Transcripts For MSNBC Stephanie Ruhle Reports 20240709 : com

Transcripts For MSNBC Stephanie Ruhle Reports 20240709

there is a ton of news, so let's get smarter. right now, the covid situation across this country is starting to feel a lot like it did in the early days. things are changing quickly with cases spiking dramatically and transmissions seemingly running wild. according to nbc news, the average number of daily cases is up more than 40% in the last month. but there is one critical difference from where we were last year. vaccines. and while more people are getting sick and testing positive, if you are vaccinated, so far, the omicron variant is pretty mild. that said, here in new york city, the rate of positive tests has doubled in the last week. there are restaurants here shutting down again, at least temporarily. testing lines are once again stretching as far as the eye can see. i want you to take a look at this video from miami. that is not last year, that is yesterday. and this video is from this morning. just a couple of blocks from here. all of these people are waiting in line to get tested. i want to start by bringing in nbc's lindsey reiser. she's been talking to folks in that line. erin mclaughlin is in los angeles and dr. michael osterholm joins us. he's the director for the center for disease control research and policy at the university of minnesota. lindsey, you are in my hood on the upper east side. that line looks insane. we have not seen anything like that since the way beginning of this pandemic. what are people telling you? are they sick? >> reporter: stephanie, it's been like this all week and people have been lined up since before 6:00 a.m. this place opened at 7:00 a.m. we'll pan so you can see. the line stretches completely down the block. and steph, i've talked to a bunch of people in this line, and some of them know people who have been exposed, a roommate, a coworker, other people say that they're traveling internationally or maybe they just want to be safe ahead of holiday gatherings. one person i talked to did say she was symptomatic, so she wanted to get tested just to be safe. so you're talking about things feeling a little reminiscent to the beginning of the pandemic. we've got somebroadway shows and restaurants shutting down because of outbreaking between fully vaccinated cast and staff members. the daily governor reported the highest number since the winter surge in january and a 40% increase from the day prior. let's listen to what some of the folks in line i talked to had to say about the wait. >> i have had friends recently who has been exposed to covid, so to be safe, i wanted to get tested as well. >> i got here about 6:20 this morning, and i'm about the 30th person in line. i thought, i'll get here early -- but i'm glad and happy that people are doing the right thing to get tested. >> reporter: that's been the general sentiment. people seem to be happy that at least people are getting tested. but i talked to dr. uche blackstock. she's been seeing the lines, too, and she said, it's so frustrating, because it's like we don't learn from surge to surge. we know that the city is going to be distributing about 500,000 rapid at-home tests, as well as masks to community organizations, but dr. blackstock said we should have learned what was going on in europe that we knew it would come here, stephanie. >> all right, doctor, give us a reality check. break it down. what does it mean for people who are vaccinated and boostered, people who are just vaccinated, and for those who got nothing. >> well, if you look at the issue with delta, which is right now still causing the majority of the serious illnesses we're seeing, particularly in new york. actually being fully vaccinated and boosted, you actually have very, very high levels of protection against getting even infected and in particular, serious illness. however, what we're all concerned about is omicron, which is coming now. and that is also now in new york and it's in a battle with delta, as to who is going to take over. in that situation, again, being fully vaccinated and boosted is really important. but the chance of having even more breakthroughs with that situation is really a concern and we don't yet know how serious these illnesses will be. >> and that's my question, breakthroughs. how sick do we think people get? because people who are fully vaccinated and boostered are currently thinking, yeah, i might get sick for a couple of days, but i don't need to change my life very much. >> well, i think we have to be very careful here. these vaccines are remarkable tools, remarkable, but they're not perfect. and we do know that if you are not boostered, you can have major breakthrough challenges. right here in the state of minnesota, we have had over 800 people who have been fully vaccinated, but not boostered, who have died, as a result of their infection. most of them were older, immune compromised individuals, but they still needed that booster. what we're really concerned about is with omicron, will we actually see more serious illness, even among people who might be fully vaccinated, but not boostered? that's why right now, we have to emphasize both. please, get your first doses as soon as possible and please get your booster. right now, only about 35% of u.s. residents who have already received their two doses of vaccine have to be boostered. so we've got get that done as quickly as possible. and within the next three to eight weeks, we'll see a viral blizzard occur with omicron here in this country. >> so for those who do no have the booster, do not have the vaccine, are they completely screwed? >> well, i think they've got a real problem on their hands. and, you know, the best thing they can do at that point is isolate themselves, which i'm not sure that they will do. so again, getting even a dose of vaccine, every dose will help you. but, you know, we have been talking about this, stephanie, as you know, for the last 18 months. to get vaccinated. and thousand with both the delta surge occurring, and with omicron at the same time, i mean, it's a perfect storm. so, yes, they're going to have some real challenges. >> aaron, take us to the west coast. because case numbers matter, but hospitalizations matter even more, and they're way up out there. >> that's right, stephanie. hospitalizations are up here in california and authorities are growing increasingly concerned about the potentially explosive growth of the omicron variant here in the state. i was speaking to scientists at uc san diego, which is home to up with of the premiere sequencing labs in the world. they have been hunting for omicron since late november. i was there when they were sequencing every single case, that they came across. every single positive covid case. they said they were seeing delta, delta, delta. that picture has changed drastically. i was on the phone to a scientist last night who said that they were seeing 25% now of their confirmed covid cases are, in fact, the omicron variant. and they are projecting there in san diego that that will change yet again, going into next week. they're expecting omicron to be the dominant variant in san diego, starting next week. it's a similar alarming picture up in santa clara to the north of the state, santa clara county is also one of the most vaccinated counties in the country, an 80% vaccination rate. and yet their health director there, based on what she's seeing in the water, the sewer sheds there in the country, all four have the omicron variant present in the testing they're doing now. she's raising the alarm. take a listen to what she has to say. >> so when i look around the corner ahead, what i see a deluge of omicron. what i see is perhaps is one of the most challenging moments that we've had yesterday in the pandemic. >> that's dr. sarah cody and urging everyone to get a booster shot and also urging a multi-layered approach there in santa clara county, saying that vaccination is not enough, booster is not enough. she's saying that everyone needs to mask up, especially when indoors, even outdoors in crowded settings, she was saying, consider that mask. also, limit large gatherings, as well as look at ventilation inside buildings. all of those things, she says, will be important to stopping the explosive growth of omicron. stephanie? >> doctor, do you think we'll see a change in what we consider fully vaccinated to be? >> right now fully vaccinated is two shots. soon, will we be saying two shots plus the booster is fully vaccinated? >> i've been saying since the middle of the summer that i all along should have called this a three-prime series vaccine. that the booster gives it some sense that it's a luxury dose or an extra dose. we really needed that all along. and so i believe that within a very short period of time, it will be considered the standard to get all three doses of the vaccine to be fully vaccinated. >> doctor, we did see a headline today showing that hospitalizations in south africa are way down. and that's the country where omicron is surging. is that good news for us? >> well, i would challenge that news, because we've just reviewed the data from yesterday with the african public health agency, and right now, the level of hospitalizations and the level of deaths in south africa dwul that that we saw in the same number of days when the delta surge first began there. i think it's still way too early to assume that severity of illness isn't up. one thing that we might have in our favor is there is some hint that the south african cases may be beginning to level off. meaning the steep increase in new numbers aren't continuing. unfortunately, wish we had more data, better data. but i think right now, it's far too early to say that the severity of omicron is not going to be similar to or at least close to that of delta. >> lindsey, we are seeing people scramble and wait in long lines to get tested here in new york where the numbers are surging. are we also seeing that same frenzy around people trying to get booster here? >> reporter: so, steph, i've been at vaccination sites last few weeks, and it has been steady, but you said it at the top of the hour. things are changing so rapidly, the fact that we have so many people waiting in these lines, people wanting to see their families for holiday gatherings, it's no doubt that that booster availability and demand is growing. but also keep in mind that here in new york, we do have a higher vaccination rate than other places in the country, steph. >> lindsey, aaron, dr. osterholm, thank you so much for starting us off this morning. you are making us smarter and safer today. any minute now, trump ally roger stone is expected to arrive on capitol hill for his deposition. he's not expected to say anything, as we get new information about the man behind a powerpoint presentation shared by mark meadows on how to overturn the election. roger stone is showing up to court and it's just going to be a press opportunity. plus, congress -- excuse me. plus, president biden concedes that his build back better bill will not be passed this year. but is the push on voting rights all for show? 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fax it somewhere? >> first on roger stone, the deposition is scheduled for 10:00 a.m. roger stone may show up, he is expected to, but not expected to cooperate in any form or fashion. he has suggested that he'll plead the fifth amendment as a blanket statement and refusing to answer questions. we know from the jeffrey clark situation that the committee chairman, bennie thompson, does not expect that. he expects there to be a fifth amendment assertion on a case-by-case basis, a question-by-question basis, so roger stone may not be out of the woods just by pleading the fifth onnen this other subpoena that landed yesterday, a man named james phil waldron, a retired army colonel, who contributed to a powerpoint that the chairman, bennie thompson of the committee has called an lawmakering blueprint for overturning a nationwide election, waldron said he had spoke to mark meadows around that time, he had visited the white house somewhere between eight and ten times and that presentation was used to brief republican members of congress. he has been told to provide documents and he's opinion given a date of january 17th to show up for a deposition. this is, of course, squarely within a committee's parameters for investigations in terms of figuring out all of the events that led to that violent attack on this capitol, stephanie. >> glenn, trump keeps right to block the committee from seeing any white house documents related to him on that day. he keeps losing in court. it may make its way to the supreme court. is there any way, "a," to speed that up, and "b," what documents are we talking about? trump is known for never using email and never using text messages. >> yeah, steph, it looks like as hard adds donald trump is fighting to keep these documents from the national archives under wraps, i'm betting that they are deeply damaging to him or he wouldn't be fighting so hard. who controls the timetable? well, it's the courts. the good news is thus far, the courts have moved out expeditiously, both the initial ruling from judge tanya chutkin, denying trump's attempts to bury these documents and the appellate court's resolution of the case against trump. now we're waiting to see if the case will go to the supreme court. i suggest because there is no constitutional issue to be decided by the supreme court, the right call by scotus would be to refuse to review this case. that would mean trump has run out of rope and the documents would go over to the house select committee. >> run out of hope. the question will be, has he run out of time. you know who else is deeply damaged? our democracy. our i want to play what republican candidates from minnesota governor said earlier this week when they were asked if joe biden won the presidential election. watch this. >> okay. watch that again. trump clearly has control over the gop and the threat to our democracy is happening right now in states across the country. more and more people, i don't know, this big lie has worked. so even if the committee gets all of the information and holds people accountable, this lie isn't going away. the damage has been done, yamiche. >> and that is the thing that is underscoring all of this work. will it actually matter, even if we have public hearings, even if the january 6th committee gets all of the phil waldrons, who are people who were not sort of at the center of the white house, but who were talking to, in his case, mark meadows, the former chief of staff, he said eight to ten times. he was working with john eastman, who had that memo, laying out how to overturn the election, which would have been fraudulent and would have been overturning the will of the american people. but here you have a sort of gop that apart from sort of whatever the evidence shows, is in the grips of this lie that former president trump continues to tout. and really what you see is this has become a litmus test. this lie, a falsehood about the credibility of american democracy has literally become a litmus test in many ways in the gop. and that is a scary thing to have. especially when you think that american democracy functions on the idea that americans police chief believe this is a credible system. people come to this country because our democracy is seen as working disable. the moment you start to lose that. the moment that people are openly questioning the election. the moment that people are saying, well, america never really has been fair. of course, there have been issues with american democracy since the beginning of time in terms of who has access, but let's talk about the actual credibility of these elections. 2020 was free and fair. intelligence communities looked at this. so many people in the trump administration looked into this. the attorney general looked into this. but here you have a gop that cannot shake this lie. and that to me is really the scary part of this. it doesn't matter in some ways what happens to this committee if it can't also mean that there's a systemic change in the attitude of the gop. >> there has certainly been a change, and not one for the better of this country. sahil, glenn, thank you both so much yamiche, stay with me. we've got to cover the other big news we're watching on capitol hill. president biden all but confirmed that democrats are not likely to pass his human infrastructure bill, build back better, this year. and now the senate's in-house referee, the parliamentarian, just threw cold water on their hopes to get immigration reform into that bill. now democrats are focusing on voting rights, with biden and vice president harris holding a zoom call with senators about it yesterday. keep in mind, none of their spending priorities matter if we don't have a functioning democracy. that is what voting rights are all about. let's bring in leigh ann caldwell. where does build back better go from here? that expanded child tax credit, the last payments went out this week. and at a time when inflation is flaring, you're going to have millions of families without that cushion come january 1st. what do we know about that and tell us about this new focus on voting rights. >> yeah, stephanie. so build back better is effectively stalled. they are going to keep negotiating, going to keep right to get things something done, but i'm told that it might not be until march that they're able come back to this piece of legislation. they still have to work with senator joe manchin and try to get him onboard on some of these key policies, incoming the child tax credit. so, simultaneously, while they are continuing to work on that in the background, they are also refocusing their efforts on this shall of voting rights. there is an increased urgency on the issue as redistricting underway in states across the country. and president biden, vice president harris, as you mentioned, held a zoom call with a group of key senators yesterday, who are involved in these negotiations. including senator joe manchin. i'm told the meeting was fine i mean, they talked, but there's still no agreement. senator manchin still isn't yet onboard, and a person missing from that meeting was senator kyrsten sinema, who put out a statement two days ago, saying she still wants that 60-vote threshold in the senate. so that makes it impossible to pass voting rights. however -- yeah, go for it. they're still talking, though. and i'm told that senator tim kaine of one of the members who was negotiating this in their closed-door lunch yesterday, for the first time, gave a presentation on how they would change the senate rules, which would implement a talking filibuster. and after a very long process, that it would be a 50-vote threshold. but they don't have the votes, steph. >> okay, and isn't that the whole ball game? joe manchin and kyrsten sinema can say all day long, they're onboard for voting rights, but if they're not willing to scrap the filibuster to get this done, they're not actually behind anything and we're going nowhere. >> and there's a lot of frustration with democratic senators. senator manchin is at least at the table and he's talking. senator sinema is not. she is not part of these negotiations. she put out a statement out of nowhere saying that she potters a 60-vote threshold. and so she is also a huge problem in this. even though we've seen other senators who are skeptical about this come out this week and say they do support a rule change, including senator warner, senator hickenlooper, senator hassen of new hampshire, who could face a tough re-election next year, but they still have a very long way to go. so democrats are having a very bad end of the year, with bbb shelved, not able to do voting rights before the end of the area, and their immigration plan has been upended by the parliamentarian. it's tough. >> yamiche, if they cannot ditch the filibuster, democrats will need ten republicans to join them. do they have a snowball's chance in hell of making that happen? >> i think liana is kind of shaking her head, giving me a silent symbol there. because the answer is of course not. i don't get any sense when talking to capitol hill officials that there's any chance that ten republicans will come out of nowhere and say, we really want to protect the voting rights and get onboard with the democrats' plan. the thing i have to hammer home here is that there is a sense of considerable frustration on the part of democratic activists, on the part of civil rights organizations. because the president, this week, said that voting was the number one most important domestic issue. and they understand that the president had a lot of other priorities. he's the president. there's covid, there's infrastructure he wanted to get done. but some people tell me if this is the most important thing that the president should have been focused on, he should have spent months talking about it. spent more time talking about it. pushing senator sinema to get onboard with this. jim clyburn for months has been saying, there needs to be a carveout for the filibuster for civil rights and voting rights. and that is something that president biden, when i pressed him on it a few months ago, he was not ready to be onboard. i think there is a sense of frustration now. i should tell you, the white house is saying that the president has been talking about voting rights. he's been giving speeches. the vice president was handed this -- when she asked to be dealing with voting rights issues. but the white house says they have been dealing with this, but there are a lot of people, especially democratic voters, african-americans in particular, who will -- in large part are being targeted by a lot of these bills and laws that we're seeing going out in the states. they're saying there needs to be more done and this is a democratic party that should have been more urgent on this issue. >> the president maybe giving speeches, but republicans in red states are changing the rules, changing the laws almost every single day. yamiche, leigh ann, thank you both so much. coming up next, do you remember how the biden administration was planning to pay millions of dollars to families who were separated at the border under trump? that is not happening. what changed? a brand-new report showing how conflicted some members of congress on both sides of the aisle are. the five-month investigation into their personal finances, money, power, politics, next. l money, power, politics, next hello? gordon ramsay? this is a cold call! nfl teams are turning to cold with tide, will you? that will never work! if it works on nfl jerseys it'll work for you. seriously! just perfect! and it'll save up to $150 a year. and it's cold! so you will turn to cold? fine! i'll turn to cold! that guy needs to chill out! this was a cold call! 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(gasps) ♪ did it work? only pay for what you need ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ spider-man no way home in theaters december 17th now to my favorite series. money, power, politics. we told you about house speaker pelosi shooting down the idea that lawmakers should be banned from individual stock trading. it comes after this five-month investigation from "insider" revealing just how many lawmakers and their staffers skirted or bent the rules and made a whole lot of money. among the findings, 49 members of congress and 182 staffers violated the federal conflict of interest laws. nearly 75 lawmakers held stocks in pfizer, moderna, or j&j, in 2020. 15 lawmakers in charge of defense policy directly invest in, guess what, military contractors. and more than a dozen democrats who are focused on the environment, well, they invest in fossil fuel companies, with track records they absolutely would not like to be made public. joining me now to discuss, the reporter behind this excellent, excellent piece, dave leventhal. he's "insider's" deputy washington bureau chief. dave, this is some amazing reporting. you break down members into three ratings. danger, border line, and solid. first, i want to know, who's in the danger category and what does it actually mean? are they in danger of you and i talking bad about them? because they're getting fabulously rich and they're allowed to do it. >> without question. and stephanie, this is a truly bipartisan phenomenon, i should note. we love to put things in terms of red and blue and conservative and liberal and left and right, but republicans and democrats are doing this roughly to an equal amount in terms of violating this law that congress itself passed ten years ago called the stock act, which is set forth and put forth in order to effectively defend against conflicts of interest and push back against the perception or the reality of corruption, financial corruption, in congress. so our rating system, to answer your question, we have lots of democrats in that danger zone or border line, for the very reason that there are transparency questions and concerns. you put some of the graphics up. one example would be a representative from texas. he is a republican. he's somebody who has dealt if an incredible amount of stocks during his very, very brief time. he's a freshman and one example of dozens and dozens that we could offer up. >> instead of changing their conduct, they just changed the rules in terms of what is considered corrupt. you call this a phenomenon. it's a phenomenon of absurdly foul play, that voters across the country are sick and tired of. nearly 75 lawmakers invested in vaccine makers throughout this pandemic. did any of them respond to you when you did this reporting? i mean, it's stunning. they clearly had way more information than the general public did about where we were in vaccine development, and where we were in the pandemic. >> well, that's -- you bring up a fundamental principle of why this matters. it matters because members of congress are not like you or me or most americans, who if they want to make a stock trade, they do so on their trading app. they might call their financial adviser and make a trade, but it's not like we're inside secret government privileged briefings, where information about all sorts of companies, all sorts of industries, all sorts of things happening around the world, news breaks, developments. that's information that congress gets. and we the public have entrusted members of congress with an incredible amount of power. they go to capitol hill here in washington and they do, on behalf of their constituents, what we hope they are going to do. so if suddenly their public duties and their public responsibilities begin to intersect or even clash or conflict with their private finances, their personal investments, the stocks that they invest in, then we have potentially an issue, of conflicts of interest, where the public interest is not being served, but potentially a private interest for that member is being served. >> but they are not like you and me. they are people who are elected to put country over personal gain, and they're doing the exact opposite. so i want to know, since nancy pelosi said, no, it's a free market, you can do anything, and got tons of criticism, has she backtracked on that? and have any of these lawmakers given you any logical explanation for this? >> she has not backtracked. and the logical explanation, frankly, is that congress makes its own rules for itself. congress is its own referee. congress is its own cop on the beat. certainly, the justice department could get involved in extreme cases -- >> the fcc sure could. >> the fcc could, too. and we have a story about that and the role they might play going forward. but primarily, and first and foremost, congress is the one responsible for penalizing or punishing members for that transgressions. our reporting shows that at minimum, there is very little that's done to punish members who violate the stock act. and that the law is inconsistently applied when it comes to what are already very minimal penalties. $200 is the standard penalty for any stock act violation, even if the value of an individual's trades as a member of congress go into the six or seven or even eight figures, as we found as part of our reporting. >> $200 fine. a slap on your little bitty pinkie toe when you're making millions of dollars. and a reminder, the s.e.c. is looking into corporate executives and possible insider trading. maybe they could add members of congress to that list. dave, as i said, this is amazing reporting. keep it up. >> thank you. and speaking of money, the biden administration has left talks with lawyers representing migrant families who were separated by the trump administration. it comes two less than two months after we learned that the administration was potentially planning to pay millions of dollars to those families. jacob soboroff has been all over this story. can you explain this to us? when we first heard this, up to a million dollars to some of those families, there were some people saying, what happened to those families was wrong, but that's a lot of money. >> reporter: it was a lot of money, steph, but at the end of the day, what we're talking about here is what physicians for human rights met the u.n. definition of torture, the american academy of pediatrics called it government-sanctioned child abuse, and the president of the united states called it criminal to our colleague, kristen welker. so what a lot of people are asking this morning, advocates and attorneys, on behalf of those families who were separated, psychologically traumatized to life, is what happened to president biden's commitment? they understand and respect an independent department of justice. even the department of justice called this policy abhorrent while they were pulling out of the negotiations to ultimately financially compensate these families for the trauma that they endured and will have for a lifetime. >> they're saying the conduct was abhorrent. they're not giving them the money. are they going to do anything except say "i'm sorry." >> reporter: they say that there will not a global settlement agreement, which is that every single member of the group that was separated by the trump administration will receive an amount defined by this settlement, but they're going to engage with them on an individualized basis, at least that's what's implied in the statement that they put out. frankly, there is not a lot of comment from the biden white house administration. karine jean-pierre kicked it over to the justice department, and all we have from the justice department is that they think that the policy is abhorrent, but they're not going to settle adds a large group with all of these families. it's got people outraged who have been following this very closely. yes, it's a lot of money, but, yes, taking children away from their parents and traumatizing them for a lifetime is not something, they say, that you can put a price tag on. >> all right. jacob soboroff, thank you. important reporting. coming up next, a new search warrant issued in the investigation in the "rust" shooting. why investigators want alec baldwin's cell phone. igats orwa baldwin's cell phone when our daughter and her kids moved in with us... our bargain detergent couldn't keep up. turns out it's mostly water. so, we switched back to tide. one wash, stains are gone. 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(upbeat music) - [narrator] this is kate. she always wanted her smile to shine. now, she uses a capful of therabreath healthy smile oral rinse to give her the healthy, sparkly smile she always wanted. (crowd cheering) therabreath, it's a better mouthwash. at walmart, target and other fine stores. o man, that's a whole lot of wrinkly at least my shoes look good! therabreath, it's a better mouthwash. looking good start with bounce wrinkleguard, the megasheet designed to prevent wrinkles in the dryer. in just about 20 minutes in minnesota, the kim potter trial resumes. the former police officer is charged with manslaughter in the shooting death of 20-year-old daunte wright. she's expected to take the witness stand later today. potter says she mistook her gun for her taser when she fatally shot wright during a traffic stop. we'll bring you potter's testimony live when it begins. also new this morning, a search warrant had been issued for alec baldwin's cell phone, as part of the ongoing investigation into the fatal shooting on the movie set "rust." let's go straight to steve patterson. steve, what do investigators want to know? and at this point, what's left in his phone? >> stephanie, no direct verbiage yet. investigators simply say they're looking for what they describe is conversations related to the "rust" investigation. according to that affidavit, authorities want to review baldwin's text messages, his social media, his photos, even his gps location data all on his cell phone. the affidavit saying in part that it beliefs that there may be evidence on the phone relating in part to cinematographer, halyna hutchins. we got a statement from baldwin's legal team saying, we are confident that the evidence will show that mr. baldwin is not responsible civilly or criminally for what occurred on october 21st. meanwhile, detectives are giving few hints about what they're actually looking for, but according to the search warrant, investigatos learned of several e-mails and text messages during interviews with baldwin and others, including the film's armorer, ana gutierrez reid, in which the actor apparently requested for a bigger gun. baldwin addressed that on social media. he said that was a lie on twitter. so far, no criminal charges in the case so far yet. >> steve baldwin, thank you. coming up next, it is the painful secret so many women are keeping. their fertility journeys. next, our own sheinelle jones shine a light to open this critical conversation. you do not want to miss this. ths [bikes passing] [fire truck siren] [first responder] onstar, we see them. [onstar advisor] okay. mother and child in vehicle. mother is unable to exit the vehicle. injuries are unknown. [first responder] thank you, onstar. [driver] my son, is he okay? [first responder] your son's fine. [driver] thank you. there was something in the road... [first responder] it's okay. you're safe now. want your clothes to smell freshly washed there was something all day without heavy perfumes? now they can! with downy light in-wash freshness boosters. just pour a capful of beads into your washing machine before each load. to give your laundry a light scent that lasts longer than detergent alone, with no heavy perfumes or dyes. finally, a light scent that lasts all day! new downy light, available in four naturally-inspired scents. this weekend, msnbc will debut the new documentary "stories we tell: the fertility secret." this deeply personal film follows the challenges many women face while trying to get pregnant, specifically women of color. many, many times, too afraid to bring up their struggle with loved ones, because infertility is just something that's too taboo to discuss. >> thinking about my journey through womanhood, there were times when i had no one to talk to, and you learn so much you didn't know about other people the moment you start to open up. sometimes you just have to take first step. you shouldn't be alone in this and i think you feel less shame because you are less alone, but there is such a community in sharing. >> i am so honored to share this film. sheinelle jones has poured her heart into the project. she is the executive producer. and people say, oh, i have a work friend. this is my real, real friend. >> i know, we can't cry on television, steph. thank you. >> talk to me about this project. infertility is something that we talk about, but we don't understand how personal it is and how difficult it is. >> that's true. this is something that i have been dealing with behind closed doors for years with some of my best friends, my sister-in-law, and i have to tell you, i have three kids, two 9-year-olds and a 12-year-old. and sometimes i would find myself talking to some of my best girlfriends who have just had another failed ivf treatment, on number eight, number nine. >> and expensive ones. >> expensive. >> while they're going to work the next day. >> and my kids are in the background, and i felt kind of helpless, because i didn't know what to say, i didn't know what to do. and couple of my friendships have felt strained because i know they're going through it. so my mind i thought, okay, i've heard people give this analogy, and i hope this works. you know, mr. rogers used to say, in moments of crisis, look for the helpers. i felt like my friends and girlfriends and women that i have never met before have been in this crisis and i want to be a helper. and that's how i approached this. i thought, i'm not a doctor, i'm not a researcher, but i can tell stories. and i think we would all agree that there's a transformative power in story telling. when you see a woman and meet her where she is and say, i haven't felt affirmed, i passed out when i was 12 in the hallway and they gave me tylenol and told me to go back to class. and i am so close to these women. and i was sitting there at times and i was like, oh, my goodness, i had no idea that you haven't felt whole. >> no one does! >> i didn't realize you felt so broken. so we as a society, everybody, let's try to change that. let's wrap our arms around these women and say, you know what, you are not alone, you are not broken. you can talk about this and we'll get through it. >> i want to take a look at another clip from the documentary. for people who are still saying, what is this? does this impact me? just watch this. >> i was in my late 20s, early 30s, when i started my reproductive endocrinology and fertility fellowship. there were people younger than me who were struggling. that was my first wake-up call. the lack of communication that we have with our doctors, with our mothers, with our friends, just leads to stress and a paucity of information later on that is really difficult to ly see women going through struggles that they may not have had to go through if they had the proper information. >> talk to us about the prechbls prevalence of infertility among black women. >> you know what it is. i tried to figure out, what is the truth. and we're all going through it, whether you're black, white, asian, but for us, i didn't realize -- one, fibroids and endometriosis, fibroids disproportionately affect women of color. and why is that? why can we put a man on the moon but we can't figure out why so many women of color are getting these fibroids. >> that are debilitating. >> i have so many friends who have had so many surgeries. and they think, let me take it off, let's just get it taken off. and they find out decades later that tall of those surgeries have impacted their fertility. that's a discussion that you should have had a decade ago, but they weren't having those discussions, that's one. there's also this concept of and a study out a few years ago that 50% of residents in medical school just thought that women of color had a higher threshold of pain. >> why?! why would that be?! >> that's just something that's been -- >> ridiculous? >> and so if you think about it, even if it's not intentional, if i come to you and i say, hey, i'm in a lot of pain, there may be this subconscious bias that you're not even aware of. and look, i have 45 minutes, i have one hour this sunday night. i tried to -- i said, okay, how much do i want to go into politics or nuances of the medical situation. i thought, let me at least first just try to tell you who they are at women. the woman you just saw there, she's freezing her eggs, east 35, single. a lot of these women have said, they spent their whole lives trying not to get pregnant, do the right thing, go to school, get a job, find your career, find mr. right, and you final do all of those things and try to have a child and try to start your family and it doesn't work. and so many women have never -- they didn't realize that this was going to happen. >> people don't acknowledge that our clocks don't change. we say, get a career, get a big education, but by the way, you're going to be a whole lot less fertile with every year that passes. what do you want people to take away from watching this sunday night? >> that's a good question. this is my goal. i feel like society is ready for something like this, right? we've gone through our -- the me too and that's still happening. but just as a society, we've said, you know what, with women, you know women, you can speak up, be your own advocate. i'm hoping the same thing with fertility. it's time to speak up. we shouldn't have to whisper the word "period." even now, i just kind of whispered. and we can talk about our cycles. i'm thinking about freezing my eggs. you can say, you know what, i don't think i want to have children. and that's okay, too. or you can say, i want to adopt. but all of these veils that we have around fertility, it's time to take them off. >> men don't have them. >> they don't have them. >> they don't have to miss work. >> this is my choir. >> and if i have a loss many my life, a family member or a pet, i can take a couple of days off from work, i can tell my boss, and nobody thinks anything about it. if i have a loss, a miscarriage, i don't tell anybody, i go to work the next day. so i call this the fertility secret, because it shouldn't be a secret anymore. let's support these women and the women they represent. >> well, you are changing that. i love you, i appreciate you. >> you guys know, she's a girl's girl. >> this sunday night, 10:00 p.m. eastern, please, support these lady. >> "the stories we tell: the fertility secret." please watch this sunday night. but when we come back next, the troubling trend on tiktok that has schools across the country shut down today. what the fbi is saying about it. i would like to know what tiktok is. what tiktok is t keep up. turns out it's mostly water. so, we switched back to tide. one wash, stains are gone. [daughter] slurping don't pay for water. pay for clean. it's got to be tide. (vo) singing, or speaking. reason, or fun. daring, or thoughtful. sensitive, or strong. progress isn't either or progress is everything. [♪♪] did you know you can shorten your cold with cold-eeze® lozenges? cold-eeze® can shorten your cold by 42% try cold-eeze® the number one best-selling zinc lozenge. and try new cold-eeze® ultramelt™ chews in a great-tasting orange flavor that quickly dissolves on your tongue. if you're 55 and up, t-mobile has plans built just for you whether you need a single line or lines for family members, you'll get great value on america's most reliable 5g network. like 2 lines of unlimited for just $27.50 a line. that's our everyday price. plus, our plans always come with unlimited talk, text and data included. so, switch to t-mobile and get 2 lines of unlimited for only $27.50 a line. that's half the price of verizon or at&t. only at t-mobile. the leader in 5g. mm. 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Phone , Scientist , Positive Covid Case , Picture , 25 , Picture Up , Variant , North , San Diego , Santa Clara , Water , Health Director , Vaccination Rate , Counties , Santa Clara County , Sewer , 80 , Four , Omicron Variant Present , Alarm , Corner , Deluge Of Omicron , Sarah Cody , Everyone , Booster Shot , Urging , Saying , Vaccination , Settings , Gatherings , Mask , Approach , Change , Buildings , Ventilation , Middle , Shots , Summer , Sense , Standard , Showing , Headline , South Africa , Data , Level , Deaths , Delta Surge First , Public Health Agency , Severity , Hint , Illness Isn T Up , Favor , Aren T Continuing , Lindsey , Numbers , Frenzy , Families , Top , Vaccination Sites , Doubt , Booster Availability , Mind , Demand , Places , Roger Stone , Information , Deposition , Man , Capitol Hill , Safer , Congress , Election , Powerpoint Presentation , Mark Meadows , Press Opportunity , Something , Joe Biden , Bill , Alka Seltzer Plus , Build , Push On Voting Rights , Show , 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Bennie Thompson , Committee Chairman , Fifth Amendment , Basis , Out Of The Woods , Subpoena , Assertion , Fifth , Powerpoint , Blueprint , Chairman , A Retired Army Colonel , Lawmakering , Times , Presentation , Documents , White House , Republican , Spoke , Opinion , Ten , January 17th , Terms , Investigations , Capitol , Attack , Parameters , Events , Court , Supreme Court , B , Up , Text Messages , Fighting , Timetable , Wouldn T , Email , Wraps , The National Archives , Courts , Tanya Chutkin , Denying Trump , Appellate Court , Ruling , Attempts , Resolution , Trump , Rope , Democracy , Candidates , Hope , States , Threat , Control , Work , Lie Isn T , Damage , Big Lie , Center , Chief Of Staff , January 6th Committee , Hearings , Phil Waldrons , Lie , Evidence , Sort , John Eastman , Whatever , Will , Shows , Memo , Grips , Litmus Test , Credibility , President Trump , American Democracy , Falsehood , Idea , System , Working Disable , Talk , Issues , Fair , Access , 2020 , Administration , Communities , Attorney General , Part , It Doesn T , Attitude , Senate , Parliamentarian , Democrats , Human Infrastructure Bill , Referee , Stay With Me , Biden All , Senators , Zoom Call , Harris , Immigration Reform , Hopes , None , Priorities , Functioning Democracy , Spending , Leigh Ann Caldwell , Child Tax Credit , Millions , Cushion , Flaring , Inflation , Focus On Voting Rights , Payments , 1 , January 1st , Senator Manchin , Piece , Negotiating , Legislation , Policies , Background , Efforts , Group , Negotiations , Vice President , Urgency , Redistricting , Senators Yesterday , Meeting , Kyrsten Sinema , Senator Manchin Still Isn T , Agreement , Threshold , Statement , Tim Kaine , 60 , Rules , Time , Talking Filibuster , Process , Votes , Ball Game , Senator , Frustration , Filibuster , Done , Table , Warner , She Potters , Support A Rule Change , Nowhere , Senator Hickenlooper , Senator Hassen , Way To Go , Re Election , Bbb , New Hampshire , Republicans , Immigration Plan , End , Making , Hell , Area , Snowball , There , Kind , Head , Answer , Symbol , Say , Out Of Nowhere , Plan , Officials , Rights , Voting , Organizations , Activists , Infrastructure , On , Carveout , Speeches , Voters , Voting Rights Issues , Laws , Red States , Bills , African Americans In Particular , Who , Planning , Leigh Ann , Money , Power , Politics , Investigation , Sides , Border , Finances , Aisle , Gordon Ramsay , Five , Cold , Teams , Jerseys , Nfl , 150 , Fine , Cold Season , Coughing , Sneezing , Congestion , Bounce Back , Relief , Cough , Mucus , Beauty , Skin , Bond , Crepe Corrector Lotion , Limu Emu , Doug , Liberty Mutual , World , Help , Superpowers , Spider Bite , Car Insurance , Gasps , Theaters , Spider Man , Lawmakers , Series , Stock Trading , House Speaker Pelosi Shooting , Staffers , Insider , Findings , 49 , Stocks , Defense Policy , Charge , Conflict Of Interest , Moderna , Pfizer , J , 182 , 75 , Public , Military Contractors , Fossil Fuel Companies , Environment , Track Records , Guess What , Reporting , Dave Leventhal , Border Line , Danger , First , Ratings , Excellent , Deputy Washington , Bureau Chief , Insider S , Category , Law , Amount , Left , Phenomenon , Red , Stock Act , Corruption , Interest , Conflicts , Reality , Rating System , Perception , Order , Forth , Reason , Representative , Example , Concerns , Transparency , Danger Zone , Texas , Somebody , Conduct , Dozens , Freshman , Corrupt , Play , Vaccine Development , Vaccine Makers , Stock Trade , Trading App , Principle , Sorts , Trade , Briefings , News Breaks , Government , Adviser , Companies , Industries , Around The World , Behalf , Developments , Constituents , Washington , Investments , Responsibilities , Conflict , Duties , Member , You And Me , The Public Interest , Conflicts Of Interest , Free Market , Opposite , Gain , Criticism , Tons , Nancy Pelosi , Explanation , Cop , The Beat , Department Of Justice , Story , Justice , Role , Fcc , Transgressions , Trades , Penalty , Figures , Individual , Penalties , Stock Act Violation , Seven , Six , 200 , Sec , Insider Trading , Dollars , Executives , List , Reminder , Slap , Toe , Migrant Families , Talks , Lawyers , Jacob Soboroff , A Million , A Million Dollars , Definition , Torture , U N , Physicians For Human Rights , American Academy Of Pediatrics , Attorneys , Colleague , Child Abuse , Kristen Welker , Commitment , Lifetime , Trauma , I M Sorry , Global Settlement Agreement , Settlement , Least , Comment , Jean Pierre , Karine , Children , Parents , Price Tag , Cell Phone , Investigators , Igats Orwa Baldwin , Shooting , Search Warrant , Alec Baldwin , Thank You , Rust , Coming Up , Music , Circle , Therapies , Researchers , Dream , Lives , Peer Counselors , Social Workers , Mental Illness , Healthcare , Medicines , Science , Professionals , Starthe Economy Rcle , Investors , Assets , Nature , Mental Illness To Wellness , Gold , Protector , Reward , Risk , Portfolios , Element , Decisions , Enabler , Relapses , Asset , Relapsing , Advantage , Ms , Don T Take Kesimpta , Rms Challenges , Add Up , Lesions , Superior , Home Injection , Side Effects , Vs Aubagio , Infections , Hepatitis B , Pml , Kesimpta , Headache , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Trials , Types , Antibodies , Decrease , Injection Reactions , Results , Treatment , Capful , Narrator , Therabreath , Mouthwash , Stores , O Man , Healthy , Wrinkly , Smile , Target , Crowd Cheering , Walmart , Wrinkles , Dryer , Shoes , Bounce Wrinkleguard , Megasheet , Police Officer , Death , Manslaughter , Kim Potter Trial Resumes , Daunte Wright , Witness Stand , Potter , Gun , Testimony , Taser , Traffic Stop , Steve Patterson , Conversations , Set , Movie , Verbiage , Let S Go , Authorities Want To Review Baldwin , Social Media , Affidavit Saying , Gps Location Data , Affidavit , Photos , It Beliefs , Mr , Halyna Hutchins , Team , Investigatos , Detectives , Interviews , E Mails , October 21st , 21 , Film , Armorer , Actor , Others , Ana Gutierrez Reid , Women , Sheinelle Jones Shine A Light , Steve Baldwin , Charges , Fertility Journeys , Keeping , Twitter , Onstar , Child , First Responder , Mother , Vehicle , Conversation , Advisor , Ths , Bikes Passing , Fire Truck Siren , Driver , Son , Road , Injuries , Perfumes , Clothes , Boosters , Washing Machine , Load , Beads , Downy Light , Wash Freshness , Light Scent , Detergent , Scents , Laundry , Dyes , Stories We Tell The Fertility Secret , Weekend , Infertility , Color , Many , Struggle , Loved Ones , Journey , Womanhood , Thinking , Sheinelle Jones , Shouldn T , Project , Step , Community , Executive Producer , Sharing , Heart , Shame , Real , Work Friend , We Can T Cry On Television , Real Friend , Girlfriends , Sister In Law , Behind Closed Doors , 9 , 12 , Friendships , Helpless , Ivf Treatment , Ones , Nine , Crisis , Works , Helpers , Rogers , Analogy , Stories , Helper , Researcher , Story Telling , Woman , Class , Hallway , Haven T Felt , Me Tylenol , You Haven T , Everybody , Society , Goodness , Arms , Felt Whole , Clip , Impact , Early 30s , Late 20s , Fertility , Communication , Doctors , Mothers , Endocrinology , Fellowship , Lack , Wake Up Call , Paucity , Struggles , Prevalence , Prechbls , White , Black , Truth , Endometriosis , Asian , Fibroids Disproportionately , Surgeries , Man On The Moon , Figure , Weren T , Discussion , Medical School , Concept , Discussions , Study , Pain , Sunday Night , Subconscious Bias , Nuances , 45 , School , Eggs , Do The Right Thing , Career , Family , Job , Doesn T Work , Our Clocks Don T Change , Education , Goal , The Way , Passes , Advocate , Word , Cycles , Veils , Men , Loss , Family Member , Choir , Pet , Fertility Secret , Secret , Nobody , Miscarriage , Anybody , Boss , Girl , Lady , Eastern , I Love You , Schools , Tiktok , Trend , Fbi , What Tiktok Is T , Speaking , Vo , Fun , Daring , Progress Isn T , Everything , Cold Eeze , Plans , Tongue , Flavor , Number One , T Mobile , Zinc Lozenge , Ultramelt , 55 , 42 , Price , Family Members , 5g Network , 27 50 , 2 , 7 50 , Text , Leader , At T , 5g , Don T Know , Mm , Tight , Uh , Em , Roadside Assistance , Choice , Bit , You Don T Want , 24 7 , Carriers , Squad , Info , 5g Phone , Switch Squad , Trees , Save , Green Red , Me And You , What A Wonderful World Rich Life , Owner , Investor , Future , At Vanguard , Vanguard , Administrators , Warning , Disturbing Tiktok Challenge , Students , Classrooms , Abundance , Caution , Weapons , Notices , What In The World , Pete Williams , Parent , Middle School , Addition , Schools Closing , Kid , Letter , Correspondent , School Violence , Precaution , Police , Law Enforcement Official , Hand , Security , Spokesman , School Districts , Chatter , Threats , Anything Suspicion , Repetition , Content , Standards , Breaking News Coverage , Jose Diaz Balart , Shaping , Pacific ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC Stephanie Ruhle Reports 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Stephanie Ruhle Reports 20240709

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there is a ton of news, so let's get smarter. right now, the covid situation across this country is starting to feel a lot like it did in the early days. things are changing quickly with cases spiking dramatically and transmissions seemingly running wild. according to nbc news, the average number of daily cases is up more than 40% in the last month. but there is one critical difference from where we were last year. vaccines. and while more people are getting sick and testing positive, if you are vaccinated, so far, the omicron variant is pretty mild. that said, here in new york city, the rate of positive tests has doubled in the last week. there are restaurants here shutting down again, at least temporarily. testing lines are once again stretching as far as the eye can see. i want you to take a look at this video from miami. that is not last year, that is yesterday. and this video is from this morning. just a couple of blocks from here. all of these people are waiting in line to get tested. i want to start by bringing in nbc's lindsey reiser. she's been talking to folks in that line. erin mclaughlin is in los angeles and dr. michael osterholm joins us. he's the director for the center for disease control research and policy at the university of minnesota. lindsey, you are in my hood on the upper east side. that line looks insane. we have not seen anything like that since the way beginning of this pandemic. what are people telling you? are they sick? >> reporter: stephanie, it's been like this all week and people have been lined up since before 6:00 a.m. this place opened at 7:00 a.m. we'll pan so you can see. the line stretches completely down the block. and steph, i've talked to a bunch of people in this line, and some of them know people who have been exposed, a roommate, a coworker, other people say that they're traveling internationally or maybe they just want to be safe ahead of holiday gatherings. one person i talked to did say she was symptomatic, so she wanted to get tested just to be safe. so you're talking about things feeling a little reminiscent to the beginning of the pandemic. we've got somebroadway shows and restaurants shutting down because of outbreaking between fully vaccinated cast and staff members. the daily governor reported the highest number since the winter surge in january and a 40% increase from the day prior. let's listen to what some of the folks in line i talked to had to say about the wait. >> i have had friends recently who has been exposed to covid, so to be safe, i wanted to get tested as well. >> i got here about 6:20 this morning, and i'm about the 30th person in line. i thought, i'll get here early -- but i'm glad and happy that people are doing the right thing to get tested. >> reporter: that's been the general sentiment. people seem to be happy that at least people are getting tested. but i talked to dr. uche blackstock. she's been seeing the lines, too, and she said, it's so frustrating, because it's like we don't learn from surge to surge. we know that the city is going to be distributing about 500,000 rapid at-home tests, as well as masks to community organizations, but dr. blackstock said we should have learned what was going on in europe that we knew it would come here, stephanie. >> all right, doctor, give us a reality check. break it down. what does it mean for people who are vaccinated and boostered, people who are just vaccinated, and for those who got nothing. >> well, if you look at the issue with delta, which is right now still causing the majority of the serious illnesses we're seeing, particularly in new york. actually being fully vaccinated and boosted, you actually have very, very high levels of protection against getting even infected and in particular, serious illness. however, what we're all concerned about is omicron, which is coming now. and that is also now in new york and it's in a battle with delta, as to who is going to take over. in that situation, again, being fully vaccinated and boosted is really important. but the chance of having even more breakthroughs with that situation is really a concern and we don't yet know how serious these illnesses will be. >> and that's my question, breakthroughs. how sick do we think people get? because people who are fully vaccinated and boostered are currently thinking, yeah, i might get sick for a couple of days, but i don't need to change my life very much. >> well, i think we have to be very careful here. these vaccines are remarkable tools, remarkable, but they're not perfect. and we do know that if you are not boostered, you can have major breakthrough challenges. right here in the state of minnesota, we have had over 800 people who have been fully vaccinated, but not boostered, who have died, as a result of their infection. most of them were older, immune compromised individuals, but they still needed that booster. what we're really concerned about is with omicron, will we actually see more serious illness, even among people who might be fully vaccinated, but not boostered? that's why right now, we have to emphasize both. please, get your first doses as soon as possible and please get your booster. right now, only about 35% of u.s. residents who have already received their two doses of vaccine have to be boostered. so we've got get that done as quickly as possible. and within the next three to eight weeks, we'll see a viral blizzard occur with omicron here in this country. >> so for those who do no have the booster, do not have the vaccine, are they completely screwed? >> well, i think they've got a real problem on their hands. and, you know, the best thing they can do at that point is isolate themselves, which i'm not sure that they will do. so again, getting even a dose of vaccine, every dose will help you. but, you know, we have been talking about this, stephanie, as you know, for the last 18 months. to get vaccinated. and thousand with both the delta surge occurring, and with omicron at the same time, i mean, it's a perfect storm. so, yes, they're going to have some real challenges. >> aaron, take us to the west coast. because case numbers matter, but hospitalizations matter even more, and they're way up out there. >> that's right, stephanie. hospitalizations are up here in california and authorities are growing increasingly concerned about the potentially explosive growth of the omicron variant here in the state. i was speaking to scientists at uc san diego, which is home to up with of the premiere sequencing labs in the world. they have been hunting for omicron since late november. i was there when they were sequencing every single case, that they came across. every single positive covid case. they said they were seeing delta, delta, delta. that picture has changed drastically. i was on the phone to a scientist last night who said that they were seeing 25% now of their confirmed covid cases are, in fact, the omicron variant. and they are projecting there in san diego that that will change yet again, going into next week. they're expecting omicron to be the dominant variant in san diego, starting next week. it's a similar alarming picture up in santa clara to the north of the state, santa clara county is also one of the most vaccinated counties in the country, an 80% vaccination rate. and yet their health director there, based on what she's seeing in the water, the sewer sheds there in the country, all four have the omicron variant present in the testing they're doing now. she's raising the alarm. take a listen to what she has to say. >> so when i look around the corner ahead, what i see a deluge of omicron. what i see is perhaps is one of the most challenging moments that we've had yesterday in the pandemic. >> that's dr. sarah cody and urging everyone to get a booster shot and also urging a multi-layered approach there in santa clara county, saying that vaccination is not enough, booster is not enough. she's saying that everyone needs to mask up, especially when indoors, even outdoors in crowded settings, she was saying, consider that mask. also, limit large gatherings, as well as look at ventilation inside buildings. all of those things, she says, will be important to stopping the explosive growth of omicron. stephanie? >> doctor, do you think we'll see a change in what we consider fully vaccinated to be? >> right now fully vaccinated is two shots. soon, will we be saying two shots plus the booster is fully vaccinated? >> i've been saying since the middle of the summer that i all along should have called this a three-prime series vaccine. that the booster gives it some sense that it's a luxury dose or an extra dose. we really needed that all along. and so i believe that within a very short period of time, it will be considered the standard to get all three doses of the vaccine to be fully vaccinated. >> doctor, we did see a headline today showing that hospitalizations in south africa are way down. and that's the country where omicron is surging. is that good news for us? >> well, i would challenge that news, because we've just reviewed the data from yesterday with the african public health agency, and right now, the level of hospitalizations and the level of deaths in south africa dwul that that we saw in the same number of days when the delta surge first began there. i think it's still way too early to assume that severity of illness isn't up. one thing that we might have in our favor is there is some hint that the south african cases may be beginning to level off. meaning the steep increase in new numbers aren't continuing. unfortunately, wish we had more data, better data. but i think right now, it's far too early to say that the severity of omicron is not going to be similar to or at least close to that of delta. >> lindsey, we are seeing people scramble and wait in long lines to get tested here in new york where the numbers are surging. are we also seeing that same frenzy around people trying to get booster here? >> reporter: so, steph, i've been at vaccination sites last few weeks, and it has been steady, but you said it at the top of the hour. things are changing so rapidly, the fact that we have so many people waiting in these lines, people wanting to see their families for holiday gatherings, it's no doubt that that booster availability and demand is growing. but also keep in mind that here in new york, we do have a higher vaccination rate than other places in the country, steph. >> lindsey, aaron, dr. osterholm, thank you so much for starting us off this morning. you are making us smarter and safer today. any minute now, trump ally roger stone is expected to arrive on capitol hill for his deposition. he's not expected to say anything, as we get new information about the man behind a powerpoint presentation shared by mark meadows on how to overturn the election. roger stone is showing up to court and it's just going to be a press opportunity. plus, congress -- excuse me. plus, president biden concedes that his build back better bill will not be passed this year. but is the push on voting rights all for show? 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fax it somewhere? >> first on roger stone, the deposition is scheduled for 10:00 a.m. roger stone may show up, he is expected to, but not expected to cooperate in any form or fashion. he has suggested that he'll plead the fifth amendment as a blanket statement and refusing to answer questions. we know from the jeffrey clark situation that the committee chairman, bennie thompson, does not expect that. he expects there to be a fifth amendment assertion on a case-by-case basis, a question-by-question basis, so roger stone may not be out of the woods just by pleading the fifth onnen this other subpoena that landed yesterday, a man named james phil waldron, a retired army colonel, who contributed to a powerpoint that the chairman, bennie thompson of the committee has called an lawmakering blueprint for overturning a nationwide election, waldron said he had spoke to mark meadows around that time, he had visited the white house somewhere between eight and ten times and that presentation was used to brief republican members of congress. he has been told to provide documents and he's opinion given a date of january 17th to show up for a deposition. this is, of course, squarely within a committee's parameters for investigations in terms of figuring out all of the events that led to that violent attack on this capitol, stephanie. >> glenn, trump keeps right to block the committee from seeing any white house documents related to him on that day. he keeps losing in court. it may make its way to the supreme court. is there any way, "a," to speed that up, and "b," what documents are we talking about? trump is known for never using email and never using text messages. >> yeah, steph, it looks like as hard adds donald trump is fighting to keep these documents from the national archives under wraps, i'm betting that they are deeply damaging to him or he wouldn't be fighting so hard. who controls the timetable? well, it's the courts. the good news is thus far, the courts have moved out expeditiously, both the initial ruling from judge tanya chutkin, denying trump's attempts to bury these documents and the appellate court's resolution of the case against trump. now we're waiting to see if the case will go to the supreme court. i suggest because there is no constitutional issue to be decided by the supreme court, the right call by scotus would be to refuse to review this case. that would mean trump has run out of rope and the documents would go over to the house select committee. >> run out of hope. the question will be, has he run out of time. you know who else is deeply damaged? our democracy. our i want to play what republican candidates from minnesota governor said earlier this week when they were asked if joe biden won the presidential election. watch this. >> okay. watch that again. trump clearly has control over the gop and the threat to our democracy is happening right now in states across the country. more and more people, i don't know, this big lie has worked. so even if the committee gets all of the information and holds people accountable, this lie isn't going away. the damage has been done, yamiche. >> and that is the thing that is underscoring all of this work. will it actually matter, even if we have public hearings, even if the january 6th committee gets all of the phil waldrons, who are people who were not sort of at the center of the white house, but who were talking to, in his case, mark meadows, the former chief of staff, he said eight to ten times. he was working with john eastman, who had that memo, laying out how to overturn the election, which would have been fraudulent and would have been overturning the will of the american people. but here you have a sort of gop that apart from sort of whatever the evidence shows, is in the grips of this lie that former president trump continues to tout. and really what you see is this has become a litmus test. this lie, a falsehood about the credibility of american democracy has literally become a litmus test in many ways in the gop. and that is a scary thing to have. especially when you think that american democracy functions on the idea that americans police chief believe this is a credible system. people come to this country because our democracy is seen as working disable. the moment you start to lose that. the moment that people are openly questioning the election. the moment that people are saying, well, america never really has been fair. of course, there have been issues with american democracy since the beginning of time in terms of who has access, but let's talk about the actual credibility of these elections. 2020 was free and fair. intelligence communities looked at this. so many people in the trump administration looked into this. the attorney general looked into this. but here you have a gop that cannot shake this lie. and that to me is really the scary part of this. it doesn't matter in some ways what happens to this committee if it can't also mean that there's a systemic change in the attitude of the gop. >> there has certainly been a change, and not one for the better of this country. sahil, glenn, thank you both so much yamiche, stay with me. we've got to cover the other big news we're watching on capitol hill. president biden all but confirmed that democrats are not likely to pass his human infrastructure bill, build back better, this year. and now the senate's in-house referee, the parliamentarian, just threw cold water on their hopes to get immigration reform into that bill. now democrats are focusing on voting rights, with biden and vice president harris holding a zoom call with senators about it yesterday. keep in mind, none of their spending priorities matter if we don't have a functioning democracy. that is what voting rights are all about. let's bring in leigh ann caldwell. where does build back better go from here? that expanded child tax credit, the last payments went out this week. and at a time when inflation is flaring, you're going to have millions of families without that cushion come january 1st. what do we know about that and tell us about this new focus on voting rights. >> yeah, stephanie. so build back better is effectively stalled. they are going to keep negotiating, going to keep right to get things something done, but i'm told that it might not be until march that they're able come back to this piece of legislation. they still have to work with senator joe manchin and try to get him onboard on some of these key policies, incoming the child tax credit. so, simultaneously, while they are continuing to work on that in the background, they are also refocusing their efforts on this shall of voting rights. there is an increased urgency on the issue as redistricting underway in states across the country. and president biden, vice president harris, as you mentioned, held a zoom call with a group of key senators yesterday, who are involved in these negotiations. including senator joe manchin. i'm told the meeting was fine i mean, they talked, but there's still no agreement. senator manchin still isn't yet onboard, and a person missing from that meeting was senator kyrsten sinema, who put out a statement two days ago, saying she still wants that 60-vote threshold in the senate. so that makes it impossible to pass voting rights. however -- yeah, go for it. they're still talking, though. and i'm told that senator tim kaine of one of the members who was negotiating this in their closed-door lunch yesterday, for the first time, gave a presentation on how they would change the senate rules, which would implement a talking filibuster. and after a very long process, that it would be a 50-vote threshold. but they don't have the votes, steph. >> okay, and isn't that the whole ball game? joe manchin and kyrsten sinema can say all day long, they're onboard for voting rights, but if they're not willing to scrap the filibuster to get this done, they're not actually behind anything and we're going nowhere. >> and there's a lot of frustration with democratic senators. senator manchin is at least at the table and he's talking. senator sinema is not. she is not part of these negotiations. she put out a statement out of nowhere saying that she potters a 60-vote threshold. and so she is also a huge problem in this. even though we've seen other senators who are skeptical about this come out this week and say they do support a rule change, including senator warner, senator hickenlooper, senator hassen of new hampshire, who could face a tough re-election next year, but they still have a very long way to go. so democrats are having a very bad end of the year, with bbb shelved, not able to do voting rights before the end of the area, and their immigration plan has been upended by the parliamentarian. it's tough. >> yamiche, if they cannot ditch the filibuster, democrats will need ten republicans to join them. do they have a snowball's chance in hell of making that happen? >> i think liana is kind of shaking her head, giving me a silent symbol there. because the answer is of course not. i don't get any sense when talking to capitol hill officials that there's any chance that ten republicans will come out of nowhere and say, we really want to protect the voting rights and get onboard with the democrats' plan. the thing i have to hammer home here is that there is a sense of considerable frustration on the part of democratic activists, on the part of civil rights organizations. because the president, this week, said that voting was the number one most important domestic issue. and they understand that the president had a lot of other priorities. he's the president. there's covid, there's infrastructure he wanted to get done. but some people tell me if this is the most important thing that the president should have been focused on, he should have spent months talking about it. spent more time talking about it. pushing senator sinema to get onboard with this. jim clyburn for months has been saying, there needs to be a carveout for the filibuster for civil rights and voting rights. and that is something that president biden, when i pressed him on it a few months ago, he was not ready to be onboard. i think there is a sense of frustration now. i should tell you, the white house is saying that the president has been talking about voting rights. he's been giving speeches. the vice president was handed this -- when she asked to be dealing with voting rights issues. but the white house says they have been dealing with this, but there are a lot of people, especially democratic voters, african-americans in particular, who will -- in large part are being targeted by a lot of these bills and laws that we're seeing going out in the states. they're saying there needs to be more done and this is a democratic party that should have been more urgent on this issue. >> the president maybe giving speeches, but republicans in red states are changing the rules, changing the laws almost every single day. yamiche, leigh ann, thank you both so much. coming up next, do you remember how the biden administration was planning to pay millions of dollars to families who were separated at the border under trump? that is not happening. what changed? a brand-new report showing how conflicted some members of congress on both sides of the aisle are. the five-month investigation into their personal finances, money, power, politics, next. l money, power, politics, next hello? gordon ramsay? this is a cold call! nfl teams are turning to cold with tide, will you? that will never work! if it works on nfl jerseys it'll work for you. seriously! just perfect! and it'll save up to $150 a year. and it's cold! so you will turn to cold? fine! i'll turn to cold! that guy needs to chill out! this was a cold call! 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(gasps) ♪ did it work? only pay for what you need ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ spider-man no way home in theaters december 17th now to my favorite series. money, power, politics. we told you about house speaker pelosi shooting down the idea that lawmakers should be banned from individual stock trading. it comes after this five-month investigation from "insider" revealing just how many lawmakers and their staffers skirted or bent the rules and made a whole lot of money. among the findings, 49 members of congress and 182 staffers violated the federal conflict of interest laws. nearly 75 lawmakers held stocks in pfizer, moderna, or j&j, in 2020. 15 lawmakers in charge of defense policy directly invest in, guess what, military contractors. and more than a dozen democrats who are focused on the environment, well, they invest in fossil fuel companies, with track records they absolutely would not like to be made public. joining me now to discuss, the reporter behind this excellent, excellent piece, dave leventhal. he's "insider's" deputy washington bureau chief. dave, this is some amazing reporting. you break down members into three ratings. danger, border line, and solid. first, i want to know, who's in the danger category and what does it actually mean? are they in danger of you and i talking bad about them? because they're getting fabulously rich and they're allowed to do it. >> without question. and stephanie, this is a truly bipartisan phenomenon, i should note. we love to put things in terms of red and blue and conservative and liberal and left and right, but republicans and democrats are doing this roughly to an equal amount in terms of violating this law that congress itself passed ten years ago called the stock act, which is set forth and put forth in order to effectively defend against conflicts of interest and push back against the perception or the reality of corruption, financial corruption, in congress. so our rating system, to answer your question, we have lots of democrats in that danger zone or border line, for the very reason that there are transparency questions and concerns. you put some of the graphics up. one example would be a representative from texas. he is a republican. he's somebody who has dealt if an incredible amount of stocks during his very, very brief time. he's a freshman and one example of dozens and dozens that we could offer up. >> instead of changing their conduct, they just changed the rules in terms of what is considered corrupt. you call this a phenomenon. it's a phenomenon of absurdly foul play, that voters across the country are sick and tired of. nearly 75 lawmakers invested in vaccine makers throughout this pandemic. did any of them respond to you when you did this reporting? i mean, it's stunning. they clearly had way more information than the general public did about where we were in vaccine development, and where we were in the pandemic. >> well, that's -- you bring up a fundamental principle of why this matters. it matters because members of congress are not like you or me or most americans, who if they want to make a stock trade, they do so on their trading app. they might call their financial adviser and make a trade, but it's not like we're inside secret government privileged briefings, where information about all sorts of companies, all sorts of industries, all sorts of things happening around the world, news breaks, developments. that's information that congress gets. and we the public have entrusted members of congress with an incredible amount of power. they go to capitol hill here in washington and they do, on behalf of their constituents, what we hope they are going to do. so if suddenly their public duties and their public responsibilities begin to intersect or even clash or conflict with their private finances, their personal investments, the stocks that they invest in, then we have potentially an issue, of conflicts of interest, where the public interest is not being served, but potentially a private interest for that member is being served. >> but they are not like you and me. they are people who are elected to put country over personal gain, and they're doing the exact opposite. so i want to know, since nancy pelosi said, no, it's a free market, you can do anything, and got tons of criticism, has she backtracked on that? and have any of these lawmakers given you any logical explanation for this? >> she has not backtracked. and the logical explanation, frankly, is that congress makes its own rules for itself. congress is its own referee. congress is its own cop on the beat. certainly, the justice department could get involved in extreme cases -- >> the fcc sure could. >> the fcc could, too. and we have a story about that and the role they might play going forward. but primarily, and first and foremost, congress is the one responsible for penalizing or punishing members for that transgressions. our reporting shows that at minimum, there is very little that's done to punish members who violate the stock act. and that the law is inconsistently applied when it comes to what are already very minimal penalties. $200 is the standard penalty for any stock act violation, even if the value of an individual's trades as a member of congress go into the six or seven or even eight figures, as we found as part of our reporting. >> $200 fine. a slap on your little bitty pinkie toe when you're making millions of dollars. and a reminder, the s.e.c. is looking into corporate executives and possible insider trading. maybe they could add members of congress to that list. dave, as i said, this is amazing reporting. keep it up. >> thank you. and speaking of money, the biden administration has left talks with lawyers representing migrant families who were separated by the trump administration. it comes two less than two months after we learned that the administration was potentially planning to pay millions of dollars to those families. jacob soboroff has been all over this story. can you explain this to us? when we first heard this, up to a million dollars to some of those families, there were some people saying, what happened to those families was wrong, but that's a lot of money. >> reporter: it was a lot of money, steph, but at the end of the day, what we're talking about here is what physicians for human rights met the u.n. definition of torture, the american academy of pediatrics called it government-sanctioned child abuse, and the president of the united states called it criminal to our colleague, kristen welker. so what a lot of people are asking this morning, advocates and attorneys, on behalf of those families who were separated, psychologically traumatized to life, is what happened to president biden's commitment? they understand and respect an independent department of justice. even the department of justice called this policy abhorrent while they were pulling out of the negotiations to ultimately financially compensate these families for the trauma that they endured and will have for a lifetime. >> they're saying the conduct was abhorrent. they're not giving them the money. are they going to do anything except say "i'm sorry." >> reporter: they say that there will not a global settlement agreement, which is that every single member of the group that was separated by the trump administration will receive an amount defined by this settlement, but they're going to engage with them on an individualized basis, at least that's what's implied in the statement that they put out. frankly, there is not a lot of comment from the biden white house administration. karine jean-pierre kicked it over to the justice department, and all we have from the justice department is that they think that the policy is abhorrent, but they're not going to settle adds a large group with all of these families. it's got people outraged who have been following this very closely. yes, it's a lot of money, but, yes, taking children away from their parents and traumatizing them for a lifetime is not something, they say, that you can put a price tag on. >> all right. jacob soboroff, thank you. important reporting. coming up next, a new search warrant issued in the investigation in the "rust" shooting. why investigators want alec baldwin's cell phone. igats orwa baldwin's cell phone when our daughter and her kids moved in with us... our bargain detergent couldn't keep up. turns out it's mostly water. so, we switched back to tide. one wash, stains are gone. 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(crowd cheering) therabreath, it's a better mouthwash. at walmart, target and other fine stores. o man, that's a whole lot of wrinkly at least my shoes look good! therabreath, it's a better mouthwash. looking good start with bounce wrinkleguard, the megasheet designed to prevent wrinkles in the dryer. in just about 20 minutes in minnesota, the kim potter trial resumes. the former police officer is charged with manslaughter in the shooting death of 20-year-old daunte wright. she's expected to take the witness stand later today. potter says she mistook her gun for her taser when she fatally shot wright during a traffic stop. we'll bring you potter's testimony live when it begins. also new this morning, a search warrant had been issued for alec baldwin's cell phone, as part of the ongoing investigation into the fatal shooting on the movie set "rust." let's go straight to steve patterson. steve, what do investigators want to know? and at this point, what's left in his phone? >> stephanie, no direct verbiage yet. investigators simply say they're looking for what they describe is conversations related to the "rust" investigation. according to that affidavit, authorities want to review baldwin's text messages, his social media, his photos, even his gps location data all on his cell phone. the affidavit saying in part that it beliefs that there may be evidence on the phone relating in part to cinematographer, halyna hutchins. we got a statement from baldwin's legal team saying, we are confident that the evidence will show that mr. baldwin is not responsible civilly or criminally for what occurred on october 21st. meanwhile, detectives are giving few hints about what they're actually looking for, but according to the search warrant, investigatos learned of several e-mails and text messages during interviews with baldwin and others, including the film's armorer, ana gutierrez reid, in which the actor apparently requested for a bigger gun. baldwin addressed that on social media. he said that was a lie on twitter. so far, no criminal charges in the case so far yet. >> steve baldwin, thank you. coming up next, it is the painful secret so many women are keeping. their fertility journeys. next, our own sheinelle jones shine a light to open this critical conversation. you do not want to miss this. ths [bikes passing] [fire truck siren] [first responder] onstar, we see them. [onstar advisor] okay. mother and child in vehicle. mother is unable to exit the vehicle. injuries are unknown. [first responder] thank you, onstar. [driver] my son, is he okay? [first responder] your son's fine. [driver] thank you. there was something in the road... [first responder] it's okay. you're safe now. want your clothes to smell freshly washed there was something all day without heavy perfumes? now they can! with downy light in-wash freshness boosters. just pour a capful of beads into your washing machine before each load. to give your laundry a light scent that lasts longer than detergent alone, with no heavy perfumes or dyes. finally, a light scent that lasts all day! new downy light, available in four naturally-inspired scents. this weekend, msnbc will debut the new documentary "stories we tell: the fertility secret." this deeply personal film follows the challenges many women face while trying to get pregnant, specifically women of color. many, many times, too afraid to bring up their struggle with loved ones, because infertility is just something that's too taboo to discuss. >> thinking about my journey through womanhood, there were times when i had no one to talk to, and you learn so much you didn't know about other people the moment you start to open up. sometimes you just have to take first step. you shouldn't be alone in this and i think you feel less shame because you are less alone, but there is such a community in sharing. >> i am so honored to share this film. sheinelle jones has poured her heart into the project. she is the executive producer. and people say, oh, i have a work friend. this is my real, real friend. >> i know, we can't cry on television, steph. thank you. >> talk to me about this project. infertility is something that we talk about, but we don't understand how personal it is and how difficult it is. >> that's true. this is something that i have been dealing with behind closed doors for years with some of my best friends, my sister-in-law, and i have to tell you, i have three kids, two 9-year-olds and a 12-year-old. and sometimes i would find myself talking to some of my best girlfriends who have just had another failed ivf treatment, on number eight, number nine. >> and expensive ones. >> expensive. >> while they're going to work the next day. >> and my kids are in the background, and i felt kind of helpless, because i didn't know what to say, i didn't know what to do. and couple of my friendships have felt strained because i know they're going through it. so my mind i thought, okay, i've heard people give this analogy, and i hope this works. you know, mr. rogers used to say, in moments of crisis, look for the helpers. i felt like my friends and girlfriends and women that i have never met before have been in this crisis and i want to be a helper. and that's how i approached this. i thought, i'm not a doctor, i'm not a researcher, but i can tell stories. and i think we would all agree that there's a transformative power in story telling. when you see a woman and meet her where she is and say, i haven't felt affirmed, i passed out when i was 12 in the hallway and they gave me tylenol and told me to go back to class. and i am so close to these women. and i was sitting there at times and i was like, oh, my goodness, i had no idea that you haven't felt whole. >> no one does! >> i didn't realize you felt so broken. so we as a society, everybody, let's try to change that. let's wrap our arms around these women and say, you know what, you are not alone, you are not broken. you can talk about this and we'll get through it. >> i want to take a look at another clip from the documentary. for people who are still saying, what is this? does this impact me? just watch this. >> i was in my late 20s, early 30s, when i started my reproductive endocrinology and fertility fellowship. there were people younger than me who were struggling. that was my first wake-up call. the lack of communication that we have with our doctors, with our mothers, with our friends, just leads to stress and a paucity of information later on that is really difficult to ly see women going through struggles that they may not have had to go through if they had the proper information. >> talk to us about the prechbls prevalence of infertility among black women. >> you know what it is. i tried to figure out, what is the truth. and we're all going through it, whether you're black, white, asian, but for us, i didn't realize -- one, fibroids and endometriosis, fibroids disproportionately affect women of color. and why is that? why can we put a man on the moon but we can't figure out why so many women of color are getting these fibroids. >> that are debilitating. >> i have so many friends who have had so many surgeries. and they think, let me take it off, let's just get it taken off. and they find out decades later that tall of those surgeries have impacted their fertility. that's a discussion that you should have had a decade ago, but they weren't having those discussions, that's one. there's also this concept of and a study out a few years ago that 50% of residents in medical school just thought that women of color had a higher threshold of pain. >> why?! why would that be?! >> that's just something that's been -- >> ridiculous? >> and so if you think about it, even if it's not intentional, if i come to you and i say, hey, i'm in a lot of pain, there may be this subconscious bias that you're not even aware of. and look, i have 45 minutes, i have one hour this sunday night. i tried to -- i said, okay, how much do i want to go into politics or nuances of the medical situation. i thought, let me at least first just try to tell you who they are at women. the woman you just saw there, she's freezing her eggs, east 35, single. a lot of these women have said, they spent their whole lives trying not to get pregnant, do the right thing, go to school, get a job, find your career, find mr. right, and you final do all of those things and try to have a child and try to start your family and it doesn't work. and so many women have never -- they didn't realize that this was going to happen. >> people don't acknowledge that our clocks don't change. we say, get a career, get a big education, but by the way, you're going to be a whole lot less fertile with every year that passes. what do you want people to take away from watching this sunday night? >> that's a good question. this is my goal. i feel like society is ready for something like this, right? we've gone through our -- the me too and that's still happening. but just as a society, we've said, you know what, with women, you know women, you can speak up, be your own advocate. i'm hoping the same thing with fertility. it's time to speak up. we shouldn't have to whisper the word "period." even now, i just kind of whispered. and we can talk about our cycles. i'm thinking about freezing my eggs. you can say, you know what, i don't think i want to have children. and that's okay, too. or you can say, i want to adopt. but all of these veils that we have around fertility, it's time to take them off. >> men don't have them. >> they don't have them. >> they don't have to miss work. >> this is my choir. >> and if i have a loss many my life, a family member or a pet, i can take a couple of days off from work, i can tell my boss, and nobody thinks anything about it. if i have a loss, a miscarriage, i don't tell anybody, i go to work the next day. so i call this the fertility secret, because it shouldn't be a secret anymore. let's support these women and the women they represent. >> well, you are changing that. i love you, i appreciate you. >> you guys know, she's a girl's girl. >> this sunday night, 10:00 p.m. eastern, please, support these lady. >> "the stories we tell: the fertility secret." please watch this sunday night. but when we come back next, the troubling trend on tiktok that has schools across the country shut down today. what the fbi is saying about it. i would like to know what tiktok is. what tiktok is t keep up. turns out it's mostly water. so, we switched back to tide. one wash, stains are gone. 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Gatherings , Beginning , Reminiscent , Members , Governor , Staff , Outbreaking , Somebroadway , Friends , Increase , Winter Surge , Wait , Well , 30th Person , 30 , 20 , Thing , Lines , Uche Blackstock , Sentiment , City , Surge , Community Organizations , Masks , 500000 , Doctor , Right , Boostered , Stephanie , Reality Check , Nothing , Europe , Issue , Illnesses , Delta , Levels , Protection , Majority , Omicron , Illness , Particular , Battle With Delta , Question , Breakthroughs , Chance , Concern , Life , Tools , State , Infection , Result , Breakthrough Challenges , Individuals , Minnesota , Most , Immune , 800 , Booster , Doses , Both , Vaccine , Residents , Two , 35 , Problem , Hands , Blizzard , Three , Eight , Dose , Point , 18 , Hospitalizations , Delta Surge , Matter , Storm , Case Numbers , Challenges , Aaron , West Coast , Growth , Authorities , California , Case , Premiere Sequencing Labs In The World , Single , Scientists , Hunting , Uc San Diego , Fact , Last Night , 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Fuel Companies , Environment , Track Records , Guess What , Reporting , Dave Leventhal , Border Line , Danger , First , Ratings , Excellent , Deputy Washington , Bureau Chief , Insider S , Category , Law , Amount , Left , Phenomenon , Red , Stock Act , Corruption , Interest , Conflicts , Reality , Rating System , Perception , Order , Forth , Reason , Representative , Example , Concerns , Transparency , Danger Zone , Texas , Somebody , Conduct , Dozens , Freshman , Corrupt , Play , Vaccine Development , Vaccine Makers , Stock Trade , Trading App , Principle , Sorts , Trade , Briefings , News Breaks , Government , Adviser , Companies , Industries , Around The World , Behalf , Developments , Constituents , Washington , Investments , Responsibilities , Conflict , Duties , Member , You And Me , The Public Interest , Conflicts Of Interest , Free Market , Opposite , Gain , Criticism , Tons , Nancy Pelosi , Explanation , Cop , The Beat , Department Of Justice , Story , Justice , Role , Fcc , Transgressions , Trades , Penalty , Figures , Individual , Penalties , Stock Act Violation , Seven , Six , 200 , Sec , Insider Trading , Dollars , Executives , List , Reminder , Slap , Toe , Migrant Families , Talks , Lawyers , Jacob Soboroff , A Million , A Million Dollars , Definition , Torture , U N , Physicians For Human Rights , American Academy Of Pediatrics , Attorneys , Colleague , Child Abuse , Kristen Welker , Commitment , Lifetime , Trauma , I M Sorry , Global Settlement Agreement , Settlement , Least , Comment , Jean Pierre , Karine , Children , Parents , Price Tag , Cell Phone , Investigators , Igats Orwa Baldwin , Shooting , Search Warrant , Alec Baldwin , Thank You , Rust , Coming Up , Music , Circle , Therapies , Researchers , Dream , Lives , Peer Counselors , Social Workers , Mental Illness , Healthcare , Medicines , Science , Professionals , Starthe Economy Rcle , Investors , Assets , Nature , Mental Illness To Wellness , Gold , Protector , Reward , Risk , Portfolios , Element , Decisions , Enabler , Relapses , Asset , Relapsing , Advantage , Ms , Don T Take Kesimpta , Rms Challenges , Add Up , Lesions , Superior , Home Injection , Side Effects , Vs Aubagio , Infections , Hepatitis B , Pml , Kesimpta , Headache , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Trials , Types , Antibodies , Decrease , Injection Reactions , Results , Treatment , Capful , Narrator , Therabreath , Mouthwash , Stores , O Man , Healthy , Wrinkly , Smile , Target , Crowd Cheering , Walmart , Wrinkles , Dryer , Shoes , Bounce Wrinkleguard , Megasheet , Police Officer , Death , Manslaughter , Kim Potter Trial Resumes , Daunte Wright , Witness Stand , Potter , Gun , Testimony , Taser , Traffic Stop , Steve Patterson , Conversations , Set , Movie , Verbiage , Let S Go , Authorities Want To Review Baldwin , Social Media , Affidavit Saying , Gps Location Data , Affidavit , Photos , It Beliefs , Mr , Halyna Hutchins , Team , Investigatos , Detectives , Interviews , E Mails , October 21st , 21 , Film , Armorer , Actor , Others , Ana Gutierrez Reid , Women , Sheinelle Jones Shine A Light , Steve Baldwin , Charges , Fertility Journeys , Keeping , Twitter , Onstar , Child , First Responder , Mother , Vehicle , Conversation , Advisor , Ths , Bikes Passing , Fire Truck Siren , Driver , Son , Road , Injuries , Perfumes , Clothes , Boosters , Washing Machine , Load , Beads , Downy Light , Wash Freshness , Light Scent , Detergent , Scents , Laundry , Dyes , Stories We Tell The Fertility Secret , Weekend , Infertility , Color , Many , Struggle , Loved Ones , Journey , Womanhood , Thinking , Sheinelle Jones , Shouldn T , Project , Step , Community , Executive Producer , Sharing , Heart , Shame , Real , Work Friend , We Can T Cry On Television , Real Friend , Girlfriends , Sister In Law , Behind Closed Doors , 9 , 12 , Friendships , Helpless , Ivf Treatment , Ones , Nine , Crisis , Works , Helpers , Rogers , Analogy , Stories , Helper , Researcher , Story Telling , Woman , Class , Hallway , Haven T Felt , Me Tylenol , You Haven T , Everybody , Society , Goodness , Arms , Felt Whole , Clip , Impact , Early 30s , Late 20s , Fertility , Communication , Doctors , Mothers , Endocrinology , Fellowship , Lack , Wake Up Call , Paucity , Struggles , Prevalence , Prechbls , White , Black , Truth , Endometriosis , Asian , Fibroids Disproportionately , Surgeries , Man On The Moon , Figure , Weren T , Discussion , Medical School , Concept , Discussions , Study , Pain , Sunday Night , Subconscious Bias , Nuances , 45 , School , Eggs , Do The Right Thing , Career , Family , Job , Doesn T Work , Our Clocks Don T Change , Education , Goal , The Way , Passes , Advocate , Word , Cycles , Veils , Men , Loss , Family Member , Choir , Pet , Fertility Secret , Secret , Nobody , Miscarriage , Anybody , Boss , Girl , Lady , Eastern , I Love You , Schools , Tiktok , Trend , Fbi , What Tiktok Is T , Speaking , Vo , Fun , Daring , Progress Isn T , Everything , Cold Eeze , Plans , Tongue , Flavor , Number One , T Mobile , Zinc Lozenge , Ultramelt , 55 , 42 , Price , Family Members , 5g Network , 27 50 , 2 , 7 50 , Text , Leader , At T , 5g , Don T Know , Mm , Tight , Uh , Em , Roadside Assistance , Choice , Bit , You Don T Want , 24 7 , Carriers , Squad , Info , 5g Phone , Switch Squad , Trees , Save , Green Red , Me And You , What A Wonderful World Rich Life , Owner , Investor , Future , At Vanguard , Vanguard , Administrators , Warning , Disturbing Tiktok Challenge , Students , Classrooms , Abundance , Caution , Weapons , Notices , What In The World , Pete Williams , Parent , Middle School , Addition , Schools Closing , Kid , Letter , Correspondent , School Violence , Precaution , Police , Law Enforcement Official , Hand , Security , Spokesman , School Districts , Chatter , Threats , Anything Suspicion , Repetition , Content , Standards , Breaking News Coverage , Jose Diaz Balart , Shaping , Pacific ,

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