Olympic Gold , Breanna Stewart , Nayyera , Stoolie , Have , Basketball Works , 1 Million Dollars , 1 Million , Team , Income , Basketball , Investors , Companies , Cap , Britney , Stewy , Letters , Communication , Support , Howell Travis S Release Impact Britney Griner , Home Country , Likelihood , Expert , Brittani , Marijuana , Sentence , Prison Exchange , Exchange , Prison , Drug Traffic , Drug Trafficker , U S Marine , Celebrity , Tactical , Attention , Woman , Human Rights Situation , Leverage , Aggressor , Jail , Lesbian , Existence , Player , Basis , Athlete , Sports Enthusiast , Stu , Path Exchange , Teammate B , No Matter What , 78 , Friends , Germs , Scenes , Trevor , Argument , Paul Whelan , Prisoner Exchanges , Line , Identity , Pawns , Book , Case , Conversations , Tweets , Reminder , Difference , Hostage Negotiator , Hearing , Eye , Ambassador , Bill Richardson , May 19th , 19 , Invitation , Oh Ozempic , Oh , Interests , Er , The Other Side , Weight , Heart Disease , A1c , 7 , 12 , Needles , Type 1 Diabetes , Events , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Pens , Reuse , 2 , Don T Take Ozempic , Side Effects , Stomach Pain , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Lump , Pancreatitis , Stop Ozempic , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Neck , Changes , Blood Sugar Risk , Vision Problems , Kidney Problems , Insulin , Type 2 Diabetes , Sulfonylurea , Nausea , Dehydration , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Provider , Prescription , Health Care Provider , 3 , Gift , Tv Comments , Sexual Assault Allegations , Mountain , Shouting , Self Interest , Rachael , Strategist , Lucy Caldwell , Women Podcast , Red Wine , Writer , Jill , Philip , Age , Apologies , Name , Dms , Continuation , Candidate , Leave , 2016 , 70 , Voting Bloc , Interest , Pattern , Bulk , Black Women , Electorate , Black Men , 41 , White Women , Subgroups , Fruits , Feminist Progress , Hispanic , Childbearing , Single , Cities , Sexual Assault , Safe , Privilege , Status , Grants , Affiliation , Degree , Coup , Rachel , Feedback , Couple , Demonizing , Girls , Apologizing , Journey , Stories , Relationships , Divide , Home Moms , Working Moms , Differences , Longer , Strife , Places , Kitchen , Disaster , Husband , Health , Realness , Inspector , Safety , On Tv , Each Other , Mistakes , Ministry , Set , Voting Women , Problem , Apologist , Middle , Hit , Story , Feeling , Mode , Patriarchy , Insecurity , Paradigm , Sons , Fathers , Stake , Progress , Bill , Louisiana , It Homicide , In Vitro , Voting Blocs , Copper Iud , Groups , Democrat , Polled , Company , Households , Deciders , Messaging , Education Outcomes , Sea Change , Cause , Party , Points , Democracy , Policies , Benefit , Lines , Harm , Change , Front , Publicans , Rubble , Gates , Gender Roles , Hierarchies , You Ladies , Crt , Hero , Lucy Kabul , Attorney , Lawsuit Seeking A Reparation For The Tulsa Massacre , Survivors , Riders , Bikers , Cool , Behalf , Dead , Suit , Commute , Motorcycle Insurer , Meeting , Quote , Voice , Flo , Number One , Rec Center , Tv Screens , On American Soil , Houses , Homes , Bombs , Citizens , Wall To Coverage , Mob , Tulsa , Blocks , Killing , Angry White , Looting , 35 , Shock , Smoke , Fire , Massacre , Businesses , Airplanes , Mario , Judge , Oklahoma , Measure , Seeking Reputations For The Tulsa Massacre , On Monday , Report , Descendants , Steps , Absolutely , News , First , Written , Tulsa Race Massacre , Fashion , Mother Fletcher , Courtroom , 107 , Saw , Baby , Balling , 101 , Setting , Uncle Ray , Omar Jimenez , Sound , Core , Gonna Come , Dunn , Driving , Uncle Red , District , Wealth , Grandchildren , Generations , Anybody , Property Damage , Listen , Destruction , Business Opportunities , Property Damages , Harvard University , 200 Million , 00 Million , Thousands , Factoring , African American Hotel , Generation , J B , Motel Millionaire , Reason , Indictments , Properties , Ran Out Of Tulsa , Quote Unquote , Types , It S , Hotels , Addition , Finest , Stratford , Negro Surgeon , Largest , Nature , Search Circulation , African American Publication , John Tucker , Chamber Of Commerce , Nuisance , Somebody , Shake , 1921 , Supremacy , Coins , Court , Terror , Mr , 2019 , Result , Disparities , Activities , Greenwood , 20 , Lack , Folks At Home , Brother , Alarm , Oblem , Partners , The Dawn Of Life , Need , Therapy , Marta Salek Md , Asthma , Out Of Nowhere , Cancer , Md , Triggers , Carlos Rodriguez , Tezspiretm , Inflammation , Add On Treatment , Asthma Attacks , Type , Breathe Better , Eye Allergy , Rescue Medication , Asthma Symptoms , Back Pain , Sore Throat , Infection , Asthma Specialist , Liberty Mutual , Whatchya , Caesar , Hail , Ringcentral , Liberty Biberty Cut , Pssst Julius , Hi Caesar , Flashes , Urinary Tract Infections , Pots , Anxiety , Painful Sex , 55 Million , Menopause , Calling , Research , 75 , Pause , Doctor Malone , Funding , Ob Gyn , Let S Talk About , Term , Tarp , Incredibly , Poverty Level , Difficulty , Prenatal Care , Contraceptive , Mortality Rate , Infant Mortality Rate , Op Ed , The Ocean , 2025 , A Billion , Effects , Two Front War Hero , Medicine , Bat Number , Talking , Doctor Doesn T , Specialties , What S Going On , Disconnect , Falls , Physician , Psychiatrist , Something Else , Meditation , Menopause Symptoms , Treatments Options , Umbrella , Exercise , Lifestyle , Hormone Replacement , Purpose , Table , Editorial , Living , Misinformation , Women S Health Initiative , Complications , Benefits , Treatment Option , Suffering , Activity , Treatment Options , Men Apostle , Perimenopausal , Test , Puzzle , Amy Klobuchar , The Sunday Show , Genius , Miss , Special , Lip Raid , Pride , The Law , Philando , Thomas , Tower 10 , Kate , Motherhood , Congrats , Realities , Tv , Joys , Next , Money Manager , Client , Portfolios , Money Managers , Strategies , Aren T , Fisher Investments , Stocks , Investments , Clients , Commissions , Goals , Commission Products , Act , Fiduciary , Nine , 116 , 30 ,

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