Transcripts For MSNBC Hallie Jackson Reports 20240709 : comp

Transcripts For MSNBC Hallie Jackson Reports 20240709

lading much to the shooting, and blaming the two parents for not doing more to stop their son. >> i suspect parents and everyone to have humanity, and to step in and stop a potential tragedy. later in the show, we're going to follow those new developments. we also have the latest on the omicron variant, now confirmed in six states, including nebraska recently, as lester gog one on one with rochelle walensky. shaq brewster is on the ground in michigan, and catherine schweit, who ran the fbi's program for mass shootings. let's start with you, the new charges. it's my understanding, shaq, they're on the docket, set to be arraigned at 4:00 eastern, right? so 60 minutes from now? >> reporter: that's the expectation. the one thing we're continues to watch are the charges against them. the last arraignment was with the 15-year-old suspect. when we heard him in court, we got the sense of the additional evidence against that suspect. we might hear more than we heard in that press conference earlier today. one things we heard in the press conference was the prosecutor really say it was these two individuals, the suspect et cetera parents, who were the only ones who knew there was concern about this 15 years old, his was having fantasy of shooting to people and had access to weapons. in her words, she believes that was criminal. listen to more. >> the facts of this case are so egregious, reading this documents, looking at it, reading the words "help me" with a gun, blood everywhere. this doesn't just impact me as a prosecutor and a lawyer, it impacts me as a mother. the nothing that a parent could read those words, and also know their son had access for a deadly weapon, that they gave him is unconscionable, and i think it's criminal. it is criminal. >> reporter: this was something signaled that it's possible that his parents would be charged. those charges coming down today. shaq, can you stand by for a second? i want to come back if there's any -- but cynthia, the charges these parents face, the case the prosecutors have laid out, i know some legal observers think those facts are in fact fairly strong to support these charges. what say you? >> well, you think they'll probably develop more, as time goes on. the question for the jury will be whether or not the parents were grossly negligent, and was it enough that they saw these notes with the bullets and him saying life is useless, and the world is dead, or i'm not sure of exactly the paraphrase, coupled with the fact he was searching for ammunition, and his movie laughed about it and said, just don't get caught, and they apparently gave him the gun and not secured it. it will be a jury question whether or not they were grossly negligent. hanging out there why didn't the school say, does he have a gun? why didn't someone say, hey, what is in your backpack? that didn't happen. i think we're going to learn a lot more in the next couple of days about the information the prosecutor has, but she seems pretty confident. and there's definitely grounds for this charge, because they knew he had this weapon, and they knew he was in distress because of these notes. >> catherine, let me turn to you. one thing that cynthia and shaq touched on is the parents did not ask their son if he had this gun, you know, with him, what was in his backpack? they resisted the idea of taking their son home with him, then the suspect went back to the classroom. here is more. >> he should not have been allowed to go back to that class. i believe that that is a universal position. i'm not going to chastise -- >> catherine, what is your sense of whether the school may bear some responsibility here? >> i think -- i mean, they do, but the schoolally bears responsibility, right? the teachers do. there were so many signs here of escalating conduct that we talk about when we're looking for prevention efforts. the facebook posts that, you know he had made and his mother had made. and then the teacher say thence. one of the things i would hope would happen, eel in the school situation with the teachers and principals, if they didn't ask about the backpack, the teachers themselves should have called police. not because it's their legal obligation, but because it's a duty we all carry in and out. that's what we're seeing, is anybody can drop the ball. is the school going to be held liable for it? no, but the parent responsibility is different. other parents have been charged in different cases, and in whether or not they could very charged with anything that had to do with buying a gun for a 15-year-old, and letting the 15-year-old use the gun or carry it with them, definitely there's a different question about it, but when it comes to the escalating conduct. the fact that the school didn't ask about it, that's not a legal thing, but the parents, i think that's where they're going to have problems in court. >> cynthia, as it relates to this issue of school liability here, from a legal perspective. we heard catherine lay out that analysis, would they have been able to search hi backpack, let's say? >> i think with this note, they would have been able to search hi backpack, but there's so much pressure on schools. they're expected to be psychiatrist, police officers, counselor, teachers, it's an unfair collection of things we require these schools to do. this is a difference i think we should highlight to our viewers. whether or not there is criminal responsibility or civil responsibility. the school's actions may come down to a civil responsibility issue down the road. the prosecutor in this case, though, left it open that the investigation was continues. she is was going to look at it, and she's pretty aggressive. i will say that i think the parenting here was horrific. as a mother of four, i just cringe at how irresponsible these parents were, and grossly negligent that they were to allow this child, who was in crisis, to have a gun and easy access to it so he could take it to school. >> i want both of you to stand by for a second. news coming in is the sheriff michael bouchard is confirming now just in the last couple minutes, on the air, elsewhere, they are still looking for these parents, with about 50 minute to say go before this arraignment. there is a search for these parents apparently. shaq, i know that's reporting that you have been working to confirm. so i will turn to you on this. i know you're still working on this sources. but this is on the record from the sheriff. catherine, let me turn to on you that, and cynthia, i'll start with you there. what do you make of that? what does that say? the arraignment is still 50 minutes away. that's what we believe. that's what it's been scheduled for. >> you wouldn't have an arraignment unless you had an arrest or agreement they were coming in. they may have by in a lawyer's office somewhere. it could be we're making more of it than it is. >> okay. okay. they were supposed to go to a lawyer's office, and they didn't go. it could be several things. >> you could hear the emotion, you could see that in the prosecutor when she held that news conference just a little bit. it was very palpable anger at these parents. did that surprise you? >> you know, i think it doesn't in some ways, because i think -- i as a former prosecutor in chicago, you getting worked up too, right? i appreciate that. you could tell she was trying to contain what she has. i'm a parent also. i think as a parent, you try to get responsible for your children's conduct. you try to make good decisions for them when they're young and immature. i think the frustration that she was expressing is one that i express in my head and i hear other parents saying. what were the parents thinking? teenagers are often frustrated, broken and brittle in different ways. that's part of being a teenager and growing up. it's parents' responsibilities to temper that, and it's frustrating when that doesn't happen. >> i want to share, too -- go ahead, cynthia. >> i was just going to say, recognize that the prosecutor not only has to dispassionately evaluate the fact. this is a prosecutor who is also dealing with the family members of these children who are massacred, and the people who were injured. she is -- i used to do all these rape cases. i spent time with victims. it's wrenching. it is your job as the prosecutor to be their advocate in court and bring them the justice they cannot bring for themselves. it isn't surprising to me she has this passion. she has four sets of parents who sent their children to high school and they didn't come home. she has a teacher who is injured and a bunch of other kids injured. it would be abnormal if she didn't have passion, anger and frustration that they parents were presenting with clear clues this child's out of control. that was his christmas present, and they put it in some room and didn't bother to secure it. they find out he's in court, in school searching for ammunition, writing notes about killing people, and they laugh it off. it's grossly negligent. no wonder she's furious. everybody should be furious that there will such a lack of responsibility that these four children are dead for nothing. sorry. >> don't be sorry. cynthia, don't be sorry for that. i appreciate you being honest and candid. catherine, i appreciate you being with us as well. shaq brewster, thank you also. the sheriff has confirmed that apparently the fbi and u.s. marshals are in on a search for these parents set to be arraigned in about 45 minute from now. we're going to have more coming up. we're also looking at the one-on-one interview that the cdc director told our own lester holt about the omicron variant. >> and what lawmakers on the hill are scrambling to do next. we'll be right back. scramblingt we'll be right back. type 2 diabetes... ...and heart risk. we're working up a sweat before coffee. and saying, “no thanks...” a boston cream. jardiance is a once-daily pill that can reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults who also have known heart disease. so, it could help save your life from a heart attack or stroke. and jardiance lowers a1c. jardiance can cause serious side effects including... ...dehydration, genital yeast or urinary tract infections, and sudden kidney problems. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. a rare, but life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away... ...if you have symptoms of this bacterial infection, ...ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction, ...and don't take it if you're on dialysis. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. lower a1c and lower risk of a fatal heart attack? 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have you ever seen anything like this? >> they'll be arrested, they'll come in, and instead of having an arraignment date when they walk in, they'll come through the basement like every other defendant in a jumpsuit. the fbi and marshals are really good at what they do. >> catherine knows that well. she's back with us, too. i wonder your perspective on this. >> i liked your thoughts, sin think use. we are good at it. we know how to find people. . if they were around and the charges were filed, even if they did take off, there's a lot of people who know how to look for them and there's lots of way to say trace them. i don't think they'll get very far. it's a big country, but i have to hope for the best. we'll hopefully have them in hand in the afternoon. >> what are some things we may not be thinking of, tools and acts that fbi first have in their pockets. >> beyond cell phone pins, license plate readers on toll road, bridges, you knows there's way to track people down. also, people who their friends are, where their family is, and ask the contact that they might make with somebody else, they go to get financials, bank reports, if they were taking cash, something like that, people are going to have seen it in the neighborhood, possibly giving us teems. there's cameras on houses, streets, as we all know that's really why the call would be made. the county sheriffs would make that call quickly to get the resources available to go after somebody. truthfully for the parents, you know, the worse thing they can do right now is run. the worst thing they can do right now is run. >> from a legal perspective, the more critical eye than they would have -- again we're looking at manslaughter charges, so -- >> what's going to appear in the arraignment hearing, they'll set bail. if it turns out that there's a big, you know, just mistaken -- some little mistake in timing, maybe he'll release them, but what if they actually have run? then they're going to go to jail until trial. >> catherine, this is already a community that's devastated, this attack on these four students whose lives were lost. seven other people, club a teacher, were hurt in this. the aftermath. not just disturbing details that we learned not too long ago, but now what appears to be a manhunt for these parents big impact on the psyche of this community. >> i family up in oakland county -- i'm from michigan. i know the emotions run very high. you're absolutely right when you say people will be on edge. well, what happens when people are on edge, they are quick to call and report. everyone wants to feel like they can participate and help in a situation. i saw that. i was a terrorism supervisor after 9/11. we took thousands of calls up in my office in milwaukee. people want to help if they can. i heard from family just this morning about how sad they are, they want to do something. this is an opportunity for somebody to do something. if anybody sees this couple or thinks they might have seen them, or their car, they stop at a gas station, a clerk may see that. somebody who drives by them it's going to be hard to high, and everybody will be on their edge trying to help out. >> catherine, i appreciate your perspective. cindy, go ahead. >> it's also the safest things, for them to call. arrest situations are much more dangerous for everybody. so the safest thing is, wherever they are, if there's some misunderstanding, call their lawyer or call the fbi office, and let's have a peaceful resolution to this. that's the safest for them, but for the officers and for any citizens who might be near them. >> thank you both. i'm going to ask you both if you can stay close to your cameras. again, this is all, you know, we're now less than 40 minutes away from when we thought that arraignment set to happen. it appears at this point that's a huge question mark. we're going to stay on top of all those developments, but we're also staying on top of breaking news as it relates to the pandemic, with the omicron variant. now nebraska the sixth state to confirm a case. we heard from dr. rochelle walensky in a one on one with our own lester hold. watch. >> we haven't yesterday seen any symptoms that are unique to omicron. the symptoms presenting are the similar symptoms we have seen with delta and with prior variants. what we can say is we're starting to get a window in south africa as to the severity, but again still early to tell in terms of whether increased severity associated with omicron, compared too delta? peter alexander is at the white house. we're joined by dr. miker oster holm. we start with peter. >> reporter: one of the focuses what they are doing with omicron right now, and the emphasis is the focus on getting people booster shots. dr. fauci saying it increases antibodies against all variants. so they are suggesting by getting the boosters, you have to do the best you can to protect yourself going forward, regardless of what the mutations may look like. more specifically they indicate that the lesson here is that we should continue the recommendations remaining the same, to get boosters, social distancing, masks and the like. some of the focuses are more of the same, but they recognize the urgency here. saying among other things there is obviously community spread now of the omicron variant in the united states, over the course of the flefrl several days they note 99.9% of the cases right now remain the delta variant, which has been the dominant variant to this point. that could certainly change as we learn more of the doubling, how quickly the cases accelerate. for the most they are insisting americans keep following through, even as we see high indicate counts, whether it's dealt ade or a different variant, the best thing to do is get the boosters. for young people who are eligible, the 5 to 11 years old should -- >> we have just learned that we have a omicron case in philadelphia, so this expands the number of states. i have to be clear here. that's now unexpected, right? that's not necessarily surprising information. this is something, it seems, from talk to go public health experts, we need was sort of inevitable. is that a fair ceasement? >> that's a very fair assessment. i predicted we would see at least 50 or more countries and most of the states. this virus is here. it's moving through our communities, and we will document that over the days ahead. this is not a surprise. >> one of the things i wanted to ask about, you heard peter talk about how the president, top health officials are sailing get boost. some experts, including some writing a "the washington post" op-said saying the push for boosters could actually prolong. it includes exaggerated accounts of the waning efficacy, giving reason to think the shots are less effective. i have some question marks about this. you just get boosted, that's good, but you're hearing that may prolong this pandemic. how do we cut through that? >> well, first of all, i categorically disagree i had an op-ed piece a few days before that taking the other view. all along, it was based on information where we did studies looking how could we get the vaccines out quickly in the pandemic, both of making sure they were safe, but also they provided some protection. many of us said all along this probably would be a three-dose mrna prime, as well as a j&j two-dose. there are many other vaccines that have the same kind of a schedule. so what we can show is, if you get your first dose of an mrna like moderna or pfizer, you get a boost. the second dose, you get a better dose, the third dose, you get an incredible boost. dr. fauci was talking about why that's important. >> a spokesperson from the who is saying the natural immunization is not protective. i know there's more time to study this, but are there any preliminary conclusions you can draw? >> as somebody who's been in the trenches for 46 years i've been very impressioned how fast this virus is transmitted. i think it will soon overrun delta. let me stop you there. you think it will be the primary for the country? >> not for just this country, but the whole world. a month to six weeks from now, i think omicron will be the new delta, but i think the big question is, even though we nose it's more transmissible, what does it do with serious illness? if you are previously vaccinated or partially vaccinated, what happens? we already know, as you just pointed out, in fact, in south africa, we're seeing many new cases for people who have previously been infected. the question i have is do they have mild illness in moderate? severe? that's only going to come with time. this hospitalization and deaths are unfortunately lag indicators, often two to four weeks after the cases occur. that to me will be the huge question that sits upon in situation. >> so quickly here, you think two to three to four weeks until we know more? or a shorter time frame? >> i think we could learn more in a shorter time frame. unfortunately it means that's much more transmission that will become apparent. if we thousands and thousands of people with mild illness, that's great news. if we have cases mild among those younger, but we see the same kind of very serious illness picture that we see with underlying risk factors, then we've got ourselves a real problem. i think at this point, we have to count on the fact that omicron is going to take over. it has tremendous implications, and everything that you heard earlier today tess white house briefing, please get vaccinated, get your boosters, is exactly what we need to be doing. >> dr. michael osterholm, thank you for being here. >> thank you. senator mark warner will join us live to see if lawmakers can get everything on their to-do list done by the end of the year. and the jobs reports, and what it means as wall street gets ready to close out the week. means as wall street gets ready to close out the week get help managing your money for the life -- and years -- ahead. with fidelity income planning, we'll look at what you've saved, what you'll need, and help you build a flexible plan for cash flow designed to last. so you can go from saving... to living. the airport can be a real challenge for new homeowners who have become their parents... okay, everybody, let's do a ticket check. paper tickets. we're off to a horrible start. ...but we can overcome it. we're not gonna point out our houses, landmarks, or major highways during takeoff. don't buy anything. i packed so many delicious snacks. -they're -- -nope. would you say, ballpark, when group two is gonna get boarded? 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>> um, no. we're going to be quite fine. if we are given the trust to be the majority, we will tackle inflation, we will secure our border, we'll bring gasoline prices down and focus on the economy. >> reporter: democrats have a different view. they sea a republican-controlled shutdown would be be more shutdowns and more conspiracy theorists like marjorie taylor greene. >> sahil kapur, thank you. senator warren, thank you for being back on the show. >> thank you, and as the previous gentleman said, happy december, han hanukkah, merry christmas, happy holidays. it will be a busy month. >> you're fortunate that you don't have as long a commute home, but you will likely be at the capitol, it seems to me you're going to have to be there longer than expected. is that the expectation on your front? >> it is. we should at some point decide we shouldn't always kick the can to december every year. frankly both parties have been guilty of that as long as i've been here. you know, i think it was good news last night, though very rarely do you work in a job where just keeping the business, the gamestop, open becomes a win, but considering the state of our politics, i think we're on a path to get a defense bill done fairly quickly. it will include a series of other amendments. you know, the build back better piece, there's both the issue of negotiation, but also there is the process requirements. i know you understand, hallie, but most viewers' eyes would glaze over. i would add, not only to the debt ceiling issue, but i still think we desperately need to address voting rights. whether it all gets done before people open christmas presents, or in the immediate aftermath is to be determined, but i'm still optimistic. i want to put voting rights back up near the top of that agenda as we see what's taking place in so many states. frankly independent voting commissioners being literally attacked on an extraordinary part san basis. i think that has to be at the top of the list as well. some of these process components around what's called votearamas, when we use reconcile to pass the build back birr. the second part of the agenda, i'm glad wire moving past about top line, and i say the clip with kevin mccarthy, you know, one of the biggest things we could do to slow down inflation is get more people back into the workforce. one of the most dramatic things we could do to get people back is provide better child care and universal preschool, because that would allow particularly literally millions of women who have not gone back and half the child care centers are still not reopening. >> i have 16 more questions about everything that's going on, but i would be remiss if i didn't ask about the breaking news out of the michigan. i know you have been somebody who has been outspoken about your views, as far as it relates to gun rights and protections for people in this country. we've learned today -- i think you're probably up to speed, first of all, in addition to this manhunt for the parents of the suspect, the fact they have been charged in the first place with manslaughter. you know as well as i do, after incidents like these, there are often conversations that come up, especially on the democratic side, what can be done from a congressional perspective. that ball hasn't moved up mvp, as you know, in many years. do you think charges might be a way to ensure responsibility when it comes to gun ownership? i'm curious how you are seeing the news that's developed today. >> hallie, i think americans are sick and tired of politicians offering thoughts and prayers after these tragedies. i'm proud of the fact, quite honestly, in virginia where we have, a look-time culture of hunting, firearms, that when the -- when the democrats took over control of the general assembly, we passed responsible gun laws. some of that will be in jeopardy, because we lost or general assembly and just hired a republican governor. i would love to see activities on a responsible basis, more appropriate background checks, looking at assault weapons, trying to move back to say one gun a month approach of purchases, but i would be less than candid with you if i thought that looking at the current composition of the house and the senate that it's going to move at any time in the near future with this current congress. again, we want to see more of the developmenting efforts, but the fact a -- there needs to be more responsibility, especially in this case when the family bought the weapon just days before. i'm told that the family was being talked to by the school right up to the shooting. it appears, not knowing more facts than you, maybe holding more folks responsible is a good thing. >> thank you for being on the show and talking with us on several topics. we now have information. i want to share that with you, as we bring back in shaquille brewster. an attorney for the couple contacted law enforcement, said she represented them, she would make arrangements for the arraignment. it was supposed to be 16 minutes from there. guess what? they don't know where those parents are. the attorney contacted detectives again saying she had tried to reach the parents by phone, tried to call them, text them, she couldn't get ahold of them. this is what we're learning. the attorney is telling the sheriff's office she doesn't know where the parents are. there is now a search vochg the fbi, the u.s. marshals a fugitive apprehension team, it appears to be a full-on manhunt to find where these parents are. i want to bring back in shaq brewster. obviously a significant development here. do we know anything else as you have been working the story there, anything else about what's happened or what is happening behind the scenes? >> reporter: it's a very active manhunt. it involves the fbi, involves the u.s. marshals, all looking for the two parents of this 15-year-old suspect that were charged earlier today. we got a bit of the sense of the timeline for today. this morning you mentioned that the attorneys of these parents got in contact with the sheriff's office, and said if that charging decision -- which we knew there was a pending decision -- if it were made today and there was an announcement, they would turn themselves in. that happened this morning. they were supposed to be turning themselves in by 2:00 p.m. by 3:00, a be on the lookout alert went out, and we just got the statement from the county sheriff saying that is exactly the case, saying the attorneys have not been in contact with the two now fugitives who are supposed to be arraigned in about 15 minute from now. this is a very active situation, hallie, wen things to know, we saw these individuals on wednesday when they were at the arraignment for their 15-year-old son, who is accused now of four counts of first-degree murder and terrorism causing death. they've had a presence in the course. they know what the process is. it looks like at this point they have not turned themselves in. >> what's been the react from the people in the area. you know, this is a community that's been in unbelievable grief after this horrific attack on four of their own students, four of these teenagers who were taken far too young, and now this. now a search for the people who are being charged with manslaughter. i wonder if you can share more on that, and what you have heard. >> reporter: you heard the sheriff reference, saying this community has got through so many this week alone. in addition to the search, there's still two or three people in the hospital recovering. we've heard they're getting better, in better shape, but there's still people hospitalized from this. we know in the next couple days we're going to start seeing the funerals for the four students killed in this school shooting. this community is going through a lot. you add on top of what the law enforcement has been dealing with and it's the copycat threats, not only in this region, but across the state. more than 60 schools, hundreds of threats coming in, more than 60 schools and districts shut down because of threats of more violence. it's a lot this community has had to go through. now this active manhunt is underway. at least right now it looks like a lot more to come in the hours and days to come. >> shaq, you know, we've been seeing these images of these parents. i want to let viewers know, if you're watching this show this week, that is a live picture. this is the picture i'm talking about. this is from earlier in the week when they appeared at their son's arraignment. their faces are out there. people know who they are. their suspect, their son has been identify, and we laid out the details why she believes the two individuals here were criminally negligent essentially. she said not justin conscionable, but their behavior was criminal, which is why she issued those charges. i'm going to ask you to stand by. i understand we have sheriff michael bouchard from michigan. >> yes. so what is the status currently? give us the latest update? where are these two people? >> that is a work in progress. when we were informed, actually, by the media that the charging decision had been made and there would be a press conference this afternoon, we sent out our detectives, and also had contact with the cup 8's lawyers. the couple's lawyers said the individuals would be arrange to have -- and later in the morning, the lawyer called and said they are not returning texts or calls. so, you know, that's obviously concerning on a number of levels. we have triggered a full fugitive activity alert for our folks. we have our fugitive appear hence team, in consulting with the fbi and also the u.s. marshal's fugitive team. we are all out there. i am confident we are going to catch these two. it's just a bit frustrating it played out in this manner. >> have any tips come in from this man hunt seasons we learned of it just within the also hour or so? >> literally it just started because as i said we were taken a lint -- surprised ourselves this morning as it began to play out. i don't think we have any tips yet but, again i am confident our combined resources -- we will put absolutely everything into it. and it will come to an conclude. if the public sees or hears them, we are putting their pictures out and their license plate. call 911. >> it is a black 2021 kia suv with a michigan plate. just to make sure that it gets out to anybody who might be watching from that area. sheriff, can you talk to me more about the conversation has the attorney here has had? because it seems as though, from the information we have so far, and as you laid out, the attorney thought there was this agreement and that's why it was put on the docket. and all of a sudden she says i am calling, testing and i can't find them. what has the attorney told you about her last contact between these two? >> she has been texting and calling with no response. we didn't know that charges were issued until we started hearing from the press there was going to be a press conference about charges. that's when -- you know, shortly thereafter we had contact with attorney. and we are told that the intent was to make arrangements to have them arrested. >> when was the also time that your officers had seen them? >> would you knew their whereabouts last night. >> okay. so at some point between last night or this morning when their attorney talked to them, and now, they are m.i.a. do i understand that correctly? >> correct. >> would it be typical for them to be -- listen, i don't know the right law enforcement term on this, but to have a watch on them or for them to have some kind of surveillance from our team knowing that charges may come down the pike? or is that not standard operating procedure? >> well, if we knew -- if we knew there was a high likelihood of charges, especially serious charges -- you know, obviously, that's where you begin to differentiate how many resources you devote to it. again we have a ton of our folks very much involved in the investigation of the actual shooting. >> right. >> so we would have had to have pulled people off of that investigation to begin working on a surveillance, which we would have done if there was an indication that serious, you know, felonious charges may be forthcoming. >> so when did you find out about those charges? >> we actually began to get some calls in the morning about a press conference. and that was the first we heard a press conference was happening or charges were going to be discussed. >> some calls from the prosecutor? or calls from reporters? >> reporters. >> so the prosecution didn't give you a heads up that they were about to charge these two with four counts of manslaughter? >> no ma'am. >> is that frustrating for you? >> that's an underestimate. >> can you tell me more about that? >> we're working on a relationship. the prosecutor is new. and we are doing our best to make sure that these kinds of things and communication happens in a more fluid way. that's the best can i tell you. >> i have to say, sheriff, you and i -- i know viewers on this show don't know this, but i have another show that airs at 5:00 on we can knights. you talked with me on that so last night. one of the things you told me is you felt as we talked about the devotion of resources you outlaid here after this horrific attack in your community, the initial attack itself, and now the pursuit of these parents that our team has to be involved in. we talked at the time about how you hadn't gotten a heads up from the school about the meeting with these parents before the shooting, the same day it happened. now the parents are effectively on the run. m.i.a., you didn't get a heads up from the prosecution. i hear you about the communication factor, but what does that do to the psyche of the team that's working on this, trying to fine answers and find accountability? >> our folks are extremely distraught on a lot of levels. it's really difficult for a lot of these folks, not the least of which having to go into the school and do what we ask of them. that is to go past students that may be hurt because there is an active threat that's hurting other students if they don't. and on top of that, you know, all of the hours -- pretty much everybody is working without sleep for three days. >> yeah. >> and we really need to get more information from everybody sooner than later. >> so a couple of follow-ups for you there. can you tell me how involved -- federal officials are working on this. the fbi, the u.s. marshals are helping you try to find these parents and track them down. how involved in the fbi? what kinds of resources and tools are you getting from them that are helpful in this situation? >> we are handling it with the fbi and the u.s. marshal's office, any time we have a fugitive, not in just this case but all time. i have a full-time fugitive team, our teams and the fbi and the marshal's service work so seamlessly together and catch people every day. that's why i am so confident it is going to happen here. it is just frustrating that it occurred and that we are having to pour these resources into it and away from the investigation. >> did you have any indication, sheriff bouchard, that these parents might have taken off like they did? was there anything that was drawing a red flag for you, a signal that, hey, this could be a possibility? >> none whatsoever. you know, especially in light of hearing from the attorney saying that they would make arrangements to turn themselves in for an arrest or be available to be arrested. and that was even before we knew there were any charges. >> setting aside what you have described as your frustration with the prosecution for not giving your office a heads up about these charges, your reaction to them sort of initially here, the fact these parents have been charged with manslaughter, do you feel like that was the right decision? is that something that you support? >> well, i certainly think there was some culpability in terms of what charge is appropriate that's within the bailiwick of the prosecutor. but, certainly, i think there is some culpability because there are so many things that now we have seen and now has been revealed to the public that were super troubling as a parent, and they didn't intervene, didn't share that, or didn't look for ways to do something proactively. yeah, i think absolutely some charges are certainly appropriate. >> do you believe manslaughter charges are appropriate? >> that's going to be up to the prosecutor to prove. and our investigators are going work hard to give them everything that they need. >> one of the questions for you over the past couple of days have been what is the, quote, unquote, concerning behavior you described at one of the initial news conferences about this meeting between school official, the parents, and this suspect here. we now know, as you allude to more details about what that concerning behavior was, violent images that had been drawn, the parent's reaction, the fact that the child went back into the school. couple of questions for you on that. what went through your mind after learning these details, what the meeting had been about and the parents' reaction to it? when i saw -- the second day -- especially the second day conferring, the second day content. super sad, super frustrated that, you know, we weren't brought in. because we have specific protocols that it would have triggered. we do this every day. we investigated three potential threats against schools in the prior week in oakland county. we investigated a potential threat yesterday, tracked it down and arrested another 15-year-old, and followed on with a search of the house. so we would have done the same thing if we believed that there was a safety issue. we would have, a, tried to have the student removed from the school until it was fully and completed investigated and b begun on with secondary investigation including is there access and available to weapons and potentially to take those weapons and place them in a safe environment until there is an determination of how that child is going to move forward to a better place. >> i only have ten seconds left but i have to ask, do you believe the school is culpable here? >> i believe mistakes were made at a number of levels. we are doing our best to, you know, make sure that folks that were murdered on this tragic day get justice. >> sheriff michael bouchard thank you so much for your time on what i know is difficult, ehe mowingal and intense afternoon and week for you in oakland county. thank you all for watching hallie jackson reports. "deadline: white house" with nicolle wallace starts right now. think there, everyone, it's 4:00 in new york. we are covering that breaking news out of michigan, the manhunt for the parents of a 15-year-old student charged with first-degree murder in the slaying of four oxford high school students. the sheriff says the fbi and u.s. marshals are now looking for his parents, jennifer and james crumbley. they were scheduled to be arraigned right now. this afternoon the prosecutor gave a stun asking startling press conference detailing the charges for the parents, james and jennifer crumbley, four counts each for involuntary manslaughter. one large for each innocent child their son gunned down on tuesday. the prosecutors emphasized the responsibility parents and gun owners

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Hasn T Moved Up Mvp , Gun Ownership , Hallie Jackson , Politicians , Tragedies , Prayers , Control , Hunting , Culture , Firearms , Virginia , Assembly , Gun Laws , Governor , Jeopardy , Assault Weapons , Activities , Background Checks , Basis , Approach , Purchases , Senate , Composition , Congress , Efforts , Developmenting , Folks , Topics , Attorney , Law Enforcement , Arrangements , Detectives , Fugitive Apprehension Team , Learning , She Couldn T Get Ahold , Search Vochg , Development , Story , Scenes , U S Marshals , Attorneys , Timeline , Charging Decision , Bit , Decision , Announcement , Fugitives , Statement , County Sheriff , Be , Lookout Alert , 3 , Murder , Presence , Process , Terrorism , Area , React , Grief , Sheriff Reference , School Shooting , Hospital Recovering , Shape , Funerals , Copycat Threats , Dealing , Region , Hundreds , Threats , Districts , Violence , Images , Faces , Identify , Behavior , Criminal , Stand By , Justin Conscionable , Status , Work In Progress , Update , Lawyers , Charging , Media , Cup , 8 , Texts , Team , Levels , Fugitive , Fugitive Activity Alert , Manner , Tips , Man Hunt , Seasons , Lint , Public , Pictures , Suv , Plate , Call 911 , 2021 , 911 , Conversation , Response , Texting , Testing , She , Press , Intent , Whereabouts , Law Enforcement Term , Correct , Likelihood , Surveillance , Operating Procedure , Pike , Ton , Indication , Reporters , First , Prosecution , Heads Up , Didn T , Underestimate , Ma Am , Kinds , Relationship , Communication , Devotion , Itself , Knights , Meeting , Pursuit , Communication Factor , On The Run , Mia , Accountability , Answers , Least , Threat , Sleep , Follow Ups , Work , Marshal , Teams , Fugitive Team , Service , Possibility , Signal , None , Light , Red Flag , Setting , Office A , Culpability , Bailiwick , Didn T Share That , Investigators , School Official , News Conferences , Quote , Unquote , Content , Mind , Day Conferring , Super , Super Sad , Protocols , We Weren T , Safety Issue , B , Determination , Environment , Ten , Sheriff , Mistakes , Day Get , Deadline , Ehe Mowingal , Oxford High School , Slaying , Nicolle Wallace , New York , Stun , Jennifer Crumbley , James Crumbley , Gun Owners ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC Hallie Jackson Reports 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Hallie Jackson Reports 20240709

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lading much to the shooting, and blaming the two parents for not doing more to stop their son. >> i suspect parents and everyone to have humanity, and to step in and stop a potential tragedy. later in the show, we're going to follow those new developments. we also have the latest on the omicron variant, now confirmed in six states, including nebraska recently, as lester gog one on one with rochelle walensky. shaq brewster is on the ground in michigan, and catherine schweit, who ran the fbi's program for mass shootings. let's start with you, the new charges. it's my understanding, shaq, they're on the docket, set to be arraigned at 4:00 eastern, right? so 60 minutes from now? >> reporter: that's the expectation. the one thing we're continues to watch are the charges against them. the last arraignment was with the 15-year-old suspect. when we heard him in court, we got the sense of the additional evidence against that suspect. we might hear more than we heard in that press conference earlier today. one things we heard in the press conference was the prosecutor really say it was these two individuals, the suspect et cetera parents, who were the only ones who knew there was concern about this 15 years old, his was having fantasy of shooting to people and had access to weapons. in her words, she believes that was criminal. listen to more. >> the facts of this case are so egregious, reading this documents, looking at it, reading the words "help me" with a gun, blood everywhere. this doesn't just impact me as a prosecutor and a lawyer, it impacts me as a mother. the nothing that a parent could read those words, and also know their son had access for a deadly weapon, that they gave him is unconscionable, and i think it's criminal. it is criminal. >> reporter: this was something signaled that it's possible that his parents would be charged. those charges coming down today. shaq, can you stand by for a second? i want to come back if there's any -- but cynthia, the charges these parents face, the case the prosecutors have laid out, i know some legal observers think those facts are in fact fairly strong to support these charges. what say you? >> well, you think they'll probably develop more, as time goes on. the question for the jury will be whether or not the parents were grossly negligent, and was it enough that they saw these notes with the bullets and him saying life is useless, and the world is dead, or i'm not sure of exactly the paraphrase, coupled with the fact he was searching for ammunition, and his movie laughed about it and said, just don't get caught, and they apparently gave him the gun and not secured it. it will be a jury question whether or not they were grossly negligent. hanging out there why didn't the school say, does he have a gun? why didn't someone say, hey, what is in your backpack? that didn't happen. i think we're going to learn a lot more in the next couple of days about the information the prosecutor has, but she seems pretty confident. and there's definitely grounds for this charge, because they knew he had this weapon, and they knew he was in distress because of these notes. >> catherine, let me turn to you. one thing that cynthia and shaq touched on is the parents did not ask their son if he had this gun, you know, with him, what was in his backpack? they resisted the idea of taking their son home with him, then the suspect went back to the classroom. here is more. >> he should not have been allowed to go back to that class. i believe that that is a universal position. i'm not going to chastise -- >> catherine, what is your sense of whether the school may bear some responsibility here? >> i think -- i mean, they do, but the schoolally bears responsibility, right? the teachers do. there were so many signs here of escalating conduct that we talk about when we're looking for prevention efforts. the facebook posts that, you know he had made and his mother had made. and then the teacher say thence. one of the things i would hope would happen, eel in the school situation with the teachers and principals, if they didn't ask about the backpack, the teachers themselves should have called police. not because it's their legal obligation, but because it's a duty we all carry in and out. that's what we're seeing, is anybody can drop the ball. is the school going to be held liable for it? no, but the parent responsibility is different. other parents have been charged in different cases, and in whether or not they could very charged with anything that had to do with buying a gun for a 15-year-old, and letting the 15-year-old use the gun or carry it with them, definitely there's a different question about it, but when it comes to the escalating conduct. the fact that the school didn't ask about it, that's not a legal thing, but the parents, i think that's where they're going to have problems in court. >> cynthia, as it relates to this issue of school liability here, from a legal perspective. we heard catherine lay out that analysis, would they have been able to search hi backpack, let's say? >> i think with this note, they would have been able to search hi backpack, but there's so much pressure on schools. they're expected to be psychiatrist, police officers, counselor, teachers, it's an unfair collection of things we require these schools to do. this is a difference i think we should highlight to our viewers. whether or not there is criminal responsibility or civil responsibility. the school's actions may come down to a civil responsibility issue down the road. the prosecutor in this case, though, left it open that the investigation was continues. she is was going to look at it, and she's pretty aggressive. i will say that i think the parenting here was horrific. as a mother of four, i just cringe at how irresponsible these parents were, and grossly negligent that they were to allow this child, who was in crisis, to have a gun and easy access to it so he could take it to school. >> i want both of you to stand by for a second. news coming in is the sheriff michael bouchard is confirming now just in the last couple minutes, on the air, elsewhere, they are still looking for these parents, with about 50 minute to say go before this arraignment. there is a search for these parents apparently. shaq, i know that's reporting that you have been working to confirm. so i will turn to you on this. i know you're still working on this sources. but this is on the record from the sheriff. catherine, let me turn to on you that, and cynthia, i'll start with you there. what do you make of that? what does that say? the arraignment is still 50 minutes away. that's what we believe. that's what it's been scheduled for. >> you wouldn't have an arraignment unless you had an arrest or agreement they were coming in. they may have by in a lawyer's office somewhere. it could be we're making more of it than it is. >> okay. okay. they were supposed to go to a lawyer's office, and they didn't go. it could be several things. >> you could hear the emotion, you could see that in the prosecutor when she held that news conference just a little bit. it was very palpable anger at these parents. did that surprise you? >> you know, i think it doesn't in some ways, because i think -- i as a former prosecutor in chicago, you getting worked up too, right? i appreciate that. you could tell she was trying to contain what she has. i'm a parent also. i think as a parent, you try to get responsible for your children's conduct. you try to make good decisions for them when they're young and immature. i think the frustration that she was expressing is one that i express in my head and i hear other parents saying. what were the parents thinking? teenagers are often frustrated, broken and brittle in different ways. that's part of being a teenager and growing up. it's parents' responsibilities to temper that, and it's frustrating when that doesn't happen. >> i want to share, too -- go ahead, cynthia. >> i was just going to say, recognize that the prosecutor not only has to dispassionately evaluate the fact. this is a prosecutor who is also dealing with the family members of these children who are massacred, and the people who were injured. she is -- i used to do all these rape cases. i spent time with victims. it's wrenching. it is your job as the prosecutor to be their advocate in court and bring them the justice they cannot bring for themselves. it isn't surprising to me she has this passion. she has four sets of parents who sent their children to high school and they didn't come home. she has a teacher who is injured and a bunch of other kids injured. it would be abnormal if she didn't have passion, anger and frustration that they parents were presenting with clear clues this child's out of control. that was his christmas present, and they put it in some room and didn't bother to secure it. they find out he's in court, in school searching for ammunition, writing notes about killing people, and they laugh it off. it's grossly negligent. no wonder she's furious. everybody should be furious that there will such a lack of responsibility that these four children are dead for nothing. sorry. >> don't be sorry. cynthia, don't be sorry for that. i appreciate you being honest and candid. catherine, i appreciate you being with us as well. shaq brewster, thank you also. the sheriff has confirmed that apparently the fbi and u.s. marshals are in on a search for these parents set to be arraigned in about 45 minute from now. we're going to have more coming up. we're also looking at the one-on-one interview that the cdc director told our own lester holt about the omicron variant. >> and what lawmakers on the hill are scrambling to do next. we'll be right back. scramblingt we'll be right back. type 2 diabetes... ...and heart risk. we're working up a sweat before coffee. and saying, “no thanks...” a boston cream. jardiance is a once-daily pill that can reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults who also have known heart disease. so, it could help save your life from a heart attack or stroke. and jardiance lowers a1c. jardiance can cause serious side effects including... ...dehydration, genital yeast or urinary tract infections, and sudden kidney problems. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. a rare, but life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away... ...if you have symptoms of this bacterial infection, ...ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction, ...and don't take it if you're on dialysis. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. lower a1c and lower risk of a fatal heart attack? 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have you ever seen anything like this? >> they'll be arrested, they'll come in, and instead of having an arraignment date when they walk in, they'll come through the basement like every other defendant in a jumpsuit. the fbi and marshals are really good at what they do. >> catherine knows that well. she's back with us, too. i wonder your perspective on this. >> i liked your thoughts, sin think use. we are good at it. we know how to find people. . if they were around and the charges were filed, even if they did take off, there's a lot of people who know how to look for them and there's lots of way to say trace them. i don't think they'll get very far. it's a big country, but i have to hope for the best. we'll hopefully have them in hand in the afternoon. >> what are some things we may not be thinking of, tools and acts that fbi first have in their pockets. >> beyond cell phone pins, license plate readers on toll road, bridges, you knows there's way to track people down. also, people who their friends are, where their family is, and ask the contact that they might make with somebody else, they go to get financials, bank reports, if they were taking cash, something like that, people are going to have seen it in the neighborhood, possibly giving us teems. there's cameras on houses, streets, as we all know that's really why the call would be made. the county sheriffs would make that call quickly to get the resources available to go after somebody. truthfully for the parents, you know, the worse thing they can do right now is run. the worst thing they can do right now is run. >> from a legal perspective, the more critical eye than they would have -- again we're looking at manslaughter charges, so -- >> what's going to appear in the arraignment hearing, they'll set bail. if it turns out that there's a big, you know, just mistaken -- some little mistake in timing, maybe he'll release them, but what if they actually have run? then they're going to go to jail until trial. >> catherine, this is already a community that's devastated, this attack on these four students whose lives were lost. seven other people, club a teacher, were hurt in this. the aftermath. not just disturbing details that we learned not too long ago, but now what appears to be a manhunt for these parents big impact on the psyche of this community. >> i family up in oakland county -- i'm from michigan. i know the emotions run very high. you're absolutely right when you say people will be on edge. well, what happens when people are on edge, they are quick to call and report. everyone wants to feel like they can participate and help in a situation. i saw that. i was a terrorism supervisor after 9/11. we took thousands of calls up in my office in milwaukee. people want to help if they can. i heard from family just this morning about how sad they are, they want to do something. this is an opportunity for somebody to do something. if anybody sees this couple or thinks they might have seen them, or their car, they stop at a gas station, a clerk may see that. somebody who drives by them it's going to be hard to high, and everybody will be on their edge trying to help out. >> catherine, i appreciate your perspective. cindy, go ahead. >> it's also the safest things, for them to call. arrest situations are much more dangerous for everybody. so the safest thing is, wherever they are, if there's some misunderstanding, call their lawyer or call the fbi office, and let's have a peaceful resolution to this. that's the safest for them, but for the officers and for any citizens who might be near them. >> thank you both. i'm going to ask you both if you can stay close to your cameras. again, this is all, you know, we're now less than 40 minutes away from when we thought that arraignment set to happen. it appears at this point that's a huge question mark. we're going to stay on top of all those developments, but we're also staying on top of breaking news as it relates to the pandemic, with the omicron variant. now nebraska the sixth state to confirm a case. we heard from dr. rochelle walensky in a one on one with our own lester hold. watch. >> we haven't yesterday seen any symptoms that are unique to omicron. the symptoms presenting are the similar symptoms we have seen with delta and with prior variants. what we can say is we're starting to get a window in south africa as to the severity, but again still early to tell in terms of whether increased severity associated with omicron, compared too delta? peter alexander is at the white house. we're joined by dr. miker oster holm. we start with peter. >> reporter: one of the focuses what they are doing with omicron right now, and the emphasis is the focus on getting people booster shots. dr. fauci saying it increases antibodies against all variants. so they are suggesting by getting the boosters, you have to do the best you can to protect yourself going forward, regardless of what the mutations may look like. more specifically they indicate that the lesson here is that we should continue the recommendations remaining the same, to get boosters, social distancing, masks and the like. some of the focuses are more of the same, but they recognize the urgency here. saying among other things there is obviously community spread now of the omicron variant in the united states, over the course of the flefrl several days they note 99.9% of the cases right now remain the delta variant, which has been the dominant variant to this point. that could certainly change as we learn more of the doubling, how quickly the cases accelerate. for the most they are insisting americans keep following through, even as we see high indicate counts, whether it's dealt ade or a different variant, the best thing to do is get the boosters. for young people who are eligible, the 5 to 11 years old should -- >> we have just learned that we have a omicron case in philadelphia, so this expands the number of states. i have to be clear here. that's now unexpected, right? that's not necessarily surprising information. this is something, it seems, from talk to go public health experts, we need was sort of inevitable. is that a fair ceasement? >> that's a very fair assessment. i predicted we would see at least 50 or more countries and most of the states. this virus is here. it's moving through our communities, and we will document that over the days ahead. this is not a surprise. >> one of the things i wanted to ask about, you heard peter talk about how the president, top health officials are sailing get boost. some experts, including some writing a "the washington post" op-said saying the push for boosters could actually prolong. it includes exaggerated accounts of the waning efficacy, giving reason to think the shots are less effective. i have some question marks about this. you just get boosted, that's good, but you're hearing that may prolong this pandemic. how do we cut through that? >> well, first of all, i categorically disagree i had an op-ed piece a few days before that taking the other view. all along, it was based on information where we did studies looking how could we get the vaccines out quickly in the pandemic, both of making sure they were safe, but also they provided some protection. many of us said all along this probably would be a three-dose mrna prime, as well as a j&j two-dose. there are many other vaccines that have the same kind of a schedule. so what we can show is, if you get your first dose of an mrna like moderna or pfizer, you get a boost. the second dose, you get a better dose, the third dose, you get an incredible boost. dr. fauci was talking about why that's important. >> a spokesperson from the who is saying the natural immunization is not protective. i know there's more time to study this, but are there any preliminary conclusions you can draw? >> as somebody who's been in the trenches for 46 years i've been very impressioned how fast this virus is transmitted. i think it will soon overrun delta. let me stop you there. you think it will be the primary for the country? >> not for just this country, but the whole world. a month to six weeks from now, i think omicron will be the new delta, but i think the big question is, even though we nose it's more transmissible, what does it do with serious illness? if you are previously vaccinated or partially vaccinated, what happens? we already know, as you just pointed out, in fact, in south africa, we're seeing many new cases for people who have previously been infected. the question i have is do they have mild illness in moderate? severe? that's only going to come with time. this hospitalization and deaths are unfortunately lag indicators, often two to four weeks after the cases occur. that to me will be the huge question that sits upon in situation. >> so quickly here, you think two to three to four weeks until we know more? or a shorter time frame? >> i think we could learn more in a shorter time frame. unfortunately it means that's much more transmission that will become apparent. if we thousands and thousands of people with mild illness, that's great news. if we have cases mild among those younger, but we see the same kind of very serious illness picture that we see with underlying risk factors, then we've got ourselves a real problem. i think at this point, we have to count on the fact that omicron is going to take over. it has tremendous implications, and everything that you heard earlier today tess white house briefing, please get vaccinated, get your boosters, is exactly what we need to be doing. >> dr. michael osterholm, thank you for being here. >> thank you. senator mark warner will join us live to see if lawmakers can get everything on their to-do list done by the end of the year. and the jobs reports, and what it means as wall street gets ready to close out the week. means as wall street gets ready to close out the week get help managing your money for the life -- and years -- ahead. with fidelity income planning, we'll look at what you've saved, what you'll need, and help you build a flexible plan for cash flow designed to last. so you can go from saving... to living. the airport can be a real challenge for new homeowners who have become their parents... okay, everybody, let's do a ticket check. paper tickets. we're off to a horrible start. ...but we can overcome it. we're not gonna point out our houses, landmarks, or major highways during takeoff. don't buy anything. i packed so many delicious snacks. -they're -- -nope. would you say, ballpark, when group two is gonna get boarded? 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>> um, no. we're going to be quite fine. if we are given the trust to be the majority, we will tackle inflation, we will secure our border, we'll bring gasoline prices down and focus on the economy. >> reporter: democrats have a different view. they sea a republican-controlled shutdown would be be more shutdowns and more conspiracy theorists like marjorie taylor greene. >> sahil kapur, thank you. senator warren, thank you for being back on the show. >> thank you, and as the previous gentleman said, happy december, han hanukkah, merry christmas, happy holidays. it will be a busy month. >> you're fortunate that you don't have as long a commute home, but you will likely be at the capitol, it seems to me you're going to have to be there longer than expected. is that the expectation on your front? >> it is. we should at some point decide we shouldn't always kick the can to december every year. frankly both parties have been guilty of that as long as i've been here. you know, i think it was good news last night, though very rarely do you work in a job where just keeping the business, the gamestop, open becomes a win, but considering the state of our politics, i think we're on a path to get a defense bill done fairly quickly. it will include a series of other amendments. you know, the build back better piece, there's both the issue of negotiation, but also there is the process requirements. i know you understand, hallie, but most viewers' eyes would glaze over. i would add, not only to the debt ceiling issue, but i still think we desperately need to address voting rights. whether it all gets done before people open christmas presents, or in the immediate aftermath is to be determined, but i'm still optimistic. i want to put voting rights back up near the top of that agenda as we see what's taking place in so many states. frankly independent voting commissioners being literally attacked on an extraordinary part san basis. i think that has to be at the top of the list as well. some of these process components around what's called votearamas, when we use reconcile to pass the build back birr. the second part of the agenda, i'm glad wire moving past about top line, and i say the clip with kevin mccarthy, you know, one of the biggest things we could do to slow down inflation is get more people back into the workforce. one of the most dramatic things we could do to get people back is provide better child care and universal preschool, because that would allow particularly literally millions of women who have not gone back and half the child care centers are still not reopening. >> i have 16 more questions about everything that's going on, but i would be remiss if i didn't ask about the breaking news out of the michigan. i know you have been somebody who has been outspoken about your views, as far as it relates to gun rights and protections for people in this country. we've learned today -- i think you're probably up to speed, first of all, in addition to this manhunt for the parents of the suspect, the fact they have been charged in the first place with manslaughter. you know as well as i do, after incidents like these, there are often conversations that come up, especially on the democratic side, what can be done from a congressional perspective. that ball hasn't moved up mvp, as you know, in many years. do you think charges might be a way to ensure responsibility when it comes to gun ownership? i'm curious how you are seeing the news that's developed today. >> hallie, i think americans are sick and tired of politicians offering thoughts and prayers after these tragedies. i'm proud of the fact, quite honestly, in virginia where we have, a look-time culture of hunting, firearms, that when the -- when the democrats took over control of the general assembly, we passed responsible gun laws. some of that will be in jeopardy, because we lost or general assembly and just hired a republican governor. i would love to see activities on a responsible basis, more appropriate background checks, looking at assault weapons, trying to move back to say one gun a month approach of purchases, but i would be less than candid with you if i thought that looking at the current composition of the house and the senate that it's going to move at any time in the near future with this current congress. again, we want to see more of the developmenting efforts, but the fact a -- there needs to be more responsibility, especially in this case when the family bought the weapon just days before. i'm told that the family was being talked to by the school right up to the shooting. it appears, not knowing more facts than you, maybe holding more folks responsible is a good thing. >> thank you for being on the show and talking with us on several topics. we now have information. i want to share that with you, as we bring back in shaquille brewster. an attorney for the couple contacted law enforcement, said she represented them, she would make arrangements for the arraignment. it was supposed to be 16 minutes from there. guess what? they don't know where those parents are. the attorney contacted detectives again saying she had tried to reach the parents by phone, tried to call them, text them, she couldn't get ahold of them. this is what we're learning. the attorney is telling the sheriff's office she doesn't know where the parents are. there is now a search vochg the fbi, the u.s. marshals a fugitive apprehension team, it appears to be a full-on manhunt to find where these parents are. i want to bring back in shaq brewster. obviously a significant development here. do we know anything else as you have been working the story there, anything else about what's happened or what is happening behind the scenes? >> reporter: it's a very active manhunt. it involves the fbi, involves the u.s. marshals, all looking for the two parents of this 15-year-old suspect that were charged earlier today. we got a bit of the sense of the timeline for today. this morning you mentioned that the attorneys of these parents got in contact with the sheriff's office, and said if that charging decision -- which we knew there was a pending decision -- if it were made today and there was an announcement, they would turn themselves in. that happened this morning. they were supposed to be turning themselves in by 2:00 p.m. by 3:00, a be on the lookout alert went out, and we just got the statement from the county sheriff saying that is exactly the case, saying the attorneys have not been in contact with the two now fugitives who are supposed to be arraigned in about 15 minute from now. this is a very active situation, hallie, wen things to know, we saw these individuals on wednesday when they were at the arraignment for their 15-year-old son, who is accused now of four counts of first-degree murder and terrorism causing death. they've had a presence in the course. they know what the process is. it looks like at this point they have not turned themselves in. >> what's been the react from the people in the area. you know, this is a community that's been in unbelievable grief after this horrific attack on four of their own students, four of these teenagers who were taken far too young, and now this. now a search for the people who are being charged with manslaughter. i wonder if you can share more on that, and what you have heard. >> reporter: you heard the sheriff reference, saying this community has got through so many this week alone. in addition to the search, there's still two or three people in the hospital recovering. we've heard they're getting better, in better shape, but there's still people hospitalized from this. we know in the next couple days we're going to start seeing the funerals for the four students killed in this school shooting. this community is going through a lot. you add on top of what the law enforcement has been dealing with and it's the copycat threats, not only in this region, but across the state. more than 60 schools, hundreds of threats coming in, more than 60 schools and districts shut down because of threats of more violence. it's a lot this community has had to go through. now this active manhunt is underway. at least right now it looks like a lot more to come in the hours and days to come. >> shaq, you know, we've been seeing these images of these parents. i want to let viewers know, if you're watching this show this week, that is a live picture. this is the picture i'm talking about. this is from earlier in the week when they appeared at their son's arraignment. their faces are out there. people know who they are. their suspect, their son has been identify, and we laid out the details why she believes the two individuals here were criminally negligent essentially. she said not justin conscionable, but their behavior was criminal, which is why she issued those charges. i'm going to ask you to stand by. i understand we have sheriff michael bouchard from michigan. >> yes. so what is the status currently? give us the latest update? where are these two people? >> that is a work in progress. when we were informed, actually, by the media that the charging decision had been made and there would be a press conference this afternoon, we sent out our detectives, and also had contact with the cup 8's lawyers. the couple's lawyers said the individuals would be arrange to have -- and later in the morning, the lawyer called and said they are not returning texts or calls. so, you know, that's obviously concerning on a number of levels. we have triggered a full fugitive activity alert for our folks. we have our fugitive appear hence team, in consulting with the fbi and also the u.s. marshal's fugitive team. we are all out there. i am confident we are going to catch these two. it's just a bit frustrating it played out in this manner. >> have any tips come in from this man hunt seasons we learned of it just within the also hour or so? >> literally it just started because as i said we were taken a lint -- surprised ourselves this morning as it began to play out. i don't think we have any tips yet but, again i am confident our combined resources -- we will put absolutely everything into it. and it will come to an conclude. if the public sees or hears them, we are putting their pictures out and their license plate. call 911. >> it is a black 2021 kia suv with a michigan plate. just to make sure that it gets out to anybody who might be watching from that area. sheriff, can you talk to me more about the conversation has the attorney here has had? because it seems as though, from the information we have so far, and as you laid out, the attorney thought there was this agreement and that's why it was put on the docket. and all of a sudden she says i am calling, testing and i can't find them. what has the attorney told you about her last contact between these two? >> she has been texting and calling with no response. we didn't know that charges were issued until we started hearing from the press there was going to be a press conference about charges. that's when -- you know, shortly thereafter we had contact with attorney. and we are told that the intent was to make arrangements to have them arrested. >> when was the also time that your officers had seen them? >> would you knew their whereabouts last night. >> okay. so at some point between last night or this morning when their attorney talked to them, and now, they are m.i.a. do i understand that correctly? >> correct. >> would it be typical for them to be -- listen, i don't know the right law enforcement term on this, but to have a watch on them or for them to have some kind of surveillance from our team knowing that charges may come down the pike? or is that not standard operating procedure? >> well, if we knew -- if we knew there was a high likelihood of charges, especially serious charges -- you know, obviously, that's where you begin to differentiate how many resources you devote to it. again we have a ton of our folks very much involved in the investigation of the actual shooting. >> right. >> so we would have had to have pulled people off of that investigation to begin working on a surveillance, which we would have done if there was an indication that serious, you know, felonious charges may be forthcoming. >> so when did you find out about those charges? >> we actually began to get some calls in the morning about a press conference. and that was the first we heard a press conference was happening or charges were going to be discussed. >> some calls from the prosecutor? or calls from reporters? >> reporters. >> so the prosecution didn't give you a heads up that they were about to charge these two with four counts of manslaughter? >> no ma'am. >> is that frustrating for you? >> that's an underestimate. >> can you tell me more about that? >> we're working on a relationship. the prosecutor is new. and we are doing our best to make sure that these kinds of things and communication happens in a more fluid way. that's the best can i tell you. >> i have to say, sheriff, you and i -- i know viewers on this show don't know this, but i have another show that airs at 5:00 on we can knights. you talked with me on that so last night. one of the things you told me is you felt as we talked about the devotion of resources you outlaid here after this horrific attack in your community, the initial attack itself, and now the pursuit of these parents that our team has to be involved in. we talked at the time about how you hadn't gotten a heads up from the school about the meeting with these parents before the shooting, the same day it happened. now the parents are effectively on the run. m.i.a., you didn't get a heads up from the prosecution. i hear you about the communication factor, but what does that do to the psyche of the team that's working on this, trying to fine answers and find accountability? >> our folks are extremely distraught on a lot of levels. it's really difficult for a lot of these folks, not the least of which having to go into the school and do what we ask of them. that is to go past students that may be hurt because there is an active threat that's hurting other students if they don't. and on top of that, you know, all of the hours -- pretty much everybody is working without sleep for three days. >> yeah. >> and we really need to get more information from everybody sooner than later. >> so a couple of follow-ups for you there. can you tell me how involved -- federal officials are working on this. the fbi, the u.s. marshals are helping you try to find these parents and track them down. how involved in the fbi? what kinds of resources and tools are you getting from them that are helpful in this situation? >> we are handling it with the fbi and the u.s. marshal's office, any time we have a fugitive, not in just this case but all time. i have a full-time fugitive team, our teams and the fbi and the marshal's service work so seamlessly together and catch people every day. that's why i am so confident it is going to happen here. it is just frustrating that it occurred and that we are having to pour these resources into it and away from the investigation. >> did you have any indication, sheriff bouchard, that these parents might have taken off like they did? was there anything that was drawing a red flag for you, a signal that, hey, this could be a possibility? >> none whatsoever. you know, especially in light of hearing from the attorney saying that they would make arrangements to turn themselves in for an arrest or be available to be arrested. and that was even before we knew there were any charges. >> setting aside what you have described as your frustration with the prosecution for not giving your office a heads up about these charges, your reaction to them sort of initially here, the fact these parents have been charged with manslaughter, do you feel like that was the right decision? is that something that you support? >> well, i certainly think there was some culpability in terms of what charge is appropriate that's within the bailiwick of the prosecutor. but, certainly, i think there is some culpability because there are so many things that now we have seen and now has been revealed to the public that were super troubling as a parent, and they didn't intervene, didn't share that, or didn't look for ways to do something proactively. yeah, i think absolutely some charges are certainly appropriate. >> do you believe manslaughter charges are appropriate? >> that's going to be up to the prosecutor to prove. and our investigators are going work hard to give them everything that they need. >> one of the questions for you over the past couple of days have been what is the, quote, unquote, concerning behavior you described at one of the initial news conferences about this meeting between school official, the parents, and this suspect here. we now know, as you allude to more details about what that concerning behavior was, violent images that had been drawn, the parent's reaction, the fact that the child went back into the school. couple of questions for you on that. what went through your mind after learning these details, what the meeting had been about and the parents' reaction to it? when i saw -- the second day -- especially the second day conferring, the second day content. super sad, super frustrated that, you know, we weren't brought in. because we have specific protocols that it would have triggered. we do this every day. we investigated three potential threats against schools in the prior week in oakland county. we investigated a potential threat yesterday, tracked it down and arrested another 15-year-old, and followed on with a search of the house. so we would have done the same thing if we believed that there was a safety issue. we would have, a, tried to have the student removed from the school until it was fully and completed investigated and b begun on with secondary investigation including is there access and available to weapons and potentially to take those weapons and place them in a safe environment until there is an determination of how that child is going to move forward to a better place. >> i only have ten seconds left but i have to ask, do you believe the school is culpable here? >> i believe mistakes were made at a number of levels. we are doing our best to, you know, make sure that folks that were murdered on this tragic day get justice. >> sheriff michael bouchard thank you so much for your time on what i know is difficult, ehe mowingal and intense afternoon and week for you in oakland county. thank you all for watching hallie jackson reports. "deadline: white house" with nicolle wallace starts right now. think there, everyone, it's 4:00 in new york. we are covering that breaking news out of michigan, the manhunt for the parents of a 15-year-old student charged with first-degree murder in the slaying of four oxford high school students. the sheriff says the fbi and u.s. marshals are now looking for his parents, jennifer and james crumbley. they were scheduled to be arraigned right now. this afternoon the prosecutor gave a stun asking startling press conference detailing the charges for the parents, james and jennifer crumbley, four counts each for involuntary manslaughter. one large for each innocent child their son gunned down on tuesday. the prosecutors emphasized the responsibility parents and gun owners

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