Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 2

Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20240709

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know. but there is a proxies service in the house that they can give a proxy vote in the house. but there's no proxy vote in the senate. so with this man being out. there is no way that he can cast the vote. >> yes, there's absolutely no notice of the pandemic. big surprise. trying to get them to make the slight adjustment into how things work there, obviously, is kind of difficult. and they've introduced of kind of a reasonable thing of not forcing these people in the same room to vote. >> they're only a large, powerful, collective group of lots of octogenarians. why would they need to take notice of this particular respiratory illness? >> i think we can go on and on with the oddities of the united states senate. you know what, that's exactly what we're gonna do. >> thank you lawrence. >> thank you rachel. i've been looks inning to the senate speeches for decades now. most of them when i was sitting in the chamber as a democratic staff member. and i have never, never, heard of a more contemptuous speech by a democratic senator than the one written by kristen sinema's staff and read by senator sinema on the floor today. the speech was filled with a contempt for senator sinema's democratic colleagues, for her constituents, and for all of you. sinema express that content by delivering a nonstop insult to the intelligence of everyone who was listening. she filled her 20 minutes on the senate floor, with a string of hallmark greeting card type latitudes about how the united states should work and not a single word about the reality of why the united states senate no longer works. in announcing her opposition to senator -- in any way to pass legislation by a simple majority vote. senator sinema said this. >> eliminating the 60 vote threshold will guarantee that we lose a critical tool to save democracy from threats in the years to come. >> it is hard to think of a stupid or thing that could be said about the 60 vote threshold. that was senator sinema claiming that the 60 vote rule in the senate is, quote, a critical tool that we need to safeguard our democracy. it is, in fact. the single most active anti democracy role that exists in government. t active ant democracy role that it senator sinema said a single true thing, i would play that and let you hear it. she didn't. not one true word about the 60 vote rule. so here is something untrue that sentiment sinema said about her own history with the 60 vote threshold. >> there is no need for me to restate my long sanded support for the 60 vote legislation. there is no need for me to restate its role from protecting our country from wild reversals in federal policy. >> my long-standing support for the 60 vote threshold to pass legislation. here is kristen sinema in 2010, discussing the 60 vote threshold while she mocks a democratic summiteer for being insufficiently loyal to -- >> well the senate, we no longer have 60 votes. but that's whatever. yeah, and nelson to. so, now there's, as the president so eloquently said on wednesday, this pressure to get to 60. so what that means is that the democrats can stop kowtowing to joe lieberman, and instead seek other avenues to inform themselves. this informative process is called reconciliation which -- by the way it's not unusual, you will recall the democrats took the senate in 2009. that the democrats controls the senate for quite some time since 1984. -- the reconciliation process is still quite available -- so, [applause] >> one of the differences about that speech, is that no one wrote that for her. she wasn't reading that. so maybe, maybe that means, that's what's she actually thought. that version of kyrsten sinema, before she came to washington, wanted to use the simple majority vote in the united states senate for good instead of evil. she said the republicans never got 60 votes. she didn't say that as a complaint, she said that, admiring the republican tactical ability to pass legislation without getting 60 votes. we cannot know what's in the actually believes, if she actually believes anything at all. but what we do know, is that she did not support her position today with logic, intelligence, or truth. senator sinema did tell us about how she feels about the unanimous opposition to voting rights legislation by any republican in the united states. >> i share the disappointment of many, if we are not s'more support on the other side of the aisle to state lead restrictions. i wish a was not the case. >> she's disappointed, she's disappointed in republicans. when she ran for the united states senate she did not say that she would bring all of her legislative and policy goals to the republican leader of the segment. and try to get republican rule of the senate. and that's not what she told voters but that is her position now. she has to prove everything. they have to approve what's she has to do, but she won't even try to do. it she will just stand at her desk in the united states senate and be disappointed. and she will give up. if republicans don't want to do what she wants to do, she will give up. that's what she said tonight. president joe biden said today he is not giving up. president joe biden attended a luncheon today where she sat looking at her phone for most of the time. senator sinema's speech before -- from delivering a passion talked airing that lunch, about play changing senate rule. that had a standing ovation in that room. after meeting with the democratic senators, president biden said this. >> i hope we can get this done. the honest to god answer is i don't know if we can get this done. like every major civil rights bill that came along, if we miss the first time, we can come back and try it a second time. we miss this time. as long as i have a breath of me, as long as i'm in the white house, as long as i have gaze at all i'm going to be fighting to change the way these legislators have been moving. >> we have far discussion tonight eugene who is a political analyst and -- who is in a merritt's skyler at the emeritus institute. norman, will be given to you as our congressional scholar, i've seen you with this all day. i'm not gonna bother this with the question. norm >> what was your answer. >> i was stunned today, not just by the speech, but by the timing of. it the president of the united states doing this before he came for the launch was just astonishing. and the nature of the speech, and i have been hopeful for a long time because every argument that kristen sinema has made in the past about the filibuster has easily knocked down. it's filled with misconceptions about the nature of the senate. it's filled with misconceptions about where the filibuster came from. misconceptions about whether it provides incentive for bipartisan leadership. and i've seen interviews that she's done with arizona reporters. when she said that she's acting in the best interest of arizonian's, arizona is a poster child for radical republicans destroying democracy in elections before our very eyes. not only all diesel fischel's who said potion knits election results to try and alter the alexei, but the lord -- and trying to steal elections. so to take the stand is just, not just hypocritical, but truly disastrous. i've tried to avoid criticizing her in the past, thinking that logic would prevail. but it hasn't. it's disdain. and we can't let joe manchin off the hook either. the focus is on cinema, but we haven't seen movement from him either. >> yeah, joe manchin said in a written statement today, he didn't insult us with a speech on the floor. he is not hoping it gets a lot of attention but he said, i will not votes to eliminate the filibuster. and then he went on to make untrue statements about the history of these things and the way it's been regarded in the senate. including this, he said just four years ago, 61 senators, 43 of which were democrats, sent a letter to senators chuck schumer and mitch mcconnell warning them of the dangers of eliminating the filibuster. and eugene, every one of those 33 democrats who are still sitting in that room today with the president has changed their minds about day. that's the important thing. they didn't rush to this judgments. they didn't want to reach this judgment. they very reluctantly came to this point, including joe biden, saying we need to change this rule for voting rights. >> you're absolutely right and let's keep in mind it's not just sinema and manchin who are the role block on protecting voting rights. it's those 50 republican senators as well. they clearly, simply, intend to instruct, they don't want voting rights protected. those 33's editors, the ones who are still sitting. did change their minds. they did realize that this is an emergency. the filibuster, if it didn't have a purpose, it is still being used for maligned now. it's not in the constitution, it's still a just the senate rule. they -- the filibuster needs to go. yet, here we are. president biden did speak with senators sinema and manchin privately, after the luncheon, so i have yet to see a read out of that meeting. but i imagine, he probably talked about ways the filibuster might be altered or otherwise that the norman suggested, is not eliminated. he said he's not given up, and joe biden says he's not given up. >> and so norm, because of the leather, and the senator chats because of covid, the showdown on the senate floor about this is delayed until tuesday. the day after martin luther king day. what we're gonna see then is chuck schumer bringing this to a vote on the senate floor. bringing the debate onto the senate floor, and then getting a vote that is going to leave that mark in history about where everyone stands. >> so, going back to your discussion with rachel, i've been working for years on the continuity of government and trying very hard to get remote voting in the senate. which is a catastrophe in the making because they haven't done it. the good thing about this lawrence, is we can look for good things. because there will be a filibuster on the motion to proceed. there will be an operates to nutty furred to pay. there will be an opportunity for the substance of the freedom to vote act. the things that are being done to protect the votes, and protect the elections, from people trying to steal them and overturn. them genuinely steal them. like what we saw on january 6th. and i hope that we will be following that. beyond that vote. we will actually get a vote using the procedure called, the nuclear option. in attempts to provide a modest change in the rule so that honestly, you can get to a place where a majority can vote. put those senators, senator manchin -- not just letting them civil voting rights which is how the support its performance. and then saying finally. i'm gonna do what it takes to get their. push them to that point so that it's clear on the record who is making this happening. and as jean said, has all of those 50 republicans, not one of them would support voting election reform. >> and as we talk about these two things, one is why did it take so long for chuck schumer and biden to get here? and as well, they had this legislative agenda last year that they were trying to pass, knowing this was the moment that was going to alienate joe manchin and sinema, and they didn't want to lose those two votes on the earlier aspects of the agenda, they got most of it through. the last of it, the piece of it they were trying to get through, the other part of it is if we were to go back six months, it was only two senators who were opposed to a rule change. it took this long to get it down to only too willing to stand up and say we remain opposed to the rules change. >> yeah, it was part of six of seven recently who are very reluctant to change the rules and to eliminate or circumvent the filibuster in any way. that number did come down steadily. and it came down because this is an emergency. this is an emergency of our democracy. we simply must protect voting rights. it has to get done. i agree with norm, i think if manchin and sinema are gonna take this position, they should not be allowed to say we are just appalled by republicans who are doing horrible things. they need to go on record with a vote preventing democrats from doing what they say they know is the right thing. and -- the right to vote. >> and another reason why that other handful change their mind about this in the last year is that, they were reading and rereading, normal or inseams writing about this. and reading columns all year, which i know change their minds in the set. thank you both very much for starting us off tonight, really appreciate it. >> thank you. >> and coming up the justice department moved to a whole new level. it charges filed today against terrorists who attacked the capitol on january 6th. that's next. orists who attacked th capitol on a quote today. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ my mental health was much 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pay as little as zero dollars at as little as zero dollars when a truck hit my car, the insurance company wasn't fair. i didid't t kn whahatmy c caswa, so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to k how much their accident case is worth.h barnes. t ouour juryry aorneneys hehelpou i was hit by a car get t tand needed help.oiblele. t ouour juryry aorneneys hehi called the barnes firm. that was the best call i could've made. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to know how much their accident case is let our injury attorneys know he the case against the people who how much their accident cget the best result possible. attacked the capitol, mitch mcconnell and ted cruz, have both called terrorists. it reached a new local today when the gusts territory -- they charge people with seditious conspiracy. they said, quote, the purpose of the conspiracy was to oppose the lawful transfer of presidential power by force, by preventing, hindering, or delaying by force the execution of the laws -- 12 and 20th amendments of the constitution in title three section 15 of the united states code. the leader of this indictment is edward stewart rhodes, he's the head of the group who is giving themself the false name of the oath keepers. they do not keep any oath. sedition conspiracy carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison. this is only one of the counts in the multi count indictment. several quotes from text messages and other communication by the defendants that federal prosecutors have already detained. on february 22nd, long after joe biden had actually won the college vote, mr. rhodes said, we will have to do a bloody, massively bloody resolution against them, that is what is gonna have to happen. also today -- subpoenas to social media companies to detain information from social media, google, twitter, facebook, reddit. in the notes, two key questions for the select committee are how to spread the spread of misinformation and violent extremism contributed to the violent attack on our democracy and what steps, if any, social media companies took to prevent their platforms from breeding breeding grounds for these people. it's disappointing, that months after this engagement we still do not have the documents and information necessary to answer those basic questions. joining us now, democratic congressman, -- she is a member of the house judiciary committee and -- thank you very much for joining us tonight. the january six committee has given up on trying to cooperatively try to get this information from the social media companies, they have now had to turn to subpoenas. how long do you expect it would take for these companies to be able to deliver what the subpoenas won? >> well i hope they will deliver immediately. of course we know better from those who have -- thanks for having me tonight, lawrence. it's a very sad turn of events that we are where we are but i believe it is where we need to be. we need to be talking to these media giants we need to be talking about the extraordinary charges of seditious complete spears e against our government. that's what's so struggling to me. but i lived through january 6th, we all dead. and so, i want every person, every media giants who is involved, to make sure that they come forward and tell us exactly what they know, exactly what they participated in. and exactly what we need to know so this never happens again. >> here you have in the justice department, charging seditious conspiracy while these social media companies have been withholding cooperation from a congressional committee investigating what this seditious conspiracy was about, when it was trying to achieve. and so it is very likely that they could also face these companies subpoenas from the justice department, which of course they will respond to very quickly, i'm sure. >> yes. and i want to think back. i'm someone who cares about words. i remember at the time of the insurrection. i literally was in a safe room looking up a selection, because i'd never be in the middle of one. i also looked up the world, sedition. it is to rebel against your own government in a violent way. so, i call upon anyone of the people who have been involved in front of the one six committee, the tech giants, mr. mccarthy who famously, or infamously, said today and yesterday, has resisted many willingness to come forward. any person who knows anything about, or was anywhere near january 6th, me included, should come forward and say, i will tell you everything i know. and mr. mccarthy, how he is cowering, how he is hiding. i saw him today running through the capitol with his team. fighting off the press. i would think you'd stand right in front of them and say, i want to tell you every single thing i know. >> well that is of course wet hillary clinton did when -- that was 11 hour of testimony on one day, on one committee. there is not a single republican member of the house, jim jordan, kevin mccarthy, not one of them is willing to do anything like what hillary clinton was willing to do. >> no, and it tells you an awful lot about them. you know that i'm only a sophomore in congress but i do serve on the judiciary committee. i served with jim jordan. mr. jordan has no ability to come forward with the truth. mr. jordan spews lies and hate. and yet, when he's asked for the truth of what happened on january 6th, when did you speak to the president? did you speak to him before, during, or after the insurrection? as much as he can go glibly around wise of socialism, and democrats, and all those kinds of ridiculous lies, he stammers to tell the truth about these peoples involvement. currently we have a moment where either patriots were come forward, or they will not. and we've seen an awful light of patriots not come forward. but i want to pause concentrate on the positive. they -- then telling the truth, maybe reluctantly, and maybe very very willingly. they know in the end that what matters is our democracy. what matters is, what do we, you and i hand down to her children? what do we hand down to our grandchildren in terms of our precious democracy? so in the end, mr. jordan will be revealed. mr. mccarthy in the end will be revealed. and i know others will be to. in the end, the one six committee will put together the truth. dot by dot, data point by data point, fact by fact. and we will know exactly what the president did, with the president planned, and all those around, what they planned. i'm sad for them. i honestly feel sad about people like mccarthy. come forward, tell people what you know. this is the time. how do you know how you will be remembered? do you want to be remembered is carrying from the truth? you want to be remembered as someone who is caught up in something that they wish they were not. and now they're telling the truth. thank you very much, lawrence. >> joining us now, doug jones, former democratic senator from alabama. also a former federal prosecutor. i want to get your reaction on the indictment today, and the charge of seditious conspiracy. i'm sure the prosecutors have to dust off those pages to review -- that is not something that we've seen very often. >> well, no. it's not something you see very often. you don't see that often in america. this is a unique experience. it's a massive conspiracy. i've said all along to the apart department of justice. this is such a huge investigation. involving so many hundreds of people. you start from the ground, up with those that are in the capital, assaulting police officers, and you move up. and you charge the charges you can do early, and then get more serious to the ones doing the planning. i think this is the next step -- for taking the step. it's a bold move. these are not easy charges to make. but, they have methodically gone about it, officially gone about it, and i think it's gonna be real injustice talking to see going forward. the indictment >> the indictment clearly indicates -- so awful lot of information on the communication that they exchange with each other and others. at the top of it all, the leader of this group who has -- they already know some of the most condemning things that he says in the lead up in this conspiracy. >> yeah. it's a very important point when you can contrast would the department of justice -- those are two different entities. the january six committee and the house saw also do new very efficiently, doing it in a very fair way. but, they're also very public in their subpoenas. the justice department can issue subpoenas. only the grand jury can issue subpoenas. the grand jury work a secret, so all of that's going on behind the scenes with civil documents. what i think this indictment shows the american public, is that the justice department is on a parallel track with the same kind of subpoenas and requests for information that the january six committee. they just have to do it in a different way. they've got a ton of information. my guess is that they're going to get, more because some of these people that were indicted today, they're going to flip. they're going to talk to the government. they're not going to want to go to jail for 20 years, without parole, by the way. there is no parole in federal court. 20 years, you really do your time. i suspect -- it's real easy to talk a good game till your behind the podium and the judge says, the united states of america versus mr. roads and, you've got the full weight of the government. at some point these folks are going to want to talk. you will continue to see the chain go up. >> former senator, doug jones. thank you very much for joining us. really appreciated. >> thank you lawrence. >> coming up, we have marjorie taylor greene were a high school student, would you be pulled out of school for threatening her classmates? one of marjorie taylor greene's congressional coworkers has reported her threats against democrats to the capitol police. congressman stephens who filed that complaint, joins us next. ♪ ♪ ♪ "how bizarre" by omc ♪ no annual fee on any discover card. ♪ ♪ when i break a long run, i'm talking long, long. no annual fee on any discover card. that's why i use old spice triple protection sweat defense. 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taylor greene. congresswoman steven said, i am concerned about the mental health of my colleague from georgia and would like capitol police to address or dangerous threats in my workplace. just as we would in any school or a job site, we cannot let calls for gun violence go unchecked. congresswoman stephens filed the complaint after marjorie taylor greene said this, democrats, they hate our second amendment because, ultimately, the truth is it's our second minute rights, our right to bear arms, that protects americans and gives us the ability to defend ourselves from a tie around nickel government. i hate to use this language, but democrats, they're exactly -- they are doing exactly what our founders talked about when they gave us the precious rights that we have. joining us now, congresswoman, haley stevens of michigan. thankyous very much for joining us will. we really appreciate it. what did you hear in those comments by marjorie taylor greene about the second amendment? >> look, this is no longer acceptable to call on violence in the workplace. this is about a month and a half, lawrence, after a school shooting in oakland county, michigan. it has rocked our community. we are reeling from this. we are ten years since the gabby gifford shooting, and we are sick of it. i have been on the phone with my volunteers for moms demand action i got a congress about common sense gun safety platform, and i am not going to allow a colleague of mine to push us around and incite violence. the words matter. the words absolutely matter, and it's no longer acceptable, lawrence. i've done this before. mr. buck -- congressman buck, he's got an assault rifle in his office in capitol hill. pre-pandemic, when we had students walking through the halls. that's not acceptable. we've got to change your culture, we've got to change garment sense gun safety legislation. certainly honoring the long tradition of sports in the hunting and rifle really, that's fine. go back to the roots, stop the violence. >> if this were a high school, and the student was found writing notes about second marine rights, and maybe the second amendment needs to be used, because some of the students are bothering me, or some of the teachers are bothering me, the school administration would have a lot to say to that student. >> yeah, it's called a red flag. it's absolutely called a red flag. this is something that we just lived through back home. this is why i call it, out it's personal. it ties back. you create a zeitgeist. you create a culture, as an elected official through your words. this is an incitement of violence. you are absolutely right. i want to applaud or capitol police, lawrence. they worked so hard. they've been through a lot, they've been through hell and back. it's certainly they are responsibilities, i know that they are here trying to protect the safety in an environment that's tense. look, marjorie taylor greene is a bully. she's bullying colleagues in the workplace. she started screaming at us after we passed a woman's health protection bill and i backed away, because i didn't know if she had a weapon honor. that's immediately what i thought. because that's the culture that she's inciting. it's gotta stop. we've got to set the example for our students. i'm going to call it out. >> you know her and you work with her, and you say about your complaint you're not sure about her mental health look. her. behavior is unhinged. and to say something like that, and to double down, and to be fine tens of thousands of dollars for not complying with the basic human decency as wearing a mask as required on the house floor. the flagrant disregard of this pandemic and the rules of the house, what's going on here? and that, is by the way, what these red flag laws are about in some respects. some of those who have committed crimes. not having access to weapons. i'm not trying to make too many comments here from a professional diagnosis standpoint, but when i will say here is, there is something going on with this lady. and it ain't right. >> haley sealants, thank you very much for joining us, i appreciate it. >> thank you, coming up, in a historic decision covered in -- california governor newsom overruled the california board and refused to release senator kennedy and 1968 when he was running for president. ethel kennedy, who has been a widow for many years, thank the government today. that's next. 1968 was the year we lost the most american troops in the vietnam war when president kennedy was running to end that war. >> i'm concerned that at the end of it all, there will be only more americans killed, more of our treasure spent, and because of the bitterness and because of the hatred on every side of this war, more hundreds of thousands of vietnamese slaughtered, so that they may say, as -- they made a desert, and they called it piece. i don't think that satisfactory for the united states of america. anna [applause] >> that was march 18th, 1968. just over two months later on june 5th, after giving his congratulatory speech -- that had him poised to win at the democratic convention. but he was assassinated in the ballroom of the ambassador hotel in los angeles. shot at close range by sirhan sirhan who is immediately wrestled to the ground and disarmed. today, governor newsom announcing an op-ed to the los angeles times, i will not release him on parole. democrats rolled -- in refusing to let him go, the governor and also reminded us that he shot and injured five by standards. sirhan is now 77 years old, but he remains a potent symbol of political violence in the past, terrorist took hostages, and ultimately some of them killed some of them in his name. he -- was in a statement released today by 93 year old ethel kennedy, her husband dead over 50 years, and six other children, they support the governor's decision and pointed out, the killer wrote in his diary more than 1000 times that rfk must die. must be disposed of like his brother was. must be assassinated. he also wrote that other should be murdered including ambassador to united states nations arthur goldberg and president johnson. ethel kennedy was with her husband one he was assassinated by sirhan. as the family points out, she and the rest of the family have had to relive that experience literally thousands of times. including right now. if they happen to be running watching television wallace segment like this comes on. a segment that says, because of how entwined into popular culture this murder has become, amplified by the regularity of the immense attempts to be freed, our family has been forced to watch our husband and father be killed thousands of times. the pain of reliving his last moments over and over again, is simply unbearable. instead of contrition, this inmate points to what he sees on the clock rather than what he knows in his heart believing somehow that the passage of time is expiration enough. it is not enough. and no time served is long enough to justify pulling a man entirely lacking insight into his premeditated political ads that fascination. governor newsom said, serum hand, one man with a gun, acting along, served egregious harm to our country. that harm, can tragically be measured, and more than the loss of robert kennedy. nixon won the campaign after nixon -- he kept the vietnam going war going on for seven years. more than 58,000 americans killed in vietnam, 21,000 were killed during the time when robert kennedy could have been president of the united states bringing the world to an end. years sooner than it did and. through the 1968 presidential campaign, he once said, tragedy is a tool for the living to gain wisdom. bobby kennedy suffered most tragically then most of. us in the assassination of his older brother, -- here is some of what bobby kennedy said, and the last public words that he ever spoke. >> when i think is quite clear is that we can work together in the last analysis. what's been going on in the united states in the period of the last few years. the divisions, the violence, the disenchantment within our society, between blacks and whites, between porn affluent, between asians in the war in vietnam, we can stand together and be a great country. >> we'll be right back >> anne time for tonight's last word. >> the president bears responsibility for wednesday's attack on congress by mob rioters. >> there's no question, that president trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day. >> republican leaders of the house and senate once again, get tonight's last words. the 11th hour, starts now. >> good evening i'm alicia menendez. day 359 of the day biden administration. exactly one year in one week after the january 6th insurrection the,. justice department is taking an unprecedented step in a sprawling criminal investigation. the department is charged, stewart, roads founder of the extremist group, the old keepers, and ten other members, with seditious conspiracy on the violent attack on the capitol. this is the first time prosecutors have filed sedition charges on any of the

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Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20240709

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know. but there is a proxies service in the house that they can give a proxy vote in the house. but there's no proxy vote in the senate. so with this man being out. there is no way that he can cast the vote. >> yes, there's absolutely no notice of the pandemic. big surprise. trying to get them to make the slight adjustment into how things work there, obviously, is kind of difficult. and they've introduced of kind of a reasonable thing of not forcing these people in the same room to vote. >> they're only a large, powerful, collective group of lots of octogenarians. why would they need to take notice of this particular respiratory illness? >> i think we can go on and on with the oddities of the united states senate. you know what, that's exactly what we're gonna do. >> thank you lawrence. >> thank you rachel. i've been looks inning to the senate speeches for decades now. most of them when i was sitting in the chamber as a democratic staff member. and i have never, never, heard of a more contemptuous speech by a democratic senator than the one written by kristen sinema's staff and read by senator sinema on the floor today. the speech was filled with a contempt for senator sinema's democratic colleagues, for her constituents, and for all of you. sinema express that content by delivering a nonstop insult to the intelligence of everyone who was listening. she filled her 20 minutes on the senate floor, with a string of hallmark greeting card type latitudes about how the united states should work and not a single word about the reality of why the united states senate no longer works. in announcing her opposition to senator -- in any way to pass legislation by a simple majority vote. senator sinema said this. >> eliminating the 60 vote threshold will guarantee that we lose a critical tool to save democracy from threats in the years to come. >> it is hard to think of a stupid or thing that could be said about the 60 vote threshold. that was senator sinema claiming that the 60 vote rule in the senate is, quote, a critical tool that we need to safeguard our democracy. it is, in fact. the single most active anti democracy role that exists in government. t active ant democracy role that it senator sinema said a single true thing, i would play that and let you hear it. she didn't. not one true word about the 60 vote rule. so here is something untrue that sentiment sinema said about her own history with the 60 vote threshold. >> there is no need for me to restate my long sanded support for the 60 vote legislation. there is no need for me to restate its role from protecting our country from wild reversals in federal policy. >> my long-standing support for the 60 vote threshold to pass legislation. here is kristen sinema in 2010, discussing the 60 vote threshold while she mocks a democratic summiteer for being insufficiently loyal to -- >> well the senate, we no longer have 60 votes. but that's whatever. yeah, and nelson to. so, now there's, as the president so eloquently said on wednesday, this pressure to get to 60. so what that means is that the democrats can stop kowtowing to joe lieberman, and instead seek other avenues to inform themselves. this informative process is called reconciliation which -- by the way it's not unusual, you will recall the democrats took the senate in 2009. that the democrats controls the senate for quite some time since 1984. -- the reconciliation process is still quite available -- so, [applause] >> one of the differences about that speech, is that no one wrote that for her. she wasn't reading that. so maybe, maybe that means, that's what's she actually thought. that version of kyrsten sinema, before she came to washington, wanted to use the simple majority vote in the united states senate for good instead of evil. she said the republicans never got 60 votes. she didn't say that as a complaint, she said that, admiring the republican tactical ability to pass legislation without getting 60 votes. we cannot know what's in the actually believes, if she actually believes anything at all. but what we do know, is that she did not support her position today with logic, intelligence, or truth. senator sinema did tell us about how she feels about the unanimous opposition to voting rights legislation by any republican in the united states. >> i share the disappointment of many, if we are not s'more support on the other side of the aisle to state lead restrictions. i wish a was not the case. >> she's disappointed, she's disappointed in republicans. when she ran for the united states senate she did not say that she would bring all of her legislative and policy goals to the republican leader of the segment. and try to get republican rule of the senate. and that's not what she told voters but that is her position now. she has to prove everything. they have to approve what's she has to do, but she won't even try to do. it she will just stand at her desk in the united states senate and be disappointed. and she will give up. if republicans don't want to do what she wants to do, she will give up. that's what she said tonight. president joe biden said today he is not giving up. president joe biden attended a luncheon today where she sat looking at her phone for most of the time. senator sinema's speech before -- from delivering a passion talked airing that lunch, about play changing senate rule. that had a standing ovation in that room. after meeting with the democratic senators, president biden said this. >> i hope we can get this done. the honest to god answer is i don't know if we can get this done. like every major civil rights bill that came along, if we miss the first time, we can come back and try it a second time. we miss this time. as long as i have a breath of me, as long as i'm in the white house, as long as i have gaze at all i'm going to be fighting to change the way these legislators have been moving. >> we have far discussion tonight eugene who is a political analyst and -- who is in a merritt's skyler at the emeritus institute. norman, will be given to you as our congressional scholar, i've seen you with this all day. i'm not gonna bother this with the question. norm >> what was your answer. >> i was stunned today, not just by the speech, but by the timing of. it the president of the united states doing this before he came for the launch was just astonishing. and the nature of the speech, and i have been hopeful for a long time because every argument that kristen sinema has made in the past about the filibuster has easily knocked down. it's filled with misconceptions about the nature of the senate. it's filled with misconceptions about where the filibuster came from. misconceptions about whether it provides incentive for bipartisan leadership. and i've seen interviews that she's done with arizona reporters. when she said that she's acting in the best interest of arizonian's, arizona is a poster child for radical republicans destroying democracy in elections before our very eyes. not only all diesel fischel's who said potion knits election results to try and alter the alexei, but the lord -- and trying to steal elections. so to take the stand is just, not just hypocritical, but truly disastrous. i've tried to avoid criticizing her in the past, thinking that logic would prevail. but it hasn't. it's disdain. and we can't let joe manchin off the hook either. the focus is on cinema, but we haven't seen movement from him either. >> yeah, joe manchin said in a written statement today, he didn't insult us with a speech on the floor. he is not hoping it gets a lot of attention but he said, i will not votes to eliminate the filibuster. and then he went on to make untrue statements about the history of these things and the way it's been regarded in the senate. including this, he said just four years ago, 61 senators, 43 of which were democrats, sent a letter to senators chuck schumer and mitch mcconnell warning them of the dangers of eliminating the filibuster. and eugene, every one of those 33 democrats who are still sitting in that room today with the president has changed their minds about day. that's the important thing. they didn't rush to this judgments. they didn't want to reach this judgment. they very reluctantly came to this point, including joe biden, saying we need to change this rule for voting rights. >> you're absolutely right and let's keep in mind it's not just sinema and manchin who are the role block on protecting voting rights. it's those 50 republican senators as well. they clearly, simply, intend to instruct, they don't want voting rights protected. those 33's editors, the ones who are still sitting. did change their minds. they did realize that this is an emergency. the filibuster, if it didn't have a purpose, it is still being used for maligned now. it's not in the constitution, it's still a just the senate rule. they -- the filibuster needs to go. yet, here we are. president biden did speak with senators sinema and manchin privately, after the luncheon, so i have yet to see a read out of that meeting. but i imagine, he probably talked about ways the filibuster might be altered or otherwise that the norman suggested, is not eliminated. he said he's not given up, and joe biden says he's not given up. >> and so norm, because of the leather, and the senator chats because of covid, the showdown on the senate floor about this is delayed until tuesday. the day after martin luther king day. what we're gonna see then is chuck schumer bringing this to a vote on the senate floor. bringing the debate onto the senate floor, and then getting a vote that is going to leave that mark in history about where everyone stands. >> so, going back to your discussion with rachel, i've been working for years on the continuity of government and trying very hard to get remote voting in the senate. which is a catastrophe in the making because they haven't done it. the good thing about this lawrence, is we can look for good things. because there will be a filibuster on the motion to proceed. there will be an operates to nutty furred to pay. there will be an opportunity for the substance of the freedom to vote act. the things that are being done to protect the votes, and protect the elections, from people trying to steal them and overturn. them genuinely steal them. like what we saw on january 6th. and i hope that we will be following that. beyond that vote. we will actually get a vote using the procedure called, the nuclear option. in attempts to provide a modest change in the rule so that honestly, you can get to a place where a majority can vote. put those senators, senator manchin -- not just letting them civil voting rights which is how the support its performance. and then saying finally. i'm gonna do what it takes to get their. push them to that point so that it's clear on the record who is making this happening. and as jean said, has all of those 50 republicans, not one of them would support voting election reform. >> and as we talk about these two things, one is why did it take so long for chuck schumer and biden to get here? and as well, they had this legislative agenda last year that they were trying to pass, knowing this was the moment that was going to alienate joe manchin and sinema, and they didn't want to lose those two votes on the earlier aspects of the agenda, they got most of it through. the last of it, the piece of it they were trying to get through, the other part of it is if we were to go back six months, it was only two senators who were opposed to a rule change. it took this long to get it down to only too willing to stand up and say we remain opposed to the rules change. >> yeah, it was part of six of seven recently who are very reluctant to change the rules and to eliminate or circumvent the filibuster in any way. that number did come down steadily. and it came down because this is an emergency. this is an emergency of our democracy. we simply must protect voting rights. it has to get done. i agree with norm, i think if manchin and sinema are gonna take this position, they should not be allowed to say we are just appalled by republicans who are doing horrible things. they need to go on record with a vote preventing democrats from doing what they say they know is the right thing. and -- the right to vote. >> and another reason why that other handful change their mind about this in the last year is that, they were reading and rereading, normal or inseams writing about this. and reading columns all year, which i know change their minds in the set. thank you both very much for starting us off tonight, really appreciate it. >> thank you. >> and coming up the justice department moved to a whole new level. it charges filed today against terrorists who attacked the capitol on january 6th. that's next. orists who attacked th capitol on a quote today. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ my mental health was much 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pay as little as zero dollars at as little as zero dollars when a truck hit my car, the insurance company wasn't fair. i didid't t kn whahatmy c caswa, so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to k how much their accident case is worth.h barnes. t ouour juryry aorneneys hehelpou i was hit by a car get t tand needed help.oiblele. t ouour juryry aorneneys hehi called the barnes firm. that was the best call i could've made. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to know how much their accident case is let our injury attorneys know he the case against the people who how much their accident cget the best result possible. attacked the capitol, mitch mcconnell and ted cruz, have both called terrorists. it reached a new local today when the gusts territory -- they charge people with seditious conspiracy. they said, quote, the purpose of the conspiracy was to oppose the lawful transfer of presidential power by force, by preventing, hindering, or delaying by force the execution of the laws -- 12 and 20th amendments of the constitution in title three section 15 of the united states code. the leader of this indictment is edward stewart rhodes, he's the head of the group who is giving themself the false name of the oath keepers. they do not keep any oath. sedition conspiracy carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison. this is only one of the counts in the multi count indictment. several quotes from text messages and other communication by the defendants that federal prosecutors have already detained. on february 22nd, long after joe biden had actually won the college vote, mr. rhodes said, we will have to do a bloody, massively bloody resolution against them, that is what is gonna have to happen. also today -- subpoenas to social media companies to detain information from social media, google, twitter, facebook, reddit. in the notes, two key questions for the select committee are how to spread the spread of misinformation and violent extremism contributed to the violent attack on our democracy and what steps, if any, social media companies took to prevent their platforms from breeding breeding grounds for these people. it's disappointing, that months after this engagement we still do not have the documents and information necessary to answer those basic questions. joining us now, democratic congressman, -- she is a member of the house judiciary committee and -- thank you very much for joining us tonight. the january six committee has given up on trying to cooperatively try to get this information from the social media companies, they have now had to turn to subpoenas. how long do you expect it would take for these companies to be able to deliver what the subpoenas won? >> well i hope they will deliver immediately. of course we know better from those who have -- thanks for having me tonight, lawrence. it's a very sad turn of events that we are where we are but i believe it is where we need to be. we need to be talking to these media giants we need to be talking about the extraordinary charges of seditious complete spears e against our government. that's what's so struggling to me. but i lived through january 6th, we all dead. and so, i want every person, every media giants who is involved, to make sure that they come forward and tell us exactly what they know, exactly what they participated in. and exactly what we need to know so this never happens again. >> here you have in the justice department, charging seditious conspiracy while these social media companies have been withholding cooperation from a congressional committee investigating what this seditious conspiracy was about, when it was trying to achieve. and so it is very likely that they could also face these companies subpoenas from the justice department, which of course they will respond to very quickly, i'm sure. >> yes. and i want to think back. i'm someone who cares about words. i remember at the time of the insurrection. i literally was in a safe room looking up a selection, because i'd never be in the middle of one. i also looked up the world, sedition. it is to rebel against your own government in a violent way. so, i call upon anyone of the people who have been involved in front of the one six committee, the tech giants, mr. mccarthy who famously, or infamously, said today and yesterday, has resisted many willingness to come forward. any person who knows anything about, or was anywhere near january 6th, me included, should come forward and say, i will tell you everything i know. and mr. mccarthy, how he is cowering, how he is hiding. i saw him today running through the capitol with his team. fighting off the press. i would think you'd stand right in front of them and say, i want to tell you every single thing i know. >> well that is of course wet hillary clinton did when -- that was 11 hour of testimony on one day, on one committee. there is not a single republican member of the house, jim jordan, kevin mccarthy, not one of them is willing to do anything like what hillary clinton was willing to do. >> no, and it tells you an awful lot about them. you know that i'm only a sophomore in congress but i do serve on the judiciary committee. i served with jim jordan. mr. jordan has no ability to come forward with the truth. mr. jordan spews lies and hate. and yet, when he's asked for the truth of what happened on january 6th, when did you speak to the president? did you speak to him before, during, or after the insurrection? as much as he can go glibly around wise of socialism, and democrats, and all those kinds of ridiculous lies, he stammers to tell the truth about these peoples involvement. currently we have a moment where either patriots were come forward, or they will not. and we've seen an awful light of patriots not come forward. but i want to pause concentrate on the positive. they -- then telling the truth, maybe reluctantly, and maybe very very willingly. they know in the end that what matters is our democracy. what matters is, what do we, you and i hand down to her children? what do we hand down to our grandchildren in terms of our precious democracy? so in the end, mr. jordan will be revealed. mr. mccarthy in the end will be revealed. and i know others will be to. in the end, the one six committee will put together the truth. dot by dot, data point by data point, fact by fact. and we will know exactly what the president did, with the president planned, and all those around, what they planned. i'm sad for them. i honestly feel sad about people like mccarthy. come forward, tell people what you know. this is the time. how do you know how you will be remembered? do you want to be remembered is carrying from the truth? you want to be remembered as someone who is caught up in something that they wish they were not. and now they're telling the truth. thank you very much, lawrence. >> joining us now, doug jones, former democratic senator from alabama. also a former federal prosecutor. i want to get your reaction on the indictment today, and the charge of seditious conspiracy. i'm sure the prosecutors have to dust off those pages to review -- that is not something that we've seen very often. >> well, no. it's not something you see very often. you don't see that often in america. this is a unique experience. it's a massive conspiracy. i've said all along to the apart department of justice. this is such a huge investigation. involving so many hundreds of people. you start from the ground, up with those that are in the capital, assaulting police officers, and you move up. and you charge the charges you can do early, and then get more serious to the ones doing the planning. i think this is the next step -- for taking the step. it's a bold move. these are not easy charges to make. but, they have methodically gone about it, officially gone about it, and i think it's gonna be real injustice talking to see going forward. the indictment >> the indictment clearly indicates -- so awful lot of information on the communication that they exchange with each other and others. at the top of it all, the leader of this group who has -- they already know some of the most condemning things that he says in the lead up in this conspiracy. >> yeah. it's a very important point when you can contrast would the department of justice -- those are two different entities. the january six committee and the house saw also do new very efficiently, doing it in a very fair way. but, they're also very public in their subpoenas. the justice department can issue subpoenas. only the grand jury can issue subpoenas. the grand jury work a secret, so all of that's going on behind the scenes with civil documents. what i think this indictment shows the american public, is that the justice department is on a parallel track with the same kind of subpoenas and requests for information that the january six committee. they just have to do it in a different way. they've got a ton of information. my guess is that they're going to get, more because some of these people that were indicted today, they're going to flip. they're going to talk to the government. they're not going to want to go to jail for 20 years, without parole, by the way. there is no parole in federal court. 20 years, you really do your time. i suspect -- it's real easy to talk a good game till your behind the podium and the judge says, the united states of america versus mr. roads and, you've got the full weight of the government. at some point these folks are going to want to talk. you will continue to see the chain go up. >> former senator, doug jones. thank you very much for joining us. really appreciated. >> thank you lawrence. >> coming up, we have marjorie taylor greene were a high school student, would you be pulled out of school for threatening her classmates? one of marjorie taylor greene's congressional coworkers has reported her threats against democrats to the capitol police. congressman stephens who filed that complaint, joins us next. ♪ ♪ ♪ "how bizarre" by omc ♪ no annual fee on any discover card. ♪ ♪ when i break a long run, i'm talking long, long. no annual fee on any discover card. that's why i use old spice triple protection sweat defense. 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taylor greene. congresswoman steven said, i am concerned about the mental health of my colleague from georgia and would like capitol police to address or dangerous threats in my workplace. just as we would in any school or a job site, we cannot let calls for gun violence go unchecked. congresswoman stephens filed the complaint after marjorie taylor greene said this, democrats, they hate our second amendment because, ultimately, the truth is it's our second minute rights, our right to bear arms, that protects americans and gives us the ability to defend ourselves from a tie around nickel government. i hate to use this language, but democrats, they're exactly -- they are doing exactly what our founders talked about when they gave us the precious rights that we have. joining us now, congresswoman, haley stevens of michigan. thankyous very much for joining us will. we really appreciate it. what did you hear in those comments by marjorie taylor greene about the second amendment? >> look, this is no longer acceptable to call on violence in the workplace. this is about a month and a half, lawrence, after a school shooting in oakland county, michigan. it has rocked our community. we are reeling from this. we are ten years since the gabby gifford shooting, and we are sick of it. i have been on the phone with my volunteers for moms demand action i got a congress about common sense gun safety platform, and i am not going to allow a colleague of mine to push us around and incite violence. the words matter. the words absolutely matter, and it's no longer acceptable, lawrence. i've done this before. mr. buck -- congressman buck, he's got an assault rifle in his office in capitol hill. pre-pandemic, when we had students walking through the halls. that's not acceptable. we've got to change your culture, we've got to change garment sense gun safety legislation. certainly honoring the long tradition of sports in the hunting and rifle really, that's fine. go back to the roots, stop the violence. >> if this were a high school, and the student was found writing notes about second marine rights, and maybe the second amendment needs to be used, because some of the students are bothering me, or some of the teachers are bothering me, the school administration would have a lot to say to that student. >> yeah, it's called a red flag. it's absolutely called a red flag. this is something that we just lived through back home. this is why i call it, out it's personal. it ties back. you create a zeitgeist. you create a culture, as an elected official through your words. this is an incitement of violence. you are absolutely right. i want to applaud or capitol police, lawrence. they worked so hard. they've been through a lot, they've been through hell and back. it's certainly they are responsibilities, i know that they are here trying to protect the safety in an environment that's tense. look, marjorie taylor greene is a bully. she's bullying colleagues in the workplace. she started screaming at us after we passed a woman's health protection bill and i backed away, because i didn't know if she had a weapon honor. that's immediately what i thought. because that's the culture that she's inciting. it's gotta stop. we've got to set the example for our students. i'm going to call it out. >> you know her and you work with her, and you say about your complaint you're not sure about her mental health look. her. behavior is unhinged. and to say something like that, and to double down, and to be fine tens of thousands of dollars for not complying with the basic human decency as wearing a mask as required on the house floor. the flagrant disregard of this pandemic and the rules of the house, what's going on here? and that, is by the way, what these red flag laws are about in some respects. some of those who have committed crimes. not having access to weapons. i'm not trying to make too many comments here from a professional diagnosis standpoint, but when i will say here is, there is something going on with this lady. and it ain't right. >> haley sealants, thank you very much for joining us, i appreciate it. >> thank you, coming up, in a historic decision covered in -- california governor newsom overruled the california board and refused to release senator kennedy and 1968 when he was running for president. ethel kennedy, who has been a widow for many years, thank the government today. that's next. 1968 was the year we lost the most american troops in the vietnam war when president kennedy was running to end that war. >> i'm concerned that at the end of it all, there will be only more americans killed, more of our treasure spent, and because of the bitterness and because of the hatred on every side of this war, more hundreds of thousands of vietnamese slaughtered, so that they may say, as -- they made a desert, and they called it piece. i don't think that satisfactory for the united states of america. anna [applause] >> that was march 18th, 1968. just over two months later on june 5th, after giving his congratulatory speech -- that had him poised to win at the democratic convention. but he was assassinated in the ballroom of the ambassador hotel in los angeles. shot at close range by sirhan sirhan who is immediately wrestled to the ground and disarmed. today, governor newsom announcing an op-ed to the los angeles times, i will not release him on parole. democrats rolled -- in refusing to let him go, the governor and also reminded us that he shot and injured five by standards. sirhan is now 77 years old, but he remains a potent symbol of political violence in the past, terrorist took hostages, and ultimately some of them killed some of them in his name. he -- was in a statement released today by 93 year old ethel kennedy, her husband dead over 50 years, and six other children, they support the governor's decision and pointed out, the killer wrote in his diary more than 1000 times that rfk must die. must be disposed of like his brother was. must be assassinated. he also wrote that other should be murdered including ambassador to united states nations arthur goldberg and president johnson. ethel kennedy was with her husband one he was assassinated by sirhan. as the family points out, she and the rest of the family have had to relive that experience literally thousands of times. including right now. if they happen to be running watching television wallace segment like this comes on. a segment that says, because of how entwined into popular culture this murder has become, amplified by the regularity of the immense attempts to be freed, our family has been forced to watch our husband and father be killed thousands of times. the pain of reliving his last moments over and over again, is simply unbearable. instead of contrition, this inmate points to what he sees on the clock rather than what he knows in his heart believing somehow that the passage of time is expiration enough. it is not enough. and no time served is long enough to justify pulling a man entirely lacking insight into his premeditated political ads that fascination. governor newsom said, serum hand, one man with a gun, acting along, served egregious harm to our country. that harm, can tragically be measured, and more than the loss of robert kennedy. nixon won the campaign after nixon -- he kept the vietnam going war going on for seven years. more than 58,000 americans killed in vietnam, 21,000 were killed during the time when robert kennedy could have been president of the united states bringing the world to an end. years sooner than it did and. through the 1968 presidential campaign, he once said, tragedy is a tool for the living to gain wisdom. bobby kennedy suffered most tragically then most of. us in the assassination of his older brother, -- here is some of what bobby kennedy said, and the last public words that he ever spoke. >> when i think is quite clear is that we can work together in the last analysis. what's been going on in the united states in the period of the last few years. the divisions, the violence, the disenchantment within our society, between blacks and whites, between porn affluent, between asians in the war in vietnam, we can stand together and be a great country. >> we'll be right back >> anne time for tonight's last word. >> the president bears responsibility for wednesday's attack on congress by mob rioters. >> there's no question, that president trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day. >> republican leaders of the house and senate once again, get tonight's last words. the 11th hour, starts now. >> good evening i'm alicia menendez. day 359 of the day biden administration. exactly one year in one week after the january 6th insurrection the,. justice department is taking an unprecedented step in a sprawling criminal investigation. the department is charged, stewart, roads founder of the extremist group, the old keepers, and ten other members, with seditious conspiracy on the violent attack on the capitol. this is the first time prosecutors have filed sedition charges on any of the

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Derrick , Playin , Stop Taking Eliquis , Warfarin , Stroke Risk , Afib , Heart Valve Problem , Trail , Bleeding , Risk , Cases , Both , Stroke , Artificial Heart Valve , Medicines , Help , Procedures , Bruise , Bruising , Cold , R Oh , Blood Pressure , High Blood Pressure , Cold Relief , Blood Thinner , Cold Medicines , Sneeze , Coricidin , Life , Liquid , Family , Bilal , Superman , Immigrant , Growing Up , Administration , Crime , Sector , Superhero , Career , Homelessness , Problems , Obama , San Francisco , Small Business , Courage , Flexibility , Network , Innovation , Comcast Business Mobile , Nationwide 5g , 5 , Contract , Data , Lines , Line , Match Data Options , Term , Mix , Fees , Customers , 30 , 0 , Readout , Official , Views , Exchange , Haley Stevens , Pieces , Guest , Michigan , Workplace , Colleague , Calls , Job Site , Congresswoman , Georgia , Gun Violence Go Unchecked , Amendment , Because , Right , Tie , Arms , Language , Founders , Violence , Comments , Will , 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