Transcripts For MSNBC Dateline 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Dateline 20240709

even exploring the idea that her only daughter had been murdered. >> as the years went by the case grew cold in till a reporter he did it up again. stayed up all night, reading that file. and it was astonishing. >> it turns out, there was a lot less of this marriage that meant the eye. >> he cheated on vicky the, day before they got married, and the day after they got married. >> but not everybody cheating heart hides a killer. >> you could hear members of the jury gasp. >> hello and welcome to dateline. when it comes to solving a crime, time can be the enemy. this is a story of a murder, that after seven years, my never have been solved. the victim, a new mother, had been forgotten by almost everyone, except a complete stranger, determined to find justice. >> and the lore of the lone star state, texas law mean ranked pretty high. the good guys in the white hats. their badge brought prestige. the gunfights, the history books. but, in the modern-day town of dayton texas -- literally, outside of the big d, dallas. served one texas lawmen, with curious past. all locked up in a box. >> no one laughed at the police department, had any idea what's inside the box. >> well, they knew the basics. the box so little of a -- a new mother, found dead in her bedroom. a cops bedroom. her husband's bedroom. >> oh god, my wife as a gunshot. >> but the box eventually fell silent. to every year, but one. >> the whole time, i felt that vicky was there. she was there with me, and that she was going to see what's going to happen. >> vicky was virginia parish, a quiet girl, sweetest texas tea, and loyal, with a touch as soft as a dark blond hair. >> vicky excelled at everything that she tried to do. >> robin, in valérie -- were crew, friends as long as i can remember. from barbie to boyfriends and, everything in between. >> we had a wonder years type. life middle class, maybe not really privileged, but sharing bicycle, sharing skates, getting out, playing. we had unusual circumstances when we had five girls within a block, all the same age. so, we were a gang of girls. >> complete with, then, normally in securities. for her part, vicky was a little chunky. she had braces, and was far more the bookworm than the social butterfly. >> very happy child. tsai, but happy. >> shyness that was especially evident about boys. except one. bobby lozano. >> once they started dating, if i saw vicky, i saw bobby. >> they hooked up the summer after vicky graduated from high school. bobby was older, and in a job, working at his found these guys. station >> i saw him as the outcast, loner type. on his own. everybody knew of bobby, but nobody knew him very well. and, he didn't hang out with anybody, except for vicky. constantly. >> so, what do you think vicky saw in bobby? >> he showed her immense attention. >> that attention seemed to be the sunlight that vicky needed to blossom. her friends soon saw different vicky. on the outside, at. least >> it was like, wow, she found that side of herself. she enjoyed it, it was always there, but she just didn't know how to bring it out. >> she was a swan. she turned out to be a very pretty woman. >> was a bobby? maybe. he eventually changed, to. he joined the police academy, and in time, he didn't look so bad either. >> when he went to the police academy, he got puffed up. he was on a tactical squad. he had on these kamala looking gear, gun strapped all over the place. >> he always looks very official. >> it was pretty cool-looking, i have to admit. i was a little jealous. >> they were two young lovers in the lone star state, who are coming into their own, together. there was a wedding, and of course, careers. vicky became elementary school teacher. a good one at that. says fellow teacher, christy kirk. >> i admired had she had this classroom management. to get a bunch of fifth graders to line up, and stay in line, and walk down the hall, but they did it with love and respect. they did it because they loved her. >> the only person who pre more loyal to vicky, was bobby. who had seemed, it could he couldn't bear to be a part of. her >> he seem like the doting husband, who would show about lunch, show up after school sometimes. he was just around all the time. unlike, most of their spouses. even the other newlyweds at school, their husbands and show up like bobby did. >> everyone wondered, how did he find the time. he had been promoted to detective, at the pd. a rising star as brett's badge. fellow officers like, lee howell, said he was good. very good. >> he was very thorough. very meticulous in his work, as he was in his -- in a lot of his personal life. >> few new bobby better than richard. he was a social worker at the department, and funnily enough, saw a lot of bobby's social -- along with his wife. >> they look like a half a couple. there was a close together, joke around, hold hands, give each other a pack. >> the casing on their seemingly perfect cake, came in 2001. a baby boy, named monte. vicky was wildly happy. on the verge of their 16th wedding anniversary, it seemed that dulles on knows how did all. good jobs, good family, good home. more than 5000 square feet, and supplemental income, from vicky's income, who lived with him. she even paid for part of that house. but, on july 5th, 2002, bobby and vicky celebrated the anniversary that would be their last. >> i need an emergency ambulance, my wife as a gunshot. >> the next night, bobby came home to find a horrific scene, vicky covered in blood, shot through the chest. lying in their bedroom. >> is she breathing? >> no. >> no? okay. >> she would never get out of bed again. >> coming up, i'm not so tearful farewell from a husband to a dead wife. >> he looks at her and says, will take care. he turns and walks in the house. >> when dateline continues. n dateline continues ♪ breeze driftin' on by... ♪ if you've been playing down your copd,... ♪ it's a new dawn, it's a new day,... ♪'s time to make a stand. start a new day with trelegy. ♪...and i'm feelin' good. ♪ no once-daily copd medicine... has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy helps people breathe easier and improves lung function. it also helps prevent future flare-ups. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. take a stand and start a new day with trelegy. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy, and save at ♪♪ for skin that never holds you back. don't settle for silver. #1 for diabetic dry skin #1 for psoriasis symptom relief and #1 for eczema symptom relief. gold bond. champion your skin. let's get ready for jalapeñoooo popperrrrs! can you hand me some potato skins. theyyyy're loooaded! turns out, michael buffer speaks like that all the time. and it turns out the general is a quality insurance company that's been saving people money for nearly 60 years. and in this corner, coconuuuut shriiiiiimp! for a great low rate, and nearly 60 years of quality coverage - make the right call - and go with the general. let's get rrready for garlic breeeaaad! ♪ got my hair ♪ make the right call - and go with the general. ♪ got my head ♪ ♪ got my brains ♪ ♪ got my ears ♪ ♪ got my heart ♪ ♪ got my soul ♪ ♪ got my mouth ♪ ♪ i got life ♪ how could so much happen in just a half an hour? that's the size of time policeman bobby lozano says he was away from home, only to return to find his wife vicky shot through the chest. >> is she breathing? >> now. >> no, okay. >> rescuers and investigators raced to the scene, one of their own was in trouble. richard gadot, a bobbies coworker at the police department, was one of the first to get the call. >> i'm driving down there, saying, let me help the me help these people. which i always do when i got on a call like that, because an you never know what you're gonna go into. >> but this was different? >> it was different. >> different and difficult. bobby was a friend, and so is vicky. and now she lay dead in the couples bedroom. questions world, as richard approached the sergeant outside bobby's house. i said what happened, he said he came home and found vicky in the head and she has a gunshot wound to her chest. >> inside, bobby was waiting for his old friend. tense, it seemed. but at the ready with the details of a terrible preamble totally on the bed. >> bobby told richard, he left home only briefly, and come back to find vicky shot. his gun cleaning kit lay right beside her. >> he said before he left, he took his gun out, and he was gonna clean it. because vicky and him were gonna go to the range in the next day. he told me, she must of been trying to clean my gun, because she likes to tinker with stuff. and she may have tried to clean my gun, and it may have accidentally went off. >> police photos show the grisly result. her wound was fatal. vicky was gone. her mother arrived home later that evening, to a crowd of investigators. the castle she helped pay for had now become her daughter's coffin and it fell to richard to break the news. >> oh no, not my vicky. not my vicky. and she sobs whaling and, bobby what happened. she's screaming at him, you never forget the sound of a mother who's lost her child, the whaling of that sound. >> somehow, in the middle of all that grief, viki mother offered a theory. >> she said, did the dogs jump up and make the gun go off? >> she said that right away? >> i thought that was kind of odd. >> these dogs, small ones, could've startled vicky, he surmised. but how could that have led to a wound in the middle virtuous. >> the only way i gun can go off and see if you pull the trigger. you are not gonna sit on the table and it's gonna go off. >> this scene puzzled investigators, and the more they observed bobby's demeanor, the more puzzle day became. >> they seem agitated though? >> he seemed uncomfortable with how she was reacting. he appeared uncomfortable with the emotions that where they are in the room. because it was some heavy stuff, it was really thick with emotions and grief. >> as heavy and as emotional as that scene was, it wasn't for bobby? >> he didn't seem to be joining in that emotion with everyone. there is no tears, he's like grimacing. faking like he's -- forcing himself to cry. but there's nothing there. paramedics also wondered. bobby had insisted on a 9-1-1 call that he tried to revive vicky with cpr. but to luke shull, the lead paramedic, one look at bobby made that seem unlikely, he certainly was not perspiring like someone who had done cpr efforts. he didn't appear to have any blood on him, which would have been very obvious based on the insurance wound of that bullet, and where the hands will be placed on the chest for cpr. >> and speaking of blood, luke noticed victories, it had settled around her ankles around her back. it was another key steppingstone for investigators, who knew right away but that evidence met. >> what did the polling of the blood tell you? >> that she had been deceased for a substantial amount of time. >> it seemed, viki couldn't have been a live a half hour earlier, the way bobby had said. >> you had a pretty good sense from the get-go that night that something wasn't right? >> sure, i think, anybody that walks into that scene is going to think the same thing. something just doesn't fit right, it doesn't feel right. >> but the piece that really didn't fit, was bobby's farewell to vicky. >> bobby told me, i want to see her before you take her. >> the medical examiner stop the stretcher she was being wheeled out on. body bags unzipped. and then, bobby uttered the strangest thing. >> all of our sudden he looks at her and says, we'll take care. >> take care? >> he turns and walks in the house. for some to say take care, i just walked back inside like nothing happened, i thought that was really cold. maybe reality staring back from a body bag was too much for bobby to bear, maybe being a detective had left him harden to death. or maybe, bobby didn't really care about viki the way everyone had thought. as night turn to don, and investigators pored over the scene, not a single piece of evidence pointed one way or the other. accident? suicide? or homicide? viki's final moments where a mystery. viki's fbut there was nothing mysterious about what bobby had been up to. coming up. >> i said, well, the problem with that, bobby, is that most guys that are married they don't date. >> when dateline continues. >> when dateline continues why does walgreens offer prescription copays as low as zero dollars? ♪ ♪ so you won't have a medicare in the world. ♪ ♪ plus, 90-day refills and same day delivery. larry? that's even less to medicare about. fill your medicare prescriptions with walgreens and save. ♪ ♪ ♪ this is how we do it.. ♪ turns out, montell jordan knows how to do almost everything. and it turns out the general is a quality insurance company that's been saving people money for nearly 60 years. for a great low rate, and nearly 60 years of quality coverage, go with the general. do you struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep? and nearly 60 years of quality coverage, qunol sleep formula combines 5 key nutrients that can help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake up refreshed. the brand i trust is qunol. vicky lozano never saw her 37th birthday, but she had just celebrated her 16th wedding anniversary and was toasting being a new mother, to. but just 24 hours after their anniversary dinner, her husband, bobby, a texas cop, came home to find vicky shot through the chest. bobby says vicky was cleaning his gun, when it accidentally went off. but to his fellow officers, sympathy soon gave way to skepticism. you don't normally see somebody clean a gun in the bed, and their pajamas, partially covered up, and accidentally shoot themselves in the chest. it just didn't add up. >> lee howell was in the charge of the investigation for the police department that night, and he was puzzled. he says bob didn't act like a grieving. husband >> he made no effort with any information. >> which left the evidence to tell the tale. first investigators took a closer look at that gun cleaning kit found on the bed next to vicky. >> it didn't look to me like somebody had been cleaning the gun. a local ex had just been placed there, as a prop. >> then, they examine the gun itself. >> the gun was dripping in oil, you could see where it was lying on top of a sheet of newspaper. >> there was that? much >> yes. it looked to me like somebody had taken the gun and just sprayed it down with a count of oil. i mean, it was literally soaked. >> and yet, vicky didn't have any oil on her. not a drop. >> nothing on her? hands >> nothing on her. hansen >> accident seemed unlikely, but so, two, did suicide. >> the way that she was lying there, i would be very awkward, very unusual position for her to have shot herself. it would fit perfectly for somebody standing next to the bed, over her, pushing the gun down toward her. >> the clue spoke, but in a confusing language. so did the key players. police were really stumped by vicky's own mother. >> she was adamant that she want us to find an accident. she made that very clear. i was really shocked that she reacted the way the cheated. >> what was her demeanor? >> very defensive lobby. refused to believe that he could have anything to do with it. she flat out told us, if we find anything besides an accident, that we would not be doing vicky a service. >> but it was bobby who remain the most perplexing. his written statement about the events of the night his wife died sounded more like a dime store novel, then a report from police officer. >> i would have to say was the most bizarre statement ever, that i've seen, that was given by a witness or suspect in a criminal case. 85, 90% of his statement was extraneous information and typically, that's a good indication that somebody is being deceptive. >> to investigators, it was troubling. to bobby's friends, his behavior sounded familiar. >> many who knew bob often surmise that there was something behind the badge that wasn't quite what it seemed. as a husband, there were questions,. to like those schoolyard visits bobby always paid to vicky at lunchtime. her fellow teachers thought it was just a loving gesture at first, but then they began to suspect the visits were really about something else. >> i think he wanted to see which she was eating. he wanted to be in control of the calorie she took in, and because weight was such a issue for him. >> he was as obsessed with? it >> oh, he would weigh or at the gym. >> in fact, he was so militant about her weight, that for more than a decade of their marriage, he had denied her the one thing you want most in life, a child. christy asked about vicky about that once, and couldn't believe the response. >> she did even answer. she just turned around and went to a wallet and pulled out this picture of herself and showed it to me. she said, bobby makes me carry this picture of myself to remind me how fattah used to be. and he doesn't want me to get pregnant because he doesn't want me to get fat. >> this was an abomination that vicky was healthy, this was about making sure that vicky was -- >> thin. thin. because appearance which is so important to. i'm >> not vicky's appearance, his own two. >> he was obsessed with his body, his body image, in terms of always working out, has to be bought, looking good. >> looking back, richard said it was almost comical how self assess bobby was. he never had a hair out of place, how does eyebrows waxed, and was insistent on tanning, which never made sense to richard. >> i'd always tell him, dude why do you tend? mexicans, we don't go to tanning booths, were brown enough. he says, i don't want my begin to fade. i said dude, it's genetic, it's not gonna fade. >> fade hardly, bobby sparkled. he was always pressed, always crisp, always pristine, and always high-end everything. it was a lot of effort richard thought, not to look good for his wife, but to look good to others. which are told investigators that bobby had wandering eyes under those waxed eyebrows. how did he know? richard had a young intern working for him at the department, and bobby had taken notice. >> he says, hey would you mind if i took out to dinner? >> >> i asked, him is vicky? going he says no, i want to take her out. >> he said that straight out? >> yeah. and i thought wow, you know the problem with that, you know, bobby most guys that are married, they don't date. >> wouldn't he say? >> he says, all right, but we have a problem with it? >> richard knew bobby had made up his mind, all he could do was warn his intern. >> i'm thinking, if he's asking you out, i'm wondering how many other people's asking out. i said, he's married, you might want to keep that in mind, but i don't think he's ever gonna leave vicky. >> richard had no idea how prophetic he was being. bobby never deadly vicky, but he did leave his marriage vows in tatters. not just with intern, but with woman after another four years. bobby's off-duty lifestyle was more crowded than investigators ever thought. >> coming up, did bobby's cheating drive vicky to take her own life? the >> district attorney, said now i have to make a cynical examiners who were saying suicide. when dateline continues. when dateline continues. i was injured in a car crash. i had no idea how much my case was worth. i called the barnes firm. when a truck hit my son, i had so many questions about his case. i called the barnes firm. it was the best call i could've made. your case is often worth more than insuran call the barnes firm to find out i could've made. what your case could be worth. we will help get you the best result possible. ♪ the barnes firm, injury attorneys ♪ call one eight hundred,est resul eight million ♪ ♪ twhen a truck hit my car, injury attorneys ♪ cthe insurance company est rewasn't fair.illion ♪ i didn't know what my case was worth. so i called the barnes firm. i was hit by a car and needed help. i called the barnes firm, that was the best call i could've made. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to know how much their accident case is worth. let our injury attorneys help you get the best result possible. hi, i'm richard louis, with ♪ the barnes firm injury attorneys ♪ ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ your hour's top stories, a list six people are dead and dozens or injured after a ball of rock job to voters at a brazilian lake. officials suggest heavy rains may have caused it, as many as 20 unidentified individuals may be missing. in india, several million covid-19 deaths have mostly likely gone under reported according to a series of recent studies that suggest the country's death toll from the virus is higher than what it has been officially tallied by the government. now, back to dateline. nt now, back to dateline. it's early july, 2002, just before a viki lozano, was found dead you. we -- at the time, didn't know that bobby had been having a series of affairs. neither did his family, says lee howell, who headed up the investigation for the denton police. >> his family thought that he was the hardest working guy in the police department, because he was always out late at night, sometimes overnight, he was being called out all the time, doing surveillance. >> made it sound like it was a very busy department. >> right. >> a lot of mid night crime. >> but a philanderer doesn't make a murderer. and investigators still didn't have any new clues into why the key died. even the medical event examiner threw up his hands. we viki's cause of death was undetermined. there wasn't enough to point a homicide, suicide, or even an accident. >> there was an obituary that did not say how she died. >> they are the kind of loosens that crime reporters love. and at the denton record chronicle, donna fielder was no exception. she knows around a bit and stumbled on a curious series of departures. >> three weeks after his wife's death, bobby resign from the police department. that gave me a really good clue that something was up. >> but bobby's resignation wasn't the only one. >> cindy waters, another police officer, resigned at the same time. >> she was also a detective with no obvious reason to quit the force. but donna had noticed that over the previous year and a half, cindy waters had dropped about 60 pounds. it is just insistent that people around him, people he had control over v unfit and been slim. had to be the other woman he was seen at the time of his her death. >> cindy, he figured, was just the latest in a long line. >> i said, you're not allowed with any of these women, you are in love with the idea of been in love. and you like the feeling that you get when you are dating, you're partying, it's the chase. >> that maybe cindy was different from the other women. could she have had anything to do with vicky's death? investigators wondered the same thing. >> in fact, they questioned her, and found out she had threatened to walk if bobby didn't divorce vicky like he promised. his wife hat was a problem that had to be taken care of. that had all the makings of a possible murder. what's more, bobby had over $1 million in life insurance on vicky. in light of that, and all the rest of the evidence, as circumstantial as it was, finally, six months after vicky died. a grand jury indicted bobby lozano, for his wife's murder. the theory that bobby had killed viki, so you wouldn't lose sandy. even though she didn't know anything about what investigator said bobby was up to. problem was, the indictment stint didn't stick. a year and a half later, out of the blue, district attorney decided, he didn't have enough evidence to prosecutor after all. the indictment was dismissed. bobby was free. and still, no one knew what's really happened to vicky. >> the reasons given were strange. they did make sense. i couldn't make them fit when i knew. >> but really didn't fit was the advice of an out of town medical examiner. >> the district attorney said, i counseled the this guy from chicago, and he said that it was suicide. and he has communicated that tim and medical examiner who did the autopsy, and he now agrees. so now i have two medical examiners who are telling me suicide. so i cannot continue with this case. >> but that wasn't really the case, the medical examiner has changed his mind? >> he had not changed his mind. it still said undetermined on the medical examiner's website. >> confusing? yes. final? it seems so. the case of viki lozano, was put in a box, sealed in an evidence room. and was soon forgotten by almost everyone. except, donna. >> did this become an obsession? >> pretty much. i just found this help empathy for her. >> that box in the evidence room, held the key. but as far as police were concerned, it was off limits to the media. >> there comes a point in the way i cover stories, when i actually feel like i know the victim. i began to feel like and new vicky, and i felt like vicky was getting a really, broad deal here, i want to justice for vicky, she was vicky's voice. and vicky was about to be heard. as donna finally got her hands on that box. i was just so excited, i was like a kid at christmas. wow, just what i wanted. we >> coming up, i would not be one bobby lozano wanted. the totality of that case was so strong, that bobby luciano had shot and killed his wife. when dateline continues. wife when dateline continues. when dateline continues. 2 diabetes zone? 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>> so what kept you going? >> vicky would still there, and she had not had any data so. >> she kept at it, and finally a worn down police department relented. giving donald that box, after a formal written request. the archeological details of viki's life and death, we're now in the hands of what the one person, it seems, who still cared. >> i stayed up all night reading that file. and it was astonishing. and there wasn't a place that said, and sat then someone looked in the window, and someone shot or. but the totality of that case was so strong, i had no doubt whatsoever when i finished reading that report, that bobby lozano had shot and killed his wife. >> the overly detailed statement that bobby had made to police, the one a left detective scratching their heads to? struck donna, just as odd. >> it was the strangest thing. the night before was their anniversary, it was a friday night, he took her out to dinner, he took her to a nice place in dallas. when antics, sounded like it from his story. his statement to the police about his wife dying, the first several pages were about the dinner they had, the wine they had with a dinner. what's the three course dinner consisted of. how they came home and played with the baby, and you looked at that and thought with the heck. this is supposed to be about her death. and he's talking about the choices of when. >> did it sound like just a fabrication? >> at that point i was willing to given the benefit of the doubt about what happened the night before. but i just couldn't understand why he would begin a statement about his wife's death that way. it said they fell asleep together, i found out later that wasn't true. >> he left something out. >> he left out the part about leaving her at home on their 16th wedding anniversary and going to his girlfriend's house. >> pretty big part to leave out. >> yes, very big part. >> the boxes contents were hardly flattering to caught bobby. and neither was the article that don eventually wrote. a front page spread, rich with sex, money, lies, and bloodshed, as she put it. well there was no smoking gun, what's there was was a tortured trail of ruined lives that bobby had left his way now in black and white, for all to see. there were five statements from five different women, those were only the women that they found. there were many, many more. he told two of the girlfriends that he cheated on vicky the day before they got married and the day after they got married. >> seemed proud of? it >> yes. he was very proud of his lifestyle and bragged about it to people that he could brag about it too and not get in trouble. >> his conquests included a witness in a criminal case. a woman chaired with writing hot checks. he even hit on a rape victim, who had come to the police department seeking help. >> so hear clearly wasn't happy in the marriage. >> i think he was perfectly happy in the marriage. he had what he wanted. he wanted to be married and particularly married to a rich woman, that could keep in in the style to which he had become accustomed. and he wanted the freedom to have all the girlfriends that he wanted. >> the money largely came from vicky's mother, anna. remember? she held by them that half 1 million dollar home. the kind of policemen in a teacher could hardly afford on their own salaries. >> each and every one of them talked about how much he was focused on money. they all said, i finally came to the conclusion that he was never gonna leave vicky because he was never gonna leave that money. >> all of it was old evidence, but it was all new to the public. when don's article hit new stands, it landed like a bomb, letting loose a flood of feelings, from fellow officers, who now more than ever said that they thought bobby had gotten away with murder. >> so do the new da in town, who had his pocket a pair of talented prosecutors, karen and susan peel. a married couple who couldn't wait to get bobby lozano in court. >> i like these cases, these hard cases. >> what was hard? about it >> well, a guy dismissed because didn't have enough evidence. >> did seem like a long? shot >> no, not along. shot hard, yes. hard, that's on the same thing as along. shot >> but even vicky's own mother, thought the effort was a waste of time. in fact, she was just as adamant that bobby was adamant -- remarkably, she still lived with him. in the same house, with bobby's new wife. >> it wasn't even that you don't want him charged, she did want us opening the boxes she didn't want us talking to anybody. it was shocking to me that she was so opposed to anyone even exploring the idea that her only daughter had been murdered. >> in her bed. >> in her own bed, by this man that she knew had to run around on are constantly. >> this time, vicky's mom didn't get her wish. bobby was indicted a second time for the murder of his wife. the problem? the facts of the case were still the same old facts, the facts that failed prosecutors years before. >> you've got no physical evidence. >> not on him. >> you've got no dna evidence. >> no. >> you've got the victims mother, who doesn't want prosecuted. >> right. >> you've got a medical examiner who can determine a cause of death. >> yes. >> the defenses got a pretty good shot at this. >> absolutely. yes. >> coming up, the trial and defensive star witness, the victim's mother, testifying behind -- they wanted to hear anna testify. and, she gave him the money's worth. >> when dateline continues. continues [sfx: radio being tuned] welcome to allstate. ♪ [band plays] ♪ a place where everyone lives life well-protected. ♪♪ and even when things go a bit wrong, we've got your back. here, things work the way you wish they would. and better protection costs a whole lot less. you're in good hands with allstate. click or call for a lower auto rate today. every day in business brings something new. you're in good hands with allstate. so get the flexibility of the new mobile service designed for your small business. introducing comcast business mobile. you get the most reliable network with nationwide 5g included. and you can get unlimited data for just $30 per line per month when you get four lines or mix and match data options. available now for comcast business internet customers with no line-activation fees or term contract required. see if you can save by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities. it's time for our lowest prices of the season on the sleep number 360 smart bed. what if i sleep hot? ...or cold? no problem, the sleep number 360 smart bed is temperature balancing so you both sleep just right. and it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. so, you can really promise better sleep? yes! you'll know exactly how well you slept, night after night. we take care of the science. all you have to do is sleep. and now, save $200 on the sleep number 360 c2 smart bed queen, now only $899 it was july in texas again. plus 0% interest for 24 months on all smart beds. ends monday seven of them had appeared on the calendar since bobby lozano found his wife, vicky, dead. a gunshot wound to the chest. but, this july, he was on trial for her murder, and the town he once served, as a police officer, turned out to see his fate. >> it was just amazing. it's not anything i've ever seen in this courthouse before. >> reporter, donna fielder, had been on the police beat a long time, and after the reaction she got from her explosive article about bobby's case, she knew his trial would be a circus. >> there were people waiting in the hallway, and if you walked out, somebody walked in and took a seat. >> bob's defense was pretty simple, although he and his attorney declined to tell anybody a thing. but, in court, they argued that vicky's death was either an accident or suicide. bobby's only involvement, they argued, was that it was his gun that fired the shot. prosecutors, carrying susan peel, knew they had a tough fight ahead. >> the perception from the observers after the opening statement was a tie. he said, there's no blood on bob's clothes. there's nothing on him. you can't even prove he was in the room when she died. and he means forensically, of course, which we couldn't. >> and this all made sense of the jury? >> yes. >> said it. well >> the defensive star witness, vicky's own mother, anna. testifying that bobby was in his wife's murderer. he was his wife savior. >> she basically described vicky has been an overweight child, with friend issues, and that was lucky to snag a guy like bobby. that bobby was helping her by monitoring her food intake. >> she was the reason that the courtroom was filled daily. they wanted to hear anna testify, and she gave them their money's worth. >> i asked her, at this moment, used to live in the same house and bobby still is in the same house with his new wife. and he shares the same bedroom where vicky died. and you could hear members of the jury gasp. >> what was your reaction? >> yes, absolutely. yeah. >> to hear vicky's mom tell, it bobby could not, would not, did not, pull the trigger that night. well prosecutors felt they needed to do was prove a motive, and that's where the name, cindy waters, popped up. while her fear was bobby ended years before the trial, at the time of vicky's death, she was bobby's latest conquest. yet another blond, a fellow police officer who had upped the ante. she expected bobby to marry her. and why wouldn't she? bobby had promised. >> in february of 2002, months before his wife died, he gave her a car describing her as his wife. my wife, soon to be, but not soon enough. >> it was the soon part that seem to bother cindy the most. bobby had been installing, despite his love letters to cindy, that were dripping with that pros, phrases like, my lips gliding's lovingly over your cheeks, now hover over yours. >> he absolutely could have a second career as a cheesy romance writer. they were incredible he wrote that cindy was responsible for restoring his relationship with god. he played her in every way that worked. >> prosecutors say cindy had grown tired of the lies, and was ready to walk. she threatened to leave him more than once. >> he had told a series of lies that had created a situation of his own doing, where he was backed into a corner. >> she wouldn't be put off. she was different. she was a cop. >> she was in his face every day. >> every day. >> yes. >> a lot of these girlfriends, he was in a much more powerful position with them, and in a position to walk away. cindy was a lot more complicated. >> bobby finally realize that he couldn't have it all. was he losing the control, he seemed to crave so much? >> he is desperately trying to win her back. he took his wife to dinner to celebrate the anniversary and then he left his wife at home, alone in bed, and went to cindy's house and told cindy, i'm going to prove to you -- a moving van is gonna be my whitehorse. i'm going to show. you and the next day, his wife is dead. >> for prosecutors, there was one other detail they were about to drop, those life insurance policies. bobby had more than 1 million dollars in insurance on vicky. a fact that they hoped would make those crime scene photos even uglier to the jury. there was the gun near vicky's hand, and the gun cleaning kit not far away. but it was vicky's wound, right in the middle of her chest, and at a strange angle, that carrie wanted jurors to question. >> further shooters off, she has to do this. you can barely do it. i can barely hold a gun, to squeeze the trigger and get this angle. >> you wouldn't hold that way to clean a gun, either, send their experts. then there was the matter of the bullet casing. just where had that gone? turns out, it was lying underneath the gun cleaning kit. another problem of physics, said carry. >> shouldn't put the box down on top of the casing cause she was dead. okay? so if that kasich is under the box the only person who could do that is bobby lozano, period, end of story. >> not quite, they had one other morsel of evidence that they hope the jury would feast on, popcorn. >> the popcorn was huge. >> microscopic bits of corn husk were found on vicky's body, and a tiny fragment of popcorn was still in her mouth. who cleans a gun while eating popcorn, prosecutors mused. who brings-able to bed if they plan on committing suicide? no one, prosecutors thought. they knew bobby wood reason that, as well. investigators say, they never found a bullet popcorn anywhere in the bedroom that night. prosecutors believe that's because bobby had cleaned it up, almost. >> we believe that he was picking up the popcorn, the visible popcorn, because he knew that it was inconsistent with her cleaning the gun, and it was inconsistent with suicide. >> the jury, almost all women, had heard both sides >>,. . >>,,,,. ,. . . >>. . >>,,. -- >>,,. >>,,. . ,. ,. >>,. ,,. . . . . . >> that's all for this edition of dateline, i'm natalie morales. thanks for watching. >> i'm craig melvin, i'm natalie morales, this is dateline. >> >> he was a sweetheart drummer, with a big rock and roll dreams. but the music stopped the day that he suddenly vanished. >> i can't believe i'm doing this, right now. searching through dumpsters for my boyfriend. i don't know what to do. >> a curious disappearance that nobody could explain. then, across town, another scare. >> i felt a gun to the back of. my head >> a teenager in danger. >> he grabbed me, and said, you have to come with me on going to kill.

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On July 5th , 2002 , July 5th 2002 , 5 , Scene , Chest , Blood , Bed , Care , Coming Up , In The House , Trelegy , Stand , Copd , On By , Breeze Driftin , People , Medicines , Inhaler , Flare Ups , Power , Ways , Lung Function , Copd Medicine , Feelin Good , Three , Doctor , Risk , Breathing Problems , Won T , High Blood Pressure , Chest Pain , Rescue Inhaler , Breathing , Thrush , Osteoporosis , Pneumonia , Heart Condition , Mouth , Swelling , Pain , Vision Changes , Tongue , Problems Urinating , Trelegy Com , Skin , Psoriasis Symptom Relief , Eczema Symptom Relief , Bond , Let S Get Ready , Silver 1 , JalapeÑoooo Popperrrrs , Don T Settle , 1 , Company , General , Insurance , Turns , Potato Skins , Loooaded , Theyyyy , Michael Buffer , Low Rate , Call , The General , Go , Corner , Rrready , Garlic , Coconuuuut Shriiiiiimp , 60 , Head , Ears , Soul , Brains , Size , Investigators , Trouble , Richard Gadot , Bobbies , Rescuers , Friend , First , Difficult , Gonna Go Into , Saying , Questions , World , Sergeant , Outside Bobby S House , Gunshot Wound , Details , Preamble , Inside , It , Shot , Gun Cleaning Kit , Range , Gun Out , Wound , Stuff , Result , Police Photos , Whaling , The Castle , Pay , News , Bobby What , Crowd , Coffin , Oh No , Grief , Sound , Middle , Theory , Kind , Dogs , Odd , Ones , Led , The Gun Go Off , Way , More , Trigger , Sit , Puzzle Day , Table , Gonna Go Off , Room , Emotions , Wasn T For Bobby , Emotion , Tears , Nothing , Paramedics , Grimacing , 9 , Someone , Cpr , Luke Shull , Cpr Efforts , Bobby Made , Luke , Victories , Bullet , Viki Couldn T , Evidence , Back , Ankles , Key Steppingstone , Deceased , Amount , Polling , Thing , Sense , Get Go , Something , Examiner , Piece , Didn T Fit , Right , Stretcher , Doesn T Feel Right , Take Care , Body Bags , Death , Bobby Didn T , Bobby To Bear , Reality Staring , Body Bag , Accident , Suicide , They Don T , Homicide , Viki , Other , Night Turn , Problem , Mystery , Fbut , Low , 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Anywhere , Sides , Edition , Watching , Thanks , Boyfriend , Dreams , Sweetheart Drummer , Dumpsters , Music , Disappearance , Big Rock And Roll , Teenager , Scare , Danger ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC Dateline 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Dateline 20240709

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even exploring the idea that her only daughter had been murdered. >> as the years went by the case grew cold in till a reporter he did it up again. stayed up all night, reading that file. and it was astonishing. >> it turns out, there was a lot less of this marriage that meant the eye. >> he cheated on vicky the, day before they got married, and the day after they got married. >> but not everybody cheating heart hides a killer. >> you could hear members of the jury gasp. >> hello and welcome to dateline. when it comes to solving a crime, time can be the enemy. this is a story of a murder, that after seven years, my never have been solved. the victim, a new mother, had been forgotten by almost everyone, except a complete stranger, determined to find justice. >> and the lore of the lone star state, texas law mean ranked pretty high. the good guys in the white hats. their badge brought prestige. the gunfights, the history books. but, in the modern-day town of dayton texas -- literally, outside of the big d, dallas. served one texas lawmen, with curious past. all locked up in a box. >> no one laughed at the police department, had any idea what's inside the box. >> well, they knew the basics. the box so little of a -- a new mother, found dead in her bedroom. a cops bedroom. her husband's bedroom. >> oh god, my wife as a gunshot. >> but the box eventually fell silent. to every year, but one. >> the whole time, i felt that vicky was there. she was there with me, and that she was going to see what's going to happen. >> vicky was virginia parish, a quiet girl, sweetest texas tea, and loyal, with a touch as soft as a dark blond hair. >> vicky excelled at everything that she tried to do. >> robin, in valérie -- were crew, friends as long as i can remember. from barbie to boyfriends and, everything in between. >> we had a wonder years type. life middle class, maybe not really privileged, but sharing bicycle, sharing skates, getting out, playing. we had unusual circumstances when we had five girls within a block, all the same age. so, we were a gang of girls. >> complete with, then, normally in securities. for her part, vicky was a little chunky. she had braces, and was far more the bookworm than the social butterfly. >> very happy child. tsai, but happy. >> shyness that was especially evident about boys. except one. bobby lozano. >> once they started dating, if i saw vicky, i saw bobby. >> they hooked up the summer after vicky graduated from high school. bobby was older, and in a job, working at his found these guys. station >> i saw him as the outcast, loner type. on his own. everybody knew of bobby, but nobody knew him very well. and, he didn't hang out with anybody, except for vicky. constantly. >> so, what do you think vicky saw in bobby? >> he showed her immense attention. >> that attention seemed to be the sunlight that vicky needed to blossom. her friends soon saw different vicky. on the outside, at. least >> it was like, wow, she found that side of herself. she enjoyed it, it was always there, but she just didn't know how to bring it out. >> she was a swan. she turned out to be a very pretty woman. >> was a bobby? maybe. he eventually changed, to. he joined the police academy, and in time, he didn't look so bad either. >> when he went to the police academy, he got puffed up. he was on a tactical squad. he had on these kamala looking gear, gun strapped all over the place. >> he always looks very official. >> it was pretty cool-looking, i have to admit. i was a little jealous. >> they were two young lovers in the lone star state, who are coming into their own, together. there was a wedding, and of course, careers. vicky became elementary school teacher. a good one at that. says fellow teacher, christy kirk. >> i admired had she had this classroom management. to get a bunch of fifth graders to line up, and stay in line, and walk down the hall, but they did it with love and respect. they did it because they loved her. >> the only person who pre more loyal to vicky, was bobby. who had seemed, it could he couldn't bear to be a part of. her >> he seem like the doting husband, who would show about lunch, show up after school sometimes. he was just around all the time. unlike, most of their spouses. even the other newlyweds at school, their husbands and show up like bobby did. >> everyone wondered, how did he find the time. he had been promoted to detective, at the pd. a rising star as brett's badge. fellow officers like, lee howell, said he was good. very good. >> he was very thorough. very meticulous in his work, as he was in his -- in a lot of his personal life. >> few new bobby better than richard. he was a social worker at the department, and funnily enough, saw a lot of bobby's social -- along with his wife. >> they look like a half a couple. there was a close together, joke around, hold hands, give each other a pack. >> the casing on their seemingly perfect cake, came in 2001. a baby boy, named monte. vicky was wildly happy. on the verge of their 16th wedding anniversary, it seemed that dulles on knows how did all. good jobs, good family, good home. more than 5000 square feet, and supplemental income, from vicky's income, who lived with him. she even paid for part of that house. but, on july 5th, 2002, bobby and vicky celebrated the anniversary that would be their last. >> i need an emergency ambulance, my wife as a gunshot. >> the next night, bobby came home to find a horrific scene, vicky covered in blood, shot through the chest. lying in their bedroom. >> is she breathing? >> no. >> no? okay. >> she would never get out of bed again. >> coming up, i'm not so tearful farewell from a husband to a dead wife. >> he looks at her and says, will take care. he turns and walks in the house. >> when dateline continues. n dateline continues ♪ breeze driftin' on by... ♪ if you've been playing down your copd,... ♪ it's a new dawn, it's a new day,... ♪'s time to make a stand. start a new day with trelegy. ♪...and i'm feelin' good. ♪ no once-daily copd medicine... has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy helps people breathe easier and improves lung function. it also helps prevent future flare-ups. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. take a stand and start a new day with trelegy. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy, and save at ♪♪ for skin that never holds you back. don't settle for silver. #1 for diabetic dry skin #1 for psoriasis symptom relief and #1 for eczema symptom relief. gold bond. champion your skin. let's get ready for jalapeñoooo popperrrrs! can you hand me some potato skins. theyyyy're loooaded! turns out, michael buffer speaks like that all the time. and it turns out the general is a quality insurance company that's been saving people money for nearly 60 years. and in this corner, coconuuuut shriiiiiimp! for a great low rate, and nearly 60 years of quality coverage - make the right call - and go with the general. let's get rrready for garlic breeeaaad! ♪ got my hair ♪ make the right call - and go with the general. ♪ got my head ♪ ♪ got my brains ♪ ♪ got my ears ♪ ♪ got my heart ♪ ♪ got my soul ♪ ♪ got my mouth ♪ ♪ i got life ♪ how could so much happen in just a half an hour? that's the size of time policeman bobby lozano says he was away from home, only to return to find his wife vicky shot through the chest. >> is she breathing? >> now. >> no, okay. >> rescuers and investigators raced to the scene, one of their own was in trouble. richard gadot, a bobbies coworker at the police department, was one of the first to get the call. >> i'm driving down there, saying, let me help the me help these people. which i always do when i got on a call like that, because an you never know what you're gonna go into. >> but this was different? >> it was different. >> different and difficult. bobby was a friend, and so is vicky. and now she lay dead in the couples bedroom. questions world, as richard approached the sergeant outside bobby's house. i said what happened, he said he came home and found vicky in the head and she has a gunshot wound to her chest. >> inside, bobby was waiting for his old friend. tense, it seemed. but at the ready with the details of a terrible preamble totally on the bed. >> bobby told richard, he left home only briefly, and come back to find vicky shot. his gun cleaning kit lay right beside her. >> he said before he left, he took his gun out, and he was gonna clean it. because vicky and him were gonna go to the range in the next day. he told me, she must of been trying to clean my gun, because she likes to tinker with stuff. and she may have tried to clean my gun, and it may have accidentally went off. >> police photos show the grisly result. her wound was fatal. vicky was gone. her mother arrived home later that evening, to a crowd of investigators. the castle she helped pay for had now become her daughter's coffin and it fell to richard to break the news. >> oh no, not my vicky. not my vicky. and she sobs whaling and, bobby what happened. she's screaming at him, you never forget the sound of a mother who's lost her child, the whaling of that sound. >> somehow, in the middle of all that grief, viki mother offered a theory. >> she said, did the dogs jump up and make the gun go off? >> she said that right away? >> i thought that was kind of odd. >> these dogs, small ones, could've startled vicky, he surmised. but how could that have led to a wound in the middle virtuous. >> the only way i gun can go off and see if you pull the trigger. you are not gonna sit on the table and it's gonna go off. >> this scene puzzled investigators, and the more they observed bobby's demeanor, the more puzzle day became. >> they seem agitated though? >> he seemed uncomfortable with how she was reacting. he appeared uncomfortable with the emotions that where they are in the room. because it was some heavy stuff, it was really thick with emotions and grief. >> as heavy and as emotional as that scene was, it wasn't for bobby? >> he didn't seem to be joining in that emotion with everyone. there is no tears, he's like grimacing. faking like he's -- forcing himself to cry. but there's nothing there. paramedics also wondered. bobby had insisted on a 9-1-1 call that he tried to revive vicky with cpr. but to luke shull, the lead paramedic, one look at bobby made that seem unlikely, he certainly was not perspiring like someone who had done cpr efforts. he didn't appear to have any blood on him, which would have been very obvious based on the insurance wound of that bullet, and where the hands will be placed on the chest for cpr. >> and speaking of blood, luke noticed victories, it had settled around her ankles around her back. it was another key steppingstone for investigators, who knew right away but that evidence met. >> what did the polling of the blood tell you? >> that she had been deceased for a substantial amount of time. >> it seemed, viki couldn't have been a live a half hour earlier, the way bobby had said. >> you had a pretty good sense from the get-go that night that something wasn't right? >> sure, i think, anybody that walks into that scene is going to think the same thing. something just doesn't fit right, it doesn't feel right. >> but the piece that really didn't fit, was bobby's farewell to vicky. >> bobby told me, i want to see her before you take her. >> the medical examiner stop the stretcher she was being wheeled out on. body bags unzipped. and then, bobby uttered the strangest thing. >> all of our sudden he looks at her and says, we'll take care. >> take care? >> he turns and walks in the house. for some to say take care, i just walked back inside like nothing happened, i thought that was really cold. maybe reality staring back from a body bag was too much for bobby to bear, maybe being a detective had left him harden to death. or maybe, bobby didn't really care about viki the way everyone had thought. as night turn to don, and investigators pored over the scene, not a single piece of evidence pointed one way or the other. accident? suicide? or homicide? viki's final moments where a mystery. viki's fbut there was nothing mysterious about what bobby had been up to. coming up. >> i said, well, the problem with that, bobby, is that most guys that are married they don't date. >> when dateline continues. >> when dateline continues why does walgreens offer prescription copays as low as zero dollars? ♪ ♪ so you won't have a medicare in the world. ♪ ♪ plus, 90-day refills and same day delivery. larry? that's even less to medicare about. fill your medicare prescriptions with walgreens and save. ♪ ♪ ♪ this is how we do it.. ♪ turns out, montell jordan knows how to do almost everything. and it turns out the general is a quality insurance company that's been saving people money for nearly 60 years. for a great low rate, and nearly 60 years of quality coverage, go with the general. do you struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep? and nearly 60 years of quality coverage, qunol sleep formula combines 5 key nutrients that can help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake up refreshed. the brand i trust is qunol. vicky lozano never saw her 37th birthday, but she had just celebrated her 16th wedding anniversary and was toasting being a new mother, to. but just 24 hours after their anniversary dinner, her husband, bobby, a texas cop, came home to find vicky shot through the chest. bobby says vicky was cleaning his gun, when it accidentally went off. but to his fellow officers, sympathy soon gave way to skepticism. you don't normally see somebody clean a gun in the bed, and their pajamas, partially covered up, and accidentally shoot themselves in the chest. it just didn't add up. >> lee howell was in the charge of the investigation for the police department that night, and he was puzzled. he says bob didn't act like a grieving. husband >> he made no effort with any information. >> which left the evidence to tell the tale. first investigators took a closer look at that gun cleaning kit found on the bed next to vicky. >> it didn't look to me like somebody had been cleaning the gun. a local ex had just been placed there, as a prop. >> then, they examine the gun itself. >> the gun was dripping in oil, you could see where it was lying on top of a sheet of newspaper. >> there was that? much >> yes. it looked to me like somebody had taken the gun and just sprayed it down with a count of oil. i mean, it was literally soaked. >> and yet, vicky didn't have any oil on her. not a drop. >> nothing on her? hands >> nothing on her. hansen >> accident seemed unlikely, but so, two, did suicide. >> the way that she was lying there, i would be very awkward, very unusual position for her to have shot herself. it would fit perfectly for somebody standing next to the bed, over her, pushing the gun down toward her. >> the clue spoke, but in a confusing language. so did the key players. police were really stumped by vicky's own mother. >> she was adamant that she want us to find an accident. she made that very clear. i was really shocked that she reacted the way the cheated. >> what was her demeanor? >> very defensive lobby. refused to believe that he could have anything to do with it. she flat out told us, if we find anything besides an accident, that we would not be doing vicky a service. >> but it was bobby who remain the most perplexing. his written statement about the events of the night his wife died sounded more like a dime store novel, then a report from police officer. >> i would have to say was the most bizarre statement ever, that i've seen, that was given by a witness or suspect in a criminal case. 85, 90% of his statement was extraneous information and typically, that's a good indication that somebody is being deceptive. >> to investigators, it was troubling. to bobby's friends, his behavior sounded familiar. >> many who knew bob often surmise that there was something behind the badge that wasn't quite what it seemed. as a husband, there were questions,. to like those schoolyard visits bobby always paid to vicky at lunchtime. her fellow teachers thought it was just a loving gesture at first, but then they began to suspect the visits were really about something else. >> i think he wanted to see which she was eating. he wanted to be in control of the calorie she took in, and because weight was such a issue for him. >> he was as obsessed with? it >> oh, he would weigh or at the gym. >> in fact, he was so militant about her weight, that for more than a decade of their marriage, he had denied her the one thing you want most in life, a child. christy asked about vicky about that once, and couldn't believe the response. >> she did even answer. she just turned around and went to a wallet and pulled out this picture of herself and showed it to me. she said, bobby makes me carry this picture of myself to remind me how fattah used to be. and he doesn't want me to get pregnant because he doesn't want me to get fat. >> this was an abomination that vicky was healthy, this was about making sure that vicky was -- >> thin. thin. because appearance which is so important to. i'm >> not vicky's appearance, his own two. >> he was obsessed with his body, his body image, in terms of always working out, has to be bought, looking good. >> looking back, richard said it was almost comical how self assess bobby was. he never had a hair out of place, how does eyebrows waxed, and was insistent on tanning, which never made sense to richard. >> i'd always tell him, dude why do you tend? mexicans, we don't go to tanning booths, were brown enough. he says, i don't want my begin to fade. i said dude, it's genetic, it's not gonna fade. >> fade hardly, bobby sparkled. he was always pressed, always crisp, always pristine, and always high-end everything. it was a lot of effort richard thought, not to look good for his wife, but to look good to others. which are told investigators that bobby had wandering eyes under those waxed eyebrows. how did he know? richard had a young intern working for him at the department, and bobby had taken notice. >> he says, hey would you mind if i took out to dinner? >> >> i asked, him is vicky? going he says no, i want to take her out. >> he said that straight out? >> yeah. and i thought wow, you know the problem with that, you know, bobby most guys that are married, they don't date. >> wouldn't he say? >> he says, all right, but we have a problem with it? >> richard knew bobby had made up his mind, all he could do was warn his intern. >> i'm thinking, if he's asking you out, i'm wondering how many other people's asking out. i said, he's married, you might want to keep that in mind, but i don't think he's ever gonna leave vicky. >> richard had no idea how prophetic he was being. bobby never deadly vicky, but he did leave his marriage vows in tatters. not just with intern, but with woman after another four years. bobby's off-duty lifestyle was more crowded than investigators ever thought. >> coming up, did bobby's cheating drive vicky to take her own life? the >> district attorney, said now i have to make a cynical examiners who were saying suicide. when dateline continues. when dateline continues. i was injured in a car crash. i had no idea how much my case was worth. i called the barnes firm. when a truck hit my son, i had so many questions about his case. i called the barnes firm. it was the best call i could've made. your case is often worth more than insuran call the barnes firm to find out i could've made. what your case could be worth. we will help get you the best result possible. ♪ the barnes firm, injury attorneys ♪ call one eight hundred,est resul eight million ♪ ♪ twhen a truck hit my car, injury attorneys ♪ cthe insurance company est rewasn't fair.illion ♪ i didn't know what my case was worth. so i called the barnes firm. i was hit by a car and needed help. i called the barnes firm, that was the best call i could've made. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to know how much their accident case is worth. let our injury attorneys help you get the best result possible. hi, i'm richard louis, with ♪ the barnes firm injury attorneys ♪ ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ your hour's top stories, a list six people are dead and dozens or injured after a ball of rock job to voters at a brazilian lake. officials suggest heavy rains may have caused it, as many as 20 unidentified individuals may be missing. in india, several million covid-19 deaths have mostly likely gone under reported according to a series of recent studies that suggest the country's death toll from the virus is higher than what it has been officially tallied by the government. now, back to dateline. nt now, back to dateline. it's early july, 2002, just before a viki lozano, was found dead you. we -- at the time, didn't know that bobby had been having a series of affairs. neither did his family, says lee howell, who headed up the investigation for the denton police. >> his family thought that he was the hardest working guy in the police department, because he was always out late at night, sometimes overnight, he was being called out all the time, doing surveillance. >> made it sound like it was a very busy department. >> right. >> a lot of mid night crime. >> but a philanderer doesn't make a murderer. and investigators still didn't have any new clues into why the key died. even the medical event examiner threw up his hands. we viki's cause of death was undetermined. there wasn't enough to point a homicide, suicide, or even an accident. >> there was an obituary that did not say how she died. >> they are the kind of loosens that crime reporters love. and at the denton record chronicle, donna fielder was no exception. she knows around a bit and stumbled on a curious series of departures. >> three weeks after his wife's death, bobby resign from the police department. that gave me a really good clue that something was up. >> but bobby's resignation wasn't the only one. >> cindy waters, another police officer, resigned at the same time. >> she was also a detective with no obvious reason to quit the force. but donna had noticed that over the previous year and a half, cindy waters had dropped about 60 pounds. it is just insistent that people around him, people he had control over v unfit and been slim. had to be the other woman he was seen at the time of his her death. >> cindy, he figured, was just the latest in a long line. >> i said, you're not allowed with any of these women, you are in love with the idea of been in love. and you like the feeling that you get when you are dating, you're partying, it's the chase. >> that maybe cindy was different from the other women. could she have had anything to do with vicky's death? investigators wondered the same thing. >> in fact, they questioned her, and found out she had threatened to walk if bobby didn't divorce vicky like he promised. his wife hat was a problem that had to be taken care of. that had all the makings of a possible murder. what's more, bobby had over $1 million in life insurance on vicky. in light of that, and all the rest of the evidence, as circumstantial as it was, finally, six months after vicky died. a grand jury indicted bobby lozano, for his wife's murder. the theory that bobby had killed viki, so you wouldn't lose sandy. even though she didn't know anything about what investigator said bobby was up to. problem was, the indictment stint didn't stick. a year and a half later, out of the blue, district attorney decided, he didn't have enough evidence to prosecutor after all. the indictment was dismissed. bobby was free. and still, no one knew what's really happened to vicky. >> the reasons given were strange. they did make sense. i couldn't make them fit when i knew. >> but really didn't fit was the advice of an out of town medical examiner. >> the district attorney said, i counseled the this guy from chicago, and he said that it was suicide. and he has communicated that tim and medical examiner who did the autopsy, and he now agrees. so now i have two medical examiners who are telling me suicide. so i cannot continue with this case. >> but that wasn't really the case, the medical examiner has changed his mind? >> he had not changed his mind. it still said undetermined on the medical examiner's website. >> confusing? yes. final? it seems so. the case of viki lozano, was put in a box, sealed in an evidence room. and was soon forgotten by almost everyone. except, donna. >> did this become an obsession? >> pretty much. i just found this help empathy for her. >> that box in the evidence room, held the key. but as far as police were concerned, it was off limits to the media. >> there comes a point in the way i cover stories, when i actually feel like i know the victim. i began to feel like and new vicky, and i felt like vicky was getting a really, broad deal here, i want to justice for vicky, she was vicky's voice. and vicky was about to be heard. as donna finally got her hands on that box. i was just so excited, i was like a kid at christmas. wow, just what i wanted. we >> coming up, i would not be one bobby lozano wanted. the totality of that case was so strong, that bobby luciano had shot and killed his wife. when dateline continues. wife when dateline continues. when dateline continues. 2 diabetes zone? 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>> so what kept you going? >> vicky would still there, and she had not had any data so. >> she kept at it, and finally a worn down police department relented. giving donald that box, after a formal written request. the archeological details of viki's life and death, we're now in the hands of what the one person, it seems, who still cared. >> i stayed up all night reading that file. and it was astonishing. and there wasn't a place that said, and sat then someone looked in the window, and someone shot or. but the totality of that case was so strong, i had no doubt whatsoever when i finished reading that report, that bobby lozano had shot and killed his wife. >> the overly detailed statement that bobby had made to police, the one a left detective scratching their heads to? struck donna, just as odd. >> it was the strangest thing. the night before was their anniversary, it was a friday night, he took her out to dinner, he took her to a nice place in dallas. when antics, sounded like it from his story. his statement to the police about his wife dying, the first several pages were about the dinner they had, the wine they had with a dinner. what's the three course dinner consisted of. how they came home and played with the baby, and you looked at that and thought with the heck. this is supposed to be about her death. and he's talking about the choices of when. >> did it sound like just a fabrication? >> at that point i was willing to given the benefit of the doubt about what happened the night before. but i just couldn't understand why he would begin a statement about his wife's death that way. it said they fell asleep together, i found out later that wasn't true. >> he left something out. >> he left out the part about leaving her at home on their 16th wedding anniversary and going to his girlfriend's house. >> pretty big part to leave out. >> yes, very big part. >> the boxes contents were hardly flattering to caught bobby. and neither was the article that don eventually wrote. a front page spread, rich with sex, money, lies, and bloodshed, as she put it. well there was no smoking gun, what's there was was a tortured trail of ruined lives that bobby had left his way now in black and white, for all to see. there were five statements from five different women, those were only the women that they found. there were many, many more. he told two of the girlfriends that he cheated on vicky the day before they got married and the day after they got married. >> seemed proud of? it >> yes. he was very proud of his lifestyle and bragged about it to people that he could brag about it too and not get in trouble. >> his conquests included a witness in a criminal case. a woman chaired with writing hot checks. he even hit on a rape victim, who had come to the police department seeking help. >> so hear clearly wasn't happy in the marriage. >> i think he was perfectly happy in the marriage. he had what he wanted. he wanted to be married and particularly married to a rich woman, that could keep in in the style to which he had become accustomed. and he wanted the freedom to have all the girlfriends that he wanted. >> the money largely came from vicky's mother, anna. remember? she held by them that half 1 million dollar home. the kind of policemen in a teacher could hardly afford on their own salaries. >> each and every one of them talked about how much he was focused on money. they all said, i finally came to the conclusion that he was never gonna leave vicky because he was never gonna leave that money. >> all of it was old evidence, but it was all new to the public. when don's article hit new stands, it landed like a bomb, letting loose a flood of feelings, from fellow officers, who now more than ever said that they thought bobby had gotten away with murder. >> so do the new da in town, who had his pocket a pair of talented prosecutors, karen and susan peel. a married couple who couldn't wait to get bobby lozano in court. >> i like these cases, these hard cases. >> what was hard? about it >> well, a guy dismissed because didn't have enough evidence. >> did seem like a long? shot >> no, not along. shot hard, yes. hard, that's on the same thing as along. shot >> but even vicky's own mother, thought the effort was a waste of time. in fact, she was just as adamant that bobby was adamant -- remarkably, she still lived with him. in the same house, with bobby's new wife. >> it wasn't even that you don't want him charged, she did want us opening the boxes she didn't want us talking to anybody. it was shocking to me that she was so opposed to anyone even exploring the idea that her only daughter had been murdered. >> in her bed. >> in her own bed, by this man that she knew had to run around on are constantly. >> this time, vicky's mom didn't get her wish. bobby was indicted a second time for the murder of his wife. the problem? the facts of the case were still the same old facts, the facts that failed prosecutors years before. >> you've got no physical evidence. >> not on him. >> you've got no dna evidence. >> no. >> you've got the victims mother, who doesn't want prosecuted. >> right. >> you've got a medical examiner who can determine a cause of death. >> yes. >> the defenses got a pretty good shot at this. >> absolutely. yes. >> coming up, the trial and defensive star witness, the victim's mother, testifying behind -- they wanted to hear anna testify. and, she gave him the money's worth. >> when dateline continues. continues [sfx: radio being tuned] welcome to allstate. ♪ [band plays] ♪ a place where everyone lives life well-protected. ♪♪ and even when things go a bit wrong, we've got your back. here, things work the way you wish they would. and better protection costs a whole lot less. you're in good hands with allstate. click or call for a lower auto rate today. every day in business brings something new. you're in good hands with allstate. so get the flexibility of the new mobile service designed for your small business. introducing comcast business mobile. you get the most reliable network with nationwide 5g included. and you can get unlimited data for just $30 per line per month when you get four lines or mix and match data options. available now for comcast business internet customers with no line-activation fees or term contract required. see if you can save by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities. it's time for our lowest prices of the season on the sleep number 360 smart bed. what if i sleep hot? 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>> yes. >> said it. well >> the defensive star witness, vicky's own mother, anna. testifying that bobby was in his wife's murderer. he was his wife savior. >> she basically described vicky has been an overweight child, with friend issues, and that was lucky to snag a guy like bobby. that bobby was helping her by monitoring her food intake. >> she was the reason that the courtroom was filled daily. they wanted to hear anna testify, and she gave them their money's worth. >> i asked her, at this moment, used to live in the same house and bobby still is in the same house with his new wife. and he shares the same bedroom where vicky died. and you could hear members of the jury gasp. >> what was your reaction? >> yes, absolutely. yeah. >> to hear vicky's mom tell, it bobby could not, would not, did not, pull the trigger that night. well prosecutors felt they needed to do was prove a motive, and that's where the name, cindy waters, popped up. while her fear was bobby ended years before the trial, at the time of vicky's death, she was bobby's latest conquest. yet another blond, a fellow police officer who had upped the ante. she expected bobby to marry her. and why wouldn't she? bobby had promised. >> in february of 2002, months before his wife died, he gave her a car describing her as his wife. my wife, soon to be, but not soon enough. >> it was the soon part that seem to bother cindy the most. bobby had been installing, despite his love letters to cindy, that were dripping with that pros, phrases like, my lips gliding's lovingly over your cheeks, now hover over yours. >> he absolutely could have a second career as a cheesy romance writer. they were incredible he wrote that cindy was responsible for restoring his relationship with god. he played her in every way that worked. >> prosecutors say cindy had grown tired of the lies, and was ready to walk. she threatened to leave him more than once. >> he had told a series of lies that had created a situation of his own doing, where he was backed into a corner. >> she wouldn't be put off. she was different. she was a cop. >> she was in his face every day. >> every day. >> yes. >> a lot of these girlfriends, he was in a much more powerful position with them, and in a position to walk away. cindy was a lot more complicated. >> bobby finally realize that he couldn't have it all. was he losing the control, he seemed to crave so much? >> he is desperately trying to win her back. he took his wife to dinner to celebrate the anniversary and then he left his wife at home, alone in bed, and went to cindy's house and told cindy, i'm going to prove to you -- a moving van is gonna be my whitehorse. i'm going to show. you and the next day, his wife is dead. >> for prosecutors, there was one other detail they were about to drop, those life insurance policies. bobby had more than 1 million dollars in insurance on vicky. a fact that they hoped would make those crime scene photos even uglier to the jury. there was the gun near vicky's hand, and the gun cleaning kit not far away. but it was vicky's wound, right in the middle of her chest, and at a strange angle, that carrie wanted jurors to question. >> further shooters off, she has to do this. you can barely do it. i can barely hold a gun, to squeeze the trigger and get this angle. >> you wouldn't hold that way to clean a gun, either, send their experts. then there was the matter of the bullet casing. just where had that gone? turns out, it was lying underneath the gun cleaning kit. another problem of physics, said carry. >> shouldn't put the box down on top of the casing cause she was dead. okay? so if that kasich is under the box the only person who could do that is bobby lozano, period, end of story. >> not quite, they had one other morsel of evidence that they hope the jury would feast on, popcorn. >> the popcorn was huge. >> microscopic bits of corn husk were found on vicky's body, and a tiny fragment of popcorn was still in her mouth. who cleans a gun while eating popcorn, prosecutors mused. who brings-able to bed if they plan on committing suicide? no one, prosecutors thought. they knew bobby wood reason that, as well. investigators say, they never found a bullet popcorn anywhere in the bedroom that night. prosecutors believe that's because bobby had cleaned it up, almost. >> we believe that he was picking up the popcorn, the visible popcorn, because he knew that it was inconsistent with her cleaning the gun, and it was inconsistent with suicide. >> the jury, almost all women, had heard both sides >>,. . >>,,,,. ,. . . >>. . >>,,. -- >>,,. >>,,. . ,. ,. >>,. ,,. . . . . . >> that's all for this edition of dateline, i'm natalie morales. thanks for watching. >> i'm craig melvin, i'm natalie morales, this is dateline. >> >> he was a sweetheart drummer, with a big rock and roll dreams. but the music stopped the day that he suddenly vanished. >> i can't believe i'm doing this, right now. searching through dumpsters for my boyfriend. i don't know what to do. >> a curious disappearance that nobody could explain. then, across town, another scare. >> i felt a gun to the back of. my head >> a teenager in danger. >> he grabbed me, and said, you have to come with me on going to kill.

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On July 5th , 2002 , July 5th 2002 , 5 , Scene , Chest , Blood , Bed , Care , Coming Up , In The House , Trelegy , Stand , Copd , On By , Breeze Driftin , People , Medicines , Inhaler , Flare Ups , Power , Ways , Lung Function , Copd Medicine , Feelin Good , Three , Doctor , Risk , Breathing Problems , Won T , High Blood Pressure , Chest Pain , Rescue Inhaler , Breathing , Thrush , Osteoporosis , Pneumonia , Heart Condition , Mouth , Swelling , Pain , Vision Changes , Tongue , Problems Urinating , Trelegy Com , Skin , Psoriasis Symptom Relief , Eczema Symptom Relief , Bond , Let S Get Ready , Silver 1 , JalapeÑoooo Popperrrrs , Don T Settle , 1 , Company , General , Insurance , Turns , Potato Skins , Loooaded , Theyyyy , Michael Buffer , Low Rate , Call , The General , Go , Corner , Rrready , Garlic , Coconuuuut Shriiiiiimp , 60 , Head , Ears , Soul , Brains , Size , Investigators , Trouble , Richard Gadot , Bobbies , Rescuers , Friend , First , Difficult , Gonna Go Into , Saying , Questions , World , Sergeant , Outside Bobby S House , Gunshot Wound , Details , Preamble , Inside , It , Shot , Gun Cleaning Kit , Range , Gun Out , Wound , Stuff , Result , Police Photos , Whaling , The Castle , Pay , News , Bobby What , Crowd , Coffin , Oh No , Grief , Sound , Middle , Theory , Kind , Dogs , Odd , Ones , Led , The Gun Go Off , Way , More , Trigger , Sit , Puzzle Day , Table , Gonna Go Off , Room , Emotions , Wasn T For Bobby , Emotion , Tears , Nothing , Paramedics , Grimacing , 9 , Someone , Cpr , Luke Shull , Cpr Efforts , Bobby Made , Luke , Victories , Bullet , Viki Couldn T , Evidence , Back , Ankles , Key Steppingstone , Deceased , Amount , Polling , Thing , Sense , Get Go , Something , Examiner , Piece , Didn T Fit , Right , Stretcher , Doesn T Feel Right , Take Care , Body Bags , Death , Bobby Didn T , Bobby To Bear , Reality Staring , Body Bag , Accident , Suicide , They Don T , Homicide , Viki , Other , Night Turn , Problem , Mystery , Fbut , Low , Medicare , Prescription Copays , Walgreens , Zero , Zero Dollars , Prescriptions , Delivery , Save , Larry , 90 , Montell Jordan , Coverage , Nutrients , Quality Coverage , Qunol Sleep Formula , Brand , Qunol , 37 , Dinner , A Texas Cop , Birthday , Toasting , 24 , Sympathy , Somebody , Investigation , Add Up , Skepticism , Pajamas , Charge , Information , Effort , Look , Tale , Bob Didn T Act Like A Grieving , It Didn T , Oil , Prop , Dripping , Ex , Top , Vicky Didn T , Newspaper , Count , Sheet , Drop , Clue , Position , Players , Language , Anything , Demeanor , Cheated , Lobby , Us , Statement , Service , Events , Perplexing , Dime Store Novel , Report , Witness , Suspect , 85 , Many , Indication , Behavior , Teachers , Visits , Gesture , Schoolyard , Control , Weight , Eating , Issue , Calorie , Something Else , Fact , Couldn T , Gym , Picture , Wallet , Response , Fattah , Appearance , Abomination , Fat , Body , Terms , Good , Body Image , Working Out , Place , Eyebrows , Tanning , Dude , Tanning Booths , Mexicans , Bobby Sparkled , Begin , Crisp , Effort Richard Thought , Gonna Fade , Pristine , Intern , Eyes , Others , Notice , Mind , Wouldn T , Gonna Leave Vicky , Thinking , Lifestyle , Marriage Vows , Deadly Vicky , Tatters , Four , District Attorney , Life , Cheating Drive , Examiners , Case , Firm , Worth , Barnes , Son , Truck Hit , Car Crash , Injury Attorneys , Best , Est Resul , Eight Hundred , Eight Million , Car , Help , Barnes Firm , Est Rewasn T Fair Illion I Didn , Hit , Rich Barnes , Insurance Company , Injury Attorneys Cthe , Accident Case , Richard Louis , Stories , Rock Job , Ball , Dozens , List , Six , Deaths , Officials , Individuals , Voters , Lake , Rains , India , 19 , Series , Studies , Death Toll , Virus , Country , Government , Viki Lozano , July 2002 , Affairs , Surveillance , Working Guy , Denton , Murderer , Key , Philanderer Doesn T , It Sound , Event , Clues , Mid Night Crime , There Wasn T , Loosens , We Viki , Obituary , Cause Of Death , Donna Fielder , Bit , Crime Reporters , Departures , Exception , Denton Record Chronicle , Waters , Reason , Force , Slim , Cindy Waters , Women , Partying , Any , Feeling , Latest , The Chase , Life Insurance , Care Of , Wife Hat , Makings , Million , 1 Million , Grand Jury , Killed Viki , Rest , Light , Out Of The Blue , Investigator , Sandy , Indictment Stint Didn T Stick , No One , Prosecutor , Indictment , Reasons , Guy , Advice , Medical Examiner , Chicago , Autopsy , Tim , Yes , Final , Website , Evidence Room , Obsession , Empathy , Point , Media , Limits , Really , Deal , Voice , Totality , Wow , Kid , Bobby Luciano , Oh Ozempic , Oh , Diabetes , 2 , Adults , A1c , Heart Disease , 12 , 7 , Don T Take Ozempic , Isn T , Type 1 Diabetes , Share , Stroke , Heart Attack , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Pens , Reuse , Needles , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Reaction , Side Effects , Vision Problems , Stomach Pain , Lump , Changes , Stop Ozempic , Neck , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Provider , Insulin , Kidney Problems , Type 2 Diabetes , Blood Sugar Risk , Health Care Provider , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Nausea , Dehydration , Inflammation , Prescription , Arthritis , Strength , Aspercreme Arthritis , Swords Clashing , 3 , 25 , Kick Pain , Gods , Gonna Keep On Lovin You , Background , Shower , Shaq , Unhear , Cars , Browse , Car Buying , Announcer , Car Vending Machines , Financing , Carvana , 100 , Aren T , Numbers , Down Payment , Payment , Budget , Penny , Credit Score , Buzz Kill , Prime , Ride , Curse , Sunglasses , Medusa , Uhh , Clever Girl , Eugh , Article , Interest , Page , Findings , Access , Hand , Estate , Outrage , Bob , Dismay , Up , Business , Viki With , Data , Written Request , Worn Down , Giving Donald , There Wasn T A , Window , No Doubt , Sat , Pages , Antics , Thought , Baby , Heck , Doubt , Choices , Fabrication , Benefit , Wasn T True , Boxes , Girlfriend , Front Page Spread , Contents , Money , Lies , Trail , Smoking Gun , Statements , Bloodshed , Lives , Sex , Black And White , Girlfriends , Conquests , Rape Victim , Checks , Style , Freedom , Anna Testify , Policemen , Teacher , Salaries , 1 Million Dollar , Conclusion , Flood , Feelings , Public , Bomb , Loose A , Hit New Stands , Cases , Prosecutors , Da In Town , Bobby Lozano In Court , Pocket , Pair , Couldn T Wait , Susan Peel , Karen , Waste , Hard , With Bobby S , It Wasn T , Opening , Mom Didn T , Wish , Man , Facts , Dna Evidence , Defenses , Cause , Doesn T Want , The Trial And Defensive Star Witness , Testifying Behind , Allstate , Things , Band Plays , Sfx , Radio , Bit Wrong , Auto Rate , Protection , Small Business , Flexibility , Network , Comcast Business Mobile , Nationwide 5g , 30 , 0 , Contract , Lines , Internet , Term , Match Data Options , Mix , Customers , Fees , Possibilities , Comcast Business , Sleep , Sleep Number , Smart Bed , Prices , Season , Cold , Temperature Balancing , Movements , 360 , Night After , Science , Smart Bed Queen , Smart Beds , 99 , 899 , 00 , Plus 0 , 200 , Trial , July , Calendar , Dead , Courthouse , Fate , Defense , Circus , Hallway , Seat , Bob S , Involvement , Court , Attorney , Carrying Susan Peel , Observers , Perception , Fight , Tie , Clothes , Jury , Star Witness , Forensically , Wife Savior , Friend Issues , Guy Like Bobby , Courtroom , Food Intake , Popped Up , It Bobby , Motive , Mom Tell , Conquest , Fear , Ante , Blond , Wouldn T She , February Of 2002 , Love Letters , Pros , Lips , Installing , Phrases , Career , Romance Writer , Cheeks , Relationship , God , Situation , Doing , She Wouldn T , Cop , Van , My Whitehorse , Life Insurance Policies , Detail , 1 Million Dollars , Angle , Crime Scene Photos , Shooters , To Question , Carrie Wanted , Shouldn T , Bullet Casing , Experts , Matter , Physics , Casing Cause , Morsel , Kasich , Popcorn , Fragment , Bits , Corn Husk , Eating Popcorn , Bullet Popcorn , Bobby Wood Reason , It Up , Cleaning , Anywhere , Sides , Edition , Watching , Thanks , Boyfriend , Dreams , Sweetheart Drummer , Dumpsters , Music , Disappearance , Big Rock And Roll , Teenager , Scare , Danger ,

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