Transcripts For MSNBC Dateline 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Dateline 20240709

couldn't police put the puzzle together? a race against the clock, a family's most desperate hour. >> i said, i will do whatever i. can >> can they unravel this mystery in time? >> don't you understand? every minute counts. >> hello, welcome to dateline. insistently of young dreams interrupted. a talented drummer, who is aiming for a rock and roll stardom, suddenly disappeared. his parents immediately since he was in danger, and they were forced into a race to find him in time. here's dennis murphy, with taken. >> matt landrieu, from the detroit suburbs was just a regular guy. kid who delivered the pizza, travel the world on a skateboard, and cracked up his friends with jackass tile stunts. >> within that, there was never a dull moment. he was always doing something crazy. >> but, if you wanted to know wet made -- it was the music. to his new girlfriend, francesca, that was first and foremost a rocking dude. a ferocious drummer, with a basement band, with longtime buddies. >> welcome to saturday? play >> stuff that was 200 beats per minute, and up. >> and set the volume at 11? >> plus. >> born to rock, but nonetheless, basically a quiet unassuming guy. at 21 the, youngest of five children, still living at home in chester field, michigan, with his parents, doreen and bob. >> creating music is when he was happiest. >> we are going to go to the detroit symphony. it surprise me that he wanted to go. >> the drummer a heavy metal band? >> the general with a heavy metal band wanted to go to the detroit symphony with me. >> but, this story is in about the making of the music. matt landrieu's would-be rise from baseman drummer to arena superstar. this is about an unusual crime spree in the detroit suburbs, and how that connected to a nightmarish week in august, 2009. when matt landrieu disappeared. saturday afternoon, like most, matt had been behind -- in a practice section with the guys. >> they were playing in my basement, where we always practice. >> they had, today, only up one paid. a neighborhood block party. golden shares, and heavy metal. >> not at all. >> the reviews were mixed. unlike most basement bands, a. dreams >> we are just trying to write enough to get album. don >> was very fresh and that's life, was this for serious girlfriend. francesco bomber retail. a waitress, and like, matt a lover of. rock >> the doors, the rolling stones, things like that. >> -- classic. rock >> music and movies. they devoured evs, watching them over at a friends house. matt was a shy one, his girlfriend had to take that initiative. >> i just kept inviting him over, he kept coming. one day he was like, i might have to stay here, and i was like, that's okay. >> dorian, did you know that he found a series girlfriend? >> yes. you know your kids. and, when he would talk about fran, his face would light up. >> so, that saturday, matt delivered pizzas in his mom's borrowed car, because the alarm on his green honda was going off. after his shift, he'd kill time until francesco got off work. they agreed to hook up after. >> he said, you really want to come? over >> and i said yes, please. >> after midnight, early sunday morning, matt's mom was having a restless night. it was thunder and lightning out. >> i saw matt walk outside, he kind of circled around his car, and i thought, that, careful. his alarm was gonna go, often it was early in the morning. so, he very slowly went to lift up the hood of his car, and the alarm went off, and he jumped in his car, and went down the street to get out of the neighborhood, until it went off. >> he came over, had a bottle of wine -- we had a really good night. >> but, maybe an overly festive night. fran woke up sunday, sick as a dog. matt attended to her. >> he gave me a hot, bath tea, thermometer. >> he showed you a tender side. >> yeah. >> then, matt still playing -- he goes, is there anything else i should be doing for her? i said no, it sounds like you doing everything. >> they were plans for a backyard barbecue, later that afternoon and his parents. it would be a chance for frantic get to know matt sister's boyfriend. that is if you felt up to it. >> he says, okay. she's gonna take a little nap, and then when she wakes up, will come over. i told him, i told him like, i tell all of my kids, i said, i love you matt. he said i love you too, mom. >> that offered to make a fast food run, so fran would have something in her stomach. but, she was still hurting, and waved him off. >> he said, do you want something to eat, i said yeah, never mind. >> as matt left to run some errands, friends snoozed. figuring whaley -- >> i woke up at 5:47, called him, he did not answer. i texted him, waiting for a reply, and then i fell back asleep. >> she called him twice more. she remembers exact times. 7:31, and 9:01. and got his voice mail. she was starting to freak. >> even six hours in, you thought something bad it happened. >> right. because he always answers her calls me right back. so, i start calling the police stations in hospitals. >> over at the laundrie's barbecue, the salmon taste great, but matt and fran were no shows. still, nobody thought twice. >> i knew she was running a fever, and you don't really feel like doing much, especially going over to parents house. >> meanwhile, matt's friends were getting as worried is francesca. the band mates were used to texting and calling one another, almost hourly. and matt had gone mia. >> you're all thinking, what could it? be >> exactly. >> chris amarok even got in his car and drove down roads that math would've likely driven down. >> thinking maybe he slid into a ditch. >> by nine, that sunday, night chris was concerned enough to call matt's mother. >> he says, we can't find him anywhere. we don't know where he is. >> you're starting to get worried? >> yes. i was getting worried. >> doreen land jury had been worked in the banking industry for years. and knows how to spot patterns of fraud. so, she click on her computer to click -- that's when alarm bells started going off. >> what did you see when you log on? >> i saw three 100 dollar withdrawals, cash, from an atm machine, with a two dollar fee, from a gas station on, seven mile road in detroit. >> wouldn't that show? >> a few things. number one, what was matt doing in at seven mile in detroit? >> seven mile, the northeast spied, is an especially rough piece of detroit. turf drug dealing gangs here on the streets there. a bleak landscape of burned out houses, in abandoned cars. >> why would that take out all of his money out of his account? >> that was careful with his money. it didn't make sense. >> why would matt use an atm machine with a fee? >> so you don't see math doing this withdrawal, himself? >> no. i was hoping it was him. but, bedridden lineup or fit the picture at all. >> sunday came to an end. few people in that circle could sleep at night. the next day, one of the same near next by suburbs, -- would be pulled ahead log into the mystery around matt laundrie. >> she got the scare of her young life. >> coming up, as soon as i saw the check on the counter, i fell to gone on the back of my head. life and death drama at the bank. look at this have to do with math? when dateline continues. continues. ♪ breeze driftin' on by... ♪ if you've been playing down your copd,... ♪ it's a new dawn, it's a new day,... ♪'s time to make a stand. start a new day with trelegy. ♪...and i'm feelin' good. ♪ no once-daily copd medicine... has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy helps people breathe easier and improves lung function. it also helps prevent future flare-ups. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. take a stand and start a new day with trelegy. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy, and save at ♪♪ for skin that never holds you back. don't settle for silver. #1 for diabetic dry skin #1 for psoriasis symptom relief and #1 for eczema symptom relief. gold bond. champion your skin. let's get ready for jalapeñoooo popperrrrs! can you hand me some potato skins. theyyyy're loooaded! turns out, michael buffer speaks like that all the time. and it turns out the general is a quality insurance company that's been saving people money for nearly 60 years. and in this corner, coconuuuut shriiiiiimp! for a great low rate, and nearly 60 years of quality coverage - make the right call - and go with the general. let's get rrready for garlic breeeaaad! ♪ got my hair ♪ make the right call - and go with the general. ♪ got my head ♪ ♪ got my brains ♪ ♪ got my ears ♪ ♪ got my heart ♪ ♪ got my soul ♪ ♪ got my mouth ♪ ♪ i got life ♪ one is a become, where's matt we have to find? him >> i'd say, monday morning. >> matt, i protecting caller, had been off the grid for a day. that running silent scared everyone, especially his girlfriend. >> francesco, why did you start calling hospitals in police stations? >> because nobody's heard from him. i wanted to know of maybe got into a car accident, maybe he got a flat tire, maybe he was in a ditch, i don't know what happened. >> the parents, bob in doreen, we're getting more anxious by the minute. waiting by the phone, that never rang. it was monday when they call their local police. an officer came to the house. cops get these kind of reports from families very often. usually, they say he's a kid, give it some time, he'll walk in the door. >> yeah. he alluded to the fact that most of the time, these kids handed back crack houses but, eventually come home. we were saying to him, i pray to god you're right. i pray to god you are right. >> as the land reads worried, inside their house on monday. a few miles south, in harrison township, a young woman was walking towards the flag star bank. i was catching my >> first paycheck from dog candle. >> new job, first paycheck. >> yeah. >> sara remainer, to 19, notice a young guy was sunglasses on the street, definitely checking her out as she approached the bank. a creature out a little, but you try to ignore it, going directly to a tellers room. >> the man in the shade stormed in behind her, as seen in chilling detail. >> i handed in my check, as soon as i put the check on the counter, i felt a gun to the back of my head. >> then, all common collected, he began giving the bank teller instructions. where did he? say >> he said give me 50, 000, dollars or all killer. >> you could feel the gun on you? >> yeah. he presses it hard enough for me to be bent over the counter. he had his hand on the back of my neck. >> the teller resist of the band's demand for $50,000. she said she didn't have that money. the man with the gun continue to threaten sarah. so, give me $50, 000, or she's dead? >> yeah. >> how long this go on? >> not that long. she ended up opening the drawer and giving him what she did have. >> the robber then let go sarah, cross the bank lobby, grab some more cash of others he did fear. he wasn't done with a pretty blonde who had caught his eye. >> he came back over to me, grab me, and said, you have to come with me or kill you. >> what did you say? >> i sat down and said no. >> so you sat right down and -- >> it was a standoff, of sorts. the manhunt is firepower, sarah her willpower. >> he saying, get up you're going with? me >> yeah. he tried to pull me, saying, get up laurel kill you. and i just sat there, and he ended up running to the door. >> we begin with breaking news, out of macomb county, a manhunt underway, for a bank robber who hit a flag star bank in harrison township. >> the armed robbery had fled. bank employees and customers knew that they had literally dodged a bullet. police would say later, that sarah by refusing to go with him, had done everything right. they give you a lot of credit that you might have saved your life? >> i was just scared, i didn't want to go with him. it seemed like the best option. >> but that gunman gave the cops chills. a robbery, cool, poised, and seemingly all too ready to do whatever it took to pull off his crime. scott blackwell was a detective with chester field pd. >> normally bank robbers come in, pass a note, get the money and move on. this was a violent gang robbery. >> but, what did the brazen rihanna robber have to do with matt lambert? that connection would have to wait for the story told by a gas station atm, and the security camera pointed at it. >> coming up, i can't believe i'm doing this right now. searching two doses for my boyfriend. i don't know what to do. >> at last, a break in the case. >> huge development. >> when dateline continues. continues and senses my movement and effortlessly adjusts to help keep me comfortable. the sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now. only from sleep number. 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once again, here is dennis murphy, was taken. >> bob in dorian, parents of matt, the young man missing for the third day, could only pray that he had would walk in the door. police told them, often kids go off like, this is something to do with drugs. the parents were buying. it >> identified the pattern for. >> something innocent would explain mats innocence. >> we still had hope that it was something crazy. it was something -- would show up. >> something that we laugh. about >> but just in case it wasn't, matt's mother and girlfriend, after waiting the required 24 hours went, to matt's hometown police in chester field, to get an official missing person case going. >> bob stayed here, just in case. we wanted to make sure somebody was always here, at the house. >> at first, chester field pd told the land juries that it wasn't their case. they need to go to the cops in another jurisdiction. 13 miles south, where francesco lived, and warm that had last been seen. did you get the feeling that you are being rushed? on >> yes. >> it was a nuisance? case >> yes. he said wait in the. lobby >> was a family frustrated? >> i think they were frustrated. >> chester field detective soft black world was struck by -- anderson's integrity. >> i said, the right person will end up with this, and it will be taken care of. we want to leave you hang. >> detective blackwell was especially interested to read dorian's print out of the suspicious atm withdrawals from matt's account. >> he said, the first thing is going to do, is find out if this was even matt who did these. >> so, the detective hoping to find an answer on the security cam, went down to this to no coup. some of detroit's most crime ridden streets. >> i want to sam's club -- >> the gas nation owner, or moses rahimi, just three days were format went missing, had bought a new security camera system. the security camera system had a blind spot in the, backwards atm dispenser was. moses open the carton, -- it was the weekend. sun said, forget it, let's wait. >> i said, no, we're not going home until we put. this >> on the security cam video, detective blackwell was seeing something that filled him with dread. >> someone else is using his card. it's obvious foul play. >> the news didn't surprise me. for some reason, i was hoping it was matt. >> meanwhile, on that tuesday -- mats friends and family found out through the county, putting on flyers with mass face. they checked auto zone stores. maybe he'd stop by one of them for his broken car alarm. francesco was searching to, checking out dumpsters. >> i can't believe i'm doing this right now. searching through dumpsters from her boyfriend. i don't know what to do. >> as francesco moves south to detroit proverb, she saw a crash of police cars, flashing lights. she elbowed her way through the gawkers to see when everybody was looking at. it was matt's van in car. >> i was like, that's his car. >> big development? >> yes. >> francesco managed to put one of the police officers with -- they tell you about anything they found in the car at that point? >> he mentions some maps, but matt delivered pizzas. matt keeps maps in his car. >> by tuesday, august 11th, 2009, 21 year old madeleine laundrie's disappearance, had become tv news story. >> family members have been busy during last few days, handing out fliers. in the hopes, somebody will help them find math. >> in that same newscast, viewers were getting an update on a brazen bank stick up, the day before. >> young teenager, look of terror that is gripped detroit in fear -- >> just watching the news, like anybody else, was a police detective from rose ville. this was a vicious incident. >> very vicious. >> the detective watch the security cam picks of the banded in sunglasses, holding a gun to us young female. a bad crime, but still one that he never expected to investigate. >> didn't have anything to do with the city of rose ville, warm in. >> by the next day, the detective would prove himself wrong. he would be thick in the bank robbery case, as well as the disappearance of matt laundrie. a missing person report he knew virtually nothing about. but, dots we're getting connected. there was one more to come. >> coming up -- he's scared to death. could you get some of the. down another raise an attack on a bright afternoon. will it shed light on what might have happened to matt? >> you need to get the detective in there now. >> when dateline continues. and there you have it. woah. wireless on the most reliable network nationwide. wow. big deal. we get unlimited for just 30 bucks. sweet, but mine has 5g included. relax people. my wireless is crushing it. that's because you all have xfinity mobile with your internet. it's wireless so good, it keeps one-upping itself. take the savings challenge at or visit an xfinity store to learn how our switch squad makes it easy to switch and save hundreds. stories. 93-year-old, marilyn bergman, died saturday. in our los angeles home, best known for songs like, the way we were, and how you keep the music playing. her husband, who she teamed up with to write the songs, was at her bedside when she passed. a search is underway for a missing california student. 21-year-old, in the u.s., he fell to return home, december 30th, after canoeing in the pacific ocean. he was setting up clues for treasure hunt he was organizing. now, back to dateline. >> i just got. carjacked >> lieutenant blair thought the -- tuesday august 11th, 2009, when the call came. in a carjacking in progress at the walmart, just down the street. >> lyric and his fellow officers responded quickly. surprisingly, the carjacked car, a red civic was still in the parking lot. the vehicles owner was shaken up, but okay. >> he was approached at his driving -- by the suspect. >> this later? gun >> display the, gun told him to get out the car. >> and why didn't the gunman take off with the car? >> when you got in the car, to drive away, he did not drive stick. >> you're kidding? >> no. >> nearby, an officer star swatted by a never side man with a bad 70 zero for. week >> the chase was on. >> during the foot, chase it fell off. >> a guy who steals a car he doesn't know how to drive, and then molson to jimmy hendricks wig, might have been comical. but, this suspect on the road, was false alarmed. he >> was putting his hand in his pocket, possibly trying to get a gun. >> the gun in the clip were tossed away during foot chase that ended one police zap the man with, electrical charges, from taser gun like this one. when the jobs were off -- a familiar face so many unseen, just recently, on tv. >> he was standing right there, right in front of me, when i said, that's a bank warmer. >> the same i school banded who had a gun to name teen-year-old, sarah mei, nerd and demanded money. >> give me $50, 000, or all killer. >> violence us fact, involved in two things that we know of. who knows how many others. >> could one of those other things be a missing person. just that day, the detective had become aware that dorian landrieu had reported her son missing to the police. the place for matt's girlfriend lived. lieutenant larry can do something else, detroit police had just found the young man's car, abandoned in a bad neighborhood. he wondered, did the walmart suspects now, in his holding cell, have an appetite for carjackings? had he also, maybe, stored matt's car? by then, the car had been told to -- chester field. the detective called counterpart their, about his find. >> i told him, i think it felt related. can you get somebody to go into the car, without getting evidence, and see if there's anything that links the bank robbery to matt laundrie? sure enough, there was. >> it had to do with that math found inside mass car. when investigators got a closer look, they saw ex marks a spot, pinpointing the flag store bank. which the guy had robbed, and briefly held a 19-year-old hostage. now, lieutenant blair began filling in the blanks. he figured the guy who pulled off the bank job, was the same guy carjack matt laundries honda, with math in it. but, he wasn't ready to share his conclusion with mass parents. he had something to do, first. at 11:30, tuesday night, the detective and a partner went down to that bleak section of detroit, where matt's green honda had been ditched. we start looking for matt laundrie. >> so the question in your mind, are we going to find the body? or do you expect to find the sky bound inside? >> i don't know where we are going to find, but i was hoping he was still alive, that's why went out. >> two other people were searching that same bad neighborhood, then tuesday night. but, they were in the police. >> this is our first house that we looked at. two friends of matt's father they had come down to investigate on their own. >> you think your friend's son could be in one of these houses, you know you're gonna search until you find. >> the family friends, amateur detectives, armed with only a flashlight, manisha searcher dozens of homes many of them's burnt out showed's. a local guy challenge them. >> we have to tell them we are working on a case. he believed, like we were the police. >> the two friends, like the cops before them, also into the snow who station, and got the owner to play them the video of the 18 withdrawal made on matt's card. as the friend studied the security cam video, a clerk behind the -- was watching local news. a recap of the bank robbery story. it was a, hey, that same kind of moment. they swivel to heads, from the news clip of the bank robber, to the figure on their security cam, who was just withdrawing the money. bingo. >> we all put together that is the same guy. it's the same guy who did the bang robbery, same guy that used mats a atm card. >> once more, the guy will have the counter recognize the person in the atm security cam video. a local guy who went by the name -- the counter man said, he had been a gang member, and the violent thief. the friends told the laundrie's what they learned. akin named i hop had been behind the disappearance. the landrieu's heard on the local news but the very same guy was in police custody, for the botched carjacking. matt's mom called the roosevelt pd. >> i said, the man you're holding, who just robbed the bank, armed robbery, is the same man who used my sons debit card. and my son is missing. you need to get it is active in there, now, to talk to him. >> that detective would be lieutenant les blair, who just piece it altogether. now, he needed answers from the man they called ihop. the veteran cop had a few tricks up his sleeve to, get what he wanted. >> as detectives prepare for an intense interrogation, friends uncover troubling new information. an eyewitness on the day matt vanished. >> coming up, they're beating him up now >> when dateline continues. continues. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. ozempic® helped me get back in my type 2 diabetes zone. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? 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. don't you understand every minute counts. >> the lieutenant did every minute counts. not need, it. him and his >> to itching partner were eager to question the to question the suspect suspect, after they returned, where they from detroit, will they spent a long had spent a long night night searching for, with no matt with no result results. >>. we're >> we were checking just checking abandoned houses, burned houses, a garages burned up >> and you're seeing nothing? garages. >> and >> no you have seen nothing? evidence of >> no manager at all. >> evidence of matt at landry 3:45, at all, sir. a bone tired >> and blair, a 3:35 in the morning, and his partner, a bone tired devise interview lieutenant and his partner strategy hoping devise a new strategy, i hop would cost something up. hoping ihab we >> i was cough something up. just going to sit >> i was going to there in a chair, and was sit in the chair, and going to say anything. not say anything. >> the >> in the interrogation room, interrogation room, the other officer the other peppered the officer peppered the suspect with suspect with questions. questions. i hop was dodging but ihab was dodging them. them. so blair so ick he pulled an pulled an investigators trick to investigators trick grapple him. >>. >> i had a picture of i had matt laundrie, a picture of matt landry, in my instead of a notebook. notebook. so, we when i got to the point that got to the point where it it was obvious was obvious that this wasn't going that this was not anywhere, i going anywhere, i took at that took that picture and i held it up, picture, i held it and i said, up and i we said, we found him found him. . >> the reaction from him, he reaction from him? saw a ghost. he saw a ghost. he he saw a ghost. >> saw a ghost. but, not shaken >> but, not enough to spill shaken enough to spill whatever he might know whatever he might know about matt laundrie. about matt what do you landry. >> what do seeing, lieutenant, when you see, lieutenant, you're right there? when you are there with the >> guy, see anything in his just a cold, eyes? >> just careless, heartless a cold, callous, person. heartless person. he is he is definitely definitely near the top of the near the top of list, if not on the list, if not top on top of of one of the coldest people one of the coldest people i've ever i have ever talked. to >> the talked to. >> landrieu's headed home from the the landry roosevelt pd's headed home, from the roosevelt pd, satisfied last that the satisfied at last police were announcing their the police were now seeing son's disappearance their son's disappearance as they were as they were. their. gina, their daughter daughter, meanwhile,, was learning more was learning troubling information more troubling about her brother information about, something she her mother, had picked up on the something she picked internet. up on the internet. >> i >> we got a phone call from got a phone call from one of one of my best friends, my best friends, she said, and she said gina check or gina, check or facebook facebook when you get home when you get home. . there's an gina, there is important message. an important message >> the heads on their. >> up was from it was from a woman gina a woman gina had known in high school. had known in high >> her school. >> her parents had witnessed on parents witnessed on sunday, a violent carjacking sunday a violent carjacking,. and it was a green it was a green honda honda. >> 9-1-1 -- . in back of >> i am back quiz, no i'm not sure, but it at quiznos, i'm not looks like a robbery. sure, it looks like they got a guy cornered over a robbery, there's a guy here. cornered over here. >> the previous >> the previous sunday afternoon, the sunday afternoon, the police in police in yet yet another small city near another small city detroit, east here in detroit, point, got a 9-1-1 east call. point -- eastpointe got the distress witness a 9-1-1 call. it was was reporting apparent carjacking for an apparent, and carjacking, an abductions in the abduction in the parking lot here parking lot behind the quiz behind the quiznos no sub shop. sub shop. when the police but one police officers arrive, the karen officers arrived, the car in question was gone. question was gone, they weren't and they were not sure sure what they exactly what it was they had to write up. had to write up. the the incident at the quiz incident at the quiznos, knows when largely went largely unnoticed, until unnoticed. so matt sister got tip matt's sister to it by, was a friend online. tipped off by a friend so now you online. >> then, you are a lot of have a lot of that information introduced bad information at your puzzle? >> i just disposal, right? felt sick when i >> i felt sick when showed him on the facebook i showed my mom the facebook message, and it said message and then says carjacking at the quiz carjacking at a quiznos. knows. as soon as she said quiznos, >> as soon as she said quiz knows, i i said, said, that was that was the the last place that matt used his last place mathews's debit card debit card, , other than the atm. >> other than the atm. >> he's got a by the you got him neck, i think is put him by the neck now, i think in the trunk. they're he's putting him in the beating him up. trunk. pick him up hurry. now. hurry, >> with the hurry! >> well the 9-1-1 caller 9-1-1 had seen caller in fact had seen, was the abductions with the abduction of matt laundrie. of matt landry >> there. >> so was a missing piece of the there was a missing piece of the puzzle? puzzle. >> >> as francesca and as put it together, francesca bommarito put it it all started together, it all because your concern started because her concerned boyfriend had boyfriend had decided on his own, decided on his that she, own, that she, feeling crummy, feeling needed to tlc crummy, some which needed to get back on her feet. a tlc sandwich to get back on >> he had mentioned to the gorilla quiz her feet. >> why knows, my should mention to the girl girlfriend is sick at quiznos,, i don't know where to my girlfriend is sick, get her, can you help me? that is can you help me. >> why he got two subs. >> two subs that started two subs that started a three-day a three-day crime crime spree in the detroit spree in suburbs. the detroit from the quiz knows an suburbs. from the quiznos east point, on sunday in eastpointe on sunday afternoon afternoon,, spreading spreading ten miles ten miles to the fly star -- bank in harrison at high township -- noon on monday township, in monday, and, ending an eight miles eight miles away at the away at the walmart in rose ville, wal-mart in rose midday on tuesday ville, on. tuesday. bad news, bad bad pads. news? that matt's family and patterns. but matt's friends were still family and friends are clinging to a sliver still cleaning to a sliver of hope. of hope. >> >> like you still alive somewhere, still alive somewhere. maybe he is just tied up, maybe he is just tied up, holding him at a crack house for something. maybe, maybe, maybe. >> you had a dream? >> a dream, before he meant -- went missing, he was kidnapped. i found him in the basement, tied to an old-time heater. >> five days, in a joint police task force have been formed to search the basements of burned out homes on detroit's northeast side, where the car had been found. the same suburban police departments who initially could not agree on whose case it was now came together for one purpose, to find matthew landry. from chester field, where he live, rose ville, where he was last seen with francesca, and where the wal-mart carjacking went down, and east point, where he had been abducted at the quiznos. >> we are working on the gangs in it, and detroit pd. and they had been growing frustrating, block by block, not much luck with anything. and then, there is thursday. >> yes. then there is thursday. >> thursday, august 13th, 2009, a task force was out in strength. 15 officers, banging on doors, issuing search warrants, pressuring gang members who may have known the suspect called ihop. >> i have a son, i made a promise to doreen, as it even though it's not rosario's jurisdiction, i will do whatever i can to help you find your son. >> helping, walking the mean streets. >> it's a rough neighborhood. s a rothe >> fellow truthful detective at the time. >> we're coming to dead ends, we walk out of one of the houses, and there is a penny lying on the streets. i have a heads up, i picked it up and said this is it. short time after that, we went for a ride. >> it was the first house they checked after blarek found the lucky penny, minutes before. >> and how we got here, why we got here, i can't explain that one. >> it was now 10:30 in the morning. >> i saw what looks like a little footpath, someone had gone through their. in the summer i made my way up to what used to be a porch, i looked in, the house was all burned out. i picked around the corner and saw some flip flops. i stepped in further, and i saw the body itself. >> in the august swelter, the body had decomposed beyond recognition. they knew they had a white male, with an apparent gunshot wound to the head. the victim had been wearing jeans, and tell tale flip flops. >> not the outcome that we wanted. >> but at least he had his phone. >> the hometown detective, scott blackwell, rushed over from nearby streets to find the finding. >> when i saw this body, i knew it was him. >> the detectives immediate concern was to let the laundrie snow, the most humane way possible, before the media was on to them. he called his chief of police. >> the chief of police, he came to the front door. i knew when he walked in ... i could tell by the look on his face what he was going to kill me. i did not want to hear it. after i got done crying, i wanted to take a shower, like i could wash it all away. my matt. >> coming up. could one man have done in this? >> five foot six, 280 pounds, matt could take me out. he was that strong. >> maybe one man did not. when dateline continues. dateline continues. 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>> no, born in libya. >> his attorney, joseph cause mullet says ihab masalmani came to michigan to live with relatives, who according to juvenile court records, neglected him. he then entered the states child welfare system, and it did not go well. fleeing foster homes for a life, and detroit's gangrened thief side. >> my job here is to make sure he gets the best, fair trial he can get. >> state your name for the record. >> ihab masalmani. >> he faced a slew of charges, including murder, kidnapping, carjacking in the matt landry case, bank robbery in the flag star stick of, and carjacking in the wal-mart incident. he pleaded not guilty of all charges. >> maybe his best shot is ironically, a homicide? >> correct. i will not admit my client committed a bank robbery, committed a carjacking or a felony. however, those cases are very strong cases for the prosecution. >> evidently, the bank's security cameras, apparently, showing him brandishing a gun. news from the wal-mart, including a discarded gun, do not lie. however -- >> a homicide is not a homicide. >> police never found a gun or bullet at the deaf house that match the gun they recovered at the walmart. >> nobody can put a gun in ihab masalmani's hand. >> he had been charged alone in the walmart carjacking and flag star bank heist. >> they're hitting him now, they hit him in the face, they -- they are beating him up now. >> but there were two assailants who attacked matt, at the quiznos, according to the 9-1-1 caller. he had been double teamed, and explanation, his friends say, for this powerfully fifth drummer was taken against his will. >> he was six foot six, 280 pounds. matt could take me out. matt was that strong. >> after his body was found, the task force continued going through northeast detroit for quiznos suspect number two. sources squeezed on the street told the cops, they should look for 16-year-old robert taylor. >> we flooded that area, we shut down the drug trade in that area. >> you guys are out for business? >> we destroyed the business, in one week. we made a statement to them. therefore, i believe that they made a statement, to fat daddy, you better get out of our neighborhood, so we turned himself in. >> robert taylor was also charged with murder and kidnapping in the quiznos abduction. he pleaded not guilty. at the trial, the defense theorized that matt had gone voluntarily, with ihab masalmani and robert taylor. >> they were going down to do a drug deal. and then what happened happened. >> any reason to think that he would have known who those guys were, like, a drug purchase gone bad or anything? >> we believe it was totally random. >> wrong place, wrong time. could have been anyone. >> these detectives have advice for anyone ambushed in broad daylight, or even at night. >> at no time should you allow someone to take you from point a to point b. >> do not go? >> don't go. >> fight, fight to the death, period. once you are on their turf, it is over. >> you know, she says i'm not going with you, at that bank. >> that is what saved her life. >> grass is growing, my flowers are blooming, but i am just dead inside. just dead inside. >> in the days after she lost her son, a grief stricken doreen landry went public with the cause important to her. be condemned, burnt around and abandon houses in detroit that area gangs called home. >> i am pleading to the mayor of detroit, that area needs to be cleaned up. it's nothing but a garbage pit. >> there are thousands of houses in detroit that are abandoned. that they live in. >> just knock them down? >> flatten them. >> in fact, in 2010, the detroit mayor started a project to do just that. the house where matt's body has been found was demolished. ihab masalmani was convicted of first degree murder, kidnapping and carjacking, and sentenced to life in prison without parole. robert taylor was also convicted of murder, and he was also serving a life sentence without parole. both have appealed their sentences. >> it took literally one second, one second to end matthew's life. and, in that one second, that has literally turned our family upside down. >> matt's funeral service, as that days program explained, was intended to remember the joy, the laughter, the smiles. and no one would forget on that sad day, matt was also a rocker. >> matt was a drummer, but he had an acoustic guitar, he would always start stairway to heaven. and it seemed like, they were times, you've grown a little bit more, learned a little bit more of it, taught himself to do it. and we asked the priest, father, i know this is unusual. but i said, if you have anyone who could play stairway to heaven, that would be beautiful. he said, let me see what i can do. >> so he came up with a group of musicians to honor matt with a song that he loved, about a symbolic stairway, that he climbed way too soon. >> and it was so beautiful. and it was just perfect. matthew would have loved it. >> that is all for this edition of dateline. i am natalie morales, thanks for watching. for watching >> i am craig melvin. >> and i am natalie morales. >> and this is dateline. >> i was just in hysterics, crying. like, there is blood on the pillow. >> somebody was stalking the young women of reno. and now, one of them had vanished. >> obviously, there was, you know, something really bad. >> her name, brianna. she was just 19 years old. >> just wanted to say to my

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Star Bank , Breaking News , Bank Employees , Customers , Macomb County , Lot , Bullet , Life , Credit , Detective , Crime , Robbery , Gunman , Scott Blackwell , Chills , Cool , Option , Chester Field Pd , Connection , Bank Robbers , Gang Robbery , Note , Brazen Rihanna , Matt Lambert , Case , At Last , Gas Station Atm , Security Camera , Doses , Sleep Number , Sale , Bed , Movement , Development , 360 , Dermageek , Dermatologist , Serum , Skincare Ingredients , Amount , Beta Hydroxy Acid , Thing , Shower , Gonna Keep On Lovin You , Background , Shaq , Unhear , Internet , Save , Coverage , Business , Ready , Set , Installation , Voice , Price Guarantee , 4 99 , 64 99 , 2 , Backing , Prepaid Card , Deal , Expert Team , Value , Possibilities , Comcast Business , 24 7 , 00 , 500 , Place , Gunpoint , Miles Away , Drugs , Third Day , Buying , Hope , Pattern , Innocence , Mats , Heartless Person , Wasn T , Hometown Police , Just In Case , 24 , Somebody , Land Juries , Miles South , 13 , Warm , Feeling , Nuisance , Chester Field Detective Soft Black World , Atm , Detective Blackwell , Care Of , Print , Integrity , Anderson , Security Cam , Answer , Some , Coup , Moses , Security Camera System , Format , Gas Nation Owner , Blind Spot , Backwards Atm Dispenser , Sam S Club , Rahimi , Carton , Sun , Someone , Card , Security Cam Video , Reason , Foul Play , News Didn T Surprise Me , Tuesday , County , Mats Friends And Family , Flyers , Auto Zone Stores , Car Alarm , Francesco , Way , Everybody , Flashing Lights , Proverb , Police Cars , Crash , Gawkers , Van , Point , Police Officers , Maps , Big Development , Family Members , Tv News Story , Madeleine Laundrie , Fliers , August 11th , Tuesday August 11th 2009 , Viewers , Stick Up , Newscast , Hopes , Update , Terror , News , Incident , Police Detective , Rose Ville , Security Cam Picks , Anybody Else , Holding A Gun To Us Young Female , City , Bank Robbery Case , Didn T , Warm In , More , Nothing , Dots , Afternoon , Attack , Wireless , 5g , Network , Big Deal , Sweet , Bucks , 30 Bucks , 30 , Store , Savings , Stories , Switch Squad , Hundreds , Xfinity , Husband , Songs , Music Playing , Marilyn Bergman , Los Angeles , 93 , Search , Canoeing , Pacific Ocean , U S , California Student , December 30th , Clues , Treasure Hunt , Wal Mart , Carjacking , Les Blair , Officers , Carjacked , Progress , Lyric , Suspect , Parking Lot , Owner , Vehicles , Driving , Red Civic , Didn T The Gunman , Stick , Display , Star Swatted , On The Road , Foot , Chase , Wig , Jimmy Hendricks , 70 , Zero , Charges , Taser Gun , Clip , Pocket , Zap , Front , On Tv , Jobs , Violence , I School Banded , Nerd , Son , Car , Lieutenant , Carjackings , Holding Cell , Appetite , Counterpart , Find , Bank Robbery , Investigators , Evidence , Enough , Flag Store Bank , Look , Bank Job , Spot , Ex , Hostage , Blanks , Partner , Conclusion , Guy Carjack Matt Laundries , Body , Question , Where Matt S , Sky , Father , Friend , Amateur Detectives , Dozens , Homes , Many , Flashlight , Gonna Search , Manisha Searcher , Snow , Station , On Matt , Bank Robbery Story , Clerk , Recap , Video , 18 , Put , News Clip , Figure , Bingo , Atm Card , Atm Security Cam , Bang Robbery , Guile , Landrieu , Thief , Gang Member , Akin , Debit Card , Sons , Holding , Police Custody , Roosevelt Pd , Detectives , Information , Interrogation , Sleeve , Tricks , Cop , Ihop , Veteran , Eyewitness , Oh Ozempic , Oh , Adults , A1c , Weight , Heart Disease , 12 , Isn T , Type 1 Diabetes , Heart Attack , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Share , Events , Stroke , Reuse , Needles , Pens , Don T Take Ozempic , Side Effects , Reaction , Stomach Pain , Lump , Help , Stop Ozempic , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Pancreatitis , Vision Problems , Insulin , Kidney Problems , Type 2 Diabetes , Changes , Blood Sugar Risk , Sulfonylurea , Nausea , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Dehydration , Provider , Prescription , Health Care Provider , Arthritis , Aspercreme Arthritis , Swords Clashing , 25 , 3 , Strength , Inflammation , Kick Pain , Gods , Car Vending Machines , Car Buying , Announcer , Control , Carvana , Penny , Numbers , Aren T , Down Payment , Payment , Financing , Browse , Budget , Terms , Pay , Credit Score , Ride , Curse , Medusa , Uhh , Bit , Buzz Kill , Prime , Clever Girl , Eugh , Play , Sleep , Circadian Rhythm , Heart Rate , Breathing Rate , Care , Temperature Balancing , Science , Facts , Missing , Landers , August 12th , August 12th 2009 , Wednesday August 12th , Tape , Him Holding Bank , Girls , Mask Card , Guy Death , That Girl , Street Name Ihab , Street Name , Holding A Cell , Side , Desperate , Pd , Pressuring , Answers , Whereabouts , Disappearance Whereabouts , Rose Bowl Ville Pd , Anyone , Police Station , Gina , Facebook , Sister , Anybody , Heat , Interview , Brother , Playstation , Jean , Person , Power Show , Him Question , Don T You , Matt , Result Results , Garages , Long Night Searching For , Bone , Strategy , Chair , Ihab , Interview Lieutenant , Manager , Sir , Sit , Say Anything , 35 , 45 , Matt Landry , Questions , Interrogation Room , Investigators Trick , Dodging , Ghost , Notebook , Saw , Whatever , Top , List , Seeing , Cold , Eyes , Callous , Heartless A Cold , Headed Home , Landry Roosevelt Pd , Message , Up , Phone Call , Heads , Brother Information , Quiznos , Quiz , High , High School , School , Honda 9 1 , Abductions , Abduction , Apparent , Eastpointe , Sunday Afternoon , Witness , East , East Call , They Weren T , Tip Matt , Karen Officers , Quiz Incident , Puzzle , Quiz Carjacking , Disposal , Mathews , Ii Said , Trunk , There , Beating , Hurry , Got A , Concern , Feet , Tlc Crummy , She , Girl Girlfriend , Gorilla Quiz , Tlc Sandwich , Feeling Crummy , Own , Subs , Star , Sick , Spree , East Point , Fly , On Sunday In Eastpointe Afternoon , Monday Township , Ten , Somewhere , Sliver , On , Bad News , Pads , Clinging , Walmart In Rose Ville , Tuesday Ville , Eight , Dream , Crack House , Basements , Burned Out Homes On Detroit , Heater , Police Task Force , Police Departments , Northeast Side , Matthew Landry , Purpose , Block By , Pressuring Gang Members , Task Force , Doors , Search Warrants , Thursday , August 13th , Thursday August 13th 2009 , 15 , Promise , Jurisdiction , Helping , Rosario , Rothe , Ends , Heads Up , Penny Lying , This Is It , Blarek , Footpath , Porch , Summer , 10 , Swelter , Recognition , Flip Flops , Jeans , Hometown Detective , Male , Gunshot Wound , Victim , Outcome , Tell Tale Flip Flops , Finding , Media , Chief , Chief Of Police , Humane , 280 , Band Plays , Allstate , Radio , Sfx , Hands , Bit Wrong , Protection , Auto Rate , Song , Journal , Reworking Of Last Kiss , Pearl Jam , Second , Light , Mash Up , Love , Bands , Instrument , Hellhole , Cause , Killing Matt , Workers , Gunshot , Examiner , Arrest , Ihab Masalmani , Joseph Cause Mullet , Country , Fingerprints , Libya , 17 , Child Welfare System , Relatives , Thief Side , Gangrened , Juvenile Court Records , Fleeing Foster Homes , Murder , Kidnapping , Trial , Name , Estate , Record , Slew , Homicide , Client , Shot , Star Stick Of , Correct , Cases , Security Cameras , Felony , Prosecution , Evidently , Deaf House , Assailants , Star Bank Heist , Attacked Matt , Friends Say , Will , Robert Taylor , Sources , Number , Northeast Detroit , 16 , Area , Statement , Drug Trade , Fat Daddy , Defense , Quiznos Abduction , Purchase , Drug Deal , Drug , Advice , Grass , Turf , Point A , Fight , Don T Go , Point B , Flowers , Grief , Public , Mayor , Houses , Thousands , Garbage Pit , Project , 2010 , Both , Sentences , Degree , Life Sentence Without Parole , Upside Down , No One , Funeral Service , Laughter , Smiles , Joy , Stairway To Heaven , Times , Rocker , Acoustic Guitar , Priest , Musicians , Stairway , Group , Blood , Hysterics , Pillow , Young Women Of Reno , Brianna , My ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC Dateline 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Dateline 20240709

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couldn't police put the puzzle together? a race against the clock, a family's most desperate hour. >> i said, i will do whatever i. can >> can they unravel this mystery in time? >> don't you understand? every minute counts. >> hello, welcome to dateline. insistently of young dreams interrupted. a talented drummer, who is aiming for a rock and roll stardom, suddenly disappeared. his parents immediately since he was in danger, and they were forced into a race to find him in time. here's dennis murphy, with taken. >> matt landrieu, from the detroit suburbs was just a regular guy. kid who delivered the pizza, travel the world on a skateboard, and cracked up his friends with jackass tile stunts. >> within that, there was never a dull moment. he was always doing something crazy. >> but, if you wanted to know wet made -- it was the music. to his new girlfriend, francesca, that was first and foremost a rocking dude. a ferocious drummer, with a basement band, with longtime buddies. >> welcome to saturday? play >> stuff that was 200 beats per minute, and up. >> and set the volume at 11? >> plus. >> born to rock, but nonetheless, basically a quiet unassuming guy. at 21 the, youngest of five children, still living at home in chester field, michigan, with his parents, doreen and bob. >> creating music is when he was happiest. >> we are going to go to the detroit symphony. it surprise me that he wanted to go. >> the drummer a heavy metal band? >> the general with a heavy metal band wanted to go to the detroit symphony with me. >> but, this story is in about the making of the music. matt landrieu's would-be rise from baseman drummer to arena superstar. this is about an unusual crime spree in the detroit suburbs, and how that connected to a nightmarish week in august, 2009. when matt landrieu disappeared. saturday afternoon, like most, matt had been behind -- in a practice section with the guys. >> they were playing in my basement, where we always practice. >> they had, today, only up one paid. a neighborhood block party. golden shares, and heavy metal. >> not at all. >> the reviews were mixed. unlike most basement bands, a. dreams >> we are just trying to write enough to get album. don >> was very fresh and that's life, was this for serious girlfriend. francesco bomber retail. a waitress, and like, matt a lover of. rock >> the doors, the rolling stones, things like that. >> -- classic. rock >> music and movies. they devoured evs, watching them over at a friends house. matt was a shy one, his girlfriend had to take that initiative. >> i just kept inviting him over, he kept coming. one day he was like, i might have to stay here, and i was like, that's okay. >> dorian, did you know that he found a series girlfriend? >> yes. you know your kids. and, when he would talk about fran, his face would light up. >> so, that saturday, matt delivered pizzas in his mom's borrowed car, because the alarm on his green honda was going off. after his shift, he'd kill time until francesco got off work. they agreed to hook up after. >> he said, you really want to come? over >> and i said yes, please. >> after midnight, early sunday morning, matt's mom was having a restless night. it was thunder and lightning out. >> i saw matt walk outside, he kind of circled around his car, and i thought, that, careful. his alarm was gonna go, often it was early in the morning. so, he very slowly went to lift up the hood of his car, and the alarm went off, and he jumped in his car, and went down the street to get out of the neighborhood, until it went off. >> he came over, had a bottle of wine -- we had a really good night. >> but, maybe an overly festive night. fran woke up sunday, sick as a dog. matt attended to her. >> he gave me a hot, bath tea, thermometer. >> he showed you a tender side. >> yeah. >> then, matt still playing -- he goes, is there anything else i should be doing for her? i said no, it sounds like you doing everything. >> they were plans for a backyard barbecue, later that afternoon and his parents. it would be a chance for frantic get to know matt sister's boyfriend. that is if you felt up to it. >> he says, okay. she's gonna take a little nap, and then when she wakes up, will come over. i told him, i told him like, i tell all of my kids, i said, i love you matt. he said i love you too, mom. >> that offered to make a fast food run, so fran would have something in her stomach. but, she was still hurting, and waved him off. >> he said, do you want something to eat, i said yeah, never mind. >> as matt left to run some errands, friends snoozed. figuring whaley -- >> i woke up at 5:47, called him, he did not answer. i texted him, waiting for a reply, and then i fell back asleep. >> she called him twice more. she remembers exact times. 7:31, and 9:01. and got his voice mail. she was starting to freak. >> even six hours in, you thought something bad it happened. >> right. because he always answers her calls me right back. so, i start calling the police stations in hospitals. >> over at the laundrie's barbecue, the salmon taste great, but matt and fran were no shows. still, nobody thought twice. >> i knew she was running a fever, and you don't really feel like doing much, especially going over to parents house. >> meanwhile, matt's friends were getting as worried is francesca. the band mates were used to texting and calling one another, almost hourly. and matt had gone mia. >> you're all thinking, what could it? be >> exactly. >> chris amarok even got in his car and drove down roads that math would've likely driven down. >> thinking maybe he slid into a ditch. >> by nine, that sunday, night chris was concerned enough to call matt's mother. >> he says, we can't find him anywhere. we don't know where he is. >> you're starting to get worried? >> yes. i was getting worried. >> doreen land jury had been worked in the banking industry for years. and knows how to spot patterns of fraud. so, she click on her computer to click -- that's when alarm bells started going off. >> what did you see when you log on? >> i saw three 100 dollar withdrawals, cash, from an atm machine, with a two dollar fee, from a gas station on, seven mile road in detroit. >> wouldn't that show? >> a few things. number one, what was matt doing in at seven mile in detroit? >> seven mile, the northeast spied, is an especially rough piece of detroit. turf drug dealing gangs here on the streets there. a bleak landscape of burned out houses, in abandoned cars. >> why would that take out all of his money out of his account? >> that was careful with his money. it didn't make sense. >> why would matt use an atm machine with a fee? >> so you don't see math doing this withdrawal, himself? >> no. i was hoping it was him. but, bedridden lineup or fit the picture at all. >> sunday came to an end. few people in that circle could sleep at night. the next day, one of the same near next by suburbs, -- would be pulled ahead log into the mystery around matt laundrie. >> she got the scare of her young life. >> coming up, as soon as i saw the check on the counter, i fell to gone on the back of my head. life and death drama at the bank. look at this have to do with math? when dateline continues. continues. ♪ breeze driftin' on by... ♪ if you've been playing down your copd,... ♪ it's a new dawn, it's a new day,... ♪'s time to make a stand. start a new day with trelegy. ♪...and i'm feelin' good. ♪ no once-daily copd medicine... has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy helps people breathe easier and improves lung function. it also helps prevent future flare-ups. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. take a stand and start a new day with trelegy. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy, and save at ♪♪ for skin that never holds you back. don't settle for silver. #1 for diabetic dry skin #1 for psoriasis symptom relief and #1 for eczema symptom relief. gold bond. champion your skin. let's get ready for jalapeñoooo popperrrrs! can you hand me some potato skins. theyyyy're loooaded! turns out, michael buffer speaks like that all the time. and it turns out the general is a quality insurance company that's been saving people money for nearly 60 years. and in this corner, coconuuuut shriiiiiimp! for a great low rate, and nearly 60 years of quality coverage - make the right call - and go with the general. let's get rrready for garlic breeeaaad! ♪ got my hair ♪ make the right call - and go with the general. ♪ got my head ♪ ♪ got my brains ♪ ♪ got my ears ♪ ♪ got my heart ♪ ♪ got my soul ♪ ♪ got my mouth ♪ ♪ i got life ♪ one is a become, where's matt we have to find? him >> i'd say, monday morning. >> matt, i protecting caller, had been off the grid for a day. that running silent scared everyone, especially his girlfriend. >> francesco, why did you start calling hospitals in police stations? >> because nobody's heard from him. i wanted to know of maybe got into a car accident, maybe he got a flat tire, maybe he was in a ditch, i don't know what happened. >> the parents, bob in doreen, we're getting more anxious by the minute. waiting by the phone, that never rang. it was monday when they call their local police. an officer came to the house. cops get these kind of reports from families very often. usually, they say he's a kid, give it some time, he'll walk in the door. >> yeah. he alluded to the fact that most of the time, these kids handed back crack houses but, eventually come home. we were saying to him, i pray to god you're right. i pray to god you are right. >> as the land reads worried, inside their house on monday. a few miles south, in harrison township, a young woman was walking towards the flag star bank. i was catching my >> first paycheck from dog candle. >> new job, first paycheck. >> yeah. >> sara remainer, to 19, notice a young guy was sunglasses on the street, definitely checking her out as she approached the bank. a creature out a little, but you try to ignore it, going directly to a tellers room. >> the man in the shade stormed in behind her, as seen in chilling detail. >> i handed in my check, as soon as i put the check on the counter, i felt a gun to the back of my head. >> then, all common collected, he began giving the bank teller instructions. where did he? say >> he said give me 50, 000, dollars or all killer. >> you could feel the gun on you? >> yeah. he presses it hard enough for me to be bent over the counter. he had his hand on the back of my neck. >> the teller resist of the band's demand for $50,000. she said she didn't have that money. the man with the gun continue to threaten sarah. so, give me $50, 000, or she's dead? >> yeah. >> how long this go on? >> not that long. she ended up opening the drawer and giving him what she did have. >> the robber then let go sarah, cross the bank lobby, grab some more cash of others he did fear. he wasn't done with a pretty blonde who had caught his eye. >> he came back over to me, grab me, and said, you have to come with me or kill you. >> what did you say? >> i sat down and said no. >> so you sat right down and -- >> it was a standoff, of sorts. the manhunt is firepower, sarah her willpower. >> he saying, get up you're going with? me >> yeah. he tried to pull me, saying, get up laurel kill you. and i just sat there, and he ended up running to the door. >> we begin with breaking news, out of macomb county, a manhunt underway, for a bank robber who hit a flag star bank in harrison township. >> the armed robbery had fled. bank employees and customers knew that they had literally dodged a bullet. police would say later, that sarah by refusing to go with him, had done everything right. they give you a lot of credit that you might have saved your life? >> i was just scared, i didn't want to go with him. it seemed like the best option. >> but that gunman gave the cops chills. a robbery, cool, poised, and seemingly all too ready to do whatever it took to pull off his crime. scott blackwell was a detective with chester field pd. >> normally bank robbers come in, pass a note, get the money and move on. this was a violent gang robbery. >> but, what did the brazen rihanna robber have to do with matt lambert? that connection would have to wait for the story told by a gas station atm, and the security camera pointed at it. >> coming up, i can't believe i'm doing this right now. searching two doses for my boyfriend. i don't know what to do. >> at last, a break in the case. >> huge development. >> when dateline continues. continues and senses my movement and effortlessly adjusts to help keep me comfortable. the sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now. only from sleep number. 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once again, here is dennis murphy, was taken. >> bob in dorian, parents of matt, the young man missing for the third day, could only pray that he had would walk in the door. police told them, often kids go off like, this is something to do with drugs. the parents were buying. it >> identified the pattern for. >> something innocent would explain mats innocence. >> we still had hope that it was something crazy. it was something -- would show up. >> something that we laugh. about >> but just in case it wasn't, matt's mother and girlfriend, after waiting the required 24 hours went, to matt's hometown police in chester field, to get an official missing person case going. >> bob stayed here, just in case. we wanted to make sure somebody was always here, at the house. >> at first, chester field pd told the land juries that it wasn't their case. they need to go to the cops in another jurisdiction. 13 miles south, where francesco lived, and warm that had last been seen. did you get the feeling that you are being rushed? on >> yes. >> it was a nuisance? case >> yes. he said wait in the. lobby >> was a family frustrated? >> i think they were frustrated. >> chester field detective soft black world was struck by -- anderson's integrity. >> i said, the right person will end up with this, and it will be taken care of. we want to leave you hang. >> detective blackwell was especially interested to read dorian's print out of the suspicious atm withdrawals from matt's account. >> he said, the first thing is going to do, is find out if this was even matt who did these. >> so, the detective hoping to find an answer on the security cam, went down to this to no coup. some of detroit's most crime ridden streets. >> i want to sam's club -- >> the gas nation owner, or moses rahimi, just three days were format went missing, had bought a new security camera system. the security camera system had a blind spot in the, backwards atm dispenser was. moses open the carton, -- it was the weekend. sun said, forget it, let's wait. >> i said, no, we're not going home until we put. this >> on the security cam video, detective blackwell was seeing something that filled him with dread. >> someone else is using his card. it's obvious foul play. >> the news didn't surprise me. for some reason, i was hoping it was matt. >> meanwhile, on that tuesday -- mats friends and family found out through the county, putting on flyers with mass face. they checked auto zone stores. maybe he'd stop by one of them for his broken car alarm. francesco was searching to, checking out dumpsters. >> i can't believe i'm doing this right now. searching through dumpsters from her boyfriend. i don't know what to do. >> as francesco moves south to detroit proverb, she saw a crash of police cars, flashing lights. she elbowed her way through the gawkers to see when everybody was looking at. it was matt's van in car. >> i was like, that's his car. >> big development? >> yes. >> francesco managed to put one of the police officers with -- they tell you about anything they found in the car at that point? >> he mentions some maps, but matt delivered pizzas. matt keeps maps in his car. >> by tuesday, august 11th, 2009, 21 year old madeleine laundrie's disappearance, had become tv news story. >> family members have been busy during last few days, handing out fliers. in the hopes, somebody will help them find math. >> in that same newscast, viewers were getting an update on a brazen bank stick up, the day before. >> young teenager, look of terror that is gripped detroit in fear -- >> just watching the news, like anybody else, was a police detective from rose ville. this was a vicious incident. >> very vicious. >> the detective watch the security cam picks of the banded in sunglasses, holding a gun to us young female. a bad crime, but still one that he never expected to investigate. >> didn't have anything to do with the city of rose ville, warm in. >> by the next day, the detective would prove himself wrong. he would be thick in the bank robbery case, as well as the disappearance of matt laundrie. a missing person report he knew virtually nothing about. but, dots we're getting connected. there was one more to come. >> coming up -- he's scared to death. could you get some of the. down another raise an attack on a bright afternoon. will it shed light on what might have happened to matt? >> you need to get the detective in there now. >> when dateline continues. and there you have it. woah. wireless on the most reliable network nationwide. wow. big deal. we get unlimited for just 30 bucks. sweet, but mine has 5g included. relax people. my wireless is crushing it. that's because you all have xfinity mobile with your internet. it's wireless so good, it keeps one-upping itself. take the savings challenge at or visit an xfinity store to learn how our switch squad makes it easy to switch and save hundreds. stories. 93-year-old, marilyn bergman, died saturday. in our los angeles home, best known for songs like, the way we were, and how you keep the music playing. her husband, who she teamed up with to write the songs, was at her bedside when she passed. a search is underway for a missing california student. 21-year-old, in the u.s., he fell to return home, december 30th, after canoeing in the pacific ocean. he was setting up clues for treasure hunt he was organizing. now, back to dateline. >> i just got. carjacked >> lieutenant blair thought the -- tuesday august 11th, 2009, when the call came. in a carjacking in progress at the walmart, just down the street. >> lyric and his fellow officers responded quickly. surprisingly, the carjacked car, a red civic was still in the parking lot. the vehicles owner was shaken up, but okay. >> he was approached at his driving -- by the suspect. >> this later? gun >> display the, gun told him to get out the car. >> and why didn't the gunman take off with the car? >> when you got in the car, to drive away, he did not drive stick. >> you're kidding? >> no. >> nearby, an officer star swatted by a never side man with a bad 70 zero for. week >> the chase was on. >> during the foot, chase it fell off. >> a guy who steals a car he doesn't know how to drive, and then molson to jimmy hendricks wig, might have been comical. but, this suspect on the road, was false alarmed. he >> was putting his hand in his pocket, possibly trying to get a gun. >> the gun in the clip were tossed away during foot chase that ended one police zap the man with, electrical charges, from taser gun like this one. when the jobs were off -- a familiar face so many unseen, just recently, on tv. >> he was standing right there, right in front of me, when i said, that's a bank warmer. >> the same i school banded who had a gun to name teen-year-old, sarah mei, nerd and demanded money. >> give me $50, 000, or all killer. >> violence us fact, involved in two things that we know of. who knows how many others. >> could one of those other things be a missing person. just that day, the detective had become aware that dorian landrieu had reported her son missing to the police. the place for matt's girlfriend lived. lieutenant larry can do something else, detroit police had just found the young man's car, abandoned in a bad neighborhood. he wondered, did the walmart suspects now, in his holding cell, have an appetite for carjackings? had he also, maybe, stored matt's car? by then, the car had been told to -- chester field. the detective called counterpart their, about his find. >> i told him, i think it felt related. can you get somebody to go into the car, without getting evidence, and see if there's anything that links the bank robbery to matt laundrie? sure enough, there was. >> it had to do with that math found inside mass car. when investigators got a closer look, they saw ex marks a spot, pinpointing the flag store bank. which the guy had robbed, and briefly held a 19-year-old hostage. now, lieutenant blair began filling in the blanks. he figured the guy who pulled off the bank job, was the same guy carjack matt laundries honda, with math in it. but, he wasn't ready to share his conclusion with mass parents. he had something to do, first. at 11:30, tuesday night, the detective and a partner went down to that bleak section of detroit, where matt's green honda had been ditched. we start looking for matt laundrie. >> so the question in your mind, are we going to find the body? or do you expect to find the sky bound inside? >> i don't know where we are going to find, but i was hoping he was still alive, that's why went out. >> two other people were searching that same bad neighborhood, then tuesday night. but, they were in the police. >> this is our first house that we looked at. two friends of matt's father they had come down to investigate on their own. >> you think your friend's son could be in one of these houses, you know you're gonna search until you find. >> the family friends, amateur detectives, armed with only a flashlight, manisha searcher dozens of homes many of them's burnt out showed's. a local guy challenge them. >> we have to tell them we are working on a case. he believed, like we were the police. >> the two friends, like the cops before them, also into the snow who station, and got the owner to play them the video of the 18 withdrawal made on matt's card. as the friend studied the security cam video, a clerk behind the -- was watching local news. a recap of the bank robbery story. it was a, hey, that same kind of moment. they swivel to heads, from the news clip of the bank robber, to the figure on their security cam, who was just withdrawing the money. bingo. >> we all put together that is the same guy. it's the same guy who did the bang robbery, same guy that used mats a atm card. >> once more, the guy will have the counter recognize the person in the atm security cam video. a local guy who went by the name -- the counter man said, he had been a gang member, and the violent thief. the friends told the laundrie's what they learned. akin named i hop had been behind the disappearance. the landrieu's heard on the local news but the very same guy was in police custody, for the botched carjacking. matt's mom called the roosevelt pd. >> i said, the man you're holding, who just robbed the bank, armed robbery, is the same man who used my sons debit card. and my son is missing. you need to get it is active in there, now, to talk to him. >> that detective would be lieutenant les blair, who just piece it altogether. now, he needed answers from the man they called ihop. the veteran cop had a few tricks up his sleeve to, get what he wanted. >> as detectives prepare for an intense interrogation, friends uncover troubling new information. an eyewitness on the day matt vanished. >> coming up, they're beating him up now >> when dateline continues. continues. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. ozempic® helped me get back in my type 2 diabetes zone. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? 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. don't you understand every minute counts. >> the lieutenant did every minute counts. not need, it. him and his >> to itching partner were eager to question the to question the suspect suspect, after they returned, where they from detroit, will they spent a long had spent a long night night searching for, with no matt with no result results. >>. we're >> we were checking just checking abandoned houses, burned houses, a garages burned up >> and you're seeing nothing? garages. >> and >> no you have seen nothing? evidence of >> no manager at all. >> evidence of matt at landry 3:45, at all, sir. a bone tired >> and blair, a 3:35 in the morning, and his partner, a bone tired devise interview lieutenant and his partner strategy hoping devise a new strategy, i hop would cost something up. hoping ihab we >> i was cough something up. just going to sit >> i was going to there in a chair, and was sit in the chair, and going to say anything. not say anything. >> the >> in the interrogation room, interrogation room, the other officer the other peppered the officer peppered the suspect with suspect with questions. questions. i hop was dodging but ihab was dodging them. them. so blair so ick he pulled an pulled an investigators trick to investigators trick grapple him. >>. >> i had a picture of i had matt laundrie, a picture of matt landry, in my instead of a notebook. notebook. so, we when i got to the point that got to the point where it it was obvious was obvious that this wasn't going that this was not anywhere, i going anywhere, i took at that took that picture and i held it up, picture, i held it and i said, up and i we said, we found him found him. . >> the reaction from him, he reaction from him? saw a ghost. he saw a ghost. he he saw a ghost. >> saw a ghost. but, not shaken >> but, not enough to spill shaken enough to spill whatever he might know whatever he might know about matt laundrie. about matt what do you landry. >> what do seeing, lieutenant, when you see, lieutenant, you're right there? when you are there with the >> guy, see anything in his just a cold, eyes? >> just careless, heartless a cold, callous, person. heartless person. he is he is definitely definitely near the top of the near the top of list, if not on the list, if not top on top of of one of the coldest people one of the coldest people i've ever i have ever talked. to >> the talked to. >> landrieu's headed home from the the landry roosevelt pd's headed home, from the roosevelt pd, satisfied last that the satisfied at last police were announcing their the police were now seeing son's disappearance their son's disappearance as they were as they were. their. gina, their daughter daughter, meanwhile,, was learning more was learning troubling information more troubling about her brother information about, something she her mother, had picked up on the something she picked internet. up on the internet. >> i >> we got a phone call from got a phone call from one of one of my best friends, my best friends, she said, and she said gina check or gina, check or facebook facebook when you get home when you get home. . there's an gina, there is important message. an important message >> the heads on their. >> up was from it was from a woman gina a woman gina had known in high school. had known in high >> her school. >> her parents had witnessed on parents witnessed on sunday, a violent carjacking sunday a violent carjacking,. and it was a green it was a green honda honda. >> 9-1-1 -- . in back of >> i am back quiz, no i'm not sure, but it at quiznos, i'm not looks like a robbery. sure, it looks like they got a guy cornered over a robbery, there's a guy here. cornered over here. >> the previous >> the previous sunday afternoon, the sunday afternoon, the police in police in yet yet another small city near another small city detroit, east here in detroit, point, got a 9-1-1 east call. point -- eastpointe got the distress witness a 9-1-1 call. it was was reporting apparent carjacking for an apparent, and carjacking, an abductions in the abduction in the parking lot here parking lot behind the quiz behind the quiznos no sub shop. sub shop. when the police but one police officers arrive, the karen officers arrived, the car in question was gone. question was gone, they weren't and they were not sure sure what they exactly what it was they had to write up. had to write up. the the incident at the quiz incident at the quiznos, knows when largely went largely unnoticed, until unnoticed. so matt sister got tip matt's sister to it by, was a friend online. tipped off by a friend so now you online. >> then, you are a lot of have a lot of that information introduced bad information at your puzzle? >> i just disposal, right? felt sick when i >> i felt sick when showed him on the facebook i showed my mom the facebook message, and it said message and then says carjacking at the quiz carjacking at a quiznos. knows. as soon as she said quiznos, >> as soon as she said quiz knows, i i said, said, that was that was the the last place that matt used his last place mathews's debit card debit card, , other than the atm. >> other than the atm. >> he's got a by the you got him neck, i think is put him by the neck now, i think in the trunk. they're he's putting him in the beating him up. trunk. pick him up hurry. now. hurry, >> with the hurry! >> well the 9-1-1 caller 9-1-1 had seen caller in fact had seen, was the abductions with the abduction of matt laundrie. of matt landry >> there. >> so was a missing piece of the there was a missing piece of the puzzle? puzzle. >> >> as francesca and as put it together, francesca bommarito put it it all started together, it all because your concern started because her concerned boyfriend had boyfriend had decided on his own, decided on his that she, own, that she, feeling crummy, feeling needed to tlc crummy, some which needed to get back on her feet. a tlc sandwich to get back on >> he had mentioned to the gorilla quiz her feet. >> why knows, my should mention to the girl girlfriend is sick at quiznos,, i don't know where to my girlfriend is sick, get her, can you help me? that is can you help me. >> why he got two subs. >> two subs that started two subs that started a three-day a three-day crime crime spree in the detroit spree in suburbs. the detroit from the quiz knows an suburbs. from the quiznos east point, on sunday in eastpointe on sunday afternoon afternoon,, spreading spreading ten miles ten miles to the fly star -- bank in harrison at high township -- noon on monday township, in monday, and, ending an eight miles eight miles away at the away at the walmart in rose ville, wal-mart in rose midday on tuesday ville, on. tuesday. bad news, bad bad pads. news? that matt's family and patterns. but matt's friends were still family and friends are clinging to a sliver still cleaning to a sliver of hope. of hope. >> >> like you still alive somewhere, still alive somewhere. maybe he is just tied up, maybe he is just tied up, holding him at a crack house for something. maybe, maybe, maybe. >> you had a dream? >> a dream, before he meant -- went missing, he was kidnapped. i found him in the basement, tied to an old-time heater. >> five days, in a joint police task force have been formed to search the basements of burned out homes on detroit's northeast side, where the car had been found. the same suburban police departments who initially could not agree on whose case it was now came together for one purpose, to find matthew landry. from chester field, where he live, rose ville, where he was last seen with francesca, and where the wal-mart carjacking went down, and east point, where he had been abducted at the quiznos. >> we are working on the gangs in it, and detroit pd. and they had been growing frustrating, block by block, not much luck with anything. and then, there is thursday. >> yes. then there is thursday. >> thursday, august 13th, 2009, a task force was out in strength. 15 officers, banging on doors, issuing search warrants, pressuring gang members who may have known the suspect called ihop. >> i have a son, i made a promise to doreen, as it even though it's not rosario's jurisdiction, i will do whatever i can to help you find your son. >> helping, walking the mean streets. >> it's a rough neighborhood. s a rothe >> fellow truthful detective at the time. >> we're coming to dead ends, we walk out of one of the houses, and there is a penny lying on the streets. i have a heads up, i picked it up and said this is it. short time after that, we went for a ride. >> it was the first house they checked after blarek found the lucky penny, minutes before. >> and how we got here, why we got here, i can't explain that one. >> it was now 10:30 in the morning. >> i saw what looks like a little footpath, someone had gone through their. in the summer i made my way up to what used to be a porch, i looked in, the house was all burned out. i picked around the corner and saw some flip flops. i stepped in further, and i saw the body itself. >> in the august swelter, the body had decomposed beyond recognition. they knew they had a white male, with an apparent gunshot wound to the head. the victim had been wearing jeans, and tell tale flip flops. >> not the outcome that we wanted. >> but at least he had his phone. >> the hometown detective, scott blackwell, rushed over from nearby streets to find the finding. >> when i saw this body, i knew it was him. >> the detectives immediate concern was to let the laundrie snow, the most humane way possible, before the media was on to them. he called his chief of police. >> the chief of police, he came to the front door. i knew when he walked in ... i could tell by the look on his face what he was going to kill me. i did not want to hear it. after i got done crying, i wanted to take a shower, like i could wash it all away. my matt. >> coming up. could one man have done in this? >> five foot six, 280 pounds, matt could take me out. he was that strong. >> maybe one man did not. when dateline continues. dateline continues. 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>> no, born in libya. >> his attorney, joseph cause mullet says ihab masalmani came to michigan to live with relatives, who according to juvenile court records, neglected him. he then entered the states child welfare system, and it did not go well. fleeing foster homes for a life, and detroit's gangrened thief side. >> my job here is to make sure he gets the best, fair trial he can get. >> state your name for the record. >> ihab masalmani. >> he faced a slew of charges, including murder, kidnapping, carjacking in the matt landry case, bank robbery in the flag star stick of, and carjacking in the wal-mart incident. he pleaded not guilty of all charges. >> maybe his best shot is ironically, a homicide? >> correct. i will not admit my client committed a bank robbery, committed a carjacking or a felony. however, those cases are very strong cases for the prosecution. >> evidently, the bank's security cameras, apparently, showing him brandishing a gun. news from the wal-mart, including a discarded gun, do not lie. however -- >> a homicide is not a homicide. >> police never found a gun or bullet at the deaf house that match the gun they recovered at the walmart. >> nobody can put a gun in ihab masalmani's hand. >> he had been charged alone in the walmart carjacking and flag star bank heist. >> they're hitting him now, they hit him in the face, they -- they are beating him up now. >> but there were two assailants who attacked matt, at the quiznos, according to the 9-1-1 caller. he had been double teamed, and explanation, his friends say, for this powerfully fifth drummer was taken against his will. >> he was six foot six, 280 pounds. matt could take me out. matt was that strong. >> after his body was found, the task force continued going through northeast detroit for quiznos suspect number two. sources squeezed on the street told the cops, they should look for 16-year-old robert taylor. >> we flooded that area, we shut down the drug trade in that area. >> you guys are out for business? >> we destroyed the business, in one week. we made a statement to them. therefore, i believe that they made a statement, to fat daddy, you better get out of our neighborhood, so we turned himself in. >> robert taylor was also charged with murder and kidnapping in the quiznos abduction. he pleaded not guilty. at the trial, the defense theorized that matt had gone voluntarily, with ihab masalmani and robert taylor. >> they were going down to do a drug deal. and then what happened happened. >> any reason to think that he would have known who those guys were, like, a drug purchase gone bad or anything? >> we believe it was totally random. >> wrong place, wrong time. could have been anyone. >> these detectives have advice for anyone ambushed in broad daylight, or even at night. >> at no time should you allow someone to take you from point a to point b. >> do not go? >> don't go. >> fight, fight to the death, period. once you are on their turf, it is over. >> you know, she says i'm not going with you, at that bank. >> that is what saved her life. >> grass is growing, my flowers are blooming, but i am just dead inside. just dead inside. >> in the days after she lost her son, a grief stricken doreen landry went public with the cause important to her. be condemned, burnt around and abandon houses in detroit that area gangs called home. >> i am pleading to the mayor of detroit, that area needs to be cleaned up. it's nothing but a garbage pit. >> there are thousands of houses in detroit that are abandoned. that they live in. >> just knock them down? >> flatten them. >> in fact, in 2010, the detroit mayor started a project to do just that. the house where matt's body has been found was demolished. ihab masalmani was convicted of first degree murder, kidnapping and carjacking, and sentenced to life in prison without parole. robert taylor was also convicted of murder, and he was also serving a life sentence without parole. both have appealed their sentences. >> it took literally one second, one second to end matthew's life. and, in that one second, that has literally turned our family upside down. >> matt's funeral service, as that days program explained, was intended to remember the joy, the laughter, the smiles. and no one would forget on that sad day, matt was also a rocker. >> matt was a drummer, but he had an acoustic guitar, he would always start stairway to heaven. and it seemed like, they were times, you've grown a little bit more, learned a little bit more of it, taught himself to do it. and we asked the priest, father, i know this is unusual. but i said, if you have anyone who could play stairway to heaven, that would be beautiful. he said, let me see what i can do. >> so he came up with a group of musicians to honor matt with a song that he loved, about a symbolic stairway, that he climbed way too soon. >> and it was so beautiful. and it was just perfect. matthew would have loved it. >> that is all for this edition of dateline. i am natalie morales, thanks for watching. for watching >> i am craig melvin. >> and i am natalie morales. >> and this is dateline. >> i was just in hysterics, crying. like, there is blood on the pillow. >> somebody was stalking the young women of reno. and now, one of them had vanished. >> obviously, there was, you know, something really bad. >> her name, brianna. she was just 19 years old. >> just wanted to say to my

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Wireless , 5g , Network , Big Deal , Sweet , Bucks , 30 Bucks , 30 , Store , Savings , Stories , Switch Squad , Hundreds , Xfinity , Husband , Songs , Music Playing , Marilyn Bergman , Los Angeles , 93 , Search , Canoeing , Pacific Ocean , U S , California Student , December 30th , Clues , Treasure Hunt , Wal Mart , Carjacking , Les Blair , Officers , Carjacked , Progress , Lyric , Suspect , Parking Lot , Owner , Vehicles , Driving , Red Civic , Didn T The Gunman , Stick , Display , Star Swatted , On The Road , Foot , Chase , Wig , Jimmy Hendricks , 70 , Zero , Charges , Taser Gun , Clip , Pocket , Zap , Front , On Tv , Jobs , Violence , I School Banded , Nerd , Son , Car , Lieutenant , Carjackings , Holding Cell , Appetite , Counterpart , Find , Bank Robbery , Investigators , Evidence , Enough , Flag Store Bank , Look , Bank Job , Spot , Ex , Hostage , Blanks , Partner , Conclusion , Guy Carjack Matt Laundries , Body , Question , Where Matt S , Sky , Father , Friend , Amateur Detectives , Dozens , Homes , Many , Flashlight , Gonna Search , Manisha Searcher , Snow , Station , On Matt , Bank Robbery Story , Clerk , Recap , Video , 18 , Put , News Clip , Figure , Bingo , Atm Card , Atm Security Cam , Bang Robbery , Guile , Landrieu , Thief , Gang Member , Akin , Debit Card , Sons , Holding , Police Custody , Roosevelt Pd , Detectives , Information , Interrogation , Sleeve , Tricks , Cop , Ihop , Veteran , Eyewitness , Oh Ozempic , Oh , Adults , A1c , Weight , Heart Disease , 12 , Isn T , Type 1 Diabetes , Heart Attack , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Share , Events , Stroke , Reuse , Needles , Pens , Don T Take Ozempic , Side Effects , Reaction , Stomach Pain , Lump , Help , Stop Ozempic , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Pancreatitis , Vision Problems , Insulin , Kidney Problems , Type 2 Diabetes , Changes , Blood Sugar Risk , Sulfonylurea , Nausea , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Dehydration , Provider , Prescription , Health Care Provider , Arthritis , Aspercreme Arthritis , Swords Clashing , 25 , 3 , Strength , Inflammation , Kick Pain , Gods , Car Vending Machines , Car Buying , Announcer , Control , Carvana , Penny , Numbers , Aren T , Down Payment , Payment , Financing , Browse , Budget , Terms , Pay , Credit Score , Ride , Curse , Medusa , Uhh , Bit , Buzz Kill , Prime , Clever Girl , Eugh , Play , Sleep , Circadian Rhythm , Heart Rate , Breathing Rate , Care , Temperature Balancing , Science , Facts , Missing , Landers , August 12th , August 12th 2009 , Wednesday August 12th , Tape , Him Holding Bank , Girls , Mask Card , Guy Death , That Girl , Street Name Ihab , Street Name , Holding A Cell , Side , Desperate , Pd , Pressuring , Answers , Whereabouts , Disappearance Whereabouts , Rose Bowl Ville Pd , Anyone , Police Station , Gina , Facebook , Sister , Anybody , Heat , Interview , Brother , Playstation , Jean , Person , Power Show , Him Question , Don T You , Matt , Result Results , Garages , Long Night Searching For , Bone , Strategy , Chair , Ihab , Interview Lieutenant , Manager , Sir , Sit , Say Anything , 35 , 45 , Matt Landry , Questions , Interrogation Room , Investigators Trick , Dodging , Ghost , Notebook , Saw , Whatever , Top , List , Seeing , Cold , Eyes , Callous , Heartless A Cold , Headed Home , Landry Roosevelt Pd , Message , Up , Phone Call , Heads , Brother Information , Quiznos , Quiz , High , High School , School , Honda 9 1 , Abductions , Abduction , Apparent , Eastpointe , Sunday Afternoon , Witness , East , East Call , They Weren T , Tip Matt , Karen Officers , Quiz Incident , Puzzle , Quiz Carjacking , Disposal , Mathews , Ii Said , Trunk , There , Beating , Hurry , Got A , Concern , Feet , Tlc Crummy , She , Girl Girlfriend , Gorilla Quiz , Tlc Sandwich , Feeling Crummy , Own , Subs , Star , Sick , Spree , East Point , Fly , On Sunday In Eastpointe Afternoon , Monday Township , Ten , Somewhere , Sliver , On , Bad News , Pads , Clinging , Walmart In Rose Ville , Tuesday Ville , Eight , Dream , Crack House , Basements , Burned Out Homes On Detroit , Heater , Police Task Force , Police Departments , Northeast Side , Matthew Landry , Purpose , Block By , Pressuring Gang Members , Task Force , Doors , Search Warrants , Thursday , August 13th , Thursday August 13th 2009 , 15 , Promise , Jurisdiction , Helping , Rosario , Rothe , Ends , Heads Up , Penny Lying , This Is It , Blarek , Footpath , Porch , Summer , 10 , Swelter , Recognition , Flip Flops , Jeans , Hometown Detective , Male , Gunshot Wound , Victim , Outcome , Tell Tale Flip Flops , Finding , Media , Chief , Chief Of Police , Humane , 280 , Band Plays , Allstate , Radio , Sfx , Hands , Bit Wrong , Protection , Auto Rate , Song , Journal , Reworking Of Last Kiss , Pearl Jam , Second , Light , Mash Up , Love , Bands , Instrument , Hellhole , Cause , Killing Matt , Workers , Gunshot , Examiner , Arrest , Ihab Masalmani , Joseph Cause Mullet , Country , Fingerprints , Libya , 17 , Child Welfare System , Relatives , Thief Side , Gangrened , Juvenile Court Records , Fleeing Foster Homes , Murder , Kidnapping , Trial , Name , Estate , Record , Slew , Homicide , Client , Shot , Star Stick Of , Correct , Cases , Security Cameras , Felony , Prosecution , Evidently , Deaf House , Assailants , Star Bank Heist , Attacked Matt , Friends Say , Will , Robert Taylor , Sources , Number , Northeast Detroit , 16 , Area , Statement , Drug Trade , Fat Daddy , Defense , Quiznos Abduction , Purchase , Drug Deal , Drug , Advice , Grass , Turf , Point A , Fight , Don T Go , Point B , Flowers , Grief , Public , Mayor , Houses , Thousands , Garbage Pit , Project , 2010 , Both , Sentences , Degree , Life Sentence Without Parole , Upside Down , No One , Funeral Service , Laughter , Smiles , Joy , Stairway To Heaven , Times , Rocker , Acoustic Guitar , Priest , Musicians , Stairway , Group , Blood , Hysterics , Pillow , Young Women Of Reno , Brianna , My ,

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