Transcripts For MSNBC Morning Joe 20240708 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Morning Joe 20240708

van connected to the attack, but say they are not sure whether he had any link to the subway attack itself. authorities zeroed in on james after the credit card used to rent the van was found at the scene along with a key to the vehicle. in a moment, we're going to hear from new york city mayor, eric adams. and mika, even as you have been speaking here the new york city police department has updated mr. james from a person of interest now officially to a suspect. former commissioner bratton told us earlier on "morning joe," that puts his hand on the gun that was used yesterday. so now the new york city police department, other agencies including the fbi are pursuing a suspect in yesterday's subway shooting in new york. we'll have more on that in a moment. we're also following new developments in the war in ukraine. president zelenskyy will meet later today with the leaders of four countries, which all share a border with russia, poland, lithuania, latvia, and estonia. the leaders shown here outside a ukrainian train car will meet with zelenskyy in kyiv. the trip is a sign europe support's ukraine's fight for freedom. one important note, the president of germany also had planned to make the trip but says he was told he was not wanted there. >> wow. >> that's quite an affront. >> yikes is right. so later today executives from eight of the top weapons manufacturers in the u.s. will meet at the pentagon to discuss how to meet ukraine's military needs as the war goes on. that's according to reuters. among the companies invited, raytheon, and lockheed martin which build the javelin and stinger missils. at the same time the biden administration is expected to announce $750 million in military aid for ukraine as soon as this week. it could include new weapons, including coastal defense drones and howitzer cannons. with that in mind, russia issued a new threat this morning. the deputy foreign minister warning any u.s. or nato military vehicles carrying weapons across ukrainian territory would be viewed by russia as legitimate military targets. but joe, back to the news about germany, a plan for the chancellor to go on that trip, but told by ukrainian government perhaps by mr. zelenskyy himself he's not welcome there. >> it really is fairly extraordinary. you also remember, well, of course we look at what germany has been doing over the past six weeks, as something very positive. they're now talking about paying more than 2% of their annualized budget for their military. that means germany's military is going to be bigger, if you just look at their gdp and how much money they're going to be putting down than russias, so we obviously see that as a positive sign. we see a lot of steps they have been making as a positive sign. there's no doubt when zelenskyy spoke to germany's lawmakers about two, three weeks ago, had nothing but very harsh words for them. for people who were reporting that inside the chamber, they were absolutely stunned and moved on to other business. so there is no doubt, mika, that right now you have obviously zelenskyy and other ukrainian leaders upset at germany's continued reliance. and of course for domestic reasons, we're fighting a lot of domestic reasons, if you look at inflation and the cost of gas, the cost of heating, i mean, so that's their domestic considerations. no doubt about it. but it's something that zelenskyy and the ukrainian leaders don't want to hear about. but let's underline the fact that just like boris johnson, just like you had the head of the eu, the fact that you have these leaders coming to see zelenskyy today sends a very positive, a very powerful message to russia and to the world that europe remains united. >> it certainly does. russian president vladimir putin now says peace talks with ukraine have reached a dead end. during a news conference in russia's far east, he blamed ukrainian negotiators for deviating from agreements reached when the two sides met in istanbul last month. ukraine says its position hasn't changed and blames russia for sabotaging the talks. during that same news conference, vladimir putin also said that russia has no choice now but to continue military operations until they reach their quote full completion. >> also known as until they win a battle. >> despite being forced to narrow his war aims and focus primarily on eastern ukraine, which is completely not what he said before, putin said russian troops are still acting according to the plan that was originally proposed. president search mocked the russian president's remarks, wondering who would approve a plan that cost the lives of thousands of their own soldiers in less than 50 days. meanwhile, president zelenskyy is praising president biden after biden accused putin of committing genocide in ukraine. that's the first time the president has used that term. zelenskyy said those were the words of a quote true leader. just a few minutes ago, we got our first look at an investigation into russia's alleged human rights violations in ukraine coming from the organization for security and cooperation in europe. it includes evidence of russia directly targeting civilians and attacking hospitals as well as raping, executing, and forcibly deporting ukrainian civilians. inside ukraine, police say they have opened more than 3,000 criminal proceedings for alleged crimes committed by russian troops. let's bring in retired four-star general, general barry mccaffrey. good to see you this morning. let's talk about this reframing of the war from vladimir putin that we heard yesterday. he claims all along his focus was on the east. that's not true of course. his plan was to go into kooech -- kyiv and take over the country and install his own government. what do you read into this new plan and what should we expect from here? >> first of all, we need to remember that there have been setbacks in the russian military that are hard for me to imagine they can fix in a short period of time, command and control, and equipment technology. they have an integrated joint battle. he has a new general. the general is not going to be able to do much in the coming year. he doesn't have a joint headquarters. he doesn't have the joint staff. there won't be an integrated battle. their objective is not to see seize ground in donbas. their objective is a destruction of the ukrainian armed forces. they're going to try and hold the army facing the east and place and conduct giant encircling attacks from the north and south. the ukrainians have a huge challenge in front of them. how do they create an armored maneuver force of sufficient potency to crack that plan. we would do it with deep battle, long range artillery fires, rocket fires, attack helicopters, u.s. air force fighter bombers. it's hard to imagine how you create that in the coming weeks in ukraine, so it's a real inflection point in the war, and a period of great peril to the ukrainians. >> and general, you said that there's a crucial window of opportunity that's opened up for the ukrainians for a counter attack, but they need the weapons. they need modern weapons. they need modern nato weapons. i'm curious, the news over the last 12 hours, that biden is talking about sending more weapons their way, about $750 billion worth. is that what they need? >> maybe. i don't know. armored humvee's are created for counter ieds in afghanistan. i would call them a tank target. so that's not a game changer. what would be a game changer would be the mr arrest long range rocket. it would be apache helicopters. some of these things just aren't doable from a training and maintenance perspective. so i think, look, secretary austin and the team in the pentagon are extreme professionals, they understand intelligence on the ground. they're going to see what they can get off the shelf. in the longer run, though, having the defense ministry come in and talk today was an encouraging sign. this war will not be over, clearly the acute phase is coming up, and it won't be over in the coming months. they're going to need sustained investment in qualitative edge technology from the united states. >> general, a few weeks ago, a negotiator from turkey who's trying to negotiate a deal between the russians and the ukrainians said basically vladimir putin couldn't come to the table and negotiate a cease fire or a peace treaty because he was in too weak of a position. i hear what you're saying about how the russians aren't going to be able to turn this around in six weeks. most likely in six months. where does putin get that victory. where does he get his face saving, his face saving outcome, when the russian military has just been abhorrent up to this point. >> look, putin is scared and desperate, he's out of ideas. he's got a ruthless general in charge. they're going to do exactly what they did in chechnya, which they tried to do in georgia, which they did in syria. they're going to pound civilian targets hoping to force capitulation. they're going to wreck ukraine, so the ukrainian armed forces has to stay in tact, stay in being and conduct operations aggressively to cause enormous casualties to the russian force. their moral is shaky, their leadership is even worse. their logistics aren't working. i personally am optimistic in the long run putin cannot get the entire ukraine as long as the armed forces stays in tact. and he may well not pull off this coming offensive in the next 90 days from the east. >> general, if there are negotiations again and the question of ukraine's membership in nato, of course they had wanted to be a member, they were trying to do the work to become a member, everybody knew that before this war broke out, and the secretary general, among many others, repeatedly said, ukraine has to decide this, which i don't really understand with a gun to their head and a knife to their neck, how they're making any type of decision about this that really isn't shutting nato's open door policy slammed shut, my question is how can nato change that dynamic to not ukraine has to give up their potential to be a part of it. russia has to decide how much they want to lose, how much they want to be isolated from the world and are there sanctions and avenues deployed. >> i think in the larger sense, russia has now strategically lost the war already. nato's come together, we're watching finland and sweden right in the verge of applying to join. they will be welcomed if they do. they won't have any negative votes among the 30 nato members. we're seeing a massive increase in defense investment to counter the russians certainly by germany, the most powerful country in europe. so putin's in a whole, and it's only going to get worse. you can't change that dynamic. ukraine will never be a member of nato. we shouldn't have put it on the table. we gave a threat to the russians without any of the benefits of the ukrainians, but that train left. now what we got to ensure is that at the end of the day, ukraine is free as a legitimate democratic state. undoubtedly it will become part of the european union in the coming ten years, but nato would just be a red flag and no gain to any of us. >> general barry mccaffrey, thank you so much for your insight this morning. we appreciate it. and coming up, the latest in the man hunt for the brooklyn subway shooter. we'll get new details about the investigation from mayor eric adams. what we know about the suspect now. also ahead this hour, the lawyer of a man on trial for storming the capitol on january 6th says former president trump quote authorized the assault. and the economic and political fallout after another brutal inflation report. is there an end in sight. "morning joe" is back in a moment. an end in sight "morning joe" is back in a moment where do you find the perfect project manager? well, we found him in adelaide between his color-coordinated sticky note collection and the cutest boxed lunch we have ever seen. ...but you can find him right now on upwork. when the world is your workforce finding the perfect project manager, designer, developer, or whomever you may need... tends to fall right into place. find top-rated talent who can start today on upwork. back with breaking news, just moments ago, the new york city police department announced a man named frank james now is a suspect in yesterday's new york city subway shooting, no longer just a person of interest. the gunman fired 33 rounds from a handgun and set off two smoke canisters in a crowded subway car. at least 10 people were shot. 13 others were hurt in that rush hour attack about 24 hours ago. early on "morning joe," we spoke with new york city mayor, eric adams. >> i was updates this morning by my law enforcement officials. no new information. as you know, a national search is for him, he's a person of interest. and we are going to continue the closed loop around him, and bring him in. and continue the investigation into this horrific act against innocent new yorkers. >> do you know of any connection this morning, mr. mayor, to new york city. we know he has addresses in wisconsin, pennsylvania but nothing directly accept for some of these videos on you tube, speaking directly to you, mr. mayor. what do we know about his connection to new york, and may that lead you to some kind of motive here? >> no, there is no additional information that is showing that connection at this time. we believe that as you indicated, he purchased a van in philadelphia. and brought the van here. and started to, you know, get on the subway system, and took just a terrible, terrible action against negligent new yorkers. -- innocent new yorkers. i want to take my hat off, the first responders, firefighters and police, health care professionals, and i believe they save lives. >> do you believe, mr. mayor, that he acted alone, that he was a so called lone wolf or is this connected to anything else. should new yorkers be concerned on the subway this morning? >> there's no evidence that indicates at this time that there was an accomplice. it appears as though he was operating alone, and we're going to have police enforcement on our subway system, the real omni presence, and we're asking new yorkers to be vigilant, and we know how to do this. we've been here before during such devastating attacks against our city and we're asking new yorkers if they see something, say something and do something, notify the local official who's there. we're going to have uniformed presences throughout the entire system. >> i'm sure, mr. mayor, you have seen videos that have been unearthed over the last 24 hours of this man online, and one of them he speaks directly to you and said, mr. mayor, i'm a victim of your mental health program. can you make any sense of that. do you know what he's talking about there? >> no, not at all. you know, many people look at the mental health system, and they question some of the things that have happened to our generations. our goal is to fix our mental health system. but it's clear that this individual wanted to create terror. we don't know his motivation, to make a classification, if this was a terrorist act or not. but even without that designation, we know that he wanted to bring terror. to come on the system with a gas mask with a gun, several clips, as well as throwing a smoke bomb, it's clear that he wanted to bring terror to our system, and we're going to bring him to justice and have him prosecuted for his actions. since january 6th, we have conducted over 265,000 inspections of our subway system. we have moved away from the traditional model and not only do we have the police, the transit police personnel there, those officers assigned to the transit bureau, but our patrol, people who are aboveground. we have had them park their vehicles into the system through inspections. we're going to continue to compliment that and evaluate that. with the gun detection devices, often times when people hear of metal detectors, they immediately think of the airport model. those are not the only models that are available. there are new models being used at ball games, ballparks, hospitals, where you're not stopping to go through your belongings, simply walk into a device. i sent my deputy mayor of public safety to several conventions to look at the new technology out there. we're going to explore new technology to make new yorkers safe, and we believe we have the technology that we could use in the subway system, and many passengers are not even going to be aware that they're walking past a device that could detect weapons, and we're excited about the possibilities and i'm not going to leave any legal technology off the table when it comes down to keeping new yorkers safe. >> new york city mayor, eric adams speaking with us a bit earlier on "morning joe." let's bring into the conversation, msnbc law enforcement analyst sedrick alexander, he's the former chief of police for dekalb county, georgia. chief alexander, it's great to have you with us this morning. let me start with the latest news here which is that this man has been moved from a person interest now officially to a suspect from the new york police department. what is the significance of that? >> what it suggests to me is they have gathered more evidence that he is the person responsible for the crimes that were committed there at the subway station in new york yesterday. that's what it clearly suggests to me that they are pretty confident that he's the person that they're looking for for them to go to that level. >> sir, when a man hunt goes into a second day like this. clearly he's been captured on numerous cameras, and also a lot of weaponry found, i guess, you know, in his possession. where does a man hunt go, man hunt like this go from here? i mean, he could have out of state by. >> he could be, but here's what's important in all of this, we know who he is. across the country, they know who the suspect is. there are going to be alerts across the country, across the northeast. they're going to continue to investigate as it's the number one priority on the their list today, and it is. there's no escaping. it's just a matter of time. i said it yesterday that he would be identified rather quickly, and he was, and i am confident today that he's going to be located. he's going to be found. people are looking for him, in and out of policing, we have citizens out there who are very well alerted as to who he is. someone out there knows him. and police are going to be working diligently across this country looking for him. he is number one wanted right now. >> and chief alexander is it an advantage for nypd investigators and others looking for him that he really doesn't seem to have ties to new york city, that he has ties to other states. so he's not even in his hometown. >> well, he's probably not. but then again, where is his hometown. so there are some things we do not know. but i also think we have to keep in mind as well, joe, too, is that there's information out there that police may be operating on that we just are not aware of. and i am confident with the intelligence information that's going to be gathered not just there at nypd but throughout the law enforcement community. they're going to get a lock on him, and they're going to find out where he is, and i think it's just a matter of time and probably one of the best things he can do for himself right now is to turn himself in because this chase to him is not going to end. this is just the beginning. regardless of where he may reside, whether he's a drifter, whether he moves from town to town or state to state, it's just going to be a matter of time before he's apprehended. >> all right. former chief of police for dekalb county, georgia, sedrick alexander, thank you so much for coming on the show with us. we appreciate it. coming up the lawyer of one man on trial for storming the capitol. he says donald trump quote authorized the assault, what that could mean for the former president. plus, new york is looking for a new lieutenant governor this morning. >> that was fast, wasn't it? >> after the former one was arrested yesterday. and president zelenskyy is offering to hand over a long time ally of vladimir putin, seen in this photo for ukrainians now in russian hands. we'll have the latest right after a quick break. nds. we'll have the latest right after a quick break. my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...the itching... the burning. the stinging. my skin was no longer mine. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®... ...most people saw 90% clearer skin at 16 weeks. the majority of people saw 90% clearer skin 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md: when there is a need, people stand up and do what is right and ensure that they restart medical therapy as quickly as possible. carlos rodriguez-galindo md: any child suffering today of cancer is our responsibility. 31 past the hour, a beautiful look at the capitol this morning, and speaking of, an attorney for a man facing multiple charges in connection with the january 6th attack on the capitol used his opening statement yesterday to pin the blame directly on donald trump. arguing the former president quote authorized the assault. dustin thompson of ohio is just a third defendant so far to face a trial by jury. he's accused of stealing a coat rack and fleeing from police when confronted on the grounds of the capitol. his attorney said in court that trump authorized the attack by convincing quote vulnerable people that the election had been stolen, and this is really everything you need to know about donald trump, joe, is that he doesn't actually care about the very people that follow him. >> of course he doesn't. >> he doesn't give a damn. >> he's a grifter. he's a billionaire, he takes their money. >> asks them to do stuff, to believe stuff. >> he's constantly lying to them. he's constantly using working class people to make even more money, and to actually get them to put themselves in jeopardy, to put themselves physically in jeopardy, and also put themselves legally in jeopardy, so while they're rotting in jail, while they're waiting to have their cases heard before a judge, you know, he's hanging out behind walls at mar-a-lago, where one of his other country clubs counting his money. so, you know, it's -- >> it's the story of trump. >> it's the story of trump, same as it's always been. he uses other people to get ahead, and doesn't really give a damn what happens to them. >> as a matter of fact, he sends out fundraising e-mails every day and has raised a ton of money from his supporters to pay his legal bills. he's using his supporters to do that as well. a developing story out of the state of new york where the lieutenant governor here has resigned now after being arrested on campaign finance charges. brian benjamin surrendered to authorities on charges of a past campaign. you see him outside a federal courthouse. new york governor kathy hochul released a statement accepting his resignation, as he ramps up his own campaign, ahead of an election in november. we're monitoring a big story in the business world. tesla ceo elon musk was sued by an investor after he became twitter's largest shareholder. the suit, which is seeking class action status accuses musk of fail to go disclose his 9% stake in twitterer sooner to the s.e.c. the investor filed a lawsuit in a manhattan federal court yesterday saying he lost money by selling twitter shares at deflated prices due to the timing of musk's disclosure. musk disclosed his purchase on april 4th, and twitter shares jumped more than 27% after that news. and some news out of the uk this morning. prime minister boris johnson and his finance minister are rejecting calls to resign, after they were fined for breaking covid lock down rules. the spokesperson at 10 downing said the pair were notified about the penalties, after police say they issued more than 50 fines over the so called party gate scandal. and the man with one of the most recognizable voices in hollywood, gilbert godfried has died at age 67 after a long illness. nbc news correspondent kristen dahlgren has more on his career. >> why? >> it's very annoying. >> gilbert godfried was known for that unforgettable voice, from movies to stand up comedy. >> boy is he funny or what. >> godfried dropped out of high school, and started playing new york clubs at just 15, later joining the cast of "saturday night live." >> i ain't been nowhere, and i ain't been doing nothing. >> reporter: he played brash with the best of them. not afraid to push boundaries, his sharp act sometimes got him in trouble but friend remember a sweet and sensitive guy who was surprisingly shy. his long time friend and publicist announcing his death after a long battle with a form of heart failure. godfried leaves behind a wife and two school aged children. his family tweeting heartbreak, along with this reminder, although today is a sad day for all of us, please keep laughing as loud as possible in gilbert's honor. >> you're not here. i'm imagining you. you're a figment of my imagination. >> reporter: gilbert godfried gone too soon at 67. >> that was nbc's kristen dahlgren with that report. coming up, we'll turn back to our coverage of the war in ukraine. we'll take you inside a kindergarten destroyed by russian soldiers just outside of kyiv. that's next when "morning joe" returns. kyiv that's next when "morning joe" turerns. 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wanted to get into nato. finland, of course, fought a war with russia, and in fact, we've talked about -- we use the term the finlandization of other countries when you talk about the neutralizing of another country because finland obviously had to coexist with the soviet union without provoking them. so for the fact that finland is moving in this direction as well as sweden shows just how massive a miscalculation it was by vladimir putin, and it's something he should have seen coming. he was warned time and time again, by one person after another, and he just didn't listen. and he's paying the consequences now. >> to general mccaffrey's point in the show, what about ukraine's effort to get into nato, even pushing that was provoking russia, and that at this point russia's already lost, and nato has won, and here's another sign of that. >> by the way, your father, along with brent scocroff, david ige -- ig nashs saying that it be a provocation, we should help ukraine move to the west, be free, and putting them in nato would be overly provocative. >> there was concern. >> there was real concern at the time, but obviously finland, sweden, moving in that direction very positive and now we just need to figure out as this war drones on and hopefully moves toward a conclusion at some point, what security guarantees we can give ukraine. they are going to be west. they are going to become more european. >> and a member of the eu. >> they are going to become a member of the eu, the question is what does that security agreement look like. maybe it's not nato in name, but it's not name only. in every other way, i suspect the united states and nato is going to do everything they can to guarantee their security for decades to come. meanwhile, president zelenskyy is offering a prisoner swap to president putin. he's offering to hand over this man, victor medvechuk, a pro-kremlin politician, and long time ally of vladimir putin who was arrested in ukraine earlier this week. zelenskyy has said he's willing to trade him for ukrainian pows in russian hands. we get this report from national correspondent gabe gutierrez, amid the after math of a kindergarten destroyed by russian soldiers just outside kyiv. >> this is a kindergarten. it's a suburb just west of kyiv, about 45 miles west, and this is what used to be a classroom, where students here would learn music. you can see the piano still over here. this building would shell at least twice, and we just spoke with the teacher here who was devastated. luckily, though, there were no children inside at the time. they had been told to evacuate as soon as this war began, but you can see all the destruction, just, it stretches as far as the eye can see in every direction. that building right over there, destroyed. this one over here, also obliterated. the teacher we spoke with also told us that there was a janitor who worked inside this kindergarten. he was shot and killed along with family members by the russians as he tried to escape. we spoke with someone from the territorial defense who told us that more than 130 bodies have been discovered in macari, and this is something we have been seeing over and over again in other suburbs surrounding kyiv, bucha, they're still finding bodies here, days, even weeks after the russians finally left, and the concern is among some of the residents here, could the russians come back and they just simply don't know. if we go into this room, you can see another classroom over here there are lockers for these young students. just think about how devastating this is for the families that had spent so much time here and saw this as their community. again, this building was shelled at least twice. no one was injured inside the building but right now, so many communities here are trying to come to terms with all of this loss. what struck us coming in to macari is how many people were out cleaning up, and it's quite remarkable to see just how quickly this community has come together. but now the concern is about the next chapter of this war. with russian offensive projected for the eastern part of this country, there just seems to be no end in sight and peace seems a long way off. >> gabe gutierrez, reporting from a destroyed kindergarten classroom just west of kyiv. most of this morning's must read opinion pages are focused on the war in ukraine. max boot writes in the "washington post" quote russia keeps losing wars because of its dysfunctional military culture. he writes this all of the russian military's manifold deficiencies have been brutally exposed during its unprovoked invasion of ukraine, poor planning, low morale, over centralization, and a paucity on the initiative of junior sergeants. i expect the ukrainians to continue winning the war, providing they continue to receive the weapons and ammunition they need from the west, a superior military culture is ukraine's secret weapon. this is a narrative we have started to hear more often including this morning, joe, which is that ukraine may not just fight off russia, they may win the war. >> they may actually win the war, and of course the russians, we have learned all along, they have amassed eight times the number of people in uniform than the ukrainians, but that's not really the case. the russians are fighting 40 million ukrainians, they came in and found out they weren't just fighting a few outliers, they were fighting the entire population, angry determined population, and culture, culture is critical, it's critical whether you're talking about an athletic program where one coach coming in can change the environment of an entire athletic program, whether you're talking about a business, whether you're talking about government, or yes, whether you're talking about armies on the battlefield. that's why mika, when i keep hearing people, yes, ukrainians are doing well now, but russians are going to send in reinforcements, now they're moving to the donbas, and you they're going to be able to connect, we have been hearing this now for 48, 49 days. and the reason why the russians have never been able to connect all of those lines that clint watts and others have been saying they're trying to connect on the battlefield is it's not about weapons, it's not about mass. it is about culture, and i keep saying this, but for our friends on the west coast who may be just be waking up right now, and wiping their eyes and having their cheerios, it happened to the soviet union. it's why hitler in june of '41 was able to sweep as quickly across russian territory as he was. because stalin had purged his top generals over the past decade. there was nobody in charge o. -- of the military. we find that because of corruption in the ranks, because of brutality in the ranks and because they don't respect their people. you know, one of the things i hear about marines, that, you know, when you talk about -- when you talk to marines, they talk about how they act out in the field, it's always the leaders who eat last. they always take care of everybody else. and the leaders eat last. here, we have julia yaffey who came on talking about talking ae people up front in the russian army are treated with contempt. and they're actually not called cannon fodder. julia says they're called cannon meat. leaders have contempt for the conscripts, they have contempt for the very people who are fighting these wars. and it shows up, it rots that culture, and it shows up on the battlefield. and this is why the russians can throw as many troops at the ukrainians as they want. i expect at the end to have the day, just like the united states in vietnam, you're just throwing good money after bad. you're throwing new soldiers after old soldiers. it's just not a winning formula. >> to your point, the russian military is confused, it's disorganized, there's reports of their camps being left just trashed. and a lot of wars are won not just on numbers, but logistics, and lis are driven by shared passion. shared passion. shared goals. also in "the washington post," michael gursen has won -- entitled, if putin st. stopped in ukraine, the baltics are likely next. quote, the putin-nato divide may not rise to the level of ideological conflict, but it does involve a serious argument about the future of europe. some will propose that president volodymyr zelenskyy make the necessary concessions, no nato membership, russian control of the donbas region, to end a bloody war. peace through self-dismemberment. but if putin is attempting to reconstruction the russian sphere of influence in europe, his success in ukraine would pave the way for future horrors. the logic that led to russian aggression in georgia and ukraine, no nato and the russian sphere would almost certainly lead toward the baltics. helping draw a nato red line at ukraine could help the united states preserve itself from impossible choices of the future. >> and that's why -- >> that's a really good question! >> that's why it is so critical that joe biden has said repeatedly, and willie, other leaders have said repeatedly, we're going to fight and defend every inch of nato soil. that message repeated has been heard by our allies in estonia, lithuania, latvia. it makes a difference. >> no question about it. and if vladimir putin's goal was to break up nato, to destroy nato, that has backfired, too. they're now adding finland and sweden, expected to come this summer. even that, he's lost on. >> yep. coming up, mark mueller joins us with a look at the state of black america. we go inside the national urban league's annual report. we're back in just one minute. lt we're back in just one minute. if you have type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure you're a target for chronic kidney disease. you can already have it and not know it. if you have chronic kidney disease your kidney health could depend on what you do today. ♪far-xi-ga♪ farxiga is a pill that works in the kidneys to help slow 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(laughs) flexible cancellation. kayak. search one and done. 56 past the hour. we're learning more about the state of black america this morning, from the national urban league's new annual report released earlier this week. one of the major headlines, the median household income for black people is now more than a third less than white households, making it harder for black people to own homes and benefit from generational wealth. joining us now, former new orleans mayor and national urban league president and ceo, mark morial. we're only going to be able to scratch the surface, but we can continue this tomorrow, mark. let's talk about that median income. where -- has it dropped from last year and what are the causes? >> i think, mika, thanks for having me. and for people who want the report, it at the median income, the median wealth comparisons, in truth and in fact, they've remained almost in suspended animation for decades. these numbers simply do not move. but sometimes the white number goes up and the black number goes up, but the differential remains the same. that's the story of the american economy, is that the difficulty in closing these racial income and wealth gaps persist. and this is where more work needs to be done, more focus needs to be had. and there are a variety of causes, a variety of issues, certainly rooted in systemic racism and segregation and slavery, but, importantly for the country, for the country, if we close that gap, we would increase our overall gdp as a nation. >> and so, let's talk about, what's the positive news out of this report? what's one area? and again, we're a bit short on time, but we can have you back tomorrow. >> the positive news, joe, is that there's an effort, there's a fight, there's a resistance, there's a greater awareness in the post-george floyd america about these gaps. that's the positive thing. that there are many people working hard, putting in effort and determination, who understand that closing these gaps is essential for the future of america. so, again, we can talk more about this. we also focus on democracy and voting rights. and what i do want to say is it's important to link and understand that the fight in ukraine to protect ukrainian democracy has to also be understood in the context of protecting voting rights here in the united states. these two are linked. vladimir putin participated in voter suppression in 2016. he is the number one enemy of democracy in the world today. he's got a lot of enablers. and there are those in the united states, particularly on the far right, who want to crush voting rights, crush the progress we've made, but it's important to understand the fight for voting rights act is a u.s. fight, but it's a global fight. >> all right. president and ceo of the national urban league, mark morial. we will continue this important conversation tomorrow. we'll go back to where we started on median income, because it's worse, given inflation and housing prices, too. so we'll look into the causes of that and have you back. that does it for us this morning. jose diaz-balart picks up the breaking news coverage right now. good morning. 10:00 a.m. eastern, 7:00 a.m. pacific. i'm jose diaz-balart. and breaking this morning, new developments in an intense manhunt in new york city for the man the nypd is now calling a suspect in yesterday's subway shooting. we're going to bring you the very latest from brooklyn. we'll also you bring you reaction from russia after president biden calls putin's actions in ukraine a genocide. this as the

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Morning Joe , Out West , Beautiful Shot , L A , 9 , 00 , 6 , Eastern Ukraine , War , Russia , Person , Man Hunt , Developments , New York City , Stories , Details , Brazen Subway Shooting , Two , Frank James , Attack , Suspects , Shooting , Nypd , A Person Of Interest , Police , Brooklyn , 62 , Ties , States , Records , Wnbc James , Law Enforcement Sources , Pennsylvania , Wisconsin , Van , Subway , Link , Authorities , Key , Scene , Credit Card , On James , Eric Adams , Mr , Mika , Vehicle , Suspect , Gun , U S , Hand , Commissioner Bratton , Subway Shooting , Fbi , Volodymyr Zelenskyy , Leaders , Countries , Share , Border , Estonia , Latvia , Lithuania , Poland , Four , President , Germany , Trip , Train Car , Note , Fight For Freedom , Zelenskyy In Kyiv , Sign Europe Support , One , Pentagon , Executives , Yikes , Needs , Affront , Weapons Manufacturers , War Goes On , Eight , Companies , Administration , Stinger Missils , Reuters , Raytheon , Lockheed Martin Which Build The Javelin , 50 Million , 750 Million , Nato , Morning , Foreign Minister , Threat , Mind , Weapons , Cannons , Defense Drones , Military Aid , Howitzer , Plan , News , Government , Territory , Joe Biden , Vehicles , Chancellor , Military Targets , Something , Course , Six , Russian Military , Money , Russias , Military , Gdp , Budget , 2 , Lot , Nothing , Sign , No Doubt , Words , Steps , Lawmakers , Making , Three , People , Business , Reporting , Chamber , Reasons , Cost , Inflation , Gas , Reliance , Heating , Fact , Let S Underline , Head , Boris Johnson , Considerations , Eu , President Putin , World , Europe , Message , News Conference , Peace Talks , Deviating , Sides , Negotiators , Dead End , Agreements , Far East , Hasn T , Military Operations , Talks , Choice , Istanbul , Battle , Focus , Completion , Troops , Soldiers , Lives , Thousands , Remarks , Search Mocked , Term , Time , Genocide , Biden Accused Putin , 50 , Evidence , Investigation , Look , Civilians , Quote True Leader , Human Rights Violations , Organization For Security And Cooperation In Europe , Crimes , Hospitals , Proceedings , Inside Ukraine , 3000 , General Mccaffrey , East , Talk , Let , Four Star General , Reframing , Wall , Kyiv , Country , Kooech , Control , Setbacks , Command , Equipment Technology , Won T , Ukrainian Armed Forces , Destruction , Donbas , Objective , Ground , Headquarters , Staff , Ukrainians , Place , Attacks , Army , Front , Challenge , North And South , Force , Artillery Fires , Potency , Attack Helicopters , Maneuver , Rocket Fires , Long Range , Inflection Point , Fighter Bombers , Peril , U S Air Force , Window , Counter Attack , Opportunity , 12 , Way , Humvee , I Don T Know , Counter Ieds , Afghanistan , 750 Billion , 50 Billion , Things , Game Changer , Some , Tank Target , Arrest , Long Range Rocket , Apache Helicopters , Professionals , Team , Perspective , Training , Maintenance , Secretary Austin , Shelf , Run , Defense Ministry Come , Phase , Technology , Negotiator , Investment , Edge , Deal , Turkey , Couldn T , Table , Russians Aren T , Cease Fire , Peace Treaty , Victory , Face Saving , Outcome , Point , Ideas , Georgia , Charge , Targets , Chechnya , Syria , Tact , Stay , Operations , Capitulation , Moral , Conduct , Casualties , Ukraine , Leadership , Logistics Aren T Working , Long Run , Question , Member , Membership , Offensive , Negotiations , General , 90 , Others , Work , Secretary General , Knife , Neck , Everybody , Change , Dynamic , Type , Decision , Open Door Policy Slammed Shut , Part , Sanctions , Potential , Finland , Sense , Sweden , Avenues , Verge , Members , Defense Investment , Votes , Increase , 30 , Putin , Whole , Estate , Any , Train , Benefits , Latest , Coming Up , Insight , Gain , Red Flag , Ten , Mayor , Trial , Lawyer , Shooter , New York City Subway , Trump Quote , Capitol On January 6th , January 6th , Back , End , Assault , Inflation Report , Sight , Fallout , Project Manager , Cutest , Lunch , Sticky Note Collection , Adelaide , Developer , Workforce , Designer , Whomever , Upwork , Talent , Breaking News , Handgun , Set , Smoke Canisters , Rounds , Gunman , 33 , Car , Rush Hour , 13 , 24 , 10 , Information , Law Enforcement Officials , Him , Loop , Connection , Act , Addresses , Videos , Kind , Lead , Motive , You Tube , Subway System , Van In Philadelphia , Health Care Professionals , Action , Firefighters , Responders , Hat , Anything Else , Lone Wolf , Presence , Police Enforcement , Accomplice , The Real Omni , Official , Presences , City , Search One , System , Mental Health Program , Victim , Mental Health System , Goal , Generations , Terror , Motivation , Terrorist Act , Designation , Classification , Individual , Smoke Bomb , Clips , Gas Mask , Inspections , Actions , Model , Justice , 265000 , Gun Detection Devices , Transit Police , Personnel , Officers , Transit Bureau , Patrol , Aboveground , Models , Ball Games , Metal Detectors , Ballparks , Airport Model , Device , Deputy Mayor , Public Safety , Conventions , Belongings , Explore New Technology To , Passengers , Possibilities , New Yorkers Safe , Sedrick Alexander , Conversation , Chief Of Police , Bit , Safe , Law Enforcement Analyst , Msnbc , Interest , Dekalb County , Subway Station , Significance , Level , Sir , Weaponry , Possession , Cameras , Man Hunt Go , Go , Northeast , List , Priority , It , Matter , Policing , Escaping , Someone , Citizens , Investigators , Advantage , Hometown , Law Enforcement Community , Lock On Him , Town , Beginning , Drifter , Chase , Show , Capitol , One Man , Quote , Donald Trump , Lieutenant Governor , Wasn T , Plus , Break , Ally , Hands , Photo , Nds , Skin , Tremfya , Moderate , Plaque Psoriasis , Emerge Tremfyant , Itching , Burning , Majority , Stinging , 16 , Medication , Reactions , Psoriatic Arthritis , Adults , Starter Doses , 5 , Doctor , Infection , Symptoms , Risk , Infections , Ability , Vaccine , Customer Service , The Next Step Genesys Technology , Sync , Reps , Music , Customers , Teams , Genesys , Ears , Customer Smile , Child , Partners , Need , Mission , Asya Agulnik Md St , Marta Salek Md , The Dawn Of Life , Jude , Carlos Rodriguez , Cancer , Responsibility , Therapy , 31 , Charges , Attorney , Opening Statement , Blame , Dustin Thompson , Defendant , Grounds , Coat Rack , Trial By Jury , Ohio , Everything , Court , Election , Stuff , Damn , Billionaire , Grifter , Jeopardy , Working Class , Country Clubs , Rotting , Judge , Jail , Walls , Cases , Mar A Lago , Story , Doesn T , Trump , Story Of Trump , Supporters , Bills , Fundraising E Mails , Ton , Brian Benjamin , Campaign , Campaign Finance Charges , Kathy Hochul , Statement , Courthouse , Resignation , The Business World , Elon Musk , Investor , Suit , Shareholder , Musk , Class Action Status , Fail , Twitter , Tesla , Lawsuit , Shares , Twitterer , Prices , Disclosure , Manhattan Federal Court , Stake , Timing , Purchase , Sec , Calls , Finance Minister , April 4th , Uk , 4 , 27 , Fines , Pair , Penalties , Spokesperson , Covid Lock Down Rules , Party Gate Scandal , Gilbert Godfried , Kristen Dahlgren , Career , Nbc News , Voices , Illness , Hollywood , 67 , Boy , Voice , Movies , Stand Up Comedy , Reporter , Doing Nothing , Ain T , High School , Nowhere , Cast , Saturday Night Live , 15 , Friend , Guy , Best , Sharp Act , Trouble , Boundaries , Death , Children , Family Tweeting Heartbreak , Form , Publicist , Heart Failure , Wife , Reminder , Figment , Imagination , Gilbert S Honor , Report , Kindergarten , Coverage , Returns , Turerns , Jimmy Cliff , Trelegy , Copd , Birds Flyin , Driftin , What S Next , Coughing , Medicines , Inhaler , Ways , Power , Lung Function , Copd Medicine , High Blood Pressure , Breathing Problems , Flare Ups , Rescue Inhaler , Heart Condition , Thrush , Pneumonia , Osteoporosis , Breathing , Vision Changes , Pain , Chest Pain , Mouth , Tongue , Eye , Swelling , Stand , Problems Urinating , Trelegy Com , Save , Shop , Hiring , Growth , Ziprecruiter , Applicants , Store Managers , Candidates , Location , Role , Ratedthenumber One , Advisors , Jobs , Announcer , Hiring Site , 40 , Development , West Coast , Shot , Both , Golden Gate Bridge , Math , Onslaught , Security Landscape , Finlandization , Neutralizing , Direction , Soviet Union , Miscalculation , Another , Consequences , Father , Brent Scocroff , Saying , David Ige , Ig Nashs , Concern , West , Provocation , Security , Conclusion , War Drones , Security Agreement , Name , Offering , Victor Medvechuk , Prisoner Swap , Ukrainian Pows , Russian Hands , Correspondent Gabe Gutierrez , Classroom , Students , Suburb , Miles West , 45 , Building , Teacher , Piano , Luckily , Janitor , Family Members , Defense , Bodies , Suburbs , Macari , Bucha , 130 , Russians , Residents , Room , Don T Know , Families , Lockers , Community , Communities , No One , Terms , Loss , Cleaning Up , Chapter , Peace , No End In Sight , Kindergarten Classroom , Most , Pages , Opinion , Wars , Washington Post , Military Culture , Max Boot , Manifold Deficiencies , Planning , Morale , Centralization , Invasion , Weapon , Superior Military Culture Is Ukraine , Narrative , Paucity , Initiative , Junior Sergeants , Ammunition , Number , Times , Outliers , Case , 40 Million , Culture , Athletic Program , Population , Coach , Environment , Battlefield , Hearing People , Armies , Yes , Connect , Reason , Reinforcements , 48 , 49 , Mass , Clint Watts , Friends , Cheerios , Eyes , Hitler In June , 41 , June Of 41 , Stalin , Generals , Nobody , Marines , Ranks , Corruption , Brutality , Charge O , Julia Yaffey , Care , Field , Everybody Else , Contempt , Ae , Cannon Fodder , Conscripts , Formula , Vietnam , Numbers , Reports , Camps , Logistics , Lis , Passion , Has , Goals , Putin St , Baltics , Michael Gursen , Conflict , Argument , Divide , Sphere , Influence , Reconstruction , Concessions , Region , Dismemberment , Success , Logic , Horrors , Led , Aggression , Choices , Draw , Red Line , Soil , Allies , Difference , Willie , Summer , On , Yep , Mark Mueller , National Urban League , Annual Report , Lt , Type 2 Diabetes , Black America , Chronic Kidney Disease , Kidney Health , Target , Ga Farxiga , Kidneys , Progression , Yeast Infections , Pill , Side Effects , Blood Sugar , Dehydration , Women , Men , Urinary Tract , Ketoacidosis , Side Effect , Perineum , Reaction , Stop Taking Farxiga , Astrazeneca , Don T , Dialysis , Take Aim At Chronic Kidney Disease , Company , Planet , Neighbors , Millions , 100 , Land , Products , Synthesizer Collection , Coffee , Cup , Prague , Marketer , Breztri , Symptom Improvement , Asthma , Problems , Liberty Mutual Customizes , Liberty , Personal Record , Limu , Pay , Car Insurance , Limu Emu Squawks , Tragedy , Oil , Home , Hiking Gas Prices , Profiting , Americans , Ceos , Energy , Congress , Transition , Hotel , Won T Run Out , Made In America , Canceling , Haven T , Cancellation , Vacation , House , Kayak , Black America This Morning , 56 , Household Income , Households , Headlines , Homes , Wealth , Ceo , Surface , Mark Morial , New Orleans , Income , Causes , Stateofblackamerica Org , Thanks , Comparisons , Suspended Animation , Truth , Gaps , Difficulty , Differential , Same , Economy , Variety , Slavery , Racism , Segregation , Issues , Gap , Nation , Area , Let S Talk About , Fight , Effort , Resistance , Awareness , Floyd America , Post George , Democracy , Thing , Essential , Determination , Voting Rights , Context , Voter Suppression , Enemy , The World Today , Enablers , 2016 , Progress , Voting Rights Act , Housing Prices , Breaking News Coverage , Manhunt , Eastern , Jose Diaz Balart , Pacific , 7 ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC Morning Joe 20240708 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Morning Joe 20240708

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van connected to the attack, but say they are not sure whether he had any link to the subway attack itself. authorities zeroed in on james after the credit card used to rent the van was found at the scene along with a key to the vehicle. in a moment, we're going to hear from new york city mayor, eric adams. and mika, even as you have been speaking here the new york city police department has updated mr. james from a person of interest now officially to a suspect. former commissioner bratton told us earlier on "morning joe," that puts his hand on the gun that was used yesterday. so now the new york city police department, other agencies including the fbi are pursuing a suspect in yesterday's subway shooting in new york. we'll have more on that in a moment. we're also following new developments in the war in ukraine. president zelenskyy will meet later today with the leaders of four countries, which all share a border with russia, poland, lithuania, latvia, and estonia. the leaders shown here outside a ukrainian train car will meet with zelenskyy in kyiv. the trip is a sign europe support's ukraine's fight for freedom. one important note, the president of germany also had planned to make the trip but says he was told he was not wanted there. >> wow. >> that's quite an affront. >> yikes is right. so later today executives from eight of the top weapons manufacturers in the u.s. will meet at the pentagon to discuss how to meet ukraine's military needs as the war goes on. that's according to reuters. among the companies invited, raytheon, and lockheed martin which build the javelin and stinger missils. at the same time the biden administration is expected to announce $750 million in military aid for ukraine as soon as this week. it could include new weapons, including coastal defense drones and howitzer cannons. with that in mind, russia issued a new threat this morning. the deputy foreign minister warning any u.s. or nato military vehicles carrying weapons across ukrainian territory would be viewed by russia as legitimate military targets. but joe, back to the news about germany, a plan for the chancellor to go on that trip, but told by ukrainian government perhaps by mr. zelenskyy himself he's not welcome there. >> it really is fairly extraordinary. you also remember, well, of course we look at what germany has been doing over the past six weeks, as something very positive. they're now talking about paying more than 2% of their annualized budget for their military. that means germany's military is going to be bigger, if you just look at their gdp and how much money they're going to be putting down than russias, so we obviously see that as a positive sign. we see a lot of steps they have been making as a positive sign. there's no doubt when zelenskyy spoke to germany's lawmakers about two, three weeks ago, had nothing but very harsh words for them. for people who were reporting that inside the chamber, they were absolutely stunned and moved on to other business. so there is no doubt, mika, that right now you have obviously zelenskyy and other ukrainian leaders upset at germany's continued reliance. and of course for domestic reasons, we're fighting a lot of domestic reasons, if you look at inflation and the cost of gas, the cost of heating, i mean, so that's their domestic considerations. no doubt about it. but it's something that zelenskyy and the ukrainian leaders don't want to hear about. but let's underline the fact that just like boris johnson, just like you had the head of the eu, the fact that you have these leaders coming to see zelenskyy today sends a very positive, a very powerful message to russia and to the world that europe remains united. >> it certainly does. russian president vladimir putin now says peace talks with ukraine have reached a dead end. during a news conference in russia's far east, he blamed ukrainian negotiators for deviating from agreements reached when the two sides met in istanbul last month. ukraine says its position hasn't changed and blames russia for sabotaging the talks. during that same news conference, vladimir putin also said that russia has no choice now but to continue military operations until they reach their quote full completion. >> also known as until they win a battle. >> despite being forced to narrow his war aims and focus primarily on eastern ukraine, which is completely not what he said before, putin said russian troops are still acting according to the plan that was originally proposed. president search mocked the russian president's remarks, wondering who would approve a plan that cost the lives of thousands of their own soldiers in less than 50 days. meanwhile, president zelenskyy is praising president biden after biden accused putin of committing genocide in ukraine. that's the first time the president has used that term. zelenskyy said those were the words of a quote true leader. just a few minutes ago, we got our first look at an investigation into russia's alleged human rights violations in ukraine coming from the organization for security and cooperation in europe. it includes evidence of russia directly targeting civilians and attacking hospitals as well as raping, executing, and forcibly deporting ukrainian civilians. inside ukraine, police say they have opened more than 3,000 criminal proceedings for alleged crimes committed by russian troops. let's bring in retired four-star general, general barry mccaffrey. good to see you this morning. let's talk about this reframing of the war from vladimir putin that we heard yesterday. he claims all along his focus was on the east. that's not true of course. his plan was to go into kooech -- kyiv and take over the country and install his own government. what do you read into this new plan and what should we expect from here? >> first of all, we need to remember that there have been setbacks in the russian military that are hard for me to imagine they can fix in a short period of time, command and control, and equipment technology. they have an integrated joint battle. he has a new general. the general is not going to be able to do much in the coming year. he doesn't have a joint headquarters. he doesn't have the joint staff. there won't be an integrated battle. their objective is not to see seize ground in donbas. their objective is a destruction of the ukrainian armed forces. they're going to try and hold the army facing the east and place and conduct giant encircling attacks from the north and south. the ukrainians have a huge challenge in front of them. how do they create an armored maneuver force of sufficient potency to crack that plan. we would do it with deep battle, long range artillery fires, rocket fires, attack helicopters, u.s. air force fighter bombers. it's hard to imagine how you create that in the coming weeks in ukraine, so it's a real inflection point in the war, and a period of great peril to the ukrainians. >> and general, you said that there's a crucial window of opportunity that's opened up for the ukrainians for a counter attack, but they need the weapons. they need modern weapons. they need modern nato weapons. i'm curious, the news over the last 12 hours, that biden is talking about sending more weapons their way, about $750 billion worth. is that what they need? >> maybe. i don't know. armored humvee's are created for counter ieds in afghanistan. i would call them a tank target. so that's not a game changer. what would be a game changer would be the mr arrest long range rocket. it would be apache helicopters. some of these things just aren't doable from a training and maintenance perspective. so i think, look, secretary austin and the team in the pentagon are extreme professionals, they understand intelligence on the ground. they're going to see what they can get off the shelf. in the longer run, though, having the defense ministry come in and talk today was an encouraging sign. this war will not be over, clearly the acute phase is coming up, and it won't be over in the coming months. they're going to need sustained investment in qualitative edge technology from the united states. >> general, a few weeks ago, a negotiator from turkey who's trying to negotiate a deal between the russians and the ukrainians said basically vladimir putin couldn't come to the table and negotiate a cease fire or a peace treaty because he was in too weak of a position. i hear what you're saying about how the russians aren't going to be able to turn this around in six weeks. most likely in six months. where does putin get that victory. where does he get his face saving, his face saving outcome, when the russian military has just been abhorrent up to this point. >> look, putin is scared and desperate, he's out of ideas. he's got a ruthless general in charge. they're going to do exactly what they did in chechnya, which they tried to do in georgia, which they did in syria. they're going to pound civilian targets hoping to force capitulation. they're going to wreck ukraine, so the ukrainian armed forces has to stay in tact, stay in being and conduct operations aggressively to cause enormous casualties to the russian force. their moral is shaky, their leadership is even worse. their logistics aren't working. i personally am optimistic in the long run putin cannot get the entire ukraine as long as the armed forces stays in tact. and he may well not pull off this coming offensive in the next 90 days from the east. >> general, if there are negotiations again and the question of ukraine's membership in nato, of course they had wanted to be a member, they were trying to do the work to become a member, everybody knew that before this war broke out, and the secretary general, among many others, repeatedly said, ukraine has to decide this, which i don't really understand with a gun to their head and a knife to their neck, how they're making any type of decision about this that really isn't shutting nato's open door policy slammed shut, my question is how can nato change that dynamic to not ukraine has to give up their potential to be a part of it. russia has to decide how much they want to lose, how much they want to be isolated from the world and are there sanctions and avenues deployed. >> i think in the larger sense, russia has now strategically lost the war already. nato's come together, we're watching finland and sweden right in the verge of applying to join. they will be welcomed if they do. they won't have any negative votes among the 30 nato members. we're seeing a massive increase in defense investment to counter the russians certainly by germany, the most powerful country in europe. so putin's in a whole, and it's only going to get worse. you can't change that dynamic. ukraine will never be a member of nato. we shouldn't have put it on the table. we gave a threat to the russians without any of the benefits of the ukrainians, but that train left. now what we got to ensure is that at the end of the day, ukraine is free as a legitimate democratic state. undoubtedly it will become part of the european union in the coming ten years, but nato would just be a red flag and no gain to any of us. >> general barry mccaffrey, thank you so much for your insight this morning. we appreciate it. and coming up, the latest in the man hunt for the brooklyn subway shooter. we'll get new details about the investigation from mayor eric adams. what we know about the suspect now. also ahead this hour, the lawyer of a man on trial for storming the capitol on january 6th says former president trump quote authorized the assault. and the economic and political fallout after another brutal inflation report. is there an end in sight. "morning joe" is back in a moment. an end in sight "morning joe" is back in a moment where do you find the perfect project manager? well, we found him in adelaide between his color-coordinated sticky note collection and the cutest boxed lunch we have ever seen. ...but you can find him right now on upwork. when the world is your workforce finding the perfect project manager, designer, developer, or whomever you may need... tends to fall right into place. find top-rated talent who can start today on upwork. back with breaking news, just moments ago, the new york city police department announced a man named frank james now is a suspect in yesterday's new york city subway shooting, no longer just a person of interest. the gunman fired 33 rounds from a handgun and set off two smoke canisters in a crowded subway car. at least 10 people were shot. 13 others were hurt in that rush hour attack about 24 hours ago. early on "morning joe," we spoke with new york city mayor, eric adams. >> i was updates this morning by my law enforcement officials. no new information. as you know, a national search is for him, he's a person of interest. and we are going to continue the closed loop around him, and bring him in. and continue the investigation into this horrific act against innocent new yorkers. >> do you know of any connection this morning, mr. mayor, to new york city. we know he has addresses in wisconsin, pennsylvania but nothing directly accept for some of these videos on you tube, speaking directly to you, mr. mayor. what do we know about his connection to new york, and may that lead you to some kind of motive here? >> no, there is no additional information that is showing that connection at this time. we believe that as you indicated, he purchased a van in philadelphia. and brought the van here. and started to, you know, get on the subway system, and took just a terrible, terrible action against negligent new yorkers. -- innocent new yorkers. i want to take my hat off, the first responders, firefighters and police, health care professionals, and i believe they save lives. >> do you believe, mr. mayor, that he acted alone, that he was a so called lone wolf or is this connected to anything else. should new yorkers be concerned on the subway this morning? >> there's no evidence that indicates at this time that there was an accomplice. it appears as though he was operating alone, and we're going to have police enforcement on our subway system, the real omni presence, and we're asking new yorkers to be vigilant, and we know how to do this. we've been here before during such devastating attacks against our city and we're asking new yorkers if they see something, say something and do something, notify the local official who's there. we're going to have uniformed presences throughout the entire system. >> i'm sure, mr. mayor, you have seen videos that have been unearthed over the last 24 hours of this man online, and one of them he speaks directly to you and said, mr. mayor, i'm a victim of your mental health program. can you make any sense of that. do you know what he's talking about there? >> no, not at all. you know, many people look at the mental health system, and they question some of the things that have happened to our generations. our goal is to fix our mental health system. but it's clear that this individual wanted to create terror. we don't know his motivation, to make a classification, if this was a terrorist act or not. but even without that designation, we know that he wanted to bring terror. to come on the system with a gas mask with a gun, several clips, as well as throwing a smoke bomb, it's clear that he wanted to bring terror to our system, and we're going to bring him to justice and have him prosecuted for his actions. since january 6th, we have conducted over 265,000 inspections of our subway system. we have moved away from the traditional model and not only do we have the police, the transit police personnel there, those officers assigned to the transit bureau, but our patrol, people who are aboveground. we have had them park their vehicles into the system through inspections. we're going to continue to compliment that and evaluate that. with the gun detection devices, often times when people hear of metal detectors, they immediately think of the airport model. those are not the only models that are available. there are new models being used at ball games, ballparks, hospitals, where you're not stopping to go through your belongings, simply walk into a device. i sent my deputy mayor of public safety to several conventions to look at the new technology out there. we're going to explore new technology to make new yorkers safe, and we believe we have the technology that we could use in the subway system, and many passengers are not even going to be aware that they're walking past a device that could detect weapons, and we're excited about the possibilities and i'm not going to leave any legal technology off the table when it comes down to keeping new yorkers safe. >> new york city mayor, eric adams speaking with us a bit earlier on "morning joe." let's bring into the conversation, msnbc law enforcement analyst sedrick alexander, he's the former chief of police for dekalb county, georgia. chief alexander, it's great to have you with us this morning. let me start with the latest news here which is that this man has been moved from a person interest now officially to a suspect from the new york police department. what is the significance of that? >> what it suggests to me is they have gathered more evidence that he is the person responsible for the crimes that were committed there at the subway station in new york yesterday. that's what it clearly suggests to me that they are pretty confident that he's the person that they're looking for for them to go to that level. >> sir, when a man hunt goes into a second day like this. clearly he's been captured on numerous cameras, and also a lot of weaponry found, i guess, you know, in his possession. where does a man hunt go, man hunt like this go from here? i mean, he could have out of state by. >> he could be, but here's what's important in all of this, we know who he is. across the country, they know who the suspect is. there are going to be alerts across the country, across the northeast. they're going to continue to investigate as it's the number one priority on the their list today, and it is. there's no escaping. it's just a matter of time. i said it yesterday that he would be identified rather quickly, and he was, and i am confident today that he's going to be located. he's going to be found. people are looking for him, in and out of policing, we have citizens out there who are very well alerted as to who he is. someone out there knows him. and police are going to be working diligently across this country looking for him. he is number one wanted right now. >> and chief alexander is it an advantage for nypd investigators and others looking for him that he really doesn't seem to have ties to new york city, that he has ties to other states. so he's not even in his hometown. >> well, he's probably not. but then again, where is his hometown. so there are some things we do not know. but i also think we have to keep in mind as well, joe, too, is that there's information out there that police may be operating on that we just are not aware of. and i am confident with the intelligence information that's going to be gathered not just there at nypd but throughout the law enforcement community. they're going to get a lock on him, and they're going to find out where he is, and i think it's just a matter of time and probably one of the best things he can do for himself right now is to turn himself in because this chase to him is not going to end. this is just the beginning. regardless of where he may reside, whether he's a drifter, whether he moves from town to town or state to state, it's just going to be a matter of time before he's apprehended. >> all right. former chief of police for dekalb county, georgia, sedrick alexander, thank you so much for coming on the show with us. we appreciate it. coming up the lawyer of one man on trial for storming the capitol. he says donald trump quote authorized the assault, what that could mean for the former president. plus, new york is looking for a new lieutenant governor this morning. >> that was fast, wasn't it? >> after the former one was arrested yesterday. and president zelenskyy is offering to hand over a long time ally of vladimir putin, seen in this photo for ukrainians now in russian hands. we'll have the latest right after a quick break. nds. we'll have the latest right after a quick break. my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...the itching... the burning. the stinging. my skin was no longer mine. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®... ...most people saw 90% clearer skin at 16 weeks. the majority of people saw 90% clearer skin 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md: when there is a need, people stand up and do what is right and ensure that they restart medical therapy as quickly as possible. carlos rodriguez-galindo md: any child suffering today of cancer is our responsibility. 31 past the hour, a beautiful look at the capitol this morning, and speaking of, an attorney for a man facing multiple charges in connection with the january 6th attack on the capitol used his opening statement yesterday to pin the blame directly on donald trump. arguing the former president quote authorized the assault. dustin thompson of ohio is just a third defendant so far to face a trial by jury. he's accused of stealing a coat rack and fleeing from police when confronted on the grounds of the capitol. his attorney said in court that trump authorized the attack by convincing quote vulnerable people that the election had been stolen, and this is really everything you need to know about donald trump, joe, is that he doesn't actually care about the very people that follow him. >> of course he doesn't. >> he doesn't give a damn. >> he's a grifter. he's a billionaire, he takes their money. >> asks them to do stuff, to believe stuff. >> he's constantly lying to them. he's constantly using working class people to make even more money, and to actually get them to put themselves in jeopardy, to put themselves physically in jeopardy, and also put themselves legally in jeopardy, so while they're rotting in jail, while they're waiting to have their cases heard before a judge, you know, he's hanging out behind walls at mar-a-lago, where one of his other country clubs counting his money. so, you know, it's -- >> it's the story of trump. >> it's the story of trump, same as it's always been. he uses other people to get ahead, and doesn't really give a damn what happens to them. >> as a matter of fact, he sends out fundraising e-mails every day and has raised a ton of money from his supporters to pay his legal bills. he's using his supporters to do that as well. a developing story out of the state of new york where the lieutenant governor here has resigned now after being arrested on campaign finance charges. brian benjamin surrendered to authorities on charges of a past campaign. you see him outside a federal courthouse. new york governor kathy hochul released a statement accepting his resignation, as he ramps up his own campaign, ahead of an election in november. we're monitoring a big story in the business world. tesla ceo elon musk was sued by an investor after he became twitter's largest shareholder. the suit, which is seeking class action status accuses musk of fail to go disclose his 9% stake in twitterer sooner to the s.e.c. the investor filed a lawsuit in a manhattan federal court yesterday saying he lost money by selling twitter shares at deflated prices due to the timing of musk's disclosure. musk disclosed his purchase on april 4th, and twitter shares jumped more than 27% after that news. and some news out of the uk this morning. prime minister boris johnson and his finance minister are rejecting calls to resign, after they were fined for breaking covid lock down rules. the spokesperson at 10 downing said the pair were notified about the penalties, after police say they issued more than 50 fines over the so called party gate scandal. and the man with one of the most recognizable voices in hollywood, gilbert godfried has died at age 67 after a long illness. nbc news correspondent kristen dahlgren has more on his career. >> why? >> it's very annoying. >> gilbert godfried was known for that unforgettable voice, from movies to stand up comedy. >> boy is he funny or what. >> godfried dropped out of high school, and started playing new york clubs at just 15, later joining the cast of "saturday night live." >> i ain't been nowhere, and i ain't been doing nothing. >> reporter: he played brash with the best of them. not afraid to push boundaries, his sharp act sometimes got him in trouble but friend remember a sweet and sensitive guy who was surprisingly shy. his long time friend and publicist announcing his death after a long battle with a form of heart failure. godfried leaves behind a wife and two school aged children. his family tweeting heartbreak, along with this reminder, although today is a sad day for all of us, please keep laughing as loud as possible in gilbert's honor. >> you're not here. i'm imagining you. you're a figment of my imagination. >> reporter: gilbert godfried gone too soon at 67. >> that was nbc's kristen dahlgren with that report. coming up, we'll turn back to our coverage of the war in ukraine. we'll take you inside a kindergarten destroyed by russian soldiers just outside of kyiv. that's next when "morning joe" returns. kyiv that's next when "morning joe" turerns. 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wanted to get into nato. finland, of course, fought a war with russia, and in fact, we've talked about -- we use the term the finlandization of other countries when you talk about the neutralizing of another country because finland obviously had to coexist with the soviet union without provoking them. so for the fact that finland is moving in this direction as well as sweden shows just how massive a miscalculation it was by vladimir putin, and it's something he should have seen coming. he was warned time and time again, by one person after another, and he just didn't listen. and he's paying the consequences now. >> to general mccaffrey's point in the show, what about ukraine's effort to get into nato, even pushing that was provoking russia, and that at this point russia's already lost, and nato has won, and here's another sign of that. >> by the way, your father, along with brent scocroff, david ige -- ig nashs saying that it be a provocation, we should help ukraine move to the west, be free, and putting them in nato would be overly provocative. >> there was concern. >> there was real concern at the time, but obviously finland, sweden, moving in that direction very positive and now we just need to figure out as this war drones on and hopefully moves toward a conclusion at some point, what security guarantees we can give ukraine. they are going to be west. they are going to become more european. >> and a member of the eu. >> they are going to become a member of the eu, the question is what does that security agreement look like. maybe it's not nato in name, but it's not name only. in every other way, i suspect the united states and nato is going to do everything they can to guarantee their security for decades to come. meanwhile, president zelenskyy is offering a prisoner swap to president putin. he's offering to hand over this man, victor medvechuk, a pro-kremlin politician, and long time ally of vladimir putin who was arrested in ukraine earlier this week. zelenskyy has said he's willing to trade him for ukrainian pows in russian hands. we get this report from national correspondent gabe gutierrez, amid the after math of a kindergarten destroyed by russian soldiers just outside kyiv. >> this is a kindergarten. it's a suburb just west of kyiv, about 45 miles west, and this is what used to be a classroom, where students here would learn music. you can see the piano still over here. this building would shell at least twice, and we just spoke with the teacher here who was devastated. luckily, though, there were no children inside at the time. they had been told to evacuate as soon as this war began, but you can see all the destruction, just, it stretches as far as the eye can see in every direction. that building right over there, destroyed. this one over here, also obliterated. the teacher we spoke with also told us that there was a janitor who worked inside this kindergarten. he was shot and killed along with family members by the russians as he tried to escape. we spoke with someone from the territorial defense who told us that more than 130 bodies have been discovered in macari, and this is something we have been seeing over and over again in other suburbs surrounding kyiv, bucha, they're still finding bodies here, days, even weeks after the russians finally left, and the concern is among some of the residents here, could the russians come back and they just simply don't know. if we go into this room, you can see another classroom over here there are lockers for these young students. just think about how devastating this is for the families that had spent so much time here and saw this as their community. again, this building was shelled at least twice. no one was injured inside the building but right now, so many communities here are trying to come to terms with all of this loss. what struck us coming in to macari is how many people were out cleaning up, and it's quite remarkable to see just how quickly this community has come together. but now the concern is about the next chapter of this war. with russian offensive projected for the eastern part of this country, there just seems to be no end in sight and peace seems a long way off. >> gabe gutierrez, reporting from a destroyed kindergarten classroom just west of kyiv. most of this morning's must read opinion pages are focused on the war in ukraine. max boot writes in the "washington post" quote russia keeps losing wars because of its dysfunctional military culture. he writes this all of the russian military's manifold deficiencies have been brutally exposed during its unprovoked invasion of ukraine, poor planning, low morale, over centralization, and a paucity on the initiative of junior sergeants. i expect the ukrainians to continue winning the war, providing they continue to receive the weapons and ammunition they need from the west, a superior military culture is ukraine's secret weapon. this is a narrative we have started to hear more often including this morning, joe, which is that ukraine may not just fight off russia, they may win the war. >> they may actually win the war, and of course the russians, we have learned all along, they have amassed eight times the number of people in uniform than the ukrainians, but that's not really the case. the russians are fighting 40 million ukrainians, they came in and found out they weren't just fighting a few outliers, they were fighting the entire population, angry determined population, and culture, culture is critical, it's critical whether you're talking about an athletic program where one coach coming in can change the environment of an entire athletic program, whether you're talking about a business, whether you're talking about government, or yes, whether you're talking about armies on the battlefield. that's why mika, when i keep hearing people, yes, ukrainians are doing well now, but russians are going to send in reinforcements, now they're moving to the donbas, and you they're going to be able to connect, we have been hearing this now for 48, 49 days. and the reason why the russians have never been able to connect all of those lines that clint watts and others have been saying they're trying to connect on the battlefield is it's not about weapons, it's not about mass. it is about culture, and i keep saying this, but for our friends on the west coast who may be just be waking up right now, and wiping their eyes and having their cheerios, it happened to the soviet union. it's why hitler in june of '41 was able to sweep as quickly across russian territory as he was. because stalin had purged his top generals over the past decade. there was nobody in charge o. -- of the military. we find that because of corruption in the ranks, because of brutality in the ranks and because they don't respect their people. you know, one of the things i hear about marines, that, you know, when you talk about -- when you talk to marines, they talk about how they act out in the field, it's always the leaders who eat last. they always take care of everybody else. and the leaders eat last. here, we have julia yaffey who came on talking about talking ae people up front in the russian army are treated with contempt. and they're actually not called cannon fodder. julia says they're called cannon meat. leaders have contempt for the conscripts, they have contempt for the very people who are fighting these wars. and it shows up, it rots that culture, and it shows up on the battlefield. and this is why the russians can throw as many troops at the ukrainians as they want. i expect at the end to have the day, just like the united states in vietnam, you're just throwing good money after bad. you're throwing new soldiers after old soldiers. it's just not a winning formula. >> to your point, the russian military is confused, it's disorganized, there's reports of their camps being left just trashed. and a lot of wars are won not just on numbers, but logistics, and lis are driven by shared passion. shared passion. shared goals. also in "the washington post," michael gursen has won -- entitled, if putin st. stopped in ukraine, the baltics are likely next. quote, the putin-nato divide may not rise to the level of ideological conflict, but it does involve a serious argument about the future of europe. some will propose that president volodymyr zelenskyy make the necessary concessions, no nato membership, russian control of the donbas region, to end a bloody war. peace through self-dismemberment. but if putin is attempting to reconstruction the russian sphere of influence in europe, his success in ukraine would pave the way for future horrors. the logic that led to russian aggression in georgia and ukraine, no nato and the russian sphere would almost certainly lead toward the baltics. helping draw a nato red line at ukraine could help the united states preserve itself from impossible choices of the future. >> and that's why -- >> that's a really good question! >> that's why it is so critical that joe biden has said repeatedly, and willie, other leaders have said repeatedly, we're going to fight and defend every inch of nato soil. that message repeated has been heard by our allies in estonia, lithuania, latvia. it makes a difference. >> no question about it. and if vladimir putin's goal was to break up nato, to destroy nato, that has backfired, too. they're now adding finland and sweden, expected to come this summer. even that, he's lost on. >> yep. coming up, mark mueller joins us with a look at the state of black america. we go inside the national urban league's annual report. we're back in just one minute. lt we're back in just one minute. if you have type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure you're a target for chronic kidney disease. you can already have it and not know it. if you have chronic kidney disease your kidney health could depend on what you do today. ♪far-xi-ga♪ farxiga is a pill that works in the kidneys to help slow 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...problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. if you have copd, ask your doctor about breztri. we gotta tell people that liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. [limu emu squawks] woo! new personal record, limu! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ as the world watches the tragedy in ukraine, only pay for what you need. oil and gas ceos see an opportunity to get richer. hiking gas prices here at home and profiting off of putin's war. this will continue to happen - as long as we're dependent on oil. americans have had enough. right now, congress can accelerate the transition to clean energy. energy that won't run out. energy that's cheaper for all of us. energy that's made in america to stay in america. congress - let's get it done. i booked our hotel on kayak. it's flexible if we need to cancel. cancel. i haven't left the house in years. nothing will stop me from vacation. no canceling. (laughs) flexible cancellation. kayak. search one and done. 56 past the hour. we're learning more about the state of black america this morning, from the national urban league's new annual report released earlier this week. one of the major headlines, the median household income for black people is now more than a third less than white households, making it harder for black people to own homes and benefit from generational wealth. joining us now, former new orleans mayor and national urban league president and ceo, mark morial. we're only going to be able to scratch the surface, but we can continue this tomorrow, mark. let's talk about that median income. where -- has it dropped from last year and what are the causes? >> i think, mika, thanks for having me. and for people who want the report, it at the median income, the median wealth comparisons, in truth and in fact, they've remained almost in suspended animation for decades. these numbers simply do not move. but sometimes the white number goes up and the black number goes up, but the differential remains the same. that's the story of the american economy, is that the difficulty in closing these racial income and wealth gaps persist. and this is where more work needs to be done, more focus needs to be had. and there are a variety of causes, a variety of issues, certainly rooted in systemic racism and segregation and slavery, but, importantly for the country, for the country, if we close that gap, we would increase our overall gdp as a nation. >> and so, let's talk about, what's the positive news out of this report? what's one area? and again, we're a bit short on time, but we can have you back tomorrow. >> the positive news, joe, is that there's an effort, there's a fight, there's a resistance, there's a greater awareness in the post-george floyd america about these gaps. that's the positive thing. that there are many people working hard, putting in effort and determination, who understand that closing these gaps is essential for the future of america. so, again, we can talk more about this. we also focus on democracy and voting rights. and what i do want to say is it's important to link and understand that the fight in ukraine to protect ukrainian democracy has to also be understood in the context of protecting voting rights here in the united states. these two are linked. vladimir putin participated in voter suppression in 2016. he is the number one enemy of democracy in the world today. he's got a lot of enablers. and there are those in the united states, particularly on the far right, who want to crush voting rights, crush the progress we've made, but it's important to understand the fight for voting rights act is a u.s. fight, but it's a global fight. >> all right. president and ceo of the national urban league, mark morial. we will continue this important conversation tomorrow. we'll go back to where we started on median income, because it's worse, given inflation and housing prices, too. so we'll look into the causes of that and have you back. that does it for us this morning. jose diaz-balart picks up the breaking news coverage right now. good morning. 10:00 a.m. eastern, 7:00 a.m. pacific. i'm jose diaz-balart. and breaking this morning, new developments in an intense manhunt in new york city for the man the nypd is now calling a suspect in yesterday's subway shooting. we're going to bring you the very latest from brooklyn. we'll also you bring you reaction from russia after president biden calls putin's actions in ukraine a genocide. this as the

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Javelin , 50 Million , 750 Million , Nato , Morning , Foreign Minister , Threat , Mind , Weapons , Cannons , Defense Drones , Military Aid , Howitzer , Plan , News , Government , Territory , Joe Biden , Vehicles , Chancellor , Military Targets , Something , Course , Six , Russian Military , Money , Russias , Military , Gdp , Budget , 2 , Lot , Nothing , Sign , No Doubt , Words , Steps , Lawmakers , Making , Three , People , Business , Reporting , Chamber , Reasons , Cost , Inflation , Gas , Reliance , Heating , Fact , Let S Underline , Head , Boris Johnson , Considerations , Eu , President Putin , World , Europe , Message , News Conference , Peace Talks , Deviating , Sides , Negotiators , Dead End , Agreements , Far East , Hasn T , Military Operations , Talks , Choice , Istanbul , Battle , Focus , Completion , Troops , Soldiers , Lives , Thousands , Remarks , Search Mocked , Term , Time , Genocide , Biden Accused Putin , 50 , Evidence , Investigation , Look , Civilians , Quote True Leader , Human Rights Violations , Organization For Security And Cooperation In Europe , Crimes , Hospitals , Proceedings , Inside Ukraine , 3000 , General Mccaffrey , East , Talk , Let , Four Star General , Reframing , Wall , Kyiv , Country , Kooech , Control , Setbacks , Command , Equipment Technology , Won T , Ukrainian Armed Forces , Destruction , Donbas , Objective , Ground , Headquarters , Staff , Ukrainians , Place , Attacks , Army , Front , Challenge , North And South , Force , Artillery Fires , Potency , Attack Helicopters , Maneuver , Rocket Fires , Long Range , Inflection Point , Fighter Bombers , Peril , U S Air Force , Window , Counter Attack , Opportunity , 12 , Way , Humvee , I Don T Know , Counter Ieds , Afghanistan , 750 Billion , 50 Billion , Things , Game Changer , Some , Tank Target , Arrest , Long Range Rocket , Apache Helicopters , Professionals , Team , Perspective , Training , Maintenance , Secretary Austin , Shelf , Run , Defense Ministry Come , Phase , Technology , Negotiator , Investment , Edge , Deal , Turkey , Couldn T , Table , Russians Aren T , Cease Fire , Peace Treaty , Victory , Face Saving , Outcome , Point , Ideas , Georgia , Charge , Targets , Chechnya , Syria , Tact , Stay , Operations , Capitulation , Moral , Conduct , Casualties , Ukraine , Leadership , Logistics Aren T Working , Long Run , Question , Member , Membership , Offensive , Negotiations , General , 90 , Others , Work , Secretary General , Knife , Neck , Everybody , Change , Dynamic , Type , Decision , Open Door Policy Slammed Shut , Part , Sanctions , Potential , Finland , Sense , Sweden , Avenues , Verge , Members , Defense Investment , Votes , Increase , 30 , Putin , Whole , Estate , Any , Train , Benefits , Latest , Coming Up , Insight , Gain , Red Flag , Ten , Mayor , Trial , Lawyer , Shooter , New York City Subway , Trump Quote , Capitol On January 6th , January 6th , Back , End , Assault , Inflation Report , Sight , Fallout , Project Manager , Cutest , Lunch , Sticky Note Collection , Adelaide , Developer , Workforce , Designer , Whomever , Upwork , Talent , Breaking News , Handgun , Set , Smoke Canisters , Rounds , Gunman , 33 , Car , Rush Hour , 13 , 24 , 10 , Information , Law Enforcement Officials , Him , Loop , Connection , Act , Addresses , Videos , Kind , Lead , Motive , You Tube , Subway System , Van In Philadelphia , Health Care Professionals , Action , Firefighters , Responders , Hat , Anything Else , Lone Wolf , Presence , Police Enforcement , Accomplice , The Real Omni , Official , Presences , City , Search One , System , Mental Health Program , Victim , Mental Health System , Goal , Generations , Terror , Motivation , Terrorist Act , Designation , Classification , Individual , Smoke Bomb , Clips , Gas Mask , Inspections , Actions , Model , Justice , 265000 , Gun Detection Devices , Transit Police , Personnel , Officers , Transit Bureau , Patrol , Aboveground , Models , Ball Games , Metal Detectors , Ballparks , Airport 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Genesys Technology , Sync , Reps , Music , Customers , Teams , Genesys , Ears , Customer Smile , Child , Partners , Need , Mission , Asya Agulnik Md St , Marta Salek Md , The Dawn Of Life , Jude , Carlos Rodriguez , Cancer , Responsibility , Therapy , 31 , Charges , Attorney , Opening Statement , Blame , Dustin Thompson , Defendant , Grounds , Coat Rack , Trial By Jury , Ohio , Everything , Court , Election , Stuff , Damn , Billionaire , Grifter , Jeopardy , Working Class , Country Clubs , Rotting , Judge , Jail , Walls , Cases , Mar A Lago , Story , Doesn T , Trump , Story Of Trump , Supporters , Bills , Fundraising E Mails , Ton , Brian Benjamin , Campaign , Campaign Finance Charges , Kathy Hochul , Statement , Courthouse , Resignation , The Business World , Elon Musk , Investor , Suit , Shareholder , Musk , Class Action Status , Fail , Twitter , Tesla , Lawsuit , Shares , Twitterer , Prices , Disclosure , Manhattan Federal Court , Stake , Timing , Purchase , Sec , Calls , Finance 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Trelegy Com , Save , Shop , Hiring , Growth , Ziprecruiter , Applicants , Store Managers , Candidates , Location , Role , Ratedthenumber One , Advisors , Jobs , Announcer , Hiring Site , 40 , Development , West Coast , Shot , Both , Golden Gate Bridge , Math , Onslaught , Security Landscape , Finlandization , Neutralizing , Direction , Soviet Union , Miscalculation , Another , Consequences , Father , Brent Scocroff , Saying , David Ige , Ig Nashs , Concern , West , Provocation , Security , Conclusion , War Drones , Security Agreement , Name , Offering , Victor Medvechuk , Prisoner Swap , Ukrainian Pows , Russian Hands , Correspondent Gabe Gutierrez , Classroom , Students , Suburb , Miles West , 45 , Building , Teacher , Piano , Luckily , Janitor , Family Members , Defense , Bodies , Suburbs , Macari , Bucha , 130 , Russians , Residents , Room , Don T Know , Families , Lockers , Community , Communities , No One , Terms , Loss , Cleaning Up , Chapter , Peace , No End In Sight , Kindergarten Classroom , Most , Pages , Opinion , Wars , Washington Post , Military Culture , Max Boot , Manifold Deficiencies , Planning , Morale , Centralization , Invasion , Weapon , Superior Military Culture Is Ukraine , Narrative , Paucity , Initiative , Junior Sergeants , Ammunition , Number , Times , Outliers , Case , 40 Million , Culture , Athletic Program , Population , Coach , Environment , Battlefield , Hearing People , Armies , Yes , Connect , Reason , Reinforcements , 48 , 49 , Mass , Clint Watts , Friends , Cheerios , Eyes , Hitler In June , 41 , June Of 41 , Stalin , Generals , Nobody , Marines , Ranks , Corruption , Brutality , Charge O , Julia Yaffey , Care , Field , Everybody Else , Contempt , Ae , Cannon Fodder , Conscripts , Formula , Vietnam , Numbers , Reports , Camps , Logistics , Lis , Passion , Has , Goals , Putin St , Baltics , Michael Gursen , Conflict , Argument , Divide , Sphere , Influence , Reconstruction , Concessions , Region , Dismemberment , Success , Logic , Horrors , Led , Aggression , Choices , Draw , Red Line , Soil , Allies , Difference , Willie , Summer , On , Yep , Mark Mueller , National Urban League , Annual Report , Lt , Type 2 Diabetes , Black America , Chronic Kidney Disease , Kidney Health , Target , Ga Farxiga , Kidneys , Progression , Yeast Infections , Pill , Side Effects , Blood Sugar , Dehydration , Women , Men , Urinary Tract , Ketoacidosis , Side Effect , Perineum , Reaction , Stop Taking Farxiga , Astrazeneca , Don T , Dialysis , Take Aim At Chronic Kidney Disease , Company , Planet , Neighbors , Millions , 100 , Land , Products , Synthesizer Collection , Coffee , Cup , Prague , Marketer , Breztri , Symptom Improvement , Asthma , Problems , Liberty Mutual Customizes , Liberty , Personal Record , Limu , Pay , Car Insurance , Limu Emu Squawks , Tragedy , Oil , Home , Hiking Gas Prices , Profiting , Americans , Ceos , Energy , Congress , Transition , Hotel , Won T Run Out , Made In America , Canceling , Haven T , Cancellation , Vacation , House , Kayak , Black America This Morning , 56 , Household Income , Households , Headlines , Homes , Wealth , Ceo , Surface , Mark Morial , New Orleans , Income , Causes , Stateofblackamerica Org , Thanks , Comparisons , Suspended Animation , Truth , Gaps , Difficulty , Differential , Same , Economy , Variety , Slavery , Racism , Segregation , Issues , Gap , Nation , Area , Let S Talk About , Fight , Effort , Resistance , Awareness , Floyd America , Post George , Democracy , Thing , Essential , Determination , Voting Rights , Context , Voter Suppression , Enemy , The World Today , Enablers , 2016 , Progress , Voting Rights Act , Housing Prices , Breaking News Coverage , Manhunt , Eastern , Jose Diaz Balart , Pacific , 7 ,

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