Transcripts For MSNBC The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle 202

Transcripts For MSNBC The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle 20240708

11th hour gets underway on this friday night. good evening, once again, i am in for stephanie ruhle. there are developments tonight on the war in ukraine about to enter its third month. we ought the doesn't that in a moment. the first, we begin with tonight with donald trump's response to the leak audio of kevin mccarthy, saying that he would urge trump to resign in the days after the january 6th riot. trump told the wall street journal tonight that his relationship with mccarthy is not damaged. they report, quote, trump said he was not pleased to learn of his comments, but he said the californian republican had never ultimately advised him to quit. he said that mr. mccarthy quickly change his stance when he found out the facts and embrace them fully a few weeks after the january 10th, 2021 call. the wall street journal goes on to say, quote, i think it is all a big compliment, frankly, mr. trump said about mr. mccarthy. other republicans who initially criticized him at the gym or six and then said there was no support him. they realize they were wrong and supported me. nbc news reports that one person close to trump set mccarthy called the former president and apologized. earlier tonight, we heard from kevin mccarthy himself. >> congressman, have you spoken with president trump recently? did you speak with him last night? >> i spoke to him twice today, just an hour ago. >> how is your conversation? did you talk about the new york times report and the conversation you had -- >> the conversation is very good. the conversation of they said we did, we never did, i never asked him to resign, we will talk about that. >> have you spoke with him about resigning? >> no, let me be clear. i have never asked the president to resign. with the book said was not true. i never asked the president to resign. we talked about the ability to win the majority back in congress. >> we should point out that the book, this will not pass, said on the january 10th call with house gop leaders, quote, he envisioned telling trump of an impeachment resolution. i think this will pass, and it would be my recommendation he should resign. the authors of that book, alexander burns and jonathan martin, shared even more of that generate and call. >> i've had it with this guy. what he did is unacceptable. nobody can defend that, and nobody should defend it. >> liz cheney who was then part of republican leadership, were both on that call. they deny reporting or leaking the audio. the times reporter also released from january 11 2020 phone call, during which mccarthy tells the full republican congress the trump admitted some responsibility for the attack on the capitol. >> let me be very clear to all of you, and i've been very clear to the president. he bears responsibilities for his words and actions, no ifs, and or buts. i asked him personally today, does the hold responsibility for what happened? does he feel bad about what happened? he told me he does have some responsibility for what happened. and he'd need to acknowledge the. >> now in tonight's interview with the wall street journal, donald trump was asked about those comments, saying, quote, no, that is false, i never claimed responsibility. meanwhile, republican congresswoman, marjorie taylor greene, testified for nearly four hours today during an extraordinary hearing stemming from a lawsuit to keep her from running for office. that suit was followed by a group of georgia voters, accusing her of being involved in the insurrection, disqualifying her, they say, for being a congress. she had denied the accusation, but during today's testimony, she seemed unable to remember many of her actions. >> i do not remember. >> so you're not denying. you're just saying you don't recall. >> i don't recall. i'm not answering that question. i do not remember. i did not remember. i don't recall making that we. i don't know anything about this. i had never seen it before. >> would that, let's bring in our experts, a reporter with politico and joyce vance, who's been 25 years as a federal cost to cuter and -- charlie, we have heard from trump, now we heard from mccarthy, with do you think, do you buy that everything is good between them, that it is an uneasy truce, what's going on as you see it? >> will kevin mccarthy understands is that his fate is totally at the whim of donald trump. this is an indication at where the republican party is. the fact he was caught lying, none of those is disqualifying. the only day that will cost him the speaker gavel is if donald trump wanted him out. donald trump, i do by this, he does like to humiliate his opponents and have them come groveling to him. he has kevin mccarthy right where he wants him, utterly and completely dependent on the goodwill of donald trump. again, it is quite a commentary on what counts it does not count in the modern republican party. >> nicholas, congress starts coming back from recess on monday, are we going to get a better sense of mccarthy stance among republicans or resistance whatever donald trump says it is? >> next week is going to be a test in a lot of ways of mccarthy's leadership in the house republican congress. every week, they have a conference meeting on wednesday. next week's conference meeting could be kind of awkward for mccarthy because he has the questions from the more maga aligned parts of the congress, who do not like what he said privately on the call. >> i will play was one january six member said tonight, jimmy raskin, tonight about the right. >> they are a vivid reminder of what was clear to everybody that was caught up in the violent insurrection and the attempted coup against congress, against a constitutional order, which is that the president was deeply involved in these events. he was at the center of these events, and everyone believed, at the time, that there were constitutional crimes and statutory offenses committed. minority leader mccarthy's words, they were captured on that tape and a discussion with the republican conference, just reinforced everything we are finding, which is that this was an orchestrated, premeditated assault on our system of government. >> do you think, joyce, that these tapes could help the january six committee? one about the justice department? >> there is no doubt that these tapes begin to give us a fuller picture of what is going on. chris, it is what you said. these are people that i had to lie about telling the truth. that is how much control that trump was exerting. there are some interesting statements on these tapes. perhaps the most interesting one is when mccarthy indicates that he does not want to have a conversation with the former president about pardons, when they get on the phone together. of course, he obviously has some reason to be concerned that that topic could come up. the people they want to get pardon are people that are concerned they are committing crimes. to the extent that ultimately for the justice department purposes approving trump's intent, sure, these tapes could play a large -- the january six committee, the big challenge would be getting republicans to listen to these tapes as part of a cohesive story of what was going on and finally succumbing to the outrage that seem to have eluded the country at large from sustaining overtime. >> let me ask you to about something we just learned literally minutes ago. the washington post tweeted about the january six committee filing a motion to file and oversize memo in the meadow sued to block a subpoena from the middle committee. explain with that is, and is it important? >> so the committee has filed this 248 page document lay on a friday evening, arguing that there is no material issues or fact when meadows is challenged the ability to subpoena their documents. they are entitled to go ahead and obtain the documents, asking for a ruling and summary judgment against meadows in this case where he sought to interfere with their proceedings. on all fronts now, the committee is pressing ahead to get these final pieces of testimony, these key documents that it needs as it heads into what we are now hearing will be june hearings. >> the word oversized to describe the memo sounds like an understatement, but thank you for helping us understand what that is. if i could go back for a second, charlie, to mccarthy, look, the knives have already been out when it comes to his hopes of becoming speaker sued the gop take back control of the house. and it's interesting to me what you will be watching for now, and we all know, we talked about it last night, work matching again, there are more tapes. >> that is what's interesting about this. clearly, the january six committee has a lot of material, including tapes. the fact that we would have an audiotape revealed this late in the process is an indication of what they might have in their back pocket. but you know, kevin mccarthy is in a strange position of very clearly having an attack of conscious, understanding what had happen on january six, one's constitutional duty was, what is office requires. now he has the scramble to cede his political future blessing i got over, it passed very quickly. when i'm going to watch for is what does that maga caucus do? are there elements in the right-wing media that he is too much damage goods because the one thing about donald trump is that donald trump's loyalty has an expired by day. you change his mind, he's gone people under the bus repeatedly. if you get the sense that there is weakness with mccarthy, that he is in fact some kind of loser. if you think the base is turning against him, he could certainly pull his support. watch what happens with the conservative media, watch what happens with the hard-core maga caucus, the marjorie taylor greene's, the medicine hawthorne's, who would like to change the subject to something else when they come back into session next week. >> we are going to get to marjorie taylor greene inches the second, but nicholas, i want to ask you first, is there any political opportunity in all this for the democrats? >> that is certainly one of the central questions looming over what the committee is doing. the final report for this whole investigation could prompt a report by the midterm elections. the goal of the committees to mesquite would happened. the timing of that could have a major political impact, if the former president did break the law, this is something that could come as the former president's trying to run again for another presidential bid, and as republicans are looking, really gearing up to take the house and senate. the committee could put this out there. what democrats do with it and something the bigger question. will they decide to run on the platform of this committee and tried to run on its recommendation for addressing what happened that day and the constitutional issues. or is it something that will be more of an undertone of this election season? >> let's talk about marjorie taylor greene, joyce, she's out on the stand today for about four hours. she seemed not to remember a whole lot of stuff. what's your take away? >> ultimately, i think this proceeding will not produce results. this is brought by some agreeance constituents to knock her off the ballot. it comes off very late as georgia's weeks away from having its primary season. these voters who are trying to get green off of the ballot bear the burden of proving in this hearing, in front of administrative law judge, that greene participated in an insurrection. it seems they came up a little bit short. her memory was bad. some of her comments that she made overtime are reprehensible, but whether or not they proved insurrection itself, i think it is a tough call. this administrative law judge will ultimately kick the decision to georgia secretary of state who is involved in a reelection campaign for the office that he now holds. it seems very unlikely that he would be willing to get at odds with the former president by ruling against greene and putting her off the ballot. politics in the law did not mingle in the space. ultimately, it seems that greene's fate will be in the hands of the voters, not the courts. >> the comingling of politics and business, charlie, governor desantis made good on his promise today to revoke disney special status in florida over the company stance over the so-called gay bill. what is this doing? this is simply a preview of 2024 for the scent? this will happen here? >> this is very much a preview for 2024 for the way that he is leading, first of all, amid the culture wars, but also into the pugilistic he fights willingness to retaliate against critics. look, this new special status is not unique. there are more than 1000 special, independent districts in the state of florida, including the villages, including daytona and the speedway, including the orlando international airport. there is no public policy issue involved in what they just did to disney. it is all about revenge. it is all about punishing a private company for taking a political stand that he disagrees with. this is the most naked plea authoritarian move you have seen by a state government in a very, very long time. it is an indication of the new tone in many of the trump politicians around the country. this desire to not only politics on its, republicans used to be in favor business, argue that corporations were people and that they have free speech rights. now, they are very overtly saying, if you cross this, if you disagree with us, we will punish you, we will come after you in a very specific way. i think this is a very dangerous precedent. it will be interesting to see how strongly does this need push back on this, what will the courts say about this? this is a viewpoint discrimination. the fact that ron desantis is using this as a springboard for the presidency is really an ominous development, because it is working for him in republican circles. >> charlie skyes, nicholas wu, joyce vance, thank you for being with us on a friday night. coming up, russia is ramping up its offensive in the east as a general lays out what is next. my next guest says that ukraine can defeat russia. later, historian is here to discuss the former hold the president still has on his party. what is next for the current republican leader in the house? the 11th hour just getting underway on the friday night. friday night develop their passion for learning through our grow up great initiative. and now, we're providing billions of dollars for affordable home lending programs... as part of 88 billion to support underserved communities... including loans for small businesses in low and moderate income areas. so everyone has a chance to move forward financially. pnc bank: see how we can make a difference for you. i recommend nature made vitamins, because i trust their quality. they were the first to be verified by usp, an independent organization that sets strict quality and purity standards. nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. 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[ding] e*trade now from morgan stanley. we're not gonna be able to get inside mr. putin's head, perfectly. and know exactly what his long term objectives are, even his medium turn objectives. it is clear to us he wants to focus on the south. what we do know is they are just putting more enablers in their, and adding more troops. that's why we're more focused on ging the ukrainians the kinds e lieve, and more importantly they believe, are gonna be useful to them in that fight. >> tonight, that fight has russia ramping up offensive operations in the donbas region of eastern ukraine, as the war approaches its third month. one russian military general said russia was aiming to capture all of the southern region in this new phase of the conflict. but nbc news reports that it is unclear if the conflict has official policy for the russia's objectives since launching the eastern offensive. with ukraine broadening its assault, nbc -- 's gives us a glimpse into the toll that is taking on the ukrainian people. >> we spoke with this mariupol residents who says she was arrested with her husband, and held for a month in russian captivity. she is too frightened to show her face or let us use her name. >> they did let us sleep, give us food or water, or let us use the bathroom. she says. she describes being beaten, and being forced to recite pro-russian propaganda on video. she fears her her husband who is still in captivity. for herself, she could hear her husband being beaten. >> you heard your husband voice screaming out? >> the last time i heard him he was screaming, begging for help. she said. then i think he had a heart attack because the russians tried to scream for medical help. still more pain. in a city that has become a symbol of suffering. >> our thanks to matt bradley for that report. let's bring in peter baker, chief white house correspondent and coordinator for the new york times. he is the -- closely watching the rise of putin. and william taylor, former will u.s. ambassador to ukraine. he is also the united states institute peace prize for russia -- . ambassador, after nearly two months. you do wonder how much more suffering the ukrainian people can indoor. and yet, we have a general suggesting a broader aim to capture the south. what do you make of the general's comments and potentially, this new objective? >> chris, i don't think it's a new objective. i do not put much credence in this minor general, if there are such. in saying something about new objectives. this is not his job. he is not known to be in the strategic business. so i am not so concerned about that. and, the russians are in trouble! the russians do not have the capability, right now, they don't have the people. they don't have the mountain power the soldiers to do what he is talking about doing. that is why you hear matt bradley talking about the suffering that he is seeing. because they have been tied up in mariupol. and they're gonna take those people away move them into the real effort, which is in the east. exactly as admiral kirby just said. so this business about going to wards -- , i don't put much credence. >> there was a head wine i think the article was posted yesterday in the new yorker, asking whether or not it's possible the russian military is a paper tiger. do you think that could be a possibility? could ukraine still win this ambassador? >> the ukrainians can clearly still win this! they need resources, and they have got the well. the u.s. asked earlier if they continue to bear this burden. and the answer is yes, they bore it's amazingly. it surprised us all the will is there! an interesting, the wind is not there on russia. the troops the conscripts that they've got. that the russians have, that they're trying to assemble have been beaten up. they've been beaten up around kyiv. the morale of the ukrainians is very high. they won in kyiv. they sink that ship. that flagship. mary apple is a hero city. so they've got that. the question is resources. and we can do that! the united states, and nato. the rest of nato. they can provide, we can provide the resources to the ukrainians and they can win! >> well in fact peter. last hour on this network our chief correspondent richard engel, showed us the resilience of the ukrainian people in his new special ukraine freedom or death. and i want to play a moment from one ukrainian soldier who had to make the difficult decision to stay and fight. and so, had to say goodbye to her six-year-old son. take a listen! >> [speaking foreign language] >> the world called the phrase, never again! it's people, because everything happened again, and because of one crazy guy. who wanted to be the king of the earth. >> one crazy guy who wants to be the king of the earth, peter, you've covered putin for a very long time. given what we're seeing on the ground, what do you expect to see next? >> well, i think with ambassador taylor. it is quite right to be skeptical of the general's comments today. forget the comments, don't pay attention to what they're saying. remember the peoples who said they were assembling a large invasion but weren't planning to invade. so it's probably what we'll see on the ground. that's the most important indicator here. and the indicators here aren't focused on -- , their focus on the part of ukraine that has been historically more russian than the west. there are russian speakers in eastern ukraine, and the theory is always in moscow, and more friendly to russian designs, the reality has been that it hasn't been. and russian here, even russian speakers, even russia insists aesthetic ukrainians have opposition against moscow. they do not want moscow, to quote unquote, save them. so i think you are finding that russia is trying to find a way to save face, by carving a roiled event that will basically go away. they will basically accept these new lines on the map, in the way that the world didn't in 2014 when they seized crimea. and essentially seized in a way, donetsk and done it's to begin with. it's a whole new ball game in 2014, zelenskyy has shown that ukrainians have a great deal of resilience, as you said. they're not gonna accept the carving up of their country. and they're gonna continue to fight in a way that has made, a real carson russia. that they clearly did not expect. >> the president said yesterday, and i thought this was interesting, he said putin is banking on americans losing interest. is the white house concerned that there will be pressured to stop giving the help? to start pumping billions of dollars, as the ambassador just said, the desperate need from the ukrainians, and they've been very vocal about it. they need that help? >> that's a real danger, i think no question about it. a recent poll i saw this week showed that the percentage of americans who want the united states to play a major role has dropped by about ten percentage points in the last few weeks. that does not mean that they're in favor of vladimir putin, or like that's happening there. the notion that american should be a major player in that, is something that the president biden has to contend with. there is a strong sense out there, why is this our war? why do we care? and he has to explain to them why he cares. and why this matters to the united states. he tried that, obviously, for two months. but in a certain amount of time there's a fatigue factor. we're fatigued in our own words much less it drags on, putin is counting on a short attention span of the west. to define other issues to focus on. and there are other issues that president biden does need to focus on. inflation, covid. other lessons coming up. but in the end, putin has gone so far. so far beyond this smaller wars he launched in the past 20 years. and i think it is going to be harder for the world to turn our eye at any point, and allow this to go on with our continuing to support word ambassador taylor is talking about. >> peter baker, a massacre william taylor, thank you both very much. and coming up, the high stakes in this weekend's french presidential election. why the outcome could affect the war in ukraine. when the 11th hour continues! 11th hour continues allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! flonase all good. this is my zen time. it's... a video game! people say, 'well, what are you? 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[ding] e*trade now from morgan stanley. today, he warned voters that nothing is decided yet. calling the surprising votes on brexit, and the vote on donald trump cautionary tales. joining us now is the former french ambassador to the united states, also a distinguished fellow with the atlantic council. mister ambassador, thank you for being with us. what is at stake for the european union if penn is elected on friday? whatever about nato, and what about the world? >> actually, you know. marie le pen, in the campaign of 20 -- when she was already against emmanuel macron, was a favor of brexit. and the european union. but she has understood what has been unpopular with the french voters. so this year, she says that she wants to stay in the european union, but she wants this change it and transform it into what she calls, the alliance of silver-ing matrons. in other words, it's brexit without saying it. it's leaving, really leaving the european union. on top of that, as you said, readings with putin are very strong. and even if she has condemned the invasion of ukraine, of course she was obliged to do it, she says after the war, she wants an alliance with russia. >> the leaders of germany, portugal, and spain. maybe for all the reasons you just stated, world an op-ed column in a french newspaper, publicly blacking macron. i don't know if i've seen anything like it. isn't this kind of intervention unusual? and don't you think it will have an impact? >> i think it's unusual. of course. really, she represents, as i have told you in fact, the end of the european union. because it is not french bragging. but if we can figure the european union without the united kingdom. you can think for your geographic regions, of the european union without france. and when all the continent is facing the major challenge of the war in ukraine, to have elected one of the most important european countries, somebody who is close to putin. is of course a frightening prospect for all of our partners. >> frightening and went way? let me give you an example, today, france announced that they would be sending her belt hillary to ukraine. macron saying that france will continue on this route. specifically, what do you think of a le pen victory would mean for ukraine? >> first, i have to remind you, i think your audience that -- the party of marie le pen, who was low to the quote of $12 million to the bank. which is linked to the family. and which allowed macron, during the presidential debate, to tell molly le pen, putin for you is your banker! and it is a fact. she said, as for the war in ukraine, that she would immediately stop the delivery of weapons to ukraine. so, and, i think in the european union, also, we're talking of sanctions of oil and gas. and it is obvious that she will oppose it. she is saying that she will try to work with hungary, and we know that hungary is very close to putin. >> let me ask you finally, because we mention this, that macron said, listen he obviously wants people to come out and vote. he said there's brexit, the election of donald trump, this matters. people need to come out. what is your feeling right now? what do you think turnout will be? and are you confident of a reelection of a macron? >> you know, i was a french ambassador in washington when donald trump was elected. so i remember the night of the 8th of november 2016. so it means that if all the polls will saying that she will win. i do not forget that france, like the united states, like the united kingdom, and like a lot of western democracies, are really living a moment when there is a toxic atmosphere. that some of our sitting since our revolting, rebelling. and they want to -- . so again, i will be reassured only on sunday at 8 pm, paris time. i think that there is still 20 to 30% chance that she may well. >> wow, ambassador, thank you so much. it was great talking to you tonight. coming up, our next guest says this week's development offers even more evidence of a tension between our conscience and convenience. his story, and john beach we'll explain what a story means. when the 11th hour continues! ontinues kind of work that i do, you are surrounded by people who are all younger than you. i had to get help somewhere along the line to stay competitive. i discovered prevagen. i started taking it and after a period of time, my memory improved. it was a game-changer for me. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. and it's easier than ever to get your projects done right. with angi, you can connect with and see ratings and reviews. and when you book and pay throug you're covered by our happiness check out today. angi... and done. we hit the bike trails every weekend and when you book and pay throug you'r shinges doesn't care.ness i grow all my own vegetables shingles doesn't care. we've still got the best moves you've ever seen good for you, but shingles doesn't care. because 1 in 3 people will get shingles, you need protection. but, no matter how healthy you feel, your immune system declines as you age increasing your risk for getting shingles. so, what can protect you? 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[ding] e*trade now from morgan stanley. this ain't your father's republican party. not a joke. you just have to look ... what was played this morning about the tape that was released, anyway. you now, but ... all kidding aside, this party known. >> joe biden, clearly following the release of audio recordings that had kevin mccarthy telling colleagues that he as donald trump to resign. the immediate question was what it might mean for mccarthy's well-known ambitions to be house speaker. how trump would react. well, as reported the top of the hour, wall street journal has an interview with the former president which -- who says he wasn't pleased. mccarthy never off -- he found out the facts. we will see if anything changes at trump's rally for senate candidate in ohio tomorrow. let's welcome historian john meacham, rogers chair in the american presidency at vanderbilt university. it lead by saying president biden. it's been a while, john. great to see you. what does the kevin mccarthy situation tell us about the state of the republican party? >> all too much, i'm afraid. i have never run for office, so i offer this from the sidelines, but at a certain point you have to decide why you are in this business? why are you in the arena? why he seeking the votes of the people in order to take an oath to defend the constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic? at a certain point, if it is just about the getting of votes and the amassing of power and the remaining in place, than it enables, even encourages, the kind of behavior we saw this week because of jonathan martin and alex burns's book. the hearing down in georgia with marjorie taylor greene ... you saw with mccarthy in green, the wages of power being the central motivator as opposed to the principle and attempted service. that sound self righteous. i apologize for that. i don't mean it to be. i do think it is a question. if you are just in this to be an office, and therefore you are willing to a base yourself again and again. you are willing to traffic the craziest conspiracy theories, the weirdest things you can imagine, then that turns the country ... it turns the lower case d for democratic experiment into an arena for power to take power away from the week, as opposed to enacting this idea that we are founding on, that we're all created equal and we have to find a way to perfect this in perfect union, which is imperfect because you and i are imperfect. you may not be, but i am. that is with the democratic experiment is supposed to be. it is not that today in the republican party. >> it is also about knowing that you are imperfect, right? accepting responsibility, saying when you're wrong ... and i wonder if you put into that category when you talk about them kevin mccarthy, trump, marjorie taylor greene, teddy vance, he made plenty of disparaging remarks about trump. and yet, four weeks he pled that he wanted the presidents endorsement. he finally got it. i mean, shouldn't we be surprised? >> no. nothing is surprising anymore. i say that with trepidation. after january 6th, we are now at a point, i believe, that the fundamental democratic experiment is in as grave situation as an anytime since fort sumter. we never had an american president who decided to lie about and promulgated lies and distrust about an election in an attempt to hold on to power. so, people like me who traffic in precedent. oh, no, chris. john tyler said. that is what people like me are supposed to say. john tyler never did this, you know? so, we are in a different place. i think the great test is, are we up to this? as imperfect creatures, driven by appetite, ambition, are we able to keep this experiment and self government going? that may sound grandiose for a friday night. but i think it's pretty much a fundamental question. we are seeing one of the two major parties, a party that i have long respected. george bush's biographer. the party of eisenhower, reagan, bush. i know there are lots of your viewers in particular that think the seeds of all of this were laid long ago. i actually have a different view of that, which is that part of the reason for the trump phenomenon is that republican presidents would say one thing, when they were running for office, get into office and govern functionally from the center, more or less. so, there was a pent up outrage about that. we have to have two functioning parties to make the constitution work. if only because of the electoral college. that is why we have to have. it it's almost impossible to get to 270 electoral those if you have three major contenders going for it. so, we need a rationale two party system. we don't have one right now. >> it's an unfair question to ask you with only a minute left, it was so struck when the former french ambassador to the united states says that he said that le pen has a 30% chance of beating macron. i wonder if you're looking at the past, macron himself said that brexit, donald, trump look at those things. but what do you think a boat ...? >> president biden has talked about this from the campaign trail forward. the dividing struggle for the generation's democracy versus autocracy. it is free government versus self government versus authoritarian, trend authoritarianism. i was struck by your guest saying ... i love that he points out, i was ambassador when donald trump won. so, i can believe anything. that was functionally what he was saying. so, again, it's not that we shouldn't be surprised ... i don't mean to be world weary or cynical. but this is a global phenomenon. the current conversation, you know, there are elites that are out of touch. there is income inequality. there is an enormous amount of work to do to make promises and possibility real for everybody. the way to achieve that is not to trend toward autocracy. >> jon meacham, with very important conversation on a friday night is as good as any other because we have these conversations. thank you so much, my friend. coming, up your day from the ground is one thing, but we will take the observance to new heights at when the 11th hour continues. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ who's on it with jardiance? 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>> we have you loud and clear, at a. >> wow, this is quite an honor. >> the last thing before we go tonight ... an out of this world birthday. it all began back in 1970 because wisconsin democratic senator gayle or nelson, wanted to prove the people really care about the planet. as part of this year's celebration, nasa enlisted the help of at better, who wanted to grow up to be an astronaut but ended up in the superstar band pearl jam instead. to make a very long distance call to the international space station. the astronauts shared their perspective about the planet they're orbiting to have 50 miles above. >> i think one of the lessons learned are that there are no borders here. it is surprisingly hard to figure out where you are over the earth. there's all land, water. no recognizable lines. for us, it is a great reminder that we are all, you, no one earth. >> your perspective is one ... it's so incredibly rare. >> outer space doesn't feel separate. that thin layer of atmosphere, that is all that separates us from outer space. so, when you are standing on the earth and looking up, you are in outer space. you're at the bottom of this little puddle of air. it is so important to protect, it take care of it. >> the rainforest is getting smaller and smaller. the area where people live and where you can see from up here where there's agriculture, is getting bigger and bigger. you see flames. you know that people are burning down the rainforest. on the other side of the country, you see rivers being completely flooded. probably lots of villages are being taken down. people suffer. that is also a consequence of the climate change. all this is very visible from up here in space. >> thanks so much for your interest in the space program, eddie. your support of nasa. >> i knew i was excited about this. i didn't realize how emotional i was going to be. i want to be an astronaut ever since i want was a kid, to. >> it means so much has that you took the time out of your day to speak to us. and that you're helping carry our awesome message for exploring, not only our own planet, but the moon, mars, all of the awesome research we are doing. thanks for time. >> all right. thank you. >> the message, all on one earth. all working together to take us off the air on this earth day. on that note, i wish you good night. from all of our colleagues across and bc news, thanks are staying up late. have a great weekend. i want to tell you the story of one american, who like many americans, retired at the age of 65. he announced at the end of september 2015, by the end of the following month, he was gone. to say he took the retirement like a fish takes the water would be an understatement of historic proportions. >> this morning, i am formed my colleagues that i would resign from the speakership and

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Transcripts For MSNBC The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle 20240708 :

Transcripts For MSNBC The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle 20240708

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11th hour gets underway on this friday night. good evening, once again, i am in for stephanie ruhle. there are developments tonight on the war in ukraine about to enter its third month. we ought the doesn't that in a moment. the first, we begin with tonight with donald trump's response to the leak audio of kevin mccarthy, saying that he would urge trump to resign in the days after the january 6th riot. trump told the wall street journal tonight that his relationship with mccarthy is not damaged. they report, quote, trump said he was not pleased to learn of his comments, but he said the californian republican had never ultimately advised him to quit. he said that mr. mccarthy quickly change his stance when he found out the facts and embrace them fully a few weeks after the january 10th, 2021 call. the wall street journal goes on to say, quote, i think it is all a big compliment, frankly, mr. trump said about mr. mccarthy. other republicans who initially criticized him at the gym or six and then said there was no support him. they realize they were wrong and supported me. nbc news reports that one person close to trump set mccarthy called the former president and apologized. earlier tonight, we heard from kevin mccarthy himself. >> congressman, have you spoken with president trump recently? did you speak with him last night? >> i spoke to him twice today, just an hour ago. >> how is your conversation? did you talk about the new york times report and the conversation you had -- >> the conversation is very good. the conversation of they said we did, we never did, i never asked him to resign, we will talk about that. >> have you spoke with him about resigning? >> no, let me be clear. i have never asked the president to resign. with the book said was not true. i never asked the president to resign. we talked about the ability to win the majority back in congress. >> we should point out that the book, this will not pass, said on the january 10th call with house gop leaders, quote, he envisioned telling trump of an impeachment resolution. i think this will pass, and it would be my recommendation he should resign. the authors of that book, alexander burns and jonathan martin, shared even more of that generate and call. >> i've had it with this guy. what he did is unacceptable. nobody can defend that, and nobody should defend it. >> liz cheney who was then part of republican leadership, were both on that call. they deny reporting or leaking the audio. the times reporter also released from january 11 2020 phone call, during which mccarthy tells the full republican congress the trump admitted some responsibility for the attack on the capitol. >> let me be very clear to all of you, and i've been very clear to the president. he bears responsibilities for his words and actions, no ifs, and or buts. i asked him personally today, does the hold responsibility for what happened? does he feel bad about what happened? he told me he does have some responsibility for what happened. and he'd need to acknowledge the. >> now in tonight's interview with the wall street journal, donald trump was asked about those comments, saying, quote, no, that is false, i never claimed responsibility. meanwhile, republican congresswoman, marjorie taylor greene, testified for nearly four hours today during an extraordinary hearing stemming from a lawsuit to keep her from running for office. that suit was followed by a group of georgia voters, accusing her of being involved in the insurrection, disqualifying her, they say, for being a congress. she had denied the accusation, but during today's testimony, she seemed unable to remember many of her actions. >> i do not remember. >> so you're not denying. you're just saying you don't recall. >> i don't recall. i'm not answering that question. i do not remember. i did not remember. i don't recall making that we. i don't know anything about this. i had never seen it before. >> would that, let's bring in our experts, a reporter with politico and joyce vance, who's been 25 years as a federal cost to cuter and -- charlie, we have heard from trump, now we heard from mccarthy, with do you think, do you buy that everything is good between them, that it is an uneasy truce, what's going on as you see it? >> will kevin mccarthy understands is that his fate is totally at the whim of donald trump. this is an indication at where the republican party is. the fact he was caught lying, none of those is disqualifying. the only day that will cost him the speaker gavel is if donald trump wanted him out. donald trump, i do by this, he does like to humiliate his opponents and have them come groveling to him. he has kevin mccarthy right where he wants him, utterly and completely dependent on the goodwill of donald trump. again, it is quite a commentary on what counts it does not count in the modern republican party. >> nicholas, congress starts coming back from recess on monday, are we going to get a better sense of mccarthy stance among republicans or resistance whatever donald trump says it is? >> next week is going to be a test in a lot of ways of mccarthy's leadership in the house republican congress. every week, they have a conference meeting on wednesday. next week's conference meeting could be kind of awkward for mccarthy because he has the questions from the more maga aligned parts of the congress, who do not like what he said privately on the call. >> i will play was one january six member said tonight, jimmy raskin, tonight about the right. >> they are a vivid reminder of what was clear to everybody that was caught up in the violent insurrection and the attempted coup against congress, against a constitutional order, which is that the president was deeply involved in these events. he was at the center of these events, and everyone believed, at the time, that there were constitutional crimes and statutory offenses committed. minority leader mccarthy's words, they were captured on that tape and a discussion with the republican conference, just reinforced everything we are finding, which is that this was an orchestrated, premeditated assault on our system of government. >> do you think, joyce, that these tapes could help the january six committee? one about the justice department? >> there is no doubt that these tapes begin to give us a fuller picture of what is going on. chris, it is what you said. these are people that i had to lie about telling the truth. that is how much control that trump was exerting. there are some interesting statements on these tapes. perhaps the most interesting one is when mccarthy indicates that he does not want to have a conversation with the former president about pardons, when they get on the phone together. of course, he obviously has some reason to be concerned that that topic could come up. the people they want to get pardon are people that are concerned they are committing crimes. to the extent that ultimately for the justice department purposes approving trump's intent, sure, these tapes could play a large -- the january six committee, the big challenge would be getting republicans to listen to these tapes as part of a cohesive story of what was going on and finally succumbing to the outrage that seem to have eluded the country at large from sustaining overtime. >> let me ask you to about something we just learned literally minutes ago. the washington post tweeted about the january six committee filing a motion to file and oversize memo in the meadow sued to block a subpoena from the middle committee. explain with that is, and is it important? >> so the committee has filed this 248 page document lay on a friday evening, arguing that there is no material issues or fact when meadows is challenged the ability to subpoena their documents. they are entitled to go ahead and obtain the documents, asking for a ruling and summary judgment against meadows in this case where he sought to interfere with their proceedings. on all fronts now, the committee is pressing ahead to get these final pieces of testimony, these key documents that it needs as it heads into what we are now hearing will be june hearings. >> the word oversized to describe the memo sounds like an understatement, but thank you for helping us understand what that is. if i could go back for a second, charlie, to mccarthy, look, the knives have already been out when it comes to his hopes of becoming speaker sued the gop take back control of the house. and it's interesting to me what you will be watching for now, and we all know, we talked about it last night, work matching again, there are more tapes. >> that is what's interesting about this. clearly, the january six committee has a lot of material, including tapes. the fact that we would have an audiotape revealed this late in the process is an indication of what they might have in their back pocket. but you know, kevin mccarthy is in a strange position of very clearly having an attack of conscious, understanding what had happen on january six, one's constitutional duty was, what is office requires. now he has the scramble to cede his political future blessing i got over, it passed very quickly. when i'm going to watch for is what does that maga caucus do? are there elements in the right-wing media that he is too much damage goods because the one thing about donald trump is that donald trump's loyalty has an expired by day. you change his mind, he's gone people under the bus repeatedly. if you get the sense that there is weakness with mccarthy, that he is in fact some kind of loser. if you think the base is turning against him, he could certainly pull his support. watch what happens with the conservative media, watch what happens with the hard-core maga caucus, the marjorie taylor greene's, the medicine hawthorne's, who would like to change the subject to something else when they come back into session next week. >> we are going to get to marjorie taylor greene inches the second, but nicholas, i want to ask you first, is there any political opportunity in all this for the democrats? >> that is certainly one of the central questions looming over what the committee is doing. the final report for this whole investigation could prompt a report by the midterm elections. the goal of the committees to mesquite would happened. the timing of that could have a major political impact, if the former president did break the law, this is something that could come as the former president's trying to run again for another presidential bid, and as republicans are looking, really gearing up to take the house and senate. the committee could put this out there. what democrats do with it and something the bigger question. will they decide to run on the platform of this committee and tried to run on its recommendation for addressing what happened that day and the constitutional issues. or is it something that will be more of an undertone of this election season? >> let's talk about marjorie taylor greene, joyce, she's out on the stand today for about four hours. she seemed not to remember a whole lot of stuff. what's your take away? >> ultimately, i think this proceeding will not produce results. this is brought by some agreeance constituents to knock her off the ballot. it comes off very late as georgia's weeks away from having its primary season. these voters who are trying to get green off of the ballot bear the burden of proving in this hearing, in front of administrative law judge, that greene participated in an insurrection. it seems they came up a little bit short. her memory was bad. some of her comments that she made overtime are reprehensible, but whether or not they proved insurrection itself, i think it is a tough call. this administrative law judge will ultimately kick the decision to georgia secretary of state who is involved in a reelection campaign for the office that he now holds. it seems very unlikely that he would be willing to get at odds with the former president by ruling against greene and putting her off the ballot. politics in the law did not mingle in the space. ultimately, it seems that greene's fate will be in the hands of the voters, not the courts. >> the comingling of politics and business, charlie, governor desantis made good on his promise today to revoke disney special status in florida over the company stance over the so-called gay bill. what is this doing? this is simply a preview of 2024 for the scent? this will happen here? >> this is very much a preview for 2024 for the way that he is leading, first of all, amid the culture wars, but also into the pugilistic he fights willingness to retaliate against critics. look, this new special status is not unique. there are more than 1000 special, independent districts in the state of florida, including the villages, including daytona and the speedway, including the orlando international airport. there is no public policy issue involved in what they just did to disney. it is all about revenge. it is all about punishing a private company for taking a political stand that he disagrees with. this is the most naked plea authoritarian move you have seen by a state government in a very, very long time. it is an indication of the new tone in many of the trump politicians around the country. this desire to not only politics on its, republicans used to be in favor business, argue that corporations were people and that they have free speech rights. now, they are very overtly saying, if you cross this, if you disagree with us, we will punish you, we will come after you in a very specific way. i think this is a very dangerous precedent. it will be interesting to see how strongly does this need push back on this, what will the courts say about this? this is a viewpoint discrimination. the fact that ron desantis is using this as a springboard for the presidency is really an ominous development, because it is working for him in republican circles. >> charlie skyes, nicholas wu, joyce vance, thank you for being with us on a friday night. coming up, russia is ramping up its offensive in the east as a general lays out what is next. my next guest says that ukraine can defeat russia. later, historian is here to discuss the former hold the president still has on his party. what is next for the current republican leader in the house? the 11th hour just getting underway on the friday night. friday night develop their passion for learning through our grow up great initiative. and now, we're providing billions of dollars for affordable home lending programs... as part of 88 billion to support underserved communities... including loans for small businesses in low and moderate income areas. so everyone has a chance to move forward financially. pnc bank: see how we can make a difference for you. i recommend nature made vitamins, because i trust their quality. they were the first to be verified by usp, an independent organization that sets strict quality and purity standards. nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. 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[ding] e*trade now from morgan stanley. we're not gonna be able to get inside mr. putin's head, perfectly. and know exactly what his long term objectives are, even his medium turn objectives. it is clear to us he wants to focus on the south. what we do know is they are just putting more enablers in their, and adding more troops. that's why we're more focused on ging the ukrainians the kinds e lieve, and more importantly they believe, are gonna be useful to them in that fight. >> tonight, that fight has russia ramping up offensive operations in the donbas region of eastern ukraine, as the war approaches its third month. one russian military general said russia was aiming to capture all of the southern region in this new phase of the conflict. but nbc news reports that it is unclear if the conflict has official policy for the russia's objectives since launching the eastern offensive. with ukraine broadening its assault, nbc -- 's gives us a glimpse into the toll that is taking on the ukrainian people. >> we spoke with this mariupol residents who says she was arrested with her husband, and held for a month in russian captivity. she is too frightened to show her face or let us use her name. >> they did let us sleep, give us food or water, or let us use the bathroom. she says. she describes being beaten, and being forced to recite pro-russian propaganda on video. she fears her her husband who is still in captivity. for herself, she could hear her husband being beaten. >> you heard your husband voice screaming out? >> the last time i heard him he was screaming, begging for help. she said. then i think he had a heart attack because the russians tried to scream for medical help. still more pain. in a city that has become a symbol of suffering. >> our thanks to matt bradley for that report. let's bring in peter baker, chief white house correspondent and coordinator for the new york times. he is the -- closely watching the rise of putin. and william taylor, former will u.s. ambassador to ukraine. he is also the united states institute peace prize for russia -- . ambassador, after nearly two months. you do wonder how much more suffering the ukrainian people can indoor. and yet, we have a general suggesting a broader aim to capture the south. what do you make of the general's comments and potentially, this new objective? >> chris, i don't think it's a new objective. i do not put much credence in this minor general, if there are such. in saying something about new objectives. this is not his job. he is not known to be in the strategic business. so i am not so concerned about that. and, the russians are in trouble! the russians do not have the capability, right now, they don't have the people. they don't have the mountain power the soldiers to do what he is talking about doing. that is why you hear matt bradley talking about the suffering that he is seeing. because they have been tied up in mariupol. and they're gonna take those people away move them into the real effort, which is in the east. exactly as admiral kirby just said. so this business about going to wards -- , i don't put much credence. >> there was a head wine i think the article was posted yesterday in the new yorker, asking whether or not it's possible the russian military is a paper tiger. do you think that could be a possibility? could ukraine still win this ambassador? >> the ukrainians can clearly still win this! they need resources, and they have got the well. the u.s. asked earlier if they continue to bear this burden. and the answer is yes, they bore it's amazingly. it surprised us all the will is there! an interesting, the wind is not there on russia. the troops the conscripts that they've got. that the russians have, that they're trying to assemble have been beaten up. they've been beaten up around kyiv. the morale of the ukrainians is very high. they won in kyiv. they sink that ship. that flagship. mary apple is a hero city. so they've got that. the question is resources. and we can do that! the united states, and nato. the rest of nato. they can provide, we can provide the resources to the ukrainians and they can win! >> well in fact peter. last hour on this network our chief correspondent richard engel, showed us the resilience of the ukrainian people in his new special ukraine freedom or death. and i want to play a moment from one ukrainian soldier who had to make the difficult decision to stay and fight. and so, had to say goodbye to her six-year-old son. take a listen! >> [speaking foreign language] >> the world called the phrase, never again! it's people, because everything happened again, and because of one crazy guy. who wanted to be the king of the earth. >> one crazy guy who wants to be the king of the earth, peter, you've covered putin for a very long time. given what we're seeing on the ground, what do you expect to see next? >> well, i think with ambassador taylor. it is quite right to be skeptical of the general's comments today. forget the comments, don't pay attention to what they're saying. remember the peoples who said they were assembling a large invasion but weren't planning to invade. so it's probably what we'll see on the ground. that's the most important indicator here. and the indicators here aren't focused on -- , their focus on the part of ukraine that has been historically more russian than the west. there are russian speakers in eastern ukraine, and the theory is always in moscow, and more friendly to russian designs, the reality has been that it hasn't been. and russian here, even russian speakers, even russia insists aesthetic ukrainians have opposition against moscow. they do not want moscow, to quote unquote, save them. so i think you are finding that russia is trying to find a way to save face, by carving a roiled event that will basically go away. they will basically accept these new lines on the map, in the way that the world didn't in 2014 when they seized crimea. and essentially seized in a way, donetsk and done it's to begin with. it's a whole new ball game in 2014, zelenskyy has shown that ukrainians have a great deal of resilience, as you said. they're not gonna accept the carving up of their country. and they're gonna continue to fight in a way that has made, a real carson russia. that they clearly did not expect. >> the president said yesterday, and i thought this was interesting, he said putin is banking on americans losing interest. is the white house concerned that there will be pressured to stop giving the help? to start pumping billions of dollars, as the ambassador just said, the desperate need from the ukrainians, and they've been very vocal about it. they need that help? >> that's a real danger, i think no question about it. a recent poll i saw this week showed that the percentage of americans who want the united states to play a major role has dropped by about ten percentage points in the last few weeks. that does not mean that they're in favor of vladimir putin, or like that's happening there. the notion that american should be a major player in that, is something that the president biden has to contend with. there is a strong sense out there, why is this our war? why do we care? and he has to explain to them why he cares. and why this matters to the united states. he tried that, obviously, for two months. but in a certain amount of time there's a fatigue factor. we're fatigued in our own words much less it drags on, putin is counting on a short attention span of the west. to define other issues to focus on. and there are other issues that president biden does need to focus on. inflation, covid. other lessons coming up. but in the end, putin has gone so far. so far beyond this smaller wars he launched in the past 20 years. and i think it is going to be harder for the world to turn our eye at any point, and allow this to go on with our continuing to support word ambassador taylor is talking about. >> peter baker, a massacre william taylor, thank you both very much. and coming up, the high stakes in this weekend's french presidential election. why the outcome could affect the war in ukraine. when the 11th hour continues! 11th hour continues allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! flonase all good. this is my zen time. it's... a video game! people say, 'well, what are you? 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[ding] e*trade now from morgan stanley. today, he warned voters that nothing is decided yet. calling the surprising votes on brexit, and the vote on donald trump cautionary tales. joining us now is the former french ambassador to the united states, also a distinguished fellow with the atlantic council. mister ambassador, thank you for being with us. what is at stake for the european union if penn is elected on friday? whatever about nato, and what about the world? >> actually, you know. marie le pen, in the campaign of 20 -- when she was already against emmanuel macron, was a favor of brexit. and the european union. but she has understood what has been unpopular with the french voters. so this year, she says that she wants to stay in the european union, but she wants this change it and transform it into what she calls, the alliance of silver-ing matrons. in other words, it's brexit without saying it. it's leaving, really leaving the european union. on top of that, as you said, readings with putin are very strong. and even if she has condemned the invasion of ukraine, of course she was obliged to do it, she says after the war, she wants an alliance with russia. >> the leaders of germany, portugal, and spain. maybe for all the reasons you just stated, world an op-ed column in a french newspaper, publicly blacking macron. i don't know if i've seen anything like it. isn't this kind of intervention unusual? and don't you think it will have an impact? >> i think it's unusual. of course. really, she represents, as i have told you in fact, the end of the european union. because it is not french bragging. but if we can figure the european union without the united kingdom. you can think for your geographic regions, of the european union without france. and when all the continent is facing the major challenge of the war in ukraine, to have elected one of the most important european countries, somebody who is close to putin. is of course a frightening prospect for all of our partners. >> frightening and went way? let me give you an example, today, france announced that they would be sending her belt hillary to ukraine. macron saying that france will continue on this route. specifically, what do you think of a le pen victory would mean for ukraine? >> first, i have to remind you, i think your audience that -- the party of marie le pen, who was low to the quote of $12 million to the bank. which is linked to the family. and which allowed macron, during the presidential debate, to tell molly le pen, putin for you is your banker! and it is a fact. she said, as for the war in ukraine, that she would immediately stop the delivery of weapons to ukraine. so, and, i think in the european union, also, we're talking of sanctions of oil and gas. and it is obvious that she will oppose it. she is saying that she will try to work with hungary, and we know that hungary is very close to putin. >> let me ask you finally, because we mention this, that macron said, listen he obviously wants people to come out and vote. he said there's brexit, the election of donald trump, this matters. people need to come out. what is your feeling right now? what do you think turnout will be? and are you confident of a reelection of a macron? >> you know, i was a french ambassador in washington when donald trump was elected. so i remember the night of the 8th of november 2016. so it means that if all the polls will saying that she will win. i do not forget that france, like the united states, like the united kingdom, and like a lot of western democracies, are really living a moment when there is a toxic atmosphere. that some of our sitting since our revolting, rebelling. and they want to -- . so again, i will be reassured only on sunday at 8 pm, paris time. i think that there is still 20 to 30% chance that she may well. >> wow, ambassador, thank you so much. it was great talking to you tonight. coming up, our next guest says this week's development offers even more evidence of a tension between our conscience and convenience. his story, and john beach we'll explain what a story means. when the 11th hour continues! ontinues kind of work that i do, you are surrounded by people who are all younger than you. i had to get help somewhere along the line to stay competitive. i discovered prevagen. i started taking it and after a period of time, my memory improved. it was a game-changer for me. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. and it's easier than ever to get your projects done right. with angi, you can connect with and see ratings and reviews. and when you book and pay throug you're covered by our happiness check out today. angi... and done. we hit the bike trails every weekend and when you book and pay throug you'r shinges doesn't care.ness i grow all my own vegetables shingles doesn't care. we've still got the best moves you've ever seen good for you, but shingles doesn't care. because 1 in 3 people will get shingles, you need protection. but, no matter how healthy you feel, your immune system declines as you age increasing your risk for getting shingles. so, what can protect you? 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[ding] e*trade now from morgan stanley. this ain't your father's republican party. not a joke. you just have to look ... what was played this morning about the tape that was released, anyway. you now, but ... all kidding aside, this party known. >> joe biden, clearly following the release of audio recordings that had kevin mccarthy telling colleagues that he as donald trump to resign. the immediate question was what it might mean for mccarthy's well-known ambitions to be house speaker. how trump would react. well, as reported the top of the hour, wall street journal has an interview with the former president which -- who says he wasn't pleased. mccarthy never off -- he found out the facts. we will see if anything changes at trump's rally for senate candidate in ohio tomorrow. let's welcome historian john meacham, rogers chair in the american presidency at vanderbilt university. it lead by saying president biden. it's been a while, john. great to see you. what does the kevin mccarthy situation tell us about the state of the republican party? >> all too much, i'm afraid. i have never run for office, so i offer this from the sidelines, but at a certain point you have to decide why you are in this business? why are you in the arena? why he seeking the votes of the people in order to take an oath to defend the constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic? at a certain point, if it is just about the getting of votes and the amassing of power and the remaining in place, than it enables, even encourages, the kind of behavior we saw this week because of jonathan martin and alex burns's book. the hearing down in georgia with marjorie taylor greene ... you saw with mccarthy in green, the wages of power being the central motivator as opposed to the principle and attempted service. that sound self righteous. i apologize for that. i don't mean it to be. i do think it is a question. if you are just in this to be an office, and therefore you are willing to a base yourself again and again. you are willing to traffic the craziest conspiracy theories, the weirdest things you can imagine, then that turns the country ... it turns the lower case d for democratic experiment into an arena for power to take power away from the week, as opposed to enacting this idea that we are founding on, that we're all created equal and we have to find a way to perfect this in perfect union, which is imperfect because you and i are imperfect. you may not be, but i am. that is with the democratic experiment is supposed to be. it is not that today in the republican party. >> it is also about knowing that you are imperfect, right? accepting responsibility, saying when you're wrong ... and i wonder if you put into that category when you talk about them kevin mccarthy, trump, marjorie taylor greene, teddy vance, he made plenty of disparaging remarks about trump. and yet, four weeks he pled that he wanted the presidents endorsement. he finally got it. i mean, shouldn't we be surprised? >> no. nothing is surprising anymore. i say that with trepidation. after january 6th, we are now at a point, i believe, that the fundamental democratic experiment is in as grave situation as an anytime since fort sumter. we never had an american president who decided to lie about and promulgated lies and distrust about an election in an attempt to hold on to power. so, people like me who traffic in precedent. oh, no, chris. john tyler said. that is what people like me are supposed to say. john tyler never did this, you know? so, we are in a different place. i think the great test is, are we up to this? as imperfect creatures, driven by appetite, ambition, are we able to keep this experiment and self government going? that may sound grandiose for a friday night. but i think it's pretty much a fundamental question. we are seeing one of the two major parties, a party that i have long respected. george bush's biographer. the party of eisenhower, reagan, bush. i know there are lots of your viewers in particular that think the seeds of all of this were laid long ago. i actually have a different view of that, which is that part of the reason for the trump phenomenon is that republican presidents would say one thing, when they were running for office, get into office and govern functionally from the center, more or less. so, there was a pent up outrage about that. we have to have two functioning parties to make the constitution work. if only because of the electoral college. that is why we have to have. it it's almost impossible to get to 270 electoral those if you have three major contenders going for it. so, we need a rationale two party system. we don't have one right now. >> it's an unfair question to ask you with only a minute left, it was so struck when the former french ambassador to the united states says that he said that le pen has a 30% chance of beating macron. i wonder if you're looking at the past, macron himself said that brexit, donald, trump look at those things. but what do you think a boat ...? >> president biden has talked about this from the campaign trail forward. the dividing struggle for the generation's democracy versus autocracy. it is free government versus self government versus authoritarian, trend authoritarianism. i was struck by your guest saying ... i love that he points out, i was ambassador when donald trump won. so, i can believe anything. that was functionally what he was saying. so, again, it's not that we shouldn't be surprised ... i don't mean to be world weary or cynical. but this is a global phenomenon. the current conversation, you know, there are elites that are out of touch. there is income inequality. there is an enormous amount of work to do to make promises and possibility real for everybody. the way to achieve that is not to trend toward autocracy. >> jon meacham, with very important conversation on a friday night is as good as any other because we have these conversations. thank you so much, my friend. coming, up your day from the ground is one thing, but we will take the observance to new heights at when the 11th hour continues. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ who's on it with jardiance? 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>> we have you loud and clear, at a. >> wow, this is quite an honor. >> the last thing before we go tonight ... an out of this world birthday. it all began back in 1970 because wisconsin democratic senator gayle or nelson, wanted to prove the people really care about the planet. as part of this year's celebration, nasa enlisted the help of at better, who wanted to grow up to be an astronaut but ended up in the superstar band pearl jam instead. to make a very long distance call to the international space station. the astronauts shared their perspective about the planet they're orbiting to have 50 miles above. >> i think one of the lessons learned are that there are no borders here. it is surprisingly hard to figure out where you are over the earth. there's all land, water. no recognizable lines. for us, it is a great reminder that we are all, you, no one earth. >> your perspective is one ... it's so incredibly rare. >> outer space doesn't feel separate. that thin layer of atmosphere, that is all that separates us from outer space. so, when you are standing on the earth and looking up, you are in outer space. you're at the bottom of this little puddle of air. it is so important to protect, it take care of it. >> the rainforest is getting smaller and smaller. the area where people live and where you can see from up here where there's agriculture, is getting bigger and bigger. you see flames. you know that people are burning down the rainforest. on the other side of the country, you see rivers being completely flooded. probably lots of villages are being taken down. people suffer. that is also a consequence of the climate change. all this is very visible from up here in space. >> thanks so much for your interest in the space program, eddie. your support of nasa. >> i knew i was excited about this. i didn't realize how emotional i was going to be. i want to be an astronaut ever since i want was a kid, to. >> it means so much has that you took the time out of your day to speak to us. and that you're helping carry our awesome message for exploring, not only our own planet, but the moon, mars, all of the awesome research we are doing. thanks for time. >> all right. thank you. >> the message, all on one earth. all working together to take us off the air on this earth day. on that note, i wish you good night. from all of our colleagues across and bc news, thanks are staying up late. have a great weekend. i want to tell you the story of one american, who like many americans, retired at the age of 65. he announced at the end of september 2015, by the end of the following month, he was gone. to say he took the retirement like a fish takes the water would be an understatement of historic proportions. >> this morning, i am formed my colleagues that i would resign from the speakership and

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