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Website, the crown chronicles, and we can start with that thought about camilla. You study the queen and write about the queen, so what did you think when you heard that . It you think when you heard that . It was huge news, to be honest. The royal was huge news, to be honest. The royal world was huge news, to be honest. The royal world was shaken by it but in a positive royal world was shaken by it but in a positive way. Many people have seen a positive way. Many people have seen the a positive way. Many people have seen the good work the Duchess Of Cornwall seen the good work the Duchess Of Cornwall has done over the years, her loyalty, cornwall has done over the years, her loyalty, her discreet nature and the hard her loyalty, her discreet nature and the hard work she puts in and the projects the hard work she puts in and the projects she gets behind sol the hard work she puts in and the projects she gets behind so i think many projects she gets behind so i think many people were pleased to see this because, many people were pleased to see this because, legally, she becomes Queen Consort. Because, legally, she becomes Queen Consort, much like she is princess of wates consort, much like she is princess of wales currently but it is out of that difference for diana that she does that difference for diana that she does not that difference for diana that she does not use the title, so the queen throwing does not use the title, so the queen throwing her weight behind camilla and saying this is what i want and hoping and saying this is what i want and hoping that will sway Public Opinion as wett hoping that will sway Public Opinion as well. find hoping that will sway Public Opinion as well. � ,. ,. , ~ hoping that will sway Public Opinion as well. � ,. ,. , ~. , as well. And the queen looking to the future in as well. And the queen looking to the future in the as well. And the queen looking to the future in the statement as well. And the queen looking to the future in the statement and i the future in the statement and people might be thinking about the fun times to come this year, the four Day Bank Holiday injune and the celebrations we will see up and down the country, but her majesty marking a more balanced note, as she always does. What does she want to come out of this Platinum Jubilee . Absolutely. The queen is very much a realist absolutely. The queen is very much a realist and she understands when things realist and she understands when things are realist and she understands when things are going good, thats fantestic things are going good, thats fantastic but there might be something round the corner and those bumpy something round the corner and those bumpy few something round the corner and those bumpy few years the monarchy have had with bumpy few years the monarchy have had with prince harry and Meghan Markte had with prince harry and Meghan Markle and prince andrew, i think she cautious but in terms of celebrations she is looking forward to those celebrations she is looking forward to those Irr Celebrations she is looking forward to those in that message, that letter to those in that message, that letter says thank you so much for your letter says thank you so much for your affection and loyalty and surrport, your affection and loyalty and support, so that isjust her taking the chance support, so that isjust her taking the chance to take stock of 70 years the chance to take stock of 70 years. Today will very much be a reflective years. Today will very much be a reflective one for the queen and as you mentioned its the day her father you mentioned its the day her father died so a bittersweet moment for her father died so a bittersweet moment for her and father died so a bittersweet moment for her and of course the first accession for her and of course the first Accession Day she celebrates without prince Accession Day she celebrates without Prince Philip, so this year there will be Prince Philip, so this year there will be lots of things going on, the pageants. Will be lots of things going on, the pageants, the concerts, the Bank Holidays pageants, the concerts, the Bank Holidays which people are looking forward holidays which people are looking forward to and in the context of the pandemic, forward to and in the context of the pandemic, that is ongoing and things are not pandemic, that is ongoing and things are not quite back to normal and its a are not quite back to normal and its a chance for people to get together its a chance for people to get together again and regroup around a figure together again and regroup around a figure that together again and regroup around a figure that many people across the world figure that many people across the world admire. find figure that many people across the world admire. World admire. And its a chance to remember world admire. And its a chance to remember again world admire. And its a chance to remember again how world admire. And its a chance to remember again how incredibly i world admire. And its a chance to remember again how incredibly young she was when she became queen, her father died young at only 56, to take on that responsibility aged 25. Its a huge thing to have done in many its a huge thing to have done in many people cannot imagine doing that at many people cannot imagine doing that at the age of 25, something so important that at the age of 25, something so important and so weighty in terms of the responsibility that comes with, so for the responsibility that comes with, so for the the responsibility that comes with, so for the queen to have done that, many so for the queen to have done that, many people admire the fact she did it so wet many people admire the fact she did it so well. There was no one there to realty it so well. There was no one there to really teach her and she did not have to really teach her and she did not have many to really teach her and she did not have many of those years shadowing her father have many of those years shadowing her father to learn the ropes so she had to her father to learn the ropes so she had to pick her father to learn the ropes so she had to pick it up quickly and that is why had to pick it up quickly and that is why Winston Churchill was such a fatherly is why Winston Churchill was such a fatherly figure as he knew a bit more fatherly figure as he knew a bit more about this so for her to have done more about this so for her to have done it more about this so for her to have done it so more about this so for her to have done it so well, theres probably only one done it so well, theres probably only one time the queen ever put a foot wrong only one time the queen ever put a foot wrong in the role and in 70 years foot wrong in the role and in 70 years thats an astonishing achievement, sol years thats an astonishing achievement, so i think many people are just achievement, so i think many people arejust admiring achievement, so i think many people are just admiring what she has done. The queen marks 70 years of her reign, a milestone never before reached by a british monarch. She acceded to the throne this day in 1952, but is now looking to the future. Shes expressed her desire that when charles becomes king, shed like camilla to be known as Queen Consort. Well take a look at the Duchess Of Cornwall� s long journey to acceptance by The Royal Family. Also on the programme the lawyer of the man whos always denied murdering lin and Megan Russell says another convicted killer, Levi Bellfield, has now confessed. A call of condolence from moroccos king to the parents of a five year old boy who died, trapped in a well for more than four days. And team gb� s curlers are on a roll, making it to the semi finals at the Winter Olympics. Good afternoon. The queen is marking the 70th Anniversary of her reign, a milestone never before reached by a british monarch. She acceded to the throne this day in 1952, but is now looking to the future, saying in a statement that shed like camilla, the Duchess Of Cornwall, to be known as Queen Consort when Prince Charles becomes king. 0ur royal correspondent, nicholas witchell, is live in sandringham for us. Yes, moments of undoubted significance for the monarchy the queens intervention to secure that full status for camilla as Queen Consort when charles becomes king, a smoothing of the way to the next rain, and the queen because my own historic milestone today and her clear commitment to carry on. I look forward to continuing to serve you with all my heart so says the queen in her Accession Day message. On this day, when she marks the 70th Anniversary of the moment she came to the throne, its clear that her commitment remains undimmed by the passage of years. And, with that message, a glimpse from Buckingham Palace of the unseen work of the monarch the paperwork which comes every day in the official red boxes, a routine which this monarch has followed virtually every day of those 70 years. Behind her, a photograph of her late father, george vi as, with her private secretary, sir edward young, she reviewed Government Documents and messages from abroad. Nice comments, including one from president biden. Oh, thats very kind. From clarence house, the prince of wales said he and his wife were deeply conscious of the honour of his mothers wish that camilla should be known as Queen Consort when he becomes king. And he said, on this historic day, my wife and ijoin you all in congratulating her majesty the queen on the remarkable achievement of serving this nation, the realms and commonwealth for 70 years. Big day tomorrow, you know, because its 70 years. Guests who saw the queen yesterday in the ballroom at sandringham said she looked a little more frail physically than the figure to which weve been accustomed, though she was as alert and sharp as ever. Applause. In her message last night, the queen said she was humbled by the loyalty and affection that she continued to receive. The message was signed, your servant, elizabeth r. The Duchess Of Cornwall� s path to full acceptance has not been an easy one. Many people blamed her. By The Royal Family hasnt been easy. She was widely blamed for her part in the breakdown of charless first marriage, to diana, princess of wales and, for many years, the queen wouldnt meet her. Daniela relphs report contains flashing images. When charles is king, we now know camilla will be his queen. It is the ultimate recognition from the current monarch, and a total rehabilitation for camilla. Their wedding day in 2005 thejourney, to this point, had at times been rocky. Camilla Parker Bowles was a controversial figure, blamed by some for the end of the princes first marriage. His relationship with the Young Camilla had faltered in their 20s. Decades later, it took until camillas 50th Birthday Party at the ritz for them to go public with their romance. The path to acceptance, though, was difficult. But slowly, carefully, camilla won the trust of the queen and began to win over a cautious public. In making it clear what she wants for camilla, the queen has rewarded her Daughter In Law for her loyalty to Prince Charles, and the happiness and stability she has brought him. Its also a recognition of camillas own campaigning, from literacy to Animal Welfare to domestic violence, where she recently spoke about the horror of abuse. This country has been appalled and saddened by the loss of women to violence this year. On average, one woman is killed by a man every three days. And in Media Interviews here with the bbc� s emma barnett she spoke personally, with warmth and honesty, about missing her grandchildren during lockdown. I shall look forward to the date when i can really give them a huge hug again. Camilla had always been described as a non negotiable part of the princes life. Now we know it is the queens wish, too, that camilla will be at her husbands side in the years ahead as his wife, his supporter and his queen. Daniela relph, bbc news, sandringham. Now, theres no doubt that Buckingham Palace will be watching closely the public reaction to camillas future status, but there is confidence, not least amid the positive feeling of the jubilee, that it will be widely accepted. Today the queen has been spending it in private, remembering, of course, herfather in private, remembering, of course, her father and in private, remembering, of course, herfather and her late in private, remembering, of course, her father and her late husband, in private, remembering, of course, herfather and her late husband, who spent many years here at sandringham. Clive, back to you. Nick, many thanks for that. The business secretary, kwasi kwarteng, has urged conservative mps to give borisjohnson Time And Space to deliver on his election promises. It comes after a week which has seen resignations from Downing Street and more tory mps submitting letters of no confidence in the Prime Minister. 0ur Political Correspondent helen catt is here. Helen, whos he aiming this at . I think its pretty clear that he is appealing to conservative mps who might be sitting at home this weekend considering putting on another one of those letters of no confidence, and what he is effectively saying is, look, hold fire. There were two new appointments in the Downing Street team last night. Ditto harry, former bbcjournalist, who worked with borisjohnson when he was mayor of london, has been brought in as the new director of communications, and a slightly more unusual appointment a cabinet minister, steve barclay, has become the new chief of staff, a role usually done by unofficial. The thinking behind that is that it sort of integrates the cabinet into the Downing Street operation. There have been questioned this morning about how feasibility is to do all three jobs at the same time. Another interesting thing today, another call for this hold fire from the backbenches, former tory leader Iain Duncan Smith saying he doesnt think it is the right time for a leadership challenge, and he had a warning or a message, leadership challenge, and he had a warning ora message, if leadership challenge, and he had a warning or a message, if you like, for those who be rivals to the Prime Minister temper your ambitions. Helen, thank you. The convicted murderer Levi Bellfield, whos serving a whole life sentence for killing the schoolgirl milly dowler, has now admitted carrying out a Double Murderfor which another man has been jailed. Michael stone has always denied responsibility for the deaths of lin and Megan Russell in kent in 1996. His lawyer, paul bacon, says hes now received a four page statement from bellfield, in which he claims to have carried out the attacks. Heres matt graveling. Lin russell was walking her daughters through the Kent Countryside when they were attacked with a hammer. Lin and six year old megan were killed. Nine year old josie survived. Michael stone has twice been found guilty of the murder. But now, almost 26 years on, michael stones solicitor says he has a document stating that Levi Bellfield the man guilty of murdering schoolgirl millie dowler, Amelie Delagrange and Marsha Mcdonnell has confessed to killing lin and Megan Russell. The last paragraph in the statement says he wants to apologise to michael stone. Yes, i think its a very important statement. I think there are things in it which can be corroborated. My first step, as i say, is to send it to the criminal cases review commission. My second step is to pass it to the police. As reported in todays sun newspaper, in the four page statement, Bellfield Who now goes by the name yusuf rahim details how he carried out the killings, saying he wore yellow washing up gloves and carried the hammer in his right hand. Belfield described how he walked lin, megan and Josie Russell of the lane. He said he only ever intended to attack lin. But when she failed to scream, it gave him more confidence. Bellfield went on to add he is willing to speak to the police. In 2017, stones legal team obtained evidence of a confession that bellfield had made in prison confessing to the russell murders, but stones conviction was not overturned. If im honest, it was a relief. I apologise to stone and the Russell Family for my heinous acts. Today, kent police said a comprehensive investigation has been carried out into allegations Levi Bellfield was involved in the russell murders. It concluded there was no evidence to support those claims. Matt graveling, bbc news. The king of morocco has expressed his condolences to the parents of a five year old boy who died after being trapped in a well since tuesday. A huge Rescue Effort in the small Northern Town of tamorot had captured the imagination of many around the world and ended last night, when Emergency Crews finally reached rayan 0ram, 32 metres below ground. Simonjones has the story. As huge crowds watched on, initially relief that rayan had been found, carried by his rescuers to a waiting ambulance. But that quickly turned to despair and grief. Despite painstaking efforts to save him, the little boy didnt survive. Rayans parents had been hoping and praying for good news. Instead, they received a call of condolence from king mohammed. The boys family now trying to come to terms with their loss. Translation i cant describe how i feel that my cousin is gone. What can i say . Translation my heart i is aching for him too much. My nephew my heart aches for him. May god be with him, just like how god stood with us. Rayan had fallen down the well on tuesday evening while his father was trying to fix it. This image of him captured on thursday by a camera lowered down, showing him injured but conscious. It prompted a huge and complex Rescue Operation around the clock. The five year old was trapped more than 30 metres down, the shaft too narrow for rescuers to reach him. Instead, they gouged out a new trench by the side then tumbled tunnelled towards him. All the time having to contend with the risk of landslides. It was a race against time, but time ultimately ran out. The Rescue Attempt was followed notjust by the crowds at the scene but by people watching online around the world. For rayans family, the worst news, but they will find some comfort in the huge efforts made by those whove never met rayan to try to save him. Simon jones, bbc news. One of bollywoods greatest ever singing stars, lata mangeshkar, known as the nightingale of india, has died. She was 92. Her career spanned seven decades, earning her a huge globalfollowing. She recorded Tens Of Thousands of songs in more than 30 languages, lending her voice to many bollywood heroines. 0n the second day of the Winter Olympics in beijing, britains Mixed Curling Team have qualified for the semi finals, despite losing to norway. There was also an impressive result for makayla Gerken Schofield, making it to the final of the moguls skiing. Our sports correspondent, andy swiss, has the latest. Very close. For britains curlers, a nail biting day. Bruce mouat and jen dodds knew a win over norway would see them into the semis of the mixed event. It didnt look good. Thats exactly what has happened. But despite losing 6 2, other results later went their way, taking them into the last four and a shot at the medals. This is textbook elsewhere, it was a day for speeding through the snow. Makayla Gerken Schofield became the first british skier to reach an olympic moguls final, finishing an impressive eighth. Here we go, then. While earlier on, the Cross Country skiathlon proved a victory for perseverance. An early tumble for alexander bolshunov, but the russian got up, stormed to the front and won by more than a minute. Britains hopes lay with the experienced Andrew Musgrave but on a brutal course, he had to settle for 17th. Well, a gutsy performance from Andrew Musgrave but not the medal he had hoped for. He still has more events to come, but it has been a gruelling start to his games. It was a battle it is one of the most nuts races there has been. Like, the gaps were massive and just, it is one of the hardest races ive done. The back 10 to finish but it was the womens snowboarding that conjured the days most magical moment. Massive oooooh the leap of a lifetime from Zoi Sadowski Synnott winning a first ever winter olympic gold for new zealand, and uniting even her rivals in celebration. Sport, and sportsmanship, at its very best. Andy swiss, bbc news, beijing. Thats it. Theres more throughout the evening on the bbc news channel, and ill be back with the late news at ten. Now on bbc one, time for the news where you are. Bye for now. Hello. This is bbc news. Lets return now to our top story this hour. The queen marks the 70th Anniversary of the beginning of her reign today a milestone No British Monarch has reached before. Well, my Colleaguejane Hill is at Buckingham Palace for us this afternoon. Jane. Hello again, thank you very much and welcome back to Buckingham Palace where we are reflecting on an historic day. 70 years ago today, the then princess elizabeth became queen. Herfather had died at the age ofjust 56. She came to the throne at the age ofjust 25. It is a momentous day, Accession Day as it is known, is a day that the queen traditionally spends at sandringham which is where she is today. Lets take some time in the next few minutes to reflect on the past and a remarkable rain and think about the future as well. Lets talk to someone who knows the Royal Household well, dickie arbiter, who was Press Secretary to the queen and worked for The Royal Family from 1988 up to 2000. Good to see you. We havent had enough chance to reflect on the moment 70 years ago, with the king are dying so young and people knew he was ill, but still a young age to leave a nation. What are your memories of that day . You age to leave a nation. What are your memories of that day . Memories of that day . You are so riaht memories of that day . You are so ri. Ht that memories of that day . You are so right that he memories of that day . You are so right that he was memories of that day . You are so right that he was ill memories of that day . You are so right that he was ill and memories of that day . You are so right that he was ill and we memories of that day . You are so right that he was ill and we all right that he was ill and we all knew right that he was ill and we all knew he right that he was ill and we all knew he was ill. I was 11 when he died knew he was ill. I was 11 when he died i knew he was ill. I was 11 when he died iwas knew he was ill. I was 11 when he died. I was at school in london and the headmaster came in round about midday. The headmaster came in round about midday, certainly before lunch and we didnt midday, certainly before lunch and we didnt have an Assembly Hall so we didnt have an Assembly Hall so we went we didnt have an Assembly Hall so we went round the classrooms and he said we we went round the classrooms and he said we should all go home because the king said we should all go home because the king had died and as a mark of respect the king had died and as a mark of respect stay at home and come back the following day, which we did. There the following day, which we did. There was the following day, which we did. There was no whooping or hollering or throwing there was no whooping or hollering or throwing caps in the air, we filed or throwing caps in the air, we filed out or throwing caps in the air, we filed out of or throwing caps in the air, we filed out of school and went home and i filed out of school and went home and i think filed out of school and went home and i think we were all very sad because and i think we were all very sad because we knew of the king and we knew because we knew of the king and we knew he because we knew of the king and we knew he had been ill and i because we knew of the king and we knew he had been illand i remember seeing knew he had been illand i remember seeing the knew he had been illand i remember seeing the parade leading up to trooping seeing the parade leading up to trooping the colour in 1947 and i was standing half way along the mall and it was standing half way along the mall and it was was standing half way along the mall and it was very exciting day for a seven year old because the war had been seven year old because the war had been over seven year old because the war had been over two years and we still had conscription been over two years and we still had conscription and today you have Street Conscription and today you have Street Tine Conscription and today you have street line is about a metre and two Ntetres Street Line is about a metre and two metres apart but then they were shoulder metres apart but then they were shoulder so it was an extremely big parade shoulder so it was an extremely big parade and shoulder so it was an extremely big parade and everybody was in khaki and subsequently the 1948 trooping was cancelled because of the weather and 49 was cancelled because of the weather and 49 and was cancelled because of the weather and 49 and 50 the king was not well and 49 and 50 the king was not well and he and 49 and 50 the king was not well and he did and 49 and 50 the king was not well and he did not ride although princess and he did not ride although princess elizabeth rode with him in 47 and princess elizabeth rode with him in 47 and he princess elizabeth rode with him in 47 and he rode in a carriage and in 1951 he 47 and he rode in a carriage and in 1951 he didnt appear at all because he was 1951 he didnt appear at all because he was very ill, so we knew for quite he was very ill, so we knew for quite a he was very ill, so we knew for quite a few he was very ill, so we knew for quite a few years that he was ill, so yes, quite a few years that he was ill, so yes, i quite a few years that he was ill, so yes, i suppose it was a shock that so yes, i suppose it was a shock that he so yes, i suppose it was a shock that he had so yes, i suppose it was a shock that he had died but we behaved accordingly, i think. That he had died but we behaved accordingly, ithink. We that he had died but we behaved accordingly, i think. We were just very sad accordingly, i think. We were ust ve sad. �. , very sad. And the day of the funeral. Very sad. And the day of the funeral, people very sad. And the day of the funeral, people were very sad. And the day of the funeral, people were given. Very sad. And the day of the i funeral, people were given the very sad. And the day of the funeral, people were given the day off. It was still a nation in shock, is it fair to say . It off. It was still a nation in shock, is it fair to say . Is it fair to say . It was a nation in shock and is it fair to say . It was a nation in shock and mourning. Is it fair to say . It was a nation in shock and mourning. Over. Is it fair to say . It was a nation in shock and mourning. Over 400,000 people in shock and mourning. Over 400,000 people fited in shock and mourning. Over 400,000 people filed past Westminster Hall and it people filed past Westminster Hall and it was a nation in shock because he had and it was a nation in shock because he had been and it was a nation in shock because he had been a good king during the war and he had been a good king during the war and been he had been a good king during the warand been all over he had been a good king during the war and been all over the country and gone war and been all over the country and gone to bomb sites and met people. And gone to bomb sites and met people, with the queen mother, who had suffered losses, Notjust Family tosses had suffered losses, Notjust Family tosses but had suffered losses, Notjust Family losses but personal losses, their home, losses but personal losses, their home, furniture and what have you and it home, furniture and what have you and it was home, furniture and what have you and it was a home, furniture and what have you and it was a very sad day and i remember and it was a very sad day and i remember watching the Funeral Procession in Edgeware Road before it reached procession in Edgeware Road before it reached Paddington Station and it was a it reached Paddington Station and it was a very it reached Paddington Station and it was a very sombre day on the weather didnt was a very sombre day on the weather didnt help was a very sombre day on the weather didnt help matters much because it was a didnt help matters much because it was a bit didnt help matters much because it was a bit of didnt help matters much because it was a bit of drizzle now and then and it was a bit of drizzle now and then and it was was a bit of drizzle now and then and it was foggy and it was so cold. We were and it was foggy and it was so cold. We were in and it was foggy and it was so cold. We were in what were known as utitity we were in what were known as utility clothes, thin as paper. No utility clothes, thin as paper. Thermals in utility clothes, thin as paper. Fir . Thermals in those days. Utility clothes, thin as paper. No thermals in those days. No utility clothes, thin as paper. No thermals in those days. No thermals, no parkers and thermals in those days. No thermals, no parkers and it thermals in those days. No thermals, no parkers and it was thermals in those days. No thermals, no parkers and it was very thermals in those days. No thermals, no parkers and it was very cold thermals in those days. No thermals, no parkers and it was very cold and i no parkers and it was very cold and it was no parkers and it was very cold and it was a no parkers and it was very cold and it was a very no parkers and it was very cold and it was a very sombre day sol no parkers and it was very cold and it was a very sombre day so i dont suppose it was a very sombre day so i dont suppose the it was a very sombre day so i dont suppose the weather mattered much. And the suppose the weather mattered much. And the queen today, people think of her, she remembers every you describe, the Passing Of Herfather and this is the first year she would have spent this specific day at sandringham without Prince Philip. Your thoughts about that. It will sandringham without Prince Philip. Your thoughts about that. It will be a very moving your thoughts about that. It will be a very moving day your thoughts about that. It will be a very moving day for your thoughts about that. It will be a very moving day for the your thoughts about that. It will be a very moving day for the queen i a very moving day for the queen because a very moving day for the queen because she always spends it quietly at sandringham and is reflective on the past at sandringham and is reflective on the past. Herfatherwas her at sandringham and is reflective on the past. Her father was her mental. Prince the past. Her father was her mental. Prince philip the past. Her father was her mental. Prince philip was her strength and stay and Prince Philip was her strength and stay and the two men that she loved throughout stay and the two men that she loved throughout her life no longer here, so very throughout her life no longer here, so very reflective day, very sad day and she so very reflective day, very sad day and she would have had some form of and she would have had some form of a church and she would have had some form of a Church Service this morning and probably a Church Service this morning and probably would have taken communion because probably would have taken communion because she is very religious, even though because she is very religious, even though she because she is very religious, even though she is a supreme governor of the church though she is a supreme governor of the Church Of England but it would have been the Church Of England but it would have been a quiet day and a day without have been a quiet day and a day without Prince Philip around, knowing without Prince Philip around, knowing that if he was around that he would knowing that if he was around that he would be back at some stage, some are very he would be back at some stage, some are very sad he would be back at some stage, some are very sad day for her but she is pragmatic are very sad day for her but she is pragmatic. She understands that nothing pragmatic. She understands that nothing is pragmatic. She understands that nothing is forever. She realises her own vulnerability and i think that announcing yesterday her wish that camilla announcing yesterday her wish that camilla will be known as Queen Consort, camilla will be known as Queen Consort, in camilla will be known as Queen Consort, in her eyes that is tying up consort, in her eyes that is tying up ioose consort, in her eyes that is tying up loose ends. Consort, in her eyes that is tying up loose ends. Dickie, thank you so much for now up loose ends. Dickie, thank you so much for now. I up loose ends. Dickie, thank you so much for now. I know up loose ends. Dickie, thank you so much for now. I know you up loose ends. Dickie, thank you so much for now. I know you will up loose ends. Dickie, thank you so much for now. I know you will stay l much for now. I know you will stay with us and we will talk more in the next hour about the highs and lows of a remarkably long reign and perhaps the future. More from here in the next hour. Lets just pause right now on bbc news, it is time to take a quick look at the days weather prospects and i can tell you what they are, very windy, but well get more concrete. The rest of sunday is essentially some sunshine and showers, but across the northern half of the uk for scotland, Northern Ireland and Northern England it means further snow showers and gusty winds and we could see blizzards and further south any showers will be rain blowing through quickly and we might see a bit of patchy rain returning to the far South West Of England and across the southern half of the uk we saw the highest temperatures this morning, falling away through the afternoon looking at between four and nine celsius typically as a top temperature. 0vernight the winds will ease and for many it becomes cold and clear with a risk of frost and ice and away from Western Areas as more cloud pushes in from the west so away from Northern Ireland in Western Scotland temperatures widely at or below freezing which means its a cold and frosty start tomorrow but any sunshine will quickly fade as this band of cloud pushes in from the west bringing patchy rain into northern and Western Scotland and Northern England, Northern Ireland and wales and further south and east should stay dry but cloudy but it will be feeling milder. Goodbye. Hello, im ben mundy. This is bbc news with the headlines. The prince of wales has led tributes to the queen on the day she becomes the first british monarch to reign for 70 years. I for 70 years. Am ajane hill at Buckingham Palace, i Am Ajane Hill at Buckingham Palace, where we are reflecting on an historic day. The day that the queen becomes the first british monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee. The business secretary urges tory mps to give the Prime Minister Time And Space as a former Conservative Leader says borisjohnson faces a very difficult task to win back the public� s trust. A lawyer says a man jailed for the murder of milly dowler has admitted killing lin russell and her daughter, megan, in 1996. Paul bacon says a statement from Levi Bellfield includes details of how he claims to have carried out the kent attack. Singing. India begins two days of mourning, as one of the countrys most famous singers Lata Mangeshker dies aged 92. And, the chairman of tesco has told the bbc � the worst is yet to come on food prices for consumers. John allan also said it was wrong for the governor of the Bank Of England to call for pay restraint, as part of efforts to keep inflation under control. Now on bbc news. Israel and iran have been involved in a hidden war for years. And, the bbc� s travelled to israel on the trail of half a tonne of missing iranian secret documents, to investigate evidence suggesting they led to the assassination of an Iranian Nuclear scientist. For decades, two of the middle easts most implacable foes,

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