Transcripts For MSNBC PoliticsNation 20240709 : comparemela.

Transcripts For MSNBC PoliticsNation 20240709

moving backwards to the time donald trump has conjured for years now at his rallies, evoking without shame, the period before dr. king and thousands of others were able to prevail upon america to live up to its creed. last night, i heard him -- the most powerful republican in the nation, invoke racist lies while exploiting the pandemic to hold on to his party ahead of the 2024 election, and it's working. >> the left is now rationing life saving therapeutics based on race, discriminating against and denegrading white people to determine who live and see who dies. if you're white, you don't get the vaccine. >> it must be said that racism has always been the central appeal of maga and it should never, never should have been tolerated to begin with. but i would feel better if i knew that president biden and the democrats would be able to counter all those narratives. to be fair, they have to contend with not one, but two insurrections taking place. one of growing propensity on the right to embrace violence for the sense of power and to achieve political dominance from undermining the system from within, from gop efforts to gerrymandering and otherwise suppress the votes of those who would oppose them, especially minorities. and so far, presently likes the legislative weapons, needs to get around senate republicans as long as at least to senate democrats. we, including a conversation with dr. king's grand daughter, yolanda rene on the future activism, that's later, but first, congresswoman, democrat of florida, currently running for the u.s. senate in her state. congresswoman, thank you for being with us tonight. ahead of tomorrow's both day of service and action, before we begin, i would imagine, as a former police chief whose orlando district is still healing from the pulse nightclub shooting there nearly six years ago that you have some words with the folks there in texas after yesterday's attack and hostage situation at the congregation of the synagog. here's who president biden had to say earlier after he was briefed by the texas attorney general. >> it's an act of terror, and it not only was related to someone who had been arrested 15 years ago and in jail for ten years, he just did a great job, i wanted to make sure we got the word out to synagogues and places of worship we're not going to tolerate this. >> your thoughts on what we saw in texas, congresswoman. >> reverend sharpton, it's great to be with you, thank you so much for inviting me and yes, i spent 27 years at the police department service, police chief, but also 12 years on our hostage negotiations team and first, i am grateful the hostages are safe but we do have to send a strong message right now. i know there's been discussion about whether it was an act of terrorism, was it a hate crime, all of that, but what we need to do is get to the bottom of it and hold the persons responsible accountable. we should have zero tolerance for an act of terrorism and a hate crime that we cannot ignore the fact that this did happen at a synagog. so i know that there are several federal agencies involved in this investigation, they have to get to the bottom of t call it what it is and hold the persons responsible accountable. >> now clearly, the fact it was at a synagog and the rabi was held, it was targeted sunday because of a nature you cannot say what is, hate, certainly it was profiling a youish leadership and jewish community and jewish institution. congresswoman, you currently running to join the u.s. senate. the democratic majority leader chuck schumer has pledged to take up voting rights legislation this tuesday, legislation you and other how's leaders were able to pass this week, which of course senate humer intends to bypass with a vote to change rules on the filibuster which is also expected to fail, doing no small prop to the refusal of senats joe manchin and kristen sinema to consider it. you're on record that the filibuster should be eliminated, but what, at what point does your party demand senate candidates who believe the same thing? one, because the grassroots is increasingly demanding it, and two, because the black and brown voters that formed the party's backbone absolutely need it, congresswoman. >> well, reverend sharpton, let me say this. as my friend and colleague john lewis said, voting, the right to vote is precious. that is almost sacred and we have to do everything as a nation within our power to protect it. we cannot let a antiquated, obstructive, procedural tool in the u.s. senate be used yet again to suppress the right to vote for millions of voters around the country. and so, of course, yes, i am on record as opposing the filibuster. or we need to at least make a carve-out for this very precious, very sacred issue. i am hoping that the two democratic senators will think about their legacy and what they want to be remembered for but it doesn't stop with them. we have 50 republican senators. i am running against one of them, marco rubio, who have been obstructionists in this effort. as a matter of fact, marco rubio showed up to mock the cornerstone of our democracies, called voting rights ridiculous, but it's interesting he doesn't bother to show up for work. missed a couple of hearings just last week. so marco rubio does not want to face the voters at the ballot box so his answer to that is suppressing the vote. and i got to say this, if you believe florida can do better and you believe voting rights is precious and sacred for every american, then please visit my website, val and help me get to the united states senate. >> now, congresswoman, let me go back to your law enforcement experience. nbc news is reporting that president biden plans to take some kind of executive action on police, at policing reform, without advanced word on what it will entail or how it will differ from his order last year, restricting chokeholds and warrants was what he did. as former chief of of atlanta police department, what would be the most helpful action for president to take on this issue, in your opinion in. >> well, reverend sharpton, you know this as an issue near and deer to me in the 27 years as you know, the overwhelming majority of police officers as i've heard you say, are honest, decent people who do the job and do it well but we have had problems. and i'm disappoint said the legislation did not move forward in a bipartisan way but also encouraged to hear the president say he is going to take it up through kmeft action. i believe the whole purpose of the legislation was to bring some standards to policing. we know there are different sizes of police departments from 10 persons up to 35 persons. they have different budgets, different levels of training. i would love to see the harrowing standards across the board be more standardized, if you will, and also, use of force training. i know that would help the police departments and would also help the community, but we do need to get something done, and the police departments are a part of the solution. bringing them to the table to work on th good police officers want to see change. i look forward to hearing what the president has to say and more than willing to assist in that effort, should the offer come my way. >> congresswoman, before we lose you, what do you want to hear from the president in his upcoming wednesday press conference marking his first year in office, briefly, what would you like to hear? >> well, reverend sharpton, i've never served as president of the united states, but i've certainly watched a lot of them, and it is a tough job. there's no doubt about that. especially, if you want to do it correctly, we know president biden came in dealing with the public health pandemic. that, look, former president denied it was a pandemic in the beginning. but presidents of the united states are certainly required to rise to the occasion. we know that the best defense against the public health pandemic is to get the vaccine. he needs to continue to push that, but he also needs to understand that americans who have to go to work everyday and those who maybe are seniors on fixed incomes are worried about the price of things when they go to the grocery store, worried about the price of gas at the pumps. those issues have hit everyday americans where they are, and the president of the united states has to send a clear message with clear direction of where we're going to lower the price of ordinary goods but also increase and strengthen our supply chains. >> all right. thank you, congresswoman val demings. joining me now, jamie harrison, chair of the democratic national committee. mr. chairman, let me go right to it. i read your op-ed last week, published a day before the president delivered his voting rights speech in atlanta which i attended, and in it, you relate your experience of voting for the first time with your grandfather who, of course, lived through jim crow. you bring it forward in the piece relating your recent experience, voting with your eldest son for the first time. i think it's missed just how much the vote has meant to black americans for generations. as a black man from south carolina where i have roots, my great grandfather, i found, was enslaved there. i must add, you are now tasked with guiding the democratic party through this period of unheralded voter restriction, aimed largely at black voters. i can imagine the weight it holds for you. but you're also watching members of your own party impede voter protections by defending jim crow senate rules whether they acknowledged that legacy or not, and i guess i wanted -- at what point does the party does which side purported democrats are on, mr. chairman. >> you know, reverend al i want to open up, because the weight is heavy, as a black man with two black sons in carolina, the weight is heavy now you know, it's only been 57 years since the voting rights act was signed by linden johnson, 57 years in which all people in this country have been able to enjoy the right to vote. you know, in the words of dr. king from birmingham jail said we would repent, not only for the hateful actions of the good people but the appalling silence of all the good people. it's time for the good people of the country to stand up, take a side and decide how they want history to treat them. you know, my colleagues and friends on the democratic side in the united states senate, i say to them, i plead to them that this issue, this sacred right to vote is so important. it is more important than roads and bridges and healthcare itself because all those other issues are built on the other hand the foundation that we all have this right to go and vote and express ourselves. you know, folks have to stand up and they have to be on the right side. if you're going to be for the filibuster, be just as vigilant to fight for voting rights. if you want to protect the filibuster, that's fine, but find a way to get this bill on to president biden's desk. >> and do what you did with the debt ceiling, with the nomination, be consistent and in a 4 to 3 decision this weekend, ohio supreme court invalidated the gop approved congressional map saying it favored gop candidates. in a fight over its voting map, of course texas has been sued by department of justice over its map. but as we get closer to primary elections in many states, are you concerned that it's growing increasingly too late to protect districts even through federal action? >> i am very concerned. you know, time is something that is, you know, you can raise more money, but you never get time back. and time is something that is precious right now. we got to do all that we can. that's why this legislation is so important right now that we get it passed and get it on the president's desk right now. we cannot outorganize suppression. we can mitigate it through out-organizing -- while the democrats still out standing, but also the 50 republicans, 16 of them, rev, in 2006 voted for legislation very similar to this. we got to put pressure on all these people to stand up . the republican party has become the party of fear, and fascism and we got to call it out and put the heat on them as well to stand up for our democracy. >> i'm glad you raised that because in 2006, there was the resigning of the renewal of the voting rights act and i was invited to the signing, sat on the front row there in the garden as the president signed it and all the republicans had voted for it and that president was george bush. i certainly was no fan of his and he had us there. he signed it. what happened to that party from 2006 to now? i think donald trump brought the late racism how the. 16 senators, republican senators sitting in the senate now voted for that in 2006. it is absolutely ridiculous. last question -- are democrats ready for the midterm elections under our nation's condition, specifically, how are you fighting back against pro trump candidates now running for local and state election offices basically seeking to institutionalize the big lie. i mean we may see these are the candidates that your candidates will be facing that may not have the right message, and if we don't get voting rights and other things through that will energize the base. >> well, rev, i meet on a monthly basis with the heads of the many of the democratic organizations, like the democratic association of secretaries of state, or the democratic attorney generals, and we talk about the candidates, their retruthment efforts, the fund raising efforts. i tell democrats, support all these committees, secretaries of states, attorney generals, send them small contributions because that can be helpful as we get resources to fight back. at dnc, getting millions of dollars for voter protection staff cost the country and organizers on the ground already. we are pushing back as hard as we can again, we cannot out-organize voter suppression but can sure as heck mitigate it and trying to do that now recruiting good candidates like val demings and supporting those candidates, secretaries of state, attorney general and see so many down ballot democrats. >> jamie harrison, thank you for coming on. later on politics nation, we honor dr. king's legacy by looking towards the future. dr. king's grand daughter yolanda joins me, but first, even a broken clock is right twice a day. former president trump finally said something i think we can all agree with. i'll tell you about it in this week's "gotcha" before we take a break, my colleague richard louie with the top news stories. some of the stories watching for this hour, more tonight on the gunman who held four people against their will in a texas synagog for some 11 hours saturday. fbi identified the suspect as 44-year-old malafaizel echram a british citizen, no one else was involved, law enforcement freed the hostages last night unharmed during the standoff. achram reportedly demanded the release of a federal prisoner. winter storm warnings in effect for much of the east coast now, powerful system combining snow and ice knocked out power for thousands of customers from florida to carolinas, now heading north, expected to bring heavy snow and delays. more politics nation with al sharpton after this short break. sharpton after this short break. y'all heard it here. if you wanna be fresh, you gotta refresh, like subway®. like the new baja steak & jack tender, thicker-cut steak and. wait sooo you're not coming out of retirement? 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because they had the vaccine. and they're answering it, like, oh, oh, the answer is yes, but they don't want to say it. you got to say it, whether you had it or not, say it. >> as much as it pains me to say, the former guy has a point. with the omicron variant raging and misinformation about vaccines spreading like wildfire on social media, it is truly unforgivable that republican politicians are willing to fan the flames of antiscience skepticism to gain political support. while at the same time, they are privately getting the shots themselves to protect themselves and their families. which brings me to florida governor ron desantez, considered as a possible contender for president in 2024, a trump 2.0 if you will. some pundits felt the former president was taking a shot at desantes who has so far refused to answer questions about whether he received a booster shot. he is vaccinated by the way. spokesperson for him released a statement saying president trump did not mention governor desantis in that interview, so i wouldn't want to make assumptions but here's the thing, desantis only cares about his political future. he says he's pro-life but under his watch nearly 68,000 people have died from covid. he wanted to reopen florida's economy while most of the country was still on lockdown. he denounced work place vaccine mandates and even pushed to ban masks in schools. in many ways, he is simply imitating trump who planned down the pandemic's threat while president, mocked covid mitigation measures and ridiculed experts like dr. anthony fauci and it must be said, trump hasn't always been forth coming about his own vaccination status and only seems to have taken an interest in the vaccine now that it is, clearly, it will be a part, an inescapable part, at that, of his political legacy, but in a time of crisis, latecomers to the truth are better than those who don't show up at all, and the only way we're going to end this pandemic is for more republicans to get vaccinated, regardless of who tells them to do it. and so, for one brief moment, i applaud the former president for correctly calling out hypocrisy of his fellow republicans by protecting themselves while encouraging their supporters to believe in lies and false hoods that would lead them sick and maybe even dead. the far right of the gop has revealed they don't care at all about the americans they claim to represent. you can fool them, but you can't fool me. i gotcha. fool me. i gotcha yeah... search 100s of travel sites at once. kayak. search one and done. why does walgreens offer prescription copays se as low as zero dollars?s at once. ♪ ♪ so you won't have a medicare in the world. ♪ ♪ plus, 90-day refills and same day delivery. larry? 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how alarmed are you at the rise of crimes targeting jewish places of worship? >> well, reverend, good evening to you. it's very disturbing when someone would go into one of the most peaceful places you can find which is any place of worship, whether synagog or mosque or a christian church and to take people hostage and go out of the situation to resolve it. so, the hostage taker seems to be a british national whose brother says has mental illness so we'll see how that all works out but he was c so we've got them working, got swift justice down there in texas. >> danielle, the former president was arizona last night and back to his greatest hits peddling false claims about the 2020 election, also praised the vaccine, which his advisers have reportedly encouraged him to do, and that was overshadowed by the completely untrue comments about white people having to wait, quote, at the back of the line, for covid treatment. he was referring to a recent wall street journal op-ed titled new york's race-based preferential covid treatments which laid out new york state's guidelines that nonwhite race or hispanic latino ethnicity should be considered a risk factor. blacks and hispanics kai of covid around two times more than white people according to the cdc and according to bloomberg, black and hispanic vaccination rates lag white people by 10 percentage points so the issues is not non-whites getting preferential treatment as the president is claiming but rather, an effort is being made to correct for racial bias in our healthcare system. is trump undermining the one positive message he could be delivering to the american people right now? >> isn't that what trump does, reverend, which is undermine everything that means progress for america? and what he's also great at too as one of his greatest hits is stoking racial animists, people who are agreed, the silent majority for them to rage about, which is the fact that a:he told them initially to drink bleach, now telling them, oh, you're at the back of the line for vaccine, while simultaneously get the back of the line for the booster. he's creating divisiveness so republicans can continue their desire to reign over america. >> now, rick, the doj released an indictment charging the leader and founder of the oath keepers militia and 10 other people with seditious conspiracy this week in connection with the january 6 storming of the capital. what so far got into the washington post, the department does not seem to be investigating former president trump and his allies for their role in creating the conditions that led to the riot. do you think that's a mistake? >> we'll see what this case reveals. sedition is very difficult thing to prove, last successful case was against a blind sheep who had masterminded the bombing of the world trade center in 1993, convicts of that. this is a very similar case of master mine who did act in coordination, now we know there was a rapid response team ready. there was a stash of weapons in virginia ready to be deployed in dc. there's text messages, and there are could conspirators now turning evidence against them so you never know in a light like that who will talk. i don't know if this will reach highest levels, i think trump created the conditions for this to happen but whether he coordinated directly with the oath keepers i'm suspicious about. >> president biden will hold a news conference on wednesday to mark his one year anniversary in office according to a new poll, his approval rating down, and his bills stalled in the senate, infrastructure legislation and build back better. what would you like to hear from the president, rick? >> an apology. the president, right now, if you're a conservative, you don't like his foreign policy. putin is amassing troops along the ukraine border, our foreign policy is a mess. we haven't done anything to fix the trade tariffs with china, inflation out of control, but if you're progressive you don't like it either because he hasn't passed his two biggest initiatives which are the voting rights act and build back better. he has, rev, he is at a point now where he needs to start firing people, like maybe the chief of staff and half the cabinet and put the rest of them on those because he will send signal to the american people he is serious about change in pace to government. never got a mandate because the election was too close, too close in house and senate and the system is not built that way for large scale reform change the left wanted and can't get it in these situations so he's been doomed to fail, needs a change of course and direction and ought to start unifying the country not separating them like the former president did. >> danielle, question, according to new polling numbers, 47% of americans feel they're focusing on issues they don't care about, and a majority say they want more focus on the economy or inflation. what's your reaction? >> i mean, my reaction is that this president and this administration needs to be paying attention to the issues that the people that voted for them in the midst of a health pandemic said they wanted which was to secure our democracy and voting rights, right, which was to build back america. it's not just supposed to be a slogan. there's a actually supposed to be policy that backs it up and i'd like for this president and this entire administration to act as if the people gave them power. now it you the might not have been absolute and the margins to rick's point may have been slim, but the reality is people showed up so i'm tired of the excuses that this administration is giving and i'm tired of the slow walking and i want the attention and the power that the presidency actually has to be used. and that means to go after people within his own party that are obstructing his agenda. >> danielle moody and rick tyler, thank you both for being with us. coming up, dr. martin luther king's jr.'s grand daughter stops by "politics nation" on civil rights. and did you know, you can hear the latest news and updates from all your favorite msnbc hosts including me, anytime, anywhere, on any device with tune-in scan, qr code to hear now. we'll be right back with yolanda renee king. don't go anywhere. nda renee king don't go anywhere. inner voice (kombucha brewer): as a new small business owner, i find it useful to dramatically stare out of the window... that no one knows i'm secretly terrified inside. inner voice (sneaker shop owner): i'm using hand gestures and pointing... no one can tell i'm unsure about my business finances. inner voice (furniture maker): i'm constantly nodding... ...because i know everything about furniture... ...but with the business side... ...i'm feeling a little lost. quickbooks can help. an easy way to get paid, pay your staff and know where your business stands. new business? 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>> well these issues really concern me. activism is about using your platform for good and it's almost like a bug scratch like a mosquito by the for me and i always want to scratch the mosquito by the and the mosquito by the is itching and that's how activism feels to me. and really, i want to work on these issues. because i can make change and anyone can make change at any age by using their platform for good and that means finding a talent and using that for good. if you're an artist make pictures reflecting the issues you're concerned about, a dancer, put together a dance piece reflecting the issues. i think activism is about having fun too, so it's really something i felt called to do and i always had it in me at a young age. my parents said that even when i was three and four on the way to preschool, i would see people who are homeless and always ask and be concerned about them. so it's always been something in me at a very young age. >> wow. i remember the first time your parents took you to see the monument for your grandfather, your father called me said, you know, al, she told me, don't cry, don't cry, it's almost you sensed the historic nature and were comforting your father, one of the biggest activists in your different and your mother, trained by c.t.vivian and no one is activist like your parents are on the scene today. but let me ask you this, if your grandfather, who you never met, killed in '68 when i was 13 in the new york part of the organization. if he were aund today, what would you want to tell him about the civil rights movement and the state of the country right now? what would you tell, say grandpa, this is what's going on right now. >> i'd tell him that there is a lot of youth involved and that is great, however i have also not so great news and that very the state, in the current state of our country. i think you'd be happy to see all the youth and young people getting involved and all the people who are standing up and taking action on these issues, however you would also be very disappointed in our leaders and politicians. >> wow. now, in honor of the holiday, you're joining in your grandfather's foot steps and speaking at the washington national cathedral on tuesday. can you tell us more about this event and why it's so important to you? this is the third generation of kings. your grandfather spoke at the national cathedral, your father has, and now you are going to speak there on tuesday. tell us, yolanda about the service and why you are doing this. >> so, what i want to do, at the end of the service the goal is to get the youth too feel inspired and people too feel inspired. many times, people don't know what to do in terms activism, how can they take action? or or have faith that nothing's going to -- they may believe that nothing's going to get accomplished and that we're going to stay in this current state forever. so what i want to do is inspire young people. this is for my peers and for people who are my age. and so my initial goal is that by the time that they walk out of the chapel or the cathedral or after they stream it, after watching it, they feel more inspired and they have faith and hope, and they know just like me that we are going to get to the promised land, and that they can take action and that they know what to do. >> wow. >> and they have a guide. >> wow. well, it's going to be livestreamed. i announced it last week as well, and i'm certainly going to be watching because you are quite an orator. you make us all proud. yolanda renee king, thank you for doing your uncle al's show tonight. >> thank you for having me. up next, my final thoughts. stay with us. next, my final ths stay with us n ranch, but the clock is ticking, so we gotta bacon, new... (whistle blowing) did you just spike the footlong? sorry, i didn't want the delay of game. save big. order through the app. [microwave beeps] [ahh] ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm so defensive, i got bongos thumping in my chest ♪ ♪ and something tells me they don't beat for me ♪ ♪ i love romance, but i got eggshells around me ♪ ♪ don't step on 'em, don't step on 'em ♪ ♪ don't step on 'em, don't step on me ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ he'd better not take the ring from me ♪ i may be close to retirement, but i'm as busy as ever. careful now. nice! you got it. and thanks to voya, i'm confident about my future. oh dad, the twins are now... ...vegan. i know, i got 'em some of those plant burgers. - nice! - yeah. voya provides guidance for the right investments and helps me be prepared for unexpected events. they make me feel like i've got it all under control. [crowd] yeah! because i do. ok, that was awesome. voya. be confident to and through retirement. (music) voya. be confident to ♪ i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ finally. our honeymoon. it took awhile, but at least we got a great deal on our hotel with kayak. i was afraid we wouldn't go.. with our divorce and.... great divorce guys. yeah... search 100s of travel sites at once. kayak. search one and done. liz, you nerd, cough if you're in here! shh! i took mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. search 100s of travel sites at once. what about rob's dry cough? works on that too, and lasts 12 hours. 12 hours?! who studies that long? mucinex dm relieves wet and dry coughs. tomorrow is the national official federal holiday in honor of dr. martin luther king, a holiday that we fought to get. i remember as a teenager how mrs. coretta scott king and others, stevie wonder and others rallied us to make that a federal holiday as i was following the northern part of his movement. and what i would urge you to do is listen to the appeal by all of us, by the king family, and by those of us in the civil rights leadership. don't make mockery of it. it should not be celebrations tomorrow without legislation. rally and call on voting rights to be done. you can't honor dr. king and then kill the things that he did get done and the things he wanted to continue. and we'll be doing that all day tomorrow. there will be gatherings in washington. we will be livestreaming our annual national action network breakfast tomorrow. we will be doing it virtually because of indoor dining we're not doing. you can watch at 8:30 a.m. where we're going to be honoring yolanda, and we'll be honoring the chair of the congressional black caucus, congresswoman beatty and richmond of the afl-cio as well as we will be hearing from treasury secretary janet yellen. so you can go at 8:30 a.m. to and then we'll be in person in harlem 1:30 tomorrow afternoon at the house of justice of national action network. senator schumer and others will be there. and we will have my book there. "righteous troublemakers." it cannot be a movement without the unsung heroes i write about. get your copy of the book. make that a king day gift to somebody. we'll be right back. gift to somebody we'll be right back. 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Terror , 15 , Job , Word , Synagogues , Jail , Ten , Places , Reverend Sharpton , Worship , Thoughts , Congresswoman , To Be With You , Police Department Service , 27 , Hate Crime , Message , Terrorism , Act , Discussion , Hostages , Hostage Negotiations , 12 , Persons , Wall , Accountable , Bottom , Zero Tolerance , Zero , It , Fact , Agencies , Investigation , Hate , Rabi , Chuck Schumer , Leadership , Jewish , Institution , Youish , Voting Rights Legislation , Voting Rights , Course , Leaders , How , Humer , Vote , Filibuster , Prop , Record , Senats , Rules , Refusal , Joe Manchin , Kristen Sinema , Candidates , Thing , Demand , Grassroots , Voters , John Lewis , Backbone , Friend , Voting , Everything , Antiquated , Country , Millions , Tool , Obstructive , Senators , Issue , Carve Out , Legacy , Effort , Marco Rubio , Obstructionists , Doesn T , 50 , Democracies , Work , Matter , Cornerstone , Answer , Hearings , Couple , Ballot Box , Val Demmings Com , Sacred , Law Enforcement Experience , President , Order , Nbc News , Police , Plans , Executive Action , Kind , Policing Reform , Chief , Chokeholds , Warrants , Atlanta Police Department , Police Officers , Majority , Opinion , Deer , Way , Problems , Kmeft Action , Purpose , Policing , Police Departments , Standards , Training , Levels , Budgets , Sizes , 10 , 35 , Something , Community , Force , Change , Part , Hearing , Offer , Solution , Table , Th Good , Office , Briefly , Wednesday Press Conference , Lot , President Of The United States , Doubt , Health , Presidents , Dealing , Beginning , Seniors , Occasion , Defense , Issues , Things , Price , Grocery Store , Gas , Pumps , Incomes , Direction , Supply Chains , Goods , Mr , Val Demings , Jamie Harrison , Chairman , Op Ed Last Week , Let Me Go , Democratic National Committee , Time , Grandfather , Experience , Voting Rights Speech , Who , Jim Crow , Atlanta , South Carolina , Generations , Piece , Man , Black Americans , Eldest , Son , Roots , Voter Restriction , Weight , Members , Voter Protections , Voting Rights Act , Heavy , Black Man , Sons , Carolina , Linden Johnson , 57 , Actions , Birmingham Jail , Side , Colleagues , It S Time , Silence , Friends , Healthcare , Foundation , Roads , Hand , Bridges , Desk , Bill , Fine , Debt Ceiling , Map , Nomination , Ohio Supreme Court , 4 , 3 , States , Department Of Justice , Elections , Fight , Voting Map , Money , Districts , Outorganize Suppression , Rev , Pressure , Standing , 2006 , 16 , Democracy , Party , Heat , Fear , Fascism , Front Row , Renewal , Signing , Garden , Resigning , Sat , Fan , George Bush , Question , Condition , Estate , Pro Trump , Election Offices , Big Lie , Base , Heads , Basis , Secretaries , Attorney Generals , Fund Raising Efforts , Organizations , Committees , Association , Retruthment , Staff , Contributions , Resources , Dollars , Voter Suppression , Organizers , Ground , Heck , Attorney General , Ballot , Down , Clock , King S Grand Daughter Yolanda , Gotcha , Some , Richard Louie , News Stories , Stories , Break , Gunman , Four , Texas Synagog , Will , Suspect , No One Else , Fbi , Malafaizel Echram , British Citizen , 11 , 44 , Standoff , Prisoner , Release , Hostages Last Night Unharmed , Law Enforcement , Achram , Customers , Snow , Much , Effect , Winter Storm Warnings , Ice , To Carolinas , East Coast , Sharpton , Delays , Age , Subway , Retirement , Number , Steak , Press Conference , Baja Steak Jack Tender , Protein , High Protein , Immune Support , Muscle Health , Boost , Nutrients , Little Light Of Mine , 20 , Children , Conditions , World , Child , Narrator , Pain , Darkness , Outcast , Suffering , Waiting , Surgery , Love , Operationsmile Org , 45 , Screening , Colon Cancer , Cancer , Workouts , Cologuard , Coaching , Adults , Yep , American Cancer Society , Risk , Vitamins , Provider , Colon Cancers , Results , Stages , 92 , Organization , Supplement , First , Pharmacist , Vitamin , Quality , Purity , Brand , Usp , 1 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Conspirators , Text Messages , Virginia , Light , News Conference , Evidence , Approval Rating Down , Poll , Anniversary , Foreign Policy , Infrastructure Legislation , Conservative , Bills , Apology , We Haven T , Putin , Inflation , Mess , Trade , Anything , Troops , Tariffs , Ukraine Border , China , Firing People , Initiatives , Chief Of Staff , Build , Government , Signal , Rest , Cabinet , Pace , House , Mandate , Situations , Reform , Scale , Wanted , Polling Numbers , Say , Focus , 47 , Administration , Attention , Health Pandemic , Midst , Policy , Slogan , Presidency , Reality , Walking , Excuses , Margins , Slim , Agenda , Coming Up , News , Hosts , On Civil Rights , Updates , Anywhere , Yolanda Renee King , Don T Go , Qr Code , Tune In Scan , Nda , Inner Voice , Small Business Owner , Window , Kombucha Brewer , Voice , Furniture Maker , Intuit Quickbooks , Owner , Business Finances , Furniture , Hand Gestures , Lost , Sneaker , Problem , Business Stands , Dove 0 , Success 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Steps , Event , Foot , Washington National Cathedral On Tuesday , Cathedral , Kings , Goal , Terms Activism , The End , Faith , Peers , Chapel , Hope , Land , Guide , Well , Orator , Livestreamed , Stay , Up Next , Ticking , Footlong , Delay , Ths , We Gotta Bacon , Us N Ranch , Whistle Blowing , Game , Chest , Bongos , Microwave Beeps , Don T Step On , Em , Got Eggshells Around Me Don T Step On , Romance , Em Don T Step On , Thanks , Ring , Twins , Dad , Voya , Nice , Events , Crowd , Investments , Guidance , Plant Burgers , Vegan , Deal , Divorce , Honeymoon , We Wouldn T Go , Awhile , Cough , Works , Guys , Rob , Phlegmy Cough , Mucinex , Mucinex Dm , Liz , Nerd , Coughs , Coretta Scott King , Mrs , Teenager , Stevie Wonder , Movement , Rights , All Of Us , Make Mockery , Rally , Celebrations , Breakfast , Gatherings , Washington , National Action Network , Chair , Dining , Congresswoman Beatty , Congressional Black Caucus , 8 , Janet Yellen , Person , Richmond , Afl Cio , Book , Copy , Heroes , Righteous Troublemakers , Plan , Gift , Make , Downtown , Hotspot , S On The Se , Employee , Lisa , Deals , At T Business , Files , Smart Phone , Silverado , Camera Views , Front , Guys Today , Lopez , Josh , Views , Funny Business , Going On , Chevy Silverado , Cameras , Cam , Sir , Find New Roads , Eight , Copy Machine Printing , Chevrolet , Thought Printing , O , Set , Ready , Sale , Trees , Price Guarantee , 64 99 , 4 99 , Backing , Installation , Expert Team , Prepaid Card , Value , 24 7 , 500 , Watching , Day , Weekend , Marches , Everyone , Voting Rights Reform , News Coverage , Alicia Menendez , Eastern , Hello , Debate , Mic , Run , Conspiracies , Spouting , Capitol Are , Prisoners , Hint , Reporting , White House , 15000 ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC PoliticsNation 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC PoliticsNation 20240709

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moving backwards to the time donald trump has conjured for years now at his rallies, evoking without shame, the period before dr. king and thousands of others were able to prevail upon america to live up to its creed. last night, i heard him -- the most powerful republican in the nation, invoke racist lies while exploiting the pandemic to hold on to his party ahead of the 2024 election, and it's working. >> the left is now rationing life saving therapeutics based on race, discriminating against and denegrading white people to determine who live and see who dies. if you're white, you don't get the vaccine. >> it must be said that racism has always been the central appeal of maga and it should never, never should have been tolerated to begin with. but i would feel better if i knew that president biden and the democrats would be able to counter all those narratives. to be fair, they have to contend with not one, but two insurrections taking place. one of growing propensity on the right to embrace violence for the sense of power and to achieve political dominance from undermining the system from within, from gop efforts to gerrymandering and otherwise suppress the votes of those who would oppose them, especially minorities. and so far, presently likes the legislative weapons, needs to get around senate republicans as long as at least to senate democrats. we, including a conversation with dr. king's grand daughter, yolanda rene on the future activism, that's later, but first, congresswoman, democrat of florida, currently running for the u.s. senate in her state. congresswoman, thank you for being with us tonight. ahead of tomorrow's both day of service and action, before we begin, i would imagine, as a former police chief whose orlando district is still healing from the pulse nightclub shooting there nearly six years ago that you have some words with the folks there in texas after yesterday's attack and hostage situation at the congregation of the synagog. here's who president biden had to say earlier after he was briefed by the texas attorney general. >> it's an act of terror, and it not only was related to someone who had been arrested 15 years ago and in jail for ten years, he just did a great job, i wanted to make sure we got the word out to synagogues and places of worship we're not going to tolerate this. >> your thoughts on what we saw in texas, congresswoman. >> reverend sharpton, it's great to be with you, thank you so much for inviting me and yes, i spent 27 years at the police department service, police chief, but also 12 years on our hostage negotiations team and first, i am grateful the hostages are safe but we do have to send a strong message right now. i know there's been discussion about whether it was an act of terrorism, was it a hate crime, all of that, but what we need to do is get to the bottom of it and hold the persons responsible accountable. we should have zero tolerance for an act of terrorism and a hate crime that we cannot ignore the fact that this did happen at a synagog. so i know that there are several federal agencies involved in this investigation, they have to get to the bottom of t call it what it is and hold the persons responsible accountable. >> now clearly, the fact it was at a synagog and the rabi was held, it was targeted sunday because of a nature you cannot say what is, hate, certainly it was profiling a youish leadership and jewish community and jewish institution. congresswoman, you currently running to join the u.s. senate. the democratic majority leader chuck schumer has pledged to take up voting rights legislation this tuesday, legislation you and other how's leaders were able to pass this week, which of course senate humer intends to bypass with a vote to change rules on the filibuster which is also expected to fail, doing no small prop to the refusal of senats joe manchin and kristen sinema to consider it. you're on record that the filibuster should be eliminated, but what, at what point does your party demand senate candidates who believe the same thing? one, because the grassroots is increasingly demanding it, and two, because the black and brown voters that formed the party's backbone absolutely need it, congresswoman. >> well, reverend sharpton, let me say this. as my friend and colleague john lewis said, voting, the right to vote is precious. that is almost sacred and we have to do everything as a nation within our power to protect it. we cannot let a antiquated, obstructive, procedural tool in the u.s. senate be used yet again to suppress the right to vote for millions of voters around the country. and so, of course, yes, i am on record as opposing the filibuster. or we need to at least make a carve-out for this very precious, very sacred issue. i am hoping that the two democratic senators will think about their legacy and what they want to be remembered for but it doesn't stop with them. we have 50 republican senators. i am running against one of them, marco rubio, who have been obstructionists in this effort. as a matter of fact, marco rubio showed up to mock the cornerstone of our democracies, called voting rights ridiculous, but it's interesting he doesn't bother to show up for work. missed a couple of hearings just last week. so marco rubio does not want to face the voters at the ballot box so his answer to that is suppressing the vote. and i got to say this, if you believe florida can do better and you believe voting rights is precious and sacred for every american, then please visit my website, val and help me get to the united states senate. >> now, congresswoman, let me go back to your law enforcement experience. nbc news is reporting that president biden plans to take some kind of executive action on police, at policing reform, without advanced word on what it will entail or how it will differ from his order last year, restricting chokeholds and warrants was what he did. as former chief of of atlanta police department, what would be the most helpful action for president to take on this issue, in your opinion in. >> well, reverend sharpton, you know this as an issue near and deer to me in the 27 years as you know, the overwhelming majority of police officers as i've heard you say, are honest, decent people who do the job and do it well but we have had problems. and i'm disappoint said the legislation did not move forward in a bipartisan way but also encouraged to hear the president say he is going to take it up through kmeft action. i believe the whole purpose of the legislation was to bring some standards to policing. we know there are different sizes of police departments from 10 persons up to 35 persons. they have different budgets, different levels of training. i would love to see the harrowing standards across the board be more standardized, if you will, and also, use of force training. i know that would help the police departments and would also help the community, but we do need to get something done, and the police departments are a part of the solution. bringing them to the table to work on th good police officers want to see change. i look forward to hearing what the president has to say and more than willing to assist in that effort, should the offer come my way. >> congresswoman, before we lose you, what do you want to hear from the president in his upcoming wednesday press conference marking his first year in office, briefly, what would you like to hear? >> well, reverend sharpton, i've never served as president of the united states, but i've certainly watched a lot of them, and it is a tough job. there's no doubt about that. especially, if you want to do it correctly, we know president biden came in dealing with the public health pandemic. that, look, former president denied it was a pandemic in the beginning. but presidents of the united states are certainly required to rise to the occasion. we know that the best defense against the public health pandemic is to get the vaccine. he needs to continue to push that, but he also needs to understand that americans who have to go to work everyday and those who maybe are seniors on fixed incomes are worried about the price of things when they go to the grocery store, worried about the price of gas at the pumps. those issues have hit everyday americans where they are, and the president of the united states has to send a clear message with clear direction of where we're going to lower the price of ordinary goods but also increase and strengthen our supply chains. >> all right. thank you, congresswoman val demings. joining me now, jamie harrison, chair of the democratic national committee. mr. chairman, let me go right to it. i read your op-ed last week, published a day before the president delivered his voting rights speech in atlanta which i attended, and in it, you relate your experience of voting for the first time with your grandfather who, of course, lived through jim crow. you bring it forward in the piece relating your recent experience, voting with your eldest son for the first time. i think it's missed just how much the vote has meant to black americans for generations. as a black man from south carolina where i have roots, my great grandfather, i found, was enslaved there. i must add, you are now tasked with guiding the democratic party through this period of unheralded voter restriction, aimed largely at black voters. i can imagine the weight it holds for you. but you're also watching members of your own party impede voter protections by defending jim crow senate rules whether they acknowledged that legacy or not, and i guess i wanted -- at what point does the party does which side purported democrats are on, mr. chairman. >> you know, reverend al i want to open up, because the weight is heavy, as a black man with two black sons in carolina, the weight is heavy now you know, it's only been 57 years since the voting rights act was signed by linden johnson, 57 years in which all people in this country have been able to enjoy the right to vote. you know, in the words of dr. king from birmingham jail said we would repent, not only for the hateful actions of the good people but the appalling silence of all the good people. it's time for the good people of the country to stand up, take a side and decide how they want history to treat them. you know, my colleagues and friends on the democratic side in the united states senate, i say to them, i plead to them that this issue, this sacred right to vote is so important. it is more important than roads and bridges and healthcare itself because all those other issues are built on the other hand the foundation that we all have this right to go and vote and express ourselves. you know, folks have to stand up and they have to be on the right side. if you're going to be for the filibuster, be just as vigilant to fight for voting rights. if you want to protect the filibuster, that's fine, but find a way to get this bill on to president biden's desk. >> and do what you did with the debt ceiling, with the nomination, be consistent and in a 4 to 3 decision this weekend, ohio supreme court invalidated the gop approved congressional map saying it favored gop candidates. in a fight over its voting map, of course texas has been sued by department of justice over its map. but as we get closer to primary elections in many states, are you concerned that it's growing increasingly too late to protect districts even through federal action? >> i am very concerned. you know, time is something that is, you know, you can raise more money, but you never get time back. and time is something that is precious right now. we got to do all that we can. that's why this legislation is so important right now that we get it passed and get it on the president's desk right now. we cannot outorganize suppression. we can mitigate it through out-organizing -- while the democrats still out standing, but also the 50 republicans, 16 of them, rev, in 2006 voted for legislation very similar to this. we got to put pressure on all these people to stand up . the republican party has become the party of fear, and fascism and we got to call it out and put the heat on them as well to stand up for our democracy. >> i'm glad you raised that because in 2006, there was the resigning of the renewal of the voting rights act and i was invited to the signing, sat on the front row there in the garden as the president signed it and all the republicans had voted for it and that president was george bush. i certainly was no fan of his and he had us there. he signed it. what happened to that party from 2006 to now? i think donald trump brought the late racism how the. 16 senators, republican senators sitting in the senate now voted for that in 2006. it is absolutely ridiculous. last question -- are democrats ready for the midterm elections under our nation's condition, specifically, how are you fighting back against pro trump candidates now running for local and state election offices basically seeking to institutionalize the big lie. i mean we may see these are the candidates that your candidates will be facing that may not have the right message, and if we don't get voting rights and other things through that will energize the base. >> well, rev, i meet on a monthly basis with the heads of the many of the democratic organizations, like the democratic association of secretaries of state, or the democratic attorney generals, and we talk about the candidates, their retruthment efforts, the fund raising efforts. i tell democrats, support all these committees, secretaries of states, attorney generals, send them small contributions because that can be helpful as we get resources to fight back. at dnc, getting millions of dollars for voter protection staff cost the country and organizers on the ground already. we are pushing back as hard as we can again, we cannot out-organize voter suppression but can sure as heck mitigate it and trying to do that now recruiting good candidates like val demings and supporting those candidates, secretaries of state, attorney general and see so many down ballot democrats. >> jamie harrison, thank you for coming on. later on politics nation, we honor dr. king's legacy by looking towards the future. dr. king's grand daughter yolanda joins me, but first, even a broken clock is right twice a day. former president trump finally said something i think we can all agree with. i'll tell you about it in this week's "gotcha" before we take a break, my colleague richard louie with the top news stories. some of the stories watching for this hour, more tonight on the gunman who held four people against their will in a texas synagog for some 11 hours saturday. fbi identified the suspect as 44-year-old malafaizel echram a british citizen, no one else was involved, law enforcement freed the hostages last night unharmed during the standoff. achram reportedly demanded the release of a federal prisoner. winter storm warnings in effect for much of the east coast now, powerful system combining snow and ice knocked out power for thousands of customers from florida to carolinas, now heading north, expected to bring heavy snow and delays. more politics nation with al sharpton after this short break. sharpton after this short break. y'all heard it here. if you wanna be fresh, you gotta refresh, like subway®. like the new baja steak & jack tender, thicker-cut steak and. wait sooo you're not coming out of retirement? 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because they had the vaccine. and they're answering it, like, oh, oh, the answer is yes, but they don't want to say it. you got to say it, whether you had it or not, say it. >> as much as it pains me to say, the former guy has a point. with the omicron variant raging and misinformation about vaccines spreading like wildfire on social media, it is truly unforgivable that republican politicians are willing to fan the flames of antiscience skepticism to gain political support. while at the same time, they are privately getting the shots themselves to protect themselves and their families. which brings me to florida governor ron desantez, considered as a possible contender for president in 2024, a trump 2.0 if you will. some pundits felt the former president was taking a shot at desantes who has so far refused to answer questions about whether he received a booster shot. he is vaccinated by the way. spokesperson for him released a statement saying president trump did not mention governor desantis in that interview, so i wouldn't want to make assumptions but here's the thing, desantis only cares about his political future. he says he's pro-life but under his watch nearly 68,000 people have died from covid. he wanted to reopen florida's economy while most of the country was still on lockdown. he denounced work place vaccine mandates and even pushed to ban masks in schools. in many ways, he is simply imitating trump who planned down the pandemic's threat while president, mocked covid mitigation measures and ridiculed experts like dr. anthony fauci and it must be said, trump hasn't always been forth coming about his own vaccination status and only seems to have taken an interest in the vaccine now that it is, clearly, it will be a part, an inescapable part, at that, of his political legacy, but in a time of crisis, latecomers to the truth are better than those who don't show up at all, and the only way we're going to end this pandemic is for more republicans to get vaccinated, regardless of who tells them to do it. and so, for one brief moment, i applaud the former president for correctly calling out hypocrisy of his fellow republicans by protecting themselves while encouraging their supporters to believe in lies and false hoods that would lead them sick and maybe even dead. the far right of the gop has revealed they don't care at all about the americans they claim to represent. you can fool them, but you can't fool me. i gotcha. fool me. i gotcha yeah... search 100s of travel sites at once. kayak. search one and done. why does walgreens offer prescription copays se as low as zero dollars?s at once. ♪ ♪ so you won't have a medicare in the world. ♪ ♪ plus, 90-day refills and same day delivery. larry? 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how alarmed are you at the rise of crimes targeting jewish places of worship? >> well, reverend, good evening to you. it's very disturbing when someone would go into one of the most peaceful places you can find which is any place of worship, whether synagog or mosque or a christian church and to take people hostage and go out of the situation to resolve it. so, the hostage taker seems to be a british national whose brother says has mental illness so we'll see how that all works out but he was c so we've got them working, got swift justice down there in texas. >> danielle, the former president was arizona last night and back to his greatest hits peddling false claims about the 2020 election, also praised the vaccine, which his advisers have reportedly encouraged him to do, and that was overshadowed by the completely untrue comments about white people having to wait, quote, at the back of the line, for covid treatment. he was referring to a recent wall street journal op-ed titled new york's race-based preferential covid treatments which laid out new york state's guidelines that nonwhite race or hispanic latino ethnicity should be considered a risk factor. blacks and hispanics kai of covid around two times more than white people according to the cdc and according to bloomberg, black and hispanic vaccination rates lag white people by 10 percentage points so the issues is not non-whites getting preferential treatment as the president is claiming but rather, an effort is being made to correct for racial bias in our healthcare system. is trump undermining the one positive message he could be delivering to the american people right now? >> isn't that what trump does, reverend, which is undermine everything that means progress for america? and what he's also great at too as one of his greatest hits is stoking racial animists, people who are agreed, the silent majority for them to rage about, which is the fact that a:he told them initially to drink bleach, now telling them, oh, you're at the back of the line for vaccine, while simultaneously get the back of the line for the booster. he's creating divisiveness so republicans can continue their desire to reign over america. >> now, rick, the doj released an indictment charging the leader and founder of the oath keepers militia and 10 other people with seditious conspiracy this week in connection with the january 6 storming of the capital. what so far got into the washington post, the department does not seem to be investigating former president trump and his allies for their role in creating the conditions that led to the riot. do you think that's a mistake? >> we'll see what this case reveals. sedition is very difficult thing to prove, last successful case was against a blind sheep who had masterminded the bombing of the world trade center in 1993, convicts of that. this is a very similar case of master mine who did act in coordination, now we know there was a rapid response team ready. there was a stash of weapons in virginia ready to be deployed in dc. there's text messages, and there are could conspirators now turning evidence against them so you never know in a light like that who will talk. i don't know if this will reach highest levels, i think trump created the conditions for this to happen but whether he coordinated directly with the oath keepers i'm suspicious about. >> president biden will hold a news conference on wednesday to mark his one year anniversary in office according to a new poll, his approval rating down, and his bills stalled in the senate, infrastructure legislation and build back better. what would you like to hear from the president, rick? >> an apology. the president, right now, if you're a conservative, you don't like his foreign policy. putin is amassing troops along the ukraine border, our foreign policy is a mess. we haven't done anything to fix the trade tariffs with china, inflation out of control, but if you're progressive you don't like it either because he hasn't passed his two biggest initiatives which are the voting rights act and build back better. he has, rev, he is at a point now where he needs to start firing people, like maybe the chief of staff and half the cabinet and put the rest of them on those because he will send signal to the american people he is serious about change in pace to government. never got a mandate because the election was too close, too close in house and senate and the system is not built that way for large scale reform change the left wanted and can't get it in these situations so he's been doomed to fail, needs a change of course and direction and ought to start unifying the country not separating them like the former president did. >> danielle, question, according to new polling numbers, 47% of americans feel they're focusing on issues they don't care about, and a majority say they want more focus on the economy or inflation. what's your reaction? >> i mean, my reaction is that this president and this administration needs to be paying attention to the issues that the people that voted for them in the midst of a health pandemic said they wanted which was to secure our democracy and voting rights, right, which was to build back america. it's not just supposed to be a slogan. there's a actually supposed to be policy that backs it up and i'd like for this president and this entire administration to act as if the people gave them power. now it you the might not have been absolute and the margins to rick's point may have been slim, but the reality is people showed up so i'm tired of the excuses that this administration is giving and i'm tired of the slow walking and i want the attention and the power that the presidency actually has to be used. and that means to go after people within his own party that are obstructing his agenda. >> danielle moody and rick tyler, thank you both for being with us. coming up, dr. martin luther king's jr.'s grand daughter stops by "politics nation" on civil rights. and did you know, you can hear the latest news and updates from all your favorite msnbc hosts including me, anytime, anywhere, on any device with tune-in scan, qr code to hear now. we'll be right back with yolanda renee king. don't go anywhere. nda renee king don't go anywhere. inner voice (kombucha brewer): as a new small business owner, i find it useful to dramatically stare out of the window... that no one knows i'm secretly terrified inside. inner voice (sneaker shop owner): i'm using hand gestures and pointing... no one can tell i'm unsure about my business finances. inner voice (furniture maker): i'm constantly nodding... ...because i know everything about furniture... ...but with the business side... ...i'm feeling a little lost. quickbooks can help. an easy way to get paid, pay your staff and know where your business stands. new business? 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>> well these issues really concern me. activism is about using your platform for good and it's almost like a bug scratch like a mosquito by the for me and i always want to scratch the mosquito by the and the mosquito by the is itching and that's how activism feels to me. and really, i want to work on these issues. because i can make change and anyone can make change at any age by using their platform for good and that means finding a talent and using that for good. if you're an artist make pictures reflecting the issues you're concerned about, a dancer, put together a dance piece reflecting the issues. i think activism is about having fun too, so it's really something i felt called to do and i always had it in me at a young age. my parents said that even when i was three and four on the way to preschool, i would see people who are homeless and always ask and be concerned about them. so it's always been something in me at a very young age. >> wow. i remember the first time your parents took you to see the monument for your grandfather, your father called me said, you know, al, she told me, don't cry, don't cry, it's almost you sensed the historic nature and were comforting your father, one of the biggest activists in your different and your mother, trained by c.t.vivian and no one is activist like your parents are on the scene today. but let me ask you this, if your grandfather, who you never met, killed in '68 when i was 13 in the new york part of the organization. if he were aund today, what would you want to tell him about the civil rights movement and the state of the country right now? what would you tell, say grandpa, this is what's going on right now. >> i'd tell him that there is a lot of youth involved and that is great, however i have also not so great news and that very the state, in the current state of our country. i think you'd be happy to see all the youth and young people getting involved and all the people who are standing up and taking action on these issues, however you would also be very disappointed in our leaders and politicians. >> wow. now, in honor of the holiday, you're joining in your grandfather's foot steps and speaking at the washington national cathedral on tuesday. can you tell us more about this event and why it's so important to you? this is the third generation of kings. your grandfather spoke at the national cathedral, your father has, and now you are going to speak there on tuesday. tell us, yolanda about the service and why you are doing this. >> so, what i want to do, at the end of the service the goal is to get the youth too feel inspired and people too feel inspired. many times, people don't know what to do in terms activism, how can they take action? or or have faith that nothing's going to -- they may believe that nothing's going to get accomplished and that we're going to stay in this current state forever. so what i want to do is inspire young people. this is for my peers and for people who are my age. and so my initial goal is that by the time that they walk out of the chapel or the cathedral or after they stream it, after watching it, they feel more inspired and they have faith and hope, and they know just like me that we are going to get to the promised land, and that they can take action and that they know what to do. >> wow. >> and they have a guide. >> wow. well, it's going to be livestreamed. i announced it last week as well, and i'm certainly going to be watching because you are quite an orator. you make us all proud. yolanda renee king, thank you for doing your uncle al's show tonight. >> thank you for having me. up next, my final thoughts. stay with us. next, my final ths stay with us n ranch, but the clock is ticking, so we gotta bacon, new... 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(music) voya. be confident to ♪ i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ finally. our honeymoon. it took awhile, but at least we got a great deal on our hotel with kayak. i was afraid we wouldn't go.. with our divorce and.... great divorce guys. yeah... search 100s of travel sites at once. kayak. search one and done. liz, you nerd, cough if you're in here! shh! i took mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. search 100s of travel sites at once. what about rob's dry cough? works on that too, and lasts 12 hours. 12 hours?! who studies that long? mucinex dm relieves wet and dry coughs. tomorrow is the national official federal holiday in honor of dr. martin luther king, a holiday that we fought to get. i remember as a teenager how mrs. coretta scott king and others, stevie wonder and others rallied us to make that a federal holiday as i was following the northern part of his movement. and what i would urge you to do is listen to the appeal by all of us, by the king family, and by those of us in the civil rights leadership. don't make mockery of it. it should not be celebrations tomorrow without legislation. rally and call on voting rights to be done. you can't honor dr. king and then kill the things that he did get done and the things he wanted to continue. and we'll be doing that all day tomorrow. there will be gatherings in washington. we will be livestreaming our annual national action network breakfast tomorrow. we will be doing it virtually because of indoor dining we're not doing. you can watch at 8:30 a.m. where we're going to be honoring yolanda, and we'll be honoring the chair of the congressional black caucus, congresswoman beatty and richmond of the afl-cio as well as we will be hearing from treasury secretary janet yellen. so you can go at 8:30 a.m. to and then we'll be in person in harlem 1:30 tomorrow afternoon at the house of justice of national action network. senator schumer and others will be there. and we will have my book there. "righteous troublemakers." it cannot be a movement without the unsung heroes i write about. get your copy of the book. make that a king day gift to somebody. we'll be right back. gift to somebody we'll be right back. 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Terror , 15 , Job , Word , Synagogues , Jail , Ten , Places , Reverend Sharpton , Worship , Thoughts , Congresswoman , To Be With You , Police Department Service , 27 , Hate Crime , Message , Terrorism , Act , Discussion , Hostages , Hostage Negotiations , 12 , Persons , Wall , Accountable , Bottom , Zero Tolerance , Zero , It , Fact , Agencies , Investigation , Hate , Rabi , Chuck Schumer , Leadership , Jewish , Institution , Youish , Voting Rights Legislation , Voting Rights , Course , Leaders , How , Humer , Vote , Filibuster , Prop , Record , Senats , Rules , Refusal , Joe Manchin , Kristen Sinema , Candidates , Thing , Demand , Grassroots , Voters , John Lewis , Backbone , Friend , Voting , Everything , Antiquated , Country , Millions , Tool , Obstructive , Senators , Issue , Carve Out , Legacy , Effort , Marco Rubio , Obstructionists , Doesn T , 50 , Democracies , Work , Matter , Cornerstone , Answer , Hearings , Couple , Ballot Box , Val Demmings Com , Sacred , Law Enforcement Experience , President , Order , Nbc News , Police , Plans , Executive Action , Kind , Policing Reform , Chief , Chokeholds , Warrants , Atlanta Police Department , Police Officers , Majority , Opinion , Deer , Way , Problems , Kmeft Action , Purpose , Policing , Police Departments , Standards , Training , Levels , Budgets , Sizes , 10 , 35 , Something , Community , Force , Change , Part , Hearing , Offer , Solution , Table , Th Good , Office , Briefly , Wednesday Press Conference , Lot , President Of The United States , Doubt , Health , Presidents , Dealing , Beginning , Seniors , Occasion , Defense , Issues , Things , Price , Grocery Store , Gas , Pumps , Incomes , Direction , Supply Chains , Goods , Mr , Val Demings , Jamie Harrison , Chairman , Op Ed Last Week , Let Me Go , Democratic National Committee , Time , Grandfather , Experience , Voting Rights Speech , Who , Jim Crow , Atlanta , South Carolina , Generations , Piece , Man , Black Americans , Eldest , Son , Roots , Voter Restriction , Weight , Members , Voter Protections , Voting Rights Act , Heavy , Black Man , Sons , Carolina , Linden Johnson , 57 , Actions , Birmingham Jail , Side , Colleagues , It S Time , Silence , Friends , Healthcare , Foundation , Roads , Hand , Bridges , Desk , Bill , Fine , Debt Ceiling , Map , Nomination , Ohio Supreme Court , 4 , 3 , States , Department Of Justice , Elections , Fight , Voting Map , Money , Districts , Outorganize Suppression , Rev , Pressure , Standing , 2006 , 16 , Democracy , Party , Heat , Fear , Fascism , Front Row , Renewal , Signing , Garden , Resigning , Sat , Fan , George Bush , Question , Condition , Estate , Pro Trump , Election Offices , Big Lie , Base , Heads , Basis , Secretaries , Attorney Generals , Fund Raising Efforts , Organizations , Committees , Association , Retruthment , Staff , Contributions , Resources , Dollars , Voter Suppression , Organizers , Ground , Heck , Attorney General , Ballot , Down , Clock , King S Grand Daughter Yolanda , Gotcha , Some , Richard Louie , News Stories , Stories , Break , Gunman , Four , Texas Synagog , Will , Suspect , No One Else , Fbi , Malafaizel Echram , British Citizen , 11 , 44 , Standoff , Prisoner , Release , Hostages Last Night Unharmed , Law Enforcement , Achram , Customers , Snow , Much , Effect , Winter Storm Warnings , Ice , To Carolinas , East Coast , Sharpton , Delays , Age , Subway , Retirement , Number , Steak , Press Conference , Baja Steak Jack Tender , Protein , High Protein , Immune Support , Muscle Health , Boost , Nutrients , Little Light Of Mine , 20 , Children , Conditions , World , Child , Narrator , Pain , Darkness , Outcast , Suffering , Waiting , Surgery , Love , Operationsmile Org , 45 , Screening , Colon Cancer , Cancer , Workouts , Cologuard , Coaching , Adults , Yep , American Cancer Society , Risk , Vitamins , Provider , Colon Cancers , Results , Stages , 92 , Organization , Supplement , First , Pharmacist , Vitamin , Quality , Purity , Brand , Usp , 1 , Business , T Mobile , Thought , Vo , Plastic , The Ocean , Device , Phone , 00 , 800 , Line , Ofd Ke , Small Business , Network , Data , Comcast Business Mobile , Nationwide 5g , 30 , 0 , 5 , Internet , Possibilities , Comcast Business , Contract , Lines , Term , Mix , Match Data Options , Fees , Control , Whatever , Story , Feelings , Emotions , Got Swift , Answers , Accountability , January 6 , Strange , 6 , Politicians , Interview , People Don T , Vaccine Status , Booster , Questions , Oh , Vaccines , Guy , Misinformation , Wildfire On Social Media , Omicron Variant Raging , Shots , Support , Skepticism , Flames , Antiscience , Ron Desantez , Contender , Families , At Desantes , Booster Shot , Shot , Pundits , 2 0 , Desantis , Statement , Spokesperson , Covid , Assumptions , 68000 , Economy , Most , Work Place Vaccine Mandates , Masks , Schools , Ways , Lockdown , Trump Hasn T , Experts , Threat , Mocked Covid Mitigation Measures , Anthony Fauci , Vaccination Status , Interest , Latecomers , Crisis , Truth , Who Don T Show , Supporters , False , Hoods , Hypocrisy , Care , Has , Prescription , Kayak , Search 100s Of Travel Sites , Search One , Walgreens , 100 , Medicare , Zero Dollars , Save , Prescriptions , Everywhere , Delivery , Larry , 90 , Stop Rybelsus , A1c , Isn T , Type 2 Diabetes , Blood Sugar , Type 1 Diabetes , 7 , 2 , Reaction , Side Effects , Family , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Help , Lump , Stomach Pain , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Neck , Swelling , Pancreatitis , Don T Take Rybelsus , Changes , Vision Problems , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Insulin , Sulfonylurea , Dehydration , Nausea , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Possibility , Healthcare Provider , Eat Fresh Refresh , Save Big , Footlongs , Baja Steak Jack , Chicken , Bacon Ranch , Baja Chicken Bacon , Aka , The Smokeshow , App , Music , What A Wonderful World , Politics , Cover , Panel , Retired , Msnbc , Danielle Moody , Strategist , Host , Foundry Strategies , Cofounder , Political Analyst , Hostage , Democracyish Podcast , Rick Tyler , Cohost , Officials , Incidents , The Tree Of Life Synagog , Pittsburgh , Three , Crimes , Rise , California , Mosque , Situation , Christian Church , Brother , National , Hostage Taker , Illness , British , Greatest Hits , Them Working , Arizona , Comments , Claims , Advisers , 2020 , New York , Back , Guidelines , Treatments , Quote , Covid Treatment , Wall Street Journal Op Ed , Times , Risk Factor , Ethnicity , Blacks , Latino , Kai , Points , Vaccination , Rates , Bloomberg , Cdc , Treatment , Healthcare System , Bias , Animists , At , Progress For America , Silent Majority , Drink Bleach , Desire , Divisiveness , Founder , Militia , Indictment , Seditious Conspiracy , Oath Keepers , Trump , Department , Storming , Capital , Connection , Role , Allies , Washington Post , Case , Sedition , Riot , Led , Mistake , Blind Sheep , Master Mine , Convicts , Team , Stash , Bombing , Coordination , World Trade Center , 1993 , In Dc , Conspirators , Text Messages , Virginia , Light , News Conference , Evidence , Approval Rating Down , Poll , Anniversary , Foreign Policy , Infrastructure Legislation , Conservative , Bills , Apology , We Haven T , Putin , Inflation , Mess , Trade , Anything , Troops , Tariffs , Ukraine Border , China , Firing People , Initiatives , Chief Of Staff , Build , Government , Signal , Rest , Cabinet , Pace , House , Mandate , Situations , Reform , Scale , Wanted , Polling Numbers , Say , Focus , 47 , Administration , Attention , Health Pandemic , Midst , Policy , Slogan , Presidency , Reality , Walking , Excuses , Margins , Slim , Agenda , Coming Up , News , Hosts , On Civil Rights , Updates , Anywhere , Yolanda Renee King , Don T Go , Qr Code , Tune In Scan , Nda , Inner Voice , Small Business Owner , Window , Kombucha Brewer , Voice , Furniture Maker , Intuit Quickbooks , Owner , Business Finances , Furniture , Hand Gestures , Lost , Sneaker , Problem , Business Stands , Dove 0 , Success Starts , 48 , Protection , Moisturizers , Unitedhealthcare , Aarp Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan , Kinder On Skin , What Medicare Doesn T , Doctor , Specialist , Patients , Medicare Supplement , Decision Guide , Call Unitedhealthcare , Google , Refill , Diner , Bus , Lives , Reach , Hundreds , Aisle , Pursuit , Routine , Pfizer , Jerseys , All American Clubtm , Nothing , Subways , Hotel , Ads , Haven T , Space , Turkey Cali Fresh , Bmt , Go Long Italian , Cancellation , Canceling , Vacation , Somebody , Generation , Guest , Me Today , Hi , Director , Youth Programming , Drum Major Institute , Jr , Show , Hundreds Of Thousands , Father , Mother , 50000 , 200000 , Celebration , 13 , Activist , None , Mosquito , Platform , Itching , Bug Scratch , Anyone , Talent , Dancer , Good , Dance Piece , Pictures , Artist , Parents , Preschool , Fun , Nature , Monument , Don T Cry , Activists , No One , Scene , C T Vivian , Grandpa , Civil Rights Movement , Aund , 68 , Youth , Holiday , Honor , Steps , Event , Foot , Washington National Cathedral On Tuesday , Cathedral , Kings , Goal , Terms Activism , The End , Faith , Peers , Chapel , Hope , Land , Guide , Well , Orator , Livestreamed , Stay , Up Next , Ticking , Footlong , Delay , Ths , We Gotta Bacon , Us N Ranch , Whistle Blowing , Game , Chest , Bongos , Microwave Beeps , Don T Step On , Em , Got Eggshells Around Me Don T Step On , Romance , Em Don T Step On , Thanks , Ring , Twins , Dad , Voya , Nice , Events , Crowd , Investments , Guidance , Plant Burgers , Vegan , Deal , Divorce , Honeymoon , We Wouldn T Go , Awhile , Cough , Works , Guys , Rob , Phlegmy Cough , Mucinex , Mucinex Dm , Liz , Nerd , Coughs , Coretta Scott King , Mrs , Teenager , Stevie Wonder , Movement , Rights , All Of Us , Make Mockery , Rally , Celebrations , Breakfast , Gatherings , Washington , National Action Network , Chair , Dining , Congresswoman Beatty , Congressional Black Caucus , 8 , Janet Yellen , Person , Richmond , Afl Cio , Book , Copy , Heroes , Righteous Troublemakers , Plan , Gift , Make , Downtown , Hotspot , S On The Se , Employee , Lisa , Deals , At T Business , Files , Smart Phone , Silverado , Camera Views , Front , Guys Today , Lopez , Josh , Views , Funny Business , Going On , Chevy Silverado , Cameras , Cam , Sir , Find New Roads , Eight , Copy Machine Printing , Chevrolet , Thought Printing , O , Set , Ready , Sale , Trees , Price Guarantee , 64 99 , 4 99 , Backing , Installation , Expert Team , Prepaid Card , Value , 24 7 , 500 , Watching , Day , Weekend , Marches , Everyone , Voting Rights Reform , News Coverage , Alicia Menendez , Eastern , Hello , Debate , Mic , Run , Conspiracies , Spouting , Capitol Are , Prisoners , Hint , Reporting , White House , 15000 ,

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