Transcripts For MSNBC On Assignment With Richard Engel 20240

Transcripts For MSNBC On Assignment With Richard Engel 20240708

days before keefe was attacked, it looked remarkably relaxed. even the vladimir putin had -- hugh kept saying it was a military exercise. most ukrainians believed his lie. maybe it was easier to accept them the truth. the collective sentiment was that the storm would pass. that putin was bluffing. no one seemed overly concerned about the americans urgent warnings that russia was about to strike. and then, in a moment, life suddenly changed. any future plans ukrainians had were gone. there are only priorities now. >> the most crazy when you hear children screaming, mother screaming. it's so crazy. >> you could see that man holding his baby that he is not crushed by this crowd. the train has opened, there is not room for everyone, clearly. no one wants to miss the strain. >> people are hugging, saying goodbye. and not sure if they will ever come back to this place. ukrainians had to evacuate. or fight. russia was trying to overthrow ukraine inner rapid blitzkrieg. for putin, ukraine was a pretend country that belonged under his iron fist. a fascist, near nazi state that needed to be destroyed. that is the idea. that a bunch of neo-nazis, run by a jewish president, one day would get a nuclear weapon, join nato and attack russia. that is the reason for all of this. it would be laughable if people weren't dying foreign. russian tanks rolled into ukraine, north, south, and east. announcing their arrival but the letter z. sirens became the soundtrack of the country. russia started bombing, shooting everything in its path. but the main target was the capital, kyiv. if putin could take city, ukraine would fall. russia hope the suburban town of irpin would be its way in. civilians were killed by russian shelling as they try to escape. >> what is going on? >> it is hell. every day, every second we hear bob, bomb, bomb! i am so ... dead bodies on my street. >> the only way in or out of irpin was across planks over an icy stream. the ukrainians blew up the bridge to slow down the russians advance of the city. >> this is now a reverse evacuation where people are leaving the suburbs, heading into the center of kyiv, hoping that they could find relative safety there in numbers and the built-up part of the city. but against all odds and predictions, ukrainian forces managed to hold on to her pain, keeping the russians back. so, russian forces changed strategies. since they couldn't get through the ukrainian army, they would go over it. bombs and missiles into kyiv. 65 year old was sleeping. a rocket struck her apartment. >> you are going to rebuild? fix everything and come back? nina was born in her three room apartment. it is the only place she had ever left. attacking apartment complexes like this is a terror campaign to frighten ukrainians into surrendering. it is not working. all of the damage here and across this country is only convincing ukrainians of the need to fight back more, for those everything. >> and that resolves came as a surprise to both vladimir putin and the last. >> putin clearly got this one wrong. he thought this would be a walk over, that in three days, russian ships would topple the government. it would be a celebrated victory. but this country banded together. determined. civilians volunteered and their thousands to stop the russian advance anyway because. >> there's only one ukraine. it is my city. it is my country. >> they were led by a president who never showed fear and never fly. >> the nba should inspire tens of thousands of ukrainians from across the world to come hall, to defend their country. the man moved beat isis in his 19 years old, joined the u.s. army, fought in afghanistan and became an american citizen. he is fighting with the city where he was born. >> we have a saying. freedom or death. it is not just empty words. we actually mean that. there is no way we are going to be under russian government. there is no way we are going to go back to ussr, or something like that. no. >> merrill was one of many ukrainians. daring to believe that this was a war they might just win. >> i think modern ukraine and ukrainians woke up, especially now. we are going to fight for freedom. that is. that every single person here. >> are people here willing to die for this? >> yeah, of course. all of us. >> it's not just a resistance. to show for russians coming down these roads. >> if they come down these roads, we are willing to die. we're going to do everything. they came to our home, trying to destroy us. people are united. what else do we have? we have no other choice. we stand divided, we fall. nice suits, you guys blend right in. the world needs you back. i'm retired greg, you know this. people have their money just sitting around doing nothing... that's bad, they shouldn't do that. they're getting crushed by inflation. well, i feel for them. they're taking financial advice from memes. [baby spits out milk] i'll get my onesies®. ♪ “baby one more time” by britney spears ♪ good to have you back, old friend. yeah, eyes on the road, benny. welcome to a new chapter in investing. 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(all): hail, caesar! pssst caesar! julius! dude, you should really check in with your team on ringcentral. i was thinking like... oh hi, caesar. we were just talking about you. ha ha ha. yeah, you should probably get out of here. not good. ♪ ♪ ♪ ringcentral ♪ the conflict in ukraine is really about's identity. russia seized its origin story in ukraine. this is something that vladimir putin has wholeheartedly embraced. it is a territory that russia sees as part of the motherland. >> mr. gorbachev, tear down this wall. >> reports of them heading towards red square, coming onto vehicles. >> in 1991, the soviet union collapsed. >> the soviet union is that. president gorbachev accepted the inevitability, and then signed a death certificate of the soviet empire. >> ukraine declared its independence from the ussr. >> there is a new country tonight, ukraine. >> the collapse of the soviet union was a fundamental tragedy for vladimir putin, and he wants to fix it. he believes that ukraine is the country that got away, that ukraine must be re-incorporated into russia. he believes that he is correcting history, that he, himself, is an agent of history. that is a profoundly dangerous kind of person. this is a war that was launched because of a math historian. [noise] [noise] vladimir putin's war plan was to rapidly overpower the ukrainian military. but the russian army was not up to the job. [noise] soldiers abandon their vehicles. tanks ran out of gas. ♪ ♪ ♪ you could imagine that the morale boost that that gave to the ukrainian people, that this vaunted russian army was stuck by the road, and the ukrainians were coming up and mocking them, telling their vehicles away. it felt good, and it reinforced that belief that ukrainians had before the war, that they could win. with russia's special military operation stalled, putin resorted to an old and brutal strategy, flattening and destroying cities, to break the ukrainian spirit. he made an example of the city of mariupol. variable is an industrial city of 400,000 on the sea of azov. it lies 35 miles from the russian border. >> it is very quiet here. >> we stayed in mariupol for about three weeks. mariupol lies exactly in between russia and crimea. crimea has been an extra russia, meaning it is now russian territory, so it stands to reason that putin would want to create a land bridge that connects russian territory to russian territory. if he will build a land bridge from crimea to russia, then you have to go to mary-able. you have to go to mariupol. >> and he is six months, and you are -- >> a met olga and her husband and her two children for the russians invaded. they lived a comfortable life and had no intention of leaving the home they love. >> the wheels on the bus go round and round, all through the town. >> we want to live a normal life, play with our children and go to work. we don't want to think about the war. but now, we have to prepare for maybe an escape from our city, from our home. we need to prepare our kids. >> they also prepared to defend themselves. >> [speaking foreign language] >> it was the first time olga, a teacher, had ever held a gun. her husband, in i. t. consultant, also joined a training. >> [speaking foreign language] >> [speaking foreign language] >> ♪ ♪ ♪ >> right before the invasion, the people of mariupol went to the streets to say to putin, did not invade in our nation. >> we do not feel that we have to be saved by him, because we speak russians, no ukrainians we can person is going to kill us. we do not feel that someone has to do this. >> putin has said repeatedly that there is a genocide going on here against russian -speaking people, against those that are sympathetic towards moscow? you are russian, is there a genocide here? >> no, there never has been. this is not the truth. this is totally a lie. it is a complete lie. this is never happened. >> [speaking foreign language] >> despite their pleas, putin attacked variable without mercy. putin was attacking civilians directly to force the people into submission. >> [noise] >> across mary-able, thousands were dying. >> [speaking foreign language] >> the city quickly became a living hell. >> [speaking foreign language] >> [noise] >> russia even bombed the maternity hospital. this woman and her unborn child died from their wounds. the family lived through this nightmare by hiding in a bunker for 15 days. [noise] >> [speaking foreign language] >> [speaking foreign language] >> [speaking foreign language] >> after the maternity hospital [speaking foreign language] >> after the maternity hospital was bombed, over and her husband knew nor safe. even though mariupol was surrounded, they managed to escape. the fighting continued. >> many around the world were appalled by what russia was doing in ukraine and started to protests, even inside russia. their voices were quickly silenced. put this responded to dissent with mass arrest and shutting down what little free media russia had. >> he elevated state propaganda to dangerous levels. ukrainians, all of them, the government and people, were nazis. and the russians opposing the war or even daring to call it a war or traitors scum. putin's approval ratings went up. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ >> putin wanted to make russia great again and restore russian pride. there are few things more dangerous then a nostalgic dictator. [sound of helicopter blades] ugh... they found me. ♪ ♪ nice suits, you guys blend right in. the world needs you back. i'm retired greg, you know this. people have their money just sitting around doing nothing... that's bad, they shouldn't do that. they're getting crushed by inflation. well, i feel for them. they're taking financial advice from memes. [baby spits out milk] i'll get my onesies®. ♪ “baby one more time” by britney spears ♪ good to have you back, old friend. yeah, eyes on the road, benny. welcome to a new chapter in investing. 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shingrix protects. you can protect yourself from shingles with a vaccine proven to be over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your pharmacist or doctor about shingrix. shingles doesn't care. but you should. >> if you expected ukraine would be able to hold out against russia for more than a few days. but one month and, ukrainians were not just defending themselves anymore. they were attacking. driving the russians back. >> outside the city of kharkiv, we saw how ukrainian forces were gaining the upper hand. >> this was a russian camp, you can see, they had all of their weapons here. dug out positions, and they were bombed. there are still some bodies in this area. they left a lot of their equipment behind. after what appears to have been a devastating attack. knocking out this encampment allowed ukrainian soldiers to advance and drive russian forces from a nearby village. that is where we met this family. they just emerged from hiding after 27 days in their seller. >> [speaking foreign language] >> alyssa who turned eight and the seller spent her time drawing. images of happier days. >> [speaking foreign language] >> what was it like for you to be stuck down here drawing on the walls? >> [speaking foreign language] >> now she is back drawing outside. down the street, i met 88 year old -- she was distraught and overwhelmed. >> [speaking foreign language] >> she had survived world war ii, but for her this was worse. >> [speaking foreign language] >> the russian troops had just left, she was struggling to take it all in. >> [speaking foreign language] >> and here we saw early warning signs of how russian troops were treating civilians in areas under russian control. we met andre, russian troops fired on him as he was trying to escape. his wife and daughter were with him in the family car. >> [speaking foreign language] >> his daughter survived, but his wife died in the car. >> [speaking foreign language] >> ukraine surprisingly fierce counterattack was soon inflicting heavy russian losses. within the first month of the war, nato said russia lost up to 15,000 troops. as many losses as the country suffered, during a decade in afghanistan. but putin didn't seem to care how many troops needed to be sacrificed. for him, conquering ukraine was key to his goal of restoring soviet glory. it was also personal. settling an old grudge that went back to the winter of 2014. when the revolution was in the air in kyiv. an opposition movement looking west and embracing democracy, and taking to the streets to demand that ukraine's then pro russian president stepped down. it was known as the maidan revolution. named after kyiv's main square. this woman was among the protesters. >> we became a family on the revolution. we saw that we could do everything, we can change ukraine, we choose the european path. >> [speaking foreign language] >> my don let a spark. protesters were forcing out putin's lackey -- and at long last ukrainians got a taste of freedom. >> something changed in the brain of people, because you understand that nothing is as valuable, just freedom. >> [speaking foreign language] >> and between this and freedom, we chose freedom. >> putin was enraged, and immediately retaliated by seizing the crimean peninsula and sending forces into eastern ukraine to incite a pro russian separatists rebellion. the street revolutionaries from maidan including adriana headed east to stop -- she joined the army as an assault troop. she said they were totally inexperienced at first, but learned quickly. >> it is very hard to kill a person, especially watching his eyes. i understood that if i would not kill the enemy they would kill me or my brother in arms. so i need to do this. >> eight years of fighting against the separatists not only give ukrainians combat experience, it turned this country into a nation of warriors. >> at war, it is easier to defend than to attack. because we know every single street here, and every single terrain. >> do you think you are going to win? >> right now it looks like we are winning. we are pushing them back. and some parts, we don't, but i think we will. because first of all, their army and soldiers are demoralized. >> russia's entire northern front around kyiv collapsed. the kremlin claimed it was merely adjusting priorities, shifting away from kyiv to focus on the east. but the russians were beaten. and there are surprise collapse allowed ukrainians, for the first time since the war started, to go back into towns and villages that have been under russian occupation. what they found was horrifying. [sound of helicopter blades] ugh... they found me. ♪ ♪ nice suits, you guys blend right in. the world needs you back. i'm retired greg, you know this. people have their money just sitting around doing nothing... that's bad, they shouldn't do that. they're getting crushed by inflation. well, i feel for them. they're taking financial advice from memes. [baby spits out milk] i'll get my onesies®. ♪ “baby one more time” by britney spears ♪ good to have you back, old friend. yeah, eyes on the road, benny. welcome to a new chapter in investing. 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(burke) get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. ♪we are farmers.bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum♪ the ukrainian fight back bloodied the russian so badly, they pulled all their forces from around kyiv. it was a humiliating defeat for putin. after the russian withdrawal, what the ukrainian army found shocked the world. the russians had acted more like marauders, not an army. they came, they killed, they luted and raped, and then retreated. bodies on the streets had their hands tied behind their backs executed at close range. the entire town of bucha, north of kyiv look like a crime scene. residents told me how their families and friends were hit by machine guns by russian forces. >> [speaking foreign language] >> [speaking foreign language] >> when president zelenskyy toured the area himself, he described what he saw as a genocide. it was apparent that the war was taking a toll on him. russian claimed the images coming out of bucha were all staged, and that ukrainian actors pretended to be dead. there was no blood on the sidewalk outside arenas home. her husband oleg was executed. oleg was a walter. he never served in the military because of a bad back, nor did he have a weapon. russian soldiers pulled him out of his home, which they set on fire, oleg was wearing slippers. >> [speaking foreign language] >> [speaking foreign language] >> [speaking foreign language] >> putin has the humanize the credit people. once you call people nazis, you can't really get much lower than that. you are saying that they don't even deserve to live. we only know what happened in bucha because russian troops were driven out. putin says russia is now in control of mariupol. the scale of the atrocity there can only be imagined. this family is thankful that they made it out of the city. olga, daniil and their two boys drove 2000 miles to five countries and ended up in norway. >> [speaking foreign language] >> [speaking foreign language] >> [speaking foreign language] >> in just six weeks, putin's war forced more than 11 million ukrainians from their homes and tore families apart. andriy anna, the battle hardened mother and soldier, stayed in ukraine to fight. that meant saying goodbye to her six-year-old son. >> yesterday, my son was with my mom in the west of ukraine. i said goodbye to him, and, yesterday, i had a feeling that it could be the last time, the last day that i see him. >> [speaking foreign language] >> i understood that i need to write letters for the future to him, to explain to him who i am and who his father's. can we take a five minute break? >> your attention please, the train -- >> the moscow regime will not stop on ukraine, and we need to have a victory in his battle because the history will repeat. >> [speaking foreign language] >> [speaking foreign language] >> the world called the phrase, never again, it is because everything is happening again and also because of one crazy guy who wants to be the king of the earth. ou only pay for whatchya line? need. liberty biberty— cut. liberty... are we married to mutual? only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ [sound of helicopter blades] only pay for what you need. ugh... they found me. ♪ ♪ nice suits, you guys blend right in. the world needs you back. i'm retired greg, you know this. people have their money just sitting around doing nothing... that's bad, they shouldn't do that. they're getting crushed by inflation. well, i feel for them. they're taking financial advice from memes. [baby spits out milk] i'll get my onesies®. ♪ “baby one more time” by britney spears ♪ good to have you back, old friend. yeah, eyes on the road, benny. welcome to a new chapter in investing. [ding] e*trade now from morgan stanley. [yawn] bro trip! if you book with priceline, you'll save more, so you can “broooo” more. [impressed] broooooo. broooo!!!! broooo!!!! broooo!!!! [in unison] brooooooooo!!!! 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[speaking foreign language] the glory and freedom of ukraine has not yet perished. >> this war has elevated that -- of ukrainians and their image around the world. people may not have had a clear impression of who the ukrainian people are, or where ukraine's. now they now. perseverance at even winning the first round against russia, may not be enough to win what is likely going to be a long war. russia has learned from its early mistakes. putin appointed a new general ran the war. alexander dvornikov, dubbed the butcher of syria, known for his brutality and complete disregard for civilian lives. tough days are coming. after witnessing the atrocities in bucha firsthand, president zelenskyy said diplomacy and sanctions were no longer enough. >> we need heavy artillery, armed vehicles, air defense systems and combat aircraft. anything to repel russian forces and stop there were crimes. >> the united states and europe have praised president zelenskyy, but nato leaders have said repeatedly they won't intervene and won't impose a no-fly zone to help ukrainians deliver a knockout blow to russia. and why? because vladimir putin has 6000 nuclear weapons. >> putin is showing to the world is that if you have a new look, and you can prove it, and wave it around, you can do whatever you want. >> and our way, this family dreams of home. they want to one day return to mariupol and rebuild. [speaking foreign language] >> i hope that the worst finished at we can come back for our country, for burial pull. we build the city again. i really hope so. >> there isn't much to return to in mariupol. the city has been raised to the ground. how many more cities and depth like this? how long this war lasts depends on one man. he is all in. >> what makes this war so dangerous is that putin knows that he is a great chess player. is a poker player. he has pushed all of his chips into the center of the table and he can't lose. if putin loses, he loses everything. that is a profoundly dangerous position. the war, so far, has taken a massive toll on the people of ukraine. the next stage could be even more brutal. but ukraine is a nation of survivors. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner with access to financial advice, tools and a personalized plan that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. this is vuity™, the first and only fda approved eye-drop that improves age-related blurry near vision. wait, what? it sounded like you just said an eye drop that may help you see up close. i did. it's an innovative way to... so, wait. i don't always have to wear reading glasses? yeah! vuity™ helps you see up close. so, i can see up close with just my eyes? uh-huh. with one drop in each eye, once daily. in focus? yep. 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[baby spits out milk] i'll get my onesies®. ♪ “baby one more time” by britney spears ♪ good to have you back, old friend. yeah, eyes on the road, benny. welcome to a new chapter in investing. [ding] e*trade now from morgan stanley. ready to style in just one step? introducing new tresemme one step stylers. five professional benefits. one simple step. totally effortless. styling has never been easier. tresemme. do it with style. when it comes to tech, everyone wants the. stylingnext best thing.easier. now with xfi complete from xfinity, you can get updated wifi technology with the new tech upgrade program. plus, protection from cyber threats at home and now on the go. so staying up to date is easier than ever. you look great by the way. right? unbeatable internet. made to do anything so you can do anything. only xfinity will upgrade your tech after 3 years for a more reliable connection. get that and more with xfi complete. tonight, will there be upgrade today. consequences? kevin mccarthy on the defensive after lying about telling the truth when he said in private that nobody can or should defend the former guy's actions on january six. then with the war in ukraine about the end among three, russia's focus to the south and east as more atrocities are discovered in the besieged city of mariupol. plus, we wrap up a week that's all republicans on the attack, cotton lies and still declaring loyalty to a twice impeached former president with one of our favorite story ends, as the 11th hour gets underway on this friday night. good evening, once again, i am in for stephanie ruhle. there are developments tonight on the war i

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Safety , Suburbs , Center , Numbers , Forces , Muscle Pain , Predictions , Against All Odds , Ukrainian Army , Bombs , Strategies , Missiles , Apartment , Sleeping , Rocket , 65 , Everything , Nina , Room Apartment , Three , Terror Campaign , Surrendering , Surprise , Damage , Government , Last , Ships , Walk Over , Wrong , Victory , Thousands , Advance , Who , Fear , World , Inspire , Nba , Hall , Old , Citizen , Words , Saying , Afghanistan , U S Army , Beat Isis , 19 , Something , Ussr , Russian Government , Merrill , Person , Roads , All Of Us , Resistance , Course , Home , United , Nothing , Suits , Inflation , Greg , Money , Advice , On The Road , Investing , Memes , Onesies , Milk , Chapter , Friend , Baby One More Time , Britney Spears , Benny , E Trade , Morgan Stanley , Bipolar Depression , Latuda , Depression , Symptoms , Lows , Stories , Fog , Art , Studies , Difference , Doctor , Children , Stroke , Risk , Adults , Thoughts , Impact , Weight , Behavior Changes , Antidepressants , Dementia , Patients , Side Effects , Report Fever , Pay , Prescription , Muscle Movements , Confusion , Aren T , Permanent , Zero , Zero Dollars , Caesar , Hail , Team , Ringcentral , Ha , Dude , Ukraine , Conflict , Identity , Territory , Origin Story , Motherland , Gorbachev , Reports , Mr , Red Square , Vehicles , Death Certificate , Inevitability , Soviet Empire , 1991 , Collapse , Independence , Tragedy , Agent , He , Math Historian , Kind , Noise , Russian Army , War Plan , Ukrainian Military , Soldiers , Out Of Gas , Job , Road , Morale Boost , I T , Felt Good , Belief , Special Military Operation , Cities , Strategy , Flattening , Destroying , Ukrainian Spirit , Variable , Of Mariupol , Example , Sea Of Azov , 400000 , 35 , Mariupol , Crimea , Border , Land Bridge , Six , Olga , Husband , Intention , Two , Round , Wheels On The Bus , Kids , Escape , Language , Time , Training , Consultant , Gun , Nation , Streets , Invasion , Genocide , Someone , Moscow , Pleas , Mercy , Submission , Mary , Quickly , Living Hell , Woman , Child , Wounds , Maternity Hospital , Family , Hiding , Nightmare , Bunker , 15 , Safe , Fighting , Many , Protests , Media , Voices , Mass Arrest , Levels , State Propaganda , Nazis , War , Approval Ratings , Traitors , Russia Great Again And Restore Russian Pride , Things , Dictator , Sound , Helicopter Blades , Mental Health , Mental Health Meds , Story , Movements , Body , Tardive Dyskinesia , Mind , Ingrezza , Treatment , Td , Td Movements , Prescription Medicine , Food , Pill , 80 , Ingredients , Dose , Activities , Sleepiness , Don T , Operate Heavy Machinery , Don T Drive , Ingrezza May , 10 , 7 , Heart Rhythm Problems , Bike , 1 , Shingles , Protection , Doesn T Care , Moves , Vegetables , 3 , Shingrix , Vaccine , Matter , Immune System Declines , 90 , Fainting , Reactions , Guillain BarrÉ Syndrome , 50 , Headache , Pharmacist , Redness , Fever , Swelling , Tiredness , Injection Site , Stomach , Shivering , Shingles Doesn T Care , Kharkiv , Hand , Camp , Weapons , Area , Lot , Positions , Equipment , Encampment , Village , Alyssa , Seller , Eight , 27 , Images , Drawing , Walls , The Street , 88 , Troops , Andre , Areas , Warning , Signs , Daughter , Car , Wife , Losses , Counterattack , Month , Didn T , 15000 , Glory , Goal , Revolution , Grudge , Air , Winter , 2014 , Democracy , Opposition Movement Looking West , Maidan Revolution , Protesters , Main Square , European , Don Let A Spark , Lackey , Brain , A Taste Of Freedom , Just Freedom , Street , Revolutionaries , Russian Separatists Rebellion , Army , First , Assault Troop , Stop , Maidan , Eyes , Arms , Enemy , Brother , Separatists , Experience , Terrain , Warriors , Parts , We Don T , Front , Kremlin , Towns , Villages , Occupation , Heart , Breath , Spaghetti , Condition , Didn T Wait , Times , Book , Doctors , Atrial Fibrillation , Five , Driver , More , Heartbeat , Chest Pain , Lightheadedness , Fatigue , Shortness , Heart Racing , Drivers , Farmers , Turn , Driver Discount , Appreciation , Bystander , Farmers Policy Perk , 2 , Bum , Driving Record , Burke , Farmers Policy Perks , Pa Dum , Defeat , Withdrawal , Marauders , Backs , Bucha , Families , Residents , Crime Scene , Friends Were Hit By Machine Guns , Zelenskyy , Toll , Actors , Oleg , Sidewalk Outside Arenas Home , Weapon , Back , Walter , Slippers , On Fire , Credit People , Humanize , Control , Atrocity , Scale , Countries , Boys , Daniil , 2000 , Norway , 11 Million , Andriy Anna , Homes , Soldier , Battle Hardened , Son , Mom , West , Feeling , Letters , Father , Attention , Regime , Battle , Phrase , Guy , Whatchya , King , Earth , Liberty , Need , Liberty Biberty Cut , Trip , Broooo , Yawn , Priceline , Owner , Investor , Access , Thing , Deal , Broooooo , Unison , Disappointed , Splash , Plan , Future , Tools , Savings , Prescriptions , Night Searching , Vanguard , Costs Options , Coupons , Bucks , Filling , Cvs , 0 , Strength , Determination , Price , Tens Of Thousands , Millions , Line , Stake , Anthem , Fighting Spirit , Impression , Image , Perseverance , Long War , Mistakes , Putin Appointed A New General Ran The War , Alexander Dvornikov , Butcher , Disregard , Lives , Brutality , Syria , Atrocities , Diplomacy , Artillery , Bucha Firsthand , Sanctions , Anything , Crimes , Aircraft , Combat , Air Defense Systems , Leaders , Won T , Knockout Blow , No Fly Zone , Look , 6000 , Isn T , Ground , Burial Pull , Depth , Chess Player , Poker Player , Table , Chips , Putin Loses , Position , Stage , Survivors , Eye Drop , Vuitytm , Vision , Wait , Fda , Reading Glasses , Drop , Uh Huh , Prescription Eye Drop , Eye , Focus , Caution , Vuity , Yep , Machinery , Vision Loss , Eye Redness , Style , Step , Step Stylers , Benefits , Styling , Xfinity , Technology , Wifi , Tech Upgrade Program , Stylingnext , Xfi , Tresemme , Internet , Threats , Go , Connection , Xfi Complete , Upgrade Today , Kevin Mccarthy , Actions , Consequences , Nobody , Defensive , Cotton , Loyalty , Republicans , Developments , Friday Night , 11th Hour , Stephanie Ruhle , 11 ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC On Assignment With Richard Engel 20240708 :

Transcripts For MSNBC On Assignment With Richard Engel 20240708

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days before keefe was attacked, it looked remarkably relaxed. even the vladimir putin had -- hugh kept saying it was a military exercise. most ukrainians believed his lie. maybe it was easier to accept them the truth. the collective sentiment was that the storm would pass. that putin was bluffing. no one seemed overly concerned about the americans urgent warnings that russia was about to strike. and then, in a moment, life suddenly changed. any future plans ukrainians had were gone. there are only priorities now. >> the most crazy when you hear children screaming, mother screaming. it's so crazy. >> you could see that man holding his baby that he is not crushed by this crowd. the train has opened, there is not room for everyone, clearly. no one wants to miss the strain. >> people are hugging, saying goodbye. and not sure if they will ever come back to this place. ukrainians had to evacuate. or fight. russia was trying to overthrow ukraine inner rapid blitzkrieg. for putin, ukraine was a pretend country that belonged under his iron fist. a fascist, near nazi state that needed to be destroyed. that is the idea. that a bunch of neo-nazis, run by a jewish president, one day would get a nuclear weapon, join nato and attack russia. that is the reason for all of this. it would be laughable if people weren't dying foreign. russian tanks rolled into ukraine, north, south, and east. announcing their arrival but the letter z. sirens became the soundtrack of the country. russia started bombing, shooting everything in its path. but the main target was the capital, kyiv. if putin could take city, ukraine would fall. russia hope the suburban town of irpin would be its way in. civilians were killed by russian shelling as they try to escape. >> what is going on? >> it is hell. every day, every second we hear bob, bomb, bomb! i am so ... dead bodies on my street. >> the only way in or out of irpin was across planks over an icy stream. the ukrainians blew up the bridge to slow down the russians advance of the city. >> this is now a reverse evacuation where people are leaving the suburbs, heading into the center of kyiv, hoping that they could find relative safety there in numbers and the built-up part of the city. but against all odds and predictions, ukrainian forces managed to hold on to her pain, keeping the russians back. so, russian forces changed strategies. since they couldn't get through the ukrainian army, they would go over it. bombs and missiles into kyiv. 65 year old was sleeping. a rocket struck her apartment. >> you are going to rebuild? fix everything and come back? nina was born in her three room apartment. it is the only place she had ever left. attacking apartment complexes like this is a terror campaign to frighten ukrainians into surrendering. it is not working. all of the damage here and across this country is only convincing ukrainians of the need to fight back more, for those everything. >> and that resolves came as a surprise to both vladimir putin and the last. >> putin clearly got this one wrong. he thought this would be a walk over, that in three days, russian ships would topple the government. it would be a celebrated victory. but this country banded together. determined. civilians volunteered and their thousands to stop the russian advance anyway because. >> there's only one ukraine. it is my city. it is my country. >> they were led by a president who never showed fear and never fly. >> the nba should inspire tens of thousands of ukrainians from across the world to come hall, to defend their country. the man moved beat isis in his 19 years old, joined the u.s. army, fought in afghanistan and became an american citizen. he is fighting with the city where he was born. >> we have a saying. freedom or death. it is not just empty words. we actually mean that. there is no way we are going to be under russian government. there is no way we are going to go back to ussr, or something like that. no. >> merrill was one of many ukrainians. daring to believe that this was a war they might just win. >> i think modern ukraine and ukrainians woke up, especially now. we are going to fight for freedom. that is. that every single person here. >> are people here willing to die for this? >> yeah, of course. all of us. >> it's not just a resistance. to show for russians coming down these roads. >> if they come down these roads, we are willing to die. we're going to do everything. they came to our home, trying to destroy us. people are united. what else do we have? we have no other choice. we stand divided, we fall. nice suits, you guys blend right in. the world needs you back. i'm retired greg, you know this. people have their money just sitting around doing nothing... that's bad, they shouldn't do that. they're getting crushed by inflation. well, i feel for them. they're taking financial advice from memes. [baby spits out milk] i'll get my onesies®. ♪ “baby one more time” by britney spears ♪ good to have you back, old friend. yeah, eyes on the road, benny. welcome to a new chapter in investing. [ding] e*trade now from morgan stanley. bipolar depression. it made me feel trapped in a fog. this is art inspired by real stories of bipolar depression. i just couldn't find my way out of it. the lows of bipolar depression can take you to a dark place. latuda could make a real difference in your symptoms. latuda was proven to significantly reduce bipolar depression symptoms and in clinical studies, had no substantial impact on weight. this is where i want to be. call your doctor about sudden behavior changes or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements, which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. now i'm back where i belong. ask your doctor if latuda is right for you. pay as little as zero dollars for your first prescription. ♪ ♪ i came, i saw, i conquered. (all): hail, caesar! pssst caesar! julius! dude, you should really check in with your team on ringcentral. i was thinking like... oh hi, caesar. we were just talking about you. ha ha ha. yeah, you should probably get out of here. not good. ♪ ♪ ♪ ringcentral ♪ the conflict in ukraine is really about's identity. russia seized its origin story in ukraine. this is something that vladimir putin has wholeheartedly embraced. it is a territory that russia sees as part of the motherland. >> mr. gorbachev, tear down this wall. >> reports of them heading towards red square, coming onto vehicles. >> in 1991, the soviet union collapsed. >> the soviet union is that. president gorbachev accepted the inevitability, and then signed a death certificate of the soviet empire. >> ukraine declared its independence from the ussr. >> there is a new country tonight, ukraine. >> the collapse of the soviet union was a fundamental tragedy for vladimir putin, and he wants to fix it. he believes that ukraine is the country that got away, that ukraine must be re-incorporated into russia. he believes that he is correcting history, that he, himself, is an agent of history. that is a profoundly dangerous kind of person. this is a war that was launched because of a math historian. [noise] [noise] vladimir putin's war plan was to rapidly overpower the ukrainian military. but the russian army was not up to the job. [noise] soldiers abandon their vehicles. tanks ran out of gas. ♪ ♪ ♪ you could imagine that the morale boost that that gave to the ukrainian people, that this vaunted russian army was stuck by the road, and the ukrainians were coming up and mocking them, telling their vehicles away. it felt good, and it reinforced that belief that ukrainians had before the war, that they could win. with russia's special military operation stalled, putin resorted to an old and brutal strategy, flattening and destroying cities, to break the ukrainian spirit. he made an example of the city of mariupol. variable is an industrial city of 400,000 on the sea of azov. it lies 35 miles from the russian border. >> it is very quiet here. >> we stayed in mariupol for about three weeks. mariupol lies exactly in between russia and crimea. crimea has been an extra russia, meaning it is now russian territory, so it stands to reason that putin would want to create a land bridge that connects russian territory to russian territory. if he will build a land bridge from crimea to russia, then you have to go to mary-able. you have to go to mariupol. >> and he is six months, and you are -- >> a met olga and her husband and her two children for the russians invaded. they lived a comfortable life and had no intention of leaving the home they love. >> the wheels on the bus go round and round, all through the town. >> we want to live a normal life, play with our children and go to work. we don't want to think about the war. but now, we have to prepare for maybe an escape from our city, from our home. we need to prepare our kids. >> they also prepared to defend themselves. >> [speaking foreign language] >> it was the first time olga, a teacher, had ever held a gun. her husband, in i. t. consultant, also joined a training. >> [speaking foreign language] >> [speaking foreign language] >> ♪ ♪ ♪ >> right before the invasion, the people of mariupol went to the streets to say to putin, did not invade in our nation. >> we do not feel that we have to be saved by him, because we speak russians, no ukrainians we can person is going to kill us. we do not feel that someone has to do this. >> putin has said repeatedly that there is a genocide going on here against russian -speaking people, against those that are sympathetic towards moscow? you are russian, is there a genocide here? >> no, there never has been. this is not the truth. this is totally a lie. it is a complete lie. this is never happened. >> [speaking foreign language] >> despite their pleas, putin attacked variable without mercy. putin was attacking civilians directly to force the people into submission. >> [noise] >> across mary-able, thousands were dying. >> [speaking foreign language] >> the city quickly became a living hell. >> [speaking foreign language] >> [noise] >> russia even bombed the maternity hospital. this woman and her unborn child died from their wounds. the family lived through this nightmare by hiding in a bunker for 15 days. [noise] >> [speaking foreign language] >> [speaking foreign language] >> [speaking foreign language] >> after the maternity hospital [speaking foreign language] >> after the maternity hospital was bombed, over and her husband knew nor safe. even though mariupol was surrounded, they managed to escape. the fighting continued. >> many around the world were appalled by what russia was doing in ukraine and started to protests, even inside russia. their voices were quickly silenced. put this responded to dissent with mass arrest and shutting down what little free media russia had. >> he elevated state propaganda to dangerous levels. ukrainians, all of them, the government and people, were nazis. and the russians opposing the war or even daring to call it a war or traitors scum. putin's approval ratings went up. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ >> putin wanted to make russia great again and restore russian pride. there are few things more dangerous then a nostalgic dictator. [sound of helicopter blades] ugh... they found me. ♪ ♪ nice suits, you guys blend right in. the world needs you back. i'm retired greg, you know this. people have their money just sitting around doing nothing... that's bad, they shouldn't do that. they're getting crushed by inflation. well, i feel for them. they're taking financial advice from memes. [baby spits out milk] i'll get my onesies®. ♪ “baby one more time” by britney spears ♪ good to have you back, old friend. yeah, eyes on the road, benny. welcome to a new chapter in investing. 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shingrix protects. you can protect yourself from shingles with a vaccine proven to be over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your pharmacist or doctor about shingrix. shingles doesn't care. but you should. >> if you expected ukraine would be able to hold out against russia for more than a few days. but one month and, ukrainians were not just defending themselves anymore. they were attacking. driving the russians back. >> outside the city of kharkiv, we saw how ukrainian forces were gaining the upper hand. >> this was a russian camp, you can see, they had all of their weapons here. dug out positions, and they were bombed. there are still some bodies in this area. they left a lot of their equipment behind. after what appears to have been a devastating attack. knocking out this encampment allowed ukrainian soldiers to advance and drive russian forces from a nearby village. that is where we met this family. they just emerged from hiding after 27 days in their seller. >> [speaking foreign language] >> alyssa who turned eight and the seller spent her time drawing. images of happier days. >> [speaking foreign language] >> what was it like for you to be stuck down here drawing on the walls? >> [speaking foreign language] >> now she is back drawing outside. down the street, i met 88 year old -- she was distraught and overwhelmed. >> [speaking foreign language] >> she had survived world war ii, but for her this was worse. >> [speaking foreign language] >> the russian troops had just left, she was struggling to take it all in. >> [speaking foreign language] >> and here we saw early warning signs of how russian troops were treating civilians in areas under russian control. we met andre, russian troops fired on him as he was trying to escape. his wife and daughter were with him in the family car. >> [speaking foreign language] >> his daughter survived, but his wife died in the car. >> [speaking foreign language] >> ukraine surprisingly fierce counterattack was soon inflicting heavy russian losses. within the first month of the war, nato said russia lost up to 15,000 troops. as many losses as the country suffered, during a decade in afghanistan. but putin didn't seem to care how many troops needed to be sacrificed. for him, conquering ukraine was key to his goal of restoring soviet glory. it was also personal. settling an old grudge that went back to the winter of 2014. when the revolution was in the air in kyiv. an opposition movement looking west and embracing democracy, and taking to the streets to demand that ukraine's then pro russian president stepped down. it was known as the maidan revolution. named after kyiv's main square. this woman was among the protesters. >> we became a family on the revolution. we saw that we could do everything, we can change ukraine, we choose the european path. >> [speaking foreign language] >> my don let a spark. protesters were forcing out putin's lackey -- and at long last ukrainians got a taste of freedom. >> something changed in the brain of people, because you understand that nothing is as valuable, just freedom. >> [speaking foreign language] >> and between this and freedom, we chose freedom. >> putin was enraged, and immediately retaliated by seizing the crimean peninsula and sending forces into eastern ukraine to incite a pro russian separatists rebellion. the street revolutionaries from maidan including adriana headed east to stop -- she joined the army as an assault troop. she said they were totally inexperienced at first, but learned quickly. >> it is very hard to kill a person, especially watching his eyes. i understood that if i would not kill the enemy they would kill me or my brother in arms. so i need to do this. >> eight years of fighting against the separatists not only give ukrainians combat experience, it turned this country into a nation of warriors. >> at war, it is easier to defend than to attack. because we know every single street here, and every single terrain. >> do you think you are going to win? >> right now it looks like we are winning. we are pushing them back. and some parts, we don't, but i think we will. because first of all, their army and soldiers are demoralized. >> russia's entire northern front around kyiv collapsed. the kremlin claimed it was merely adjusting priorities, shifting away from kyiv to focus on the east. but the russians were beaten. and there are surprise collapse allowed ukrainians, for the first time since the war started, to go back into towns and villages that have been under russian occupation. what they found was horrifying. [sound of helicopter blades] ugh... they found me. ♪ ♪ nice suits, you guys blend right in. the world needs you back. i'm retired greg, you know this. people have their money just sitting around doing nothing... that's bad, they shouldn't do that. they're getting crushed by inflation. well, i feel for them. they're taking financial advice from memes. [baby spits out milk] i'll get my onesies®. ♪ “baby one more time” by britney spears ♪ good to have you back, old friend. yeah, eyes on the road, benny. welcome to a new chapter in investing. [ding] e*trade now from morgan stanley. i could've waited to tell my doctor my heart was racing just making spaghetti... but i didn't wait. i could've delayed telling my doctor i was short of breath just reading a book... but i didn't wait. they told their doctors. and found out they had... atrial fibrillation. a condition which makes it about five times more likely to have a stroke. if you have one or more of these symptoms irregular heartbeat, heart racing, chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue or lightheadedness, contact your doctor. this is no time to wait. (driver 1) it's all you. contact your doctor. (driver 2) no, i insist. (driver 1) it's your turn. (driver 2) nope, i think it's your turn. (driver 1) i appreciate you so much, thank you so much... go. (driver 2) i appreciate your appreciation. it fills me. (burke) safe drivers save money with farmers. (bystander) just for driving safely? (burke) it's a farmers policy perk. get farmers and you could get a safe driver discount simply for having a clean driving record for three years. (driver 3) come on! (driver 1) after you. (driver 2) after you. (drivers 1 and 2) safety first! (burke) get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. ♪we are farmers.bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum♪ the ukrainian fight back bloodied the russian so badly, they pulled all their forces from around kyiv. it was a humiliating defeat for putin. after the russian withdrawal, what the ukrainian army found shocked the world. the russians had acted more like marauders, not an army. they came, they killed, they luted and raped, and then retreated. bodies on the streets had their hands tied behind their backs executed at close range. the entire town of bucha, north of kyiv look like a crime scene. residents told me how their families and friends were hit by machine guns by russian forces. >> [speaking foreign language] >> [speaking foreign language] >> when president zelenskyy toured the area himself, he described what he saw as a genocide. it was apparent that the war was taking a toll on him. russian claimed the images coming out of bucha were all staged, and that ukrainian actors pretended to be dead. there was no blood on the sidewalk outside arenas home. her husband oleg was executed. oleg was a walter. he never served in the military because of a bad back, nor did he have a weapon. russian soldiers pulled him out of his home, which they set on fire, oleg was wearing slippers. >> [speaking foreign language] >> [speaking foreign language] >> [speaking foreign language] >> putin has the humanize the credit people. once you call people nazis, you can't really get much lower than that. you are saying that they don't even deserve to live. we only know what happened in bucha because russian troops were driven out. putin says russia is now in control of mariupol. the scale of the atrocity there can only be imagined. this family is thankful that they made it out of the city. olga, daniil and their two boys drove 2000 miles to five countries and ended up in norway. >> [speaking foreign language] >> [speaking foreign language] >> [speaking foreign language] >> in just six weeks, putin's war forced more than 11 million ukrainians from their homes and tore families apart. andriy anna, the battle hardened mother and soldier, stayed in ukraine to fight. that meant saying goodbye to her six-year-old son. >> yesterday, my son was with my mom in the west of ukraine. i said goodbye to him, and, yesterday, i had a feeling that it could be the last time, the last day that i see him. >> [speaking foreign language] >> i understood that i need to write letters for the future to him, to explain to him who i am and who his father's. can we take a five minute break? >> your attention please, the train -- >> the moscow regime will not stop on ukraine, and we need to have a victory in his battle because the history will repeat. >> [speaking foreign language] >> [speaking foreign language] >> the world called the phrase, never again, it is because everything is happening again and also because of one crazy guy who wants to be the king of the earth. ou only pay for whatchya line? need. liberty biberty— cut. liberty... are we married to mutual? only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ [sound of helicopter blades] only pay for what you need. ugh... they found me. ♪ ♪ nice suits, you guys blend right in. the world needs you back. i'm retired greg, you know this. people have their money just sitting around doing nothing... that's bad, they shouldn't do that. they're getting crushed by inflation. well, i feel for them. they're taking financial advice from memes. [baby spits out milk] i'll get my onesies®. ♪ “baby one more time” by britney spears ♪ good to have you back, old friend. yeah, eyes on the road, benny. welcome to a new chapter in investing. [ding] e*trade now from morgan stanley. [yawn] bro trip! if you book with priceline, you'll save more, so you can “broooo” more. [impressed] broooooo. broooo!!!! broooo!!!! broooo!!!! [in unison] brooooooooo!!!! 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[speaking foreign language] the glory and freedom of ukraine has not yet perished. >> this war has elevated that -- of ukrainians and their image around the world. people may not have had a clear impression of who the ukrainian people are, or where ukraine's. now they now. perseverance at even winning the first round against russia, may not be enough to win what is likely going to be a long war. russia has learned from its early mistakes. putin appointed a new general ran the war. alexander dvornikov, dubbed the butcher of syria, known for his brutality and complete disregard for civilian lives. tough days are coming. after witnessing the atrocities in bucha firsthand, president zelenskyy said diplomacy and sanctions were no longer enough. >> we need heavy artillery, armed vehicles, air defense systems and combat aircraft. anything to repel russian forces and stop there were crimes. >> the united states and europe have praised president zelenskyy, but nato leaders have said repeatedly they won't intervene and won't impose a no-fly zone to help ukrainians deliver a knockout blow to russia. and why? because vladimir putin has 6000 nuclear weapons. >> putin is showing to the world is that if you have a new look, and you can prove it, and wave it around, you can do whatever you want. >> and our way, this family dreams of home. they want to one day return to mariupol and rebuild. [speaking foreign language] >> i hope that the worst finished at we can come back for our country, for burial pull. we build the city again. i really hope so. >> there isn't much to return to in mariupol. the city has been raised to the ground. how many more cities and depth like this? how long this war lasts depends on one man. he is all in. >> what makes this war so dangerous is that putin knows that he is a great chess player. is a poker player. he has pushed all of his chips into the center of the table and he can't lose. if putin loses, he loses everything. that is a profoundly dangerous position. the war, so far, has taken a massive toll on the people of ukraine. the next stage could be even more brutal. but ukraine is a nation of survivors. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner with access to financial advice, tools and a personalized plan that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. this is vuity™, the first and only fda approved eye-drop that improves age-related blurry near vision. wait, what? it sounded like you just said an eye drop that may help you see up close. i did. it's an innovative way to... so, wait. i don't always have to wear reading glasses? yeah! vuity™ helps you see up close. so, i can see up close with just my eyes? uh-huh. with one drop in each eye, once daily. in focus? yep. 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Safety , Suburbs , Center , Numbers , Forces , Muscle Pain , Predictions , Against All Odds , Ukrainian Army , Bombs , Strategies , Missiles , Apartment , Sleeping , Rocket , 65 , Everything , Nina , Room Apartment , Three , Terror Campaign , Surrendering , Surprise , Damage , Government , Last , Ships , Walk Over , Wrong , Victory , Thousands , Advance , Who , Fear , World , Inspire , Nba , Hall , Old , Citizen , Words , Saying , Afghanistan , U S Army , Beat Isis , 19 , Something , Ussr , Russian Government , Merrill , Person , Roads , All Of Us , Resistance , Course , Home , United , Nothing , Suits , Inflation , Greg , Money , Advice , On The Road , Investing , Memes , Onesies , Milk , Chapter , Friend , Baby One More Time , Britney Spears , Benny , E Trade , Morgan Stanley , Bipolar Depression , Latuda , Depression , Symptoms , Lows , Stories , Fog , Art , Studies , Difference , Doctor , Children , Stroke , Risk , Adults , Thoughts , Impact , Weight , Behavior Changes , Antidepressants , Dementia , Patients , Side Effects , Report Fever , Pay , Prescription , Muscle Movements , Confusion , Aren T , Permanent , Zero , Zero Dollars , Caesar , Hail , Team , Ringcentral , Ha , Dude , Ukraine , Conflict , Identity , Territory , Origin Story , Motherland , Gorbachev , Reports , Mr , Red Square , Vehicles , Death Certificate , Inevitability , Soviet Empire , 1991 , Collapse , Independence , Tragedy , Agent , He , Math Historian , Kind , Noise , Russian Army , War Plan , Ukrainian Military , Soldiers , Out Of Gas , Job , Road , Morale Boost , I T , Felt Good , Belief , Special Military Operation , Cities , Strategy , Flattening , Destroying , Ukrainian Spirit , Variable , Of Mariupol , Example , Sea Of Azov , 400000 , 35 , Mariupol , Crimea , Border , Land Bridge , Six , Olga , Husband , Intention , Two , Round , Wheels On The Bus , Kids , Escape , Language , Time , Training , Consultant , Gun , Nation , Streets , Invasion , Genocide , Someone , Moscow , Pleas , Mercy , Submission , Mary , Quickly , Living Hell , Woman , Child , Wounds , Maternity Hospital , Family , Hiding , Nightmare , Bunker , 15 , Safe , Fighting , Many , Protests , Media , Voices , Mass Arrest , Levels , State Propaganda , Nazis , War , Approval Ratings , Traitors , Russia Great Again And Restore Russian Pride , Things , Dictator , Sound , Helicopter Blades , Mental Health , Mental Health Meds , Story , Movements , Body , Tardive Dyskinesia , Mind , Ingrezza , Treatment , Td , Td Movements , Prescription Medicine , Food , Pill , 80 , Ingredients , Dose , Activities , Sleepiness , Don T , Operate Heavy Machinery , Don T Drive , Ingrezza May , 10 , 7 , Heart Rhythm Problems , Bike , 1 , Shingles , Protection , Doesn T Care , Moves , Vegetables , 3 , Shingrix , Vaccine , Matter , Immune System Declines , 90 , Fainting , Reactions , Guillain BarrÉ Syndrome , 50 , Headache , Pharmacist , Redness , Fever , Swelling , Tiredness , Injection Site , Stomach , Shivering , Shingles Doesn T Care , Kharkiv , Hand , Camp , Weapons , Area , Lot , Positions , Equipment , Encampment , Village , Alyssa , Seller , Eight , 27 , Images , Drawing , Walls , The Street , 88 , Troops , Andre , Areas , Warning , Signs , Daughter , Car , Wife , Losses , Counterattack , Month , Didn T , 15000 , Glory , Goal , Revolution , Grudge , Air , Winter , 2014 , Democracy , Opposition Movement Looking West , Maidan Revolution , Protesters , Main Square , European , Don Let A Spark , Lackey , Brain , A Taste Of Freedom , Just Freedom , Street , Revolutionaries , Russian Separatists Rebellion , Army , First , Assault Troop , Stop , Maidan , Eyes , Arms , Enemy , Brother , Separatists , Experience , Terrain , Warriors , Parts , We Don T , Front , Kremlin , Towns , Villages , Occupation , Heart , Breath , Spaghetti , Condition , Didn T Wait , Times , Book , Doctors , Atrial Fibrillation , Five , Driver , More , Heartbeat , Chest Pain , Lightheadedness , Fatigue , Shortness , Heart Racing , Drivers , Farmers , Turn , Driver Discount , Appreciation , Bystander , Farmers Policy Perk , 2 , Bum , Driving Record , Burke , Farmers Policy Perks , Pa Dum , Defeat , Withdrawal , Marauders , Backs , Bucha , Families , Residents , Crime Scene , Friends Were Hit By Machine Guns , Zelenskyy , Toll , Actors , Oleg , Sidewalk Outside Arenas Home , Weapon , Back , Walter , Slippers , On Fire , Credit People , Humanize , Control , Atrocity , Scale , Countries , Boys , Daniil , 2000 , Norway , 11 Million , Andriy Anna , Homes , Soldier , Battle Hardened , Son , Mom , West , Feeling , Letters , Father , Attention , Regime , Battle , Phrase , Guy , Whatchya , King , Earth , Liberty , Need , Liberty Biberty Cut , Trip , Broooo , Yawn , Priceline , Owner , Investor , Access , Thing , Deal , Broooooo , Unison , Disappointed , Splash , Plan , Future , Tools , Savings , Prescriptions , Night Searching , Vanguard , Costs Options , Coupons , Bucks , Filling , Cvs , 0 , Strength , Determination , Price , Tens Of Thousands , Millions , Line , Stake , Anthem , Fighting Spirit , Impression , Image , Perseverance , Long War , Mistakes , Putin Appointed A New General Ran The War , Alexander Dvornikov , Butcher , Disregard , Lives , Brutality , Syria , Atrocities , Diplomacy , Artillery , Bucha Firsthand , Sanctions , Anything , Crimes , Aircraft , Combat , Air Defense Systems , Leaders , Won T , Knockout Blow , No Fly Zone , Look , 6000 , Isn T , Ground , Burial Pull , Depth , Chess Player , Poker Player , Table , Chips , Putin Loses , Position , Stage , Survivors , Eye Drop , Vuitytm , Vision , Wait , Fda , Reading Glasses , Drop , Uh Huh , Prescription Eye Drop , Eye , Focus , Caution , Vuity , Yep , Machinery , Vision Loss , Eye Redness , Style , Step , Step Stylers , Benefits , Styling , Xfinity , Technology , Wifi , Tech Upgrade Program , Stylingnext , Xfi , Tresemme , Internet , Threats , Go , Connection , Xfi Complete , Upgrade Today , Kevin Mccarthy , Actions , Consequences , Nobody , Defensive , Cotton , Loyalty , Republicans , Developments , Friday Night , 11th Hour , Stephanie Ruhle , 11 ,

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