Transcripts For MSNBC MTP Daily 20240708 :

Transcripts For MSNBC MTP Daily 20240708

fight omicron. with the use of two antibody drugs because they don't work against this variant. welcome to "meet the press daily." there is a lot of unrest inside both parties these days. today's headlines makes it pretty clear from the left and the right. the current climate with an unpopular president, unpopular parties, plural, they don't match the make-up of the parties and frustrated political bases. all of it is a recipe for bolo politics. this year's primaries and perhaps november's mid-terms. right now democratic groups are not happy with kyrsten sinema for an effort to change senate rules to make it easier to pass voting rights legislation. after democrats officially censured her for her stance, the powerful group emily's list officially pulled support. and last night voter latino launched a campaign called adios sinema. some democrats are fuming behind the scenes with ron clain. they're accusing him of steering president biden into difficult political waters. chuck schumer has tried in various ways to appease both the moderate and progressive wings of the party. a lot of democrats aren't happy with him either and how he's attempted to do that. if the situation inside the democratic party is bad, it is arguably worse in the republican party where the few remaining md-rats or rational conservatives are trying to help with the mid-terms as he pushes lies about elections. bottom line, so much of the tumult right now is being driven by the instability of our two major political parties which are both pretty unpopular according to our reason nbc news poll. in fact you have to go back to 2015 to find the last time either major party, either party, was viewed more favorably than unfavorably by registered voters. what happened in 2015? right around the same time we saw the meteoric rise of two politicians who defied their party's orthodoxies at the time. bernie sanders on the left. donald trump on the right. coincidence in timing? i don't think so. on the ground for us in phoenix with more for us with kyrsten sinema. also with us, michael cruz just in ohio covering one of the inner party fights on the right side. this one for governor of ohio. and the president of voter latino, that is the group that plans to launch a new campaign for kyrsten sinema in 2024. let me start with you on the ground there on the discord over sinema and what it means for 2022. she's not up until 2024. there is a democratic senator up in 22 in mark kelly. i have to think what the state party did only put him in a tougher spot. what are you learning? >> well, they definitely tack different approaches to this filibuster vote regarding voting rights. senator mark kelly said he voted to change the senate rules last week. something that senator sinema did not do. it was interesting. people note that senator kelly is the one that came out with the new position. not that he had a position before. but he was undecided. and senator sinema has been mostly consistent on this idea of the filibuster. at left a for the past three years. it was senator sinema's unwillingness to change is what caused a lot of problems on the ground here in arizona. especially among the democratic base who are furious with her. now, if it is going to impact senator kelly and his re-election, it is hard to tell. it definitely draws a contrast between the two. and there are number that haven't yet been release that had show the divide between two candidates. as far as the democratic party is concerned, senator sinema has a 42% favorability rating among democrats, compared to 74% for senator mark kelly. now, i talked to the head of the arizona democratic party who oversaw the censure of senator sinema over the weekend. she just talked about how she was representing the base of the party and the frustration that people felt. let's listen. >> well, people knocked doors. people put their confidence in her and we are mindful, you know, that she did work toward the american rescue plan and the bipartisan infrastructure bill. but when it comes to protecting our voting rights, it is something that people feel is very important. and so the fact that she got in the way of seeing a voting rights bill move forward was something that people have been very upset about and disappointed, and some outraged. >> reporter: so senator sinema does have some support in the state. there are republican voters we ran into on the street who said they love senator sinema. the business groups like her. i talked to some components of the chamber of comers who said she's been so great for the business community. and sure, she's kind of mavericky, apparently, like senator john mccain and that could help her in a general election. she has to get through a primary first and democrats right now are determined to defeat her in the primary. >> and if you don't have a united party, i don't care how popular with independents. it is a tricky balancing act. to win over independents, you have to win them without alienating your base. it doesn't look like she's found balance yet. let's look at the other side. aisle. somebody who is caught in a similar trap but for different reasons. the incumbent governor of ohio, governor dewine. we talk about the ohio republican party mess. and it's mostly j.d. vance, josh mandell and that insane primary taking place on the senate side. in many ways, the dynamics of dewine and what is in his primary race seem like they're emblematic of what we see nationwide as trump gets involved in these primaries. lay it out for us. >> as you say, it is a sprawling senate circus primary with most wanting trump's endorsement which gets most of the attention. right below, the governor's race. the establishment branding, iowa politics, and the top challenger. not his only challenger. what we see happening here more and more, the former trump campaign manager has been advising. he puts himself forward as the trump candidate. i've been in ohio over the last year and you get a visceral sense that not only is there real support for trump still within the republican base, a considerable portion of it. even more so, the anti-dewine sentiment, primarily because the stiffer covid restrictions than we've seen from many other republican governors. i hear all the time when i'm in ohio. like ron desantis. so that's what we have at play here with the governor's race taking advantage of this. >> i'm curious. is there venom against mike dewine or frustration on the right? it doesn't seem like it's angry the way you see it maybe levelled at a lisa murkowski or a liz cheney. is it angry? or sort of disappointing? how would you describe it? >> there is a disappointment, anger in general because of the last year, the last couple years at this point. specifically with respect to the pandemic. i wouldn't underestimate the amount of felt anger on the ground in ohio. when i'm at events of right activists, i do sense, i do hear very real anger from them directed very specifically at mike dewine. they pine for a lighter -- when it comes to covid restrictions. >> he seems to be deciding to stay underground. he's not trying to poke the bear, right? you can say, i've heard complaints on the left about kyrsten sinema. that while they almost, they would respect the disagreement, she's almost -- they would say she's trying to have a public conflict. he seems to be trying to almost avoid public conflict these days with his base, no? >> successfully to this point. he's doing the job. and trump, the former president, has not gotten involved in a specific, nor has he gotten involved in the form of an endorsement yet. i think what we're seeing from mar-a-lago is hands off. he's really enjoying watching ohio do what it is doing with an electorate, to hash these out. it is around the enduring influence. in some respects, father of the former president. >> michael, it's fascinating. we didn't even get to the fact that an ohio senate candidate today, j.d. vance, was proud to support that he was supported by marriageory taylor greene. i think that tells you everything you need to know about the about face and about what he thinks, who he thinks ohio primary voters are. it's astonishing. >> yeah. we knew marjorie taylor greene would get involved with the ohio primary. >> it's quite astonishing. let me move over to you. let me start with the decision you made. why now? why not wait until 2023 to start? >> you and i have known each other a long time. this is not a decision that the organization took lightly. it has everything to do -- we can have political differences, policy differences. right now the fact that senator sinema, after deep conversations with her, decided and chose to go against her very own constituencies by not allowing a vote on voting rights, speaks volumes to the impasse we face in this country. if we cannot secure that every single american, regardless of zip code, has access to the voting booth, we have a fundamental breakdown in our democracy. just now, we have in the state legislator, presenting the most draconian voter suppression laws that include in this legislation, chuck, the ability for the state legislator to overturn a fair, free election. that's unheard of. and this is happening at her doorsteps. if we can't all agree on the same rules of the game to ensure that we all have people with enfranchisement. voto latino doesn't believe we should do it unless we sound the alarm. our democracy, the state legislators at the local level are disenfranchising voters. it is a multicultural america bearing the brunt. these laws and she's decided to go on the wrong side of history. >> what do you say, and i'm not saying this is her. she's upset about the filibuster itself and doesn't like the different, how to go about changing this. but there are others that make the argument that everything you've talked about that needs to be done. these two bills did not directly deal with this issue. and so there was a little bit of a disconnect about what these bills do and what needs to be done to sort of protect from essentially, we have a referee problem in this country. one party is trying to basically be the referee of the elections as well as a participant in the elections. do these bills really address this? they didn't address this directly. >> i appreciate this conversation. when voto latino started 16 years ago, apply job was to get people to register and participate. since the gutting of the voting rights act, voto latino has gone into courts to talk to individuals and challenge these court cases. because they're disenfranchising people left and right. if we look at what's happening in texas. in texas, a fair certified election of 2020 in the hardest to vote state has now a slew of disenfranchisement laws that we find ourselves having to basically file lawsuits against. if you're turning 18 right now in texas, and you are going to go on your college campus, you have to show a residency requirement. something that was not a factor two years ago. i registered to vote on my college campus. i'm sure did you as well. that is a way of trying to get young people involved. it is one after the other. it's not like both parties are trying to disenfranchise voters. it's one party. i would recommend for mitt romney and lisa murkowski saying we need the voting rights act again so we can have an equal playing field. i'm not saying one should be outweighing the other. we should all have equal access. >> point spent time now against kyrsten sinema does not help mark kelly in 2022. what do you say? >> someone would say, do you still work in arizona? i'm a mom. we juggle things all the time. this tells the latino community we have someone not necessarily on their side. it also opens the field so people can open the war chest and consider throwing their hat in the ring. you mentioned emily's list. we have local groups on the ground and other folks in the business community that recognize that this is not tenable. and again, we could have policy differences. what we have to calmly agree on is everybody should believe in democracy and enfranchisement at the booth. >> if she somehow leads a bipartisan deal that gets some pieces of the voting rights act attached to the count act, jim clyburn has been open to this. supposedly susan collins is open to this. do you pull back the campaign? do you sort of give her some credit for that? or is she, has she lost it? >> it has to be meaningful of the a lot of times what folks don't realize, a lot of disenfranchisement is going through redistricting. the fact that we are packing young voters and people of color into these districts. even arizona who is considered a commission of the redistricting is having a problem because a republican governor is basically outweighing the individuals so that it can be a fair exercise in our democracy. so people, there are different ways of going about it. my big thing, i would encourage everybody to look the a, making sure we are getting away at the gerrymandering. let's compete to make sure everybody is participating. >> getting a start. always appreciate getting your point of view and perspective on this. so thank you form. we're going to continue this discussion in our next break. how will these impact races this november? and governing before november? the first ads are already on the way for the democratic party. a lot more meet the mid-terms next. and senator warner trying on get some reform done. plus, he is chairman of the intel committee. we have a lot to talk about about the escalating crisis. alk about the escalating crisis. voiceover: riders. wanderers on the road of life. the journey is why they ride. when the road is all you need, there is no destination. uh, i-i'm actually just going to get an iced coffee. well, she may have a destination this one time, but usually -- no, i-i usually have a destination. yeah, but most of the time, her destination is freedom. nope, just the coffee shop. announcer: no matter why you ride, progressive has you covered with protection starting at $79 a year. voiceover: 'cause she's a biker... please don't follow me in. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i hope that at least once every tuesday, that i'm on the air between now and november, you hear that wurnl music. welcome back. both parties find. they in the same place ahead of the 2022 mid-terms. they're underwater with the voters. going back to 2015, neither major political party has had a net positive standing with voters in our poll since. that's where politics is right now. two unpopular parties fighting it out with each other and amongst themselves. joining me now, my nbc news colleague, following the early stages of the mid-term calendar very closely. also with us, political analyst, and former virginia governor barbara comstock. seven straight years of both parties underwater. and one of the things i like to show people also, and i think we have this as a graphic. looking at the tumult with the american electorate over the last 20 years. all but once since 2004 have we gone through an election cycle without voting for some change. without changing at least the white house, house or senate. only in 2012 did we have a no change election with obama-romney. and i think we would go, obama-romney, that's the good old days of politics, right? do you think it is just a coincidence that the parties have both been underwater since the rise of bernie and trump? >> no. i don't. i also don't put it directly at the feet of bernie and trump either. i think there are some, look, you will remember a guy by the name of barack obama speaking of 2012, was running on the idea that our politics was broken. and washington itself was broken, right? he was making an argument not against republicans but a much broader argument. i think i can make the argument that most voters think washington is broken and has been broken for a long time. and you know, i'm not being partial but they put the blame as you see in your nbc polling on both parties. i think most americans think the problems in washington are not necessarily partisan structurally. there's something that happens when people get here and it is bigger than just one party. i will note that also, look. both parties have been underwater for a number of years here. but democrats are underwater 7 point or 6 points in the nbc polling. they have one of the best mid-term off-year elections. >> this is what barbara comstock, you've talked to voters. and i'm sure, you've probably benefitted from people not liking the parties and then it punished you once you were an incumbent. this is the world that an elected official in the very rare thing that you represented, a swing district, has to deal with. >> sure, exactly. i ran in 2009 in the virginia general assembly and that was a referendum on obama. we did very well and elected a governor. in 2018, when i left, it was a referendum on trump. so the elections are usually a referendum on the incumbent. right now, biden is very much underwater. the top issues which haven't been discussed yet are inflation and the economy first. number two is crime and the increasing crime and the failure there. in the cities. and also in the suburbs. and then education where democrats who have been carrying water for the teachers unions for years. i come from a family of educators. they have failed these kids during the pandemic which is why you saw here in virginia governor youngkin advance and is now in place dealing with those issues. if you're not listening to the voters, the previous discussion you had about arizona and ohio, those discussions, they weren't really talking about what at the time voers want. and those are the top three issues. they favor republicans now. i think in ohio, governor dewine, he'll do fine in that primary because he does listen to his voters and he's very much in touch. i think in arizona, if we are fortunate enough for governor doocy, he's having summer car. s to get back into school and all the time they've missed. he will have summer camps and summer school for them. i think he would be the most popular candidate for senate and he has an independent streak just like senator sinema. >> let me ask you this. if people would stop looking at trump on the republican side. biden is giving plenty of ammunition to run against him. >> you just answered my question. i think republicans should have looked better in our poll. i think one reason they're not is because of donald trump. henry gomez, you're on the ground there. how unsafe is it to be an incumbent versus part of the establishment? >> that's a very big part of it, chuck. this is this mentality, i don't want to call it a throw the bums out mentality. but both sides are really frustrated with the leaders they have. look at ohio with governor dewine. he should be okay. but the reason it will be the case in the primary is that there's more than one candidate running against him, trying to run to that donald trump right wing wing. if he succeeds, it will be because of that split but also he's a terrific fund-raiser. he should be okay. he's a little bit of an outlier. the one number that struck me in the nbc polls, the 56% of people who identify as republicans, we say that they are more supportive of the party than they are of donald trump. once we get out of the primaries, that's where we'll be looking at. we'll be looking at races structurally more like virginia's gubernatorial race last year where youngkin was able to keep trump at a distance, accept his endorsement but not rally with him. they are not necessarily affected by what trump says and does anymore. the voting issues, whether you frame it as voting rights and election integrity, it depends on which party you're in, it is not one of the top two or three issues for democrats or republicans. they want to talk about the economy, about cove, maybe we'll be past covid by the time the general election rolls around. these are issues particularly near and dear to trump when we talk about the voting issues that may not, they'll be hard to reach when you talk to voters on the campaign trail this fall. >> a penny for your thoughts on the kyrsten sinema back and forth. i understand the frustration. should this be should public? is this harmful to the party? >> no. this is democracy. this is how democracy works. it's not always pretty. when people don't like what is happening, they let you know. and look. i've been trying to tell democrats, that voting rights is not a secondary issue consideration to the base of the democratic party. it is in fact a first and foremost issue consideration. if you're not paying attention to the issues, and following along with the issues, a lot of democrats ran on the ideal they would do something about voting rights. you should not be surprised if you block voting rights from happening in their eyes. i'm not being one-sided about it. you're the reason it isn't happening. you shouldn't be surprise that had they'll challenge in the primary. that's how it is supposed to work. i have to go back to one thing. i was not trying to be partisan in this conversation. but the republicans do have to in fact run on something, right? and all the bad things about biden and the economy and all these things. >> do you? that's funny you say that. cornell though, i wonder, that is sort of the question i have here in our politics right now. if you're the out party, voters are not punishing you for not running on something. >> and if we -- that's quite frankly, we have allowed it. nbc was reporting on this earlier. there are a lot of republicans right now out there chiming on and running on that they were for, they're getting all the infrastructure dollars when not one of them voted on this infrastructure bill. >> barbara, look, i know you'll make a case that republicans are for something. that's not how kevin mccarthy is doing it. that's not how mitch mcconnell is doing it. they're saying we're not running on anything except against biden. they're not running on an agenda here. it isn't clear what they're running on. >> i think they're running on the economy and inflation and the worst inflation we've had since jimmy carter's years. they're running on keeping kids in school and education and coming up with innovative ways to make sure your kids will get that make-up of what they have lost over the last two years. and then crime. defund the police has been a disaster for democrats. and that has given republicans an opportunity to stand with the local police while still being for reform. tim scott, a republican senator, is one of the leaders on having criminal justice reform while standing with the police. so i think you have the ability on these strong key issues. and then you have foreign policy problems that biden has too. but i think republicans that focus on these issues instead of donald trump. put him in the rear view mirror. don't let him muck out things. i point out brad pascal. he knows how to raise money and he's a loser. don't hire him. there are a lot of gristers to stay away from but i think you will see at love republicans who focus on the issues and not on trump advance in these primaries and do well. like liz cheney, lisa murkowski and that's how we'll get good republicans in office. >> henry gomez, last word to you. there is a bit of a democratic primary in the republican race. not really one in the senate race. have you noticed the difference between not having a primary for a give like tim ryan, and how has he positioned himself, versus perhaps the two candidates that do have to worry about a primary? have you noticed any difference? >> i have. tim ryan is going to a lot of places in rural and southern ohio that democrats haven't been paying a lot of attention to. he does have a primary problem. i'll leave with you. this morgan harper, the more progressive in the primarily. debating josh mendel later this week. you think you've seen it all. >> i was just going to say, henry, i think you should thank your lucky stars you have the ohio beat this year and we'll leave it at that. >> come visit. it will be fun. >> i appreciate all of you as well as we bring a political panel back to 2022. up next, as the omicron surges, there's a vaccine on the way. surges, there's a vaccine on the way. people everywhere living with type 2 diabetes are waking up to what's possible... with rybelsus®. the majority of people taking rybelsus® lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. wake up to the possibility of lower a1c with rybelsus®. you may pay as little as $10 for up to a 3-month prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. aleve-x. it's fast, powerful long-lasting relief with a revolutionary, rollerball design. because with the right pain reliever... life opens up. aleve it... and see what's possible. it's still the eat fresh refresh™ and subway's refreshing everything like the new baja turkey avocado with smashed avocado, oven-roasted turkey, and baja chipotle sauce. it's three great things together. wait! who else is known for nailing threes? 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are we about to do something before putin invades? you're watching "meet the press daily." you're watching "meet the press you're watching "meet the press daily. oh, is that the one where the mom becomes a... 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>> reporter: i don't think so, chuck. basically, for the record, putin has not spoken publicly on this at all since the press conference in late december. he's just sent his messengers out. one of those, the kremlin spokesman, we heard from him at the daily press briefing saying none of this has any impact on the negotiations. from russia's perspective, those negotiations, the very first phase, is already completed. what they're waiting for now is a formal written response from the united states to that very heavy list of demands that they put forward. the demands mounting to the demobilization of nato in eastern europe. so they're sitting there waiting for it and they're giving the impression that they won't make their move until they see it. i'm not sure what they're expecting. the united states is clearly telegraphing, they're not getting what they're asking for, quite the opposite, if russia came in thinking they could push nato out of europe. more nato forces are moving into eastern europe. we're waiting and not clear what they'll do when they get that letter. >> how are they responding to the fact that finland has shown some openness to wanting to join nato. i half joke that that ought to be the response of the european allies. okay. we'll game the process with finland and see how he reacts. is he aware that he may have helped nato, the way he's gone about this? >> reporter: it's definitely one of the most ironic parts of all of this. basically russia has fallen into this standard play. the talking point is set at the top. everyone down below has to go out and keep repeating the message. stay on message, keep hitting the message. this is all in their minds, what they're telling the russian public. this is all western provocation. everything going on now is all part of a grand u.s. conspiracy against russia. probably finland and sweden, if they joined nato, it would be explained to the russian people in the same way. russia has a bias as it approaches the situation. it simply assumes that everyone west of russia is somehow completely under u.s. control. that's just how they see it. so that's why they want to talk directly to the u.s. they don't really want to talk to anyone else. it's very much a bilateral game in their minds. >> i'm sure the u.s. is trying to figure out how they control as much of europe as russia thinks we do. anyway, matt bodner on the ground in what is always a snowy moscow. what does the u.s. government need to know next to keep the russians at bay? is there something they should do before the invasion? do before the invasion her reality. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts, for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? since suzie's got goals, she'll want a plan to reach them. so she'll get some help from fidelity, and she'll feel so good about her plan, she can focus on living it. that's the planning effect, from fidelity. ♪3, 4♪ she can focu♪ on living it. ♪hey♪ ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ hi, i'm steve and i live in austin, texas. i work as a personal assistant to the owner of a large manufacturing firm. i've got anywhere from 10 to 50 projects going at any given time. i absolutely have to be sharp. let me tell ya, i was struggling with my memory. it was going downhill. my friend recommended that i try prevagen and over time, it made a very significant difference in my memory and in my cognitive ability. i started to feel a much better sense of well-being. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. i read that the president was at camp david sunday with his team. and what i've been hearing from them is encouraging, that they are prepared to take steps forward and encouraging not afterwards. i've not been near the news this morning so i'm not sure what additionally may have occurred but it appears the administration is moving in the right direction. >> welcome back. that was senator mitch mcconnell today at an event in kentucky praising where he thinks the russian policy is headed from the biden administration. some congressional staffers will apparently be briefed today. aides to congressional leadership and staff will be briefed and all house members and senators will receive briefings of their open next week when they return to capitol hill. democrat senator warner. i want to start with senator mcconnell's comments. there is this gang of eight that many of us inside washington know. when there is major national security decisions being made by a white house, the top two in the intel, the top two leaders in the senate, the top two of the house, you get briefings a little before everybody else. so i'm curious. what is senator mcconnell referring to specifically where he likes the idea that we're going to act before potentially russia acts? what is your sense there in. >> a year ago this president came in a nato that was not united, that president trump had ignored for four years, and particularly over the last six months has built, the president and his team, has built up a unified nato. that is not easy to do. 30 separate nations with divergent views. as you said earlier it would be great if we had as much control as is assumed and we have seen a ratcheting up of pressure. there was a challenge for a number of months even convincing the ukrainian leadership itself that putin was serious this time. putin stays very isolated where he gets input. we've seen the french troops in eastern europe, danish ship going into the black sea. we've seen the american government and then the british government calling out what the russians might be trying to do in terms of a false flag effort and who putin might want to put in charge. the question about positioning of additional troops. this elevation is happening real time and yesterday the president had a previously unscheduled call with the presidents and prime ministers to say to putin you take this effort, there's going to be huge, dire consequences. >> by all these troop movements, i was just going to say what do the consequences look like in what should putin expect? does the nature of the invasion matter when it comes to the response the west has? >> well, i believe from our government we've been very clear that any physical incursion, for that matter destructive cyber incursion, will be met with the strongest of sanctions. keeping that european alliance together on, for example, cyber. we've made great progress in the last couple of weeks. the next few weeks are critical. we know putin is planning on going to beijing for the opening of the olympic games. that may give us the next two to three weeks are the most critical and we need to keep ratcheting up and as our government has said you could see cyber incidents against european and american interests as well. >> you didn't mention germany. and what is your sense of germany's commitment to being as tough as other key members of nato? it looks like they are more concerned about their energy deficit than they are about putin encroachment into western europe. >> chuck, i wish angela merkel was still the chancellor in germany and interestingly enough the green party is actually more adamant in who has the foreign ministry than the social democrats. the evolution of germany's position, their willingness to be clear that it would be shut down should russia invade, there are economic ties between russia and germany as we think of the sanctions on russian banks this is one of the areas the administration has made huge progress and i think this is an area leader mcconnell may be saying that he's seeing movement in the right direction. >> let me shift to another thing you are involved with and that is reforming the electoral count act. let me ask you this, i've heard jim clyburn say are there preclearance rights of the voting rights act that could be including here? it doesn't seem as if mitt romney is for it or susan collins. could this become something more than the electoral count? >> the electoral count was what, in many ways, led to the activities on january 6th because there was this false narrative that somehow mike pence could override and stop the certification of the election. the fact there's bipartisan support makes a lot of sense. the fact my republican colleagues have said harassment of independent election officials. nobody is going to want to be a poll worker if they are harassed on a regular basis is a good step. these steps are not a substitute for the need i believe we have to take for electoral reform to make sure there is fair and equal access to the polls. we have a long way to go to convince our colleagues. when we have 16 of us talking in a place, as you know, chuck, one team or another on these issues, i think that's a step in the right direction. >> i'm curious of your thoughts on the state democratic party in arizona censuring kirsten sinema, and if that at all, what you make of that decision, appropriate? whether you think this is sending -- what message this sends to independents? i'm just curious your thoughts on this. >> chuck, as you know, i pride myself on somebody who tries to be bipartisan. i was a democratic governor when there was a 2-1 republican legislature. the only way i was to get things done. i disagreed with senator sinema on her position particularly on rules changes. i think we should have changed the rules when it comes to protecting the idea that we're going to protect the minority rights in the senate but not minority americans to vote doesn't make any sense to me. i am hesitant to say to our democratic party we ought to be following the republican lead in sanctions members who eight times out of ten, nine times out of ten clearly vote with other democrats. >> she votes with biden 99.7% of the time. it is astonishing. >> it is. i have to tell you, chuck, someone who occasionally broke with president obama and was accused with voting with him 98% of the time, proud of my support with president obama. some of these stats can be used in a variety of ways. i think your point is well made. >> fair point there. mark warner, chair of the intel committee. i know a lot of nervous days these days in eastern europe. i appreciate you coming on. that does it for us this hour. we'll be back tomorrow. katy tur after this break. katy tur after this break. ♪ ♪taking a break from all your worries ♪ ♪sure would help a lot ♪ ♪wouldn't you like to get away? 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Transcripts For MSNBC MTP Daily 20240708 :

Transcripts For MSNBC MTP Daily 20240708

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fight omicron. with the use of two antibody drugs because they don't work against this variant. welcome to "meet the press daily." there is a lot of unrest inside both parties these days. today's headlines makes it pretty clear from the left and the right. the current climate with an unpopular president, unpopular parties, plural, they don't match the make-up of the parties and frustrated political bases. all of it is a recipe for bolo politics. this year's primaries and perhaps november's mid-terms. right now democratic groups are not happy with kyrsten sinema for an effort to change senate rules to make it easier to pass voting rights legislation. after democrats officially censured her for her stance, the powerful group emily's list officially pulled support. and last night voter latino launched a campaign called adios sinema. some democrats are fuming behind the scenes with ron clain. they're accusing him of steering president biden into difficult political waters. chuck schumer has tried in various ways to appease both the moderate and progressive wings of the party. a lot of democrats aren't happy with him either and how he's attempted to do that. if the situation inside the democratic party is bad, it is arguably worse in the republican party where the few remaining md-rats or rational conservatives are trying to help with the mid-terms as he pushes lies about elections. bottom line, so much of the tumult right now is being driven by the instability of our two major political parties which are both pretty unpopular according to our reason nbc news poll. in fact you have to go back to 2015 to find the last time either major party, either party, was viewed more favorably than unfavorably by registered voters. what happened in 2015? right around the same time we saw the meteoric rise of two politicians who defied their party's orthodoxies at the time. bernie sanders on the left. donald trump on the right. coincidence in timing? i don't think so. on the ground for us in phoenix with more for us with kyrsten sinema. also with us, michael cruz just in ohio covering one of the inner party fights on the right side. this one for governor of ohio. and the president of voter latino, that is the group that plans to launch a new campaign for kyrsten sinema in 2024. let me start with you on the ground there on the discord over sinema and what it means for 2022. she's not up until 2024. there is a democratic senator up in 22 in mark kelly. i have to think what the state party did only put him in a tougher spot. what are you learning? >> well, they definitely tack different approaches to this filibuster vote regarding voting rights. senator mark kelly said he voted to change the senate rules last week. something that senator sinema did not do. it was interesting. people note that senator kelly is the one that came out with the new position. not that he had a position before. but he was undecided. and senator sinema has been mostly consistent on this idea of the filibuster. at left a for the past three years. it was senator sinema's unwillingness to change is what caused a lot of problems on the ground here in arizona. especially among the democratic base who are furious with her. now, if it is going to impact senator kelly and his re-election, it is hard to tell. it definitely draws a contrast between the two. and there are number that haven't yet been release that had show the divide between two candidates. as far as the democratic party is concerned, senator sinema has a 42% favorability rating among democrats, compared to 74% for senator mark kelly. now, i talked to the head of the arizona democratic party who oversaw the censure of senator sinema over the weekend. she just talked about how she was representing the base of the party and the frustration that people felt. let's listen. >> well, people knocked doors. people put their confidence in her and we are mindful, you know, that she did work toward the american rescue plan and the bipartisan infrastructure bill. but when it comes to protecting our voting rights, it is something that people feel is very important. and so the fact that she got in the way of seeing a voting rights bill move forward was something that people have been very upset about and disappointed, and some outraged. >> reporter: so senator sinema does have some support in the state. there are republican voters we ran into on the street who said they love senator sinema. the business groups like her. i talked to some components of the chamber of comers who said she's been so great for the business community. and sure, she's kind of mavericky, apparently, like senator john mccain and that could help her in a general election. she has to get through a primary first and democrats right now are determined to defeat her in the primary. >> and if you don't have a united party, i don't care how popular with independents. it is a tricky balancing act. to win over independents, you have to win them without alienating your base. it doesn't look like she's found balance yet. let's look at the other side. aisle. somebody who is caught in a similar trap but for different reasons. the incumbent governor of ohio, governor dewine. we talk about the ohio republican party mess. and it's mostly j.d. vance, josh mandell and that insane primary taking place on the senate side. in many ways, the dynamics of dewine and what is in his primary race seem like they're emblematic of what we see nationwide as trump gets involved in these primaries. lay it out for us. >> as you say, it is a sprawling senate circus primary with most wanting trump's endorsement which gets most of the attention. right below, the governor's race. the establishment branding, iowa politics, and the top challenger. not his only challenger. what we see happening here more and more, the former trump campaign manager has been advising. he puts himself forward as the trump candidate. i've been in ohio over the last year and you get a visceral sense that not only is there real support for trump still within the republican base, a considerable portion of it. even more so, the anti-dewine sentiment, primarily because the stiffer covid restrictions than we've seen from many other republican governors. i hear all the time when i'm in ohio. like ron desantis. so that's what we have at play here with the governor's race taking advantage of this. >> i'm curious. is there venom against mike dewine or frustration on the right? it doesn't seem like it's angry the way you see it maybe levelled at a lisa murkowski or a liz cheney. is it angry? or sort of disappointing? how would you describe it? >> there is a disappointment, anger in general because of the last year, the last couple years at this point. specifically with respect to the pandemic. i wouldn't underestimate the amount of felt anger on the ground in ohio. when i'm at events of right activists, i do sense, i do hear very real anger from them directed very specifically at mike dewine. they pine for a lighter -- when it comes to covid restrictions. >> he seems to be deciding to stay underground. he's not trying to poke the bear, right? you can say, i've heard complaints on the left about kyrsten sinema. that while they almost, they would respect the disagreement, she's almost -- they would say she's trying to have a public conflict. he seems to be trying to almost avoid public conflict these days with his base, no? >> successfully to this point. he's doing the job. and trump, the former president, has not gotten involved in a specific, nor has he gotten involved in the form of an endorsement yet. i think what we're seeing from mar-a-lago is hands off. he's really enjoying watching ohio do what it is doing with an electorate, to hash these out. it is around the enduring influence. in some respects, father of the former president. >> michael, it's fascinating. we didn't even get to the fact that an ohio senate candidate today, j.d. vance, was proud to support that he was supported by marriageory taylor greene. i think that tells you everything you need to know about the about face and about what he thinks, who he thinks ohio primary voters are. it's astonishing. >> yeah. we knew marjorie taylor greene would get involved with the ohio primary. >> it's quite astonishing. let me move over to you. let me start with the decision you made. why now? why not wait until 2023 to start? >> you and i have known each other a long time. this is not a decision that the organization took lightly. it has everything to do -- we can have political differences, policy differences. right now the fact that senator sinema, after deep conversations with her, decided and chose to go against her very own constituencies by not allowing a vote on voting rights, speaks volumes to the impasse we face in this country. if we cannot secure that every single american, regardless of zip code, has access to the voting booth, we have a fundamental breakdown in our democracy. just now, we have in the state legislator, presenting the most draconian voter suppression laws that include in this legislation, chuck, the ability for the state legislator to overturn a fair, free election. that's unheard of. and this is happening at her doorsteps. if we can't all agree on the same rules of the game to ensure that we all have people with enfranchisement. voto latino doesn't believe we should do it unless we sound the alarm. our democracy, the state legislators at the local level are disenfranchising voters. it is a multicultural america bearing the brunt. these laws and she's decided to go on the wrong side of history. >> what do you say, and i'm not saying this is her. she's upset about the filibuster itself and doesn't like the different, how to go about changing this. but there are others that make the argument that everything you've talked about that needs to be done. these two bills did not directly deal with this issue. and so there was a little bit of a disconnect about what these bills do and what needs to be done to sort of protect from essentially, we have a referee problem in this country. one party is trying to basically be the referee of the elections as well as a participant in the elections. do these bills really address this? they didn't address this directly. >> i appreciate this conversation. when voto latino started 16 years ago, apply job was to get people to register and participate. since the gutting of the voting rights act, voto latino has gone into courts to talk to individuals and challenge these court cases. because they're disenfranchising people left and right. if we look at what's happening in texas. in texas, a fair certified election of 2020 in the hardest to vote state has now a slew of disenfranchisement laws that we find ourselves having to basically file lawsuits against. if you're turning 18 right now in texas, and you are going to go on your college campus, you have to show a residency requirement. something that was not a factor two years ago. i registered to vote on my college campus. i'm sure did you as well. that is a way of trying to get young people involved. it is one after the other. it's not like both parties are trying to disenfranchise voters. it's one party. i would recommend for mitt romney and lisa murkowski saying we need the voting rights act again so we can have an equal playing field. i'm not saying one should be outweighing the other. we should all have equal access. >> point spent time now against kyrsten sinema does not help mark kelly in 2022. what do you say? >> someone would say, do you still work in arizona? i'm a mom. we juggle things all the time. this tells the latino community we have someone not necessarily on their side. it also opens the field so people can open the war chest and consider throwing their hat in the ring. you mentioned emily's list. we have local groups on the ground and other folks in the business community that recognize that this is not tenable. and again, we could have policy differences. what we have to calmly agree on is everybody should believe in democracy and enfranchisement at the booth. >> if she somehow leads a bipartisan deal that gets some pieces of the voting rights act attached to the count act, jim clyburn has been open to this. supposedly susan collins is open to this. do you pull back the campaign? do you sort of give her some credit for that? or is she, has she lost it? >> it has to be meaningful of the a lot of times what folks don't realize, a lot of disenfranchisement is going through redistricting. the fact that we are packing young voters and people of color into these districts. even arizona who is considered a commission of the redistricting is having a problem because a republican governor is basically outweighing the individuals so that it can be a fair exercise in our democracy. so people, there are different ways of going about it. my big thing, i would encourage everybody to look the a, making sure we are getting away at the gerrymandering. let's compete to make sure everybody is participating. >> getting a start. always appreciate getting your point of view and perspective on this. so thank you form. we're going to continue this discussion in our next break. how will these impact races this november? and governing before november? the first ads are already on the way for the democratic party. a lot more meet the mid-terms next. and senator warner trying on get some reform done. plus, he is chairman of the intel committee. we have a lot to talk about about the escalating crisis. alk about the escalating crisis. voiceover: riders. wanderers on the road of life. the journey is why they ride. when the road is all you need, there is no destination. uh, i-i'm actually just going to get an iced coffee. well, she may have a destination this one time, but usually -- no, i-i usually have a destination. yeah, but most of the time, her destination is freedom. nope, just the coffee shop. announcer: no matter why you ride, progressive has you covered with protection starting at $79 a year. voiceover: 'cause she's a biker... please don't follow me in. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i hope that at least once every tuesday, that i'm on the air between now and november, you hear that wurnl music. welcome back. both parties find. they in the same place ahead of the 2022 mid-terms. they're underwater with the voters. going back to 2015, neither major political party has had a net positive standing with voters in our poll since. that's where politics is right now. two unpopular parties fighting it out with each other and amongst themselves. joining me now, my nbc news colleague, following the early stages of the mid-term calendar very closely. also with us, political analyst, and former virginia governor barbara comstock. seven straight years of both parties underwater. and one of the things i like to show people also, and i think we have this as a graphic. looking at the tumult with the american electorate over the last 20 years. all but once since 2004 have we gone through an election cycle without voting for some change. without changing at least the white house, house or senate. only in 2012 did we have a no change election with obama-romney. and i think we would go, obama-romney, that's the good old days of politics, right? do you think it is just a coincidence that the parties have both been underwater since the rise of bernie and trump? >> no. i don't. i also don't put it directly at the feet of bernie and trump either. i think there are some, look, you will remember a guy by the name of barack obama speaking of 2012, was running on the idea that our politics was broken. and washington itself was broken, right? he was making an argument not against republicans but a much broader argument. i think i can make the argument that most voters think washington is broken and has been broken for a long time. and you know, i'm not being partial but they put the blame as you see in your nbc polling on both parties. i think most americans think the problems in washington are not necessarily partisan structurally. there's something that happens when people get here and it is bigger than just one party. i will note that also, look. both parties have been underwater for a number of years here. but democrats are underwater 7 point or 6 points in the nbc polling. they have one of the best mid-term off-year elections. >> this is what barbara comstock, you've talked to voters. and i'm sure, you've probably benefitted from people not liking the parties and then it punished you once you were an incumbent. this is the world that an elected official in the very rare thing that you represented, a swing district, has to deal with. >> sure, exactly. i ran in 2009 in the virginia general assembly and that was a referendum on obama. we did very well and elected a governor. in 2018, when i left, it was a referendum on trump. so the elections are usually a referendum on the incumbent. right now, biden is very much underwater. the top issues which haven't been discussed yet are inflation and the economy first. number two is crime and the increasing crime and the failure there. in the cities. and also in the suburbs. and then education where democrats who have been carrying water for the teachers unions for years. i come from a family of educators. they have failed these kids during the pandemic which is why you saw here in virginia governor youngkin advance and is now in place dealing with those issues. if you're not listening to the voters, the previous discussion you had about arizona and ohio, those discussions, they weren't really talking about what at the time voers want. and those are the top three issues. they favor republicans now. i think in ohio, governor dewine, he'll do fine in that primary because he does listen to his voters and he's very much in touch. i think in arizona, if we are fortunate enough for governor doocy, he's having summer car. s to get back into school and all the time they've missed. he will have summer camps and summer school for them. i think he would be the most popular candidate for senate and he has an independent streak just like senator sinema. >> let me ask you this. if people would stop looking at trump on the republican side. biden is giving plenty of ammunition to run against him. >> you just answered my question. i think republicans should have looked better in our poll. i think one reason they're not is because of donald trump. henry gomez, you're on the ground there. how unsafe is it to be an incumbent versus part of the establishment? >> that's a very big part of it, chuck. this is this mentality, i don't want to call it a throw the bums out mentality. but both sides are really frustrated with the leaders they have. look at ohio with governor dewine. he should be okay. but the reason it will be the case in the primary is that there's more than one candidate running against him, trying to run to that donald trump right wing wing. if he succeeds, it will be because of that split but also he's a terrific fund-raiser. he should be okay. he's a little bit of an outlier. the one number that struck me in the nbc polls, the 56% of people who identify as republicans, we say that they are more supportive of the party than they are of donald trump. once we get out of the primaries, that's where we'll be looking at. we'll be looking at races structurally more like virginia's gubernatorial race last year where youngkin was able to keep trump at a distance, accept his endorsement but not rally with him. they are not necessarily affected by what trump says and does anymore. the voting issues, whether you frame it as voting rights and election integrity, it depends on which party you're in, it is not one of the top two or three issues for democrats or republicans. they want to talk about the economy, about cove, maybe we'll be past covid by the time the general election rolls around. these are issues particularly near and dear to trump when we talk about the voting issues that may not, they'll be hard to reach when you talk to voters on the campaign trail this fall. >> a penny for your thoughts on the kyrsten sinema back and forth. i understand the frustration. should this be should public? is this harmful to the party? >> no. this is democracy. this is how democracy works. it's not always pretty. when people don't like what is happening, they let you know. and look. i've been trying to tell democrats, that voting rights is not a secondary issue consideration to the base of the democratic party. it is in fact a first and foremost issue consideration. if you're not paying attention to the issues, and following along with the issues, a lot of democrats ran on the ideal they would do something about voting rights. you should not be surprised if you block voting rights from happening in their eyes. i'm not being one-sided about it. you're the reason it isn't happening. you shouldn't be surprise that had they'll challenge in the primary. that's how it is supposed to work. i have to go back to one thing. i was not trying to be partisan in this conversation. but the republicans do have to in fact run on something, right? and all the bad things about biden and the economy and all these things. >> do you? that's funny you say that. cornell though, i wonder, that is sort of the question i have here in our politics right now. if you're the out party, voters are not punishing you for not running on something. >> and if we -- that's quite frankly, we have allowed it. nbc was reporting on this earlier. there are a lot of republicans right now out there chiming on and running on that they were for, they're getting all the infrastructure dollars when not one of them voted on this infrastructure bill. >> barbara, look, i know you'll make a case that republicans are for something. that's not how kevin mccarthy is doing it. that's not how mitch mcconnell is doing it. they're saying we're not running on anything except against biden. they're not running on an agenda here. it isn't clear what they're running on. >> i think they're running on the economy and inflation and the worst inflation we've had since jimmy carter's years. they're running on keeping kids in school and education and coming up with innovative ways to make sure your kids will get that make-up of what they have lost over the last two years. and then crime. defund the police has been a disaster for democrats. and that has given republicans an opportunity to stand with the local police while still being for reform. tim scott, a republican senator, is one of the leaders on having criminal justice reform while standing with the police. so i think you have the ability on these strong key issues. and then you have foreign policy problems that biden has too. but i think republicans that focus on these issues instead of donald trump. put him in the rear view mirror. don't let him muck out things. i point out brad pascal. he knows how to raise money and he's a loser. don't hire him. there are a lot of gristers to stay away from but i think you will see at love republicans who focus on the issues and not on trump advance in these primaries and do well. like liz cheney, lisa murkowski and that's how we'll get good republicans in office. >> henry gomez, last word to you. there is a bit of a democratic primary in the republican race. not really one in the senate race. have you noticed the difference between not having a primary for a give like tim ryan, and how has he positioned himself, versus perhaps the two candidates that do have to worry about a primary? have you noticed any difference? >> i have. tim ryan is going to a lot of places in rural and southern ohio that democrats haven't been paying a lot of attention to. he does have a primary problem. i'll leave with you. this morgan harper, the more progressive in the primarily. debating josh mendel later this week. you think you've seen it all. >> i was just going to say, henry, i think you should thank your lucky stars you have the ohio beat this year and we'll leave it at that. >> come visit. it will be fun. >> i appreciate all of you as well as we bring a political panel back to 2022. up next, as the omicron surges, there's a vaccine on the way. surges, there's a vaccine on the way. people everywhere living with type 2 diabetes are waking up to what's possible... with rybelsus®. the majority of people taking rybelsus® lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. wake up to the possibility of lower a1c with rybelsus®. you may pay as little as $10 for up to a 3-month prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. aleve-x. it's fast, powerful long-lasting relief with a revolutionary, rollerball design. because with the right pain reliever... life opens up. aleve it... and see what's possible. it's still the eat fresh refresh™ and subway's refreshing everything like the new baja turkey avocado with smashed avocado, oven-roasted turkey, and baja chipotle sauce. it's three great things together. wait! who else is known for nailing threes? 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are we about to do something before putin invades? you're watching "meet the press daily." you're watching "meet the press you're watching "meet the press daily. oh, is that the one where the mom becomes a... 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>> reporter: i don't think so, chuck. basically, for the record, putin has not spoken publicly on this at all since the press conference in late december. he's just sent his messengers out. one of those, the kremlin spokesman, we heard from him at the daily press briefing saying none of this has any impact on the negotiations. from russia's perspective, those negotiations, the very first phase, is already completed. what they're waiting for now is a formal written response from the united states to that very heavy list of demands that they put forward. the demands mounting to the demobilization of nato in eastern europe. so they're sitting there waiting for it and they're giving the impression that they won't make their move until they see it. i'm not sure what they're expecting. the united states is clearly telegraphing, they're not getting what they're asking for, quite the opposite, if russia came in thinking they could push nato out of europe. more nato forces are moving into eastern europe. we're waiting and not clear what they'll do when they get that letter. >> how are they responding to the fact that finland has shown some openness to wanting to join nato. i half joke that that ought to be the response of the european allies. okay. we'll game the process with finland and see how he reacts. is he aware that he may have helped nato, the way he's gone about this? >> reporter: it's definitely one of the most ironic parts of all of this. basically russia has fallen into this standard play. the talking point is set at the top. everyone down below has to go out and keep repeating the message. stay on message, keep hitting the message. this is all in their minds, what they're telling the russian public. this is all western provocation. everything going on now is all part of a grand u.s. conspiracy against russia. probably finland and sweden, if they joined nato, it would be explained to the russian people in the same way. russia has a bias as it approaches the situation. it simply assumes that everyone west of russia is somehow completely under u.s. control. that's just how they see it. so that's why they want to talk directly to the u.s. they don't really want to talk to anyone else. it's very much a bilateral game in their minds. >> i'm sure the u.s. is trying to figure out how they control as much of europe as russia thinks we do. anyway, matt bodner on the ground in what is always a snowy moscow. what does the u.s. government need to know next to keep the russians at bay? is there something they should do before the invasion? do before the invasion her reality. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts, for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? since suzie's got goals, she'll want a plan to reach them. so she'll get some help from fidelity, and she'll feel so good about her plan, she can focus on living it. that's the planning effect, from fidelity. ♪3, 4♪ she can focu♪ on living it. ♪hey♪ ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ hi, i'm steve and i live in austin, texas. i work as a personal assistant to the owner of a large manufacturing firm. i've got anywhere from 10 to 50 projects going at any given time. i absolutely have to be sharp. let me tell ya, i was struggling with my memory. it was going downhill. my friend recommended that i try prevagen and over time, it made a very significant difference in my memory and in my cognitive ability. i started to feel a much better sense of well-being. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. i read that the president was at camp david sunday with his team. and what i've been hearing from them is encouraging, that they are prepared to take steps forward and encouraging not afterwards. i've not been near the news this morning so i'm not sure what additionally may have occurred but it appears the administration is moving in the right direction. >> welcome back. that was senator mitch mcconnell today at an event in kentucky praising where he thinks the russian policy is headed from the biden administration. some congressional staffers will apparently be briefed today. aides to congressional leadership and staff will be briefed and all house members and senators will receive briefings of their open next week when they return to capitol hill. democrat senator warner. i want to start with senator mcconnell's comments. there is this gang of eight that many of us inside washington know. when there is major national security decisions being made by a white house, the top two in the intel, the top two leaders in the senate, the top two of the house, you get briefings a little before everybody else. so i'm curious. what is senator mcconnell referring to specifically where he likes the idea that we're going to act before potentially russia acts? what is your sense there in. >> a year ago this president came in a nato that was not united, that president trump had ignored for four years, and particularly over the last six months has built, the president and his team, has built up a unified nato. that is not easy to do. 30 separate nations with divergent views. as you said earlier it would be great if we had as much control as is assumed and we have seen a ratcheting up of pressure. there was a challenge for a number of months even convincing the ukrainian leadership itself that putin was serious this time. putin stays very isolated where he gets input. we've seen the french troops in eastern europe, danish ship going into the black sea. we've seen the american government and then the british government calling out what the russians might be trying to do in terms of a false flag effort and who putin might want to put in charge. the question about positioning of additional troops. this elevation is happening real time and yesterday the president had a previously unscheduled call with the presidents and prime ministers to say to putin you take this effort, there's going to be huge, dire consequences. >> by all these troop movements, i was just going to say what do the consequences look like in what should putin expect? does the nature of the invasion matter when it comes to the response the west has? >> well, i believe from our government we've been very clear that any physical incursion, for that matter destructive cyber incursion, will be met with the strongest of sanctions. keeping that european alliance together on, for example, cyber. we've made great progress in the last couple of weeks. the next few weeks are critical. we know putin is planning on going to beijing for the opening of the olympic games. that may give us the next two to three weeks are the most critical and we need to keep ratcheting up and as our government has said you could see cyber incidents against european and american interests as well. >> you didn't mention germany. and what is your sense of germany's commitment to being as tough as other key members of nato? it looks like they are more concerned about their energy deficit than they are about putin encroachment into western europe. >> chuck, i wish angela merkel was still the chancellor in germany and interestingly enough the green party is actually more adamant in who has the foreign ministry than the social democrats. the evolution of germany's position, their willingness to be clear that it would be shut down should russia invade, there are economic ties between russia and germany as we think of the sanctions on russian banks this is one of the areas the administration has made huge progress and i think this is an area leader mcconnell may be saying that he's seeing movement in the right direction. >> let me shift to another thing you are involved with and that is reforming the electoral count act. let me ask you this, i've heard jim clyburn say are there preclearance rights of the voting rights act that could be including here? it doesn't seem as if mitt romney is for it or susan collins. could this become something more than the electoral count? >> the electoral count was what, in many ways, led to the activities on january 6th because there was this false narrative that somehow mike pence could override and stop the certification of the election. the fact there's bipartisan support makes a lot of sense. the fact my republican colleagues have said harassment of independent election officials. nobody is going to want to be a poll worker if they are harassed on a regular basis is a good step. these steps are not a substitute for the need i believe we have to take for electoral reform to make sure there is fair and equal access to the polls. we have a long way to go to convince our colleagues. when we have 16 of us talking in a place, as you know, chuck, one team or another on these issues, i think that's a step in the right direction. >> i'm curious of your thoughts on the state democratic party in arizona censuring kirsten sinema, and if that at all, what you make of that decision, appropriate? whether you think this is sending -- what message this sends to independents? i'm just curious your thoughts on this. >> chuck, as you know, i pride myself on somebody who tries to be bipartisan. i was a democratic governor when there was a 2-1 republican legislature. the only way i was to get things done. i disagreed with senator sinema on her position particularly on rules changes. i think we should have changed the rules when it comes to protecting the idea that we're going to protect the minority rights in the senate but not minority americans to vote doesn't make any sense to me. i am hesitant to say to our democratic party we ought to be following the republican lead in sanctions members who eight times out of ten, nine times out of ten clearly vote with other democrats. >> she votes with biden 99.7% of the time. it is astonishing. >> it is. i have to tell you, chuck, someone who occasionally broke with president obama and was accused with voting with him 98% of the time, proud of my support with president obama. some of these stats can be used in a variety of ways. i think your point is well made. >> fair point there. mark warner, chair of the intel committee. i know a lot of nervous days these days in eastern europe. i appreciate you coming on. that does it for us this hour. we'll be back tomorrow. katy tur after this break. katy tur after this break. ♪ ♪taking a break from all your worries ♪ ♪sure would help a lot ♪ ♪wouldn't you like to get away? 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Ohio , Governor , Ground , U S , Side , More , Michael Cruz , Phoenix , One , Group , Over Sinema , 2024 , Political Party , Senator , Estate , Mark Kelly , Spot , 2022 , 22 , Something , People , Voting Rights , Senator Kelly , Filibuster Vote , Idea , Filibuster , Position , Three , Base , Arizona , Problems , Unwillingness , Re Election , Number , Candidates , Release , Haven T , Contrast , Divide , Arizona Democratic Party , Head , Favorability Rating , 42 , 74 , Frustration , Weekend , Censure , Doors , Infrastructure Bill , Confidence , Rescue Plan , Way , Bill Move Forward , Reporter , Outraged , The Street , The Business Community , Kind , Business Groups , Components , Comers , Chamber , Mavericky , John Mccain , Certified , Primary , Independents , United Party , First , Balancing Act , It Doesn T , Somebody , Balance , Aisle , Mike Dewine , Reasons , Trap , Ohio Republican Party , Mess , Vance , Josh Mandell , Race , Place , Dynamics , Trump , Endorsement , Most , Circus , Attention , Challenger , Establishment Branding , Iowa , Campaign Manager , Sense , Trump Candidate , Portion , Ron Desantis , Governors , Many , Sentiment , Advantage , Venom , Lisa Murkowski , Disappointment , Liz Cheney , Disappointing , Point , Pandemic , Anger , Respect , Felt , Events , Amount , Activists , Lighter , Restrictions , Complaints , Bear , Conflict , Disagreement , Job , Specific , Form , Electorate , Mar A Lago , Candidate , Respects , Influence , Father , J D , Marriageory Taylor Greene , Marjorie Taylor Greene , Decision , Each Other , 2023 , Everything , Policy Differences , Differences , Conversations , Organization , Access , Country , Vote , Constituencies , Impasse , Voting Booth , Volumes , Zip Code , Single , Democracy , Ability , State Legislator , Voter Suppression Laws , Breakdown , Legislation , Game , Fair , Of , Doorsteps , Enfranchisement , State Legislators , Level , Voto Latino Doesn T , Sound The Alarm , America , Laws , Brunt , History , Bit , Argument , Issue , Bills , Others , Needs , Referee Problem , Disconnect , Referee , Participant , Conversation , 16 , Individuals , Court Cases , Voting Rights Act , Courts , Gutting , Voto Latino , Slew , Texas , Disenfranchisement Laws , 2020 , College Campus , Lawsuits , Residency Requirement , 18 , Other , Mitt Romney , Playing Field , Things , Someone , Community , Mom , Folks , Field , War Chest , Hat , The Ring , Everybody , Deal , Booth , Electoral , Susan Collins , Give , Act , Jim Clyburn , Pieces , Redistricting , Times , Disenfranchisement , Credit , Color , Problem , Commission , Districts , Exercise , Thing , A , Perspective , Start , Point Of View , Gerrymandering , Break , Discussion , Impact , Ads , Mid Terms Next , Mark Warner , Reform , Crisis , Intel Committee , Chairman , Alk , Voiceover , Wanderers , On The Road Of Life , Riders , Destination , Coffee , Road , Journey , Freedom , I , Uh , Matter , Announcer , Don T , Coffee Shop , Protection , Nope , Biker , Progressive , 79 , 9 , Air , Wurnl Music , Standing , Calendar , Political Analyst , Stages , Colleague , Barbara Comstock , Virginia , Graphic , Seven , Voting , Change , Election Cycle , 2004 , 20 , President Obama , White House , No Change Election , The Good Old Days , 2012 , I Don T , Feet , Love Republicans , Name , Inside Washington , Guy , Blame , Polling , Points , 6 , 7 , Official , Incumbent , World , Swing District , Virginia General Assembly , 2009 , Referendum , 2018 , Issues , Biden , Economy , Crime , Inflation , Failure , Kids , Education , Family , Educators , Water , Cities , Suburbs , Unions , Teachers , Youngkin , Advance , Discussions , School , Doocy , Summer Car , Touch , Summer Camps , Summer School , Streak , Question , Ammunition , Part , Establishment , Henry Gomez , Mentality , Sides , Throw , Leaders , Case , Reason , Wing , Polls , Split , Outlier , Terrific Fund Raiser , 56 , Races , Distance , Integrity , Cove , Dear , Thoughts , Penny , Happening , Democracy Works , Consideration , Rights , Isn T , Ideal , Eyes , Surprise , Shouldn T , Party , Funny , Reporting , Infrastructure , Senator Mcconnell , Anything , It Isn T , Kevin Mccarthy , Agenda , Jimmy Carter , Police , Defund The Police , Opportunity , Disaster , Tim Scott , Foreign Policy Problems , Justice , Out Brad Pascal , Him , Money , Loser , Gristers , Don T Hire Him , Rear View Mirror , On The Issues , Office , Difference , Tim Ryan , Word , Places , Versus , Democrats Haven T , Morgan Harper , Debating Josh Mendel , Stars , Visit , Panel , Surges , Up Next , Omicron Surges , Everywhere , Type 2 Diabetes , 2 , Stop Rybelsus , A1c , Blood Sugar , Majority , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Don T Take Rybelsus , 1 , Side Effects , Help , Changes , Vision Problems , Swelling , Lump , Stomach Pain , Reaction , Neck , Pancreatitis , Provider , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Insulin , Sulfonylurea , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Dehydration , Nausea , Possibility , Prescription , Healthcare Provider , Relief , Revolutionary , Aleve X , Rollerball Design , 3 , 0 , 10 , Life , Subway , Refresh , Pain Reliever , Aleve , Turkey Avocado , Body , Mental Health , Mind , Avocado , Anyone , Nailing Threes , Turkey , Baja Chipotle Sauce , Who , Treatment , Ingrezza , Mental Health Meds , Movements , Td , Tardive Dyskinesia , Prescription Medicine , Story , Td Movements , Adults , Dose , Food , Pill , 80 , Activities , Heart Rhythm Problems , Ingredients , Sleepiness , Ingrezza May , Operate Heavy Machinery , Don T Drive , Asthma , Doctor , Nunormal , Zero , Zero Dollars , I Got Life Good To Be With You , Infections , Breathing , Breathing Problems , Reactions , Add On Treatment , Face , Trouble , Tongue , Shingles , Nucala , Don T Stop Steroids , Headache , Injection Site Reactions , Back Pain , Asthma Specialist , Infection , Fatigue , Omicron Variant , Study , Pfizer , Biontech , 1400 , Vaccine Status , Doses , Shot , Vaccine Regimen , Drugs , Fda , Antibody Treatments , Drug Makers , Authorization , 19 , Cases , State Run Treatment Sites , Result , 99 , Variants , Treatments , Thousands , Patients , Appointment , Invasion , Move , Lines , Data , Coming Up , Vo , Mindy , Claire In Hd Clarity , Yep , Mom Becomes A , Ultra Wideband , Steve , Jelly , Ultra , Crowd , Text , Connection , Verizon , David , 5 , Everyone , Girlfriend , Photographer , Banking , Doing , Ring Fund , Phones , Wonder , Bouquet , Bank Of America , Thinking , Yoga Studio , Zen , Track , Tools , Stop Banking , Father Of The Bride , Bacon Sizzles , Power , Electronic Music Plays , Chicken , Rotisserie , Honey Mustard , Tangy , Footlongs , Steph Curry , Gonna , Owner , Inner Voice , Small Business Owner , Hand Gestures , Window , Business Finances , Kombucha Brewer , Sneaker , Staff , Business , Voice , Furniture Maker , Intuit Quickbooks , Business Stands , Furniture , Lost , Success Starts , Soldiers , Deployment , Height Lenled , 8500 , Eastern Europe , Meeting , Military Aid , Pentagon , Equipment , Weapons , Putin , Matt Bodner , Court , Sovereignty , Hesitance , I Don T Think So , Preparations , Fear , Provoking Putin , Spokesman , Messengers , Press Conference , Record , Negotiations , Press Briefing , None , Phase , Written , Kremlin , Response , List , Impression , Demobilization , Demands , Opposite , Forces , Finland , Letter , Openness , Process , European , Message , Parts , Talking Point , Top , Play , Stay , Minds , Conspiracy , Grand U S , Western Provocation , Public , Control , Bias , Sweden , Anyone Else , Snowy Moscow , Reality , Acid , Nexium 24hr , 24 , Plan , Heartburn , It Starts , Fidelity , Goals , Night Protection , Suzie , Planning Effect , 4 , Manufacturing , Personal Assistant , Firm , Projects , Austin , 50 , Memory , Better , Friend , Well Being , Healthier Brain , Prevagen , Team , Hearing , Camp David Sunday , Administration , Steps , News , Direction , Leadership , Policy , Staffers , Aides , Event , Kentucky , House Members , Senators , Briefings , Capitol Hill , Comments , Decisions , Intel , House , Gang , Security , Know , Eight , Little , Everybody Else , Acts , Six , Four , Views , Nations , 30 , Pressure , Ratcheting Up , Challenge , Input , Ship , Danish , French , Black Sea , Flag , Charge , Terms , British , Presidents , Elevation , Call , Prime Ministers , Consequences , Troop Movements , Nature , Cyber Incursion , Incursion , West , Sanctions , Progress , Alliance , Strongest , Cyber , Example , Opening , Ratcheting , Olympic Games , Beijing , Interests , Incidents , Germany , Commitment , Members , Chancellor , Putin Encroachment , Energy , Western Europe , Angela Merkel , Willingness , In , Ministry , Evolution , Area Leader , Banks , Areas , Ties , Movement , Narrative , Certification , Led , Mike Pence , January 6th , Step , Colleagues , Nobody , Officials , Poll Worker , Basis , Harassment , Need , Substitute , Talking , Another , Sending , Kirsten Sinema , Arizona Censuring , Legislature , Minority Rights , Sanctions Members , Lead , Nine , Ten , 99 7 , Some , Stats , Variety , 98 , Chair , Katy Tur , Worries , Unitedhealthcare Medicare Advantage , Plans , Wow , Visits , Prescription Drugs , Lab Tests , Uh Huh , Plus , Copays On Tier 1 , , Premium , Aarp , Ben Isn T , Coaching , Hair , Retirement , Ira , Feeling , Heart , Brains , Soul , Ears , Artificial Intelligence ,

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