Transcripts For MSNBC Ayman 20240708 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Ayman 20240708

guy. all right. coming up this hour, how the russian invasion shows trump's fundamental misunderstanding of war. then the big decision the january 6th committee is about to make before it goes public. and jared kushner's dubious deal with saudi arabia. what did he promise to get a $2 billion investment for? i'm ayman mohyeldin. let's get started. all right. we have some breaking news on day 51 of russia's invasion of ukraine. russian state media is reporting that major general vladimir, the deputy general of the army has been killed in combat. nbc news has not been able to confirm this reporting, but it would make frolov the eighth to be killed in ukraine. how do we explain the sorry state of putin's military campaign? "the washington post" max boot has a theory and it has to do with antiwokeness. he says years decried wokeness. trump has dangerously suggested that military shouldn't be constricted by humanitarian concerns. trump has bordered on expressing fondness for war crimes. he's endorsed torture, wished for troops to bomb the bleep it of terrorists and kill their families. and all of that is on full display in ukraine, where russian troops are about as anti-woke as you can get. we've heard numerous reports of torture and even rape. so, by the logic of trump and his ilk, putin's army should be the greatest in the large. here's the thing. even with a larger and better-funded military than ukraine's, russia's combat performance has been e business mall. the question is, how can that be explained? max boot argues it's the brutallization of the putin military, which trump would have praised while he was in office, which is hindered the combat performance. he sums it up, quote, spare me the woke u.s. military. the u.s. military's wokeness is commitment to the humane treatment of soldiers and civilians alike is actually a major source of our strength. let's get into it with hayes brown, jonathan altars, presidential historian, author, and columnist, and stephanie miller. it's great to have all three of you for the hour. hayes, i want to start with you. your thoughts on max boot's argument here. is the brutality of the russian military hurting its ability to conduct the military operation? >> yeah, i think boot has a really good point when he points out one of the reasons why you stopped seeing armies in the first place is because professional armies are more effective at focusing on the task at hand moving an action against the enemy, against the military they're fighting against. and one of the theories i feel like people like trump have is that if you just bomb a population enough, you will cow them into submission, with enough force, you will convince the people there is no use in fighting back. and that is the opposite of what we've been seeing so far in ukraine, as the russians have, you know, pounded mariupol, have really worked to try and impose their will on ukraine by force. what we see is more and more commitment from the ukrainians to actually stand and fight. and that, i feel like, is something that they just had not really taken into account, this fact that the -- as you continue to enact these war crimes against the ukrainian people, the more they will continue to resist, especially so long as the west and the united states continues to help and support them in their efforts to repel the russian forces. >> jonathan, is this a microcosm, you think of the a larger argument that the failures of the russian military are just one example of how, you know, the right in this country fundamentally misunderstands wokeness? >> yeah. i mean, i think that, you know, wokeness can also just be being more sensible and humane in the way you motivate people. and you don't motivate an army with authoritarian -- an authoritarian approach. yes, the army is an authority structure, and there's a chain of command. but you want the army to be fighting for something. and motivation becomes a really big factor here. there's a huge motivation gap. what motivates the average russian soldier? he's in somebody else's country for what purpose? people have to be fighting for something. and you can go back to napoleon to find out how morale is to material three to one. in other words, you can have a huge advantage in troop size and arms, but if you're on the wrong side of that morale equation, you're in a bad place. and there's another factor that's very important, and that's the structure of the russian military. that's very different of the american military, that of nato countries. they have no non-commissioned officers in the russian army, no sergeants. they don't have that level. they have officers and then they have grunts. and without that intermediate level, you know, in our military, it's sergeants, you don't have the unit cohesion that you need to be an effective fighting force. i mean, this is a huge factor that disadvantages the russian army. >> yeah, and speaking of morale, all you have to do is look at the ukrainians. they're fighting for their country. they're fighting for their existence, and that alone is making the difference on the battlefield without a doubt. stephanie, "the new york times" published an extensive piece on fiona hill, the expert that testified at trump's first impeachment. included how trump privatized foreign policy for his own purposes and had a narrow goal to stay in power irrespective of what people wanted. is it striking to you how much of foreign policy today, specifically in ukraine, is still being affected by the legacy of trump and his inability to help the ukrainian government when it needed it to prepare for what ended up happening? >> it absolutely, ayman, is a gateway to what's happening now in ukraine. by the way, what does woke mean? does that mean being against torture? my dad was an assistant prosecutor at nuremberg. i don't understand the pearl clutching about president biden calling a genocide a genocide or calling a war criminal a war criminal. you've got to call evil out before uk defeat evil, don't you? and there is no question about what is happening. and all the things you set up, ayman, are absolutely correct about trump. he pardoned a war criminal. he absolutely rooted for torture. and on and on. i mean, thank god that america, again, on the side of good and joe biden has united the world against this evil, this genocide, this war crime that we are seeing in ukraine. >> yeah, you absolutely bring up a very important point of how important it is to call out evil. jonathan, fiona hill described the u.s. as being in a state of, quote, deevolution, with the checks on executive power flagging. and she makes clear that despite the change in u.s. administration, one thing remains constant, that is, quote, putin has been there for 22 years. he's the same guy with the same people around him, and he's watching everything. your thoughts on her assessment of it? >> this is an extraordinarily interesting interview in the "new york times" magazine. and her book, by all accounts, is outstanding. so, she tells a really some ways frightening story. she went into the trump administration as a russia expert and a putin expert. and she found that president trump resembled vladimir putin more than he resembled his own american predecessors. in other words, he is an authentic authoritarian. and then of course in the first impeachment she testified because she felt that he had put his own narrow political interests in trying to spread dirt about joe biden ahead of our national interests and very much ahead of helping the ukrainians hold off the russians who were already fighting in eastern ukraine. and then something even more interesting happened, which is that on january 6, fiona hill reports that it was like a light bulb went off. she realized that there was a connection between what she experienced with ukraine and events of january 6th and that putin, in 2020, had changed russian law so that he could be president for life. and it was clear that this putin wannabe, donald trump, was trying to change our american constitutional system so that he could remain in office. he said -- even he said publicly that he thought he had lost the first two years of his term because of what he called the russia hoax and should be able to stay another extra two years. he's talked publicly about being against the two-term limit. he clearly was trying to stay in power like putin on january 6th. and that's the connection. >> yeah, he definitely joked around about wanting to stay in office for life the way that president xi in china has been at least for now. hayes, i got to get your thoughts on this new quinnipiac poll. it shows that more than eight in ten americans think that russian president vladimir putin is actually a war criminal. are you surprised that there are 20 or so percent, maybe 10% in this country, don't think he's a war criminal. >> not necessarily surprised. i would say that the 10% who would flat out say, no, i don't think he's a war criminal, i feel like they're the types that are affected by russian propaganda as the russians are themselves. because the russians have been trying to go all out to paint this situation as not of their own making. they said it's all nato's fault. they've tried to say that, oh, we were provoked by ukraine. and putin has said that ukraine, all this special military operation because ukraine wants to destroy russia as though that were possible. i feel like the 10% of america that putin no, flat out, has not ordered war crimes, is not a war criminal, i feel like they are finding a little bit. i feel like there are some people who just don't know enough to make that call, and i respect them. the people who say, i don't know enough about the situation right now to actually make a judgment call on them, they're good. i give them a pass. >> they might be lawyer experts to see i'm going to see how the trial pans out before i make that decision. >> ayman. >> i'm going to ask all you to stay in place. >> can i jump in for a second. is it 10 people? is it just trump and tucker -- is it 10% do you think or actually ten people? republicans that went to moscow on january 4th -- july 4th. >> we're going to have to check that poll and get back to you on who exactly those ten people are. we're going to take a quick break. should house minority leader kevin mccarthy be called to testify before the january 6th committee? how about speaker pelosi? my friend richard lui is here with the headlines. hey, ayman. a very good evening to you. breaking news, ten people were shot and wounded in a shooting at a shopping mall in columbia, south carolina. two of those victims were critically injured according to the chief of police. the shooting occurred around 2:30 p.m. eastern about ten miles outside downtown columbia. two additional people were injured in the rush to exit that mall. the gunshot victims' ages range from 15 to 73. they have all been stabilized. three people carrying firearms have been detained in connection to the shooting. the police chief saying, quote, we don't beav this was random. they believe they knew each other and something led to the gunfire. we'll have more detail ts as we get them. for now, more ayman after this. for now, more ayman after this e to severe plaque psoriasis. now, there's skyrizi. with skyrizi 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months, after just 2 doses. skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms such as fevers, sweats, chills, muscle aches or coughs, or if you plan to or recently received a vaccine. ♪ nothing is everything ♪ talk to your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. we have to be able to repair the enamel on a daily basis. with pronamel repair toothpaste, we can help actively repair enamel in its weakened state. it's innovative. my go to toothpaste is going to be pronamel repair. wayfair's got just what you need to be outdoorsy. my go to toothpaste your way! shop the biggest selection of outdoor furniture and furnish your habitat from you habitat. get a new grill and cook over an open flame. now that's outdoorsy! go wild on garden decor. find shelter from the elements and from predators. or just be one with nature. this year spend less and go all outdoorsy at wayfair. ♪ wayfair you got just what i need ♪ what happens when performance... meets power? 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(emu squawks) kevin, no! not today. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ the january 6 committee has been working behind the scenes mostly for eight months. and soon they're going to take all of that work and make it public to the american people. the committee has said that it is planning to hold public hearings as early as may. as politico pointed out this week, there are still quite a few crucial decisions the committee has to make before that, including when and how the committee will call on president trump to testify. if they ask to speak with mike pence, the vice president, mm, or even nancy pelosi. and perhaps most importantly what they're going to do after they release their findings and make those hearings public. back with me now, my all-star panel, hayes brown, jonathan altar, stephanie miller. hayes, let me begin with you. it's doubtful trump would ever agree to testify to the january 6th committee. but do you think the committee should still ask him, even if it's just to send a message to the american public about it? >> yeah, i think they definitely should ask him. while i know that it feels improbable that they will go so far as to issue a subpoena to trump to actually try and put the force of the law behind this effort, i do think that should president trump prove uncooperative, i feel like they should at least try. i feel like this is something that is important enough that we do want to take this to court and you do want to go through the motions of this. i know this is one of trump's favorite delaying tactics, to go to court, to file appeal after appeal after appeal, to try and make the case that, you know, he has full immunity, full executive immunity, which is completely false. but i feel like this is still one of those times where even if the actual subpoena were to fail in getting trump to testify before the final report of january 6th committee, i feel like the effort to make the point that presidents should have to -- especially once they become private citizens -- listen to the force of the law from congress and from legislators. >> what about -- jonathan, what about mike pence or nancy pelosi? should they be asked about that day? does mike pence have something to offer? does nancy pelosi have something to offer? >> i think nancy pelosi should definitely testify because, you know, she had some -- it was a very minor role. but she nominally presided over the house sergeant of arms, and mitch mcconnell nominally presided over the senate sergeant of arms. they are nominal to the story. they should testify. mike pence is obviously central to this whole thing. he should definitely be asked to testify. and i think kevin mccarthy should as well. he spoke to trump in the middle of the attack on the capitol. and he said, you know, well, what relevance is that? well, it's of huge relevance. >> yeah. >> you know, on january 13th, kevin mccarthy says that president trump, quote, bears responsibility for the attack on our capitol. think about that for a second. take a step back and think about what that means. somebody who says, he bears responsibility, is now deferring to him, kowtowing to him as the leader of the republican party, he's for him being president if he's nominated, giving this guy the keys to the car after what he did? he said, he bears responsibility. of course he should be questioned about that. as for president trump himself, yes, they should subpoena him. i don't think they should waste a lot of time on it or let them -- have it to lay their investigation on because he will just go in there and lie as he always does. so, it's not actually very important even if he was -- did decide to testify, it wouldn't be significant. >> stephanie, it's frustrating for a lot of people watching the department of justice in this because they have not -- the department of justice has not -- taken the criminal referrals issued. what is the point of anyone cooperating if there is no punishment when they don't by the department of justice? >> well, ayman, i'm with you. i am the salts of justice. and i want to -- i hope you don't mind me calling you daddy just for tonight. but, yeah, i -- listen, i hope trump testifies just so you can play that -- and he takes the fifth so you can play that tape of him playing that tape over and over again of him saying, why do you take the fifth unless you're guilty? i think only the mob takes the fifth. i am really impatient, as a lot of people are. i have to hope some of the legal experts i've had on my show is it could be that mark meadow ss a target that he has not been indicted yet. i hope it's like "jaws" and there's a lot going on underneath the water that we don't know about yet going on at the doj. it seems like there's two systems of justice, one for the rich and powerful, one for the rest of us. >> i was going to say something in defense of merrick garland and the department of justice. he's taking a lot of incoming on twitter and other places. we don't know what they're doing. and they want -- >> yeah. >> -- the january 6th material, which hasn't been turned over to them yet because the january 6th committee has not completed its investigation. and by the way, there's no ticking clock for merrick garland. he doesn't have to do something, you know, before they lose the congress. the january 6th committee, they have to wrap this up before the election because, you know, they could not be in control next year. garland's not operating under that. he has a longer time horizon to possibly prosecute trump. and we should not assume that he is somehow, you know, failing to turn over any rock that he can. >> listen, you're absolutely right. you bring up a very fair point. i don't disagree with anything you said. but to be specific, i think what we were talking about -- and correct me if i'm wrong, stephanie -- it's about those that are defying the subpoenas from congress. put aside the trump investigation. fair enough. he's not a timeline that's different than the committee. but when it comes to those who are defying a subpoena from congress, who are ignoring the subpoenas, that is, i think, the issue that people are saying uk move on that pretty quickly. those who are not responding to the subpoenas are simply violating congressional orders. >> yeah. i'm with you on that. i'm sick of them treating subpoenas like it's an invitation to a party in the hamptons and just like, no, that weekend's not good for me. i don't think i'll go. that's not how subpoenas work. it's not how the justice system works. >> you clearly have a lot more experience getting invited to parties in the hamptons than i do. >> that was theoretical for me too. >> i love the analogy, but it actually is the way congressional subpoenas -- not subpoenas from prosecutors -- but congressional subpoenas have worked over many, many decades. the people can say, who are subpoenaed, well, it's not convenient for me then, and there's a negotiation between the executive and legislative branches over the responses to these subpoenas. and the courts like to stay out of that. they think that's something for the executive and the legislative to work out among themselves. and they haven't in the past played hard ball. which it would be if merrick garland prosecuted. having said that, i wish he would because it would put more pressure on these witnesses to talk. >> let me -- hayes, let me turn to another element of recording theer, and that was that republicans chip roy, senator mike lee texting mark meadows about the 2020 elections and overturning it. and i want to read for you one from senator lee. he says, if a very small handful of states were to have their legislators appoint alternatives slates of delegates, there could be a path. i just spoke to congresswoman jackie speier last hour. she said that these texts signal that the committee has a treasure trove of incriminating documents. what do you make of that? your reaction? do you agree with the congresswoman? >> i do actually. i think it's fascinating that this is -- mark meadows seems to have been texting literally everyone in washington after the election. and the fact it's his text messages that have been turned over is clearly a boom for the committee and their investigation. between this, the ginni thomas texts, his texts with donald trump jr., he was the focus point for so much of trump's efforts to overturn the election. so, both on the specifics of the texts that were released from cnn this week, i think that they're fascinating. i think the fact that mike lee was pushing this theory that was also trying to be carried out in the justice department, one of lawyers who had refused to answer congressional subpoena, who worked at the justice department, who trump immediately made attorney general to try and keep this hope alive, lee was all in favor of this pushing state to say, despite the majority of the voters saying otherwise, that trump should get their electoral college votes and letting congress work it out. the fact that lee was trying to exploit that loophole shows how widespread and deep this belief is inside the party that the election, the will of the voters, is something that could be worked around when it comes to the presidency and who won and lost an election. so, i think that i'm very glad that mark meadows was as popular as he was at the time because he has provided so much to work with for the committee. >> can i just say, i love the -- i love the trajectory of the texts. they're all like they all stole a car. they're all joyriding. this is great. oh, my god, such a great idea. then they're like, oh, cops, let's jump out the window. what are you doing? >> i was going to say with the number of people who have come forward to next mark meadows, i feel like we were the only four people who did not get a text message from mark meadows. what are we doing wrong that we did not get a text from mark meadows after the election. we have a lot more to discuss. next we're going to talk about jared kushner's firm and how it got $2 billion from a saudi firm run by the crown prince despite objections from literally almost everyone involved in it. m litert everyone involved in it. 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"the new york times" reports me nuken had experience with investing. he knows what he's doing. mick mulvaney, not so much. he ran omb. so -- poorly, but he ran it. that makes more sense than kushner, who has no relevant experience. so, i agree that it's probably either payback for, you know, service done during the trump administration or an investment in case trump does return to cover. if he does, there's no way kushner is not going to come along with him. >> fox news here, zero mentions of jared kushner. 68 mentions of hunter biden. i'm sure that does not surprise you. >> you're kidding? >> yeah. >> i was going to say, ayman, the really important thing about the jared kushner story is that hunter biden had a laptop. i'm not sure you're aware of that. and right away, that's suspicious, isn't it? do you have a laptop, ayman? i don't think so. what a ridiculous story. there is no there there with the hunter biden laptop. the more we hear jared kushner got $2 billion for covering up a bone saw murder, perhaps, allegedly, john jr. texting to overthrow the government of the united states and here we go again. it's like the hilly email story. there's no there there. there's no evidence he did anything wrong yet, let alone joe biden knew anything about it or did anything wrong. it is just to the point of absurdity that you know the minute there is another bombshell about jared or don jr. and it's hunter biden's laptop. here we go again, right? >> it does, to stephanie's point, bring back the question of the relationship because, you know, by all reports, jared kushner was a friend, a personal friend, perhaps even a whatsapp buddy with the crown prince of saudi arabia. there was reports he was consulting or advocating for him within the administration, certainly after the killing of jamal khashoggi. what do you make of this payout from the saudi wealth fund that is directly managed or at least overseen or chaired by the crown prince to jared kushner? >> well, first of all, i can tell you something tonight that has not been reported before that comes from sources inside the private equity industry. and that is that the original number was $10 billion. and it was reduced considerably from that. $10 billion was the original number that mbs and jared kushner were talking about. now, to put this in a little bit of context, jared kushner has no background in private equity. you know, he was involved in a failed real estate deal at 666 fifth avenue in new york. he's the son of a very wealthy real estate developer and the son-in-law of a less wealthy than he claims to be real estate developer. that's like saying somebody who plays ice hockey can immediately go to the top of the nfl. yeah, they're both rough sports. new york real estate is rough. but private equity is a totally different world. so, this is an enormously corrupt payoff from a killer who just was quoted in "the atlantic" recently saying that khashoggi wouldn't have even been in the top ten of people he would liked to have seen killed. that's his excuse of why he wasn't involved. he's a killer who recently executed more than 100 saudis at the same time. it got very little attention. and this is an investment in the future of their relationship and maybe the most corrupt thing that the relative of a president has ever done. and there's been quite a bit of corruption by the relatives of presidents from billy carter to neil bush and roger clinton. there's a lot of history of this. this is the work. >> ayman, can i just say he is -- jonathan, you are -- i was going to say you're absolutely right, jonathan. that entire trump family, morally repugnant, transactional. it's just gross that he's on whatsapp with mbs like they're teenage girls. what are you thinking about? you hang up first. a murderer. they are transactional and despicable and morally repugnant. >> and the flip side to that is the concern if in fact trump does want to run again and wins and jared kushner does return to government office, you will have a government wealth fund that has $2 billion. it's going to hard to separate that. i think that will also raise a lot of ethical questions. that is a big if. we'll see what happens. jonathan altar, stephanie miller, hayes brown, thank you for joining us this evening. it is not just the supreme court. see how president biden is diversifying the federal bench like no other president next. heh like no other president next ♪simply irresistible♪ ♪ ♪ ♪simply irresistible♪ applebee's irresist-a-bowls are back. now starting at $8.99. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. 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(vo) this is the offer you just can't miss! verizon is going ultra, so you can get more. so, the images out of ukraine the last seven weeks have been horrifying, no doubt about it. towns destroyed, millions displaced, bodies discovered under rubble and in mass graves. and sadly, this isn't a new phenomena. as ukrainian journalist and writer points out, moscow is awfully uncreative. in the last one hundred years, russian colonialism has been using this same invasion and occupation tactic over and over and over again. maxim took to twitter to map out the brutal history of russian colonialism and the same death and destruction we're seeing now in ukraine that has been used before in places like hungary, czechoslovakia, and even chechnya. i had a chance to speak with maxim about this and more. thank you so much for joining us. you started putting this threat together before russia invaded ukraine. i've known you for a couple of years. i follow your work very closely. talk to us about why you decided to gather all of this information and your reaction to this tweet after it went viral, this thread that you put together. >> well, ayman, it happened actually a couple of nights before the invasion started. and as many ukrainians, i couldn't sleep and i was constantly alarmed and full of angst, figuring out what to do and how to -- maybe how to avoid what is about to happen. and actually i've been trying to main stream the awareness about russian colonialism and what it's done to my country and my people for some years. but particularly those nights, it was obvious for me that what is about to happen to ukraine is basically just a copy job that russia would do not only to our own country years after years and decades and centuries but to many other countries. and that's why in my way of dealing with the situation and anxiety, i want to put together some kind of cliff note explains that what is about to happen to ukrainian has been happening so many times before. and i put this picture of grossny in chechnya, which was down to the ground by putin in the 2000s as kind of a provocative picture, what could happen to ukraine if the world does not react and stand up to russian colonialism. i had no idea that this unfortunately -- the same in mariupol or kharkiv or other ukrainian cities would start to look like in just several days from when i finished putting it together. >> why do you think that we are so reluctant to heed the lessons of history? because as you documented and you wrote about, history repeats itself time and time again. but despite this, before russia invaded even quite honestly the ukrainian government was doubtful that vladimir putin would follow through with this invasion. so, why do you think we are so reluctant to heed the lessons of history? >> well, first of all, i think all of us were reluctant just because we couldn't just put ourself and had to imagine this situation what could happen because, let's be honest, ukraine has been going through a genocide, russian-made genocide before. and the war that happened in 2014. so, this is not something you would like to imagine happening to your families in your homeland. that's why we were defensive about it. but in terms of westerners, my guess, as a journalist, just trying to put together all the evidence, i learned over these years how hard it is to do because russia spent so much resources for decades before it to erase any evidence about those atrocities committed against neighboring nations or even indigenous nations inside russia. and it's still spending insane amount of money even to this day to try to hijack that narrative or try to erase those stories, erase our voices telling those. so, i think that's part of the problem. but also representation matters. i mean, unfortunately, when i look these days at the shows and special american channels i don't see any ukrainian voices explaining ukrainian english, despite we have so many people who are capable of doing that. and instead, ukrainians between west-splan as i call it by westerners, many of them do not know the word in ukraine. so, in the end, we ended up with the situation where the people are just not educated enough and not aware of the at least historical text. >> you're working with ukrainian artists to make this an illustrated guidebook based on this thread. what do you hope to accomplish with it based on what you were just saying on what the west doesn't know about ukraine and doesn't understand? what is something you want the west to know and understand about ukraine? >> i think most of all, i want this story of russian colonists to be told in the proper manner. what publishing houses i had before this. when people would say this topic of russian colonialism, what it did to your country, it might be too controversial or uncomfortable or even farfetched. so, now i feel like this is finding momentum when a lot of people understand that this is not just a putin's war. this is not something that it just happens now, that it has a long history and long pattern of the same thing happening and the state of russia doing the neighborhood over and over again. and i think it is also important for me as a ukrainian because when you grow up as a ukrainian, your life is shaped in a way that is affected by colonials in so many ways. for example, it wasn't very popular when i was growing up or ukraine was dirty word for many russians as well. so, this is something i want to do for me, for ukrainians, for us, but also for the rest of the world to finally be aware of russian colonialists. >> all right. maxym, it's great to see you again. thank you so much for joining us and speaking to us and sharing your insights. best of luck to you and your family. >> thank you so much, ayman. really appreciate it. and thank you for making time for us at home. come back tomorrow night at 9:00 eastern on msnbc. i'll speak to french artist j.r. about creating art in ukraine in the middle of a war. then stick around for the award-winning documentary "paper and glue" that follows jr from a prison in california to a shanty town in brazil. that is 10:00 p.m. eastern tomorrow right here on msnbc. until we meet again, i'm ayman mohyeldin, have a good night. an mohyeldin, have a good night allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! flonase all good. wayfair's got just what you need to be outdoorsy. your way! shop the biggest selection of outdoor furniture and furnish your habitat from you habitat. get a new grill and cook over an open flame. now that's outdoorsy! go wild on garden decor. find shelter from the elements and from predators. or just be one with nature. this year spend less and go all outdoorsy at wayfair. ♪ wayfair you got just what i need ♪ (vo) for me, one of the best things about life is that we keep moving forward. we discover exciting new technologies. redefine who we are and how we want to lead our lives. basically, choose what we want our future to look like. so what's yours going to be? 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Transcripts For MSNBC Ayman 20240708 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Ayman 20240708

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guy. all right. coming up this hour, how the russian invasion shows trump's fundamental misunderstanding of war. then the big decision the january 6th committee is about to make before it goes public. and jared kushner's dubious deal with saudi arabia. what did he promise to get a $2 billion investment for? i'm ayman mohyeldin. let's get started. all right. we have some breaking news on day 51 of russia's invasion of ukraine. russian state media is reporting that major general vladimir, the deputy general of the army has been killed in combat. nbc news has not been able to confirm this reporting, but it would make frolov the eighth to be killed in ukraine. how do we explain the sorry state of putin's military campaign? "the washington post" max boot has a theory and it has to do with antiwokeness. he says years decried wokeness. trump has dangerously suggested that military shouldn't be constricted by humanitarian concerns. trump has bordered on expressing fondness for war crimes. he's endorsed torture, wished for troops to bomb the bleep it of terrorists and kill their families. and all of that is on full display in ukraine, where russian troops are about as anti-woke as you can get. we've heard numerous reports of torture and even rape. so, by the logic of trump and his ilk, putin's army should be the greatest in the large. here's the thing. even with a larger and better-funded military than ukraine's, russia's combat performance has been e business mall. the question is, how can that be explained? max boot argues it's the brutallization of the putin military, which trump would have praised while he was in office, which is hindered the combat performance. he sums it up, quote, spare me the woke u.s. military. the u.s. military's wokeness is commitment to the humane treatment of soldiers and civilians alike is actually a major source of our strength. let's get into it with hayes brown, jonathan altars, presidential historian, author, and columnist, and stephanie miller. it's great to have all three of you for the hour. hayes, i want to start with you. your thoughts on max boot's argument here. is the brutality of the russian military hurting its ability to conduct the military operation? >> yeah, i think boot has a really good point when he points out one of the reasons why you stopped seeing armies in the first place is because professional armies are more effective at focusing on the task at hand moving an action against the enemy, against the military they're fighting against. and one of the theories i feel like people like trump have is that if you just bomb a population enough, you will cow them into submission, with enough force, you will convince the people there is no use in fighting back. and that is the opposite of what we've been seeing so far in ukraine, as the russians have, you know, pounded mariupol, have really worked to try and impose their will on ukraine by force. what we see is more and more commitment from the ukrainians to actually stand and fight. and that, i feel like, is something that they just had not really taken into account, this fact that the -- as you continue to enact these war crimes against the ukrainian people, the more they will continue to resist, especially so long as the west and the united states continues to help and support them in their efforts to repel the russian forces. >> jonathan, is this a microcosm, you think of the a larger argument that the failures of the russian military are just one example of how, you know, the right in this country fundamentally misunderstands wokeness? >> yeah. i mean, i think that, you know, wokeness can also just be being more sensible and humane in the way you motivate people. and you don't motivate an army with authoritarian -- an authoritarian approach. yes, the army is an authority structure, and there's a chain of command. but you want the army to be fighting for something. and motivation becomes a really big factor here. there's a huge motivation gap. what motivates the average russian soldier? he's in somebody else's country for what purpose? people have to be fighting for something. and you can go back to napoleon to find out how morale is to material three to one. in other words, you can have a huge advantage in troop size and arms, but if you're on the wrong side of that morale equation, you're in a bad place. and there's another factor that's very important, and that's the structure of the russian military. that's very different of the american military, that of nato countries. they have no non-commissioned officers in the russian army, no sergeants. they don't have that level. they have officers and then they have grunts. and without that intermediate level, you know, in our military, it's sergeants, you don't have the unit cohesion that you need to be an effective fighting force. i mean, this is a huge factor that disadvantages the russian army. >> yeah, and speaking of morale, all you have to do is look at the ukrainians. they're fighting for their country. they're fighting for their existence, and that alone is making the difference on the battlefield without a doubt. stephanie, "the new york times" published an extensive piece on fiona hill, the expert that testified at trump's first impeachment. included how trump privatized foreign policy for his own purposes and had a narrow goal to stay in power irrespective of what people wanted. is it striking to you how much of foreign policy today, specifically in ukraine, is still being affected by the legacy of trump and his inability to help the ukrainian government when it needed it to prepare for what ended up happening? >> it absolutely, ayman, is a gateway to what's happening now in ukraine. by the way, what does woke mean? does that mean being against torture? my dad was an assistant prosecutor at nuremberg. i don't understand the pearl clutching about president biden calling a genocide a genocide or calling a war criminal a war criminal. you've got to call evil out before uk defeat evil, don't you? and there is no question about what is happening. and all the things you set up, ayman, are absolutely correct about trump. he pardoned a war criminal. he absolutely rooted for torture. and on and on. i mean, thank god that america, again, on the side of good and joe biden has united the world against this evil, this genocide, this war crime that we are seeing in ukraine. >> yeah, you absolutely bring up a very important point of how important it is to call out evil. jonathan, fiona hill described the u.s. as being in a state of, quote, deevolution, with the checks on executive power flagging. and she makes clear that despite the change in u.s. administration, one thing remains constant, that is, quote, putin has been there for 22 years. he's the same guy with the same people around him, and he's watching everything. your thoughts on her assessment of it? >> this is an extraordinarily interesting interview in the "new york times" magazine. and her book, by all accounts, is outstanding. so, she tells a really some ways frightening story. she went into the trump administration as a russia expert and a putin expert. and she found that president trump resembled vladimir putin more than he resembled his own american predecessors. in other words, he is an authentic authoritarian. and then of course in the first impeachment she testified because she felt that he had put his own narrow political interests in trying to spread dirt about joe biden ahead of our national interests and very much ahead of helping the ukrainians hold off the russians who were already fighting in eastern ukraine. and then something even more interesting happened, which is that on january 6, fiona hill reports that it was like a light bulb went off. she realized that there was a connection between what she experienced with ukraine and events of january 6th and that putin, in 2020, had changed russian law so that he could be president for life. and it was clear that this putin wannabe, donald trump, was trying to change our american constitutional system so that he could remain in office. he said -- even he said publicly that he thought he had lost the first two years of his term because of what he called the russia hoax and should be able to stay another extra two years. he's talked publicly about being against the two-term limit. he clearly was trying to stay in power like putin on january 6th. and that's the connection. >> yeah, he definitely joked around about wanting to stay in office for life the way that president xi in china has been at least for now. hayes, i got to get your thoughts on this new quinnipiac poll. it shows that more than eight in ten americans think that russian president vladimir putin is actually a war criminal. are you surprised that there are 20 or so percent, maybe 10% in this country, don't think he's a war criminal. >> not necessarily surprised. i would say that the 10% who would flat out say, no, i don't think he's a war criminal, i feel like they're the types that are affected by russian propaganda as the russians are themselves. because the russians have been trying to go all out to paint this situation as not of their own making. they said it's all nato's fault. they've tried to say that, oh, we were provoked by ukraine. and putin has said that ukraine, all this special military operation because ukraine wants to destroy russia as though that were possible. i feel like the 10% of america that putin no, flat out, has not ordered war crimes, is not a war criminal, i feel like they are finding a little bit. i feel like there are some people who just don't know enough to make that call, and i respect them. the people who say, i don't know enough about the situation right now to actually make a judgment call on them, they're good. i give them a pass. >> they might be lawyer experts to see i'm going to see how the trial pans out before i make that decision. >> ayman. >> i'm going to ask all you to stay in place. >> can i jump in for a second. is it 10 people? is it just trump and tucker -- is it 10% do you think or actually ten people? republicans that went to moscow on january 4th -- july 4th. >> we're going to have to check that poll and get back to you on who exactly those ten people are. we're going to take a quick break. should house minority leader kevin mccarthy be called to testify before the january 6th committee? how about speaker pelosi? my friend richard lui is here with the headlines. hey, ayman. a very good evening to you. breaking news, ten people were shot and wounded in a shooting at a shopping mall in columbia, south carolina. two of those victims were critically injured according to the chief of police. the shooting occurred around 2:30 p.m. eastern about ten miles outside downtown columbia. two additional people were injured in the rush to exit that mall. the gunshot victims' ages range from 15 to 73. they have all been stabilized. three people carrying firearms have been detained in connection to the shooting. the police chief saying, quote, we don't beav this was random. they believe they knew each other and something led to the gunfire. we'll have more detail ts as we get them. for now, more ayman after this. for now, more ayman after this e to severe plaque psoriasis. now, there's skyrizi. with skyrizi 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months, after just 2 doses. skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms such as fevers, sweats, chills, muscle aches or coughs, or if you plan to or recently received a vaccine. ♪ nothing is everything ♪ talk to your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. we have to be able to repair the enamel on a daily basis. with pronamel repair toothpaste, we can help actively repair enamel in its weakened state. it's innovative. my go to toothpaste is going to be pronamel repair. wayfair's got just what you need to be outdoorsy. my go to toothpaste your way! shop the biggest selection of outdoor furniture and furnish your habitat from you habitat. get a new grill and cook over an open flame. now that's outdoorsy! go wild on garden decor. find shelter from the elements and from predators. or just be one with nature. this year spend less and go all outdoorsy at wayfair. ♪ wayfair you got just what i need ♪ what happens when performance... meets power? 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(emu squawks) kevin, no! not today. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ the january 6 committee has been working behind the scenes mostly for eight months. and soon they're going to take all of that work and make it public to the american people. the committee has said that it is planning to hold public hearings as early as may. as politico pointed out this week, there are still quite a few crucial decisions the committee has to make before that, including when and how the committee will call on president trump to testify. if they ask to speak with mike pence, the vice president, mm, or even nancy pelosi. and perhaps most importantly what they're going to do after they release their findings and make those hearings public. back with me now, my all-star panel, hayes brown, jonathan altar, stephanie miller. hayes, let me begin with you. it's doubtful trump would ever agree to testify to the january 6th committee. but do you think the committee should still ask him, even if it's just to send a message to the american public about it? >> yeah, i think they definitely should ask him. while i know that it feels improbable that they will go so far as to issue a subpoena to trump to actually try and put the force of the law behind this effort, i do think that should president trump prove uncooperative, i feel like they should at least try. i feel like this is something that is important enough that we do want to take this to court and you do want to go through the motions of this. i know this is one of trump's favorite delaying tactics, to go to court, to file appeal after appeal after appeal, to try and make the case that, you know, he has full immunity, full executive immunity, which is completely false. but i feel like this is still one of those times where even if the actual subpoena were to fail in getting trump to testify before the final report of january 6th committee, i feel like the effort to make the point that presidents should have to -- especially once they become private citizens -- listen to the force of the law from congress and from legislators. >> what about -- jonathan, what about mike pence or nancy pelosi? should they be asked about that day? does mike pence have something to offer? does nancy pelosi have something to offer? >> i think nancy pelosi should definitely testify because, you know, she had some -- it was a very minor role. but she nominally presided over the house sergeant of arms, and mitch mcconnell nominally presided over the senate sergeant of arms. they are nominal to the story. they should testify. mike pence is obviously central to this whole thing. he should definitely be asked to testify. and i think kevin mccarthy should as well. he spoke to trump in the middle of the attack on the capitol. and he said, you know, well, what relevance is that? well, it's of huge relevance. >> yeah. >> you know, on january 13th, kevin mccarthy says that president trump, quote, bears responsibility for the attack on our capitol. think about that for a second. take a step back and think about what that means. somebody who says, he bears responsibility, is now deferring to him, kowtowing to him as the leader of the republican party, he's for him being president if he's nominated, giving this guy the keys to the car after what he did? he said, he bears responsibility. of course he should be questioned about that. as for president trump himself, yes, they should subpoena him. i don't think they should waste a lot of time on it or let them -- have it to lay their investigation on because he will just go in there and lie as he always does. so, it's not actually very important even if he was -- did decide to testify, it wouldn't be significant. >> stephanie, it's frustrating for a lot of people watching the department of justice in this because they have not -- the department of justice has not -- taken the criminal referrals issued. what is the point of anyone cooperating if there is no punishment when they don't by the department of justice? >> well, ayman, i'm with you. i am the salts of justice. and i want to -- i hope you don't mind me calling you daddy just for tonight. but, yeah, i -- listen, i hope trump testifies just so you can play that -- and he takes the fifth so you can play that tape of him playing that tape over and over again of him saying, why do you take the fifth unless you're guilty? i think only the mob takes the fifth. i am really impatient, as a lot of people are. i have to hope some of the legal experts i've had on my show is it could be that mark meadow ss a target that he has not been indicted yet. i hope it's like "jaws" and there's a lot going on underneath the water that we don't know about yet going on at the doj. it seems like there's two systems of justice, one for the rich and powerful, one for the rest of us. >> i was going to say something in defense of merrick garland and the department of justice. he's taking a lot of incoming on twitter and other places. we don't know what they're doing. and they want -- >> yeah. >> -- the january 6th material, which hasn't been turned over to them yet because the january 6th committee has not completed its investigation. and by the way, there's no ticking clock for merrick garland. he doesn't have to do something, you know, before they lose the congress. the january 6th committee, they have to wrap this up before the election because, you know, they could not be in control next year. garland's not operating under that. he has a longer time horizon to possibly prosecute trump. and we should not assume that he is somehow, you know, failing to turn over any rock that he can. >> listen, you're absolutely right. you bring up a very fair point. i don't disagree with anything you said. but to be specific, i think what we were talking about -- and correct me if i'm wrong, stephanie -- it's about those that are defying the subpoenas from congress. put aside the trump investigation. fair enough. he's not a timeline that's different than the committee. but when it comes to those who are defying a subpoena from congress, who are ignoring the subpoenas, that is, i think, the issue that people are saying uk move on that pretty quickly. those who are not responding to the subpoenas are simply violating congressional orders. >> yeah. i'm with you on that. i'm sick of them treating subpoenas like it's an invitation to a party in the hamptons and just like, no, that weekend's not good for me. i don't think i'll go. that's not how subpoenas work. it's not how the justice system works. >> you clearly have a lot more experience getting invited to parties in the hamptons than i do. >> that was theoretical for me too. >> i love the analogy, but it actually is the way congressional subpoenas -- not subpoenas from prosecutors -- but congressional subpoenas have worked over many, many decades. the people can say, who are subpoenaed, well, it's not convenient for me then, and there's a negotiation between the executive and legislative branches over the responses to these subpoenas. and the courts like to stay out of that. they think that's something for the executive and the legislative to work out among themselves. and they haven't in the past played hard ball. which it would be if merrick garland prosecuted. having said that, i wish he would because it would put more pressure on these witnesses to talk. >> let me -- hayes, let me turn to another element of recording theer, and that was that republicans chip roy, senator mike lee texting mark meadows about the 2020 elections and overturning it. and i want to read for you one from senator lee. he says, if a very small handful of states were to have their legislators appoint alternatives slates of delegates, there could be a path. i just spoke to congresswoman jackie speier last hour. she said that these texts signal that the committee has a treasure trove of incriminating documents. what do you make of that? your reaction? do you agree with the congresswoman? >> i do actually. i think it's fascinating that this is -- mark meadows seems to have been texting literally everyone in washington after the election. and the fact it's his text messages that have been turned over is clearly a boom for the committee and their investigation. between this, the ginni thomas texts, his texts with donald trump jr., he was the focus point for so much of trump's efforts to overturn the election. so, both on the specifics of the texts that were released from cnn this week, i think that they're fascinating. i think the fact that mike lee was pushing this theory that was also trying to be carried out in the justice department, one of lawyers who had refused to answer congressional subpoena, who worked at the justice department, who trump immediately made attorney general to try and keep this hope alive, lee was all in favor of this pushing state to say, despite the majority of the voters saying otherwise, that trump should get their electoral college votes and letting congress work it out. the fact that lee was trying to exploit that loophole shows how widespread and deep this belief is inside the party that the election, the will of the voters, is something that could be worked around when it comes to the presidency and who won and lost an election. so, i think that i'm very glad that mark meadows was as popular as he was at the time because he has provided so much to work with for the committee. >> can i just say, i love the -- i love the trajectory of the texts. they're all like they all stole a car. they're all joyriding. this is great. oh, my god, such a great idea. then they're like, oh, cops, let's jump out the window. what are you doing? >> i was going to say with the number of people who have come forward to next mark meadows, i feel like we were the only four people who did not get a text message from mark meadows. what are we doing wrong that we did not get a text from mark meadows after the election. we have a lot more to discuss. next we're going to talk about jared kushner's firm and how it got $2 billion from a saudi firm run by the crown prince despite objections from literally almost everyone involved in it. m litert everyone involved in it. 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"the new york times" reports me nuken had experience with investing. he knows what he's doing. mick mulvaney, not so much. he ran omb. so -- poorly, but he ran it. that makes more sense than kushner, who has no relevant experience. so, i agree that it's probably either payback for, you know, service done during the trump administration or an investment in case trump does return to cover. if he does, there's no way kushner is not going to come along with him. >> fox news here, zero mentions of jared kushner. 68 mentions of hunter biden. i'm sure that does not surprise you. >> you're kidding? >> yeah. >> i was going to say, ayman, the really important thing about the jared kushner story is that hunter biden had a laptop. i'm not sure you're aware of that. and right away, that's suspicious, isn't it? do you have a laptop, ayman? i don't think so. what a ridiculous story. there is no there there with the hunter biden laptop. the more we hear jared kushner got $2 billion for covering up a bone saw murder, perhaps, allegedly, john jr. texting to overthrow the government of the united states and here we go again. it's like the hilly email story. there's no there there. there's no evidence he did anything wrong yet, let alone joe biden knew anything about it or did anything wrong. it is just to the point of absurdity that you know the minute there is another bombshell about jared or don jr. and it's hunter biden's laptop. here we go again, right? >> it does, to stephanie's point, bring back the question of the relationship because, you know, by all reports, jared kushner was a friend, a personal friend, perhaps even a whatsapp buddy with the crown prince of saudi arabia. there was reports he was consulting or advocating for him within the administration, certainly after the killing of jamal khashoggi. what do you make of this payout from the saudi wealth fund that is directly managed or at least overseen or chaired by the crown prince to jared kushner? >> well, first of all, i can tell you something tonight that has not been reported before that comes from sources inside the private equity industry. and that is that the original number was $10 billion. and it was reduced considerably from that. $10 billion was the original number that mbs and jared kushner were talking about. now, to put this in a little bit of context, jared kushner has no background in private equity. you know, he was involved in a failed real estate deal at 666 fifth avenue in new york. he's the son of a very wealthy real estate developer and the son-in-law of a less wealthy than he claims to be real estate developer. that's like saying somebody who plays ice hockey can immediately go to the top of the nfl. yeah, they're both rough sports. new york real estate is rough. but private equity is a totally different world. so, this is an enormously corrupt payoff from a killer who just was quoted in "the atlantic" recently saying that khashoggi wouldn't have even been in the top ten of people he would liked to have seen killed. that's his excuse of why he wasn't involved. he's a killer who recently executed more than 100 saudis at the same time. it got very little attention. and this is an investment in the future of their relationship and maybe the most corrupt thing that the relative of a president has ever done. and there's been quite a bit of corruption by the relatives of presidents from billy carter to neil bush and roger clinton. there's a lot of history of this. this is the work. >> ayman, can i just say he is -- jonathan, you are -- i was going to say you're absolutely right, jonathan. that entire trump family, morally repugnant, transactional. it's just gross that he's on whatsapp with mbs like they're teenage girls. what are you thinking about? you hang up first. a murderer. they are transactional and despicable and morally repugnant. >> and the flip side to that is the concern if in fact trump does want to run again and wins and jared kushner does return to government office, you will have a government wealth fund that has $2 billion. it's going to hard to separate that. i think that will also raise a lot of ethical questions. that is a big if. we'll see what happens. jonathan altar, stephanie miller, hayes brown, thank you for joining us this evening. it is not just the supreme court. see how president biden is diversifying the federal bench like no other president next. heh like no other president next ♪simply irresistible♪ ♪ ♪ ♪simply irresistible♪ applebee's irresist-a-bowls are back. now starting at $8.99. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. 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(vo) this is the offer you just can't miss! verizon is going ultra, so you can get more. so, the images out of ukraine the last seven weeks have been horrifying, no doubt about it. towns destroyed, millions displaced, bodies discovered under rubble and in mass graves. and sadly, this isn't a new phenomena. as ukrainian journalist and writer points out, moscow is awfully uncreative. in the last one hundred years, russian colonialism has been using this same invasion and occupation tactic over and over and over again. maxim took to twitter to map out the brutal history of russian colonialism and the same death and destruction we're seeing now in ukraine that has been used before in places like hungary, czechoslovakia, and even chechnya. i had a chance to speak with maxim about this and more. thank you so much for joining us. you started putting this threat together before russia invaded ukraine. i've known you for a couple of years. i follow your work very closely. talk to us about why you decided to gather all of this information and your reaction to this tweet after it went viral, this thread that you put together. >> well, ayman, it happened actually a couple of nights before the invasion started. and as many ukrainians, i couldn't sleep and i was constantly alarmed and full of angst, figuring out what to do and how to -- maybe how to avoid what is about to happen. and actually i've been trying to main stream the awareness about russian colonialism and what it's done to my country and my people for some years. but particularly those nights, it was obvious for me that what is about to happen to ukraine is basically just a copy job that russia would do not only to our own country years after years and decades and centuries but to many other countries. and that's why in my way of dealing with the situation and anxiety, i want to put together some kind of cliff note explains that what is about to happen to ukrainian has been happening so many times before. and i put this picture of grossny in chechnya, which was down to the ground by putin in the 2000s as kind of a provocative picture, what could happen to ukraine if the world does not react and stand up to russian colonialism. i had no idea that this unfortunately -- the same in mariupol or kharkiv or other ukrainian cities would start to look like in just several days from when i finished putting it together. >> why do you think that we are so reluctant to heed the lessons of history? because as you documented and you wrote about, history repeats itself time and time again. but despite this, before russia invaded even quite honestly the ukrainian government was doubtful that vladimir putin would follow through with this invasion. so, why do you think we are so reluctant to heed the lessons of history? >> well, first of all, i think all of us were reluctant just because we couldn't just put ourself and had to imagine this situation what could happen because, let's be honest, ukraine has been going through a genocide, russian-made genocide before. and the war that happened in 2014. so, this is not something you would like to imagine happening to your families in your homeland. that's why we were defensive about it. but in terms of westerners, my guess, as a journalist, just trying to put together all the evidence, i learned over these years how hard it is to do because russia spent so much resources for decades before it to erase any evidence about those atrocities committed against neighboring nations or even indigenous nations inside russia. and it's still spending insane amount of money even to this day to try to hijack that narrative or try to erase those stories, erase our voices telling those. so, i think that's part of the problem. but also representation matters. i mean, unfortunately, when i look these days at the shows and special american channels i don't see any ukrainian voices explaining ukrainian english, despite we have so many people who are capable of doing that. and instead, ukrainians between west-splan as i call it by westerners, many of them do not know the word in ukraine. so, in the end, we ended up with the situation where the people are just not educated enough and not aware of the at least historical text. >> you're working with ukrainian artists to make this an illustrated guidebook based on this thread. what do you hope to accomplish with it based on what you were just saying on what the west doesn't know about ukraine and doesn't understand? what is something you want the west to know and understand about ukraine? >> i think most of all, i want this story of russian colonists to be told in the proper manner. what publishing houses i had before this. when people would say this topic of russian colonialism, what it did to your country, it might be too controversial or uncomfortable or even farfetched. so, now i feel like this is finding momentum when a lot of people understand that this is not just a putin's war. this is not something that it just happens now, that it has a long history and long pattern of the same thing happening and the state of russia doing the neighborhood over and over again. and i think it is also important for me as a ukrainian because when you grow up as a ukrainian, your life is shaped in a way that is affected by colonials in so many ways. for example, it wasn't very popular when i was growing up or ukraine was dirty word for many russians as well. so, this is something i want to do for me, for ukrainians, for us, but also for the rest of the world to finally be aware of russian colonialists. >> all right. maxym, it's great to see you again. thank you so much for joining us and speaking to us and sharing your insights. best of luck to you and your family. >> thank you so much, ayman. really appreciate it. and thank you for making time for us at home. come back tomorrow night at 9:00 eastern on msnbc. i'll speak to french artist j.r. about creating art in ukraine in the middle of a war. then stick around for the award-winning documentary "paper and glue" that follows jr from a prison in california to a shanty town in brazil. that is 10:00 p.m. eastern tomorrow right here on msnbc. until we meet again, i'm ayman mohyeldin, have a good night. an mohyeldin, have a good night allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! flonase all good. wayfair's got just what you need to be outdoorsy. your way! shop the biggest selection of outdoor furniture and furnish your habitat from you habitat. get a new grill and cook over an open flame. now that's outdoorsy! go wild on garden decor. find shelter from the elements and from predators. or just be one with nature. this year spend less and go all outdoorsy at wayfair. ♪ wayfair you got just what i need ♪ (vo) for me, one of the best things about life is that we keep moving forward. we discover exciting new technologies. redefine who we are and how we want to lead our lives. basically, choose what we want our future to look like. so what's yours going to be? 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