Transcripts For MSNBC Jose Diaz-Balart Reports 20240708 : co

Transcripts For MSNBC Jose Diaz-Balart Reports 20240708

immigration reform. what will come out of these discussions? we turn to breaking news out of ukraine, a 22-year-old u.s. marine veteran was killed fighting alongside ukrainian forces. a spokesman for the state department is closely following the situation. all this, as president 00 said resistance forces are planning to rescue the civilians. father east, a horrifying task for those who survived the reported massacres. families must identify their loved ones who fell victim to this war. >> i was raised, that is the greatest love you can do, help someone, risk your life for them. these people need it more than anyone on the planet. >> this woman climbed into a truck. looking for a loved one. how do you explain that to people? >> i couldn't imagine the pain she is going through. >> she couldn't identify the body was facial features, she it was decapitated. she started describing the clothing. identified a sock, and a shirt, that was enough for her to know that that was her family member. >> just outside of bucha. on the ground in kyiv. what is the mod like in the city today? >> reporter: well, people here in the capital are outraged that this attack unfolded while the u.n. secretary general was visiting ukrainian officials in the early hours of the evening. we heard two large bangs miles away, two russian missiles striking two locks, the attended target according to ukrainian officials is believed to be a factory. one struct a residential building, killing a woman and injuring 10 others. the woman was killed inside her home. her body was found in the rubble. she was a journalist. a kind person, who never wanted to cause trouble. a lovely human being. yet another innocent life now lost in this conflict. people here in the capital wondering, given the fact that un secretary general was in the city, if there are any limits to russian aggression. >> what is going on about the civilians trapped in mariupol? >> help to facilitate to allow the evacuation of civilians. there has been reports that president's office hinted it may be trying to happen today. we are unable to confirm the reports. i was speaking to the wife of a man inside the plant. she is appealing to the international community for help. he often talks about their future. they are going to win this fight, and take a listen to what she told me. >> every time i speak with him, he tells me about the bright future we will have after we win. >> how does it make you feel? >> i am very afraid. >> reporter: she is telling me how the russian military has been dropping massive bombs on the steel plant. creating a desperate situation. on thursday, one of the bombs hitting the make-shift military hospital inside the steel plant. >> thank you very much. for more on this, hannah, thank you for being with us. the threat of missile strikes from the sea, remains high, what are things like now in odesa? >> that is a significant threat. we have the capacities for the cruise missiles sent from submarines and both those are in the sea. yesterday night, three cruise missiles to the city. and the general shooting cruise missiles. you understand that -- for the south region. not from the odesa region. >> it is important to under line how devastating and destructive the situation is in the east and the southeast of ukraine right now. this is really, really critical right now. >> first of all, odesa is southwest. it is very different. if you speak about east and southeast, very dangerous situation, it is open fighting. it is full fledged happening in different directions. we are talking about 400 kilometers. the south, it is very different. you described what is happening there. russians are trying odesa is more or less safe. each two day, shelling. 50 kilometers from the city, yesterday, assault. in general, the city is safe from any type of the forces, 300 kilometers from the city. >> one of the few places they have been able to establish control, how does that look in the near future? >> it is the russians are trying to -- people are disappearing. at the same time, people are still putting up ukrainian flags and don't want to be part of the russian situation. we need the national guards of russia, trying to control the city. they are controlling the city itself, many villages are under ukrainian control. that is a big question. rev rundem 27th of april. we understand that this was not fulfilled. the question is what is next? proclamation, they would like to unite one administrative region, control of the russian forces. or have a ukrainian assault, fighting is currently happening around the region. >> what do you want us to know? >> understanding that despite that ukrainian forces are not -- we are expecting a big fight very soon. again, on the east. at least until the 9th of may, forces will be advancing and trying to be more brutal than now, because they need certain victories. it is so important, ukraine is asking for defense from all the bombs, it is not the weapons planned to be used for the assault. ukraine needs for protection over cities and civilian population. >> thank you for being with us. we appreciate your time. joining us now, a veteran of the u.s. navy and special forces. and the u.s. ambassador to nato, serves as president of the chicago council on global affairs. jason, what goes through your mind, when we listen to what hannah was dedescribing? southeast, and west of that country is under direct threat. what goes through your mind as you watch the advancing of russians in ukraine. >> hannah gave a great report. on the ground, what is happening, deal with that first of all. she broke this down well, in the case of air defense, versus ground artillery. heavy weapons used by infantry or forces on the ground. that is where russia has struggled. logistics problems, a lot of armorand tanks are not being used in coordination with air. you see missiles hitting cities randomly. and the ukrainians don't have a great defense for that they wanted weapon systems, radar, and electronic warfare. the ukrainianses are being resupplied by the united states, so they have to implement heavy artillery and armor, they do have infantry. because they are defending home terrain, they have advantages there, the real advantage for ukraine is to strike the russians where the russians mass. like mariupol, that is a good place to take actions against alignment. what you heard her say in the west, it is different than the east. we saw thank sank the ship. a great way to hit at the russian efforts of russia. how quickly can they out-match what is an underperforming russian military, suffering severe consequences? it will be cutting off the bridges and the roads, so that russians have a difficult time resupplying ground effort. with all of that they still don't have effective systems for anti-aircraft defense. that will be a gap for them throughout this. >> ambar dortook a jab at nato. weapons removed for peace. was that a mistake? >> it was the implementation of the memorandum that was a mistake. this was not just between ukraine and the united states and the united kingdom. also with russia, to respect the borders of ukraine as they existed at that time. which includes recognizing it, it was and is and remains part of ukraine. that was violated in 2014, the failure to respond significantly at that point, that laid out what we are seeing today. i think he is right. knocking on the door of nato, not being able to get in a massive mistake. it did provide in some ways provoke putin to act. if nato had been in ukraine, he would not have acted. that is clear from where we are today. >> thank you for being with us today. >> still ahead, after months of delays, how much longer will parents of kids under 6 have to wait for a covid vaccine? new talks about comprehensive reform. we will be speaking with the congress sdwlt man about all of that. next. that next you said it, flo. and don't forget to floss before you brush. your gums will thank you. -that's right, dr. gary. -jamie? sorry, i had another thought so i got back in line. what was it? 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>> we know it will get bigger. we have a massive back log over the past several years, we know that there are individuals still fleeing their desperate situation from their country. the calk cusis clear, title 42 is a public health emergency order and should not be used as border management. biden's success in vaccinating a vast majority of our population, transmission rates are down, testing and protocols at work, and readily available vaccines. by instituting title 42, you deny the american law legal right of asylum seekers and refugees to due process. the congressional hispanic cause fleeing from a russian dictator or a drug cartel you have that right. >> people who are fleeing from haiti, the complicate and horrific situation in haiti, or venezuela, they don't have less of a possibility of getting covid than if you are leaving ukraine or another country in europe. yet, there is that difference, why? >> i am not sure why the difference, what i am sure of, we can rectify and make sure that anyone who flees from a war in ukraine or a drug cartel or gang lord who has legitimate reasons for refuge should have due proprocess. we need to make sure we increase border efficiency, modernize our borders, send reforces, immigration judges and lawyers for due process, and case workers to provide alternatives, and make sure that asylum seekers have their day in court. and remember, that people come not because of who is president, because of the conditions in their home country. we have to support vice president harris's to combat corrupgsz, to have economic development, improve agricultural industry, relieve hunger. it is plnt and hopeful new that we come to the table, and we have a good path way to citizenship. republicans have been obstructing all along. voted against modernizing our border, with resources that we have put forth, voted against the dream and promise act. the farm work act, comprehensive reform time and time again. put up, shut up. get to the table and let's get it fixed. >> it is a pleasure to see you. i thank you for being with us this morning. >> still ahead, oklahoma, the latest state to severely crack down on abortion rights, how it affects women. 30 past the hour, congress is reviewing president biden's request if 33 billion more in assistance for ukraine over the next few months, including security assistance, 8.5 billion to help the economy, and three billion in humanitarian assistance. it may get caught up in the dispute to stop the biden administration from lifting title 42. part of the delegation that visited germany and poland, now, home to millions of ukrainian refugees. thanks for being with us. what do you take away from your visit to germany and poland? >> my take away is that american alliances are stronger than ever before. we are unified. the free world is unified. in regard to putin's war on ukraine. i had great conversations request foreign leaders, they understand what is at stake, if putin is success in ukraine, he won't stop there. and china is watching what is happening, and their own plans of global domination. >> and military, economic and humanitarian aid, how do you see that, it is a substantial package. >> well, this is all hands on deck moment. of course, the united states is want the only country providing military and humanitarian association toot great people of ukraine. we have always had a leadership role in the world, we have to continue to do that thus far, $20 billion in assistance, there is rarely something that ukraine asks for that we are not able to provide. i think we have to take a hard look at the president's request. to your point, we have to provide additional covid relief here at home, and i think we can do both. the future of the free world depends on it. >> what are your priorities? you are coming back from break. what are your priorities? >> we need to make sure we are creating an environment where countries aligned with us have the resources to wean themselves off of their reliance on russia. we have to make sure for example that we are providing military equipment to india. which has historically been relying on russia to a tremendous extent for military equipment. we have to work with our allies to hold china accountable. not rely on china economically. it would be more challenging given the state of the world to have economic sanctions on china like the ones that are on russia. think built challenges, as we fight here. democrats fight here to lower the prices of gas, and groceries. that is of the utmost importance, the americans, as they watch what is happening abroad, are feeling the pain at the pump. the pain at the grocery store. democrats holding out companies for price gouging and taking advantage of inflation, inflation made worse by putin's unjust war in ukraine. you will see trying to overcome republican obstruction, for the coast of living for americans to make it significantly cheaper. >> do you think that inflation, clearly on the up. we are at 40-year levels of inflation, is that something that is with us to stay? for the long term? >> absolutely not. we have actually weathered the storm of inflation better than the rest of the world, because of the tremendous investments that democrats in congress have made. the american rescue plan, cut child pof erlty in half, kept small businesses open, paycheck protection program, business-saving, life-saving forgivable loans distributed or the restaurant revitalization fund, democrats have delivered time and again. we will continue to deliver economic relieve for the american people. we passed the infrastructure and jobs act. that will already been creating good paying, union jobs, we have to keep that momentum you up. as republicans like margery taylor green get distraktd by q. conspiracy theories. >> you . >> oklahoma state house passes a bill on abortion within six weeks before most women know they are pregnant. good morning. >> well, jose, good morning to you, one of the things notable here, there is no lag time when the bill would be signed and takes effect. it is a pen stroke away from becoming one of the most restrictive abortion laws in the nation. with a showdown over abortion access fought in states nationwide, oklahoma is the latest battle ground. state lawmakers signed a bill called the "heart beat act." . before most women know they are pregnant. >> tht save manny lives. >> this bill is intrusive. reduces freedoms, and it is plain wrong. >> the bill goes to the desk of the republican governor, who signed a different bill, making it a crime to perform abortions in the state. >> we want oklahoma to be the most pro-life state in the country. that bill goes into effect this summer. an emergency provision, meaning it goes into effect as soon as it is signed. likely, any day. >> it impacts every fertile women's health by passing this law. >> the president of planned parenthood call its unconstitutional, vowing to fight it in court. it stretches into neighboring texas, a similar law sent people seeking aborgs to nearby states. according to one study, half of them travelled to oklahoma. the latest in a fleury of strict abortion laws, including florida, ron desantis banned the procedure after 15 weeks. >> we are here today to protect life. >> reporter: that law, modelled after one in mississippi, under review in the supreme court. it sets up a protentially ground breaking decision by the nation's highest court. now, back to oklahoma. there is no timing indicating when the governor plans to sign the bill. he plans to sign any antiabortion legislation that hits his desk. >> thank you. president biden is hours away from meeting with mexico's president. amid outrage over the rise in disappearances of women and girls across the country. every day in mexico, 10 women disappear. we talked with a reporter covering the story next. story . ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ we believe there's an innovator in all of us. ♪ ♪ that's why we build technology that makes it possible for every business... and every person... to come to the table and do more incredible things. here's to real flavors... real meals. real good. all of knorr's high quality pasta and rice sides are now made with no artificial flavors or preservatives. knorr. taste for good. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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(vo) what's not to love! verizon is going ultra, so you can get more. >> 47 past the hour, the president plans to meet virtually with the president of mexico, headlining the news in mexico,am nesty international said 10 women or girls are killed every day. she went missing on the 9th of april. the 9th woman who disappear from that city in the past month. her body was discovered in an abandoned under ground water tank. protests have broken out. joining us now. a free lance journalist in mexico city. 3,000 women went missing last year in mexico, an increase from past year. what about this case? pushed people into action? >> reporter: the case of escobar has eneraged people all across mexico and the world. i think the fact that there was a photo of her standing in the highway in the middle of the night before she went missing. they were searching for her two weeks and couldn't find her. it turns out she was in the same place they were searching for her. and could not find her. nine other women had recently disappeared. she was found murdered. maria fer nanda, a few days before this disappearance. how vocal their families are. her father, taking to the press, looking for her. women are fed up. their lives are not taken seriously. when women go missing in mexico, when their family members or friends go to authorities, they say, they probably just ran all with their boyfriend, come back to 72 hours, if they are still missing, maybe we can do something. those 72 hours are the most crucial. there are 100,000 people disappeared today. >> it is important, you mention so many issues, i wanted to dissect and under line. take a look at this. 93,234 total disappeared people in mexico. according to the national search commission. one word they think may be helps to understand everything. impunity. >> of those 100,000, that disappeared only convictions in 36 cases. 36. out of close to 100,000. in many cases, both about murders, known as 100,000. there is almost a 99% rate of impunity. they have a commission to search for disappeared people, and there were eight people searching when there are thousands of people that are disappeared, so eight people cannot find them. in mexico on the books, there are great laws protecting women and there are missions to search for them and investigate their death, but they don't have the proper amount of resources, nor personnel. a lot of times they don't want to find them, it seems. >> what does the president say every single time that there's a case like this one or there are so many other cases of people disappearing, and what does the president say and do? >> i personally asked the president and he told me to my face that mexico has never been so safe for women, and he continually minimizes the problem, and saying they are problems that happened before and they are not problems today, and he's dealing with it because he's attacking corruption and criticizes the u.n., a just released port about the rave disappearance crisis, and he said he doesn't need international bodies interfering with american politics. >> you are a woman and journalists. >> yeah. >> that's a tough combination to have in mexico. how safe do you feel? >> i think it's safe to note that every time i travel by myself, be it bicycle or a cab, i send my location to friends and tell them the moment i get to my door. that's something so normalized in mexico for all women, and when i go back to the united states, they don't have to do that, send locations so you can track me to see if i get home. this year has been one of the deadliest years in mexico, and it's hard to feel safe being a female journalist in mexico, and this is something through my work i am trying to show and there are thousands of people taking to the streets all the time, including us as journalist protesting the disappearance of our colleagues and so many women across the country. >> thank you for being with us. >> thank you for having me on. another staffer tests positive for the coronavirus. we will bring you those details next, and a live look at capitol hill -- that's the white house, and let's look at capitol hill. nancy pelosi is starting her weekly briefing, and we'll keep an eye on it and see if there's anything we need to report to you. you're watching josé diaz-balart reports. g josé diaz-balart g josé diaz-balart reports. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. feel unstoppable. ask your doctor how lasting remission can start with stelara®. janssen can help you explore cost support options. this is the planning effect from fidelity. ben isn't worried about retirement because his plan is backed by the team at fidelity. a group of investment professionals manages ben's ira for him, analyzing market conditions and helping him stay on target. he gets one-on-one coaching when he wants some advice, and can adjust his plan whenever he needs to. and now he's so prepared for retirement, ben is feeling totally zen. that's the planning effect from fidelity. doesn't your family deserve the best? 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>> we are seeing cases increase dramatically as of december, and we may be in between -- >> owe, we just lost the doctor, and the situation on whether there will be a moderna vaccine for children under six years of age is still in the discussion point. that hopefully will be something that we will announce in the future. doctor, thank you for being with us, and thank you for being with us. that wraps up the hour for me. you can reach me on twitter or instagram, and be sure and follow the show online. thank you for the privilege of your time. katy tur is up with more news right now. good to be with you. i am katy tur. it's 11:00 a.m. eastern in washington, and 8:00 a.m. pacific. the last ukrainian holdouts are in the steel plant, and president zelenskyy's office said an operation is planned to evacuate civilians from that city and that plan the. more as we learn about it. also, the family of a 22-year-old american citizen and former u.s. marine told cnn he was killed fighting alongside ukrainian forces. the family of willie joseph says he went to ukraine in march to work with a private military company. his mother says he believed in ukraine's sovereignty. he leaves behind a wife and 7-month-old baby. nbc news has reached out to his family for confirmation but have not heard back, and the state department says it's aware of the reports. and then the public phase of the january 6th committee hearings start on june 9th, and it will be the first chance for the public to see what the committee has been gathering. and then big city blues. in just ten years the populations of 11 out of 20 of america's largest metropolitan areas shrunk, losing the equivalent of twice the population of wyoming. what one city is doing

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President , Operation , 00 , Civilians , Steel Plant , Missile , The City , Congressman Jones , Two , Senators , Small Bipart Stan Group , Big Ask , Immigration Reform , Breaking News , Discussions , Ukraine , Special Forces , Fighting , Veteran , U S Marine , 22 , Situation , State Department , Forces , Planning , This , Resistance , Spokesman , Massacres , Task , Father East , Families , Help , Loved Ones , War , Life , Someone , Love , Victim , People , Pain , Woman , Anyone , Planet , Loved One , Truck , One , Body , Clothing , Features , Sock , Shirt , Family Member , Bucha , Ground , Mod , In The City , Kyiv , Reporter , Secretary General , Officials , Capital , Evening , Attack , U N , Target , Russian , Missiles , Locks , Home , Factory , Others , Building , 10 , Journalist , Person , Human Being , Conflict , Rubble , Trouble , Who , City , Fact , Aggression , Limits , Mariupol , Evacuation , Reports , Office , Wife , Plant , Community , Man , Fight , Listen , Bright Future , Military , Bombs , On Thursday , Hannah , Military Hospital , Threat , U S , Sea , Things , Odesa , Missile Strikes , Cruise Missiles , Both , Capacities , Submarines , Yesterday Night , Three , Shooting Cruise Missiles , Line , South Region , Odesa Region , Wall , Southeast , Odesa Is Southwest , Happening , Directions , South , 400 , Russians , Safe , Assault , General , Type , 50 , 300 , Control , Places , Disappearing , Part , Don T , Flags , Guards , Itself , Villages , Big Question , Rev Rundem 27th Of April , 27th Of April , 27 , Question , Region , Proclamation , East , 9th Of May , 9 , Victories , Weapons , Defense , Protection , Population , Cities , U S Navy , Nato , Mind , Ambassador , Chicago Council On Global Affairs , Jason , Country , Dedescribing , Case , Report , Air Defense , Versus , Lot , Infantry , Armorand Tanks , Logistics Problems , Ground Artillery , Ukrainians , Air , Weapon Systems , Coordination , Radar , Electronic Warfare , Ukrainianses , Advantages , Home Terrain , Armor , Advantage , Place , Actions , Alignment , Russians Mass , Way , West , Ship , We Saw , Consequences , Efforts , Bridges , Roads , Anti Aircraft Defense , Ground Effort , Systems , Gap , Ambar Dortook , Jab , Peace , War On Ukraine , Mistake , Memorandum , Implementation , United Kingdom , Borders , It , Point , Failure , 2014 , Door , Ways , Putin To Act , Parents , Delays , Kids , 6 , Vaccine , Reform , Talks , Congress Sdwlt , Next , Dr , Gums , Thought , Jamie , Flo , That S Right , Gary , Everything , Subway , Chicken , Rotisserie , Refresh , Honey Mustard , Tangy , Steph Curry , Footlongs , Gonna , Game Changer , Smoothest , Thing , Bladder Leaks , Softest , Depend , Patches , Data , Muscle Pain , Patients , Medicine , Salonpas , Agreed , 12 , Flavors , Sides , Preservatives , Taste , Meals , Rice , Pasta , Good , Knorr , Biden , Mexico , Title , Public Health Rule , Rafrmg , Parties , Decision , Topics , Pushback , 42 , Asylum Seekers , Chance , Government , Asylum , Immigration Reform Deal , Capitol Hill , Correspondent Ali Vitali , Back , Lines , Republican , Democrat , Battle Of Title 42 , Administration , Democrats , Courts , Election Battles , Something , Congress , Battle , Hang Up , Senator Durbin , List , Meeting , Package , Proposals , Asylum Issue , Womg Uponed , Four , Won T , Points , Appetite , Overlap , Border , Side , Debate , Jose , Nothing , Covid , Desipgz , Migrants , Consalate , Everyone , 100 , Refugees , Pleasure , Protesters , Congressman , Crisis , 170000 , 1 8 Million , Individuals , Back Log , Cusis Clear , Public Health Emergency Order , Calk , Work , Success , Protocols , Vaccines , Transmission Rates , Border Management , Testing , Majority , Due Process , American Law Legal Right Of Asylum Seekers , Congressional Hispanic , Drug Cartel , Dictator , Haiti , The Complicate , Difference , Possibility , Europe , Venezuela , Lord , Refuge , Reasons , Proprocess , Workers , Immigration Judges , Border Efficiency , Lawyers , Reforces , Alternatives , Supreme Court , Home Country , Conditions , Harris , Relieve Hunger , Industry , Development , Combat Corrupgsz , Table , Citizenship , Path , Republicans , Resources , Dream , Forth , Promise Act , Work Act , The Farm , Oklahoma , Put Up , Shut Up , Estate , Abortion Rights , Assistance , Request , 33 Billion , 30 , Security Assistance , Economy , 8 5 Billion , Three Billion , Dispute , Delegation , Millions , Germany , Poland , Thanks , Alliances , Visit , World , Putin , Conversations , Regard , China , Leaders , Stake , Plans , Aid , Global Domination , Course , Association Toot Great People Of Ukraine , Leadership Role , Hands On Deck , 0 Billion , 20 Billion , Look , Priorities , Relief , Countries , Environment , Break , Military Equipment , Reliance , Example , India , Allies , Extent , China Accountable , Ones , Groceries , Prices , Challenges , Gas , Sanctions , Americans , Importance , Grocery Store , Companies , Pump , Inflation , Price Gouging , Up , Obstruction , Living , Coast , Levels , 40 , Storm , Rest , Term , Businesses , Half , Investments , Child , Rescue Plan , Erlty , Pof , Paycheck Protection Program , Relieve , Business Saving , Infrastructure , Restaurant Revitalization Fund , Loans , Momentum , Jobs Act , Union Jobs , Margery Taylor Green , Get Distraktd By Q Conspiracy Theories , Bill , Abortion , Oklahoma State House , Six , Women , Effect , Pen Stroke , Abortion Laws , Nation , Nationwide , Battle Ground , Showdown , State Lawmakers , Heart Beat Act , Save Manny , Governor , Abortions , Desk , Crime , Freedoms , Emergency Provision , Summer , Law , Women S Health , Planned Parenthood , States , Aborgs , Study , Fleury , Latest , Texas , Procedure , Mississippi , Florida , Ron Desantis , 15 , Timing , Review , The Nation S Highest Court , Protentially Ground Breaking Decision , Legislation , Girls , Story , Disappearances , Outrage , Rise , Innovator , Technology , Business , Health , Protein , Energy , Nutrients , Sugar , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Need , Pay , Liberty Biberty Cut , Whatchya , Vo , Ultra , Miss , Verizon , 5g Phone , Offer , Mom , Dad , Delightful , 5 , Of Mexico , 47 , News , January 6th Committee Hearings Start On June 9th , 9th Of April , Protests , Ground Water Tank , Action , Mexico City , Increase , Lance , 3000 , Standing , Highway , Middle , Photo , Escobar , Nine , Disappearance , Maria Fer Nanda , Friends , The Press , Father , Family Members , Lives , Authorities , Boyfriend , 72 , 100000 , Issues , Search Commission , 93234 , Impunity , Word , Cases , Convictions , Murders , 36 , Thousands , Commission , Rate , 99 , Eight , Death , Times , Missions , Personnel , Laws , Books , Amount , People Disappearing , Face , Problems , Corruption , Problem , Port , Journalists , Disappearance Crisis , Combination , Bodies , American Politics , Location , Cab , It Bicycle , Locations , Streets , Colleagues , Details , Staffer , Coronavirus , White House , Nancy Pelosi , Anything , Briefing , Eye , G JosÉ Diaz , Doctor , Treatment , Infection , Tb , Pres , Lung Inflammation , Remission , Brain Condition , Reactions , Skin Growths , Symptoms , Cancer , Sores , Stelara , Janssen , Cost Support Options , Ben Isn T , Plan , Planning Effect , Fidelity , Retirement , Team , Group , Market Conditions , Investment Professionals , Advice , Coaching , Ira , Zen , Family , Eggland , More Delicious , Best , Eggs , Doesn T , Cage Free , Classic , Superior Nutrition , 56 , Mask , White House Communications Director , Morning , Tweet , Contact , Approval , Fda , Children , 11 , Concern , Opportunity , Outreach , Hospital , Pediatricians , Communities , Vaccinated , Most , Event , Engagement , Campaigns , Phase , Fauci , Pandemic , Pbs , Discussion Point , Age , Moderna , Instagram , Twitter , Show , Privilege , Katy Tur , Holdouts , Eastern In Washington , Pacific , 8 , Zelenskyy , American Citizen , Cnn , Military Company , Sovereignty , Mother , Willie Joseph , Confirmation , Baby , Nbc News , 7 , Committee , Public , Gathering , Big City Blues , June 9th , January 6th , Populations , Doing , Equivalent , Areas , Wyoming , Ten , 20 ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC Jose Diaz-Balart Reports 20240708 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Jose Diaz-Balart Reports 20240708

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immigration reform. what will come out of these discussions? we turn to breaking news out of ukraine, a 22-year-old u.s. marine veteran was killed fighting alongside ukrainian forces. a spokesman for the state department is closely following the situation. all this, as president 00 said resistance forces are planning to rescue the civilians. father east, a horrifying task for those who survived the reported massacres. families must identify their loved ones who fell victim to this war. >> i was raised, that is the greatest love you can do, help someone, risk your life for them. these people need it more than anyone on the planet. >> this woman climbed into a truck. looking for a loved one. how do you explain that to people? >> i couldn't imagine the pain she is going through. >> she couldn't identify the body was facial features, she it was decapitated. she started describing the clothing. identified a sock, and a shirt, that was enough for her to know that that was her family member. >> just outside of bucha. on the ground in kyiv. what is the mod like in the city today? >> reporter: well, people here in the capital are outraged that this attack unfolded while the u.n. secretary general was visiting ukrainian officials in the early hours of the evening. we heard two large bangs miles away, two russian missiles striking two locks, the attended target according to ukrainian officials is believed to be a factory. one struct a residential building, killing a woman and injuring 10 others. the woman was killed inside her home. her body was found in the rubble. she was a journalist. a kind person, who never wanted to cause trouble. a lovely human being. yet another innocent life now lost in this conflict. people here in the capital wondering, given the fact that un secretary general was in the city, if there are any limits to russian aggression. >> what is going on about the civilians trapped in mariupol? >> help to facilitate to allow the evacuation of civilians. there has been reports that president's office hinted it may be trying to happen today. we are unable to confirm the reports. i was speaking to the wife of a man inside the plant. she is appealing to the international community for help. he often talks about their future. they are going to win this fight, and take a listen to what she told me. >> every time i speak with him, he tells me about the bright future we will have after we win. >> how does it make you feel? >> i am very afraid. >> reporter: she is telling me how the russian military has been dropping massive bombs on the steel plant. creating a desperate situation. on thursday, one of the bombs hitting the make-shift military hospital inside the steel plant. >> thank you very much. for more on this, hannah, thank you for being with us. the threat of missile strikes from the sea, remains high, what are things like now in odesa? >> that is a significant threat. we have the capacities for the cruise missiles sent from submarines and both those are in the sea. yesterday night, three cruise missiles to the city. and the general shooting cruise missiles. you understand that -- for the south region. not from the odesa region. >> it is important to under line how devastating and destructive the situation is in the east and the southeast of ukraine right now. this is really, really critical right now. >> first of all, odesa is southwest. it is very different. if you speak about east and southeast, very dangerous situation, it is open fighting. it is full fledged happening in different directions. we are talking about 400 kilometers. the south, it is very different. you described what is happening there. russians are trying odesa is more or less safe. each two day, shelling. 50 kilometers from the city, yesterday, assault. in general, the city is safe from any type of the forces, 300 kilometers from the city. >> one of the few places they have been able to establish control, how does that look in the near future? >> it is the russians are trying to -- people are disappearing. at the same time, people are still putting up ukrainian flags and don't want to be part of the russian situation. we need the national guards of russia, trying to control the city. they are controlling the city itself, many villages are under ukrainian control. that is a big question. rev rundem 27th of april. we understand that this was not fulfilled. the question is what is next? proclamation, they would like to unite one administrative region, control of the russian forces. or have a ukrainian assault, fighting is currently happening around the region. >> what do you want us to know? >> understanding that despite that ukrainian forces are not -- we are expecting a big fight very soon. again, on the east. at least until the 9th of may, forces will be advancing and trying to be more brutal than now, because they need certain victories. it is so important, ukraine is asking for defense from all the bombs, it is not the weapons planned to be used for the assault. ukraine needs for protection over cities and civilian population. >> thank you for being with us. we appreciate your time. joining us now, a veteran of the u.s. navy and special forces. and the u.s. ambassador to nato, serves as president of the chicago council on global affairs. jason, what goes through your mind, when we listen to what hannah was dedescribing? southeast, and west of that country is under direct threat. what goes through your mind as you watch the advancing of russians in ukraine. >> hannah gave a great report. on the ground, what is happening, deal with that first of all. she broke this down well, in the case of air defense, versus ground artillery. heavy weapons used by infantry or forces on the ground. that is where russia has struggled. logistics problems, a lot of armorand tanks are not being used in coordination with air. you see missiles hitting cities randomly. and the ukrainians don't have a great defense for that they wanted weapon systems, radar, and electronic warfare. the ukrainianses are being resupplied by the united states, so they have to implement heavy artillery and armor, they do have infantry. because they are defending home terrain, they have advantages there, the real advantage for ukraine is to strike the russians where the russians mass. like mariupol, that is a good place to take actions against alignment. what you heard her say in the west, it is different than the east. we saw thank sank the ship. a great way to hit at the russian efforts of russia. how quickly can they out-match what is an underperforming russian military, suffering severe consequences? it will be cutting off the bridges and the roads, so that russians have a difficult time resupplying ground effort. with all of that they still don't have effective systems for anti-aircraft defense. that will be a gap for them throughout this. >> ambar dortook a jab at nato. weapons removed for peace. was that a mistake? >> it was the implementation of the memorandum that was a mistake. this was not just between ukraine and the united states and the united kingdom. also with russia, to respect the borders of ukraine as they existed at that time. which includes recognizing it, it was and is and remains part of ukraine. that was violated in 2014, the failure to respond significantly at that point, that laid out what we are seeing today. i think he is right. knocking on the door of nato, not being able to get in a massive mistake. it did provide in some ways provoke putin to act. if nato had been in ukraine, he would not have acted. that is clear from where we are today. >> thank you for being with us today. >> still ahead, after months of delays, how much longer will parents of kids under 6 have to wait for a covid vaccine? new talks about comprehensive reform. we will be speaking with the congress sdwlt man about all of that. next. that next you said it, flo. and don't forget to floss before you brush. your gums will thank you. -that's right, dr. gary. -jamie? sorry, i had another thought so i got back in line. what was it? [ sighs ] i can't remember. it's still the eat fresh refresh™ and subway's refreshing everything like the new honey mustard rotisserie-style chicken. it's sweet, it's tangy, it's tender, it never misses. you could say it's the steph curry of footlongs. you could, but i'm not gonna. subway keeps refreshing and refreshing and re... this is a game changer who dares to be fearless even when her bladder leaks. our softest, smoothest fabric keeping her comfortable, protected and undeniably sleek. depend. the only thing stronger than us, is you. what are you recommending for muscle pain? based on clinical data, i recommend salonpas. agreed... my patients like these patches because they work for up to 12 hours, even on moderate pain. salonpas. it's good medicine here's to real flavors... real meals. real good. all of knorr's high quality pasta and rice sides are now made with no artificial flavors or preservatives. knorr. taste for good. >> president biden will speak virtually this morning with mexico to discuss a wide rafrmg of topics, the president continues to face pushback from both parties for his decision to lift title 42, the public health rule that allows the government to expel asylum seekers without asking or having a chance to ask for asylum. immigration reform deal. joining us now, capitol hill correspondent ali vitali. >> reporter: they happen against the back over a raging battle of title 42, republican versus democrat lines there, are moderate democrats facing tough election battles, feel they fall in line with republicanos this. saying that administration should not yet lift this. that will be a question for the courts at this point. for the battle for comprehensive immigration reform, this is something that congress has tried to do for decades now. what we heard yesterday, the hang-up at this point might be that senator durbin has a list of bipartisan proposals that could be put together as a package. the hold up here, according to womg uponed four senators in the meeting, for republican, until they contend with the asylum issue, there won't be an appetite to move forward on a package. talking to them yesterday, they are clear, they are optimistic about this, there are points of overlap between the two sides, at the same time this is early on, jose. this could amount to something or could amount to nothing. >> thank you. the debate over title 42 is not just raging on the u.s. side of the border. >> no more desipgz! we want equality! as well as we do not have covid. it shows 100 migrants from central america, protesting it outside of the u.s. consalate in mexico. they were calling for everyone to know that they don't have covid. and calling for 42 to be lifted. the protesters feel discriminated against, compared to how ukrainian refugees are being treated. congressman, a pleasure to see you, thank you for being with us. i am wondering about 170,000 people have been waiting on the mexico side of the border, 1.8 million sent back under title 42. is this a humanitarian crisis, about to get bigger? >> we know it will get bigger. we have a massive back log over the past several years, we know that there are individuals still fleeing their desperate situation from their country. the calk cusis clear, title 42 is a public health emergency order and should not be used as border management. biden's success in vaccinating a vast majority of our population, transmission rates are down, testing and protocols at work, and readily available vaccines. by instituting title 42, you deny the american law legal right of asylum seekers and refugees to due process. the congressional hispanic cause fleeing from a russian dictator or a drug cartel you have that right. >> people who are fleeing from haiti, the complicate and horrific situation in haiti, or venezuela, they don't have less of a possibility of getting covid than if you are leaving ukraine or another country in europe. yet, there is that difference, why? >> i am not sure why the difference, what i am sure of, we can rectify and make sure that anyone who flees from a war in ukraine or a drug cartel or gang lord who has legitimate reasons for refuge should have due proprocess. we need to make sure we increase border efficiency, modernize our borders, send reforces, immigration judges and lawyers for due process, and case workers to provide alternatives, and make sure that asylum seekers have their day in court. and remember, that people come not because of who is president, because of the conditions in their home country. we have to support vice president harris's to combat corrupgsz, to have economic development, improve agricultural industry, relieve hunger. it is plnt and hopeful new that we come to the table, and we have a good path way to citizenship. republicans have been obstructing all along. voted against modernizing our border, with resources that we have put forth, voted against the dream and promise act. the farm work act, comprehensive reform time and time again. put up, shut up. get to the table and let's get it fixed. >> it is a pleasure to see you. i thank you for being with us this morning. >> still ahead, oklahoma, the latest state to severely crack down on abortion rights, how it affects women. 30 past the hour, congress is reviewing president biden's request if 33 billion more in assistance for ukraine over the next few months, including security assistance, 8.5 billion to help the economy, and three billion in humanitarian assistance. it may get caught up in the dispute to stop the biden administration from lifting title 42. part of the delegation that visited germany and poland, now, home to millions of ukrainian refugees. thanks for being with us. what do you take away from your visit to germany and poland? >> my take away is that american alliances are stronger than ever before. we are unified. the free world is unified. in regard to putin's war on ukraine. i had great conversations request foreign leaders, they understand what is at stake, if putin is success in ukraine, he won't stop there. and china is watching what is happening, and their own plans of global domination. >> and military, economic and humanitarian aid, how do you see that, it is a substantial package. >> well, this is all hands on deck moment. of course, the united states is want the only country providing military and humanitarian association toot great people of ukraine. we have always had a leadership role in the world, we have to continue to do that thus far, $20 billion in assistance, there is rarely something that ukraine asks for that we are not able to provide. i think we have to take a hard look at the president's request. to your point, we have to provide additional covid relief here at home, and i think we can do both. the future of the free world depends on it. >> what are your priorities? you are coming back from break. what are your priorities? >> we need to make sure we are creating an environment where countries aligned with us have the resources to wean themselves off of their reliance on russia. we have to make sure for example that we are providing military equipment to india. which has historically been relying on russia to a tremendous extent for military equipment. we have to work with our allies to hold china accountable. not rely on china economically. it would be more challenging given the state of the world to have economic sanctions on china like the ones that are on russia. think built challenges, as we fight here. democrats fight here to lower the prices of gas, and groceries. that is of the utmost importance, the americans, as they watch what is happening abroad, are feeling the pain at the pump. the pain at the grocery store. democrats holding out companies for price gouging and taking advantage of inflation, inflation made worse by putin's unjust war in ukraine. you will see trying to overcome republican obstruction, for the coast of living for americans to make it significantly cheaper. >> do you think that inflation, clearly on the up. we are at 40-year levels of inflation, is that something that is with us to stay? for the long term? >> absolutely not. we have actually weathered the storm of inflation better than the rest of the world, because of the tremendous investments that democrats in congress have made. the american rescue plan, cut child pof erlty in half, kept small businesses open, paycheck protection program, business-saving, life-saving forgivable loans distributed or the restaurant revitalization fund, democrats have delivered time and again. we will continue to deliver economic relieve for the american people. we passed the infrastructure and jobs act. that will already been creating good paying, union jobs, we have to keep that momentum you up. as republicans like margery taylor green get distraktd by q. conspiracy theories. >> you . >> oklahoma state house passes a bill on abortion within six weeks before most women know they are pregnant. good morning. >> well, jose, good morning to you, one of the things notable here, there is no lag time when the bill would be signed and takes effect. it is a pen stroke away from becoming one of the most restrictive abortion laws in the nation. with a showdown over abortion access fought in states nationwide, oklahoma is the latest battle ground. state lawmakers signed a bill called the "heart beat act." . before most women know they are pregnant. >> tht save manny lives. >> this bill is intrusive. reduces freedoms, and it is plain wrong. >> the bill goes to the desk of the republican governor, who signed a different bill, making it a crime to perform abortions in the state. >> we want oklahoma to be the most pro-life state in the country. that bill goes into effect this summer. an emergency provision, meaning it goes into effect as soon as it is signed. likely, any day. >> it impacts every fertile women's health by passing this law. >> the president of planned parenthood call its unconstitutional, vowing to fight it in court. it stretches into neighboring texas, a similar law sent people seeking aborgs to nearby states. according to one study, half of them travelled to oklahoma. the latest in a fleury of strict abortion laws, including florida, ron desantis banned the procedure after 15 weeks. >> we are here today to protect life. >> reporter: that law, modelled after one in mississippi, under review in the supreme court. it sets up a protentially ground breaking decision by the nation's highest court. now, back to oklahoma. there is no timing indicating when the governor plans to sign the bill. he plans to sign any antiabortion legislation that hits his desk. >> thank you. president biden is hours away from meeting with mexico's president. amid outrage over the rise in disappearances of women and girls across the country. every day in mexico, 10 women disappear. we talked with a reporter covering the story next. story . ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ we believe there's an innovator in all of us. ♪ ♪ that's why we build technology that makes it possible for every business... and every person... to come to the table and do more incredible things. here's to real flavors... real meals. real good. all of knorr's high quality pasta and rice sides are now made with no artificial flavors or preservatives. knorr. taste for good. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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(vo) what's not to love! verizon is going ultra, so you can get more. >> 47 past the hour, the president plans to meet virtually with the president of mexico, headlining the news in mexico,am nesty international said 10 women or girls are killed every day. she went missing on the 9th of april. the 9th woman who disappear from that city in the past month. her body was discovered in an abandoned under ground water tank. protests have broken out. joining us now. a free lance journalist in mexico city. 3,000 women went missing last year in mexico, an increase from past year. what about this case? pushed people into action? >> reporter: the case of escobar has eneraged people all across mexico and the world. i think the fact that there was a photo of her standing in the highway in the middle of the night before she went missing. they were searching for her two weeks and couldn't find her. it turns out she was in the same place they were searching for her. and could not find her. nine other women had recently disappeared. she was found murdered. maria fer nanda, a few days before this disappearance. how vocal their families are. her father, taking to the press, looking for her. women are fed up. their lives are not taken seriously. when women go missing in mexico, when their family members or friends go to authorities, they say, they probably just ran all with their boyfriend, come back to 72 hours, if they are still missing, maybe we can do something. those 72 hours are the most crucial. there are 100,000 people disappeared today. >> it is important, you mention so many issues, i wanted to dissect and under line. take a look at this. 93,234 total disappeared people in mexico. according to the national search commission. one word they think may be helps to understand everything. impunity. >> of those 100,000, that disappeared only convictions in 36 cases. 36. out of close to 100,000. in many cases, both about murders, known as 100,000. there is almost a 99% rate of impunity. they have a commission to search for disappeared people, and there were eight people searching when there are thousands of people that are disappeared, so eight people cannot find them. in mexico on the books, there are great laws protecting women and there are missions to search for them and investigate their death, but they don't have the proper amount of resources, nor personnel. a lot of times they don't want to find them, it seems. >> what does the president say every single time that there's a case like this one or there are so many other cases of people disappearing, and what does the president say and do? >> i personally asked the president and he told me to my face that mexico has never been so safe for women, and he continually minimizes the problem, and saying they are problems that happened before and they are not problems today, and he's dealing with it because he's attacking corruption and criticizes the u.n., a just released port about the rave disappearance crisis, and he said he doesn't need international bodies interfering with american politics. >> you are a woman and journalists. >> yeah. >> that's a tough combination to have in mexico. how safe do you feel? >> i think it's safe to note that every time i travel by myself, be it bicycle or a cab, i send my location to friends and tell them the moment i get to my door. that's something so normalized in mexico for all women, and when i go back to the united states, they don't have to do that, send locations so you can track me to see if i get home. this year has been one of the deadliest years in mexico, and it's hard to feel safe being a female journalist in mexico, and this is something through my work i am trying to show and there are thousands of people taking to the streets all the time, including us as journalist protesting the disappearance of our colleagues and so many women across the country. >> thank you for being with us. >> thank you for having me on. another staffer tests positive for the coronavirus. we will bring you those details next, and a live look at capitol hill -- that's the white house, and let's look at capitol hill. nancy pelosi is starting her weekly briefing, and we'll keep an eye on it and see if there's anything we need to report to you. you're watching josé diaz-balart reports. g josé diaz-balart g josé diaz-balart reports. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. feel unstoppable. ask your doctor how lasting remission can start with stelara®. janssen can help you explore cost support options. this is the planning effect from fidelity. ben isn't worried about retirement because his plan is backed by the team at fidelity. a group of investment professionals manages ben's ira for him, analyzing market conditions and helping him stay on target. he gets one-on-one coaching when he wants some advice, and can adjust his plan whenever he needs to. and now he's so prepared for retirement, ben is feeling totally zen. that's the planning effect from fidelity. doesn't your family deserve the best? eggland's best eggs. classic, cage free, and organic. more delicious, farm-fresh taste. plus, superior nutrition. which is now more important than ever. because the way we care... is anything but ordinary. only eggland's best. ♪♪ 56 past the hour. we have breaking news out of the white house. white house communications director announced this morning she tested positive for covid. she said in a tweet that she last saw the president in a socially distanced meeting on wednesday while wearing a mask and she's not considered a close contact to the president. meanwhile the fda is expected to meet in june and decide whether or not to approval the vaccine for children six months old. according to recent data, less than 30% of children 5 to 11 are fully vaccinated. do you worry parents of younger children won't get them vaccinated in that vaccine is available? >> thank you for having me. yes, i am incredibly concerned because i think younger children's parents have more concern, and this is an opportunity for outreach, for pediatricians and daycare centers to reach out and stress the importance of children being vaccinated, and they can end up in the hospital and die from covid, so we need significant public health campaigns and engagement especially in certain communities to make sure we get the youngest vaccinated. >> i went to an event last night, and most of the people were not wearing a mask and it seems as though a lot of people think the pandemic is not going to affect them anymore in this country. dr. fauci said we are out of the phase on pbs, and now he says the u.s. is in a different moment. what moment are we in, doctor? >> we are seeing cases increase dramatically as of december, and we may be in between -- >> owe, we just lost the doctor, and the situation on whether there will be a moderna vaccine for children under six years of age is still in the discussion point. that hopefully will be something that we will announce in the future. doctor, thank you for being with us, and thank you for being with us. that wraps up the hour for me. you can reach me on twitter or instagram, and be sure and follow the show online. thank you for the privilege of your time. katy tur is up with more news right now. good to be with you. i am katy tur. it's 11:00 a.m. eastern in washington, and 8:00 a.m. pacific. the last ukrainian holdouts are in the steel plant, and president zelenskyy's office said an operation is planned to evacuate civilians from that city and that plan the. more as we learn about it. also, the family of a 22-year-old american citizen and former u.s. marine told cnn he was killed fighting alongside ukrainian forces. the family of willie joseph says he went to ukraine in march to work with a private military company. his mother says he believed in ukraine's sovereignty. he leaves behind a wife and 7-month-old baby. nbc news has reached out to his family for confirmation but have not heard back, and the state department says it's aware of the reports. and then the public phase of the january 6th committee hearings start on june 9th, and it will be the first chance for the public to see what the committee has been gathering. and then big city blues. in just ten years the populations of 11 out of 20 of america's largest metropolitan areas shrunk, losing the equivalent of twice the population of wyoming. what one city is doing

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President , Operation , 00 , Civilians , Steel Plant , Missile , The City , Congressman Jones , Two , Senators , Small Bipart Stan Group , Big Ask , Immigration Reform , Breaking News , Discussions , Ukraine , Special Forces , Fighting , Veteran , U S Marine , 22 , Situation , State Department , Forces , Planning , This , Resistance , Spokesman , Massacres , Task , Father East , Families , Help , Loved Ones , War , Life , Someone , Love , Victim , People , Pain , Woman , Anyone , Planet , Loved One , Truck , One , Body , Clothing , Features , Sock , Shirt , Family Member , Bucha , Ground , Mod , In The City , Kyiv , Reporter , Secretary General , Officials , Capital , Evening , Attack , U N , Target , Russian , Missiles , Locks , Home , Factory , Others , Building , 10 , Journalist , Person , Human Being , Conflict , Rubble , Trouble , Who , City , Fact , Aggression , Limits , Mariupol , Evacuation , Reports , Office , Wife , Plant , Community , Man , Fight , Listen , Bright Future , Military , Bombs , On Thursday , Hannah , Military Hospital , Threat , U S , Sea , Things , Odesa , Missile Strikes , Cruise Missiles , Both , Capacities , Submarines , Yesterday Night , Three , Shooting Cruise Missiles , Line , South Region , Odesa Region , Wall , Southeast , Odesa Is Southwest , Happening , Directions , South , 400 , Russians , Safe , Assault , General , Type , 50 , 300 , Control , Places , Disappearing , Part , Don T , Flags , Guards , Itself , Villages , Big Question , Rev Rundem 27th Of April , 27th Of April , 27 , Question , Region , Proclamation , East , 9th Of May , 9 , Victories , Weapons , Defense , Protection , Population , Cities , U S Navy , Nato , Mind , Ambassador , Chicago Council On Global Affairs , Jason , Country , Dedescribing , Case , Report , Air Defense , Versus , Lot , Infantry , Armorand Tanks , Logistics Problems , Ground Artillery , Ukrainians , Air , Weapon Systems , Coordination , Radar , Electronic Warfare , Ukrainianses , Advantages , Home Terrain , Armor , Advantage , Place , Actions , Alignment , Russians Mass , Way , West , Ship , We Saw , Consequences , Efforts , Bridges , Roads , Anti Aircraft Defense , Ground Effort , Systems , Gap , Ambar Dortook , Jab , Peace , War On Ukraine , Mistake , Memorandum , Implementation , United Kingdom , Borders , It , Point , Failure , 2014 , Door , Ways , Putin To Act , Parents , Delays , Kids , 6 , Vaccine , Reform , Talks , Congress Sdwlt , Next , Dr , Gums , Thought , Jamie , Flo , That S Right , Gary , Everything , Subway , Chicken , Rotisserie , Refresh , Honey Mustard , Tangy , Steph Curry , Footlongs , Gonna , Game Changer , Smoothest , Thing , Bladder Leaks , Softest , Depend , Patches , Data , Muscle Pain , Patients , Medicine , Salonpas , Agreed , 12 , Flavors , Sides , Preservatives , Taste , Meals , Rice , Pasta , Good , Knorr , Biden , Mexico , Title , Public Health Rule , Rafrmg , Parties , Decision , Topics , Pushback , 42 , Asylum Seekers , Chance , Government , Asylum , Immigration Reform Deal , Capitol Hill , Correspondent Ali Vitali , Back , Lines , Republican , Democrat , Battle Of Title 42 , Administration , Democrats , Courts , Election Battles , Something , Congress , Battle , Hang Up , Senator Durbin , List , Meeting , Package , Proposals , Asylum Issue , Womg Uponed , Four , Won T , Points , Appetite , Overlap , Border , Side , Debate , Jose , Nothing , Covid , Desipgz , Migrants , Consalate , Everyone , 100 , Refugees , Pleasure , Protesters , Congressman , Crisis , 170000 , 1 8 Million , Individuals , Back Log , Cusis Clear , Public Health Emergency Order , Calk , Work , Success , Protocols , Vaccines , Transmission Rates , Border Management , Testing , Majority , Due Process , American Law Legal Right Of Asylum Seekers , Congressional Hispanic , Drug Cartel , Dictator , Haiti , The Complicate , Difference , Possibility , Europe , Venezuela , Lord , Refuge , Reasons , Proprocess , Workers , Immigration Judges , Border Efficiency , Lawyers , Reforces , Alternatives , Supreme Court , Home Country , Conditions , Harris , Relieve Hunger , Industry , Development , Combat Corrupgsz , Table , Citizenship , Path , Republicans , Resources , Dream , Forth , Promise Act , Work Act , The Farm , Oklahoma , Put Up , Shut Up , Estate , Abortion Rights , Assistance , Request , 33 Billion , 30 , Security Assistance , Economy , 8 5 Billion , Three Billion , Dispute , Delegation , Millions , Germany , Poland , Thanks , Alliances , Visit , World , Putin , Conversations , Regard , China , Leaders , Stake , Plans , Aid , Global Domination , Course , Association Toot Great People Of Ukraine , Leadership Role , Hands On Deck , 0 Billion , 20 Billion , Look , Priorities , Relief , Countries , Environment , Break , Military Equipment , Reliance , Example , India , Allies , Extent , China Accountable , Ones , Groceries , Prices , Challenges , Gas , Sanctions , Americans , Importance , Grocery Store , Companies , Pump , Inflation , Price Gouging , Up , Obstruction , Living , Coast , Levels , 40 , Storm , Rest , Term , Businesses , Half , Investments , Child , Rescue Plan , Erlty , Pof , Paycheck Protection Program , Relieve , Business Saving , Infrastructure , Restaurant Revitalization Fund , Loans , Momentum , Jobs Act , Union Jobs , Margery Taylor Green , Get Distraktd By Q Conspiracy Theories , Bill , Abortion , Oklahoma State House , Six , Women , Effect , Pen Stroke , Abortion Laws , Nation , Nationwide , Battle Ground , Showdown , State Lawmakers , Heart Beat Act , Save Manny , Governor , Abortions , Desk , Crime , Freedoms , Emergency Provision , Summer , Law , Women S Health , Planned Parenthood , States , Aborgs , Study , Fleury , Latest , Texas , Procedure , Mississippi , Florida , Ron Desantis , 15 , Timing , Review , The Nation S Highest Court , Protentially Ground Breaking Decision , Legislation , Girls , Story , Disappearances , Outrage , Rise , Innovator , Technology , Business , Health , Protein , Energy , Nutrients , Sugar , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Need , Pay , Liberty Biberty Cut , Whatchya , Vo , Ultra , Miss , Verizon , 5g Phone , Offer , Mom , Dad , Delightful , 5 , Of Mexico , 47 , News , January 6th Committee Hearings Start On June 9th , 9th Of April , Protests , Ground Water Tank , Action , Mexico City , Increase , Lance , 3000 , Standing , Highway , Middle , Photo , Escobar , Nine , Disappearance , Maria Fer Nanda , Friends , The Press , Father , Family Members , Lives , Authorities , Boyfriend , 72 , 100000 , Issues , Search Commission , 93234 , Impunity , Word , Cases , Convictions , Murders , 36 , Thousands , Commission , Rate , 99 , Eight , Death , Times , Missions , Personnel , Laws , Books , Amount , People Disappearing , Face , Problems , Corruption , Problem , Port , Journalists , Disappearance Crisis , Combination , Bodies , American Politics , Location , Cab , It Bicycle , Locations , Streets , Colleagues , Details , Staffer , Coronavirus , White House , Nancy Pelosi , Anything , Briefing , Eye , G JosÉ Diaz , Doctor , Treatment , Infection , Tb , Pres , Lung Inflammation , Remission , Brain Condition , Reactions , Skin Growths , Symptoms , Cancer , Sores , Stelara , Janssen , Cost Support Options , Ben Isn T , Plan , Planning Effect , Fidelity , Retirement , Team , Group , Market Conditions , Investment Professionals , Advice , Coaching , Ira , Zen , Family , Eggland , More Delicious , Best , Eggs , Doesn T , Cage Free , Classic , Superior Nutrition , 56 , Mask , White House Communications Director , Morning , Tweet , Contact , Approval , Fda , Children , 11 , Concern , Opportunity , Outreach , Hospital , Pediatricians , Communities , Vaccinated , Most , Event , Engagement , Campaigns , Phase , Fauci , Pandemic , Pbs , Discussion Point , Age , Moderna , Instagram , Twitter , Show , Privilege , Katy Tur , Holdouts , Eastern In Washington , Pacific , 8 , Zelenskyy , American Citizen , Cnn , Military Company , Sovereignty , Mother , Willie Joseph , Confirmation , Baby , Nbc News , 7 , Committee , Public , Gathering , Big City Blues , June 9th , January 6th , Populations , Doing , Equivalent , Areas , Wyoming , Ten , 20 ,

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