Transcripts For MSNBC Yasmin Vossoughian Reports 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Yasmin Vossoughian Reports 20240709

is on top of the omicron variant. and the story shaking the media world today. cnn let's go chris cuomo after they say troubling new details emerged about his behavior. that's coming up. we are going to begin with sad news, bob dole has died. he was 98. he died in his sleep this morning. flags at the capitol have been lowered to half staff. dole was a patriot serving in world war ii until honorably discharged and he continued the service as a senator and becoming the presidential nominee in 1996. in 2018, the eighth senator to receive a god medal for service to the nation. he was also awarded the presidential medal of freedom. julie, talk us through the reaction on the hill to senator dole's death. >> bob dole is always going to be a central figure on capitol hill. you saw the flags lowered to half staff. speaker pelosi did almost immediately. he announced this year that he was battling stage 4 lung cancer and passed away this morning in his sleep and reaction is already pouring in on both sides of the aisle. we heard from mitch mcconnell that dole was whatever the politics anyone that saw dole in action had to admire the patriotism. dole held the record for the longest serving republican leader in the senate and only beat by mitch mcconnell. he served in the senate since 1978 and passed the mantle to a senator who served in missouri and reaction from president biden. the senator championed legislation and worked on the legislation with senator biden like the americans with disabilities act and said a first conversation i had with anyone outside the white house was with our dear friends bob and elizabeth dole at their home. he went on to say, quote in the senate we disagreed. he never hesitated to work with me and other democrats. they spoke with elizabeth dole herself a senator and offered condolences for the loss. >> i want to pivot and turn to the work of congress. also, specifically the january 6 investigation. jeffrey clarke secured a last minute delay for the demonstration. walk us through who the committee will be hearing from this week. >> reporter: the committee has the plate full for the end of the year. let's talk about what's going on this week. they have depositions scheduled. you see them. michael flynn is expected to appear tomorrow. they expect from hear from john eastman who helped pressure the vice president, the former vice president to overturn the election results on january 6 and hear from jason miller, a spokes person for the president and bennie thompson said he's focused on what they knew with the misinformation of the fraud they allege in the days leading to january 6. i want to play a sound bite from adam schiff, a member of the panel reacting to another name of mark meadows, the commit tee trying to secure a date for him. >> what each witness we'll have to evaluate them. mark meadows has a book out now apparently describing conversations with the president of january 6 and must have had the permission to discuss the communications and saying previously they're covered by executive privilege. >> reporter: now meadows the former chief of staff to president trump just started to cooperate with the committee and the lawyer says that he will assert the executive privilege when it comes to certain details of january 6. adam schiff said if they're revealed in the book and they're sure to challenge that claim and jeffrey clarke, the committee is expected to haefr from him on december 16 and he like john eastman say they plan to invoke the fifth amendment right. >> thank you for setting us up there. out of michigan, a new person of interest in the investigation of that deadly michigan school shooting and the parents now charged in connection with it. let's go to pontiac, michigan. who's this person, how are they connected and what is he saying? >> reporter: let's start with how they're connected. there's a question of whether the parents were try iing to evade arrest. yesterday they were detained after a manhunt and they failed to show for their arrangement. they were in a commercial billing in detroit and there was a person who reportedly let them into that building and knew that this was after the warrants were issued for their arrest. we now know that this person is oakland county resident, a 65-year-old polish immigrant. through the attorney they say that he is contributing to the community as well as the arts community, they have a statement to read to you. quote mr. sikora has not been charged with any crime. he voluntarily contacted the detroit police department in and oakland county sheriff's office to provide information. he maintains the innocence and fully cooperating with law enforcement to assist in this investigation. potential charges faced here not only by ethan, the shooter but his parents who have been charged with involuntarily man slaughter. the parents now through their attorney said they were not trying to evade arrest but trying to get the affairs into order. they were scared and withdrawn the money from an atm, however. not an atm but a bank and the detroit police chief said it looked like they were on the run and this is very much a developing story. a lot of pieces still here to come into focus. >> we know that the three of them all being housed in isolation. they're being watched on surveillance but there's no indication of statements to make and sounded like they wanted to harm themselves. what do we know about when we could hear from them again? >> reporter: that's unclear of when we going to hear from them. the big event yesterday was the arraignment. we'll expect to hear more from the attorneys potentially within the next couple of days but for the rest of today we don't expect to hear anything. >> we appreciate that. thank you. a member of congress is facing criticism for a photo sent out days after that michigan school shooting. there's a photo yesterday afternoon four days after the shooting with the kentucky republican and six family members with a military style weapon. in front of their christmas tree. merry christmas, ps, please bring ammo. we'll talk about guns and gop extremism. new details are emerging this afternoon following the dismissal of chris cuomo. a short time ago he denied an allegation of sexual misconduct made against him. it was reported by "the new york times." a statement by the representative reads in part these apparently anonymous allegations are not true. to the extent they were sent to cnn he stands by the on air statements about his connection to these issues. the allegations were submitted to cnn wednesday by an attorney who represents the unnamed accuser and said the client is a former junior colleague of cuomo and the situation is unrelated to the former governor of new york. jeremy, what do we know about the latest allegations? >> we know that basically on monday is when cnn learned of the documents showing that chris cuomo is more involved in helping his brother and more than cnn knew and tuesday they announced that he was being suspended and on wednesday an allegation submitted by a lawyer to cnn. late on wednesday into thursday and all we know really is the allegation possibly sped up the timeline for cnn to terminate cuomo but cnn said they had enough cause from the review of the vomt in helping his brother to fire him and perhaps the allegation as a spokesperson said is unvetted and may have sped up the decision and had enough to fire him because they had felt he was misled. >> last night he posted a statement saying this is not how you want the time at cnn to end. i told you how i helped my brother. some people say it's family. what have you heard? >> i think that chris cuomo was a popular anchor on cnn. had the network's most watched show but ultimately this is a problem for cnn and grating on cnn employees and i think that over time this report on monday basically was the nail in the coffin showing that he was misleading people of what he did for his brother. cnn said it was a unique situation and allowed him to make the casual recommendations brother to brother. they can't regulate that but i think that once they realized that he was calling journalists to determine the voracity of the allegations that changed everything for cnn and i think untenable and made the colleagues finally say this is probably enough at this point that journalists have rules about what they can and can't do and i think cnn extended the rules a bit for him and then this ended it basically saying we are so past the line of what is acceptable and people that like cuomo and i think he is fairly liked at the network and has fans but i think they acknowledged that this went too far. >> thank you. still ahead, election fear just the big lie evolving into a long game effort. what trump allies are doing to erode the guardrails that kept the former president from overturning the will of the people. as the omicron variant spreads what you need to know. as we look toward another holiday. 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"the washington post" reports that loyalists of the former president going beyond trump's pressure campaign to a takeover working on local election offices. "the post" said citing the need to make elections secure they seek to replace officials including volunteer poll watchers, county clerks. end quote. so is this all truly for election security? joining me is co-writer of that piece amy gardner. how have you seen the efforts play out in key states like michigan and pennsylvania? >> in a number of ways up and down the sort of ladder or food chain of election administration, if you will. in michigan, we have got election deaniers running for secretary of state which is the highest level of election administration in that state and attorney general. an important position. two of the candidates on the republican side for those offices are people that claimed the election was stolen from donald trump. all the way down at the level of county board of canvassers. we are seeing republican committees at the county level atonighting people who are election deniers replacing those that voted to certify joe biden's victory last year. they don't have the power to make the appointment but the nomination and then the local governing body. we see this in macomb county and then to pennsylvania we see deniers running for elective judge and inspector and the takeaway in this is real concern that people that prevented those that sought to jove turn the results are being replaced and that raises deep concerns about whether the guardrails in place a year ago might not be there next year. >> you spoke with officials who have gotten pushed out perhaps because they did certify the election results. did they tell you if they have success that they would see the offices and come to realize it is legitimate? >> there's a gentleman on the board of canvassers in wayne county, michigan, detroit who voted to certify a year ago and very perplexed that the -- his republican cleese who voted to certify was replaced and in's william hurtman and passed from covid last week. we interviewed him before he was sick. he was a pro trump republican. he initially concerned about election security and not going to certify and then did and then he expressed a certain amount of opttism that perhaps people would experience what he did in that role that the elections were administered fairly and no evidence of difference making fraud. >> there's an effort to stop gop efforts to restrict voting. is there anything done right now? these sound like they every free and fair elections these people running for office. >> you know, this is actually a democratic process. we have -- the laws vary state to state but many allow the political parties to appoint positions like election judges and this is the process as it's allowed to be and have eyeballs from both parties. it is just -- seems as though it has a potential to go off the rails right now given that there are people taking the offices who say that the election was stolen without proving it with evidence. >> thank you for the reporting. >> thank you. a tale of two job reports. why the job numbers and unemployment rate in conflict and what it means. cnbc's ron insana joins me live after the break. after the break. for chest, neck, and back. it goes on clear. no mess just soothing comfort. try new vicks vapostick. get help managing your money for the life -- and years -- ahead. with fidelity income planning, we'll look at what you've saved, what you'll need, and build a straightforward plan to generate income, even when you're not working. a plan that gives you the chance to grow your savings and create cash flow that lasts. along the way, we'll give you ways to be tax efficient. and you can start, stop or adjust your plan at any time without the unnecessary fees. we'll help you go from saving... to living. ♪ play all day ♪ at progressive, we love your pets as much as you do, like this guy in a hat. that's why progressive car insurance covers your pets for up to $1,000 if they're ever in a car accident with you. this mini majorette's gonna march her way right into your heart. -i'm sorry. can we stop? i know that we're selling car insurance here, but, you know, all the cute little animals, it's too much. define "too much." what's wrong with cute animals? -so are we doing this or what? -nah, it's over. 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[ mittens squeaking ] o man, that's a whole lot of wrinkly at least my shoes look good! looking good start with bounce wrinkleguard, the megasheet designed to prevent wrinkles in the dryer. welcome back. with the covid omicron variant in at least 15 states across the country, the white house sending out health officials this morning to talk to the public. here's what nih director told chuck todd about the variant and the reality that there could be more. >> it's certainly possible this is not the last emerging variant to attract concern and attention. this has the largest number of mutations so far. omicron with 50. if we don't have adequate immune protection across the globe we probably see something and we'll have to use the other letters in the greek alphabet. >> joining me now to discuss is liz mclaughlin and dr. peter hotez. 22% of vaccinated americans are boosted. how are the efforts going to boost the number? >> reporter: there's a recent rise for demand for these shots. some messaging is working and seeing hesitancy. we talked to folks today here some saying that the new variant did push them to get a booster or shot for the first time and others saying they're tired of hearing about this. it might change the travel plans and some people are over it which we get and boosters and vaccines are a main tool for us to achieve that and keep things open. we spoke with some people confused about the eligibility for the booster. 22% is low. some said they were hesitant and didn't know if they needed it. a college student said this. >> still waiting to figure it out. see what i think probably the rest of the family does. with my grandparents is more important. with my mom and dad getting it i probably would and i think i'll wait to see what they do. >> reporter: health officials are encouraging folks not to wait saying that the antibodies are important especially going into the holiday season. wintertime where we spend more time indoors and transmission could be an issue. just not to wait to get it and those waiting for an omicron variant specific shot might not get that for a few months. it is better to get it if it's bb more than six months for the pfizer and moderna or two moths or j&j. there are appointments available. we are here at the cvs. i saw same day appointments today. they're full but there's pharmacies within three miles and got to go online and get them and might not be able to walk in and get one. >> dr. hotez is an expert encouraging people to get the booster now. why is that? people might say i want to wait and see if omicron is resistant to a vaccine or more data to need a booster down the line. >> the truth is you need both. the booster not only for omicron but also delta. as i said since the beginning and as we have discussed and in my opinion this is a three dose vaccine and i believe that eventually what counts as full immunization is three doses just because we gave the first two so close together and meant we have a lot of waning immunity and now seeing breakthrough cases and hospitalizations from people who have gotten two doses. and that's going to continue for delta and even be worse for omicron. if you get that third immunization it gives you a 30 to 40 fold rise in antibodies on average to help ensure to be well prepared for the delta variant. not only against hospitalization but infectious. and there's a high likelihood to be a spillover -- i think that's the term tony fauci uses -- to help you against the omicron variant. we are working on that information. that will come in the next few days to week or so. there's a high likelihood and we might not need that omicron specific booster and the omicron specific booster is no guarantee to work but the third vaccination might be effective. for delta is a biggest concern an omicron you need that third immunization if you're eligible. >> you told "new york magazine" we could be facing a twin epidemic of omicron and delta. what does that mean? >> by overwhelmingly delta is the dominant variant since the summer. omicron is creeping up. it is still at low levels. in europe it doubled from 100 to 200 cases and small compared to 40,000 cases in the uk. how it pans out is uncleefr whether omicron can displace the delta variant like delta displaced alpha. i don't know. i think we'll have both in play. delta of course continuing to affect the unvaccinated but omicron because of its partial vaccine resistant properties hits hard the individuals infected and recovered but chosen not to get vaccinated. they're partially immune and seeing the reinfections in south africa and what i think we'll see if people haven't been vaccinated could get reinfected with omicron and holding back for the third immunization is susceptible. a lot of overlap and potentially each variant affecting a group over another. >> our thanks to you and liz. this past week brought mixed economic new just the u.s. did not add as many new jobs in november as economists hoped. but at the same time the unemployment rate dropped so how should we interpret the numbers? been zooming out for a big picture view there's a book out and it paints a stark picture of america's future. if major changes are not made. let's bring in ron insana, a senior adviser to schroeder's. how do you read the numbers? >> if i could digress to the way that the monthly unemployment report is putt together there's two surveys they conduct. one is of large companies and the other is of u.s. households. the corporations added 210,000 individuals to the payrolls. the survey of households showed people getting a new job and takes a long time to get picked upstarting a new business. given the prior five months have seen upward revision in the headline payroll number cited this month is 210,000 we are all thinking that this number is stronger than many people would recognize at the moment and that the pace of hiring is probably better than this month's data show. >> okay. a sliver there of hope that -- >> more than a sliver. unemployment rate dropped and we saw again these households say we started our own job and you can do on shopify or facebook marketplace or amazon and few barriers to entry for individuals on their own. >> we start with the good news and then there's this book, right -- >> i know. >> principles for dealing with the changing world order. and forbes sums up a major point. rising u.s. debt and income disparities has put the country at risk of not just economic hardship but war. a 30% chance the u.s. will enter a major conflict in the next five years. america looks especially vulnerable. does he have a point? >> yeah, i think so. i have known ray on and off for 30 years and an astute thinker in the world of finance and would take that thesis and turn it into an investment strategy and doesn't do in this book but look. history is quite cyclical and there are similarities to period in our past either prior to world war i or world war ii with wide income disparity. polarization of the electorate and led to internal tensions as he describes in the united states. the u.s. intelligence community said that russia may launch an invasion of ukraine by january of next year. a month away. china may some juncture try to retake taiwan. i can see where he's coming from on this. given the political environment of the united states a civil war in the truest sense of a military conflict might be not quite what we experienced in the 19th century but people are split and could cause economic and political problems in the u.s. more broadly seeing russia and china as adversaries at the same time it's serious economic consequences for the globe and the united states. >> all right. mixed bag there. ron, thank you so much for breaking that down for us. >> sure. the gun debate in the spotlight. in the wake of the latest school shooting, we expose the no compromise movement. >> ahead for us, as the supreme court decides the future of roe i spoke about what's at stake. that's all ahead 6:00 p.m. eastern here on msnbc. i've been married to my high school sweetheart for 35 years. i'm a mother of four-- always busy. i was starting to feel a little foggy. just didn't feel like things were as sharp as i knew they once were. i heard about prevagen and then i started taking it about two years now. started noticing things a little sharper, a little clearer. i feel like it's kept me on my game. i'm able to remember things. i'd say give it a try. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. ♪day to night to morning,♪ ♪keep with me in the moment♪ ♪i'd let you had i known it, why don't you say so?♪ ♪didn't even notice,♪ ♪no punches left to roll with♪ ♪you got to keep me focused♪ (vo) for fourteen years, subaru and our retailers have been sharing the love with those who need it most. ♪no punches left to roll with♪ now subaru is the largest automotive donor to make-a-wish and meals on wheels. and the largest corporate donor to the aspca and national park foundation. get a new subaru during the share the love event and subaru will donate two hundred and fifty dollars to charity. dad are you sure you're up to host? 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>> facebook. basically is the answer. these guys are smart and savvy users and use facebook. they can post pictures and memes and videos. get feedback and know what the view count is and the likes they get and they can see what works and what they found that works is a lot of toxic language and us versus them and pro gun stuff. >> want to play more. focusing on the brothers' promotion of confrontation politics. >> the second thing the politicians will respond to and by far the most powerful force is pain. okay? >> elections are a great time to cause pain. the dorrs and the gang love to brag about political graveyards come election time. >> gone. they are the spearhead of the anti-gun establishment here in wyoming. gone. they're gone. >> what strikes me is this model of confrontational politics is really a blueprint for political insurgency. when you know you will never have the majority on your side aim lower. you can win with 3% of the population. >> so this was before the january 6 insurrection and reminiscent of the rhetoric of those that stormed the capitol. do you know what they mean by pain and how their followers interpreted it? >> oh certainly. in many cases it's primarying political -- the people running for political office. certainly running as many sort of -- these people are rinos ads against politicians they don't agree with and everything on their policy wish list. >> chris, the influence morphed into basically a force in the anti-lockdown and anti-vaccine movement. but you talk about the huge sums of money they get in donations and from the tax exempt organization. is it fair to say that profit drives the rhetoric? >> initially that's what we thought. we heard that the guys were straight-up grifters and we found that these particular individuals are making decent money if you add it up but they aren't in it just for the money. they're true believers. the goal is to change the fabric of the country. >> are they going anywhere, lisa? >> other, absolutely not. we have watched in realtime as the kind of ideology is espoused by the guys have taken over gun culture in the united states. >> thank you both for coming on and sharing the work with us. we appreciate it. tune in to the full no compromise series. still ahead, presidential pivot? >> no apologies for ending programs that did not exist before trump became president. >> that was president biden back in march pledging to end the remain in mexico policy but starting tomorrow that measure will resume. what's forcing the president to reinstate the protocol and the concerns that are following. salad! good choice! it is. so is screening for colon cancer. when caught in early stages, it's more treatable. hey, cologuard! hi, i'm noninvasive and i detect altered dna in your stool to find 92% of colon cancers even in early stages. early stages. it's for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider if cologuard is right for you. 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>> this is supposed to be a new, improved remain in mexico. people are being sent back across the border and key changes and supposed to be wrapped up within 180 days or 6 months of the individual's return to mexico and the u.s. government working with mexico ensure there are secure shelters and transportation from the border crossings. the criticism is that my grants sent back are sitting ducks and targeted by criminals and smuggling organizations for kidnapping and robbery and concern whether the new measures will improve that safety and security. >> covid is still circulating. what are the personal stories that you have heard from asylum seekers that are blocked by these programs? >> covid, a new measure is to provide vagszs for those being returned but concern for people stuck in mexico. it is a giant waiting room and these are people from other countries sent to mexico. so a lot of them don't have an economic resource. they have been struggling but mexico provides work permits. some people have small children so they're worried of schooling and women worried of safety. so people have had a lot of hardship and some stuck in the mexican border cities going on a year in some cases and despair and now other speem sent to mexico. >> there's a new study that found that covid and economic struggles that it's produced is one of the leading factors for mass migration to the u.s. does this surprise you? is there anything being done to address that underlying issue and causes? >> yeah. so that nonprofit organization interviewed people who are in shelters just across the border and found poverty, hurricanes and violence driving migration and hardship caused by covid. of course the concern is unless the causes are dealt with having people wait in mexico isn't going to solve the problem and rather than dealing with the root causes it's allowing the criminal smuggling organization, the u.s. to outsource the migration policy to the groups with devastating consequences. the people are at extreme risk. >> all right. we have to leave it there. thank you. >> thank you. all right. next hour, the adoption argument. justice's suggestion that could signal game over for roe versus wade why reaction that adoption negate it is need for abortion plus remembering bob dole. >> what do you hope your legacy will be? >> it is not the titles you had or the fact that you ran for this or ran for that. it's a little thing in life. not just politics. how you treat people and how you want people to treat you. the airport can be a real challenge for new homeowners who have become their parents... okay, everybody, let's do a ticket check. paper tickets. we're off to a horrible start. ...but we can overcome it. we're not gonna point out our houses, landmarks, or major highways during takeoff. don't buy anything. i packed so many delicious snacks. -they're -- -nope. would you say, ballpark, when group two is gonna get boarded? 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Everybody , Yasmin Vossoughian , Lindsay Reiser , Senator , Bob Dole , Police , Parents , News , Report , School Shooter , Breaking News , Authorities , Search , Joe Biden , Administration , Figure , Name , Press , Court , Committee Investigation , Deposition , Michael Flynn , Bid , Health Team , January 6 , 6 , Omicron Variant , Chris Cuomo , Story , On Cnn , Media World Today , Let S Go , Sleep , Details , Behavior , 98 , Service , Half Staff , Capitol , Patriot Serving In World War Ii , Morning , Flags , Medal , Nation , Nominee , God , 2018 , 1996 , Reaction , Death , Medal Of Freedom , The Hill , Julie , Speaker Pelosi , Capitol Hill , Mitch Mcconnell , Lung Cancer , Sides , Aisle , 4 , Senate , Anyone , Politics , Republican , Record , Action , Saw Dole , Patriotism , Leader , Mantle , Missouri , 1978 , Legislation , Conversation , The Americans With Disabilities Act , Home , Quote , Elizabeth Dole , White House , Friends Bob , Democrats , Work , Congress , Condolences , Loss , Committee , Reporter , Investigation , Demonstration , Delay , Walk , Jeffrey Clarke , Talk , Depositions , Plate , John Eastman , Vice President , Election Results , Pressure , Jason Miller , Fraud , Misinformation , Bennie Thompson , Adam Schiff , Tee , Panel , Mark Meadows , Sound Bite , Book , President , Conversations , Witness , Executive Privilege , Communications , Chief Of Staff , Permission , Lawyer , Claim , Him , Haefr , December 16 , 16 , Michigan , Fifth Amendment , Connection , School Shooting , Person Of Interest , Let S Go To Pontiac , Arrangement , Manhunt , Billing , Detroit , Try Iing To Evade Arrest , Question , Arrest , Building , Resident , Oakland County , Warrants , Attorney , Statement , Arts Community , Community , Polish , Immigrant , 65 , Sikora , Information , Crime , Oakland County Sheriff S Office , Mr , Innocence , Detroit Police Department , Shooter , Charges , Law Enforcement , Man Slaughter , Order , Affairs , Lot , Money , Atm , On The Run , Bank , Police Chief , Pieces , Statements , Indication , Three , Surveillance , Being , Isolation , Focus , Event , Anything , Rest , Attorneys , Arraignment , Criticism , Shooting , Photo , Family Members , Military Style Weapon , Kentucky , Six , Four , Extremism , Guns , Merry Christmas , Front , Ammo , Christmas Tree , Ps , Allegation , The New York Times , Sexual Misconduct , Dismissal , Allegations , Issues , Part , Reads , Representative , Extent , Cuomo , Situation , Junior Colleague , Governor , New York , Client , Accuser , Documents , Jeremy , Brother , Wall , Timeline , Cause , Review , Spokesperson , Vomt , Decision , Last Night , People , Family , Network , Show , Anchor , Problem , Nail , Coffin , Grating , Employees , Brother To , Point , Journalists , Everything , Colleagues , Voracity , Line , Bit , Election , Fans , Fear , Big Lie , Guardrails , Allies , Effort , Game , Will , Holiday , Plan , Coverage , Plans , Emergency Coverage , Music , Notice , Telehealth , Medicare , Aetna , 0 , , Hearing , Vision , Dental , Over The Counter Allowance , Aetna Medicare Advantage Plans Annual Enrollment Ends December 7th , December 7th , 7 , Words , Finding Understanding Doesn T , Autism , World , Autism Spectrum , Kinder , Millions , Autismspeaks Org Let , Bacon , Subway , Pepper Jack Cheese , Rotisserie , Gut , App , Baja Chicken , Save Big , Deal , Savings , Customers , 5g , Xfinity , Black Friday , Xfinity Mobile , 5 , 1000 , 000 , Gifts , Sales Event , Store , Click , Act , Claims , 2020 , Way , Elections , Trump , Loyalists , Quest , Pressure Campaign , Takeover Working , Washington Post , Need , Officials , Election Offices , Volunteer Poll Watchers , The Post , Security , Efforts , Co Writer , County Clerks , Truly , End Quote , Amy Gardner , Number , Sort , Ways , Running , States , Food Chain , Ladder , Pennsylvania , Election Deaniers , State , Level , Secretary Of State , Offices , Two , Side , Position , Candidates , Attorney General , Canvassers , Committees , County Board , Election Deniers , Nomination , Victory , Appointment , Power , Deniers , In Macomb County , Governing Body , Concern , Results , Takeaway , Judge , Jove , Inspector , Concerns , Gentleman , Success , Cleese , Board , Wayne County , Covid , Pro , William Hurtman , Opttism , Amount , Evidence , Making Fraud , Difference , Role , Voting , Process , Office , Sound , Parties , Many , Election Judges , Positions , Laws , Potential , Rails , Eyeballs , It , Job , Numbers , Unemployment Rate , Conflict , Reporting , Job Reports , Tale , Ron Insana , Break , Mess , Neck , Chest , Comfort , Cnbc , Life , Help , Income , Income Planning , Vicks Vapostick , Cash Flow , Chance , Saving , Stop , Tax Efficient , Fees , Progressive , Car Insurance , Guy , Pets , Hat , Car Accident , Mini Majorette S Gonna March , Someone , Animals , Heart , Mittens , Mittens Squeaking , Diva , Squeaks Softly , Wrinkly , O Man , Shoes , Bounce Wrinkleguard , Wrinkles , Dryer , Megasheet , Covid Omicron Variant , 15 , Country , Variant , Health Officials , Reality , Public , Nih Director , Chuck Todd , Attention , Mutations , 50 , Something , Globe , Dr , Protection , Alphabet , Letters , Liz Mclaughlin , Peter Hotez , Rise , Shots , Demand , Americans , 22 , Booster , Folks , Others , Time , Messaging , Hesitancy , Push , Things , Travel Plans , Boosters , Vaccines , Tool , Some , Eligibility , Didn T , Grandparents , College Student , Dad , Antibodies , Mom , Holiday Season , Issue , Waiting , Transmission , Shot , Moderna , Moths , Appointments , J , Pfizer , Cvs , Pharmacies , Hotez , One , Vaccine , Both , Truth , Data , Delta , Dose Vaccine , Opinion , Beginning , Immunization , Doses , Breakthrough Cases , Immunity , Hospitalizations , 30 , 40 , Likelihood , Hospitalization , Delta Variant , Average , Spillover , Term , Tony Fauci , Guarantee , Vaccination , New York Magazine , Omicron , Epidemic , Summer , Cases , Levels , Uk , Europe , 100 , 200 , 40000 , Play , I Don T Know , Uncleefr , Individuals , Course , Properties , Unvaccinated , People Haven T , Reinfections , South Africa , Thanks , Another , Group , Overlap , U S , Economists , Jobs , Picture , Changes , Schroeder , Households , Surveys , Unemployment , Companies , Putt , Is , Corporations , Payrolls , Survey , 210000 , Business , Headline Payroll Number , Thinking , Revision , Upstarting , Five , Sliver , Data Show , Pace , Hiring , Hope , Facebook , Barriers To Entry , Shopify , Amazon , Principles , World Order , Hardship , Risk , War , Debt , Disparities , Forbes , Thinker , Thesis , Investment Strategy , Finance , Ray On , Electorate , Similarities , Income Disparity , Polarization , World War Ii , World War I , Invasion , Tensions , Led , U S Intelligence Community , Ukraine , Russia , Military Conflict , Sense , Civil War , Juncture , China , Taiwan , Environment Of The United States , Problems , Adversaries , 19 , Consequences , Spotlight , Bag , Gun Debate , Down , Wake , Compromise Movement , Supreme Court , Roe , Mother , Stake , High School Sweetheart , Msnbc , 35 , 00 , Sharper , Foggy , Clearer , Why Don T , Try , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Subaru , Punches , Love , Vo , Retailers , Fourteen , Donor , Aspca , Meals On Wheels , National Park Foundation , Love Event , Share , Charity , Two Hundred And Fifty , Two Hundred And Fifty Dollars , Grandma , Best , Holidays , Relief , Congestion , Vicks Sinex , Vicks Sinex Saline , Children , Noses , Vicks Sinex Children S Saline , Safe , Chase Security Features , More , Convenience , Banking , Chase , Police Officer , Jury , Driver , Trial , Gun By Mistake Shooting , Kim Potter , We Saw , Gun , Taser , Shouting Taser , Daune Wright Why Potter , 20 , Violence , Gun Relation , Message , Controversy , Donations , Brothers , Guests , Doors , Hot Button , Followers , Citizens , Law , Word , Dorrs , Rabid Mobs , Senseless , Criminals , Daniel , Blanket Insult , Father , Marine , Thug , Home Invader , Supporters , Catch All , Enemy , Place , Against , Scorn , Punishment , Lisa , Co Hosts , Compromise Podcast , Guys , Answer , Feedback , Following , Pictures , Videos , Memes , Users , Count , Works , View , Gun Stuff , Language , Them , Pain , Thing , Politicians , Force , Confrontation Politics , Promotion , Graveyards , Gang , Gone , Establishment , Model , Spearhead , Wyoming , Population , Insurgency , Blueprint , Majority , Side Aim , 3 , Rhetoric , Insurrection , Primarying , Rinos , Influence , Policy Wish List , Organization , Movement , Tax , Sums , Profit , Grifters , Goal , True Believers , Fabric , Anywhere , Kind , Realtime , Ideology , Gun Culture , Ending Programs , Tune , Series , Pivot , Apologies , No Compromise , Mexico , Measure , Policy , Protocol , Stages , Screening , Colon Cancer , Cologuard , Salad , Choice , Stool , Dna , Colon Cancers , Provider , 92 , 45 , Salonpas , Medicine , Arthritis Pain , Inflammation , Arthritis Gel , Pain Relief Ingredient , Prescription Strength , Cold , Nighttime , Head , Flu , Symptoms , Coughing , Sunday Night , Stuffy , Aching , Sniffling , Sneezing , Liberty , Liberty Mutual , Customization , Throwback , Dj , Video Call Meeting , On Tuesday , Vladimir Putin , Border , Buildup , Troops , Agenda , West , Blinken , Foreign Minister Warning , 90000 , Court Order , Sanctions , Nato , Program , Firms , Asylum Seekers , Immigration Court Proceedings , Cities , Points , Angela Cochurga , San Diego , Seven , New , Tacos , El Paso , Individual , Return To Mexico , 180 , Shelters , Government , Transportation , Sitting Ducks , Grants , Border Crossings , Safety , Smuggling Organizations , Measures , Kidnapping , Robbery , Stories , Programs , Countries , Vagszs , Waiting Room , Schooling , Women , Resource , Work Permits , Study , Stuck , Despair , Speem , Mexican , Struggles , Mass Migration , Factors , Causes , Nonprofit Organization , Poverty , Hurricanes , Isn T , Migration , Driving , Migration Policy , Groups , Root , Smuggling Organization , Suggestion , Justice , Adoption Argument , Adoption , Abortion , Game Over , Roe Versus Wade , Titles , Legacy , Fact , Ran , Homeowners , Ticket Check , Airport , Paper Tickets , Challenge , Group Two , Houses , Takeoff , Gonna , Highways , Landmarks , Snacks , Ballpark , 58 , 2 , Shingles , Nightmare , Stabbing Pains , Auto , Electric Shocks , Pulsing , Sharp , Burning Sensation , Virus , Rash , Events , Chickenpox , Weekend Getaways , Doctor , Pharmacist , Pad , Discreet , Layers , Bladder Leak Pads , Protein , Energy , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Gift , Sugar , Businesses , Health , Savings Sale , Comcast Business , Nutrients , Price Guarantee , Internet , Gig Speeds , Bundles , Prepaid Card , Voice , 64 99 , 4 99 , 500 , Possibilities , Son , Weapon , Signs , Gun Owners , Responsibility , Case , Danny Cevallos , Congressman , Turning Point , Liar , Extremist , He Doesn T , Attack , Caucus , Coward , Mccarthy ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC Yasmin Vossoughian Reports 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Yasmin Vossoughian Reports 20240709

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is on top of the omicron variant. and the story shaking the media world today. cnn let's go chris cuomo after they say troubling new details emerged about his behavior. that's coming up. we are going to begin with sad news, bob dole has died. he was 98. he died in his sleep this morning. flags at the capitol have been lowered to half staff. dole was a patriot serving in world war ii until honorably discharged and he continued the service as a senator and becoming the presidential nominee in 1996. in 2018, the eighth senator to receive a god medal for service to the nation. he was also awarded the presidential medal of freedom. julie, talk us through the reaction on the hill to senator dole's death. >> bob dole is always going to be a central figure on capitol hill. you saw the flags lowered to half staff. speaker pelosi did almost immediately. he announced this year that he was battling stage 4 lung cancer and passed away this morning in his sleep and reaction is already pouring in on both sides of the aisle. we heard from mitch mcconnell that dole was whatever the politics anyone that saw dole in action had to admire the patriotism. dole held the record for the longest serving republican leader in the senate and only beat by mitch mcconnell. he served in the senate since 1978 and passed the mantle to a senator who served in missouri and reaction from president biden. the senator championed legislation and worked on the legislation with senator biden like the americans with disabilities act and said a first conversation i had with anyone outside the white house was with our dear friends bob and elizabeth dole at their home. he went on to say, quote in the senate we disagreed. he never hesitated to work with me and other democrats. they spoke with elizabeth dole herself a senator and offered condolences for the loss. >> i want to pivot and turn to the work of congress. also, specifically the january 6 investigation. jeffrey clarke secured a last minute delay for the demonstration. walk us through who the committee will be hearing from this week. >> reporter: the committee has the plate full for the end of the year. let's talk about what's going on this week. they have depositions scheduled. you see them. michael flynn is expected to appear tomorrow. they expect from hear from john eastman who helped pressure the vice president, the former vice president to overturn the election results on january 6 and hear from jason miller, a spokes person for the president and bennie thompson said he's focused on what they knew with the misinformation of the fraud they allege in the days leading to january 6. i want to play a sound bite from adam schiff, a member of the panel reacting to another name of mark meadows, the commit tee trying to secure a date for him. >> what each witness we'll have to evaluate them. mark meadows has a book out now apparently describing conversations with the president of january 6 and must have had the permission to discuss the communications and saying previously they're covered by executive privilege. >> reporter: now meadows the former chief of staff to president trump just started to cooperate with the committee and the lawyer says that he will assert the executive privilege when it comes to certain details of january 6. adam schiff said if they're revealed in the book and they're sure to challenge that claim and jeffrey clarke, the committee is expected to haefr from him on december 16 and he like john eastman say they plan to invoke the fifth amendment right. >> thank you for setting us up there. out of michigan, a new person of interest in the investigation of that deadly michigan school shooting and the parents now charged in connection with it. let's go to pontiac, michigan. who's this person, how are they connected and what is he saying? >> reporter: let's start with how they're connected. there's a question of whether the parents were try iing to evade arrest. yesterday they were detained after a manhunt and they failed to show for their arrangement. they were in a commercial billing in detroit and there was a person who reportedly let them into that building and knew that this was after the warrants were issued for their arrest. we now know that this person is oakland county resident, a 65-year-old polish immigrant. through the attorney they say that he is contributing to the community as well as the arts community, they have a statement to read to you. quote mr. sikora has not been charged with any crime. he voluntarily contacted the detroit police department in and oakland county sheriff's office to provide information. he maintains the innocence and fully cooperating with law enforcement to assist in this investigation. potential charges faced here not only by ethan, the shooter but his parents who have been charged with involuntarily man slaughter. the parents now through their attorney said they were not trying to evade arrest but trying to get the affairs into order. they were scared and withdrawn the money from an atm, however. not an atm but a bank and the detroit police chief said it looked like they were on the run and this is very much a developing story. a lot of pieces still here to come into focus. >> we know that the three of them all being housed in isolation. they're being watched on surveillance but there's no indication of statements to make and sounded like they wanted to harm themselves. what do we know about when we could hear from them again? >> reporter: that's unclear of when we going to hear from them. the big event yesterday was the arraignment. we'll expect to hear more from the attorneys potentially within the next couple of days but for the rest of today we don't expect to hear anything. >> we appreciate that. thank you. a member of congress is facing criticism for a photo sent out days after that michigan school shooting. there's a photo yesterday afternoon four days after the shooting with the kentucky republican and six family members with a military style weapon. in front of their christmas tree. merry christmas, ps, please bring ammo. we'll talk about guns and gop extremism. new details are emerging this afternoon following the dismissal of chris cuomo. a short time ago he denied an allegation of sexual misconduct made against him. it was reported by "the new york times." a statement by the representative reads in part these apparently anonymous allegations are not true. to the extent they were sent to cnn he stands by the on air statements about his connection to these issues. the allegations were submitted to cnn wednesday by an attorney who represents the unnamed accuser and said the client is a former junior colleague of cuomo and the situation is unrelated to the former governor of new york. jeremy, what do we know about the latest allegations? >> we know that basically on monday is when cnn learned of the documents showing that chris cuomo is more involved in helping his brother and more than cnn knew and tuesday they announced that he was being suspended and on wednesday an allegation submitted by a lawyer to cnn. late on wednesday into thursday and all we know really is the allegation possibly sped up the timeline for cnn to terminate cuomo but cnn said they had enough cause from the review of the vomt in helping his brother to fire him and perhaps the allegation as a spokesperson said is unvetted and may have sped up the decision and had enough to fire him because they had felt he was misled. >> last night he posted a statement saying this is not how you want the time at cnn to end. i told you how i helped my brother. some people say it's family. what have you heard? >> i think that chris cuomo was a popular anchor on cnn. had the network's most watched show but ultimately this is a problem for cnn and grating on cnn employees and i think that over time this report on monday basically was the nail in the coffin showing that he was misleading people of what he did for his brother. cnn said it was a unique situation and allowed him to make the casual recommendations brother to brother. they can't regulate that but i think that once they realized that he was calling journalists to determine the voracity of the allegations that changed everything for cnn and i think untenable and made the colleagues finally say this is probably enough at this point that journalists have rules about what they can and can't do and i think cnn extended the rules a bit for him and then this ended it basically saying we are so past the line of what is acceptable and people that like cuomo and i think he is fairly liked at the network and has fans but i think they acknowledged that this went too far. >> thank you. still ahead, election fear just the big lie evolving into a long game effort. what trump allies are doing to erode the guardrails that kept the former president from overturning the will of the people. as the omicron variant spreads what you need to know. as we look toward another holiday. 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"the washington post" reports that loyalists of the former president going beyond trump's pressure campaign to a takeover working on local election offices. "the post" said citing the need to make elections secure they seek to replace officials including volunteer poll watchers, county clerks. end quote. so is this all truly for election security? joining me is co-writer of that piece amy gardner. how have you seen the efforts play out in key states like michigan and pennsylvania? >> in a number of ways up and down the sort of ladder or food chain of election administration, if you will. in michigan, we have got election deaniers running for secretary of state which is the highest level of election administration in that state and attorney general. an important position. two of the candidates on the republican side for those offices are people that claimed the election was stolen from donald trump. all the way down at the level of county board of canvassers. we are seeing republican committees at the county level atonighting people who are election deniers replacing those that voted to certify joe biden's victory last year. they don't have the power to make the appointment but the nomination and then the local governing body. we see this in macomb county and then to pennsylvania we see deniers running for elective judge and inspector and the takeaway in this is real concern that people that prevented those that sought to jove turn the results are being replaced and that raises deep concerns about whether the guardrails in place a year ago might not be there next year. >> you spoke with officials who have gotten pushed out perhaps because they did certify the election results. did they tell you if they have success that they would see the offices and come to realize it is legitimate? >> there's a gentleman on the board of canvassers in wayne county, michigan, detroit who voted to certify a year ago and very perplexed that the -- his republican cleese who voted to certify was replaced and in's william hurtman and passed from covid last week. we interviewed him before he was sick. he was a pro trump republican. he initially concerned about election security and not going to certify and then did and then he expressed a certain amount of opttism that perhaps people would experience what he did in that role that the elections were administered fairly and no evidence of difference making fraud. >> there's an effort to stop gop efforts to restrict voting. is there anything done right now? these sound like they every free and fair elections these people running for office. >> you know, this is actually a democratic process. we have -- the laws vary state to state but many allow the political parties to appoint positions like election judges and this is the process as it's allowed to be and have eyeballs from both parties. it is just -- seems as though it has a potential to go off the rails right now given that there are people taking the offices who say that the election was stolen without proving it with evidence. >> thank you for the reporting. >> thank you. a tale of two job reports. why the job numbers and unemployment rate in conflict and what it means. cnbc's ron insana joins me live after the break. after the break. for chest, neck, and back. it goes on clear. no mess just soothing comfort. try new vicks vapostick. get help managing your money for the life -- and years -- ahead. with fidelity income planning, we'll look at what you've saved, what you'll need, and build a straightforward plan to generate income, even when you're not working. a plan that gives you the chance to grow your savings and create cash flow that lasts. along the way, we'll give you ways to be tax efficient. and you can start, stop or adjust your plan at any time without the unnecessary fees. we'll help you go from saving... to living. ♪ play all day ♪ at progressive, we love your pets as much as you do, like this guy in a hat. that's why progressive car insurance covers your pets for up to $1,000 if they're ever in a car accident with you. this mini majorette's gonna march her way right into your heart. -i'm sorry. can we stop? i know that we're selling car insurance here, but, you know, all the cute little animals, it's too much. define "too much." what's wrong with cute animals? -so are we doing this or what? -nah, it's over. [ sighs ] well, someone's got to break the news to mittens. [ squeaks softly ] she's a diva. [ mittens squeaking ] o man, that's a whole lot of wrinkly at least my shoes look good! looking good start with bounce wrinkleguard, the megasheet designed to prevent wrinkles in the dryer. welcome back. with the covid omicron variant in at least 15 states across the country, the white house sending out health officials this morning to talk to the public. here's what nih director told chuck todd about the variant and the reality that there could be more. >> it's certainly possible this is not the last emerging variant to attract concern and attention. this has the largest number of mutations so far. omicron with 50. if we don't have adequate immune protection across the globe we probably see something and we'll have to use the other letters in the greek alphabet. >> joining me now to discuss is liz mclaughlin and dr. peter hotez. 22% of vaccinated americans are boosted. how are the efforts going to boost the number? >> reporter: there's a recent rise for demand for these shots. some messaging is working and seeing hesitancy. we talked to folks today here some saying that the new variant did push them to get a booster or shot for the first time and others saying they're tired of hearing about this. it might change the travel plans and some people are over it which we get and boosters and vaccines are a main tool for us to achieve that and keep things open. we spoke with some people confused about the eligibility for the booster. 22% is low. some said they were hesitant and didn't know if they needed it. a college student said this. >> still waiting to figure it out. see what i think probably the rest of the family does. with my grandparents is more important. with my mom and dad getting it i probably would and i think i'll wait to see what they do. >> reporter: health officials are encouraging folks not to wait saying that the antibodies are important especially going into the holiday season. wintertime where we spend more time indoors and transmission could be an issue. just not to wait to get it and those waiting for an omicron variant specific shot might not get that for a few months. it is better to get it if it's bb more than six months for the pfizer and moderna or two moths or j&j. there are appointments available. we are here at the cvs. i saw same day appointments today. they're full but there's pharmacies within three miles and got to go online and get them and might not be able to walk in and get one. >> dr. hotez is an expert encouraging people to get the booster now. why is that? people might say i want to wait and see if omicron is resistant to a vaccine or more data to need a booster down the line. >> the truth is you need both. the booster not only for omicron but also delta. as i said since the beginning and as we have discussed and in my opinion this is a three dose vaccine and i believe that eventually what counts as full immunization is three doses just because we gave the first two so close together and meant we have a lot of waning immunity and now seeing breakthrough cases and hospitalizations from people who have gotten two doses. and that's going to continue for delta and even be worse for omicron. if you get that third immunization it gives you a 30 to 40 fold rise in antibodies on average to help ensure to be well prepared for the delta variant. not only against hospitalization but infectious. and there's a high likelihood to be a spillover -- i think that's the term tony fauci uses -- to help you against the omicron variant. we are working on that information. that will come in the next few days to week or so. there's a high likelihood and we might not need that omicron specific booster and the omicron specific booster is no guarantee to work but the third vaccination might be effective. for delta is a biggest concern an omicron you need that third immunization if you're eligible. >> you told "new york magazine" we could be facing a twin epidemic of omicron and delta. what does that mean? >> by overwhelmingly delta is the dominant variant since the summer. omicron is creeping up. it is still at low levels. in europe it doubled from 100 to 200 cases and small compared to 40,000 cases in the uk. how it pans out is uncleefr whether omicron can displace the delta variant like delta displaced alpha. i don't know. i think we'll have both in play. delta of course continuing to affect the unvaccinated but omicron because of its partial vaccine resistant properties hits hard the individuals infected and recovered but chosen not to get vaccinated. they're partially immune and seeing the reinfections in south africa and what i think we'll see if people haven't been vaccinated could get reinfected with omicron and holding back for the third immunization is susceptible. a lot of overlap and potentially each variant affecting a group over another. >> our thanks to you and liz. this past week brought mixed economic new just the u.s. did not add as many new jobs in november as economists hoped. but at the same time the unemployment rate dropped so how should we interpret the numbers? been zooming out for a big picture view there's a book out and it paints a stark picture of america's future. if major changes are not made. let's bring in ron insana, a senior adviser to schroeder's. how do you read the numbers? >> if i could digress to the way that the monthly unemployment report is putt together there's two surveys they conduct. one is of large companies and the other is of u.s. households. the corporations added 210,000 individuals to the payrolls. the survey of households showed people getting a new job and takes a long time to get picked upstarting a new business. given the prior five months have seen upward revision in the headline payroll number cited this month is 210,000 we are all thinking that this number is stronger than many people would recognize at the moment and that the pace of hiring is probably better than this month's data show. >> okay. a sliver there of hope that -- >> more than a sliver. unemployment rate dropped and we saw again these households say we started our own job and you can do on shopify or facebook marketplace or amazon and few barriers to entry for individuals on their own. >> we start with the good news and then there's this book, right -- >> i know. >> principles for dealing with the changing world order. and forbes sums up a major point. rising u.s. debt and income disparities has put the country at risk of not just economic hardship but war. a 30% chance the u.s. will enter a major conflict in the next five years. america looks especially vulnerable. does he have a point? >> yeah, i think so. i have known ray on and off for 30 years and an astute thinker in the world of finance and would take that thesis and turn it into an investment strategy and doesn't do in this book but look. history is quite cyclical and there are similarities to period in our past either prior to world war i or world war ii with wide income disparity. polarization of the electorate and led to internal tensions as he describes in the united states. the u.s. intelligence community said that russia may launch an invasion of ukraine by january of next year. a month away. china may some juncture try to retake taiwan. i can see where he's coming from on this. given the political environment of the united states a civil war in the truest sense of a military conflict might be not quite what we experienced in the 19th century but people are split and could cause economic and political problems in the u.s. more broadly seeing russia and china as adversaries at the same time it's serious economic consequences for the globe and the united states. >> all right. mixed bag there. ron, thank you so much for breaking that down for us. >> sure. the gun debate in the spotlight. in the wake of the latest school shooting, we expose the no compromise movement. >> ahead for us, as the supreme court decides the future of roe i spoke about what's at stake. that's all ahead 6:00 p.m. eastern here on msnbc. i've been married to my high school sweetheart for 35 years. i'm a mother of four-- always busy. i was starting to feel a little foggy. just didn't feel like things were as sharp as i knew they once were. i heard about prevagen and then i started taking it about two years now. started noticing things a little sharper, a little clearer. i feel like it's kept me on my game. i'm able to remember things. i'd say give it a try. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. ♪day to night to morning,♪ ♪keep with me in the moment♪ ♪i'd let you had i known it, why don't you say so?♪ ♪didn't even notice,♪ ♪no punches left to roll with♪ ♪you got to keep me focused♪ (vo) for fourteen years, subaru and our retailers have been sharing the love with those who need it most. ♪no punches left to roll with♪ now subaru is the largest automotive donor to make-a-wish and meals on wheels. and the largest corporate donor to the aspca and national park foundation. get a new subaru during the share the love event and subaru will donate two hundred and fifty dollars to charity. dad are you sure you're up to host? yeah! we want to keep it the way it always was, right? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ that's your grandma. she was the best at the holidays. instantly clear everyday congestion with vicks sinex saline. for fast drug free relief vicks sinex. instantly clear everyday congestion. and try vicks sinex children's saline. safe and gentle relief for children's noses. safe an♪ ♪ ♪tle relief for children's noses. ♪ ♪ ♪ with chase security features, guidance and convenience, banking feels good. chase. make more of what's yours. the trial for a white police officer saying she drew the gun by mistake shooting and killing a black driver gets under way this week. a mostly white jury was seated friday and kim potter will testify and charged for the april shooting of 20-year-old daune wright why potter can be heard shouting taser taser taser before firing her gun. something that's almost routine following a deadly shooting like the we saw in michigan on tuesday, fiery debate of gun relation, demands for action and the violence starting again. this week we put the debate and extremism in the spotlight. my next guests exposed how three brothers are turning hot button issues into donations and controversy. >> the message from the doors is simple. law abiding citizens like the dorrs and their followers need guns to protect themselves from senseless, rabid mobs. >> they use the word thug to mean a lot of things. >> i love it why daniel said my father was a marine. i know damn well he'd give it to these thugs. ! criminals! criminals! >> it's a blanket insult. thug can be a catch-all for a faceless enemy, a home invader maybe, someone supporters should be armed against. >> someone with a criminal record, someone they would say deserves punishment, scorn, death. it's also for a black guy maybe from some place like new york. >> joining me is co-hosts of no compromise podcast, chris and lisa. good afternoon. thank you for being with us. chris, can you talk about how the brothers generated a huge following? >> facebook. basically is the answer. these guys are smart and savvy users and use facebook. they can post pictures and memes and videos. get feedback and know what the view count is and the likes they get and they can see what works and what they found that works is a lot of toxic language and us versus them and pro gun stuff. >> want to play more. focusing on the brothers' promotion of confrontation politics. >> the second thing the politicians will respond to and by far the most powerful force is pain. okay? >> elections are a great time to cause pain. the dorrs and the gang love to brag about political graveyards come election time. >> gone. they are the spearhead of the anti-gun establishment here in wyoming. gone. they're gone. >> what strikes me is this model of confrontational politics is really a blueprint for political insurgency. when you know you will never have the majority on your side aim lower. you can win with 3% of the population. >> so this was before the january 6 insurrection and reminiscent of the rhetoric of those that stormed the capitol. do you know what they mean by pain and how their followers interpreted it? >> oh certainly. in many cases it's primarying political -- the people running for political office. certainly running as many sort of -- these people are rinos ads against politicians they don't agree with and everything on their policy wish list. >> chris, the influence morphed into basically a force in the anti-lockdown and anti-vaccine movement. but you talk about the huge sums of money they get in donations and from the tax exempt organization. is it fair to say that profit drives the rhetoric? >> initially that's what we thought. we heard that the guys were straight-up grifters and we found that these particular individuals are making decent money if you add it up but they aren't in it just for the money. they're true believers. the goal is to change the fabric of the country. >> are they going anywhere, lisa? >> other, absolutely not. we have watched in realtime as the kind of ideology is espoused by the guys have taken over gun culture in the united states. >> thank you both for coming on and sharing the work with us. we appreciate it. tune in to the full no compromise series. still ahead, presidential pivot? >> no apologies for ending programs that did not exist before trump became president. >> that was president biden back in march pledging to end the remain in mexico policy but starting tomorrow that measure will resume. what's forcing the president to reinstate the protocol and the concerns that are following. salad! good choice! it is. so is screening for colon cancer. when caught in early stages, it's more treatable. hey, cologuard! hi, i'm noninvasive and i detect altered dna in your stool to find 92% of colon cancers even in early stages. early stages. it's for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider if cologuard is right for you. 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>> this is supposed to be a new, improved remain in mexico. people are being sent back across the border and key changes and supposed to be wrapped up within 180 days or 6 months of the individual's return to mexico and the u.s. government working with mexico ensure there are secure shelters and transportation from the border crossings. the criticism is that my grants sent back are sitting ducks and targeted by criminals and smuggling organizations for kidnapping and robbery and concern whether the new measures will improve that safety and security. >> covid is still circulating. what are the personal stories that you have heard from asylum seekers that are blocked by these programs? >> covid, a new measure is to provide vagszs for those being returned but concern for people stuck in mexico. it is a giant waiting room and these are people from other countries sent to mexico. so a lot of them don't have an economic resource. they have been struggling but mexico provides work permits. some people have small children so they're worried of schooling and women worried of safety. so people have had a lot of hardship and some stuck in the mexican border cities going on a year in some cases and despair and now other speem sent to mexico. >> there's a new study that found that covid and economic struggles that it's produced is one of the leading factors for mass migration to the u.s. does this surprise you? is there anything being done to address that underlying issue and causes? >> yeah. so that nonprofit organization interviewed people who are in shelters just across the border and found poverty, hurricanes and violence driving migration and hardship caused by covid. of course the concern is unless the causes are dealt with having people wait in mexico isn't going to solve the problem and rather than dealing with the root causes it's allowing the criminal smuggling organization, the u.s. to outsource the migration policy to the groups with devastating consequences. the people are at extreme risk. >> all right. we have to leave it there. thank you. >> thank you. all right. next hour, the adoption argument. justice's suggestion that could signal game over for roe versus wade why reaction that adoption negate it is need for abortion plus remembering bob dole. >> what do you hope your legacy will be? >> it is not the titles you had or the fact that you ran for this or ran for that. it's a little thing in life. not just politics. how you treat people and how you want people to treat you. the airport can be a real challenge for new homeowners who have become their parents... okay, everybody, let's do a ticket check. paper tickets. we're off to a horrible start. ...but we can overcome it. we're not gonna point out our houses, landmarks, or major highways during takeoff. don't buy anything. i packed so many delicious snacks. -they're -- -nope. would you say, ballpark, when group two is gonna get boarded? 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I Don T Know , Uncleefr , Individuals , Course , Properties , Unvaccinated , People Haven T , Reinfections , South Africa , Thanks , Another , Group , Overlap , U S , Economists , Jobs , Picture , Changes , Schroeder , Households , Surveys , Unemployment , Companies , Putt , Is , Corporations , Payrolls , Survey , 210000 , Business , Headline Payroll Number , Thinking , Revision , Upstarting , Five , Sliver , Data Show , Pace , Hiring , Hope , Facebook , Barriers To Entry , Shopify , Amazon , Principles , World Order , Hardship , Risk , War , Debt , Disparities , Forbes , Thinker , Thesis , Investment Strategy , Finance , Ray On , Electorate , Similarities , Income Disparity , Polarization , World War Ii , World War I , Invasion , Tensions , Led , U S Intelligence Community , Ukraine , Russia , Military Conflict , Sense , Civil War , Juncture , China , Taiwan , Environment Of The United States , Problems , Adversaries , 19 , Consequences , Spotlight , Bag , Gun Debate , Down , Wake , Compromise Movement , Supreme Court , Roe , Mother , Stake , High School Sweetheart , Msnbc , 35 , 00 , Sharper , Foggy , Clearer , Why Don T , Try , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Subaru , Punches , Love , Vo , Retailers , Fourteen , Donor , Aspca , Meals On Wheels , National Park Foundation , Love Event , Share , Charity , Two Hundred And Fifty , Two Hundred And Fifty Dollars , Grandma , Best , Holidays , Relief , Congestion , Vicks Sinex , Vicks Sinex Saline , Children , Noses , Vicks Sinex Children S Saline , Safe , Chase Security Features , More , Convenience , Banking , Chase , Police Officer , Jury , Driver , Trial , Gun By Mistake Shooting , Kim Potter , We Saw , Gun , Taser , Shouting Taser , Daune Wright Why Potter , 20 , Violence , Gun Relation , Message , Controversy , Donations , Brothers , Guests , Doors , Hot Button , Followers , Citizens , Law , Word , Dorrs , Rabid Mobs , Senseless , Criminals , Daniel , Blanket Insult , Father , Marine , Thug , Home Invader , Supporters , Catch All , Enemy , Place , Against , Scorn , Punishment , Lisa , Co Hosts , Compromise Podcast , Guys , Answer , Feedback , Following , Pictures , Videos , Memes , Users , Count , Works , View , Gun Stuff , Language , Them , Pain , Thing , Politicians , Force , Confrontation Politics , Promotion , Graveyards , Gang , Gone , Establishment , Model , Spearhead , Wyoming , Population , Insurgency , Blueprint , Majority , Side Aim , 3 , Rhetoric , Insurrection , Primarying , Rinos , Influence , Policy Wish List , Organization , Movement , Tax , Sums , Profit , Grifters , Goal , True Believers , Fabric , Anywhere , Kind , Realtime , Ideology , Gun Culture , Ending Programs , Tune , Series , Pivot , Apologies , No Compromise , Mexico , Measure , Policy , Protocol , Stages , Screening , Colon Cancer , Cologuard , Salad , Choice , Stool , Dna , Colon Cancers , Provider , 92 , 45 , Salonpas , Medicine , Arthritis Pain , Inflammation , Arthritis Gel , Pain Relief Ingredient , Prescription Strength , Cold , Nighttime , Head , Flu , Symptoms , Coughing , Sunday Night , Stuffy , Aching , Sniffling , Sneezing , Liberty , Liberty Mutual , Customization , Throwback , Dj , Video Call Meeting , On Tuesday , Vladimir Putin , Border , Buildup , Troops , Agenda , West , Blinken , Foreign Minister Warning , 90000 , Court Order , Sanctions , Nato , Program , Firms , Asylum Seekers , Immigration Court Proceedings , Cities , Points , Angela Cochurga , San Diego , Seven , New , Tacos , El Paso , Individual , Return To Mexico , 180 , Shelters , Government , Transportation , Sitting Ducks , Grants , Border Crossings , Safety , Smuggling Organizations , Measures , Kidnapping , Robbery , Stories , Programs , Countries , Vagszs , Waiting Room , Schooling , Women , Resource , Work Permits , Study , Stuck , Despair , Speem , Mexican , Struggles , Mass Migration , Factors , Causes , Nonprofit Organization , Poverty , Hurricanes , Isn T , Migration , Driving , Migration Policy , Groups , Root , Smuggling Organization , Suggestion , Justice , Adoption Argument , Adoption , Abortion , Game Over , Roe Versus Wade , Titles , Legacy , Fact , Ran , Homeowners , Ticket Check , Airport , Paper Tickets , Challenge , Group Two , Houses , Takeoff , Gonna , Highways , Landmarks , Snacks , Ballpark , 58 , 2 , Shingles , Nightmare , Stabbing Pains , Auto , Electric Shocks , Pulsing , Sharp , Burning Sensation , Virus , Rash , Events , Chickenpox , Weekend Getaways , Doctor , Pharmacist , Pad , Discreet , Layers , Bladder Leak Pads , Protein , Energy , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Gift , Sugar , Businesses , Health , Savings Sale , Comcast Business , Nutrients , Price Guarantee , Internet , Gig Speeds , Bundles , Prepaid Card , Voice , 64 99 , 4 99 , 500 , Possibilities , Son , Weapon , Signs , Gun Owners , Responsibility , Case , Danny Cevallos , Congressman , Turning Point , Liar , Extremist , He Doesn T , Attack , Caucus , Coward , Mccarthy ,

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