Transcripts For MSNBC Alex Witt Reports 20240709 : compareme

Transcripts For MSNBC Alex Witt Reports 20240709

arizona independent. this western independent. very much in the mold there of john mccain, but the hope among arizona democrats was that years of activist work would ultimately lead to a democratic senator in the u.s. senate ultimately voting on major issues. whether it be the minimum wage. increasing the min much wage. whether be it federal voting rights legislation. what you've seen here over the last two years, since senator sinema entered the u.s. senate, there has been frustration at the local level in arizona. especially among party activists who have said for decades it was a long haul to get to this point and they hoped ultimately she would execute on her ability to be in the u.s. senate and vote on their behalf. i want to let you read part of the statement from the chairwoman of the arizona democratic party right after this censure here this morning. she said, in part -- "while we take no pleasure in this announcement, the adp executive board decided to formally censure senator sinema as a result of her failure to do whatever it takes to ensure the health of our democracy. mark kelly, the other arizona democratic senator, he did vote with among those 848 democrats who voted to essentially carve out this exemption to pass major pieces of federal votes rights legislation. senator sinema took to the floor announcing she would not be among them along with senator manchin. hear part of the conversation you had just this last hour with congressman, the democrat from california. >> if you are a democrat and you can't uphold the fundamental right to vote for all citizens regardless of race, there's a problem. i think what the arizona state party is saying is kyrsten sinema no longer reflects our values. >> reporter: now democrats, they're floating potential names to challenge senator sinema in 2024. including congressman ruben gallego, not closed the door on potentially a primary challenge to senator sinema. year's of frustration built up to this point. go back to arizona archives 12 years ago, senator sinema on the front lines of the arizona democratic party in the state legislature. really one of the most vocal voices on the left. fighting for progressive issues, fighting against the likes of jan brewer and joe arpaio on immigration issues. since her accession to the u.s. congress she took more of an independent middle of the road bent here, that is what's led to this moment and that frustration that local democrats in arizona feel like she has missed the opportunity to truly represent the arizona democratic party and voters who they say helps knock doors and get her in position to do just that. >> thank you for teeing that up for us. for all of you, in for yasmin vossoughian talking to congressman ruben gallego add 4:00 eastern. avoiding military conflict between russia and ukraine as leaders across the globe watch to see what vladimir putin will do next. president biden huddling with national security advisers at camp david. jump hours ago this new video from ukraine's military showed crates of what it says are lethal military supplies arriving from the united states. go right to msnbc's josh from the white house. what do we know about first president's talks with his national security advisers? >> reporter: fairly unusual for the white house to announce publicly the president will hold national security-related meetings on a weekend. particularly when he's out of town, when he's at camp david. but the white house trying to show that president biden and his entire team are very engaged in trying to avert some type of larger conflict in ukraine just as the u.s. and russia are engaged in really a last-ditch attempt to avoid that type of an escalation and to try to calm tensions. this after the secretary of state antony blinken met in geneva with his russian counterpart, the russian foreign minister sergey lavrov, and after that meeting the secretary of state said that the u.s. has now agreed to respond in writing to russia's one-sided draft proposal for a security treaty with the u.s. and nato on which russia wants nato to commit not to expanding, to include ukraine and other countries. the u.s. has said that is a non-starter. they are not entertaining that, but they are willing at this point to put forward some type of a written response. they're calling it a non-paper, to suggest this is not, you know, an offer of a treaty. simp he them trying to show good faith responding to russia's concerns. here is what secretary of state blinken had to say in geneva at a news conference just as he wrapped up that meeting with the foreign minister. >> i say to the united states and european allies and partners we stand firmly with ukraine in support of its sovereignty and united in finding a way through diplomacy and dialogue and equally impose massive sanctions should russia go forward with conflict. >> reporter: this may be inevitable at this point with the white house saying that a russian incursion into ukraine could be imminent. could happen at any moment, and both sides now are rushing to shore up their respective sides with russia moving more troops and equipment to the border as well as into neighboring belarus while the u.s. sends that first delivery of lethal aid to ukraine. u.s. officials telling me that had biden administration has also green lit giving five mi-17 helicopters that actually were in afghanistan, pulled out of there, now being approved to be given to the ukrainians as the u.s. prepares for what could be a very significant russian incursion into ukraine. alex? >> repurpose that military technology. okay. thank you so much, josh, for that. well, as u.s. officials behind the scenes hope for a diplomatic off ramp, as we said, more than 100,000 russian troops amassed at ukraine's doorstep, and ukrainians in border towns are bracing for war. here's sky news chief correspondent stuart ramsey weekend aexclusive report from a very snowy board e. >> reporter: over 1,000 miles long. the frozen border between ukraine and russia divided by trenches and in places a thin metal fence and berm. the right-hand side is russia. a few miles away, across freezing fields and drifting snow, thousands of russian soldiers, tanks and missile systems are waiting for orders. ukrainian border patrol says they continuously monitor russian movements towards them. on the face of it, they seem fairly unfazed by the prospect. as we film near the fence a russian border patrol pass nearby. the two sides of that close. put this in perspective how close we are would russia that is the russian border security patrolling. we're on the ukrainian side and there they are. both sides right next to each other, as you can see. didn't expect to see them. i have to be honest. but the ukrainians say they do the same job as them, and they do see each other quite often. of course, not with this sort of underlying tension that the world is seeing right now. and that tension deepened here in the regional capital, where ukraine's president thought this country's second city could well be targeted by president putin if he decides to invade. young professionals like viktor and they like all their friends are genuinely scared now. julia has volunteered to become a battlefield medic. >> right on the edge of something very terrible and scary. so, yes. i can say i'm scared. >> do you know russians, by their own ambitions, but ukrainians, information, in case if someone tries to fight, we will fight back. >> reporter: what a full-scale invasion would like look isn't known. russian tanks could come across these frozen farmlands. equally unknown how long the ukrainian army can resist. reporting for sky news, eastern ukraine. >> that report there, bring in admiral james, former supreme allied commander of nato and msnbc chief international security and diplomacy analyst and contributor. admiral, always a pleasure, especially during straight times. you give a straight read. ask you to do the same. will the u.s. give putin a dip marry off ramp and if they do will putin take it? >> the u.s. certainly offering a significant off ramp including things, alex, like agreements to balance u.s. and russian troops across the borders in europe. maybe some reductions in missile defense systems. maybe some new ways to create balance in long range and medium range cruise missiles. so there are certainly diplomatic off ramps here. whether putin will take it or not, i would say at this point as i watch him work down the check list, including pulling all of his people out of the russian embassy and kiev, for example. the movement of all the troops in that excellent report we just saw from sky news. i think i've got to say it's two and three chance. like a 60% chance the tanks will roll. >> wow. very sobering, because i recall you on this broadcast not that long ago, my friend pup said you didn't know what was in putin's mind. i mean, so what bring us to this two and three chance? 60% chance, that you think, you know, tanks are going to roll? >> physical evidence. hundreds of thousands of troops. hundreds of aircraft. the movement of logistics and supplies. everything that i can analyze militarily tells me that he has prepped the battlefield and then secondly, alex, it's his tone, his rhetoric, and thirdly, it's the history. let's face it. if this were the first time putin was contemplating an invasion, i might score it slightly differently, but he's invaded georgia in 2008. already invaded ukraine in 2014. so when you put together the facts on the ground, the rett rhys coming out of moscow and the history, i think that two and three chance is where we are today. >> can i ask you about something that i learned about in preparation for war. you'll have a leader put together field hospitals. right? they anticipate in battle they're going to have casualties. you'll have blood donations brought. into the area. because they are going to have to, you know, help repair the torn up bodies's their soldiers. has that been done? and if that does happen, do we know if that's been done, and if that happens is that when you say, there's no turning back? no reason to bring that, unless you were going to have war. one thing saber rattling, but that's serious. >> yeah. that's the functional equivalent of taking the saber right out of the scabbard and slashing forward. i have not seen reports of actual field hospitals. i have seen reports of logistic supplies, ammunition, but the medical side of it would be a good clue. let me give you another one, alex, that's more of a 21st century example. that would be cyber. you start to see increasing level of cyber attacks directed against the ukrainians you know the russians are getting ready to go, and last week we saw so-called ddos attacks. technical term for simply taking down websites. kind of a first step. if you see real attacks on the grid, you see attacks on communications, transportation, get ready, because before the tanks roll, the very first thing are going to be the electrons. the cyber attack. that's what we're all watching for. >> okay. let me play for you, sir, this is from retired u.s. army colonel alexander bidman, part of his restrictions. you, of course, remember he was on the trump white house national security council. let's listen to him. >> i think it's first, it's important to know i think we're basically just on the cusp of war. i think it's all but certain in my mind that there's going to be a large european war on the border of magnitude of world war ii with air power, sea power, massive ground forces offensives. >> he just said something along the lines of world war ii. okay. i wanted to see your reaction to that. >> no. we are not there. we are not remotely there. world war ii as we all know consumed the world. that's why they call it the world war. what we have here is a potential invasion of a single country, ukraine. i think it's highly unlikely this will escalate into anything reap seppbling the second world war. what you will say, and perhaps this is what colonel vindman was trying to convey. you'll see in a very small setting in ukraine many of the tools that were used in world war ii. so aircraft, tanks, missiles and so forth, but i think the chances of this escalating significantly beyond ukraine itself are extremely remote. simply because both of the major actors, the united states and russia, have zero vested interest in this turning into a global conflict. >> so just practically speaking, what kind of aid is the u.s. actually able to give to ukraine, and is it going to be enough to fend off an attack? >> we can give them quite a bit. you saw footage you just played, alex. that was ammunition coming in. what they really desperately need are javelin, surface-to-surface missiles. those knock out tanks and armor, and they need stingers and stinger-like missiles, which are surface-to-air missiles. hand-held, very lethal. this is what helped defeat the soviets in the war in afghanistan. they need more of that kind of punch so they can really bloody the nose of the russians as they come in. beyond that, they also need support in cyber. they need top-grade intelligence. we can provide all that. nato allies already stepping up to do so. i think it's going to be very painful for vladimir putin ultimately if he decides to cross this rubicon and hit into ukraine. >> sir, thank you so much for your observations. appreciate them. the green bay sweep and whether it's a part of revisionist history when it comes to january 6th. that's next. january 6th that's next. ng a break from all your worries ♪ ♪sure would help a lot ♪ ♪wouldn't you like to get away? 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>> reporter: no shortage of news coming out of the investigation into january 6th. start with that executive order. a draft obtained by politico reportedly part of those 700 documents that president trump, former president and his lawyers, didn't want the january 6th committee to get their hands on. what politico is reporting here is that this draft order never signed from december 16th, 2020 would have directed the defense secretary to deploy national guard to seize voting machines around the country. not only that, authorized a special counsel to review findings and publish a rob 60 days later. by the way, politico notes, well after president biden was already sworn into the white house, inaugurated of course last year, and another thing the january 6th select committee is also focused on is this fake slate of electors coming from five different states prepared by republicans. members of the committee are interested in seeing whether they were fraudulently prepared, how they were prepared. we know given to the national archives saying incorrectly that president trump won and not biden. the 2020 election. ari melber our league yesterday interviewed three of the former close allies, cooperating with the january th committee. stockton credited with one of the folks who organized the january 6th rally. listen to this. ari covered a ton of ground. >> the ellipse really supposed to be like the opening argument, if you will. supposed to present hard evidence that was kind of the hook, and then inside the capitol when the split happened, green bay sweep started and objections started, there was supposed to be more evidence presented. >> what the green bay sweep was all about. all mike pence was supposed to do on capitol hill was send the results back to six battleground states -- >> we've spoken about that and reporting about the attempt to seat fraudulent electors. is in a something you ever worked on, for example, in michigan? >> so funny. not fraudulent elech trirts, ari. ultimate. yes, part of the process to make sure there were alternate electors for when as we hoped challenges to the seat electors heard and successful. everything done, done illegally by the trump legal team according to rules and under leadership of rudy giuliani. >> reporter: whether all done liedly and according to rules depends who you ask. some in the justice department and the select committee wouldn't say so after learning so much in they're investigation. another development off the committee, invitation extended to ivanka trump. of course, former president trump's daughter. not only that, was a special adviser privy to information, privy to certain meetings he held including ones in the oval office where he allegedly discussed the pressure campaign to try and force former vice president mike pence to deny the results. we don't know if she's participate. this is an invitation. not a subpoena. it all goes to former president trump's attempts to cling to power. >> julie, thank you for that. appreciate the report, and we now bring in our good friend geoff bennett. msnbc contributor correspondent and chief reporter for pbs news hour. get to this green bay sweep. plan to overturn election results, geoff. how did you interpret all you heard there and how might that information be useful to the 1/6 committee? >> it speaks to the fact, alex, there was this methodical well coordinated plot to subvert the election going well beyond any tweet then president trump sent at the time, any sort of lie telling about the election that he lost, and so what i think the january 6th committee is trying to do is paint a full picture what led up to that heinous and violent attack on the capitol. and what, what came after it, and what we have learned so far just from the public reporting is that the attack on the capitol did not happen in a vacuum. so the question is, who was involved in this plan being? did it go all the way up to the oval office? was president trump himself involved in this and did he know there would be this sort of violence we saw unfold there on january 6th? that's really at the heart of the matter. interesting to me, though, you have all of these people involved in this plot, this attempted coup, now talking about it on the record as if it was no big deal. >> right! i found myself saying the same thing. wait. what? listening to all of those details. what do they have to gain from doing this? >> it's crazy. frankly, it speaks to the shamelessness of the trump era. the thing i was always struck by having covered the entirety of the trump white house is the way in which president trump used shamelessness as a political tool. it was the way that he was able, alex, to skate from scandal to scandal day after day. it was because he didn't really care, and it's hard to hold someone to account if the president himself doesn't care. so, and so white house, true of every administration. the white house takes on the temperament and personality of the person who holds that office. so when you have folks like peter navarro boris epshteyn, saying no big deal, it's because the man they worked for had that same perperspective. >> tried to explain it. seven or eight words together. that's the one. hit the nail on the head, my friend. thank you for that. i know this week you attended president biden's marathon news conference answering all the questions everything from voting rights to inflation. what were your biggest takeaways? >> you know, alex, it's a truism about president biden that, i've always said this. you want to know what president biden is thinking, just ask him. he'll tell you. i know you know that to be true having covered him for longer than i have. back when he was a senator and before that. >> uh-huh. >> president biden has said this about himself. that he has no problem saying what he thinks. his problem is saying too much. and, you know, on two occasions at that press conference, almost two-hour long press conference got himself into a little trouble because he spoke candidly. one of course on the topic of ukraine. talked about top of the show, seem sod draw a distinction between an incursion and invasion. really saying what was already on the record. i mean, well known there are divisions within nato about how different member nations of nato would respond to any sort of active aggression. so that's basically what the president was speaking about. created a diplomatic dust-up the white house had to then correct and asked about comments in atlanta where he talk and voting rights saying people who didn't support this latest voting rights push were on the wrong side of history and he used folks like george wallace and bill connor and republicans used that moment to suggest that president biden was calling them a racist. which he wasn't. so there were rhetorical issues really took away from the heart of the matter, because when it comes to voting rights, if you look at what's happening in texas right now, they have a march primary and hundreds of people reportedly are having their applications for mail-in ballots rejected. it's because of the way law has been written. and the law also makes it acrime for voting officials, election officials, to help people fix their applications. so this is a, an issue the white house really la to focus on. how to address the issue without sort of stepping on these political land mines that take the attention away from the underlying matter that really, to my mind, matters more. >> tell you, you are welcome to speak your mind anytime on this broadcast. my friend good to see you. fun, in fact. >> do it every weekend. why not? >> booking. we have a date. that's the story. thank you. is your neck sore from shaking your neck too much. tell you about an anti-critical race theory in mississippi. ant ant race theory in mississippi. since colon cancer is increasing in younger adults. i'm cologuard®. i'm convenient and find 92% of colon cancers... ...even in early stages. ask your provider if cologuard is right for you. i'm for people 45 plus at average risk for colon c better skin from your body wash? try olay body wash with skincare super ingredient collagen! olay body wash hydrates to improve skin 3x better, from dry and dull to firm and radiant. with olay body, i feel fearless in my skin. now to a controversial bill making its way through the florida stage legislature. prohibits schools and private businesses teaching anything make an individual feel discomfort or guilt talking about discrimination pap colleague of nbc is joining us from tampa to talk about this. stephanie, as i welcome you, what does this new measure intend to do? >> good afternoon to you, alex. this measure essentially doubles down on banning critical race theory here in florida schools, and it is, of course, being heavily supported by governor ron desantis. now, the new bill is called individual freedom. it outlines the state's guidelines when teaching race, teaching about race in schools. i did obtain a copy of it and have it right here. it is 18 pages, but there is one line, one section, that has really drawn opposition from those who are against it, as well as activists. let me read it to you just so we're clear. it states that an individual shouldn't be made to feel discomfort, guilt, anguish or any other form of psychological distress on account of his or her race, color, sex or national origin. now, opponents of critical race theory say it is divisive, that it could cause white children to feel like they are oppressors and that black children would essentially feel like they are being oppressed. florida's democratic congresswoman debbie wasserman schultz, she spoke to msnbc this morning about this bill and she essentially called it a nightmare. >> this is deeply disturbing legislation that goes far beyond any autocratic dictatorial provision i've seen in recent memory. are we just going to try to white wash everything and not make people feel uncomfortable? how do we learn? how do we make sure we raise generations of children into adults who make sure they don't repeat the mistakes and horrors of the past? >> reporter: now, as you might imagine, reaction to this bill has been mixed, and it pretty much falls along party line. we did try to reach out to some citizens in the tampa area to see how they felt about it. here's what they had to say. >> i really think that it's important to just teach kids the facts about what happened in history, and not -- go too much into -- opinions or having teachers influence kids in one way or another about things. >> i don't know much about it, but i don't think the governor should be dictating what goes on in the school. >> i don't think anyone should feel pitted against each other especially children, but i think that everyone needs to know the history. even culturally and how to prevent repeating that history. >> reporter: and legislation banning critical race theory is nothing new. it is being considered or proposed or passed in at least 32 states, including here in florida. alex? >> indeed. which sets us up for our next conversation. focusing on mississippi. thank you for that. the so-called anti-critical race theory legislation making its way through legislatures across this country, this week in fact in mississippi. black senators walked 0 ut in protest ahead of a final vote on the bill saying no school community college or university could teach that any sex, race, ethnicity religion or national origin is inherently superior or inferior. that bill passed 32-2. it's now going to the house. the only recorded votes against that bill came from white democrats. i'm joined now by one of the senators who walked out on that vote, derek simmons, senate minority leader in mississippi. sir, thank you so much for joining me. what is it about this bill that drove you and all of the black senators to walk out of that chamber yesterday? >> alex, thank you so much for having me. the greatness of america is the right to protest for what is right. so yesterday along with my colleagues i walked out of the city chamber simply because this bill was not worthy of our vote. to talk about ceasing public dollars and public funds from our schools, when this is not even hooping in the state of mississippi. it's very troubling. so we walked out of the chamber. >> understandably so. but should this bill become law? what do you think the impact would be on students, if it became law? >> i think a chilling effect on our teachers. i think we may well experience an exodus of our teachers leaving the state. we already are dealing with a teacher shortage. so for teachers to feel like they don't know what to teach, what is the right thing to teach or the wrong thing to teach. i think that's the affect it will have on our teachers. i strongly believe -- >> i was going to say. listening to three sound bites, if you will, from our reporter stephanie stanton, all of whom saying, you just have to teach history. how it unfolded. and i understand the superintendent of education has said critical race theory is not being taught in mississippi schools. yet the proponents of this bill argue victimhood is being taught in the classrooms? how do you respond to that? >> i raise question to the author of the bill several times on yesterday. would you identify a school or school district where this is a problem? >> and -- >> he said, no. so why do we need this bill in the state of mississippi? in order for us to truly celebrate the progress we've made, alex, we must, one, acknowledge the past. we we also must be willing to talk about it. it's interesting to me. it's almost like the people who threw rocks at rudy bridges for trying to go to school are upset that their grandchildren may learn they threw rocks at rudy bridges for trying to go to school. we must tell the truth and be honest about our history and our history is dealing with racism, and we must tell that story. so from slavery to jim crow to the killing of emmett till, and also the killing of george floyd and so many others. those stories must be told to improve mississippi and improve america, because it is our history. >> yeah. no denying it. what about the bill which now, as you know, goes to the mississippi house? can anything be done through a to transform the inevitability of this outcome? >> republicans in the state of mississippi have a super majority. >> right. >> i believe the fate of the bill will be the same once it goes over to the house. our governor has clearly said he supports the measure. so the bill will become law. and i would just like to think that two years ago in june of 2020 one of the proudest moments of my legislative career was joining with democrats and republicans who were black and white to take down 12 -year-old confederate flag in the state of mississippi. many mississippians feel like even though we took down a flag less than two years ago, on yesterday, we raised another one. >> hmm. derek simmons, please, keep us informed what's happening on this one. it is absolutely critical to stay on ton of this and effect on teaching from respect to the teachers you talk about and our students. thank you so much. the future of the child tax credit. why an extension is in doubt when so many families say it's been a life line. my conversation is next. e line e line my conversation is frie] well, he may have friends, but he rides alone. that's jeremy, right there! we'r no matter why you ride,her. progressive has you covered with protection starting at $79 a year. well, we're new friends. to be fair. eh, still. [upbeat acoustic music throughout] [upbeat acoustic music throughout] a big deadline today for the ohio redistricting commission. redrawn state legislative maps are due after the ohio supreme court last week rejected a new congressional map drawn by senate republican lawmakers as being unconstitutional. joining me now is ohio congressman shawntel brown. democratic member of the house oversight and agriculture committees. welcome. glad to talk to you about this. curious about expectations for this redrawn map. first of all, a victory for democrats in the state and did you expect this from the ohio state supreme court? >> thank you for having me, and, yes, i believe this is a victory. we also would like to say here in ohio it is more rigged than red. so that is largely in part because of the gerrymandering we have experienced couldn't be more excited about the ohio supreme court's decision. not surprised it came to this, because the entire process seemed to be, i'm not in line with the rules and the protocols and procedures and processes that were laid out before the legislature took, drew these maps. no, not a surprise, but i can't speak highly enough about our ohio supreme court for recognizing this for the terrible disgrace it was. >> yeah. you're not alone there in ohio in battling these issues. politico reported the gop is considering more ruthless redistricting highlighting efforts under way in missouri, tennessee, florida, kansas as well, to push through redistricting maps that heavily favor republicans, and the ohio state supreme court certainly may have ruled in democrats' favor this time, but what's your reaction to the other states? are they consequences of not getting federal voting rights legislation passed? >> i appreciate the question, because it speaks to the fact of how critical it is to pass this legislation. while so many folks have been focused on who hasn't been passing this legislation, we have to really point out the fact there are 50 republicans that are standing in the way of voting rights. and of those 50 republicans, 16, i say it again. 16 of those republican was in office and reauthorized at the last time it was up for authorization. what has happened since then? well, what has happened is democrats have been winning, and they know when we have an opportunity to have access to the ballot, we win. we vote in record numbers. the last election cycle, the 2020 presidential election cycle yielded the most votes in our nation's history during a pandemic. so imagine if you make voting access a lot easier for people who actually look like me, who have been suffering from voter suppression for a very long time. so, yes. these rules we are trying to, the legislation we are attempting to get passed at the federal level are critically important, not only access to the ballot box but fragility of our election system. we settle our disputes at the ballot box. when we show up at the voting stations we win. >> and npr is reporting families in distress after the first month without receives those check. while the pandemic continues, inflation on the rise, many are having to radically reshuffle their lives. sometimes just to pay for basic needs. i'm curious, congresswoman what you're hearing from your constituents and is there a viable road still ahead for congress to try to extend it? >> everything is still on the table, alex. listen, i'm in ohio, 11th congressional district, where the child tax credit benefited 70,000 households. 70,000 households and across the country it cut child poverty in half. the build back better bill is something that would extend the child tax credit. when we talk about these things, when we talk about build back better, it's not enough to say that we're fighting for build back better. what does it do? well, it puts money back in the pockets of people who need it, and especially during these critical times. it lowers prescription drug prices, puts money -- extends the child tax credits and puts public college, two-year college, making it free for everyone. so when we talk about these things, and how it's impacting our communities, that's why the build back better legislation is so important. i don't think people understand what it is, is included in this legislation. too frequently we talk about it in the grand scheme of things but need to get into the weeds so people understand this build back better legislation, again, is being held up by more than 50 republicans right now, because democrats, be clear, democrats have been delivering for the people, and so we'll continue to fight. we'll continue to do everything that we can to make sure that we're getting that average of $435 back into the pockets of people so they can make sure they're able to feed their families pay utility bills and keep roofs over their heads. >> i'm curious. build back better, can it be broken up as the president suggested earlier. you know, nancy pelosi said it still can be a major bill. >> i think we have to -- again, nothing is off the table. it's up for discussion. this is what makes, what makes the job so hard. that it takes 217 members on the house side and apparently 60 members, or if we were able to get a carveout for these things, sometimes 50 plus 1. we have to start from a place where we agree. some of the senators have supporting points, and i'm not sure that we have taken those starting points and build upon those, but that's what we need to do. this legislation is too important to the future of the people who are depending on it and often, again, don't like how it is impacting their everyday lave es. nothing is off the table. we have to do everything we can to get this across the finish line because too many people in our district are counting on me to deliver as well as others put in charge to make decisions. >> which means you're going to keep on keeping on. ohio congresswoman, thank you for your time. meantime, a new study on boosters and the omicron variant. while you're going to be glad you went ahead and got one. you went ahead and got one. on with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ why does walgreens offer prescription copays with 30 grams of protein. as low as zero dollars? 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if you look at the graph from here in san jose that we're definitely seeing the trend start to change. we see this in the graphs from the other locations, as well, which is leading experts to think that when it comes to omicron we may have turned the corner. >> it's been confirmed by the wastewater data which are very compelling, it's also being confirmed by the proportion of tests that are positive which is going down, and now the cases are starting to go down. in about a week, week and a half, we'll expect the hospitalizations to start going down. and then, you know, then we'll be starting to look toward the end. but i think the thing to caution people about is that we've just passed the peak. that means half of the cases are to come. >> reporter: and that's the important thing here is that there still needs to be caution. this is very much sort of a leading indicator of what's going on. officials and experts who are doing this kind of work say this is very important and could become a part of the public health toolbox going forward. >> i was going to say, more information, all good. thank you so much, scott. let's bring in dr. ebony hilton, anesthesiologist and msnbc contributor. always good to see you. there's this new study you're familiar with from the cdc. it shows that a booster shot offers the best protection from omicron hospitalizations. so does that suggest in your mind that we need to change the definition of being fully vaccinated to include a third shot? >> most certainly. you know, it's one of those conversations that we're having with persons in the cdc back in december that we need to change the definition of what fully vaccinated means. we know in israel right now they're literal oh their fourth dose of the vaccine for persons who are 60 and older because we know the benefit that it adds to protecting against hospitalization and death. so at this point with the american public, we need to be transparent and say we are learning as we go as to how much we will need to be vaccinated, how many doses, what qualifies being fully vaccinated. what we know is that many vaccines, many for hepatitis b, for instance, can be a three or four-dose series. we've already done there before. it's not anything that's new. but most certainly if you have at this point been six months out from your mrna vaccines, the pfizer or moderna, two months for johnson & johnson, you need to be boosted, and we need to get those into arms of americans now more than ever before in this pandemic. >> absolutely. we have some experts, as you know, who believe that once omicron peaks the pandemic will then start transitioning to an endemic. you've got the world health organization and some u.s. officials that have pushed back a bit on that saying it's far from over. where do you stand? >> right. one, i want people to understand that being endemic does not mean necessarily good. we know malaria is endemic, hiv is endemic, in the continent of africa and kills hundreds of thousands each year. it does not mean good. it means the burden of infection doesn't overwhelm the hospital systems. again, what i urge the american public and i definitely urge the medical community is we need to start raising things that doesn't necessarily weigh how does it impact the system but how does it impact people. at this point we -- we had 3,800 people die yesterday. we are nowhere close to being safe in this pandemic, and yet we are rolling back our protocols. in virginia we're taking away mask mandates under the new governor, and it's costing people their lives. >> dr. ebony hilton, it is always sobering, but i welcome this conversation. we'll look forward to seeing you again soon. thank you so much. that is going to do it for me. i'll see you again tomorrow at noon eastern. meantime, we have more coming up including talking about the senator sinema censure. see you tomorrow. have a good one, everyone. have a good one, everyone. a quo. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ i earn 3% cash back at drugstores with chase freedom unlimited. so i got cards for birthdays, holidays, graduations, i'm covered for everything. which reminds me, thank you for driving me to the drugstore. earn big time with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? 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Issues , Lines , State Legislature , Voices , Left , 12 , One , Led , Accession , U S Congress , Jan Brewer , Joe Arpaio , Middle Of The Road , Voters , Opportunity , Up , Knock Doors , Position , Wall , Military Conflict , Yasmin Vossoughian , 00 , 4 , President , Eastern Ukraine , Vladimir Putin , Russia , Military , Leaders , Watch , Video , Camp David , National Security Advisers , Biden Huddling , Msnbc , White House , Supplies , Security , Advisers , Talks , Crates , Josh , Biden , Meetings , Weekend , Town , Conflict , Type , Ukraine , Escalation , Antony Blinken , Secretary Of State , Meeting , Sergey Lavrov , Foreign Minister , Counterpart , Tensions , In Geneva , Nato , Writing , Draft Proposal , Security Treaty , Has , Countries , Non Starter , Written Response , Non Paper , News Conference , Offer , Treaty , Concerns , Faith , Way , Allies , Support , Partners , Sovereignty , European , Diplomacy , Sanctions , Dialogue , Sides , Border , Troops , Incursion , Equipment , 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Daughter , Wouldn T Say , Ones , Pressure Campaign , Adviser , Oval Office , Privy , Attempts , Subpoena , Geoff Bennett , Election Results , Contributor Correspondent , Pbs News Hour , Fact , Plot , 1 6 , Picture , Lie , Tweet , Question , Public , Vacuum , We R , Heart , Violence , Deal , Listening , Coup , Details , Shamelessness , Entirety , Frankly , Scandal , Tool , Person , Personality , Temperament , Doesn T Care , Perperspective , Man , Peter Navarro , Boris Epshteyn , Voting Rights , Friend , Questions , The One , Head , Words , Nail , Biden S Marathon News Conference , Eight , Seven , Inflation , Thinking , Biden That , Takeaways , Press Conference , Occasions , Uh Huh , Distinction , Top , Trouble , Topic , Draw , Sod , Show , Member Nations , Aggression , Divisions , Comments , Voting Rights Push , Atlanta , George Wallace , Bill Connor , Hundreds , Racist , Which He Wasn T , Primary , Texas , Issue , Law , Election Officials , Applications , Ballots , It Acrime , Land 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Legislatures , Senators , Ut In Protest , School Community College , Ethnicity , University , Religion , 0 , House , Minority Leader , Inferior , Derek Simmons , 2 , Chamber , Greatness , Colleagues , City , Ceasing , Funds , Students , Impact , Understandably , Effect , Teacher Shortage , Exodus , Sound Bites , Superintendent , Proponents , Whom , Education , School District , Author , Victimhood , Classrooms , Progress , Order , Rocks , Grandchildren , Killing , Racism , Slavery , Truth , Jim Crow , Emmett Till , Stories , Others , George Floyd , Outcome , Inevitability , Super Majority , Governor , Fate , June Of 2020 , Flag , Career , Black And White , Mississippians , Child Tax Credit , Respect , Families , Next Ve Frie , Extension , Life Line , Doubt , Jeremy , Protection , Progressive , 79 , 9 , Music , Ohio , Maps , Map , Ohio Supreme Court , Ohio Redistricting Commission , Lawmakers , Victory , Shawntel Brown , Agriculture Committees , Member , Expectations , Oversight , Couldn T , Ohio State Supreme Court , Red , Gerrymandering , Protocols , Procedures , Decision , Legislature , Disgrace , Surprise , Well , Redistricting , Missouri , Efforts , Kansas , Tennessee , Consequences , Favor , Hasn T , Standing , 50 , Authorization , Reauthorized , Access , Nation , Ballot , Cycle , Record Numbers , Winning , Pandemic , Lot , Voter Suppression , Voting Access , Suffering , Ballot Box , Election System , Fragility , Disputes , Voting Stations , Check , Month , Rise , Npr , Lives , Congress , Road , Constituents , Needs , Table , Half , Households , Households , Child Poverty , 11th Congressional District , 70000 , 11 , Build , Pockets , Money , College , Tax Credits , Child , Prescription Drug Prices , Communities , Scheme , Weeds , Utility Bills , Heads , Average , Roofs , 435 , 35 , Discussion , Nancy Pelosi , Place , Carveout , 217 , Plus 1 , Points , Don T , Future , Finish Line , District , Counting , Es , Lave , Charge , Decisions , Study , Ohio Congresswoman , Omicron Variant , Protein , Minerals , Vitamins , 27 , 30 , Prescription Copays , Walgreens , Low , Medicare , 90 , Zero Dollars , Prescriptions , Customization , Save , Dj , Larry , Throwback , Cases , Wastewater , Look , Scientists , Surge , Sewage , Northern California , Tracking Covid , Facilities , Let S Go , San Jose , Wastewater Treatment Plant , Scott , What S Going On , Bakery , Coronavirus , Graph , Locations , Residents , Samples , Wastewater Facility , Santa Clara , 1 5 Million , Experts , Trend , Graphs , Wastewater Data , Tests , Proportion , Corner , Hospitalizations , Peak , The End , Indicator , Caution , Ebony Hilton , Toolbox , Work , Good , Dr , Anesthesiologist , Definition , Booster Shot , Omicron Hospitalizations , Cdc , Persons , Conversations , Shot , Means , Israel , Benefit , Hospitalization , Vaccine , Dose , Death , Vaccines , Doses , Series , Hepatitis B , Instance , Four , Arms , Johnson , Mrna , Or Moderna , Pfizer , Endemic , Over , Transitioning , World Health Organization , Continent , Malaria , Hiv , Community , System , Burden , Infection Doesn T Overwhelm The Hospital Systems , Africa , Safe , 3800 , Mandates , Back , Virginia , Noon Eastern , Sinema Censure , Bum , Quo , Farmers , Pa Dum , Graduations , More , Drugstores , Drugstore , Cash , Big Time With Chase Freedom Unlimited , Holidays , Fee , Chase Freedom Unlimited , Chase , Cards , In The Woods , Colon Cancer , Screening , Choice , Around , Stool , Dna , Noninvasive , Yep , Circle , Therapies , Medicines , Healthcare , Social Workers , Science , Mental Illness , Researchers , Peer Counselors , Mental Illness To Wellness , Lindsay Reiser , Draft Executive Order , Action , Fallout , Bombshell New , Breaking Political News , Donald Trump , Fake Elector , Effort , Focus ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC Alex Witt Reports 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Alex Witt Reports 20240709

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arizona independent. this western independent. very much in the mold there of john mccain, but the hope among arizona democrats was that years of activist work would ultimately lead to a democratic senator in the u.s. senate ultimately voting on major issues. whether it be the minimum wage. increasing the min much wage. whether be it federal voting rights legislation. what you've seen here over the last two years, since senator sinema entered the u.s. senate, there has been frustration at the local level in arizona. especially among party activists who have said for decades it was a long haul to get to this point and they hoped ultimately she would execute on her ability to be in the u.s. senate and vote on their behalf. i want to let you read part of the statement from the chairwoman of the arizona democratic party right after this censure here this morning. she said, in part -- "while we take no pleasure in this announcement, the adp executive board decided to formally censure senator sinema as a result of her failure to do whatever it takes to ensure the health of our democracy. mark kelly, the other arizona democratic senator, he did vote with among those 848 democrats who voted to essentially carve out this exemption to pass major pieces of federal votes rights legislation. senator sinema took to the floor announcing she would not be among them along with senator manchin. hear part of the conversation you had just this last hour with congressman, the democrat from california. >> if you are a democrat and you can't uphold the fundamental right to vote for all citizens regardless of race, there's a problem. i think what the arizona state party is saying is kyrsten sinema no longer reflects our values. >> reporter: now democrats, they're floating potential names to challenge senator sinema in 2024. including congressman ruben gallego, not closed the door on potentially a primary challenge to senator sinema. year's of frustration built up to this point. go back to arizona archives 12 years ago, senator sinema on the front lines of the arizona democratic party in the state legislature. really one of the most vocal voices on the left. fighting for progressive issues, fighting against the likes of jan brewer and joe arpaio on immigration issues. since her accession to the u.s. congress she took more of an independent middle of the road bent here, that is what's led to this moment and that frustration that local democrats in arizona feel like she has missed the opportunity to truly represent the arizona democratic party and voters who they say helps knock doors and get her in position to do just that. >> thank you for teeing that up for us. for all of you, in for yasmin vossoughian talking to congressman ruben gallego add 4:00 eastern. avoiding military conflict between russia and ukraine as leaders across the globe watch to see what vladimir putin will do next. president biden huddling with national security advisers at camp david. jump hours ago this new video from ukraine's military showed crates of what it says are lethal military supplies arriving from the united states. go right to msnbc's josh from the white house. what do we know about first president's talks with his national security advisers? >> reporter: fairly unusual for the white house to announce publicly the president will hold national security-related meetings on a weekend. particularly when he's out of town, when he's at camp david. but the white house trying to show that president biden and his entire team are very engaged in trying to avert some type of larger conflict in ukraine just as the u.s. and russia are engaged in really a last-ditch attempt to avoid that type of an escalation and to try to calm tensions. this after the secretary of state antony blinken met in geneva with his russian counterpart, the russian foreign minister sergey lavrov, and after that meeting the secretary of state said that the u.s. has now agreed to respond in writing to russia's one-sided draft proposal for a security treaty with the u.s. and nato on which russia wants nato to commit not to expanding, to include ukraine and other countries. the u.s. has said that is a non-starter. they are not entertaining that, but they are willing at this point to put forward some type of a written response. they're calling it a non-paper, to suggest this is not, you know, an offer of a treaty. simp he them trying to show good faith responding to russia's concerns. here is what secretary of state blinken had to say in geneva at a news conference just as he wrapped up that meeting with the foreign minister. >> i say to the united states and european allies and partners we stand firmly with ukraine in support of its sovereignty and united in finding a way through diplomacy and dialogue and equally impose massive sanctions should russia go forward with conflict. >> reporter: this may be inevitable at this point with the white house saying that a russian incursion into ukraine could be imminent. could happen at any moment, and both sides now are rushing to shore up their respective sides with russia moving more troops and equipment to the border as well as into neighboring belarus while the u.s. sends that first delivery of lethal aid to ukraine. u.s. officials telling me that had biden administration has also green lit giving five mi-17 helicopters that actually were in afghanistan, pulled out of there, now being approved to be given to the ukrainians as the u.s. prepares for what could be a very significant russian incursion into ukraine. alex? >> repurpose that military technology. okay. thank you so much, josh, for that. well, as u.s. officials behind the scenes hope for a diplomatic off ramp, as we said, more than 100,000 russian troops amassed at ukraine's doorstep, and ukrainians in border towns are bracing for war. here's sky news chief correspondent stuart ramsey weekend aexclusive report from a very snowy board e. >> reporter: over 1,000 miles long. the frozen border between ukraine and russia divided by trenches and in places a thin metal fence and berm. the right-hand side is russia. a few miles away, across freezing fields and drifting snow, thousands of russian soldiers, tanks and missile systems are waiting for orders. ukrainian border patrol says they continuously monitor russian movements towards them. on the face of it, they seem fairly unfazed by the prospect. as we film near the fence a russian border patrol pass nearby. the two sides of that close. put this in perspective how close we are would russia that is the russian border security patrolling. we're on the ukrainian side and there they are. both sides right next to each other, as you can see. didn't expect to see them. i have to be honest. but the ukrainians say they do the same job as them, and they do see each other quite often. of course, not with this sort of underlying tension that the world is seeing right now. and that tension deepened here in the regional capital, where ukraine's president thought this country's second city could well be targeted by president putin if he decides to invade. young professionals like viktor and they like all their friends are genuinely scared now. julia has volunteered to become a battlefield medic. >> right on the edge of something very terrible and scary. so, yes. i can say i'm scared. >> do you know russians, by their own ambitions, but ukrainians, information, in case if someone tries to fight, we will fight back. >> reporter: what a full-scale invasion would like look isn't known. russian tanks could come across these frozen farmlands. equally unknown how long the ukrainian army can resist. reporting for sky news, eastern ukraine. >> that report there, bring in admiral james, former supreme allied commander of nato and msnbc chief international security and diplomacy analyst and contributor. admiral, always a pleasure, especially during straight times. you give a straight read. ask you to do the same. will the u.s. give putin a dip marry off ramp and if they do will putin take it? >> the u.s. certainly offering a significant off ramp including things, alex, like agreements to balance u.s. and russian troops across the borders in europe. maybe some reductions in missile defense systems. maybe some new ways to create balance in long range and medium range cruise missiles. so there are certainly diplomatic off ramps here. whether putin will take it or not, i would say at this point as i watch him work down the check list, including pulling all of his people out of the russian embassy and kiev, for example. the movement of all the troops in that excellent report we just saw from sky news. i think i've got to say it's two and three chance. like a 60% chance the tanks will roll. >> wow. very sobering, because i recall you on this broadcast not that long ago, my friend pup said you didn't know what was in putin's mind. i mean, so what bring us to this two and three chance? 60% chance, that you think, you know, tanks are going to roll? >> physical evidence. hundreds of thousands of troops. hundreds of aircraft. the movement of logistics and supplies. everything that i can analyze militarily tells me that he has prepped the battlefield and then secondly, alex, it's his tone, his rhetoric, and thirdly, it's the history. let's face it. if this were the first time putin was contemplating an invasion, i might score it slightly differently, but he's invaded georgia in 2008. already invaded ukraine in 2014. so when you put together the facts on the ground, the rett rhys coming out of moscow and the history, i think that two and three chance is where we are today. >> can i ask you about something that i learned about in preparation for war. you'll have a leader put together field hospitals. right? they anticipate in battle they're going to have casualties. you'll have blood donations brought. into the area. because they are going to have to, you know, help repair the torn up bodies's their soldiers. has that been done? and if that does happen, do we know if that's been done, and if that happens is that when you say, there's no turning back? no reason to bring that, unless you were going to have war. one thing saber rattling, but that's serious. >> yeah. that's the functional equivalent of taking the saber right out of the scabbard and slashing forward. i have not seen reports of actual field hospitals. i have seen reports of logistic supplies, ammunition, but the medical side of it would be a good clue. let me give you another one, alex, that's more of a 21st century example. that would be cyber. you start to see increasing level of cyber attacks directed against the ukrainians you know the russians are getting ready to go, and last week we saw so-called ddos attacks. technical term for simply taking down websites. kind of a first step. if you see real attacks on the grid, you see attacks on communications, transportation, get ready, because before the tanks roll, the very first thing are going to be the electrons. the cyber attack. that's what we're all watching for. >> okay. let me play for you, sir, this is from retired u.s. army colonel alexander bidman, part of his restrictions. you, of course, remember he was on the trump white house national security council. let's listen to him. >> i think it's first, it's important to know i think we're basically just on the cusp of war. i think it's all but certain in my mind that there's going to be a large european war on the border of magnitude of world war ii with air power, sea power, massive ground forces offensives. >> he just said something along the lines of world war ii. okay. i wanted to see your reaction to that. >> no. we are not there. we are not remotely there. world war ii as we all know consumed the world. that's why they call it the world war. what we have here is a potential invasion of a single country, ukraine. i think it's highly unlikely this will escalate into anything reap seppbling the second world war. what you will say, and perhaps this is what colonel vindman was trying to convey. you'll see in a very small setting in ukraine many of the tools that were used in world war ii. so aircraft, tanks, missiles and so forth, but i think the chances of this escalating significantly beyond ukraine itself are extremely remote. simply because both of the major actors, the united states and russia, have zero vested interest in this turning into a global conflict. >> so just practically speaking, what kind of aid is the u.s. actually able to give to ukraine, and is it going to be enough to fend off an attack? >> we can give them quite a bit. you saw footage you just played, alex. that was ammunition coming in. what they really desperately need are javelin, surface-to-surface missiles. those knock out tanks and armor, and they need stingers and stinger-like missiles, which are surface-to-air missiles. hand-held, very lethal. this is what helped defeat the soviets in the war in afghanistan. they need more of that kind of punch so they can really bloody the nose of the russians as they come in. beyond that, they also need support in cyber. they need top-grade intelligence. we can provide all that. nato allies already stepping up to do so. i think it's going to be very painful for vladimir putin ultimately if he decides to cross this rubicon and hit into ukraine. >> sir, thank you so much for your observations. appreciate them. the green bay sweep and whether it's a part of revisionist history when it comes to january 6th. that's next. january 6th that's next. ng a break from all your worries ♪ ♪sure would help a lot ♪ ♪wouldn't you like to get away? 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>> reporter: no shortage of news coming out of the investigation into january 6th. start with that executive order. a draft obtained by politico reportedly part of those 700 documents that president trump, former president and his lawyers, didn't want the january 6th committee to get their hands on. what politico is reporting here is that this draft order never signed from december 16th, 2020 would have directed the defense secretary to deploy national guard to seize voting machines around the country. not only that, authorized a special counsel to review findings and publish a rob 60 days later. by the way, politico notes, well after president biden was already sworn into the white house, inaugurated of course last year, and another thing the january 6th select committee is also focused on is this fake slate of electors coming from five different states prepared by republicans. members of the committee are interested in seeing whether they were fraudulently prepared, how they were prepared. we know given to the national archives saying incorrectly that president trump won and not biden. the 2020 election. ari melber our league yesterday interviewed three of the former close allies, cooperating with the january th committee. stockton credited with one of the folks who organized the january 6th rally. listen to this. ari covered a ton of ground. >> the ellipse really supposed to be like the opening argument, if you will. supposed to present hard evidence that was kind of the hook, and then inside the capitol when the split happened, green bay sweep started and objections started, there was supposed to be more evidence presented. >> what the green bay sweep was all about. all mike pence was supposed to do on capitol hill was send the results back to six battleground states -- >> we've spoken about that and reporting about the attempt to seat fraudulent electors. is in a something you ever worked on, for example, in michigan? >> so funny. not fraudulent elech trirts, ari. ultimate. yes, part of the process to make sure there were alternate electors for when as we hoped challenges to the seat electors heard and successful. everything done, done illegally by the trump legal team according to rules and under leadership of rudy giuliani. >> reporter: whether all done liedly and according to rules depends who you ask. some in the justice department and the select committee wouldn't say so after learning so much in they're investigation. another development off the committee, invitation extended to ivanka trump. of course, former president trump's daughter. not only that, was a special adviser privy to information, privy to certain meetings he held including ones in the oval office where he allegedly discussed the pressure campaign to try and force former vice president mike pence to deny the results. we don't know if she's participate. this is an invitation. not a subpoena. it all goes to former president trump's attempts to cling to power. >> julie, thank you for that. appreciate the report, and we now bring in our good friend geoff bennett. msnbc contributor correspondent and chief reporter for pbs news hour. get to this green bay sweep. plan to overturn election results, geoff. how did you interpret all you heard there and how might that information be useful to the 1/6 committee? >> it speaks to the fact, alex, there was this methodical well coordinated plot to subvert the election going well beyond any tweet then president trump sent at the time, any sort of lie telling about the election that he lost, and so what i think the january 6th committee is trying to do is paint a full picture what led up to that heinous and violent attack on the capitol. and what, what came after it, and what we have learned so far just from the public reporting is that the attack on the capitol did not happen in a vacuum. so the question is, who was involved in this plan being? did it go all the way up to the oval office? was president trump himself involved in this and did he know there would be this sort of violence we saw unfold there on january 6th? that's really at the heart of the matter. interesting to me, though, you have all of these people involved in this plot, this attempted coup, now talking about it on the record as if it was no big deal. >> right! i found myself saying the same thing. wait. what? listening to all of those details. what do they have to gain from doing this? >> it's crazy. frankly, it speaks to the shamelessness of the trump era. the thing i was always struck by having covered the entirety of the trump white house is the way in which president trump used shamelessness as a political tool. it was the way that he was able, alex, to skate from scandal to scandal day after day. it was because he didn't really care, and it's hard to hold someone to account if the president himself doesn't care. so, and so white house, true of every administration. the white house takes on the temperament and personality of the person who holds that office. so when you have folks like peter navarro boris epshteyn, saying no big deal, it's because the man they worked for had that same perperspective. >> tried to explain it. seven or eight words together. that's the one. hit the nail on the head, my friend. thank you for that. i know this week you attended president biden's marathon news conference answering all the questions everything from voting rights to inflation. what were your biggest takeaways? >> you know, alex, it's a truism about president biden that, i've always said this. you want to know what president biden is thinking, just ask him. he'll tell you. i know you know that to be true having covered him for longer than i have. back when he was a senator and before that. >> uh-huh. >> president biden has said this about himself. that he has no problem saying what he thinks. his problem is saying too much. and, you know, on two occasions at that press conference, almost two-hour long press conference got himself into a little trouble because he spoke candidly. one of course on the topic of ukraine. talked about top of the show, seem sod draw a distinction between an incursion and invasion. really saying what was already on the record. i mean, well known there are divisions within nato about how different member nations of nato would respond to any sort of active aggression. so that's basically what the president was speaking about. created a diplomatic dust-up the white house had to then correct and asked about comments in atlanta where he talk and voting rights saying people who didn't support this latest voting rights push were on the wrong side of history and he used folks like george wallace and bill connor and republicans used that moment to suggest that president biden was calling them a racist. which he wasn't. so there were rhetorical issues really took away from the heart of the matter, because when it comes to voting rights, if you look at what's happening in texas right now, they have a march primary and hundreds of people reportedly are having their applications for mail-in ballots rejected. it's because of the way law has been written. and the law also makes it acrime for voting officials, election officials, to help people fix their applications. so this is a, an issue the white house really la to focus on. how to address the issue without sort of stepping on these political land mines that take the attention away from the underlying matter that really, to my mind, matters more. >> tell you, you are welcome to speak your mind anytime on this broadcast. my friend good to see you. fun, in fact. >> do it every weekend. why not? >> booking. we have a date. that's the story. thank you. is your neck sore from shaking your neck too much. tell you about an anti-critical race theory in mississippi. ant ant race theory in mississippi. since colon cancer is increasing in younger adults. i'm cologuard®. i'm convenient and find 92% of colon cancers... ...even in early stages. ask your provider if cologuard is right for you. i'm for people 45 plus at average risk for colon c better skin from your body wash? try olay body wash with skincare super ingredient collagen! olay body wash hydrates to improve skin 3x better, from dry and dull to firm and radiant. with olay body, i feel fearless in my skin. now to a controversial bill making its way through the florida stage legislature. prohibits schools and private businesses teaching anything make an individual feel discomfort or guilt talking about discrimination pap colleague of nbc is joining us from tampa to talk about this. stephanie, as i welcome you, what does this new measure intend to do? >> good afternoon to you, alex. this measure essentially doubles down on banning critical race theory here in florida schools, and it is, of course, being heavily supported by governor ron desantis. now, the new bill is called individual freedom. it outlines the state's guidelines when teaching race, teaching about race in schools. i did obtain a copy of it and have it right here. it is 18 pages, but there is one line, one section, that has really drawn opposition from those who are against it, as well as activists. let me read it to you just so we're clear. it states that an individual shouldn't be made to feel discomfort, guilt, anguish or any other form of psychological distress on account of his or her race, color, sex or national origin. now, opponents of critical race theory say it is divisive, that it could cause white children to feel like they are oppressors and that black children would essentially feel like they are being oppressed. florida's democratic congresswoman debbie wasserman schultz, she spoke to msnbc this morning about this bill and she essentially called it a nightmare. >> this is deeply disturbing legislation that goes far beyond any autocratic dictatorial provision i've seen in recent memory. are we just going to try to white wash everything and not make people feel uncomfortable? how do we learn? how do we make sure we raise generations of children into adults who make sure they don't repeat the mistakes and horrors of the past? >> reporter: now, as you might imagine, reaction to this bill has been mixed, and it pretty much falls along party line. we did try to reach out to some citizens in the tampa area to see how they felt about it. here's what they had to say. >> i really think that it's important to just teach kids the facts about what happened in history, and not -- go too much into -- opinions or having teachers influence kids in one way or another about things. >> i don't know much about it, but i don't think the governor should be dictating what goes on in the school. >> i don't think anyone should feel pitted against each other especially children, but i think that everyone needs to know the history. even culturally and how to prevent repeating that history. >> reporter: and legislation banning critical race theory is nothing new. it is being considered or proposed or passed in at least 32 states, including here in florida. alex? >> indeed. which sets us up for our next conversation. focusing on mississippi. thank you for that. the so-called anti-critical race theory legislation making its way through legislatures across this country, this week in fact in mississippi. black senators walked 0 ut in protest ahead of a final vote on the bill saying no school community college or university could teach that any sex, race, ethnicity religion or national origin is inherently superior or inferior. that bill passed 32-2. it's now going to the house. the only recorded votes against that bill came from white democrats. i'm joined now by one of the senators who walked out on that vote, derek simmons, senate minority leader in mississippi. sir, thank you so much for joining me. what is it about this bill that drove you and all of the black senators to walk out of that chamber yesterday? >> alex, thank you so much for having me. the greatness of america is the right to protest for what is right. so yesterday along with my colleagues i walked out of the city chamber simply because this bill was not worthy of our vote. to talk about ceasing public dollars and public funds from our schools, when this is not even hooping in the state of mississippi. it's very troubling. so we walked out of the chamber. >> understandably so. but should this bill become law? what do you think the impact would be on students, if it became law? >> i think a chilling effect on our teachers. i think we may well experience an exodus of our teachers leaving the state. we already are dealing with a teacher shortage. so for teachers to feel like they don't know what to teach, what is the right thing to teach or the wrong thing to teach. i think that's the affect it will have on our teachers. i strongly believe -- >> i was going to say. listening to three sound bites, if you will, from our reporter stephanie stanton, all of whom saying, you just have to teach history. how it unfolded. and i understand the superintendent of education has said critical race theory is not being taught in mississippi schools. yet the proponents of this bill argue victimhood is being taught in the classrooms? how do you respond to that? >> i raise question to the author of the bill several times on yesterday. would you identify a school or school district where this is a problem? >> and -- >> he said, no. so why do we need this bill in the state of mississippi? in order for us to truly celebrate the progress we've made, alex, we must, one, acknowledge the past. we we also must be willing to talk about it. it's interesting to me. it's almost like the people who threw rocks at rudy bridges for trying to go to school are upset that their grandchildren may learn they threw rocks at rudy bridges for trying to go to school. we must tell the truth and be honest about our history and our history is dealing with racism, and we must tell that story. so from slavery to jim crow to the killing of emmett till, and also the killing of george floyd and so many others. those stories must be told to improve mississippi and improve america, because it is our history. >> yeah. no denying it. what about the bill which now, as you know, goes to the mississippi house? can anything be done through a to transform the inevitability of this outcome? >> republicans in the state of mississippi have a super majority. >> right. >> i believe the fate of the bill will be the same once it goes over to the house. our governor has clearly said he supports the measure. so the bill will become law. and i would just like to think that two years ago in june of 2020 one of the proudest moments of my legislative career was joining with democrats and republicans who were black and white to take down 12 -year-old confederate flag in the state of mississippi. many mississippians feel like even though we took down a flag less than two years ago, on yesterday, we raised another one. >> hmm. derek simmons, please, keep us informed what's happening on this one. it is absolutely critical to stay on ton of this and effect on teaching from respect to the teachers you talk about and our students. thank you so much. the future of the child tax credit. why an extension is in doubt when so many families say it's been a life line. my conversation is next. e line e line my conversation is frie] well, he may have friends, but he rides alone. that's jeremy, right there! we'r no matter why you ride,her. progressive has you covered with protection starting at $79 a year. well, we're new friends. to be fair. eh, still. [upbeat acoustic music throughout] [upbeat acoustic music throughout] a big deadline today for the ohio redistricting commission. redrawn state legislative maps are due after the ohio supreme court last week rejected a new congressional map drawn by senate republican lawmakers as being unconstitutional. joining me now is ohio congressman shawntel brown. democratic member of the house oversight and agriculture committees. welcome. glad to talk to you about this. curious about expectations for this redrawn map. first of all, a victory for democrats in the state and did you expect this from the ohio state supreme court? >> thank you for having me, and, yes, i believe this is a victory. we also would like to say here in ohio it is more rigged than red. so that is largely in part because of the gerrymandering we have experienced couldn't be more excited about the ohio supreme court's decision. not surprised it came to this, because the entire process seemed to be, i'm not in line with the rules and the protocols and procedures and processes that were laid out before the legislature took, drew these maps. no, not a surprise, but i can't speak highly enough about our ohio supreme court for recognizing this for the terrible disgrace it was. >> yeah. you're not alone there in ohio in battling these issues. politico reported the gop is considering more ruthless redistricting highlighting efforts under way in missouri, tennessee, florida, kansas as well, to push through redistricting maps that heavily favor republicans, and the ohio state supreme court certainly may have ruled in democrats' favor this time, but what's your reaction to the other states? are they consequences of not getting federal voting rights legislation passed? >> i appreciate the question, because it speaks to the fact of how critical it is to pass this legislation. while so many folks have been focused on who hasn't been passing this legislation, we have to really point out the fact there are 50 republicans that are standing in the way of voting rights. and of those 50 republicans, 16, i say it again. 16 of those republican was in office and reauthorized at the last time it was up for authorization. what has happened since then? well, what has happened is democrats have been winning, and they know when we have an opportunity to have access to the ballot, we win. we vote in record numbers. the last election cycle, the 2020 presidential election cycle yielded the most votes in our nation's history during a pandemic. so imagine if you make voting access a lot easier for people who actually look like me, who have been suffering from voter suppression for a very long time. so, yes. these rules we are trying to, the legislation we are attempting to get passed at the federal level are critically important, not only access to the ballot box but fragility of our election system. we settle our disputes at the ballot box. when we show up at the voting stations we win. >> and npr is reporting families in distress after the first month without receives those check. while the pandemic continues, inflation on the rise, many are having to radically reshuffle their lives. sometimes just to pay for basic needs. i'm curious, congresswoman what you're hearing from your constituents and is there a viable road still ahead for congress to try to extend it? >> everything is still on the table, alex. listen, i'm in ohio, 11th congressional district, where the child tax credit benefited 70,000 households. 70,000 households and across the country it cut child poverty in half. the build back better bill is something that would extend the child tax credit. when we talk about these things, when we talk about build back better, it's not enough to say that we're fighting for build back better. what does it do? well, it puts money back in the pockets of people who need it, and especially during these critical times. it lowers prescription drug prices, puts money -- extends the child tax credits and puts public college, two-year college, making it free for everyone. so when we talk about these things, and how it's impacting our communities, that's why the build back better legislation is so important. i don't think people understand what it is, is included in this legislation. too frequently we talk about it in the grand scheme of things but need to get into the weeds so people understand this build back better legislation, again, is being held up by more than 50 republicans right now, because democrats, be clear, democrats have been delivering for the people, and so we'll continue to fight. we'll continue to do everything that we can to make sure that we're getting that average of $435 back into the pockets of people so they can make sure they're able to feed their families pay utility bills and keep roofs over their heads. >> i'm curious. build back better, can it be broken up as the president suggested earlier. you know, nancy pelosi said it still can be a major bill. >> i think we have to -- again, nothing is off the table. it's up for discussion. this is what makes, what makes the job so hard. that it takes 217 members on the house side and apparently 60 members, or if we were able to get a carveout for these things, sometimes 50 plus 1. we have to start from a place where we agree. some of the senators have supporting points, and i'm not sure that we have taken those starting points and build upon those, but that's what we need to do. this legislation is too important to the future of the people who are depending on it and often, again, don't like how it is impacting their everyday lave es. nothing is off the table. we have to do everything we can to get this across the finish line because too many people in our district are counting on me to deliver as well as others put in charge to make decisions. >> which means you're going to keep on keeping on. ohio congresswoman, thank you for your time. meantime, a new study on boosters and the omicron variant. while you're going to be glad you went ahead and got one. you went ahead and got one. on with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ why does walgreens offer prescription copays with 30 grams of protein. as low as zero dollars? 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if you look at the graph from here in san jose that we're definitely seeing the trend start to change. we see this in the graphs from the other locations, as well, which is leading experts to think that when it comes to omicron we may have turned the corner. >> it's been confirmed by the wastewater data which are very compelling, it's also being confirmed by the proportion of tests that are positive which is going down, and now the cases are starting to go down. in about a week, week and a half, we'll expect the hospitalizations to start going down. and then, you know, then we'll be starting to look toward the end. but i think the thing to caution people about is that we've just passed the peak. that means half of the cases are to come. >> reporter: and that's the important thing here is that there still needs to be caution. this is very much sort of a leading indicator of what's going on. officials and experts who are doing this kind of work say this is very important and could become a part of the public health toolbox going forward. >> i was going to say, more information, all good. thank you so much, scott. let's bring in dr. ebony hilton, anesthesiologist and msnbc contributor. always good to see you. there's this new study you're familiar with from the cdc. it shows that a booster shot offers the best protection from omicron hospitalizations. so does that suggest in your mind that we need to change the definition of being fully vaccinated to include a third shot? >> most certainly. you know, it's one of those conversations that we're having with persons in the cdc back in december that we need to change the definition of what fully vaccinated means. we know in israel right now they're literal oh their fourth dose of the vaccine for persons who are 60 and older because we know the benefit that it adds to protecting against hospitalization and death. so at this point with the american public, we need to be transparent and say we are learning as we go as to how much we will need to be vaccinated, how many doses, what qualifies being fully vaccinated. what we know is that many vaccines, many for hepatitis b, for instance, can be a three or four-dose series. we've already done there before. it's not anything that's new. but most certainly if you have at this point been six months out from your mrna vaccines, the pfizer or moderna, two months for johnson & johnson, you need to be boosted, and we need to get those into arms of americans now more than ever before in this pandemic. >> absolutely. we have some experts, as you know, who believe that once omicron peaks the pandemic will then start transitioning to an endemic. you've got the world health organization and some u.s. officials that have pushed back a bit on that saying it's far from over. where do you stand? >> right. one, i want people to understand that being endemic does not mean necessarily good. we know malaria is endemic, hiv is endemic, in the continent of africa and kills hundreds of thousands each year. it does not mean good. it means the burden of infection doesn't overwhelm the hospital systems. again, what i urge the american public and i definitely urge the medical community is we need to start raising things that doesn't necessarily weigh how does it impact the system but how does it impact people. at this point we -- we had 3,800 people die yesterday. we are nowhere close to being safe in this pandemic, and yet we are rolling back our protocols. in virginia we're taking away mask mandates under the new governor, and it's costing people their lives. >> dr. ebony hilton, it is always sobering, but i welcome this conversation. we'll look forward to seeing you again soon. thank you so much. that is going to do it for me. i'll see you again tomorrow at noon eastern. meantime, we have more coming up including talking about the senator sinema censure. see you tomorrow. have a good one, everyone. have a good one, everyone. a quo. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ i earn 3% cash back at drugstores with chase freedom unlimited. so i got cards for birthdays, holidays, graduations, i'm covered for everything. which reminds me, thank you for driving me to the drugstore. earn big time with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? 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