Transcripts For MSNBC The Rachel Maddow Show 20240709 : comp

Transcripts For MSNBC The Rachel Maddow Show 20240709

arkansas, illinois, missouri and tennessee. but even just in kentucky, it is deeply worrying that beyond the dozens of people known to have been killed already. there are more than 100 other people who have just not been accounted for since the storms hit. more than 100, again, unaccounted for. and this is night three in the cold in the dark searching. president biden will be traveling to kentucky on wednesday. we have eyes on law enforcement, on the governor's office overnight tonight as the rescue and recovery efforts continue. but this is stretching into the part of the rescue window where things start to get very dire. we've got eyes on that tonight, we will let you know more as we learn more over the course of this hour. what we're gonna start tonight is with some breaking news from washington. tonight, the january six investigation has voted to hold trump white house chief of staff, mark meadows in contempt. the committee holding him in contempt tonight means that tomorrow it will be the full house of representatives to refer him to the u.s. justice department for federal, criminal prosecution for contempt. that will be the justice department independent decision but the house will decide tomorrow to make that referral of him for potential prosecution. we're mark meadows is a special case here. white house chief of staff is a big deal. it's a high ranking official, very close to the president threw out the incident in washington. that said, he is one of nearly 300 people. 300 witnesses who have been called by the investigation thus far and asked to provide documents and testimonies. and additionally, mr. meadows seemed like he was going to comply. last month, he was going to turn over thousands of pages, emails, and documents to the investigation. apparently something like 9000 pages of documents and pages that would help shed light on the attack of the capital and the overall attempt to keep trump in power after he lost reelection by forcing the results of the election to be reversed. meadows started off providing documents by the thousands. but then last week, a day before he was scheduled to give testimony, about those documents that he turned over, mr. meadows apparently changed his mind. and he had been scheduled for this deposition. he decided he would not come in and sit for the deposition. he also said he would no longer comply with any further requests from the investigation. and so tonight, they unanimously voted to hold him in contempt. all nine members of the investigation. not only voted to hold him in contempt, they all spoke. they each did, individual remarks laying out why was so important to this investigation that they hear from mark meadows. also punctuated how gravely serious and unusual this decision it was tonight. this is the first time a former member of congress has been held in contempt since the 18th hundreds. so, even if tonight had just been just that, it would've been a big news story. but beyond that, the vice chair of the committee for that republican congresswoman liz cheney, made news in her remarks. as i said, mr. meadows did turn over thousands of pages of documents into the investigation already before he decided he was going to stop complying with their requests. the documents he handed over included lots of text messages. both sent by mr. meadows and received by mr. meadows. what congresswoman liz cheney did tonight was read out love some of the text messages that mark meadows, trump white house chief of staff received while the u.s. capital was under attack on january six. these are techs she said mark evidence that the white house knew exactly what was going on in realtime at the u.s. capitol on the six. listen to this, this is pretty stunning stuff. >> this vote on contempt today, relates principally to mr. meadows refusal to testify about techs misogyny and other communications that he admits are not privileged. he has not claimed and does not have any privileged basis to refuse entirely to testify regarding these topics. let me give just three examples. first, president trump's failure to stop the violence. on january six, our capital building was attacked and invaded. the mob was summoned to washington by president trump. and as many of those involved have admitted, on videotape and social media and in federal district court, they were provoked to violence by president trump's false claims that the election was stolen. the violence was evident to all. it was covered in realtime by almost every news channel. but for 187 minutes, president trump refused to act. when action by our president was required, essential and indeed, compelled by his oath to our constitution, mr. meadows received numerous text messages which he has produced without any privileged claim imploring that mr. trump take the specific action we all knew his duty required. these text messages leave no doubt. the white house knew exactly what was happening here at the capitol. members of congress, the press, and others wrote to mark meadows as the attack was underway. one techs mr. meadows received said, quote, we are under siege here at the capitol. another, quote, they have breached the capitol. and a third, mark, protesters are literally storming the capitol. breaking windows on doors. russian. what is trump going to say something? a fourth, there is an armed standoff at the chamber doors. and another from someone inside of the capitol. we are all helpless. dozens of text including from trump administration officials, urged immediate action by the president. quote, we he has to come off firmly and tell the protesters to dissipate. someone is going to get killed. in another, mark, he needs to stop this now. a third, in all caps, tell them to go home. a fourth, and i quote, he needs to calm this -- down. indeed, according to the records multiple fox news host knew the president needed to act immediately. they texted mr. meadows. and he has turned over those text. quote, mark, the president needs to tell people in the capital to go home. this is hurting all of us. he is destroying his legacy. laura ingraham wrote, we please, get him on tv. destroying everything you have accomplished. ryan kilometer texted. we quote, kenny make a statement ask people to leave the capital, sean hannity urged. as the violence continued. one of the president son, texted mr. meadows. quote, he's got to condemn this -- asap. the capitol police tweet is not enough. donald trump jr. texted. meadows responded, quote, i'm pushing it hard, i agree. still, president trump did not immediately act. donald trump jr. texted again and again. urging action by the president. quote, we need an oval office address. he has to lead now. it has gone too far. and gotten out of hand, and quote. but hours passed without necessary action by the president. these non privileged texts are further evidence of president trump's supreme dereliction of duty during those 187 minutes. >> the supreme dereliction of duty. a remarkable list of republican and conservative media figures who have later, of course, minimize the violence at the capitol and trump's responsibility for that violence. turns out, the day was happening, there techs show that they knew both that it was terrible and that trump could stop it if they wanted to. >> we have talked on the show quite a bit about how the justice department is prosecuting the rioters who attacked the capitol on january six. but as far as the people sent them there, the people who planned and encourage the week -- on the capitol. if you had him up there pressuring the vice president and republicans in congress, that could stop the certification of the election. the people actually came up with the scheme to try and dismantle the peaceful transition of power in this country. the justice department doesn't seem actively engaged on that front. they appear to be going after the writer themselves, only. but congresswoman liz cheney is making it clear tonight that the january six investigation is paying close attention to how this all happened. and specifically the question of whether or not, former president trump himself, could be criminally liable for what happened. this is part of what the investigation want to talk to mark meadows about. listen to this. >> mr. meadows testimony will bear on another key question before this committee. did donald trump through action or inaction, corruptly seek to obstruct or impede congress's official proceedings to count electoral votes. mr. meadows also has knowledge regarding president trump's efforts to persuade state officials to alter their official election results. in georgia, for instance, mr. meadows participated on a phone call between president trump and georgia secretary of state, raffensperger was. meadows was on the phone when president trump asked his secretary of state, quote, find 11,780 votes. to change the result of the presidential election in georgia. >> congresswoman cheney saying that the january six investigation is looking specifically at former president trump and whether he corruptly tried to alter the results of the election, whether he corruptly sought to obstruct or impede congress's official proceedings to count electoral votes. which of course, is a crime. mr. meadows is not the first person of the investigation to be recommended for contempt charges. you remember first it was trump advisor steve bannon. then it was justice department official named, jeff clark. who donald trump reportedly wanted to install as attorney general so that the u.s. justice department could help bring this effort to -- the overturn results of the election results. he says he intends to plead the fifth in the investigation. which of course, had us wondering, why he feels to need to plead the fifth. if you feel see maybe in some legal jeopardy here. some of what he was involved with was not only benedict arnold-esque, but also criminal. listen to what congresswoman liz cheney had to say about that. >> in the weeks before january six, president trump's appointee at the justice department, informed and repeatedly said, that the president's claims of election fraud were not supported by the evidence. and that the election was not in fact stone. president trump intended to appoint jeffrey clark as attorney general. in part, so that mr. clark could alter the department of justice's conclusion regarding the election. mr. clark has informed this committee that he anticipates potential criminal prosecution. this related to these matters. and intense, in upcoming testimonies, to invoked his fifth amendment privilege against self incrimination. as mr. meadows, non privileged techs revealed, meadows communicated multiple times with a member of congress he was working with mr. clark. mr. meadows has no basis to refused to testify regarding those communications. >> clark has informed the committee he anticipates potential criminal prosecution related to this matter. and meadows text reveals that he communicated multiple times with a member of congress who was working with jeff clark. so, we learned through meadows's production through the committee, that jeff clark was working with the seeding member of congress at the time. mark meadows documents show which member of congress that is that was working with jeff clark on the scheme for which mr. clark was so anticipating potential prosecution. so now we are getting down to brass techs here. this is news tonight from the january six investigation. news, not just that they are referring mark meadows for contempt, but what his production has revealed to them thus far. members of the committee did vote to unanimous vote in contempt. the full house is expected to hold tomorrow to hold meadows in contempt of congress. if they vote that way in the full house this matter will be referred to the u.s. attorney for the district of columbia, for possible production, and that is a very big deal. >> in terms of the timeline here, we should note that after the house voted in october that steve bannon should be referred for prosecution and it was about three weeks later the federal grand jury, in fact, handed down the indictment of bannon on those contempt. charges empt charge >> what the house will be voting on tomorrow will be an attempt to report the investigators prepared on mark meadows. in that report they laid out all the ways in which mark meadows has failed to comply with their subpoenas, all the reasons why he has to comply with their subpoenas. but also all the reasons why it was so important that the investigation need to talk to him and get access to his documents. they say, quote, the select committee season formation from mr. meadows related to his investigative responsibilities. the events involve a under salt on the capitol and the personnel and protecting it and an attack on the peaceful transfer of power. the counting of electoral college votes by congress is a component of that transfer of power that occurs every january six, following a presidential election. this event is part of a complex process, mediated through the free and fair elections jurisdiction throughout the country and through the statutory and constitutional processes set up to confirm and validate the results. in the case of the 2020 presidential election, the vote count occurred following a series of efforts in the proceeding weeks by trump and his supporters to challenge the legitimacy of, disrupt, delay, and overturn the election results. the upshot of the contempt report on mark meadows is that in those weeks preceding january 6th mark meadows was neck deep in those efforts, and that plot, to disrupt and to delay and ultimately overturn the election results. he's attempts to exert some kind of executive privilege claim, to say he can't talk to the committee or give them documents because his interactions with doctor mr. trump are protected, those are much undermined by, for one, the 9000 documents he already handed over to the investigation. he says he handed over those documents because they weren't privileged, but now he says he can't answer any questions about them because they are privileged? you already admitted they weren't. you have to answer questions about them. also, his privilege claims are undermined by the publication of his recent book, last week, which includes descriptions of and quotes from lots of conversations with mr. trump. you can't sell a book based on your conversations with the president and then claim you can't talk about those conversations about the president when subpoenaed to do so by the united states congress. , again it's either privileged or it's not. if you have already conceded it's not privileged by writing about it reboot and handing over 9000 documents, you can't, after the fact, then say those things are covered by privilege. but there is one point in the contempt report from mark meadows. one set of questions in the january 6th investigator said they need to ask meadows. questions i think deserve particular attention. that's about meadows interaction with sitting members of the house and senate. here's how those interactions were described in the contempt report. this is from the transcript of the deposition that meadows didn't show up to. he didn't show up, but the rest of the committee showed up and the lead counsel for the investigation laid out for the record all the questions they would have asked mark meadows had he bother to appear. quote, we would've asked mr. meadows about text messages sent to and from members of congress, gloomy text messages received from a member of congress in november of 2020 regarding efforts to contact state legislators, because, as mr. meadows indicated his text messages, quote, potus, meeting the president, wants to chat with them, and quote, which were. we will ask mr. meadows text messages sent to another member of congress in november 2020, in which the member of congress indicate that, quote, the president asked him to call arizona governor doug doocy, and quote, and in which mr. meadows asks for contact information for the attorney general of arizona to discuss allegations of election fraud. but we would ask mr. meadows about text messages sent to and received from members of the house of representatives and the senate about objections to the certification of electors in certain states on january 6th. we would've asked him about text messages sent to and received from a u.s. senator regarding the vice president's power to reject electors, including a text in which meadows recounts direct communication with president trump. according to mr. meadows and his text messages, quote, thinks the legislators, meaning the state legislators, have the power, but the vice president has power, as well, in quote. remember, the whole ball game here, the whole point, the whole goal of the plot leading up to january 6th was to try to get republican officials in the states to provide the means of overturning the election results, in just enough states so that trump could be declared the overall winner. they wanted republican officials in swing states that voted for biden to declare that there was fraud and the results in those states should therefore be considered invalid. they wanted republican legislators in those states to then send trump electors to congress instead of biden electors, which would have the effect of declaring trump's a winner in those k states. that's why trump's called to georgia secretary of state. that call was all about pressuring and bullying george's secretary of state into overturning biden's win in georgia. it's a crime to intimidate or attempt to influence election officials in conducting their official duties. trump is currently under criminal investigation by a state prosecutor in georgia for that call and for his other attempts to interfere with the conduct of the election in georgia, his other attempts to interfere with and to intimidate elections officials around the carrying out of their official duties. that investigation, we believe, includes mark meadows's personal visit to georgia, about ten days before that call pressuring this decorative area of state, a visit to georgia in which mark meadows personally showed up at the site of an ongoing audit of the results. white what is the white house chief of staff doing looming over an audit in this swing state? earlier this month we learned that one trump lawyer, john eastman, had personally called out the republican speaker of the house in arizona. legislative staff in arizona as, well pressuring them to go along with his plan in arizona for republican state legislators to overturn the legislation result. in the same day we learned that john eastman had personally participated in putting that pressure on officials in arizona, mr. eastman announced that he too would be pleading the fifth instead of cooperating with the congressional investigation. step back from this for a second. there is already a criminal investigation in georgia, pressuring or intimidating officials into messing with election results is a crime in georgia. it's also a crime in arizona. whether or not the federal justice department is ever going to investigate or prosecute anyone for this scheme, trying to interfere in a state elections, trying to induce officials to mess with the election results, pressuring officials to change the election results, that's a crime in every state in the country. and one of the things we should maybe start thinking about is whether these revelations that had been turned up by the investigation already, whether these revelations might potentially start state prosecutors looking at these things in other states just like they are looking at them in georgia. in many ways that would seem like the next logical step here. and it would be a big freaking deal, particularly if it involves members of congress, several of whom apparently were in discussions with white house chief of staff, mark meadows, about this let's turn to overturn the election plot. including facilitating communications about election responsibilities so they could be pressured by the trump white house, by members of congress, by trump lawyers, and others, into messing with the election results, which, again, is a crime. it's a crime if your president, it's a crime if you're the president's lawyer, it's a crime in for the presidents chief of staff, it's a crime if you are u.s. senator, it's a crime if you are a member of congress. it is a crime in every state in the country. it is also a federal clot crime, although the justice department appears to be not noticing that. georgia prosecutors are already looking at the commission of this crime in georgia. what we are learning is that there are multiple other states where state prosecutions appear to be possible. joining us next is the washington post reporter who has been on the story from the very beginning and who has been a one woman scoop machine in terms of reporting details of the january 6th investigation ahead of many of her colleagues. she joins us live here next. joins us live here next. ♪ ♪ ♪ downy's been taking you back, since way back. with freshness and softness you never forget. feel the difference with downy. ♪ ♪ no two dreams are the same. but there is one van equipped to handle them all. for over 120 years, mercedes-benz vans have been built, upfitted and ready to go. because we believe dreams - should never stay that way. when it comes to autism, finding the right words can be tough. finding understanding doesn't have to be. together, we can create a kinder, more inclusive world for the millions of people on the autism spectrum. go to small businesses like yours make gift-giving possible. now, comcast business has an exclusive gift for you. introducing the gift of savings sale. for a limited time, 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congressional staff. that is chair of the january 6th investigation, bennie thompson, speaking with nbc's lee and cold well tonight. that is right after chairman voted unanimously that trump white house chief of staff, mark meadows, should be held in contempt for refusing to cooperate with the investigation. this is the first time, i believe, i think it's the first time a former member of congress has been held in criminal contempt. or has been held in contempt of congress since the 19th century. joining us now is one jacqueline alemany, she's a political way -- she has been all over the story and what has turned up so far. miss roy jacqueline alemany thank you for being here, i appreciate your time. >> thank you for having me rachel. >> so tell me what you make of these references to members of congress. some of this struck me as news tonight. they have described to being in communication with the white house chief of staff, basically about several parts of the plot. one described us working with jeff clark at the justice department. on his part of the scheme, another described as telling mr. meadows, he was sorry that january six didn't work out. this does seem like new information about the involvement of congress. is that true? well >> that is exactly right. it was a blockbuster night for the house select committee investigating the january 6th insurrection. and i think that two things really stood out to me that were notable. one, mark meadows is clearly at the center and the heart of this investigation. he is someone who was their first hand in those hours from 1 pm to 4 pm in the white house with president trump as a first person why count. and has already provided, almost, now 1000 pages worth of information to the committee. at which they presented some of those findings, little bits, pieces tonight. and second, the role the lawmakers play. and we have known all along that certain members were in touch with president trump at that they were also involved in the outside efforts to overturn the results of the election. we don't know exactly who and we still don't know to the extent of which they were involved. but today, i think it showed that these members were right in president trump's ear. they were texting in realtime with mark meadows and actually trying to implement some of the various conspiracy theories. and proposals to overturn or at least delay the certification of the 2020 election. >> part of the reason that seems like such a blockbuster news is that it does feel well that over the past couple of weeks the investigation is not only talking about getting to the bottom of would have been and telling the american public the full truth would have been. they are talking about crimes. i am just looking at liz cheney's remarks tonight. did donald trump direction, or inaction, corrupt will and seek to impede congress's official proceedings? well that is not something that you want to find out the idle curiosity or correct historical record. she is using language that they are discovering crimes. and she is talking explicitly about crimes, alleged crimes, by the former president. she raised the prospect that some members and witnesses of the investigation who have been asserting their fifth amendment rights against incriminating rights, is because they are anticipating criminal prosecution. and in describing members of congress is having taking part of those parts of the scheme that are potentially criminal. it seems like they have opened one a whole new kind of warms here we're in terms of potential criminal liability, not just for the officials, but currently serving members. >> yes. and you've already seen some people actually being prosecuted for real crimes. i think we forget that because, at this point, it is mark meadows who was the third person to be held in criminal contempt in this investigation. but that is not a line as one gop lawyer said to me that you want in the first sentence of your obituary. and that is exactly what is happening to steve bannon, and now potentially jeffrey clark and mark meadows. it is a serious charge and the committee is revealing new pieces of potentially incriminating information with every deposition, interview and document they receive. well and we still have yet to uncover what the president might be criminally liable for in those hours. and that is why you see the committee focused on mark meadows and what exactly he was doing when he was communicating with one -- and we are seeing this new conspiracy theories that he was actively can serious-ing, and peddling, quite frankly to the lawmakers we asked lawmakers after the hearing who these lawmakers are exactly. we do not know yet. of course, we do know people like congressman jim jordan, who is very close to mark meadows, was on the phone with former president trump on january six. there are a few others who have also confirmed that they were in communications. but to the extent that they were involved with the planning, the legal conspiracy potentially around the january six insurrection, that still remains unknown. it is amazing how much we still do not know about this day earlier this year. >> well jacqueline alemany, political reporter for the washington post, thank you very much. as you say, sort of a blockbuster night for this committee and i have a feeling it is going to be pretty intense next few days in response to some of these revelations. well jacqueline alemany, thank you very much. >> thanks rachel. >> we have much more ahead tonight, stay with us. ght, stay with us. superpowers from a spider bite? i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance so they only pay for what they need. 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that filibuster rule? so at least they can pass voting rights if nothing else. we have been looking at that issue and that question and those headlines all year long. and the answer all year long has been no. no. they won't do it, they can't do it. conservative democratic senator like joe manchin of west virginia, and kirsten sinema of arizona, keep seeing how much they love voting rights. they revere voting rights. they are really willing to fight for voting rights. but it would be so terrible to change the 60 vote rule. to change the filibuster. well to carve anything out from that precious rule that sorry voting rights we just have to keep. we just have to let republicans strip voting rights, nation wide and among partisan takeover all over the country. we have to let them do it. we have to let them absolutely kneecap our democracy. because, any change to the 60 vote, rule any change to the filibuster, will that would be the real catastrophe for the country. that would be way worse than letting our democracy into office -- sorely down the toilet. that is what we've been hearing. that is where we have been stuck all year. changing the filibuster at all. even for one bill, for one topic, that would be such a disaster. the 60 vote must be kept in place. okay, here's my question. tomorrow, tuesday, the united states senate is going to vote to raise the debt ceiling. the world's most boring thing. right? this has to happen every now and again, and it is important, if you don't do, it if you let the u.s. have the debt ceiling, we default on the loans that we have taken out. our credit rating goes down. across these billions of dollars for no good reason. if you don't raise the debt ceiling, if you don't pass it when it comes up from time to time, it's just a huge stupid inflicted economical. and so they're going to pass the debt ceiling through the united states senate tomorrow. how are they going to pass it through the united states senate? they are going to pass it with 50 votes from the democratic senators. 50 votes because the. republicans don't want to have to vote to raise the debt ceiling. they wanted to be just the democrats who are on the hook for that. and so, both sides agreed. when they take that vote in the debt ceiling tomorrow, it is only going to take a majority vote. not 60 votes, 50 votes will be fine. they decided, they'd agreed that for raising the debt ceiling tomorrow, there needs to be an exception from the filibuster. an exception for passing the debt ceiling tomorrow. so republicans can make democrats vote to pass it, and republicans won't have to vote for it to. tell me again, how the filibuster is totally sacrosanct and it must never be changed. and it must never have exceptions or the senate will explode and the sky will fall and that will be the end of the country. they are passing the debt ceiling thing tomorrow because they gave it a special exception from the filibuster. and, a week and a half ago, they did it another time. they agreed to another exception to the filibuster. grandstanding republican, mike lee of utah, wanted to vote on what they call a messaging amendment, last week. they wanted to vote on that so bad that they agreed to make an exception to the filibuster. to that random thing mike lee wanted to pass. they agreed there would be an exception from the 60 vote rule. an exception from the filibuster for that amendment. it would just be a majority vote. mike lease amendment still failed, even with the 50 vote trash old. but that meets twice in the past two weeks, the united states senate has agreed to carve out exceptions to the filibuster for specific votes. once on the pointless amendment that didn't pass anyway, and wants to raise the debt ceiling, that vote is tomorrow. >> how is it that we have spent a year of carpet bombing beltway press coverage about how the democrats can't overcome this filibuster hurdle, how the filibuster rule is totally insurmountable, and it feel means that president biden's agenda can get past, nothing can get passed, sorry, the filibuster is just absolutely stuck where it is, no exceptions. how is it that we have had a year of carpet bombing beltway press coverage about how senators like joe manchin and kyrsten sinema are fundamentalists on this issue? how they are dead set against any changes to the filibuster for any purpose? well, over the last two weeks neither of them peeped. neither of them had any problem whatsoever with not one but two exceptions to the filibuster rule that have slid through the senate. without anyone minding one bit. the senate did not fall apart. the sky do not fall. nobody even complained. it turns out the united states senate can carve out exceptions to the filibuster for individual votes. they will do it happily tomorrow to pass the debt ceiling. i swear. even though you haven't heard beep about it. the people hunger striking for voting rights around this country? the people marching, getting arrested, doing civil disobedience, demonstrating, pleading desperately for the protection of voting rights all over this country? you have been told that we can't have voting rights protections because they won't make any exceptions to the filibuster rule. we have been told that all year long. that has changed. they are not making these exceptions to the filibuster rule, happily. so what's next? that's next. stay with us. stay with us hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ it only takes a second for an everyday item to become dangerous. tide pods child-guard pack helps keep your laundry pacs in a safe place and your child safer. to close, twist until it clicks. tide pods child-guard packaging. are you taking a statin drug to reduce cholesterol? it can also deplete your coq10 levels. i recommend considering qunol coq10 along with your statin medication. the brand i trust is qunol. there's a different way to treat hiv. it's once-monthly injectable cabenuva. cabenuva is the only once-a-month, complete hiv treatment for adults who are undetectable. cabenuva helps keep me undetectable. it's two injections, given by a healthcare provider once a month. hiv pills aren't on my mind. i love being able to pick up and go. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions, liver problems,...and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. with once-a-month cabenuva, i'm good to go. ask your doctor about once-monthly cabenuva. ♪ i'm a reporter for the new york times. if you just hold it like this. yeah. ♪ i love finding out things that other people don't want me to know. mm-hmm. [beep] i just wanted to say... ♪ find yourself in these situations and see who you are. and that's just part of the bargain. ♪ >> usa today just published this surprising editorial. you see the headline, democracy in the balance, revise senate filibusters to protect elections and voting. right this is the oldest royal board of one of the highest circulating papers in the country, dedicating's editorial to why they think the filibuster needs to be changed to allow for a majority vote protect voting rights right now. quote, our view, america is facing a take no prisoner's assault on fair elections that can be defeated by elements of the freedom to vote act pending before congress. what is interesting here is that the editorial board got out of the way to say that they have never previously been in favor of setting aside the filibuster for any reason until now. they explain that they believe we are now in, quote, extreme circumstances. our nation now faces such a circumstance with democracy itself in the balance and the law to protect our democracy possible only if something is done about the filibuster. this news rising from usa today, today, at the same time that the senate has very quietly just carved out to new exceptions for the filibuster for individual pieces of legislation over the last couple of weeks, exceptions to the filibuster, the exact thing they said was impossible to do in order to get voting rights legislation passed. joining us now is as a 11, founder of indivisible, mr. 11, very good to see you, thanks for making time. >> so, as former congressional staffer and somebody who has been working for the last five years really hard to try to get progressive priorities passed in washington, i have to ask you if i'm wrong about. this i'm looking at this recent action in the senate. if i'm wrong to see that as sort of this happening now, the prospects for reforming the filibuster, carving something out for the filibuster for passing voting, to me they seem real now. >> no, you are exactly right. this is great news, rachel, for everybody, saying that oh the filibuster is always going to be exactly what it is right now, as much as we have been telling them that no, there have been dozens of changes to the filibuster or over the last several years and it was happening right in front of us. the congress have change the filibuster twice. mitch mcconnell agreed to changes to the filibuster owner under donald trump to expedite's nominees and appoint new supreme court justices. that's how trump got three supreme court justices and we see it right now. they're able to change the filibuster to what they want to, so if it's good enough for donald trump to the point the new supreme court justices, if it's good enough for a green light for an escapade from a senator to offer -- a that's doomed. if it's good enough to prevent the global economy from crashing, isn't it good enough to change the filibuster protector democracy? that's the argument we ought to be making right now. >> ezra, i'm struck by the fact that the media, by and large, has ignored this, even if they have done a lot of reporting on the filibuster in the seaming stalemate over the filibuster all year long. i'm also struck by the fact that democrats have been, democratic senators have been very quiet about this. i wonder if you see that as avoiding strategic implications of this, or are they playing chest here, where they are trying to keep this low profile thing while also working behind the scenes to use this to get voting rights done? . >> i think, i don't know what game they're playing but i think it's dangerous to get too much into seven unmentionable chest about what people are playing. we're playing checkers. we want them to represent us. we want them to pass this change. we want them to pass voting rights reform. do we have tools at our disposal? this is a mass from watching from the sidelines hoping joe manchin comes to the right decision or kyrsten cements intimate as or any other democrat as. we can push them. in fact for, about 60 or 70 years senate immigrants have been meeting every tuesday for a lunch discussion, every single tuesday. that is happening tomorrow. what did you discuss in those lunch meetings? they discuss the business of the day. they discuss the debt ceiling. they discuss the build back better agenda. they could be discussing filibuster reports. if you're sitting there watching this and you say wish i my senator was there, give him a call tomorrow morning. say hey, i wish you would bring up filibuster report reform in the tuesday lunch that's happening. colin before the meeting, ask him to bring it up, and then call them next tuesday, and say hey did you bring it up? i want to read out. go to invisible dot org or call them directly. make sure that they are fighting for this. >> ezra levin, cofounder of indivisible, this is a great point that you're bringing us now. much appreciated. all right, we'll be right back, stay with us. stay with us that will never work! if it works on nfl jerseys it'll work for you. seriously! just perfect! and it'll save up to $150 a year. and it's cold! so you will turn to cold? fine! i'll turn to cold! that guy needs to chill out! this was a cold call! this is the sound of nature breathing. and this is the sound of better breathing. fasenra is a different kind of asthma medication. it's not a steroid or inhaler. fasenra is an add-on treatment for asthma driven by eosinophils. it's one maintenance dose every 8 weeks. it helps prevent asthma attacks, improve breathing, and lower use of oral steroids. nearly 7 out of 10 adults with asthma may have elevated eosinophils. fasenra is designed to target and remove them. fasenra is not a rescue medication or for other eosinophilic conditions. fasenra may cause allergic reactions. get help right away if you have swelling of your face, mouth, and tongue, or trouble breathing. don't stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. this is the sound of fasenra. ask your doctor about fasenra. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list event. [ coughing and sneezing ] experience the power cold season is back. bounce back fast with alka seltzer plus. with 25% more concentrated power. alka-seltzer plus. ♪ oh, what a relief it is ♪ so fast! also try for cough, mucus & congestion. one last piece of late breaking - san francisco can have criminal justice reform and public safety. but district attorney chesa boudin is failing on both. - the safety of san francisco is dependent upon chesa being recalled as soon as possible. - i didn't support the newsom recall but this is different. - chesa takes a very radical perspective and approach to criminal justice reform, which is having a negative impact on communities of color. - i never in a million years thought that my son, let alone any six-year-old, would be gunned down in the streets of san francisco and not get any justice. - chesa's failure has resulted in increase in crime against asian americans. - the da's office is in complete turmoil at this point. - for chesa boudin to intervene in so many cases is both bad management and dangerous for the city of san francisco. - we are for criminal justice reform. chesa's not it. recall chesa boudin now. news, before we go. congress have just added a big piece of business to their calendar for tomorrow. at 90, and the rules committee, in the house is going to meet to take up this resolution recommending that trump white house chief of staff, mark meadows, be held in contempt. this was added to that committee's calendar late tonight. shortly after the january six investigation voted unanimously to make that contempt referral. so the rules committee will hear that a nine, o'clock in the morning. once that resolution clears that committee then sometime tomorrow, the full house of representatives will vote on whether to refer mark meadows to the u.s. justice department for potential criminal prosecution. the last time the house did this. it took the justice department about three weeks to file a criminal indictment for steve bannon. but those wheels will be put in motion for a trump white house chief of staff, mark meadows tomorrow morning. starting at 9 am. that is going to do it for us tonight. what a night in the news. see you again tomorrow, presumably it will be another one then. now it's time for the last word with lawrence o'donnell. good evening lawrence. >> good evening rachel,. we have mary trump joining us tonight. my first question to her. she will have time to think about this, is why was your cousin, donald junior, texting mark meadows instead of calling his dead on january six. what was going on with that relationship? >> admitted, when you are listening to liz cheney give that -- all the things from the fox news, their eyes were -- . but the part about don jr., does he not have is that phone number? is that possible? that he's not allowed to speak

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, Amendment , Messaging , Grandstanding , Utah , Mike Lease Amendment , Trash , Filibuster Rule , Carpet Bombing Beltway Press , Filibuster Hurdle , Didn T Pass Anyway , Agenda , Nothing , Changes , Purpose , Fundamentalists , Kyrsten Sinema , Them Peeped , Nobody , Haven T , Beep , Hunger Striking , Protection , Doing Civil Disobedience , Voting Rights Protections , Stay , Google , Safer , Child , Packaging , Item , Twist , Pack , Laundry Pacs , Statin Medication , Brand , Statin Drug , Cholesterol , Levels , Qunol , Qunol Coq10 , Injectable Cabenuva , Hiv Treatment , Me Undetectable , Hiv Pills Aren T On My Mind , Injections , Ingredients , Healthcare Provider , Reactions , Reaction , Mental Health Concerns , Depression , Symptoms , Treatment Appointments , Injection Site Reactions , Pregnancy , Tiredness , Fever , New York Times , Usa Today , Situations , Bargain , Editorial , Balance , Headline , Filibusters , Board , Papers , View , Editorial Board , Prisoner , Assault , Elements , Freedom , Favor , Setting , Circumstance , Law , Extreme Circumstances , Voting Rights Legislation , Founder , Thanks , Order , Indivisible , 11 , Staffer , Somebody , Priorities , Five , Prospects , Passing Voting , Carving , Sort , No , Supreme Court Justices , Filibuster Owner , Nominees , Mitch Mcconnell , Enough , Supreme Court , Justices , Light , Escapade , Point The New Supreme Court , Filibuster Protector Democracy , Economy , Offer , Crashing , Argument , Seaming Stalemate , Lot , Ezra Levin , Chest , Implications , Profile , Game , Scenes , Playing , Seven , Sidelines , Mass , Checkers , Disposal , Tools , Voting Rights Reform , Lunch Meetings , Build , Lunch Discussion , Immigrants , Single , Filibuster Reports , Filibuster Report Reform , Lunch , Colin , Meeting , Fighting , Go To Invisible Dot Org , Right , Back , Cofounder Of Indivisible , Jerseys , Nfl , 150 , Fine , Guy , Sound , Nature Breathing , Fasenra , Asthma , Breathing , Eosinophils , Asthma Medication , Add On Treatment , Steroid , Inhaler , Maintenance Dose , 8 , Rescue Medication , Asthma Attacks , Steroids , Use , 10 , 7 , Conditions , Tongue , Mouth , Trouble , Face , Swelling , Infection , Sore Throat , Wish List Event , Power Cold Season , Bounce Back , Coughing , Sanctuary , Sneezing , Alka Seltzer Plus , Lincoln , 25 , Reform , Chesa Boudin , Congestion , Both , Public Safety , Cough , Relief , Mucus , San Francisco , Being , Perspective , Safety , Didn T Support The Newsom , Communities , Impact , Color , Streets Of San Francisco , A Million , Management , Cases , Da S Office , Turmoil , Increase , Asian Americans , Recall , Resolution , Calendar , In The House , Piece , 90 , Contempt Referral , Wheels , Motion , 9 , Mary Trump , Word , Lawrence , Lawrence O Donnell , Relationship , Listening , Phone Number ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC The Rachel Maddow Show 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC The Rachel Maddow Show 20240709

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arkansas, illinois, missouri and tennessee. but even just in kentucky, it is deeply worrying that beyond the dozens of people known to have been killed already. there are more than 100 other people who have just not been accounted for since the storms hit. more than 100, again, unaccounted for. and this is night three in the cold in the dark searching. president biden will be traveling to kentucky on wednesday. we have eyes on law enforcement, on the governor's office overnight tonight as the rescue and recovery efforts continue. but this is stretching into the part of the rescue window where things start to get very dire. we've got eyes on that tonight, we will let you know more as we learn more over the course of this hour. what we're gonna start tonight is with some breaking news from washington. tonight, the january six investigation has voted to hold trump white house chief of staff, mark meadows in contempt. the committee holding him in contempt tonight means that tomorrow it will be the full house of representatives to refer him to the u.s. justice department for federal, criminal prosecution for contempt. that will be the justice department independent decision but the house will decide tomorrow to make that referral of him for potential prosecution. we're mark meadows is a special case here. white house chief of staff is a big deal. it's a high ranking official, very close to the president threw out the incident in washington. that said, he is one of nearly 300 people. 300 witnesses who have been called by the investigation thus far and asked to provide documents and testimonies. and additionally, mr. meadows seemed like he was going to comply. last month, he was going to turn over thousands of pages, emails, and documents to the investigation. apparently something like 9000 pages of documents and pages that would help shed light on the attack of the capital and the overall attempt to keep trump in power after he lost reelection by forcing the results of the election to be reversed. meadows started off providing documents by the thousands. but then last week, a day before he was scheduled to give testimony, about those documents that he turned over, mr. meadows apparently changed his mind. and he had been scheduled for this deposition. he decided he would not come in and sit for the deposition. he also said he would no longer comply with any further requests from the investigation. and so tonight, they unanimously voted to hold him in contempt. all nine members of the investigation. not only voted to hold him in contempt, they all spoke. they each did, individual remarks laying out why was so important to this investigation that they hear from mark meadows. also punctuated how gravely serious and unusual this decision it was tonight. this is the first time a former member of congress has been held in contempt since the 18th hundreds. so, even if tonight had just been just that, it would've been a big news story. but beyond that, the vice chair of the committee for that republican congresswoman liz cheney, made news in her remarks. as i said, mr. meadows did turn over thousands of pages of documents into the investigation already before he decided he was going to stop complying with their requests. the documents he handed over included lots of text messages. both sent by mr. meadows and received by mr. meadows. what congresswoman liz cheney did tonight was read out love some of the text messages that mark meadows, trump white house chief of staff received while the u.s. capital was under attack on january six. these are techs she said mark evidence that the white house knew exactly what was going on in realtime at the u.s. capitol on the six. listen to this, this is pretty stunning stuff. >> this vote on contempt today, relates principally to mr. meadows refusal to testify about techs misogyny and other communications that he admits are not privileged. he has not claimed and does not have any privileged basis to refuse entirely to testify regarding these topics. let me give just three examples. first, president trump's failure to stop the violence. on january six, our capital building was attacked and invaded. the mob was summoned to washington by president trump. and as many of those involved have admitted, on videotape and social media and in federal district court, they were provoked to violence by president trump's false claims that the election was stolen. the violence was evident to all. it was covered in realtime by almost every news channel. but for 187 minutes, president trump refused to act. when action by our president was required, essential and indeed, compelled by his oath to our constitution, mr. meadows received numerous text messages which he has produced without any privileged claim imploring that mr. trump take the specific action we all knew his duty required. these text messages leave no doubt. the white house knew exactly what was happening here at the capitol. members of congress, the press, and others wrote to mark meadows as the attack was underway. one techs mr. meadows received said, quote, we are under siege here at the capitol. another, quote, they have breached the capitol. and a third, mark, protesters are literally storming the capitol. breaking windows on doors. russian. what is trump going to say something? a fourth, there is an armed standoff at the chamber doors. and another from someone inside of the capitol. we are all helpless. dozens of text including from trump administration officials, urged immediate action by the president. quote, we he has to come off firmly and tell the protesters to dissipate. someone is going to get killed. in another, mark, he needs to stop this now. a third, in all caps, tell them to go home. a fourth, and i quote, he needs to calm this -- down. indeed, according to the records multiple fox news host knew the president needed to act immediately. they texted mr. meadows. and he has turned over those text. quote, mark, the president needs to tell people in the capital to go home. this is hurting all of us. he is destroying his legacy. laura ingraham wrote, we please, get him on tv. destroying everything you have accomplished. ryan kilometer texted. we quote, kenny make a statement ask people to leave the capital, sean hannity urged. as the violence continued. one of the president son, texted mr. meadows. quote, he's got to condemn this -- asap. the capitol police tweet is not enough. donald trump jr. texted. meadows responded, quote, i'm pushing it hard, i agree. still, president trump did not immediately act. donald trump jr. texted again and again. urging action by the president. quote, we need an oval office address. he has to lead now. it has gone too far. and gotten out of hand, and quote. but hours passed without necessary action by the president. these non privileged texts are further evidence of president trump's supreme dereliction of duty during those 187 minutes. >> the supreme dereliction of duty. a remarkable list of republican and conservative media figures who have later, of course, minimize the violence at the capitol and trump's responsibility for that violence. turns out, the day was happening, there techs show that they knew both that it was terrible and that trump could stop it if they wanted to. >> we have talked on the show quite a bit about how the justice department is prosecuting the rioters who attacked the capitol on january six. but as far as the people sent them there, the people who planned and encourage the week -- on the capitol. if you had him up there pressuring the vice president and republicans in congress, that could stop the certification of the election. the people actually came up with the scheme to try and dismantle the peaceful transition of power in this country. the justice department doesn't seem actively engaged on that front. they appear to be going after the writer themselves, only. but congresswoman liz cheney is making it clear tonight that the january six investigation is paying close attention to how this all happened. and specifically the question of whether or not, former president trump himself, could be criminally liable for what happened. this is part of what the investigation want to talk to mark meadows about. listen to this. >> mr. meadows testimony will bear on another key question before this committee. did donald trump through action or inaction, corruptly seek to obstruct or impede congress's official proceedings to count electoral votes. mr. meadows also has knowledge regarding president trump's efforts to persuade state officials to alter their official election results. in georgia, for instance, mr. meadows participated on a phone call between president trump and georgia secretary of state, raffensperger was. meadows was on the phone when president trump asked his secretary of state, quote, find 11,780 votes. to change the result of the presidential election in georgia. >> congresswoman cheney saying that the january six investigation is looking specifically at former president trump and whether he corruptly tried to alter the results of the election, whether he corruptly sought to obstruct or impede congress's official proceedings to count electoral votes. which of course, is a crime. mr. meadows is not the first person of the investigation to be recommended for contempt charges. you remember first it was trump advisor steve bannon. then it was justice department official named, jeff clark. who donald trump reportedly wanted to install as attorney general so that the u.s. justice department could help bring this effort to -- the overturn results of the election results. he says he intends to plead the fifth in the investigation. which of course, had us wondering, why he feels to need to plead the fifth. if you feel see maybe in some legal jeopardy here. some of what he was involved with was not only benedict arnold-esque, but also criminal. listen to what congresswoman liz cheney had to say about that. >> in the weeks before january six, president trump's appointee at the justice department, informed and repeatedly said, that the president's claims of election fraud were not supported by the evidence. and that the election was not in fact stone. president trump intended to appoint jeffrey clark as attorney general. in part, so that mr. clark could alter the department of justice's conclusion regarding the election. mr. clark has informed this committee that he anticipates potential criminal prosecution. this related to these matters. and intense, in upcoming testimonies, to invoked his fifth amendment privilege against self incrimination. as mr. meadows, non privileged techs revealed, meadows communicated multiple times with a member of congress he was working with mr. clark. mr. meadows has no basis to refused to testify regarding those communications. >> clark has informed the committee he anticipates potential criminal prosecution related to this matter. and meadows text reveals that he communicated multiple times with a member of congress who was working with jeff clark. so, we learned through meadows's production through the committee, that jeff clark was working with the seeding member of congress at the time. mark meadows documents show which member of congress that is that was working with jeff clark on the scheme for which mr. clark was so anticipating potential prosecution. so now we are getting down to brass techs here. this is news tonight from the january six investigation. news, not just that they are referring mark meadows for contempt, but what his production has revealed to them thus far. members of the committee did vote to unanimous vote in contempt. the full house is expected to hold tomorrow to hold meadows in contempt of congress. if they vote that way in the full house this matter will be referred to the u.s. attorney for the district of columbia, for possible production, and that is a very big deal. >> in terms of the timeline here, we should note that after the house voted in october that steve bannon should be referred for prosecution and it was about three weeks later the federal grand jury, in fact, handed down the indictment of bannon on those contempt. charges empt charge >> what the house will be voting on tomorrow will be an attempt to report the investigators prepared on mark meadows. in that report they laid out all the ways in which mark meadows has failed to comply with their subpoenas, all the reasons why he has to comply with their subpoenas. but also all the reasons why it was so important that the investigation need to talk to him and get access to his documents. they say, quote, the select committee season formation from mr. meadows related to his investigative responsibilities. the events involve a under salt on the capitol and the personnel and protecting it and an attack on the peaceful transfer of power. the counting of electoral college votes by congress is a component of that transfer of power that occurs every january six, following a presidential election. this event is part of a complex process, mediated through the free and fair elections jurisdiction throughout the country and through the statutory and constitutional processes set up to confirm and validate the results. in the case of the 2020 presidential election, the vote count occurred following a series of efforts in the proceeding weeks by trump and his supporters to challenge the legitimacy of, disrupt, delay, and overturn the election results. the upshot of the contempt report on mark meadows is that in those weeks preceding january 6th mark meadows was neck deep in those efforts, and that plot, to disrupt and to delay and ultimately overturn the election results. he's attempts to exert some kind of executive privilege claim, to say he can't talk to the committee or give them documents because his interactions with doctor mr. trump are protected, those are much undermined by, for one, the 9000 documents he already handed over to the investigation. he says he handed over those documents because they weren't privileged, but now he says he can't answer any questions about them because they are privileged? you already admitted they weren't. you have to answer questions about them. also, his privilege claims are undermined by the publication of his recent book, last week, which includes descriptions of and quotes from lots of conversations with mr. trump. you can't sell a book based on your conversations with the president and then claim you can't talk about those conversations about the president when subpoenaed to do so by the united states congress. , again it's either privileged or it's not. if you have already conceded it's not privileged by writing about it reboot and handing over 9000 documents, you can't, after the fact, then say those things are covered by privilege. but there is one point in the contempt report from mark meadows. one set of questions in the january 6th investigator said they need to ask meadows. questions i think deserve particular attention. that's about meadows interaction with sitting members of the house and senate. here's how those interactions were described in the contempt report. this is from the transcript of the deposition that meadows didn't show up to. he didn't show up, but the rest of the committee showed up and the lead counsel for the investigation laid out for the record all the questions they would have asked mark meadows had he bother to appear. quote, we would've asked mr. meadows about text messages sent to and from members of congress, gloomy text messages received from a member of congress in november of 2020 regarding efforts to contact state legislators, because, as mr. meadows indicated his text messages, quote, potus, meeting the president, wants to chat with them, and quote, which were. we will ask mr. meadows text messages sent to another member of congress in november 2020, in which the member of congress indicate that, quote, the president asked him to call arizona governor doug doocy, and quote, and in which mr. meadows asks for contact information for the attorney general of arizona to discuss allegations of election fraud. but we would ask mr. meadows about text messages sent to and received from members of the house of representatives and the senate about objections to the certification of electors in certain states on january 6th. we would've asked him about text messages sent to and received from a u.s. senator regarding the vice president's power to reject electors, including a text in which meadows recounts direct communication with president trump. according to mr. meadows and his text messages, quote, thinks the legislators, meaning the state legislators, have the power, but the vice president has power, as well, in quote. remember, the whole ball game here, the whole point, the whole goal of the plot leading up to january 6th was to try to get republican officials in the states to provide the means of overturning the election results, in just enough states so that trump could be declared the overall winner. they wanted republican officials in swing states that voted for biden to declare that there was fraud and the results in those states should therefore be considered invalid. they wanted republican legislators in those states to then send trump electors to congress instead of biden electors, which would have the effect of declaring trump's a winner in those k states. that's why trump's called to georgia secretary of state. that call was all about pressuring and bullying george's secretary of state into overturning biden's win in georgia. it's a crime to intimidate or attempt to influence election officials in conducting their official duties. trump is currently under criminal investigation by a state prosecutor in georgia for that call and for his other attempts to interfere with the conduct of the election in georgia, his other attempts to interfere with and to intimidate elections officials around the carrying out of their official duties. that investigation, we believe, includes mark meadows's personal visit to georgia, about ten days before that call pressuring this decorative area of state, a visit to georgia in which mark meadows personally showed up at the site of an ongoing audit of the results. white what is the white house chief of staff doing looming over an audit in this swing state? earlier this month we learned that one trump lawyer, john eastman, had personally called out the republican speaker of the house in arizona. legislative staff in arizona as, well pressuring them to go along with his plan in arizona for republican state legislators to overturn the legislation result. in the same day we learned that john eastman had personally participated in putting that pressure on officials in arizona, mr. eastman announced that he too would be pleading the fifth instead of cooperating with the congressional investigation. step back from this for a second. there is already a criminal investigation in georgia, pressuring or intimidating officials into messing with election results is a crime in georgia. it's also a crime in arizona. whether or not the federal justice department is ever going to investigate or prosecute anyone for this scheme, trying to interfere in a state elections, trying to induce officials to mess with the election results, pressuring officials to change the election results, that's a crime in every state in the country. and one of the things we should maybe start thinking about is whether these revelations that had been turned up by the investigation already, whether these revelations might potentially start state prosecutors looking at these things in other states just like they are looking at them in georgia. in many ways that would seem like the next logical step here. and it would be a big freaking deal, particularly if it involves members of congress, several of whom apparently were in discussions with white house chief of staff, mark meadows, about this let's turn to overturn the election plot. including facilitating communications about election responsibilities so they could be pressured by the trump white house, by members of congress, by trump lawyers, and others, into messing with the election results, which, again, is a crime. it's a crime if your president, it's a crime if you're the president's lawyer, it's a crime in for the presidents chief of staff, it's a crime if you are u.s. senator, it's a crime if you are a member of congress. it is a crime in every state in the country. it is also a federal clot crime, although the justice department appears to be not noticing that. georgia prosecutors are already looking at the commission of this crime in georgia. what we are learning is that there are multiple other states where state prosecutions appear to be possible. joining us next is the washington post reporter who has been on the story from the very beginning and who has been a one woman scoop machine in terms of reporting details of the january 6th investigation ahead of many of her colleagues. she joins us live here next. joins us live here next. ♪ ♪ ♪ downy's been taking you back, since way back. with freshness and softness you never forget. feel the difference with downy. ♪ ♪ no two dreams are the same. but there is one van equipped to handle them all. for over 120 years, mercedes-benz vans have been built, upfitted and ready to go. because we believe dreams - should never stay that way. when it comes to autism, finding the right words can be tough. finding understanding doesn't have to be. together, we can create a kinder, more inclusive world for the millions of people on the autism spectrum. go to small businesses like yours make gift-giving possible. now, comcast business has an exclusive gift for you. introducing the gift of savings sale. for a limited time, 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congressional staff. that is chair of the january 6th investigation, bennie thompson, speaking with nbc's lee and cold well tonight. that is right after chairman voted unanimously that trump white house chief of staff, mark meadows, should be held in contempt for refusing to cooperate with the investigation. this is the first time, i believe, i think it's the first time a former member of congress has been held in criminal contempt. or has been held in contempt of congress since the 19th century. joining us now is one jacqueline alemany, she's a political way -- she has been all over the story and what has turned up so far. miss roy jacqueline alemany thank you for being here, i appreciate your time. >> thank you for having me rachel. >> so tell me what you make of these references to members of congress. some of this struck me as news tonight. they have described to being in communication with the white house chief of staff, basically about several parts of the plot. one described us working with jeff clark at the justice department. on his part of the scheme, another described as telling mr. meadows, he was sorry that january six didn't work out. this does seem like new information about the involvement of congress. is that true? well >> that is exactly right. it was a blockbuster night for the house select committee investigating the january 6th insurrection. and i think that two things really stood out to me that were notable. one, mark meadows is clearly at the center and the heart of this investigation. he is someone who was their first hand in those hours from 1 pm to 4 pm in the white house with president trump as a first person why count. and has already provided, almost, now 1000 pages worth of information to the committee. at which they presented some of those findings, little bits, pieces tonight. and second, the role the lawmakers play. and we have known all along that certain members were in touch with president trump at that they were also involved in the outside efforts to overturn the results of the election. we don't know exactly who and we still don't know to the extent of which they were involved. but today, i think it showed that these members were right in president trump's ear. they were texting in realtime with mark meadows and actually trying to implement some of the various conspiracy theories. and proposals to overturn or at least delay the certification of the 2020 election. >> part of the reason that seems like such a blockbuster news is that it does feel well that over the past couple of weeks the investigation is not only talking about getting to the bottom of would have been and telling the american public the full truth would have been. they are talking about crimes. i am just looking at liz cheney's remarks tonight. did donald trump direction, or inaction, corrupt will and seek to impede congress's official proceedings? well that is not something that you want to find out the idle curiosity or correct historical record. she is using language that they are discovering crimes. and she is talking explicitly about crimes, alleged crimes, by the former president. she raised the prospect that some members and witnesses of the investigation who have been asserting their fifth amendment rights against incriminating rights, is because they are anticipating criminal prosecution. and in describing members of congress is having taking part of those parts of the scheme that are potentially criminal. it seems like they have opened one a whole new kind of warms here we're in terms of potential criminal liability, not just for the officials, but currently serving members. >> yes. and you've already seen some people actually being prosecuted for real crimes. i think we forget that because, at this point, it is mark meadows who was the third person to be held in criminal contempt in this investigation. but that is not a line as one gop lawyer said to me that you want in the first sentence of your obituary. and that is exactly what is happening to steve bannon, and now potentially jeffrey clark and mark meadows. it is a serious charge and the committee is revealing new pieces of potentially incriminating information with every deposition, interview and document they receive. well and we still have yet to uncover what the president might be criminally liable for in those hours. and that is why you see the committee focused on mark meadows and what exactly he was doing when he was communicating with one -- and we are seeing this new conspiracy theories that he was actively can serious-ing, and peddling, quite frankly to the lawmakers we asked lawmakers after the hearing who these lawmakers are exactly. we do not know yet. of course, we do know people like congressman jim jordan, who is very close to mark meadows, was on the phone with former president trump on january six. there are a few others who have also confirmed that they were in communications. but to the extent that they were involved with the planning, the legal conspiracy potentially around the january six insurrection, that still remains unknown. it is amazing how much we still do not know about this day earlier this year. >> well jacqueline alemany, political reporter for the washington post, thank you very much. as you say, sort of a blockbuster night for this committee and i have a feeling it is going to be pretty intense next few days in response to some of these revelations. well jacqueline alemany, thank you very much. >> thanks rachel. >> we have much more ahead tonight, stay with us. ght, stay with us. superpowers from a spider bite? i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance so they only pay for what they need. 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that filibuster rule? so at least they can pass voting rights if nothing else. we have been looking at that issue and that question and those headlines all year long. and the answer all year long has been no. no. they won't do it, they can't do it. conservative democratic senator like joe manchin of west virginia, and kirsten sinema of arizona, keep seeing how much they love voting rights. they revere voting rights. they are really willing to fight for voting rights. but it would be so terrible to change the 60 vote rule. to change the filibuster. well to carve anything out from that precious rule that sorry voting rights we just have to keep. we just have to let republicans strip voting rights, nation wide and among partisan takeover all over the country. we have to let them do it. we have to let them absolutely kneecap our democracy. because, any change to the 60 vote, rule any change to the filibuster, will that would be the real catastrophe for the country. that would be way worse than letting our democracy into office -- sorely down the toilet. that is what we've been hearing. that is where we have been stuck all year. changing the filibuster at all. even for one bill, for one topic, that would be such a disaster. the 60 vote must be kept in place. okay, here's my question. tomorrow, tuesday, the united states senate is going to vote to raise the debt ceiling. the world's most boring thing. right? this has to happen every now and again, and it is important, if you don't do, it if you let the u.s. have the debt ceiling, we default on the loans that we have taken out. our credit rating goes down. across these billions of dollars for no good reason. if you don't raise the debt ceiling, if you don't pass it when it comes up from time to time, it's just a huge stupid inflicted economical. and so they're going to pass the debt ceiling through the united states senate tomorrow. how are they going to pass it through the united states senate? they are going to pass it with 50 votes from the democratic senators. 50 votes because the. republicans don't want to have to vote to raise the debt ceiling. they wanted to be just the democrats who are on the hook for that. and so, both sides agreed. when they take that vote in the debt ceiling tomorrow, it is only going to take a majority vote. not 60 votes, 50 votes will be fine. they decided, they'd agreed that for raising the debt ceiling tomorrow, there needs to be an exception from the filibuster. an exception for passing the debt ceiling tomorrow. so republicans can make democrats vote to pass it, and republicans won't have to vote for it to. tell me again, how the filibuster is totally sacrosanct and it must never be changed. and it must never have exceptions or the senate will explode and the sky will fall and that will be the end of the country. they are passing the debt ceiling thing tomorrow because they gave it a special exception from the filibuster. and, a week and a half ago, they did it another time. they agreed to another exception to the filibuster. grandstanding republican, mike lee of utah, wanted to vote on what they call a messaging amendment, last week. they wanted to vote on that so bad that they agreed to make an exception to the filibuster. to that random thing mike lee wanted to pass. they agreed there would be an exception from the 60 vote rule. an exception from the filibuster for that amendment. it would just be a majority vote. mike lease amendment still failed, even with the 50 vote trash old. but that meets twice in the past two weeks, the united states senate has agreed to carve out exceptions to the filibuster for specific votes. once on the pointless amendment that didn't pass anyway, and wants to raise the debt ceiling, that vote is tomorrow. >> how is it that we have spent a year of carpet bombing beltway press coverage about how the democrats can't overcome this filibuster hurdle, how the filibuster rule is totally insurmountable, and it feel means that president biden's agenda can get past, nothing can get passed, sorry, the filibuster is just absolutely stuck where it is, no exceptions. how is it that we have had a year of carpet bombing beltway press coverage about how senators like joe manchin and kyrsten sinema are fundamentalists on this issue? how they are dead set against any changes to the filibuster for any purpose? well, over the last two weeks neither of them peeped. neither of them had any problem whatsoever with not one but two exceptions to the filibuster rule that have slid through the senate. without anyone minding one bit. the senate did not fall apart. the sky do not fall. nobody even complained. it turns out the united states senate can carve out exceptions to the filibuster for individual votes. they will do it happily tomorrow to pass the debt ceiling. i swear. even though you haven't heard beep about it. the people hunger striking for voting rights around this country? the people marching, getting arrested, doing civil disobedience, demonstrating, pleading desperately for the protection of voting rights all over this country? you have been told that we can't have voting rights protections because they won't make any exceptions to the filibuster rule. we have been told that all year long. that has changed. they are not making these exceptions to the filibuster rule, happily. so what's next? that's next. stay with us. stay with us hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ it only takes a second for an everyday item to become dangerous. tide pods child-guard pack helps keep your laundry pacs in a safe place and your child safer. to close, twist until it clicks. tide pods child-guard packaging. are you taking a statin drug to reduce cholesterol? it can also deplete your coq10 levels. i recommend considering qunol coq10 along with your statin medication. the brand i trust is qunol. there's a different way to treat hiv. it's once-monthly injectable cabenuva. cabenuva is the only once-a-month, complete hiv treatment for adults who are undetectable. cabenuva helps keep me undetectable. it's two injections, given by a healthcare provider once a month. hiv pills aren't on my mind. i love being able to pick up and go. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions, liver problems,...and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. with once-a-month cabenuva, i'm good to go. ask your doctor about once-monthly cabenuva. ♪ i'm a reporter for the new york times. if you just hold it like this. yeah. ♪ i love finding out things that other people don't want me to know. mm-hmm. [beep] i just wanted to say... ♪ find yourself in these situations and see who you are. and that's just part of the bargain. ♪ >> usa today just published this surprising editorial. you see the headline, democracy in the balance, revise senate filibusters to protect elections and voting. right this is the oldest royal board of one of the highest circulating papers in the country, dedicating's editorial to why they think the filibuster needs to be changed to allow for a majority vote protect voting rights right now. quote, our view, america is facing a take no prisoner's assault on fair elections that can be defeated by elements of the freedom to vote act pending before congress. what is interesting here is that the editorial board got out of the way to say that they have never previously been in favor of setting aside the filibuster for any reason until now. they explain that they believe we are now in, quote, extreme circumstances. our nation now faces such a circumstance with democracy itself in the balance and the law to protect our democracy possible only if something is done about the filibuster. this news rising from usa today, today, at the same time that the senate has very quietly just carved out to new exceptions for the filibuster for individual pieces of legislation over the last couple of weeks, exceptions to the filibuster, the exact thing they said was impossible to do in order to get voting rights legislation passed. joining us now is as a 11, founder of indivisible, mr. 11, very good to see you, thanks for making time. >> so, as former congressional staffer and somebody who has been working for the last five years really hard to try to get progressive priorities passed in washington, i have to ask you if i'm wrong about. this i'm looking at this recent action in the senate. if i'm wrong to see that as sort of this happening now, the prospects for reforming the filibuster, carving something out for the filibuster for passing voting, to me they seem real now. >> no, you are exactly right. this is great news, rachel, for everybody, saying that oh the filibuster is always going to be exactly what it is right now, as much as we have been telling them that no, there have been dozens of changes to the filibuster or over the last several years and it was happening right in front of us. the congress have change the filibuster twice. mitch mcconnell agreed to changes to the filibuster owner under donald trump to expedite's nominees and appoint new supreme court justices. that's how trump got three supreme court justices and we see it right now. they're able to change the filibuster to what they want to, so if it's good enough for donald trump to the point the new supreme court justices, if it's good enough for a green light for an escapade from a senator to offer -- a that's doomed. if it's good enough to prevent the global economy from crashing, isn't it good enough to change the filibuster protector democracy? that's the argument we ought to be making right now. >> ezra, i'm struck by the fact that the media, by and large, has ignored this, even if they have done a lot of reporting on the filibuster in the seaming stalemate over the filibuster all year long. i'm also struck by the fact that democrats have been, democratic senators have been very quiet about this. i wonder if you see that as avoiding strategic implications of this, or are they playing chest here, where they are trying to keep this low profile thing while also working behind the scenes to use this to get voting rights done? . >> i think, i don't know what game they're playing but i think it's dangerous to get too much into seven unmentionable chest about what people are playing. we're playing checkers. we want them to represent us. we want them to pass this change. we want them to pass voting rights reform. do we have tools at our disposal? this is a mass from watching from the sidelines hoping joe manchin comes to the right decision or kyrsten cements intimate as or any other democrat as. we can push them. in fact for, about 60 or 70 years senate immigrants have been meeting every tuesday for a lunch discussion, every single tuesday. that is happening tomorrow. what did you discuss in those lunch meetings? they discuss the business of the day. they discuss the debt ceiling. they discuss the build back better agenda. they could be discussing filibuster reports. if you're sitting there watching this and you say wish i my senator was there, give him a call tomorrow morning. say hey, i wish you would bring up filibuster report reform in the tuesday lunch that's happening. colin before the meeting, ask him to bring it up, and then call them next tuesday, and say hey did you bring it up? i want to read out. go to invisible dot org or call them directly. make sure that they are fighting for this. >> ezra levin, cofounder of indivisible, this is a great point that you're bringing us now. much appreciated. all right, we'll be right back, stay with us. stay with us that will never work! if it works on nfl jerseys it'll work for you. seriously! just perfect! and it'll save up to $150 a year. and it's cold! so you will turn to cold? fine! i'll turn to cold! that guy needs to chill out! this was a cold call! this is the sound of nature breathing. and this is the sound of better breathing. fasenra is a different kind of asthma medication. it's not a steroid or inhaler. fasenra is an add-on treatment for asthma driven by eosinophils. it's one maintenance dose every 8 weeks. it helps prevent asthma attacks, improve breathing, and lower use of oral steroids. nearly 7 out of 10 adults with asthma may have elevated eosinophils. fasenra is designed to target and remove them. fasenra is not a rescue medication or for other eosinophilic conditions. fasenra may cause allergic reactions. get help right away if you have swelling of your face, mouth, and tongue, or trouble breathing. don't stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. this is the sound of fasenra. ask your doctor about fasenra. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list event. [ coughing and sneezing ] experience the power cold season is back. bounce back fast with alka seltzer plus. with 25% more concentrated power. alka-seltzer plus. ♪ oh, what a relief it is ♪ so fast! also try for cough, mucus & congestion. one last piece of late breaking - san francisco can have criminal justice reform and public safety. but district attorney chesa boudin is failing on both. - the safety of san francisco is dependent upon chesa being recalled as soon as possible. - i didn't support the newsom recall but this is different. - chesa takes a very radical perspective and approach to criminal justice reform, which is having a negative impact on communities of color. - i never in a million years thought that my son, let alone any six-year-old, would be gunned down in the streets of san francisco and not get any justice. - chesa's failure has resulted in increase in crime against asian americans. - the da's office is in complete turmoil at this point. - for chesa boudin to intervene in so many cases is both bad management and dangerous for the city of san francisco. - we are for criminal justice reform. chesa's not it. recall chesa boudin now. news, before we go. congress have just added a big piece of business to their calendar for tomorrow. at 90, and the rules committee, in the house is going to meet to take up this resolution recommending that trump white house chief of staff, mark meadows, be held in contempt. this was added to that committee's calendar late tonight. shortly after the january six investigation voted unanimously to make that contempt referral. so the rules committee will hear that a nine, o'clock in the morning. once that resolution clears that committee then sometime tomorrow, the full house of representatives will vote on whether to refer mark meadows to the u.s. justice department for potential criminal prosecution. the last time the house did this. it took the justice department about three weeks to file a criminal indictment for steve bannon. but those wheels will be put in motion for a trump white house chief of staff, mark meadows tomorrow morning. starting at 9 am. that is going to do it for us tonight. what a night in the news. see you again tomorrow, presumably it will be another one then. now it's time for the last word with lawrence o'donnell. good evening lawrence. >> good evening rachel,. we have mary trump joining us tonight. my first question to her. she will have time to think about this, is why was your cousin, donald junior, texting mark meadows instead of calling his dead on january six. what was going on with that relationship? >> admitted, when you are listening to liz cheney give that -- all the things from the fox news, their eyes were -- . but the part about don jr., does he not have is that phone number? is that possible? that he's not allowed to speak

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