Transcripts For MSNBC The Beat With Ari Melber 20240709 : co

Transcripts For MSNBC The Beat With Ari Melber 20240709

dozen use a calendar and new officials are being sworn into office. last week and throughout this month we're seeing them take over and take charge. there is a new mayor in new york along with a new police chief and new da. they're beginning their terms, one of them, joins us live later tonight. there is also new action in the on going probes of the insurrection which was just over one year ago. will donald trump ever be held accountable for the rally he led? one case on that actually hit federal court today. they have to see if the conduct amounts to a agreement with rioters. this is brought by two senators and police officers who were so injured during the riot by those aggressive, violent and often criminal trump fans. it offers kind of a legal version of the wider debate where some see it as pretty obvious that donald trump backed all of the plot, part one, overthrowing the outcome which trump said and which his own white house aide outlined in more detail, literally defending a bloodless coup and whether trump supported the criminal pie lens. i'm telling you about this right now. it's in the news tonight because in court today, the analysis of the violence part included a judge asking, no the deciding yet, but evaluating whether trump's conduct that day met that the court's may refer trump agreed with the conduct of the people inside the capitol. that's the trump side. congress is weighing the tricky question of how to gather facts from their own. jim jordan refusing to cooperate with what he calls an unprecedented and inappropriate demand that he testify. the committee for its part said jordan is trying to hide the facts of january 6th. the chairman says their checking the law. >> you think you're going to have to subpoena sitting member of congress? >> well, i think there is some questions of whether we have the authority to do it. we looking at it. if authorities are there, there will be no reluctance on our part. >> chairman thompson sounds ready to act. congressman jordan is refusing to provide basic facts about an tack on his own workplace, an attack that posed risks to colleagues and to himself. he's also being hit critical. he was an advocate of powers when he was in charge including on the benghazi committee. he demanded not only government officials testify but former officials than private citizen hillary clinton, for example, who did give public testimony under demand. she did that. jordan admitted talking to trump frequently in the post election period last year when trump's main conversation topic was how to overturn his loss. and also potentially contact on january 6th itself. all of this comes at a time when people like bannon, know various yoe and senator cruz are under scrutiny for these details of their coup plot. so it would seem relevant to the investigation. it all matters. now whether the courts would make jordan testify is different. remember what the statement says. all of this is "unprecedented." now, is he reaching? is this more jim jordan high penitentiarybly? i can tell you fact check true. there is no established legal precedent regarding congressional power to enforce subpoenas against members of congress. when the chairman says they need to look at the law or look at the powers, you won't find a good or recent precedent for taking this all the way to the mat which means, as i said, fact check true, i'll call it however it looks, however accurate, whether you like jim jordan or not, and he's done some very controversial things here, it is true that he may not have any real court case to worry about and that means that the lawyers on this committee are likely to say this is not the one to go hard at. in contrast to say bannon where they went very hard and that's why he's now an indicted man awaiting a criminal truly and if he lose that's he goes to jail. so you take that all together and what do you have? another january 6th showdown. this one where the facts may be a lot more determinative than the law. by which i mean getting to the bottom of of what the people were doing in their so-called bloodless coup, that matters a lot. whether jim jordan is right about the law also matters to him personally. the this committee though is going to have to get to the answers with or without holding every single person in contempt. i want to bring in our experts for this part before we turn to another big story we've been covering which is the jail time for rioters. but on this story first, we begin with former rnc chair michael steel who supported joe biden and our washington correspondent. michael, your thoughts about a time where there is a lot of effort for be accountability but with so many things in the law, it's not always going to be a clear cut answer can you get every single person to comply. >> yeah. that's true. i thought you laid it out very well, ari, in terms of what this looks like. not just in terms of the legal aspects but also some of the politics that sort of buffet the legal guidelines and rope lines here. the truth is two approaches, one is the chairman's approach of the january 6th committee. that is to get to the facts. right? just the facts man. we want to find out what they are. and expose those to the public. the second is the defense against that which is what jim jordan is posturing over right now. and he knows that there is no precedence here which is why i said this is unprecedented. there is no precedence here. there is no precedence because we never had members of congress engaged in this type of action against the government. whether that is something that, is you know, we know for a fact or don't know is something that's always been off the table. members know what their role and responsibilities r so he's going to use that. i think we need to be aware that he's going to use that. but here's the rub. i don't know if you need jim jordan at the end of the day. there is a lot of other folks out there who were texting and communicating and his name pops up. and other ways. other forums. they may be able to piece together his level of involvement and role without him. which is something he does not know and nor is it something he can control. so i think that, you know, the chairman's approach that, okay, we're going to find out what we can legally do is legitimate and they're going to pursue that. i don't think he's going to lose a night's sleep if he doesn't get jim jordan in the cross hairs. there are enough other angles and a lot of other documents out there. we just discovered from the role that was played by the folks over at fox. how many of those communications actually reference a jim jordan? they talk to jim, well, jim jordan said that's -- that will be enough as well. >> yeah. and julian, to that point we have some of that here. the cable cabinet as its called. january 10th, you had hannity texting jordan and discussing how to reign in trump. you can't mention the election ever. i didn't have a good call. he is asking for ideas. and you get sort of a somewhat rare peek at least in usually don't see it in real time, maybe in the history books, julia, of just how the folks are talking at this highest level. hannity there positioning himself potentially as the voice of reason, the more restrained member of this kitchen cabinet you're thoughts beyond the law and what we're learning about how the people roll. >> yeah. you know, i'm wondering, ari, when we're going to find your text messages advising the biden administration. i'm kidding. it's a strange thing when you have a cable news host that is fair and balanced aenreporting on what is happening but at the same time advising a sitting president. that aside, i think -- i agree with michael. i also think that there are kind of three kind of meta questions. what is this investigation for? is it for political purposes to gain a political edge in the coming mid terms or in the 2024 election? is it to get some kind of consequences for the people in the very chamber where they serve for helping to forment and potentially aid this coup or attempted coup? or is it to set down a historical marker and kind of put down the first brick of the historical narrative that will then get filled out in the course of time as, you know, people come forward and speak and documents are revealed. and i think that's really where this fits in. do you need jim jordan for any of those things? if it's first one, they believe the january 6th protesters were freedom fighters and justified. so those are the questions i'm thinking about as i watch this. >> well, julia, i see your three meta questions and raise you a fourth. which is in it the best sense, you know, every so often some days out of the week we could be idealists. in the best sense, can this co-equal branch of government use the powers and process to better calcify the backbone of our democracy and body politic to prevent the next coup, julia? >> i don't think so. it doesn't exist in a vacuum. even if they did, they have a majority that is about to go away. in less than a year. in fact, in 11 months. republicans -- every republican i'm speaking to in washington is counting on not just, you know, flipping the house but a historic majority the likes of which we haven't seen in a generation or two. if they don't punish the party that tried to overturn a free and fair democratic election but reward them handsomely for it, this, you know, this investigation kind of feels like a band-aid on a hole in the dike. >> there it is. >> yep. important. let me do this. i appreciate that. that was -- we went from idealism to informed skepticism which is the role of a journalist sometimes. i want to thank you, julia. i know you have more to say. hang with me. this next story is our other lead story. it's that important. let me set it up. thank you, julia. i'm turning now to the brewing scandal over how to punish these rioters and insurrectionists. we brought you this news just around the january 6th an verse rich. a legal report card one year out from the crime spree. we found along withdrawing on the work of others including a data base held by "politico" that of the 74 january 6th criminals convicted, majority got no jail time at all. only 35 convicts out of the 74 sentenced go the jail time. and there are several reasons for this glaringingly lenient treatment. last week, for example, one of our legal experts noted that when prosecutors have been pushing for heavier sentences, judges are frequently deciding on lighter ones. and that's also true. this is airing here for first time on "the beat." "the washington post" wran this noting that in the majority of cases so far, the judges go lighter and more lenient, softer or weaker, take your adjective, than the recommended sentence from prosecutors. so right-wing, white terrorist attack was treated with leniency and a low arrest rate on january 6th itself. after some outrage and new incoming administration more indictments did come. but even those convictions are running into an entrenched system that let most of these people walk. contrast that to america's notoriously harsh approach to incarceration. a long run and bipartisan system that created the highest incarceration rate in the world per capita. if you do watch "the beat," we covered that a lot including some of the structural racism. so just to take one example here tonight before i bring back our experts. half a million people in america are doing time for minor drug offenses. and the same judges here sent people to jail for drug use. the same judge who's have done that. sending the people to jail for drug use, are rejecting prosecutors recommend physician you storm the capitol on live tv and then you get convicted and you are a part of an open situation america where there is an active movement to end our democracy and overthrow the government to complete what they started, these judges saw those people, they should get less jail time than a random drug user. in fact, thus far, about half shouldn't get any time in jail at all. it's a structural problem that runs deep. for starters, it speaks to who is on the bench the dependent powers has to call this out, these facts in broad daylight and to start fixing them. joining us is paul butler. welcome, paul. your thoughts? >> i get that the january 6th prosecutors are starting with the easy cases, including the so-called people that illegally entered the capital but didn't organize or non the insurrection. but these people provided aid and comfort to domestic terrorists. i don't know how you commit a petty offense when you're trying to overthrow the u.s. government and stop congress from certifying an election. so the people in d.c. for january 6th about half have gotten home detention and probation. and the other half have been sent to prison. the average sentence is 45 days. compare that, ari to the 20-year mandatory sentence in federal law for certain drug selling offense it's someone who uses those drugs is seriously injured or dies. is the crime more serious if someone gets hurt? absolutely. we know that at least five people died as a result of january 6th. is 3 -- 138 police officers were injured. we have to see if a slap on the wrist fits the crime. there is loss of life, destruction of property and this profound threat, viability of our democracy. >> i appreciate the specific way you break that douvenlt michael, i'm going to be reason, part of my job before i go ham, is that all right with you? >> that's all good. it's all good. >> all right. the reason part is what mr. butler, our counsellor here and what other lawyers said if 75% of them did not occur yet and thus i do want to be precise about that. our job here is to stay with the facts. having said that, let's take mr. butler's legal point. these early cases are technically the lower offenses and thus the disorderly contact. isis came in and did a domestic terror tack on the capitol of this nature, i don't care where the people are from, i don't care what they look like, we're not supposed to care what they look like. but if a bunch of people did moves to get isis into the building or a black panther rally and some people did the criminal trespassing, would they ever be walking with no jail time, michael? >> the answer to that is, no. they would not. and i give you -- as i was listening to paul and this goes to the point you're making, ari. i was thinking of crystal mason. crystal mason, who is that? crystal mace son a black woman voter in texas who went to her polling place to vote. they couldn't find her name. she filled out a provisional ballot. there was a yast that says, hey, you know, you can't commit fraud, et cetera, et cetera. she signed the thing. she legitimately thought that, you know, she was a registered voter and so forth. she got five years in prison for that. five years in prison. you got these folks coming up to the hill breaking through glass, destroying property, trying to kill the vice president, attacking police officers both district and capitol hill police and the judges are going, well, we know you really didn't mean any harm. that's effectively what voters are hearing them say. in is a very gldisparity in the system. one part of my brain, like yours, is saying okay. these are a lot of first time offenses. a lot of the folks just were like in the, you know, in the place at the moment and didn't have the intent as judges and lawyers would look for. but at a certain point you kind of realize that this is beyond that. and that the overall impact and effect on the protocols of the day, the system, the process, trying to disrupt the business of the united states congress, yeah. first offense is a sign when you broke through the glass door this was not going to go as business as usual. i think that's a bug problem here. they're trying to strike a ball thans shouldn't be struck i think in many respects. and i think the american people looking at it and scratching their heads. >> yeah. and at the doj, they have to continue to regroup. we didn't run this story six weeks in. because like it or not, no serious complex federal case gets a yield at six weeks. paul knows that better than anyone. but when you get to a year and 18 months and you start processing, you have to look as you go. if you do this for deterence which is what we hear over and over again from the punitive crowd, punish and deter, then this doesn't look like deterence against this active coup movement. take a listen to a rioter who said he did get an fbi interview and didn't get indicted and he's fine with it. >> all these people keep comparing it to the worst thing since whatever, blah, blah, blah. there is no threat to the life like everybody is trying to say. everybody is just in there walking around hooting and hollering. you know, nobody had weapons. nobody was attacking people. >> do you apologize for anything you did that day? >> absolutely not. >> paul? >> this is america. it's like that eddie murphy famous exit on "saturday night live" why white people get free stuff and black people don't. it's impossible to imagine an african american or latin x person that invade the capitol and try to disrupt the congress and senate from counting votes and didn't get locked up. didn't get arrested. again, you want to be reasonable and you want to also note that in general we punish people way too long. but, ari, domestic terrorism is not the best advocates for sentencing reform. let's start with the 50% of people who are locked up in federal prison right now for nonviolent drug crimes. many of those people are african american and latin x. many are women and this is a matter of equal justice under the law. as much as it is about public safety and future of our democracy. >> i appreciate both -- go ahead, michael. >> can i make a quick point. i want to relate everything we discussed back to our last segment with julia. she at the end of her comments made the most important statement i thought in the all of this. in terms of how the american people look at all of this and what they're about to do this november. when they -- is everything that will indicate, relekt republicans and put them back in charge. without holding them accountable for any of this. without holding them accountable for nothing. and so in 2023, when all this starts up again and republicans start as we've seen with kevin mccarthy and others, you know, doing retribution legislation against democrats, et cetera, y'all got nothing to say. that's what you vote for. and so this -- >> yeah. >> this piece in the criminal justice part is just an extension of all of that. >> right. >> if the people are not holding folks accountable, the justice system will look at it and go, well -- >> right. no. i think that's very important. that's why we're shining a light on it. it is up to the people and voters at the end of the day. michael and paul, i want to thank you both. coming up, we have president biden speaking out today on how to end obstruction in the senate. barbara boxer is here. and our interview with the prosecutor overseeing the trump probe and later xeeven colbert getting in on, well, the coup plot. >> navaro was on msnbc last night. i haven't seen criminal activity so clearly explained on tv by the criminal since rachael ray welcomed co-host jeffery dahmer. welcomed co-host jeffery dahmer. . more delicious, farm-fresh taste. plus, superior nutrition. because the way we care is anything but ordinary. ♪♪ your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit amazing. jerry, you gotta to see this. seen it. trust me, after 15 walks... gets a little old. ugh real cowboys get customized car insurance with liberty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? 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well, we have a top former senator here for insight, barbara boxer. we're back in just 60 seconds. a. we'rbae ck in just 60 seconds. than detergent alone. if you want laundry to smell fresh for weeks, make sure you have downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters. one of my favorite supplements is qunol turmeric. turmeric helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. unlike regular turmeric supplements qunol's superior absorption helps me get the full benefits of turmeric. the brand i trust is qunol. ♪ i see trees of green ♪ ♪ red roses too ♪ ♪ i see them bloom ♪ ♪ for me and you ♪ ♪ and i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ a rich life is about more than just money. that's why at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner so you can build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. we're joined by barbara boxer. why you are -- your view of the fight ahead? >> you use the word fight. i think that is important. i see this president leaning into his fighting side. i think it started with his speech on january 6th. and i believe it is time. enough is enough. my mother used to say you can catch more bees with honey. sometimes they don't want the honey. that's where we are right now. i think democrats have to be tough. i would say this. i think joe biden is starting to channel harry truman. and anyone who knows a little bit about harry truman knows that harry truman in 1948 was giving a big speech. he was going through the list, point by point of how republicans were blocking all the good things. they were standing in the way of progress. and someone in the audience yelled out, give him hell, harry! and he said, "i don't give them hell. i just tell the truth about them and they think it's hell." i think what we're going to find out is this president is going to go there to talk about one how they didn't vote for the rescue bill but taking credit for it. hardly any of them voted for the bipartisan infrastructure bill. they're taking credit for it. they're blocking voting rights which is the people's power. and i think you're going to see that side of joe biden and i think he's going to be pretty good at it, actually. >> yeah. interesting. one of your colleagues was here and discussing the issues with people like joe manchin which again will come up if they can try to get to 50 to at least have this part of the obstruction filibuster reform done on voting rights. here's what he said more broadly about working with manchin. >> we can no longer go in a definite mode of waiting to find what will please our senators. at some point when people are negotiating things, they need to put forward their positions. something they actually will agree to in a negotiation. i don't think it's appropriate just to keep saying no, no, no. >> does that apply to manchin on the fill buster? is there a way to convince them that especially as a carveout, this isn't even that big a change? >> i think sheldon whitehouse who i was proud to serve with makes a very good point. that, you know, i negotiated a lot of bills. you need to tell people where you are at. and what you are willing to do. now i've heard joe mafrnlin' talk about the filibuster. he said he doesn't want the nuclear option. but he's willing to talk about a standing filibuster which would be major change. but we don't know where he's coming from if. and i would just say to my two colleagues there, you owe it to everyone. what can you do? whether it is build back better, filibuster, voting right. tell us where you're at. if we don't know where our own people are, it's a real problem. because we can't have on any republicans, maybe one on voting rights. and by the way, that's the big story that's getting lost. for all the years i was in the united states senate and in the house, we had bipartisan support for voting rights. it was beautiful and that's gone. you have to ask yourself, why? why have we decided our power is more important than the voting franchise? it is very, very, very disturbing. >> senator boxer, always good to see you and appreciate your points. >> thanks. >> we have a lot more coming up including a live interview with the brand new manhattan prosecutor overseeing the still open criminal probe into trump organization and talking law and justice. and later, stephen gilbert weighs in on the coup plotting right here on "the beat." p plotg p plotg right here on "the beat. always busy. i was starting to feel a little foggy. just didn't feel like things were as sharp as i knew they once were. i heard about prevagen and then i started taking it about two years now. started nong things a little sharper, a little clearer. i feel like it's kept me on my game. i'm able to remember things. i'd say give it a try. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. well, would ya look at that! it was an accident. i was— speaking of accidents, we accidentally left you off the insurance policy during enrollment, and you're not covered. not even a little bit? 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>> well, i'm not able to comment on the specifics. as you said, i was newly in the position of a week, it is a matter of consequence where focusing on it. i'm focusing on it personally. we have great team in place. so even while the democratic process, as you said, is led to me in this seat, we have the two senior leaders on the team before continuing at the helm. so that's really all i can say. you know, for the moment. i'm sure you can appreciate. >> i understand that. . you're not going to preview any indictments. does that mean the door is open to the potential indictment? >> well, we are obviously as you know, it's open investigation. and we're going to go where the facts take us. i'm looking at the facts as the final decision maker. and we're in the process of doing that. >> something that your office can discuss a bit more is, of course, indictment that's have been made. we want people to understand all the facts. on the sued of the trump organization, they organized in public that this is an unprecedented effort to turn payroll and employment issues into a crime. i want to play for you trump lawyer. the take a listen. >> every expert on the planet will tell you is a gift. at least many of the experts we spoke to if not all of them. so these charges are unprecedented. they are unique. people across the country, we believe, have heard of corporate departments have heard of corporate cars. all of them on the bookdz and records of the company. much that's how they know about it. >> and then mr. da, "the new york times" did a review, want to put this up. they said that lawyers with expertise and tax crimes that they consult ford thr reporting said they could think of no rn recent example of such a similar case. your snons. >> i'm not going to litigate this to the press. i don't think it's appropriate as a prosecutor. obviously i wasn't here for the charge. but we're going forward with that charge matter. and, you know, i think the proof in trial, if we end up going that far, sounds like from the comments that not a plea that is contemplated at all. i think the trial is an opportunity for all watching now and pub tloik assess the proof. we plan to go forward. and i respectfully disagree with the counsel' characterizations. >> cop you on. that let's turn to what you have been doing in the early days. one thing is changing some of the approach to what gets harsh sentences. we were discussing that very topic earlier in if the program in a very different context. and so to look at this conversation, i want to show the shift in some parts of the legal and political discussion in this country. whether prison is the solution to every conviction or not. let's take a look at that first. >> people who commit crimes should be caught, convicted and punished. >> they can completely build community rather than tear it down. they can save lives rather than imprison them. >> safety has to be based in our community and fairness and cannot be driven solely by incarceration zblcht we cut in half the future years of jail and prison, people being generated by the philadelphia court system. >> they sold a false narrative that still police, stiffer penalties and more people locked up in prison made us safer. >> that's just some of what we heard. you're now in office. i want to show viewers what you immediately done. you have new guidelines where you say and most of these types of cases you won't be going after and seeking jail for marijuana, skipping public fares, trespassing, prostitution. explain to us what you're doing and how you think this can benefit justice and still safety which is your zblob the big city of new york? >> safety is paramount, ari. your first civil right is the right to walk safely to your corner store. that's been the focus of my career. for those that don't know, i've been a federal and state prosecutor doing the full range from gun possession to armed robbery. my focus has been keeping new yorkers safe. and for me this comes from personal experience. bring turn 21, i had been shot at. i had a semiautomatic weapon put to my head. i know this work personally. we're going to give seriousness to armed robbery, guns, gun trafficking. the things that were just on your screen are not matters that at least people i'm talking to have crisscrossed manhattan the couple years are sitting around their table talking about. i will drop one footnote. you have resisting arrest up there. i want to make clear, you know, i prosecuted people who assaulted police officers. i take that tremendously important that kind of conduct and has to be held accountable. resisting arrest is there for the sole circumstance when that's the only charge. right? the only criminal thing charged. but people who -- >> let's dig in, sir. yeah, let me jump in there. let's dig in on that. that's a huge issue. you're trying to be the change. a lot of talk about criminal justice reform. you mention your background. you're trying to both do safety and maybe in a different less punitive way and our viewers understand from the data that may mean a less racist way historically. the new police commissioner who is your colleague, of course, is zeroing in right in on the arrest part in a new memo to her officers saying that your new rules will make them less safe. so speak to that. on the one hand you just referred to something that a lot of civil rights advocates care about, police stop someone, they don't find a crime and they get arrested for resisting arrest and what is the underlying crime? then you have the colleague and commissioner here saying you may be endangering officers. >> so, look, i look forward to working with the commissioner. we've been in touch. we're going to talk about these issues we share. we have the goal of public safety for manhattan in my case all of new york city and the commissioner's case. and that's why i draw this distinction. i think there is some perhaps misunderstanding in temperatures of our legal document which is prepared for our lawyers inside and so the public consumption of it, you know, people who punch and hit police officers will be held accountable. i've done that kind of work. that's important. but, you know, as i said, when the only charge is resisting arrest and there is no assault, there is no punch, that's i think different. i think the people of manhattan understand that. i'm profoundly focused on the fact that i sit behind a desk as a lawyer, prepare a search warrant, prepare an arrest warrant and then our law enforcement officers go out and put themselves in harms way. they're safety is important to me. >> do you think the new mayor will effectively have your back on the changes you're trying to make or is someone who campaigned so publicly as a former officer that he may be with the commissioner's interpretation which has daylight between what you're saying. >> right. so, you know, the mayor and i have actually talked a fair amount last year on the campaign trail. and for those that don't know his story and my story, they are cut from similar cloths. we had experiences as youths involving, you know, police issues, police accountability issues for us, in my case, unlawful stops. then we channelled that early interaction into careers in law enforcement. we talk about the shared experiences. so i think we're all going to be on the same page. where we can, we're going to talk through and get together and collaborate and keep new york safe and then you mention the racial disparities and fairness. i think that is also important to the mayor as well. >> yeah. >> a weekend but clearly busy and again, we covered a lot of the issues in the abstract. this is the work, if i tell viewers who is doing some of the work, it it's people like yourself and your team as we keep an eye on what the numbers are and what does the look like to balance the things athe a time when there is a lot of calls for change. again, i know how busy you are, mr. d.a. thank you for coming on "the beat." >> thank you for having me. have a great evening. >> you too. when we come back, we'll show you stephen colbert's take on all that hoopla. that's next. e on all that hoopla on all that hoopla that's next. yes. formulated to help you body really truly absorb the natural goodness. new chapter. wellness, well done. you're a one-m stitch. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit your plain aspirin could be hurting your stomach. vazalore... is the first liquid-filled aspirin capsule clinically shown to cause fewer ulcers than plain aspirin. try new vazalore. aspirin made amazing! ♪ ♪making your way in the world today♪ ♪takes everything you've got♪ ♪ ♪taking a break from all your worries ♪ ♪sure would help a lot ♪ ♪wouldn't you like to get away? 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[ laughter ] >> "the late show" stephen colbert taking on january 6th in only the way he can. he also just took on trump aid peter navarro admitting a coup plot. >> navarro revealed the white house's plot had a cute little in this case name. >> we called this plan the green bay sweep. >> not to be confused with the green bay sweep which is what happened if you ask aaron rogers if he's vaccinated. he explained what the coup plot had in common with football play was team work and obviously, brain damage. >> at 1:00 p.m. ted cruz, senator ted cruz and gosar a representative started the green bay sweep beautifully challenging the results of arizona. >> i haven't seen criminal activity so clearly explained on tv by the criminal since rachel ray welcomed co-host jeffrey dohmer. >> criminal activity explained on air and went for the plan itself. >> all that's required is peace and calm on capitol hill. >> and we would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for the meddling mob unleashed on capitol hill. dang you scooby coup. >> coups are illegal. that's the big problem there. he noted a second problem with this particular plan roasting the very idea mike pence would make for an effective insurrectionist leader or quarterback. >> the remedy was for vice president pence as the quarterback in the green bay sweep. >> really? pence is the quarterback in the situation? that doesn't really strike me as having a quarterback type of personality. if i had to pick a position that fits his sparkling persona, i'd go with tackling dummy. thanks for spending time with us tonight. thanks to colbert for the interview. you can find me on social media or tell me what you thought about colbert's jokes. sometimes the facts are the jokes. "the reidout" with joe reid is next. >> you forgot to say follow you on tiktok. you left that part out. i'll say it for you. >> you know what it is. >> i'm going to follow you. thank you, my friend. good evening, welcome to "the reidout." a fox news host and republican senator went on the record this weekend to state the obvious. trump lost the election. >> i think that in life he's going to lose. if you did, in fact, get screwed out of this election and put together an

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Transcripts For MSNBC The Beat With Ari Melber 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC The Beat With Ari Melber 20240709

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dozen use a calendar and new officials are being sworn into office. last week and throughout this month we're seeing them take over and take charge. there is a new mayor in new york along with a new police chief and new da. they're beginning their terms, one of them, joins us live later tonight. there is also new action in the on going probes of the insurrection which was just over one year ago. will donald trump ever be held accountable for the rally he led? one case on that actually hit federal court today. they have to see if the conduct amounts to a agreement with rioters. this is brought by two senators and police officers who were so injured during the riot by those aggressive, violent and often criminal trump fans. it offers kind of a legal version of the wider debate where some see it as pretty obvious that donald trump backed all of the plot, part one, overthrowing the outcome which trump said and which his own white house aide outlined in more detail, literally defending a bloodless coup and whether trump supported the criminal pie lens. i'm telling you about this right now. it's in the news tonight because in court today, the analysis of the violence part included a judge asking, no the deciding yet, but evaluating whether trump's conduct that day met that the court's may refer trump agreed with the conduct of the people inside the capitol. that's the trump side. congress is weighing the tricky question of how to gather facts from their own. jim jordan refusing to cooperate with what he calls an unprecedented and inappropriate demand that he testify. the committee for its part said jordan is trying to hide the facts of january 6th. the chairman says their checking the law. >> you think you're going to have to subpoena sitting member of congress? >> well, i think there is some questions of whether we have the authority to do it. we looking at it. if authorities are there, there will be no reluctance on our part. >> chairman thompson sounds ready to act. congressman jordan is refusing to provide basic facts about an tack on his own workplace, an attack that posed risks to colleagues and to himself. he's also being hit critical. he was an advocate of powers when he was in charge including on the benghazi committee. he demanded not only government officials testify but former officials than private citizen hillary clinton, for example, who did give public testimony under demand. she did that. jordan admitted talking to trump frequently in the post election period last year when trump's main conversation topic was how to overturn his loss. and also potentially contact on january 6th itself. all of this comes at a time when people like bannon, know various yoe and senator cruz are under scrutiny for these details of their coup plot. so it would seem relevant to the investigation. it all matters. now whether the courts would make jordan testify is different. remember what the statement says. all of this is "unprecedented." now, is he reaching? is this more jim jordan high penitentiarybly? i can tell you fact check true. there is no established legal precedent regarding congressional power to enforce subpoenas against members of congress. when the chairman says they need to look at the law or look at the powers, you won't find a good or recent precedent for taking this all the way to the mat which means, as i said, fact check true, i'll call it however it looks, however accurate, whether you like jim jordan or not, and he's done some very controversial things here, it is true that he may not have any real court case to worry about and that means that the lawyers on this committee are likely to say this is not the one to go hard at. in contrast to say bannon where they went very hard and that's why he's now an indicted man awaiting a criminal truly and if he lose that's he goes to jail. so you take that all together and what do you have? another january 6th showdown. this one where the facts may be a lot more determinative than the law. by which i mean getting to the bottom of of what the people were doing in their so-called bloodless coup, that matters a lot. whether jim jordan is right about the law also matters to him personally. the this committee though is going to have to get to the answers with or without holding every single person in contempt. i want to bring in our experts for this part before we turn to another big story we've been covering which is the jail time for rioters. but on this story first, we begin with former rnc chair michael steel who supported joe biden and our washington correspondent. michael, your thoughts about a time where there is a lot of effort for be accountability but with so many things in the law, it's not always going to be a clear cut answer can you get every single person to comply. >> yeah. that's true. i thought you laid it out very well, ari, in terms of what this looks like. not just in terms of the legal aspects but also some of the politics that sort of buffet the legal guidelines and rope lines here. the truth is two approaches, one is the chairman's approach of the january 6th committee. that is to get to the facts. right? just the facts man. we want to find out what they are. and expose those to the public. the second is the defense against that which is what jim jordan is posturing over right now. and he knows that there is no precedence here which is why i said this is unprecedented. there is no precedence here. there is no precedence because we never had members of congress engaged in this type of action against the government. whether that is something that, is you know, we know for a fact or don't know is something that's always been off the table. members know what their role and responsibilities r so he's going to use that. i think we need to be aware that he's going to use that. but here's the rub. i don't know if you need jim jordan at the end of the day. there is a lot of other folks out there who were texting and communicating and his name pops up. and other ways. other forums. they may be able to piece together his level of involvement and role without him. which is something he does not know and nor is it something he can control. so i think that, you know, the chairman's approach that, okay, we're going to find out what we can legally do is legitimate and they're going to pursue that. i don't think he's going to lose a night's sleep if he doesn't get jim jordan in the cross hairs. there are enough other angles and a lot of other documents out there. we just discovered from the role that was played by the folks over at fox. how many of those communications actually reference a jim jordan? they talk to jim, well, jim jordan said that's -- that will be enough as well. >> yeah. and julian, to that point we have some of that here. the cable cabinet as its called. january 10th, you had hannity texting jordan and discussing how to reign in trump. you can't mention the election ever. i didn't have a good call. he is asking for ideas. and you get sort of a somewhat rare peek at least in usually don't see it in real time, maybe in the history books, julia, of just how the folks are talking at this highest level. hannity there positioning himself potentially as the voice of reason, the more restrained member of this kitchen cabinet you're thoughts beyond the law and what we're learning about how the people roll. >> yeah. you know, i'm wondering, ari, when we're going to find your text messages advising the biden administration. i'm kidding. it's a strange thing when you have a cable news host that is fair and balanced aenreporting on what is happening but at the same time advising a sitting president. that aside, i think -- i agree with michael. i also think that there are kind of three kind of meta questions. what is this investigation for? is it for political purposes to gain a political edge in the coming mid terms or in the 2024 election? is it to get some kind of consequences for the people in the very chamber where they serve for helping to forment and potentially aid this coup or attempted coup? or is it to set down a historical marker and kind of put down the first brick of the historical narrative that will then get filled out in the course of time as, you know, people come forward and speak and documents are revealed. and i think that's really where this fits in. do you need jim jordan for any of those things? if it's first one, they believe the january 6th protesters were freedom fighters and justified. so those are the questions i'm thinking about as i watch this. >> well, julia, i see your three meta questions and raise you a fourth. which is in it the best sense, you know, every so often some days out of the week we could be idealists. in the best sense, can this co-equal branch of government use the powers and process to better calcify the backbone of our democracy and body politic to prevent the next coup, julia? >> i don't think so. it doesn't exist in a vacuum. even if they did, they have a majority that is about to go away. in less than a year. in fact, in 11 months. republicans -- every republican i'm speaking to in washington is counting on not just, you know, flipping the house but a historic majority the likes of which we haven't seen in a generation or two. if they don't punish the party that tried to overturn a free and fair democratic election but reward them handsomely for it, this, you know, this investigation kind of feels like a band-aid on a hole in the dike. >> there it is. >> yep. important. let me do this. i appreciate that. that was -- we went from idealism to informed skepticism which is the role of a journalist sometimes. i want to thank you, julia. i know you have more to say. hang with me. this next story is our other lead story. it's that important. let me set it up. thank you, julia. i'm turning now to the brewing scandal over how to punish these rioters and insurrectionists. we brought you this news just around the january 6th an verse rich. a legal report card one year out from the crime spree. we found along withdrawing on the work of others including a data base held by "politico" that of the 74 january 6th criminals convicted, majority got no jail time at all. only 35 convicts out of the 74 sentenced go the jail time. and there are several reasons for this glaringingly lenient treatment. last week, for example, one of our legal experts noted that when prosecutors have been pushing for heavier sentences, judges are frequently deciding on lighter ones. and that's also true. this is airing here for first time on "the beat." "the washington post" wran this noting that in the majority of cases so far, the judges go lighter and more lenient, softer or weaker, take your adjective, than the recommended sentence from prosecutors. so right-wing, white terrorist attack was treated with leniency and a low arrest rate on january 6th itself. after some outrage and new incoming administration more indictments did come. but even those convictions are running into an entrenched system that let most of these people walk. contrast that to america's notoriously harsh approach to incarceration. a long run and bipartisan system that created the highest incarceration rate in the world per capita. if you do watch "the beat," we covered that a lot including some of the structural racism. so just to take one example here tonight before i bring back our experts. half a million people in america are doing time for minor drug offenses. and the same judges here sent people to jail for drug use. the same judge who's have done that. sending the people to jail for drug use, are rejecting prosecutors recommend physician you storm the capitol on live tv and then you get convicted and you are a part of an open situation america where there is an active movement to end our democracy and overthrow the government to complete what they started, these judges saw those people, they should get less jail time than a random drug user. in fact, thus far, about half shouldn't get any time in jail at all. it's a structural problem that runs deep. for starters, it speaks to who is on the bench the dependent powers has to call this out, these facts in broad daylight and to start fixing them. joining us is paul butler. welcome, paul. your thoughts? >> i get that the january 6th prosecutors are starting with the easy cases, including the so-called people that illegally entered the capital but didn't organize or non the insurrection. but these people provided aid and comfort to domestic terrorists. i don't know how you commit a petty offense when you're trying to overthrow the u.s. government and stop congress from certifying an election. so the people in d.c. for january 6th about half have gotten home detention and probation. and the other half have been sent to prison. the average sentence is 45 days. compare that, ari to the 20-year mandatory sentence in federal law for certain drug selling offense it's someone who uses those drugs is seriously injured or dies. is the crime more serious if someone gets hurt? absolutely. we know that at least five people died as a result of january 6th. is 3 -- 138 police officers were injured. we have to see if a slap on the wrist fits the crime. there is loss of life, destruction of property and this profound threat, viability of our democracy. >> i appreciate the specific way you break that douvenlt michael, i'm going to be reason, part of my job before i go ham, is that all right with you? >> that's all good. it's all good. >> all right. the reason part is what mr. butler, our counsellor here and what other lawyers said if 75% of them did not occur yet and thus i do want to be precise about that. our job here is to stay with the facts. having said that, let's take mr. butler's legal point. these early cases are technically the lower offenses and thus the disorderly contact. isis came in and did a domestic terror tack on the capitol of this nature, i don't care where the people are from, i don't care what they look like, we're not supposed to care what they look like. but if a bunch of people did moves to get isis into the building or a black panther rally and some people did the criminal trespassing, would they ever be walking with no jail time, michael? >> the answer to that is, no. they would not. and i give you -- as i was listening to paul and this goes to the point you're making, ari. i was thinking of crystal mason. crystal mason, who is that? crystal mace son a black woman voter in texas who went to her polling place to vote. they couldn't find her name. she filled out a provisional ballot. there was a yast that says, hey, you know, you can't commit fraud, et cetera, et cetera. she signed the thing. she legitimately thought that, you know, she was a registered voter and so forth. she got five years in prison for that. five years in prison. you got these folks coming up to the hill breaking through glass, destroying property, trying to kill the vice president, attacking police officers both district and capitol hill police and the judges are going, well, we know you really didn't mean any harm. that's effectively what voters are hearing them say. in is a very gldisparity in the system. one part of my brain, like yours, is saying okay. these are a lot of first time offenses. a lot of the folks just were like in the, you know, in the place at the moment and didn't have the intent as judges and lawyers would look for. but at a certain point you kind of realize that this is beyond that. and that the overall impact and effect on the protocols of the day, the system, the process, trying to disrupt the business of the united states congress, yeah. first offense is a sign when you broke through the glass door this was not going to go as business as usual. i think that's a bug problem here. they're trying to strike a ball thans shouldn't be struck i think in many respects. and i think the american people looking at it and scratching their heads. >> yeah. and at the doj, they have to continue to regroup. we didn't run this story six weeks in. because like it or not, no serious complex federal case gets a yield at six weeks. paul knows that better than anyone. but when you get to a year and 18 months and you start processing, you have to look as you go. if you do this for deterence which is what we hear over and over again from the punitive crowd, punish and deter, then this doesn't look like deterence against this active coup movement. take a listen to a rioter who said he did get an fbi interview and didn't get indicted and he's fine with it. >> all these people keep comparing it to the worst thing since whatever, blah, blah, blah. there is no threat to the life like everybody is trying to say. everybody is just in there walking around hooting and hollering. you know, nobody had weapons. nobody was attacking people. >> do you apologize for anything you did that day? >> absolutely not. >> paul? >> this is america. it's like that eddie murphy famous exit on "saturday night live" why white people get free stuff and black people don't. it's impossible to imagine an african american or latin x person that invade the capitol and try to disrupt the congress and senate from counting votes and didn't get locked up. didn't get arrested. again, you want to be reasonable and you want to also note that in general we punish people way too long. but, ari, domestic terrorism is not the best advocates for sentencing reform. let's start with the 50% of people who are locked up in federal prison right now for nonviolent drug crimes. many of those people are african american and latin x. many are women and this is a matter of equal justice under the law. as much as it is about public safety and future of our democracy. >> i appreciate both -- go ahead, michael. >> can i make a quick point. i want to relate everything we discussed back to our last segment with julia. she at the end of her comments made the most important statement i thought in the all of this. in terms of how the american people look at all of this and what they're about to do this november. when they -- is everything that will indicate, relekt republicans and put them back in charge. without holding them accountable for any of this. without holding them accountable for nothing. and so in 2023, when all this starts up again and republicans start as we've seen with kevin mccarthy and others, you know, doing retribution legislation against democrats, et cetera, y'all got nothing to say. that's what you vote for. and so this -- >> yeah. >> this piece in the criminal justice part is just an extension of all of that. >> right. >> if the people are not holding folks accountable, the justice system will look at it and go, well -- >> right. no. i think that's very important. that's why we're shining a light on it. it is up to the people and voters at the end of the day. michael and paul, i want to thank you both. coming up, we have president biden speaking out today on how to end obstruction in the senate. barbara boxer is here. and our interview with the prosecutor overseeing the trump probe and later xeeven colbert getting in on, well, the coup plot. >> navaro was on msnbc last night. i haven't seen criminal activity so clearly explained on tv by the criminal since rachael ray welcomed co-host jeffery dahmer. welcomed co-host jeffery dahmer. . more delicious, farm-fresh taste. plus, superior nutrition. because the way we care is anything but ordinary. ♪♪ your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit amazing. jerry, you gotta to see this. seen it. trust me, after 15 walks... gets a little old. ugh real cowboys get customized car insurance with liberty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? 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well, we have a top former senator here for insight, barbara boxer. we're back in just 60 seconds. a. we'rbae ck in just 60 seconds. than detergent alone. if you want laundry to smell fresh for weeks, make sure you have downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters. one of my favorite supplements is qunol turmeric. turmeric helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. unlike regular turmeric supplements qunol's superior absorption helps me get the full benefits of turmeric. the brand i trust is qunol. ♪ i see trees of green ♪ ♪ red roses too ♪ ♪ i see them bloom ♪ ♪ for me and you ♪ ♪ and i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ a rich life is about more than just money. that's why at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner so you can build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. we're joined by barbara boxer. why you are -- your view of the fight ahead? >> you use the word fight. i think that is important. i see this president leaning into his fighting side. i think it started with his speech on january 6th. and i believe it is time. enough is enough. my mother used to say you can catch more bees with honey. sometimes they don't want the honey. that's where we are right now. i think democrats have to be tough. i would say this. i think joe biden is starting to channel harry truman. and anyone who knows a little bit about harry truman knows that harry truman in 1948 was giving a big speech. he was going through the list, point by point of how republicans were blocking all the good things. they were standing in the way of progress. and someone in the audience yelled out, give him hell, harry! and he said, "i don't give them hell. i just tell the truth about them and they think it's hell." i think what we're going to find out is this president is going to go there to talk about one how they didn't vote for the rescue bill but taking credit for it. hardly any of them voted for the bipartisan infrastructure bill. they're taking credit for it. they're blocking voting rights which is the people's power. and i think you're going to see that side of joe biden and i think he's going to be pretty good at it, actually. >> yeah. interesting. one of your colleagues was here and discussing the issues with people like joe manchin which again will come up if they can try to get to 50 to at least have this part of the obstruction filibuster reform done on voting rights. here's what he said more broadly about working with manchin. >> we can no longer go in a definite mode of waiting to find what will please our senators. at some point when people are negotiating things, they need to put forward their positions. something they actually will agree to in a negotiation. i don't think it's appropriate just to keep saying no, no, no. >> does that apply to manchin on the fill buster? is there a way to convince them that especially as a carveout, this isn't even that big a change? >> i think sheldon whitehouse who i was proud to serve with makes a very good point. that, you know, i negotiated a lot of bills. you need to tell people where you are at. and what you are willing to do. now i've heard joe mafrnlin' talk about the filibuster. he said he doesn't want the nuclear option. but he's willing to talk about a standing filibuster which would be major change. but we don't know where he's coming from if. and i would just say to my two colleagues there, you owe it to everyone. what can you do? whether it is build back better, filibuster, voting right. tell us where you're at. if we don't know where our own people are, it's a real problem. because we can't have on any republicans, maybe one on voting rights. and by the way, that's the big story that's getting lost. for all the years i was in the united states senate and in the house, we had bipartisan support for voting rights. it was beautiful and that's gone. you have to ask yourself, why? why have we decided our power is more important than the voting franchise? it is very, very, very disturbing. >> senator boxer, always good to see you and appreciate your points. >> thanks. >> we have a lot more coming up including a live interview with the brand new manhattan prosecutor overseeing the still open criminal probe into trump organization and talking law and justice. and later, stephen gilbert weighs in on the coup plotting right here on "the beat." p plotg p plotg right here on "the beat. always busy. i was starting to feel a little foggy. just didn't feel like things were as sharp as i knew they once were. i heard about prevagen and then i started taking it about two years now. started nong things a little sharper, a little clearer. i feel like it's kept me on my game. i'm able to remember things. i'd say give it a try. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. well, would ya look at that! it was an accident. i was— speaking of accidents, we accidentally left you off the insurance policy during enrollment, and you're not covered. not even a little bit? 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>> well, i'm not able to comment on the specifics. as you said, i was newly in the position of a week, it is a matter of consequence where focusing on it. i'm focusing on it personally. we have great team in place. so even while the democratic process, as you said, is led to me in this seat, we have the two senior leaders on the team before continuing at the helm. so that's really all i can say. you know, for the moment. i'm sure you can appreciate. >> i understand that. . you're not going to preview any indictments. does that mean the door is open to the potential indictment? >> well, we are obviously as you know, it's open investigation. and we're going to go where the facts take us. i'm looking at the facts as the final decision maker. and we're in the process of doing that. >> something that your office can discuss a bit more is, of course, indictment that's have been made. we want people to understand all the facts. on the sued of the trump organization, they organized in public that this is an unprecedented effort to turn payroll and employment issues into a crime. i want to play for you trump lawyer. the take a listen. >> every expert on the planet will tell you is a gift. at least many of the experts we spoke to if not all of them. so these charges are unprecedented. they are unique. people across the country, we believe, have heard of corporate departments have heard of corporate cars. all of them on the bookdz and records of the company. much that's how they know about it. >> and then mr. da, "the new york times" did a review, want to put this up. they said that lawyers with expertise and tax crimes that they consult ford thr reporting said they could think of no rn recent example of such a similar case. your snons. >> i'm not going to litigate this to the press. i don't think it's appropriate as a prosecutor. obviously i wasn't here for the charge. but we're going forward with that charge matter. and, you know, i think the proof in trial, if we end up going that far, sounds like from the comments that not a plea that is contemplated at all. i think the trial is an opportunity for all watching now and pub tloik assess the proof. we plan to go forward. and i respectfully disagree with the counsel' characterizations. >> cop you on. that let's turn to what you have been doing in the early days. one thing is changing some of the approach to what gets harsh sentences. we were discussing that very topic earlier in if the program in a very different context. and so to look at this conversation, i want to show the shift in some parts of the legal and political discussion in this country. whether prison is the solution to every conviction or not. let's take a look at that first. >> people who commit crimes should be caught, convicted and punished. >> they can completely build community rather than tear it down. they can save lives rather than imprison them. >> safety has to be based in our community and fairness and cannot be driven solely by incarceration zblcht we cut in half the future years of jail and prison, people being generated by the philadelphia court system. >> they sold a false narrative that still police, stiffer penalties and more people locked up in prison made us safer. >> that's just some of what we heard. you're now in office. i want to show viewers what you immediately done. you have new guidelines where you say and most of these types of cases you won't be going after and seeking jail for marijuana, skipping public fares, trespassing, prostitution. explain to us what you're doing and how you think this can benefit justice and still safety which is your zblob the big city of new york? >> safety is paramount, ari. your first civil right is the right to walk safely to your corner store. that's been the focus of my career. for those that don't know, i've been a federal and state prosecutor doing the full range from gun possession to armed robbery. my focus has been keeping new yorkers safe. and for me this comes from personal experience. bring turn 21, i had been shot at. i had a semiautomatic weapon put to my head. i know this work personally. we're going to give seriousness to armed robbery, guns, gun trafficking. the things that were just on your screen are not matters that at least people i'm talking to have crisscrossed manhattan the couple years are sitting around their table talking about. i will drop one footnote. you have resisting arrest up there. i want to make clear, you know, i prosecuted people who assaulted police officers. i take that tremendously important that kind of conduct and has to be held accountable. resisting arrest is there for the sole circumstance when that's the only charge. right? the only criminal thing charged. but people who -- >> let's dig in, sir. yeah, let me jump in there. let's dig in on that. that's a huge issue. you're trying to be the change. a lot of talk about criminal justice reform. you mention your background. you're trying to both do safety and maybe in a different less punitive way and our viewers understand from the data that may mean a less racist way historically. the new police commissioner who is your colleague, of course, is zeroing in right in on the arrest part in a new memo to her officers saying that your new rules will make them less safe. so speak to that. on the one hand you just referred to something that a lot of civil rights advocates care about, police stop someone, they don't find a crime and they get arrested for resisting arrest and what is the underlying crime? then you have the colleague and commissioner here saying you may be endangering officers. >> so, look, i look forward to working with the commissioner. we've been in touch. we're going to talk about these issues we share. we have the goal of public safety for manhattan in my case all of new york city and the commissioner's case. and that's why i draw this distinction. i think there is some perhaps misunderstanding in temperatures of our legal document which is prepared for our lawyers inside and so the public consumption of it, you know, people who punch and hit police officers will be held accountable. i've done that kind of work. that's important. but, you know, as i said, when the only charge is resisting arrest and there is no assault, there is no punch, that's i think different. i think the people of manhattan understand that. i'm profoundly focused on the fact that i sit behind a desk as a lawyer, prepare a search warrant, prepare an arrest warrant and then our law enforcement officers go out and put themselves in harms way. they're safety is important to me. >> do you think the new mayor will effectively have your back on the changes you're trying to make or is someone who campaigned so publicly as a former officer that he may be with the commissioner's interpretation which has daylight between what you're saying. >> right. so, you know, the mayor and i have actually talked a fair amount last year on the campaign trail. and for those that don't know his story and my story, they are cut from similar cloths. we had experiences as youths involving, you know, police issues, police accountability issues for us, in my case, unlawful stops. then we channelled that early interaction into careers in law enforcement. we talk about the shared experiences. so i think we're all going to be on the same page. where we can, we're going to talk through and get together and collaborate and keep new york safe and then you mention the racial disparities and fairness. i think that is also important to the mayor as well. >> yeah. >> a weekend but clearly busy and again, we covered a lot of the issues in the abstract. this is the work, if i tell viewers who is doing some of the work, it it's people like yourself and your team as we keep an eye on what the numbers are and what does the look like to balance the things athe a time when there is a lot of calls for change. again, i know how busy you are, mr. d.a. thank you for coming on "the beat." >> thank you for having me. have a great evening. >> you too. when we come back, we'll show you stephen colbert's take on all that hoopla. that's next. e on all that hoopla on all that hoopla that's next. yes. formulated to help you body really truly absorb the natural goodness. new chapter. wellness, well done. you're a one-m stitch. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit your plain aspirin could be hurting your stomach. vazalore... is the first liquid-filled aspirin capsule clinically shown to cause fewer ulcers than plain aspirin. try new vazalore. aspirin made amazing! ♪ ♪making your way in the world today♪ ♪takes everything you've got♪ ♪ ♪taking a break from all your worries ♪ ♪sure would help a lot ♪ ♪wouldn't you like to get away? 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[ laughter ] >> "the late show" stephen colbert taking on january 6th in only the way he can. he also just took on trump aid peter navarro admitting a coup plot. >> navarro revealed the white house's plot had a cute little in this case name. >> we called this plan the green bay sweep. >> not to be confused with the green bay sweep which is what happened if you ask aaron rogers if he's vaccinated. he explained what the coup plot had in common with football play was team work and obviously, brain damage. >> at 1:00 p.m. ted cruz, senator ted cruz and gosar a representative started the green bay sweep beautifully challenging the results of arizona. >> i haven't seen criminal activity so clearly explained on tv by the criminal since rachel ray welcomed co-host jeffrey dohmer. >> criminal activity explained on air and went for the plan itself. >> all that's required is peace and calm on capitol hill. >> and we would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for the meddling mob unleashed on capitol hill. dang you scooby coup. >> coups are illegal. that's the big problem there. he noted a second problem with this particular plan roasting the very idea mike pence would make for an effective insurrectionist leader or quarterback. >> the remedy was for vice president pence as the quarterback in the green bay sweep. >> really? pence is the quarterback in the situation? that doesn't really strike me as having a quarterback type of personality. if i had to pick a position that fits his sparkling persona, i'd go with tackling dummy. thanks for spending time with us tonight. thanks to colbert for the interview. you can find me on social media or tell me what you thought about colbert's jokes. sometimes the facts are the jokes. "the reidout" with joe reid is next. >> you forgot to say follow you on tiktok. you left that part out. i'll say it for you. >> you know what it is. >> i'm going to follow you. thank you, my friend. good evening, welcome to "the reidout." a fox news host and republican senator went on the record this weekend to state the obvious. trump lost the election. >> i think that in life he's going to lose. if you did, in fact, get screwed out of this election and put together an

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Kitchen Cabinet , Learning , The Voice Of Reason , Now Biden , Thing , Administration , Cable News Host , Text Messages , Aenreporting , President , Aside , Purposes , Meta , Three , Chamber , Consequences , Edge , 2024 , Brick , Narrative , Put , Marker , Course , Any , Fits , Protesters , Freedom Fighters , Sense , Idealists , Fourth , Democracy , Process , Body Politic , Branch , Backbone , It Doesn T , Majority , Vacuum , 11 , Republicans , Haven T , House , Generation , Party , Feels , Skepticism , Idealism , Band Aid , Hole , Dike , Yep , Lead , Journalist , Brewing Scandal , Work , Politico , Others , Insurrectionists , Verse , Report Card , Crime Spree , Data Base , 74 , Criminals , Convicts , Jail Time , Reasons , Sentenced , Glaringingly Lenient Treatment , 35 , Prosecutors , Judges , Sentences , Ones , Cases , Sentence , Adjective , Washington Post , Indictments , Convictions , Terrorist Attack , Arrest Rate , Leniency , Outrage , System , Run , Most , Incarceration , Some , 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