Transcripts For MSNBC The ReidOut 20240708 :

Transcripts For MSNBC The ReidOut 20240708

all in and overturning roe v. wade. and since the supreme court majority made that clear, republican led states have been tripping over themselves, jostling to one up each other with the most draconian extreme abortion restriction. florida, the governor signed a law banning akorgss at 15 weeks with to exceptions for rape or incest. following arizona governor's lead two weeks ago. in idaho, which like texas, passed a six-week ban, before most women even know they're pregnant. that law is being upheld temporarily by the state supreme court. but oklahoma said hold my beer, with oklahoma making it a felony to perform any abortion except to save the life of a mother. all of these bills are dependant on what the courts decide, and they don't take effect immediately. one state has succeeded in becoming the first state since roe v. wade was implemented to force all of its abortion clinics to close. and that is kentucky, where yesterday republicans were able to override the democratic governor's veto of a law that immediately bans abortion after 15 weeks, and the receipt of an abortion medication by mail. it also requires that clinics create or bury fetal remains, and it's that last stipulation, requiring the state to certify providers to dispense medication that have caused kentucky's two abortion clinics to stop taking patient. providing for the cremation or burial could add hundreds of dollars to the cost of on abortion. today, planned parenthood and the aclu sued to block the law. but even if that works temporarily, god help the appeal. because we are very likely careening towards the end of roe v. wade based on the conservative 6-3 supreme court, who are likely just waiting, eagerly, for an appeal of one of these laws to land at their door. make no mistake, we got here because of a campaign that started in the late 1970s and '80s, when conservative leaders realized they could rally voters around abortion, which was far better pr than their original obsession, protecting the tax free status of segregated schools. ever since, it's been their dream to take over the courts and overturn roe. it's the promise they made to conservative christian voters to secure senate seats a and the white house. it's part of how president trump won in 2016, by promising to nominate judges who would overturn roe, even though he messed around and said the quiet part out loud, that women, women, should be punished for having abortions. mitch mcconnell brought that dream to fruition. with a senate that refused to hold hearings for merrick garland and jammed in three new right wing justices. but here's the thing -- this campaign has worked for republicans all this time, because abortion has been legal. 1 in 4 women will have abortions at some point in their lives and the majority say it should be legal in all or most cases. there is no telling what happens once that right is gone. tens of millions of american women wake up in gilead with their pregnant bodies as state property. rape and incest victims having to risk their lives to have abortions. teenagers and young women saddled with the huge cost of raising children they never planned to have or didn't want to have, with their red states saying, well, that's your problem now, because we don't provide free preschool or medicaid. so are republicans ready for the political consequences of achieving one of their biggest dreams. i'm joined now by kentucky state representative rachel roberts and rachel bittercoffer. rem presenttive roberts, i want to talk about kentucky. kentucky, i guess, has won the race to the bottom. these states seem to be trying to one up each other to say no, we can be the most restrictive. talk about what that means for kentucky women. >> so this bill was house bill 3. it was called regularly the abortion omnibus bill. many of us called it the ominous bill. it was a whole bunch of ideas from other states crammed into one bill, with the express purpose of limiting care for women across the state. lawmakers on the floor said it wasn't their express intention to closeclinics, but today women were expecting to have services to be turned away. >> to be pragmatic here. forcing women to have birth is not the beginning of the end. luckily kentucky has a democratic governor. so at least there is a medicaid expansion there and health care for women. however, this is one of the poorest states in the country, the highest poverty rate. i doubt that republicans also passed a bill. did they pass a bill for free preschool to make sure that these children have child care? was there a bill to help mortality or to help anything to do with raising children and making sure they didn't starve, to get free meals at school, anything like that? >> you're right, joy. the state of kentucky has problems in this area. we have 9% of children in kentucky are being raised by their grandparents, which is in large part due to the opioid epidemic we have. we're number seven in teen pregnancy in the nation. we have some of the worst maternal health care outcomes in the state. and it's worse for women of color. here in kentucky, we are at double the national average for poor maternal health care outcomes. we are a state that should be looking for ways to encourage people to have a healthy family, when and how they are ready to, and encouraging those families to be able to thrive in the state. instead, we are saying we do not trust women to make their own health care decisions. and it's each worse than that. i proposed an amendment to this bill to say at least could we please put provisions in here for the victims of rape and incest. that amendment was not only shot down, but legislators, we have the choice to vote or not vote on those things. you can abstain from a vote. but 68 of my colleagues are willing to put their name on the board and shoot down that amendment to say not even in the case of rape and incest will we make this vital care available to the women of kentucky. >> under his eye. there are states not far away saying you can marry a 12 or 13-year-old. so that's rape, if you're trying to impregnate a kid. rachel bittercoffer, there is going to be a mason dixon line of where below the line is gilead. where women -- and they can chaim they don't want women to be arrested. bs, women will be arrested. there was already one arrested in texas. let's show this map. there are 26 states that are already itching to outright ban abortion. it's going to look like a map of red america. they're doing this because it helps them get elected among evangelical voters. but the majority of women and men don't want this, if you look at the poll. why is this still so effective for republicans and why have democrats not been affected in pushing back when it's not really what people want? >> yeah, it's true. when you look at polling within these red states, these bills are far more radical. they're a little bit more pro life, quote unquote, leaning in those red electorates. but their distribution is not much different. they want relatively want safe, legal access to at least early term abortion in those states. what they're going to wake up to is gilead. i will say this, part of the reason why the republicans are doing what they're doing is that they are kind of designed and operating in a system where they have immunity. there's no democratic accountability in these states any more, because they have spent the last ten years democratizing them. that infrastructure has been a long time built, and it is true that evangelical voters want this. this is like the treasured egg. but it's really important to remember, movement politics, the right movement politics, that stuff is all articulated by strategy. somebody looked at the issue of abortion in the 1970s, late '70s, realized there was a potential to wedge it, if they defined it in moral terms. and then weaponized this electorate. and it has proven to be an incredibly powerful thing, right? but if we see any of these laws upheld at the supreme court level, if we see severe erosion of roe and don't get me wrong, 15-week bans with no abortion -- or no exemptions for rape or incest, that is radical, radical stuff right there. there is nothing modern about it. >> let me ask you a question, because it's all cool until the bodies start being shown. i worked in local news. you have some teenage rape victims dying because they tried to do a self-abortion and take too many pills and they do that underground and refuse to go to the clinic because it's illegal and they're scared. it's all cool until people start dying and good look trying to hide that. ask vladamir putin how that works out. rachel, i want to ask you whether or not this has been a good issue, because abortion has been legal. now that it's illegal across these red states, what happens? because white women, let's be clear, have voted majority republican since the '60s. it's been very solid, even when there's a woman on the ballot often. but what happens to that vote? do you see that vote starting to get shaky when their daughters are the ones who are in the cross hairs of this? when their sisters -- do you see them moving somewhat off the team if you start to see this -- the bodies? the people starting to die or suffer? >> and you don't even need to wait till that moment happens. abortion politics over the course of the '90s, 2000s, it benefited them. they're so good at rhetoric and coined the pro life movement. that started to define abortion. you saw a small erosion in access support from that effort, right? but now the politics are the opposite. we're under a five alarm fire. there's no need to wait until mb actually dies. what you have to do is paint a picture for the electorate of what's coming. there's a lot of different targets and ads that should go out to this community, to people who will be sensitive to this. but the one i really want to see run is in suburban america, letting these mothers know of all races, white women and all, what will happen if they try to outsource an abortion out of state. they are going to jail. that is what these laws are, so it is true, it will be an equitable, poor people always suffer from restricted abortions. but their goal is to control women. they're not leaving a loophole for white, educated suburbanites. >> last question, representative roberts. does this impact the 2022 election? at this point, politics is power. let's just be clear. does this wind up impacting the 2022 race in your view? >> i certainly hope so, because i think, you know, women, myself included, have been somewhat complacent on this issue. we assumed it wouldn't get this bad, but here we are. i have to hope the republicans have overplayed their hand and this will be the motivator that tells people if you ask someone if they're pro life, they may say yes. but if you ask them in all cases with no exceptions for any of these reasons, they say no overwhelmingly. these are extremist, radical bills. i hope this will start to wake people up. >> and when the bodies start, when somebody dies or somebody suffers greatly, this is a new area, y'all. we will find out about it and know about it, we will talk about it. i want to thank all the rachels involved in making this happen. girl power. up next on "the reidout," remember the ukrainian soldiers at snake island who refused to surrender to russia? it's now commemorated with this postage stamp. well, that flgship of russia's black sea fleet has sunk and ukraine says, we did that. the killing of an unarmed black man by police in grand rapids, michigan, and what it repeals about all the things still wrong with policing in america. plus -- >> we should pay more attention to how we're treating our mountains, how we're treating everything. we're just mistreating mother nature. that's like being ugly to your momma. >> the queen, dolly parton speaking the truth as only she can. the climate crisis is growing worse, and there's little political will to do anything about it. 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>> it's the flip side. it's the mirror image. you're right, joy. the ukrainians are ecstatic. this is a big boost for them. they've got several big boosts. you know, they ran the russians out of kyiv. but this sinking of the "moscow" ship, which is the lead ship. it was the lead ship in the black sea for the russians, and it sunk. and the ukrainians are -- they designed this missile, joy. this is not something that was given to them from the united states or from nato. no, this was their own missile that they designed, employed, and used for the first time, obviously very effectively, and so they're happy as can be. and the other side, exactly right, the russians are devastated. i don't think it's too much to say. they are, again, another big setback for the russians, for the russian military. this is the russian military that was supposed to be the second best in the world. it turns out it's not. turns out that the navy is not so good. the army is not so good. the leadership is not so good. this is devastating to the russians. >> yeah, so much for donald trump calling putin a genius. what about this idea of expanding nato and having sweden and finland join. what do you make of this prospect? >> joy, i think you're right, i think you're exactly right. what the russians are doing is demonstrating to all of europe why nato is so important. they are -- the russians are trying to, apparently, scare the rest of europe and the rest of europe, including the swedes and the finns now, are saying we need security from nato. so we should join. they're considering joining. so the russians are doing the exact opposite of what they want. and this business of being reminded, you know, the russians continue to remind everyone, we have nuclear weapons. well, that also makes it more attractive to join nato. >> france is looking to move their french embassy back to kyiv, which would be a symbolic thing. europe reluctantly readying a russian oil embargo. that would be huge. but i want to ask you, this idea of a senior administration visit to kyiv, what i saw -- let me just put up boris johnson, the uk prime minister visiting. i saw that, as an american i was a bit envious. i would love to see president biden go to kyiv. would you? >> i would. i would. and good for prime minister johnson. i mean, good for all those other presidents of european nations that went there. that is a demonstration of solidarity and support unlike any other. when you show up in a capital, and you talk to citizens like this and you talk to president zelenskyy standing right behind him, this is a demonstration of support. so sure, that is great he did that. it would be great for the u.s. government to have some senior person there, as well. joy, i will tell you the last time a sitting u.s. president went to kyiv, i was the ambassador there, it was in 2008. and it was george bush, george w. bush was the last one there. so it's been a long time since a president showed up there. >> i agree he should go. i do. the thing about it is, i can't think of a reason not to go, right? boris johnson needed the pr to stand next to zelenskyy, so it was good for him, too. but i do hope that joe biden and vice president harris go. i'm going to put my vote in for that. ambassador taylor, thank you very much. still ahead, to protect and seven. a motto coined by the lapd in the 1960s to describe the role of police in america. but is it accurate? we'll take a closer look, next. t my a1c stayed here, it needed to be here. ruby's a1c is down with rybelsus®. my a1c wasn't at goal, now i'm down with rybelsus®. mom's a1c is down with rybelsus®. 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[ gunfire ] >> joining me now, jack crosby, msnbc contributor, and ralph godby, former detroit police achievement i want to show 32 more seconds. this is the actual body camera from this officer who shot the man. >> stop! >> okay. >> stop resisting! >> what did i do? >> let go of the taser! >> we have seen so many instances of black men in particular, chief, ending up dead over something that wouldn't even put them in prison. minor traffic crap. why does that happen so often? >> mr. crosby, i read your article and you summed up 250 years worth of policing in america, in the most sccinct way. we have oversold what police bring from a value standpoint relative to crime reduction. what you saw is contempt of cop. we get to a point where behavior is contemptuos of a cop, too many times the result is a dead black man at the end of the altercation. if a car is unregistered, then send a civil citation to that owner and let them deal with it. but the pred case for traffic stops, it's a rouse. this is the latest of the victims. to do the same thing the same way and expect a different result is the definition of insanity. >> i agree with you, jack crosby. the reality is, you know, somebody having the wrong tag on their car, an expired tag on their car, saves no lives, makes the community no safer. who cares? having an air freshener dangling when it's not supposed to, so what. and even if he ran away from the officer, you have the car. if the car is stolen, you have it. it seems like so many of these stops are pointless. but they still end up being able to use deadly force, because we have written into the law that while most of you are doing is broken windows nonsense, you have the power of life and death. all you have to do is feared for my life. that taser had been deployed twice, it was useless. your thoughts, jack? >> yeah. so i think this ties into what we have been seeing in new york recently, as well. which is this massive surge in exactly what you're describing, broken windows policing. eric adams has flooded the subway system with police officers in an attempt to crack down on a wave of crimes we've seen happening many of which have been perpetrated by marginalized individuals in society, the homeless that don't have anywhere else to go. and the response to this has been more policing of the kind that you see in these traffic stops. it's essentially for these homeless people, street vendors down there is giving them fines, giving a homeless person a type or kicking them off a train for trying to get some sleep down there. this doesn't address the root problems of putting those people on the subways. between 2014 and 2019, new york city spent $41 billion on the police. we spent $9.9 billion on homeless service and $6.8 billion on housing. those are what stop the problems is homeless service and housing. investing in civil services to make sure that expired tag never makes it to a police altercation. that's a civil thing handled through the mail or through, you know, an online thing. he gets an email that says your tag is expired, you need to pay this fine. we have to address these problems before they even reach the point. and when you look at new york city, i just think of this image, and i'm sorry, i'll get back to it. but the strategic response group in new york city, one of these elite units that is supposed to be keeping us kaf. while the shooter was being arrested, the srg was a couple of blocks away destroying a homeless encampment. so what's the point? what are they there for? who are they protecting and serving? >> you know, chief, it does seem most of the time what police are protecting are affluent people's feelings. they feel safe because they see police and rolling homeless people away and moving them off the street. but the actual job itself is mostly mundane. so when you take people who have the power of life and death and they have a bad attitude or authoritarian and want compliance, and you add mundane work where you're just rolling over people who are drunk in the street, i feel like it's inevitable we're going to have this. why isn't that what police reform is about? >> well, because we have oversold what policing really is. it goes back to the kansas city study in the 1960s. there's this belief that response time has some correlation to reduction in crime. once someone dials 911, the crime has already happened. so how fast you get there doesn't reduce crime. so we have to have a much more intelligence conversation. we have to stop allowing the tough on crime folks to continue to dominate the conversation. because it's a ruse, and it's not getting to the root causes, which is homelessness, which goes to disenfranchisement. someone hungry trying to eat, and we're criminalizing being poor, which is what's happening. and there are two levels of police service. one for the affluent, and one for the marginalized. and until we address the root cause issues that bring us to these points, the police shouldn't each be involved in the first place. that overreliance on police for every answer, and it scares me that mayor adams, every time you hear him speak, his answer is more police officers. that is throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping something sticks. it sounds good, but it's not a wholistic answer to solve some of these deep, social issues. >> it's also good politics, because it's a really good middle class job and one of the last jobs with a pension. so you're giving people who don't have to have a college degree to have the job. it's partly politics for working class americans of all races to get that job and that pension. let's just be real with it. jack crosby, i recommend everybody read the piece. you guys are great. up next, take a look at this. it's the only one we got, folks, and it's under threat. the call is coming from inside the house. why is there so little political will to address the climate crisis in we'll be right back. e crisis in we'll be right back. entresto is the number one heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists and has helped over one million people. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto. never be afraid of your strength, because your body is capable of amazing things. own your strength, and see how far it takes you. tonal. be your strongest. inner voice (design studio owner): i'm over here waiting... ... looking intensely for a print that i never actually printed... ... so i don't have to deal with that terrifying pile of invoices. intuit quickbooks helps you easily send your first invoice in 3 steps. simple. i always had a connection to my grandfather... i always wanted to learn more about him. i discovered some very interesting documents on ancestry. this is the uh registration card for the draft for world war two. and this is his signature which blew me away. being able to... make my grandfather real... not just a memory... is priceless. his legacy...lives on. where do you find the perfect project manager? is priceless. well, we found him in adelaide between his daily lunch delivery and an 8:15 meeting with his client in san francisco. ...but you can find him, and millions of other talented pros, right now on upwork. on this show, we try to give voice to the voiceless, including shedding light on the atrocities by russia's invading forces in ukraine. but tonight, i want to shed light on something happening to all of us. not just here in america but across the globe. and that is the climate crisis. there are currently around half a dozen wildfires burning in new mexico and west texas. the two areas have seen an early start to the fire season because of severe drought. 200 homes have burned down in new mexico, and children have been forced to evacuate their schools. on tuesday, a series of tornadoes that touched down north of austin, texas, injured 23 people and left a path of destruction. that same day about 900 miles away, two tornadoes hit iowa. just one storm system was responsible for severe weather across the south, and the northern tier of the country. pummeling the northern plains and dumping as much as four feet of snow in montana and three feet in north dakota. in south africa, the province that's home to durbin was pummelled by one of the worst storms in history. nor than 300 people were killed, include thing man's child. >> it took two hours. i survived, but unfortunately, my child -- didn't survive. >> scientists warn that the 4 billion people living in places like south asia, central and south america and africa are living in global hot spots, primed for climate catastrophes. in the philippines, a tropical depression unleashed days of rain, which caused landslides and flooding. nearly 100 people have been killed and 200,000 had to be relocated. sadly, this is the new normal according to the latest report from the panel on climate change. >> we are on a fast track to climate disaster. emergencies under water and unprecedented heat waves, terrifying storms, widespread water shortages, the extinction of a million plants and animals. this is not fiction or exaggeration. it is what science tells us will result from our current energy policies. >> so what do we do about this here at home when you have a republican party that doesn't seem to care, and dirty energy companies that pay them not to? we'll get some answers, next. 'lt what are you recommending for muscle pain? based on clinical data, i recommend salonpas. agreed... my patients like these patches because they work for up to 12 hours, even on moderate pain. salonpas. it's good medicine ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ voltaren. the joy of movement. i booked our hotel on kayak. it's flexible if we need to cancel. cancel. i haven't left the house in years. nothing will stop me from vacation. no canceling. (laughs) flexible cancellation. kayak. search one and done. the world is at a critical junction. the new york times reports that we can still stop climate crisis but we have that. now but it's not possible -- joined now by david wallace wells who next month launched a new york times newsletter focus on the climate and the author of the uninhabitable earth, but a title, david wallace wells. and i did read the book. and i had scared the hell out of me. i think i didn't think i was too scared. talk a little bit about this because it is very difficult to get people to focus on things like climate change, unless they are young person. but most americans go, well, what's happening to our planet? >> that while we are in a new climatic regime already. the plan it's only a little over one-degree warmer, which doesn't sound very much but it actually means that it's hotter today than it's ever been in the entire history of human civilization. that means that our new normal is are going to be more extreme and extremes are gonna be more extreme. but that means, last month we had simultaneous -- with a sickly never happened before. and the antarctic won the anomaly was seven degrees warmer than it should've been. that's the equivalent today, in april and new york city of 138-degree day. and it happened in the antarctic where things are happening faster in places like new york city. but it happened this year. it's a sign of just how many more extremes we're gonna be dealing with, and how much more to regularly or not to be dealing with like the images that you're showing so far. >> we're talking about climate and weather are two different things. but in our own weather life, we are seeing it go from snowing one day to like really hot two days later. we are seeing these massive storms, wildfires. all of these sort of events that you have to attribute to the change in the climate. why do you suppose that those extremes, and the cost that they are putting on societies, but cost in terms of immigration, which is people pouring across borders because of climate, the cost of having to fight these wildfires, having to deal with extreme cold, does it surprise you that that has not changed policy? >> in parts of the world, there has. in europe in particular, they're moving a little bit more quicker than the u.s.. we have been stubborn. on the other hand, our private sector is doing a relatively good job as far as private sector goes in decarbonizing. the busy underlying issues that we have some -- prevent us from really thinking of the future clear headlines. we see new extremes every year and yet we just normalized them and start to think of them as normal, rather than alarming, terrifying, harbinger's of an even worse future. but if we take the extreme seriously the way we're experiencing it now, we have to take action to limit future damages, that means decarbonizing. i've been -- much heister than the private sector is today even as we're making progress. >> this brings me to our number crunching friend. here's the thing, according to pew, republicans think of climate change as a very low priority. 10% think it's a top concern, 58% say it's not important at all. one of our great rookie producers made the point of people also have a disconnect between what i'm i doing, do i recycle this jar, is that really going to do anything if says we're not getting rid of coal. how do people think about what i'm doing versus but my society is doing, and is there any political pressure on people like manchin and republicans to try to change their ways? >> let me take this in a different direction because, your other guest mentions this cognitive bias, but all humans have biases. it's only one place where we are not seeing action. so obviously, there is something institutional. and that institutional impediment is the republican party. and it's important understand that that public opinion poll that we saw, overall reaction to climate change back a few years ago it might have been a few -- that is all articulated from the gop's strategy to muddy up the water for climate change. they created denialism which is an intentional thing, they hire the tobacco lobby to do something, they didn't have to act. so when you ask me, why are we losing the public opinion and of it, it's because we are not -- we are with [inaudible] this is a partisan issue. we wanted bipartisanship because that's how you get action in a healthy, functioning democracy. you build a coalition. but it's quite clear the republican party intends to take us all down with it and it's now time to clearly define for voters what the personal cost is, and it is nice that climate materializes as weather because you can make a target about the flooding and tornadoes here, and wildfires in california, but the point, as you don't just show them the stuff and say, this is happening to other people, you want to present that information in a way that makes it clear that they personally are under threat from these weather changes and from other climate external negative externalities, and if you do that, you can start to move them to an action. in this point, what we need is a mad public, directing their anger clearly at the republican party. yes, it's corporations funded, banks, and oil, but where they getting the political control? they're getting it through this party. we need to make that very clear to an electorate who's really looking for someone to blame on the inaction. >> we are out of town. i think the other thing that people fear is that they're gonna use -- lose their suvs, lose their stuff. is that going to happen? >> companies are making an electrical vehicles, we don't have to choose between big cars and green cars anymore. >> if you can get them charged! i have a hybrid and there's not enough charge. we're trying to get build back better to get charges and didn't do. it thank you both very much. that's tonight's read out. all in with chris hayes starts now. ts now. >> tonight on all in. from the subway and brooklyn to the police shooting in michigan, tonight, the intensifying debate on crime, policing, and justice in america. what is policing for and what do we want police to do? then, the flagship of russia's black sea fleet is at the bottom of the sea. tonight, the sinking of the moskva, and what it means to the war. plus, jamie raskin on the endgame for the january six committee and stephen miller comes in for his interview. and guess which major political party led by an aspiring autocrat just withdom

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Transcripts For MSNBC The ReidOut 20240708 :

Transcripts For MSNBC The ReidOut 20240708

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all in and overturning roe v. wade. and since the supreme court majority made that clear, republican led states have been tripping over themselves, jostling to one up each other with the most draconian extreme abortion restriction. florida, the governor signed a law banning akorgss at 15 weeks with to exceptions for rape or incest. following arizona governor's lead two weeks ago. in idaho, which like texas, passed a six-week ban, before most women even know they're pregnant. that law is being upheld temporarily by the state supreme court. but oklahoma said hold my beer, with oklahoma making it a felony to perform any abortion except to save the life of a mother. all of these bills are dependant on what the courts decide, and they don't take effect immediately. one state has succeeded in becoming the first state since roe v. wade was implemented to force all of its abortion clinics to close. and that is kentucky, where yesterday republicans were able to override the democratic governor's veto of a law that immediately bans abortion after 15 weeks, and the receipt of an abortion medication by mail. it also requires that clinics create or bury fetal remains, and it's that last stipulation, requiring the state to certify providers to dispense medication that have caused kentucky's two abortion clinics to stop taking patient. providing for the cremation or burial could add hundreds of dollars to the cost of on abortion. today, planned parenthood and the aclu sued to block the law. but even if that works temporarily, god help the appeal. because we are very likely careening towards the end of roe v. wade based on the conservative 6-3 supreme court, who are likely just waiting, eagerly, for an appeal of one of these laws to land at their door. make no mistake, we got here because of a campaign that started in the late 1970s and '80s, when conservative leaders realized they could rally voters around abortion, which was far better pr than their original obsession, protecting the tax free status of segregated schools. ever since, it's been their dream to take over the courts and overturn roe. it's the promise they made to conservative christian voters to secure senate seats a and the white house. it's part of how president trump won in 2016, by promising to nominate judges who would overturn roe, even though he messed around and said the quiet part out loud, that women, women, should be punished for having abortions. mitch mcconnell brought that dream to fruition. with a senate that refused to hold hearings for merrick garland and jammed in three new right wing justices. but here's the thing -- this campaign has worked for republicans all this time, because abortion has been legal. 1 in 4 women will have abortions at some point in their lives and the majority say it should be legal in all or most cases. there is no telling what happens once that right is gone. tens of millions of american women wake up in gilead with their pregnant bodies as state property. rape and incest victims having to risk their lives to have abortions. teenagers and young women saddled with the huge cost of raising children they never planned to have or didn't want to have, with their red states saying, well, that's your problem now, because we don't provide free preschool or medicaid. so are republicans ready for the political consequences of achieving one of their biggest dreams. i'm joined now by kentucky state representative rachel roberts and rachel bittercoffer. rem presenttive roberts, i want to talk about kentucky. kentucky, i guess, has won the race to the bottom. these states seem to be trying to one up each other to say no, we can be the most restrictive. talk about what that means for kentucky women. >> so this bill was house bill 3. it was called regularly the abortion omnibus bill. many of us called it the ominous bill. it was a whole bunch of ideas from other states crammed into one bill, with the express purpose of limiting care for women across the state. lawmakers on the floor said it wasn't their express intention to closeclinics, but today women were expecting to have services to be turned away. >> to be pragmatic here. forcing women to have birth is not the beginning of the end. luckily kentucky has a democratic governor. so at least there is a medicaid expansion there and health care for women. however, this is one of the poorest states in the country, the highest poverty rate. i doubt that republicans also passed a bill. did they pass a bill for free preschool to make sure that these children have child care? was there a bill to help mortality or to help anything to do with raising children and making sure they didn't starve, to get free meals at school, anything like that? >> you're right, joy. the state of kentucky has problems in this area. we have 9% of children in kentucky are being raised by their grandparents, which is in large part due to the opioid epidemic we have. we're number seven in teen pregnancy in the nation. we have some of the worst maternal health care outcomes in the state. and it's worse for women of color. here in kentucky, we are at double the national average for poor maternal health care outcomes. we are a state that should be looking for ways to encourage people to have a healthy family, when and how they are ready to, and encouraging those families to be able to thrive in the state. instead, we are saying we do not trust women to make their own health care decisions. and it's each worse than that. i proposed an amendment to this bill to say at least could we please put provisions in here for the victims of rape and incest. that amendment was not only shot down, but legislators, we have the choice to vote or not vote on those things. you can abstain from a vote. but 68 of my colleagues are willing to put their name on the board and shoot down that amendment to say not even in the case of rape and incest will we make this vital care available to the women of kentucky. >> under his eye. there are states not far away saying you can marry a 12 or 13-year-old. so that's rape, if you're trying to impregnate a kid. rachel bittercoffer, there is going to be a mason dixon line of where below the line is gilead. where women -- and they can chaim they don't want women to be arrested. bs, women will be arrested. there was already one arrested in texas. let's show this map. there are 26 states that are already itching to outright ban abortion. it's going to look like a map of red america. they're doing this because it helps them get elected among evangelical voters. but the majority of women and men don't want this, if you look at the poll. why is this still so effective for republicans and why have democrats not been affected in pushing back when it's not really what people want? >> yeah, it's true. when you look at polling within these red states, these bills are far more radical. they're a little bit more pro life, quote unquote, leaning in those red electorates. but their distribution is not much different. they want relatively want safe, legal access to at least early term abortion in those states. what they're going to wake up to is gilead. i will say this, part of the reason why the republicans are doing what they're doing is that they are kind of designed and operating in a system where they have immunity. there's no democratic accountability in these states any more, because they have spent the last ten years democratizing them. that infrastructure has been a long time built, and it is true that evangelical voters want this. this is like the treasured egg. but it's really important to remember, movement politics, the right movement politics, that stuff is all articulated by strategy. somebody looked at the issue of abortion in the 1970s, late '70s, realized there was a potential to wedge it, if they defined it in moral terms. and then weaponized this electorate. and it has proven to be an incredibly powerful thing, right? but if we see any of these laws upheld at the supreme court level, if we see severe erosion of roe and don't get me wrong, 15-week bans with no abortion -- or no exemptions for rape or incest, that is radical, radical stuff right there. there is nothing modern about it. >> let me ask you a question, because it's all cool until the bodies start being shown. i worked in local news. you have some teenage rape victims dying because they tried to do a self-abortion and take too many pills and they do that underground and refuse to go to the clinic because it's illegal and they're scared. it's all cool until people start dying and good look trying to hide that. ask vladamir putin how that works out. rachel, i want to ask you whether or not this has been a good issue, because abortion has been legal. now that it's illegal across these red states, what happens? because white women, let's be clear, have voted majority republican since the '60s. it's been very solid, even when there's a woman on the ballot often. but what happens to that vote? do you see that vote starting to get shaky when their daughters are the ones who are in the cross hairs of this? when their sisters -- do you see them moving somewhat off the team if you start to see this -- the bodies? the people starting to die or suffer? >> and you don't even need to wait till that moment happens. abortion politics over the course of the '90s, 2000s, it benefited them. they're so good at rhetoric and coined the pro life movement. that started to define abortion. you saw a small erosion in access support from that effort, right? but now the politics are the opposite. we're under a five alarm fire. there's no need to wait until mb actually dies. what you have to do is paint a picture for the electorate of what's coming. there's a lot of different targets and ads that should go out to this community, to people who will be sensitive to this. but the one i really want to see run is in suburban america, letting these mothers know of all races, white women and all, what will happen if they try to outsource an abortion out of state. they are going to jail. that is what these laws are, so it is true, it will be an equitable, poor people always suffer from restricted abortions. but their goal is to control women. they're not leaving a loophole for white, educated suburbanites. >> last question, representative roberts. does this impact the 2022 election? at this point, politics is power. let's just be clear. does this wind up impacting the 2022 race in your view? >> i certainly hope so, because i think, you know, women, myself included, have been somewhat complacent on this issue. we assumed it wouldn't get this bad, but here we are. i have to hope the republicans have overplayed their hand and this will be the motivator that tells people if you ask someone if they're pro life, they may say yes. but if you ask them in all cases with no exceptions for any of these reasons, they say no overwhelmingly. these are extremist, radical bills. i hope this will start to wake people up. >> and when the bodies start, when somebody dies or somebody suffers greatly, this is a new area, y'all. we will find out about it and know about it, we will talk about it. i want to thank all the rachels involved in making this happen. girl power. up next on "the reidout," remember the ukrainian soldiers at snake island who refused to surrender to russia? it's now commemorated with this postage stamp. well, that flgship of russia's black sea fleet has sunk and ukraine says, we did that. the killing of an unarmed black man by police in grand rapids, michigan, and what it repeals about all the things still wrong with policing in america. plus -- >> we should pay more attention to how we're treating our mountains, how we're treating everything. we're just mistreating mother nature. that's like being ugly to your momma. >> the queen, dolly parton speaking the truth as only she can. the climate crisis is growing worse, and there's little political will to do anything about it. 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>> it's the flip side. it's the mirror image. you're right, joy. the ukrainians are ecstatic. this is a big boost for them. they've got several big boosts. you know, they ran the russians out of kyiv. but this sinking of the "moscow" ship, which is the lead ship. it was the lead ship in the black sea for the russians, and it sunk. and the ukrainians are -- they designed this missile, joy. this is not something that was given to them from the united states or from nato. no, this was their own missile that they designed, employed, and used for the first time, obviously very effectively, and so they're happy as can be. and the other side, exactly right, the russians are devastated. i don't think it's too much to say. they are, again, another big setback for the russians, for the russian military. this is the russian military that was supposed to be the second best in the world. it turns out it's not. turns out that the navy is not so good. the army is not so good. the leadership is not so good. this is devastating to the russians. >> yeah, so much for donald trump calling putin a genius. what about this idea of expanding nato and having sweden and finland join. what do you make of this prospect? >> joy, i think you're right, i think you're exactly right. what the russians are doing is demonstrating to all of europe why nato is so important. they are -- the russians are trying to, apparently, scare the rest of europe and the rest of europe, including the swedes and the finns now, are saying we need security from nato. so we should join. they're considering joining. so the russians are doing the exact opposite of what they want. and this business of being reminded, you know, the russians continue to remind everyone, we have nuclear weapons. well, that also makes it more attractive to join nato. >> france is looking to move their french embassy back to kyiv, which would be a symbolic thing. europe reluctantly readying a russian oil embargo. that would be huge. but i want to ask you, this idea of a senior administration visit to kyiv, what i saw -- let me just put up boris johnson, the uk prime minister visiting. i saw that, as an american i was a bit envious. i would love to see president biden go to kyiv. would you? >> i would. i would. and good for prime minister johnson. i mean, good for all those other presidents of european nations that went there. that is a demonstration of solidarity and support unlike any other. when you show up in a capital, and you talk to citizens like this and you talk to president zelenskyy standing right behind him, this is a demonstration of support. so sure, that is great he did that. it would be great for the u.s. government to have some senior person there, as well. joy, i will tell you the last time a sitting u.s. president went to kyiv, i was the ambassador there, it was in 2008. and it was george bush, george w. bush was the last one there. so it's been a long time since a president showed up there. >> i agree he should go. i do. the thing about it is, i can't think of a reason not to go, right? boris johnson needed the pr to stand next to zelenskyy, so it was good for him, too. but i do hope that joe biden and vice president harris go. i'm going to put my vote in for that. ambassador taylor, thank you very much. still ahead, to protect and seven. a motto coined by the lapd in the 1960s to describe the role of police in america. but is it accurate? we'll take a closer look, next. t my a1c stayed here, it needed to be here. ruby's a1c is down with rybelsus®. my a1c wasn't at goal, now i'm down with rybelsus®. mom's a1c is down with rybelsus®. 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[ gunfire ] >> joining me now, jack crosby, msnbc contributor, and ralph godby, former detroit police achievement i want to show 32 more seconds. this is the actual body camera from this officer who shot the man. >> stop! >> okay. >> stop resisting! >> what did i do? >> let go of the taser! >> we have seen so many instances of black men in particular, chief, ending up dead over something that wouldn't even put them in prison. minor traffic crap. why does that happen so often? >> mr. crosby, i read your article and you summed up 250 years worth of policing in america, in the most sccinct way. we have oversold what police bring from a value standpoint relative to crime reduction. what you saw is contempt of cop. we get to a point where behavior is contemptuos of a cop, too many times the result is a dead black man at the end of the altercation. if a car is unregistered, then send a civil citation to that owner and let them deal with it. but the pred case for traffic stops, it's a rouse. this is the latest of the victims. to do the same thing the same way and expect a different result is the definition of insanity. >> i agree with you, jack crosby. the reality is, you know, somebody having the wrong tag on their car, an expired tag on their car, saves no lives, makes the community no safer. who cares? having an air freshener dangling when it's not supposed to, so what. and even if he ran away from the officer, you have the car. if the car is stolen, you have it. it seems like so many of these stops are pointless. but they still end up being able to use deadly force, because we have written into the law that while most of you are doing is broken windows nonsense, you have the power of life and death. all you have to do is feared for my life. that taser had been deployed twice, it was useless. your thoughts, jack? >> yeah. so i think this ties into what we have been seeing in new york recently, as well. which is this massive surge in exactly what you're describing, broken windows policing. eric adams has flooded the subway system with police officers in an attempt to crack down on a wave of crimes we've seen happening many of which have been perpetrated by marginalized individuals in society, the homeless that don't have anywhere else to go. and the response to this has been more policing of the kind that you see in these traffic stops. it's essentially for these homeless people, street vendors down there is giving them fines, giving a homeless person a type or kicking them off a train for trying to get some sleep down there. this doesn't address the root problems of putting those people on the subways. between 2014 and 2019, new york city spent $41 billion on the police. we spent $9.9 billion on homeless service and $6.8 billion on housing. those are what stop the problems is homeless service and housing. investing in civil services to make sure that expired tag never makes it to a police altercation. that's a civil thing handled through the mail or through, you know, an online thing. he gets an email that says your tag is expired, you need to pay this fine. we have to address these problems before they even reach the point. and when you look at new york city, i just think of this image, and i'm sorry, i'll get back to it. but the strategic response group in new york city, one of these elite units that is supposed to be keeping us kaf. while the shooter was being arrested, the srg was a couple of blocks away destroying a homeless encampment. so what's the point? what are they there for? who are they protecting and serving? >> you know, chief, it does seem most of the time what police are protecting are affluent people's feelings. they feel safe because they see police and rolling homeless people away and moving them off the street. but the actual job itself is mostly mundane. so when you take people who have the power of life and death and they have a bad attitude or authoritarian and want compliance, and you add mundane work where you're just rolling over people who are drunk in the street, i feel like it's inevitable we're going to have this. why isn't that what police reform is about? >> well, because we have oversold what policing really is. it goes back to the kansas city study in the 1960s. there's this belief that response time has some correlation to reduction in crime. once someone dials 911, the crime has already happened. so how fast you get there doesn't reduce crime. so we have to have a much more intelligence conversation. we have to stop allowing the tough on crime folks to continue to dominate the conversation. because it's a ruse, and it's not getting to the root causes, which is homelessness, which goes to disenfranchisement. someone hungry trying to eat, and we're criminalizing being poor, which is what's happening. and there are two levels of police service. one for the affluent, and one for the marginalized. and until we address the root cause issues that bring us to these points, the police shouldn't each be involved in the first place. that overreliance on police for every answer, and it scares me that mayor adams, every time you hear him speak, his answer is more police officers. that is throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping something sticks. it sounds good, but it's not a wholistic answer to solve some of these deep, social issues. >> it's also good politics, because it's a really good middle class job and one of the last jobs with a pension. so you're giving people who don't have to have a college degree to have the job. it's partly politics for working class americans of all races to get that job and that pension. let's just be real with it. jack crosby, i recommend everybody read the piece. you guys are great. up next, take a look at this. it's the only one we got, folks, and it's under threat. the call is coming from inside the house. why is there so little political will to address the climate crisis in we'll be right back. e crisis in we'll be right back. entresto is the number one heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists and has helped over one million people. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto. never be afraid of your strength, because your body is capable of amazing things. own your strength, and see how far it takes you. tonal. be your strongest. inner voice (design studio owner): i'm over here waiting... ... looking intensely for a print that i never actually printed... ... so i don't have to deal with that terrifying pile of invoices. intuit quickbooks helps you easily send your first invoice in 3 steps. simple. i always had a connection to my grandfather... i always wanted to learn more about him. i discovered some very interesting documents on ancestry. this is the uh registration card for the draft for world war two. and this is his signature which blew me away. being able to... make my grandfather real... not just a memory... is priceless. his legacy...lives on. where do you find the perfect project manager? is priceless. well, we found him in adelaide between his daily lunch delivery and an 8:15 meeting with his client in san francisco. ...but you can find him, and millions of other talented pros, right now on upwork. on this show, we try to give voice to the voiceless, including shedding light on the atrocities by russia's invading forces in ukraine. but tonight, i want to shed light on something happening to all of us. not just here in america but across the globe. and that is the climate crisis. there are currently around half a dozen wildfires burning in new mexico and west texas. the two areas have seen an early start to the fire season because of severe drought. 200 homes have burned down in new mexico, and children have been forced to evacuate their schools. on tuesday, a series of tornadoes that touched down north of austin, texas, injured 23 people and left a path of destruction. that same day about 900 miles away, two tornadoes hit iowa. just one storm system was responsible for severe weather across the south, and the northern tier of the country. pummeling the northern plains and dumping as much as four feet of snow in montana and three feet in north dakota. in south africa, the province that's home to durbin was pummelled by one of the worst storms in history. nor than 300 people were killed, include thing man's child. >> it took two hours. i survived, but unfortunately, my child -- didn't survive. >> scientists warn that the 4 billion people living in places like south asia, central and south america and africa are living in global hot spots, primed for climate catastrophes. in the philippines, a tropical depression unleashed days of rain, which caused landslides and flooding. nearly 100 people have been killed and 200,000 had to be relocated. sadly, this is the new normal according to the latest report from the panel on climate change. >> we are on a fast track to climate disaster. emergencies under water and unprecedented heat waves, terrifying storms, widespread water shortages, the extinction of a million plants and animals. this is not fiction or exaggeration. it is what science tells us will result from our current energy policies. >> so what do we do about this here at home when you have a republican party that doesn't seem to care, and dirty energy companies that pay them not to? we'll get some answers, next. 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(laughs) flexible cancellation. kayak. search one and done. the world is at a critical junction. the new york times reports that we can still stop climate crisis but we have that. now but it's not possible -- joined now by david wallace wells who next month launched a new york times newsletter focus on the climate and the author of the uninhabitable earth, but a title, david wallace wells. and i did read the book. and i had scared the hell out of me. i think i didn't think i was too scared. talk a little bit about this because it is very difficult to get people to focus on things like climate change, unless they are young person. but most americans go, well, what's happening to our planet? >> that while we are in a new climatic regime already. the plan it's only a little over one-degree warmer, which doesn't sound very much but it actually means that it's hotter today than it's ever been in the entire history of human civilization. that means that our new normal is are going to be more extreme and extremes are gonna be more extreme. but that means, last month we had simultaneous -- with a sickly never happened before. and the antarctic won the anomaly was seven degrees warmer than it should've been. that's the equivalent today, in april and new york city of 138-degree day. and it happened in the antarctic where things are happening faster in places like new york city. but it happened this year. it's a sign of just how many more extremes we're gonna be dealing with, and how much more to regularly or not to be dealing with like the images that you're showing so far. >> we're talking about climate and weather are two different things. but in our own weather life, we are seeing it go from snowing one day to like really hot two days later. we are seeing these massive storms, wildfires. all of these sort of events that you have to attribute to the change in the climate. why do you suppose that those extremes, and the cost that they are putting on societies, but cost in terms of immigration, which is people pouring across borders because of climate, the cost of having to fight these wildfires, having to deal with extreme cold, does it surprise you that that has not changed policy? >> in parts of the world, there has. in europe in particular, they're moving a little bit more quicker than the u.s.. we have been stubborn. on the other hand, our private sector is doing a relatively good job as far as private sector goes in decarbonizing. the busy underlying issues that we have some -- prevent us from really thinking of the future clear headlines. we see new extremes every year and yet we just normalized them and start to think of them as normal, rather than alarming, terrifying, harbinger's of an even worse future. but if we take the extreme seriously the way we're experiencing it now, we have to take action to limit future damages, that means decarbonizing. i've been -- much heister than the private sector is today even as we're making progress. >> this brings me to our number crunching friend. here's the thing, according to pew, republicans think of climate change as a very low priority. 10% think it's a top concern, 58% say it's not important at all. one of our great rookie producers made the point of people also have a disconnect between what i'm i doing, do i recycle this jar, is that really going to do anything if says we're not getting rid of coal. how do people think about what i'm doing versus but my society is doing, and is there any political pressure on people like manchin and republicans to try to change their ways? >> let me take this in a different direction because, your other guest mentions this cognitive bias, but all humans have biases. it's only one place where we are not seeing action. so obviously, there is something institutional. and that institutional impediment is the republican party. and it's important understand that that public opinion poll that we saw, overall reaction to climate change back a few years ago it might have been a few -- that is all articulated from the gop's strategy to muddy up the water for climate change. they created denialism which is an intentional thing, they hire the tobacco lobby to do something, they didn't have to act. so when you ask me, why are we losing the public opinion and of it, it's because we are not -- we are with [inaudible] this is a partisan issue. we wanted bipartisanship because that's how you get action in a healthy, functioning democracy. you build a coalition. but it's quite clear the republican party intends to take us all down with it and it's now time to clearly define for voters what the personal cost is, and it is nice that climate materializes as weather because you can make a target about the flooding and tornadoes here, and wildfires in california, but the point, as you don't just show them the stuff and say, this is happening to other people, you want to present that information in a way that makes it clear that they personally are under threat from these weather changes and from other climate external negative externalities, and if you do that, you can start to move them to an action. in this point, what we need is a mad public, directing their anger clearly at the republican party. yes, it's corporations funded, banks, and oil, but where they getting the political control? they're getting it through this party. we need to make that very clear to an electorate who's really looking for someone to blame on the inaction. >> we are out of town. i think the other thing that people fear is that they're gonna use -- lose their suvs, lose their stuff. is that going to happen? >> companies are making an electrical vehicles, we don't have to choose between big cars and green cars anymore. >> if you can get them charged! i have a hybrid and there's not enough charge. we're trying to get build back better to get charges and didn't do. it thank you both very much. that's tonight's read out. all in with chris hayes starts now. ts now. >> tonight on all in. from the subway and brooklyn to the police shooting in michigan, tonight, the intensifying debate on crime, policing, and justice in america. what is policing for and what do we want police to do? then, the flagship of russia's black sea fleet is at the bottom of the sea. tonight, the sinking of the moskva, and what it means to the war. plus, jamie raskin on the endgame for the january six committee and stephen miller comes in for his interview. and guess which major political party led by an aspiring autocrat just withdom

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Something , Time , Military , Side , World , Leadership , Turns , Army , Best , Navy , Donald Trump , Idea , Prospect , Join , Putin A Genius , Rest , Swedes , Security , Finns , France , Business , Oil , Embargo , Embassy , Back , Boris Johnson , Visit , Prime Minister , Visiting , Uk , Demonstration , Nations , Presidents , Biden Go To Kyiv , Citizens , Solidarity , Capital , Zelenskyy Standing , Person , Government , George W Bush , 2008 , There , Hope , Ambassador , Pr , Harris Go , Role , Motto , Lapd , 1960 , A1c , Stop Rybelsus , Ruby , Study , Mom , Rybelsus , My A1c Wasn T At Goal , Isn T , Help , Pill , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Type 1 Diabetes , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Don T Take Rybelsus , 2 , Reaction , Side Effects , Changes , Vision Problems , Lump , Stomach Pain , Insulin , Provider , Neck , Swelling , Pancreatitis , Blood Sugar Risk , Sulfonylurea , Nausea , Vomiting , Kidney Problems , Healthcare Provider , Diarrhea , Dehydration , Succulent , Chefs , Masterpiece , Panera , Chicken Sandwiches , Chef , Secret Aioli , Delivery Fee , Made Fresh , Buttery Brioche Roll , Speechless , , Way , Customer Service , The Next Step Genesys Technology , App , Sync , Reps , Customers , Teams , Ears , Customer Smile , Genesys , New Yorkers , Story , Authorities , Mayor , Boast , Manhunt , Brooklyn , Subway Shooter , Lawyer , Frank James , Crime Stoppers , Location , Nypd , Fbi , Atf , 62 , Mcdonald S , Man , Guy , Yo , Sidewalk , Store , Bag , Crimes , Perpetrator , Evidence , Fact , Police Report , University Of Utah , August 2020 , 2020 , Data , Crime Report , Half , Crime , Police Don T , Reality , Arrests , Few , Conviction , 11 , Jack Crosby , Video , Police Officer , Old Black Man , Patrick Lyloya , Officer , Body Camera , Traffic Violation , Tag Violation , Cameras , Angles , The Incident , Struggle , Ground , Man Standing , Cell Phone , Taser , Let Go , Shot , Contributor , Gunfire , Former Detroit Police , Achievement , Ralph Godby , 32 , Chief , Wouldn T , Instances , Prison , Traffic Crap , Mr , Crosby , Article , Standpoint , Crime Reduction , Value , Sccinct , 250 , Saw , Contempt Of Cop , Result , Times , Contemptuos , Behavior , Altercation , Cop , Owner , Citation , The End , Traffic Stops , Latest , Definition , Insanity , Rouse , Tag , Safer , Air Freshener , Who Cares , Stops , Most , Force , Windows Nonsense , Death , Jack , Thoughts , Ties , Police Officers , Eric Adams , Broken Windows Policing , Surge , Subway System , Attempt , Homeless , Society , Wave , Anywhere , Individuals , Doesn T , Train , Street Vendors , Sleep , Type , Fines , Housing , Subways , 2019 , 9 Billion , 1 Billion , 2014 , 6 8 Billion , 9 Billion , 8 Billion , 41 Billion , Service , Police Altercation , Investing , Email , Image , Fine , Units , Response Group , Shooter , Kaf , Serving , Homeless Encampment , Couple , Blocks , Srg , Job , Protecting , Feelings , Work , Compliance , Attitude , Police Reform , Kansas City , Belief , Reduction , Correlation , 911 , Conversation , Intelligence , Folks , Ruse , Homelessness , Being Poor , Police Service , Causes , Levels , Marginalized , Affluent , Disenfranchisement , Issues , Answer , Points , Shouldn T , Overreliance , Cause , Sticks , Spaghetti , Pension , College Degree , Jobs , Don T Have , Deep , Working Class Americans , Everybody , Piece , Threat , Up Next , Crisis , Take A Look , Call , Entresto , Heart Failure Brand , Cardiologists , Hospital , Harm , Baby , Ace Inhibitor , Aliskiren , One Million , Strength , Angioedema , Blood Pressure , Blood , Ace , Arb , Potassium , Doctor , Studio Owner , Strongest , Inner Voice , Tonal , Print , Grandfather , Steps , Invoices , Invoice , Intuit Quickbooks , Pile , Connection , Signature , Registration Card , Documents , Ancestry , Draft , World War Two , Uh , Memory , Legacy , Project Manager , Millions , Delivery , Pros , Meeting , Client , Lunch , San Francisco , Adelaide , 8 , Voiceless , Atrocities , Voice , Upwork , Wildfires , Areas , Globe , Season , New Mexico , Tornadoes , On Tuesday , Homes , Austin , 23 , 200 , Weather , Storm System , South , Iowa , Northern Tier , Northern Plains , Path Of Destruction , Four , 900 , Storms , Province , Feet , Snow , Home , Durbin , South Africa , Montana , North Dakota , 300 , Child , Places , Scientists , Climate Catastrophes , Spots , South Asia , Philippines , 4 Billion , Flooding , Depression , Landslides , Rain , 200000 , Water , Climate Change , Report , Panel , Heat Waves , Extinction , Water Shortages , Emergencies , Climate Disaster , Energy Policies , Plants , Fiction , Animals , Exaggeration , Science , A Million , Energy Companies , Answers , Patches , Muscle Pain , Patients , Lt , Salonpas , Agreed , Pain , Joy , Haven T , Canceling , Vacation , Medicine Voltaren , Cancellation , New York Times , Junction , Climate , David Wallace Wells Who , Author , Earth , Book , Title , Hell , Doesn T Sound , Little , Planet , Plan , Climatic Regime , Extremes , Is , Sickly , History Of Human Civilization , Antarctic , Anomaly , 138 , Sign , Images , Change , Events , Sort , Societies , Immigration , Borders , Policy , Sector , Parts , Cold , Headlines , Decarbonizing , Action , Harbinger , Terrifying , Means Decarbonizing , Heister , Progress , Number Crunching Friend , Damages , Concern , Pew , Rookie Producers , Disconnect , 10 , 58 , Coal , Jar , Pressure , Cognitive Bias , Humans , Direction , Guest , Manchin , Opinion , Impediment , Biases , Tobacco Lobby , Denialism , Act , Inaudible , Coalition , Healthy , Democracy , Bipartisanship , Target , Weather Changes , Say , Information , California , Public , Negative Externalities , Anger , Corporations , Banks , Yes , Party , Control , Inaction , Town , Cars , Stuff , Vehicles , Companies , Suvs , Charges , Subway , Build , Charge , Ts , Chris Hayes , In America , Sea , Justice , Debate , War , Interview , Political Party , Moskva , Endgame , Autocrat , Plus , Jamie Raskin ,

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