Transcripts For MSNBC Andrea Mitchell Reports 20240709 : com

Transcripts For MSNBC Andrea Mitchell Reports 20240709

name was not yet been released. the age range has gotten even harder. it ranges now from 2 months to 98 years of the kentuckians that we have lost. some didn't get an opportunity to experience this life. twelve of the 74 are children. and there unquestionably more people unaccounted for, but multiple local and federal search i couldn't see continue. utility companies are continuing to repair the outages. three water systems have limited operation work is being done to remove debris and replace the traffic signals. i tell you what, it feels pretty good to not just be pushing this stuff out of the way but to be loading it up and taking it out of town. there's something therapeutic about taking chaos and destruction and death and getting it out of some of those areas. blood donations are still needed. in response to requests from community for blood donation information, the red cross has provided more than 40 blood products to hospitals in kentucky. red cross remains in touch with hospital partners. look up where you can go to donate blood. i think they end of this week we will be hold ago blood drive here in the capital and try to do it with the legislative branch who is planning one as well. we are all in this together so we will join theirs so they can join ours. doesn't matter. if you're looking for something to do today because they probably can't take any more volunteers on the ground. go give blood. i'm giving blood, i think it's this friday. as of yesterday evening, the volunteer cadaver dogs have not indicated anything additional in the debris at the candle factory. the owners believe that they have located everyone. we hope that is true. the level of debris could be impacting the canines but we certainly hope that our miracle, our prayers were answered and that it's just eight that are ultimately lost there. if you saw it in person, you would believe that is a miracle. the level of absolute destruction in one place. it's hard to describe when i'm watching a backhoe try to pull a pickup truck off what was the roof that is now halfway down on top of 15 feet of metal and barrels and the rest. but we want to make sure that we see and talk to every single one of those employees so the kentucky state police continues to request that all mayfield consumer products candle factory products go to his house ministies church ky 353. we want to continue to verify the information and i believe the hr are trying to provide help and they will do that at the same time. the number, if you don't have transportation is 1-888-880-8620. that is only for those employees. we want to check on each and every one of them. so as we -- our finding, folks, we want to make sure that we can house them and we have opened our state parks with so many families coming in. as of last night, we provided 152 rooms for displaced residents and 67 additional rooms for first responders. families who are in need of emergency housing can go to their local emergency management office or work with parks directly and they will reach out to emergency management. nobody turned away. everybody helped. if you don't have a house any more, you are welcome in your state parks. we will take care of you. so if you reside in lyon, fulton, grace, muilenburg, hopkins, caldwell, and have been displaced, again, we have a spot for you. the following are openings as of 10:15 a.m. thirty rooms in kentucky dam village. right now -- >> we will have a lot more on the tornado recovery and the efforts to find possibly more victims, but, so far, no signs of more victims in that candle factory. coming up is the lieutenant governor in a few minutes. turning now to capitol hill where the house of representatives is expected to hold former trump chief of staff mark meadows, himself, a former congressman in contempt for refusing to testify about the january 6th riot. a stunning reversal after he had provided thousands of documents to the committee and written a book about the event and talked to fox tv last night. the stakes became higher last night as the committee read text sent to meadows during the riot for trump's biggest supporters on fox news and don jr. pleading with meadows to get the president to call for an end to the violence as it was going on. let me caution, there is profanity in some of these messages. >> as the violence continued, one of the president's sons texted mr. meadows, quote, he's got to condemn this shit asap! the capitol police tweet is not enough. donald trump junior texted. multiple fox news hosts knew the president needed to act immediately. this is hurting all of us. he is destroying his legacy, laura ingraham wrote. please get him on tv, destroying everything you have accomplished ryan texted. quote, can he make a statement? is it people to leave the capitol shawn hannity urged. >> joining is congressman adam schiff of california. congressman, thank you very much. how big of an impact do you think these text messages and thousands of documents have, if he is still unwilling to talk and answer questions about them? >> well, i think they have a couple of impacts. first, they remind the country just how serious this attack was and, frankly dispose the high pock rasy and you see the sense of urgency that the president do something as that attack is going on. it also helps make the case so clear that meadows should be held in criminal content for refusing to testify. if he is going to provide these messages, which he his counsel acknowledged, there is nothing privilegeded about, how he can't come in and testify about those messages? how can he go on fox news and do interviews and say i can be doing these public interviews but i can't talk to congress about it? it's an absurd position to take and assume he is doing it because he is instruct by the former president but i think a clear case of federal contempt of congress. >> i want to be clear. the text messages that were read and that he has already turned over, they were specifically labeled as not privileged by his attorney. am i correct on that? >> yes. according to his attorney and to mr. meadows, all of the documents he gave was not privileged. if they had been privileged, they would have decline to turn them over but they acknowledge they are not. of course, conversation, for example of a chief of staff with a member of the press, how could that be covered by privilege? can can't be. and so the case for him in terms of the justice department, i think, is a very strong compelling one that he must be held in contempt. >> now, there is a legal argument that it is not as strong as the bannon argument for you because bannon was not a part of the white house and, here, you're talking about the white house chief of staff. so, legally, do you have a much harder case to prove? and does the justice department, if it does proceed, have a harder case with the grand jury? does he have a better chance on appeals? >> in the most critical respect, mark meadows and steve bannon are exactly in the same position. that is they refuse to even appear. so they didn't come and assert a privilege. they just say we don't need to bother showing up. in that sense, they stand exactly the same way. you're right, bannon was -- hadn't been in the white house for years. meadows was the chief of staff. but meadows is talking about these events. he is talking about it publicly. he is releasing documents to the congress, at least he had. and he has written a book about this. so if there is anyone who has made the case against meadows being treat any differently than steve bannon, it's mark meadows. >> does the bannon prosecution getting pushed to july of next year, give other witnesses more incentive to drag their feet, fight these subpoenas? >> i think the most powerful impact, frankly, of the bannon case was the fact that he was indicted by the justice department. that, i think, has had the effect of focusing those mind of those who might otherwise decide obstruct and coming forward and cooperating. we don't like the delay until july. there is urgency here. other courts have recognized that urgency in the litigation over the records that we are trying to get from the national archives that trump sued to stop us from getting. the district court put that up almost immediately. the court of appeals without any delay. we got two very quick decisions from both. so i wish the judge in that criminal case had moved with the same expedition. we will see what the court does and whatever case is assigned the case for mark meadows and if the justice department brings that case, i hope the justice department will also move quickly. >> some republicans are pushing back, why not go for civil contempt? >> well, we have to demonstrate, i think, the seriousness of this. this was an armed attack on the capitol in which people died. and congress needs and demands answers. and if you're going to have someone essentially say, i'm not even going to bother to show up, that ought to be dealt with the greatest severity we can. we need these people to come in from the text messages. you can see his testimony and i think that merits the strongest sanction we have available. >> and what is the impact do you think of don jr.? hopefully, he was saying one thing and denying the severity of the insurrection. privately, he was pleading with mark meadows. does it, first of all, suggest that they all were aware that donald trump, alone, could have stopped the violence by asking him to do something about it? pleading with him to do something about it. and what does it say about don jr. and the fox news anchors and all of the others? >> it says so much. the few text messages say so much. they tell us that these people understood the seriousness of this attack. they understood that the president was uniquely situated to try to stop it and he didn't stop it. it was going on for hours and posed out the blatant the hypocrisy stacks you in the face to see what don jr. was saying then and now and to see the conflict between the father and the son where the son is pleading and there is -- has been no more apologetic defender of donald trump, president, than his son that bears his name and, yet, here he was begging his father to do something and apparently without avail. >> do you see the late-breaking story, the decision by the d.c. attorney general, to sue the proud boys and others for their role, the civil suit? does that add to what you're doing or take away or does it get in your way? >> i don't think how it can get in our way. i think it just underscores the seriousness of using all of the legal remedies possible to go after who attacked our capitol and continue to pose a danger to our democracy. so i applaud all of those who are trying to bring about a measure of justice and restitution for this attack and those that were involved in it. >> adam schiff, mr. chairman, chairman of the intelligence committee and a member of the key committee, thank you for being with us today. >> thank you. let's bring in nbc justice correspondent pete paems williams and more. pete, you were just leading allow the d.c. attorney's case. what is the legal impact of that, do you think? >> it's another lawsuit against the proud boys and oath keepers saying they were responsible for planning violence in the capitol. it names the same organizations and groups that have already been charged criminally in the district, so it doesn't, i don't think, add new information about them. it's just more trouble for them and, of course, unlike a criminal case where they could be hit with jail time or a fine, this specifically seeks money damages to help the government repay its expenses for dealing with the chaos on that day, andrea. >> garrett, let's play a little bit more of what we heard from congresswoman chen yooi. >> these are further evidence of president trump's supreme dereliction of duty during those 187 minutes. mr. meadows' testimony will bear on another key question before this committee. did donald trump, through action or inaction, corruptly seek to obstruct or impede congress' official proceeding to count electoral votes? >> garrett, the impact of all of this, the rules committee just decided they are going to vote later today, maybe around 5:00 will be a final vote on criminal contempt? >> that's right, andrea. we expect to see the full house vote at some point this evening and left in that legal limbo while doj decides what they are going to do in terms of going after mark meadows or not. the unveiling of those text messages last night was important on any number of factors. you heard liz cheney there suggesting, you know, perhaps there may be some kind of liability for former president trump for not acting while he was being leaned on by donald trump jr., the fox news host, so on and so forth. during the course of the day the text going through to mark meadows. i think of interest were the other texts brought up last night including text that meadows received both before and after the attack, before from unnamed republican lawmakers suggesting that he should speak to the vice president about throwing out electoral votes that he found to be unconstitutional of his own devining. after the attack from perhaps a different unnamed lawmaker apologizing to meadows for the sixth state on the sixth failing. that puts meadows right in the center of the planning that was taking place between election day and january 6th. again, conversations between meadows and a republican laurmt have no credible claim of being privileged. so the committee introduces this evidence as a way of saying he doesn't want to talk about his conversations with the president? fine. but he ought to come talk to us about these conversations sooner rather than later in their statute of limitations. >> pete, does the fact that meadows turned these texts over and the other documents over and said -- these lawyers said they were not privileged, he was turning them over, at that point, then he has talked and written about them in a book and gone on tv about them, does that make it easier perhaps for the justice department to make a decision to proceed -- >> no, quite the contrary. i actually think it makes it harder. it shows unlike bannon, meadows has been cooperative with the committee to a great extent. the problem for the justice department is this. on the one hand, meadows lawyer is right the longstanding rule of the justice department that close advisers to the president, current and form, are immune from testimony and he is citing that privilege. the dc circuit ruled in a separate trump case in the archives but that has to give way to the congressional need for this information. on the other hand, meadows has been cooperative. he was a close adviser to president the president. he does this claim of privilege. i think this is a much tougher call for the justice department than it was in the bannon case. >> i know you've got to go, pete. even those these are not communications with the president, does it still apply? >> then that is the material that he has given and his lawyer says he -- it's -- that's not the problem. the problem for the contempt citation is his refusal to come up and testify and he is rg aing he is absolutely immune on that. that is a longstanding view of the justice department the congress can't haul up the president's close advisers and puts the justice department in a tough spot because it's had that view for decades. >> pete williams, thanks for clearing that up. sam stein, i want to play chairman mcgovern's comments about mark meadows this morning. he is the chairman of the rules committee and get your reaction on the other side. >> maybe former chief staff meadows should talk to former congressman meadows. when he was serving here, he complained about subpoenas being ignored, information being hidden and congress being stonewalled. when he came to other people facing a congressional subpoena, he said, i quote, they may be able to ignore congress but they won't be able to ignore the american people, end quote. so i don't know what changed when he moved from working for one branch of government to the next. maybe he is just that afraid of donald trump. >> sam, of course, what pete williams would tell you is that what changes he was in the role of chief of staff and a longstanding legal privilege there. >> yeah. that's what changed. he is on the other side of the subpoena equation. that is also what changed here. i don't think hypocrisy or charges of hypocrisy are what is going to move mark meadows to be brutally frank about it. i don't think he cares about that attack. i think he will be moved if there is enough public pressure for him to be moved and, right now, the incentives are all in favor of showing some loyalty to donald trump. it was just a couple of weeks ago that we were reporting that he was being -- mark meadows was being floated as a potential vp candidate should donald trump run for president again. meadows wants to maintain favor in trump. i don't think this week has been particularly good or the last two weeks have been particularly good on that front. first, he had his revelation of his book that was trump tested positive for covid prior to the debate which trump was furious about that revelation. and now the revelation that these text messages has made it among all of the major fox news hosts who probably didn't think their personal communications would be made public. those are the public pressure points that meadows has to deal with now. >> that is a lot. kim, last 18 hours have been certainly big for this committee. what happens if they can never get meadows and some of these other big players out of their, you know, loyalty to trump and his hold on them to testify? >> yeah. i think it -- yeah, i think it depends on what other documents and information that they have. clearly, they haven't even fully disclosed to us any way everything that is contained within these text messages that mark meadows put forward, including the identities of the members of congress, that he was talking with. so, obviously, getting mark meadows to testify is krooshl important to help put these pieces together. it doesn't necessarily mean they are not putting the pieces together in other ways and i think that is why they are pushing this criminal contempt citation. i take a different view from feet who i usually agree with 100%. in this case, yes, it may be justice department policy to not prosecute people who were in the white house, but the legal standard and based on that d.c. circuit decision, d.c. decision is clear from watergate even when there is a claim of privilege, where here, i don't think there actually, is that claim must give way to congressional procedures like this that are meant to get to the bottom of something, as seriously as an insurrection. the facts underlying this are far more important than watergate so i think the justice department could move on this. >> cynthia, even if the justice department moves forwards and charges meadows, still a possibility he is willing to go to prison before being deposed or handing over more information, rather than defying trump? >> even if he is charged, i agree with kim, i think he will be charged. that trial won't go to trial until october at the earliest so right before the midterms. we won't get information from him with the criminal charge. the information that will come is come the committee wins the subpoena battles and gets all of the rest of the documents from him and hope the a.g.'s case in d.c. circuit, which is apparently very interested in serious discovery about financing, also gets this information. but recognize the indictments of bannon and meadows punish them for refusing to do their patriotic duty and let the american public know what happened. but it is not going to force them to testify. >> thank you all for all of your expertise and analysis of this. i really appreciate it. cynthia, pete, sam, and garrett and kim, thank you. combating covid. what could add to the arsenal as mandates come back into play. e s mandates come back into play there you go. all-american club™? did you just turn us into subway® ads? 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>> we are not the one that does that. that is a separate committee. we will see. i think certainly things like monoclonal antibodies and before symptoms get too severe can make a difference. we had the game-changer that came out a year ago when the vaccine came out a year ago. prevention is always better than a cure. if taken the way they should be taken, vaccines can protect you against hospitalization and death so that is the game-changer. >> clearly, that is the game-changer. we still see resistance. what more can be done by, you know, public health experts, the scientists, of course, you, pediatricians, look at the rate on children? it's a very low rate. i think it's 18% are being vaccinated. why are parents resisting? >> i wish i had the answer to that. i was on service about a week and a half ago for a week. during that time, we had more than a dozen children that were admitted to our hospital, virtually all were over 5 and many over 12 so they could have received the vaccine. some had to go to the intensive care unit. none of them were vaccinated. problem we need to vaccinate the unvaccinated. i think one thing that would be interesting is i wish i had a camera that could see what i saw because what you saw was you saw children struggling to breathe, despite the fact they had a face mask and oxygen and three, four, nine liters was not able to get oxygen and had to have a tube put down their throat and sedated and you're watching the parents crying. it was heart breaking and even last year when we didn't have a vaccine and now it's especially heartbreaking when we do have a vaccine. this problem is a problem of the unvaccinated. we are not going to get past this pandemic until we do this and maybe one thing is make it even more dramatic, to make these vigil images more dramatic so people can see what we see when we work in the hospital. >> so much unnecessary suffering. doctor, i want to take a turn and ask you something that our friends at "morning joe" emphasized today that i was not aware of. one of the supreme court rulings about vaccine mandates and exceptions on religious grounds, that two of the justices, justice alito and gorsuch wrote the following. now, the pope has spoken out against this and said it's not true. factually these cell lines go back 50 years and for research and not in the vaccine. i think we have a copy of the graphic thanks to their research about the over-the-counter medication and precipitation things that include similar cell lines which are older and many times removed from any -- decades removed from any recent abortions. but all of these things, including -- had the same ingredients in research. so what do you say to -- now we have got supreme court justices going on internet rumors in a decision from the high court. >> this came to a head a number of years ago when catholics said i am going to get these vaccines. it's not just -- at least two of the covid vaccines. there is also, you know, other vaccines that be derive from human embryonic cells. it went to the catholic and headed by joseph. he made it very clear that catholics can receive these vaccines. the reason catholic religion like all major religions care about the health of children and families. that is a tenet of all major religions and therefore catholics can receive these vaccines. it's a little unnerving when supreme court justices essentially rule against what the major policy making bodies of these religions have already ruled on. >> these were two and in the minority but its so ignorant, it's kind of shocking. thank you so much, doctor, on all things. you're right on top of it. we really appreciate it. >> thank you. running out the clock. the senate set to raise the debt limit with the senate to face a borrowing deadline tomorrow. is it time to vote the bill for voting reform before the holiday break? next up is senator angus king. next up is senator angus king. ♪♪ all the gifts you really, really, really, can't wait to unwrap. ♪♪ joy. fully. ♪♪ ♪ baby got back by sir mix-a-lot ♪ unlimited cashback match... joy. fully. only from discover. this is your home. this is your family room slash gym. the guest bedroom slash music studio. the daybed slash dog bed. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash classroom. and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. ♪♪ i didn't have to shout out for help. because you didn't have another dvt. not today. one blood clot puts you at risk of having another, so we chose xarelto®, to help keep you protected. xarelto® is proven to treat and reduce the risk of dvt or pe blood clots from happening again. almost 98% of people did not have another dvt or pe. don't stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor, as this may increase risk of blood clots. while taking, a spinal injection increases risk of blood clots, which may cause paralysis. you may bruise more easily or take longer to stop bleeding. xarelto® can cause serious and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. it may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. get help right away for unexpected bleeding or unusual bruising. don't take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures and any kidney or liver problems. help protect yourself from another dvt or pe. ask your doctor about xarelto®. to learn more about cost, visit or call 1-888-xarelto last-ditch effort to pass voting rights protection is happening off the senate floor today. a group of moderate democrats are trying to convince joe manchin of west virginia to sign off on a bill. joining me is senator angus king of maine. thank you very much. what are the chances that you can get him to agree to this change in the filibuster? he is adamant about the filibuster. >> we are trying to find a path where the minority's rights are respected and they are able to be heard, but without the power to totally obstruct, and that is really the issue that we are trying to try to find a path through. those are the discussions that we are having. joe manchin believes in voting rights. he was a governor. he was a secretary of state. and he was the principal author of the voting rights bill that we have on the floor, the right to vote act. so this is something that is important to him but he also believes in the role of the senate as, you know, a bipartisan body. he believes the filibuster protects the rights of the minorities and forces that discussion. the problem areas that don't work and voting rights is one, where we have seen essentially no interest whatsoever on the republican side from even addressing this issue and, yet, it's the issue that is sort of underlining everything else that the country stands for and that we do around here. so we are going to be trying to find that path and continue the discussions and really hopefully find a resolution this week. >> do you have a bit of an argument -- more than a bit of an argument -- in that today you're voting on the debt ceiling which already had a work-around, whatever you call it, so it could be passed by 50 votes? >> yeah. >> 51. >> i just voted on that literally five minutes ago and barely made it back to talk to you. but yes. there are examples of places where these kinds of things can work, although getting there required republican cooperation, i think, because they realized how disastrous a default would be. on the other hand, they didn't want to overtly vote for it. it's kind of an interesting strategy. but voting rights, there is no such cooperation on the horizon and there is so much going on around the country, compromising people's right to vote, compromising voting systems, replacing, you know, sort of professional nonpartisan voting officials and one of the most worrisome is states' legislatures essentially saying we are going to abrogate to ourselves the power to take over elections and declare winners despite what the vote is in our state. that is just not what democracy is all about. gerrymandering has been a problem this year. those are the kinds of issues we are talking about. this is fundamental to democracy. what i said a couple of months ago was if it comes down to a choice between democracy and senate rule, i have to choose democracy and that is where we are right now. >> you're talking about the nullification it's not just voter suppression, as bad as that is but it's changing it is outcome of a vote. i want to talk to you about afghanistan. you do not look jet lagged but you're just back from afghanistan and pakistan and qatar. i know you're tired. you were looking at the humanitarian disaster there and the failure of our effort to get afghans out and the pace of evacuations and what is happening with the taliban. how do we help the people of afghanistan? >> there are two different issues. there is good news on the evacuation front. one of the things we learned, which was a surprise to me, a pleasant surprise, is that as of right now, there are three americans who want to get out of afghanistan who have not yet left, but we have good prospects of getting them out. we have gotten almost a thousand american citizens and legal permanent residents out of afghanistan since august 31st. remember, all of the chest beating we are leaving people behind and abandoning people is in the truth is the evacuation of those people has continued. there are another 170 or so dual citizens who thus far decided they want to stay in afghanistan because that is where their families are and they made that decision. but the evacuation of american citizens and afghans who assisted us has continued since august 31st and a very large number have gotten out. now, the other piece, though, that you elude to there is a humanitarian crisis on the horizon and that is afghanistan is a very tough place in the winter. the government has very little in the way of resources. starvation is a serious prospect and we got to figure out how to get the humanitarian aid in there, get it to those children that you see on the screen right now, without funneling it through the taliban. that is one of the things we discussed with the pakistani officials who we were there nch over the weekend and they are ready to help. this has to be an international proposition and how we can do that with the -- with the afghan -- i'm sorry, with the pakistani and other nongovernmental organizations and u.n. and others, this is a very high priority right now. the guy you see me talking to is the army chief of staff who is one of the real -- he is a major power broker in pakistan along with the prime minister who we also met with on saturday. they tell me those guys never meet with people on saturday, so we felt like maybe they wanted to see us. >> clearly, they did. i want to just correct myself. i was in error. you were not on the ground in afghanistan. you were on the other side of the ground. i want to say it's beyond the u.s. citizens of the groups i'm talking to are just heartbroken with the afghan supporters, the human rights experts, the women who have been left behind and the numbers of thousands that the state department has not been able to get out. >> that process is continuing, andrea. that process is continuing. there are multiple flights a week in to qatar out of afghanistan which are full. i can't remember the number of. it's about 800 a week and 12,000 in -- yeah, in pakistan. not in afghanistan. we are working through the paper work on them. you got to remember, 120,000 were gotten out before august 31st, the largest air lift in history. i'm not saying everything is rosy or hunky-dory but it's been lifted with regard to to americans but clearly the plight of women over there and what the taliban is going to do with regard to their harsh treatment and education and those things are things that we have to continue to work on. the taliban is flat on their back financially. they need our help. they need international help. and hopefully that can be a path to moderating their anti-human rights behavior. >> you would unfreeze the assets? >> well, that is a complicated question. it turns out the september 11th victims have attached those assets in the u.s., so even if we unfroze them, i'm not sure the courts would allow them to leave. but one possibility i've been discussing is if we can, unfreeze those assets, but strictly earmark them for humanitarian aid, not general aid to the taliban. i don't think that should be the case, but there is plenty of work to be done in afghanistan outside of what the taliban is up to. >> well, on all of it, thank you very much. thanks for the work you're doing overseas and good luck with joe manchin! >> ha. thank you, andrea. we will keep at it. >> you're talking to him. ask him about build back better. hope and heartbreak. communities supporting even after that deadly tornado outbreak as search teams refuse to give up. stay with us. that is next. at is next ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ with downy infusions, let the scent set the mood. feel the difference with downy. subway's eat fresh refresh™ has so many new footlongs. refresh! here's how they line up. we got the new chicken & bacon ranch, new baja steak & jack, and the new baja chicken & bacon, aka “the smokeshow”" save big. order through the app. nurse mariyam sabo knows a moment this pure... ...demands a lotion this pure. new gold bond pure moisture lotion. 24-hour hydration. no parabens, dyes, or fragrances. gold bond. champion your skin. kentucky governor andy beshear announcing moments ago 12 of the 74 victims of those tornadoes were children. the governor is asking for blood donations ahead of the president's visit to the hard-hit areas tomorrow. joining us now from kentucky is nbc correspondent kathy park in mayfield and alison barber in dawson springs. kathy, first to you. thousands are still without power. the governor talked about and the progress on utilities. many have no homes to go back to and said the state parks are open to them. how are things in mayfield? >> reporter: the landscape here is changing, andrea. you have crews out here just clearing off the the sidewalks, the roadway es. really kind of ramp up the rebuilding efforts. you're taking a look at downtown mayfield right now, and keep in mind, the entire infrastructure of this community was destroyed when the tornado came through. so not only did they lose power, they also lost their water tower, natural gas lines also shut off, but there is some sign of progress. in fact, i was told earlier this morning, if you take a look, andrea, these are new power lines that have been installed. so they are quickly jumping into action to get this community back up and running once again, but when you look around here, andrea, there is still so much devastation, so much history that was destroyed in just a matter of minutes, including this century-old church behind me. take a listen. >> i try not to look too much, because it's -- we've been down here several times, and it doesn't get any easier. it's really hard. it's going to be a matter of peeling off layers and seeing what's left underneath. so -- and i don't think -- there's parts i don't think can be peeled. it's just, i don't think we'll be able to get into some parts of the sanctuary. >> reporter: and, andrea, that was jackie gayle you heard there and we spoke with her not long ago. she was out here looking for hand bells. looking forward to christmas celebrations just this past weekend but are counting their blessings today because all of their members are accounted for. >> the spirit sin credible. allison what are you seeing about dawson springs what you're seeing there? >> reporter: if you can believe it, i am standing in what was once a home, a bedroom. the woman who lived here says she was here when the storm came through. all collapsed in on her. she was able to make her way out through the rubble. this car right here, i asked if it was hers. they said, they have no idea where this came from, but it moved that night. somehow she survived. she along with other members of the community, her best friend, the friend of her 14-year-old son, they've been here helping each other, looking for items. things that they can salvage and take home. i know we don't have a lot of time, andrea, but i want to show you quickly, some of the things that they found. mind if i show her this? okay. she found just now her son's, who's 14 years old, his very first tooth and also rings that belonged to her mother, who passed away from cancer a few years ago. people walk and talk and say just things you can rebuild. obviously human life is most important, but we talked earlier. these memories, they're not just things. they're moments. you have taylor here, who is 15, found photos for you. what did that mean to you? >> it meant everything because those can't be replaces. i can't get those back. my son's baby pictures, pictures of me and my dad. a picture of my mom and my dad. my mom's gone, and that i can't replace those pictures. >> reporter: it is utter devastation here, andrea, but, people, community members, all devastated by this, coming together, trying to help each other do what they can to maybe find a little peace of hope, a little memory in all of this destruction. andrea? >> allison, thanks to you, and to those incredible residents and for their resilience. we just said to kathy park, and joining us now is the kentucky lieutenant governor jacqueline coleman just with the governor briefing press, of course. governor, thank you very much. the spirit of kentuckians is extraordinary, and the way the state is responding. what can the rest of us do? >> well, first of all, andrea, thank you so much for helping to bring some attention to our families that are struggling so much now, and you're right. kentucky spirit is shining through. you see the devastation, and it's -- unless you're there, it's -- it's hard to do it justice, and i don't even know it can be done justice with words, but i have said repeatedly, the only thing that rivals the level of devastation we're seeing in western kentucky following this tragedy is the level of community and neighbors helping neighbors throughout this state, and it's not -- it starts in the community, and we certainly saw that immediately. it is since just -- come in from across the state in droves, and we're getting help from states across the country. i just want everyone to know that we will never forget this. >> and with the president coming tomorrow, what would you want from the federal government that you're not getting? >> well, i have to say this. our leadership has, from the local level to, through our governor, who has led with swift -- swift steadfast compassionate leadership. he immediately was able to get on the phone with the president. the president turned around a national state of emergency just about as fast as we've ever seen. so together they were able to mobilize resources like the national guard that were able to be deployed. federal resources. we had officials from public security and fema in the area a few days ago. so we are getting as much support as quickly as we can out to these areas. knowing that this is a layered approach, and we have put one foot in front of the other and take this one day at a time, but i have to tell you the outpouring of the support we're getting from not just our elected officials and not just our neighbors but the federal government has been remarkable, and i have to tell you. viewers at home and say how can i help? then i would direct them to do one of two things. one, donate blood at their local blood bank. in a is need, but also to donate to the fund that we have set up where every single dollar will go directly to folks in these communities to help rebuild, and that is at this moment, we just topped $9 million in giving. yeah, which is remarkable. and it continues to come in and it's going to be put to the best use possible helping us keep boots on the ground. >> well, we have been up on the screen and that is remarkable. we'll keep at it doing everything we can on social media as well. so thank you so much, lieutenant governor jacqueline coleman. >> thank you so much. >> and our condolences to all who suffered so much loss. and that does it for this edition of "andrea mitchell reports," chuck todd and "mtp daily" starts right after this. i've spent centuries evolving with the world. that's the nature of being the economy. observing investors choose assets to balance risk and reward. with one element securing portfolios, time after time. gold. agile and liquid. a proven protector. an ever-evolving enabler of bold decisions. an asset more relevant than ever before. gold. your strategic advantage. introducing the biggest advancement in the history of small business bookkeeping. having someone else do your books for you. i'm linda, your quickbooks live bookkeeper. let's do this linda! sounds good! a live expert bookkeeper who understands your business. felipe, i've categorized last month's hair gel expenses. steve, i just closed your books. great, how are we looking? 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Andy Beshear , Tornado Recovery , Candle Factory , Kentucky , Andrea Mitch Reports , Grace County , Let , Eight , 21 , Two , Locations , Hopkins County , Marshall , Mulemberg , Warren , 13 , 17 , 15 , 11 , Four , One , Question , Counties , Fulton , Lyon , Emergency Management Director , Taylor , Franklin , 74 , 73 , Kentuckians , Name , 98 , 2 , Doesn T , Children , Opportunity , Life , Twelve , People , Utility Companies , Search , Outages , Operation Work , Water Systems , Three , Way , Debris , Traffic Signals , Town , Stuff , Something , Death , Some , Chaos , Community , Destruction , Blood Donations , Blood Donation Information , Areas , Response , Requests , Blood , Hospitals , Hospital Partners , Blood Products , Blood Drive , Red Cross , 40 , Branch , Capital , Doesn T Matter , Ground , Give Blood , Volunteers , Volunteer Cadaver Dogs , Level , Everyone , Owners , Anything , Canines , Miracle , Person , Prayers , Place , Backhoe Try , Pickup Truck , Feet , Rest , Roof , Barrels , Employees , Products , Kentucky State Police , Consumer Products Candle Factory , Mayfield , House Ministies Church Ky 353 , 353 , Information , Help , Number , Transportation , Hr , Finding , 1 888 880 8620 , 1 , 888 , 880 , 8620 , Families , State Parks , Rooms , Residents , Responders , 152 , 67 , Need , Emergency Housing , Emergency Management Office , Parks , Emergency Management , Nobody , House , More , Everybody , Care , Grace , Muilenburg , Spot , Following , Openings , Hopkins , Caldwell , Thirty , 10 , Victims , Lot , Lieutenant Governor , Capitol Hill , Signs , Efforts , Mark Meadows , Chief Of Staff , Contempt , Trump , House Of Representatives , January 6th Riot , January 6th , 6 , Fda Advisory Committee , Meadows , Documents , Book , Text , Thousands , Reversal , Event , Riot , Stakes , Last Night , Fox Tv , President , Pleading , Messages , Violence , What Don Jr , Fox News , Supporters , Profanity , End , Mr , Quote , Tweet , Sons , Shit , Capitol Police , Wall , U S , Legacy , Laura Ingraham , Everything , Tv , Statement , Ryan , Shawn Hannity , Impact , Text Messages , Adam Schiff , California , Attack , Country , First , Couple , Answer , Impacts , Questions , Bannon Case , Urgency , Sense , Pock Rasy , Counsel , Content , Nothing , It , Interviews , Position , Contempt Of Congress , Over , Attorney , Privileged , Decline , Yes , Justice Department , Privilege , Course , Member , Press , Terms , Conversation , Example , Argument , Steve Bannon , White House , Part , Justice , Appeals , Chance , Grand Jury , Respect , Department The Congress , Hadn T , Events , Anyone , Prosecution , Fact , Subpoenas , Witnesses , Incentive , Courts , Mind , Delay , Effect , Litigation , Court , The National Archives , Decisions , District Court , Records , Both , Case , Expedition , Judge , Back , Seriousness , Republicans , Someone , Severity , Testimony , Sanction , Thing , Insurrection , Others , Blatant , Son , Hypocrisy , Father , Face , Conflict , Defender , Decision , D C , Story , Avail , Role , Boys , Add , Attorney General , Suit , Democracy , Capitol , Danger , Remedies , Chairman , Intelligence Committee , Restitution , Measure , Correspondent Pete Paems Williams , Nbc , Oath Keepers , Lawsuit , I Don T Think , Groups , Organizations , Planning Violence , District , Trouble , Government , Fine , Expenses , Dealing , Hit , Money , Evidence , Let S Play , Garrett , Congresswoman Chen Yooi , Action , Trump S Supreme Dereliction Of Duty , 187 , Votes , Proceeding , Corruptly , Inaction , Andrea , Vote , Point , Criminal Contempt , Evening , Limbo , 00 , 5 , Kind , Factors , Unveiling , Liability , Liz Cheney , Interest , Texts , Vice President , Lawmakers , Republican , State , Election Day , Center , Planning , Failing , Devining , Lawmaker Apologizing , Claim , Conversations , Laurmt , Statute , Talk , Limitations , Contrary , Lawyers , Problem , Hand , Cooperative , Rule , Committee , Extent , Meadows Lawyer , Advisers , Form , The Dc Circuit , Adviser , Archives , Communications , Material , Call , Lawyer , View , Rg Aing , Refusal , Contempt Citation , Sam Stein , Thanks , Department , Comments , Chairman Mcgovern , Side , Chief Staff Meadows , Congressman Meadows , Reaction , Subpoena , End Quote , Congress Being Stonewalled , Charges , Subpoena Equation , Favor , Pressure , Loyalty , Reporting , Incentives , Candidate , Being , Run , Front , Revelation , Debate , Covid , Kim , Public , Pressure Points , 18 , Players , Hold , Members , Haven T , Identities , Pieces , It Doesn T , Criminal Contempt Citation , Ways , Krooshl , Justice Department Policy , 100 , Procedures , Circuit Decision , Cynthia , Facts , Bottom , Possibility , Handing , Prison , Criminal Charge , Midterms , Subpoena Battles , That Trial Won T Go To , Circuit , Indictments , Discovery , Financing , A G , Expertise , Duty , Analysis , The American Public Know , Arsenal , Combating Covid , Subways , Play , Mandates , Jerseys , Space , Ads , Subway , Es , All American Clubtm , Yep , Turkey Cali Fresh , Hope , World , Hospital , Go Long Italian , Heart , Narrator , Step , Pain , Bmt , Ravette , Mercy Ships , Screen , Suffering , Surgeries , Surgery , Don T Wait , 9 , 19 , Daughter , Pay , Don T , Water , Couldn T , Kids , Stains , Wash , Tide , Bargain Detergent , Workers , Medicine , Billions , Packages , Greetings , Mail , 160 Million , Everywhere , Postal Service , American Postal Workers Union , Business , Gift , Businesses , Deal , Comcast Business , Savings Sale , Network , Internet , Price Guarantee , Savings , Bundles , Gig Speeds , Prepaid Card , Voice , 4 99 , 64 99 , 500 , Possibilities , Cases , Bill , News , Pfizer , Data , Pill , Patients , Drug , Tool , 89 , States , Doctor , Nation , Children S Hospital Center Of Philadelphia , Omicron Variant , 39 , 3 , 33 , January 6th Committee , Things , Symptoms , Monoclonal Antibodies , Vaccine , Changer , Difference , Prevention , Cure , Vaccines , Hospitalization , Resistance , Public Health Experts , Parents , Rate , Pediatricians , Many , Service , Intensive Care Unit , Half , 12 , Unvaccinated , Interesting , None , Oxygen , Camera , Liters , Face Mask , Nine , Throat , Tube Put , Pandemic , Turn , Supreme Court , Friends , Vaccine Mandates , Rulings , Morning Joe , Little Unnerving When Supreme Court , Grounds , Exceptions , Justice Alito , Gorsuch , Pope , Research , Cell Lines , Copy , 50 , Times , Any , Over The Counter Medication , Precipitation , Ingredients , Abortions , Catholics , Justices , Head A Number , High Court , Internet Rumors , Cells , Catholic , Human Embryonic , Religions , Reason , Religion , Headed By Joseph , Health , Tenet , Policy Making Bodies , Minority , Shocking , Angus King , Senate , Set , Debt Limit , Borrowing , Voting Reform , Clock , Joy , Gifts , Can T Wait To Unwrap , Discover , Sir , Baby Got Back , Unlimited Cashback Match , Home , Daybed , Family Room Slash Gym , Yoga Shanti Slash , The Living Room , Bedroom Slash Music Studio , Slash Classroom , App , Vacation , Panic Room , Family Needs , Basement Slash , Vrbo , Risk , Stop Taking Xarelto , Dvt , Blood Clots , Pe , Blood Clot , Another , Paralysis , Bruise , Injection , Bleeding , Medicines , Fatal Bleeding , Bruising , Artificial Heart Valve , Don T Take Xarelto , Liver Problems , Kidney , Cost , 1 888 Xarelto , Voting Rights Protection , Group , Floor , Democrats , Last Ditch Effort , Joe Manchin , Chances , West Virginia , Maine , Filibuster , Change , Path , Power , Rights , Issue , Discussions , Voting Rights , Act , Secretary Of State , Author , Minorities , Body , Problem Areas , Discussion , Don T Work , Bit , Resolution , Voting , Debt Ceiling , Work Around , Yeah , 51 , Cooperation , Kinds , Examples , Places , Default , Five , Horizon , Strategy , Officials , Voting Systems , Legislatures , Winners , Elections , Worrisome , Issues , Gerrymandering , Choice , Nullification , Afghanistan , Pakistan , Voter Suppression , Outcome , Jet , Qatar , Taliban , Afghans , Failure , Effort , Evacuations , Disaster , Pace , Surprise , Evacuation Front , Prospects , American Citizens , A Thousand , August 31st , Citizens , Evacuation , Chest Beating , Truth , 170 , 31 , Crisis , Piece , Winter , Aid , Resources , Prospect , Starvation , Weekend , Proposition , Nch , Guy , Priority , Army , U N , Guys , Power Broker , Prime Minister , Real , On Saturday , Error , Human Rights Experts , State Department , Numbers , Process , Flights , Paper , 800 , 12000 , History , Air Lift , Hunky Dory , 120000 , Plight , Regard , Treatment , Education , Assets , Behavior , September 11th , Work , Heartbreak , Luck , Ha , Communities , Search Teams , Tornado Outbreak , Stay , Infusions , Scent , Downy , Footlongs , Mood , Eat , Chicken , Bacon Ranch , Baja Steak Jack , Lotion , Save Big , Order , Baja Chicken Bacon , Aka , The Smokeshow , Nurse Mariyam Sabo , Bond , Pure , Parabens , Hydration , Moisture , Dyes , Fragrances , 24 , Tornadoes , Skin , Visit , Progress , Correspondent Kathy Park In Mayfield , Alison Barber In Dawson Springs , Reporter , Homes , Landscape , Utilities , Downtown Mayfield , Tornado , Sidewalks , Rebuilding Efforts , Look , Infrastructure , Ramp , Roadway Es , Take A Look , Lines , Sign , Water Tower , Natural Gas , Devastation , Power Lines , Matter , It S , Listen , Old Church , Parts , Underneath , Peeling , Layers , Jackie Gayle , Sanctuary , Hand Bells , Dawson Springs , Blessings , Sin , Allison , Woman , Storm , Bedroom , Rubble , Car , Idea , Friend , Best Friend , Hers , 14 , Each Other , Items , Mother , Son S , Cancer , Tooth , Human Life , Important , Memories , Photos , Dad , Mom , Picture , Pictures , Baby Pictures , Can T Be , Community Members , Peace , Memory , Do , Resilience , Briefing Press , Kathy Park , Spirit , Attention , It Justice , Words , Neighbors , Tragedy , Droves , Leadership , Governor , State Of Emergency , Led , Phone , Swift , Guard , Support , Area , Approach , Fema , Security , Other , Foot , Outpouring , Viewers , Blood Bank , Fund , Folks , Rebuild , Single , Dollar , Best , Boots , Million , 9 Million , Jacqueline Coleman , Social Media , Condolences , Loss , Edition , Andrea Mitchell Reports , Chuck Todd , Mtp Daily , Economy , Nature , Investors , Gold , Protector , Reward , Element , Portfolios , Enabler , Advancement , Asset , Advantage , Small Business Bookkeeping , Books , Expert Bookkeeper , Linda , Hair Gel Expenses , Intuit Quickbooks , Steve , Sounds Good , Felipe , Experts , Profits , Live Bookkeeping , Second , Item , Pack , Circle , Therapies , Twist , Child , Packaging , Safer , Laundry Pacs , Peer Counselors , Social Workers , Researchers , Healthcare , Professionals , Mental Illness , Science , Lives , Mental Illness To Wellness , Series , Health Officials , Winter Surge , Omicron , Update , Spread , Infections , Rescue Recovery Efforts , Cdc ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC Andrea Mitchell Reports 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Andrea Mitchell Reports 20240709

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name was not yet been released. the age range has gotten even harder. it ranges now from 2 months to 98 years of the kentuckians that we have lost. some didn't get an opportunity to experience this life. twelve of the 74 are children. and there unquestionably more people unaccounted for, but multiple local and federal search i couldn't see continue. utility companies are continuing to repair the outages. three water systems have limited operation work is being done to remove debris and replace the traffic signals. i tell you what, it feels pretty good to not just be pushing this stuff out of the way but to be loading it up and taking it out of town. there's something therapeutic about taking chaos and destruction and death and getting it out of some of those areas. blood donations are still needed. in response to requests from community for blood donation information, the red cross has provided more than 40 blood products to hospitals in kentucky. red cross remains in touch with hospital partners. look up where you can go to donate blood. i think they end of this week we will be hold ago blood drive here in the capital and try to do it with the legislative branch who is planning one as well. we are all in this together so we will join theirs so they can join ours. doesn't matter. if you're looking for something to do today because they probably can't take any more volunteers on the ground. go give blood. i'm giving blood, i think it's this friday. as of yesterday evening, the volunteer cadaver dogs have not indicated anything additional in the debris at the candle factory. the owners believe that they have located everyone. we hope that is true. the level of debris could be impacting the canines but we certainly hope that our miracle, our prayers were answered and that it's just eight that are ultimately lost there. if you saw it in person, you would believe that is a miracle. the level of absolute destruction in one place. it's hard to describe when i'm watching a backhoe try to pull a pickup truck off what was the roof that is now halfway down on top of 15 feet of metal and barrels and the rest. but we want to make sure that we see and talk to every single one of those employees so the kentucky state police continues to request that all mayfield consumer products candle factory products go to his house ministies church ky 353. we want to continue to verify the information and i believe the hr are trying to provide help and they will do that at the same time. the number, if you don't have transportation is 1-888-880-8620. that is only for those employees. we want to check on each and every one of them. so as we -- our finding, folks, we want to make sure that we can house them and we have opened our state parks with so many families coming in. as of last night, we provided 152 rooms for displaced residents and 67 additional rooms for first responders. families who are in need of emergency housing can go to their local emergency management office or work with parks directly and they will reach out to emergency management. nobody turned away. everybody helped. if you don't have a house any more, you are welcome in your state parks. we will take care of you. so if you reside in lyon, fulton, grace, muilenburg, hopkins, caldwell, and have been displaced, again, we have a spot for you. the following are openings as of 10:15 a.m. thirty rooms in kentucky dam village. right now -- >> we will have a lot more on the tornado recovery and the efforts to find possibly more victims, but, so far, no signs of more victims in that candle factory. coming up is the lieutenant governor in a few minutes. turning now to capitol hill where the house of representatives is expected to hold former trump chief of staff mark meadows, himself, a former congressman in contempt for refusing to testify about the january 6th riot. a stunning reversal after he had provided thousands of documents to the committee and written a book about the event and talked to fox tv last night. the stakes became higher last night as the committee read text sent to meadows during the riot for trump's biggest supporters on fox news and don jr. pleading with meadows to get the president to call for an end to the violence as it was going on. let me caution, there is profanity in some of these messages. >> as the violence continued, one of the president's sons texted mr. meadows, quote, he's got to condemn this shit asap! the capitol police tweet is not enough. donald trump junior texted. multiple fox news hosts knew the president needed to act immediately. this is hurting all of us. he is destroying his legacy, laura ingraham wrote. please get him on tv, destroying everything you have accomplished ryan texted. quote, can he make a statement? is it people to leave the capitol shawn hannity urged. >> joining is congressman adam schiff of california. congressman, thank you very much. how big of an impact do you think these text messages and thousands of documents have, if he is still unwilling to talk and answer questions about them? >> well, i think they have a couple of impacts. first, they remind the country just how serious this attack was and, frankly dispose the high pock rasy and you see the sense of urgency that the president do something as that attack is going on. it also helps make the case so clear that meadows should be held in criminal content for refusing to testify. if he is going to provide these messages, which he his counsel acknowledged, there is nothing privilegeded about, how he can't come in and testify about those messages? how can he go on fox news and do interviews and say i can be doing these public interviews but i can't talk to congress about it? it's an absurd position to take and assume he is doing it because he is instruct by the former president but i think a clear case of federal contempt of congress. >> i want to be clear. the text messages that were read and that he has already turned over, they were specifically labeled as not privileged by his attorney. am i correct on that? >> yes. according to his attorney and to mr. meadows, all of the documents he gave was not privileged. if they had been privileged, they would have decline to turn them over but they acknowledge they are not. of course, conversation, for example of a chief of staff with a member of the press, how could that be covered by privilege? can can't be. and so the case for him in terms of the justice department, i think, is a very strong compelling one that he must be held in contempt. >> now, there is a legal argument that it is not as strong as the bannon argument for you because bannon was not a part of the white house and, here, you're talking about the white house chief of staff. so, legally, do you have a much harder case to prove? and does the justice department, if it does proceed, have a harder case with the grand jury? does he have a better chance on appeals? >> in the most critical respect, mark meadows and steve bannon are exactly in the same position. that is they refuse to even appear. so they didn't come and assert a privilege. they just say we don't need to bother showing up. in that sense, they stand exactly the same way. you're right, bannon was -- hadn't been in the white house for years. meadows was the chief of staff. but meadows is talking about these events. he is talking about it publicly. he is releasing documents to the congress, at least he had. and he has written a book about this. so if there is anyone who has made the case against meadows being treat any differently than steve bannon, it's mark meadows. >> does the bannon prosecution getting pushed to july of next year, give other witnesses more incentive to drag their feet, fight these subpoenas? >> i think the most powerful impact, frankly, of the bannon case was the fact that he was indicted by the justice department. that, i think, has had the effect of focusing those mind of those who might otherwise decide obstruct and coming forward and cooperating. we don't like the delay until july. there is urgency here. other courts have recognized that urgency in the litigation over the records that we are trying to get from the national archives that trump sued to stop us from getting. the district court put that up almost immediately. the court of appeals without any delay. we got two very quick decisions from both. so i wish the judge in that criminal case had moved with the same expedition. we will see what the court does and whatever case is assigned the case for mark meadows and if the justice department brings that case, i hope the justice department will also move quickly. >> some republicans are pushing back, why not go for civil contempt? >> well, we have to demonstrate, i think, the seriousness of this. this was an armed attack on the capitol in which people died. and congress needs and demands answers. and if you're going to have someone essentially say, i'm not even going to bother to show up, that ought to be dealt with the greatest severity we can. we need these people to come in from the text messages. you can see his testimony and i think that merits the strongest sanction we have available. >> and what is the impact do you think of don jr.? hopefully, he was saying one thing and denying the severity of the insurrection. privately, he was pleading with mark meadows. does it, first of all, suggest that they all were aware that donald trump, alone, could have stopped the violence by asking him to do something about it? pleading with him to do something about it. and what does it say about don jr. and the fox news anchors and all of the others? >> it says so much. the few text messages say so much. they tell us that these people understood the seriousness of this attack. they understood that the president was uniquely situated to try to stop it and he didn't stop it. it was going on for hours and posed out the blatant the hypocrisy stacks you in the face to see what don jr. was saying then and now and to see the conflict between the father and the son where the son is pleading and there is -- has been no more apologetic defender of donald trump, president, than his son that bears his name and, yet, here he was begging his father to do something and apparently without avail. >> do you see the late-breaking story, the decision by the d.c. attorney general, to sue the proud boys and others for their role, the civil suit? does that add to what you're doing or take away or does it get in your way? >> i don't think how it can get in our way. i think it just underscores the seriousness of using all of the legal remedies possible to go after who attacked our capitol and continue to pose a danger to our democracy. so i applaud all of those who are trying to bring about a measure of justice and restitution for this attack and those that were involved in it. >> adam schiff, mr. chairman, chairman of the intelligence committee and a member of the key committee, thank you for being with us today. >> thank you. let's bring in nbc justice correspondent pete paems williams and more. pete, you were just leading allow the d.c. attorney's case. what is the legal impact of that, do you think? >> it's another lawsuit against the proud boys and oath keepers saying they were responsible for planning violence in the capitol. it names the same organizations and groups that have already been charged criminally in the district, so it doesn't, i don't think, add new information about them. it's just more trouble for them and, of course, unlike a criminal case where they could be hit with jail time or a fine, this specifically seeks money damages to help the government repay its expenses for dealing with the chaos on that day, andrea. >> garrett, let's play a little bit more of what we heard from congresswoman chen yooi. >> these are further evidence of president trump's supreme dereliction of duty during those 187 minutes. mr. meadows' testimony will bear on another key question before this committee. did donald trump, through action or inaction, corruptly seek to obstruct or impede congress' official proceeding to count electoral votes? >> garrett, the impact of all of this, the rules committee just decided they are going to vote later today, maybe around 5:00 will be a final vote on criminal contempt? >> that's right, andrea. we expect to see the full house vote at some point this evening and left in that legal limbo while doj decides what they are going to do in terms of going after mark meadows or not. the unveiling of those text messages last night was important on any number of factors. you heard liz cheney there suggesting, you know, perhaps there may be some kind of liability for former president trump for not acting while he was being leaned on by donald trump jr., the fox news host, so on and so forth. during the course of the day the text going through to mark meadows. i think of interest were the other texts brought up last night including text that meadows received both before and after the attack, before from unnamed republican lawmakers suggesting that he should speak to the vice president about throwing out electoral votes that he found to be unconstitutional of his own devining. after the attack from perhaps a different unnamed lawmaker apologizing to meadows for the sixth state on the sixth failing. that puts meadows right in the center of the planning that was taking place between election day and january 6th. again, conversations between meadows and a republican laurmt have no credible claim of being privileged. so the committee introduces this evidence as a way of saying he doesn't want to talk about his conversations with the president? fine. but he ought to come talk to us about these conversations sooner rather than later in their statute of limitations. >> pete, does the fact that meadows turned these texts over and the other documents over and said -- these lawyers said they were not privileged, he was turning them over, at that point, then he has talked and written about them in a book and gone on tv about them, does that make it easier perhaps for the justice department to make a decision to proceed -- >> no, quite the contrary. i actually think it makes it harder. it shows unlike bannon, meadows has been cooperative with the committee to a great extent. the problem for the justice department is this. on the one hand, meadows lawyer is right the longstanding rule of the justice department that close advisers to the president, current and form, are immune from testimony and he is citing that privilege. the dc circuit ruled in a separate trump case in the archives but that has to give way to the congressional need for this information. on the other hand, meadows has been cooperative. he was a close adviser to president the president. he does this claim of privilege. i think this is a much tougher call for the justice department than it was in the bannon case. >> i know you've got to go, pete. even those these are not communications with the president, does it still apply? >> then that is the material that he has given and his lawyer says he -- it's -- that's not the problem. the problem for the contempt citation is his refusal to come up and testify and he is rg aing he is absolutely immune on that. that is a longstanding view of the justice department the congress can't haul up the president's close advisers and puts the justice department in a tough spot because it's had that view for decades. >> pete williams, thanks for clearing that up. sam stein, i want to play chairman mcgovern's comments about mark meadows this morning. he is the chairman of the rules committee and get your reaction on the other side. >> maybe former chief staff meadows should talk to former congressman meadows. when he was serving here, he complained about subpoenas being ignored, information being hidden and congress being stonewalled. when he came to other people facing a congressional subpoena, he said, i quote, they may be able to ignore congress but they won't be able to ignore the american people, end quote. so i don't know what changed when he moved from working for one branch of government to the next. maybe he is just that afraid of donald trump. >> sam, of course, what pete williams would tell you is that what changes he was in the role of chief of staff and a longstanding legal privilege there. >> yeah. that's what changed. he is on the other side of the subpoena equation. that is also what changed here. i don't think hypocrisy or charges of hypocrisy are what is going to move mark meadows to be brutally frank about it. i don't think he cares about that attack. i think he will be moved if there is enough public pressure for him to be moved and, right now, the incentives are all in favor of showing some loyalty to donald trump. it was just a couple of weeks ago that we were reporting that he was being -- mark meadows was being floated as a potential vp candidate should donald trump run for president again. meadows wants to maintain favor in trump. i don't think this week has been particularly good or the last two weeks have been particularly good on that front. first, he had his revelation of his book that was trump tested positive for covid prior to the debate which trump was furious about that revelation. and now the revelation that these text messages has made it among all of the major fox news hosts who probably didn't think their personal communications would be made public. those are the public pressure points that meadows has to deal with now. >> that is a lot. kim, last 18 hours have been certainly big for this committee. what happens if they can never get meadows and some of these other big players out of their, you know, loyalty to trump and his hold on them to testify? >> yeah. i think it -- yeah, i think it depends on what other documents and information that they have. clearly, they haven't even fully disclosed to us any way everything that is contained within these text messages that mark meadows put forward, including the identities of the members of congress, that he was talking with. so, obviously, getting mark meadows to testify is krooshl important to help put these pieces together. it doesn't necessarily mean they are not putting the pieces together in other ways and i think that is why they are pushing this criminal contempt citation. i take a different view from feet who i usually agree with 100%. in this case, yes, it may be justice department policy to not prosecute people who were in the white house, but the legal standard and based on that d.c. circuit decision, d.c. decision is clear from watergate even when there is a claim of privilege, where here, i don't think there actually, is that claim must give way to congressional procedures like this that are meant to get to the bottom of something, as seriously as an insurrection. the facts underlying this are far more important than watergate so i think the justice department could move on this. >> cynthia, even if the justice department moves forwards and charges meadows, still a possibility he is willing to go to prison before being deposed or handing over more information, rather than defying trump? >> even if he is charged, i agree with kim, i think he will be charged. that trial won't go to trial until october at the earliest so right before the midterms. we won't get information from him with the criminal charge. the information that will come is come the committee wins the subpoena battles and gets all of the rest of the documents from him and hope the a.g.'s case in d.c. circuit, which is apparently very interested in serious discovery about financing, also gets this information. but recognize the indictments of bannon and meadows punish them for refusing to do their patriotic duty and let the american public know what happened. but it is not going to force them to testify. >> thank you all for all of your expertise and analysis of this. i really appreciate it. cynthia, pete, sam, and garrett and kim, thank you. combating covid. what could add to the arsenal as mandates come back into play. e s mandates come back into play there you go. all-american club™? did you just turn us into subway® ads? 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>> we are not the one that does that. that is a separate committee. we will see. i think certainly things like monoclonal antibodies and before symptoms get too severe can make a difference. we had the game-changer that came out a year ago when the vaccine came out a year ago. prevention is always better than a cure. if taken the way they should be taken, vaccines can protect you against hospitalization and death so that is the game-changer. >> clearly, that is the game-changer. we still see resistance. what more can be done by, you know, public health experts, the scientists, of course, you, pediatricians, look at the rate on children? it's a very low rate. i think it's 18% are being vaccinated. why are parents resisting? >> i wish i had the answer to that. i was on service about a week and a half ago for a week. during that time, we had more than a dozen children that were admitted to our hospital, virtually all were over 5 and many over 12 so they could have received the vaccine. some had to go to the intensive care unit. none of them were vaccinated. problem we need to vaccinate the unvaccinated. i think one thing that would be interesting is i wish i had a camera that could see what i saw because what you saw was you saw children struggling to breathe, despite the fact they had a face mask and oxygen and three, four, nine liters was not able to get oxygen and had to have a tube put down their throat and sedated and you're watching the parents crying. it was heart breaking and even last year when we didn't have a vaccine and now it's especially heartbreaking when we do have a vaccine. this problem is a problem of the unvaccinated. we are not going to get past this pandemic until we do this and maybe one thing is make it even more dramatic, to make these vigil images more dramatic so people can see what we see when we work in the hospital. >> so much unnecessary suffering. doctor, i want to take a turn and ask you something that our friends at "morning joe" emphasized today that i was not aware of. one of the supreme court rulings about vaccine mandates and exceptions on religious grounds, that two of the justices, justice alito and gorsuch wrote the following. now, the pope has spoken out against this and said it's not true. factually these cell lines go back 50 years and for research and not in the vaccine. i think we have a copy of the graphic thanks to their research about the over-the-counter medication and precipitation things that include similar cell lines which are older and many times removed from any -- decades removed from any recent abortions. but all of these things, including -- had the same ingredients in research. so what do you say to -- now we have got supreme court justices going on internet rumors in a decision from the high court. >> this came to a head a number of years ago when catholics said i am going to get these vaccines. it's not just -- at least two of the covid vaccines. there is also, you know, other vaccines that be derive from human embryonic cells. it went to the catholic and headed by joseph. he made it very clear that catholics can receive these vaccines. the reason catholic religion like all major religions care about the health of children and families. that is a tenet of all major religions and therefore catholics can receive these vaccines. it's a little unnerving when supreme court justices essentially rule against what the major policy making bodies of these religions have already ruled on. >> these were two and in the minority but its so ignorant, it's kind of shocking. thank you so much, doctor, on all things. you're right on top of it. we really appreciate it. >> thank you. running out the clock. the senate set to raise the debt limit with the senate to face a borrowing deadline tomorrow. is it time to vote the bill for voting reform before the holiday break? next up is senator angus king. next up is senator angus king. ♪♪ all the gifts you really, really, really, can't wait to unwrap. ♪♪ joy. fully. ♪♪ ♪ baby got back by sir mix-a-lot ♪ unlimited cashback match... joy. fully. only from discover. this is your home. this is your family room slash gym. the guest bedroom slash music studio. the daybed slash dog bed. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash classroom. and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. ♪♪ i didn't have to shout out for help. because you didn't have another dvt. not today. one blood clot puts you at risk of having another, so we chose xarelto®, to help keep you protected. xarelto® is proven to treat and reduce the risk of dvt or pe blood clots from happening again. almost 98% of people did not have another dvt or pe. don't stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor, as this may increase risk of blood clots. while taking, a spinal injection increases risk of blood clots, which may cause paralysis. you may bruise more easily or take longer to stop bleeding. xarelto® can cause serious and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. it may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. get help right away for unexpected bleeding or unusual bruising. don't take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures and any kidney or liver problems. help protect yourself from another dvt or pe. ask your doctor about xarelto®. to learn more about cost, visit or call 1-888-xarelto last-ditch effort to pass voting rights protection is happening off the senate floor today. a group of moderate democrats are trying to convince joe manchin of west virginia to sign off on a bill. joining me is senator angus king of maine. thank you very much. what are the chances that you can get him to agree to this change in the filibuster? he is adamant about the filibuster. >> we are trying to find a path where the minority's rights are respected and they are able to be heard, but without the power to totally obstruct, and that is really the issue that we are trying to try to find a path through. those are the discussions that we are having. joe manchin believes in voting rights. he was a governor. he was a secretary of state. and he was the principal author of the voting rights bill that we have on the floor, the right to vote act. so this is something that is important to him but he also believes in the role of the senate as, you know, a bipartisan body. he believes the filibuster protects the rights of the minorities and forces that discussion. the problem areas that don't work and voting rights is one, where we have seen essentially no interest whatsoever on the republican side from even addressing this issue and, yet, it's the issue that is sort of underlining everything else that the country stands for and that we do around here. so we are going to be trying to find that path and continue the discussions and really hopefully find a resolution this week. >> do you have a bit of an argument -- more than a bit of an argument -- in that today you're voting on the debt ceiling which already had a work-around, whatever you call it, so it could be passed by 50 votes? >> yeah. >> 51. >> i just voted on that literally five minutes ago and barely made it back to talk to you. but yes. there are examples of places where these kinds of things can work, although getting there required republican cooperation, i think, because they realized how disastrous a default would be. on the other hand, they didn't want to overtly vote for it. it's kind of an interesting strategy. but voting rights, there is no such cooperation on the horizon and there is so much going on around the country, compromising people's right to vote, compromising voting systems, replacing, you know, sort of professional nonpartisan voting officials and one of the most worrisome is states' legislatures essentially saying we are going to abrogate to ourselves the power to take over elections and declare winners despite what the vote is in our state. that is just not what democracy is all about. gerrymandering has been a problem this year. those are the kinds of issues we are talking about. this is fundamental to democracy. what i said a couple of months ago was if it comes down to a choice between democracy and senate rule, i have to choose democracy and that is where we are right now. >> you're talking about the nullification it's not just voter suppression, as bad as that is but it's changing it is outcome of a vote. i want to talk to you about afghanistan. you do not look jet lagged but you're just back from afghanistan and pakistan and qatar. i know you're tired. you were looking at the humanitarian disaster there and the failure of our effort to get afghans out and the pace of evacuations and what is happening with the taliban. how do we help the people of afghanistan? >> there are two different issues. there is good news on the evacuation front. one of the things we learned, which was a surprise to me, a pleasant surprise, is that as of right now, there are three americans who want to get out of afghanistan who have not yet left, but we have good prospects of getting them out. we have gotten almost a thousand american citizens and legal permanent residents out of afghanistan since august 31st. remember, all of the chest beating we are leaving people behind and abandoning people is in the truth is the evacuation of those people has continued. there are another 170 or so dual citizens who thus far decided they want to stay in afghanistan because that is where their families are and they made that decision. but the evacuation of american citizens and afghans who assisted us has continued since august 31st and a very large number have gotten out. now, the other piece, though, that you elude to there is a humanitarian crisis on the horizon and that is afghanistan is a very tough place in the winter. the government has very little in the way of resources. starvation is a serious prospect and we got to figure out how to get the humanitarian aid in there, get it to those children that you see on the screen right now, without funneling it through the taliban. that is one of the things we discussed with the pakistani officials who we were there nch over the weekend and they are ready to help. this has to be an international proposition and how we can do that with the -- with the afghan -- i'm sorry, with the pakistani and other nongovernmental organizations and u.n. and others, this is a very high priority right now. the guy you see me talking to is the army chief of staff who is one of the real -- he is a major power broker in pakistan along with the prime minister who we also met with on saturday. they tell me those guys never meet with people on saturday, so we felt like maybe they wanted to see us. >> clearly, they did. i want to just correct myself. i was in error. you were not on the ground in afghanistan. you were on the other side of the ground. i want to say it's beyond the u.s. citizens of the groups i'm talking to are just heartbroken with the afghan supporters, the human rights experts, the women who have been left behind and the numbers of thousands that the state department has not been able to get out. >> that process is continuing, andrea. that process is continuing. there are multiple flights a week in to qatar out of afghanistan which are full. i can't remember the number of. it's about 800 a week and 12,000 in -- yeah, in pakistan. not in afghanistan. we are working through the paper work on them. you got to remember, 120,000 were gotten out before august 31st, the largest air lift in history. i'm not saying everything is rosy or hunky-dory but it's been lifted with regard to to americans but clearly the plight of women over there and what the taliban is going to do with regard to their harsh treatment and education and those things are things that we have to continue to work on. the taliban is flat on their back financially. they need our help. they need international help. and hopefully that can be a path to moderating their anti-human rights behavior. >> you would unfreeze the assets? >> well, that is a complicated question. it turns out the september 11th victims have attached those assets in the u.s., so even if we unfroze them, i'm not sure the courts would allow them to leave. but one possibility i've been discussing is if we can, unfreeze those assets, but strictly earmark them for humanitarian aid, not general aid to the taliban. i don't think that should be the case, but there is plenty of work to be done in afghanistan outside of what the taliban is up to. >> well, on all of it, thank you very much. thanks for the work you're doing overseas and good luck with joe manchin! >> ha. thank you, andrea. we will keep at it. >> you're talking to him. ask him about build back better. hope and heartbreak. communities supporting even after that deadly tornado outbreak as search teams refuse to give up. stay with us. that is next. at is next ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ with downy infusions, let the scent set the mood. feel the difference with downy. subway's eat fresh refresh™ has so many new footlongs. refresh! here's how they line up. we got the new chicken & bacon ranch, new baja steak & jack, and the new baja chicken & bacon, aka “the smokeshow”" save big. order through the app. nurse mariyam sabo knows a moment this pure... ...demands a lotion this pure. new gold bond pure moisture lotion. 24-hour hydration. no parabens, dyes, or fragrances. gold bond. champion your skin. kentucky governor andy beshear announcing moments ago 12 of the 74 victims of those tornadoes were children. the governor is asking for blood donations ahead of the president's visit to the hard-hit areas tomorrow. joining us now from kentucky is nbc correspondent kathy park in mayfield and alison barber in dawson springs. kathy, first to you. thousands are still without power. the governor talked about and the progress on utilities. many have no homes to go back to and said the state parks are open to them. how are things in mayfield? >> reporter: the landscape here is changing, andrea. you have crews out here just clearing off the the sidewalks, the roadway es. really kind of ramp up the rebuilding efforts. you're taking a look at downtown mayfield right now, and keep in mind, the entire infrastructure of this community was destroyed when the tornado came through. so not only did they lose power, they also lost their water tower, natural gas lines also shut off, but there is some sign of progress. in fact, i was told earlier this morning, if you take a look, andrea, these are new power lines that have been installed. so they are quickly jumping into action to get this community back up and running once again, but when you look around here, andrea, there is still so much devastation, so much history that was destroyed in just a matter of minutes, including this century-old church behind me. take a listen. >> i try not to look too much, because it's -- we've been down here several times, and it doesn't get any easier. it's really hard. it's going to be a matter of peeling off layers and seeing what's left underneath. so -- and i don't think -- there's parts i don't think can be peeled. it's just, i don't think we'll be able to get into some parts of the sanctuary. >> reporter: and, andrea, that was jackie gayle you heard there and we spoke with her not long ago. she was out here looking for hand bells. looking forward to christmas celebrations just this past weekend but are counting their blessings today because all of their members are accounted for. >> the spirit sin credible. allison what are you seeing about dawson springs what you're seeing there? >> reporter: if you can believe it, i am standing in what was once a home, a bedroom. the woman who lived here says she was here when the storm came through. all collapsed in on her. she was able to make her way out through the rubble. this car right here, i asked if it was hers. they said, they have no idea where this came from, but it moved that night. somehow she survived. she along with other members of the community, her best friend, the friend of her 14-year-old son, they've been here helping each other, looking for items. things that they can salvage and take home. i know we don't have a lot of time, andrea, but i want to show you quickly, some of the things that they found. mind if i show her this? okay. she found just now her son's, who's 14 years old, his very first tooth and also rings that belonged to her mother, who passed away from cancer a few years ago. people walk and talk and say just things you can rebuild. obviously human life is most important, but we talked earlier. these memories, they're not just things. they're moments. you have taylor here, who is 15, found photos for you. what did that mean to you? >> it meant everything because those can't be replaces. i can't get those back. my son's baby pictures, pictures of me and my dad. a picture of my mom and my dad. my mom's gone, and that i can't replace those pictures. >> reporter: it is utter devastation here, andrea, but, people, community members, all devastated by this, coming together, trying to help each other do what they can to maybe find a little peace of hope, a little memory in all of this destruction. andrea? >> allison, thanks to you, and to those incredible residents and for their resilience. we just said to kathy park, and joining us now is the kentucky lieutenant governor jacqueline coleman just with the governor briefing press, of course. governor, thank you very much. the spirit of kentuckians is extraordinary, and the way the state is responding. what can the rest of us do? >> well, first of all, andrea, thank you so much for helping to bring some attention to our families that are struggling so much now, and you're right. kentucky spirit is shining through. you see the devastation, and it's -- unless you're there, it's -- it's hard to do it justice, and i don't even know it can be done justice with words, but i have said repeatedly, the only thing that rivals the level of devastation we're seeing in western kentucky following this tragedy is the level of community and neighbors helping neighbors throughout this state, and it's not -- it starts in the community, and we certainly saw that immediately. it is since just -- come in from across the state in droves, and we're getting help from states across the country. i just want everyone to know that we will never forget this. >> and with the president coming tomorrow, what would you want from the federal government that you're not getting? >> well, i have to say this. our leadership has, from the local level to, through our governor, who has led with swift -- swift steadfast compassionate leadership. he immediately was able to get on the phone with the president. the president turned around a national state of emergency just about as fast as we've ever seen. so together they were able to mobilize resources like the national guard that were able to be deployed. federal resources. we had officials from public security and fema in the area a few days ago. so we are getting as much support as quickly as we can out to these areas. knowing that this is a layered approach, and we have put one foot in front of the other and take this one day at a time, but i have to tell you the outpouring of the support we're getting from not just our elected officials and not just our neighbors but the federal government has been remarkable, and i have to tell you. viewers at home and say how can i help? then i would direct them to do one of two things. one, donate blood at their local blood bank. in a is need, but also to donate to the fund that we have set up where every single dollar will go directly to folks in these communities to help rebuild, and that is at this moment, we just topped $9 million in giving. yeah, which is remarkable. and it continues to come in and it's going to be put to the best use possible helping us keep boots on the ground. >> well, we have been up on the screen and that is remarkable. we'll keep at it doing everything we can on social media as well. so thank you so much, lieutenant governor jacqueline coleman. >> thank you so much. >> and our condolences to all who suffered so much loss. and that does it for this edition of "andrea mitchell reports," chuck todd and "mtp daily" starts right after this. i've spent centuries evolving with the world. that's the nature of being the economy. observing investors choose assets to balance risk and reward. with one element securing portfolios, time after time. gold. agile and liquid. a proven protector. an ever-evolving enabler of bold decisions. an asset more relevant than ever before. gold. your strategic advantage. introducing the biggest advancement in the history of small business bookkeeping. having someone else do your books for you. i'm linda, your quickbooks live bookkeeper. let's do this linda! sounds good! a live expert bookkeeper who understands your business. felipe, i've categorized last month's hair gel expenses. steve, i just closed your books. great, how are we looking? 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Barrels , Employees , Products , Kentucky State Police , Consumer Products Candle Factory , Mayfield , House Ministies Church Ky 353 , 353 , Information , Help , Number , Transportation , Hr , Finding , 1 888 880 8620 , 1 , 888 , 880 , 8620 , Families , State Parks , Rooms , Residents , Responders , 152 , 67 , Need , Emergency Housing , Emergency Management Office , Parks , Emergency Management , Nobody , House , More , Everybody , Care , Grace , Muilenburg , Spot , Following , Openings , Hopkins , Caldwell , Thirty , 10 , Victims , Lot , Lieutenant Governor , Capitol Hill , Signs , Efforts , Mark Meadows , Chief Of Staff , Contempt , Trump , House Of Representatives , January 6th Riot , January 6th , 6 , Fda Advisory Committee , Meadows , Documents , Book , Text , Thousands , Reversal , Event , Riot , Stakes , Last Night , Fox Tv , President , Pleading , Messages , Violence , What Don Jr , Fox News , Supporters , Profanity , End , Mr , Quote , Tweet , Sons , Shit , Capitol Police , Wall , U S , Legacy , Laura Ingraham , Everything , Tv , Statement , Ryan , Shawn Hannity , Impact , Text Messages , Adam Schiff , California , Attack , Country , First , Couple , Answer , Impacts , Questions , Bannon Case , Urgency , Sense , Pock Rasy , Counsel , Content , Nothing , It , Interviews , Position , Contempt Of Congress , Over , Attorney , Privileged , Decline , Yes , Justice Department , Privilege , Course , Member , Press , Terms , Conversation , Example , Argument , Steve Bannon , White House , Part , Justice , Appeals , Chance , Grand Jury , Respect , Department The Congress , Hadn T , Events , Anyone , Prosecution , Fact , Subpoenas , Witnesses , Incentive , Courts , Mind , Delay , Effect , Litigation , Court , The National Archives , Decisions , District Court , Records , Both , Case , Expedition , Judge , Back , Seriousness , Republicans , Someone , Severity , Testimony , Sanction , Thing , Insurrection , Others , Blatant , Son , Hypocrisy , Father , Face , Conflict 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Form , The Dc Circuit , Adviser , Archives , Communications , Material , Call , Lawyer , View , Rg Aing , Refusal , Contempt Citation , Sam Stein , Thanks , Department , Comments , Chairman Mcgovern , Side , Chief Staff Meadows , Congressman Meadows , Reaction , Subpoena , End Quote , Congress Being Stonewalled , Charges , Subpoena Equation , Favor , Pressure , Loyalty , Reporting , Incentives , Candidate , Being , Run , Front , Revelation , Debate , Covid , Kim , Public , Pressure Points , 18 , Players , Hold , Members , Haven T , Identities , Pieces , It Doesn T , Criminal Contempt Citation , Ways , Krooshl , Justice Department Policy , 100 , Procedures , Circuit Decision , Cynthia , Facts , Bottom , Possibility , Handing , Prison , Criminal Charge , Midterms , Subpoena Battles , That Trial Won T Go To , Circuit , Indictments , Discovery , Financing , A G , Expertise , Duty , Analysis , The American Public Know , Arsenal , Combating Covid , Subways , Play , Mandates , Jerseys , Space 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Hospitalization , Resistance , Public Health Experts , Parents , Rate , Pediatricians , Many , Service , Intensive Care Unit , Half , 12 , Unvaccinated , Interesting , None , Oxygen , Camera , Liters , Face Mask , Nine , Throat , Tube Put , Pandemic , Turn , Supreme Court , Friends , Vaccine Mandates , Rulings , Morning Joe , Little Unnerving When Supreme Court , Grounds , Exceptions , Justice Alito , Gorsuch , Pope , Research , Cell Lines , Copy , 50 , Times , Any , Over The Counter Medication , Precipitation , Ingredients , Abortions , Catholics , Justices , Head A Number , High Court , Internet Rumors , Cells , Catholic , Human Embryonic , Religions , Reason , Religion , Headed By Joseph , Health , Tenet , Policy Making Bodies , Minority , Shocking , Angus King , Senate , Set , Debt Limit , Borrowing , Voting Reform , Clock , Joy , Gifts , Can T Wait To Unwrap , Discover , Sir , Baby Got Back , Unlimited Cashback Match , Home , Daybed , Family Room Slash Gym , Yoga Shanti Slash , The Living Room , Bedroom Slash Music Studio , Slash Classroom , App , Vacation , Panic Room , Family Needs , Basement Slash , Vrbo , Risk , Stop Taking Xarelto , Dvt , Blood Clots , Pe , Blood Clot , Another , Paralysis , Bruise , Injection , Bleeding , Medicines , Fatal Bleeding , Bruising , Artificial Heart Valve , Don T Take Xarelto , Liver Problems , Kidney , Cost , 1 888 Xarelto , Voting Rights Protection , Group , Floor , Democrats , Last Ditch Effort , Joe Manchin , Chances , West Virginia , Maine , Filibuster , Change , Path , Power , Rights , Issue , Discussions , Voting Rights , Act , Secretary Of State , Author , Minorities , Body , Problem Areas , Discussion , Don T Work , Bit , Resolution , Voting , Debt Ceiling , Work Around , Yeah , 51 , Cooperation , Kinds , Examples , Places , Default , Five , Horizon , Strategy , Officials , Voting Systems , Legislatures , Winners , Elections , Worrisome , Issues , Gerrymandering , Choice , Nullification , Afghanistan , Pakistan , Voter Suppression , Outcome , Jet , Qatar , Taliban , Afghans , Failure , Effort , Evacuations , Disaster , Pace , Surprise , Evacuation Front , Prospects , American Citizens , A Thousand , August 31st , Citizens , Evacuation , Chest Beating , Truth , 170 , 31 , Crisis , Piece , Winter , Aid , Resources , Prospect , Starvation , Weekend , Proposition , Nch , Guy , Priority , Army , U N , Guys , Power Broker , Prime Minister , Real , On Saturday , Error , Human Rights Experts , State Department , Numbers , Process , Flights , Paper , 800 , 12000 , History , Air Lift , Hunky Dory , 120000 , Plight , Regard , Treatment , Education , Assets , Behavior , September 11th , Work , Heartbreak , Luck , Ha , Communities , Search Teams , Tornado Outbreak , Stay , Infusions , Scent , Downy , Footlongs , Mood , Eat , Chicken , Bacon Ranch , Baja Steak Jack , Lotion , Save Big , Order , Baja Chicken Bacon , Aka , The Smokeshow , Nurse Mariyam Sabo , Bond , Pure , Parabens , Hydration , Moisture , Dyes , Fragrances , 24 , Tornadoes , Skin , Visit , Progress , Correspondent Kathy Park In Mayfield , Alison Barber In Dawson Springs , Reporter , Homes , Landscape , Utilities , Downtown Mayfield , Tornado , Sidewalks , Rebuilding Efforts , Look , Infrastructure , Ramp , Roadway Es , Take A Look , Lines , Sign , Water Tower , Natural Gas , Devastation , Power Lines , Matter , It S , Listen , Old Church , Parts , Underneath , Peeling , Layers , Jackie Gayle , Sanctuary , Hand Bells , Dawson Springs , Blessings , Sin , Allison , Woman , Storm , Bedroom , Rubble , Car , Idea , Friend , Best Friend , Hers , 14 , Each Other , Items , Mother , Son S , Cancer , Tooth , Human Life , Important , Memories , Photos , Dad , Mom , Picture , Pictures , Baby Pictures , Can T Be , Community Members , Peace , Memory , Do , Resilience , Briefing Press , Kathy Park , Spirit , Attention , It Justice , Words , Neighbors , Tragedy , Droves , Leadership , Governor , State Of Emergency , Led , Phone , Swift 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