Transcripts For MSNBC Stephanie Ruhle Reports 20240709 : com

Transcripts For MSNBC Stephanie Ruhle Reports 20240709

buckle up, let's get smarter. in just one hour, president biden will hold one of his most consequential calls of his president with russian president vladimir putin on the other end of the line. there's a ton at stake. i want you to take eye look at satellite photos, those are russian troops, thousands of them literally on the door step of ukraine. and there are fears of invasion and it could be imminent. and biden is advising putin you must stand down. the question is does putin have any interest in listening i'm bringing in peter alexander, matt bodnar in moscow. and the big guns, richard engel from ukraine. peter, this seems pretty simple. biden wants to tell putin don't invade or else. and here's the thing, what exactly is "or else?" >> yeah, it's a big issue that the urs has been confronted with over the last decade dating back to that annexation of crimea in 2014. as you said, this is a call taking place at 2:00, the president will do it via video conference in the situation room. and we're told that he will be clear and direct. that punishment will be if russia invades the ukraine will there be consequences, including financial consequences, severe and significant economic, likely the most severest economic sanctions yet. and that the u.s. might try to isolate russia from the financial system. saying this is not something that the united states would be doing alone but acting collectively if necessary. president biden just yesterday speaking to some of america's biggest leaders from europe, the uk, italy and france and from germany as well. the red line, obviously, for russia has been that the u.s. and nato not welcome. not have the ukraine join that military alliance. the white house has said that each country, including ukraine has its own sovereign right to make decisions for itself. again, that conversation an hour from now, with very high stakes, as you noted, stephanie, this could be the most important call of the presidency so far. >> okay, but, matt, more sanctions. is that really going to change russia's behavior, we've hit them with a ton of sanctions already. last i checked, russian oligarchs and putin himself, they're filthy rich. >> reporter: that's exactly right, stephanie. russia has additional lists of sanctions, the list grows every year. but the behavior does not change. and russia more or less seems to roll with the punches on this. the sanctions have been constructed in such a way where they're supposed to be quite targeted. sometimes the defense industry, and these are things that russia has been able to work around. the west collectively so far has stayed away from kind of the big let's say shock and aww sanctions. the things that are damaging. of course, we don't know what biden and what european allies are thinking in terms of what that next step until deterrence might be. but one think we often hear, it's been speculated as one of the potential deterrent points is cutting russia off from the swift international payment system. we don't have any indication that is one of them. just to give you an idea of the scale of sanctions that might be on the table and the things that russia has so far avoided getting hit with. we'll have to see how things go tonight and what biden and the european allies come up. >> richard, i can't see russia from my window, at the very least, take me to ukraine. the military times got hold of a map that the ukrainian military shows what an invasion can look like, 100,000 troops, 12,000 tanks, 300 aircraft. to me, that seems huge. can you give a sense of the size of the threat? >> reporter: well, there is another estimated, an unclassified estimate from the u.s. military that puts the invasion, potential invasion, on an even larger scale involving roughly 175,000 russian troops. there are european outlets, newspapers, think tanks that have put out different maps where they show a multiprong invasion with troops coming in from the north. troops coming from the east. naval invasion coming along ukraine's black sea coast. helicopter, or parachute landings going into central ukraine. so, all of that is speculation. but what isn't speculation is that there are roughly 70,000 to 100,000 troops on the board right now. according to a u.s. intelligence estimate which nbc has confirmed. there could be another 100,000 troops coming, over the next several months. that would certainly give russia enough troops to invade this country. >> all right, richard -- >> reporter: the question that everyone is asking, is it going to happen or not? or is this just an elaborate bluff from vladimir putin in order to get his way. and his way is he does not want this country to join nato. >> well, richard, there's another question a lot of people are asking. while all of what you said sounds really bad, but a whole lot of americans are asking why should we care. why is this our problem? >> reporter: well, it could provoke a major war in europe, a major war right on nato's door step. if there were to be a war in this country, on that scale, according to ukrainian officials. i spoke earlier with the former defense minister who is still an adviser to this government, he sees tens of thousands of fatalities. he also sees more troops, more nato troops, being drawn to their borders. he sees it as a world war ii level kind of conflict in europe right now. so, it would not just harm ukraine. it would also put nato countries on edge. it would also be a major test of western deterrence. let's not forget that the u.s., this administration, just went through afghanistan. which was seen as a catastrophe for the united states, a major show of weakness by many. if now suddenly the u.s. rolls over and allows a u.s. ally, and this country is a close u.s. ally, what is described as a strategic partnership right on nato's door step, if the u.s. just rolls over once again it could be yet another blow to u.s. credibility. let alone costing tens of thousands of potential lives in this country and did destabilizing nato allies. so, a great deal would be at stake. but a great deal, as matt was describing earlier, would be at stake for russia. russia does not want to see its economy closed off from the rest of the world. there have been sanctions, targeted sanctions, put on russian individuals, russian oligarchs, but not syrian-level, iranian-level on the entire economy. >> richard, peter, matt, thank you so much. for now, we need to turn to the january 6th investigation. two very big hearings today. one on capitol hill focused on the police response from that day. that's taking place at 10:00 eastern. the second, an hour later in federal court where the latest hearing for steve bannon will take place. nbc's ali vitali on capitol hill. scott mcfarlane for washington. and inez vivinder joins us. ali, let's get to the big question about cooperation with the january 6th committee. there's big news on that front and it's not news about bannon cooperating. >> reporter: well, it's certainly not news about bannon cooperating. but also the word "cooperation" here not necessarily means it's yielding what the committee wants. that's what they're trying to figure out, this man marc short who you see on the screen, he's cooperating with the january 6th committee, our sources tell us, but they are at this point trying to figure out what kind of information he can give them. what one source said to us he is cooperating and they added, so far, steph. >> aneesh, remind us who marc short is in terms of cooperating, in the world loyal fall? for months we've been talking about mike pence where he was hunted down and he's not saying anything. where is marc short in all of this? >> marc short is not a traditional trump loyalist. he used to work for the koch brothers. he was legislative director for the trump white house and went on to be chief of staff for mike pence. and the vice president's office and the people who work in that office, they have a different view than the trump loyalists. they really did see the vice president being pressured to overturn the election as a great, great problem. they saw this as disturbing. marc short falls into the category of people who possibly, possibly, would be able to tell the committee sort of what bothered him and what concerned him. he was in a lot of news. he is one of the people in the room who would have information about former president trump's pressure campaign, when it comes to what he was saying what he was doing, possibly what documents he was sending to the vice president. that being said, it's a big question how cooperative he will be. that's the big question, will he be someone who wants to be forthcoming. we have to underscore this with the fact that the former vice president mike pence someone who ran for his life after a crowd was yelling about hanging him, he's downplaying january 6th saying we shouldn't be talking about this. even though this is an aide at the time, if he's taking a hand from the former vice president he might not have incentive to be forthcoming with the committee. >> ali, talk to us about this hearing on the police response. particularly in light of some crazy news that we've seen. new allegations that generals were lying about the military's role that day. that to me, next level. what can you tell us? >> reporter: yeah, that would be huge. it's not the point of what this rules committee meeting is over on the senate side. starts in about an hour, and they're going to hear from the inspector general police bolden, and it effectively alleges that two top army generals lied about the response, and the ways in which it went down, that eventually the national guard were deployed on the day of january 6th. this memo was written by a then top official at the national guard. and the words in this 36-page memo, steph, are really stunning. they have descriptions in the report that talk about the two top army generals here, changing their recollections overnight. lying to the committees in their public testimonies. likening these alleged lies to stalinist, or north korea propaganda. and again, calling them outright lies. so these are allegations at this point but certainly the next salvo as the january 6th committee and other committees on the senate side try to dig into not just what went wrong that day but how to stop it from happening again. >> scott, give us the latest on steve ban, bus thus far, it feels like he's loving every minute of this and using the press attention to promote himself. >> he's back in court in two hours, stephanie, and this case seems destined for trial. a high-profile provocative trial. prosecutors have to set a trial date of april 15th, 2022, almost six months to the day after bannon's indictment of contempt of congress. bannon is going to argue for a late october 2022 trial. a trial that could go right on to midterm election day itself. he wants to wait. he wants time. he wants to slow this down. really, stephanie, for the january 6th committee, timing is everything. they have a soft deadline to finish up their work by summer. and bannon is slowing down and gumming up the works, and he wants to slow it down some yami 6th committee is talking about public hearings next year when you give people like steven or roger stone a national platform, is it a really risky proposition? they come from the school all press is good press. they love it. >> stephanie, it's such a good point because it is a balancing act, and when you talk to lawmakers, they understand they're dealing with people who may be bad actors. who may be people who are going to use the sort of hearings that further the lives of january 6th but they want people to be able to see the grilling of these aides and of these trump associates. you can imagine that when bennie thompson or liz cheney starts questioning them about what they knew about january 6th and did they expect the violence that can be a powerful, powerful thing. and we should under score the fact that brad raffensperger, the georgia secretary of state who was pressured to find 11,000 votes, exactly the number president trump needed to win georgia he was pressured by people to do that. and there were people off balance or balanced with steve bannon who goes in there. >> yamiche, scott, ali, thank you so much. when we come back, a highly anticipated call between biden and putin kicking off in less than an hour. plus, new data shows that the new covid variant may not be as dangerous as we thought. everything you need to know. that's next. at's next. cough cough sneeze sneeze... 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>> there is a theory redial rick here. i know there are some very smart people raising this issue and we obviously should be studying it. in my mind, right now, there's very clear that boosters are really helpful. and there's a theoretical risk that at some point down the road it may be less so. many of us get a flu shot every year. it remains effective despite any booster you could argue. but in the same way, i'm not particularly worried about this, but something to look into. >> dr. aja, thank you for making us smarter. appreciate it. coming up we're 30 minutes away from that critical phone call between president biden and vladimir putin. with tensions sky high between russia and ukraine. we're going to ask someone with knowledge of inside politics what's really at stake today. what's really at stake today it's the most joyous time of the year. especially at t-mobile! let's go to dianne. i got the awesome new iphone 13 pro and airpods, and t-mobile is paying for them both! and this is for new and existing customers. upgrade to the iphone 13 pro and airpods both on us. only at t-mobile. why hide your skin if dupixent has your moderate to severe eczema or atopic dermatitis under control? 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>> he's in a stronger position these days, you know, merkel is leaving her role as chancellor. and she is the one who personally led the charge against russia after the invasion in 2014. oil prices, gas prices are higher. big problems in europe because of winter and the shortages. and they've completed that stream, too. which allows them to deliver gas and avoid ukraine. so for all of those reasons this is a good time for putin to press. plus, he's angry that the ukrainians have been getting more support from nato these days. drones from turkey that they used against the russians. also more training exercises in the region. and even ukrainian soldiers on the ground. so at the very least, putin wants to put the rest on notice. he wants to brush them back. he wanted commitments that it isn't going further. >> it sounds what you're saying putin isn't bluffen and biden back down or else? isn't that scary? >> well there is no military threat against russia if they're going to expand their land grab of ukraine. having said that, it would be very serious economic consequences, some of those have been laid out over the last 48, fool hours. i think that's useful for the americans and europeans to do that together and publicly. but also, the russians have good reason not to engage in that kind of behavior. i mean, tanks rolling into ukraine would mean taking territory that would have a population very opposed to russia. as opposed to the territory they already occupy which is more aligned with russia. also unpopular on the ground among the russian population itself. and frankly, i'm much moore concerned that the russians would take steps that would be harder for the americans to respond against. where the russians would have some kind of plausible or implausible deniability. you know, more little green men. and more cyber attacks against the ukrainians. that kind of thing. i really don't think what we're looking at is an actual invasion of russian troops and tanks. >> let's talk china. the u.s. announced a diplomatic boycott of the olympics. they're doing military flights near taiwan and they're trying to build a base off the coast of africa. what is that all about? >> the base off the coast of africa was before the announcement so that's not new. and the other two things they've been doing consistently for the past few months, the taiwanese identification zone, not their airspace, attacking americans in the press, that's just kind of where we are right now. look, the relationship is not great. there is no trust. better than that farcical meeting between the americans and chinese in anchorage at the beginning of the biden administration. remember, in the runup to the diplomatic boycott we've had significant calming news. we had that 3 1/2-hour virtual summit between biden and xi jinping. both sides said it was constructive. wiliningness of the chinese to start working together on client. then a coordination of china and unites and other countries but we led it and invited the chinese on release of oil from our strategic petroleum reserves. so, frankly, biden had been hoping to avoid making the olympics into a big problem. he thought once the omicron variant hit, that maybe the chinese with their zero covid policy would just not invite foreign leaders. and say we've got to lock this down, just have the athletes. that wasn't going to happen. biden knows he loses both if he's soft on ukraine, republicans are hammering him saying at least a diplomatic boycott, if not a full boycott to let the athletes go. i suspect we won't be talking about this much over the next few weeks. >> quickly, before we go, i know you gave a state of the world agress last night. how would you address the state of the world right now because what you just laid out was scary. >> yeah, look, the problem with the state of the world, united states and china, the two most populous countries in the world. china with the zero covid problems that the president can't even leave the country. united states with our incredible divisions in being able to respond to the pandemic, in a midterm that looks like they're in serious trouble. that makes it much harder to have international leadership isn't responding to global crises. despite that, we're seeing a lot of places where the world is trying to respond. and climate, believe it or not, was the one area where i was the most optimistic because there's so many companies, countries, banks and young people that are moving the needle even though the chinese aren't to be trusted. >> ian bremmer, thanks so much. always make us smarter. coming up, nbc news has obtained important information. the biden administration drafted report on possible changes to the supreme court. what they found, next. plus, we'll talk to republican congressman kevin brady. he's retiring. we'll get his thoughts about who's getting more power in his party. don't go anywhere. n't go anywhe. jerry, you've got to see this. seen it. trust me, after 15 walks gets a little old. ugh. i really should be retired by now. wish i'd invested when i had the chance... to the moon! 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court. and now it appears they will not recommend doing anything right now. justice correspondent pete williams, of course, is all over this story. pete, is this the end of the road for expanding the court? >> well, not necessarily. you know, you can probably say that that road was probably fairly short to begin with because the president kind of made suggestions that it wasn't something that he was interested in pursuing. and i don't know how much interest there is in congress. though there may be more now that it appears that the court is going to overturn or at least weaken roe v. wade. that may embolden some of the people calling for expansion of the court. what the report really does it lay out in a very comprehensive way the arguments on both sides of that issue, as well as another issue on term limits for the justices. and explore some of the complications and the difficulties of making these changes, but also suggest ways that they could be done. so, for example, on term limits, it lays out a way to phase them in. whereas, you would have existing justices who are not term limits, how do you make transition. it gets into that. so, the report is certainly something that's sort of ready to go, off the shelf, for anybody who wants to take these ideas and run with them. whether it would be any members of congress. it doesn't seem like it's going to be the president. now, i should also say the report does delve into issues that haven't gotten as much attention such as possible ethics reforms for the justices and changes in what's been called a shadow docket. this is an emergency docket of which cases come to court calling on justices to make a decision when there's no regular briefing. this is the way not to stop sb 6 came to the court. i don't think it's ever make the recommendations but it's a full discussion of issues on both sides for anybody who wants to pick it up and run with it. >> i have to ask, doj just sued the state of texas over its republican-drawn redistricting maps. what's the reasoning behind this? and what happens next? >> well, the reasoning is, the government says just look at the math. texas gained 4 million people since the last census. 95% of whom were minorities, but you wouldn't see that in the two new congressional districts that texas gave as a result of the population gain. both of those have anglo-population majorities where latinos can't elect majorities of their choice. not only that, texas has done away with the majority in west texas it has carved out, cracked up, latino populations in the dallas-ft. worth area, putting them in other adjacent ainge glow districts where the voting power will be diluted. so this is the first of what may be more lawsuits by the federal government of existing plans that appear to disable minority communities. >> pete williams, thank you so much. now, let's turn back to capitol hill where pressure is growing to remove republican congresswoman lauren boebert for her committee assignment after comments about democratic congresswoman ilhan omar saying she was part of the jihadist squad. while some outraged there are others saying voices like boebert are getting more powerful in the republican party. joining me to discuss this and more, congressman kevin brady, he's a republican from texas and ways and mean committee. congressman, i want to ask you about this, it's not just boebert, marjorie taylor greene called omar a bloodthirsty terrorist sympathizer. while these are not your views, you have said that the gop is a large diverse party. but these voices are getting louder. marjorie taylor greene told steve bannon they're not the fringe. they are now the base of party. is she right? >> i disagree with those comments made. there is no room for anti-muslim comments in either party. to my understanding will congresswoman boebert apologized both to the nation and to representative omar. and i'll tell you, representative omar's own comments, anti-semitic conspiracy theory, the anti-defamation league call on speaker pelosi to take action against her, which she didn't do. so, what i worry about, our voices like this could be growing in both parties. i don't think there's any role for this in congress -- i mean, any room for this in congress. every elected official ought to be a role model in issues like this. sadly, there are a few that aren't, and it is frustrating. but, no, i don't believe those type of comments or thinking is growing. in congress. certainly not in the republican party. >> well, you are retiring. congressman devin nunes was supposed to take your place heading up ways and means on the gop side. but now he's leaving. i know you congratulated him. but this position is near and dear to you. who do you want to take your position on ways and means? >> here's the good news, we will miss devin nunes. he took policy on health care and played a crucial role in all of these. we will miss him dearly. but we are an extremely talented committee, i think congressman bukinen where he and devin were competing for the seat. that will be decided by the committee at the end of the year, after the election -- excuse me, at the end of next year, after the elections. so, i know, icongress congressman buchanan last night he's going to continue to work hard. >> you said it's critical to pass the defense bill. senate republicans just rejected tying them together. i know you're in the house but you can explain why they would do that for any other reason than politics. in the past, both parties usually fight over the debt ceiling but it's usually to get a concession. this is just blocking it altogether. >> i think there's frustration that they're load every bill up like a christmas tree just as they did with build back better. certainly, the national defense by all means can stand alone. certainly, the debt ceiling bill can stand alone as well. in the house, democrats have had it for two years and haven't taken any action to deal with it, including even pass a budget. so i am confident that the debt ceiling will be lifted. my understanding is that senators schumer and senator mcconnell have extensions to that end and there seems to be optimism about that. >> and let's talk about build back better. because you said a lot of these policies sound good but the money is not going to the right place. you pointed out child tax credit as an example. watch this. >> one could argue it's always a good time to lift children out of poverty. i want to talk infrastructure ore. >> well, that's the point. it didn't lift out of poverty. what did, though, the tax cuts and jobs act by republicans lifted millions out of poverty within a year of being put in place. >> okay. i did my homework on this. you said the child tax credit did not lift children out of poverty. it's not true. according to columbia university, 3 million kids were lifted out of poverty july, august and september. you said people did not spend that for goods and kept it for savings which means they don't need. however, according to washington university, three quarters americans spend it on essential things like food and clothing. according to the center for budget policy, 91% of families making $35,000 or less spent it ones exactly that, essentials. help me understand where you're getting information from, because i know we both care about vulnerable kids in this country. >> we do and as you know, republicans in congress created the child tax credit in 1997, my first year here, to help families. and also to help reward americans and parents for rejecting as part of welfare reform. and republicans doubled the child tax last year. we believe it. right now, it's no longer termed to work. and now the bipartisan program has become the largest welfare program in american history. i think that takes us back almost 25 years. there are other studies that showed that initially, the dollars in child tax credit were not going for essentials but rather for savings and retirement which is a good thing. but the other study, according to the university of chicago, sos is this ineffective to raise families out of poverty because many of the poorest don't file tax returns, they weren't familiar with the forms -- >> hold on a second which is why -- >> -- to getting the money and which i think we disagree on the role of the child tax credit. but, clearly, i think democrats fumbled the ball on much of this. go ahead, i'm sorry. >> that's the key reason they changed it when the child tax credit was extended in 2017, the key issue was that it wasn't refunded. >> no, it -- >> -- hold on, $50,000 or less didn't have access to get that money because they didn't file their taxes. >> that's one thing. >> when the child tax care was expanded last year, they made it refundable. that's happened under a democrat not a republican, sir. >> to correct that the child tax credit was refundable in fact, we expanded it and continue to grow it so it's simply not true. >> hold on a second, only last year when people started getting -- >> to get out of poverty, it's not to send them government checks it's to get them good paying jobs with rising wages. that's the truth. we solved this after the republican tax cuts. >> how you can make this point. if people didn't file their tax -- file taxes, then getting a tax credit would do nothing for them. only when they needed a monthly payment in the last year, that would be refundable. >> what we know, from poverty, is never just a check that lifts families out of poverty. there is so much more going on in that family and with that, what we've seen and learned is that you've got to address poverty in a holistic way. it is never just the checks. >> yes. but expand to me what you're saying. how is it refundable if it wasn't in a monthly check? if you didn't file tax returns you weren't getting the money. >> if you haven't have tax lienlt adequate to receive the child tax credit we made it refundable to you. so, democrats did expand that portion some. but to be clear, stephanie, it's been refundable for a number of years. >> good to have you, sir. republican congressman from the state of texas kevin brady. >> thank you. coming up, as more details emerge about the michigan school shooting, a major question this morning, what happens next? we'll ask a lawmaker who represents the district, on the other side of the break. don't pay for water. pay for clean. it's got to be tide. ♪ ♪ cases of anxiety in young adults are rising as experts warn of the effects on well-being caused by the pandemic. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ once upon a time, at the magical everly estate, landscaper larry and his trusty crew... were delayed when the new kid totaled his truck. timber... fortunately, they were covered by progressive, so it was a happy ending... for almost everyone. ♪upbeat music♪ transitions™ light under control. ♪upbeat music♪ transitions™ signature gen 8™ available now, in 4 vibrant style colors. transitions™ this morning in michigan, as the community of oxford continues to mourn the loss of four high school students killed in last week's school shooting, we're learning new details about what the parents of the suspected school shooter were allegedly doing. while police say they were on the run. >> reporter: the person of interest now speaking to investigators. james and jennifer crumbley were found inside his art studio this weekend, police say the crumbleys had withdrawn $4,000 from the atm. sikora's attorney says that he didn't know that they were fugitives. that the couple had asked for a place to stay because they were getting death threats. >> i want to bring in the congresswoman where the suspect lives. the parents were apprehended in your district. what is your reaction to the involuntary manslaughter charges they're now facing? >> you know, i'm so proud of our prosecutor, karen mcdonald, because she is taking a no-nonsense approach to what is happening here. you know, there are no federal laws that require gun owners -- gun owners to safely store their guns. with or without their children in the momentum but the federal law requires that firearms sold be secured with gun storage or safety device. and that's why i'm so proud to be a co-sponsor of hr-748, which helps states pass child access prevention. we call it cap laws. and require gun owners to safely store their firearms. clearly, there is negligence with this family. the texting -- you know, don't get caught, lol. and, you know, oh, shoot, the gun isn't here, and you were just in the classroom and school with the child. my first career in politics was on the school board. there's going to be some deep and very detailed policies that happen in that school that day. >> it seems absolutely ridiculous, ma'am, that none of this is law already. given that, what do you tell parents in your district who right now are afraid to send their kids to school. it wasn't just this one high school. you had to close 60 other schools because of copy cat threats after the shooting. >> yes. >> what do you tell the mom of teenage kids right now? >> you know, i am frustrated. i am just done on this debate on, my right to own a gun at any cost necessary. we have worked hard and sent bills to the senate, background checks, to close the charleston loophole. every time we do this, we do a doggone moment of silence. which to me is just becoming insulting. as we bury bodies and our children that constituent to school are being buried, because you know what? i'm going to stand there and send out a postcard with rifles, because a rifle defines me as an american. no! our values are compassion, inclusion, justice. it's about taking care of each other. and one thing i want to bring up, we right now, after 9/11, walked through a metal detector in every airport. i don't care how much money you make. i don't care your status. you will be screened for the safety of all of us. and it's time for us to look at, when my child walks into a school, is it safe? and when you have parents who neglect their duties, which we saw happen, what is our responsibility? and we have to have that discussion about gun safety in america. i don't want to take away your guns, but i want the lawmakers, my colleagues, to have the compassion and the political strength to say, instead of standing there and bowing your head and send us wishes to the family, we've got to look at mental health, and we must understand that it is time, it's way past time. we've lost too many lives. and this issue with our children is heart wrenching. >> it sure is. congresswoman, thank you for joining me this morning. i appreciate it. >> thank you. coming up, remembering the day that lives in infamy, 80 years later. stick around. you don't want to miss this. stick around you don't want to miss this. ford the right home together. - 'cause we can see each other's favorites all in one place. - and go back and forth with comments. oh romeo, romeo, i love our new home. -, - san francisco can have criminal justice reform and public safety. but district attorney chesa boudin is failing on both. - the safety of san francisco is dependent upon chesa being recalled as soon as possible. - i didn't support the newsom recall but this is different. - chesa takes a very radical perspective and approach to criminal justice reform, which is having a negative impact on communities of color. - i never in a million years thought that my son, let alone any six-year-old, would be gunned down in the streets of san francisco and not get any justice. - chesa's failure has resulted in increase in crime against asian americans. - the da's office is in complete turmoil at this point. - for chesa boudin to intervene in so many cases is both bad management and dangerous for the city of san francisco. - we are for criminal justice reform. chesa's not it. recall chesa boudin now. tide pods ultra oxi one ups the cleaning power of liquid. chesa's not it. can it one up whatever they're doing? for sure. seriously? one up the power of liquid, one up the toughest stains. any further questions? uh uh! one up the power of liquid with tide pods ultra oxi. today, america remembers the day that lives in infamy. 80 years since the attack on pearl harbor. to mark the anniversary, president biden and first lady jill biden visited the world war ii memorial in d.c. this morning to pay tribute to those we lost on this day 80 years ago. the attack killed more than 2,400 americans and it sparked our country's entry into world war ii. only a few survivors of the attack are still alive, and some of them traveled back to hawaii this week to commemorate the anniversary. kerry sanders caught up with them there. >> well, you know, one of the things that a lot of people don't realize, i think, the military didn't win this conflict by themselves. the people at home, all of our grandmothers and everybody, what a great job they done supporting the military. >> the nation came together. >> the nation came together. >> did the nation come together in a way that we maybe haven't seen since? >> yes. >> and today we honor these heroes. today we say "thank you." that wraps up this hour. thank you at home for watching. i'm stephanie ruhle. jose diaz-balart picks up breaking news coverage right now. good morning, 10:00 a.m. eastern, 7:00 a.m. pacific. i am jose diaz-balart on what is shaping up to be a big day in the nation's capitol. we're actually following two breaking stories at this hour. any moment now on capitol hill, the senate rules committee will hear once again from the u.s. capitol police department's inspector general about the department's preparations for and response to the january 6th insurrection at the capitol. we'll bring you that hearing as

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Transcripts For MSNBC Stephanie Ruhle Reports 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Stephanie Ruhle Reports 20240709

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buckle up, let's get smarter. in just one hour, president biden will hold one of his most consequential calls of his president with russian president vladimir putin on the other end of the line. there's a ton at stake. i want you to take eye look at satellite photos, those are russian troops, thousands of them literally on the door step of ukraine. and there are fears of invasion and it could be imminent. and biden is advising putin you must stand down. the question is does putin have any interest in listening i'm bringing in peter alexander, matt bodnar in moscow. and the big guns, richard engel from ukraine. peter, this seems pretty simple. biden wants to tell putin don't invade or else. and here's the thing, what exactly is "or else?" >> yeah, it's a big issue that the urs has been confronted with over the last decade dating back to that annexation of crimea in 2014. as you said, this is a call taking place at 2:00, the president will do it via video conference in the situation room. and we're told that he will be clear and direct. that punishment will be if russia invades the ukraine will there be consequences, including financial consequences, severe and significant economic, likely the most severest economic sanctions yet. and that the u.s. might try to isolate russia from the financial system. saying this is not something that the united states would be doing alone but acting collectively if necessary. president biden just yesterday speaking to some of america's biggest leaders from europe, the uk, italy and france and from germany as well. the red line, obviously, for russia has been that the u.s. and nato not welcome. not have the ukraine join that military alliance. the white house has said that each country, including ukraine has its own sovereign right to make decisions for itself. again, that conversation an hour from now, with very high stakes, as you noted, stephanie, this could be the most important call of the presidency so far. >> okay, but, matt, more sanctions. is that really going to change russia's behavior, we've hit them with a ton of sanctions already. last i checked, russian oligarchs and putin himself, they're filthy rich. >> reporter: that's exactly right, stephanie. russia has additional lists of sanctions, the list grows every year. but the behavior does not change. and russia more or less seems to roll with the punches on this. the sanctions have been constructed in such a way where they're supposed to be quite targeted. sometimes the defense industry, and these are things that russia has been able to work around. the west collectively so far has stayed away from kind of the big let's say shock and aww sanctions. the things that are damaging. of course, we don't know what biden and what european allies are thinking in terms of what that next step until deterrence might be. but one think we often hear, it's been speculated as one of the potential deterrent points is cutting russia off from the swift international payment system. we don't have any indication that is one of them. just to give you an idea of the scale of sanctions that might be on the table and the things that russia has so far avoided getting hit with. we'll have to see how things go tonight and what biden and the european allies come up. >> richard, i can't see russia from my window, at the very least, take me to ukraine. the military times got hold of a map that the ukrainian military shows what an invasion can look like, 100,000 troops, 12,000 tanks, 300 aircraft. to me, that seems huge. can you give a sense of the size of the threat? >> reporter: well, there is another estimated, an unclassified estimate from the u.s. military that puts the invasion, potential invasion, on an even larger scale involving roughly 175,000 russian troops. there are european outlets, newspapers, think tanks that have put out different maps where they show a multiprong invasion with troops coming in from the north. troops coming from the east. naval invasion coming along ukraine's black sea coast. helicopter, or parachute landings going into central ukraine. so, all of that is speculation. but what isn't speculation is that there are roughly 70,000 to 100,000 troops on the board right now. according to a u.s. intelligence estimate which nbc has confirmed. there could be another 100,000 troops coming, over the next several months. that would certainly give russia enough troops to invade this country. >> all right, richard -- >> reporter: the question that everyone is asking, is it going to happen or not? or is this just an elaborate bluff from vladimir putin in order to get his way. and his way is he does not want this country to join nato. >> well, richard, there's another question a lot of people are asking. while all of what you said sounds really bad, but a whole lot of americans are asking why should we care. why is this our problem? >> reporter: well, it could provoke a major war in europe, a major war right on nato's door step. if there were to be a war in this country, on that scale, according to ukrainian officials. i spoke earlier with the former defense minister who is still an adviser to this government, he sees tens of thousands of fatalities. he also sees more troops, more nato troops, being drawn to their borders. he sees it as a world war ii level kind of conflict in europe right now. so, it would not just harm ukraine. it would also put nato countries on edge. it would also be a major test of western deterrence. let's not forget that the u.s., this administration, just went through afghanistan. which was seen as a catastrophe for the united states, a major show of weakness by many. if now suddenly the u.s. rolls over and allows a u.s. ally, and this country is a close u.s. ally, what is described as a strategic partnership right on nato's door step, if the u.s. just rolls over once again it could be yet another blow to u.s. credibility. let alone costing tens of thousands of potential lives in this country and did destabilizing nato allies. so, a great deal would be at stake. but a great deal, as matt was describing earlier, would be at stake for russia. russia does not want to see its economy closed off from the rest of the world. there have been sanctions, targeted sanctions, put on russian individuals, russian oligarchs, but not syrian-level, iranian-level on the entire economy. >> richard, peter, matt, thank you so much. for now, we need to turn to the january 6th investigation. two very big hearings today. one on capitol hill focused on the police response from that day. that's taking place at 10:00 eastern. the second, an hour later in federal court where the latest hearing for steve bannon will take place. nbc's ali vitali on capitol hill. scott mcfarlane for washington. and inez vivinder joins us. ali, let's get to the big question about cooperation with the january 6th committee. there's big news on that front and it's not news about bannon cooperating. >> reporter: well, it's certainly not news about bannon cooperating. but also the word "cooperation" here not necessarily means it's yielding what the committee wants. that's what they're trying to figure out, this man marc short who you see on the screen, he's cooperating with the january 6th committee, our sources tell us, but they are at this point trying to figure out what kind of information he can give them. what one source said to us he is cooperating and they added, so far, steph. >> aneesh, remind us who marc short is in terms of cooperating, in the world loyal fall? for months we've been talking about mike pence where he was hunted down and he's not saying anything. where is marc short in all of this? >> marc short is not a traditional trump loyalist. he used to work for the koch brothers. he was legislative director for the trump white house and went on to be chief of staff for mike pence. and the vice president's office and the people who work in that office, they have a different view than the trump loyalists. they really did see the vice president being pressured to overturn the election as a great, great problem. they saw this as disturbing. marc short falls into the category of people who possibly, possibly, would be able to tell the committee sort of what bothered him and what concerned him. he was in a lot of news. he is one of the people in the room who would have information about former president trump's pressure campaign, when it comes to what he was saying what he was doing, possibly what documents he was sending to the vice president. that being said, it's a big question how cooperative he will be. that's the big question, will he be someone who wants to be forthcoming. we have to underscore this with the fact that the former vice president mike pence someone who ran for his life after a crowd was yelling about hanging him, he's downplaying january 6th saying we shouldn't be talking about this. even though this is an aide at the time, if he's taking a hand from the former vice president he might not have incentive to be forthcoming with the committee. >> ali, talk to us about this hearing on the police response. particularly in light of some crazy news that we've seen. new allegations that generals were lying about the military's role that day. that to me, next level. what can you tell us? >> reporter: yeah, that would be huge. it's not the point of what this rules committee meeting is over on the senate side. starts in about an hour, and they're going to hear from the inspector general police bolden, and it effectively alleges that two top army generals lied about the response, and the ways in which it went down, that eventually the national guard were deployed on the day of january 6th. this memo was written by a then top official at the national guard. and the words in this 36-page memo, steph, are really stunning. they have descriptions in the report that talk about the two top army generals here, changing their recollections overnight. lying to the committees in their public testimonies. likening these alleged lies to stalinist, or north korea propaganda. and again, calling them outright lies. so these are allegations at this point but certainly the next salvo as the january 6th committee and other committees on the senate side try to dig into not just what went wrong that day but how to stop it from happening again. >> scott, give us the latest on steve ban, bus thus far, it feels like he's loving every minute of this and using the press attention to promote himself. >> he's back in court in two hours, stephanie, and this case seems destined for trial. a high-profile provocative trial. prosecutors have to set a trial date of april 15th, 2022, almost six months to the day after bannon's indictment of contempt of congress. bannon is going to argue for a late october 2022 trial. a trial that could go right on to midterm election day itself. he wants to wait. he wants time. he wants to slow this down. really, stephanie, for the january 6th committee, timing is everything. they have a soft deadline to finish up their work by summer. and bannon is slowing down and gumming up the works, and he wants to slow it down some yami 6th committee is talking about public hearings next year when you give people like steven or roger stone a national platform, is it a really risky proposition? they come from the school all press is good press. they love it. >> stephanie, it's such a good point because it is a balancing act, and when you talk to lawmakers, they understand they're dealing with people who may be bad actors. who may be people who are going to use the sort of hearings that further the lives of january 6th but they want people to be able to see the grilling of these aides and of these trump associates. you can imagine that when bennie thompson or liz cheney starts questioning them about what they knew about january 6th and did they expect the violence that can be a powerful, powerful thing. and we should under score the fact that brad raffensperger, the georgia secretary of state who was pressured to find 11,000 votes, exactly the number president trump needed to win georgia he was pressured by people to do that. and there were people off balance or balanced with steve bannon who goes in there. >> yamiche, scott, ali, thank you so much. when we come back, a highly anticipated call between biden and putin kicking off in less than an hour. plus, new data shows that the new covid variant may not be as dangerous as we thought. everything you need to know. that's next. at's next. cough cough sneeze sneeze... 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>> there is a theory redial rick here. i know there are some very smart people raising this issue and we obviously should be studying it. in my mind, right now, there's very clear that boosters are really helpful. and there's a theoretical risk that at some point down the road it may be less so. many of us get a flu shot every year. it remains effective despite any booster you could argue. but in the same way, i'm not particularly worried about this, but something to look into. >> dr. aja, thank you for making us smarter. appreciate it. coming up we're 30 minutes away from that critical phone call between president biden and vladimir putin. with tensions sky high between russia and ukraine. we're going to ask someone with knowledge of inside politics what's really at stake today. what's really at stake today it's the most joyous time of the year. especially at t-mobile! let's go to dianne. i got the awesome new iphone 13 pro and airpods, and t-mobile is paying for them both! and this is for new and existing customers. upgrade to the iphone 13 pro and airpods both on us. only at t-mobile. why hide your skin if dupixent has your moderate to severe eczema or atopic dermatitis under control? 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>> he's in a stronger position these days, you know, merkel is leaving her role as chancellor. and she is the one who personally led the charge against russia after the invasion in 2014. oil prices, gas prices are higher. big problems in europe because of winter and the shortages. and they've completed that stream, too. which allows them to deliver gas and avoid ukraine. so for all of those reasons this is a good time for putin to press. plus, he's angry that the ukrainians have been getting more support from nato these days. drones from turkey that they used against the russians. also more training exercises in the region. and even ukrainian soldiers on the ground. so at the very least, putin wants to put the rest on notice. he wants to brush them back. he wanted commitments that it isn't going further. >> it sounds what you're saying putin isn't bluffen and biden back down or else? isn't that scary? >> well there is no military threat against russia if they're going to expand their land grab of ukraine. having said that, it would be very serious economic consequences, some of those have been laid out over the last 48, fool hours. i think that's useful for the americans and europeans to do that together and publicly. but also, the russians have good reason not to engage in that kind of behavior. i mean, tanks rolling into ukraine would mean taking territory that would have a population very opposed to russia. as opposed to the territory they already occupy which is more aligned with russia. also unpopular on the ground among the russian population itself. and frankly, i'm much moore concerned that the russians would take steps that would be harder for the americans to respond against. where the russians would have some kind of plausible or implausible deniability. you know, more little green men. and more cyber attacks against the ukrainians. that kind of thing. i really don't think what we're looking at is an actual invasion of russian troops and tanks. >> let's talk china. the u.s. announced a diplomatic boycott of the olympics. they're doing military flights near taiwan and they're trying to build a base off the coast of africa. what is that all about? >> the base off the coast of africa was before the announcement so that's not new. and the other two things they've been doing consistently for the past few months, the taiwanese identification zone, not their airspace, attacking americans in the press, that's just kind of where we are right now. look, the relationship is not great. there is no trust. better than that farcical meeting between the americans and chinese in anchorage at the beginning of the biden administration. remember, in the runup to the diplomatic boycott we've had significant calming news. we had that 3 1/2-hour virtual summit between biden and xi jinping. both sides said it was constructive. wiliningness of the chinese to start working together on client. then a coordination of china and unites and other countries but we led it and invited the chinese on release of oil from our strategic petroleum reserves. so, frankly, biden had been hoping to avoid making the olympics into a big problem. he thought once the omicron variant hit, that maybe the chinese with their zero covid policy would just not invite foreign leaders. and say we've got to lock this down, just have the athletes. that wasn't going to happen. biden knows he loses both if he's soft on ukraine, republicans are hammering him saying at least a diplomatic boycott, if not a full boycott to let the athletes go. i suspect we won't be talking about this much over the next few weeks. >> quickly, before we go, i know you gave a state of the world agress last night. how would you address the state of the world right now because what you just laid out was scary. >> yeah, look, the problem with the state of the world, united states and china, the two most populous countries in the world. china with the zero covid problems that the president can't even leave the country. united states with our incredible divisions in being able to respond to the pandemic, in a midterm that looks like they're in serious trouble. that makes it much harder to have international leadership isn't responding to global crises. despite that, we're seeing a lot of places where the world is trying to respond. and climate, believe it or not, was the one area where i was the most optimistic because there's so many companies, countries, banks and young people that are moving the needle even though the chinese aren't to be trusted. >> ian bremmer, thanks so much. always make us smarter. coming up, nbc news has obtained important information. the biden administration drafted report on possible changes to the supreme court. what they found, next. plus, we'll talk to republican congressman kevin brady. he's retiring. we'll get his thoughts about who's getting more power in his party. don't go anywhere. n't go anywhe. jerry, you've got to see this. seen it. trust me, after 15 walks gets a little old. ugh. i really should be retired by now. wish i'd invested when i had the chance... to the moon! 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court. and now it appears they will not recommend doing anything right now. justice correspondent pete williams, of course, is all over this story. pete, is this the end of the road for expanding the court? >> well, not necessarily. you know, you can probably say that that road was probably fairly short to begin with because the president kind of made suggestions that it wasn't something that he was interested in pursuing. and i don't know how much interest there is in congress. though there may be more now that it appears that the court is going to overturn or at least weaken roe v. wade. that may embolden some of the people calling for expansion of the court. what the report really does it lay out in a very comprehensive way the arguments on both sides of that issue, as well as another issue on term limits for the justices. and explore some of the complications and the difficulties of making these changes, but also suggest ways that they could be done. so, for example, on term limits, it lays out a way to phase them in. whereas, you would have existing justices who are not term limits, how do you make transition. it gets into that. so, the report is certainly something that's sort of ready to go, off the shelf, for anybody who wants to take these ideas and run with them. whether it would be any members of congress. it doesn't seem like it's going to be the president. now, i should also say the report does delve into issues that haven't gotten as much attention such as possible ethics reforms for the justices and changes in what's been called a shadow docket. this is an emergency docket of which cases come to court calling on justices to make a decision when there's no regular briefing. this is the way not to stop sb 6 came to the court. i don't think it's ever make the recommendations but it's a full discussion of issues on both sides for anybody who wants to pick it up and run with it. >> i have to ask, doj just sued the state of texas over its republican-drawn redistricting maps. what's the reasoning behind this? and what happens next? >> well, the reasoning is, the government says just look at the math. texas gained 4 million people since the last census. 95% of whom were minorities, but you wouldn't see that in the two new congressional districts that texas gave as a result of the population gain. both of those have anglo-population majorities where latinos can't elect majorities of their choice. not only that, texas has done away with the majority in west texas it has carved out, cracked up, latino populations in the dallas-ft. worth area, putting them in other adjacent ainge glow districts where the voting power will be diluted. so this is the first of what may be more lawsuits by the federal government of existing plans that appear to disable minority communities. >> pete williams, thank you so much. now, let's turn back to capitol hill where pressure is growing to remove republican congresswoman lauren boebert for her committee assignment after comments about democratic congresswoman ilhan omar saying she was part of the jihadist squad. while some outraged there are others saying voices like boebert are getting more powerful in the republican party. joining me to discuss this and more, congressman kevin brady, he's a republican from texas and ways and mean committee. congressman, i want to ask you about this, it's not just boebert, marjorie taylor greene called omar a bloodthirsty terrorist sympathizer. while these are not your views, you have said that the gop is a large diverse party. but these voices are getting louder. marjorie taylor greene told steve bannon they're not the fringe. they are now the base of party. is she right? >> i disagree with those comments made. there is no room for anti-muslim comments in either party. to my understanding will congresswoman boebert apologized both to the nation and to representative omar. and i'll tell you, representative omar's own comments, anti-semitic conspiracy theory, the anti-defamation league call on speaker pelosi to take action against her, which she didn't do. so, what i worry about, our voices like this could be growing in both parties. i don't think there's any role for this in congress -- i mean, any room for this in congress. every elected official ought to be a role model in issues like this. sadly, there are a few that aren't, and it is frustrating. but, no, i don't believe those type of comments or thinking is growing. in congress. certainly not in the republican party. >> well, you are retiring. congressman devin nunes was supposed to take your place heading up ways and means on the gop side. but now he's leaving. i know you congratulated him. but this position is near and dear to you. who do you want to take your position on ways and means? >> here's the good news, we will miss devin nunes. he took policy on health care and played a crucial role in all of these. we will miss him dearly. but we are an extremely talented committee, i think congressman bukinen where he and devin were competing for the seat. that will be decided by the committee at the end of the year, after the election -- excuse me, at the end of next year, after the elections. so, i know, icongress congressman buchanan last night he's going to continue to work hard. >> you said it's critical to pass the defense bill. senate republicans just rejected tying them together. i know you're in the house but you can explain why they would do that for any other reason than politics. in the past, both parties usually fight over the debt ceiling but it's usually to get a concession. this is just blocking it altogether. >> i think there's frustration that they're load every bill up like a christmas tree just as they did with build back better. certainly, the national defense by all means can stand alone. certainly, the debt ceiling bill can stand alone as well. in the house, democrats have had it for two years and haven't taken any action to deal with it, including even pass a budget. so i am confident that the debt ceiling will be lifted. my understanding is that senators schumer and senator mcconnell have extensions to that end and there seems to be optimism about that. >> and let's talk about build back better. because you said a lot of these policies sound good but the money is not going to the right place. you pointed out child tax credit as an example. watch this. >> one could argue it's always a good time to lift children out of poverty. i want to talk infrastructure ore. >> well, that's the point. it didn't lift out of poverty. what did, though, the tax cuts and jobs act by republicans lifted millions out of poverty within a year of being put in place. >> okay. i did my homework on this. you said the child tax credit did not lift children out of poverty. it's not true. according to columbia university, 3 million kids were lifted out of poverty july, august and september. you said people did not spend that for goods and kept it for savings which means they don't need. however, according to washington university, three quarters americans spend it on essential things like food and clothing. according to the center for budget policy, 91% of families making $35,000 or less spent it ones exactly that, essentials. help me understand where you're getting information from, because i know we both care about vulnerable kids in this country. >> we do and as you know, republicans in congress created the child tax credit in 1997, my first year here, to help families. and also to help reward americans and parents for rejecting as part of welfare reform. and republicans doubled the child tax last year. we believe it. right now, it's no longer termed to work. and now the bipartisan program has become the largest welfare program in american history. i think that takes us back almost 25 years. there are other studies that showed that initially, the dollars in child tax credit were not going for essentials but rather for savings and retirement which is a good thing. but the other study, according to the university of chicago, sos is this ineffective to raise families out of poverty because many of the poorest don't file tax returns, they weren't familiar with the forms -- >> hold on a second which is why -- >> -- to getting the money and which i think we disagree on the role of the child tax credit. but, clearly, i think democrats fumbled the ball on much of this. go ahead, i'm sorry. >> that's the key reason they changed it when the child tax credit was extended in 2017, the key issue was that it wasn't refunded. >> no, it -- >> -- hold on, $50,000 or less didn't have access to get that money because they didn't file their taxes. >> that's one thing. >> when the child tax care was expanded last year, they made it refundable. that's happened under a democrat not a republican, sir. >> to correct that the child tax credit was refundable in fact, we expanded it and continue to grow it so it's simply not true. >> hold on a second, only last year when people started getting -- >> to get out of poverty, it's not to send them government checks it's to get them good paying jobs with rising wages. that's the truth. we solved this after the republican tax cuts. >> how you can make this point. if people didn't file their tax -- file taxes, then getting a tax credit would do nothing for them. only when they needed a monthly payment in the last year, that would be refundable. >> what we know, from poverty, is never just a check that lifts families out of poverty. there is so much more going on in that family and with that, what we've seen and learned is that you've got to address poverty in a holistic way. it is never just the checks. >> yes. but expand to me what you're saying. how is it refundable if it wasn't in a monthly check? if you didn't file tax returns you weren't getting the money. >> if you haven't have tax lienlt adequate to receive the child tax credit we made it refundable to you. so, democrats did expand that portion some. but to be clear, stephanie, it's been refundable for a number of years. >> good to have you, sir. republican congressman from the state of texas kevin brady. >> thank you. coming up, as more details emerge about the michigan school shooting, a major question this morning, what happens next? we'll ask a lawmaker who represents the district, on the other side of the break. don't pay for water. pay for clean. it's got to be tide. ♪ ♪ cases of anxiety in young adults are rising as experts warn of the effects on well-being caused by the pandemic. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ once upon a time, at the magical everly estate, landscaper larry and his trusty crew... were delayed when the new kid totaled his truck. timber... fortunately, they were covered by progressive, so it was a happy ending... for almost everyone. ♪upbeat music♪ transitions™ light under control. ♪upbeat music♪ transitions™ signature gen 8™ available now, in 4 vibrant style colors. transitions™ this morning in michigan, as the community of oxford continues to mourn the loss of four high school students killed in last week's school shooting, we're learning new details about what the parents of the suspected school shooter were allegedly doing. while police say they were on the run. >> reporter: the person of interest now speaking to investigators. james and jennifer crumbley were found inside his art studio this weekend, police say the crumbleys had withdrawn $4,000 from the atm. sikora's attorney says that he didn't know that they were fugitives. that the couple had asked for a place to stay because they were getting death threats. >> i want to bring in the congresswoman where the suspect lives. the parents were apprehended in your district. what is your reaction to the involuntary manslaughter charges they're now facing? >> you know, i'm so proud of our prosecutor, karen mcdonald, because she is taking a no-nonsense approach to what is happening here. you know, there are no federal laws that require gun owners -- gun owners to safely store their guns. with or without their children in the momentum but the federal law requires that firearms sold be secured with gun storage or safety device. and that's why i'm so proud to be a co-sponsor of hr-748, which helps states pass child access prevention. we call it cap laws. and require gun owners to safely store their firearms. clearly, there is negligence with this family. the texting -- you know, don't get caught, lol. and, you know, oh, shoot, the gun isn't here, and you were just in the classroom and school with the child. my first career in politics was on the school board. there's going to be some deep and very detailed policies that happen in that school that day. >> it seems absolutely ridiculous, ma'am, that none of this is law already. given that, what do you tell parents in your district who right now are afraid to send their kids to school. it wasn't just this one high school. you had to close 60 other schools because of copy cat threats after the shooting. >> yes. >> what do you tell the mom of teenage kids right now? >> you know, i am frustrated. i am just done on this debate on, my right to own a gun at any cost necessary. we have worked hard and sent bills to the senate, background checks, to close the charleston loophole. every time we do this, we do a doggone moment of silence. which to me is just becoming insulting. as we bury bodies and our children that constituent to school are being buried, because you know what? i'm going to stand there and send out a postcard with rifles, because a rifle defines me as an american. no! our values are compassion, inclusion, justice. it's about taking care of each other. and one thing i want to bring up, we right now, after 9/11, walked through a metal detector in every airport. i don't care how much money you make. i don't care your status. you will be screened for the safety of all of us. and it's time for us to look at, when my child walks into a school, is it safe? and when you have parents who neglect their duties, which we saw happen, what is our responsibility? and we have to have that discussion about gun safety in america. i don't want to take away your guns, but i want the lawmakers, my colleagues, to have the compassion and the political strength to say, instead of standing there and bowing your head and send us wishes to the family, we've got to look at mental health, and we must understand that it is time, it's way past time. we've lost too many lives. and this issue with our children is heart wrenching. >> it sure is. congresswoman, thank you for joining me this morning. i appreciate it. >> thank you. coming up, remembering the day that lives in infamy, 80 years later. stick around. you don't want to miss this. stick around you don't want to miss this. ford the right home together. - 'cause we can see each other's favorites all in one place. - and go back and forth with comments. oh romeo, romeo, i love our new home. -, - san francisco can have criminal justice reform and public safety. but district attorney chesa boudin is failing on both. - the safety of san francisco is dependent upon chesa being recalled as soon as possible. - i didn't support the newsom recall but this is different. - chesa takes a very radical perspective and approach to criminal justice reform, which is having a negative impact on communities of color. - i never in a million years thought that my son, let alone any six-year-old, would be gunned down in the streets of san francisco and not get any justice. - chesa's failure has resulted in increase in crime against asian americans. - the da's office is in complete turmoil at this point. - for chesa boudin to intervene in so many cases is both bad management and dangerous for the city of san francisco. - we are for criminal justice reform. chesa's not it. recall chesa boudin now. tide pods ultra oxi one ups the cleaning power of liquid. chesa's not it. can it one up whatever they're doing? for sure. seriously? one up the power of liquid, one up the toughest stains. any further questions? uh uh! one up the power of liquid with tide pods ultra oxi. today, america remembers the day that lives in infamy. 80 years since the attack on pearl harbor. to mark the anniversary, president biden and first lady jill biden visited the world war ii memorial in d.c. this morning to pay tribute to those we lost on this day 80 years ago. the attack killed more than 2,400 americans and it sparked our country's entry into world war ii. only a few survivors of the attack are still alive, and some of them traveled back to hawaii this week to commemorate the anniversary. kerry sanders caught up with them there. >> well, you know, one of the things that a lot of people don't realize, i think, the military didn't win this conflict by themselves. the people at home, all of our grandmothers and everybody, what a great job they done supporting the military. >> the nation came together. >> the nation came together. >> did the nation come together in a way that we maybe haven't seen since? >> yes. >> and today we honor these heroes. today we say "thank you." that wraps up this hour. thank you at home for watching. i'm stephanie ruhle. jose diaz-balart picks up breaking news coverage right now. good morning, 10:00 a.m. eastern, 7:00 a.m. pacific. i am jose diaz-balart on what is shaping up to be a big day in the nation's capitol. we're actually following two breaking stories at this hour. any moment now on capitol hill, the senate rules committee will hear once again from the u.s. capitol police department's inspector general about the department's preparations for and response to the january 6th insurrection at the capitol. we'll bring you that hearing as

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Changes , Nbc News , Kevin Brady , Power , Thoughts , Supreme Court , Anywhere , Don T Go , N T Go Anywhe , It , Chance , Old , Walks , Wish , Jerry , Trust Me , Investors , Element Securing Portfolios , Reward , Unbelievable , Moon , Thud , Clunk Ugh , Ding , Gold , Advantage , Heart , Female Narrator , Ravette , Hope , Pain , Surgeries , Surgery , Mercy Ships , 9 , 19 , Suffering , Don T Wait , Cowboys , Car Insurance , Liberty Mutual , Pay , Liberty , Turn , Record , Hang On , Tex , Ooo , Draft Report , President Biden S Supreme Court Commission , Hands , The End Of Road , Pete Williams , Congress , Pursuing , Suggestions , Roe V Wade , Justices , Term Limits , Expansion , Arguments , Example , Complications , Limits , Difficulties , Transition , It Doesn T , Anybody , Ideas , Shelf , Members , Ready To Go , Issues , Haven T , Reforms , Emergency Docket , Ethics , Shadow Docket , Briefing , Decision , Sb 6 , West Texas , Discussion , State , Doj , Recommendations , Reasoning , 95 , 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