Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 2

Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20240709

if that is true, then president biden should logically suspend his negotiations with senator joe manchin over the build back better bill. and spent all of his time with joe manchin trying to convince him and the rest of the democrats of the senate to pass a voting rights bill immediately even if they have to change the rules of the senate to do that. the pressure to do that has increased this week. with the dramatic revelations delivered by the house select committee investigating the january 6th attack on the capitol. the committee continues to add detail to the conspiracy led by donald trump to overturn the results of the presidential election on january six with the support of republican senators, and republican members of the house. it was, at every step, a plot to violate the law. the january six committee has not released the name of any of the republican members of congress whose texts have been revealed. some of them have been revealed since sunday. and no republicans are proud of those text. none of them are proud of their text. not one of them stepped forward when their texts were made public. and eagerly said, hey that's me, i wrote that one. when mark meadows defied the committee subpoenaed for his testimony, his coconspirator, congressman jim jordan, publicly expressed his gratitude for mark meadows attempt to cover-up what both of them did and said on january six. last night, benny thompson, the chairman of the committee said that he would not be surprised when the committee eventually reveals which republican wrote rich texas. we all knew jim jordan was going to turn up to be the author of at least one conspiratorial techs. earlier today, a leak started to spread through the media about which text jim jordan wrote. and only at that point, only then when it was leaking to jim jordan decided that it was time to admit that he wrote a text prior to january six that was revealed by congressman adam shift at the committee's meeting on monday. here is that texas. >> on january six, 2020, one vice president mike pence, as president of the senate, should call out all electoral votes that he believes are unconstitutional as no electoral votes at all. >> jim jordan couldn't put his hand up on that on monday right away and very proudly said, hey, that was me. that was mine. i sent that text. but he didn't. he stayed quiet. he could've said something all day and all night tuesday. when that tex was making news all over the country and in his congressional district in a whole higher. but jim jordan said nothing. that is exactly what jim jordan is accused of doing by members of the ohio state wrestling team when jim jordan was an assistant coach of the team and some of the members of the team were being sexually abused by the team doc after. jim jordan said nothing. members of the team have insisted, under, old that jim jordan knew. they insisted that jim jordan knew that the doctor was sexually abusing teammates who jim jordan had an obligation to protect. jim jordan had an obligation to those teammates. he had an obligation to their parents. he had an obligation to the university. he had an obligation to the law. and he had an obligation to his own conscience. and he stands accused of violating all of those obligations by members of that team. they say jim jordan knew about sex crimes and he stayed silent, just like he stayed silent about his tax. until his identity was leaking today. and then, jim jordan complained that the committee did not quote his entire techs. the committee acknowledged that they did not include the entire text in their first quoting of the text. this is jim jordan's entire texas which he says he was forwarding from someone else to mark meadows. on january six, 2021, vice president, mike pence, as president of the senate, should call out all electoral votes that he believes are unconstitutional as no electoral votes at all, in accordance with guidance from founding father alexander hamilton and judicial presidents. no legislative act, wrote alexander hamilton in federalists number 78, contrary to the constitution, can be valid. the court in hubbard versus low reinforced this truth. that an unconstitutional statute is on the law at all, it is a proposition no longer open to discussion. appeal and dismissed. following discretionary, unconstitutionally appointed elector, like an unconstitutionally enacted statute, is no elector at all. that text in full described a criminal act that the texts are just the vice president to carry out. first of all, i'll hamilton was not referring to anything involving the electoral college. in that particular quote, written before the government of the united states was actually formed. and the supreme court has never held that the vice president of the united states or any one of the government can decide unilaterally what is or is not constitutional. the techs jim jordan sent to the white house chief of staff is a jumble of historical and legal madness that amounts to nothing less than jim jordan urging the vice president of the united states to commit a crime. maybe that is why jim jordan's stay silent about his text. maybe that's why he did not object immediately on monday night. maybe that's why he did not say, hey, you don't quote my entire text. you must up and left out the alexander hamilton bid. jim jordan was afraid of that techs becoming public. jim jordan is afraid tonight of the january six committee. we will eventually know all of their names. the names of all the republicans in congress who were active in the criminal conspiracy to steal the presidential election after the voters votes were counted and joe biden won. they, along with jim jordan, are all living in fear tonight of what else the january six committee will reveal about them. but we already know, and the president of the united states already knows, that they were all trying to steal a presidential election on january six. and that is why the president of the united states discussed voting rights today and said, it is the single biggest issue. leading off our discussion tonight, is ruben gallego, he is a marine veteran served in iraq, he is a member of the house armed services committee. thank you very much for joining us tonight. your reaction to the un-surprising revelation that was, jim jordan, who was the center of that texas urging an illegal act by the vice president. >> yes, i feel like i'm very beauregard in casablanca right now. honestly, not surprised. jim jordan as a traitor. he's a trader of the constitution of the united states. he has been for quite awhile. and now we actually have it in texas. but we shouldn't be surprised. why is anybody surprised? we saw it on the floor. when they were calling out the arizona -- for example. the place that i represent. and saying there were fraudulent votes. and they made applies on the house floor. so how are we surprised right now? how is anybody surprised by any of this. my biggest issue isn't jim jordan. this is a fact that many people aren't taking this seriously. the fact that there is a slow-moving crew happening all over this country that was led by the jim jordan's. and other people. so instead of people being dressed up in uniform, or one of the uniforms storming the capitol, now they are actually trying to win state house seats, states seats, secretary state seats, to overturn the future election. so, the coup is ongoing. the traders are still there. and they continue to try to destroy our constitution. every opportunity they have. >> president biden has had a sequencing plan for his agenda. and voting rights was to come after the domestic spending agenda was settled and the build back better plan was passed. he actually said, i think it was a couple of months ago, that he is not bringing up the voting rights issue now because that might, especially changing the senate rule to do it, that might lose him or would lose him a couple of votes on the build back better plan. today, he said that voting rights is absolutely the most important thing. that is a change of priority for him. it is a change of tone. what do you think that means? >> well, hopefully it means that they recognize that the threat is here. it is on the president. it is going to continue. but no matter what you want to look at it this way. the filibuster is a problem to get everything done. we are talking about abortion rights, we are not going to be able to protect roby rate wants the court overturns it because we're not going to have the 60 votes to protect roe v. wade. we're talking about protection for working class people. we're not going to have anything to protect working class people. and i'm glad the president understands the real threats to democracy. the threat has been ongoing. i have been in arizona politics for quite awhile. i have seen a lot of attempts to destroy the power of people to elect their own leadership. and have the leadership trying to select who they are. and every day that we don't take that serious is another day that we have closer to an election in 2022, and 2024, so i'm glad they're taking this seriously. but i'm going to be honest, everyone else needs to take this seriously. the fact that we see so many trump supporters that are showing up on tv as legitimate smokes person. when they took part in an attempt a coup. we accept them still modern surprise. you see them at the cocktail party over washington d.c. as if nothing happened. there is a reason why they keep trying. because we all keep looking the other way. when in fact there was a real clue that happened that night. and for some reason washington d.c. is just whistling past the graveyard at this point. >> congressman, you are the target of a personal threat from russia host among the russian state control tv show said that you should be kidnapped. that the russians should kidnap you wherever you travel, transport you to russia. they should be looking for you to try to grab you. what did you do to get russia's attention? >> i expose the truth about what they are doing in ukraine. and i traveled to ukraine with a bipartisan group of democrats and republicans. all veterans. all from different wars. and we were there to do research to see what both russia is doing and what we can do to help ukraine. ukraine is a democracy. and we are certainly not gonna help another democracy fall to some russian autocrats. and as for this guy that is threatening me, he can get in line. i have been threatened by insurgents in iraq, i have been threatened by people of the united states, by cartel, by other parts of the world. and so i am not exactly the kind of guy that shies away from a fight. his little words are going to make a difference. but by the end of the day, democracy is just as important here as it is in any part of the world. and i am going to be here to do everything that i can to support ukraine democracy and democracy over wells. and if you want to throw threats at me? see what happens? >> congressman ruben gallego thank you for starting off our discussion tonight. really appreciated. >> thank you. >> and joining us now is eugene robinson, pulitzer prize -winning for the washington post. he's also an msnbc political analysts -- eugene, big surprise jim jordan was the author of one of the most clearly criminal plots sent over to mark meadows. >> that doesn't surprise anybody. i think he is the usual suspects. it just happens that jim jordan's house to be [inaudible] >> he, in a cowardly fashion is going out to [inaudible] . >> and there's a complaint about this whole ridiculous nonsensical part of the matter with the press conference. which is that mike pence should've overthrown the [inaudible] >> and that was the importance of it. >> and everyone who knows that they are the author of these text, they are all hiding. and they all must be living in fear of this committee. >> yes. i think they are. this committee made more noise by releasing some of these [inaudible] . it certainly caught my attention. and it does really highlight urgency of voting rights legislation. and these two things have been happening simultaneously. creating this kind of energy that gives new momentum to the [inaudible] >> benny thompson was on this program last week. and i read pieces of your column to him where you are suggesting that the committee had to find a way to make real news on television and get the kind of attention that the committees normally get by interviewing witnesses on television. which this committee is not ready to do. they figured it out this week, how to make real news and get attention on television. i am not sure how much your column had to do with nudging them along but we never know. eugene robinson, thank you very much for joining us tonight. really appreciated. thank you. and coming up, the lieutenant governor of kentucky will join us after president biden surveyed the tornado damage in her state today. kentucky senator, mitch mcconnell did not accompany the president in kentucky today. that is next. that is next d-eeze® lozenges? cold-eeze® can shorten your cold by 42% try cold-eeze® the number one best-selling zinc lozenge. and try new cold-eeze® ultramelt™ chews in a great-tasting orange flavor that quickly dissolves on your tongue. o man, that's a whole lot of wrinkly at least my shoes look good! looking good start with bounce wrinkleguard, the megasheet designed to prevent wrinkles in the dryer. what makes salonpas arthritis gel so good for arthritis pain? salonpas contains the most prescribed topical pain relief ingredient. it's clinically proven, reduces inflammation and comes in original prescription strength. salonpas. it's good medicine. - [narrator] this is steve. he used to have gum problems. now, he uses therabreath healthy gums oral rinse with clinically-proven ingredients and his gum problems have vanished. (crowd applauding) therabreath, it's a better mouthwash. at walmart, target and other fine stores. age before beauty? why not both? visibly diminish wrinkled skin in... crepe corrector lotion... only from gold bond. - san francisco can have criminal justice reform and public safety. but district attorney chesa boudin is failing on both. - the safety of san francisco is dependent upon chesa being recalled as soon as possible. - i didn't support the newsom recall but this is different. - chesa takes a very radical perspective and approach to criminal justice reform, which is having a negative impact on communities of color. - i never in a million years thought that my son, let alone any six-year-old, would be gunned down in the streets of san francisco and not get any justice. - chesa's failure has resulted in increase in crime against asian americans. - the da's office is in complete turmoil at this point. - for chesa boudin to intervene in so many cases is both bad management and dangerous for the city of san francisco. - we are for criminal justice reform. chesa's not it. recall chesa boudin now. miss crawly, it's me mr. moon. i haven't heard from cyou in awhile, i'm starting to worry here. ♪ grab a brush and put on a little make-up ♪ make-up. ♪ hide the scars to fade away the shake-up ♪ you whoo. your destination is on the right. okay. whaaa! >> people just come out of nowhere to help as a community. and that is what we are supposed to be doing. that's the way it's supposed to be. there's no red tornadoes or blue tornadoes. there is no red states or blue states when the stuff starts to happen. i think that at least in my experience, but people together and knocks them apart. >> kentucky governor andy beshear was with president biden as he surveyed damage in dawson springs kentucky. the hometown of andy courtier's father. >> i hope the people of kentucky know that i care deeply about them. and the president does too. he is here. and dawson springs kentucky. because we are hurting. president biden and the federal government have offered more aid and acted faster than we have ever seen in the history of the united states of america. i received three personal calls from the president on day one. first, when he could get through and then at the end of the day. saying what else do you need? >> kentucky's senators did not join the president in kentucky today. senator rand paul of kentucky has opposed emergency relief aid to all states except kentucky. joining us now is the lieutenant governor of kentucky, jacqueline coleman, lieutenant governor thank you very much for joining us tonight on what i know is a difficult night for you. what are the states needs at this point in the recovery? >> thank you so much for having me lawrence. let me just say that your opening clip showing the president and governor brush year leading with compassion and swift decision-making, is exactly what you want to see out of your elected leaders. i am so proud of their leadership and compassion. in the way that they are wrapping their arms around this commonwealth. of course i knew that about governor beshear, and i was really happy to see that from president biden today. in terms of what we need, there are three ways that folks can help. the first, we have a fund that we have set up for folks in western kentucky, where every single penny goes directly to support the boots on the ground. the cleanup and recovery, all of it. because this is going to be a long road. and that site can be accessed. it is called team wkyt relief fund dot k that is the first way. the second thing we are asking for is for folks to donate blood at their local blood banks. the governor and i will be taking part in a blood bank that he is hosting right here in the capital on friday this week. last but not least, our first lady, who also saw in the clip with the governor, who has a heart of gold. has started a toy drive. to help the kids and the families in western kentucky here, two weeks away from christmas. the damage that you are looking at, is these peoples lives. the thing we want to make sure is help these kids have a good as a christmas as they could have. the toy drive information can be accessed at first lady dot k slash toy drive. >> everyone in the region has some experience with tornadoes, we've seen some tornado devastation in the past, i've covered tornado devastation down there in that region after tornadoes. what has it been like for you to see what has happened on this one, because this really does look like the worst we have seen? >> it is unlike that i've ever seen. i can tell you, you have to see to believe it. even after you see it, it is hard to do it justice with words. the devastation is like nothing i've ever seen before. the stories i'm hearing from kentuckians are heartbreaking. they restore your hope in humanity in a lot of ways. i met a gentleman, a family in campbell's ville kentucky, where 70 homes were destroyed. the lady was telling me about her husband. going down the road once the storm passed and literally digging through rubble and physically pulling his neighbors up out from under their basement where the house had caved in on them. did that out a couple houses. woke up the next morning to find his feet ruin, he lived on a farm in campbell ville. he loaded up 40 head of cattle and took them to stop yards and had to sell every one of them. and you know that man does for a living? he drives a school bus for the local school district. these are everyday heroes who are literally saving each other's lives and stepping up for each other. a sad is that story is, my goodness, would an amazing act of humanity that we were able to see. >> kentucky lieutenant governor jacqueline coleman, thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you lawrence. >> joining us now is congressional historian at the american institute. norm, it is one of those days where you have rand paul who's basically opposed to all aid, emergency aid, to any state not named kentucky. when the president goes to kentucky, he finds of self saying everything he needed to say about the situation in kentucky. but the most important issue now is voting rights. it seems as though the revelations of the january 6th committee have raised the level of priority for voting rights in the biden administration. >> i am very encouraged by this. also by what i am saying in the senate. i think we are moving to a point where there is a much broader understanding that this has to happen. and this is going to happen to happen without republican support, so they are going to have to change the rules to make it happen. just a word on rand paul, this is not the first time we have seen the level of breathtaking hypocrisy by republicans in congress. many of whom, staunchly opposed aid when it came to hurricane sandy for a new york in new jersey. then turned around when it was mississippi or alabama, or kentucky, they wanted. for paul, who has opposed aide who says it has to be offset with the same -- with his offset. there wasn't any word of that now. it raises the stakes here in many ways, getting back to voting rights. because it makes it clear, that if we don't make changes in the election system, we are not just going to lose our democracy, we are going to have it taken over by a group of people who are ideological fanatics. beyond blowing up the rights of democracy. the fact that joe biden understands this and is starting to move on it, is extraordinarily encouraging. norman ornstein thank you very much for joining us tonight, really appreciate it. coming up, the focus of the biden agenda shifted to voting rights today. derek johnson met with some democratic senators, including kyrsten sinema today. at least one of those senators has now come away saying that it is time for the senate to change the rules to pass voter protection legislation, that is next. , that i next that will never work! if it works on nfl jerseys it'll work for you. and it's cold. so you will turn to cold? 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>> we didn't know he was going to do, that we are glad he. did the naacp issued a squad car. and in that squad car we identified 13 members of the senate who have incomplete. and we have worked aggressively since that point to get those senators to make the necessary commitments to ensure voting rights protections was a priority before the end of the year. so we are glad senator hickenloopper made that statement. then he came on board in the midst of that meeting. senators peter organized that conversation. we are moving that process forward. there is no more urgent issue before the senate at this time than voting rights protections. and we urge the senate to ensure that our democracy is protected. and to allow voters to fully engage in this democracy. >> does senator sinema seem ready to change the senate rules in order to pass this? >> we encourage that she was on the phone. she didn't speak. we encouraged that to listen and. and it's really important to understand that this is not a partisan activity. and the needle has been moved. the rules of 2005 and 2000 of six have been changed. we live in a different political climate. we need to support political points or advance partisan interest that is anti-democratic. and we cannot be -- globally as we did two weeks ago. if we are not protecting democracy here. i just want to note, for the record in the audience. i have been in an awful lot of meetings with an awful lot of senators in situations like this. i have never heard of a senator not speaking. this is a group of, one, two, three, four, six senators. and to have one of them not speak at all as this gentleman did is a pretty strange piece of behavior. you heard him say that voting rights is the number one issue. he said that with the clarity that he hasn't had before. >> well this is a shift from last week, it's a shift from last month. and naacp are clear. we cannot advance public policy we are not protecting the right of voters to participate. but more importantly, after the first of the year, legislative will be competing all across the country. but particularly in the south. and they will be consider a redistricting plan. this will be the first time since 1960 that we will not have a federal standard to ensure that racial gerrymandering needing, and political gerrymandering is not the primary use of use to draw political lines. we must ensure that voters can elect candidates of their choice. and that we can have a truly representative democracy. >> the senate is a narrow one lane road and any legislation that is on it has to wait for the legislation that is in front of it. build back better has always been in front of voting rights on that road. is it time to let build back better pull over to the side and have voting rights passed in front of it? >> let's be clear, it may be a narrowed, but the bridge will collapse if we don't put our priorities in order. priorities should be just as it was last week when they made exceptions and they lifted the standards in terms of our debt limit. we have to do the same thing for our democracy. the faith and credit in this country is important. the full faith and our democracy is also important. so there should not be anything ahead of in terms of priority for the voting rights protection for all american citizens. and that is the work of the naacp. that is the work of the -- that is in priority. >> president derrick johnson, president of the naacp. thank you very much for joining us tonight. >> thank you. >> i'm coming, up the president of the california medical board said that she was stockton ambushed by men who claimed to be part of a trump ally and anti-vaccine group. she will tell us what happened, next. hat happened next max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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building and entered the parking garage later that evening, four man jumped out of the suv with cameras and recording equipment and confronted her. she says the man identified themselves as of members of a group that has been investigated by the house select subcommittee of the coronavirus crisis for profiting from unproven and potentially dangerous treatment for covid-19. the leader of that organization, simone gould, is a beverly hills doctor, who was arrested for her role in the january 6th attack on the capital. simone gould pleaded not guilty to all five federal charges. she is facing. joining us now is kristina lawson president of the california medical board. thank you very much for joining us tonight. this sounds like the kind of harassment that election officials around the country have been facing. >> lawrence, well first of all thank you for having me. i think it is so important that we shine a light on these terrorizing tactics. and well it is unfortunate that it occurred to me and to my family last week, you make a good point. it is occurring and happening to people across the country these days. >> so we have it happening with election officials, it's happening with state medical officials, not just in california. yours though is one of the most dramatic cases that i have heard of. but as a state medical official in florida, where they were protesting outside of his house for months. screaming at him, screaming at his children. this is something that has been spreading. >> yes. one of the things that i think is unique about my personal experience, is that i of course knew that they were following me all day. because my 12-year-old son noticed a drone flying over our house at about 8 am when we left for school that the. had he not notice that drone, i might have never made the connection. between the white suv at the end of my driveway and the one that was in the parking garage later that evening. are you afraid? is your family afraid? >> look, i am not afraid. law enforcement in walnut creek california where i live has just been terrific. of course the law firm that i work form has been terrific as well. i am not going to be intimidated by these terrorizing tactics. it is un-american that they are doing this to public servants and leaders across the country. i am just not going to be intimidated by. >> what do you tell your 12-year-old about this? >> well, i tell my 12-year-old that this is not the way that we have a conversation. in society, if we want to change somebody's mind. the group that approached me didn't approach me with any particular concern. they didn't send me a no. like so many organizations do that advocates for a particular position. they showed up for the sole purpose of terrorizing the. look, i am a former mayor and city council member. i am used to having public commenters come to meetings. we welcome that the medical board of california. but this isn't the way to participate in our society. this isn't a civilized discourse. >> going forward, do you have changes to your routine? not that you can share that with us. but this must affect your behavior? >> unfortunately, i've had to have some private security over the past week or ten days. that may continue for sometime. of course, law enforcement at the state level does work with the medical board to make sure that all of our board members and all of our staff, frankly all of california's public health officials are protected as well. that has been an unfortunate experience for us all. but we thank the brave women and men of law enforcement for their support. >> kristina lawson i'm sorry this is happening to you and your family, thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> coming up, many of you will remember meeting joyce easily on this program when she was 13 years old. she is now a first year student at the university of malawi at the college of medicine. thanks to your help. that is next. that is next so you both sleep 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when you switch to the network that can deliver gig speeds to the most businesses. or get started with internet and voice for $64.99 per month with a 2-year price guarantee. give your business the gift of savings today. >> five years ago on this comcast business. powering possibilities. program we introduced you to the remarkable joyce trolley. who was then 13 years old and had just been sent home from high school. because her family could not afford to pay the school fees. public high school in malawi is not free. when i met joyce, i told her she wouldn't have to worry about school fees anymore. because of your generosity, she would receive a scholarship from the kind fun. kids in need of desk. partnership created between msnbc and unicef to deliver desks to you -- for girls to attend high school, because the gross graduation rate is less than half of the boys graduation rate from high school. joyce told me on the day that we met, that she wanted to be a doctor and a poet. and then, she recited a poem that many of us will never forget. >> my poem is titled little by little. little by little we will reach our destination. little by little we will go. little by little. -- no matter how narrow the path is, we are going to go. little by little you will go and reach your destination. joyce has reached the next stop on her road to the destination and a few days ago she told us how it is going. at the first year -- >> my journey at the university for first years has been good, it has been exciting. as well as stressful. because there is a lot of work. compared to the work that we had in high school. yes it has been stressful, but it has been wonderful at the same time. because i've learned a lot of new ways. how to talk. how to tackle my workload. it has been good. >> joyce has the enthusiasm for her classes of a student who feels very lucky to be there. >> my favorite classes here has been biology. chemistry, as well as mathematics. in biology i have been excited because i am learning a lot of things about the human anatomy. it has been good. and chemistry has been challenging. i need to find out more about the chemical reactions. the chemical equations. so yeah, it has been good. >> and now, it is time for joyce's first college exam. >> i will be starting in the exam soon. and the -- there are some things that are difficult. but it has been wonderful having friends to help me. to have discussions with. so i will be very glad to finish my foundation here. so that i can actually start my medical and sciences. >> you can continue to help other students achieve their dreams and your dreams for them, by going to last word desks thaw you can give a desk or a scholarship as a gift to anyone on a holiday gift and unicef will send them an acknowledgment of your gift. no contribution is too small. she made me promise, she really wanted to do this. that she would get this last word tonight from her heart. to yours. >> to the people that are donating to the scholarship, you are doing a great job out there. you are helping a lot of girls, including me. on behalf of all of the girls, i would like to say thank you for your support. supporting others. making it a good place. >> joyce chose ali gets tonight last word. the 11th hour, starts now. good evening, i am stephanie. they 330 of the biden administration. where the fate of mark meadows, donald trump's last white house chief of staff, is now up to the biden justice department. which will decide whether to prosecute the former congressman on criminal charges of contempt. earlier today, the president was asked about meadows. >> what was your reaction to congress holding meadows in contempt? >> i don't know enough about it. this is what i have seen, i have not spoken to anyone. it seems to be that his word is held in contempt. >> and tonight, there is new information about who might have been behind those text messages that meadows turned over to the committee investigating the january 6th insurrection. those texts were made public ahead of this week's votes to hold meadows in contempt. today, trump loyalist, and a republican congressman, jim jordan, said that he personally sent a message to meadows a day before the capitol riot. it appears to detail how the white house might stop the certification of joe biden's election win. the ohio congressman is one of six house republicans that the new york times says played an outsized role in trying to keep donald trump in power by spreading conspiracy theories and pressuring the justice department. meal while, political reports that the january six panel is weighing whether or not trump in self violated obstruction law. list cheney raised that very possibility when she said this, did donald trump through action or inaction corruptly seek to obstruct or impede congress's

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Something , Hand , Country , News , Tex , District , Higher , Team , Wrestling Team , Ohio State , Team Doc , Assistant Coach , Obligation , Teammates , Doctor , Under , Conscience , University , Parents , Wall , Tax , Obligations , Sex Crimes , Leaking , Identity , Entire , Vice President , Someone , Quoting , Forwarding , 2021 , Alexander Hamilton , Accordance , Guidance , Founding , Act , Constitution , Court , Presidents , Low , Federalists , 78 , Statute , Elector , Discussion , Truth , Proposition , Appeal , Criminal Act , Government , Anything , Supreme Court , Electoral College , Jumble , Chief Of Staff , Crime , Madness , Stay Silent , Bid , You Don T Quote My Entire Text , Names , Voters , Conspiracy , Living In Fear , Committee , Ruben Gallego , Voting Rights Today , Member , Veteran , Iraq , Reaction , Revelation , Center , Traitor , Trader Of The Constitution United States , Casablanca , Place , Example , Floor , Arizona , People , Fact , On The House Floor , Crew , Isn T , State House Seats , Seats , Secretary State Seats , Uniforms , Uniform , Jim Jordan S , Plan , Agenda , Traders , Coup , Opportunity , Sequencing , Spending , Thing , Rule , Couple , Might , Priority , Matter , Change , Threat , Tone , Everything , Filibuster , Roby Rate , Abortion Rights , Problem , 60 , Democracy , Protection , Threats , Working Class , Roe V Wade , Lot , Power , Leadership , Attempts , Politics , Everyone , Supporters , Trump , Tv , 2022 , 2024 , Part , Reason , Attempt , Surprise , Person , Cocktail Party , Washington D C , Target , Keep , Clue , Graveyard , Host , Russia , Russians , State , Tv Show , Group , Attention , Ukraine , Veterans , Wars , Help , Guy , Research , Autocrats , Kind , World , Words , Parts , Insurgents , Line , Cartel , Fight , The End , Difference , Wells , Eugene Robinson , Msnbc , Pulitzer Prize , Washington Post , Doesn T , Plots , Big Surprise , Surprise Anybody , Analysts , Inaudible , Suspects , Fashion , Complaint , Press 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Harassment , Facing , Officials , Official , Florida , School , Drone Flying , 12 , 8 , Driveway , Connection , Law Enforcement , Law Firm , Form , Terrific , Servants , Society , Mind , City Council Member , Terrorizing , Organizations , Concern , No , Position , Purpose , Commenters , Forward , Isn T The Way , Isn T A Civilized Discourse , Routine , Ten , Board Members , Board , Staff , Women , Student , Sleep Number , Thanks , Sleep , Weekend Special , College Of Medicine , University Of Malawi , 360 , 50 , Bed , Ends Monday , Plus , 48 , 0 , Perfumes , Clothes , Boosters , Beads , Washing Machine , Downy Light , Capful , Wash Freshness , Light Scent , Scents , Load , Dyes , Detergent , Laundry , Moderate , Plaque Psoriasis , Doses , Skyrizi , 3 , 90 , 2 , 4 , Chills , Coughs , Sweats , Muscle Aches , Fever , Dermatologist , Maggie Gronewald , Feeling , Ointment , Weather , Restore Healthy , Card , Fee , How Bizarre , Omc , Gift , Businesses , Business , Deal , Comcast Business , 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Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20240709

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if that is true, then president biden should logically suspend his negotiations with senator joe manchin over the build back better bill. and spent all of his time with joe manchin trying to convince him and the rest of the democrats of the senate to pass a voting rights bill immediately even if they have to change the rules of the senate to do that. the pressure to do that has increased this week. with the dramatic revelations delivered by the house select committee investigating the january 6th attack on the capitol. the committee continues to add detail to the conspiracy led by donald trump to overturn the results of the presidential election on january six with the support of republican senators, and republican members of the house. it was, at every step, a plot to violate the law. the january six committee has not released the name of any of the republican members of congress whose texts have been revealed. some of them have been revealed since sunday. and no republicans are proud of those text. none of them are proud of their text. not one of them stepped forward when their texts were made public. and eagerly said, hey that's me, i wrote that one. when mark meadows defied the committee subpoenaed for his testimony, his coconspirator, congressman jim jordan, publicly expressed his gratitude for mark meadows attempt to cover-up what both of them did and said on january six. last night, benny thompson, the chairman of the committee said that he would not be surprised when the committee eventually reveals which republican wrote rich texas. we all knew jim jordan was going to turn up to be the author of at least one conspiratorial techs. earlier today, a leak started to spread through the media about which text jim jordan wrote. and only at that point, only then when it was leaking to jim jordan decided that it was time to admit that he wrote a text prior to january six that was revealed by congressman adam shift at the committee's meeting on monday. here is that texas. >> on january six, 2020, one vice president mike pence, as president of the senate, should call out all electoral votes that he believes are unconstitutional as no electoral votes at all. >> jim jordan couldn't put his hand up on that on monday right away and very proudly said, hey, that was me. that was mine. i sent that text. but he didn't. he stayed quiet. he could've said something all day and all night tuesday. when that tex was making news all over the country and in his congressional district in a whole higher. but jim jordan said nothing. that is exactly what jim jordan is accused of doing by members of the ohio state wrestling team when jim jordan was an assistant coach of the team and some of the members of the team were being sexually abused by the team doc after. jim jordan said nothing. members of the team have insisted, under, old that jim jordan knew. they insisted that jim jordan knew that the doctor was sexually abusing teammates who jim jordan had an obligation to protect. jim jordan had an obligation to those teammates. he had an obligation to their parents. he had an obligation to the university. he had an obligation to the law. and he had an obligation to his own conscience. and he stands accused of violating all of those obligations by members of that team. they say jim jordan knew about sex crimes and he stayed silent, just like he stayed silent about his tax. until his identity was leaking today. and then, jim jordan complained that the committee did not quote his entire techs. the committee acknowledged that they did not include the entire text in their first quoting of the text. this is jim jordan's entire texas which he says he was forwarding from someone else to mark meadows. on january six, 2021, vice president, mike pence, as president of the senate, should call out all electoral votes that he believes are unconstitutional as no electoral votes at all, in accordance with guidance from founding father alexander hamilton and judicial presidents. no legislative act, wrote alexander hamilton in federalists number 78, contrary to the constitution, can be valid. the court in hubbard versus low reinforced this truth. that an unconstitutional statute is on the law at all, it is a proposition no longer open to discussion. appeal and dismissed. following discretionary, unconstitutionally appointed elector, like an unconstitutionally enacted statute, is no elector at all. that text in full described a criminal act that the texts are just the vice president to carry out. first of all, i'll hamilton was not referring to anything involving the electoral college. in that particular quote, written before the government of the united states was actually formed. and the supreme court has never held that the vice president of the united states or any one of the government can decide unilaterally what is or is not constitutional. the techs jim jordan sent to the white house chief of staff is a jumble of historical and legal madness that amounts to nothing less than jim jordan urging the vice president of the united states to commit a crime. maybe that is why jim jordan's stay silent about his text. maybe that's why he did not object immediately on monday night. maybe that's why he did not say, hey, you don't quote my entire text. you must up and left out the alexander hamilton bid. jim jordan was afraid of that techs becoming public. jim jordan is afraid tonight of the january six committee. we will eventually know all of their names. the names of all the republicans in congress who were active in the criminal conspiracy to steal the presidential election after the voters votes were counted and joe biden won. they, along with jim jordan, are all living in fear tonight of what else the january six committee will reveal about them. but we already know, and the president of the united states already knows, that they were all trying to steal a presidential election on january six. and that is why the president of the united states discussed voting rights today and said, it is the single biggest issue. leading off our discussion tonight, is ruben gallego, he is a marine veteran served in iraq, he is a member of the house armed services committee. thank you very much for joining us tonight. your reaction to the un-surprising revelation that was, jim jordan, who was the center of that texas urging an illegal act by the vice president. >> yes, i feel like i'm very beauregard in casablanca right now. honestly, not surprised. jim jordan as a traitor. he's a trader of the constitution of the united states. he has been for quite awhile. and now we actually have it in texas. but we shouldn't be surprised. why is anybody surprised? we saw it on the floor. when they were calling out the arizona -- for example. the place that i represent. and saying there were fraudulent votes. and they made applies on the house floor. so how are we surprised right now? how is anybody surprised by any of this. my biggest issue isn't jim jordan. this is a fact that many people aren't taking this seriously. the fact that there is a slow-moving crew happening all over this country that was led by the jim jordan's. and other people. so instead of people being dressed up in uniform, or one of the uniforms storming the capitol, now they are actually trying to win state house seats, states seats, secretary state seats, to overturn the future election. so, the coup is ongoing. the traders are still there. and they continue to try to destroy our constitution. every opportunity they have. >> president biden has had a sequencing plan for his agenda. and voting rights was to come after the domestic spending agenda was settled and the build back better plan was passed. he actually said, i think it was a couple of months ago, that he is not bringing up the voting rights issue now because that might, especially changing the senate rule to do it, that might lose him or would lose him a couple of votes on the build back better plan. today, he said that voting rights is absolutely the most important thing. that is a change of priority for him. it is a change of tone. what do you think that means? >> well, hopefully it means that they recognize that the threat is here. it is on the president. it is going to continue. but no matter what you want to look at it this way. the filibuster is a problem to get everything done. we are talking about abortion rights, we are not going to be able to protect roby rate wants the court overturns it because we're not going to have the 60 votes to protect roe v. wade. we're talking about protection for working class people. we're not going to have anything to protect working class people. and i'm glad the president understands the real threats to democracy. the threat has been ongoing. i have been in arizona politics for quite awhile. i have seen a lot of attempts to destroy the power of people to elect their own leadership. and have the leadership trying to select who they are. and every day that we don't take that serious is another day that we have closer to an election in 2022, and 2024, so i'm glad they're taking this seriously. but i'm going to be honest, everyone else needs to take this seriously. the fact that we see so many trump supporters that are showing up on tv as legitimate smokes person. when they took part in an attempt a coup. we accept them still modern surprise. you see them at the cocktail party over washington d.c. as if nothing happened. there is a reason why they keep trying. because we all keep looking the other way. when in fact there was a real clue that happened that night. and for some reason washington d.c. is just whistling past the graveyard at this point. >> congressman, you are the target of a personal threat from russia host among the russian state control tv show said that you should be kidnapped. that the russians should kidnap you wherever you travel, transport you to russia. they should be looking for you to try to grab you. what did you do to get russia's attention? >> i expose the truth about what they are doing in ukraine. and i traveled to ukraine with a bipartisan group of democrats and republicans. all veterans. all from different wars. and we were there to do research to see what both russia is doing and what we can do to help ukraine. ukraine is a democracy. and we are certainly not gonna help another democracy fall to some russian autocrats. and as for this guy that is threatening me, he can get in line. i have been threatened by insurgents in iraq, i have been threatened by people of the united states, by cartel, by other parts of the world. and so i am not exactly the kind of guy that shies away from a fight. his little words are going to make a difference. but by the end of the day, democracy is just as important here as it is in any part of the world. and i am going to be here to do everything that i can to support ukraine democracy and democracy over wells. and if you want to throw threats at me? see what happens? >> congressman ruben gallego thank you for starting off our discussion tonight. really appreciated. >> thank you. >> and joining us now is eugene robinson, pulitzer prize -winning for the washington post. he's also an msnbc political analysts -- eugene, big surprise jim jordan was the author of one of the most clearly criminal plots sent over to mark meadows. >> that doesn't surprise anybody. i think he is the usual suspects. it just happens that jim jordan's house to be [inaudible] >> he, in a cowardly fashion is going out to [inaudible] . >> and there's a complaint about this whole ridiculous nonsensical part of the matter with the press conference. which is that mike pence should've overthrown the [inaudible] >> and that was the importance of it. >> and everyone who knows that they are the author of these text, they are all hiding. and they all must be living in fear of this committee. >> yes. i think they are. this committee made more noise by releasing some of these [inaudible] . it certainly caught my attention. and it does really highlight urgency of voting rights legislation. and these two things have been happening simultaneously. creating this kind of energy that gives new momentum to the [inaudible] >> benny thompson was on this program last week. and i read pieces of your column to him where you are suggesting that the committee had to find a way to make real news on television and get the kind of attention that the committees normally get by interviewing witnesses on television. which this committee is not ready to do. they figured it out this week, how to make real news and get attention on television. i am not sure how much your column had to do with nudging them along but we never know. eugene robinson, thank you very much for joining us tonight. really appreciated. thank you. and coming up, the lieutenant governor of kentucky will join us after president biden surveyed the tornado damage in her state today. kentucky senator, mitch mcconnell did not accompany the president in kentucky today. that is next. that is next d-eeze® lozenges? cold-eeze® can shorten your cold by 42% try cold-eeze® the number one best-selling zinc lozenge. and try new cold-eeze® ultramelt™ chews in a great-tasting orange flavor that quickly dissolves on your tongue. o man, that's a whole lot of wrinkly at least my shoes look good! looking good start with bounce wrinkleguard, the megasheet designed to prevent wrinkles in the dryer. what makes salonpas arthritis gel so good for arthritis pain? salonpas contains the most prescribed topical pain relief ingredient. it's clinically proven, reduces inflammation and comes in original prescription strength. salonpas. it's good medicine. - [narrator] this is steve. he used to have gum problems. now, he uses therabreath healthy gums oral rinse with clinically-proven ingredients and his gum problems have vanished. (crowd applauding) therabreath, it's a better mouthwash. at walmart, target and other fine stores. age before beauty? why not both? visibly diminish wrinkled skin in... crepe corrector lotion... only from gold bond. - san francisco can have criminal justice reform and public safety. but district attorney chesa boudin is failing on both. - the safety of san francisco is dependent upon chesa being recalled as soon as possible. - i didn't support the newsom recall but this is different. - chesa takes a very radical perspective and approach to criminal justice reform, which is having a negative impact on communities of color. - i never in a million years thought that my son, let alone any six-year-old, would be gunned down in the streets of san francisco and not get any justice. - chesa's failure has resulted in increase in crime against asian americans. - the da's office is in complete turmoil at this point. - for chesa boudin to intervene in so many cases is both bad management and dangerous for the city of san francisco. - we are for criminal justice reform. chesa's not it. recall chesa boudin now. miss crawly, it's me mr. moon. i haven't heard from cyou in awhile, i'm starting to worry here. ♪ grab a brush and put on a little make-up ♪ make-up. ♪ hide the scars to fade away the shake-up ♪ you whoo. your destination is on the right. okay. whaaa! >> people just come out of nowhere to help as a community. and that is what we are supposed to be doing. that's the way it's supposed to be. there's no red tornadoes or blue tornadoes. there is no red states or blue states when the stuff starts to happen. i think that at least in my experience, but people together and knocks them apart. >> kentucky governor andy beshear was with president biden as he surveyed damage in dawson springs kentucky. the hometown of andy courtier's father. >> i hope the people of kentucky know that i care deeply about them. and the president does too. he is here. and dawson springs kentucky. because we are hurting. president biden and the federal government have offered more aid and acted faster than we have ever seen in the history of the united states of america. i received three personal calls from the president on day one. first, when he could get through and then at the end of the day. saying what else do you need? >> kentucky's senators did not join the president in kentucky today. senator rand paul of kentucky has opposed emergency relief aid to all states except kentucky. joining us now is the lieutenant governor of kentucky, jacqueline coleman, lieutenant governor thank you very much for joining us tonight on what i know is a difficult night for you. what are the states needs at this point in the recovery? >> thank you so much for having me lawrence. let me just say that your opening clip showing the president and governor brush year leading with compassion and swift decision-making, is exactly what you want to see out of your elected leaders. i am so proud of their leadership and compassion. in the way that they are wrapping their arms around this commonwealth. of course i knew that about governor beshear, and i was really happy to see that from president biden today. in terms of what we need, there are three ways that folks can help. the first, we have a fund that we have set up for folks in western kentucky, where every single penny goes directly to support the boots on the ground. the cleanup and recovery, all of it. because this is going to be a long road. and that site can be accessed. it is called team wkyt relief fund dot k that is the first way. the second thing we are asking for is for folks to donate blood at their local blood banks. the governor and i will be taking part in a blood bank that he is hosting right here in the capital on friday this week. last but not least, our first lady, who also saw in the clip with the governor, who has a heart of gold. has started a toy drive. to help the kids and the families in western kentucky here, two weeks away from christmas. the damage that you are looking at, is these peoples lives. the thing we want to make sure is help these kids have a good as a christmas as they could have. the toy drive information can be accessed at first lady dot k slash toy drive. >> everyone in the region has some experience with tornadoes, we've seen some tornado devastation in the past, i've covered tornado devastation down there in that region after tornadoes. what has it been like for you to see what has happened on this one, because this really does look like the worst we have seen? >> it is unlike that i've ever seen. i can tell you, you have to see to believe it. even after you see it, it is hard to do it justice with words. the devastation is like nothing i've ever seen before. the stories i'm hearing from kentuckians are heartbreaking. they restore your hope in humanity in a lot of ways. i met a gentleman, a family in campbell's ville kentucky, where 70 homes were destroyed. the lady was telling me about her husband. going down the road once the storm passed and literally digging through rubble and physically pulling his neighbors up out from under their basement where the house had caved in on them. did that out a couple houses. woke up the next morning to find his feet ruin, he lived on a farm in campbell ville. he loaded up 40 head of cattle and took them to stop yards and had to sell every one of them. and you know that man does for a living? he drives a school bus for the local school district. these are everyday heroes who are literally saving each other's lives and stepping up for each other. a sad is that story is, my goodness, would an amazing act of humanity that we were able to see. >> kentucky lieutenant governor jacqueline coleman, thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you lawrence. >> joining us now is congressional historian at the american institute. norm, it is one of those days where you have rand paul who's basically opposed to all aid, emergency aid, to any state not named kentucky. when the president goes to kentucky, he finds of self saying everything he needed to say about the situation in kentucky. but the most important issue now is voting rights. it seems as though the revelations of the january 6th committee have raised the level of priority for voting rights in the biden administration. >> i am very encouraged by this. also by what i am saying in the senate. i think we are moving to a point where there is a much broader understanding that this has to happen. and this is going to happen to happen without republican support, so they are going to have to change the rules to make it happen. just a word on rand paul, this is not the first time we have seen the level of breathtaking hypocrisy by republicans in congress. many of whom, staunchly opposed aid when it came to hurricane sandy for a new york in new jersey. then turned around when it was mississippi or alabama, or kentucky, they wanted. for paul, who has opposed aide who says it has to be offset with the same -- with his offset. there wasn't any word of that now. it raises the stakes here in many ways, getting back to voting rights. because it makes it clear, that if we don't make changes in the election system, we are not just going to lose our democracy, we are going to have it taken over by a group of people who are ideological fanatics. beyond blowing up the rights of democracy. the fact that joe biden understands this and is starting to move on it, is extraordinarily encouraging. norman ornstein thank you very much for joining us tonight, really appreciate it. coming up, the focus of the biden agenda shifted to voting rights today. derek johnson met with some democratic senators, including kyrsten sinema today. at least one of those senators has now come away saying that it is time for the senate to change the rules to pass voter protection legislation, that is next. , that i next that will never work! if it works on nfl jerseys it'll work for you. and it's cold. so you will turn to cold? 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>> we didn't know he was going to do, that we are glad he. did the naacp issued a squad car. and in that squad car we identified 13 members of the senate who have incomplete. and we have worked aggressively since that point to get those senators to make the necessary commitments to ensure voting rights protections was a priority before the end of the year. so we are glad senator hickenloopper made that statement. then he came on board in the midst of that meeting. senators peter organized that conversation. we are moving that process forward. there is no more urgent issue before the senate at this time than voting rights protections. and we urge the senate to ensure that our democracy is protected. and to allow voters to fully engage in this democracy. >> does senator sinema seem ready to change the senate rules in order to pass this? >> we encourage that she was on the phone. she didn't speak. we encouraged that to listen and. and it's really important to understand that this is not a partisan activity. and the needle has been moved. the rules of 2005 and 2000 of six have been changed. we live in a different political climate. we need to support political points or advance partisan interest that is anti-democratic. and we cannot be -- globally as we did two weeks ago. if we are not protecting democracy here. i just want to note, for the record in the audience. i have been in an awful lot of meetings with an awful lot of senators in situations like this. i have never heard of a senator not speaking. this is a group of, one, two, three, four, six senators. and to have one of them not speak at all as this gentleman did is a pretty strange piece of behavior. you heard him say that voting rights is the number one issue. he said that with the clarity that he hasn't had before. >> well this is a shift from last week, it's a shift from last month. and naacp are clear. we cannot advance public policy we are not protecting the right of voters to participate. but more importantly, after the first of the year, legislative will be competing all across the country. but particularly in the south. and they will be consider a redistricting plan. this will be the first time since 1960 that we will not have a federal standard to ensure that racial gerrymandering needing, and political gerrymandering is not the primary use of use to draw political lines. we must ensure that voters can elect candidates of their choice. and that we can have a truly representative democracy. >> the senate is a narrow one lane road and any legislation that is on it has to wait for the legislation that is in front of it. build back better has always been in front of voting rights on that road. is it time to let build back better pull over to the side and have voting rights passed in front of it? >> let's be clear, it may be a narrowed, but the bridge will collapse if we don't put our priorities in order. priorities should be just as it was last week when they made exceptions and they lifted the standards in terms of our debt limit. we have to do the same thing for our democracy. the faith and credit in this country is important. the full faith and our democracy is also important. so there should not be anything ahead of in terms of priority for the voting rights protection for all american citizens. and that is the work of the naacp. that is the work of the -- that is in priority. >> president derrick johnson, president of the naacp. thank you very much for joining us tonight. >> thank you. >> i'm coming, up the president of the california medical board said that she was stockton ambushed by men who claimed to be part of a trump ally and anti-vaccine group. she will tell us what happened, next. hat happened next max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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building and entered the parking garage later that evening, four man jumped out of the suv with cameras and recording equipment and confronted her. she says the man identified themselves as of members of a group that has been investigated by the house select subcommittee of the coronavirus crisis for profiting from unproven and potentially dangerous treatment for covid-19. the leader of that organization, simone gould, is a beverly hills doctor, who was arrested for her role in the january 6th attack on the capital. simone gould pleaded not guilty to all five federal charges. she is facing. joining us now is kristina lawson president of the california medical board. thank you very much for joining us tonight. this sounds like the kind of harassment that election officials around the country have been facing. >> lawrence, well first of all thank you for having me. i think it is so important that we shine a light on these terrorizing tactics. and well it is unfortunate that it occurred to me and to my family last week, you make a good point. it is occurring and happening to people across the country these days. >> so we have it happening with election officials, it's happening with state medical officials, not just in california. yours though is one of the most dramatic cases that i have heard of. but as a state medical official in florida, where they were protesting outside of his house for months. screaming at him, screaming at his children. this is something that has been spreading. >> yes. one of the things that i think is unique about my personal experience, is that i of course knew that they were following me all day. because my 12-year-old son noticed a drone flying over our house at about 8 am when we left for school that the. had he not notice that drone, i might have never made the connection. between the white suv at the end of my driveway and the one that was in the parking garage later that evening. are you afraid? is your family afraid? >> look, i am not afraid. law enforcement in walnut creek california where i live has just been terrific. of course the law firm that i work form has been terrific as well. i am not going to be intimidated by these terrorizing tactics. it is un-american that they are doing this to public servants and leaders across the country. i am just not going to be intimidated by. >> what do you tell your 12-year-old about this? >> well, i tell my 12-year-old that this is not the way that we have a conversation. in society, if we want to change somebody's mind. the group that approached me didn't approach me with any particular concern. they didn't send me a no. like so many organizations do that advocates for a particular position. they showed up for the sole purpose of terrorizing the. look, i am a former mayor and city council member. i am used to having public commenters come to meetings. we welcome that the medical board of california. but this isn't the way to participate in our society. this isn't a civilized discourse. >> going forward, do you have changes to your routine? not that you can share that with us. but this must affect your behavior? >> unfortunately, i've had to have some private security over the past week or ten days. that may continue for sometime. of course, law enforcement at the state level does work with the medical board to make sure that all of our board members and all of our staff, frankly all of california's public health officials are protected as well. that has been an unfortunate experience for us all. but we thank the brave women and men of law enforcement for their support. >> kristina lawson i'm sorry this is happening to you and your family, thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> coming up, many of you will remember meeting joyce easily on this program when she was 13 years old. she is now a first year student at the university of malawi at the college of medicine. thanks to your help. that is next. that is next so you both sleep 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she recited a poem that many of us will never forget. >> my poem is titled little by little. little by little we will reach our destination. little by little we will go. little by little. -- no matter how narrow the path is, we are going to go. little by little you will go and reach your destination. joyce has reached the next stop on her road to the destination and a few days ago she told us how it is going. at the first year -- >> my journey at the university for first years has been good, it has been exciting. as well as stressful. because there is a lot of work. compared to the work that we had in high school. yes it has been stressful, but it has been wonderful at the same time. because i've learned a lot of new ways. how to talk. how to tackle my workload. it has been good. >> joyce has the enthusiasm for her classes of a student who feels very lucky to be there. >> my favorite classes here has been biology. chemistry, as well as mathematics. in biology i have been excited because i am learning a lot of things about the human anatomy. it has been good. and chemistry has been challenging. i need to find out more about the chemical reactions. the chemical equations. so yeah, it has been good. >> and now, it is time for joyce's first college exam. >> i will be starting in the exam soon. and the -- there are some things that are difficult. but it has been wonderful having friends to help me. to have discussions with. so i will be very glad to finish my foundation here. so that i can actually start my medical and sciences. >> you can continue to help other students achieve their dreams and your dreams for them, by going to last word desks thaw you can give a desk or a scholarship as a gift to anyone on a holiday gift and unicef will send them an acknowledgment of your gift. no contribution is too small. she made me promise, she really wanted to do this. that she would get this last word tonight from her heart. to yours. >> to the people that are donating to the scholarship, you are doing a great job out there. you are helping a lot of girls, including me. on behalf of all of the girls, i would like to say thank you for your support. supporting others. making it a good place. >> joyce chose ali gets tonight last word. the 11th hour, starts now. good evening, i am stephanie. they 330 of the biden administration. where the fate of mark meadows, donald trump's last white house chief of staff, is now up to the biden justice department. which will decide whether to prosecute the former congressman on criminal charges of contempt. earlier today, the president was asked about meadows. >> what was your reaction to congress holding meadows in contempt? >> i don't know enough about it. this is what i have seen, i have not spoken to anyone. it seems to be that his word is held in contempt. >> and tonight, there is new information about who might have been behind those text messages that meadows turned over to the committee investigating the january 6th insurrection. those texts were made public ahead of this week's votes to hold meadows in contempt. today, trump loyalist, and a republican congressman, jim jordan, said that he personally sent a message to meadows a day before the capitol riot. it appears to detail how the white house might stop the certification of joe biden's election win. the ohio congressman is one of six house republicans that the new york times says played an outsized role in trying to keep donald trump in power by spreading conspiracy theories and pressuring the justice department. meal while, political reports that the january six panel is weighing whether or not trump in self violated obstruction law. list cheney raised that very possibility when she said this, did donald trump through action or inaction corruptly seek to obstruct or impede congress's

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