Transcripts For MSNBC All In With Chris Hayes 20240709 : com

Transcripts For MSNBC All In With Chris Hayes 20240709

the bipartisan committee investigating january 6th, the republican from ohio has signaled that he will refuse to speak to the committee after it requested his testimony last month. quote, the american people are tired of democrats nonstop investigations and partisan witch hunts. this request is for outside the bounds of any legislative inquiry. violated poor constitution principles and would served to for the road legislative norms. jordan, i should know, served as the top republican on the oversight committee on the benghazi investigation. one of the many committees that was part of the nonstop, you might even called, partisan witch hunt that ran for more than two years. but this letter marks a very different position for jim jordan. who said multiple times last year that he had nothing to hide from the committee. including during a hearing of the house rules committee last october. >> are you willing to tell the select committee what you know about events leading up to here and after -- >> i've got nothing to hide, i've been straightforward all along. >> it's worth mentioning that jordan probably does have something to hide. or at least looks likely that he. does >> come mccarthy allegedly wanted jordan himself to serve on the january six committee, named him of the committee, and then speaker of the house, nancy pelosi, basically said no way. and vetoed it. shortly thereafter, republican congresswoman, liz cheney, the vice chair of that committee, called jim jordan a material witness to the investigation. and jordan has mentioned on multiple occasions that he spoke to donald trump on january six. though he refuses to discuss when exactly those conversations took place. here is how we responded back in july when asked about it. >> yes or no, did you speak with president trump on january six? >> yes, i spoke with the president last week. i speak with the president all the time. i spoke with him on january six. i mean, i talk with president trump all the time. i don't think that is unusual. i would expect members of congress to talk with the president of the united states when they're trying to get done the things they told the voters in their district to do. i am actually kind of amazed sometimes that people keep asking. this i talk to the president all the time, like i said, i talked to him last. week >> on january six, did you speak with him before, during or after the capitalist attack? >> i would have to say -- i spoke with him that day after. i think. after i don't think i don't know if i spoke with him before, the day after. i have to go back. i don't know when those conversations happened. but what i know is i spoke with him all the time. >> well, i'm convinced, are you? and that's probably not the only reason jordan will not comply with the committee. we now know that congressman jordan is also forwarding along messages to defend trump chief of staff, mark meadows, and his former house buddy on how to overthrow the election and the days before the insurrection. so it seems, just from what we've got in the guidance of that is quite a bit there. it's also worth mentioning that there is simply no political incentives for jordan to comply. in the year following january six, donald trump has managed to successfully control the party back to his side. on the question of whether it is okay to do a coup or not. and he mentions that the insurrection is other than a normal tourist visit, or any reputation of donald trump's big lie election fraud are met with swift condemnation from the former president and his base and right-wing media. it is why the committee will likely not see any meaningful cooperation from most allies. even as it becomes more clear that jim jordan, as well as -- are not definitely the only two seeding members that could be, quote, material witness to the investigation. generous six committee is now also weighing whether or not to seek testimony from mo brooks of alabama. brooks we know was involved because he was one of the most vocal opponents from the stolen election. and is now the subject of a lawsuit from congressman, eric swalwell, who alleges that he incited the insurrection at that january six. when he made these comments whipping up the crowd while wearing body armor. >> we are not going to let them continue to corrupt our elections. and still from us our god given right to control our nations destiny. today, it's the day that american patriots start taking down names and kicking ass. [applause] >> now our ancestor sacrificed their blood, their sweat, their tears, their fortune and sometimes their lives to give up their descendants. as -- so i have a question for you are you willing to do the same? >> i mean, pretty straightforward right? they sacrificed their blood, and their lives to the cause of our liberty. are you willing to do the same? let's march to the capital. in addition to brooks, it appears as though the committee has found itself the freshness of potential targets. the former trump administration official turned, never trumper, stephanie grisham, providing the panel with a list of potential witnesses it had not previously considered. supporting the committee member jamie raskin. and the committee is expected to require testimony from former vice president, mike pence, in the next two weeks. it's unclear whether pence will agreed to cooperate with that committee. we will talk about that in a moment. but it does seem very unlikely that brooks or other close trump allies will cooperate. the simple truth is that joe biden, with donald, trump in a free and fair election which wasn't in the works which was disclosed, that simple fact, which is a statement of the world, has been rendered in on horrible by trump. the former president will not accept even the most basic acknowledgment that he lost the election or that he attempted a coup or that the deadly insurrection was a logical conclusion of his own lies about the election. you can't say any of that. case in point, yesterday, senator mike rounds conservative republican from south dakota. not a rhino, made this true fact on television. >> as a part of our due diligence, we looked over 16 different accusations made in multiple states. while there were some irregularities, there were none of the irregularities which would have risen to the point where they would've changed the vote outcome in a single state. the election was fair as fair as we've seen. we simply did not win the election as republicans for the presidency. >> now, it should come as zero surprise. donald trump did not react well to that. we knew it was coming. in one of his non tweet statements he passed the email to journalists. trump came off as, unhinged. i'll quote it for you. senator, mike rounds of the great state of south dakota just went woke on the fraudulent presidential election of 2020. boy, if there's someone that conjures the image of woke, it's my grounds. is he crazy or just stupid? declaring, he is a weekend in an effective leader. i hereby firmly pledge that he will never receive my capital endorsement again. now senator rounds doesn't really need his endorsement, at least even in the future. it seems unlikely he will lose his seat or the controversy. in fact, we should say, mike rounds refused to back down. he wrote in the statement today, quote, i'm disappointed but not surprised by the former presidents reaction. however, the facts remain the same. i stand by my statement. the former president lost the 2020 election. it's imagine how controversial he has rendered that statement. the former president lost the 2020 election. it remains true that for most republicans you cannot say that. it is simply easier being silent then potentially, you know, upset trump. only senator mitt romney of utah voted for the impeachment and comes to ron's defense. he tweeted a list of other republicans who said, plain fact that he won the election. something republicans which romney hadn't done. because again, that is a heresy. you aren't allowed to say. it might in current on endorsement of their own from the former president. again, this is just have republican politics work now. you have to openly embrace and celebrate donald trump's ultimate reality by congressman jim jordan does because, again, even the most basic acknowledgment, he, laws that truth will put a political target on your back. you know, for a moment, a year ago it seemed like it might not be like this. in fact, from one year ago today, the aftermath of the insurrection, trump ally fox news host, sean hannity, may be called to testify himself, sent this text message to jim jordan and trump. a group chat powwow. quote, guys we, have a clear path to land the plane in nine days. he can't mentioned the election again. he can't mention the election again ever. i did not have a good call with him today. and worse, i am not sure what's there is love to say. for a second there it seemed like hannity and jordan and, meadows, said that you cannot just continue to lie about an election. you lost. it looks perfect -- but that it can weaken deranged. and lying about it was not good either. but then, all of those people paid no apparent cost and continue to lie. including donald trump. donald trump mentions the election every day. he was right on that. hannity was wrong. and trump has only become further entrenched in the state of belief that he wanted. his allies and congress and media, help help to make that like real. they feel like it is just not worth making trump mad. congressman, adam schiff, as a democrat representing the democratic committee. he joins me now. are you surprised by jim jordan's statement that he will not voluntarily cooperate and provide testimony to the committee? >> i have to say, i am not surprised. but you know, he said he had nothing to hide and then he decided, well, i guess have a lot to hide. it is unfortunate. but it is who we. is and we will do our best to figure out how we respond to members of congress who refused to comply voluntarily. whether that is compulsion or whether that is trying to find the evidence using other means. but look, he acknowledged talking to trump on the day of the attack on the capital. and in terms of that conversation, there are only two people, unless there were others in the room during that conversation can really speak to what went on. so, we obviously would like him to come in. but his decision not to is not surprising. because i assume that he reached the compulsion that if he came and told the truth it would put him at odds with the former president. and he just doesn't have the courage to do that. >> i want you to respond to the iqs a shun that is leveled by jordan and others that this is a violation of legislative norms by asking for voluntary cooperation from fellow members of congress in the course of an inquiry. that it is reckless, you've cross some threshold that you're going to regret crossing. >> the most recent precedent was in the russian investigation. during the time, as i recall, when nunes was the chairman i think that's right we had an extended invitation to two members of congress. one republican, one democrat. and they both came in. they gave voluntary testimony. and whether was mr. nunes, either way, there was no objective by the members of congress or the members who were asked. they came in and they did what they should do. but here, you know, it certainly appears that these two, perry and jordan, nothing matters quite so much a sting in the graces of donald trump. and you know, chris, i have to say watching those clips and reading the statement and seeing him refer to the fact of the election and referred to them not in the gaslighting way that you find yourself in just a please and admiring that someone would speak the plain truth. the bar has become that low. speaking to the facts of a president selection to makes you are here now. but that is where we are. that is where our republican parties. and we need to get these members and to come in and testify. >> well here's a great example, julie tsirkin reporting on john's reaction has occasionally come under fire. this is sort of an example. well i say to my colleague, welcome to the club. he joked. i don't think that re-litigating of winning strategy. i think if we want to be a majority in 2023. this is the most that people will do as an instrumental tactical argument as for why indulging this truly dangerous flight that resulted in a deadly insurrection is maybe not the best thing to do politically. but that's as far as anyone will go. >> sadly, i think that's right. and even more sought to my point of view is a point you were making earlier. which, is it looked like it was going to be different a year ago. and the aftermath of that terrible tragedy today, it looked like the republican party was going to finally recognize the disastrous and as to which donald trump brought the country. and they weren't going to go along with this big lie. and they didn't expect anybody else to go along with that big lie. not even sean hannity expected the party to withheld that big lie. but a year later, they are more couture than ever. and in that sense, such a terrible but fragile statement for democracy is on weaker ground now than it was a year ago. >> let me ask you about vice president mike pence, there's been a lot of reporting up this in the new york times reached the headlines on january. dense over testimony. mister pence, they, said had grown anoint that the committee is publicly signaling it had a secured a greater degree of cooperation from his top aides than it actually. has something it sees as a pardon of democrats actually turning his team against mr. trump. is that what you were engaged in? >> no. we were just like him to come in and share with us what he knows. and i hope that he will. you know, i hope that he is winning that same calculus that jim jordan and others have played. but i would hope that he would show greater patriotism that we've seen from someone like jim jordan. he knows what's right for the country. he knows what happened in the election. he knows the pressure campaign he was under. and he knows he could do the service to the country by talking about it. but, he also knows that there is a political cost that comes with that. i hope he makes the right decision. that is all that we can hope for. but in terms of how much cooperation we are getting from people around him, you know, i am not going to comment on that. all i can say is that the vice president has very material testimony. and we hope to do the right thing. >> you know, congressman has about a backup backup point guard, i had a moment when i realized i was not going to be an nba player. and it was actually liberating for what i was able to do for the rest of my life after that. and i think mike pence could have that moment with the presidency of the united states. it might be good for everyone else. congressman adam schiff, thank you very much for your time. >> thank you chris. >> next, the d.c. attorney general suing the proud boys and oath keepers using a law originally ridden to take down the kkk. why a civil war era which was recently used in charlottesville could put the script out of business. after this. script out of business after this every day in business brings something new. so get the flexibility of the new mobile service designed for your 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job, and i commend them. in fact, they brought other clans, in to be clear. the coop looks acts clammed, did not go to a verdict. there was not a unanimous verdict. in d.c.. that's what we're going to accomplish, which is a unanimous verdict. the lessons for charlottesville and the lessons from suing insurrectionist money matters to them when, you come after their money, their assets their buildings. guess what, they run, they scatter, they hide they complain. don't take it from me. this is what they say about being sued. one defendant in the charlottesville case said, this lawsuit is quote financially crippling unquote, totally detrimental to what i'm doing. i don't want to go into some public events, where i can be blamed if something goes wrong. we can't do anything publicly. another defendant said, because a pending lawsuits, we are not going to be moving forward officially within a fund-raiser. the money matters. this was not a pro bono events on january six. it was well organized, well-planned and will finance. we are going to go find the money and make the culprit today. >> your lawsuit is one of, there are a number of lawsuits, in a bunch of different directions. it's not surprising, when it's as disastrous as what happened on that day, to see a variety of civil actions against a variety of players. one of those lawsuits is against the president. former president donald trump. for conspiring with the same co conspiring, with the same groups that you are suing. and there are arguments today in federal court about the dismissal of that, case in which the former president's lawyers urged the judges to dismiss the lawsuits. accusing him to conspiring with these two far-right extreme groups, and others to block the presidential vote count. i imagine you're monitoring all of these, as you think about the case that you're pursuing going forward. >> we are working with the anti-defamation league, we are working with state united, we have two great law firms. we are watching everything. and people might ask, why are you not suing the former president. here is the deal. we are suing in this phase of our litigation, the individuals that organized, plans and participated in the insurrection. we are also looking at all the evidence being developed, by the excellent job at the january six subcommittee. and frankly, by the very good job that the department of justice is doing in bringing cases. chris, on december 22nd, of last year. just two and a half weeks ago. a gentleman named matthew greene, a leader of the proud boys, pled guilty to conspiring, to plan organize and to participate in insurrection. that is every essential elements of our case. again, we are going to win this suit. and our investigation continues. >> okay, d.c. attorney general carl foreseen, thank you so much. >> thank you chris. >> still ahead, the covid denying vaccine fear mining january six defending senators wisconsin, announces he's running for reelection. why that can be great news for democrats, after this. reelection why that can be great news for democrats, after this. do you struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep? qunol sleep formula combines 5 key nutrients that can help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake up refreshed. the brand i trust is qunol. it's time for our lowest prices of the season on the sleep number 360® smart bed. what if i sleep hot? or cold? no problem, the sleep number 360® smart bed is temperature balancing so you both sleep just right. and it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. so, you can really promise better sleep? yes! you'll know exactly how well you slept, night after night. we take care of the science. all you have to do is sleep. don't miss our weekend special. save up to $1,000 on sleep number 360® smart beds. plus, 0% interest for 36 months and free premium delivery when you add a base. ends monday. this weekend, after much from one 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him. and the letter point senator johnson is definitely right. with this announcement he has rocketed to the top of democrats list of senate targets this year. because ron johnson is essentially in a category of his own. his positions are so odious he's so far-right and pro maga. he comes from a state that doesn't line up with all of that. he's not from a plus 30 trump state. wisconsin's voted democratic candidate for president eight of the past nine elections. in 2012 wisconsin voters elected progressive democrat tammy baldwin as their second senator. she serves the people of wisconsin as well. of course they narrowly flipped red in 2016 which helped ron johnson i think the same year that he won reelection. there's a real gap between ron johnson's politics in the way he performs those politics, and a huge part of the state, which is part of the reason why i think you could argue he's one of the worst republican senators. senator johnson's reaction to the 2020 election has been particularly bad he. amplified and promoted claims the election was fraudulent. he even held a hearing on irregularities last december. three weeks before the insurrection would. do you think that was doing to people to hear those. things he was one of the people whipping up the frenzy ahead of january six, leaking that he planned to reject the certification of electoral votes. he changed his mind at the last second, and after the violent insurrection at the capitol. honestly, i think ron johnson has been the single worst republican on covid, right from the get-go. when he downplayed the risks of this new disease, he told the milwaukee journal senator, you don't shut down our economy because tens of people thousands of people die on the highways. johnson has then gone on to tap on sorts of unproven she -- most recently mouthwash. he held hearings on those is a well. he has been pushing in increasingly explicit anti-vaccine message. which puts him almost in his own category i must say. even falsely linking vaccines to deaths. and then last week around johnson tried a new argument against vaccinated. it's an interesting one. listen to this, and a local wisconsin radio show, he questioned why scientists think they know better than god. >> why do we think we can create something better than god in terms of combatting disease. there are certain things we have to do, but we have just made so many is slump shuns and it's all pointed toward everybody getting a vaccine. >> i mean, wow. there's a lot of people who believe in god, and believed god helped bring the antibodies, the amazing beautiful human mind that created the vaccines. but the question now is, does this all matter politically? or are the structural factors and midterms and loyalty of the die hard maga base. >> this she is the editor and chief of the -- house constant became ground zero for the big lie. and she joins me now. roof, i wonder, do you feel the same way about johnson, who to me, i think about on the democratic side there's like sharon brown or jon tester. two good examples. these are pretty progressive senators, in contested states. they are sort of better politics than you might anticipate, given how close their states are. and johnson is like the inverse of. that he is far worse politics, then you would anticipate. based on how close the state of wisconsin is. >> yes. as a result, he's given a lot of republicans or heard attack. not only are democrats excited to run against him. republicans will say privately, they really hoped he would not run. they had some other people who are a little more normal that they had in. mind a congressman from green bay, mike gallagher, who's personable, presents, well seems kind of moderate. the problem with johnson's, the softening of support for trump in the suburbs and wisconsin, with hopes defeat trump here in 2020, those are the people that johnson needs. and yet johnson is doubling down on all the positions that the suburban women who turned against, trump really don't like. all the anti-vaccine stuff. the really stream-ism. he doesn't seem terribly concerned about hanging on to the people who helped elect him. and that's why the political report moved him as an incumbent senator, the only, one into the toss-up category. that's unprecedented. >> it's such a good point. the most recent polling unfavorable an unfavorable from mark, ahead of underwater. to the thing that's really striking to me is the messaging of the vaccine. a lot of other republicans, that are very careful to try to create this conceptual boundary between did you get the vaccine, the vaccine is good, but we know of vaccine mandates. johnson really has it feels to me, a category of his own, and pretty explicitly anti vaccine messaging. >> i think the word messaging gives him a little too much credit. i don't know where he gets the ideas that he gets. having a press conference, where some people who had rare medical conditions, and suffered -- that it was extremely dangerous, for people to get vaccinated. it's just bonkers. as you pointed out, he held a hearing on these discredited alternative remedies. and in his wall street journal up that today, where yesterday, he says one of the reasons he's running is says he so concerned about mishandling of the pandemic. because he thinks people need to run around unvaccinated. and infect each other. it's really over the top. sometimes it makes so little sense, it makes people in wisconsin cringe. >> but he's part of a broader trend, that i've noticed. it's true, michigan as well. it's somewhat true i think in pennsylvania. but wisconsin in michigan, where you have the states that are very close to divided. the very highly contested. they really are like swing states, yet the republicans of tend to be really out there. the wisconsin republican party is really, it's not like johnson is that much of an outlier, when you look at the state reps and legislature. and the leadership of that party. which really does seem far to the, right of the median voter of your state. >> i do believe that wisconsin is the ground zero for the big lie. and terms of voter suppression, sending these phony electoral votes, that helped give rise to the january 6th insurrection. claiming that there was a reason for republicans to say they were electors, and cast electoral votes, which they had no regal reason to do, for trump. that is all true. however, i will say, this ron johnson, has said that our republican legislature, should be able to overturn the results of the elections. that was a bridge too far. even for the republican leaders of our state legislator, who went on the record announcing. in saying, no we don't actually planned to personally overturn election results. even for, the right-wing takeover of wisconsin, johnson is really extra. >> okay, they'll be a primary and the democratic, side there's a few good candidates. we'll follow this closely. will have you back to talk about. it ruth, thank you so much. >> thanks for having me. >> coming up, the public health emergency lurking, underneath omicron. why one er doctor is sounding the alarm. just ahead. y one er doctor is soundin the alarm. just ahead there was one of the more harrowing images from afghanistan this summer. as the u.s. pulled out, finally ending the two decade-long war. and the taliban closing on kabul. a two month old baby held up by his desperate father outside of the kabul airport. trying to save him from the surging crowd. a soldier grabbing the child, hosting him over the bob weir. in the chaos, that baby was lost in the airport. his parents and the rest of his family were evacuated to the united states. the baby stayed missing for months until he was found with a local taxi driver. who says he discovered the infant alone and crying at the airport. this weekend, the baby was returned to his grandparents in kabul. the state department says it will work to bring him to the united states to reunite him with his parents who are now in michigan. if you felt like, i think many people did, i certainly did, in helplessness and impotence as we watch those scenes outside of the airport in afghanistan, i have to tell you that even though the cameras are not there anymore there is something even worse happening now. and there is something we in the u.s. can do about it. as afghanistan settles into winter, a groups estimate nearly 23 million afghans. more than half of the population, quote, already do not have enough to eat. with many lacking even solid shelter. and they are being forced to choose between heat and food. there is little help available from the taliban government. i'm part of the reason for that is about 75% of the former government's budget was funded by foreign aid. which was essentially stopped when the taliban took power. but there are things our government and president biden can do right now to get money flowing into the country to hopefully help millions of afghans. for example, the u.s. government could release the 9.4 billion dollars of afghan government assets that were frozen last year. they could also ease the sanctions against the taliban. they can encourage international communities for a. because right now, withholding aid from the afghan government, which as odious as it is, there's no question about that, produces zero positive geopolitical effect. instead, it is brutal in terms of human cost. millions of afghans are in imminent danger of starvation. there is something that we can do to help. the biden administration can change its current cruel indefensible and horrific posture tomorrow if they want to release the money and get it flowing. americans need to make their voices heard in the same way that they demanded evacuations for allies during the war when all the media was covering it and all the eyes of the world were focused on it. it is an indefensible moral scandal to consign tens of millions of people to freeze and starve to death this winter. mister president, you cannot let this happen. cannot let this happen. i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps. what are the three ps? the three ps of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase, and a price that fits your budget. i'm 54, what's my price? you can get coverage for $9.95 a month. i'm 65 and take medications. what's my price? also $9.95 a month. i just turned 80, what's my price? $9.95 a month for you too. if you're age 50 to 85, call now about the #1 most popular whole life insurance plan available through the colonial penn program. it has an affordable rate starting at $9.95 a month. no medical exam, no health questions. your acceptance is guaranteed. and this plan has a guaranteed lifetime rate lock so your rate can never go up for any reason. so call now for free information and you'll also get this free beneficiary planner. and it's yours free just for calling. so call now for free information. right now the omicron coronavirus variant is spreading through the u.s. with and president speed. we've never seen anything this contagious in the span of this pandemic. today there's over 1 million new cases. what more worrisome thing cases is that in cities like new york, d.c. and chicago, hospitalization are exceeding rates even though the vaccine wasn't available. over 66.5% is fully vaccinated. and we have millions of unvaccinated people who are going to end up hospitalized. as doctor craig spencer writes this influx of coronavirus positive piece and is also creating another source of infection for health care workers who are being sidelined in numbers i've never seen before. the domino effect will affect all levels of the health care system, from shortstop nursing homes to ambulances taking longer to respond to 9-1-1 calls. doctor craig spencer is an emergency er doctor at the director of global health in emergency medicine. and we also have megan ranney at the brown emergency medicine she also is the director of brown-lifespan center for digital health. >> doctor craig spencer i'll start with you. just because you are practitioners, what's the emergency rooms took like right now? all amidst this omicron surge? >> i do think it's important to stress the fact that this is not march 2020. we have treatments, tools and experience since that is great news for doctors like myself and doctor megan ranney and nurses that were on the frontline throughout this pandemic. but the problem is that we are seeing this cascading effect of so many patients providers that have left, providers that are getting infected. right now, we just don't have enough providers or beds to take care of the patients that are streaming into our ideas. a not just from covid but from non covid illness as well. >> yes doctor megan ranney, i have read about staffing shortages and health care which we see everywhere. that was true even in the fall before omicron. and talking to the doctors that i know interact with, that is being exasperated by doctors catching omicron and having to quarantine. and it's stressing -- stretching staffing levels very thin. >> yes, even though the number of patients and icus are about the same as they were a year ago. overall, our hospitals are much more crowded. both because we are taking care of all of the other problems that exist out there in the world. and all that we put off course for the last two years. and we have fewer stuff. health care has been affected by the great resignation as much as anyone else. and perhaps more so. because the effective this of this covid wave is not just this covid way. it is the multiple effect of the covid wave after covid wave after covid wave. with no change in the underlying systematic conditions that are burning out our health care workers, causing moral injury, and hurting hospitals and systems across the country. i really cannot describe, chris, how tough it is in emergency departments right now. particularly across the northeast. but also other places that have covid surges. we have wait times that are through the roof. we have patients with serious medical and traumatic injuries that are waiting hours and hours in the waiting room. not because we don't want to care for, them but simply because there is no place in the. and the worst part of it is that we feel like we are on our own. we have been sounding the alarm not just for months but for two years now. and we are still waiting for those systematic fixes to be put in place. >> i want to talk about those, just to your point about the great resignation as it's often called, a record number of people living their jobs. the vast majority are going to get other jobs, it's not just about people quitting. but we've seen that in health care as well. there is pulling that says that 18% of health care workers say that they have quit a job in 2020. since 2020, february 2020, which is a pretty remarkable number. 69% say they considered leaving their job. so, i want to talk about the math of omicron. and what it's doing to hospitals. so let me first go to the mat. doctor craig spencer, let's say that you have a generic variant of the coronavirus. i remember having to try and get my head around the mouth of this when i first came, which is even though it's individually not at risk to have given an individual a healthy 35-year-old, right? if it really transmissible, you're going to get in the aggregate a large number. we are seeing this with omicron. it's just a tent particularly with the immunity wall of vaccines and previous infections if it is ten times as much as transmissible, you literally are going to have the same aggregate amount of people coming into your hospital system even though individuals are looking at it the same. it is 90% less of a risk for me. and it's hard to deal with that, i think, in the sort of political context. and when you look at what is happening in your hospitals. >> absolutely, what we are looking at is that omicron is half of severe in terms of creating hospitalizations as delta. it is mild or, but not mild. especially because it looks like it can transmit at 2 to 4 and maybe six times the rate of previous variants. meaning, that it may wash away any potential benefit of it being mild. our point is that it's happening and it's happening now. so quickly and even in places that we haven't heard. and we don't have the wiggle room. and that is what the big concern this. just a condensed timeframe, even though it's, mild it's not. mueller get vaccinated. that is the one thing that could change the calculus for the individuals and all of us. >> yes, so the vaccination, boosting is key. but doctor megan ranney, when you talk about systematic fixes, first to the short term of what our interventions that can be done to stop hospitals from being overwhelmed, and then broader when you mean systematic fix? >> i'm sorry, dr. rodney are either. sorry i think you froze, taco back to you doctor. spencer >> so what do systematic fixes look? like >> look, omicron precipitated a crisis. and just like covid participated this crisis, health care -- we had too few providers we had to few primary care physicians. people that were already vulnerable and made vulnerable by this pandemic had been so before covid even hit the shores. we need to focus more on building up that primary care. an increasing access. this is an issue for things like the vials that we've been talking about. their systematic, -- this is where we need to put the patients first. if we had done so from before the pandemic and even from when the pandemic started, or even when omicron was first notified and we said people can't and the five and we did more for people. we would've been a lot farther ahead in the game if we would've been a lot better prepared for the pandemic. unfortunately, we may leap this one not better prepared for the next. one >> yes, and one thing i'm thinking about is that when we need more supply of good quality and affordable health care for people. and that is something that is really come out of this. and that's something that people really need to be working on in the future. >> dr. craig spencer and dr. megan ranney thank you very much. that is all in on tonight's show. now it's time for the rachel matter show. >> good evening, happy to have you here. we do actually have some breaking news to start with that this hour. we can report, exclusively, tonight that attorneys for former president donald trump have not met in person with the fulton county district attorney's office in georgia. now, it was months ago that we first learned that the prosecutor who leads that office, a prosecutor named fani t. willis, had opened a criminal investigation into alleged violation of georgia state law. violation of georgia state law. pressured and intimidated after the last presidential election that they should effectively falsify the results of that state's it was a year ago, january 3rd, last year, when "the washington post" published this shocking audio recording of an extraordinary hour-long phone rd call that then-president trump made personally to georgia's top elections official telling him he needed to find exactly the number of votes in the state that would allow trump to ti falsely be declared the winner there. now, in georgia, as in every state in the country, pressuring elections officials to interfere with the lawful administration

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Reason , Congressman , Election , January 6th Insurrection , Mark Meadows , Messages , House , Bit , Guidance , Question , Coup , Party , Side , Incentives , Allies , Cooperation , Media , Big Lie , Base , Reputation , Condemnation , Visit , Tourist , Swift , Seeding Members , Material Witness , Subject , Mo Brooks , Opponents , Brooks We Know , Alabama , Eric Swalwell , Elections , Comments , Crowd , Body Armor , Patriots , Names , Nations , Destiny , Our God , Ass , Applause , Ancestor , Blood , Fortune , Sweat , Tears , Descendants , Same , Lives , Right , Liberty , Cause , Capital , List , Administration , Panel , Never Trumper , Official , Potential Targets , Potential , Freshness , Addition , Let , Stephanie Grisham , Mike Pence , Jamie Raskin , Pence , Fact , Statement , Truth , Works , Wasn T , Joe Biden , World , Acknowledgment , Conclusion , Lies , Point Of View , Mike Rounds , Case , Rhino , Television , Due Diligence , South Dakota , Yesterday , The Great State Of South Dakota , Irregularities , States , Vote , Accusations , None , Outcome , 16 , Presidency , Surprise , Zero , Statements , Journalists , Non , Email , Tweet , Unhinged , Someone , Leader , Weekend , Grounds , Image , Boy , 2020 , Endorsement , Controversy , Seat , Rounds Doesn T , Facts , Reaction , Presidents , Mitt Romney , Silent , Impeachment , Upset , Utah , Ron Johnson , Heresy , Defense , Romney Hadn T , Politics , Donald Trump S Ultimate Reality , Laws , Back , Target , Sean Hannity , Aftermath , Fox News , Text Message , Host , Guys We , Plane , Call , Love , Group Chat Powwow , Path , Him , Nine , Second , Hannity , Meadows , Cost , Estate , Help , Mad , Real , Belief , Adam Schiff , Lot , Evidence , Compulsion , Means , Terms , Look , Conversation , Others , Room , Decision , Violation , Courage , Odds , Iqs A Shun , Course , Crossing , Precedent , Threshold , Russian , Chairman , Invitation , Nunes , Way , Mr , Whether , Objective , Sting , Graces , Clips , Gaslighting , The Plain Truth , Parties , Low , Bar , Selection , Example , On John , Under Fire , Julie Tsirkin , Most , Majority , Colleague , Strategy , Re Litigating , The Club , 2023 , Thing , Argument , Flight , Anyone , Which , Tragedy , Country , Anybody , Sense , Democracy , Couture , Vice President , Ground , Mister Pence , Reporting , New York Times , Headlines , Team , Degree , Aides , Pardon , Grown Anoint , Calculus , Share , Patriotism , Service , Pressure Campaign , Backup Point Guard , Life , Rest , Everyone Else , Player , Nba , Civil War Era , Charlottesville , Out Of Business , Oath Keepers , Business , Flexibility , Lines , Small Business , Data , Line , Network , Internet , Match Data Options , Mix , Customers , Comcast Business Mobile , Nationwide 5g , 0 , 5 , 30 , Four , Term , Contract , Fees , Possibilities , Comcast Business , Court , Empowered , Doesn T Blink , Piece , Legislation , Talk , Charleston , Klan Act , Lessons , Deal , Kind , Provisions , Judgment , Job , Litigators , Clans , Trial , Coop Looks Acts Clammed , Verdict , Suing Insurrectionist , Money , Don T , Buildings , Take It From Me , They Scatter , Guess What , Defendant , This Lawsuit Is Quote Financially Crippling Unquote , Lawsuits , Anything , Fund Raiser , Money Matters , Culprit , Number , Variety , Directions , Actions , Players , Bunch , Groups , Arguments , Judges , Lawyers , Dismissal , Co Conspiring , Federal Court , Vote Count , Everything , Law Firms , United , Anti Defamation League , Individuals , Plans , Litigation , Cases , Subcommittee , Gentleman , Department Of Justice , Matthew Greene , On December 22nd , 22 , December 22nd , Plan , Elements , Covid , Suit , Okay , Attorney General Carl Foreseen , Vaccine Fear Mining , Wisconsin , News , Nutrients , Qunol Sleep Formula , Problem , Sleep , Sleep Number , Smart Bed , Prices , Temperature Balancing , Brand , Season , Cold , Qunol , 360 , Care , Science , Weekend Special , Movements , Miss , Night After , Interest , 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System , Infection , Levels , Source , Ambulances , Shortstop Nursing Homes , 9 , Megan Ranney , Health , Emergency Medicine , Director , Calls , Emergency Er , Emergency Rooms , Center , Practitioners , Doctors , Experience , Tools , Treatments , March 2020 , Providers , Patients , Cascading Effect , Left , Health Care , Staffing Shortages , Non Covid , Everywhere , Hospitals , Both , Staffing Levels , Icus , Problems , Resignation , Anyone Else , Covid Wave , Change , Covid Way , Places , Systems , Emergency Departments , Injury , Northeast , Surges , Injuries , Waiting Room , Fixes , Point , Jobs , Record Number , 18 , Say , Math , Mat , 69 , February 2020 , Head , Risk , Variant , Individual , Mouth , 35 , Immunity Wall , Aggregate , Tent , Hospital System , Infections , Amount , Ten , 90 , Context , Sort , Hospitalizations , Meaning , Benefit , Delta , 2 , 4 , Timeframe , Wiggle Room , Happening , Concern , Haven T Heard , Mueller , Dr , Interventions , Fix , Rodney , Crisis , 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Transcripts For MSNBC All In With Chris Hayes 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC All In With Chris Hayes 20240709

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the bipartisan committee investigating january 6th, the republican from ohio has signaled that he will refuse to speak to the committee after it requested his testimony last month. quote, the american people are tired of democrats nonstop investigations and partisan witch hunts. this request is for outside the bounds of any legislative inquiry. violated poor constitution principles and would served to for the road legislative norms. jordan, i should know, served as the top republican on the oversight committee on the benghazi investigation. one of the many committees that was part of the nonstop, you might even called, partisan witch hunt that ran for more than two years. but this letter marks a very different position for jim jordan. who said multiple times last year that he had nothing to hide from the committee. including during a hearing of the house rules committee last october. >> are you willing to tell the select committee what you know about events leading up to here and after -- >> i've got nothing to hide, i've been straightforward all along. >> it's worth mentioning that jordan probably does have something to hide. or at least looks likely that he. does >> come mccarthy allegedly wanted jordan himself to serve on the january six committee, named him of the committee, and then speaker of the house, nancy pelosi, basically said no way. and vetoed it. shortly thereafter, republican congresswoman, liz cheney, the vice chair of that committee, called jim jordan a material witness to the investigation. and jordan has mentioned on multiple occasions that he spoke to donald trump on january six. though he refuses to discuss when exactly those conversations took place. here is how we responded back in july when asked about it. >> yes or no, did you speak with president trump on january six? >> yes, i spoke with the president last week. i speak with the president all the time. i spoke with him on january six. i mean, i talk with president trump all the time. i don't think that is unusual. i would expect members of congress to talk with the president of the united states when they're trying to get done the things they told the voters in their district to do. i am actually kind of amazed sometimes that people keep asking. this i talk to the president all the time, like i said, i talked to him last. week >> on january six, did you speak with him before, during or after the capitalist attack? >> i would have to say -- i spoke with him that day after. i think. after i don't think i don't know if i spoke with him before, the day after. i have to go back. i don't know when those conversations happened. but what i know is i spoke with him all the time. >> well, i'm convinced, are you? and that's probably not the only reason jordan will not comply with the committee. we now know that congressman jordan is also forwarding along messages to defend trump chief of staff, mark meadows, and his former house buddy on how to overthrow the election and the days before the insurrection. so it seems, just from what we've got in the guidance of that is quite a bit there. it's also worth mentioning that there is simply no political incentives for jordan to comply. in the year following january six, donald trump has managed to successfully control the party back to his side. on the question of whether it is okay to do a coup or not. and he mentions that the insurrection is other than a normal tourist visit, or any reputation of donald trump's big lie election fraud are met with swift condemnation from the former president and his base and right-wing media. it is why the committee will likely not see any meaningful cooperation from most allies. even as it becomes more clear that jim jordan, as well as -- are not definitely the only two seeding members that could be, quote, material witness to the investigation. generous six committee is now also weighing whether or not to seek testimony from mo brooks of alabama. brooks we know was involved because he was one of the most vocal opponents from the stolen election. and is now the subject of a lawsuit from congressman, eric swalwell, who alleges that he incited the insurrection at that january six. when he made these comments whipping up the crowd while wearing body armor. >> we are not going to let them continue to corrupt our elections. and still from us our god given right to control our nations destiny. today, it's the day that american patriots start taking down names and kicking ass. [applause] >> now our ancestor sacrificed their blood, their sweat, their tears, their fortune and sometimes their lives to give up their descendants. as -- so i have a question for you are you willing to do the same? >> i mean, pretty straightforward right? they sacrificed their blood, and their lives to the cause of our liberty. are you willing to do the same? let's march to the capital. in addition to brooks, it appears as though the committee has found itself the freshness of potential targets. the former trump administration official turned, never trumper, stephanie grisham, providing the panel with a list of potential witnesses it had not previously considered. supporting the committee member jamie raskin. and the committee is expected to require testimony from former vice president, mike pence, in the next two weeks. it's unclear whether pence will agreed to cooperate with that committee. we will talk about that in a moment. but it does seem very unlikely that brooks or other close trump allies will cooperate. the simple truth is that joe biden, with donald, trump in a free and fair election which wasn't in the works which was disclosed, that simple fact, which is a statement of the world, has been rendered in on horrible by trump. the former president will not accept even the most basic acknowledgment that he lost the election or that he attempted a coup or that the deadly insurrection was a logical conclusion of his own lies about the election. you can't say any of that. case in point, yesterday, senator mike rounds conservative republican from south dakota. not a rhino, made this true fact on television. >> as a part of our due diligence, we looked over 16 different accusations made in multiple states. while there were some irregularities, there were none of the irregularities which would have risen to the point where they would've changed the vote outcome in a single state. the election was fair as fair as we've seen. we simply did not win the election as republicans for the presidency. >> now, it should come as zero surprise. donald trump did not react well to that. we knew it was coming. in one of his non tweet statements he passed the email to journalists. trump came off as, unhinged. i'll quote it for you. senator, mike rounds of the great state of south dakota just went woke on the fraudulent presidential election of 2020. boy, if there's someone that conjures the image of woke, it's my grounds. is he crazy or just stupid? declaring, he is a weekend in an effective leader. i hereby firmly pledge that he will never receive my capital endorsement again. now senator rounds doesn't really need his endorsement, at least even in the future. it seems unlikely he will lose his seat or the controversy. in fact, we should say, mike rounds refused to back down. he wrote in the statement today, quote, i'm disappointed but not surprised by the former presidents reaction. however, the facts remain the same. i stand by my statement. the former president lost the 2020 election. it's imagine how controversial he has rendered that statement. the former president lost the 2020 election. it remains true that for most republicans you cannot say that. it is simply easier being silent then potentially, you know, upset trump. only senator mitt romney of utah voted for the impeachment and comes to ron's defense. he tweeted a list of other republicans who said, plain fact that he won the election. something republicans which romney hadn't done. because again, that is a heresy. you aren't allowed to say. it might in current on endorsement of their own from the former president. again, this is just have republican politics work now. you have to openly embrace and celebrate donald trump's ultimate reality by congressman jim jordan does because, again, even the most basic acknowledgment, he, laws that truth will put a political target on your back. you know, for a moment, a year ago it seemed like it might not be like this. in fact, from one year ago today, the aftermath of the insurrection, trump ally fox news host, sean hannity, may be called to testify himself, sent this text message to jim jordan and trump. a group chat powwow. quote, guys we, have a clear path to land the plane in nine days. he can't mentioned the election again. he can't mention the election again ever. i did not have a good call with him today. and worse, i am not sure what's there is love to say. for a second there it seemed like hannity and jordan and, meadows, said that you cannot just continue to lie about an election. you lost. it looks perfect -- but that it can weaken deranged. and lying about it was not good either. but then, all of those people paid no apparent cost and continue to lie. including donald trump. donald trump mentions the election every day. he was right on that. hannity was wrong. and trump has only become further entrenched in the state of belief that he wanted. his allies and congress and media, help help to make that like real. they feel like it is just not worth making trump mad. congressman, adam schiff, as a democrat representing the democratic committee. he joins me now. are you surprised by jim jordan's statement that he will not voluntarily cooperate and provide testimony to the committee? >> i have to say, i am not surprised. but you know, he said he had nothing to hide and then he decided, well, i guess have a lot to hide. it is unfortunate. but it is who we. is and we will do our best to figure out how we respond to members of congress who refused to comply voluntarily. whether that is compulsion or whether that is trying to find the evidence using other means. but look, he acknowledged talking to trump on the day of the attack on the capital. and in terms of that conversation, there are only two people, unless there were others in the room during that conversation can really speak to what went on. so, we obviously would like him to come in. but his decision not to is not surprising. because i assume that he reached the compulsion that if he came and told the truth it would put him at odds with the former president. and he just doesn't have the courage to do that. >> i want you to respond to the iqs a shun that is leveled by jordan and others that this is a violation of legislative norms by asking for voluntary cooperation from fellow members of congress in the course of an inquiry. that it is reckless, you've cross some threshold that you're going to regret crossing. >> the most recent precedent was in the russian investigation. during the time, as i recall, when nunes was the chairman i think that's right we had an extended invitation to two members of congress. one republican, one democrat. and they both came in. they gave voluntary testimony. and whether was mr. nunes, either way, there was no objective by the members of congress or the members who were asked. they came in and they did what they should do. but here, you know, it certainly appears that these two, perry and jordan, nothing matters quite so much a sting in the graces of donald trump. and you know, chris, i have to say watching those clips and reading the statement and seeing him refer to the fact of the election and referred to them not in the gaslighting way that you find yourself in just a please and admiring that someone would speak the plain truth. the bar has become that low. speaking to the facts of a president selection to makes you are here now. but that is where we are. that is where our republican parties. and we need to get these members and to come in and testify. >> well here's a great example, julie tsirkin reporting on john's reaction has occasionally come under fire. this is sort of an example. well i say to my colleague, welcome to the club. he joked. i don't think that re-litigating of winning strategy. i think if we want to be a majority in 2023. this is the most that people will do as an instrumental tactical argument as for why indulging this truly dangerous flight that resulted in a deadly insurrection is maybe not the best thing to do politically. but that's as far as anyone will go. >> sadly, i think that's right. and even more sought to my point of view is a point you were making earlier. which, is it looked like it was going to be different a year ago. and the aftermath of that terrible tragedy today, it looked like the republican party was going to finally recognize the disastrous and as to which donald trump brought the country. and they weren't going to go along with this big lie. and they didn't expect anybody else to go along with that big lie. not even sean hannity expected the party to withheld that big lie. but a year later, they are more couture than ever. and in that sense, such a terrible but fragile statement for democracy is on weaker ground now than it was a year ago. >> let me ask you about vice president mike pence, there's been a lot of reporting up this in the new york times reached the headlines on january. dense over testimony. mister pence, they, said had grown anoint that the committee is publicly signaling it had a secured a greater degree of cooperation from his top aides than it actually. has something it sees as a pardon of democrats actually turning his team against mr. trump. is that what you were engaged in? >> no. we were just like him to come in and share with us what he knows. and i hope that he will. you know, i hope that he is winning that same calculus that jim jordan and others have played. but i would hope that he would show greater patriotism that we've seen from someone like jim jordan. he knows what's right for the country. he knows what happened in the election. he knows the pressure campaign he was under. and he knows he could do the service to the country by talking about it. but, he also knows that there is a political cost that comes with that. i hope he makes the right decision. that is all that we can hope for. but in terms of how much cooperation we are getting from people around him, you know, i am not going to comment on that. all i can say is that the vice president has very material testimony. and we hope to do the right thing. >> you know, congressman has about a backup backup point guard, i had a moment when i realized i was not going to be an nba player. and it was actually liberating for what i was able to do for the rest of my life after that. and i think mike pence could have that moment with the presidency of the united states. it might be good for everyone else. congressman adam schiff, thank you very much for your time. >> thank you chris. >> next, the d.c. attorney general suing the proud boys and oath keepers using a law originally ridden to take down the kkk. why a civil war era which was recently used in charlottesville could put the script out of business. after this. script out of business after this every day in business brings something new. so get the flexibility of the new mobile service designed for your 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job, and i commend them. in fact, they brought other clans, in to be clear. the coop looks acts clammed, did not go to a verdict. there was not a unanimous verdict. in d.c.. that's what we're going to accomplish, which is a unanimous verdict. the lessons for charlottesville and the lessons from suing insurrectionist money matters to them when, you come after their money, their assets their buildings. guess what, they run, they scatter, they hide they complain. don't take it from me. this is what they say about being sued. one defendant in the charlottesville case said, this lawsuit is quote financially crippling unquote, totally detrimental to what i'm doing. i don't want to go into some public events, where i can be blamed if something goes wrong. we can't do anything publicly. another defendant said, because a pending lawsuits, we are not going to be moving forward officially within a fund-raiser. the money matters. this was not a pro bono events on january six. it was well organized, well-planned and will finance. we are going to go find the money and make the culprit today. >> your lawsuit is one of, there are a number of lawsuits, in a bunch of different directions. it's not surprising, when it's as disastrous as what happened on that day, to see a variety of civil actions against a variety of players. one of those lawsuits is against the president. former president donald trump. for conspiring with the same co conspiring, with the same groups that you are suing. and there are arguments today in federal court about the dismissal of that, case in which the former president's lawyers urged the judges to dismiss the lawsuits. accusing him to conspiring with these two far-right extreme groups, and others to block the presidential vote count. i imagine you're monitoring all of these, as you think about the case that you're pursuing going forward. >> we are working with the anti-defamation league, we are working with state united, we have two great law firms. we are watching everything. and people might ask, why are you not suing the former president. here is the deal. we are suing in this phase of our litigation, the individuals that organized, plans and participated in the insurrection. we are also looking at all the evidence being developed, by the excellent job at the january six subcommittee. and frankly, by the very good job that the department of justice is doing in bringing cases. chris, on december 22nd, of last year. just two and a half weeks ago. a gentleman named matthew greene, a leader of the proud boys, pled guilty to conspiring, to plan organize and to participate in insurrection. that is every essential elements of our case. again, we are going to win this suit. and our investigation continues. >> okay, d.c. attorney general carl foreseen, thank you so much. >> thank you chris. >> still ahead, the covid denying vaccine fear mining january six defending senators wisconsin, announces he's running for reelection. why that can be great news for democrats, after this. reelection why that can be great news for democrats, after this. do you struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep? qunol sleep formula combines 5 key nutrients that can help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake up refreshed. the brand i trust is qunol. it's time for our lowest prices of the season on the sleep number 360® smart bed. what if i sleep hot? or cold? no problem, the sleep number 360® smart bed is temperature balancing so you both sleep just right. and it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. so, you can really promise better sleep? yes! you'll know exactly how well you slept, night after night. we take care of the science. all you have to do is sleep. don't miss our weekend special. save up to $1,000 on sleep number 360® smart beds. plus, 0% interest for 36 months and free premium delivery when you add a base. ends monday. this weekend, after much from one moment to the next, our kids become the most important part of our lives. and even though the years pass, that never changes. we never stop worrying about them. that's why it's important to have health insurance. with covered california, we got a plan we could afford. it includes free preventive care, like cholesterol and blood-pressure checkups. because even though they grow up, they'll always be your baby. covered california. this way to health insurance. enrollment ends january 31st. go to speculation, republican senator ron johnson of wisconsin announced that he is running for a third term. he announced this to the people of wisconsin, via of course an opinion piece in the wall street journal. in it he admits that he is breaking his promise, that his reelection campaign in 2016, would be his last. the reason, he did not anticipate democrats taking over the government with their disastrous policies. he also notes there will be a massive effort to try to put two destroying defeat him. and the letter point senator johnson is definitely right. with this announcement he has rocketed to the top of democrats list of senate targets this year. because ron johnson is essentially in a category of his own. his positions are so odious he's so far-right and pro maga. he comes from a state that doesn't line up with all of that. he's not from a plus 30 trump state. wisconsin's voted democratic candidate for president eight of the past nine elections. in 2012 wisconsin voters elected progressive democrat tammy baldwin as their second senator. she serves the people of wisconsin as well. of course they narrowly flipped red in 2016 which helped ron johnson i think the same year that he won reelection. there's a real gap between ron johnson's politics in the way he performs those politics, and a huge part of the state, which is part of the reason why i think you could argue he's one of the worst republican senators. senator johnson's reaction to the 2020 election has been particularly bad he. amplified and promoted claims the election was fraudulent. he even held a hearing on irregularities last december. three weeks before the insurrection would. do you think that was doing to people to hear those. things he was one of the people whipping up the frenzy ahead of january six, leaking that he planned to reject the certification of electoral votes. he changed his mind at the last second, and after the violent insurrection at the capitol. honestly, i think ron johnson has been the single worst republican on covid, right from the get-go. when he downplayed the risks of this new disease, he told the milwaukee journal senator, you don't shut down our economy because tens of people thousands of people die on the highways. johnson has then gone on to tap on sorts of unproven she -- most recently mouthwash. he held hearings on those is a well. he has been pushing in increasingly explicit anti-vaccine message. which puts him almost in his own category i must say. even falsely linking vaccines to deaths. and then last week around johnson tried a new argument against vaccinated. it's an interesting one. listen to this, and a local wisconsin radio show, he questioned why scientists think they know better than god. >> why do we think we can create something better than god in terms of combatting disease. there are certain things we have to do, but we have just made so many is slump shuns and it's all pointed toward everybody getting a vaccine. >> i mean, wow. there's a lot of people who believe in god, and believed god helped bring the antibodies, the amazing beautiful human mind that created the vaccines. but the question now is, does this all matter politically? or are the structural factors and midterms and loyalty of the die hard maga base. >> this she is the editor and chief of the -- house constant became ground zero for the big lie. and she joins me now. roof, i wonder, do you feel the same way about johnson, who to me, i think about on the democratic side there's like sharon brown or jon tester. two good examples. these are pretty progressive senators, in contested states. they are sort of better politics than you might anticipate, given how close their states are. and johnson is like the inverse of. that he is far worse politics, then you would anticipate. based on how close the state of wisconsin is. >> yes. as a result, he's given a lot of republicans or heard attack. not only are democrats excited to run against him. republicans will say privately, they really hoped he would not run. they had some other people who are a little more normal that they had in. mind a congressman from green bay, mike gallagher, who's personable, presents, well seems kind of moderate. the problem with johnson's, the softening of support for trump in the suburbs and wisconsin, with hopes defeat trump here in 2020, those are the people that johnson needs. and yet johnson is doubling down on all the positions that the suburban women who turned against, trump really don't like. all the anti-vaccine stuff. the really stream-ism. he doesn't seem terribly concerned about hanging on to the people who helped elect him. and that's why the political report moved him as an incumbent senator, the only, one into the toss-up category. that's unprecedented. >> it's such a good point. the most recent polling unfavorable an unfavorable from mark, ahead of underwater. to the thing that's really striking to me is the messaging of the vaccine. a lot of other republicans, that are very careful to try to create this conceptual boundary between did you get the vaccine, the vaccine is good, but we know of vaccine mandates. johnson really has it feels to me, a category of his own, and pretty explicitly anti vaccine messaging. >> i think the word messaging gives him a little too much credit. i don't know where he gets the ideas that he gets. having a press conference, where some people who had rare medical conditions, and suffered -- that it was extremely dangerous, for people to get vaccinated. it's just bonkers. as you pointed out, he held a hearing on these discredited alternative remedies. and in his wall street journal up that today, where yesterday, he says one of the reasons he's running is says he so concerned about mishandling of the pandemic. because he thinks people need to run around unvaccinated. and infect each other. it's really over the top. sometimes it makes so little sense, it makes people in wisconsin cringe. >> but he's part of a broader trend, that i've noticed. it's true, michigan as well. it's somewhat true i think in pennsylvania. but wisconsin in michigan, where you have the states that are very close to divided. the very highly contested. they really are like swing states, yet the republicans of tend to be really out there. the wisconsin republican party is really, it's not like johnson is that much of an outlier, when you look at the state reps and legislature. and the leadership of that party. which really does seem far to the, right of the median voter of your state. >> i do believe that wisconsin is the ground zero for the big lie. and terms of voter suppression, sending these phony electoral votes, that helped give rise to the january 6th insurrection. claiming that there was a reason for republicans to say they were electors, and cast electoral votes, which they had no regal reason to do, for trump. that is all true. however, i will say, this ron johnson, has said that our republican legislature, should be able to overturn the results of the elections. that was a bridge too far. even for the republican leaders of our state legislator, who went on the record announcing. in saying, no we don't actually planned to personally overturn election results. even for, the right-wing takeover of wisconsin, johnson is really extra. >> okay, they'll be a primary and the democratic, side there's a few good candidates. we'll follow this closely. will have you back to talk about. it ruth, thank you so much. >> thanks for having me. >> coming up, the public health emergency lurking, underneath omicron. why one er doctor is sounding the alarm. just ahead. y one er doctor is soundin the alarm. just ahead there was one of the more harrowing images from afghanistan this summer. as the u.s. pulled out, finally ending the two decade-long war. and the taliban closing on kabul. a two month old baby held up by his desperate father outside of the kabul airport. trying to save him from the surging crowd. a soldier grabbing the child, hosting him over the bob weir. in the chaos, that baby was lost in the airport. his parents and the rest of his family were evacuated to the united states. the baby stayed missing for months until he was found with a local taxi driver. who says he discovered the infant alone and crying at the airport. this weekend, the baby was returned to his grandparents in kabul. the state department says it will work to bring him to the united states to reunite him with his parents who are now in michigan. if you felt like, i think many people did, i certainly did, in helplessness and impotence as we watch those scenes outside of the airport in afghanistan, i have to tell you that even though the cameras are not there anymore there is something even worse happening now. and there is something we in the u.s. can do about it. as afghanistan settles into winter, a groups estimate nearly 23 million afghans. more than half of the population, quote, already do not have enough to eat. with many lacking even solid shelter. and they are being forced to choose between heat and food. there is little help available from the taliban government. i'm part of the reason for that is about 75% of the former government's budget was funded by foreign aid. which was essentially stopped when the taliban took power. but there are things our government and president biden can do right now to get money flowing into the country to hopefully help millions of afghans. for example, the u.s. government could release the 9.4 billion dollars of afghan government assets that were frozen last year. they could also ease the sanctions against the taliban. they can encourage international communities for a. because right now, withholding aid from the afghan government, which as odious as it is, there's no question about that, produces zero positive geopolitical effect. instead, it is brutal in terms of human cost. millions of afghans are in imminent danger of starvation. there is something that we can do to help. the biden administration can change its current cruel indefensible and horrific posture tomorrow if they want to release the money and get it flowing. americans need to make their voices heard in the same way that they demanded evacuations for allies during the war when all the media was covering it and all the eyes of the world were focused on it. it is an indefensible moral scandal to consign tens of millions of people to freeze and starve to death this winter. mister president, you cannot let this happen. cannot let this happen. i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps. what are the three ps? the three ps of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase, and a price that fits your budget. i'm 54, what's my price? you can get coverage for $9.95 a month. i'm 65 and take medications. what's my price? also $9.95 a month. i just turned 80, what's my price? $9.95 a month for you too. if you're age 50 to 85, call now about the #1 most popular whole life insurance plan available through the colonial penn program. it has an affordable rate starting at $9.95 a month. no medical exam, no health questions. your acceptance is guaranteed. and this plan has a guaranteed lifetime rate lock so your rate can never go up for any reason. so call now for free information and you'll also get this free beneficiary planner. and it's yours free just for calling. so call now for free information. right now the omicron coronavirus variant is spreading through the u.s. with and president speed. we've never seen anything this contagious in the span of this pandemic. today there's over 1 million new cases. what more worrisome thing cases is that in cities like new york, d.c. and chicago, hospitalization are exceeding rates even though the vaccine wasn't available. over 66.5% is fully vaccinated. and we have millions of unvaccinated people who are going to end up hospitalized. as doctor craig spencer writes this influx of coronavirus positive piece and is also creating another source of infection for health care workers who are being sidelined in numbers i've never seen before. the domino effect will affect all levels of the health care system, from shortstop nursing homes to ambulances taking longer to respond to 9-1-1 calls. doctor craig spencer is an emergency er doctor at the director of global health in emergency medicine. and we also have megan ranney at the brown emergency medicine she also is the director of brown-lifespan center for digital health. >> doctor craig spencer i'll start with you. just because you are practitioners, what's the emergency rooms took like right now? all amidst this omicron surge? >> i do think it's important to stress the fact that this is not march 2020. we have treatments, tools and experience since that is great news for doctors like myself and doctor megan ranney and nurses that were on the frontline throughout this pandemic. but the problem is that we are seeing this cascading effect of so many patients providers that have left, providers that are getting infected. right now, we just don't have enough providers or beds to take care of the patients that are streaming into our ideas. a not just from covid but from non covid illness as well. >> yes doctor megan ranney, i have read about staffing shortages and health care which we see everywhere. that was true even in the fall before omicron. and talking to the doctors that i know interact with, that is being exasperated by doctors catching omicron and having to quarantine. and it's stressing -- stretching staffing levels very thin. >> yes, even though the number of patients and icus are about the same as they were a year ago. overall, our hospitals are much more crowded. both because we are taking care of all of the other problems that exist out there in the world. and all that we put off course for the last two years. and we have fewer stuff. health care has been affected by the great resignation as much as anyone else. and perhaps more so. because the effective this of this covid wave is not just this covid way. it is the multiple effect of the covid wave after covid wave after covid wave. with no change in the underlying systematic conditions that are burning out our health care workers, causing moral injury, and hurting hospitals and systems across the country. i really cannot describe, chris, how tough it is in emergency departments right now. particularly across the northeast. but also other places that have covid surges. we have wait times that are through the roof. we have patients with serious medical and traumatic injuries that are waiting hours and hours in the waiting room. not because we don't want to care for, them but simply because there is no place in the. and the worst part of it is that we feel like we are on our own. we have been sounding the alarm not just for months but for two years now. and we are still waiting for those systematic fixes to be put in place. >> i want to talk about those, just to your point about the great resignation as it's often called, a record number of people living their jobs. the vast majority are going to get other jobs, it's not just about people quitting. but we've seen that in health care as well. there is pulling that says that 18% of health care workers say that they have quit a job in 2020. since 2020, february 2020, which is a pretty remarkable number. 69% say they considered leaving their job. so, i want to talk about the math of omicron. and what it's doing to hospitals. so let me first go to the mat. doctor craig spencer, let's say that you have a generic variant of the coronavirus. i remember having to try and get my head around the mouth of this when i first came, which is even though it's individually not at risk to have given an individual a healthy 35-year-old, right? if it really transmissible, you're going to get in the aggregate a large number. we are seeing this with omicron. it's just a tent particularly with the immunity wall of vaccines and previous infections if it is ten times as much as transmissible, you literally are going to have the same aggregate amount of people coming into your hospital system even though individuals are looking at it the same. it is 90% less of a risk for me. and it's hard to deal with that, i think, in the sort of political context. and when you look at what is happening in your hospitals. >> absolutely, what we are looking at is that omicron is half of severe in terms of creating hospitalizations as delta. it is mild or, but not mild. especially because it looks like it can transmit at 2 to 4 and maybe six times the rate of previous variants. meaning, that it may wash away any potential benefit of it being mild. our point is that it's happening and it's happening now. so quickly and even in places that we haven't heard. and we don't have the wiggle room. and that is what the big concern this. just a condensed timeframe, even though it's, mild it's not. mueller get vaccinated. that is the one thing that could change the calculus for the individuals and all of us. >> yes, so the vaccination, boosting is key. but doctor megan ranney, when you talk about systematic fixes, first to the short term of what our interventions that can be done to stop hospitals from being overwhelmed, and then broader when you mean systematic fix? >> i'm sorry, dr. rodney are either. sorry i think you froze, taco back to you doctor. spencer >> so what do systematic fixes look? like >> look, omicron precipitated a crisis. and just like covid participated this crisis, health care -- we had too few providers we had to few primary care physicians. people that were already vulnerable and made vulnerable by this pandemic had been so before covid even hit the shores. we need to focus more on building up that primary care. an increasing access. this is an issue for things like the vials that we've been talking about. their systematic, -- this is where we need to put the patients first. if we had done so from before the pandemic and even from when the pandemic started, or even when omicron was first notified and we said people can't and the five and we did more for people. we would've been a lot farther ahead in the game if we would've been a lot better prepared for the pandemic. unfortunately, we may leap this one not better prepared for the next. one >> yes, and one thing i'm thinking about is that when we need more supply of good quality and affordable health care for people. and that is something that is really come out of this. and that's something that people really need to be working on in the future. >> dr. craig spencer and dr. megan ranney thank you very much. that is all in on tonight's show. now it's time for the rachel matter show. >> good evening, happy to have you here. we do actually have some breaking news to start with that this hour. we can report, exclusively, tonight that attorneys for former president donald trump have not met in person with the fulton county district attorney's office in georgia. now, it was months ago that we first learned that the prosecutor who leads that office, a prosecutor named fani t. willis, had opened a criminal investigation into alleged violation of georgia state law. violation of georgia state law. pressured and intimidated after the last presidential election that they should effectively falsify the results of that state's it was a year ago, january 3rd, last year, when "the washington post" published this shocking audio recording of an extraordinary hour-long phone rd call that then-president trump made personally to georgia's top elections official telling him he needed to find exactly the number of votes in the state that would allow trump to ti falsely be declared the winner there. now, in georgia, as in every state in the country, pressuring elections officials to interfere with the lawful administration

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