Transcripts For MSNBC American Voices With Alicia Menendez 2

Transcripts For MSNBC American Voices With Alicia Menendez 20240709

congressmen find, there is concern if americans will believe it. a poll out today showing 92% of democrats saying trump bears a great deal or good amount of blame for the attack. only 27% of americans blame the former president. even more concerning, washington post polling finding 40% of americans find violent action against the government is sometimes justified. as for the former, twice impeached president, he's planning to hold what he is calling a news conference, january 6, an anticipated rerun, white washing the insurrection like he has done since the supporters broke in after he lost the 2020 election. also news this hour on one of his biggest cheerleaders, congresswoman taylor green, who's campaign propelled by spewing his lies and misinformation. twitter, today, said enough, permanently banning the congresswoman's account for spreading lies about covid-19. but her congressional official twitter account remains in operation. >> tubman, white house reporter for los angeles times, and nbc critical analyst and strategist, i want to start with you. you look at the polling, and those numbers about who believes what. what does that tell you about the next few weeks and months are going to look like? >> i feel like representative kinsinger hit the nail on the head when he said with all this truth, the evidence we have, there are still certain people who won't believe this and we know he's talking about those trump supporters who trump has been able to hold into his grips with his lives, with his consistent themes of just ignoring the reality of how serious and dangerous january 6 was and the impact that has had on our democracy. i do think that the select committee still has an up hill battle in terms of what it's presenting to the public and public hearings, not only to persuade those individuals, but to make sure anybody who is responsible for planning, executing, funding and participating in this attack is held accountable because going into this year, we know there are concerns about that, we know there are concerns about the doj and their potential to run an investigation and ultimately, what criminal referrals could come from this, so i think the select committee has a heavy lift here. i appreciate chairman thompson laying out what they know now they didn't know before and i suspect more will come, as we saw from the explosive text messages. i think the public hearings early in the coming months will be telling about the picture they'll be able to display because we know while voters aren't watching their every move like we are probably not going to read their reports. we know that will be their opportunity to lay out their case, lay out why individuals should be held accountable and exactly who will be held accountable. >> to that point, three of us sat here many times, four of us and said midterms in 2022, it is in and out 2022, when you look at those poll numbers, roughly four independents and republicans saying violent action against the government is sometimes justified, how this falls in midterms, impacts the pace of the investigation? >> well, i don't know, i think given the midterms are out there and there is the prospect, very real prospect that democrats lose control of the house, this committee understands they need to wrap this up quickly and i think the goal is to do that by the middle of the year and obviously driven in part by, you know, the political calendar. but i think, you know, when you look at it in terms of the politics i mean this is tough, this is not necessarily a huge issue that you're seeing democrats running on. it's become, you know, january 6, insurrection, trump's big lie, all of that is more central to the politics on the republican side, rather than running away from it, this is now who they are, they're defending it, this is the new lost cause and when so many of your voters live in this concealed media ecochamber, you're seeing a lot of republican candidates running as far to the right, putting their arms around the former president as tightly as they can and you're not seeing, on the left, democrats out there i mean they're going to talk about it, you know, but just get the sense that that is not going to be the issue, saving democracy is not going to be the issue that gets voters to the polls. if anything, it gives them maybe a little more motivation to come up with some way to address voting rights so that their base, the democratic base, isn't frustrated that republicans have passed all these laws predicated on trump's big lie at the state level to make it harder for people to vote and the democrats who control every lever in washington other than supreme court, that's where the pressure is, where it falls on the white house, to try to come up with some legislative response to what republicans have done around voting laws. >> do you agree? >> i do think the focus on voting right is going to be critical, but i think this is an opportunity for democrats to really label republicans as the antidemocratic democracy party, antipatriotic party, they refuse to hold trump accountable at second impeachment trial, obstructed by lateral commission to dig into january 6 and i think that's something democrats should be digging in on, we know republicans don't have anything of substance to run on, but keep that in mind how it could turn off swing voters who turned from trump to biden. they don't necessarily want that across the country. while voters may not be watching every single step or day of the select committee's work, they are watching for what precipitates from this investigation, knowing that swing voters could be turned off from more republicans going further to the right or more republicans being implicated in planning and executing january 6 could be, definitely have an impact going into 2022. >> you know, it strikes me, juanita made that point twice now, it is a good point, the right point, which is we all watched the moment to moment of how this unfolded that is just not true for most voters. i do think the caveat there is the january 6 committee is now entering a new phase of investigation, holding public hearings. one -- what can we expect in the next few months in this investigation, in the realm of the public hearings, and does the fact that there is now going to be a much more public component of it potentially extend the reach of who is going to be following the going ons? >> absolutely can expect more public area of investigation, new videos coming out last week we are probably going to see and hopefully see what trump recorded before he sent out a message that day last year. we're going to see a lot of information coming out and it's going to help the case because as we saw in the past public hearing where we heard from capitol officers and their emotional, powerful testimony, that resonated with people who were there, who saw a what was happening, hearing the first-hand truths and accounts of what had happened. now a year after this investigation started, all of that is hanging in the balance now. what we can expect going forward is that to put this in front of the american people, beyond important at this point, because considering that all the attacks on democracy have happened not in a dramatic video, not on a dramatic scene or camera or on many american's 16s in the last year, many have been on a local level, attacks from elected officials, misinformation, we saw a lot of information earlier that really have taken attacks restricting access to ballot, seen so many proposals and bills coming into 2022. this attack on democracy goes beyond what just happened on january 6 and americans probably aren't able to see that up front but what the investigation will do is lay out firsthand experiences what people need to know, to hear, to see, however we know that may not always make a difference, the polling shows it as is. we -- it is disappointing to see, but what we can do is hope that with more information, with a public hearing, with more public hearings and testimonies, and information that's of clearly, clearly laid out for the american people, they can trust what they're hearing actually happened and as a full-on attack on democracy. >> chairwoman liz cheney spoke this morning on donald trump's actions during the riot. >> we know as he was sitting in the dining room next to the oval office, members of his staff were pleading with him to go on television to tell people to stop. we know leader mccarthy was pleading with him to do that, we know members of his family, we know his daughter, first hand testimony that his daughter ivanka went in at least twice to ask him to please stop this violence. >> that is what we know. what do we still not know? >> well, there's a lot of things we don't know exactly what trump may have said to certain people about why he wasn't doing it, also other things we have learned from some of the reporting that's been done in terms of what was happening with the trump brain trust and the various, you know, efforts that they were looking, the levers they were looking to pull to try to prevent the vote from being certified. there could be more that comes out and i'm sure there will be but there's already so much that is in public view, again, trump make these calls publicly, you know, he said he won the election on election night. he encouraged the folks down the lift to walk over the capitol and march on the capitol then waited so long in the white house before he came out and made the video statement that took three takes we know from reporting that we have, that the first couple takes were too sympathetic to the insurrectionists and the one he actually put out eventually was still sympathetic, telling them he loved them. so it's pretty clear already that donald trump didn't necessarily want to call off the dogs. he wanted to see how that played out because he thought maybe it had a chance to succeed and stop the certification of the electoral victory of joe biden and his defeat and so we already know that, and i think yes, there will be compelling hearings this summer, you know, whenever or perhaps earlier, whenever the committee puts out its report. there will be a lot more information but it's really up to the public to digest it and it's just, what we have seen so far is this splits right down partisan lines and yes, liz cheney and adam kinsinger on the committee but only republicans in the entire conference to do anything with it, the majority of republicans are pushing challenges against them, trump pushing challenges against liz cheney, so you see where the center of the republican party remains, still where it was last year and the year before that and is going to be really difficult for this report ultimately to, i think, move the needle of public opinion in a serious and lasting way. >> anita, all, thank you for getting you say started. the promises biden and democrats need to make good on. and the push to energize young voters. plus, america surpassed 55 million cases of covid. expert advice ahead and how to slow the spread of omicron still in the mix. just getting started here on "american voices". ices". so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? 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>> only if there's pressure, and part of the problem is too many people have not done pressure, they sat in the back room with him and given him time. the pressure has to come from west virginia, has to come from impacted people, 80% of west virginians want expanded voter rights, build back better, what the president and vice-president need to do is first of all, meet with low income people and turn the mic so we turn this from manchin and sinema to them versus the millions of poor people in this country, also be clear we can't bifurcate, the infrastructure about daily lives, which is build back better, we knew manchin was lying but more importantly, have to tell people that when you talk about build back better, you're talking about up to 31 million families being lifted. you're talking about 17 million low-wage workers, four million people getting healthcare that don't have it. you're talking about millions of home healthcare workers getting $15 living wages and paid leave. you're talking about 32 million people, if you pass $15 living wage, being raised from poverty to a living wage. and when you talk about voting rights, you're talking about 56 million people who use processes in 2020 that if we allow voter suppression to continue, that would no longer have that access. so we need to keep it together, we need to put poor, low wealth people that impact the people and religious leaders at the front of this and make this a moral issue. if that happens, yes, you can turn the tide on th we believe that. >> new york times editorial board this weekend said, quote, mr. biden and other leader democrats should make use of what power they have to end the filibuster for voting rights legislation even if nothing else. reverend, you support nuking the filibuster, do you get the sense from democrats you have spoken to that they are willing to take that step? >> well, i don't know, because it should have happened up front. i don't know what all the waiting has been. you know, voting rights is essential, but again, the problem is we're separating these things out. we believe the president and vice-president should go to texas, west virginia, meet with people, go to the well of the congress, state of the union and say these are the three democracies, we must protect them. through infrastructure, by democracy, infrastructure by daily lives, represented in bbb and infrastructure by roads and technology. they're not separate people, pieces, but we also say in 2020, over 6,800 million people voted were poor and low wealth, in the battle ground states, make up more than 44% of the electorate, low income people, if poor, low income people not registered to vote, could vote, 22%, they could change the outcome of elections. so it's politically crazy not to do this, but economically insane, it makes no sense politically. we should hold these two bills together, dr. king held voting rights and economic justice together in one piece and mobilize the people. president and vice-president go to campaign mode to get this done. it's not going to get done in the backroom, not done just meeting with manchin, it's going to get done when we get the people to have the mic, the people who are impacted. if they get the mic and you put a face on it, black face, white face, latino face, asian face, native american face and america sees herself, that we believe. and that's why in june 18, 2022, we are mobilizing and organizing thousands upon thousands of people for a national mass poor people's low wage workers assembly march on washington and to the poll. because it's time for that sleeping giant to wake up and that's poor and low wealth people who have more power than we give them credit for. so i just lastly say to people, well if new terms are going -- that's the past. what if you have a massive turnout of poor, low wealth people. what if folks turn out like never before? we don't know what could happen in this midterm, but we know we have to fight, have to turn out in that filibuster, pass voting rights, pass bbb and then let's go to the pole. >> i love that it is january 2nd and you are already putting dates in june on our calendar. thanks so much for your time tonight. next, as we enter a third year of the pandemic, dr. gupta on if there is an endgame in sight as omicron fuels another surge in cases. officials in colorado updating on the wildfire that destroyed entire neighborhoods. s . we hit the bike trails every weekend shinges doesn't care. i grow all my own vegetables shingles doesn't care. we've still got the best moves you've ever seen good for you, but shingles doesn't care. because 1 in 3 people will get shingles, you need protection. but, no matter how healthy you feel, your immune system declines as you age increasing your risk for getting shingles. so, what can protect you? shingrix protects. you can protect yourself from shingles with a vaccine proven to be over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your pharmacist or doctor about shingrix. shingles doesn't care. but you should. you don't get much time for yourself. so when you do, make it count with crest pro-health. it protects the 8 areas dentists check for a healthier mouth. the #1 toothpaste brand in america. crest. a short time ago the u.s. officially surpassed 55 million covid cases, up three million cases since christmas eve. omicron, now the dominant strain infecting americans, accounting for nearly 60% of all new covid cases. but health experts say on the other side of this rise, there could be good news because while the omicron variant is highly transmissible, new studies show the risk of hospitalization is 50% lower with omicron than the delta variant, and that could help us each herd immunity, which under perfect circumstances could mean a return to normal by the spring. >> the key messages for the next four to six weeks, it's going to be pretty awful. you know, people talk about i'm over it and i'm getting back to normal. right now, that's the wrong call. right now, that's an incredibly risky call but by february or march, that might be a reasonable call. it might, in fact, be more dangerous than the flu. >> joining us now, msnbc medical contributor, dr. gupta, analysis and for evaluation at the university of washington, doctor, good to see you first, i want to tell you if i got that tee up right there and if you believe we're at a turning point in the pandemic. >> happy new year, good to see you. you know, not quite yet. i agree with the comments that were just made by the other doc that i do believe we're headed for some degree of respite, come, say, end of march. here at ida institute of health, we're anticipating dozens of weekly deaths into the week of 2022, that's suspected because many people don't have the vaccine, cold, dry air really propagates transmission so what we're going to see in the next several weeks across hospitals across the country is not surprising, it's sad, it's preventble but not surprising. after that, in due march, i do think we'll be turning a page here for a variety of reasons. >> omicron variant fueled record hospitalizations among children, 66% in increase in admissions in the past week, what will it mean for kids and other vulnerable populations and when you hear those numbers, how do you square that with the description of this variant as more mild? >> well, i think that description, let me start there first, we still need to be cautious about calling this, we're still learning as we're going. it first emerged not even five weeks ago after thanksgiving when there was reporting. we still don't know how this behaves on older individuals or, say, unvaccinated. emerging data is optimistic that it might lead to less severe illness but still, combination of delta and omicron so we have to be careful. as to kids if there's one thing clear here, alicia, expecting 2 and a half million expected infections day to day over the next month and it's going to be a long tail. still million estimated infections through the the country into march. after that, the number of kids ending up in the hospital is a small percentage so i think we still need to have contact care and those going into hospital, moderate symptoms, a few days of observation, make sure no one is ending up in the pediatric icu. yes, there are cases, but not too many. contact care is important, masking everybody, kids and adult staff, mandatory vaccines for anybody eligible on the adult side, ideally required before, those who are eligible, testing, if those things are think, you should feel comfortable sending your kids to school. >> all right, i got to tell you, my five-year-old is getting her vaccine this week and our family is very excited. dr. van gupta as always thank you for your time. next the strides we have made and the fight ahead for social justice. the world's reckoning with racism and later what the january 6 committee has up its sleeve in the new year as we approach one year since that deadly attack on american democracy. stay with us. n democracy. stay with us new vicks vapostick. strong soothing vapors... help comfort your loved ones. for chest, neck, and back. it goes on clear. no mess just soothing comfort. try new vicks vapostick. 2021 was a year of tough conversations and calls for action. issues of racism, social justice and the backlash they provoked dominated courtrooms and classrooms across the country. take a look at our nation's struggle to reconcile the past ahead of an uncertain future. >> reporter: in 2021, america was on trial for the sins of today and generations ago. >> rememberence and of reckoning, marking the 100th anniversary of the tulsa race massacre. >> reporter: as our nation was confronted with ugly truths about race, democracy and the violence that binds us all. >> a violent spectacle of american citizens looting and defacing our own capitol. >> reporter: we witnessed an assault at the heart of our nation when a mob of trump supported stormed the capitol attacking everything we thought to be america. >> rushing past barricades, police. >> we are under quite literal lock down. >> reporter: it is unbelievable to see in person. >> reporter: some consider flags a call to arms, a warning, weaponized whiteness and the worst of our politics. in the end, five were dead including police officer bryan citnik. many more left scarred. even after heros emerged. >> reporter: that's officer eugene goodman, sprinting to respond to the riot. single handedly trying to keep a group of rioters at bay. >> reporter: among them, black men, so often the targets of american savagery, on this day, may have helped save america from its most savage. capitol police officer eugene goodman awarded for his role during the riot. >> officer goodman, thank you. >> reporter: from the capitol to courtrooms across the country, the tension between justice and injustice ran thick. >> derrick chauvin, be convicted on all three counts. leaving the courtroom in handcan you haves. >> there was a wave that rippled over this crowd. >> justice for george perry floyd jr. >> this does give a message to his family, that he was somebody, that his life mattered, that all of our lives matter. >> what do you think is the significance of this trial for social justice in america? >> it means they're finally listening to us. >> today, we are able to breathe again. >> i would not call today's verdict justice, however, because justice implies true restoration. but it is accountability. >> we, the jury, find the defendant travis mcmichael guilty. >> reporter: in florida, another killing of a black man. >> rejecting the self defense arguments after the pursuit and shooting of unarmed man. >> reporter: father and son and their neighbor, william bryant found guilty of murder and other charges for tracking arbury as he jogged through a suburban neighborhood. >> it's been a long fight, a hard find, but god is good. >> let the word go forth all over the world that a jury of 11 whites and one black, in the deep south, stood up in the courtroom and said that black lives do matter. >> kyle rittenhouse breaking down as he's cleared of all five charges. >> in wisconsin rittenhouse found not guilty of murderer, which sent shock waves through the victim's families and community. rittenhouse using the assault rifle purchased by a friend to shoot protesters at a rally for a black man who police shot four times in the back. >> finding kimberly potter guilty of first and second degree manslaughter in the death of dante wright. >> rejecting her defense that she mistakenly fired her gun over a taser in the struggle. >> school boards and parents all over the country -- >> first black principle the high school removed from his position over a school board meeting over what he says was a false accusation of promoting critical race theory. >> critical race theory became a right wing boogie man. >> it's a decade old study of systemic racism always only taught in law school. >> this isn't about anything if critical race theory is in k-12 it is a backlash effort to reverse the racial reckoning unlike any in our life time. >> also this year, the drum by the of the past gave us purpose but also pain. >> tulsa's african american district of green wood was successful and self sfigsent until the evening may 21st, 2021, shooting on black residents. >> reporter: in tulsa oklahoma unearthed a century old race massacre, hundreds marched with a plea to finally be seen. a thousand miles away, another massacre was remembered. this one, at the mother emmanuelle church in south carolina, where many lost their lives to a young white supremacist a half dozen years ago. but in 2021, shards of the lives shattered were smoothed, just a little, when the department of justice reaching a multimillion dollar settlement with the families of the victims, not closure, but perhaps something closer. >> we cannot bring back those nine victims. we cannot erase the scars that those survivors have, but what we do here today is lawyers and these families is we say we stand on justice. >> sb 21-22, illinois becoming the first state to ban police from lying to or deceiving minors during interrogations. >> reporter: in illinois, sweeping criminal justice reform law bans lying to minors in police interrogations, led to convictions of countless young people, most of them black boys. in the city of evanston became the first in the nation to pay reperations to black residents. >> $400,000 will go to qualified applicants for housing assistance. >> reporter: the plan was not without controversy and push back, some of it coming from the african american community. the. >> the evanston plan does very little about the equity gap in housing. >> this is not reparations. >> in california, the state returned a $70 million parcel of prime beach front land in los angeles, known as bruce's beach, to the bruce family. a black family who's land was stricken from them by the state a century ago. while america remains a land of deep inequity, and black people have yet to enjoy the fullness of american freedom, 2021 reminds us that while we're not where we want to be, or where we hope to be, we've certainly come a very long way. after the break, the fight to win young voters, how politicians get their attention and then turn them out to vote, and what to make of the new wave of covid cases, kids returning to class after winter break. stick with us. eturning to class after winter break. stick with us. e. 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>> well democrats know they need to do better with young voters. that's always been the case and tried to find ways to engage them. if you break up the numbers what you're seeing is president biden does well with the younger college-educated voters, where he needs to do better, democrats need to do better is with the non-college educated younger voters and a lot of the data you show on your screen right now could be improved by passing bills like build back better. younger voters don't want to see the gridlock in washington, may not be paying attention to the day-to-day but do know that washington is disfunctional and so what the biden administration and democrats need to do is show how they're delivering on climate change, putting more money in their pocket, how are we getting over the pandemic? all of these things can be passed through legislation and different policies the biden action is currently pushing. >> here is the thing with what santiago is pushing, it's a youk about young voters. there's always some kind of groan and why are we talking about them? they're not going to show up. we have to invite them into the conversation. we have to make them part of the conversation, so that their resources, that their efforts to understanding things like that college differential. i'm going to guess you were in a lot of meetings where you were asked, if poll numbers look like that, why do you think we shouldn't be investing? >> i think there is a lack of messaging. that is something we've seen with our own research. the biggest issue is young voters simply do not understand what's inside of the bill. first example, with build back better, there are parts of the bill directly toward young voters, a lot of education components, but people do not understand what's in there. and it correlates with a lot of mistrust in the biden administration and congressional democrats, and that is something they need to fix really quickly if they want young voters to support them. >> you say it's a mistrust of the biden administration or mistrust of democratic congressionals, is it a mistrust of the system at large? >> they do not feel listened to. that is a big part of why we're asking congressional democrats to really give a vote to young voters and gen z. we have been asking for a white house student advisory board, that would bring gen z into the white house. it's difficult for an older president to understand what's affecting younger voters without listening to them. that's what we're going to keep pushing them to do until midterms. >> sochi, do you remember when we were young voters and would have this conversation? there's this piece about how you message, that is of course critical. there is this piece about delivering legislation, sochi, the other thing we know is this comes down to access, to how easy it is to vote, how accessible voting is, so, as we have this conversation about voting rights in this country, one of the groups we need to be most concerned about is young americans. >> you're absolutely right, alicia. and you've seen texas and others trying to point this out. that is why you've seen chuck schumer and the democratic leadership come out and say wait a minute. at the beginning of this year, we are going to tackle voting rights. because they understand if they don't restore the voting rights act, democrats won't win and they can't make progress for the american people. so you're going to see a big push at the start of the year because of those young voters and minority voters. >> we've tarked about build back better. we have talked about voting rights. i also want to make sure we talk about student debt, which is a large issue. often painted as a young person issue. there are multiple generations at this point saddled with an unprecedented amount of student debt. is that an issue? do you believe the biden administration delivered on student debt that could be a turning point? >> without a doubt. in our research we found that over 75% of current college students would be more likely to vote in the midterms election if there was cancellation of any student debt, not to say if the student debt was canceled completely. and education reform in general is something that young voters care a lot about. i remember when joe biden was first running, his agenda included free college for a lot of people. and that just got left on the sidelines when build back better was being negotiated. but yes, absolutely, if student debt was canceled, there would be so much momentum behind supporting democrats in the midterm elections and there had had be failures if they do not 689 not. twitter takes down the controversial account of a congresswoman. boulder, colorado, nearly 1,000 homes are no more. but first, remembering america's golden girl, not just for the laughs but for fierce fights for equality. a woman we can all thank for being a friend. n we can all thar being a friend as you have no doubt heard, america lost its golden girl new year's eve, a few days shy of her 100th birthday. as long as tv has been a thing, betty white has been on it, starting her career in the 1940s, painting a path to iconic roles she'd take on later, such as sue ann nevins on the "mary tyler moore show." and on "golden girls." >> what has been the significance of the gay community if your career, and what do you have to say to those against gay advances, like gay marriage and the like. >> i don't care whom you sleep with. i don't, it's what kind of a human being are you. >> i've never understood why people -- >> i don't understand. it's such a personal, private business and none of mine. >> standing up for what's right was simply in betty white's dna. she proved it in the 1950s, when she defied racist demands and insisted a black tap dancer appear on the betty white show. and let's not forget about her love for animals, cats, dogs, wildlife. animals gave her even more joy than her work as an actress. for all of you mourning the loss of this american icon, remember how

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Committee , Capitol , Name , The Press , Chair , Thompson , 1 6 , President , Attack , Picture , White House , January 6 , 6 , 187 , People , Information , Individuals , Number , Attempts , Chief Of Staff , Calls , Response , Nothing , Semblance , Trump To Biden , Democrats , Young Americans , Concern , Poll , Congressmen , Amount , Blame , Deal , 92 , 27 , Government , Planning , Action , Polling , Former , Washington Post , 40 , Supporters , Election , Insurrection , Congresswoman Taylor Green , News Conference , Cheerleaders , Rerun , 2020 , One , Misinformation , Twitter , Campaign , Spewing , Reporter , Congresswoman , Account , Los Angeles Times , Lies , Operation , Covid 19 , Nbc , Tubman , 19 , Numbers , Strategist , Analyst , Truth , Head , Kinsinger , Nail , Grips , Evidence , Won T , Attack On Democracy , Impact , Terms , Lives , Reality , Themes , Up Hill Battle , Hearings , Anybody , Concerns , Funding , Investigation , Lift , Potential , Referrals , Doj , Voters , Text Messages , Turning Point , U S , Opportunity , Case , Reports , Three , Move , Accountable , Lay Out , Republicans , Midterms , Poll Numbers , Times , Four , Independents , Sat , 2022 , Don T Know , Prospect , House , Control , Pace , It , Politics , Part , Calendar , Goal , Middle , Issue , Wall , Side , Central , Democrats Running On , Big Lie , Republican , Lot , Many , Lost Cause , Candidates , Media Ecochamber , Sense , Arms , Right , Left , Voting Rights , Way , Anything , Isn T , Base , Polls , Laws , Motivation , Pressure , State , Level , Lever , Washington , Supreme Court , Focus On Voting , Voting Laws , Antipatriotic Party , Something , Trump Accountable At Second Impeachment Trial , Lateral Commission , Country , Swing Voters , Substance , Mind , Step , Work , Point , Juanita , Realm , Holding Public Hearings , Caveat , Phase , Fact , Reach , Public , Component , Ons , Message , Videos , Area , Hearing , Capitol Officers , Testimony , Saw A , Who , Front , Truths , Accounts , Happening , Balance , Attacks , Democracy , Video , Camera , Scene , Officials , American S 16s In The Last , 16 , Bills , Access , Proposals , Ballot , Testimonies , Difference , Experiences , Liz Cheney , Riot , Actions , Staff , Donald Trump , Members , Pleading , Dining Room , Television , Oval Office , Leader Mccarthy , Family , Ivanka , Violence , Hand Testimony , Things , Reporting , Some , Trump , Brain Trust , Vote , Efforts , Levers , View , Being Certified , Folks , Video Statement , Election Night , Didn T , Insurrectionists , Couple , Joe Biden , Chance , Defeat , Victory , Dogs , Certification , Yes , Report , Splits , Summer , Conference , Majority , Lines , Adam Kinsinger , Challenges , Center , Remains , Needle , Public Opinion , Anita , Omicron , Cases , Push , Expert Advice , Mix , Spread , 55 Million , Liberty , Throwback , American Voices , Ices , Chapter , Fermentation , Ingredients , Goodness , Multi Vitamin , Body , Wellness , Aleve X , Life , Relief 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Voter Rights , Income , Bifurcate , Millions , Sinema , 31 Million , Healthcare , Workers , Healthcare Workers , Don T , Home , Leave , Living Wages , Four Million , 15 , 17 Million , 32 Million , 5 , Voter Suppression , Poverty , 56 Million , Wealth , Leaders , Th , Tide , Leader , Filibuster , New York Times , Mr , Use , Quote , Nothing Else , Waiting , Democracies , Congress , Texas , Essential , State Of The Union , Bbb , Technology , Roads , Infrastructure By Daily Lives , Electorate , Battle Ground States , 44 , 6800 Million , Elections , Poor , Outcome , 22 , Dr , Justice , King , Backroom , Done , Mode , Face , Native American , Asian , June 18 2022 , 18 , Mass , Wage Workers Assembly March On Washington , Organizing Thousands Upon , Sleeping Giant , Turnout , Midterm , Pass Voting Rights , Pole , Let S Go , Pass Bbb , January 2nd , 2 , Pandemic , Thanks , Sight , Endgame , Gupta , Wildfire , Surge , Colorado , Doesn T Care , Neighborhoods , Shinges , Bike , Vegetables , Shingles , Risk , Matter , Moves , Immune System Declines , Protection , 3 , Vaccine , Shingrix , Everyone , Reactions , 90 , 50 , Muscle Pain , Fainting , Headache , Dose , Tiredness , Injection Site , Redness , Stomach , Swelling , Fever , Shivering , Side Effects , Guillain BarrÉ Syndrome , Doctor , Shingles Doesn T Care , Pharmacist , It Count , Crest Pro Health , Areas , Crest , Mouth , Brand , 8 , Strain , Health Experts , Three Million , 60 , Studies , Hospitalization , Rise , Herd Immunity , Delta Variant , Messages , Spring , Circumstances , Six , It Might , Flu , Contributor , Analysis , Evaluation , University Of Washington , Comments , Come , Tee , Degree , Doc , Dozens , Deaths , March , Ida Institute Of Health , Hospitals , Cold , Propagates Transmission , In Due March , Variety , Hospitalizations , Children , Reasons , Preventble , Kids , Description , Variant , Admissions , Increase , Populations , 66 , Unvaccinated , Five , Data , Delta , Combination , Illness , Thing , Tail , Alicia , Contact Care , Hospital , Percentage , Infections , Symptoms , Observation , Everybody , Vaccines , Adult , Masking , Pediatric Icu , Testing , Fight , Think , Van Gupta , Strides , Social Justice , Racism , Reckoning , Stay , American Democracy , Sleeve , Vapors , Loved Ones , Vicks Vapostick , Mess , Comfort , Neck , Chest , Vicks Vapostick 2021 , Backlash , Courtrooms , Issues , Conversations , Classrooms , 2021 , Generations , Trial , Struggle , Nation , Look , Sins , Rememberence , Race , 100th Anniversary Of The Tulsa Race Massacre , 100 , Heart , Assault , Citizens , Spectacle , Mob Of Trump , Police , Barricades , Lock , More , Call To Arms , Person , Bryan Citnik , In The End , Worst , Weaponized Whiteness , Eugene Goodman , Heros , Rioters , Sprinting , Single , Group , Targets , Men , Role , American Savagery , Savage , Counts , Officer , Tension , Injustice , Ran Thick , Derrick Chauvin , Courtroom , Floyd Jr , Wave , Haves , Crowd , Handcan You , George Perry , Significance , Somebody , Jury , Accountability , Restoration , Verdict , Black Man , Travis , Self Defense Arguments , Killing , Pursuit , Florida , Charges , Father , Neighbor , Man , Son , Shooting , Murder , William Bryant , Tracking Arbury , In The Deep South , Whites , Neighborhood , Find , Black , Word , All Over The World , God , 11 , Kyle Rittenhouse , Shock Waves , Murderer , Wisconsin , Friend , Back , Finding Kimberly Potter , Community , Victim , Rally , Protesters , Assault Rifle , Defense , School Boards , Death , Degree Manslaughter , Taser , Gun , Parents , Dante Wright , High School , Race Theory , Meeting , Position , Principle , Accusation , School Board , Study , Law School , Boogie Man , Wing , K 12 , 12 , Effort , Drum , Purpose , Residents , Evening , Tulsa S African American District Of Green Wood , Self Sfigsent , May 21st 2021 , 21 , Massacre , Plea , Hundreds Marched , Tulsa Oklahoma , Emmanuelle Church In , Supremacist , Half , South Carolina , Thousand Miles Away , A Thousand , Victims , Dollar , Settlement , Closure , Little , Shards , Lawyers , Scars , Survivors , Illinois , Sb , Nine , Minors , Interrogations , Criminal Justice Reform Law Bans , Convictions , Most , Police Interrogations , Boys , Led , City , Evanston , Controversy , Reperations , Applicants , Housing Assistance , 00000 , 400000 , Housing , Reparations , African American Community , Equity Gap , California , Los Angeles , Bruce S Beach , Parcel , 70 Million , 0 Million , Deep Inequity , Fullness Of American Freedom , Politicians , Attention , Break , Winter Break , Stick , Class , Carolers , Kate , Eturning , E , Guy , 1000 , 000 , I Don T , Chances , Bull Rider , Woooooo , Yeaa , 665 , 665 Dollars , Desks , Schools , There , Students , Girls , Scholarships , Inflation , Bases , Contributions , Change Lives , Costs , Margins , Word Desks Msnbc Com , Approval Rating , Economy , 32 , Souchi , Executive Director , Climate Change , 55 , Ways , Gridlock , 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Show , 1950 , Animals , Wildlife , Cats , Love , Actress , Joy , Icon , Loss ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC American Voices With Alicia Menendez 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC American Voices With Alicia Menendez 20240709

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congressmen find, there is concern if americans will believe it. a poll out today showing 92% of democrats saying trump bears a great deal or good amount of blame for the attack. only 27% of americans blame the former president. even more concerning, washington post polling finding 40% of americans find violent action against the government is sometimes justified. as for the former, twice impeached president, he's planning to hold what he is calling a news conference, january 6, an anticipated rerun, white washing the insurrection like he has done since the supporters broke in after he lost the 2020 election. also news this hour on one of his biggest cheerleaders, congresswoman taylor green, who's campaign propelled by spewing his lies and misinformation. twitter, today, said enough, permanently banning the congresswoman's account for spreading lies about covid-19. but her congressional official twitter account remains in operation. >> tubman, white house reporter for los angeles times, and nbc critical analyst and strategist, i want to start with you. you look at the polling, and those numbers about who believes what. what does that tell you about the next few weeks and months are going to look like? >> i feel like representative kinsinger hit the nail on the head when he said with all this truth, the evidence we have, there are still certain people who won't believe this and we know he's talking about those trump supporters who trump has been able to hold into his grips with his lives, with his consistent themes of just ignoring the reality of how serious and dangerous january 6 was and the impact that has had on our democracy. i do think that the select committee still has an up hill battle in terms of what it's presenting to the public and public hearings, not only to persuade those individuals, but to make sure anybody who is responsible for planning, executing, funding and participating in this attack is held accountable because going into this year, we know there are concerns about that, we know there are concerns about the doj and their potential to run an investigation and ultimately, what criminal referrals could come from this, so i think the select committee has a heavy lift here. i appreciate chairman thompson laying out what they know now they didn't know before and i suspect more will come, as we saw from the explosive text messages. i think the public hearings early in the coming months will be telling about the picture they'll be able to display because we know while voters aren't watching their every move like we are probably not going to read their reports. we know that will be their opportunity to lay out their case, lay out why individuals should be held accountable and exactly who will be held accountable. >> to that point, three of us sat here many times, four of us and said midterms in 2022, it is in and out 2022, when you look at those poll numbers, roughly four independents and republicans saying violent action against the government is sometimes justified, how this falls in midterms, impacts the pace of the investigation? >> well, i don't know, i think given the midterms are out there and there is the prospect, very real prospect that democrats lose control of the house, this committee understands they need to wrap this up quickly and i think the goal is to do that by the middle of the year and obviously driven in part by, you know, the political calendar. but i think, you know, when you look at it in terms of the politics i mean this is tough, this is not necessarily a huge issue that you're seeing democrats running on. it's become, you know, january 6, insurrection, trump's big lie, all of that is more central to the politics on the republican side, rather than running away from it, this is now who they are, they're defending it, this is the new lost cause and when so many of your voters live in this concealed media ecochamber, you're seeing a lot of republican candidates running as far to the right, putting their arms around the former president as tightly as they can and you're not seeing, on the left, democrats out there i mean they're going to talk about it, you know, but just get the sense that that is not going to be the issue, saving democracy is not going to be the issue that gets voters to the polls. if anything, it gives them maybe a little more motivation to come up with some way to address voting rights so that their base, the democratic base, isn't frustrated that republicans have passed all these laws predicated on trump's big lie at the state level to make it harder for people to vote and the democrats who control every lever in washington other than supreme court, that's where the pressure is, where it falls on the white house, to try to come up with some legislative response to what republicans have done around voting laws. >> do you agree? >> i do think the focus on voting right is going to be critical, but i think this is an opportunity for democrats to really label republicans as the antidemocratic democracy party, antipatriotic party, they refuse to hold trump accountable at second impeachment trial, obstructed by lateral commission to dig into january 6 and i think that's something democrats should be digging in on, we know republicans don't have anything of substance to run on, but keep that in mind how it could turn off swing voters who turned from trump to biden. they don't necessarily want that across the country. while voters may not be watching every single step or day of the select committee's work, they are watching for what precipitates from this investigation, knowing that swing voters could be turned off from more republicans going further to the right or more republicans being implicated in planning and executing january 6 could be, definitely have an impact going into 2022. >> you know, it strikes me, juanita made that point twice now, it is a good point, the right point, which is we all watched the moment to moment of how this unfolded that is just not true for most voters. i do think the caveat there is the january 6 committee is now entering a new phase of investigation, holding public hearings. one -- what can we expect in the next few months in this investigation, in the realm of the public hearings, and does the fact that there is now going to be a much more public component of it potentially extend the reach of who is going to be following the going ons? >> absolutely can expect more public area of investigation, new videos coming out last week we are probably going to see and hopefully see what trump recorded before he sent out a message that day last year. we're going to see a lot of information coming out and it's going to help the case because as we saw in the past public hearing where we heard from capitol officers and their emotional, powerful testimony, that resonated with people who were there, who saw a what was happening, hearing the first-hand truths and accounts of what had happened. now a year after this investigation started, all of that is hanging in the balance now. what we can expect going forward is that to put this in front of the american people, beyond important at this point, because considering that all the attacks on democracy have happened not in a dramatic video, not on a dramatic scene or camera or on many american's 16s in the last year, many have been on a local level, attacks from elected officials, misinformation, we saw a lot of information earlier that really have taken attacks restricting access to ballot, seen so many proposals and bills coming into 2022. this attack on democracy goes beyond what just happened on january 6 and americans probably aren't able to see that up front but what the investigation will do is lay out firsthand experiences what people need to know, to hear, to see, however we know that may not always make a difference, the polling shows it as is. we -- it is disappointing to see, but what we can do is hope that with more information, with a public hearing, with more public hearings and testimonies, and information that's of clearly, clearly laid out for the american people, they can trust what they're hearing actually happened and as a full-on attack on democracy. >> chairwoman liz cheney spoke this morning on donald trump's actions during the riot. >> we know as he was sitting in the dining room next to the oval office, members of his staff were pleading with him to go on television to tell people to stop. we know leader mccarthy was pleading with him to do that, we know members of his family, we know his daughter, first hand testimony that his daughter ivanka went in at least twice to ask him to please stop this violence. >> that is what we know. what do we still not know? >> well, there's a lot of things we don't know exactly what trump may have said to certain people about why he wasn't doing it, also other things we have learned from some of the reporting that's been done in terms of what was happening with the trump brain trust and the various, you know, efforts that they were looking, the levers they were looking to pull to try to prevent the vote from being certified. there could be more that comes out and i'm sure there will be but there's already so much that is in public view, again, trump make these calls publicly, you know, he said he won the election on election night. he encouraged the folks down the lift to walk over the capitol and march on the capitol then waited so long in the white house before he came out and made the video statement that took three takes we know from reporting that we have, that the first couple takes were too sympathetic to the insurrectionists and the one he actually put out eventually was still sympathetic, telling them he loved them. so it's pretty clear already that donald trump didn't necessarily want to call off the dogs. he wanted to see how that played out because he thought maybe it had a chance to succeed and stop the certification of the electoral victory of joe biden and his defeat and so we already know that, and i think yes, there will be compelling hearings this summer, you know, whenever or perhaps earlier, whenever the committee puts out its report. there will be a lot more information but it's really up to the public to digest it and it's just, what we have seen so far is this splits right down partisan lines and yes, liz cheney and adam kinsinger on the committee but only republicans in the entire conference to do anything with it, the majority of republicans are pushing challenges against them, trump pushing challenges against liz cheney, so you see where the center of the republican party remains, still where it was last year and the year before that and is going to be really difficult for this report ultimately to, i think, move the needle of public opinion in a serious and lasting way. >> anita, all, thank you for getting you say started. the promises biden and democrats need to make good on. and the push to energize young voters. plus, america surpassed 55 million cases of covid. expert advice ahead and how to slow the spread of omicron still in the mix. just getting started here on "american voices". ices". so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? 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[cheering] that was awesome. and, the hits won't quit, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. all that entertainment built in. xfinity. a way better way to watch. a new year putting new focus on legislative musts for the president and his party. the next few months could not be more critical because how democrats do or do not use their legislative power could determine if voters allow them to keep it in november's midterms, first up, the president's build back better spending social plan, which today on msnbc, jayapal said must become law, here's why. >> the call now is to do two things, one, work very quickly to actually get that legislation passed, it's urgent, along with voting rights. those two pieces absolutely are urgent on the legislative calendar, then the second is, because we don't know how long that piece will take, there are executive actions the president can take today to actually make life better for people and to, you know, let's say up the ante a little bit to make sure we do get legislation done. >> joining me now, reverend william barber, cochair of the poor people's campaign and president of the repairs of the breach. thank you for joining me, reverend, listen to what congresswoman told about the build back better. >> build back better is alive and well. i listened carefully to joe manchin's criticism of this initiative and it's not that he doesn't share the values of the american people, that a basic child credit is due for hardworking families. he's been more concerned about funding it for a mere year -- >> you have taken out full page ads, had rallies to pressure manchin. do you share the congresswoman's optimism that the senator will come around on build back better? >> only if there's pressure, and part of the problem is too many people have not done pressure, they sat in the back room with him and given him time. the pressure has to come from west virginia, has to come from impacted people, 80% of west virginians want expanded voter rights, build back better, what the president and vice-president need to do is first of all, meet with low income people and turn the mic so we turn this from manchin and sinema to them versus the millions of poor people in this country, also be clear we can't bifurcate, the infrastructure about daily lives, which is build back better, we knew manchin was lying but more importantly, have to tell people that when you talk about build back better, you're talking about up to 31 million families being lifted. you're talking about 17 million low-wage workers, four million people getting healthcare that don't have it. you're talking about millions of home healthcare workers getting $15 living wages and paid leave. you're talking about 32 million people, if you pass $15 living wage, being raised from poverty to a living wage. and when you talk about voting rights, you're talking about 56 million people who use processes in 2020 that if we allow voter suppression to continue, that would no longer have that access. so we need to keep it together, we need to put poor, low wealth people that impact the people and religious leaders at the front of this and make this a moral issue. if that happens, yes, you can turn the tide on th we believe that. >> new york times editorial board this weekend said, quote, mr. biden and other leader democrats should make use of what power they have to end the filibuster for voting rights legislation even if nothing else. reverend, you support nuking the filibuster, do you get the sense from democrats you have spoken to that they are willing to take that step? >> well, i don't know, because it should have happened up front. i don't know what all the waiting has been. you know, voting rights is essential, but again, the problem is we're separating these things out. we believe the president and vice-president should go to texas, west virginia, meet with people, go to the well of the congress, state of the union and say these are the three democracies, we must protect them. through infrastructure, by democracy, infrastructure by daily lives, represented in bbb and infrastructure by roads and technology. they're not separate people, pieces, but we also say in 2020, over 6,800 million people voted were poor and low wealth, in the battle ground states, make up more than 44% of the electorate, low income people, if poor, low income people not registered to vote, could vote, 22%, they could change the outcome of elections. so it's politically crazy not to do this, but economically insane, it makes no sense politically. we should hold these two bills together, dr. king held voting rights and economic justice together in one piece and mobilize the people. president and vice-president go to campaign mode to get this done. it's not going to get done in the backroom, not done just meeting with manchin, it's going to get done when we get the people to have the mic, the people who are impacted. if they get the mic and you put a face on it, black face, white face, latino face, asian face, native american face and america sees herself, that we believe. and that's why in june 18, 2022, we are mobilizing and organizing thousands upon thousands of people for a national mass poor people's low wage workers assembly march on washington and to the poll. because it's time for that sleeping giant to wake up and that's poor and low wealth people who have more power than we give them credit for. so i just lastly say to people, well if new terms are going -- that's the past. what if you have a massive turnout of poor, low wealth people. what if folks turn out like never before? we don't know what could happen in this midterm, but we know we have to fight, have to turn out in that filibuster, pass voting rights, pass bbb and then let's go to the pole. >> i love that it is january 2nd and you are already putting dates in june on our calendar. thanks so much for your time tonight. next, as we enter a third year of the pandemic, dr. gupta on if there is an endgame in sight as omicron fuels another surge in cases. officials in colorado updating on the wildfire that destroyed entire neighborhoods. s . we hit the bike trails every weekend shinges doesn't care. i grow all my own vegetables shingles doesn't care. we've still got the best moves you've ever seen good for you, but shingles doesn't care. because 1 in 3 people will get shingles, you need protection. but, no matter how healthy you feel, your immune system declines as you age increasing your risk for getting shingles. so, what can protect you? shingrix protects. you can protect yourself from shingles with a vaccine proven to be over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your pharmacist or doctor about shingrix. shingles doesn't care. but you should. you don't get much time for yourself. so when you do, make it count with crest pro-health. it protects the 8 areas dentists check for a healthier mouth. the #1 toothpaste brand in america. crest. a short time ago the u.s. officially surpassed 55 million covid cases, up three million cases since christmas eve. omicron, now the dominant strain infecting americans, accounting for nearly 60% of all new covid cases. but health experts say on the other side of this rise, there could be good news because while the omicron variant is highly transmissible, new studies show the risk of hospitalization is 50% lower with omicron than the delta variant, and that could help us each herd immunity, which under perfect circumstances could mean a return to normal by the spring. >> the key messages for the next four to six weeks, it's going to be pretty awful. you know, people talk about i'm over it and i'm getting back to normal. right now, that's the wrong call. right now, that's an incredibly risky call but by february or march, that might be a reasonable call. it might, in fact, be more dangerous than the flu. >> joining us now, msnbc medical contributor, dr. gupta, analysis and for evaluation at the university of washington, doctor, good to see you first, i want to tell you if i got that tee up right there and if you believe we're at a turning point in the pandemic. >> happy new year, good to see you. you know, not quite yet. i agree with the comments that were just made by the other doc that i do believe we're headed for some degree of respite, come, say, end of march. here at ida institute of health, we're anticipating dozens of weekly deaths into the week of 2022, that's suspected because many people don't have the vaccine, cold, dry air really propagates transmission so what we're going to see in the next several weeks across hospitals across the country is not surprising, it's sad, it's preventble but not surprising. after that, in due march, i do think we'll be turning a page here for a variety of reasons. >> omicron variant fueled record hospitalizations among children, 66% in increase in admissions in the past week, what will it mean for kids and other vulnerable populations and when you hear those numbers, how do you square that with the description of this variant as more mild? >> well, i think that description, let me start there first, we still need to be cautious about calling this, we're still learning as we're going. it first emerged not even five weeks ago after thanksgiving when there was reporting. we still don't know how this behaves on older individuals or, say, unvaccinated. emerging data is optimistic that it might lead to less severe illness but still, combination of delta and omicron so we have to be careful. as to kids if there's one thing clear here, alicia, expecting 2 and a half million expected infections day to day over the next month and it's going to be a long tail. still million estimated infections through the the country into march. after that, the number of kids ending up in the hospital is a small percentage so i think we still need to have contact care and those going into hospital, moderate symptoms, a few days of observation, make sure no one is ending up in the pediatric icu. yes, there are cases, but not too many. contact care is important, masking everybody, kids and adult staff, mandatory vaccines for anybody eligible on the adult side, ideally required before, those who are eligible, testing, if those things are think, you should feel comfortable sending your kids to school. >> all right, i got to tell you, my five-year-old is getting her vaccine this week and our family is very excited. dr. van gupta as always thank you for your time. next the strides we have made and the fight ahead for social justice. the world's reckoning with racism and later what the january 6 committee has up its sleeve in the new year as we approach one year since that deadly attack on american democracy. stay with us. n democracy. stay with us new vicks vapostick. strong soothing vapors... help comfort your loved ones. for chest, neck, and back. it goes on clear. no mess just soothing comfort. try new vicks vapostick. 2021 was a year of tough conversations and calls for action. issues of racism, social justice and the backlash they provoked dominated courtrooms and classrooms across the country. take a look at our nation's struggle to reconcile the past ahead of an uncertain future. >> reporter: in 2021, america was on trial for the sins of today and generations ago. >> rememberence and of reckoning, marking the 100th anniversary of the tulsa race massacre. >> reporter: as our nation was confronted with ugly truths about race, democracy and the violence that binds us all. >> a violent spectacle of american citizens looting and defacing our own capitol. >> reporter: we witnessed an assault at the heart of our nation when a mob of trump supported stormed the capitol attacking everything we thought to be america. >> rushing past barricades, police. >> we are under quite literal lock down. >> reporter: it is unbelievable to see in person. >> reporter: some consider flags a call to arms, a warning, weaponized whiteness and the worst of our politics. in the end, five were dead including police officer bryan citnik. many more left scarred. even after heros emerged. >> reporter: that's officer eugene goodman, sprinting to respond to the riot. single handedly trying to keep a group of rioters at bay. >> reporter: among them, black men, so often the targets of american savagery, on this day, may have helped save america from its most savage. capitol police officer eugene goodman awarded for his role during the riot. >> officer goodman, thank you. >> reporter: from the capitol to courtrooms across the country, the tension between justice and injustice ran thick. >> derrick chauvin, be convicted on all three counts. leaving the courtroom in handcan you haves. >> there was a wave that rippled over this crowd. >> justice for george perry floyd jr. >> this does give a message to his family, that he was somebody, that his life mattered, that all of our lives matter. >> what do you think is the significance of this trial for social justice in america? >> it means they're finally listening to us. >> today, we are able to breathe again. >> i would not call today's verdict justice, however, because justice implies true restoration. but it is accountability. >> we, the jury, find the defendant travis mcmichael guilty. >> reporter: in florida, another killing of a black man. >> rejecting the self defense arguments after the pursuit and shooting of unarmed man. >> reporter: father and son and their neighbor, william bryant found guilty of murder and other charges for tracking arbury as he jogged through a suburban neighborhood. >> it's been a long fight, a hard find, but god is good. >> let the word go forth all over the world that a jury of 11 whites and one black, in the deep south, stood up in the courtroom and said that black lives do matter. >> kyle rittenhouse breaking down as he's cleared of all five charges. >> in wisconsin rittenhouse found not guilty of murderer, which sent shock waves through the victim's families and community. rittenhouse using the assault rifle purchased by a friend to shoot protesters at a rally for a black man who police shot four times in the back. >> finding kimberly potter guilty of first and second degree manslaughter in the death of dante wright. >> rejecting her defense that she mistakenly fired her gun over a taser in the struggle. >> school boards and parents all over the country -- >> first black principle the high school removed from his position over a school board meeting over what he says was a false accusation of promoting critical race theory. >> critical race theory became a right wing boogie man. >> it's a decade old study of systemic racism always only taught in law school. >> this isn't about anything if critical race theory is in k-12 it is a backlash effort to reverse the racial reckoning unlike any in our life time. >> also this year, the drum by the of the past gave us purpose but also pain. >> tulsa's african american district of green wood was successful and self sfigsent until the evening may 21st, 2021, shooting on black residents. >> reporter: in tulsa oklahoma unearthed a century old race massacre, hundreds marched with a plea to finally be seen. a thousand miles away, another massacre was remembered. this one, at the mother emmanuelle church in south carolina, where many lost their lives to a young white supremacist a half dozen years ago. but in 2021, shards of the lives shattered were smoothed, just a little, when the department of justice reaching a multimillion dollar settlement with the families of the victims, not closure, but perhaps something closer. >> we cannot bring back those nine victims. we cannot erase the scars that those survivors have, but what we do here today is lawyers and these families is we say we stand on justice. >> sb 21-22, illinois becoming the first state to ban police from lying to or deceiving minors during interrogations. >> reporter: in illinois, sweeping criminal justice reform law bans lying to minors in police interrogations, led to convictions of countless young people, most of them black boys. in the city of evanston became the first in the nation to pay reperations to black residents. >> $400,000 will go to qualified applicants for housing assistance. >> reporter: the plan was not without controversy and push back, some of it coming from the african american community. the. >> the evanston plan does very little about the equity gap in housing. >> this is not reparations. >> in california, the state returned a $70 million parcel of prime beach front land in los angeles, known as bruce's beach, to the bruce family. a black family who's land was stricken from them by the state a century ago. while america remains a land of deep inequity, and black people have yet to enjoy the fullness of american freedom, 2021 reminds us that while we're not where we want to be, or where we hope to be, we've certainly come a very long way. after the break, the fight to win young voters, how politicians get their attention and then turn them out to vote, and what to make of the new wave of covid cases, kids returning to class after winter break. stick with us. eturning to class after winter break. stick with us. e. (kate) better? (guy) better. (kate) hey. (kate) and up to $1,000 when you switch. (carolers) ♪better♪ (kate) because everyone deserves better. as a professional bull-rider i'm used to taking chances. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. yeah. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ to deliver desks at schools, we have also provided scholarships for girls to attend high school there. most students in the schools still don't have desks. inflation significantly increased our costs in producing desks your contributions really do change lives. >> see how you can help at last word if it is a midterm year, talking bases and margins and that is why we're showing recent polling on president biden's approval rating, to young americans fallen 32%. young voters say strengthening the economy, bringing country together and improving healthcare as key, addressing climate change also huge, 55% of young voters do not believe the u.s. government is doing enough. joining me now, executive director of voters tomorrow, and souchi, when you see those numbers, do they surprise you? >> well democrats know they need to do better with young voters. that's always been the case and tried to find ways to engage them. if you break up the numbers what you're seeing is president biden does well with the younger college-educated voters, where he needs to do better, democrats need to do better is with the non-college educated younger voters and a lot of the data you show on your screen right now could be improved by passing bills like build back better. younger voters don't want to see the gridlock in washington, may not be paying attention to the day-to-day but do know that washington is disfunctional and so what the biden administration and democrats need to do is show how they're delivering on climate change, putting more money in their pocket, how are we getting over the pandemic? all of these things can be passed through legislation and different policies the biden action is currently pushing. >> here is the thing with what santiago is pushing, it's a youk about young voters. there's always some kind of groan and why are we talking about them? they're not going to show up. we have to invite them into the conversation. we have to make them part of the conversation, so that their resources, that their efforts to understanding things like that college differential. i'm going to guess you were in a lot of meetings where you were asked, if poll numbers look like that, why do you think we shouldn't be investing? >> i think there is a lack of messaging. that is something we've seen with our own research. the biggest issue is young voters simply do not understand what's inside of the bill. first example, with build back better, there are parts of the bill directly toward young voters, a lot of education components, but people do not understand what's in there. and it correlates with a lot of mistrust in the biden administration and congressional democrats, and that is something they need to fix really quickly if they want young voters to support them. >> you say it's a mistrust of the biden administration or mistrust of democratic congressionals, is it a mistrust of the system at large? >> they do not feel listened to. that is a big part of why we're asking congressional democrats to really give a vote to young voters and gen z. we have been asking for a white house student advisory board, that would bring gen z into the white house. it's difficult for an older president to understand what's affecting younger voters without listening to them. that's what we're going to keep pushing them to do until midterms. >> sochi, do you remember when we were young voters and would have this conversation? there's this piece about how you message, that is of course critical. there is this piece about delivering legislation, sochi, the other thing we know is this comes down to access, to how easy it is to vote, how accessible voting is, so, as we have this conversation about voting rights in this country, one of the groups we need to be most concerned about is young americans. >> you're absolutely right, alicia. and you've seen texas and others trying to point this out. that is why you've seen chuck schumer and the democratic leadership come out and say wait a minute. at the beginning of this year, we are going to tackle voting rights. because they understand if they don't restore the voting rights act, democrats won't win and they can't make progress for the american people. so you're going to see a big push at the start of the year because of those young voters and minority voters. >> we've tarked about build back better. we have talked about voting rights. i also want to make sure we talk about student debt, which is a large issue. often painted as a young person issue. there are multiple generations at this point saddled with an unprecedented amount of student debt. is that an issue? do you believe the biden administration delivered on student debt that could be a turning point? >> without a doubt. in our research we found that over 75% of current college students would be more likely to vote in the midterms election if there was cancellation of any student debt, not to say if the student debt was canceled completely. and education reform in general is something that young voters care a lot about. i remember when joe biden was first running, his agenda included free college for a lot of people. and that just got left on the sidelines when build back better was being negotiated. but yes, absolutely, if student debt was canceled, there would be so much momentum behind supporting democrats in the midterm elections and there had had be failures if they do not 689 not. twitter takes down the controversial account of a congresswoman. boulder, colorado, nearly 1,000 homes are no more. but first, remembering america's golden girl, not just for the laughs but for fierce fights for equality. a woman we can all thank for being a friend. n we can all thar being a friend as you have no doubt heard, america lost its golden girl new year's eve, a few days shy of her 100th birthday. as long as tv has been a thing, betty white has been on it, starting her career in the 1940s, painting a path to iconic roles she'd take on later, such as sue ann nevins on the "mary tyler moore show." and on "golden girls." >> what has been the significance of the gay community if your career, and what do you have to say to those against gay advances, like gay marriage and the like. >> i don't care whom you sleep with. i don't, it's what kind of a human being are you. >> i've never understood why people -- >> i don't understand. it's such a personal, private business and none of mine. >> standing up for what's right was simply in betty white's dna. she proved it in the 1950s, when she defied racist demands and insisted a black tap dancer appear on the betty white show. and let's not forget about her love for animals, cats, dogs, wildlife. animals gave her even more joy than her work as an actress. for all of you mourning the loss of this american icon, remember how

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Messages , Turning Point , U S , Opportunity , Case , Reports , Three , Move , Accountable , Lay Out , Republicans , Midterms , Poll Numbers , Times , Four , Independents , Sat , 2022 , Don T Know , Prospect , House , Control , Pace , It , Politics , Part , Calendar , Goal , Middle , Issue , Wall , Side , Central , Democrats Running On , Big Lie , Republican , Lot , Many , Lost Cause , Candidates , Media Ecochamber , Sense , Arms , Right , Left , Voting Rights , Way , Anything , Isn T , Base , Polls , Laws , Motivation , Pressure , State , Level , Lever , Washington , Supreme Court , Focus On Voting , Voting Laws , Antipatriotic Party , Something , Trump Accountable At Second Impeachment Trial , Lateral Commission , Country , Swing Voters , Substance , Mind , Step , Work , Point , Juanita , Realm , Holding Public Hearings , Caveat , Phase , Fact , Reach , Public , Component , Ons , Message , Videos , Area , Hearing , Capitol Officers , Testimony , Saw A , Who , Front , Truths , Accounts , Happening , Balance , Attacks , Democracy , Video , Camera , Scene , Officials , American S 16s In The Last , 16 , Bills , Access , Proposals , Ballot , Testimonies , Difference , Experiences , Liz Cheney , Riot , Actions , Staff , Donald Trump , Members , Pleading , Dining Room , Television , Oval Office , Leader Mccarthy , Family , Ivanka , Violence , Hand Testimony , Things , Reporting , Some , Trump , Brain Trust , Vote , Efforts , Levers , View , Being Certified , Folks , Video Statement , Election Night , Didn T , Insurrectionists , Couple , Joe Biden , Chance , Defeat , Victory , Dogs , Certification , Yes , Report , Splits , Summer , Conference , Majority , Lines , Adam Kinsinger , Challenges , Center , Remains , Needle , Public Opinion , Anita , Omicron , Cases , Push , Expert Advice , Mix , Spread , 55 Million , Liberty , Throwback , American Voices , Ices , Chapter , Fermentation , Ingredients , Goodness , Multi Vitamin , Body , Wellness , Aleve X , Life , Relief 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Voter Rights , Income , Bifurcate , Millions , Sinema , 31 Million , Healthcare , Workers , Healthcare Workers , Don T , Home , Leave , Living Wages , Four Million , 15 , 17 Million , 32 Million , 5 , Voter Suppression , Poverty , 56 Million , Wealth , Leaders , Th , Tide , Leader , Filibuster , New York Times , Mr , Use , Quote , Nothing Else , Waiting , Democracies , Congress , Texas , Essential , State Of The Union , Bbb , Technology , Roads , Infrastructure By Daily Lives , Electorate , Battle Ground States , 44 , 6800 Million , Elections , Poor , Outcome , 22 , Dr , Justice , King , Backroom , Done , Mode , Face , Native American , Asian , June 18 2022 , 18 , Mass , Wage Workers Assembly March On Washington , Organizing Thousands Upon , Sleeping Giant , Turnout , Midterm , Pass Voting Rights , Pole , Let S Go , Pass Bbb , January 2nd , 2 , Pandemic , Thanks , Sight , Endgame , Gupta , Wildfire , Surge , Colorado , Doesn T Care , Neighborhoods , Shinges , Bike , Vegetables , Shingles , Risk , Matter , Moves , Immune System Declines , Protection , 3 , Vaccine , Shingrix , Everyone , Reactions , 90 , 50 , Muscle Pain , Fainting , Headache , Dose , Tiredness , Injection Site , Redness , Stomach , Swelling , Fever , Shivering , Side Effects , Guillain BarrÉ Syndrome , Doctor , Shingles Doesn T Care , Pharmacist , It Count , Crest Pro Health , Areas , Crest , Mouth , Brand , 8 , Strain , Health Experts , Three Million , 60 , Studies , Hospitalization , Rise , Herd Immunity , Delta Variant , Messages , Spring , Circumstances , Six , It Might , Flu , Contributor , Analysis , Evaluation , University Of Washington , Comments , Come , Tee , Degree , Doc , Dozens , Deaths , March , Ida Institute Of Health , Hospitals , Cold , Propagates Transmission , In Due March , Variety , Hospitalizations , Children , Reasons , Preventble , Kids , Description , Variant , Admissions , Increase , Populations , 66 , Unvaccinated , Five , Data , Delta , Combination , Illness , Thing , Tail , Alicia , Contact Care , Hospital , Percentage , Infections , Symptoms , Observation , Everybody , Vaccines , Adult , Masking , Pediatric Icu , Testing , Fight , Think , Van Gupta , Strides , Social Justice , Racism , Reckoning , Stay , American Democracy , Sleeve , Vapors , Loved Ones , Vicks Vapostick , Mess , Comfort , Neck , Chest , Vicks Vapostick 2021 , Backlash , Courtrooms , Issues , Conversations , Classrooms , 2021 , Generations , Trial , Struggle , Nation , Look , Sins , Rememberence , Race , 100th Anniversary Of The Tulsa Race Massacre , 100 , Heart , Assault , Citizens , Spectacle , Mob Of Trump , Police , Barricades , Lock , More , Call To Arms , Person , Bryan Citnik , In The End , Worst , Weaponized Whiteness , Eugene Goodman , Heros , Rioters , Sprinting , Single , Group , Targets , Men , Role , American Savagery , Savage , Counts , Officer , Tension , Injustice , Ran Thick , Derrick Chauvin , Courtroom , Floyd Jr , Wave , Haves , Crowd , Handcan You , George Perry , Significance , Somebody , Jury , Accountability , Restoration , Verdict , Black Man , Travis , Self Defense Arguments , Killing , Pursuit , Florida , Charges , Father , Neighbor , Man , Son , Shooting , Murder , William Bryant , Tracking Arbury , In The Deep South , Whites , Neighborhood , Find , Black , Word , All Over The World , God , 11 , Kyle Rittenhouse , Shock Waves , Murderer , Wisconsin , Friend , Back , Finding Kimberly Potter , Community , Victim , Rally , Protesters , Assault Rifle , Defense , School Boards , Death , Degree Manslaughter , Taser , Gun , Parents , Dante Wright , High School , Race Theory , Meeting , Position , Principle , Accusation , School Board , Study , Law School , Boogie Man , Wing , K 12 , 12 , Effort , Drum , Purpose , Residents , Evening , Tulsa S African American District Of Green Wood , Self Sfigsent , May 21st 2021 , 21 , Massacre , Plea , Hundreds Marched , Tulsa Oklahoma , Emmanuelle Church In , Supremacist , Half , South Carolina , Thousand Miles Away , A Thousand , Victims , Dollar , Settlement , Closure , Little , Shards , Lawyers , Scars , Survivors , Illinois , Sb , Nine , Minors , Interrogations , Criminal Justice Reform Law Bans , Convictions , Most , Police Interrogations , Boys , Led , City , Evanston , Controversy , Reperations , Applicants , Housing Assistance , 00000 , 400000 , Housing , Reparations , African American Community , Equity Gap , California , Los Angeles , Bruce S Beach , Parcel , 70 Million , 0 Million , Deep Inequity , Fullness Of American Freedom , Politicians , Attention , Break , Winter Break , Stick , Class , Carolers , Kate , Eturning , E , Guy , 1000 , 000 , I Don T , Chances , Bull Rider , Woooooo , Yeaa , 665 , 665 Dollars , Desks , Schools , There , Students , Girls , Scholarships , Inflation , Bases , Contributions , Change Lives , Costs , Margins , Word Desks Msnbc Com , Approval Rating , Economy , 32 , Souchi , Executive Director , Climate Change , 55 , Ways , Gridlock , Screen , Administration , Know , Pocket , Money , Policies , Biden Action , What Santiago , Conversation , Youk , Groan , College Differential , Resources , Meetings , Research , Messaging , We Shouldn T , Lack , Bill , Parts , Education Components , Example , Mistrust , Democratic Congressionals , The System , Gen Z , Student , Advisory Board , Listening , Sochi , Course , Voting , Groups , Others , Leadership , Chuck Schumer , Democrats Won T , Big Push , Voting Rights Act , Student Debt , Minority , College Students , Doubt , Cancellation , 75 , Education Reform , College , General , Agenda , Running , Sidelines , Momentum , Failures , 689 , Fights , Homes , Laughs , Equality , Golden Girl , Boulder , Woman , Thar , 100th Birthday , No Doubt , Betty White , Career , Roles , Tv , Mary Tyler Moore Show , Painting A Path , Sue Ann Nevins , 1940 , Gay Community , Advances , Like , Gay Marriage , Personal , Human Being , Business , None , Dna , Black Tap Dancer , Demands , Betty White Show , 1950 , Animals , Wildlife , Cats , Love , Actress , Joy , Icon , Loss ,

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