Transcripts For MSNBC Jose Diaz-Balart Reports 20240709 : co

Transcripts For MSNBC Jose Diaz-Balart Reports 20240709

week as part of a congressional delegation. and we begin with the latest on the coronavirus pandemic. right now, the biden administration's website to request free at-home covid tests is up and running. americans can visit to place an order for four tests to be delivered to their door by the united states postal service. the administration also says it will begin distributing 400 million n95 masks from the national stockpile to thousands of locations across the country. joining me now is nbc news correspondent heidi przybyla. also with us is dr. joseph varon, the chief of critical care at united memorial medical center in houston. thank you for being with me. heidi, you spoke exclusively with the new testing coordinator at the white house. what did he tell you about what he can expect from this new program? >> reporter: jose, i just wanted to point out that the reason why these new programs are so significant is that for the first time, the federal government is really flexing its bulk purchasing power on behalf of the american people. you can go to the usps website, order your test kits, and they say they will be at your door withi 7 to 12 days. there are three conditions under which you should use these tests. first, if you have covid symptoms. second, if you know that you were exposed to covid, wait five days, then use the tests. or third, if you are in a closed setting with someone who is high risk. now, the thing that struck me most about this interview, though, jose, was that the testing coordinator said, this is not just about getting over omicron, this is about the long-term and living with covid as just a part of daily life. take a listen. >> i think we're hopeful that we are going to get through omicron and get to a better place soon, but we are absolutely preparing for the possibility of additional variants in the future. and so people should have an expectation that we are expanding the market for over-the-counter tests. they will become more and more available and that we are going to make n95 masks more and more available. >> so 500 million test kits that are now available through the website, jose. and then in the coming weeks and months, they say, another 500 million that will be available through the website or other means. >> so, heidi, how does the administration plan to distribute those 400 million n95 masks? >> they're going to do it the same way they did the vaccines, which is through the federal pharmacy program, through local community centers. so the same places you went to get your vaccines or test kits, you can go to get these n95 masks. i asked him, is this just going to be for priority groups, because these have been in such short supply. he said, no, while we would like elderly people to get to the front of the line, we want everyone to go and get these masks that the supply will be substantial. and again, expect this to be something where the federal government may be sending these out, depending on what happens with future variants and future waves of covid, jose. >> heidi, what is the white house saying about the criticism that this should have happened before, sooner. this surge in cases has been going on for some time now. >> reporter: and i asked him this. i said, look, in a lot of places, these are going to arrive as omicron has already crested. and they acknowledged that they should have done this earlier. we heard the president himself say that. the president has said that this has been a vaccine-only approach to this pandemic, saying that the vaccine alone is what saes us. it may not end for quite a while. and we'll have to have these layered mission strategies. and there's been many critics, and i think it came to a fever pitch within the past few weeks. folks like bernie sanders, jacky rosen from nevada, saying that the government needs to step in and leverage its bulk purchasing powers on behalf of the american people to lower costs and increase access. there's still more that some would like them to do, like recognizing all of the rapid tests that are recognized in europe as well. but for now, this is a major step forward and something that even allies have been calling for for quite some time, jose. >> yeah, heidi. and dr. varon, covid hospitalizations are up 77% over the last two weeks in your state. walk us through some of the conditions health care workers in your state are facing now. >> well, i mean, as you well know, everybody is tired. i mean, we're exhausted. we've been working nonstop, and one of the things that's happening, a lot of patients are coming into the hospital with a lot of conditions and when they come into the hospital, they get tested for covid. so they end up in my covid unit, not because they have covid, but just because they are testing positive for covid. so that's important. when you see this surge of cases of covid, a lot of people are having asymptomatic covid, but come to the hospital with something completely unrelated to covid. that may give you a false elevation of the number of cases. and we've got to be careful about that. those people have come to the hospital with true covid, over 85% of them are unvaccinated. they are sick, but not as sick as when we were seeing patients with the delta variants. yes, there are people who were continue to expire, but not as bad as we were having before. >> so what does, for example, does this new program, where people are able to ask for four rapid tests to be sent to their house, and the n95 masks that i presume, if it's 400 million, being sent out in the next couple of weeks, that you could get maybe one per person for a bit. what does this play a part in fighting this pandemic? >> i have mixed feelings about that. you'll get your four tests and the first time around, you'll waste them. you're going to use them, basically, and that's it. where i think we should have a program where you have a test at home, but the test should be pretty much guided by your health care professional. you feel sick, you've been in contact with somebody, talk to your health care provider and if your health care provider tells you, go ahead and get tested, go and get tested. my concern is people have a new toy, they are going to use it and waste those four tests that may be helpful under other circumstances. the second part of the masks, it's kind of nice that we are going to have a lot of masks available, but what about having a program, an educational program that tells people how to wear the mask. we did a study that finds out that 75% of people that went to a large mall here in houston, didn't know how to wear a mask. they have the nose completely uncovered or things like that. so in addition to providing the mask, i think that you need to provide a good educational opportunity. i know it sounds dumb to some extent, how to wear mask, but a lot of people don't know how to wear masks. and that is extremely important from my standpoint. >> doctor varon, i can't tell you how much i agree with you. i'm amazed that two years into this pandemic, there are a ton of people who think the mask is to hold up their chin. i mean, it's just amazing. you know, they just -- anyway! dr. varon, heidi przybyla, thank you so very much for being with me this morning. now to a big day for president biden and his agenda. the president will hold only his second solo white house news conference this afternoon, to mark the end of his first year in office. it comes as his agenda is stalled in congress. his approval rating, sagging. and he faces major challenges at home and abroad. and on the eve of his inauguration anniversary, the president could see another defeat tonight. when the senate votes on legislation aimed at protecting voting rights. bills which do not have the votes to move forward. majority leader chuck schumer says if republicans block them, he will move to a talking filibuster. >> if senate republicans are going to oppose it, they should not be allowed to sit in their office. they've got to come down on the floor and defend their opposition to voting rights, the well spring of our democracy. >> with me now, ana palmer, founder of punch bowl news and an msnbc contributor, peter baker, an msnbc political analyst. thank you for being with me. peter, senior administration officials are describing president biden's news conference this afternoon as a reset moment. reset to what? >> well, a reset to try to recalibrate where his standing is with the public. what the white house feels is that the president hasn't gotten enough credit, hasn't done enough to claim credit for the things that did go right in his first year. he's getting all the blame for the things that went wrong in his first year. among the things you'll hear him talk about today is the fact that the economy is booming. that it's growing faster than it has in quite a while. that unemployment is at a very low peak, a very low number. in fact, that the vaccinations were distributed, you know, widely to people who want them. the fact that they passed two large bills this year, even though we're still focused on the build back better act, we did pass a massive covid relief act, as well as the infrastructure bill on a bipartisan basis. so they want people to remember those things and not just the fact that inflation is high, the fact that covid is still running rampant. the fact that russia is on the version of potentially invading ukraine. and all of the things that have sunk his approval numbers. this is a chance for him to recalibrate. it's only his second white house solo news conference. one of the reasons why his numbers may be so low, he hasn't done very much to actually set the agenda and dominate the conversation the way his predecessor always seemed to do. that leaves a lot of room for his critics. >> yeah, and the fact that this is only his second news conference. you know, he clearly was very involved in build back better and all of the efforts that went in, in the senate, to get this through. just wondering, peter, with the reality of the world being what it is, i mean, we have, as you just mentioned, we have covid, inflation, the world, parts of it seeming like they're just out of control. what is it that he could or should say today in this news conference to kind of clear things up? >> well, you know, look. obviously, i don't know that one news conference by itself will do that. one of the things that we've learned in politics, of course, is that presidents and other politicians tend to speak to the converted and have a hard time changing the minds of people who don't agree with them. but here's the problem for president biden. the numbers that have gone down. his poll numbers have gone down and show that it's democrats and independents who have lost faith in him and are disappointing with him. not republicans. so you know, what he needs to do is to appeal to the people who thought he would do a good job in the first place, to explain why he is making progress and what he's going to do to make progress on the things that he hasn't made progress on. it's not going to look good tonight, after they lose again on this voting rights bill, will just reinforce the idea that here's president biden, who talked about his 36 years in the senate being, you know, allowing him to make the legislative process work better when it, in fact, doesn't seem to be working at the moment. he wants to get his message out before, i think, that vote that will go down. and try reassure both his base and the democrats and the independents that have become frustrated with him that he's got things under control and things will be better in his second year. >> and what does senator schumer mean when he calls for a talking filibuster? >> it's a way for him to try to limit the filibuster. kind of a carveout on voting rights legislation. there's kind of two key things he's talking about here. it would allow leadership to cut off debate with 60 votes. and end all of kind of the talking on the filibuster after senators have spoken up to two times. so this is a way for them to try to push forward, move so they can't just be stuck, if they can't get to 60 votes on some of this key legislation, they would find a way forward without it. this is not going anywhere, though. this is kind of a gambit that he laid out earlier this week, to senate democrats. and so far, out of that meeting, senator joe manchin said, he hasn't changed his mind at all, that he doesn't want any changes to the filibuster. senator kyrsten sinema, the democrat from arizona, also seen steadfast in her support of keeping the filibuster and not making even slight changes to it at this point. >> so that's just in the internal democratic caucus? >> yeah, absolutely. republicans were never going to support this. they've been steadfastly against any changes to the filibuster. obviously, they're in the minority. the filibuster is to their benefit. it allows, since democrats only have 50 senators plus one, to stop things they don't want to have happen. so i think when you ask that question, it's a fair question, because democrats have really been kind of training their fire against their own instead of kind of reframing the debate to say, look at what republicans are doing. they are clearly -- you know, don't want voting rights to move forward, legislation to move forward. and so that's something that democrats have really struggled with in terms of how they are kind of pointing the finger at each other, instead of kind of, you know, formally pointing the finger at republicans. >> and ana, the house january 6th committee, meanwhile, subpoenaed four trump allies, including giuliani. what does this tell us about where things stand with the investigation? >> yeah, they are clearly moving ahead aggressively, trying to get as much information as possible. there's a deadline ticking here. and the democrats on that committee know it. because all signs point to republicans winning the majority in the house. and at that point, they would expect kevin mccarthy to shut down that investigation. they're trying to get as much information as possible. another example of close republicans to former president donald trump, who are not interested in shaing information, sharing documents. they really want to know what his legal team -- those people who were advising trump on january 6th, including rudy giuliani as one of those major people, what they knew, what they were telling the president, and what the president was actually making decisions on. this is going to be another step towards just this legal fight that we keep seeing in a lot of different facets with this committee, because republicans are unwilling to participate and just voluntarily give information. >> ana palmer and peter baker, thank you so much for being with me this morning. i really appreciate it. still ahead, new details into the new york ag's investigation of former president trump's family business. what a new court filing is revealing today. plus, secretary of state anthony blinken is in ukraine right now, trying to de-escalate tensions with russia. richard engel will bring us a live report on the ground in ukraine coming up. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports." you're watching "jose you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports. the journe. when the road is all you need, there is no destination. uh, i-i'm actually just going to get an iced coffee. well, she ma a destination this one time, but usually -- no, i-i usually have a destination. yeah, but most of the time, her destination is freedom. nope, just the coffee shop. announcer: no matter why you ride, progressive has you covered with protection starting at $79 a year. voiceover: 'cause she's a biker... please don't follow me in. nothing like a weekend in the woods. it's a good choice all around, like screening for colon cancer... when caught in early stages it's more treatable. i'm 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ends meet. in the obama administration, bilal worked tirelessly on innovative policies. the status quo isn't working. bilal is the best shot we have for meaningful change. i'm bilal mahmood, and i know our city can become a beacon of hope once again. 20 past the hour. breaking this morning, former president donald trump's family business, the trump organization, is firing back after new york attorney general letitia james shared new details about the ongoing civil investigation into the company. in a few filing, james has said that the probe has uncovered, quote, significant evidence that the company inflated and misrepresented the value of several trump properties and the trump brand. the filing, which is part of an effort to compel donald trump, his children, ivanka trump, and donald trump jr. to testify alleges that they are all closely involved in the transactions in question. james added that her office has not yet decided if the evidence merits legal action. joining me now is nbc news correspondent, ken dilanian. ken, good morning. talk to us about what else the attorney general revealed and what the trump organization is saying. >> jose, this filing accuses donald trump, his children, and his company of repeatedly and pervasively overstating the value of their assets on financial documents for their own benefit. and remember that this is part of a civil fraud investigation by the new york attorney general. but there's a separate criminal investigation by the manhattan district attorney into the same sorts of issues. so the stakes here are high. and in fact, the filing reveals that the former president's son, eric trump, cited his fifth amendment privilege against self-incrimination in refusing to answer questions about some of these matters in 2020. that's a really big deal. the filing describes ways in which trump allegedly inflated his net worth, in order to secure better terms from banks and insurance companies. in one example, the trump organization valued a parcel of land in westchester county at nearly 300 million, when it was in fact at around $50 million. whether this institutes civil or criminal fraud could hinge on whether the ag can prove these statements were knowing and intentional. that's why the statement doesn't use the word "lie." to prove intent, they need evidence about state of mind, which is why they're trying to compel the testimony of these key witnesses. as you said, the trump organization is firing back against these allegations, saying in a statement that, quote, the only one misleading the public is letitia james. she defrauded new yorkers by basing her entire candidacy on a promise to get trump at all costs, without having seen a shred of evidence and in violation of every conceivable ethical rule. three years later, she's now faced with the stark reality that she has no case, end quote. they've also argued that it's improper for the ag to demand their testimony in a civil investigation, when she's also participating in a criminal probe, in which the subjects have a constitutional right to remain silent, jose. >> and ken, so where does this investigation go next? >> so it depends a lot on how the courts rule on this very issue of whether trump and his children have to come and testify. if they're forced to do that, jose, even if they take the fifth, that could give the ag what she needs to establish intent here. and again, this is a civil case, so punishment, if they're found liable is fines. the real drama surrounding this whole matter is whether trump and his children have any criminal liability, especially given the prospect of trump running for president in 2024. >> ken dilanian, thank you so much. fashion icon andray leon tally is being remembered this morning. the larger than life trailblazer known for his distinct personal style pushed for the inclusion of more black models in the fashion history. after being raised in the segregated south and graduating college, talley worked for interview magazine, "w," "the new york times," and "women's wear daily." he was hired at "vogue" in 1983 and went on to become the first black creative director at that magazine and editor at large for decades. andre leone talley was 73 years old. secretary of state antony blinken is in ukraine where he said the threat to the country is, quote, unprecedented. up next, we'll speak with senator richard blumenthal, who's just render from a bipartisan trip to ukraine this week. their message to ukrainian officials, next. senator, it's good to see you. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports." to see yo. you're watching "jose you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports. protect it. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. jerry, you gotta see this. seen it. trust me, after 15 walks... gets a little old. i really should be retired by now. wish i'd invested when i had the chance... to the moon! ugh. unbelievable. ♪[music]♪ at aetna® we're shifting medicare 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the two sides, the u.s. and russia still seem very far apart with the u.s. demanding a de-escalation that russia pull its over 100,000 troops away from the border and sort of go back to a status quo and the u.s. is saying that it's willing to make some compromises, like more notification about military exercises, potentially limiting the scale of nato exercises near russia's border. and russia demanding far more, that there are guarantees that ukraine never become part of nato, and that nato dramatically scale back and effectively shed a lot of the countries that nato expanded into after the collapse of the soviet union. those talks seem to be going nowhere. and then, over the weekend, there was a -- not sure if it was a breakthrough or a crisis, but something inspired a new round of talks. so now we have secretary blinken here today. he met with president zelensky, he met with the foreign minister, and in his comments, he said that the ball is in russia's court. russia can choose up with of two paths. a path of confrontation that has terrible consequences for ukraine, but also will lead to sanctions for russia, or to try to seek a diplomatic solution. >> richard, you've been at the border. there's no one that i know that is more seasoned and experienced as a war correspondent. 100,000 troops towards a border doesn't sound like that's a pr move. >> no. it is not a pr move, and it is not just 100,000 troops on the border. if you could call up a map of ukraine, i don't know if you can magically do that, maybe a producer can, you will see that those 100,000 troops are on three sides of the border. they are also positioned within ukraine in the east, and two enclaves inside eastern ukraine. they already have a foothold in the country. and of course, they are positioned in crimea, which ukraine and the united states and others still consider part of ukraine, but which russia annexed to russian territory and to the russian motherland. so in addition to the three sides and within where russia has troops positioned, russia recently recently also moved columns of tanks into belarus, which shares a border with ukraine, and is actually just about a two-hour drive, that border, from where i am in kiev right now. so if there were to be a go order given, and russia decided to do it, it could launch a massive operation, pushing in from multiple directions, and even from within ukrainian territory. so the u.s. is sending more military aid, has sent some military aid in the past. but in a straight-up fight against the russian conventional army on its borders. it would be a very, very tall order for the ukrainian military to defend themselves for very long. >> richard engel, thank you so very much for being with me this morning. and with me now, connecticut democratic senator, richard blumenthal, he was among a group of senator who is visited ukraine earlier this week and he just took part in a bipartisan video call with president biden about that visit. senator, it's great seeing you this morning. what did you and your fellow senators tell the president about the situation on the ground in ukraine? >> reporter: jose, thanks for having me. i came away from this meeting really deeply impressed by the president's commitment and resolve to enabling the ukrainian people to defend themselves, if there is an invasion. and i left ukraine equally, and maybe more impressed by the resolve and resilience of the ukrainian people. their courage and determination in the midst of this eight-year struggle. and remember, they have been fighting russian aggression on their eastern border for eight years, to continue to defend themselves. and what i have felt very, very strongly is that we need to step up the arms deliveries. not just the kinds of night vision goggles and other non-lethal weaponry, but the javelin and stinger missiles that enable anti-armor and anti-aircraft defense by the ukrainian people, and we feed to provide the kind of small arms that the ukrainian people will need if they're to conduct this insurgent guerilla-type warfare that is probably vladimir putin's greatest fear. and he should understand, and i think he's about to miscount that the ukrainians are determined to defend themselves. and we need the germans to make clear they'll stop the north stream 2 pipeline deliveries. and we need to start these economic sanctions now, rather than waiting until after there is a potential invasion. so vladimir putin is a kbg thug. he understands force and action, not rhetoric. and we should begin that kind of action much more aggressively and robustly now. >> so senator, this is really important and i'm glad you're with me this morning. so what are you calling for? let's talk about armaments. defensive weapons, are you talking about high-end-level weapons that have not been part of the traditional u.s. economic and military aid to ukraine? and talk about that, the pressure that the germans should be carrying out. >> the germans need to make clear publicly, unequivocally and explicitly that they will stop north stream 2. and we need to do the kind of massive airlift that vladimir putin understands, because he only understands that kind of military and economic force. we're talking here about the types of armaments that i've long advocated. lethal defensive weapons. that is, stinger and javelin missiles that will destroy his tanks. and his planes, if there are air bombing raids. and i think one of the dangers here is also the continued kind of hybrid war. he's conducting that hybrid war already. cyber attacks, misinformation, as well as military action. his agenda, his playbook is to divide, demoralize, and degrade. and he has divided or is seeking to divide allies among ourselves. we need to hold together. that's a diplomatic effort. >> yeah. and should the president -- i think it was back in may of last year, that president biden essentially expressed that he would not be opposed to that pipeline going into germany. should we as an person government be changing that and expressing opposition to it? >> we've expressed opposition. it needs to be heightened. that is a very important point. but also, the menendez bill, which i have helped to lead and, which is on the senate agenda right now, co-sponsored by many of my colleagues needs to be passed to demonstrate to putin that we are serious about these kinds of economic sanctions. we are not sending troops. there would be no united states military there, but we can help to train the ukrainians to defend themselves. and as a member of the armed services committee, we have provided and voted strongly for $2.5 billion in aid, but it needs to be the kind of lethal force, the small arms, that the territorial militias and potential guerilla and insurgent forces in ukraine will use to defend themselves, if vladimir putin takes this step. i think it's a miscalculation on his part, if he does it, because he's underestimated the blood path, the cost, and the consequences to his own country if he does take this kind of military action. but, certainly, what's happening in belarus, the planned military exercises for early february are an indication that we may be just steps away from that kind of invasion. >> senator richard blumenthal, i can't thank you enough for being with me this morning. it's so important to have your voice and your experience. i thank you for being with me. >> thank you, jose. coming up, president biden will be touting his first year accomplishments during his news conference today. immigration reform won't be on that list. up next, i've got a great panel with me to talk about what's been done and what president biden still needs to do. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports" do do you're watchin because with the right pain reliever... life opens up. aleve it... and see what's possible. diaz-balart reports" allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to 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[bacon sizzles] ♪ [electr♪ music ♪c plays] ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ . mexican authorities say they found the body of a venezuelan migrant girl in the water of the rio grande yesterday along the border of mexico and texas. children continue to die on the u.s./mexico border. this comes as we approach one year of president biden in office. and take a look back at his record on border policy as well as on immigration. take a listen to this exchange we had on telemundo when he was a candidate for president in september of 2020. >> look, i can only imagine what it's like to see someone in your family deported. i can only imagine what that's like. and to me, it's all about family. beginning, middle, and end. it's about family. that's not going to happen in my administration. the idea that you can't even seek asylum on american soil. you can't even seek asylum on american soil. when did that happen? trump. it's wrong. >> are you going to change that? >> yes, i am. >> joining me now, erica and julio, publisher of latino rebels, co-host of in the thick podcast. thank for being with me. erica, immigration is so at the heart of what you do. you've been fighting for reform for years. how would you grade the biden administration? >> oh, very low grade. very low. listen, in the interview that you just aired, it talks about, just not even being able to imagine what it would be like to see a family member deported. i saw my own mother in handcuffs by i.c.e. and the reality is that they're still doing it. they're still deporting people. and unfortunately, the president made so many promises that he still hasn't kept. and not only that, you know, many of the realities right, at the border, are in some ways worse for some people. so to me, it is a low grade. and we still have time, right? he still has a few more years before the next election. and i would hope that he reverses course on how he has done so far. but definitely, we have not seen what we wanted to see from his promises. >> julio, you're in charge of latino rebels, a critical source of information about this and so many other issues. you cover stories that others just don't. the administration will point out that a lot has been done, especially, to reverse trump policies. but give us a progress report on this. >> i mean, title 42, which is what basically says that migrants can't come in because of a covid risk, that's still happening. and you would think that the president and the administration would look at that a little bit differently in the sense of, you know, maybe it's time to vaccinate as opposed to expel. there are still children being held in hhs facilities and cpb facilities, although those numbers are decreasing, they were at high as 20,000, they are decreasing, we don't know where these children are going. they're being reunited with sponsors, but it's still out there. also, remain in mexico. we know that clip yo that you have, seeking asylum in the united states should be something that, you know, the president believed in, but so far, that trump policy is still effective. so i tend to agree with erica on the fact that the grades have been low, the priorities have been low. and if we all remember when the president on inauguration day, he made it a priority. i mean, he signed executive order. he said immigration reform and relief would be a priority and here we are a year later, and it's not in the build back better bill, because the senate parliamentarian sort of shot it down three times and democratic senators have kind of just listened to this parliamentarian, who used to work for ins in the '90s. so there is a little bit of conflict of interest, i think so. i mean, we reported on that. so i do think that the administration needs to take a really hard look into like whether this promise is going to be delivered. i worry that it isn't. especially with the midterms coming. and we're going to see the same things, that democrats seem to do is make the promises, but not deliver on them. >> yeah, i mean, i can't tell you how many times i've asked candidate biden and i think back to trump and to president obama. you know, will you commit to have immigration reform in your first 100 days in office? as a matter of fact, in that telemundo interview, which we didn't air all of it, he says, you've asked me that 42 times! and i said, yeah, and i'm going to continue asking you. but erica, you've been critical of both democrats and republicans on immigration. on immigration reform, the biden administration tried and failed to get that build back better -- immigration through build back better, that julio was talking about, rejected three times. is that all -- is that enough? i mean immigration reform is a legislative thing. is the president being, i don't know criticized for doing something that the congress should be deal with. >> well, look, in my view, on the legislative front, i don't think he tried hard enough. i really think that there is a priority at the hands of the president, he will try really hard. he will, you know, not only campaign on it when he's trying to run for president, but campaign on the actual issues when he is president, right? like, let's talk about the issue. let's push senator manchin, let's push senator sinema, everybody who is, you know, really giving him a hard time, i don't think he does that. now, in terms of what he can do as president, he has the ability to control what i.c.e. does, right? he has the ability, not just, you know, himself, but his whole administration have the power to ensure that families are no longer being separated. and that things like title 42, things like mpp, like julio talked about, that they're gone, right? mpp, it's a hard policy right now to get rid of, because of the courts. now, there's title 42, which as julio was saying, not only has deported thousands and thousands of people, a lot of them and the majority of them are black. they are black immigrants, black families, many of them from haiti who are going back right now, as we speak. there's people going back with covid in those airplanes, right? they are going back to a country that right now doesn't have the ability and the resources to take care of people and yet we're still deporting them back to who knows what, right? to violence, to a lot of harm that they're fleeing from. and so, i hope that even in congress doesn't act, i still have some hope that the build back better, you know, could be brought up to the senate. and that the parliamentarian is ignored. but even if that doesn't happen, the president has to use every tool at his disposal to keep his promises to the immigrant community. because as a matter of fact, there's also voters who do care about this issue. there are people who are in the streets, that we were protesting trump because he was separating families. we still care about this issue and they're going to be looking to see what he does. does. >> thank you both for being with me. your voices -- we could continue talking about this for hours. i -- >> all day. >> how about we get this conversation going again soon. >> any time. thank you. >> will do. thank you so very much. still ahead, what's happening today in wisconsin, it could impact elections in that state for years to come. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports." watching watching diaz-balart reports. can someone else get a turn? 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>> good morning, jose. we're hearing a lot of conversations about the maps. both the maps that currently exist here in wisconsin and those that have been proposed as part of this redistricting process. every ten years we go through this. after we get the census from the federal government, it's the state's responsibility to create new maps. you mentioned normally that is a legislative function, and needs to be approved by the governor, but because of the impasse there, the state supreme court decided to instead of letting a federal court step in, they decided to take control and go through this process. so those are the arguments we're hearing right now. we've already heard lots of new englands soft voting rights act and mentions of how the legislative maps and maps created by the legislature, how they create fewer african american plurality districts. you have the governor's maps and the governor saying he wants maps as far different from the current maps as possible. look at this graphic that we have here. you get a sense of the divide here in wisconsin. and the importance of the entire battle. if you look at the 2018 election results, scott walker and tony evers were pretty much even. the democrat won. they were pretty much even in terms of the vote share they got. however, based on the new maps after the 2010 redistricting that was controlled by republicans, democrats only picked up 36 seats. that's compared to if they use the old maps, closer to 46 seats. democrats want something more closely resembling the old maps. >> shaquille brewster, this is the redistricting every ten years is a reality for all 50 states. and battles, of course, are intense. thank you, shaq. appreciate it. that wraps up the hour for me. i'm jose diaz-balart. thank you for the privilege of your time. joe fryer picks up with more news after this quick break. h me news after this quick break.howb t met with creativity... and kindness. as we at pfizer strive to impact hundreds of millions of lives... young and old... this isn't just a story of a pandemic. but how it pulled us all together. ♪♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ with a bit more thought we can all do our part to keep plastic out of the ocean. well, would you look at that? 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Omicron , Setting , Listen , Place , Daily Life , Living , Variants , Over The Counter Tests , Expectation , Possibility , Market , N95 , Means , 500 Million , Way , Vaccines , Plan , Places , Community Centers , Pharmacy , Heidi , Supply , Priority Groups , Something , Everyone , Front , Line , Cases , Criticism , Waves , Lot , Vaccine , Approach , Saes , Critics , Bulk Purchasing Powers , Fever Pitch , Folks , Bernie Sanders , Jacky Rosen , Nevada , Mission Strategies , Wall , Step , Some , Costs , Increase , Access , Europe , Estate , Allies , Health Care Workers , Calling , Covid Hospitalizations , Two , 77 , One , Everybody , Patients , Hospital , Happening , Covid Unit , Testing Positive , Number , Asymptomatic Covid , Elevation , Sick , True Covid , Unvaccinated , 85 , Example , Delta Variants , House , Bit , Person , Play , Feelings , Test , Somebody , Contact , Home , Health Care Professional , Health Care Provider , Concern , Toy , Mask , Kind , Study , Circumstances , Didn T , Addition , Houston , Opportunity , Mall , Nose , 75 , Standpoint , Extent , Chin , Ton , Agenda , Big Day , Bills , Legislation , Votes , Congress , Inauguration , Approval Rating , Sagging , Challenges , Eve , Republicans , It , Chuck Schumer , Talking Filibuster , Ana Palmer , Opposition , Democracy , Punch Bowl News , Floor , Founder , Reset , Peter Baker , Officials , Contributor , Msnbc , Political Analyst , President , Credit , Hasn T , Public , Standing , Blame , Fact , Unemployment , Vaccinations , Economy , Growing , Peak , Build , Massive Covid Relief Act , Infrastructure Bill , Basis , Eastern Ukraine , Inflation , Approval Numbers , Version , Numbers , Chance , Conversation , Reasons , Solo News Conference , Predecessor , Recalibrate , Efforts , Room , Reality , World , Control , Don T , Course , Democrats , Presidents , Politicians , Politics , Poll Numbers , Minds , Problem , Show , Progress , Independents , Job , Faith , Idea , Voting Rights Bill , Being , Hasn T Made Progress On , 36 , Vote , Message , Doesn T , Base , Process Work , Senator , Filibuster , Debate , Leadership , Carveout On Voting Rights Legislation , 60 , Times , Senators , Senator Manchin , Changes , Meeting , Gambit , Forward , He Hasn T , Mind , Anywhere , Kyrsten Sinema , Point , Support , Caucus , Arizona , Benefit , Minority , Question , Training , Fire , 50 , Terms , Finger , Each Other , Don T Want Voting Rights , Investigation , The House January 6th Committee , Rudy Giuliani , January 6th , 6 , Information , Signs , Majority , Committee , Ticking , Kevin Mccarthy , Sharing Documents , Shaing , Team , Trump On January 6th , Fight , Decisions , Facets , Details , Court Filing , Plus , New York Ag , Richard Engel , Ground , Ukraine , Jose Diaz Balart Reports , Tensions , Report , Anthony Blinken , Journe , Destination , Coffee , Road , I , Uh , She Ma , Matter , Announcer , Voiceover , Freedom , Progressive , Most , Nope , Coffee Shop , Protection , Biker , 79 , 9 , In The Woods , Nothing , Stages , Colon Cancer , Cologuard , Colon Cancers , Around , Screening , Choice , Dna , Stool , Noninvasive , 92 , Results , Provider , Yep , 45 , Kids , Students , Schools , Classroom , Parent , Remote Learning , Teachers , Best , School Board , 18 , Beacon , Sake , School Board Members , San Francisco , Fhope Start , Family , Policies , Restaurant Workers , Others , Hit Bilal , Class , Obama , Change , City , Status Quo Isn T Working , Beacon Of Hope , Bilal Mahmood , Trump Organization , Letitia James , 20 , Filing , Company , Quote , Pervasively Overstating , Probe , Properties , Children , Effort , Ivanka Trump , Brand , Transactions , Donald Trump Jr , Action , Ken Dilanian , Correspondent , Criminal Investigation , Documents , Civil Fraud Investigation , Assets , Manhattan District Attorney , Questions , Issues , Deal , Eric Trump , Matters , Sorts , Stakes , Fifth Amendment Privilege Against Self Incrimination , 2020 , Ways , Parcel , Insurance Companies , 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Coverage , Over The Counter Allowance , Dental , 65 , , 0 , Aetna Medicare Advantage , Border , Capitol , 28 , Foreign Correspondent , Military Defense Aide , Chief , 200 Million , 00 Million , Capitals , Round , Activity , Sides , Result , Diplomacy , Flurry , Troops , Go , De Escalation , 100000 , Nato , Military Exercises , Compromises , Notification , Scale , Countries , Collapse , Soviet Union , Secretary Blinken , Talks , Breakthrough , Nowhere , Crisis , Here Today , Zelensky , The State Supreme Court , Path , Consequences , Confrontation , Comments , Paths , Ball , Foreign Minister , War Correspondent 100000 Troops Towards A Border Doesn T , Sanctions , Solution , Pr Move , Sound , Map , East , Producer , Enclaves , Territory , Foothold , Crimea , Tanks , Motherland , Columns , Belarus , Operation , Drive , Go Order Given , Kiev , Military Aid , Directions , Borders , Military , Army , Democratic , Group , Visit , Video Call , Seeing , Commitment , Situation , Thanks , Invasion , Resolve , Resilience , Courage , Aggression , Midst , Struggle , Determination , Eight , Kinds , Weaponry , Arms Deliveries , Night Vision Goggles , Javelin , Arms , Stinger Missiles , Defense , Ukrainians , Germans , Vladimir Putin , Warfare , Fear , Stream , Pipeline Deliveries , 2 , Force , Rhetoric , Kbg Thug , Weapons , Armaments , Talk , Let , Aid , Pressure , North Stream , Airlift , Stinger , Types , Planes , Missiles , Bombing Raids , War , Military Action , Playbook , Demoralize , Dangers , Attacks , Misinformation , Pipeline , May , Germany , Menendez Bill , Many , Colleagues , Member , Armed Services Committee , United States Military , 5 Billion , 2 5 Billion , Militias , Forces , Guerilla , Miscalculation , Blood Path , Cost , Indication , Immigration Reform Won T , Experience , Voice , Accomplishments , Coming Up , List , Panel , Life , Pain Reliever , Aleve , Heartburn , Body , Allergies , Good , Season , Prilosec Otc , Spraying Flonase , Psst , Stomach Acid , Heartburn Doesn T , Excess Acid Production , So Don T Fight Heartburn , Pill , Bacon Sizzles , Electronic Music Plays , Vo , Car , Windshield , Electr Music C Plays , Decompression Zone , Experts , Service , Singers , Technology , Safelite Autoglass , Safelite Repair , Authorities , Water , Rio Grande , Texas , Mexican , Venezuelan Migrant Girl , Record , Telemundo , Border Policy , Mexico Border , On Immigration , Exchange , Biden In Office , Candidate , Beginning , September Of 2020 , Asylum On American Soil , Julio , Rebels , Publisher , Co Host , Grade , Immigration , Heart , Erica , Reform , Fighting , Podcast , Family Member , Handcuffs , Mother , Promises , Ice , Realities , Election , Stories , Charge , Source , Title , Reverse Trump , Migrants , Progress Report , 42 , Sense , Covid , Sponsors , Facilities , Hhs Facilities , Cpb , 20000 , Policy , Asylum , Priorities , Executive Order , Grades , Low , Inauguration Day , Parliamentarian , Relief , Bill , Sort , Shot , Isn T , Conflict Of Interest , Ins , Midterms , 90 , Candidate Biden , 100 , View , Campaign , Hands , Issue , Let S Talk , Let S Push , Families , Ability , Power , Mpp , Saying , Immigrants , Thousands , Airplanes , Haiti , Care , Resources , Violence , Harm , Hope , Disposal , Tool , Congress Doesn T Act , Voters , Immigrant Community , Streets , Voices , Wisconsin , Elections , Watching Diaz , Balart , Liberty , Turn , Pay , Hang On , Blood Clot , Dvt , Taking Eliquis , Game Plan , Corner , Eliquis Didn T , Pe , Help , 98 , Bleeding , Another , Both , Treatment , Artificial Heart Valve , Fda , Numbness , Bruise , Bruising , Injection , Muscle Weakness , Tingling , Medicines , Business , Procedures , Game , Lily , Lisa , Mover , Employees , Scene , Hotspot , Downtown , Files , Rob , Employee , Deals , Smart Phone , At T Business , Color , 4th , Leaves , No One , 4th Of July , True American Winter , 4 , 4th Of January , Confidence , Capability , Adventure , Grand Wagoneer , 2022 , Wisconsin Supreme Court , Hearing Arguments , Representation , High Stakes , 54 , Maps , Governor , Redistricting Lines , Agreement , Shaquille Brewster , Madison , 1964 , Shaq , Redistricting Process , Conversations , Census , Function , Responsibility , Ten , Process , Step In , Impasse , Lots , Arguments , Englands Soft Voting Rights Act , Plurality Districts , Mentions , African American , Election Results , Battle , Graphic , Divide , Importance , Tony Evers , Scott Walker , 2018 , Redistricting , Seats , Vote Share , 46 , 2010 , States , Battles , News , Break Howb T Met With Creativity , Break , Privilege , H Me News , Joe Fryer , Kindness , Impact , Lives , Story , Thought , Plastic , The Ocean , Alice , Scent , Gain , Scent Collection , Scent Beads , Fairy Godmother , Try Spring Daydream , Prescriptions , Capsule , Doorstep , Insurance , Meds , Press Conference , C , Zeroing , Nine ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC Jose Diaz-Balart Reports 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Jose Diaz-Balart Reports 20240709

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week as part of a congressional delegation. and we begin with the latest on the coronavirus pandemic. right now, the biden administration's website to request free at-home covid tests is up and running. americans can visit to place an order for four tests to be delivered to their door by the united states postal service. the administration also says it will begin distributing 400 million n95 masks from the national stockpile to thousands of locations across the country. joining me now is nbc news correspondent heidi przybyla. also with us is dr. joseph varon, the chief of critical care at united memorial medical center in houston. thank you for being with me. heidi, you spoke exclusively with the new testing coordinator at the white house. what did he tell you about what he can expect from this new program? >> reporter: jose, i just wanted to point out that the reason why these new programs are so significant is that for the first time, the federal government is really flexing its bulk purchasing power on behalf of the american people. you can go to the usps website, order your test kits, and they say they will be at your door withi 7 to 12 days. there are three conditions under which you should use these tests. first, if you have covid symptoms. second, if you know that you were exposed to covid, wait five days, then use the tests. or third, if you are in a closed setting with someone who is high risk. now, the thing that struck me most about this interview, though, jose, was that the testing coordinator said, this is not just about getting over omicron, this is about the long-term and living with covid as just a part of daily life. take a listen. >> i think we're hopeful that we are going to get through omicron and get to a better place soon, but we are absolutely preparing for the possibility of additional variants in the future. and so people should have an expectation that we are expanding the market for over-the-counter tests. they will become more and more available and that we are going to make n95 masks more and more available. >> so 500 million test kits that are now available through the website, jose. and then in the coming weeks and months, they say, another 500 million that will be available through the website or other means. >> so, heidi, how does the administration plan to distribute those 400 million n95 masks? >> they're going to do it the same way they did the vaccines, which is through the federal pharmacy program, through local community centers. so the same places you went to get your vaccines or test kits, you can go to get these n95 masks. i asked him, is this just going to be for priority groups, because these have been in such short supply. he said, no, while we would like elderly people to get to the front of the line, we want everyone to go and get these masks that the supply will be substantial. and again, expect this to be something where the federal government may be sending these out, depending on what happens with future variants and future waves of covid, jose. >> heidi, what is the white house saying about the criticism that this should have happened before, sooner. this surge in cases has been going on for some time now. >> reporter: and i asked him this. i said, look, in a lot of places, these are going to arrive as omicron has already crested. and they acknowledged that they should have done this earlier. we heard the president himself say that. the president has said that this has been a vaccine-only approach to this pandemic, saying that the vaccine alone is what saes us. it may not end for quite a while. and we'll have to have these layered mission strategies. and there's been many critics, and i think it came to a fever pitch within the past few weeks. folks like bernie sanders, jacky rosen from nevada, saying that the government needs to step in and leverage its bulk purchasing powers on behalf of the american people to lower costs and increase access. there's still more that some would like them to do, like recognizing all of the rapid tests that are recognized in europe as well. but for now, this is a major step forward and something that even allies have been calling for for quite some time, jose. >> yeah, heidi. and dr. varon, covid hospitalizations are up 77% over the last two weeks in your state. walk us through some of the conditions health care workers in your state are facing now. >> well, i mean, as you well know, everybody is tired. i mean, we're exhausted. we've been working nonstop, and one of the things that's happening, a lot of patients are coming into the hospital with a lot of conditions and when they come into the hospital, they get tested for covid. so they end up in my covid unit, not because they have covid, but just because they are testing positive for covid. so that's important. when you see this surge of cases of covid, a lot of people are having asymptomatic covid, but come to the hospital with something completely unrelated to covid. that may give you a false elevation of the number of cases. and we've got to be careful about that. those people have come to the hospital with true covid, over 85% of them are unvaccinated. they are sick, but not as sick as when we were seeing patients with the delta variants. yes, there are people who were continue to expire, but not as bad as we were having before. >> so what does, for example, does this new program, where people are able to ask for four rapid tests to be sent to their house, and the n95 masks that i presume, if it's 400 million, being sent out in the next couple of weeks, that you could get maybe one per person for a bit. what does this play a part in fighting this pandemic? >> i have mixed feelings about that. you'll get your four tests and the first time around, you'll waste them. you're going to use them, basically, and that's it. where i think we should have a program where you have a test at home, but the test should be pretty much guided by your health care professional. you feel sick, you've been in contact with somebody, talk to your health care provider and if your health care provider tells you, go ahead and get tested, go and get tested. my concern is people have a new toy, they are going to use it and waste those four tests that may be helpful under other circumstances. the second part of the masks, it's kind of nice that we are going to have a lot of masks available, but what about having a program, an educational program that tells people how to wear the mask. we did a study that finds out that 75% of people that went to a large mall here in houston, didn't know how to wear a mask. they have the nose completely uncovered or things like that. so in addition to providing the mask, i think that you need to provide a good educational opportunity. i know it sounds dumb to some extent, how to wear mask, but a lot of people don't know how to wear masks. and that is extremely important from my standpoint. >> doctor varon, i can't tell you how much i agree with you. i'm amazed that two years into this pandemic, there are a ton of people who think the mask is to hold up their chin. i mean, it's just amazing. you know, they just -- anyway! dr. varon, heidi przybyla, thank you so very much for being with me this morning. now to a big day for president biden and his agenda. the president will hold only his second solo white house news conference this afternoon, to mark the end of his first year in office. it comes as his agenda is stalled in congress. his approval rating, sagging. and he faces major challenges at home and abroad. and on the eve of his inauguration anniversary, the president could see another defeat tonight. when the senate votes on legislation aimed at protecting voting rights. bills which do not have the votes to move forward. majority leader chuck schumer says if republicans block them, he will move to a talking filibuster. >> if senate republicans are going to oppose it, they should not be allowed to sit in their office. they've got to come down on the floor and defend their opposition to voting rights, the well spring of our democracy. >> with me now, ana palmer, founder of punch bowl news and an msnbc contributor, peter baker, an msnbc political analyst. thank you for being with me. peter, senior administration officials are describing president biden's news conference this afternoon as a reset moment. reset to what? >> well, a reset to try to recalibrate where his standing is with the public. what the white house feels is that the president hasn't gotten enough credit, hasn't done enough to claim credit for the things that did go right in his first year. he's getting all the blame for the things that went wrong in his first year. among the things you'll hear him talk about today is the fact that the economy is booming. that it's growing faster than it has in quite a while. that unemployment is at a very low peak, a very low number. in fact, that the vaccinations were distributed, you know, widely to people who want them. the fact that they passed two large bills this year, even though we're still focused on the build back better act, we did pass a massive covid relief act, as well as the infrastructure bill on a bipartisan basis. so they want people to remember those things and not just the fact that inflation is high, the fact that covid is still running rampant. the fact that russia is on the version of potentially invading ukraine. and all of the things that have sunk his approval numbers. this is a chance for him to recalibrate. it's only his second white house solo news conference. one of the reasons why his numbers may be so low, he hasn't done very much to actually set the agenda and dominate the conversation the way his predecessor always seemed to do. that leaves a lot of room for his critics. >> yeah, and the fact that this is only his second news conference. you know, he clearly was very involved in build back better and all of the efforts that went in, in the senate, to get this through. just wondering, peter, with the reality of the world being what it is, i mean, we have, as you just mentioned, we have covid, inflation, the world, parts of it seeming like they're just out of control. what is it that he could or should say today in this news conference to kind of clear things up? >> well, you know, look. obviously, i don't know that one news conference by itself will do that. one of the things that we've learned in politics, of course, is that presidents and other politicians tend to speak to the converted and have a hard time changing the minds of people who don't agree with them. but here's the problem for president biden. the numbers that have gone down. his poll numbers have gone down and show that it's democrats and independents who have lost faith in him and are disappointing with him. not republicans. so you know, what he needs to do is to appeal to the people who thought he would do a good job in the first place, to explain why he is making progress and what he's going to do to make progress on the things that he hasn't made progress on. it's not going to look good tonight, after they lose again on this voting rights bill, will just reinforce the idea that here's president biden, who talked about his 36 years in the senate being, you know, allowing him to make the legislative process work better when it, in fact, doesn't seem to be working at the moment. he wants to get his message out before, i think, that vote that will go down. and try reassure both his base and the democrats and the independents that have become frustrated with him that he's got things under control and things will be better in his second year. >> and what does senator schumer mean when he calls for a talking filibuster? >> it's a way for him to try to limit the filibuster. kind of a carveout on voting rights legislation. there's kind of two key things he's talking about here. it would allow leadership to cut off debate with 60 votes. and end all of kind of the talking on the filibuster after senators have spoken up to two times. so this is a way for them to try to push forward, move so they can't just be stuck, if they can't get to 60 votes on some of this key legislation, they would find a way forward without it. this is not going anywhere, though. this is kind of a gambit that he laid out earlier this week, to senate democrats. and so far, out of that meeting, senator joe manchin said, he hasn't changed his mind at all, that he doesn't want any changes to the filibuster. senator kyrsten sinema, the democrat from arizona, also seen steadfast in her support of keeping the filibuster and not making even slight changes to it at this point. >> so that's just in the internal democratic caucus? >> yeah, absolutely. republicans were never going to support this. they've been steadfastly against any changes to the filibuster. obviously, they're in the minority. the filibuster is to their benefit. it allows, since democrats only have 50 senators plus one, to stop things they don't want to have happen. so i think when you ask that question, it's a fair question, because democrats have really been kind of training their fire against their own instead of kind of reframing the debate to say, look at what republicans are doing. they are clearly -- you know, don't want voting rights to move forward, legislation to move forward. and so that's something that democrats have really struggled with in terms of how they are kind of pointing the finger at each other, instead of kind of, you know, formally pointing the finger at republicans. >> and ana, the house january 6th committee, meanwhile, subpoenaed four trump allies, including giuliani. what does this tell us about where things stand with the investigation? >> yeah, they are clearly moving ahead aggressively, trying to get as much information as possible. there's a deadline ticking here. and the democrats on that committee know it. because all signs point to republicans winning the majority in the house. and at that point, they would expect kevin mccarthy to shut down that investigation. they're trying to get as much information as possible. another example of close republicans to former president donald trump, who are not interested in shaing information, sharing documents. they really want to know what his legal team -- those people who were advising trump on january 6th, including rudy giuliani as one of those major people, what they knew, what they were telling the president, and what the president was actually making decisions on. this is going to be another step towards just this legal fight that we keep seeing in a lot of different facets with this committee, because republicans are unwilling to participate and just voluntarily give information. >> ana palmer and peter baker, thank you so much for being with me this morning. i really appreciate it. still ahead, new details into the new york ag's investigation of former president trump's family business. what a new court filing is revealing today. plus, secretary of state anthony blinken is in ukraine right now, trying to de-escalate tensions with russia. richard engel will bring us a live report on the ground in ukraine coming up. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports." you're watching "jose you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports. the journe. when the road is all you need, there is no destination. uh, i-i'm actually just going to get an iced coffee. well, she ma a destination this one time, but usually -- no, i-i usually have a destination. yeah, but most of the time, her destination is freedom. nope, just the coffee shop. announcer: no matter why you ride, progressive has you covered with protection starting at $79 a year. voiceover: 'cause she's a biker... please don't follow me in. nothing like a weekend in the woods. it's a good choice all around, like screening for colon cancer... when caught in early stages it's more treatable. i'm 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ends meet. in the obama administration, bilal worked tirelessly on innovative policies. the status quo isn't working. bilal is the best shot we have for meaningful change. i'm bilal mahmood, and i know our city can become a beacon of hope once again. 20 past the hour. breaking this morning, former president donald trump's family business, the trump organization, is firing back after new york attorney general letitia james shared new details about the ongoing civil investigation into the company. in a few filing, james has said that the probe has uncovered, quote, significant evidence that the company inflated and misrepresented the value of several trump properties and the trump brand. the filing, which is part of an effort to compel donald trump, his children, ivanka trump, and donald trump jr. to testify alleges that they are all closely involved in the transactions in question. james added that her office has not yet decided if the evidence merits legal action. joining me now is nbc news correspondent, ken dilanian. ken, good morning. talk to us about what else the attorney general revealed and what the trump organization is saying. >> jose, this filing accuses donald trump, his children, and his company of repeatedly and pervasively overstating the value of their assets on financial documents for their own benefit. and remember that this is part of a civil fraud investigation by the new york attorney general. but there's a separate criminal investigation by the manhattan district attorney into the same sorts of issues. so the stakes here are high. and in fact, the filing reveals that the former president's son, eric trump, cited his fifth amendment privilege against self-incrimination in refusing to answer questions about some of these matters in 2020. that's a really big deal. the filing describes ways in which trump allegedly inflated his net worth, in order to secure better terms from banks and insurance companies. in one example, the trump organization valued a parcel of land in westchester county at nearly 300 million, when it was in fact at around $50 million. whether this institutes civil or criminal fraud could hinge on whether the ag can prove these statements were knowing and intentional. that's why the statement doesn't use the word "lie." to prove intent, they need evidence about state of mind, which is why they're trying to compel the testimony of these key witnesses. as you said, the trump organization is firing back against these allegations, saying in a statement that, quote, the only one misleading the public is letitia james. she defrauded new yorkers by basing her entire candidacy on a promise to get trump at all costs, without having seen a shred of evidence and in violation of every conceivable ethical rule. three years later, she's now faced with the stark reality that she has no case, end quote. they've also argued that it's improper for the ag to demand their testimony in a civil investigation, when she's also participating in a criminal probe, in which the subjects have a constitutional right to remain silent, jose. >> and ken, so where does this investigation go next? >> so it depends a lot on how the courts rule on this very issue of whether trump and his children have to come and testify. if they're forced to do that, jose, even if they take the fifth, that could give the ag what she needs to establish intent here. and again, this is a civil case, so punishment, if they're found liable is fines. the real drama surrounding this whole matter is whether trump and his children have any criminal liability, especially given the prospect of trump running for president in 2024. >> ken dilanian, thank you so much. fashion icon andray leon tally is being remembered this morning. the larger than life trailblazer known for his distinct personal style pushed for the inclusion of more black models in the fashion history. after being raised in the segregated south and graduating college, talley worked for interview magazine, "w," "the new york times," and "women's wear daily." he was hired at "vogue" in 1983 and went on to become the first black creative director at that magazine and editor at large for decades. andre leone talley was 73 years old. secretary of state antony blinken is in ukraine where he said the threat to the country is, quote, unprecedented. up next, we'll speak with senator richard blumenthal, who's just render from a bipartisan trip to ukraine this week. their message to ukrainian officials, next. senator, it's good to see you. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports." to see yo. you're watching "jose you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports. protect it. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. jerry, you gotta see this. seen it. trust me, after 15 walks... gets a little old. i really should be retired by now. wish i'd invested when i had the chance... to the moon! ugh. unbelievable. ♪[music]♪ at aetna® we're shifting medicare 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the two sides, the u.s. and russia still seem very far apart with the u.s. demanding a de-escalation that russia pull its over 100,000 troops away from the border and sort of go back to a status quo and the u.s. is saying that it's willing to make some compromises, like more notification about military exercises, potentially limiting the scale of nato exercises near russia's border. and russia demanding far more, that there are guarantees that ukraine never become part of nato, and that nato dramatically scale back and effectively shed a lot of the countries that nato expanded into after the collapse of the soviet union. those talks seem to be going nowhere. and then, over the weekend, there was a -- not sure if it was a breakthrough or a crisis, but something inspired a new round of talks. so now we have secretary blinken here today. he met with president zelensky, he met with the foreign minister, and in his comments, he said that the ball is in russia's court. russia can choose up with of two paths. a path of confrontation that has terrible consequences for ukraine, but also will lead to sanctions for russia, or to try to seek a diplomatic solution. >> richard, you've been at the border. there's no one that i know that is more seasoned and experienced as a war correspondent. 100,000 troops towards a border doesn't sound like that's a pr move. >> no. it is not a pr move, and it is not just 100,000 troops on the border. if you could call up a map of ukraine, i don't know if you can magically do that, maybe a producer can, you will see that those 100,000 troops are on three sides of the border. they are also positioned within ukraine in the east, and two enclaves inside eastern ukraine. they already have a foothold in the country. and of course, they are positioned in crimea, which ukraine and the united states and others still consider part of ukraine, but which russia annexed to russian territory and to the russian motherland. so in addition to the three sides and within where russia has troops positioned, russia recently recently also moved columns of tanks into belarus, which shares a border with ukraine, and is actually just about a two-hour drive, that border, from where i am in kiev right now. so if there were to be a go order given, and russia decided to do it, it could launch a massive operation, pushing in from multiple directions, and even from within ukrainian territory. so the u.s. is sending more military aid, has sent some military aid in the past. but in a straight-up fight against the russian conventional army on its borders. it would be a very, very tall order for the ukrainian military to defend themselves for very long. >> richard engel, thank you so very much for being with me this morning. and with me now, connecticut democratic senator, richard blumenthal, he was among a group of senator who is visited ukraine earlier this week and he just took part in a bipartisan video call with president biden about that visit. senator, it's great seeing you this morning. what did you and your fellow senators tell the president about the situation on the ground in ukraine? >> reporter: jose, thanks for having me. i came away from this meeting really deeply impressed by the president's commitment and resolve to enabling the ukrainian people to defend themselves, if there is an invasion. and i left ukraine equally, and maybe more impressed by the resolve and resilience of the ukrainian people. their courage and determination in the midst of this eight-year struggle. and remember, they have been fighting russian aggression on their eastern border for eight years, to continue to defend themselves. and what i have felt very, very strongly is that we need to step up the arms deliveries. not just the kinds of night vision goggles and other non-lethal weaponry, but the javelin and stinger missiles that enable anti-armor and anti-aircraft defense by the ukrainian people, and we feed to provide the kind of small arms that the ukrainian people will need if they're to conduct this insurgent guerilla-type warfare that is probably vladimir putin's greatest fear. and he should understand, and i think he's about to miscount that the ukrainians are determined to defend themselves. and we need the germans to make clear they'll stop the north stream 2 pipeline deliveries. and we need to start these economic sanctions now, rather than waiting until after there is a potential invasion. so vladimir putin is a kbg thug. he understands force and action, not rhetoric. and we should begin that kind of action much more aggressively and robustly now. >> so senator, this is really important and i'm glad you're with me this morning. so what are you calling for? let's talk about armaments. defensive weapons, are you talking about high-end-level weapons that have not been part of the traditional u.s. economic and military aid to ukraine? and talk about that, the pressure that the germans should be carrying out. >> the germans need to make clear publicly, unequivocally and explicitly that they will stop north stream 2. and we need to do the kind of massive airlift that vladimir putin understands, because he only understands that kind of military and economic force. we're talking here about the types of armaments that i've long advocated. lethal defensive weapons. that is, stinger and javelin missiles that will destroy his tanks. and his planes, if there are air bombing raids. and i think one of the dangers here is also the continued kind of hybrid war. he's conducting that hybrid war already. cyber attacks, misinformation, as well as military action. his agenda, his playbook is to divide, demoralize, and degrade. and he has divided or is seeking to divide allies among ourselves. we need to hold together. that's a diplomatic effort. >> yeah. and should the president -- i think it was back in may of last year, that president biden essentially expressed that he would not be opposed to that pipeline going into germany. should we as an person government be changing that and expressing opposition to it? >> we've expressed opposition. it needs to be heightened. that is a very important point. but also, the menendez bill, which i have helped to lead and, which is on the senate agenda right now, co-sponsored by many of my colleagues needs to be passed to demonstrate to putin that we are serious about these kinds of economic sanctions. we are not sending troops. there would be no united states military there, but we can help to train the ukrainians to defend themselves. and as a member of the armed services committee, we have provided and voted strongly for $2.5 billion in aid, but it needs to be the kind of lethal force, the small arms, that the territorial militias and potential guerilla and insurgent forces in ukraine will use to defend themselves, if vladimir putin takes this step. i think it's a miscalculation on his part, if he does it, because he's underestimated the blood path, the cost, and the consequences to his own country if he does take this kind of military action. but, certainly, what's happening in belarus, the planned military exercises for early february are an indication that we may be just steps away from that kind of invasion. >> senator richard blumenthal, i can't thank you enough for being with me this morning. it's so important to have your voice and your experience. i thank you for being with me. >> thank you, jose. coming up, president biden will be touting his first year accomplishments during his news conference today. immigration reform won't be on that list. up next, i've got a great panel with me to talk about what's been done and what president biden still needs to do. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports" do do you're watchin because with the right pain reliever... life opens up. aleve it... and see what's possible. diaz-balart reports" allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to 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trump. it's wrong. >> are you going to change that? >> yes, i am. >> joining me now, erica and julio, publisher of latino rebels, co-host of in the thick podcast. thank for being with me. erica, immigration is so at the heart of what you do. you've been fighting for reform for years. how would you grade the biden administration? >> oh, very low grade. very low. listen, in the interview that you just aired, it talks about, just not even being able to imagine what it would be like to see a family member deported. i saw my own mother in handcuffs by i.c.e. and the reality is that they're still doing it. they're still deporting people. and unfortunately, the president made so many promises that he still hasn't kept. and not only that, you know, many of the realities right, at the border, are in some ways worse for some people. so to me, it is a low grade. and we still have time, right? he still has a few more years before the next election. and i would hope that he reverses course on how he has done so far. but definitely, we have not seen what we wanted to see from his promises. >> julio, you're in charge of latino rebels, a critical source of information about this and so many other issues. you cover stories that others just don't. the administration will point out that a lot has been done, especially, to reverse trump policies. but give us a progress report on this. >> i mean, title 42, which is what basically says that migrants can't come in because of a covid risk, that's still happening. and you would think that the president and the administration would look at that a little bit differently in the sense of, you know, maybe it's time to vaccinate as opposed to expel. there are still children being held in hhs facilities and cpb facilities, although those numbers are decreasing, they were at high as 20,000, they are decreasing, we don't know where these children are going. they're being reunited with sponsors, but it's still out there. also, remain in mexico. we know that clip yo that you have, seeking asylum in the united states should be something that, you know, the president believed in, but so far, that trump policy is still effective. so i tend to agree with erica on the fact that the grades have been low, the priorities have been low. and if we all remember when the president on inauguration day, he made it a priority. i mean, he signed executive order. he said immigration reform and relief would be a priority and here we are a year later, and it's not in the build back better bill, because the senate parliamentarian sort of shot it down three times and democratic senators have kind of just listened to this parliamentarian, who used to work for ins in the '90s. so there is a little bit of conflict of interest, i think so. i mean, we reported on that. so i do think that the administration needs to take a really hard look into like whether this promise is going to be delivered. i worry that it isn't. especially with the midterms coming. and we're going to see the same things, that democrats seem to do is make the promises, but not deliver on them. >> yeah, i mean, i can't tell you how many times i've asked candidate biden and i think back to trump and to president obama. you know, will you commit to have immigration reform in your first 100 days in office? as a matter of fact, in that telemundo interview, which we didn't air all of it, he says, you've asked me that 42 times! and i said, yeah, and i'm going to continue asking you. but erica, you've been critical of both democrats and republicans on immigration. on immigration reform, the biden administration tried and failed to get that build back better -- immigration through build back better, that julio was talking about, rejected three times. is that all -- is that enough? i mean immigration reform is a legislative thing. is the president being, i don't know criticized for doing something that the congress should be deal with. >> well, look, in my view, on the legislative front, i don't think he tried hard enough. i really think that there is a priority at the hands of the president, he will try really hard. he will, you know, not only campaign on it when he's trying to run for president, but campaign on the actual issues when he is president, right? like, let's talk about the issue. let's push senator manchin, let's push senator sinema, everybody who is, you know, really giving him a hard time, i don't think he does that. now, in terms of what he can do as president, he has the ability to control what i.c.e. does, right? he has the ability, not just, you know, himself, but his whole administration have the power to ensure that families are no longer being separated. and that things like title 42, things like mpp, like julio talked about, that they're gone, right? mpp, it's a hard policy right now to get rid of, because of the courts. now, there's title 42, which as julio was saying, not only has deported thousands and thousands of people, a lot of them and the majority of them are black. they are black immigrants, black families, many of them from haiti who are going back right now, as we speak. there's people going back with covid in those airplanes, right? they are going back to a country that right now doesn't have the ability and the resources to take care of people and yet we're still deporting them back to who knows what, right? to violence, to a lot of harm that they're fleeing from. and so, i hope that even in congress doesn't act, i still have some hope that the build back better, you know, could be brought up to the senate. and that the parliamentarian is ignored. but even if that doesn't happen, the president has to use every tool at his disposal to keep his promises to the immigrant community. because as a matter of fact, there's also voters who do care about this issue. there are people who are in the streets, that we were protesting trump because he was separating families. we still care about this issue and they're going to be looking to see what he does. does. >> thank you both for being with me. your voices -- we could continue talking about this for hours. i -- >> all day. >> how about we get this conversation going again soon. >> any time. thank you. >> will do. thank you so very much. still ahead, what's happening today in wisconsin, it could impact elections in that state for years to come. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports." watching watching diaz-balart reports. can someone else get a turn? 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>> good morning, jose. we're hearing a lot of conversations about the maps. both the maps that currently exist here in wisconsin and those that have been proposed as part of this redistricting process. every ten years we go through this. after we get the census from the federal government, it's the state's responsibility to create new maps. you mentioned normally that is a legislative function, and needs to be approved by the governor, but because of the impasse there, the state supreme court decided to instead of letting a federal court step in, they decided to take control and go through this process. so those are the arguments we're hearing right now. we've already heard lots of new englands soft voting rights act and mentions of how the legislative maps and maps created by the legislature, how they create fewer african american plurality districts. you have the governor's maps and the governor saying he wants maps as far different from the current maps as possible. look at this graphic that we have here. you get a sense of the divide here in wisconsin. and the importance of the entire battle. if you look at the 2018 election results, scott walker and tony evers were pretty much even. the democrat won. they were pretty much even in terms of the vote share they got. however, based on the new maps after the 2010 redistricting that was controlled by republicans, democrats only picked up 36 seats. that's compared to if they use the old maps, closer to 46 seats. democrats want something more closely resembling the old maps. >> shaquille brewster, this is the redistricting every ten years is a reality for all 50 states. and battles, of course, are intense. thank you, shaq. appreciate it. that wraps up the hour for me. i'm jose diaz-balart. thank you for the privilege of your time. joe fryer picks up with more news after this quick break. h me news after this quick break.howb t met with creativity... and kindness. as we at pfizer strive to impact hundreds of millions of lives... young and old... this isn't just a story of a pandemic. but how it pulled us all together. ♪♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ with a bit more thought we can all do our part to keep plastic out of the ocean. well, would you look at that? 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