Transcripts For MSNBC Jose Diaz-Balart Reports 20240708 : co

Transcripts For MSNBC Jose Diaz-Balart Reports 20240708

happening right now in mariupol, a dire humanitarian crisis as officials say hundreds of civilians are trapped inside a steel plant alongside ukrainian troops surrounded by russian forces. after vladimir putin declared victory over the city and said there is no need to storm the plant. local officials say it is still under assault. outside mariupol, new satellite images from the company maxar revealed of new graves, occier could burn anywhere from thousands. "the washington post" detailed the shock and trauma among the survivors who were able to escape the conflict. quote, "when the first bus opened its doors, many of the families just sat, waited as if struggling to grasp what they were finally safe, some children sat painfully still and stared in silence of the ukrainian police and volunteers who were registering their arrival." other families cried over each other as reporters asked over the conditions they had escaped. there were no light, there were no water and shouted one woman, it was hell, another said. joining us now is erin mclaughlin and as well as retired colonel james and our susan page, washington bureau chief at usa today. erin, what are you seeing on the ground today? >> reporter: hey, jose, we have been in contact with one of the ukrainian fighters trapped inside that old massive steel plant. their last hold out inside the city of mariupol. he was describing a desperate situation saying despite russian president vladimir putin's claim of victory, ukrainian fighters continue to fight even there are hundreds of civilians still trapped inside. take a listen. . >> everyday of the situation of mariupol could be very dangerous, we can be shot and killed. >> reporter: one of the soldiers trapped inside the plant, he sent us this video. the ukrainians are still fighting, taking out this russian tank. still, he says hundreds of civilians remained trapped, calling the situation desperate. >> the most heartbreaking thing is we have limited supplies and we are trying to share everything with civilians. >> reporter: today we heard from the mayor of mariupol putting the estimated civilian death toll inside that besieged city at 20,000 civilians, but we are unable to confirm that information given russia still controls everything essentially but the steel plant. we have seen those satellite images showing fresh graves outside of this city itself. absolutely horrifying scenes and chilling to think those deaths may not be investigated in the same way they are investigating the deaths and the horrors that happened outside of kyiv when russian forces retreated after losing the battle for the capital. ukrainian war crimes prosecutors moved in and we were out there this morning as they were tirelessly working to investigate alleged crimes and ehuming bodies. also, to bury their child properly. the idea that so many of those civilians trapped in mariupol may not be afforded that same right is truly horrifying. jose. >> erin, i am wondering there you are witnessing the horrors of war, what struck out to you and how do you process something like that, erin? . >> reporter: the magnitude of this tragedy is overwhelming. what struck me the most is the resilience of the ukrainian people. they're out there with their tractors and out there preparing their blown-up bridges in the suburbs of kyiv. they're out there cleaning up the wreckage and treating the wounded and taking care of the dead. it is truly heartwarming in a way to see the ukrainian people coming together in the face of this immense tragedy, not knowing what the future will hold. that's what has struck me most so far. >> erin, thanks so very much. admiral, it has been 24 hours since putin claims victory over mariupol. the u.s. has not assessed the city fallen to russian's control. there is a disconnect. what are you going with? >> i am going with the repeated lies that came out of the kremlin from day one, starting with we are never going to invade ukraine, big lie. we are going to be greeted as libera liberators. big lie. we are going to liberate kyiv in a matter of days. big lie. this is to a stack of lies. having said that, this inevitability to the fallen of mariupol, that's why putin is either going to take it or pound it to dust. these defenders are becoming the 300 spartans who held up the persian army and all credit to them. at some point the mass of the russian army is going to really take this over. two final thoughts, jose, we have to get a humanitarian corridor established, to get civilians out of this fire fight that's so wrong of what's happening. last point, those images of that mass graves in mariupol reminds me of the balcons in the 1990s, 8,000 men and boys executed over a couple of days. this may be a pivotal moment in the world's view of what's happening here. >> you know i have often talked about that and that massacre of those 7,000 or 8,000 boys and men part of an ethnic cleansing process. it seems admiral, what's going on in mariupol is a different thing but the end results could be the same, the destruction and annihilation of the entire city. >> indeed, let's face it, it is not just mariupol. other ukrainian cities are being pounded, president zelenskyy is exactly right when he calls this a genocide. these are civilians who are being targeted and killed because they are ukrainians. it is a terrible situation of the '90s are happening here. >> susan, what's the conversations about this major humanitarian crisis in ukraine? >> it affected the conversations in the white house and the country. you know we can only imagine what the atrociies are on the ukrainian people. for americans watching these pictures of mass graves and thousands of bodies dumped in them, it raises questions whether the u.s. and western responses are big enough. we saw president biden yesterday announced a new aid package, promised to announce another one yet next week. there is real limits of what the united states has been willing to do. you know we are approaching some critical weeks here both for the united states and russia up to that may 9th victory day celebration they were acustomed to see in moscow. it is also a moment that challenges the u.s. and the western response to these terrible pictures we are seeing there, jose. >> susan, the president had asked and he's planning to ask congress for more funding. yesterday he announced $800 million and the week before that announcing another $800 million. what do we know about the white house's plans to do that, to go to congress and ask for more funding? >> we think congress will be receptive. this is few issues where there is bipartisan support. we see in the polling of americans that most americans do not think president biden and his administration have done enough and that puts the political pressure on us here at home, jose. >> and susan, some mixed messaging from the white house and this is as side story, mixed messages from title 42. tell us what the president side of the possibility and policy of being extended yesterday and what he meant to say. >> the question thought it was dealing with mask mandate in public transit. the question was fact about this border provision title 42, that's permitted the united states to push back a lot of refugees and immigrants without documentation over the southern border. it is easy to understand how you can misunderstand a question in a certain stance like that. i think particularly problematic for president biden who's known for having a propensity for gasp that's something he acknowledged himself. >> susan page and admiral, thank you so much for being with us this morning. i appreciate it. joining us now is the former chief editor of ukraine's english language newspaper for 14 years. thank you for being with us this morning, what are you hearing about what's going on many mariupol? >> well, i mean i am not at the front lines, ukraine, there is no place that's really safe but relatively safe western's two-thirds of the country. mariupol did not have to happen. day 58, had ukraine gotten the jets and missiles and the ammunition and sufficient quantities and qualities, this would not have happened. for goodness sakes, it has been two months, almost of the siege of mariupol and we are watching it die. it is pretty ridiculous. the west says of the ukraine -- both on weapons and sanctions. >> so let's break this down. i think you are bringing up really fundamental issues here. so you say it did not have to happen. what should have occurred previous to the beginning of this invasion that would mitigated or made mariupol today not a reality? >> well, you can go all the way back to the start of putin, most recently 2014, you know that people wanted to get on with businesses as usual after the invasion of crimea and the donbas. the next year, the community built the nordstream of the two pipelines. that was the time to position weapons needed the win. ukrainians shown in a fair fight they're going to win because they have troops and greatness on their side and it is their land and they outfought the russians. the weapons that are still coming are not in great enough of quantity and quality and sanctions. the big sanctions that needs to be done is stop buying oil and gas. germany, the most powerful country in europe is financing russia's war machines by buying oil and gas and denying weapons. that's the state at play. it is going to have, the consequences of ukraine's loss and the outcome is not certain right now. the consequences of loss is catastrophic in humans and economics. i didn't think it has to happen, mariupol did not have to happen and ukraine can win. >> you have the reality of nato and finland and sweden talking about the possibility of janing nato. that possibility was never given to ukraine precisely and among other things because of the fear it would upset putin. well, they're not part of nato and putin did what he wanted to do anyway. what do you see going forward for ukraine, how does this end and how did the people of ukraine go forward? >> well, the people of ukraine made their decisions about eu and nato. i think the problem is the west still thinks they're going back to normal with this genocide and atrocity we had. there is no way of going back to normal. the policies should be isolation and make sure his military arsenal could not threaten other countries. the only way to guarantee that is nato membership. i believe now once the war is done, that's a big if, ukraine should be in nato and it should be in the european union. this is why sweden is going in and finland is going in. if you are in nato, you are safe and you are stronger than russia and you will probably never face the threat of military invasion by russia. >> brian bonner, thank you very much for being with us, i very much appreciate your time. >> thank you for your time. tonight, our own richard engel reports on the ground in ukraine, shining the light on the resilient spirit on the ukrainian people. "freedom or death" tonight at 10:00 p.m. eastern and 7:00 p.m. pacific on msnbc and streaming on peacock. still ahead, florida lawmaker signing a bill regarding disney. governor mccartney says he would ask president biden to resign -- resign -- ♪ ♪ we believe there's an innovator in all of us. ♪ ♪ that's why we build technology that makes it possible for every business... and every person... to come to the table and do more incredible things. 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>> taxpayers. >> reporter: we pull a tax bill for orange county, counterly the homeowner is paying more than 4,000 in taxes. slightly over a portion of that goes to the reedy creek county. >> nobody wants to pay more taxes but i mean there is nothing we can do. >> reporter: after all of this it may turn out to dissolve local self government may requires more than the governor's signature. it is possible constitutional lawyers say that the way they read it, a city, community needs to vote itself out of existence. that would mean that disney would have to vote the elimination of the reedy creek improvement district. jose, this may just end up in court. >> kerry sanders in orlando, thank you so much. turning now to a major story in washington. new audio reveals days after january 6th insurrection, mccarthy told liz cheney would urge then president trump to resign. listen. >> the only discussion i would have with him is that i think this will pass and it would be my recommendation he should resign. i mean that would be my take but i don't think he would take it but i don't know -- >> "the new york times" reported the content of the mccarthy's call and shared the audio of msnbc. mccarthy denied that report as totally false and wrong. cheney denied leaking the call. joining us now is our correspondent ali vitali. what's the reaction on capitol hill? >> reporter: the fact that there are tapes of this and this audio is ricochetting throughout washington. mccarthy of course is not just trump's close ally here on the hill but with someone with speaker aspirations. all of that now is thrown into flux as we try to figure out where this story goes next. of course, you pointed out we have not heard back from mccarthy's office after that audio was out there. we have heard from two of the other people who were on that call, congresswoman liz cheney and a few minutes ago, steve scalise's office. first, steve scalise who said in a statement, "the only thing that democrats media continues to obsess over is january 6th." he's on working with his colleagues to stop the radical agenda and this is the important part. neither he or anyone on his team recorded or leaked private conversations among members. that's the parlor game that's happening here in the halls of washington. where did these recordings come from? congresswoman cheney's office knocking down the idea that she was the leaker in their statement. they point out this select committee asked mccarthy to speak with us about these events but he so far declined and representative cheney did not record or leak the tape or did not know how the reporters got it. that's the parlor game we are going to play here. then, there is also the national game of how this plays out and the person at the center of that is former president trump holding a rally in ohio. he's not shy away from speaking to the media when it is about republicans in the news or himself. what he says on saturday could have big implications especially for the way trump's allies here on the hill think about mccarthy's role and the caucus going forward. as much as this is a mccarthy/trump centric news cycle, it is also how the rest of the caucus on the hill manifest what to be mccarthy right now. >> ali vitali, thank you so much. we'll speak to the man who wrote a book about being target by putin, he's telling us how this war will end. you are watching "jose diaz-balart reports." jose diaz-balart reports. 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[baby spits out milk] i'll get my onesies®. ♪ “baby one more time” by britney spears ♪ e*trade now from morgan stanley. 33 past the hour, vice president harris and her husband are now barred from traveling to russia, the russian foreign ministry says the two are among the 29 americans including ron klain and mark zuckerberg and david ignatius and others are banned from the country. with us now is someone who knows what it is like to be targeted by russia, bill browder, ceo of capital management, author of "freezing order." bill, it is good to see you, thank you for being with us, earlier, i spoke with russian pro democracy leader, he shares with us how he thinks. listen to how he thinks. >> all that we can hope for is out of desperation and fear for the future, some people, even cowards in putin's inner circle would act. it could not happen before russia's troops are defeated. >> what are your thoughts on that? i am just thinking he's very clear that he thinks that someone in his inner circle will take him out. >> well, as i listen to him and i would say the exact same words about the military defeat. the key to the whole thing is ukrainians beat russia in this war. putin launched this war as a way of staying in power. there is a famous movie "wag the dog" is all about distracting the people so they're not focused on putin but focused on a foreign enemy. if putin loses this war, the russian people are going to say we don't like a loser who costs us so much money and dead bodies. that'll be the end of putin. in order to get there, the ukrainians have to win the war. the u.s. and allies have to give them all the equipment they are asking for and we have to stop giving putin money in any way shape or form and that comes with sanctions and has to come with the stopping of purchasing of russia's oil and gas. everyday the world pays putin a billion dollars for his oil and gas and that money goes to kill ukrainians. >> bill, i want wondering here and it is an interesting concept. is it that -- it is the people of a dictatorship that's able to topple that dictator when they are eventually fed up with it or does it take the world to help a dictatorship fall. i am thinking how did the soviet union fall and how did eastern europe fell? is it from the bottom up or the top down? >> well, in my opinion is from all around. everybody plays apart in this whole thing. we have to play our part in the west by stopping the supply of money to russia. we got to play our part in the west by giving military equipment to ukrainians. ukrainians have to play their part which they are doing brilliantly by fighting off the russians. by the end of the day, we are not going to be able to change the leader nor the ukrainians, the people that'll be changing the leader of russia will be the russians. how they choose to do that is out of our control. i am not sure anybody surrounding putin can stand up to him. i think they're terrified by him. i think there is a scenario and we see this happening in other countries where he does something that just sets everybody off. in kazakhstan, the dictator who has been around for longer than putin in proportional term, stolen more money and they raised the price of fuel and everybody on masks everywhere violently protesting and he was gone within three days. that's kind of i think the most likely way putin will disappear when he takes missteps in a way that we can't predict that sets the russians off and if that were to happen, that would be the way in which i think putin would be replaced. >> yeah, the cuban people rose up the 11th of july last year and they been so shut down, sanctions, solidarity and support. thank you for being with us, bill. it is being called environmental racism. an alabama community living in raw sewage. yes, raw sewage. >> it is running into these neighbors homes and on the bathrooms and floors. >> one of the most outrageous solutions state officials are proposing. you are watching "jose diaz-balart reports." 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>> crap, nowhere to go but we just have to pray and hope tomorrow be better. >> the biden administration has requested 1 opinion $4 million $1.4 million to open an investigation. the government has the power to replace liens on people's homes. >> yamiche alcindor, thank you for shedding a light on this. such an important story. we have breaking news, more audio released regarding mccarthy. back with us our ali vitali, what's the latest? >> we knew there were more recordings like this and we are seeing the series of them of kevin mccarthy speaking with various members of his caucus in the immediate days after january 6th, the first audio that i will play for you is the conversation that mccarthy had on january had where he spoken to trump of the responsibility he bears for inciting the january 6th insurrection and former president admits he does have some responsibility for that. >> let me be clear to all of you and i have been clear to the president. he bears responsibility for his words and actions. no ans or buts, i asked him today if he holds responsibility today and does he feel bad about what happened. he told me he does have some responsibility for what happened. he needs to acknowledge that. >> and jose the second piece of audio we have is one day before that call, mccarthy with a much smaller group of leadership at the time of republicans. you will notice it sounds a little bit different. >> i notice this is not fun and i know this is not fun, i know this is not great. i don't want to rush things. i want to have all the information needed. i've had it with this guy. what he did is unacceptable. nobody can defend that and nobody should defend it. >> and, look, i think that the overarcing thing here, jose, is that you hear these recordings, the recording that we had first on the rachel maddow show. even those close with the president speak about him in vastly different ways privately and not to his face versus the way that they speak publicly and with him. i think that juggling act was through throughout the trump administration, throughout the trump era. it something i would encounter regularly with my sources but seeing this play out at this moment is going to be stunning and marks yet another crossroads with this caucus. physically he is not in washington but he is the leader of this party from an ideological sense. how they contend with that now that mccarthy is now someone who is seen privately to have spoken differently than he did publicly about the former president and what impact that has on the party writ large going forward. >> ali vitale on capitol hill, thank you so much for being with us. it has been a deadly week in afghanistan. i want to warn you that the following images show blood. yesterday hospital and government officials say at least ten people died, dozens were injured in multiple explosions in afghanistan's multiple regions. one bomb exploded in a mosque during prayers and another on a road near a school where two children were walking. and tuesday blasts targeted shi'a neighborhoods where at least six died and scores more were injured. joining us, our international affairs analyst. tia, thank you for being with us. shi'a muslims are a group that have historically faced violence in afghanistan. an ethnically distinct group is being targeted. why are they being targeted? >> they have been targeted for decades, if not centuries. they are of the shi'a religion. the figures make up 10% of the population. they continually are argue at the timed. isis is taking responsibility for the majority of blasts we've seen in the last few days. isis, if you believe it or not, is even more zealous than the taliban. the taliban continuously say they want to bring the hazara community in but the taliban have attacked them continuously throughout the decades. the hazara community in my opinion when i was in afghanistan really took advantage of the enough freedoms that came in in the last few decades. they were sending their children to school in masses, they were building their own universities and a lot of afghans resented them, afghans that were not of the hazara community. and they unfortunately are continually targeted. the boys school was targeted a couple of days ago. a year ago 90 afghan girls were killed, at least 90 when their school was attacked. a maternity ward two years prior to that. mothers and newborn babies killed. it's barbaric, it's unfortunate and this is what the hazaras are asking a campaign that says stop hazara genocide. >> this is happening at the same time that girls are still not in school in afghanistan, despite those taliban promises. you say the taliban has promised a lot of things but one thing that has not occurred, for more than 200 days girls haven't been allowed to go to school. >> no, they have not. and one thing you'll hear afghans say is girls aren't allowed to go to school and when our boys do go to school, they get killed. it's been 217 days since the taliban banned girls from going to school. they promised they would let girls of high school age return to school but when they arrived, they were turned around. manyclerics are trying to appeal to send them back to school. many are now turning to isis and by not allowing these girls go to school, they feel that might help them. >> and meanwhile, they're not getting any education, no rights, no future. thank you for being with us. a quick note. this morning we have a special announcement to share. our nbc university news group, primetime event "inspiring america" is returning for a second year, returning influential people making an impact in their communities and industries. for the special i speak with climate change power how the dr. katherine haho, who combines her deep knowledge of climate science with her deep faith as an evangelical christian. she's automobile to rally even the most skeptical to join the fight against climate change. you can watch this on saturday, may 7th on nbc, msnbc and cnbc. on sunday may 8th, i'll be hosting "inspiring america" on telemundo in spanish. you can stream it today and on the nbc hub on peacock. i'll be back with more news on former president barack obama is calling for social media reforms. i'm see you shortly. thanks. 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Road , U S , Everybody , Jose Diaz Balart Reports , East Coast , 00 , 9 , City , Mariupol , Eyes , Jose Diaz Balart , Standoff , Coverage , Eastern , 10 , Effort To Strip Disney , Ron Desantis , Ukraine , Point , Conflict , Self Governing Status , Bill Dissolving , Florida , Look , Communities , Sewage Crisis , Color , Earth Day , Civilians , Plant , Hundreds , Officials , Crisis , Victory , Satellite Images , Russian , Vladimir Putin , Forces , Troops , Need , Assault , Maxar , Graves , Occier , Bus , Thousands , Survivors , Washington Post , Trauma , Shock , Quote , Families , Children , Many , Doors , Police , Silence , Volunteers , Light , Reporters , Other , Conditions , Water , Arrival , Woman , Hell , One , Erin Mclaughlin , Colonel James , Susan Page , Reporter , Fighters , Ground , Washington , Contact , Bureau Chief , Usa Today , Situation , Steel Plant , Claim , Ukrainians , Fighting , Video , Soldiers , Thing , Everything , Supplies , Tank , Death , Mayor , 20000 , Information , Way , Horrors , Deaths , Scenes , Kyiv , Crimes , War Crimes Prosecutors , Capital , Battle , Bodies , Ehuming , Jose , Idea , Right , Child , War , Something , People , Tragedy , Resilience , Most , Magnitude , Tractors , Suburbs , Wounded , Wreckage , Care , Face , Admiral , 24 , Disconnect , Control , Lies , Big Lie , Day One , Kremlin , Libera Liberators , Inevitability , Matter , Stack , Spartans , Army , Defenders , Credit , 300 , Fight , Thoughts , Mass , Corridor , Over , Fire , Russian Army , Two , Images , Balcons , 1990 , World , Couple , Boys , Men , Massacre , View , 8000 , What S Going On , Results , Ethnic Cleansing Process , 7000 , Same , Annihilation , Destruction , Cities , Genocide , Zelenskyy , Conversations , White House , 90 , Country , Atrociies , Pictures Of Mass Graves , President , Aid Package , Enough , Responses , Questions , Limits , Biden Yesterday , Victory Day Celebration , Acustomed , May 9th , Response , Pictures , Moscow , Congress , Funding , Planning , Plans , 00 Million , 800 Million , Support , Issues , Polling , Administration , Home , Biden , Pressure , Possibility , Messaging , Side , Side Story , Messages , Policy , Title , 42 , Question , Fact , Mask Mandate , Transit , Border Provision Title 42 , Lot , Border , Immigrants , Documentation , Refugees , Propensity , Stance , Gasp , Newspaper , Chief Editor , Language , English , Lines , 14 , Place , Missiles , Jets , Western , 58 , Quantities , Qualities , Ammunition , Goodness Sakes , West , Siege , Sanctions , Weapons , Down , Invasion , Reality , Beginning , Businesses , Start , Crimea , 2014 , Community , Nordstream , Donbas , Pipelines , Greatness , Win , Land , Quantity , Gas , Estate , Play , Buying , Oil , Eastern Europe , War Machines , Germany , Consequences , Loss , Outcome , Nato , Humans , Sweden , Economics , Finland , Things , Janing , End , Problem , Decisions , Eu , Guarantee , Countries , Policies , Atrocity , Military Arsenal , Isolation , 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Case , Bit , Chaos , House Chambers , Government Authority , Bill Passes , 1967 , Signature , Protesters , Rule , Republican , Classroom Discussions , Kindergarten , Grade , Reedy Creek Improvement District , Gender Identity , Don T Say Gay Law , Sexual Orientation , Cause , Residents , Orange County , Fiasco , Cost , Reedy Creek Funds , 100 Million , Money , Tax Bill , Counterly , Obligation , Taxpayers , A Billion Dollars , A Billion , Nobody , Taxes , Portion , Homeowner , Reedy Creek County , 4000 , It , Nothing , Existence , Lawyers , Story , Court , Elimination , Audio , Kevin Mccarthy , Congresswoman Cheney , Discussion , Insurrection , January 6th , 6 , Recommendation , The New York Times , Report , Content , Ali Vitali , Call , Reaction , Capitol Hill , Wrong , Someone , Trump , Course , Ricochetting , Ally , The Hill , Tapes , Speaker , Aspirations , Flux , Statement , Steve Scalise , First , Democrats Media , Colleagues , Agenda , Parlor Game , Recordings , Members , Team , 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Transcripts For MSNBC Jose Diaz-Balart Reports 20240708 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Jose Diaz-Balart Reports 20240708

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happening right now in mariupol, a dire humanitarian crisis as officials say hundreds of civilians are trapped inside a steel plant alongside ukrainian troops surrounded by russian forces. after vladimir putin declared victory over the city and said there is no need to storm the plant. local officials say it is still under assault. outside mariupol, new satellite images from the company maxar revealed of new graves, occier could burn anywhere from thousands. "the washington post" detailed the shock and trauma among the survivors who were able to escape the conflict. quote, "when the first bus opened its doors, many of the families just sat, waited as if struggling to grasp what they were finally safe, some children sat painfully still and stared in silence of the ukrainian police and volunteers who were registering their arrival." other families cried over each other as reporters asked over the conditions they had escaped. there were no light, there were no water and shouted one woman, it was hell, another said. joining us now is erin mclaughlin and as well as retired colonel james and our susan page, washington bureau chief at usa today. erin, what are you seeing on the ground today? >> reporter: hey, jose, we have been in contact with one of the ukrainian fighters trapped inside that old massive steel plant. their last hold out inside the city of mariupol. he was describing a desperate situation saying despite russian president vladimir putin's claim of victory, ukrainian fighters continue to fight even there are hundreds of civilians still trapped inside. take a listen. . >> everyday of the situation of mariupol could be very dangerous, we can be shot and killed. >> reporter: one of the soldiers trapped inside the plant, he sent us this video. the ukrainians are still fighting, taking out this russian tank. still, he says hundreds of civilians remained trapped, calling the situation desperate. >> the most heartbreaking thing is we have limited supplies and we are trying to share everything with civilians. >> reporter: today we heard from the mayor of mariupol putting the estimated civilian death toll inside that besieged city at 20,000 civilians, but we are unable to confirm that information given russia still controls everything essentially but the steel plant. we have seen those satellite images showing fresh graves outside of this city itself. absolutely horrifying scenes and chilling to think those deaths may not be investigated in the same way they are investigating the deaths and the horrors that happened outside of kyiv when russian forces retreated after losing the battle for the capital. ukrainian war crimes prosecutors moved in and we were out there this morning as they were tirelessly working to investigate alleged crimes and ehuming bodies. also, to bury their child properly. the idea that so many of those civilians trapped in mariupol may not be afforded that same right is truly horrifying. jose. >> erin, i am wondering there you are witnessing the horrors of war, what struck out to you and how do you process something like that, erin? . >> reporter: the magnitude of this tragedy is overwhelming. what struck me the most is the resilience of the ukrainian people. they're out there with their tractors and out there preparing their blown-up bridges in the suburbs of kyiv. they're out there cleaning up the wreckage and treating the wounded and taking care of the dead. it is truly heartwarming in a way to see the ukrainian people coming together in the face of this immense tragedy, not knowing what the future will hold. that's what has struck me most so far. >> erin, thanks so very much. admiral, it has been 24 hours since putin claims victory over mariupol. the u.s. has not assessed the city fallen to russian's control. there is a disconnect. what are you going with? >> i am going with the repeated lies that came out of the kremlin from day one, starting with we are never going to invade ukraine, big lie. we are going to be greeted as libera liberators. big lie. we are going to liberate kyiv in a matter of days. big lie. this is to a stack of lies. having said that, this inevitability to the fallen of mariupol, that's why putin is either going to take it or pound it to dust. these defenders are becoming the 300 spartans who held up the persian army and all credit to them. at some point the mass of the russian army is going to really take this over. two final thoughts, jose, we have to get a humanitarian corridor established, to get civilians out of this fire fight that's so wrong of what's happening. last point, those images of that mass graves in mariupol reminds me of the balcons in the 1990s, 8,000 men and boys executed over a couple of days. this may be a pivotal moment in the world's view of what's happening here. >> you know i have often talked about that and that massacre of those 7,000 or 8,000 boys and men part of an ethnic cleansing process. it seems admiral, what's going on in mariupol is a different thing but the end results could be the same, the destruction and annihilation of the entire city. >> indeed, let's face it, it is not just mariupol. other ukrainian cities are being pounded, president zelenskyy is exactly right when he calls this a genocide. these are civilians who are being targeted and killed because they are ukrainians. it is a terrible situation of the '90s are happening here. >> susan, what's the conversations about this major humanitarian crisis in ukraine? >> it affected the conversations in the white house and the country. you know we can only imagine what the atrociies are on the ukrainian people. for americans watching these pictures of mass graves and thousands of bodies dumped in them, it raises questions whether the u.s. and western responses are big enough. we saw president biden yesterday announced a new aid package, promised to announce another one yet next week. there is real limits of what the united states has been willing to do. you know we are approaching some critical weeks here both for the united states and russia up to that may 9th victory day celebration they were acustomed to see in moscow. it is also a moment that challenges the u.s. and the western response to these terrible pictures we are seeing there, jose. >> susan, the president had asked and he's planning to ask congress for more funding. yesterday he announced $800 million and the week before that announcing another $800 million. what do we know about the white house's plans to do that, to go to congress and ask for more funding? >> we think congress will be receptive. this is few issues where there is bipartisan support. we see in the polling of americans that most americans do not think president biden and his administration have done enough and that puts the political pressure on us here at home, jose. >> and susan, some mixed messaging from the white house and this is as side story, mixed messages from title 42. tell us what the president side of the possibility and policy of being extended yesterday and what he meant to say. >> the question thought it was dealing with mask mandate in public transit. the question was fact about this border provision title 42, that's permitted the united states to push back a lot of refugees and immigrants without documentation over the southern border. it is easy to understand how you can misunderstand a question in a certain stance like that. i think particularly problematic for president biden who's known for having a propensity for gasp that's something he acknowledged himself. >> susan page and admiral, thank you so much for being with us this morning. i appreciate it. joining us now is the former chief editor of ukraine's english language newspaper for 14 years. thank you for being with us this morning, what are you hearing about what's going on many mariupol? >> well, i mean i am not at the front lines, ukraine, there is no place that's really safe but relatively safe western's two-thirds of the country. mariupol did not have to happen. day 58, had ukraine gotten the jets and missiles and the ammunition and sufficient quantities and qualities, this would not have happened. for goodness sakes, it has been two months, almost of the siege of mariupol and we are watching it die. it is pretty ridiculous. the west says of the ukraine -- both on weapons and sanctions. >> so let's break this down. i think you are bringing up really fundamental issues here. so you say it did not have to happen. what should have occurred previous to the beginning of this invasion that would mitigated or made mariupol today not a reality? >> well, you can go all the way back to the start of putin, most recently 2014, you know that people wanted to get on with businesses as usual after the invasion of crimea and the donbas. the next year, the community built the nordstream of the two pipelines. that was the time to position weapons needed the win. ukrainians shown in a fair fight they're going to win because they have troops and greatness on their side and it is their land and they outfought the russians. the weapons that are still coming are not in great enough of quantity and quality and sanctions. the big sanctions that needs to be done is stop buying oil and gas. germany, the most powerful country in europe is financing russia's war machines by buying oil and gas and denying weapons. that's the state at play. it is going to have, the consequences of ukraine's loss and the outcome is not certain right now. the consequences of loss is catastrophic in humans and economics. i didn't think it has to happen, mariupol did not have to happen and ukraine can win. >> you have the reality of nato and finland and sweden talking about the possibility of janing nato. that possibility was never given to ukraine precisely and among other things because of the fear it would upset putin. well, they're not part of nato and putin did what he wanted to do anyway. what do you see going forward for ukraine, how does this end and how did the people of ukraine go forward? >> well, the people of ukraine made their decisions about eu and nato. i think the problem is the west still thinks they're going back to normal with this genocide and atrocity we had. there is no way of going back to normal. the policies should be isolation and make sure his military arsenal could not threaten other countries. the only way to guarantee that is nato membership. i believe now once the war is done, that's a big if, ukraine should be in nato and it should be in the european union. this is why sweden is going in and finland is going in. if you are in nato, you are safe and you are stronger than russia and you will probably never face the threat of military invasion by russia. >> brian bonner, thank you very much for being with us, i very much appreciate your time. >> thank you for your time. tonight, our own richard engel reports on the ground in ukraine, shining the light on the resilient spirit on the ukrainian people. "freedom or death" tonight at 10:00 p.m. eastern and 7:00 p.m. pacific on msnbc and streaming on peacock. still ahead, florida lawmaker signing a bill regarding disney. governor mccartney says he would ask president biden to resign -- resign -- ♪ ♪ we believe there's an innovator in all of us. ♪ ♪ that's why we build technology that makes it possible for every business... and every person... to come to the table and do more incredible things. 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>> taxpayers. >> reporter: we pull a tax bill for orange county, counterly the homeowner is paying more than 4,000 in taxes. slightly over a portion of that goes to the reedy creek county. >> nobody wants to pay more taxes but i mean there is nothing we can do. >> reporter: after all of this it may turn out to dissolve local self government may requires more than the governor's signature. it is possible constitutional lawyers say that the way they read it, a city, community needs to vote itself out of existence. that would mean that disney would have to vote the elimination of the reedy creek improvement district. jose, this may just end up in court. >> kerry sanders in orlando, thank you so much. turning now to a major story in washington. new audio reveals days after january 6th insurrection, mccarthy told liz cheney would urge then president trump to resign. listen. >> the only discussion i would have with him is that i think this will pass and it would be my recommendation he should resign. i mean that would be my take but i don't think he would take it but i don't know -- >> "the new york times" reported the content of the mccarthy's call and shared the audio of msnbc. mccarthy denied that report as totally false and wrong. cheney denied leaking the call. joining us now is our correspondent ali vitali. what's the reaction on capitol hill? >> reporter: the fact that there are tapes of this and this audio is ricochetting throughout washington. mccarthy of course is not just trump's close ally here on the hill but with someone with speaker aspirations. all of that now is thrown into flux as we try to figure out where this story goes next. of course, you pointed out we have not heard back from mccarthy's office after that audio was out there. we have heard from two of the other people who were on that call, congresswoman liz cheney and a few minutes ago, steve scalise's office. first, steve scalise who said in a statement, "the only thing that democrats media continues to obsess over is january 6th." he's on working with his colleagues to stop the radical agenda and this is the important part. neither he or anyone on his team recorded or leaked private conversations among members. that's the parlor game that's happening here in the halls of washington. where did these recordings come from? congresswoman cheney's office knocking down the idea that she was the leaker in their statement. they point out this select committee asked mccarthy to speak with us about these events but he so far declined and representative cheney did not record or leak the tape or did not know how the reporters got it. that's the parlor game we are going to play here. then, there is also the national game of how this plays out and the person at the center of that is former president trump holding a rally in ohio. he's not shy away from speaking to the media when it is about republicans in the news or himself. what he says on saturday could have big implications especially for the way trump's allies here on the hill think about mccarthy's role and the caucus going forward. as much as this is a mccarthy/trump centric news cycle, it is also how the rest of the caucus on the hill manifest what to be mccarthy right now. >> ali vitali, thank you so much. we'll speak to the man who wrote a book about being target by putin, he's telling us how this war will end. you are watching "jose diaz-balart reports." jose diaz-balart reports. 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[baby spits out milk] i'll get my onesies®. ♪ “baby one more time” by britney spears ♪ e*trade now from morgan stanley. 33 past the hour, vice president harris and her husband are now barred from traveling to russia, the russian foreign ministry says the two are among the 29 americans including ron klain and mark zuckerberg and david ignatius and others are banned from the country. with us now is someone who knows what it is like to be targeted by russia, bill browder, ceo of capital management, author of "freezing order." bill, it is good to see you, thank you for being with us, earlier, i spoke with russian pro democracy leader, he shares with us how he thinks. listen to how he thinks. >> all that we can hope for is out of desperation and fear for the future, some people, even cowards in putin's inner circle would act. it could not happen before russia's troops are defeated. >> what are your thoughts on that? i am just thinking he's very clear that he thinks that someone in his inner circle will take him out. >> well, as i listen to him and i would say the exact same words about the military defeat. the key to the whole thing is ukrainians beat russia in this war. putin launched this war as a way of staying in power. there is a famous movie "wag the dog" is all about distracting the people so they're not focused on putin but focused on a foreign enemy. if putin loses this war, the russian people are going to say we don't like a loser who costs us so much money and dead bodies. that'll be the end of putin. in order to get there, the ukrainians have to win the war. the u.s. and allies have to give them all the equipment they are asking for and we have to stop giving putin money in any way shape or form and that comes with sanctions and has to come with the stopping of purchasing of russia's oil and gas. everyday the world pays putin a billion dollars for his oil and gas and that money goes to kill ukrainians. >> bill, i want wondering here and it is an interesting concept. is it that -- it is the people of a dictatorship that's able to topple that dictator when they are eventually fed up with it or does it take the world to help a dictatorship fall. i am thinking how did the soviet union fall and how did eastern europe fell? is it from the bottom up or the top down? >> well, in my opinion is from all around. everybody plays apart in this whole thing. we have to play our part in the west by stopping the supply of money to russia. we got to play our part in the west by giving military equipment to ukrainians. ukrainians have to play their part which they are doing brilliantly by fighting off the russians. by the end of the day, we are not going to be able to change the leader nor the ukrainians, the people that'll be changing the leader of russia will be the russians. how they choose to do that is out of our control. i am not sure anybody surrounding putin can stand up to him. i think they're terrified by him. i think there is a scenario and we see this happening in other countries where he does something that just sets everybody off. in kazakhstan, the dictator who has been around for longer than putin in proportional term, stolen more money and they raised the price of fuel and everybody on masks everywhere violently protesting and he was gone within three days. that's kind of i think the most likely way putin will disappear when he takes missteps in a way that we can't predict that sets the russians off and if that were to happen, that would be the way in which i think putin would be replaced. >> yeah, the cuban people rose up the 11th of july last year and they been so shut down, sanctions, solidarity and support. thank you for being with us, bill. it is being called environmental racism. an alabama community living in raw sewage. yes, raw sewage. >> it is running into these neighbors homes and on the bathrooms and floors. >> one of the most outrageous solutions state officials are proposing. you are watching "jose diaz-balart reports." 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>> crap, nowhere to go but we just have to pray and hope tomorrow be better. >> the biden administration has requested 1 opinion $4 million $1.4 million to open an investigation. the government has the power to replace liens on people's homes. >> yamiche alcindor, thank you for shedding a light on this. such an important story. we have breaking news, more audio released regarding mccarthy. back with us our ali vitali, what's the latest? >> we knew there were more recordings like this and we are seeing the series of them of kevin mccarthy speaking with various members of his caucus in the immediate days after january 6th, the first audio that i will play for you is the conversation that mccarthy had on january had where he spoken to trump of the responsibility he bears for inciting the january 6th insurrection and former president admits he does have some responsibility for that. >> let me be clear to all of you and i have been clear to the president. he bears responsibility for his words and actions. no ans or buts, i asked him today if he holds responsibility today and does he feel bad about what happened. he told me he does have some responsibility for what happened. he needs to acknowledge that. >> and jose the second piece of audio we have is one day before that call, mccarthy with a much smaller group of leadership at the time of republicans. you will notice it sounds a little bit different. >> i notice this is not fun and i know this is not fun, i know this is not great. i don't want to rush things. i want to have all the information needed. i've had it with this guy. what he did is unacceptable. nobody can defend that and nobody should defend it. >> and, look, i think that the overarcing thing here, jose, is that you hear these recordings, the recording that we had first on the rachel maddow show. even those close with the president speak about him in vastly different ways privately and not to his face versus the way that they speak publicly and with him. i think that juggling act was through throughout the trump administration, throughout the trump era. it something i would encounter regularly with my sources but seeing this play out at this moment is going to be stunning and marks yet another crossroads with this caucus. physically he is not in washington but he is the leader of this party from an ideological sense. how they contend with that now that mccarthy is now someone who is seen privately to have spoken differently than he did publicly about the former president and what impact that has on the party writ large going forward. >> ali vitale on capitol hill, thank you so much for being with us. it has been a deadly week in afghanistan. i want to warn you that the following images show blood. yesterday hospital and government officials say at least ten people died, dozens were injured in multiple explosions in afghanistan's multiple regions. one bomb exploded in a mosque during prayers and another on a road near a school where two children were walking. and tuesday blasts targeted shi'a neighborhoods where at least six died and scores more were injured. joining us, our international affairs analyst. tia, thank you for being with us. shi'a muslims are a group that have historically faced violence in afghanistan. an ethnically distinct group is being targeted. why are they being targeted? >> they have been targeted for decades, if not centuries. they are of the shi'a religion. the figures make up 10% of the population. they continually are argue at the timed. isis is taking responsibility for the majority of blasts we've seen in the last few days. isis, if you believe it or not, is even more zealous than the taliban. the taliban continuously say they want to bring the hazara community in but the taliban have attacked them continuously throughout the decades. the hazara community in my opinion when i was in afghanistan really took advantage of the enough freedoms that came in in the last few decades. they were sending their children to school in masses, they were building their own universities and a lot of afghans resented them, afghans that were not of the hazara community. and they unfortunately are continually targeted. the boys school was targeted a couple of days ago. a year ago 90 afghan girls were killed, at least 90 when their school was attacked. a maternity ward two years prior to that. mothers and newborn babies killed. it's barbaric, it's unfortunate and this is what the hazaras are asking a campaign that says stop hazara genocide. >> this is happening at the same time that girls are still not in school in afghanistan, despite those taliban promises. you say the taliban has promised a lot of things but one thing that has not occurred, for more than 200 days girls haven't been allowed to go to school. >> no, they have not. and one thing you'll hear afghans say is girls aren't allowed to go to school and when our boys do go to school, they get killed. it's been 217 days since the taliban banned girls from going to school. they promised they would let girls of high school age return to school but when they arrived, they were turned around. manyclerics are trying to appeal to send them back to school. many are now turning to isis and by not allowing these girls go to school, they feel that might help them. >> and meanwhile, they're not getting any education, no rights, no future. thank you for being with us. a quick note. this morning we have a special announcement to share. our nbc university news group, primetime event "inspiring america" is returning for a second year, returning influential people making an impact in their communities and industries. for the special i speak with climate change power how the dr. katherine haho, who combines her deep knowledge of climate science with her deep faith as an evangelical christian. she's automobile to rally even the most skeptical to join the fight against climate change. you can watch this on saturday, may 7th on nbc, msnbc and cnbc. on sunday may 8th, i'll be hosting "inspiring america" on telemundo in spanish. you can stream it today and on the nbc hub on peacock. i'll be back with more news on former president barack obama is calling for social media reforms. i'm see you shortly. thanks. 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