Transcripts For MSNBC Alex Witt Reports 20240709 : compareme

Transcripts For MSNBC Alex Witt Reports 20240709

trying to head home after the new year's holiday. right now flight aware says more than 3,600 u.s. flights have been canceled today. more than 2,700 canceled saturday. hopeful. had a couple of flights canceled yesterday. so far, so good but it is what it is. only so much i can control. >> that is a bummer. bad weather also bummer taking some of the blame. parts of chicago digging out after getting several inches of snow on saturday and today the big travel concern, severe thunderstorms in the southeast, rain in the northwest, as well as the northeast. we're going to have more on the forecast in just a moment. of course, many of those cancellations are due to the spread of the omicron variant. dr. anthony fauci saying this morning the u.s. is in the middle of a very severe surge and uptick in cases. he called the acceleration of cases unprecedented. then in colorado, the shock has not worn off after that wind-fueled wildfire tore through a suburban area near denver. at least three people remain missing. we'll bring you a live report from the region straight ahead. also the house panel investigating january 6th is planning televised hearings in the coming months. members spoke just a short time ago what they've been uncovering. here it is. >> i can assure you what we have seen causes us real harm. >> we are learning much more about what former president trump was doing while the violent assault was under way. the committee has firsthand testimony now that he was sitting in the dining room next to the oval office watching the attack on television. >> and this breaking story. congresswoman marjorie taylor greene's twitter account permanently suspended for spreading misinformation about the coronavirus. in a statement greene called twitter an enemy to america though she was still on it. we'll have a reaction to that a bit later. and a team of reporters with the latest on today's developments to help us get started. meteorologist michelle grossman will be joining us in just a moment as i welcome all of you. of course, the rush to return home, that is on. big time after millions of americans took to the skies for the holidays. given the rising covid cases among airline workers, couple that with severe weather, thousands of flights are now canceled. so joining me with the latest is nbc's steven romo at laguardia report in new york where i imagine there are more than a few grumpy folks. describe the situation passengers are facing. lots of frustration, yeah? >> yeah, alex, they are starting the new year with a lot of frustration and disappointment as they try to get home from these holiday celebrations. and those around 6:00 a.m. down around the baggage carousels, a lot of people just sleeping down there. i didn't wake them up to find out what exactly caused them to sleep down there but it's a safe bet it had to do with a delay or flight cancellation. airlines are blaming several factors for these delays and cancellations. including, as you mentioned, the rising omicron variant cases of covid-19 that are spreading. along with ongoing staff shortages and the weather has been a big problem, in particular this weekend. in chicago, both major airports there had to deal with cancellations due to weather. that had a trickle-down effect for airports across the country. and, of course, the staff shortages that we mentioned, those have been ongoing for some time. take a look at this. tsa has screened -- from december 23rd to today, they've reported screening 6.4 million americans to travel by air. that just gives you an indication of how busy this holiday travel season is. it's really picked up since 2020. many people wanted to go home in 2021 because they weren't able to the previous year. though staffing shortages, though, they started in 2020 because the airlines weren't flying. so they let many people go. now they're feeling that loss. and that's not to mention the rising omicron cases. all of this leading to those problems. take a look at the flight delays and cancellations listed here. today alone, flight aware reporting more than 6,600 total delays and more than 3,600 total cancellations. now add that frustration to people's fears about omicron and it's making for a tense journey. here's what some travelers had to say. >> double masked on the way down and i'm going to double mask again on the way up. so, i mean it is what it is. the problem is you don't know until days later. i mean, and people here are dropping like flies. it hasn't hit that bad yet at home, but it's coming. and i keep telling everyone, mask up, it's coming. >> we talked to one couple trying to make it home to chicago. they had two cancellations yesterday. they are trying to get on a flight to get home today. their advice is to check your flight status before you go and then check it again as you try to make your way to the airport. alex? >> i felt bad for that guy earlier, too. that sound bite. he rescheduled yesterday's flights for today. thought, okay, i'm getting home and, nope, i mean, it's frustrating. all right, steven romo, we'll be checking back in. let's go to harrowing video out of new mexico. 21 people were rescued saturday after being stuck on a tram in the mountains overnight. can you imagine that? officials say there was an unusually fast accumulation of ice on one of the cables. the passengers, they were employees of the tramway as well as a restaurant that sits on top of that mountain. they were eventually lowered using a rope system and evacuated from the ground via helicopter. i mean, imagine that chilly night, right? let's turn to meteorologist michelle grossman. so michelle, ice, snow, stranding those folks and no doubt somewhat frightened and freezing passengers overnight. what about today? is it going to be better there or overall across the country? >> hi, alex. i picture those passengers. probably a little champagne for new year's eve. either they were just relaxed as can be or panicking. no in between. the good news there in the mountains above albuquerque, sunny though, in the teens. but we have it all once again. spring-like weather, winter weather, severe storms. and we have plain rain and snow on the way. let's take a look at the map right now. it is quieter if you can believe it, than yesterday. but still very active. most of the eastern half of the nation, looking at the storm system once again. the greens and yellows. that's the rain. in between the freezing rain, the sleet and on the back side we have the cold air. parts of the eastern part of the country. let's play this out for you because we have pretty big changes coming. for today we'll see snow showers that are falling in the interior northeast. going to come to an end. it's going to take longer for northern maine. to the south, showers from the gulf coast all the way to the carolinas. so that's going to be a tricky spot. and when i say showers, we have the chance of seeing severe weather as well in those spots. i'll show you that in just a minute. and then tomorrow we'll see that area of low pressure sort of reinforce and deepen and get colder and that's going to throw back some snow. so this is a big change from yesterday. we could see accumulating snow in the mid-atlantic. that includes philadelphia, parts of philadelphia, washington, into virginia. so it's going to make for a very tricky travel back to work on monday. and then behind that high pressure moves in. it's going to reinforce some very cold air. places like philadelphia, you'll drop 30 degrees from today into tonight and then be below freezing as we go throughout the nighttime hours. here is that severe threat stretching from north carolina all the way down to the southeast in terms of florida, looking yellow. that's the biggest chance for severe weather. damaging, gusting winds up to 65 miles per hour. could see a few tornadoes. we had a tornado yesterday confirmed in kentucky. more tornado reports. it takes a little while for the national weather service to look at everything. and then the chance for hail, too. wilmington, columbia, savannah, albany, panama city. you could be seeing the threat for severe weather. that's something we'll watch closely through the afternoon hours. >> cold air is on the move. look at this difference. you can see what's happening here. to the east, springlike weather. savannah, 81 degrees. it feels like summer there. and not too far to the west, freezing temperatures. dallas dropped 50 degrees overnight, and they are -- >> what? >> -- walking out the door to 37 -- i know. i can hear you. 50 degrees. and it's feeling like the teens today. that cold air will rush to the east and set the stage for some snow in the mid-atlantic. so alex, we are all over the place. we have like four seasons on this map. it's been very busy and continues to be very busy. >> 50 degrees in dallas overnight of a drop? whoa. thank you, michelle. appreciate that. classes are back in session tomorrow for many students after the long holiday break. but some school districts are reconsidering their plans. let's go to nbc's liz mclaughlin from raleigh, north carolina. hi, liz. welcome. how is the omicron surge impacting all the plans to return to class? >> alex, the timing of this wave really couldn't be worse here. we're seeing records or case counts that surpass pandemic records just as schools and parents are bracing to return to work and school transitioning from the holidays to get back into the classroom and north carolina, for instance, here breaking pandemic records over the past few days. 16 states and d.c. showing a sharp surge in cases. more than 100%. and so that's something that schools are grappling with here. they're changing protocols as soon as friday. as recently as friday. so parents in a lot of places across the u.s. doing that as well. reacting and updating as they get more information and, you know, make decisions on these things. parents, check those emails. check your voice mail messages for what they're planning. here, looking at an indoor mask mandate and expansion to testing. a lot of schools nationwide leaning on testing to keep kids safe. no vaccine mandate here. and i spoke to one local parent whose child as an autoimmune disease, and asthma and is choosing to keep her kid at home because she doesn't feel safety with most of her classmates unvaccinated or no requirement there. epidemiologists expect this to crest in mid-january. so really the start of school may be the most intense. community spread that we'll see especial specially in schools. but by and large, school districts across the country really committed to keeping kids in the classroom. to in-person learning. citing the negative impact that virtual learns has had on kids' mental health and academic success. dr. anthony fauci spoke about this. let's listen. >> if you look at the safety of children with regard to infection, we have most of the teachers, overwhelming majority of them are vaccinated. we now can vaccinate children from 5 years of age and older. i plead with parents to please seriously consider vaccinating your children. wearing masks in the school setting. doing tests to -- all of those things put together, it's safe enough to get those kids back to school balanced against the effects of keeping them out. >> and health officials say the vaccination rate for kids 5 and up is just too low. just 19% nationwide. so a plea for parents to get their kids vaccinated. free for kids 5 and up. also expect the fda to approve booster doses of the pfizer vaccine for kids 12 to 15 in the coming weeks. alex? >> listen, having been a class parent back in the day, they need to be making phone calls as well to make sure everyone has the word about tomorrow. thank you, liz. sobering new development in the aftermath of that colorado fire. officials confirming nearly 1,000 homes have been destroyed. three people are now missing and feared dead as well. and to make matters worse, ten inches of snow pummeled the region yesterday. let's get to nbc's steve patterson. he's on the ground in superior. what a devastating start, steve, to this new year there in colorado. what's the latest? >> alex, we're to the point in this thing where there's still major evacuation orders in place. but some of the people now have started to come back to their neighborhoods and communities devastated by this fire. and in many cases surprised by the amount of heartbreak but most often confirming their worst fears. you can see it over my left shoulder. take a look here. the ruins now of this just one neighborhood destroyed by this fire. 9.2 square miles destroying just under 1,000 homes entombed in snow. certainly the snow helped put out the remaining flames in hot spots. did a good job of doing that, but it really hampers efforts when you're now talking about a search and rescue operation for those three missing people. you're talking about ruins now that are covering in many cases hot spots or smoldering which is really dangerous for those crews that are sifting through it. and then the heartbreak of hearing that, you know, the sheriff and most of the officials are now really assuming this is going to quickly turn from a rescue operation into a recovery effort and, in fact, cadaver dogs are out there sifting through some of the wreckage. one of the three missing people is nadine turnbell, a 91-year-old grandmother who was with her family at the time the fire broke out. her family doing the best they can to get her out of her home. the flames circling. the hurricane-force winds. the towering fire encroaching on them and they just got separated at the wrong time. i want you to listen to what they said about that horrific moment. listen to this. >> we tried to go out the front door with the neighbor. it was engulfed. checked the back door. it was engulfed. >> and you can see some of the smoldering there. this is what search crews are dealing with. very dangerous situation. meanwhile, we're hearing about the cause of the fire. we heard originally there was reports it was a downed power line. the wind picked it up and then churned over the neighborhoods. now that's still under investigation. we've heard investigators executing a search warrant but they won't say where or why. alex? >> that is just haunting, the story of that grandmother as well. steve, thank you so much. just days before the january 6th anniversary, a new poll shows exactly what the public thinks about that and if you think there's a distinct breakdown along party lines, some of the numbers might surprise you. plus, congressman conor lamb may face dr. oz in a senate race. what he thinks about a tv celebrity running for high office. he's going to join me next. he'st when you have xfinity, you have entertainment built in. which is kind of nice. ah, what is happening. binge-watching is in the bag, when you find all your apps, all in one place. find live sports faster just by using your voice... sports on now. touchdown irish! [cheering] that was awesome. and, the hits won't quit, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. all that entertainment built in. xfinity. a way better way to watch. more on the breaking news out of washington. congresswoman marjorie taylor greene permanently suspended from twitter today for repeatedly spreading covid misinformation. the georgia republican just releasing a statement bashing the social media site writing, twitter is an enemy to america and can't handle the truth. but again i remind you, she was on twitter and using it. meantime, as we are now just days away from the one-year anniversary of the capitol hill insurrection, new polling gives us a look at where america stands nearly 365 days since that deadly attack. according to abc ipsos, a strong majority of americans condemn it. 72% believe the people involved were threatening democracy. but only 58% of americans believe trump bears responsibility. as republicans still largely back the former president's version of events. also new reaction from the leaders on the select committee investigating the attack about what they've learned in the past year about that tragic day. >> if i asked you today, do you have a better sense of whether this was a protest that got out of hand or a coordinated effort to attack the capitol, how would you answer that question one year later? >> well, i think it would have been a little bit of both, chuck. obviously, some people came, upset with what happened in the november election. but others came with ulterior motives. >> i think it's also important for the american people to understand how dangerous donald trump was. we know, as he was sitting there in the dining room next to the oval office, members of his staff were pleading with him to go on television to tell people to stop. we know leader mccarthy was pleading with him to do that. we know members of his family. we know his daughter. we have firsthand testimony that his daughter ivanka went in at least twice to ask him to please stop this violence. >> joining me now is pennsylvania congressman conor lamb, a democratic member of the house veterans affairs and transportation and infrastructure committees. he's also a u.s. senate candidate. welcome, sir. nice to see you again. first question, when you hear what the chair and vice chair of the january 6th committee said about their investigation today and you also look at the poll numbers we reported showing the attitudes of americans toward those events that took place on january 6th, what do you think the impact is going to be of the committee's findings? in fact, you're in a swing state so will the evidence and results change your constituents' minds? >> i think they will at the margins. what i see in the poll numbers is there's always going to be that hard core there who was so loyal to donald trump that they'll just deny reality at any cost. but if you look at the other numbers, one way to look at the 58% number is that that's a nice, healthy majority of people who basically see what happened, which is that trump bore a ton of responsibility for the violence that occurred that day and i think as the committee does its work, that case will only become stronger and that number will only grow. in a swing state like pennsylvania, which you mentioned, 58% becoming 62% is decisive and has outsized importance for the entire nation. not just in presidential cycles but our senate seat could really determine the balance of the senate for years to come. so work like this is incredibly important just to reveal to people the truth about what happened. >> absolutely. can i ask you on a personal note your reflections on that terrible day and if you'll take part in any of the events planned later this week? >> i'm sure that i will. my, you know, reflection on that day a year later is, really just that it helps show to those who still care a lot about this democracy that preservation of the democracy itself is the number one issue. and what separates the people who have condoned and lied about the attack on the capitol from the rest of us is far more than what separates anybody on build back better versus infrastructure, the size of a child tax credit, the size of how much we should raise taxes. you know, any of the many domestic political issues we debate, all of which are important, pale in comparison to the fundamental importance of preserving this government that we all inherited and that so many people have fought and died for in american history. and what january 6th showed is that there is an organized and potentially violent, very large group of americans who threaten exactly that. and that they are headed by donald trump. and that they take their orders from donald trump. and so, in elections in which donald trump himself is not on the ballot, like our senate race, these people on the republican side who were running for office out of loyalty to him and in order to support him and protect him if he comes back to the white house again, are themselves an enormous threat to democracy which makes our decisions in the senate races, house races so important. who we nominate has to be someone who is vetted and tested and knows what this is like. so january 6th in some way made me want to run for the senate. it heightened the importance of, you know, getting a working majority in that body so we can protect the voting rights and fundamentals of this democracy that we care about. >> you mentioned the domestic issues. the president's agenda starts this new year with key items stalled in that senate. and the fact that you're running for senate. how do you assess the way the upper chambers handled negotiations for, let's start with build back better. >> well, it's difficult to assess coming from the house side only because we had a lot of negotiations and deliberations internally which are what i know about and sort of first person witness to. a lot of the negotiations with the senators were handled by the white house. so, you know, obviously i wish things would have come out a different way. but at the end of the day, passing legislation is a math problem. and if we only have 48 reliable democratic votes in the senate, it means we need at least two more. so what someone like me can offer you is a realistic path to getting one of those two extra votes that we need for the john lewis votingerating rights act become law. i've already voted for it in the house. same for build back better and the -- so people in our party have a tendency to try to criticize or evaluate the senate in moral terms. i would look at it more in just practical, mathematical, political terms. we need a couple of extra votes and the senate candidates on the ballot this year have the possibility to dlif those if we're smart about who we nominate. >> to that end, before we get to what's expected to be a competitive senate race in pennsylvania, you are in this democratic primary where lieutenant governor john fetterman is seen as your biggest competitor. how do you see that race playing out? >> well, like i said, on the democratic side, i really still believe to my core that we're a mature political party that is once again going to make a decision about who is most likely to win the general election. and that's it. given what's on the line with january 6th, voting rights, a woman's right to choose. all the issues that are headline issues in 2022. i think it's going to be similar to 2020 when our party picked biden over competitors who might have been more popular on social media but didn't have the same chance of beating trump and when we nominated congressional candidates who are veterans, moderates and pillars of their community who stood the best likelihood of winning the election and delivering us the majority. the key for our party is to realize that formula has delivered us some of the most progressive american legislation in american history already. without even getting to build back better, just the rescue plan alone is such a progressive bill and it is the law. and it really did help a lot of people for the last year. and so continuing to make decisions like that, offers us a real path forward politically to solve some of the problems that we care about a lot in this country. and i think that's the argument i'm making to people in our state and it seems to be going pretty well so far. >> so if you are the democratic nominee and you face dr. mehmet oz, what does that tell you about those republicans that make him their candidate? >> well, first of all, it tells you how different our two parties are. i just talked about the way that our party, i think, is able to make a decision on mature and practical terms based on the actual records of the candidates before it. not based on what they put on twitter posts. i think the other side is the opposite and donald trump has turned them into a party that is much more about entertainment than it is about leadership. and i think that the most you can say about dr. oz's candidacy is that it might be entertaining for some. to me, it's a tragedy, if any form of entertainment because, you know, he's offering a critique of the pandemic response that, to me, says that instead of 800,000 americans dead we would have millions dead if we didn't do the things that he criticizes. he also, of course, is not a pennsylvanian and has virtually no connection to our state. >> yeah. >> so i don't think he knows, for example, the testing and strong vaccine response that is happening that is the actual response to the pandemic today. >> yeah p. he's talking about shutdowns and complaints that aren't really going on. i don't know what state he's living in at this point but we doesn't seem to know a lot about ours. >> the wisest of us look at history for their lessons and in 2016, a lot of people were entertained by watching donald trump on the campaign trail. enough set. conor lamb, so good to speak with you. >> happy new year. >> thank you. coming up next hour, california congressman ted lieu on the potential criminal referral on donald trump. and trump's former personal attorney michael cohen. president biden's agenda in 2022. what's on the list and the item that most likely could be achieved and that could help in the 2020 midterms. we'll talk about that ahead. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. do you struggle with occasional nerve aches in your hands or feet? 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[music: "i swear"] jaycee tried gain flings for the first time the other day... and forgot where she was. you can always spot a first time gain flings user. ♪ in just a few hours, president biden is expected to have a phone conversation with the president of ukraine. it comes just days after the president issued a strong warning to vladimir putin who is amassing troops at the border between russia and ukraine right now. nbc's mike memoli is in wilmington, delaware, following president biden. what do we know about the nature of this call? >> well, alex, this call today is an important part of the sort of standard diplomatic choreography we see whenever a top administration official, in this case, the president himself, speaks with top russian officials. we saw secretary of state tony blinken speaking to secretary zelinsky before president biden's call with vladimir putin. a read out of what the two discussed and how they see things moving forward. one of the biggest debates within the administration, but also more broadly among the international community is just how serious is vladimir putin? just how willing is he potentially to move ahead with an invasion of ukraine. i want you to listen to what a top democrat, adam schiff, the airm chairman of the house intelligence committee said about this today. >> i think it will require enormous sanctions on russia to deter what appears to be a very likely russian invasion of ukraine again. and i think our allies need to be solidly on board with it. russia needs to understand we are united in this. i also think that a powerful deterrent is the understanding that if they do invade, it is going to bring nato closer to russia, not push it farther away. >> so you heard there schiff talking about what he considered a likely invasion of ukraine. this call today between president biden and president zelinsky is the beginning of a diplomatic overdrive leading up to the talks that begin next sunday in geneva, first between u.s. and russia officials and then nato allies and expanding to include an international coalition that also includes ukraine, alex. >> mike memoli, thank you for that. more on that right now as i'm joined by peter baker, "new york times" chief white house correspondent, msnbc political analyst and co-author of "the man who ran washington" and our really good buddy here. with your considerable experience on this, right, not just as a white house correspondent. you're also a former moscow bureau chief. here's the question. and you wrote a book about putin, i might add. how do you see this playing out? do you think there's a diplomatic resolution or is it only a matter of time, especially if you listen to representative schiff there, using the word likely, until russia invades ukraine? >> yeah, it's a great question and the big question right now in the situation room, i think you hear the white house people saying, as long as they're talking, not shooting, that's a good thing, obviously. we have the talks between president biden and president putin by phone. the talks in geneva that mike referenced coming up on january 10th. and i think that, you know, the further they can be talking, the more chance there is of finding some sort of outcome. but the problem is president putin manufactured this crisis. this is not sort of an organic situation that developed and needs to be de-escalated. something putin chose to do. chose to escalate this because there was nothing going on that would have triggered it. no new move to integrate ukraine into nato that wasn't about to happen, although that's what president putin is talking about. no new weapons we know of that if you're suddenly put on russia's border, this is a continuation of a crisis that russia started in 2014 when it first invaded ukraine and seized the crimean peninsula. so the question right now and mike alluded to, with the american side and western side is what is putin's end game here? what is he trying to get out of this? the demands are unacceptable. they'll not agree to automatically bar ukraine from nato even though they're not trying to bring them in right now. what is it that can be done by the americans and western europeans to prevent an invasion, either through the threat of retaliation or some sort of accommodation and we don't know the answer to that right now. >> all that is tba for sure. let me ask you about the predictions for 2022. stateside. we have the president who has a lot that he hopes to accomplish this coming year, some of which he wanted already wrapped up by now. what do you think is actually achievable for president biden and if one of these is achieved, as we look at the agenda there, how does it help democrats and how much will it help them? >> well, i think the most important priority probably for president biden this coming year is to get control of the covid pandemic as best they possibly can. obviously, there's some things beyond the control of any political leaders but for now the country still feels quite, you know discombobulated if you will by a pandemic that isn't going away and in some ways is worse than it had been before. that's the most important priority for him and there's optimism that that could happen. omicron wave may peak, according to some scientists in the next few weeks. there are new therapeutics that can be mass marketed to the public to treat covid if you have a severe case. if there's a way by spring or summer to get to the point where covid is a problem but not a deadly one for most people, that's going to make things better. and with that comes the economy, right? the economy has been doing pretty well. it's growing at a fast clip. it's -- unemployment is down. stock markets are up. but inflation, obviously, is a big worry for many americans and that's something that president biden needs to get under control as well. >> for sure. 1/6 anniversary coming up thursday. there's a strong majority, peter, americans who are condemning the event, 72% believing the people involved were threatening democracy. then you have only 58% of americans believing that donald trump bears responsibility. as republicans still largely back the former president's version of events. what do you make of those numbers? >> well, i think they are just a sign of how polarized our society really is right now. you would have thought prabs coming out of january 6th last year there would have been a sharp wake-up call to say, hey, something is wrong here. we need to find a way to come together because this is not an acceptable way to proceed in a democracy. instead all it's done is further divide people. divide people in their own separate realities. the reality that there was an insurrection or riot to stop the certification of an election. or as trump is trying to refashion history, the election was somehow stolen. of course, no evidence of that whatsoever. you'll see president trump, former president trump come out on thursday to have a press conference. his first since leaving office and tried to shape events toward his own reality, his own version of events. i think that's a sign of how, again, rather than being ostracized, being left in exile following a second impeachment and blamed for what happened on january 6th, he is as strong as ever among republicans and that's a reality that president biden and the rest of the country have to face. >> yeah, for sure. thank you and happy new year, my friend. look forward to many more sunday chats with you. coming up next, games postponed, players out. the sports world limps through the omicron surge. can make you . but, when used at the first sign, abreva can get you back to being you in just 2 and a half days. be kinder to yourself and tougher on your cold sores. if you're washing with the bargain brand, even when your clothes look clean, there's extra dirt you can't see. watch this. that was in these clothes... ugh. but the clothes washed in tide- so much cleaner. if it's got to be clean it's got to be tide hygienic clean. no surprises in these clothes! couple more surprises. this afternoon, thousands of football fans will gather at levi stadium where the san francisco 49ers are taking on the houston texans, but the game comes as covid cases are suring across the country and the nfl is grapping with an outbreak of its over. more than 500 players were placed on the covid reserve list of. that's nearly a quarter of the entire nfl. joining me with more on this is scott cohn from levi stadium. so scott in terms of residents there. 4 out of 5 residents in san francisco county are fully vaccinated against covid. so is that giving fans comfort as they head into the stadium there? >> well, you know, clearly based on the crowd that's here, there doesn't seem to be a whole lot to be concerned with. you should know, though, levi stadium is in santa clara, not san francisco. so they do not have any vaccine mandates here. they encourage people to be vaccinated. masks are required in indoor areas of the stadium but other than that, they are operating pretty much at full capacity. and you know, none of this, whether it's covid, omicron in particular, or relatively chilly temperatures by california standards, none of that seems to be keeping fans away. >> it's outdoors. most of the activities were socially distanced. the person i brang, my son, we both have covid vaccines. i'm boosted. i'm a little bit older than him. so i feel safe in the environment. and most of my section actually wears masks. i don't. >> slightly different story, though, for the nfl as a whole where, as you said, roughly a quarter of the players now out with positive covid-19 tests or in the covid protocols. just this week alone, 100 players entered that protocol, but the nfl has relaxed its requirements along with the cdc standards. so players can return after five days. one of the big beneficiaries of that is carson wentz who now reportedly will be back and that key matchup. here garoppolo is out not with covid but a sprained thumb. >> hey, i'm from l.a. san francisco, santa clara, i don't follow the 49ers. i know i'm going to get hate mail but just going on record. thank you. she got kicked off her committees and now congresswoman marjorie taylor greene has gotten kicked off twitter. the reason and who she is blaming for it, next. brainy on'l neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? 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(excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. hey hun hey, get your own vapors relax with vicks vapobath or with vicks vaposhower. take a soothing vicks vapo moment wherever you chose. back with more of the breaking news congresswoman margely taylor greene permanently suspended from twitter today for repeatedly sharing covid misinformation. joining me now democratic strategist and founder of the national voter protection action fund and a republican strategist and msnbc political analyst. hey, guys. welcome. happy new year. i want your reaction, susan. you, first. >> well, 2022 is off to a very promising start don't you think? i mean -- >> yeah. i mean, let's face it. all the misinformation. we need any more of that. >> we certainly don't. and it is really important that people who are putting out this misinformation are held accountable and, frankly, you could give marjorie taylor greene all the fines you want for her not wearing a mask as you see right there. i believe she has racked up about a hundred thousand dollars in fines. this is something that really hurts her. she is really upset about this and will blame everyone and every conspiracy theory under the sun. the fact is she was spreading dangerous misinformation about a virus that has killed over 800,000 americans so far. >> yes, 100%. she has no committees, no twitter. what is she going to do with her time? i shudder to think. don, your response to greene's response. here it is. maxine waters can go to the streets and threaten violence on twitter. kamala and ilhan can bail out black lives matter terrorists on twitter. cnn can spend russia coal ugs laws and just yesterday the spokesman for irgc can tweet but i get suspended for tweeting vaers statistics. it can be very fertile ground for vaccine misinformation because anybody can get on it. >> yes. you notice who she led with. she basically said maxin -- the honorable maxine waters, vice president harris, and honorable ilhan omar can do various things but starts by singling out and otherizing these three black women making the point yes these women of color can do whatever they want. whatever they want doesn't involve spreading misinformation or involve incitement of violence and, frankly, it doesn't involve endangering people's lives. there is a false comparison, false equivalency that we see as an ongoing kind of calling card of this new gop era of straight up crazy that we're in. those are completely off target, not on point comparisons by the congresswoman. it just shows she is really spiraling into this nonsensical abyss. i give her props. she is consistent. she is just as crazy as she was last year. >> covid information, the twitter account that belongs to the house gop judiciary committee members tweeting this week, consider the source, how gop judiciary committee members are tweeting misinformation about booster shots. we won't show it by the way. it was deleted soon after. other than the fact that booster shots have absolutely zero to do with the judiciary committee, what is the point of this? what are they doing? >> they are spreading misinformation, continuing to sow seeds of distrust between agencies of authority like the house judiciary committee whether or not this is in their jurisdiction and the american public. the people who consume what they are doing. this is extraordinary dangerous. it is one thing for some yahoo with a egg head avatar on twitter to say something but when you are an official committee of the united states house it really, you know, is next level. it's damaging. when we see this type of thing out of the house gop you have to wonder what will they be empowered to do when they actually take a chamber of commerce like i hope doesn't happen this year but we're not going to live in a world where democrats control both chambers forever. what will these people do with this misinformation when they actually hold reins of authority? >> president biden had this plan to crush covid, announced independence from the virus last summer, but then you have the new variants showing up. politically speaking does it just show we are kind of powerless against this virus? yeah we have vaccines. yeah we have treatments. they've helped tremendously but we can't seem to get out of this pandemic. >> well, we are -- we have the power to beat it. we have the vaccines. we have the boosters. we know to mask. there's a lot of things we have the tools. unfortunately, there's a large segment of this population, about 35%, 40%, who refuse to do what's necessary for us to live in a healthy society. you know, there is something else when it comes to president biden and announcing the defeat of the virus in july. i don't necessarily blame him for that. i understood the optimism when it was happening. but let's not kid ourselves. by that point the delta variant had become known. not only that, they had already said, health professionals had said, expect other variants. why we did not ramp up testing, knowing that while we may have controlled covid we needed to continue to test for it is a big failure of this administration. they should have been having tests available. it is something i criticize the trump administration on. and i will criticize the biden administration. >> equal opportunity critique. thank you so much, good to see you both. happy new year. up next, why some holiday travelers are facing twin nightmares. as we approach the first anniversary of the attack on the capitol a new poll shows how many americans are okay with violence against the government. i'll talk with congressman ted lieu about that and the latest twists in the investigation and then michael cohen will tell us why he thinks he'll beat donald trump in court. trump in court i grow all my own vegetables shingles doesn't care. we've still got the best moves you've ever seen good for you, but shingles doesn't care. because 1 in 3 people will get shingles, you need protection. but, no matter how healthy you feel, your immune system declines as you age increasing your risk for getting shingles. so, what can protect you? 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Over , Outbreak , Covid Reserve List , 500 , Fans , Stadium , Residents , San Francisco County , Scott Cohn , 4 , Crowd , There Doesn T , Vaccine Mandates , Santa Clara , None , Areas , Capacity , California Standards , Vaccines , Person , Activities , My Son , Environment , Section , Where , I Don T , Protocol , Requirements , Covid Protocols , Matchup , Beneficiaries , Carson Wentz , Garoppolo , Cdc Standards , Five , Record , Hate Mail , 49ers , Thumb , L A , Brain Performance , Science , Indicators , Memory Supplements , Reason , Neuriva Plus , Brainy On L Neuroscientist , Six , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Spider Bite , Superpowers , Help , Neuriva , Yes , Limu Emu , Doug , Pay , Gasps , December 17th Unleash , Spider Man , December 17th , Booster , Freshness , Libert Still Freshliberty , 17 , Protein , Energy , Excited Yell , Sighs Wearily , Thirty , Vapors , Nutrients , Sugar , Vicks Vaposhower , Vicks Vapobath , Hun , Take A Soothing Vicks , Margely Taylor Greene , Strategist , Founder , Political Analyst , Voter Protection Action Fund , Guys , Don T , Susan , Accountable , Fines , Conspiracy Theory , A Hundred Thousand , A Hundred Thousand Dollars , Virus , The Sun , Streets , Greene , Maxine Waters , Lives , Terrorists , Spokesman , Honorable Ilhan , Kamala , Cnn , Coal Ugs Laws , Irgc , Vaccine Misinformation , Statistics , Tweeting , Vaers , Maxin , Frankly , Women , Color , Incitement , Comparisons , Calling Card , False Equivalency , Target , Covid Information , Abyss , Props , Booster Shots , Judiciary Committee , Tweeting Misinformation , Source , Authority , Seeds , Agencies , Distrust , Zero , The American , Jurisdiction , Egg Head , Level , Type , Avatar , Yahoo , Chamber Of Commerce , Crush Covid , Variants , Reins , Power , Boosters , Treatments , Population , Segment , Tools , 40 , 35 , Defeat , Delta Variant , Health Professionals , Failure , Equal Opportunity Critique , Anniversary , Nightmares , Up Next , Doesn T Care , Court , Twists , Vegetables , Shingles , Protection , Immune System Declines , 3 , Shingrix , 90 , Fainting , Muscle Pain , Headache , Side Effects , Dose , Injection Site , Ingredients , Fever , Shivering , Redness , Stomach , Swelling , Tiredness , Pharmacist , Guillain BarrÉ Syndrome , Shingles Doesn T Care ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC Alex Witt Reports 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Alex Witt Reports 20240709

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trying to head home after the new year's holiday. right now flight aware says more than 3,600 u.s. flights have been canceled today. more than 2,700 canceled saturday. hopeful. had a couple of flights canceled yesterday. so far, so good but it is what it is. only so much i can control. >> that is a bummer. bad weather also bummer taking some of the blame. parts of chicago digging out after getting several inches of snow on saturday and today the big travel concern, severe thunderstorms in the southeast, rain in the northwest, as well as the northeast. we're going to have more on the forecast in just a moment. of course, many of those cancellations are due to the spread of the omicron variant. dr. anthony fauci saying this morning the u.s. is in the middle of a very severe surge and uptick in cases. he called the acceleration of cases unprecedented. then in colorado, the shock has not worn off after that wind-fueled wildfire tore through a suburban area near denver. at least three people remain missing. we'll bring you a live report from the region straight ahead. also the house panel investigating january 6th is planning televised hearings in the coming months. members spoke just a short time ago what they've been uncovering. here it is. >> i can assure you what we have seen causes us real harm. >> we are learning much more about what former president trump was doing while the violent assault was under way. the committee has firsthand testimony now that he was sitting in the dining room next to the oval office watching the attack on television. >> and this breaking story. congresswoman marjorie taylor greene's twitter account permanently suspended for spreading misinformation about the coronavirus. in a statement greene called twitter an enemy to america though she was still on it. we'll have a reaction to that a bit later. and a team of reporters with the latest on today's developments to help us get started. meteorologist michelle grossman will be joining us in just a moment as i welcome all of you. of course, the rush to return home, that is on. big time after millions of americans took to the skies for the holidays. given the rising covid cases among airline workers, couple that with severe weather, thousands of flights are now canceled. so joining me with the latest is nbc's steven romo at laguardia report in new york where i imagine there are more than a few grumpy folks. describe the situation passengers are facing. lots of frustration, yeah? >> yeah, alex, they are starting the new year with a lot of frustration and disappointment as they try to get home from these holiday celebrations. and those around 6:00 a.m. down around the baggage carousels, a lot of people just sleeping down there. i didn't wake them up to find out what exactly caused them to sleep down there but it's a safe bet it had to do with a delay or flight cancellation. airlines are blaming several factors for these delays and cancellations. including, as you mentioned, the rising omicron variant cases of covid-19 that are spreading. along with ongoing staff shortages and the weather has been a big problem, in particular this weekend. in chicago, both major airports there had to deal with cancellations due to weather. that had a trickle-down effect for airports across the country. and, of course, the staff shortages that we mentioned, those have been ongoing for some time. take a look at this. tsa has screened -- from december 23rd to today, they've reported screening 6.4 million americans to travel by air. that just gives you an indication of how busy this holiday travel season is. it's really picked up since 2020. many people wanted to go home in 2021 because they weren't able to the previous year. though staffing shortages, though, they started in 2020 because the airlines weren't flying. so they let many people go. now they're feeling that loss. and that's not to mention the rising omicron cases. all of this leading to those problems. take a look at the flight delays and cancellations listed here. today alone, flight aware reporting more than 6,600 total delays and more than 3,600 total cancellations. now add that frustration to people's fears about omicron and it's making for a tense journey. here's what some travelers had to say. >> double masked on the way down and i'm going to double mask again on the way up. so, i mean it is what it is. the problem is you don't know until days later. i mean, and people here are dropping like flies. it hasn't hit that bad yet at home, but it's coming. and i keep telling everyone, mask up, it's coming. >> we talked to one couple trying to make it home to chicago. they had two cancellations yesterday. they are trying to get on a flight to get home today. their advice is to check your flight status before you go and then check it again as you try to make your way to the airport. alex? >> i felt bad for that guy earlier, too. that sound bite. he rescheduled yesterday's flights for today. thought, okay, i'm getting home and, nope, i mean, it's frustrating. all right, steven romo, we'll be checking back in. let's go to harrowing video out of new mexico. 21 people were rescued saturday after being stuck on a tram in the mountains overnight. can you imagine that? officials say there was an unusually fast accumulation of ice on one of the cables. the passengers, they were employees of the tramway as well as a restaurant that sits on top of that mountain. they were eventually lowered using a rope system and evacuated from the ground via helicopter. i mean, imagine that chilly night, right? let's turn to meteorologist michelle grossman. so michelle, ice, snow, stranding those folks and no doubt somewhat frightened and freezing passengers overnight. what about today? is it going to be better there or overall across the country? >> hi, alex. i picture those passengers. probably a little champagne for new year's eve. either they were just relaxed as can be or panicking. no in between. the good news there in the mountains above albuquerque, sunny though, in the teens. but we have it all once again. spring-like weather, winter weather, severe storms. and we have plain rain and snow on the way. let's take a look at the map right now. it is quieter if you can believe it, than yesterday. but still very active. most of the eastern half of the nation, looking at the storm system once again. the greens and yellows. that's the rain. in between the freezing rain, the sleet and on the back side we have the cold air. parts of the eastern part of the country. let's play this out for you because we have pretty big changes coming. for today we'll see snow showers that are falling in the interior northeast. going to come to an end. it's going to take longer for northern maine. to the south, showers from the gulf coast all the way to the carolinas. so that's going to be a tricky spot. and when i say showers, we have the chance of seeing severe weather as well in those spots. i'll show you that in just a minute. and then tomorrow we'll see that area of low pressure sort of reinforce and deepen and get colder and that's going to throw back some snow. so this is a big change from yesterday. we could see accumulating snow in the mid-atlantic. that includes philadelphia, parts of philadelphia, washington, into virginia. so it's going to make for a very tricky travel back to work on monday. and then behind that high pressure moves in. it's going to reinforce some very cold air. places like philadelphia, you'll drop 30 degrees from today into tonight and then be below freezing as we go throughout the nighttime hours. here is that severe threat stretching from north carolina all the way down to the southeast in terms of florida, looking yellow. that's the biggest chance for severe weather. damaging, gusting winds up to 65 miles per hour. could see a few tornadoes. we had a tornado yesterday confirmed in kentucky. more tornado reports. it takes a little while for the national weather service to look at everything. and then the chance for hail, too. wilmington, columbia, savannah, albany, panama city. you could be seeing the threat for severe weather. that's something we'll watch closely through the afternoon hours. >> cold air is on the move. look at this difference. you can see what's happening here. to the east, springlike weather. savannah, 81 degrees. it feels like summer there. and not too far to the west, freezing temperatures. dallas dropped 50 degrees overnight, and they are -- >> what? >> -- walking out the door to 37 -- i know. i can hear you. 50 degrees. and it's feeling like the teens today. that cold air will rush to the east and set the stage for some snow in the mid-atlantic. so alex, we are all over the place. we have like four seasons on this map. it's been very busy and continues to be very busy. >> 50 degrees in dallas overnight of a drop? whoa. thank you, michelle. appreciate that. classes are back in session tomorrow for many students after the long holiday break. but some school districts are reconsidering their plans. let's go to nbc's liz mclaughlin from raleigh, north carolina. hi, liz. welcome. how is the omicron surge impacting all the plans to return to class? >> alex, the timing of this wave really couldn't be worse here. we're seeing records or case counts that surpass pandemic records just as schools and parents are bracing to return to work and school transitioning from the holidays to get back into the classroom and north carolina, for instance, here breaking pandemic records over the past few days. 16 states and d.c. showing a sharp surge in cases. more than 100%. and so that's something that schools are grappling with here. they're changing protocols as soon as friday. as recently as friday. so parents in a lot of places across the u.s. doing that as well. reacting and updating as they get more information and, you know, make decisions on these things. parents, check those emails. check your voice mail messages for what they're planning. here, looking at an indoor mask mandate and expansion to testing. a lot of schools nationwide leaning on testing to keep kids safe. no vaccine mandate here. and i spoke to one local parent whose child as an autoimmune disease, and asthma and is choosing to keep her kid at home because she doesn't feel safety with most of her classmates unvaccinated or no requirement there. epidemiologists expect this to crest in mid-january. so really the start of school may be the most intense. community spread that we'll see especial specially in schools. but by and large, school districts across the country really committed to keeping kids in the classroom. to in-person learning. citing the negative impact that virtual learns has had on kids' mental health and academic success. dr. anthony fauci spoke about this. let's listen. >> if you look at the safety of children with regard to infection, we have most of the teachers, overwhelming majority of them are vaccinated. we now can vaccinate children from 5 years of age and older. i plead with parents to please seriously consider vaccinating your children. wearing masks in the school setting. doing tests to -- all of those things put together, it's safe enough to get those kids back to school balanced against the effects of keeping them out. >> and health officials say the vaccination rate for kids 5 and up is just too low. just 19% nationwide. so a plea for parents to get their kids vaccinated. free for kids 5 and up. also expect the fda to approve booster doses of the pfizer vaccine for kids 12 to 15 in the coming weeks. alex? >> listen, having been a class parent back in the day, they need to be making phone calls as well to make sure everyone has the word about tomorrow. thank you, liz. sobering new development in the aftermath of that colorado fire. officials confirming nearly 1,000 homes have been destroyed. three people are now missing and feared dead as well. and to make matters worse, ten inches of snow pummeled the region yesterday. let's get to nbc's steve patterson. he's on the ground in superior. what a devastating start, steve, to this new year there in colorado. what's the latest? >> alex, we're to the point in this thing where there's still major evacuation orders in place. but some of the people now have started to come back to their neighborhoods and communities devastated by this fire. and in many cases surprised by the amount of heartbreak but most often confirming their worst fears. you can see it over my left shoulder. take a look here. the ruins now of this just one neighborhood destroyed by this fire. 9.2 square miles destroying just under 1,000 homes entombed in snow. certainly the snow helped put out the remaining flames in hot spots. did a good job of doing that, but it really hampers efforts when you're now talking about a search and rescue operation for those three missing people. you're talking about ruins now that are covering in many cases hot spots or smoldering which is really dangerous for those crews that are sifting through it. and then the heartbreak of hearing that, you know, the sheriff and most of the officials are now really assuming this is going to quickly turn from a rescue operation into a recovery effort and, in fact, cadaver dogs are out there sifting through some of the wreckage. one of the three missing people is nadine turnbell, a 91-year-old grandmother who was with her family at the time the fire broke out. her family doing the best they can to get her out of her home. the flames circling. the hurricane-force winds. the towering fire encroaching on them and they just got separated at the wrong time. i want you to listen to what they said about that horrific moment. listen to this. >> we tried to go out the front door with the neighbor. it was engulfed. checked the back door. it was engulfed. >> and you can see some of the smoldering there. this is what search crews are dealing with. very dangerous situation. meanwhile, we're hearing about the cause of the fire. we heard originally there was reports it was a downed power line. the wind picked it up and then churned over the neighborhoods. now that's still under investigation. we've heard investigators executing a search warrant but they won't say where or why. alex? >> that is just haunting, the story of that grandmother as well. steve, thank you so much. just days before the january 6th anniversary, a new poll shows exactly what the public thinks about that and if you think there's a distinct breakdown along party lines, some of the numbers might surprise you. plus, congressman conor lamb may face dr. oz in a senate race. what he thinks about a tv celebrity running for high office. he's going to join me next. he'st when you have xfinity, you have entertainment built in. which is kind of nice. ah, what is happening. binge-watching is in the bag, when you find all your apps, all in one place. find live sports faster just by using your voice... sports on now. touchdown irish! [cheering] that was awesome. and, the hits won't quit, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. all that entertainment built in. xfinity. a way better way to watch. more on the breaking news out of washington. congresswoman marjorie taylor greene permanently suspended from twitter today for repeatedly spreading covid misinformation. the georgia republican just releasing a statement bashing the social media site writing, twitter is an enemy to america and can't handle the truth. but again i remind you, she was on twitter and using it. meantime, as we are now just days away from the one-year anniversary of the capitol hill insurrection, new polling gives us a look at where america stands nearly 365 days since that deadly attack. according to abc ipsos, a strong majority of americans condemn it. 72% believe the people involved were threatening democracy. but only 58% of americans believe trump bears responsibility. as republicans still largely back the former president's version of events. also new reaction from the leaders on the select committee investigating the attack about what they've learned in the past year about that tragic day. >> if i asked you today, do you have a better sense of whether this was a protest that got out of hand or a coordinated effort to attack the capitol, how would you answer that question one year later? >> well, i think it would have been a little bit of both, chuck. obviously, some people came, upset with what happened in the november election. but others came with ulterior motives. >> i think it's also important for the american people to understand how dangerous donald trump was. we know, as he was sitting there in the dining room next to the oval office, members of his staff were pleading with him to go on television to tell people to stop. we know leader mccarthy was pleading with him to do that. we know members of his family. we know his daughter. we have firsthand testimony that his daughter ivanka went in at least twice to ask him to please stop this violence. >> joining me now is pennsylvania congressman conor lamb, a democratic member of the house veterans affairs and transportation and infrastructure committees. he's also a u.s. senate candidate. welcome, sir. nice to see you again. first question, when you hear what the chair and vice chair of the january 6th committee said about their investigation today and you also look at the poll numbers we reported showing the attitudes of americans toward those events that took place on january 6th, what do you think the impact is going to be of the committee's findings? in fact, you're in a swing state so will the evidence and results change your constituents' minds? >> i think they will at the margins. what i see in the poll numbers is there's always going to be that hard core there who was so loyal to donald trump that they'll just deny reality at any cost. but if you look at the other numbers, one way to look at the 58% number is that that's a nice, healthy majority of people who basically see what happened, which is that trump bore a ton of responsibility for the violence that occurred that day and i think as the committee does its work, that case will only become stronger and that number will only grow. in a swing state like pennsylvania, which you mentioned, 58% becoming 62% is decisive and has outsized importance for the entire nation. not just in presidential cycles but our senate seat could really determine the balance of the senate for years to come. so work like this is incredibly important just to reveal to people the truth about what happened. >> absolutely. can i ask you on a personal note your reflections on that terrible day and if you'll take part in any of the events planned later this week? >> i'm sure that i will. my, you know, reflection on that day a year later is, really just that it helps show to those who still care a lot about this democracy that preservation of the democracy itself is the number one issue. and what separates the people who have condoned and lied about the attack on the capitol from the rest of us is far more than what separates anybody on build back better versus infrastructure, the size of a child tax credit, the size of how much we should raise taxes. you know, any of the many domestic political issues we debate, all of which are important, pale in comparison to the fundamental importance of preserving this government that we all inherited and that so many people have fought and died for in american history. and what january 6th showed is that there is an organized and potentially violent, very large group of americans who threaten exactly that. and that they are headed by donald trump. and that they take their orders from donald trump. and so, in elections in which donald trump himself is not on the ballot, like our senate race, these people on the republican side who were running for office out of loyalty to him and in order to support him and protect him if he comes back to the white house again, are themselves an enormous threat to democracy which makes our decisions in the senate races, house races so important. who we nominate has to be someone who is vetted and tested and knows what this is like. so january 6th in some way made me want to run for the senate. it heightened the importance of, you know, getting a working majority in that body so we can protect the voting rights and fundamentals of this democracy that we care about. >> you mentioned the domestic issues. the president's agenda starts this new year with key items stalled in that senate. and the fact that you're running for senate. how do you assess the way the upper chambers handled negotiations for, let's start with build back better. >> well, it's difficult to assess coming from the house side only because we had a lot of negotiations and deliberations internally which are what i know about and sort of first person witness to. a lot of the negotiations with the senators were handled by the white house. so, you know, obviously i wish things would have come out a different way. but at the end of the day, passing legislation is a math problem. and if we only have 48 reliable democratic votes in the senate, it means we need at least two more. so what someone like me can offer you is a realistic path to getting one of those two extra votes that we need for the john lewis votingerating rights act become law. i've already voted for it in the house. same for build back better and the -- so people in our party have a tendency to try to criticize or evaluate the senate in moral terms. i would look at it more in just practical, mathematical, political terms. we need a couple of extra votes and the senate candidates on the ballot this year have the possibility to dlif those if we're smart about who we nominate. >> to that end, before we get to what's expected to be a competitive senate race in pennsylvania, you are in this democratic primary where lieutenant governor john fetterman is seen as your biggest competitor. how do you see that race playing out? >> well, like i said, on the democratic side, i really still believe to my core that we're a mature political party that is once again going to make a decision about who is most likely to win the general election. and that's it. given what's on the line with january 6th, voting rights, a woman's right to choose. all the issues that are headline issues in 2022. i think it's going to be similar to 2020 when our party picked biden over competitors who might have been more popular on social media but didn't have the same chance of beating trump and when we nominated congressional candidates who are veterans, moderates and pillars of their community who stood the best likelihood of winning the election and delivering us the majority. the key for our party is to realize that formula has delivered us some of the most progressive american legislation in american history already. without even getting to build back better, just the rescue plan alone is such a progressive bill and it is the law. and it really did help a lot of people for the last year. and so continuing to make decisions like that, offers us a real path forward politically to solve some of the problems that we care about a lot in this country. and i think that's the argument i'm making to people in our state and it seems to be going pretty well so far. >> so if you are the democratic nominee and you face dr. mehmet oz, what does that tell you about those republicans that make him their candidate? >> well, first of all, it tells you how different our two parties are. i just talked about the way that our party, i think, is able to make a decision on mature and practical terms based on the actual records of the candidates before it. not based on what they put on twitter posts. i think the other side is the opposite and donald trump has turned them into a party that is much more about entertainment than it is about leadership. and i think that the most you can say about dr. oz's candidacy is that it might be entertaining for some. to me, it's a tragedy, if any form of entertainment because, you know, he's offering a critique of the pandemic response that, to me, says that instead of 800,000 americans dead we would have millions dead if we didn't do the things that he criticizes. he also, of course, is not a pennsylvanian and has virtually no connection to our state. >> yeah. >> so i don't think he knows, for example, the testing and strong vaccine response that is happening that is the actual response to the pandemic today. >> yeah p. he's talking about shutdowns and complaints that aren't really going on. i don't know what state he's living in at this point but we doesn't seem to know a lot about ours. >> the wisest of us look at history for their lessons and in 2016, a lot of people were entertained by watching donald trump on the campaign trail. enough set. conor lamb, so good to speak with you. >> happy new year. >> thank you. coming up next hour, california congressman ted lieu on the potential criminal referral on donald trump. and trump's former personal attorney michael cohen. president biden's agenda in 2022. what's on the list and the item that most likely could be achieved and that could help in the 2020 midterms. we'll talk about that ahead. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. do you struggle with occasional nerve aches in your hands or feet? 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[music: "i swear"] jaycee tried gain flings for the first time the other day... and forgot where she was. you can always spot a first time gain flings user. ♪ in just a few hours, president biden is expected to have a phone conversation with the president of ukraine. it comes just days after the president issued a strong warning to vladimir putin who is amassing troops at the border between russia and ukraine right now. nbc's mike memoli is in wilmington, delaware, following president biden. what do we know about the nature of this call? >> well, alex, this call today is an important part of the sort of standard diplomatic choreography we see whenever a top administration official, in this case, the president himself, speaks with top russian officials. we saw secretary of state tony blinken speaking to secretary zelinsky before president biden's call with vladimir putin. a read out of what the two discussed and how they see things moving forward. one of the biggest debates within the administration, but also more broadly among the international community is just how serious is vladimir putin? just how willing is he potentially to move ahead with an invasion of ukraine. i want you to listen to what a top democrat, adam schiff, the airm chairman of the house intelligence committee said about this today. >> i think it will require enormous sanctions on russia to deter what appears to be a very likely russian invasion of ukraine again. and i think our allies need to be solidly on board with it. russia needs to understand we are united in this. i also think that a powerful deterrent is the understanding that if they do invade, it is going to bring nato closer to russia, not push it farther away. >> so you heard there schiff talking about what he considered a likely invasion of ukraine. this call today between president biden and president zelinsky is the beginning of a diplomatic overdrive leading up to the talks that begin next sunday in geneva, first between u.s. and russia officials and then nato allies and expanding to include an international coalition that also includes ukraine, alex. >> mike memoli, thank you for that. more on that right now as i'm joined by peter baker, "new york times" chief white house correspondent, msnbc political analyst and co-author of "the man who ran washington" and our really good buddy here. with your considerable experience on this, right, not just as a white house correspondent. you're also a former moscow bureau chief. here's the question. and you wrote a book about putin, i might add. how do you see this playing out? do you think there's a diplomatic resolution or is it only a matter of time, especially if you listen to representative schiff there, using the word likely, until russia invades ukraine? >> yeah, it's a great question and the big question right now in the situation room, i think you hear the white house people saying, as long as they're talking, not shooting, that's a good thing, obviously. we have the talks between president biden and president putin by phone. the talks in geneva that mike referenced coming up on january 10th. and i think that, you know, the further they can be talking, the more chance there is of finding some sort of outcome. but the problem is president putin manufactured this crisis. this is not sort of an organic situation that developed and needs to be de-escalated. something putin chose to do. chose to escalate this because there was nothing going on that would have triggered it. no new move to integrate ukraine into nato that wasn't about to happen, although that's what president putin is talking about. no new weapons we know of that if you're suddenly put on russia's border, this is a continuation of a crisis that russia started in 2014 when it first invaded ukraine and seized the crimean peninsula. so the question right now and mike alluded to, with the american side and western side is what is putin's end game here? what is he trying to get out of this? the demands are unacceptable. they'll not agree to automatically bar ukraine from nato even though they're not trying to bring them in right now. what is it that can be done by the americans and western europeans to prevent an invasion, either through the threat of retaliation or some sort of accommodation and we don't know the answer to that right now. >> all that is tba for sure. let me ask you about the predictions for 2022. stateside. we have the president who has a lot that he hopes to accomplish this coming year, some of which he wanted already wrapped up by now. what do you think is actually achievable for president biden and if one of these is achieved, as we look at the agenda there, how does it help democrats and how much will it help them? >> well, i think the most important priority probably for president biden this coming year is to get control of the covid pandemic as best they possibly can. obviously, there's some things beyond the control of any political leaders but for now the country still feels quite, you know discombobulated if you will by a pandemic that isn't going away and in some ways is worse than it had been before. that's the most important priority for him and there's optimism that that could happen. omicron wave may peak, according to some scientists in the next few weeks. there are new therapeutics that can be mass marketed to the public to treat covid if you have a severe case. if there's a way by spring or summer to get to the point where covid is a problem but not a deadly one for most people, that's going to make things better. and with that comes the economy, right? the economy has been doing pretty well. it's growing at a fast clip. it's -- unemployment is down. stock markets are up. but inflation, obviously, is a big worry for many americans and that's something that president biden needs to get under control as well. >> for sure. 1/6 anniversary coming up thursday. there's a strong majority, peter, americans who are condemning the event, 72% believing the people involved were threatening democracy. then you have only 58% of americans believing that donald trump bears responsibility. as republicans still largely back the former president's version of events. what do you make of those numbers? >> well, i think they are just a sign of how polarized our society really is right now. you would have thought prabs coming out of january 6th last year there would have been a sharp wake-up call to say, hey, something is wrong here. we need to find a way to come together because this is not an acceptable way to proceed in a democracy. instead all it's done is further divide people. divide people in their own separate realities. the reality that there was an insurrection or riot to stop the certification of an election. or as trump is trying to refashion history, the election was somehow stolen. of course, no evidence of that whatsoever. you'll see president trump, former president trump come out on thursday to have a press conference. his first since leaving office and tried to shape events toward his own reality, his own version of events. i think that's a sign of how, again, rather than being ostracized, being left in exile following a second impeachment and blamed for what happened on january 6th, he is as strong as ever among republicans and that's a reality that president biden and the rest of the country have to face. >> yeah, for sure. thank you and happy new year, my friend. look forward to many more sunday chats with you. coming up next, games postponed, players out. the sports world limps through the omicron surge. can make you . but, when used at the first sign, abreva can get you back to being you in just 2 and a half days. be kinder to yourself and tougher on your cold sores. if you're washing with the bargain brand, even when your clothes look clean, there's extra dirt you can't see. watch this. that was in these clothes... ugh. but the clothes washed in tide- so much cleaner. if it's got to be clean it's got to be tide hygienic clean. no surprises in these clothes! couple more surprises. this afternoon, thousands of football fans will gather at levi stadium where the san francisco 49ers are taking on the houston texans, but the game comes as covid cases are suring across the country and the nfl is grapping with an outbreak of its over. more than 500 players were placed on the covid reserve list of. that's nearly a quarter of the entire nfl. joining me with more on this is scott cohn from levi stadium. so scott in terms of residents there. 4 out of 5 residents in san francisco county are fully vaccinated against covid. so is that giving fans comfort as they head into the stadium there? >> well, you know, clearly based on the crowd that's here, there doesn't seem to be a whole lot to be concerned with. you should know, though, levi stadium is in santa clara, not san francisco. so they do not have any vaccine mandates here. they encourage people to be vaccinated. masks are required in indoor areas of the stadium but other than that, they are operating pretty much at full capacity. and you know, none of this, whether it's covid, omicron in particular, or relatively chilly temperatures by california standards, none of that seems to be keeping fans away. >> it's outdoors. most of the activities were socially distanced. the person i brang, my son, we both have covid vaccines. i'm boosted. i'm a little bit older than him. so i feel safe in the environment. and most of my section actually wears masks. i don't. >> slightly different story, though, for the nfl as a whole where, as you said, roughly a quarter of the players now out with positive covid-19 tests or in the covid protocols. just this week alone, 100 players entered that protocol, but the nfl has relaxed its requirements along with the cdc standards. so players can return after five days. one of the big beneficiaries of that is carson wentz who now reportedly will be back and that key matchup. here garoppolo is out not with covid but a sprained thumb. >> hey, i'm from l.a. san francisco, santa clara, i don't follow the 49ers. i know i'm going to get hate mail but just going on record. thank you. she got kicked off her committees and now congresswoman marjorie taylor greene has gotten kicked off twitter. the reason and who she is blaming for it, next. brainy on'l neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? 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i shudder to think. don, your response to greene's response. here it is. maxine waters can go to the streets and threaten violence on twitter. kamala and ilhan can bail out black lives matter terrorists on twitter. cnn can spend russia coal ugs laws and just yesterday the spokesman for irgc can tweet but i get suspended for tweeting vaers statistics. it can be very fertile ground for vaccine misinformation because anybody can get on it. >> yes. you notice who she led with. she basically said maxin -- the honorable maxine waters, vice president harris, and honorable ilhan omar can do various things but starts by singling out and otherizing these three black women making the point yes these women of color can do whatever they want. whatever they want doesn't involve spreading misinformation or involve incitement of violence and, frankly, it doesn't involve endangering people's lives. there is a false comparison, false equivalency that we see as an ongoing kind of calling card of this new gop era of straight up crazy that we're in. those are completely off target, not on point comparisons by the congresswoman. it just shows she is really spiraling into this nonsensical abyss. i give her props. she is consistent. she is just as crazy as she was last year. >> covid information, the twitter account that belongs to the house gop judiciary committee members tweeting this week, consider the source, how gop judiciary committee members are tweeting misinformation about booster shots. we won't show it by the way. it was deleted soon after. other than the fact that booster shots have absolutely zero to do with the judiciary committee, what is the point of this? what are they doing? >> they are spreading misinformation, continuing to sow seeds of distrust between agencies of authority like the house judiciary committee whether or not this is in their jurisdiction and the american public. the people who consume what they are doing. this is extraordinary dangerous. it is one thing for some yahoo with a egg head avatar on twitter to say something but when you are an official committee of the united states house it really, you know, is next level. it's damaging. when we see this type of thing out of the house gop you have to wonder what will they be empowered to do when they actually take a chamber of commerce like i hope doesn't happen this year but we're not going to live in a world where democrats control both chambers forever. what will these people do with this misinformation when they actually hold reins of authority? >> president biden had this plan to crush covid, announced independence from the virus last summer, but then you have the new variants showing up. politically speaking does it just show we are kind of powerless against this virus? yeah we have vaccines. yeah we have treatments. they've helped tremendously but we can't seem to get out of this pandemic. >> well, we are -- we have the power to beat it. we have the vaccines. we have the boosters. we know to mask. there's a lot of things we have the tools. unfortunately, there's a large segment of this population, about 35%, 40%, who refuse to do what's necessary for us to live in a healthy society. you know, there is something else when it comes to president biden and announcing the defeat of the virus in july. i don't necessarily blame him for that. i understood the optimism when it was happening. but let's not kid ourselves. by that point the delta variant had become known. not only that, they had already said, health professionals had said, expect other variants. why we did not ramp up testing, knowing that while we may have controlled covid we needed to continue to test for it is a big failure of this administration. they should have been having tests available. it is something i criticize the trump administration on. and i will criticize the biden administration. >> equal opportunity critique. thank you so much, good to see you both. happy new year. up next, why some holiday travelers are facing twin nightmares. as we approach the first anniversary of the attack on the capitol a new poll shows how many americans are okay with violence against the government. i'll talk with congressman ted lieu about that and the latest twists in the investigation and then michael cohen will tell us why he thinks he'll beat donald trump in court. trump in court i grow all my own vegetables shingles doesn't care. we've still got the best moves you've ever seen good for you, but shingles doesn't care. because 1 in 3 people will get shingles, you need protection. but, no matter how healthy you feel, your immune system declines as you age increasing your risk for getting shingles. so, what can protect you? 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Over , Outbreak , Covid Reserve List , 500 , Fans , Stadium , Residents , San Francisco County , Scott Cohn , 4 , Crowd , There Doesn T , Vaccine Mandates , Santa Clara , None , Areas , Capacity , California Standards , Vaccines , Person , Activities , My Son , Environment , Section , Where , I Don T , Protocol , Requirements , Covid Protocols , Matchup , Beneficiaries , Carson Wentz , Garoppolo , Cdc Standards , Five , Record , Hate Mail , 49ers , Thumb , L A , Brain Performance , Science , Indicators , Memory Supplements , Reason , Neuriva Plus , Brainy On L Neuroscientist , Six , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Spider Bite , Superpowers , Help , Neuriva , Yes , Limu Emu , Doug , Pay , Gasps , December 17th Unleash , Spider Man , December 17th , Booster , Freshness , Libert Still Freshliberty , 17 , Protein , Energy , Excited Yell , Sighs Wearily , Thirty , Vapors , Nutrients , Sugar , Vicks Vaposhower , Vicks Vapobath , Hun , Take A Soothing Vicks , Margely Taylor Greene , 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Twists , Vegetables , Shingles , Protection , Immune System Declines , 3 , Shingrix , 90 , Fainting , Muscle Pain , Headache , Side Effects , Dose , Injection Site , Ingredients , Fever , Shivering , Redness , Stomach , Swelling , Tiredness , Pharmacist , Guillain BarrÉ Syndrome , Shingles Doesn T Care ,

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