Transcripts For MSNBC The Beat With Ari Melber 20240708 : co

Transcripts For MSNBC The Beat With Ari Melber 20240708

about accountability and how the slow prosecutions of the insurrection are now moving forward with new and damning evidence that are spilling out into public view for the first time including texts from oath keeper militia members about how they plan their own security for trump allies who might have helped stage a coup. that includes roger stone, alex jones and the previously convicted trump aid michael flynn. now these details matter because, remember, top government officials already have security or secret service protection. but the doj is probing and congress is investigating a sedition conspiracy that's literally what it's been charged as. that means part of the literal goal was to et create either a parallel government or overthrow the election with a coup. this was the kind of stuff that sounds intense or, treatment or dramatic. you might at one point in history feel like you were being paranoid talking about this. and yet, i'm telling you about things that are in the charging documents. i'm telling you about why they were arming and protecting plotters, which would make it part of the coup operation depending on how far it got. this is not a drill. some of these defendants are currently being held behind bars awaiting their file trooil. they have been deemed far too dangerous to walk free while they await their sedition trial. there are new questions about how members of congress were also exploring other ways to overthrow biden's lawful victory. that includes senator lee's revealed text to a trump lawyer who is still fighting to hide over 30,000 other pages of e-mails from investigators. and there is a big difference between making empty claims about voter fraud in an interview or at a rally, which is generally legal. and trying to take the same claims knowingly false claims and use fraud within the government to then overthrow it. so this new evidence is putting a new light on some of what we saw in public. oath keep members escorting roger stone in early january. now it shows trying to relinquish over other members as well like calls to give him needed protection citing critical data he would have. and responds offering that now congressman jackson his cell phone number. there's other evidence of that shows links between oath keepers and the proud boys and how they were all in touch operationaly before they turned that march and stormed rally on the mall into storming the capital. so you see that headline is about a link to the proud boys. that's very interesting to investigators because before the election while many in the republican party kept minimizing or lying about trump's clearly telegraphed intent to overthrow democracy and stay in power if he didn't win the election, he was actually pressed on this by a journalist. he farther than any president in modern history to openly call for this kind of standby option of violent vigilanteism. from exactly this group. it was extreme at the time and the new evidence against these militias and the proud boys makes it today look even worse. >> are you willing tonight to condemn white supremacists and militia groups and to say that they need to stand down and not add to the violence in the cities as we saw in kenosha? >> i would say almost everything i see is from the left wing. not from the right wing. >> what are you saying? >> i'm willing to do anything. i want to see peace. >> well then do it. >> do you want to call them? give me a name. >> white supremacists. >> proud boys, stand back and standby, but i'll tell you what. somebody has got to do something about antifa and the left. >> i'm joined by our experts myola wiley and bill crystal. that was a moment that stood autothe time. cred to the per sis tans of the questioner because while he made his attacks on sees as left wing groups, he got in that big forum with so many viewers live and then traced on the internet. we know from the investigations on private chat rooms and messages proud boys standby. how does that link to what we're learning in these investigations? >> it's yet another direct link to donald trump. i was listening to your fascinating account of all the different characters involved. one thing to emphasize is this would have been -- let's say donald trump lost the election and conceded. there was a lot of turmoil in the country. and they organized and they were in touch with each other and lawsuits and all kinds of things that would have been disruptive. what would it have been? if his chief of staff is in touch with the lawyers and coordinating that and they are firing the secretary of defense and in touch of the proud boys themselves, at least remove from the white house. i think it comes back to the extent to which trump was at the center not of a super-well organized conspiracy but of a genuine conspiracy with many tent calls of the law and military groups and members of congress all conspireing to subvert the election. that's more serious than a bunch of odd balls here and lawyers there and five congressmen there. it really is a white house-centered conspiracy. and that is something that's dangerous and something we really never see. >> mya? >> bill is right. all i have to say is very fine people. remember when donald trump said that about white supremacists and their volence in charlottesville. this is a pattern of behavior from the president one of the things we should remember is there were organize etc. of the rally on january 5th and 6th who were worried and voicing that worry, according to sources, about it getting out of control, that it might get out of control. we didn't even know at that point how homeland security was already picking up on the trafficking concerned about violence. and even after the president's own jl attorney general bill barr, who has protected him day in and day out throughout the administration says on december 1st, there is no evidence of fraud. and rather than coming out and saying, okay, there's no evidence of fraud. donald trump tweets on december 19th come to the protest that's going to be wild. and this is in the context of the clip you share, which is basically a drum beat that he beats repeatedly for those who would be willing to do anything that he said and as we know, some of the most i would say in terms of the evidence that's in the public that's so damaging is his refusal to stop it. that in the context of these texts makes him complicit. >> there were all these tentacles and they didn't get anywhere with the military. and there's good reasons based on the people and the institutional history that we have there. they just didn't get anywhere. he reasonably thought he would have gotten farther with bill barr if not a full koop at least some helpful language from doj. we reported at the time barr said they went out of the way to look at it, which seemed dubious because there wasn't a reason for them to do that, but then he said they don't have massive voter fraud. then you get the folks that are very closer that they think they could have this their mind found a remedy through congress, throw it to congress, create enough doubt that they had the votes. the only way you find out that out is by working the room. they didn't have pence. mcconnell said they wouldn't have him. but last week was interesting because mike lee said on january 6th on the floor of the senate that they didn't have mike lee. and then the texts come out that he was active. not just might vote at the end, he's plotting for what it would take to get his vote, which again sheds more light on the january claims about peter novare r who told us about the list of members of congress. the texts, what everyone thinks of his admissions, the texts bear out that may have been true. here's what he said about that. >> the plan was simply this. we had over 100 congressmen and senators on capitol hill ready to implement the sweep. at 1:00 p.m., ted cruz and gosar representative started the green bay sweep beautifully challenged the results. >> was mike lee one of those people on that list? >> this was peter navarro who was working at the white house saying the plan, we had a plan. who was the we? he was working for the president. and as you say, thank god it was a failed coup to sub vrt election, but he tried. he fired the secretary of defense and put in some stooges there. the chairman of the joint chiefs was worried enough he sent that letter to all the military saying we need to uphold the law and not do anything that would be contrary to our oath and to the justice department. barr resigns. but then there's the attempt to fire him. so they were trying in different ways. they fell short. but the attempt was real. it was real. >> and mya, that's the high level of the series. then you have all the sloppiness. this is a headline more at the level of the pawns on the board, but striking nonetheless, an uber driver, you take your client wherever they want to go unless they want to go into coup because uber driver decided they needed to tell the fbi and provide footage from their dash cam because this rioter was bragging about their role, which seems dumb, but also probably very arrogant and privileged. >> it's very arrogant and privileg going back to a point bill made, which is you have a president asking you. we're here because the president has called upon us. and donald trump did. he did it in tweets. he did it by starting back in april starting to lay the foundation for the lie na the election was going to be rigged in the absence of any such evidence. despite his own department of homeland security, his own department of justice, his own appointees and white house council, all telling he couldn't do this thing that had his co-conspirators were telling him he could do. he knew he couldn't do it. yet he was still putting out the calls. no matter the evidence in even senator mike lee, who was constantly looking for a foothold to uphold somehow this abhorrent behavior and can't find it. the president knows all of this because senator lee is talking directly to mark meadows. and by the way, remember when the president was trying to call a different senator and reach senator lee by accident, it's pretty clear that these conversations were real. they were aggressive. the president wanted anything and everything that would stop the certification of election that was constitutional and had to be upheld. >> right. that's the part where the doj investigation and the committee is the floor. that's just gathering all the information. the country still hasn't fully reckoned with how to coup proof the system when this much already went down and they got this far. that's why this is interesting. i want to thank both of you for kicking off off tonight. >> thank you. coming up, biden going after mcconnell and republican economics. james carrville is my guest next after the break. also we have an update on the war in ukraine and a question. will marjorie taylor greene actually be booted from the ballot for her conduct in the insurrection. we have information on that. stay with us. surrection we have information on that. stay with us ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪simply irresistible♪ ♪ ♪ ♪simply irresistible♪ applebee's irresist-a-bowls are back. now starting at $8.99. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. i always wanted to know more about my grandfather. he...was a hardworking man who came to new york from puerto rico when he was 17. with ancestry, being able to put the pieces of the puzzle together...'s amazing. it's honestly amazing. you know liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need? 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[ding] e*trade now from morgan stanley. allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! flonase all good. i'm back with everybody's favorite democratic strategist james carville. good to see you. mcconnell is saying is and republicans will, he says win back congress unless they nominate too many extremists. take a look. >> how could you screw this up? it's actually possible. you can't nominate somebody who is just sort of unacceptable to a broader group of people. and when we had that experience in 2010 and 2012. >> there it is. let's look at the facts. there's a recent count that found qanon candidates are on the ballots in over half the states. they are running on lies about the 2020 election and the republicans face this test with their primaries that begin in earnest starting in may for a few more months. that's the conversation. do you think mcconnell is right about the risk? how should democrats approach it? >> mitch is up to his usual tricks. he had quite a few dealings with the russians. about a third of them are puling for russia. he wants people that will be compliant to his world view. which is tax cuts for the rich est people in the world and tax poor people, which isn't a very smart idea. but the problem is they are a weird political party. they need to be branded as such. these 26 qanon people, that's not necessarily the extreme. these are people that talk about testicle tanning and go to hungary for conferences. these are not normal by and lashlg a large part of the republican party is out and out weird. when you have moscow mitch saying we need more sane people, that means you have a lot of really crazy people. look at the clip when they were looking at peter navarro. that guy was a serious person in the white house. you're telling me he's a normal human being? no. he's not even among the worst. the thing that democrats need to do is start pointing out how weird and strange the republicans have become and taught more about that and less about what biden hadn't done for them. that's what i think. it has to be a serious effort to brand these people that they are really like odd ducks. you have trump saying, well, maybe the russians and ukraine can sit down. no, somebody illegally invaded a country and is ongoing committing war crimes. that's not good. you don't pull for them. that's a bad deal. >> it sounds like you're saying it's the weirdos, stupid. >> yes, but they are becoming a majority. you look at their commentators, they are out pulling for russia. you look at rick scott's tax plan. he wants to tax another 75 million people. he wants to tax the hotel maids. they don't pay enough. their life is too easy. workers in nursing home facilities, they need to pay taxes more. that's a really strange stuff here. we're getting into some version when i was a kid, you're too young to ebb remember this, but the twilight zone. they are out there in the twilight zone somewhere. >> shout out to the twilight zone. i have seen the reruns on streaming, but i didn't catch the original. so that's what you call the weirdo party from tucker karlson's obsession with the tanning for testosterone to rooting for putin, which we have documented is a big problem. james, you're known for straight talk. >> what about the pedophilia? matt gaetz, jim jordan, we talked about this before. these are not mainstream people. these are not sane republicans at all. and this is a lot of them. >> that's what you're saying democrats need to do which is make sure they are on offense rather than responding to a paranoid obsession to pedophilia. if senator cruz has that fixation, you put the spotlight back on that because that was full of lies and an unhealthy thing to fixate on. that's the gop side. i mentioned you do straight talk. we try to keep it real. there are issues on the democratic side. people want to hear that reaction as well. biden's poll numbers are low. and i want to show you the media did dpo off on trump for low numbers throughout his unpopular presidency. take a look. >> at 32%, donald trump has a lower favorability rating than any other recent president. >> 35% approval rating according to quinnipiac. that's lower than obama's worst approval rating. >> that is lower than any other recent president. >> president trump's approval rating is hitting a new low. >> we just can't underscore enough how historically low this is. >> historically low, we heard about that pundits and people here on tv. but at this point, trump was in the low 40s. take a look where biden is now the same. stuck in the low 40s. some people say that means either biden is as unpopular as trump, wait, i know you're raring to get in. i'm just going to finish the thought. or is it a new era of polarization that basically both parties presidents are going to be stuck under 50% because of the era we're in? do you think biden has a problem? what's your response to all this? >> ari, the 42 to 43% is a major difference. trump at that time was getting 90 to 95% of republicans. biden right now is getting about 75% of democrats. this problem can be addressed in a large part by bringing democrats home. but as long as you have other democrats saying biden hasn't done anything for you, certain number of people are going to believe that. the independents are going to believe that. so independents say if a democrat is saying biden hasn't done anything, i guess he hasn't done anything. if you got biden's number where trump's number was, you'd have another 6 to 8 points on your favorable. it's a different 43. when you go inside and you unmask it, you see biden could get to right below 50 if the democrats rallied behind him and started attacking the republicans for being weird opposed to talking about what biden hasn't done for you. that's what i really think. >> i'm interested, and i bet some of the viewers would be interested. part of what you're getting at is the top line numbers are what they are. we want to get your response. your point is while the democratic party has long talked about being a big tent and the internet has given more people to a chance to weigh in, which there are great parts about that. it also means that you feel like you're in one of those local town meetings and everybody has thrice opinions about two projects and a lot of people say they will vote for biden again, theyen wouldn't vote for trump. but they spend a lot of time talking about strategy, senate, manchin, build back better and you're saying that's the drag? >> that's totally the drag. it's also an enthusiasm drag. if you watch the way they treated now justice jackson, if you look at that. if you look at what your supreme court is really getting ready too to do, if that doesn't motivate you, i don't know what does. no one fears us. they look and say they are not going to do anything about it because they are going to squabble with each other. so the supreme court does what its to. the state legislatures pass any reinstructive voting law they want because they have learned over a period of time it doesn't matter. they are weak and all they are going to do is talk bad about each other. you can't govern without fear. you can't have a political party. >> i have heard this before. the last item is the eaiest one. we save the easiest for last. now this is insignificant, just to be real. this is insignificant, but firing up the right. it's what i call a nontro investigator sit. a noncontroversy. it involves the president of the united states. he was talking to a bystander briefly outside the white house because at these invited event, sometimes people can get up to the president. and then an easter bunny mascot walked by. it's a short moment. here it is. >> that's all it is. so we wouldn't even talk about this on the news, but i want people to understand when we talk about the two worlds we live in in america, we're not talking about debates over policy. you and i, fine, you mentioned you have been at it longer than me, but we have been around where you debate the policy and someone says i think the federal government should spend less on schools. leaf it to local. other people say, no, some of the poorest schools need more federal money. that's just a debate. i'm not going to say people have a different view one way or another. those are policy debates. that's not where we are anymore. the moment i just showed you, which is nothing, it showed up in at least four different top shows on fox news arguing that that random holt ta moment means there must be something wrong with the president. >> biden fumbling through questions about foreign policy when a staffer in an easter bunny costume led him away. >> he is so obviously struggling cog na tyly. >> a staffer dressed up as the easter bunny. >> we know he's not running the show. >> who do you think is running the show? >> i don't know. i can't believe it's him. he seems so out of it all the time. >> james. >> we talk about earlier the weird people. these are some strange, different, weird people. they are not like the rest of us. and they do that in the same thing as like they pull for russia. they are just different. they have a different thing. it's strange. it's strange you'd pick a moment, been to the easter egg roll before, but it doesn't matter. strange people say strange things. and that's i believe that is really one of the problems of america. no normal person would make something out of that. yet it generated a talking point ask they are all talking about it. it's very weird. it really is. >> i'll tell you this. i hear your theme of the day. you make a fair point. this is wrong because if you have the position to speak to millions of people, you have some obligation it work with in reality. when you do what they are doing there, some of the people watching will become information victims. meaning you have a family member. all they watch is fox news they are going to show up at the barbecue they lead him around with the easter bunny suit. this becomes one more thing. it's bs. it's corrosive to try to have self-governance where we can talk about reality and policy and not the fever dreams of what i just showed. four different hosts trying to make a meal out of easter eggs. >> is that the strangest thing that they have tone? i don't know. and it shows democrats or people watching this program just what's going on over there. it's time to start branding them to talk about the things of they have done. the real things that are happening in this country. i think the president has done a magnificent job as do most people in ukraine. it's a major world crisis. they are going to hungary and having meetings. and literally they are saying everybody -- it's both sides. you have the ukraines and you have the russians. that's very strange. >> and there's a silliness to it, but there's also a seriousness, which i appreciate you ending on. which is the main lining of authoritarian at home and abroad while we are facing reality of of what that is and what that means for us as a nation. james carville, always good to see you, sir. >> always the easter bunny will get you at the end of the day. thank you. >> i'm always looking for the easter eggs. good to see you. we have our shortest break in the hour which is one minute. when i'm back in 60 seconds, the problems for rep green. we have a lawyer trying to get her off the ballot. it's a matter of national security. we're back in a minute. atter of security we're back in a minute ♪ ♪ we believe there's an innovator in all of us. ♪ ♪ that's why we build technology that makes it possible for every business... and every person... to come to the table and do more incredible things. 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>> if we prevail in this hearing on friday, then the judge will make a formal written recommendation, which could be appealed, but that would say that marjorie taylor greene is disqualified from public office, and then the secretary of state would put instructions at all the polling places in her district in georgia saying votes cast for her will not count and will be discarded. >> she's off the ballot if you win? >> exactly. >> so you believe that is a rare step that's necessary because she actively supported insurrection or you believe these kind of lawsuits should go forward and all kinds of people could be kicked off the ballot? >> this is a rare action and, in fact, it hasn't happened for over 150 years. because insurrections against the united states, let alone insurrections in which members of congress were involved, is a rare phenomenon. but marjorie taylor greene crossed the line and she met the legal standard for engaging in insurrection, which under our constitution means that she is disqualified from future public office. >> it's interesting you put it that way. mitch mcconnell took to the floor of the senate on january 6th. he called it an insurrection. it was this effort, as we have reported in different context earier in the program, to overthrow the government. that would strengthen your hand legally. on the other hand, i'll get your response, but i would imagine you kwould agree with me legally that how much you oppose, disagree or despise someone in office should never be the reason to kick them off the ballot. it has to be more than that. that's why this is, at least, a tricky case. in fairness to her, what she says today basically about this effort and to some degree you, she said this today. >> these leftists, these progressives who would rather have the judge or bureaucrats making decisions instead of voters, they want to hand that over to them and not let the people in my district to even have the right to vote for me. but no, the republican party needs to fight harder. >> we pulled that today. the clip from last night on tucker carlson. what do you say to that concern that she basically says you are trying to insert and supplant yourself for the voters in this district. >> we may have lost him. that freeze frame didn't mean i asked a question he couldn't answer it. we ran into tech problems. ron fine is an interesting guest because he's leading this effort. we'll seek to get more answers to that. and i think we'll play before we go for context, we also prepared some of what she said about controversial issues across the board. here's one more sound byte from the qanon rep. >> q is a patriot. we know that for sure. there's a once in a lifetime opportunity to take this global cable of satan worshipping pedophiles out. i think we have the president to do it. >> ann tee fa has declared war america. >> the so-called plane that crashed into the pentagon. it's odd there's never evidence shone for a plane in the pentagon. >> ron, do i have you back? >> yes. >> you get the final word. >> marjorie taylor greene has a wide range of despicable views, but that's not what this is about. this is about constitution of the united states and our principle of that constitution that you can't take an oath to support the constitution and then break that oath and engage in insurrection against the united states. you have to pick one side or another. and marjorie taylor greene picked her side. under the 14th amendment to the constitution, she is not only a danger to the entire country, but she's disqualified from any public office. >> there you have it. we wanted to hear your view. we have had many conservatives and otherwise on the show. the congresswoman is welcome to come on to respond to you here. and ron, i appreciate you tackling not only the tough constitutional issues, but also the tech challenges, sir. >> thank you. >> it's a zoom world. thank you. when we come back, the biden administration says they are going on offense on fighting ko visit. stay with us. ffense on fighting visit. stay with us aleve x. its revolutionary rollerball design delivers fast, powerful, long-lasting pain relief. aleve it, and see what's possible. as a main street bank, pnc has helped over 7 million kids develop their passion for learning through our grow up great initiative. and now, we're providing billions of dollars for affordable home lending programs... as part of 88 billion to support underserved communities... including loans for small businesses in low and moderate income areas. so everyone has a chance to move forward financially. pnc bank: see how we can make a difference for you. allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! flonase all good. if rayna's thinking about retirement, she'll get some help from fidelity to envision what's possible and balance risk and reward. and with a clear plan, rayna can enjoy wherever she's headed next. that's the planning effect, from fidelity. turn to the war. russia says it's in new phase in the invasion. russia claims it's trying to liberate those areas moving troops tlp the second largest city. mariupol is still a contested area. strategically important as a port city. the my your says 100,000 people may still be trapped there. we turn to an expert we have gone to before. a history professor and the author of strongmen. given your work and your understanding of the mind set, to some degree, what do you see in putin regrouping here and continuing, as we head towards the second or third month? >> yeah, ari, he's clearly doubling down, what happens in the next weeks will be of course, lives of millions hang in the balance. and mariupol is important. it's become a symbol for the russians not only because it provides a land corridor to crimea, which was illegally annexed in 2014, but it's very important to have that land corridor with crimea because in terms of propaganda, which is as important as reality in russia, it creates a bridge not only in land, but a bridge between the last stage of the heroic war, the annexation of crimea in 2014 and this current war. and putin is hooking to secure his place in history to convince, to find a way this wasn't in a miscalculation and it was a glorious crusade. if he can secure this and have some kind of continuity with 2014, indeed, he recently showed up in person which was rare at a rally to commemorate the annexation of crimea, this gives a sense to the whole war so far for him. >> and then bh you lock at the reports that the sanctions are working, but slowly, there's concern about the overall credit acts, but even though they are the largest sanctions to date in the european theater in the last several decades, it certainly hasn't stopped russia and putin seems to be making the very practical real politic calculation that europe will continue to buy his oil, which they are. >> yeah, it's all a question of timing because there's no evidence that the sanctions have personally affected putin. the issue is that like germany has come a long way and they are going to phase out russian energy, but that takes time. time that ukraine doesn't have. we also run into critique that european leaders are themselves up for it. they are not autocrats. they are up for reelection. and they may fear a political fallout of an economic downturn from weaning themselves off this cheaper energy. and lock what happens in hungary. victor just won reelection because he said we're not going to make hungarians pay higher prices so he refused to have any sanctions on russian energy. that worked for him. and all of this is so it's a question of a race against time. i fear that ukraines are going to pay the price. >> yeah. understood that's why it's grim, but we continue to keep our eye on it and on some of the horrific footage we continue to see including the targeting of the civilian areas. thank you so much. >> thank you. when we turn back to the home front, i'll tell you there's a the lot of debate over masks. the rules have been changing and shifting. the biden administration lost the lower court and we're learning what the justice plans to do about it in something that developed this hour. that update, when we return. ho. that update, when we return. wealth is breaking ground on your biggest project yet. worth is giving the people who build it a solid foundation. wealth is shutting down the office for mike's retirement party. worth is giving the employee who spent half his life with you, the party of a lifetime. ♪ ♪ wealth is watching your business grow. worth is watching your employees grow with it. ♪ ♪ ♪ limu emu ♪ and doug. ♪ harp plays ♪ only two things are forever: love and liberty mutual customizing your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. (emu squawks) if anyone objects to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace. (emu squawks) (the crowd gasps) no, kevin, no! not today. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ it feels nice. it's a relief. i feel i can breathe easier. >> with all the vaccines and everything that's come out, i think it's perfectly okay to lift the mandate. >> we want to keep them on for awhile just to be safe. >> and we'd prefer that the mandate not be lifted just yet. >> some travelers there reacting to the shifting rules for masks on planes and president biden also speaking out about masks today after a lower court struck down what was the federal rule that does require up until yesterday masks on planes. >> mr. president, should people continue to wear masks on planes? >> that's up to them. >> would you like to appeal the ruling that the judge made striking down the mandate? >> i haven't spoken to the cdc yet. >> biden there deferring to the cdc and today the justice department did the same. we learned this hour doj said if the cdc determines the masks are necessary, it would later appeal the ruling and john psaki said quote, public health decisions should not be made by the court but made by public health experts end quote. that sounds like a scientific sentiment but sidesteps the fact in our system courts always have the final word on the president's legal powers. the last president didn't like it when courts narrowed a travel ban that he claimed was for national security and this administration and its team are learning it can also lose cases about policies it asserts are very necessary. the courts do have the last decision on all of the powers of the government. that's the update and i'll be back with one more thing. e and back with one more thing waxed. natural. sensitive. new dove ultimate antiperspirant. our unique water based formula and 6x more glycerin. helps restore skin to its best condition. new dove ultimate. ♪ ♪ helps restore skin to its bnice suits, you guys blend right in. the world needs you back. i'm retired greg, you know this. people are taking financial advice from memes. [baby spits out milk] i'll get my onesies®. ♪ “baby one more time” by britney spears ♪ e*trade now from morgan stanley. it's still the eat fresh refresh, and subway's refreshing their italians. so, we're taking this to italy. refresh. because subway now has italian-style capicola on the new mozza meat and supreme meats. love the smell of italian food. subway keeps refreshing and refres- nicorette knows, quitting smoking is freaking hard. you get advice like: of italian food. just stop. go for a run. go for 10 runs! run a marathon. instead, start small. with nicorette. which can lead to something big. start stopping with nicorette. we got the house! you did! pods handles the driving. pack at your pace. store your things until you're ready. then we deliver to your new home - across town or across the country. pods, your personal moving and storage team. vice president biden, vice president -- [ laughter ] . that was a joke. it is good to be back in the white house. it's been awhile. >> two presidents joking around, obama's first time back because the hill quotes two sources that say that biden recently told obama he will run again, that he will run for president again despite his age. bidenrecently said he's fortunate to run against trump, if trump came back in, that would be easy for biden and another source says biden thinks he's the on democrat that can beat trump. the white house didn't come on "the hill" story. all of this is a dance because nobody likes to volunteer that they're a one-term lame duck president for any reason but it's interesting the way this is being leaked out right now and that's our update for the end of the year. "the reidout" with joy reid starts now. >> good evening, everyone. we have a lot to get to including the recent intern turned trump appointed judge. it raises the danger in a surge of cases thanks to a single judge appointed after practicing law for eight years and rated not qualiied by the american bar association. we'll have much more on that

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Transcripts For MSNBC The Beat With Ari Melber 20240708 :

Transcripts For MSNBC The Beat With Ari Melber 20240708

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about accountability and how the slow prosecutions of the insurrection are now moving forward with new and damning evidence that are spilling out into public view for the first time including texts from oath keeper militia members about how they plan their own security for trump allies who might have helped stage a coup. that includes roger stone, alex jones and the previously convicted trump aid michael flynn. now these details matter because, remember, top government officials already have security or secret service protection. but the doj is probing and congress is investigating a sedition conspiracy that's literally what it's been charged as. that means part of the literal goal was to et create either a parallel government or overthrow the election with a coup. this was the kind of stuff that sounds intense or, treatment or dramatic. you might at one point in history feel like you were being paranoid talking about this. and yet, i'm telling you about things that are in the charging documents. i'm telling you about why they were arming and protecting plotters, which would make it part of the coup operation depending on how far it got. this is not a drill. some of these defendants are currently being held behind bars awaiting their file trooil. they have been deemed far too dangerous to walk free while they await their sedition trial. there are new questions about how members of congress were also exploring other ways to overthrow biden's lawful victory. that includes senator lee's revealed text to a trump lawyer who is still fighting to hide over 30,000 other pages of e-mails from investigators. and there is a big difference between making empty claims about voter fraud in an interview or at a rally, which is generally legal. and trying to take the same claims knowingly false claims and use fraud within the government to then overthrow it. so this new evidence is putting a new light on some of what we saw in public. oath keep members escorting roger stone in early january. now it shows trying to relinquish over other members as well like calls to give him needed protection citing critical data he would have. and responds offering that now congressman jackson his cell phone number. there's other evidence of that shows links between oath keepers and the proud boys and how they were all in touch operationaly before they turned that march and stormed rally on the mall into storming the capital. so you see that headline is about a link to the proud boys. that's very interesting to investigators because before the election while many in the republican party kept minimizing or lying about trump's clearly telegraphed intent to overthrow democracy and stay in power if he didn't win the election, he was actually pressed on this by a journalist. he farther than any president in modern history to openly call for this kind of standby option of violent vigilanteism. from exactly this group. it was extreme at the time and the new evidence against these militias and the proud boys makes it today look even worse. >> are you willing tonight to condemn white supremacists and militia groups and to say that they need to stand down and not add to the violence in the cities as we saw in kenosha? >> i would say almost everything i see is from the left wing. not from the right wing. >> what are you saying? >> i'm willing to do anything. i want to see peace. >> well then do it. >> do you want to call them? give me a name. >> white supremacists. >> proud boys, stand back and standby, but i'll tell you what. somebody has got to do something about antifa and the left. >> i'm joined by our experts myola wiley and bill crystal. that was a moment that stood autothe time. cred to the per sis tans of the questioner because while he made his attacks on sees as left wing groups, he got in that big forum with so many viewers live and then traced on the internet. we know from the investigations on private chat rooms and messages proud boys standby. how does that link to what we're learning in these investigations? >> it's yet another direct link to donald trump. i was listening to your fascinating account of all the different characters involved. one thing to emphasize is this would have been -- let's say donald trump lost the election and conceded. there was a lot of turmoil in the country. and they organized and they were in touch with each other and lawsuits and all kinds of things that would have been disruptive. what would it have been? if his chief of staff is in touch with the lawyers and coordinating that and they are firing the secretary of defense and in touch of the proud boys themselves, at least remove from the white house. i think it comes back to the extent to which trump was at the center not of a super-well organized conspiracy but of a genuine conspiracy with many tent calls of the law and military groups and members of congress all conspireing to subvert the election. that's more serious than a bunch of odd balls here and lawyers there and five congressmen there. it really is a white house-centered conspiracy. and that is something that's dangerous and something we really never see. >> mya? >> bill is right. all i have to say is very fine people. remember when donald trump said that about white supremacists and their volence in charlottesville. this is a pattern of behavior from the president one of the things we should remember is there were organize etc. of the rally on january 5th and 6th who were worried and voicing that worry, according to sources, about it getting out of control, that it might get out of control. we didn't even know at that point how homeland security was already picking up on the trafficking concerned about violence. and even after the president's own jl attorney general bill barr, who has protected him day in and day out throughout the administration says on december 1st, there is no evidence of fraud. and rather than coming out and saying, okay, there's no evidence of fraud. donald trump tweets on december 19th come to the protest that's going to be wild. and this is in the context of the clip you share, which is basically a drum beat that he beats repeatedly for those who would be willing to do anything that he said and as we know, some of the most i would say in terms of the evidence that's in the public that's so damaging is his refusal to stop it. that in the context of these texts makes him complicit. >> there were all these tentacles and they didn't get anywhere with the military. and there's good reasons based on the people and the institutional history that we have there. they just didn't get anywhere. he reasonably thought he would have gotten farther with bill barr if not a full koop at least some helpful language from doj. we reported at the time barr said they went out of the way to look at it, which seemed dubious because there wasn't a reason for them to do that, but then he said they don't have massive voter fraud. then you get the folks that are very closer that they think they could have this their mind found a remedy through congress, throw it to congress, create enough doubt that they had the votes. the only way you find out that out is by working the room. they didn't have pence. mcconnell said they wouldn't have him. but last week was interesting because mike lee said on january 6th on the floor of the senate that they didn't have mike lee. and then the texts come out that he was active. not just might vote at the end, he's plotting for what it would take to get his vote, which again sheds more light on the january claims about peter novare r who told us about the list of members of congress. the texts, what everyone thinks of his admissions, the texts bear out that may have been true. here's what he said about that. >> the plan was simply this. we had over 100 congressmen and senators on capitol hill ready to implement the sweep. at 1:00 p.m., ted cruz and gosar representative started the green bay sweep beautifully challenged the results. >> was mike lee one of those people on that list? >> this was peter navarro who was working at the white house saying the plan, we had a plan. who was the we? he was working for the president. and as you say, thank god it was a failed coup to sub vrt election, but he tried. he fired the secretary of defense and put in some stooges there. the chairman of the joint chiefs was worried enough he sent that letter to all the military saying we need to uphold the law and not do anything that would be contrary to our oath and to the justice department. barr resigns. but then there's the attempt to fire him. so they were trying in different ways. they fell short. but the attempt was real. it was real. >> and mya, that's the high level of the series. then you have all the sloppiness. this is a headline more at the level of the pawns on the board, but striking nonetheless, an uber driver, you take your client wherever they want to go unless they want to go into coup because uber driver decided they needed to tell the fbi and provide footage from their dash cam because this rioter was bragging about their role, which seems dumb, but also probably very arrogant and privileged. >> it's very arrogant and privileg going back to a point bill made, which is you have a president asking you. we're here because the president has called upon us. and donald trump did. he did it in tweets. he did it by starting back in april starting to lay the foundation for the lie na the election was going to be rigged in the absence of any such evidence. despite his own department of homeland security, his own department of justice, his own appointees and white house council, all telling he couldn't do this thing that had his co-conspirators were telling him he could do. he knew he couldn't do it. yet he was still putting out the calls. no matter the evidence in even senator mike lee, who was constantly looking for a foothold to uphold somehow this abhorrent behavior and can't find it. the president knows all of this because senator lee is talking directly to mark meadows. and by the way, remember when the president was trying to call a different senator and reach senator lee by accident, it's pretty clear that these conversations were real. they were aggressive. the president wanted anything and everything that would stop the certification of election that was constitutional and had to be upheld. >> right. that's the part where the doj investigation and the committee is the floor. that's just gathering all the information. the country still hasn't fully reckoned with how to coup proof the system when this much already went down and they got this far. that's why this is interesting. i want to thank both of you for kicking off off tonight. >> thank you. coming up, biden going after mcconnell and republican economics. james carrville is my guest next after the break. also we have an update on the war in ukraine and a question. will marjorie taylor greene actually be booted from the ballot for her conduct in the insurrection. we have information on that. stay with us. surrection we have information on that. stay with us ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪simply irresistible♪ ♪ ♪ ♪simply irresistible♪ applebee's irresist-a-bowls are back. now starting at $8.99. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. i always wanted to know more about my grandfather. he...was a hardworking man who came to new york from puerto rico when he was 17. with ancestry, being able to put the pieces of the puzzle together...'s amazing. it's honestly amazing. you know liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need? 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[ding] e*trade now from morgan stanley. allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! flonase all good. i'm back with everybody's favorite democratic strategist james carville. good to see you. mcconnell is saying is and republicans will, he says win back congress unless they nominate too many extremists. take a look. >> how could you screw this up? it's actually possible. you can't nominate somebody who is just sort of unacceptable to a broader group of people. and when we had that experience in 2010 and 2012. >> there it is. let's look at the facts. there's a recent count that found qanon candidates are on the ballots in over half the states. they are running on lies about the 2020 election and the republicans face this test with their primaries that begin in earnest starting in may for a few more months. that's the conversation. do you think mcconnell is right about the risk? how should democrats approach it? >> mitch is up to his usual tricks. he had quite a few dealings with the russians. about a third of them are puling for russia. he wants people that will be compliant to his world view. which is tax cuts for the rich est people in the world and tax poor people, which isn't a very smart idea. but the problem is they are a weird political party. they need to be branded as such. these 26 qanon people, that's not necessarily the extreme. these are people that talk about testicle tanning and go to hungary for conferences. these are not normal by and lashlg a large part of the republican party is out and out weird. when you have moscow mitch saying we need more sane people, that means you have a lot of really crazy people. look at the clip when they were looking at peter navarro. that guy was a serious person in the white house. you're telling me he's a normal human being? no. he's not even among the worst. the thing that democrats need to do is start pointing out how weird and strange the republicans have become and taught more about that and less about what biden hadn't done for them. that's what i think. it has to be a serious effort to brand these people that they are really like odd ducks. you have trump saying, well, maybe the russians and ukraine can sit down. no, somebody illegally invaded a country and is ongoing committing war crimes. that's not good. you don't pull for them. that's a bad deal. >> it sounds like you're saying it's the weirdos, stupid. >> yes, but they are becoming a majority. you look at their commentators, they are out pulling for russia. you look at rick scott's tax plan. he wants to tax another 75 million people. he wants to tax the hotel maids. they don't pay enough. their life is too easy. workers in nursing home facilities, they need to pay taxes more. that's a really strange stuff here. we're getting into some version when i was a kid, you're too young to ebb remember this, but the twilight zone. they are out there in the twilight zone somewhere. >> shout out to the twilight zone. i have seen the reruns on streaming, but i didn't catch the original. so that's what you call the weirdo party from tucker karlson's obsession with the tanning for testosterone to rooting for putin, which we have documented is a big problem. james, you're known for straight talk. >> what about the pedophilia? matt gaetz, jim jordan, we talked about this before. these are not mainstream people. these are not sane republicans at all. and this is a lot of them. >> that's what you're saying democrats need to do which is make sure they are on offense rather than responding to a paranoid obsession to pedophilia. if senator cruz has that fixation, you put the spotlight back on that because that was full of lies and an unhealthy thing to fixate on. that's the gop side. i mentioned you do straight talk. we try to keep it real. there are issues on the democratic side. people want to hear that reaction as well. biden's poll numbers are low. and i want to show you the media did dpo off on trump for low numbers throughout his unpopular presidency. take a look. >> at 32%, donald trump has a lower favorability rating than any other recent president. >> 35% approval rating according to quinnipiac. that's lower than obama's worst approval rating. >> that is lower than any other recent president. >> president trump's approval rating is hitting a new low. >> we just can't underscore enough how historically low this is. >> historically low, we heard about that pundits and people here on tv. but at this point, trump was in the low 40s. take a look where biden is now the same. stuck in the low 40s. some people say that means either biden is as unpopular as trump, wait, i know you're raring to get in. i'm just going to finish the thought. or is it a new era of polarization that basically both parties presidents are going to be stuck under 50% because of the era we're in? do you think biden has a problem? what's your response to all this? >> ari, the 42 to 43% is a major difference. trump at that time was getting 90 to 95% of republicans. biden right now is getting about 75% of democrats. this problem can be addressed in a large part by bringing democrats home. but as long as you have other democrats saying biden hasn't done anything for you, certain number of people are going to believe that. the independents are going to believe that. so independents say if a democrat is saying biden hasn't done anything, i guess he hasn't done anything. if you got biden's number where trump's number was, you'd have another 6 to 8 points on your favorable. it's a different 43. when you go inside and you unmask it, you see biden could get to right below 50 if the democrats rallied behind him and started attacking the republicans for being weird opposed to talking about what biden hasn't done for you. that's what i really think. >> i'm interested, and i bet some of the viewers would be interested. part of what you're getting at is the top line numbers are what they are. we want to get your response. your point is while the democratic party has long talked about being a big tent and the internet has given more people to a chance to weigh in, which there are great parts about that. it also means that you feel like you're in one of those local town meetings and everybody has thrice opinions about two projects and a lot of people say they will vote for biden again, theyen wouldn't vote for trump. but they spend a lot of time talking about strategy, senate, manchin, build back better and you're saying that's the drag? >> that's totally the drag. it's also an enthusiasm drag. if you watch the way they treated now justice jackson, if you look at that. if you look at what your supreme court is really getting ready too to do, if that doesn't motivate you, i don't know what does. no one fears us. they look and say they are not going to do anything about it because they are going to squabble with each other. so the supreme court does what its to. the state legislatures pass any reinstructive voting law they want because they have learned over a period of time it doesn't matter. they are weak and all they are going to do is talk bad about each other. you can't govern without fear. you can't have a political party. >> i have heard this before. the last item is the eaiest one. we save the easiest for last. now this is insignificant, just to be real. this is insignificant, but firing up the right. it's what i call a nontro investigator sit. a noncontroversy. it involves the president of the united states. he was talking to a bystander briefly outside the white house because at these invited event, sometimes people can get up to the president. and then an easter bunny mascot walked by. it's a short moment. here it is. >> that's all it is. so we wouldn't even talk about this on the news, but i want people to understand when we talk about the two worlds we live in in america, we're not talking about debates over policy. you and i, fine, you mentioned you have been at it longer than me, but we have been around where you debate the policy and someone says i think the federal government should spend less on schools. leaf it to local. other people say, no, some of the poorest schools need more federal money. that's just a debate. i'm not going to say people have a different view one way or another. those are policy debates. that's not where we are anymore. the moment i just showed you, which is nothing, it showed up in at least four different top shows on fox news arguing that that random holt ta moment means there must be something wrong with the president. >> biden fumbling through questions about foreign policy when a staffer in an easter bunny costume led him away. >> he is so obviously struggling cog na tyly. >> a staffer dressed up as the easter bunny. >> we know he's not running the show. >> who do you think is running the show? >> i don't know. i can't believe it's him. he seems so out of it all the time. >> james. >> we talk about earlier the weird people. these are some strange, different, weird people. they are not like the rest of us. and they do that in the same thing as like they pull for russia. they are just different. they have a different thing. it's strange. it's strange you'd pick a moment, been to the easter egg roll before, but it doesn't matter. strange people say strange things. and that's i believe that is really one of the problems of america. no normal person would make something out of that. yet it generated a talking point ask they are all talking about it. it's very weird. it really is. >> i'll tell you this. i hear your theme of the day. you make a fair point. this is wrong because if you have the position to speak to millions of people, you have some obligation it work with in reality. when you do what they are doing there, some of the people watching will become information victims. meaning you have a family member. all they watch is fox news they are going to show up at the barbecue they lead him around with the easter bunny suit. this becomes one more thing. it's bs. it's corrosive to try to have self-governance where we can talk about reality and policy and not the fever dreams of what i just showed. four different hosts trying to make a meal out of easter eggs. >> is that the strangest thing that they have tone? i don't know. and it shows democrats or people watching this program just what's going on over there. it's time to start branding them to talk about the things of they have done. the real things that are happening in this country. i think the president has done a magnificent job as do most people in ukraine. it's a major world crisis. they are going to hungary and having meetings. and literally they are saying everybody -- it's both sides. you have the ukraines and you have the russians. that's very strange. >> and there's a silliness to it, but there's also a seriousness, which i appreciate you ending on. which is the main lining of authoritarian at home and abroad while we are facing reality of of what that is and what that means for us as a nation. james carville, always good to see you, sir. >> always the easter bunny will get you at the end of the day. thank you. >> i'm always looking for the easter eggs. good to see you. we have our shortest break in the hour which is one minute. when i'm back in 60 seconds, the problems for rep green. we have a lawyer trying to get her off the ballot. it's a matter of national security. we're back in a minute. atter of security we're back in a minute ♪ ♪ we believe there's an innovator in all of us. ♪ ♪ that's why we build technology that makes it possible for every business... and every person... to come to the table and do more incredible things. 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>> if we prevail in this hearing on friday, then the judge will make a formal written recommendation, which could be appealed, but that would say that marjorie taylor greene is disqualified from public office, and then the secretary of state would put instructions at all the polling places in her district in georgia saying votes cast for her will not count and will be discarded. >> she's off the ballot if you win? >> exactly. >> so you believe that is a rare step that's necessary because she actively supported insurrection or you believe these kind of lawsuits should go forward and all kinds of people could be kicked off the ballot? >> this is a rare action and, in fact, it hasn't happened for over 150 years. because insurrections against the united states, let alone insurrections in which members of congress were involved, is a rare phenomenon. but marjorie taylor greene crossed the line and she met the legal standard for engaging in insurrection, which under our constitution means that she is disqualified from future public office. >> it's interesting you put it that way. mitch mcconnell took to the floor of the senate on january 6th. he called it an insurrection. it was this effort, as we have reported in different context earier in the program, to overthrow the government. that would strengthen your hand legally. on the other hand, i'll get your response, but i would imagine you kwould agree with me legally that how much you oppose, disagree or despise someone in office should never be the reason to kick them off the ballot. it has to be more than that. that's why this is, at least, a tricky case. in fairness to her, what she says today basically about this effort and to some degree you, she said this today. >> these leftists, these progressives who would rather have the judge or bureaucrats making decisions instead of voters, they want to hand that over to them and not let the people in my district to even have the right to vote for me. but no, the republican party needs to fight harder. >> we pulled that today. the clip from last night on tucker carlson. what do you say to that concern that she basically says you are trying to insert and supplant yourself for the voters in this district. >> we may have lost him. that freeze frame didn't mean i asked a question he couldn't answer it. we ran into tech problems. ron fine is an interesting guest because he's leading this effort. we'll seek to get more answers to that. and i think we'll play before we go for context, we also prepared some of what she said about controversial issues across the board. here's one more sound byte from the qanon rep. >> q is a patriot. we know that for sure. there's a once in a lifetime opportunity to take this global cable of satan worshipping pedophiles out. i think we have the president to do it. >> ann tee fa has declared war america. >> the so-called plane that crashed into the pentagon. it's odd there's never evidence shone for a plane in the pentagon. >> ron, do i have you back? >> yes. >> you get the final word. >> marjorie taylor greene has a wide range of despicable views, but that's not what this is about. this is about constitution of the united states and our principle of that constitution that you can't take an oath to support the constitution and then break that oath and engage in insurrection against the united states. you have to pick one side or another. and marjorie taylor greene picked her side. under the 14th amendment to the constitution, she is not only a danger to the entire country, but she's disqualified from any public office. >> there you have it. we wanted to hear your view. we have had many conservatives and otherwise on the show. the congresswoman is welcome to come on to respond to you here. and ron, i appreciate you tackling not only the tough constitutional issues, but also the tech challenges, sir. >> thank you. >> it's a zoom world. thank you. when we come back, the biden administration says they are going on offense on fighting ko visit. stay with us. ffense on fighting visit. stay with us aleve x. its revolutionary rollerball design delivers fast, powerful, long-lasting pain relief. aleve it, and see what's possible. as a main street bank, pnc has helped over 7 million kids develop their passion for learning through our grow up great initiative. and now, we're providing billions of dollars for affordable home lending programs... as part of 88 billion to support underserved communities... including loans for small businesses in low and moderate income areas. so everyone has a chance to move forward financially. pnc bank: see how we can make a difference for you. allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! flonase all good. if rayna's thinking about retirement, she'll get some help from fidelity to envision what's possible and balance risk and reward. and with a clear plan, rayna can enjoy wherever she's headed next. that's the planning effect, from fidelity. turn to the war. russia says it's in new phase in the invasion. russia claims it's trying to liberate those areas moving troops tlp the second largest city. mariupol is still a contested area. strategically important as a port city. the my your says 100,000 people may still be trapped there. we turn to an expert we have gone to before. a history professor and the author of strongmen. given your work and your understanding of the mind set, to some degree, what do you see in putin regrouping here and continuing, as we head towards the second or third month? >> yeah, ari, he's clearly doubling down, what happens in the next weeks will be of course, lives of millions hang in the balance. and mariupol is important. it's become a symbol for the russians not only because it provides a land corridor to crimea, which was illegally annexed in 2014, but it's very important to have that land corridor with crimea because in terms of propaganda, which is as important as reality in russia, it creates a bridge not only in land, but a bridge between the last stage of the heroic war, the annexation of crimea in 2014 and this current war. and putin is hooking to secure his place in history to convince, to find a way this wasn't in a miscalculation and it was a glorious crusade. if he can secure this and have some kind of continuity with 2014, indeed, he recently showed up in person which was rare at a rally to commemorate the annexation of crimea, this gives a sense to the whole war so far for him. >> and then bh you lock at the reports that the sanctions are working, but slowly, there's concern about the overall credit acts, but even though they are the largest sanctions to date in the european theater in the last several decades, it certainly hasn't stopped russia and putin seems to be making the very practical real politic calculation that europe will continue to buy his oil, which they are. >> yeah, it's all a question of timing because there's no evidence that the sanctions have personally affected putin. the issue is that like germany has come a long way and they are going to phase out russian energy, but that takes time. time that ukraine doesn't have. we also run into critique that european leaders are themselves up for it. they are not autocrats. they are up for reelection. and they may fear a political fallout of an economic downturn from weaning themselves off this cheaper energy. and lock what happens in hungary. victor just won reelection because he said we're not going to make hungarians pay higher prices so he refused to have any sanctions on russian energy. that worked for him. and all of this is so it's a question of a race against time. i fear that ukraines are going to pay the price. >> yeah. understood that's why it's grim, but we continue to keep our eye on it and on some of the horrific footage we continue to see including the targeting of the civilian areas. thank you so much. >> thank you. when we turn back to the home front, i'll tell you there's a the lot of debate over masks. the rules have been changing and shifting. the biden administration lost the lower court and we're learning what the justice plans to do about it in something that developed this hour. that update, when we return. ho. that update, when we return. wealth is breaking ground on your biggest project yet. worth is giving the people who build it a solid foundation. wealth is shutting down the office for mike's retirement party. worth is giving the employee who spent half his life with you, the party of a lifetime. ♪ ♪ wealth is watching your business grow. worth is watching your employees grow with it. ♪ ♪ ♪ limu emu ♪ and doug. ♪ harp plays ♪ only two things are forever: love and liberty mutual customizing your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. (emu squawks) if anyone objects to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace. (emu squawks) (the crowd gasps) no, kevin, no! not today. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ it feels nice. it's a relief. i feel i can breathe easier. >> with all the vaccines and everything that's come out, i think it's perfectly okay to lift the mandate. >> we want to keep them on for awhile just to be safe. >> and we'd prefer that the mandate not be lifted just yet. >> some travelers there reacting to the shifting rules for masks on planes and president biden also speaking out about masks today after a lower court struck down what was the federal rule that does require up until yesterday masks on planes. >> mr. president, should people continue to wear masks on planes? >> that's up to them. >> would you like to appeal the ruling that the judge made striking down the mandate? >> i haven't spoken to the cdc yet. >> biden there deferring to the cdc and today the justice department did the same. we learned this hour doj said if the cdc determines the masks are necessary, it would later appeal the ruling and john psaki said quote, public health decisions should not be made by the court but made by public health experts end quote. that sounds like a scientific sentiment but sidesteps the fact in our system courts always have the final word on the president's legal powers. the last president didn't like it when courts narrowed a travel ban that he claimed was for national security and this administration and its team are learning it can also lose cases about policies it asserts are very necessary. the courts do have the last decision on all of the powers of the government. that's the update and i'll be back with one more thing. e and back with one more thing waxed. natural. sensitive. new dove ultimate antiperspirant. our unique water based formula and 6x more glycerin. helps restore skin to its best condition. new dove ultimate. ♪ ♪ helps restore skin to its bnice suits, you guys blend right in. the world needs you back. i'm retired greg, you know this. people are taking financial advice from memes. 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"the reidout" with joy reid starts now. >> good evening, everyone. we have a lot to get to including the recent intern turned trump appointed judge. it raises the danger in a surge of cases thanks to a single judge appointed after practicing law for eight years and rated not qualiied by the american bar association. we'll have much more on that

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Trump , Reaction , Fixate On , Media , Approval Rating , Presidency , Numbers , Obama , Favorability Rating , Quinnipiac , 32 , 35 , Low , Same , Pundits , Tv , 40 , Era , Thought , Polarization , Response , Presidents , Parties , 42 , 43 , 50 , 75 , 90 , 95 , Number , Independents , Biden Hasn T , Points , 8 , Chance , Line Numbers , Parts , Tent , Town Meetings , Theyen Wouldn T Vote For Trump , Opinions , Biden Again , Projects , Two , Drag , Strategy , Enthusiasm Drag , Build , Manchin , Supreme Court , Justice , Doesn T , Jackson , State Legislatures , Doesn T Matter , Reinstructive Voting Law , Party , Item , Fear , Last , Right , Nontro , President Of The United States , Easter Bunny Mascot , Event , Investigator Sit , Bystander Briefly , Noncontroversy , Fine , Policy , Worlds , Debates , News , Debate , Someone , Schools , Policy Debates , One Way Or Another , Leaf , Shows , Random Holt Ta , Four , Staffer , Foreign Policy , Easter Bunny Costume , Biden Fumbling , Show , I Don T Know , Cog Na Tyly , Rest , Strange , Easter Egg Roll , , Talking Point , Theme , Position , Reality , Millions , Family Member , It Work , Information Victims , Self Governance , Fever , Barbecue , Bs , Easter Bunny Suit , Hosts , Meal , Easter Eggs , Program , Branding , Sides , Meetings , Job , World Crisis , Seriousness , Lining , Silliness , Nation , Lawyer , Rep Green , Minute , National Security , Atter , 60 , Technology , Innovator , Business , Everywhere , Road , Table , Johnny Cash , Travel , Share , Desert S Bare , Mountain Air , Gravelbourg , Pittsburgh , Colorado , Parkersburg , Pity , Cedar City , Dodge City , Ellensburg , Criticism , Loss , Showdown , Ball , Judge Litigating , Sitting , Lawmaker , Friday In Georgia , Voters , Independence , Filing , 1776 , Transfer , Rioters , Bit , Insurrectionists , Support , Powerful , Statements , Listen , Taebts , Speech , President , Election , Riot , Declaration Of Independence , Congresswoman , Judge , Case , Whirlpool , Interests , Duck , Lawsuit , Tyrants , Process , Public Input , Colliding , Issue , Step , Burden , Groan , Persuasion , Pal , Suit , Pleasure , Hearing , Office , Written Recommendation , Secretary Of State , Instructions , District , Polling Places , Georgia , Fact , It Hasn T , Action , Insurrections , Phenomenon , Line , 150 , Constitution , Standard , Future Public Office , On January 6th , Hand , Context Earier , Fairness , Decisions , Progressives , Over , Degree You , Bureaucrats , Concern , Tucker Carlson , Ron Fine , He Couldn T Answer , Tech Problems , Patriot , Sound Byte , Q , Qanon Rep , War America , Pedophiles , Cable , Ann Tee Fa , Satan Worshipping , Opportunity , Once In A Lifetime , Plane , Word , Pentagon , Views , Principle , Constitution Of The United States , Range , Danger , Another , 14th Amendment , 14 , Conservatives , Zoom World , Back , Tech Challenges , Fighting Ko Visit , Ffense On Fighting Visit , Aleve X , Pain Relief , Revolutionary Rollerball Design , Pnc , Main Street Bank , 7 Million , Kids , Home Lending Programs , Communities , Businesses , Billions , Passion , Initiative , Loans , 88 Billion , Income Areas , Bank , Rayna , Thinking , Retirement , Help , Fidelity , Reward , Planning Effect , Phase , Invasion , Mariupol , Areas , Area , City , Port City , My , Troops , 100000 , Expert , Work , Author , Strongmen , History Professor , Continuing , Degree , Mind Set , Understanding , Down , Land Corridor , Course , Balance , Symbol , Crimea , 2014 , Land , Bridge , Propaganda , Annexation Of Crimea , Crusade , Miscalculation , Continuity , Sense , Sanctions , Credit Acts , Reports , Calculation , Oil , Theater , Europe , Germany , Timing , Energy , Leaders , Critique , Ukraine Doesn T Have , Victor , Downturn , Fallout , Lock , Autocrats , Price , Race , Prices , Hungarians , Targeting , Eye , Masks , Court , Plans , Rules , Shifting , Home Front , Ho , Wealth , Worth , Employee , Ground , Mike S Retirement Party , Project , Lifetime , Employees , Love , Marriage , Anyone , Harp , Emu Squawks , Limu Emu , Doug , Liberty Mutual Customizing , Crowd Gasps , Kevin , Vaccines , Relief , Mandate , Safe , Travelers , Planes , Rule , Shifting Rules , Mr , Haven T , Striking , Ruling , Cdc , John Psaki , Powers , Public Health Experts End Quote , System Courts , Public Health , Sentiment , Didn T , Courts , Cases , Policies , Travel Ban , E , Decision , Formula , Water , Glycerin , Dove Ultimate Antiperspirant , Sensitive , Skin , Condition , Subway , Refresh , Italians , Italy , Italian Food , Meats , Smell , Mozza Meat , Run , Smoking , Refres Nicorette , Nicorette , Marathon , 10 , Laughter , Joke , Bidenrecently , Age , The Hill , Source , Lame Duck President , Nobody , The Reidout , Dance , Intern , Joy Reid , Turned Trump Appointed , Thanks , Surge , Qualiied , The American Bar Association , Eight ,

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