Transcripts For MSNBC American Voices With Alicia Menendez 2

Transcripts For MSNBC American Voices With Alicia Menendez 20240708

count act. everything was done legally by the trump legal team according to the rules and under the leadership of rudy giuliani. >> fulton county, georgia, we've learned the district attorney is requesting a special grand jury to examine trump's efforts to overthrow the election. remember, the former president's phone call with the georgia secretary of state ordering him to find the votes. and then there's ivanka trump. the 1/6 committee is asking to speak with her about january 6. we know she was in the white house that day working to persuade her father to call off his supporters attacking the capitol. for now, the committee is asking nicely but is open to issuing a subpoena to ivanka if it has to. here to kick off the hour, terrorism analyst malcolm nance, author of "the plot to be tray america." "daniel strauss for new republic and senior reporter for "the guardian." malcolm, i want to start with you and talk about the draft executive order. the trump white house considered involving the military. your reaction? >> well, this is fantastic that we're even having this discussion. first off, general milley made it eminently clear last year when he gave his address to the armed forces of the united states that the military does not get involved inside of political actions in the united states. donald trump could have issued that executive order. it would have been immediately dismissed out of hand by every officer and enlisted in the armed forces. it is patently an illegal order. that right there we have an obligation to resist and disobey unlawful orders. the big problem here, alicia, is what would have happened if national guard units from states that favor trump would have been ordered by their state governors to do what the armed forces couldn't do? this is literally the definition of a latin american or sub-saharan african-style coup d'etat. >> when you talk about governors in trump-supporting states to intervene, have the guard rails been set so that should this happen in the future we are protected, and our democracy is protected? >> oh, the constitution itself is the guardrail, right. the very fact that he's commander in chief means nothing when he issues an unlawful order. we have an obligation to disobey that order. when general milley made his statement which i'm telling you in the pantheon of american speeches that is going to be up there with george washington's speech in newburg where he kept the continental army together instead of letting them run rampant in philadelphia. general milley's speech where he said the constitution is what we have sworn an oath to, president trump would have taken america to a completely different place. national guard units would have gone against their own commanders, and governors are not commanders in chief even though you have officers like the general in charge of the oklahoma national guard talking like he doesn't have to follow any orders that comes from the national government. these are the step stones of civil war. but it wouldn't have lasted but a moment, the entire nation would haverisen up against president trump. >> before i let you off the hook on this, if you were the january 6 committee, what do you do with this document? >> what do i do with that document? i think every person in the united states needs to understand not just that it exists, this document wasn't just -- writing this, this was an executive order drafted within the white house, placed within the classified communication systems of the president referencing top-secret other documents which means that this was a very, very serious document. and what we should do is we should spread this all over and really show everyone that this was a coup d'etat, that the president planned to overthrow the government with force because he was listening to a crazy lady, right, sydney powell, who has a billion dollar lawsuit against her, who believed that the dead hugo chavez had done this. there is the -- this is the height offid yossie and we are in a dangerous place because one half of the electorate doesn't care that any of this is real but that we should really get to the other 65% of the american public who really would understand that donald trump is, was, and will remain to be a danger to this country. >> daniel, there is the military piece of this and then there's also the piece, you have the january 6 committee looking into trump's ties to these slate of fake electors in key swing states. what role were the state officials supposed to play, and who was supposed to be directing them? >> i mean, that's what the january 6 committee is trying to figure out. we know that in this document -- it further reinforces the argument that donald trump and his allies had plans and looked at options for trying to stall or change the outcome of the 2020 election. and that's what this document shows here. we also know that top trump aides were interested in discussing over text messages released by the january 6 committee moves to send a set of alternative electors to try and move the outcome away from the legitimate and completely legal set of electors back to the states. and as we all know, the one thing that stopped all this from happening ironically was vice president mike pence. >> lauren, what is it that the 1/6 committee believes that they can learn from ivanka trump? >> they actually think there's a lot they can learn from ivanka trump because she was in the oval office. they outlined in their letter to her that they have firsthand testimony that she was there for a call donald trump placed to vice president mike pence trying to pressure him to stop or perhaps overturn the results -- to stop congress anyway from certifying the electoral votes. and so you know, that's just one of actually the many extraordinary details in this letter that they sent to her which just reveals even though we've seen some pretty high-profile potential witnesses refuse to cooperate with the committee, they are getting cooperation from white house officials and people who were around donald trump. and so they are able to build there case, and they've clearly gone to ivanka trump telling her we have, you know, this person's testimony and we'd like you to come to us on your own volition, though they have suggested that they could issue a subpoena if necessary. >> malcolm, january 6 member adam schiff says the fulton county d.a. shouldn't be the only one looking into the phone call between trump and the secretary of state. take a listen. >> why is there no headline about the u.s. department of justice convening a grand jury to look into those same allegations? that was an act of potential fraud against the united states and the people of georgia in a u.s. federal presidential election, and the justice department shouldn't be waiting for fulton county, it shouldn't be waiting for the u.s. congress to look into that. >> malcolm, your thoughts on why the doj hasn't taken the lead on investigating trump's alleged election interference? >> well, because this department of justice wasn't bill barr's department of justice, right. we all agreed that when -- when joe biden was elected president that the government would reset itself back to normal. the problem is they have reset themselves to a standard of normal which does not match the urgency of now. we are in a situation which is a crisis of -- you know, the only crisis that is greater than where we are today was 1860 when the south was about to secede. who knows whether we're on our way back to that. but the justice department shouldn't just be convening a grand jury, the justice department should be asking them for a special counsel to go after the senior leadership in this who are not only recalcitrant, these people intend to overthrow the government again come this november if they win power back in the house or the senate. this is all over and done with. joe biden will just sit there and issue orders, the laws will be changed right out underneath him. the supreme court will uphold them. one quick point about ivanka trump. >> please. >> i worked for the united states government for a quarter century. ivanka trump did not fill a position called the daughter-in-chief, she filled a position as a special adviser to the president. she was an employee of the united states government. even though she didn't receive a paycheck, that paycheck was taken, it was processed, it was zeroed out through the same system that the people who are going through the x-ray machines and cleaning the floors. she has all the obligations to answer all questions that every employee of the united states government does or we hammer her. i hope they subpoena her. i don't think they should be treating her with kid gloves at all. >> malcolm, as always, thank you for your time. daniel, lauren, you are staying with us. next, senator kyrsten sinema facing blow back after blocking attempts to protect the voting rights. the move her state party made today to punish her and how the senator is now reacting. and later, this weekend marks the 49th anniversary of roe v. wade. will it be the last? one supreme court justice has her say. plus, a year into biden's presidency, big parts of his agenda still up in the air. so what is the plan to tackle "build back better" and voting rights? we are just getting started here on "american voices." stg arted e stg arted e on "american voices. hi, honey! 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>> it hold not much more weight other than a slap on the wrist and a statement that was quite explicit from theation democratic party here especially when you look at congressman ruben gallego openly talking about primarying her in 2024. this leaves open the door to the party here, potentially over the next year or two, to come out and directly say that they will not back her re-election campaign which would be a step beyond what happened here today in the decision to censure her. you know, she's served for three years in the u.s. senate, and really this was a build-up here. essentially this was ultimately the decision to not carve out this exemption in the filibuster in order to pass these major pieces of federal voting rights reforms here was sort of the last straw. this was a democratic party in arizona that had felt like they had been the ones on the front line over the last really dozen-plus years to get kyrsten sinema up to the point in which she become the u.s. senator and ultimately when it came down to it she neglected and failed to uphold the obligations that democrats feel like she had as a representative of the state of arizona at this time. >> vaughn, you brought up congressman gallego of arizona, and he was on our air weighing in on sinema's censure earlier. take a listen. >> this is, again, a very dangerous situation. we know exactly in arizona, for example, all the laws that the republicans are trying to pass right now to disenfranchise voters. the fact that she's not recognizing that danger, you know, i think really is angering the voters of arizona including independents who right now, the last poll had her at 26% favorability. that is a glaring message that's coming toward her. we're hoping that she actually listens and hears it. >> so vaughn to your point, you heard there, how is sinema's vote complicating the political land scale especially as -- landscape especially as she looks toward re-election? and was the intent of the democratic party in the state to sort of lay a line in the sand as she considers future votes, or was it really just a rebuke of this one vote? >> right. it is important to note that, right, it is republicans, it is independents in the state of arizona who were so consequential to kyrsten sinema becoming a u.s. senator. but also that's the case for mark kelly and joe biden in 2020 here. and on the right hand, though, there were those activists here over the course of the last 10, 12 years, you know, mary hapez as part of the campaign in 2012, six years later she was the one who was out there in 110-degree heat knocking doors for who -- kyrsten sinema. i was talking with her just last weekend there at the voting rights march that was taking place in phoenix. she said they do not see how they could go back out there and truly feel confident about going and being such key parts of a re-election campaign on behalf of kyrsten sinema. and i think that is where actually 2022 is going to be so largely consequential to this whole argument that kyrsten sinema will make that being an independent voice here for arizona because mark kelly is on the ballot in 2022. mark kelly did vote to essentially create this exemption for these federal voting rights reforms here. and so if kelly is able to win his re-election bid in what is expected to be a tough midterm election here, that really puts kyrsten sinema in a complicated situation of essentially arguing that being this independent here in arizona is the one way in which somebody can win a re-election in the state. >> right. we're talking about what is playing out at the state party level, the state party rebuke. i also want to talk about how today's decision could impact sinema's willingness or her colleagues' willingness to work with her in congress. what is that path forward -- what does that look like? >> that's absolutely right. well, vaughn made the point that this was just the final straw for her, the final straw for the democratic party with regard to her. so sinema, yes, she did not vote to increase the minimum wage. she did not vote to have the carve-out of the filibuster, and she has consistently frustrated joe biden's agenda, the biden administration's agenda, including the "build back better" plan. she was the one who argued that it was too costly. and think about the things that are in that plan -- we have universal pre-k, we have medicare expansion, we have some critical provisions for climate change, and ensuring that we're protected against that. we have -- making sure that there's childcare for families, making sure that there is the extension of a child tax credit. these are provisions that are very popular all across the country, but particularly popular for the democrats in her state. and think about the fact that her state has -- more progressively latino populations coming out of phoenix and the urban areas out by the maricopa -- within maricopa county. so she's not only abdicaing her responsibility to particular voters, she's abdicating responsibility to democrats and to the country by failing to support the filibuster carve-out. >> vaughn, thank you as always. i love when we get to introduce you as a native arizonan. are you sticking with me. next, another setback for texas abortion providers. the six-week ban stand for now, but advocates say the fight is far from over. plus, the growing concern over russia's potential invasion of ukraine. i'm going to ask a former cia operative what vladimir putin's end goal is here. that's coming up in the next hour. d goal is here that's coming up in the next that's coming up in the next hourt products for nutrition, sleep, immune systems and energy, cvs can help them happen a little less. these are the faces of listerine. the face of millions of germs zapped in seconds. the face of clean. the face of whoa! some are of intensity, others joy. all are of... various: ahhh... listerine. feel the whoa! woman: i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now, there's skyrizi. with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months after just two doses. skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, such as fevers, sweats, chills, muscle aches, or coughs or if you plan to or recently received a vaccine. ♪ nothing is everything. ♪ woman: talk to your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. at intra-cellular therapies, we're inspired by our circle. a circle that includes our researchers, driven by our award-winning science, who uncover new medicines to treat mental illness. it includes the compassionate healthcare professionals, the dedicated social workers, and the supportive peer counselors we work with to help improve - and even change - people's lives. moving from mental illness to mental wellness starts in our circle. this is intra-cellular therapies. 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>> you know, i think a lot of people still haven't woken up to the reality of what's happening on the ground here. of course the clinics, the practitioners and most importantly the women impacted by this law understand very well what a post-roe v. wade world looks like. there are a number of incredible groups that have worked really hard to help women get access to care in other states. we've seen increasing waits in adjacent states to texas, and yet there are still so many women that aren't able to avail themselves of those opportunities even if they're fully funded by groups that are trying to help them. that's the reality that's happening here for 4.5 months that this supreme court has allowed this unconstitutional law to stand. and i fear that as of june we're going to see more than 20 states living the same real hate we're living in texas today. >> so melissa, there is that piece of it, and then i know you general do not like to prognosticate, but i'm going to ask you to read the tea leaves for us here. the supreme court's going to take the chase of roe stopping abortions at 15 weeks. how do you see that decision going based on what we've seen in this texas case? >> well, we saw in the oral arguments in december that at least five members of the court were ready to allow the mississippi law to stand. i think if you take that feeling alongside justice sotomayor's blistering dissent in this case, you have a really telling portrait. only nine people know exactly what the court is going to do vis-a-vis that mississippi law, and one of those nine people is justice sotomayor. and she was issuing a blistering dissent, a call to arms to the people of the country to look around. this right will not be here for much longer, she seemed to say. so i think it was a very telling dissent, one that was meant to make clear that this fight may be exhaustive in the legal arena, but it is not exhaustive in the arena of politics, and she is asking the people to go forth into politics and really try and keep these rights alive and resuscitate them. >> wendy, let's talk about those politics because this week former planned parenthood president cecile richards wrote an op-ed say, quote, if i have one regret from my time leading planned parenthood it is that we believed that providing vital health care with public opinion on our side would be enough to overcome the political onslaught. i underestimated the callousness of the republican party and its willingness to trade off the rights of women for political expediency. wendy, i would generally love your thoughts and would specifically love your thought on sort of this calculus around public opinion versus the political reality of who is motivated by this issue and who is showing up to vote for it. >> you know, as she said, she wasn't cynical enough to believe that the far right segment of the republican party was actually going to accomplish what it did. and we in texas understand the reality of what's happened. if you marry voting rights and redistricting with what's happened with reproductive rights, you see that they go hand in hand. we are being ruled by a minority of primary voters in our state who are voting for far-right republican candidates who then take office and believe that their allegiance is only to that small portion. in our state, just as is the case elsewhere, the majority believe that roe v. wade should stand. that women should be able to make these decisions for themselves. and the reality, if we don't bring that same vigor to this debate, if we don't bring the same resolve to what we're going do politically and the decisions we're going to make about who we will support and who we will fight for, we are going to wake up in a post-roe world. we already very likely are. i don't want my granddaughters to grow up without the same kind of protections that i had in place, to live my best life, my best future, and to be a contributing part of this economy. so this isn't something that's just going to happen to a few women in a few sparse states around the country. there is about to be the reality for the individual lives of women, the economic lives of their families, and the economic vibrancy of this country when we take away women's ability to make their own reproductive decisions. >> melissa, i need to get new on this. we have the cnn polling showing nearly 70% of americans oppose overturning roe. how is that weighing on the supreme court as they make their decisions? >> well, again, this is a court that has to have the public behind it. the court doesn't have the power of the purse, the power of the word -- it relies on the public believing that what it is doing is legitimate. i think when this court overrules roe v. wade in june it's going to be very hard for the public to understand that as something that proceeded probably from law, but rather something that proceeded from politics. because nothing is different from the last time we took up roe v. wade except the fact that this court now has a 6-3 conservative supermajority. >> the certainty with which you use when, melissa, says it all. thank you. wendy, thank you. we'll come back to this conversation next hour when congresswoman barbara lee joins the program from protecting reproductive rights to voting rights, how she wants her party to charge ahead. what the biden white house has up its sleeve to get "build back better" across the finish line. stay with us. get "build back better" across the finish line line stay with us you don't have to eat diet food. i can enjoy the things that i really love like wine... cheese. you can add points for eating vegetables or g active. i lost 26 pounds and i feel incredible. the all new ww personalpoints program. join today for 50% off at hurry! offer ends january 24th! 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[limu emu squawks] he'll be back. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ if you can't block it, take credit for it. it's the republican way when it comes to the newly passed infrastructure law. despite voting against it, some in the gop, like iowa republican congresswoman ashley henson, are now boasting about the new highways, dams, and flood-control projects the bill is bringing to their home districts. hinson calling the legislation she voted against a game changer. yet the person who actually delivered that game changer doesn't seem to be getting credit for it. new polling from nbc news shows only 43% of americans approve of the president's job performance. more than 50% disapprove. despite the president being able to pass infrastructure and the american rescue plan. so is it a fair assessment just one year into his first term? here's how house majority whip james clyburn views it. >> been in office for one year. i think it's a little bit let's say disrespectful to expect that everything that he laid out is going to be completed in the first year of your term. >> this reality check courtesy of "washington post" opinion columnist paul waldman who writes, "in the entire history of his party, no democratic president has come into office with congressional majorities as small as biden's, not one. given that fact, it's almost a miracle that biden has managed to sign any legislation at all." my panel is back. elaine amoving forward with voting rights, "build back better," looks like it's going to require a lot of compromise much the most recent nbc poll found that 43% of americans think president biden is too unwilling to compromise. but it seems as though no matter what biden proposes, republicans are going to attempt to block it. so given all of that, is there any compromise that you think would appease them at this point? >> i first take issue with the idea that biden was the one who has failed to compromise. i think that you're going to see his administration turn the page on this and go into communities and making sure that they're highlighting all of the successes that came in the first year, the american rescue plan, the infrastructure bill, and the ways that affects their communities. in terms of what is possible, i do think that he is going to -- and members of congress are going to try to fight for elements of the "build back better" plan that could have bipartisan support. so manchin said he might be supportive of that climate thing, which is great to hear. there may be some compromise unfortunately on what would have been a victorious -- has been a victorious policy which is the child tax credit. it's still early to see with "build back better" what bipartisan support will come. but the biden administration is certainly going to stop making this about the internal fighting in the democratic party and the holdouts from the democratic party and make it more about the republicans that have obstructed progress at almost every turn. >> to the point, this is a president that prides himself on compromise, prides himself on bipartisanship. is the fact that he is making the effort to compromise yet not being credited for it, which you see borne out in the polling, changing the white house's approach? >> i mean, somewhat, but they know that this is the core part of the president's identity. this is not just how they approach this last presidential campaign. it is something that president biden himself has prided himself on and has framed himself as -- as as alege slater. since he took office, this is a different senate from the days when he was there. there are fewer moderates in the democratic party and the republican party. and even fewer members of both parties that want to work with the other side and compromise on some kind of big piece of legislation. both sides are really dug in here. and beyond that, president biden also has to deal with joe manchin and kyrsten sinema, two of most conservative members of the democratic party right now who have repeatedly and consistently shown themselves to be two of the biggest obstacles toward passing his agenda. so this is just a different era of politics for biden. >> lauren, if "build back better" is broken into smaller pieces, democrats expect to pass universal pre-k, biden's climate change plan. but there are other parts of the bill, say child tax credit, paid family leave, that likely get dropped, elliott haspel is a childcare policy expert, we have him on the show often. he writes, quote, lawmakers and advocates should remember the larger picture. historic investments in childcare and climate change, even if imperfect, would begin removing the boulder from the backs of the nation's parents and children. i want you to walk me through, lauren, the dynamics within the party over this debate about whether or not to pull this legislation apart, who wants to see that, who does not? >> that's a big question. so i think everyone's now at a place where they're like we just need to get 50 democratic votes on a bill. they know they want to include a big piece on climate change. that seems to be an area of agreement. but i think the rest -- you know, joe biden in his press conference mentioned universal pre-k which is an important to many democrats, so i think those are some of the top-line priorities that will be in a scaled down version of a "build back better" plan. but then what gets stripped out is really unclear because if you strip something out from this bill -- and remember the bill is going through the reconciliation process, so they just need 50 democratic votes. if you start stripping out pieces of this bill to then come back to it, then you're going to face 60 votes in a senate where we, as you heard, there is not a lot of republicans that want to play ball. there's a possibility of bringing some on board with different pieces of legislation, especially, you know, if you're voting on a single policy issue rather than a big, you know, big multipart bill, there might be the possibility of get something republican support. but 60 is a really high bar in the senate. so i think democrats are very clear eyed that what goes in this bill might be all that they can get. >> elena, to that point, this week jim clyburn said, quote, if we keep talking about what we have not done rather than what we have done, we deserve to be defeated at the polls, sort of underscores what you were saying earlier. i have a few questions really. how do you -- how do democrats address that disconnect, right, between what they have been able to deliver and the perception of what they've been able to deliver, and when you talk about pulling apart "build back better" and looking at it as separate pieces of legislation, what is it that you believe would most resonate with voters? >> well, one way to address it is by -- to address the optics and narrative over what has been accomplished is to lift up the impact on the american people which includes black people, i just want to point that out. we focus on how this has affected the american people, and you see from the white house website in all of the talking points that have come down in recent days and recent weeks, they are highlighting real people, real stories, and real impacts. that is the first. and then in terms of what there might be an appetite for -- as i mentioned, manchin is supportive of some elements of "build back better." certainly his state which is steeped in petrochemical oil and gas is not going to go for -- not going to go for every element of the climate proposals in "build back better," but there are some that he may vote for and some that he might even take a pen and help to legislate. so i think the opportunity here is going to be to go to manchin, unfortunately, and have him lead with what he thinks is possible and then shape the proposal for "build back better" around it. >> i just want you to know that your mcconnell retort that you worked in there was not lost on me. elena, daniel, lauren, thank you you all. next, a woman on a mission to get out the vote in texas. a goal that is so near and dear to her that she is willing to sleep in a van if it means getting people to the polls. and later, mitch mcconnell and the words coming back to bite him. you just heard us allude to them there. that will is in the next hour of "american voices." e next hour of e next hour of "american voices." for all the freshness and softness of home. even when you're not at home. feel the difference with downy. 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[ sighs heavily ] when owning a small business gets real, progressive helps protect what you've built with affordable coverage. texas republicans are getting their way for now which means texans are already struggling for voting access just ads the state gop designed in its new election laws which are so extreme the justice department sued over them. and now in just the past week, confusion over new i.d. requirements has led to to rejection of hundreds of vote-by-mail applications according to officials in travis county home to the state capital austin. my next guest, texas native taylor coleman putting her concerns into action why living out of harry van, to register voters across the state and expose impact of new voting restrictions and already face hurdles. texans must be certified as a deputy voter registrar to retch register but 240 have their own rules. trying to get certified. >> i need to, like, register to take the course or can i just show up? >> you do need to register. >> even if i could go and take the course today, they don't have one until february. the deadline to vote for the march primary is february 1st. so -- it would be too late to register any voters for the primary and this county doesn't have any online courses available. you have to register beforehand. and also in the middle of a pandemic. >> thank you for that reminder there. taylor coleman joins me now. a democratic strategist and joining me from your van. hopefully better wi-fi than my car which i sometimes try to work out of. taylor, tell us as you see it what it is you are up against? >> oh, goodness. everyone, thank you so much for having me. i feel like what i'm up against is, constantly changing. you know, i made this decision to live out of my van and, you know, with the rights keying together something i should be doing at the same time. we saw the texas legislature pass a very restrictive voting bill, and even the election officials that have to carry out this election bill are very confused. you know? you mentioned earlier all of the vote-by-mail applications being rejected. it's pretty alarming. as you see some of the largest counties in the state saying they have had to reject at least half of the vote-by-mail applications. for me, somebody, i've worked campaigns my entire career, and even i'm confused. you know? i don't feel like it should be that hard to register americans to vote. >> advocates in texas are, of course, concerned about the impact these rejected mail-in ballots could have on elderly voters, disabled voters. another concern, senate bill 1 in texas increased criminal penalties against people assisting voters. extra step. talk us through that. . . >> yes. one of the changes in this bill you have to include your, either your driver's license number or your social security number on your vote-by-mail application. and you're supposed to use, whichever number, whichever of those numbers you use to register to vote on your original registration form. like me, registered at 18, i have no idea what number i use when i fill out a voter registration form. i imagine most texans do not. you know, counties have tried to advise, maybe put down both numbers, just in case. but also updated in this new bill is that, you know, if county officials are seeming to be encouraging vote-by-mail, they can face criminal charges. so it's -- it is a very confusing time, a very frustrating time. i feel like for a lot of people. there are a lot of new laws. the texas secretary of state just announced this week they, you know, don't even have enough paper to print out the voter registration forms required to distribute all over the state, because of these new rules that require new forms to be printed out. so it's very clear, you know, as if these restrictions are going to have impacts on voters. it's just very unfortunate that we can't count on our state leaders to be able to ensure that americans can have access to the ballot. >> a lot of people are going to see, you go through this, here you are articulating the challenges ahead and they're hair on fire. clearly your hair on fire, otherwise you would not live in a van traveling throughout the state trying to do this. when you talk to voters, though, i'm sure you were doing a lot, is there a sense of the urgency around this issue? >> i thought there is an urgency. up know, i feel that people saw the state legislature, democrats and the texas ledge had to leave the state. i do feel like as people are notified, some people are not being notified. problems with their voter registration, their mail-in ballot applications. i think a larger sense of frustration with texas leadership as a whole. from, we had bills that they could have passed to make sure we had online voter registration. they've decided not to do that. again and again. when you tie that in with the our state leadership has seen errors in other areas, a a very strong sense of frustration on the ground of our state leadership here. >> come visit with us again. thank you for your time tonight. top of the hour, will she or won't she? ivanka trump and the request for her testimony by the 1/6 committee. diving deeper into the legal troubles facing the trumps in new york state. attorney general letitia james making clear this week the walls are closing in on the family business. plus what latino voters say is the most important issue to them heading into the midterms. will candidates listen? 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Transcripts For MSNBC American Voices With Alicia Menendez 20240708 :

Transcripts For MSNBC American Voices With Alicia Menendez 20240708

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count act. everything was done legally by the trump legal team according to the rules and under the leadership of rudy giuliani. >> fulton county, georgia, we've learned the district attorney is requesting a special grand jury to examine trump's efforts to overthrow the election. remember, the former president's phone call with the georgia secretary of state ordering him to find the votes. and then there's ivanka trump. the 1/6 committee is asking to speak with her about january 6. we know she was in the white house that day working to persuade her father to call off his supporters attacking the capitol. for now, the committee is asking nicely but is open to issuing a subpoena to ivanka if it has to. here to kick off the hour, terrorism analyst malcolm nance, author of "the plot to be tray america." "daniel strauss for new republic and senior reporter for "the guardian." malcolm, i want to start with you and talk about the draft executive order. the trump white house considered involving the military. your reaction? >> well, this is fantastic that we're even having this discussion. first off, general milley made it eminently clear last year when he gave his address to the armed forces of the united states that the military does not get involved inside of political actions in the united states. donald trump could have issued that executive order. it would have been immediately dismissed out of hand by every officer and enlisted in the armed forces. it is patently an illegal order. that right there we have an obligation to resist and disobey unlawful orders. the big problem here, alicia, is what would have happened if national guard units from states that favor trump would have been ordered by their state governors to do what the armed forces couldn't do? this is literally the definition of a latin american or sub-saharan african-style coup d'etat. >> when you talk about governors in trump-supporting states to intervene, have the guard rails been set so that should this happen in the future we are protected, and our democracy is protected? >> oh, the constitution itself is the guardrail, right. the very fact that he's commander in chief means nothing when he issues an unlawful order. we have an obligation to disobey that order. when general milley made his statement which i'm telling you in the pantheon of american speeches that is going to be up there with george washington's speech in newburg where he kept the continental army together instead of letting them run rampant in philadelphia. general milley's speech where he said the constitution is what we have sworn an oath to, president trump would have taken america to a completely different place. national guard units would have gone against their own commanders, and governors are not commanders in chief even though you have officers like the general in charge of the oklahoma national guard talking like he doesn't have to follow any orders that comes from the national government. these are the step stones of civil war. but it wouldn't have lasted but a moment, the entire nation would haverisen up against president trump. >> before i let you off the hook on this, if you were the january 6 committee, what do you do with this document? >> what do i do with that document? i think every person in the united states needs to understand not just that it exists, this document wasn't just -- writing this, this was an executive order drafted within the white house, placed within the classified communication systems of the president referencing top-secret other documents which means that this was a very, very serious document. and what we should do is we should spread this all over and really show everyone that this was a coup d'etat, that the president planned to overthrow the government with force because he was listening to a crazy lady, right, sydney powell, who has a billion dollar lawsuit against her, who believed that the dead hugo chavez had done this. there is the -- this is the height offid yossie and we are in a dangerous place because one half of the electorate doesn't care that any of this is real but that we should really get to the other 65% of the american public who really would understand that donald trump is, was, and will remain to be a danger to this country. >> daniel, there is the military piece of this and then there's also the piece, you have the january 6 committee looking into trump's ties to these slate of fake electors in key swing states. what role were the state officials supposed to play, and who was supposed to be directing them? >> i mean, that's what the january 6 committee is trying to figure out. we know that in this document -- it further reinforces the argument that donald trump and his allies had plans and looked at options for trying to stall or change the outcome of the 2020 election. and that's what this document shows here. we also know that top trump aides were interested in discussing over text messages released by the january 6 committee moves to send a set of alternative electors to try and move the outcome away from the legitimate and completely legal set of electors back to the states. and as we all know, the one thing that stopped all this from happening ironically was vice president mike pence. >> lauren, what is it that the 1/6 committee believes that they can learn from ivanka trump? >> they actually think there's a lot they can learn from ivanka trump because she was in the oval office. they outlined in their letter to her that they have firsthand testimony that she was there for a call donald trump placed to vice president mike pence trying to pressure him to stop or perhaps overturn the results -- to stop congress anyway from certifying the electoral votes. and so you know, that's just one of actually the many extraordinary details in this letter that they sent to her which just reveals even though we've seen some pretty high-profile potential witnesses refuse to cooperate with the committee, they are getting cooperation from white house officials and people who were around donald trump. and so they are able to build there case, and they've clearly gone to ivanka trump telling her we have, you know, this person's testimony and we'd like you to come to us on your own volition, though they have suggested that they could issue a subpoena if necessary. >> malcolm, january 6 member adam schiff says the fulton county d.a. shouldn't be the only one looking into the phone call between trump and the secretary of state. take a listen. >> why is there no headline about the u.s. department of justice convening a grand jury to look into those same allegations? that was an act of potential fraud against the united states and the people of georgia in a u.s. federal presidential election, and the justice department shouldn't be waiting for fulton county, it shouldn't be waiting for the u.s. congress to look into that. >> malcolm, your thoughts on why the doj hasn't taken the lead on investigating trump's alleged election interference? >> well, because this department of justice wasn't bill barr's department of justice, right. we all agreed that when -- when joe biden was elected president that the government would reset itself back to normal. the problem is they have reset themselves to a standard of normal which does not match the urgency of now. we are in a situation which is a crisis of -- you know, the only crisis that is greater than where we are today was 1860 when the south was about to secede. who knows whether we're on our way back to that. but the justice department shouldn't just be convening a grand jury, the justice department should be asking them for a special counsel to go after the senior leadership in this who are not only recalcitrant, these people intend to overthrow the government again come this november if they win power back in the house or the senate. this is all over and done with. joe biden will just sit there and issue orders, the laws will be changed right out underneath him. the supreme court will uphold them. one quick point about ivanka trump. >> please. >> i worked for the united states government for a quarter century. ivanka trump did not fill a position called the daughter-in-chief, she filled a position as a special adviser to the president. she was an employee of the united states government. even though she didn't receive a paycheck, that paycheck was taken, it was processed, it was zeroed out through the same system that the people who are going through the x-ray machines and cleaning the floors. she has all the obligations to answer all questions that every employee of the united states government does or we hammer her. i hope they subpoena her. i don't think they should be treating her with kid gloves at all. >> malcolm, as always, thank you for your time. daniel, lauren, you are staying with us. next, senator kyrsten sinema facing blow back after blocking attempts to protect the voting rights. the move her state party made today to punish her and how the senator is now reacting. and later, this weekend marks the 49th anniversary of roe v. wade. will it be the last? one supreme court justice has her say. plus, a year into biden's presidency, big parts of his agenda still up in the air. so what is the plan to tackle "build back better" and voting rights? we are just getting started here on "american voices." stg arted e stg arted e on "american voices. hi, honey! 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>> it hold not much more weight other than a slap on the wrist and a statement that was quite explicit from theation democratic party here especially when you look at congressman ruben gallego openly talking about primarying her in 2024. this leaves open the door to the party here, potentially over the next year or two, to come out and directly say that they will not back her re-election campaign which would be a step beyond what happened here today in the decision to censure her. you know, she's served for three years in the u.s. senate, and really this was a build-up here. essentially this was ultimately the decision to not carve out this exemption in the filibuster in order to pass these major pieces of federal voting rights reforms here was sort of the last straw. this was a democratic party in arizona that had felt like they had been the ones on the front line over the last really dozen-plus years to get kyrsten sinema up to the point in which she become the u.s. senator and ultimately when it came down to it she neglected and failed to uphold the obligations that democrats feel like she had as a representative of the state of arizona at this time. >> vaughn, you brought up congressman gallego of arizona, and he was on our air weighing in on sinema's censure earlier. take a listen. >> this is, again, a very dangerous situation. we know exactly in arizona, for example, all the laws that the republicans are trying to pass right now to disenfranchise voters. the fact that she's not recognizing that danger, you know, i think really is angering the voters of arizona including independents who right now, the last poll had her at 26% favorability. that is a glaring message that's coming toward her. we're hoping that she actually listens and hears it. >> so vaughn to your point, you heard there, how is sinema's vote complicating the political land scale especially as -- landscape especially as she looks toward re-election? and was the intent of the democratic party in the state to sort of lay a line in the sand as she considers future votes, or was it really just a rebuke of this one vote? >> right. it is important to note that, right, it is republicans, it is independents in the state of arizona who were so consequential to kyrsten sinema becoming a u.s. senator. but also that's the case for mark kelly and joe biden in 2020 here. and on the right hand, though, there were those activists here over the course of the last 10, 12 years, you know, mary hapez as part of the campaign in 2012, six years later she was the one who was out there in 110-degree heat knocking doors for who -- kyrsten sinema. i was talking with her just last weekend there at the voting rights march that was taking place in phoenix. she said they do not see how they could go back out there and truly feel confident about going and being such key parts of a re-election campaign on behalf of kyrsten sinema. and i think that is where actually 2022 is going to be so largely consequential to this whole argument that kyrsten sinema will make that being an independent voice here for arizona because mark kelly is on the ballot in 2022. mark kelly did vote to essentially create this exemption for these federal voting rights reforms here. and so if kelly is able to win his re-election bid in what is expected to be a tough midterm election here, that really puts kyrsten sinema in a complicated situation of essentially arguing that being this independent here in arizona is the one way in which somebody can win a re-election in the state. >> right. we're talking about what is playing out at the state party level, the state party rebuke. i also want to talk about how today's decision could impact sinema's willingness or her colleagues' willingness to work with her in congress. what is that path forward -- what does that look like? >> that's absolutely right. well, vaughn made the point that this was just the final straw for her, the final straw for the democratic party with regard to her. so sinema, yes, she did not vote to increase the minimum wage. she did not vote to have the carve-out of the filibuster, and she has consistently frustrated joe biden's agenda, the biden administration's agenda, including the "build back better" plan. she was the one who argued that it was too costly. and think about the things that are in that plan -- we have universal pre-k, we have medicare expansion, we have some critical provisions for climate change, and ensuring that we're protected against that. we have -- making sure that there's childcare for families, making sure that there is the extension of a child tax credit. these are provisions that are very popular all across the country, but particularly popular for the democrats in her state. and think about the fact that her state has -- more progressively latino populations coming out of phoenix and the urban areas out by the maricopa -- within maricopa county. so she's not only abdicaing her responsibility to particular voters, she's abdicating responsibility to democrats and to the country by failing to support the filibuster carve-out. >> vaughn, thank you as always. i love when we get to introduce you as a native arizonan. are you sticking with me. next, another setback for texas abortion providers. the six-week ban stand for now, but advocates say the fight is far from over. plus, the growing concern over russia's potential invasion of ukraine. i'm going to ask a former cia operative what vladimir putin's end goal is here. that's coming up in the next hour. d goal is here that's coming up in the next that's coming up in the next hourt products for nutrition, sleep, immune systems and energy, cvs can help them happen a little less. these are the faces of listerine. the face of millions of germs zapped in seconds. the face of clean. the face of whoa! some are of intensity, others joy. all are of... various: ahhh... listerine. feel the whoa! woman: i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now, there's skyrizi. with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months after just two doses. skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, such as fevers, sweats, chills, muscle aches, or coughs or if you plan to or recently received a vaccine. ♪ nothing is everything. ♪ woman: talk to your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. at intra-cellular therapies, we're inspired by our circle. a circle that includes our researchers, driven by our award-winning science, who uncover new medicines to treat mental illness. it includes the compassionate healthcare professionals, the dedicated social workers, and the supportive peer counselors we work with to help improve - and even change - people's lives. moving from mental illness to mental wellness starts in our circle. this is intra-cellular therapies. 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>> you know, i think a lot of people still haven't woken up to the reality of what's happening on the ground here. of course the clinics, the practitioners and most importantly the women impacted by this law understand very well what a post-roe v. wade world looks like. there are a number of incredible groups that have worked really hard to help women get access to care in other states. we've seen increasing waits in adjacent states to texas, and yet there are still so many women that aren't able to avail themselves of those opportunities even if they're fully funded by groups that are trying to help them. that's the reality that's happening here for 4.5 months that this supreme court has allowed this unconstitutional law to stand. and i fear that as of june we're going to see more than 20 states living the same real hate we're living in texas today. >> so melissa, there is that piece of it, and then i know you general do not like to prognosticate, but i'm going to ask you to read the tea leaves for us here. the supreme court's going to take the chase of roe stopping abortions at 15 weeks. how do you see that decision going based on what we've seen in this texas case? >> well, we saw in the oral arguments in december that at least five members of the court were ready to allow the mississippi law to stand. i think if you take that feeling alongside justice sotomayor's blistering dissent in this case, you have a really telling portrait. only nine people know exactly what the court is going to do vis-a-vis that mississippi law, and one of those nine people is justice sotomayor. and she was issuing a blistering dissent, a call to arms to the people of the country to look around. this right will not be here for much longer, she seemed to say. so i think it was a very telling dissent, one that was meant to make clear that this fight may be exhaustive in the legal arena, but it is not exhaustive in the arena of politics, and she is asking the people to go forth into politics and really try and keep these rights alive and resuscitate them. >> wendy, let's talk about those politics because this week former planned parenthood president cecile richards wrote an op-ed say, quote, if i have one regret from my time leading planned parenthood it is that we believed that providing vital health care with public opinion on our side would be enough to overcome the political onslaught. i underestimated the callousness of the republican party and its willingness to trade off the rights of women for political expediency. wendy, i would generally love your thoughts and would specifically love your thought on sort of this calculus around public opinion versus the political reality of who is motivated by this issue and who is showing up to vote for it. >> you know, as she said, she wasn't cynical enough to believe that the far right segment of the republican party was actually going to accomplish what it did. and we in texas understand the reality of what's happened. if you marry voting rights and redistricting with what's happened with reproductive rights, you see that they go hand in hand. we are being ruled by a minority of primary voters in our state who are voting for far-right republican candidates who then take office and believe that their allegiance is only to that small portion. in our state, just as is the case elsewhere, the majority believe that roe v. wade should stand. that women should be able to make these decisions for themselves. and the reality, if we don't bring that same vigor to this debate, if we don't bring the same resolve to what we're going do politically and the decisions we're going to make about who we will support and who we will fight for, we are going to wake up in a post-roe world. we already very likely are. i don't want my granddaughters to grow up without the same kind of protections that i had in place, to live my best life, my best future, and to be a contributing part of this economy. so this isn't something that's just going to happen to a few women in a few sparse states around the country. there is about to be the reality for the individual lives of women, the economic lives of their families, and the economic vibrancy of this country when we take away women's ability to make their own reproductive decisions. >> melissa, i need to get new on this. we have the cnn polling showing nearly 70% of americans oppose overturning roe. how is that weighing on the supreme court as they make their decisions? >> well, again, this is a court that has to have the public behind it. the court doesn't have the power of the purse, the power of the word -- it relies on the public believing that what it is doing is legitimate. i think when this court overrules roe v. wade in june it's going to be very hard for the public to understand that as something that proceeded probably from law, but rather something that proceeded from politics. because nothing is different from the last time we took up roe v. wade except the fact that this court now has a 6-3 conservative supermajority. >> the certainty with which you use when, melissa, says it all. thank you. wendy, thank you. we'll come back to this conversation next hour when congresswoman barbara lee joins the program from protecting reproductive rights to voting rights, how she wants her party to charge ahead. what the biden white house has up its sleeve to get "build back better" across the finish line. stay with us. get "build back better" across the finish line line stay with us you don't have to eat diet food. i can enjoy the things that i really love like wine... cheese. you can add points for eating vegetables or g active. i lost 26 pounds and i feel incredible. the all new ww personalpoints program. join today for 50% off at hurry! offer ends january 24th! 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[limu emu squawks] he'll be back. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ if you can't block it, take credit for it. it's the republican way when it comes to the newly passed infrastructure law. despite voting against it, some in the gop, like iowa republican congresswoman ashley henson, are now boasting about the new highways, dams, and flood-control projects the bill is bringing to their home districts. hinson calling the legislation she voted against a game changer. yet the person who actually delivered that game changer doesn't seem to be getting credit for it. new polling from nbc news shows only 43% of americans approve of the president's job performance. more than 50% disapprove. despite the president being able to pass infrastructure and the american rescue plan. so is it a fair assessment just one year into his first term? here's how house majority whip james clyburn views it. >> been in office for one year. i think it's a little bit let's say disrespectful to expect that everything that he laid out is going to be completed in the first year of your term. >> this reality check courtesy of "washington post" opinion columnist paul waldman who writes, "in the entire history of his party, no democratic president has come into office with congressional majorities as small as biden's, not one. given that fact, it's almost a miracle that biden has managed to sign any legislation at all." my panel is back. elaine amoving forward with voting rights, "build back better," looks like it's going to require a lot of compromise much the most recent nbc poll found that 43% of americans think president biden is too unwilling to compromise. but it seems as though no matter what biden proposes, republicans are going to attempt to block it. so given all of that, is there any compromise that you think would appease them at this point? >> i first take issue with the idea that biden was the one who has failed to compromise. i think that you're going to see his administration turn the page on this and go into communities and making sure that they're highlighting all of the successes that came in the first year, the american rescue plan, the infrastructure bill, and the ways that affects their communities. in terms of what is possible, i do think that he is going to -- and members of congress are going to try to fight for elements of the "build back better" plan that could have bipartisan support. so manchin said he might be supportive of that climate thing, which is great to hear. there may be some compromise unfortunately on what would have been a victorious -- has been a victorious policy which is the child tax credit. it's still early to see with "build back better" what bipartisan support will come. but the biden administration is certainly going to stop making this about the internal fighting in the democratic party and the holdouts from the democratic party and make it more about the republicans that have obstructed progress at almost every turn. >> to the point, this is a president that prides himself on compromise, prides himself on bipartisanship. is the fact that he is making the effort to compromise yet not being credited for it, which you see borne out in the polling, changing the white house's approach? >> i mean, somewhat, but they know that this is the core part of the president's identity. this is not just how they approach this last presidential campaign. it is something that president biden himself has prided himself on and has framed himself as -- as as alege slater. since he took office, this is a different senate from the days when he was there. there are fewer moderates in the democratic party and the republican party. and even fewer members of both parties that want to work with the other side and compromise on some kind of big piece of legislation. both sides are really dug in here. and beyond that, president biden also has to deal with joe manchin and kyrsten sinema, two of most conservative members of the democratic party right now who have repeatedly and consistently shown themselves to be two of the biggest obstacles toward passing his agenda. so this is just a different era of politics for biden. >> lauren, if "build back better" is broken into smaller pieces, democrats expect to pass universal pre-k, biden's climate change plan. but there are other parts of the bill, say child tax credit, paid family leave, that likely get dropped, elliott haspel is a childcare policy expert, we have him on the show often. he writes, quote, lawmakers and advocates should remember the larger picture. historic investments in childcare and climate change, even if imperfect, would begin removing the boulder from the backs of the nation's parents and children. i want you to walk me through, lauren, the dynamics within the party over this debate about whether or not to pull this legislation apart, who wants to see that, who does not? >> that's a big question. so i think everyone's now at a place where they're like we just need to get 50 democratic votes on a bill. they know they want to include a big piece on climate change. that seems to be an area of agreement. but i think the rest -- you know, joe biden in his press conference mentioned universal pre-k which is an important to many democrats, so i think those are some of the top-line priorities that will be in a scaled down version of a "build back better" plan. but then what gets stripped out is really unclear because if you strip something out from this bill -- and remember the bill is going through the reconciliation process, so they just need 50 democratic votes. if you start stripping out pieces of this bill to then come back to it, then you're going to face 60 votes in a senate where we, as you heard, there is not a lot of republicans that want to play ball. there's a possibility of bringing some on board with different pieces of legislation, especially, you know, if you're voting on a single policy issue rather than a big, you know, big multipart bill, there might be the possibility of get something republican support. but 60 is a really high bar in the senate. so i think democrats are very clear eyed that what goes in this bill might be all that they can get. >> elena, to that point, this week jim clyburn said, quote, if we keep talking about what we have not done rather than what we have done, we deserve to be defeated at the polls, sort of underscores what you were saying earlier. i have a few questions really. how do you -- how do democrats address that disconnect, right, between what they have been able to deliver and the perception of what they've been able to deliver, and when you talk about pulling apart "build back better" and looking at it as separate pieces of legislation, what is it that you believe would most resonate with voters? >> well, one way to address it is by -- to address the optics and narrative over what has been accomplished is to lift up the impact on the american people which includes black people, i just want to point that out. we focus on how this has affected the american people, and you see from the white house website in all of the talking points that have come down in recent days and recent weeks, they are highlighting real people, real stories, and real impacts. that is the first. and then in terms of what there might be an appetite for -- as i mentioned, manchin is supportive of some elements of "build back better." certainly his state which is steeped in petrochemical oil and gas is not going to go for -- not going to go for every element of the climate proposals in "build back better," but there are some that he may vote for and some that he might even take a pen and help to legislate. so i think the opportunity here is going to be to go to manchin, unfortunately, and have him lead with what he thinks is possible and then shape the proposal for "build back better" around it. >> i just want you to know that your mcconnell retort that you worked in there was not lost on me. elena, daniel, lauren, thank you you all. next, a woman on a mission to get out the vote in texas. a goal that is so near and dear to her that she is willing to sleep in a van if it means getting people to the polls. and later, mitch mcconnell and the words coming back to bite him. you just heard us allude to them there. that will is in the next hour of "american voices." e next hour of e next hour of "american voices." for all the freshness and softness of home. even when you're not at home. feel the difference with downy. 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[ sighs heavily ] when owning a small business gets real, progressive helps protect what you've built with affordable coverage. texas republicans are getting their way for now which means texans are already struggling for voting access just ads the state gop designed in its new election laws which are so extreme the justice department sued over them. and now in just the past week, confusion over new i.d. requirements has led to to rejection of hundreds of vote-by-mail applications according to officials in travis county home to the state capital austin. my next guest, texas native taylor coleman putting her concerns into action why living out of harry van, to register voters across the state and expose impact of new voting restrictions and already face hurdles. texans must be certified as a deputy voter registrar to retch register but 240 have their own rules. trying to get certified. >> i need to, like, register to take the course or can i just show up? >> you do need to register. >> even if i could go and take the course today, they don't have one until february. the deadline to vote for the march primary is february 1st. so -- it would be too late to register any voters for the primary and this county doesn't have any online courses available. you have to register beforehand. and also in the middle of a pandemic. >> thank you for that reminder there. taylor coleman joins me now. a democratic strategist and joining me from your van. hopefully better wi-fi than my car which i sometimes try to work out of. taylor, tell us as you see it what it is you are up against? >> oh, goodness. everyone, thank you so much for having me. i feel like what i'm up against is, constantly changing. you know, i made this decision to live out of my van and, you know, with the rights keying together something i should be doing at the same time. we saw the texas legislature pass a very restrictive voting bill, and even the election officials that have to carry out this election bill are very confused. you know? you mentioned earlier all of the vote-by-mail applications being rejected. it's pretty alarming. as you see some of the largest counties in the state saying they have had to reject at least half of the vote-by-mail applications. for me, somebody, i've worked campaigns my entire career, and even i'm confused. you know? i don't feel like it should be that hard to register americans to vote. >> advocates in texas are, of course, concerned about the impact these rejected mail-in ballots could have on elderly voters, disabled voters. another concern, senate bill 1 in texas increased criminal penalties against people assisting voters. extra step. talk us through that. . . >> yes. one of the changes in this bill you have to include your, either your driver's license number or your social security number on your vote-by-mail application. and you're supposed to use, whichever number, whichever of those numbers you use to register to vote on your original registration form. like me, registered at 18, i have no idea what number i use when i fill out a voter registration form. i imagine most texans do not. you know, counties have tried to advise, maybe put down both numbers, just in case. but also updated in this new bill is that, you know, if county officials are seeming to be encouraging vote-by-mail, they can face criminal charges. so it's -- it is a very confusing time, a very frustrating time. i feel like for a lot of people. there are a lot of new laws. the texas secretary of state just announced this week they, you know, don't even have enough paper to print out the voter registration forms required to distribute all over the state, because of these new rules that require new forms to be printed out. so it's very clear, you know, as if these restrictions are going to have impacts on voters. it's just very unfortunate that we can't count on our state leaders to be able to ensure that americans can have access to the ballot. >> a lot of people are going to see, you go through this, here you are articulating the challenges ahead and they're hair on fire. clearly your hair on fire, otherwise you would not live in a van traveling throughout the state trying to do this. when you talk to voters, though, i'm sure you were doing a lot, is there a sense of the urgency around this issue? >> i thought there is an urgency. up know, i feel that people saw the state legislature, democrats and the texas ledge had to leave the state. i do feel like as people are notified, some people are not being notified. problems with their voter registration, their mail-in ballot applications. i think a larger sense of frustration with texas leadership as a whole. from, we had bills that they could have passed to make sure we had online voter registration. they've decided not to do that. again and again. when you tie that in with the our state leadership has seen errors in other areas, a a very strong sense of frustration on the ground of our state leadership here. >> come visit with us again. thank you for your time tonight. top of the hour, will she or won't she? ivanka trump and the request for her testimony by the 1/6 committee. diving deeper into the legal troubles facing the trumps in new york state. attorney general letitia james making clear this week the walls are closing in on the family business. plus what latino voters say is the most important issue to them heading into the midterms. will candidates listen? 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