Transcripts For MSNBC MSNBC Reports 20240709 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For MSNBC MSNBC Reports 20240709

or major highways during takeoff. don't buy anything. i packed so many delicious snacks. -they're -- -nope. would you say, ballpark, when group two is gonna get boarded? 2 hours and 58 minutes. progressive can't protect you from becoming your parents, but we can protect your home and auto when you bundle with us. someone should've left home earlier. good morning. i'm chris jansing live at msnbc headquarters in new york. it is thursday, november 25. happy thanksgiving. we begin with the story that's on front pages from coast to coast this morning. the guilty verdict out of georgia. all three men on trial in the death of ahmaud arbery, travis mcmichael, father gregory and neighbor women bryan convicted on felony murder and aggravated assault. inside the courtroom ahmaud arbery's mother bowed her head and wept. outside the courthouse hugs and cheers over the verdict they had been hoping for but feared might never come. i want to bring in nbc's cal perry in georgia. ck hoff ler is a veteran lawyer and danielle higgins is a defense attorney. happy thanksgiving to you all. cal, we know the men have to go back on trial on federal hate crimes charges in just ten weeks. after such an emotional period for this community, are they ready to go through it again? >> reporter: look. i think it was very difficult to relive the moments that took place february 23, 2020, for the community because this case was so badly mishandled by prosecutors here and the facts of the case were never in dispute. what happened that day never in dispute. three white men with two firearms shot and killed an unarmed black male. the community wondered how police thought in any way that that situation was okay and then we later find out greg mcmichael was a former police officer, former investigator for the d.a.'s office. so all of that is going to be very difficult to relive in a federal trial and then you add in the race aspects which to be fair the prosecution really stayed away but the defense continued to stumble into the race issues. i think all of that is hard hanging over the heads of the three men is a sentencing phase. the judge said in a few weeks it would take place. important to note that there is no difference in the sentencing when it's malice murder or felony murder. it is a distinction without a difference. minimum 30 years. what the judge will decide is whether or not they will be eligible for parole and we should know that in a couple weeks. >> ck, how do you see the next trial playing out? does it matter they were found guilty in this case or are hate crimes trials a different beast? >> hate crimes trials are a totally different beast insofar as the focus is different. it's the motivation. in this case it's race, the bias. you have the underlying crime. felony murder, malice murder, aggravated assault, false imprisonment and add the bias. so the evidence is going to be similar, the underlying crimes, but very different in terms of proving the bias. that is why it's going to be really reliving some of the first trial but opening a whole new can of worms. there's a lot of evidence as i understand. i have seen footage the past jury never saw and that evidence goes to the hate crime and need to listen to the 911 call. the 911 call i imagine is a critical piece of evidence used in the federal hate crimes case. i think it is very telling of how you prosecute hate crimes when there are underlying crimes and important for this justice department to get it right on this case. >> danielle, there's been speculation up until the verdict that it could be split, maybe william bryan would be acquitted. he was not. do you think there's a chance the judge uses something to distinguish between the actions of the mcmichaels and bryan and do the defense attorneys have an opportunity for any significant input at this point? >> the defense counsel for bryan in the closing arguments tried to separate the client from the mcmichaels and i think he did an effective job in that. he may say to the judge, my client should not be held to the same standard as these two gentlemen even though he is convicted of felony murder and may ask for probation at the 30-year mark. i expect that counsel for bryan will step up and make an argument to separate his client from the ore two defendants arguing for sentencing on a more lenient basis. >> for those who watched the trial there was a lot of conversation of citizens arrest, part of the defense for the men's actions. the fact is there are still a lot of citizens arrest laws on the books in the country. do you think that this verdict makes it harder to use that defense in other cases? do we need a wholesale review of those laws? tell me whether this has an impact on that whole topic. >> i think it is incumbent state lawmakers across the united states of america to take a look at the citizens arrest laws. i applaud the state of georgia. i applaud the georgia attorney chris carr, the attorney general for taking the lead in dismantling the citizens arrest law in the state of georgia in the light of murder of ahmaud arbery. unfortunately georgia is the only state in the country dismantled the citizens arrest law. it is a 1863 law that came about in light of having citizens recover slaves that escaped. that doesn't apply today. it needs to be looked at so people don't feel they need to take the law in their own hands and putting themselves in danger and others. i think the ahmaud arbery case begs the question and raised the question for state lawmakers in this country. >> ck, even though there's conversation surrounding the trials there is less conversation of the cases that never get to trial and brings me to jackie johnson, first prosecutor to get the case. she's been indicted for allegedly stopping police from arresting mcmichael and others. how unusual is that? is it important? does it tell us something? i should say she denied she did anything inappropriate. what should it tell us about the obstacle that faces folks who want justice and never ever even get to the phase of trial? >> there are extraordinarily magnificent prosecutors in this country but jackie johnson with the conduct in the -- after the ahmaud arbery shooting and murder demonstrated severe bias. what she did was infathomable. unthinkable. she really should not have done that. so i think that -- what she needed to do, what she needs to do is really face the jury at this point because she has a conflict of interest from the beginning. she advised greg mcmichael who called her at the scene of the murder -- to not -- to go home and wash his hands and get rid of the evidence. she told the police officers to stand down and devastating. she obstructed the scene. >> ck? ck, i think something is maybe playing on your computer. did we get that -- did that stop? okay. so we don't have it. danielle, that same question and what you think the message is here in the prosecution of this prosecutor. >> a lot of people are saying accountability was delivered yesterday to the ahmaud arbery family. not necessarily justice. it is because there are loose ends here that have to be tied up. there's so many missteps here, including jackie johnson, the prosecutor on the case and must be brought to justice. the relationship with gregory mcmichael played in the judgment. i applaud the attorney general carr for demanding an investigation into her conduct and not only that but the conduct of george barnhill, a prosecutor assigned to this case. why did the ahmaud arbery family have to jump over so many hoops? why did they have to jump over the hurdles to get to the verdict they received yesterday? us unfair and unnecessary. i know that she turned herself in yesterday and facing a misdemeanor charge of obstructing law enforcement and violating the oath of office. she is facing up to 12 months in jail. moreover, facing disbarment in the state of georgia. that is a serious, heavy handed possible penalty. we are all waiting for justice to come by way of holding the actions of jackie johnson accountable for trying to obstruct the case. >> ck, we have the audio ficked. i want you to finish your thought. >> i just have to say this. the conduct is reprehencible. she obstructed the investigation. gregory mcmichael said my son killed someone. what should we do? she instructed them to go home and wash. get washed, showered and then go to the police station. she also told two police officers to stand down and not arrest the mcmichaels or mr. bryan. there was no investigation at the scene of the shooting. this is highly unusual. she injected in that. and then because of the conflict by the community that greg mcmichael was an investigator she recused herself and polluted the case before that and referred it to someone that worked in her office and worked with mr. mcmichaels the father so that person had to stand down and ultimately sent to cobb county. she also with the attorney general failed to disclose the conflict of interest. there's so many things. that's just a tip of the iceberg. the conduct is reprehencible. she needs to be accountable for her actions in the obstruction because a three-month delay when your child is shot and killed, murdered the way ahmaud arbery was, is devastated. but for the efforts of the family we may have not gotten to this point in this case. >> as so many families have to do, they kept this story alive. danielle, ck, cal, as always, you have been great in this trial. thank you. up next, migration tragedy. dozens deds after the boat capsized. now two u.s. allies at odds on how to stop it. the crisis. a state suffering a 70% spike in covid cases. is testing the answer to keep your family safe this holiday season? 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[upbeat music] still fresh ♪ in wash-scent booster ♪ downy unstopables right now millions of families are preparing their thanksgiving feasts but far too many americans have a constant struggle to put any food on the table. according to the usda nearly 40 million americans are food insecure and food banks warn about a perfect storm of high demand, inflation and supply shortages making an already bad situation even worse. add to that millions who don't have easy access to grocery stores so this year volunteers bringing the store to them. our own stephanie gosk has a closer look. >> reporter: a healthy diet, far too many americans don't have access and can't afford them. in milwaukee they have a rolling solution. >> only way to shop. i can't afford anything else. >> reporter: the hunger task force partners with piggly wiggly. >> the people most impacted are more likely to be people of color, low income people, seniors and people with disabled. >> reporter: the mobile market makes stops around the city with savings of the 25% or more. streets are filled with fast food chain just more than a third of neighborhoods in milwaukee don't have access to quality, fresh food because a lot of places small, local grocery stores are out of business and with the pandemic that situation has only gotten worse. sheila cruz is a mom of two young daughters. how would you say is the budget for food a week? >> a week? i try to stay under $100. which sometimes it's not enough. >> reporter: helg think food often feels like a luxury she can't afford. on the weeks where you can visit the mobile market, how much easier than that? >> way easier. i got a lot of food, veggies. like a couple packages of meat. and i stayed under $20. >> reporter: 20 million americans live in low income areas without grocery stores. the milwaukee markets could be a model for the country. >> i don't think we understand this is a public health crisis and bringing fresh food to neighborhoods in need imperative. >> reporter: perhaps the best way to get the food to people that need it. >> got bananas and avocados. >> reporter: to put the food on wheels. milwaukee. >> up next, add a rapid covid test to the meal prep. will you be able to find one? plus twindemic. hospitals overwhelmed by covid bracing for the seasonal flu. why the slow flu season last year could spell trouble this winter. you are watching msnbc. once upon a time, at the magical everly estate, landscaper larry and his trusty crew... were delayed when the new kid totaled his truck. timber... fortunately, they were covered by progressive, so it was a happy ending... for almost everyone. you've been taking mental health meds, and your mind is finally in a better place. except now you have uncontrollable body movements called tardive dyskinesia td. and it can seem like that's all people see. ♪ some meds for mental health can cause abnormal dopamine signaling in the brain. while how it works is not fully understood, ingrezza is thought to reduce that signaling. ingrezza is a prescription medicine used to treat adults with td movements in the face and body. people taking ingrezza can stay on their current dose of most mental health meds. don't take ingrezza if you're allergic to any of its ingredients. ingrezza may cause serious side effects, including sleepiness. don't drive, operate heavy machinery, or do other dangerous activities until you know how ingrezza affects you. other serious side effects include potential heart rhythm problems and abnormal movements. shift the focus more on you. ask your doctor about ingrezza. it's simple. one pill, once-daily. #1 prescribed for td. learn how you could pay as little as $0 at ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. everything felt like a 'no'. everything. but then ray went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now he knows his glucose levels when he needs to. and... when he wants to. so ray... can be ray. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free. visit wondering what actually goes into your multi-vitamin. at new chapter. now you know. its innovation organic ingredients and fermentation. fermentation? 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>> there are several factors. it's hard to believe but last winter was the biggest covid surge in this country and all signs were pointing for there not to be a resurgence this year but the numbers are heading in the wrong direction. >> reporter: this morning as americans gather for thanksgiving covid is on the rise again. now topping 48 million infections in the u.s. cases surging 30% nationwide in month. midwest seeing the biggest up tick. in michigan cases spiked nearly 70%. >> we are looking at two to three times the number of covid patients back a month or two. >> frustrating. we were hoping to be approaching this holiday season where all of us would be able to enjoy the company of the loved one. >> reporter: parts of the northeast hit hard. erie cown tin, new york, highest number of numbers since the pandemic began. >> we are going in the wrong direction and the worst direction we have had. >> reporter: hospitalizations among those vaccinated and younger from extremely rare. in minnesota the death rate for fully vaccinated people under 50 in delta surge 0.0% for 100,000 people. >> the biggest keys to stop what you see. the most effective means is vaccines. >> reporter: why the new wave? >> there's three driving factors. high unvaccination rate in the parts of the country. number two, majority of the new cases are children unvaccinated. three, we are seeing these cases cropping up in social settings. >> what are you telling people getting ready to see the family members for the holidays? >> two or from an area with high cases which is now becoming a large part of the country i tell people to try to isolate the movements in advance of traveling. do a test before they travel. >> public health experts say that it is safe to travel if you're fully vaccinated. the biggest change from this year to this year is the availability of vaccine. >> doctor, the good news is 60% of americans are fully vaccinated. only 60% of americans are fully vaccinated is the bad news. have you found a magic sauce to convince people that they should get vaccinated? how are things where you are? >> so here in florida right now things are pretty stable compared to other parts of the united states. our focus has been because we do have challenges here in florida. our focus has been in providing people with good, reliable science. in a way that's digestible and easy to understand. so that people are comfortable not only being fully vaccinated by the original definition and recognizing that that booster that we are talking about should be a necessity for anyone who is over 18 at this time because that's what fully vaccinated truly is. meantime we are very thankful here in florida for the progress that science has made, that has allowed things to be not quite as bad as last year, at least not here. >> one of the amazing things are the at-home tests. if you have a gathering. we heard this from the on-air experts they test folks vaccinated or not. somebody in the household have a small child not eligible to be vaccinated. some places it is hard to get the tests and not cheap. it might not be feasible to put out a couple hundred dollars. some states are putting out kits. should the federal government look at that? >> yes. for personal purchase those tests are relatively expensive but for a state that's actually less expensive than having the pcr test run by a lab. you have to weigh in the balances. they're not as sensitive or as specific as the pcr test and they have false negatives and false positives but generally they will pick up people actively shedding. we have to remember the reality that while the vaccines are phenomenal to prevent severe disease, hospitalizations and death we can still get infected and spread it. if you have a group of people some vaccinated and some are not, the vaccinates can bring the disease to the unvaccinated. and then that unvaccinated person can end up in the hospital so it's really important to do what you can to decrease the spread of the infections in the social gatherings that we know and have known since last year are the main way in which these things are -- this pandemic is spreading. >> i need to ask you, too, with over 50 billion americans estimated to travel this week, many are college students and there's red flags that they may have been exposed to the flu and spreading it traveling home, in big groups of family. how concerned are you about what folks call a twindemic? >> yeah. so that's actually a very serious concern. the center for disease control has asked all of the high complexity labs that we run here to not only test for covid when we receive the samples but test for influenza. we see in south florida an increase in non-covid upper respiratory infections and that is a serious concern. absolutely. covid-19, the sars-co-v virus does hamper the immune system ability to handle additional stresses so you really first of all don't want to get it and number two you certainly don't want another nasty infection on top of that because that will most likely lead to a very unfortunate illness. >> i got my booster and flu shot in the same day. i'm ready to go. thank you for being with us. gabe, good the see you in house. have a great thanksgiving. time crunch. will the president's agenda get pushed to 202 as lawmakers stare down a government shutdown and maybe even a credit default? plus, what white house doctors say about the president's recent viz to it the hospital. we did get an idea of how president biden is spending his morning. the family apparently one of the millions tuning in to the macy's thanksgiving day parade down 6th avenue outside of where i am in new york right now. we got this photo of president and first lady calling in to the broadcast and sharing a special holiday message. >> what is your message to the american folks? 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how are they prioritizing this busy agenda? >> i think there's no question that they're going to raise the debt ceiling. they're going to keep the government open but i think the biggest priority for the senate is to use that house bill, build back better, to really shape it so that manchin and sinema can vote for it and then congress can go home for the holidays but seeing a house vote on that and don't expect too many changes. they have to sell it after it passes. >> daniel, we always warn people of the government shutdowns or hitting the debt ceiling and more often than not congress figures it out. any reason to think that won't happen? >> it's all democrat washington. with one party control we don't see a government shutdown but we should say why is a -- the world's top democracy, top industrialized country have to face the types of debt ceilings? democrats say this is ridiculous and not stopped the huge spending increases we have seen the last few years. >> i know the president wants to get the human infrastructure bill passed before 2022 but realistically, josh, how's that going to happen with everything else that congress has to take care of? what's the white house's take on this? are they optimistic? >> reporter: they are. this is tough. with everything else having to happen before the end of the year. but the white house really doesn't want to let the momentum from getting this bill finally through the house dissipate. they know they got a bit of a boost from getting the hard fought vote and getting the conservatives and the moderates on to the page for something to vote for in the house and want to use that to thrust the bill through the senate and looming next year is the midterm elections and close and close as you get to the elections it is so much harder to get legislation through with so many of those lawmakers focused on the districts, the intense politics. so there are some real political reasons to try to get it wrapped up. but i think when push comes to shove the white house is cognizant of the fact that nothing getzes done in washington unless you have a deadline even if they're blown through and set a new deadline but they need that time pressure to be able to force action on this and want to keep a sort of demonstrate cleez over the head of lawmakers to get this done but if this slips into the first week of 2022 or second week is the point to get it passed. >> talk inside baseball and the strategy. the president ran on the idea of a long time in washington. some people see that as a negative. he said washington is broken. i know the players and how to get things done. i was in congress for decades and know how to work with members of congress. what's the relationship now? what's the outreach to senators? >> reporter: it is a delicate dance. from the get-go we have seen president biden and the white house trying largely to defer to congressional leaders. they were able to sort of outsource that to nancy pelosi and chuck schumer. they have confidence in pelosi's ability to get things going in the house than they have with senator assume every in the senate given the way that the power in the senate really seems to be revolving not around senator schumer but manchin and sinema. when it came time to get it through the house they were hands off and let house leadership handle it. now that this is a senate matter the white house doesn't want to be too heavy handed but deploy president biden to make sure that he is exerting the pressure he has on senators to get this done. in fact, guess who we spotted at the white house last week. senator joe manchin there for the swearing in of an official but the white house is in close contact with the folks and they feel like at this point in time it's not like they eefr starting from scratch from w the senators and saying now let's talk about what you can support. they feel like so much of this pre-negotiated in advance over the many months to go back and forth and that the house trying to figure out what to pass to pass with manchin and sinema, get the 50 votes from democrats in the senate. so their hope at this point as they continue that outreach to senators from the democratic side is that a lot of this is worked out and that really it is just a matter of making tweaks around the edges before to send it back to the house to get it passed, signed, sealed and delivered by president biden by the end of the year. >> daniel, the clock is ticking and when you get into a midterm election year a lot of process goes by the wayside and folks back in the districts and trying to get re-elected and we have control of both houses up for grabs. republicans feeling very positive about it but we have had so many, not just a handful but retirements. where are we looking to 2022? >> democrats are pessimistic to likely to lose the house or the senate. and so that's why they feel the pressure to deliver. they can't run in november if they have not actually passed what biden ran on. but -- and these things are popular stuff. people are kind of mad about the cost of child care. they want to address climate change. but i think a lot of americans feel like the biden administration isn't doing enough to solve the supply chain shortages as well as not enough workers. and inflation. so i think they'll probably turn to inflation next to try to figure that out. but that's -- that's going to be a huge issue for them to deal with, and they can't be seen as out of touch with what many americans consider pocketbook issues in terms of higher prices in the stores. >> daniel and josh, good to see you both. thank you both. happy thanksgiving. back briefly on the topic of president biden. the white house physician just said that he had a benign poll up removed during the colonoscopy. no more action is required. it's similar to one removed in 2008 and the physician said biden should check on it with another colonoscopy seven to ten years from now. for context, joe biden turned 79 earlier this week. straight ahead, the first thanksgiving for many americans. it conjures happy images of pilgrims and the may flower. but for the native tribe whose ancestors were there, they say it was a different story, and they're still facing some of the same challenges. that's why, in difficult times, we provided one hundred and fifty million meals to feeding america. and now through the subaru share the love event, we're helping even more. by the end of this year, subaru will have donated over two hundred and twenty five million dollars to charity. this is what it means to be more than a car company. this is what it means to be subaru. i'm still drawn to what's next. even with higher stroke risk due to afib not caused by a heart valve problem. so if there's a better treatment than warfarin that's a trail i want to take. eliquis. eliquis reduces stroke risk better than warfarin. and has less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis has both. don't stop taking eliquis without talking to your doctor as this may increase your risk of stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking, you may bruise more easily or take longer for bleeding to stop. get help right away for unexpected bleeding, or unusual bruising. it may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. the number one cardiologist-prescribed blood thinner. ask your doctor about eliquis. ♪ ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ [coins clinking in jar] ♪ you can get it if you really want it, by jimmy cliff ♪ [suitcase closing] [gusts of wind] [ding] bogeys on your six, limu. they need customized car insurances of wind] from liberty mutual so they only pay for what they need. woooooooooooooo... we are not getting you a helicopter. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ with voltaren arthritis pain gel. my husband's got his moves back. an alternative to pills, voltaren is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory gel for powerful arthritis pain relief. voltaren, the joy of movement. today marks the 400th anniversary of the first thanksgiving. while some will be celebrating this day with food, family and football, for one native tribe, this time is a day for mourning. the descendents of the native tribe whose ancestors took part in fact first thanksgiving with the pilgrims. we spent time with members of the tribe to learn the often over-looked side of that first gathering. >> here's a story most americans think of when they imagine the first thanksgiving. the pilgrims travel to north merck in the fall of 1920. they struggled to survive until a local tribe came to their aid. in the fall of 1621 in a colonial village just like this, the pilgrims and the tribe came together for a big feast. the first thanksgiving. >> bu those who know the history best say the feel-good lore overshadows the real story. what do you think is the biggest misconception around thanksgiving? >> everyone thinks that we were welcome there and that really wasn't the case. >> reporter: brian is the chairman of the tribe. he says his people have lived in south eastern massachusetts for more than 10,000 years. >> i think it's important to know that our people are still here. some of the challenges that we faced over the past 400 years are still going on today in our current world. >> reporter: here's what really happened in 1621. both pilgrims and natives were in trouble. each side needed the other. they made an alliance. >> there was sickness. there was fighting. it had taken place. it was a roll of the dice, but you needed to survive. >> reporter: steven peters and his mother, paula said their an ses or thes how to use the land. it was a -- >> to say the friendly indians taught the pilgrims how to hunt and fish and survive and would have otherwise perished is true, but the treatment of the tribe both before and after is another truth that doesn't get told. >> reporter: over the last 400 years the tribe lost more than 99% of their land colonized by the one-time newcomers. on the first thanksgiving -- were there head reszs? >> no. >> reporter: were there shared turkeys? >> maybe. >> possibly. i mean, there's a lot of turkey around. >> reporter: was there an invitation? >> no. no way. >> no. >> i -- >> no -- >> reporter: instead the tribe arrived not to feast but fight. they'd been alarmed by the sound of muskets the pilgrims fired for their first harvest. >> they felt it was a threat. they were ready to go to combat. in the smoothing over of the situation, they invited the warriors and their families to stay. which they did for three days. >> reporter: but for the tribe today, the fourth thursday in november is a national day of mourning. mourning the centuries of loss that followed that day of bounty. >> they took our kindness for our weakness. and used it to their advantage. 400 years later and the fact that our tribe only owns half of one percent of our ancestry territory i think is unacceptable. >> reporter: even now they are fighting for the small portion of land they left. the obama administration placed about 300 acres of land in a trust for them. trump's white house tried to undo that, putting the land in limbo. they're now waiting on action from the current administration. >> it's on president biden and the administration and the department of interior to do the right thing. i'm sure he would want to spend his first thanksgiving in the white house knowing this is taken care of. >> it marginizes our story. because of the myths that are associated with the thanksgiving holiday, it -- we aren't erased so much as we're overwritten. it's a time when we as wompanog need to are flekt back and remind people there was a time before 1620 and there was a time before the may flower, and the consequences of that colonizing were really devastating. >> thank you for that. that wraps up the hour for me. i'm chris jansing. happy thanksgiving. jose diaz-balart picks up with more news right now. good morning. happy thanksgiving. it's 11:00 a.m. eastern. 8 p.m. pacific. i'm jose diaz-balart. we're covering a lot this thursday morning. we begin this morning in georgia with new questions swirling after three men were found guilty in the shooting death of ahmaud arbery. attorneys for travis mcmichael, his father, gregory, and their neighbor said they plan to appeal. at the same time, the judge did not immediately schedule a date for sentencing.

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Marty , Dr , Factors , Pointing , Surges , Surge , Signs , Infections , Direction , Numbers , Heading , Resurgence , 48 Million , Times , Up Tick , Covid Patients , Midwest , Michigan , Parts , All Of Us , Company , Loved One , Hit , Frustrating , Hospitalizations , Cown Tin , Erie , Means , Death Rate , Keys , Delta Surge 0 , Minnesota , 100000 , 50 , Vaccines , Driving Factors , Rate , Wave , Majority , High Unvaccination , Holidays , Family Members , Area , Settings , Advance , Safe , Public Health , Traveling , News , Vaccine , Availability , 60 , South Florida , Magic Sauce , Bad News , Challenges , Good , Science , Definition , Anyone , Progress , Necessity , 18 , Tests , Gathering , Household , Somebody , Government , Kits , Balances , Lab , Pcr Test Run , Pcr Test , Specific , Negatives , Positives , Disease , Group , Reality , Hospital , Spread , Vaccinates , Unvaccinated , Gatherings , 50 Billion , Flags , Many , Groups , College Students , Concern , Center For Disease 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Diaz Balart , Questions , Eastern , Pacific , 11 , 8 , Attorneys , Neighbor ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC MSNBC Reports 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC MSNBC Reports 20240709

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or major highways during takeoff. don't buy anything. i packed so many delicious snacks. -they're -- -nope. would you say, ballpark, when group two is gonna get boarded? 2 hours and 58 minutes. progressive can't protect you from becoming your parents, but we can protect your home and auto when you bundle with us. someone should've left home earlier. good morning. i'm chris jansing live at msnbc headquarters in new york. it is thursday, november 25. happy thanksgiving. we begin with the story that's on front pages from coast to coast this morning. the guilty verdict out of georgia. all three men on trial in the death of ahmaud arbery, travis mcmichael, father gregory and neighbor women bryan convicted on felony murder and aggravated assault. inside the courtroom ahmaud arbery's mother bowed her head and wept. outside the courthouse hugs and cheers over the verdict they had been hoping for but feared might never come. i want to bring in nbc's cal perry in georgia. ck hoff ler is a veteran lawyer and danielle higgins is a defense attorney. happy thanksgiving to you all. cal, we know the men have to go back on trial on federal hate crimes charges in just ten weeks. after such an emotional period for this community, are they ready to go through it again? >> reporter: look. i think it was very difficult to relive the moments that took place february 23, 2020, for the community because this case was so badly mishandled by prosecutors here and the facts of the case were never in dispute. what happened that day never in dispute. three white men with two firearms shot and killed an unarmed black male. the community wondered how police thought in any way that that situation was okay and then we later find out greg mcmichael was a former police officer, former investigator for the d.a.'s office. so all of that is going to be very difficult to relive in a federal trial and then you add in the race aspects which to be fair the prosecution really stayed away but the defense continued to stumble into the race issues. i think all of that is hard hanging over the heads of the three men is a sentencing phase. the judge said in a few weeks it would take place. important to note that there is no difference in the sentencing when it's malice murder or felony murder. it is a distinction without a difference. minimum 30 years. what the judge will decide is whether or not they will be eligible for parole and we should know that in a couple weeks. >> ck, how do you see the next trial playing out? does it matter they were found guilty in this case or are hate crimes trials a different beast? >> hate crimes trials are a totally different beast insofar as the focus is different. it's the motivation. in this case it's race, the bias. you have the underlying crime. felony murder, malice murder, aggravated assault, false imprisonment and add the bias. so the evidence is going to be similar, the underlying crimes, but very different in terms of proving the bias. that is why it's going to be really reliving some of the first trial but opening a whole new can of worms. there's a lot of evidence as i understand. i have seen footage the past jury never saw and that evidence goes to the hate crime and need to listen to the 911 call. the 911 call i imagine is a critical piece of evidence used in the federal hate crimes case. i think it is very telling of how you prosecute hate crimes when there are underlying crimes and important for this justice department to get it right on this case. >> danielle, there's been speculation up until the verdict that it could be split, maybe william bryan would be acquitted. he was not. do you think there's a chance the judge uses something to distinguish between the actions of the mcmichaels and bryan and do the defense attorneys have an opportunity for any significant input at this point? >> the defense counsel for bryan in the closing arguments tried to separate the client from the mcmichaels and i think he did an effective job in that. he may say to the judge, my client should not be held to the same standard as these two gentlemen even though he is convicted of felony murder and may ask for probation at the 30-year mark. i expect that counsel for bryan will step up and make an argument to separate his client from the ore two defendants arguing for sentencing on a more lenient basis. >> for those who watched the trial there was a lot of conversation of citizens arrest, part of the defense for the men's actions. the fact is there are still a lot of citizens arrest laws on the books in the country. do you think that this verdict makes it harder to use that defense in other cases? do we need a wholesale review of those laws? tell me whether this has an impact on that whole topic. >> i think it is incumbent state lawmakers across the united states of america to take a look at the citizens arrest laws. i applaud the state of georgia. i applaud the georgia attorney chris carr, the attorney general for taking the lead in dismantling the citizens arrest law in the state of georgia in the light of murder of ahmaud arbery. unfortunately georgia is the only state in the country dismantled the citizens arrest law. it is a 1863 law that came about in light of having citizens recover slaves that escaped. that doesn't apply today. it needs to be looked at so people don't feel they need to take the law in their own hands and putting themselves in danger and others. i think the ahmaud arbery case begs the question and raised the question for state lawmakers in this country. >> ck, even though there's conversation surrounding the trials there is less conversation of the cases that never get to trial and brings me to jackie johnson, first prosecutor to get the case. she's been indicted for allegedly stopping police from arresting mcmichael and others. how unusual is that? is it important? does it tell us something? i should say she denied she did anything inappropriate. what should it tell us about the obstacle that faces folks who want justice and never ever even get to the phase of trial? >> there are extraordinarily magnificent prosecutors in this country but jackie johnson with the conduct in the -- after the ahmaud arbery shooting and murder demonstrated severe bias. what she did was infathomable. unthinkable. she really should not have done that. so i think that -- what she needed to do, what she needs to do is really face the jury at this point because she has a conflict of interest from the beginning. she advised greg mcmichael who called her at the scene of the murder -- to not -- to go home and wash his hands and get rid of the evidence. she told the police officers to stand down and devastating. she obstructed the scene. >> ck? ck, i think something is maybe playing on your computer. did we get that -- did that stop? okay. so we don't have it. danielle, that same question and what you think the message is here in the prosecution of this prosecutor. >> a lot of people are saying accountability was delivered yesterday to the ahmaud arbery family. not necessarily justice. it is because there are loose ends here that have to be tied up. there's so many missteps here, including jackie johnson, the prosecutor on the case and must be brought to justice. the relationship with gregory mcmichael played in the judgment. i applaud the attorney general carr for demanding an investigation into her conduct and not only that but the conduct of george barnhill, a prosecutor assigned to this case. why did the ahmaud arbery family have to jump over so many hoops? why did they have to jump over the hurdles to get to the verdict they received yesterday? us unfair and unnecessary. i know that she turned herself in yesterday and facing a misdemeanor charge of obstructing law enforcement and violating the oath of office. she is facing up to 12 months in jail. moreover, facing disbarment in the state of georgia. that is a serious, heavy handed possible penalty. we are all waiting for justice to come by way of holding the actions of jackie johnson accountable for trying to obstruct the case. >> ck, we have the audio ficked. i want you to finish your thought. >> i just have to say this. the conduct is reprehencible. she obstructed the investigation. gregory mcmichael said my son killed someone. what should we do? she instructed them to go home and wash. get washed, showered and then go to the police station. she also told two police officers to stand down and not arrest the mcmichaels or mr. bryan. there was no investigation at the scene of the shooting. this is highly unusual. she injected in that. and then because of the conflict by the community that greg mcmichael was an investigator she recused herself and polluted the case before that and referred it to someone that worked in her office and worked with mr. mcmichaels the father so that person had to stand down and ultimately sent to cobb county. she also with the attorney general failed to disclose the conflict of interest. there's so many things. that's just a tip of the iceberg. the conduct is reprehencible. she needs to be accountable for her actions in the obstruction because a three-month delay when your child is shot and killed, murdered the way ahmaud arbery was, is devastated. but for the efforts of the family we may have not gotten to this point in this case. >> as so many families have to do, they kept this story alive. danielle, ck, cal, as always, you have been great in this trial. thank you. up next, migration tragedy. dozens deds after the boat capsized. now two u.s. allies at odds on how to stop it. the crisis. a state suffering a 70% spike in covid cases. is testing the answer to keep your family safe this holiday season? 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[upbeat music] still fresh ♪ in wash-scent booster ♪ downy unstopables right now millions of families are preparing their thanksgiving feasts but far too many americans have a constant struggle to put any food on the table. according to the usda nearly 40 million americans are food insecure and food banks warn about a perfect storm of high demand, inflation and supply shortages making an already bad situation even worse. add to that millions who don't have easy access to grocery stores so this year volunteers bringing the store to them. our own stephanie gosk has a closer look. >> reporter: a healthy diet, far too many americans don't have access and can't afford them. in milwaukee they have a rolling solution. >> only way to shop. i can't afford anything else. >> reporter: the hunger task force partners with piggly wiggly. >> the people most impacted are more likely to be people of color, low income people, seniors and people with disabled. >> reporter: the mobile market makes stops around the city with savings of the 25% or more. streets are filled with fast food chain just more than a third of neighborhoods in milwaukee don't have access to quality, fresh food because a lot of places small, local grocery stores are out of business and with the pandemic that situation has only gotten worse. sheila cruz is a mom of two young daughters. how would you say is the budget for food a week? >> a week? i try to stay under $100. which sometimes it's not enough. >> reporter: helg think food often feels like a luxury she can't afford. on the weeks where you can visit the mobile market, how much easier than that? >> way easier. i got a lot of food, veggies. like a couple packages of meat. and i stayed under $20. >> reporter: 20 million americans live in low income areas without grocery stores. the milwaukee markets could be a model for the country. >> i don't think we understand this is a public health crisis and bringing fresh food to neighborhoods in need imperative. >> reporter: perhaps the best way to get the food to people that need it. >> got bananas and avocados. >> reporter: to put the food on wheels. milwaukee. >> up next, add a rapid covid test to the meal prep. will you be able to find one? plus twindemic. hospitals overwhelmed by covid bracing for the seasonal flu. why the slow flu season last year could spell trouble this winter. you are watching msnbc. once upon a time, at the magical everly estate, landscaper larry and his trusty crew... were delayed when the new kid totaled his truck. timber... fortunately, they were covered by progressive, so it was a happy ending... for almost everyone. you've been taking mental health meds, and your mind is finally in a better place. except now you have uncontrollable body movements called tardive dyskinesia td. and it can seem like that's all people see. ♪ some meds for mental health can cause abnormal dopamine signaling in the brain. while how it works is not fully understood, ingrezza is thought to reduce that signaling. ingrezza is a prescription medicine used to treat adults with td movements in the face and body. people taking ingrezza can stay on their current dose of most mental health meds. don't take ingrezza if you're allergic to any of its ingredients. ingrezza may cause serious side effects, including sleepiness. don't drive, operate heavy machinery, or do other dangerous activities until you know how ingrezza affects you. other serious side effects include potential heart rhythm problems and abnormal movements. shift the focus more on you. ask your doctor about ingrezza. it's simple. one pill, once-daily. #1 prescribed for td. learn how you could pay as little as $0 at ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. everything felt like a 'no'. everything. but then ray went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now he knows his glucose levels when he needs to. and... when he wants to. so ray... can be ray. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free. visit wondering what actually goes into your multi-vitamin. at new chapter. now you know. its innovation organic ingredients and fermentation. fermentation? 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>> there are several factors. it's hard to believe but last winter was the biggest covid surge in this country and all signs were pointing for there not to be a resurgence this year but the numbers are heading in the wrong direction. >> reporter: this morning as americans gather for thanksgiving covid is on the rise again. now topping 48 million infections in the u.s. cases surging 30% nationwide in month. midwest seeing the biggest up tick. in michigan cases spiked nearly 70%. >> we are looking at two to three times the number of covid patients back a month or two. >> frustrating. we were hoping to be approaching this holiday season where all of us would be able to enjoy the company of the loved one. >> reporter: parts of the northeast hit hard. erie cown tin, new york, highest number of numbers since the pandemic began. >> we are going in the wrong direction and the worst direction we have had. >> reporter: hospitalizations among those vaccinated and younger from extremely rare. in minnesota the death rate for fully vaccinated people under 50 in delta surge 0.0% for 100,000 people. >> the biggest keys to stop what you see. the most effective means is vaccines. >> reporter: why the new wave? >> there's three driving factors. high unvaccination rate in the parts of the country. number two, majority of the new cases are children unvaccinated. three, we are seeing these cases cropping up in social settings. >> what are you telling people getting ready to see the family members for the holidays? >> two or from an area with high cases which is now becoming a large part of the country i tell people to try to isolate the movements in advance of traveling. do a test before they travel. >> public health experts say that it is safe to travel if you're fully vaccinated. the biggest change from this year to this year is the availability of vaccine. >> doctor, the good news is 60% of americans are fully vaccinated. only 60% of americans are fully vaccinated is the bad news. have you found a magic sauce to convince people that they should get vaccinated? how are things where you are? >> so here in florida right now things are pretty stable compared to other parts of the united states. our focus has been because we do have challenges here in florida. our focus has been in providing people with good, reliable science. in a way that's digestible and easy to understand. so that people are comfortable not only being fully vaccinated by the original definition and recognizing that that booster that we are talking about should be a necessity for anyone who is over 18 at this time because that's what fully vaccinated truly is. meantime we are very thankful here in florida for the progress that science has made, that has allowed things to be not quite as bad as last year, at least not here. >> one of the amazing things are the at-home tests. if you have a gathering. we heard this from the on-air experts they test folks vaccinated or not. somebody in the household have a small child not eligible to be vaccinated. some places it is hard to get the tests and not cheap. it might not be feasible to put out a couple hundred dollars. some states are putting out kits. should the federal government look at that? >> yes. for personal purchase those tests are relatively expensive but for a state that's actually less expensive than having the pcr test run by a lab. you have to weigh in the balances. they're not as sensitive or as specific as the pcr test and they have false negatives and false positives but generally they will pick up people actively shedding. we have to remember the reality that while the vaccines are phenomenal to prevent severe disease, hospitalizations and death we can still get infected and spread it. if you have a group of people some vaccinated and some are not, the vaccinates can bring the disease to the unvaccinated. and then that unvaccinated person can end up in the hospital so it's really important to do what you can to decrease the spread of the infections in the social gatherings that we know and have known since last year are the main way in which these things are -- this pandemic is spreading. >> i need to ask you, too, with over 50 billion americans estimated to travel this week, many are college students and there's red flags that they may have been exposed to the flu and spreading it traveling home, in big groups of family. how concerned are you about what folks call a twindemic? >> yeah. so that's actually a very serious concern. the center for disease control has asked all of the high complexity labs that we run here to not only test for covid when we receive the samples but test for influenza. we see in south florida an increase in non-covid upper respiratory infections and that is a serious concern. absolutely. covid-19, the sars-co-v virus does hamper the immune system ability to handle additional stresses so you really first of all don't want to get it and number two you certainly don't want another nasty infection on top of that because that will most likely lead to a very unfortunate illness. >> i got my booster and flu shot in the same day. i'm ready to go. thank you for being with us. gabe, good the see you in house. have a great thanksgiving. time crunch. will the president's agenda get pushed to 202 as lawmakers stare down a government shutdown and maybe even a credit default? plus, what white house doctors say about the president's recent viz to it the hospital. we did get an idea of how president biden is spending his morning. the family apparently one of the millions tuning in to the macy's thanksgiving day parade down 6th avenue outside of where i am in new york right now. we got this photo of president and first lady calling in to the broadcast and sharing a special holiday message. >> what is your message to the american folks? 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how are they prioritizing this busy agenda? >> i think there's no question that they're going to raise the debt ceiling. they're going to keep the government open but i think the biggest priority for the senate is to use that house bill, build back better, to really shape it so that manchin and sinema can vote for it and then congress can go home for the holidays but seeing a house vote on that and don't expect too many changes. they have to sell it after it passes. >> daniel, we always warn people of the government shutdowns or hitting the debt ceiling and more often than not congress figures it out. any reason to think that won't happen? >> it's all democrat washington. with one party control we don't see a government shutdown but we should say why is a -- the world's top democracy, top industrialized country have to face the types of debt ceilings? democrats say this is ridiculous and not stopped the huge spending increases we have seen the last few years. >> i know the president wants to get the human infrastructure bill passed before 2022 but realistically, josh, how's that going to happen with everything else that congress has to take care of? what's the white house's take on this? are they optimistic? >> reporter: they are. this is tough. with everything else having to happen before the end of the year. but the white house really doesn't want to let the momentum from getting this bill finally through the house dissipate. they know they got a bit of a boost from getting the hard fought vote and getting the conservatives and the moderates on to the page for something to vote for in the house and want to use that to thrust the bill through the senate and looming next year is the midterm elections and close and close as you get to the elections it is so much harder to get legislation through with so many of those lawmakers focused on the districts, the intense politics. so there are some real political reasons to try to get it wrapped up. but i think when push comes to shove the white house is cognizant of the fact that nothing getzes done in washington unless you have a deadline even if they're blown through and set a new deadline but they need that time pressure to be able to force action on this and want to keep a sort of demonstrate cleez over the head of lawmakers to get this done but if this slips into the first week of 2022 or second week is the point to get it passed. >> talk inside baseball and the strategy. the president ran on the idea of a long time in washington. some people see that as a negative. he said washington is broken. i know the players and how to get things done. i was in congress for decades and know how to work with members of congress. what's the relationship now? what's the outreach to senators? >> reporter: it is a delicate dance. from the get-go we have seen president biden and the white house trying largely to defer to congressional leaders. they were able to sort of outsource that to nancy pelosi and chuck schumer. they have confidence in pelosi's ability to get things going in the house than they have with senator assume every in the senate given the way that the power in the senate really seems to be revolving not around senator schumer but manchin and sinema. when it came time to get it through the house they were hands off and let house leadership handle it. now that this is a senate matter the white house doesn't want to be too heavy handed but deploy president biden to make sure that he is exerting the pressure he has on senators to get this done. in fact, guess who we spotted at the white house last week. senator joe manchin there for the swearing in of an official but the white house is in close contact with the folks and they feel like at this point in time it's not like they eefr starting from scratch from w the senators and saying now let's talk about what you can support. they feel like so much of this pre-negotiated in advance over the many months to go back and forth and that the house trying to figure out what to pass to pass with manchin and sinema, get the 50 votes from democrats in the senate. so their hope at this point as they continue that outreach to senators from the democratic side is that a lot of this is worked out and that really it is just a matter of making tweaks around the edges before to send it back to the house to get it passed, signed, sealed and delivered by president biden by the end of the year. >> daniel, the clock is ticking and when you get into a midterm election year a lot of process goes by the wayside and folks back in the districts and trying to get re-elected and we have control of both houses up for grabs. republicans feeling very positive about it but we have had so many, not just a handful but retirements. where are we looking to 2022? >> democrats are pessimistic to likely to lose the house or the senate. and so that's why they feel the pressure to deliver. they can't run in november if they have not actually passed what biden ran on. but -- and these things are popular stuff. people are kind of mad about the cost of child care. they want to address climate change. but i think a lot of americans feel like the biden administration isn't doing enough to solve the supply chain shortages as well as not enough workers. and inflation. so i think they'll probably turn to inflation next to try to figure that out. but that's -- that's going to be a huge issue for them to deal with, and they can't be seen as out of touch with what many americans consider pocketbook issues in terms of higher prices in the stores. >> daniel and josh, good to see you both. thank you both. happy thanksgiving. back briefly on the topic of president biden. the white house physician just said that he had a benign poll up removed during the colonoscopy. no more action is required. it's similar to one removed in 2008 and the physician said biden should check on it with another colonoscopy seven to ten years from now. for context, joe biden turned 79 earlier this week. straight ahead, the first thanksgiving for many americans. it conjures happy images of pilgrims and the may flower. but for the native tribe whose ancestors were there, they say it was a different story, and they're still facing some of the same challenges. that's why, in difficult times, we provided one hundred and fifty million meals to feeding america. and now through the subaru share the love event, we're helping even more. by the end of this year, subaru will have donated over two hundred and twenty five million dollars to charity. this is what it means to be more than a car company. this is what it means to be subaru. i'm still drawn to what's next. even with higher stroke risk due to afib not caused by a heart valve problem. so if there's a better treatment than warfarin that's a trail i want to take. eliquis. eliquis reduces stroke risk better than warfarin. and has less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis has both. don't stop taking eliquis without talking to your doctor as this may increase your risk of stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking, you may bruise more easily or take longer for bleeding to stop. get help right away for unexpected bleeding, or unusual bruising. it may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. the number one cardiologist-prescribed blood thinner. ask your doctor about eliquis. ♪ ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ [coins clinking in jar] ♪ you can get it if you really want it, by jimmy cliff ♪ [suitcase closing] [gusts of wind] [ding] bogeys on your six, limu. they need customized car insurances of wind] from liberty mutual so they only pay for what they need. woooooooooooooo... we are not getting you a helicopter. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ with voltaren arthritis pain gel. my husband's got his moves back. an alternative to pills, voltaren is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory gel for powerful arthritis pain relief. voltaren, the joy of movement. today marks the 400th anniversary of the first thanksgiving. while some will be celebrating this day with food, family and football, for one native tribe, this time is a day for mourning. the descendents of the native tribe whose ancestors took part in fact first thanksgiving with the pilgrims. we spent time with members of the tribe to learn the often over-looked side of that first gathering. >> here's a story most americans think of when they imagine the first thanksgiving. the pilgrims travel to north merck in the fall of 1920. they struggled to survive until a local tribe came to their aid. in the fall of 1621 in a colonial village just like this, the pilgrims and the tribe came together for a big feast. the first thanksgiving. >> bu those who know the history best say the feel-good lore overshadows the real story. what do you think is the biggest misconception around thanksgiving? >> everyone thinks that we were welcome there and that really wasn't the case. >> reporter: brian is the chairman of the tribe. he says his people have lived in south eastern massachusetts for more than 10,000 years. >> i think it's important to know that our people are still here. some of the challenges that we faced over the past 400 years are still going on today in our current world. >> reporter: here's what really happened in 1621. both pilgrims and natives were in trouble. each side needed the other. they made an alliance. >> there was sickness. there was fighting. it had taken place. it was a roll of the dice, but you needed to survive. >> reporter: steven peters and his mother, paula said their an ses or thes how to use the land. it was a -- >> to say the friendly indians taught the pilgrims how to hunt and fish and survive and would have otherwise perished is true, but the treatment of the tribe both before and after is another truth that doesn't get told. >> reporter: over the last 400 years the tribe lost more than 99% of their land colonized by the one-time newcomers. on the first thanksgiving -- were there head reszs? >> no. >> reporter: were there shared turkeys? >> maybe. >> possibly. i mean, there's a lot of turkey around. >> reporter: was there an invitation? >> no. no way. >> no. >> i -- >> no -- >> reporter: instead the tribe arrived not to feast but fight. they'd been alarmed by the sound of muskets the pilgrims fired for their first harvest. >> they felt it was a threat. they were ready to go to combat. in the smoothing over of the situation, they invited the warriors and their families to stay. which they did for three days. >> reporter: but for the tribe today, the fourth thursday in november is a national day of mourning. mourning the centuries of loss that followed that day of bounty. >> they took our kindness for our weakness. and used it to their advantage. 400 years later and the fact that our tribe only owns half of one percent of our ancestry territory i think is unacceptable. >> reporter: even now they are fighting for the small portion of land they left. the obama administration placed about 300 acres of land in a trust for them. trump's white house tried to undo that, putting the land in limbo. they're now waiting on action from the current administration. >> it's on president biden and the administration and the department of interior to do the right thing. i'm sure he would want to spend his first thanksgiving in the white house knowing this is taken care of. >> it marginizes our story. because of the myths that are associated with the thanksgiving holiday, it -- we aren't erased so much as we're overwritten. it's a time when we as wompanog need to are flekt back and remind people there was a time before 1620 and there was a time before the may flower, and the consequences of that colonizing were really devastating. >> thank you for that. that wraps up the hour for me. i'm chris jansing. happy thanksgiving. jose diaz-balart picks up with more news right now. good morning. happy thanksgiving. it's 11:00 a.m. eastern. 8 p.m. pacific. i'm jose diaz-balart. we're covering a lot this thursday morning. we begin this morning in georgia with new questions swirling after three men were found guilty in the shooting death of ahmaud arbery. attorneys for travis mcmichael, his father, gregory, and their neighbor said they plan to appeal. at the same time, the judge did not immediately schedule a date for sentencing.

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Point , Homeowners , Houses , Parents , Challenge , Airport , Everybody , Landmarks , Paper Tickets , Ticket Check , Don T , Progressive , Anything , Home , U S , Group Two , Takeoff , Auto , Highways , Snacks , Gonna , Ballpark , Two , 2 , 58 , Someone , Msnbc , Chris Jansing , Trial , Story , Georgia , Verdict , Men , Coast To , Headquarters , Pages , New York , 25 , Three , Thursday November 25 , Felony Murder , Death , Ahmaud Arbery , Head , Father , Travis Mcmichael , Mother , Courtroom , Assault , Neighbor Women Bryan , Ck Hoff Ler , Veteran Lawyer , Cheers , Courthouse Hugs , Nbc , Cal Perry In Georgia , Community , Danielle Higgins , Crimes , Defense Attorney , Charges , Ten , Reporter , Ahmaud Arbery Case , Moments , Prosecutors , Facts , 2020 , 23 , February 23 2020 , Way , Police , Dispute , Firearms , Unarmed Black Male , Wall , Situation , Greg Mcmichael , Police Officer , Office , D A , Race , Defense , Prosecution , Issues , Aspects , Heads , Sentencing Phase , Place , Malice Murder , Difference , Judge , Sentencing , Note , Distinction , 30 , Beast , Parole , Hate Crimes , Focus , Crime , Motivation , Evidence , Terms , Aggravated Assault , Imprisonment , Lot , Some , Can Of Worms , Hate Crimes Case , Hate Crime , Piece , Call , Jury , Footage , 911 , Justice , Speculation , Department , Split , Something , Actions , Bryan , Chance , Defense Attorneys , William Bryan , Mcmichaels , Client , Defense Counsel , Arguments , Input , Opportunity , Job , Probation , Mark , Gentlemen , Standard , Counsel , Defendants , Ore Two , Basis , Argument , Country , Part , Fact , Citizens , Laws , Conversation , Books , Citizens Arrest , Cases , State Lawmakers , Topic , Impact , Review , Law , Chris Carr , Look , Lead , Murder , State , Light , Slaves , Citizens Arrest Law , 1863 , People , Others , Hands , Danger , Doesn T Apply Today , Question , Trials , Jackie Johnson , Arresting Mcmichael , Folks , Obstacle , Phase , Conduct , Infathomable , Unthinkable , Scene , Beginning , Conflict Of Interest , Police Officers , Computer , Stop , Message , Accountability , Ahmaud Arbery Family , Loose Ends , Prosecutor , Missteps , Gregory Mcmichael , Relationship , Investigation , Judgment , Attorney General Carr , George Barnhill , Family , Hoops , Hurdles , Oath Of Office , Serious , Misdemeanor Charge , Heavy , Law Enforcement , Jail , Disbarment , 12 , Waiting , Penalty , Thought , Reprehencible , Accountable , Audio Ficked , Police Station , Wash , Son , Mr , Shooting , Conflict , Person , Cobb County , Things , Obstruction , Tip , Iceberg , Child , Efforts , Families , Up Next , Migration Tragedy , Boat , Crisis , Allies , Dozens , State Suffering , Spike , 70 , Holiday Season , Experts , Service , Answer , Girl , Safelite Autoglass , Singers , Safelite Repair , Hearing , Lea , A Retired School Counselor , Art Teacher , Steve , Alaska , North Pole , 10 , Thing , Change , Prevagen , Vision , Prescription , Memory , Sense , Hearing Aids , Life , Healthier Brain , Liberty Mutual , Liberty , Car Insurance , Dj , Customization , Throwback , Rewards , Movie Night Specials , Liberty Xfinity , Xfinity Mobile Benefits , Everyone , Members , Xfinity , Tickets , List , Fan Favorites , Deals , A Million , Thanks , Breaking News , French , Europe , Authorities , 27 , Vessel , Disasters , Waters , Sky News , English Channel , Boat Set , Screen , Britain , One , Waterway , Currents , Migrant Crossings , London , Matt Bradley , Issue , Government Officials , Tension , Button , Trade Issues , Brexit , Immigration Thing , Grooves , Accident , 20 , Water , Fishing Boat , Deaths , Coast , Emergency , Records , Dover Strait , Dunkirk , Narrowest , Migrants , Route , Crossing , Woman , Children , Minister , Court , Five , Picture , Wasn T , Interior Minister , Raft , Smugglers , Backyard , Swimming Pool , Blame , Crossing On , Food , City , Quality , Roll , Journey , Food Deserts , God , Table , Specialist , Covid Thanksgiving , Subway , Baja Chipotle Sauce , Press Conference , Steak , Retirement , Saying , Baja Steak Jack , Robitussin Honey , Cough , Got Someyeah K Olives , Jalapenos , Couple Pepperoncini S , Olives , Stop Talking , Relief , Mind , Trash , Robitussin Elderberry , Experience , Ideas , Dark , Flexibility , World , Unique , Booster , Pay , Spot , Freshness , Music , Food Banks , Struggle , Feasts , Usda , 40 Million , Inflation , Millions , Grocery Stores , Volunteers , Storm , Store , Shortages , Supply , Add , Demand , Don T Have Easy Access , Access , Diet , Stephanie Gosk , Partners , Anything Else , Hunger , Solution , Piggly Wiggly , Task Force , Market , Neighborhoods , More , Color , Fast Food Chain , Disabled , Streets , Seniors , Savings , Third , Pandemic , Mom , Places , Business , Daughters , Milwaukee , Sheila Cruz , Budget , Helg Think Food , Luxury , 100 , 00 , Couple , Veggies , Meat , 0 , Markets , Health , Areas , Model , 20 Million , Need Imperative , Avocados , Bananas , Wheels , Flu , Add A , Hospitals , Rapid Covid , Meal Prep , Plus Twindemic , Trouble , Flu Season , Winter , Kid , Landscaper Larry , Crew , Truck , Timber , Once Upon A Time , Magical Everly Estate , Mental Health Meds , Ending , Body Movements , Tardive Dyskinesia Td , Adults , Ingrezza , Meds , Mental Health , Prescription Medicine , Td Movements , Dopamine Signaling , Signaling , Brain , Side Effects , Ingredients , Body , Activities , Dose , Sleepiness , Ingrezza May , Operate Heavy Machinery , Don T Drive , Doctor , Movements , Heart Rhythm Problems , Pill , Td , 1 , Everything , Ingrezza Com Ray , Vacations , Diabetes , No , , It , Glucose Levels , Mystery , A1c , Visit Freestylelibre Us , Libre 2 , Chapter , Fermentation , Goodness , Multi Vitamin , Yes , Planning Effect , Plan , Wealth , Wellness , Risk , Generations , Fidelity , Reward , Balance , Advisor , Time , Beat , Feet , Roadways , Runways , Number , States , Rise , Dinner Table , Final Destination , Gabe Gutierrez , 29 , Both , Marty , Dr , Factors , Pointing , Surges , Surge , Signs , Infections , Direction , Numbers , Heading , Resurgence , 48 Million , Times , Up Tick , Covid Patients , Midwest , Michigan , Parts , All Of Us , Company , Loved One , Hit , Frustrating , Hospitalizations , Cown Tin , Erie , Means , Death Rate , Keys , Delta Surge 0 , Minnesota , 100000 , 50 , Vaccines , Driving Factors , Rate , Wave , Majority , High Unvaccination , Holidays , Family Members , Area , Settings , Advance , Safe , Public Health , Traveling , News , Vaccine , Availability , 60 , South Florida , Magic Sauce , Bad News , Challenges , Good , Science , Definition , Anyone , Progress , Necessity , 18 , Tests , Gathering , Household , Somebody , Government , Kits , Balances , Lab , Pcr Test Run , Pcr Test , Specific , Negatives , Positives , Disease , Group , Reality , Hospital , Spread , Vaccinates , Unvaccinated , Gatherings , 50 Billion , Flags , Many , Groups , College Students , Concern , Center For Disease Control , Complexity , Twindemic , Labs , Test , Influenza , Samples , Increase , Ability , Stresses , Immune System , Virus , 19 , Infection , Top , Illness , Flu Shot , President , Lawmakers , Thanksgiving , White House , Agenda Get , 202 , Government Shutdown , Idea , Doctors , Credit Default , Viz , Down 6th Avenue , Calling , First Lady , Macy S Thanksgiving Day Parade , Photo , 6 , Nothing , Holiday Message , America , Treatment , Skyrizi , Skin , Doses , Tuberculosis , 3 , 90 , 4 , Symptoms , Chills , Coughs , Dermatologist , Sweats , Fevers , Muscle Aches , Scent Boosters , Laundry , Clothes , Detergent , Downy Unstopables , Sleigh , Helpers , Roads , Toys , Mountain , Wishes , Bridges , Bye Mom , Homes , Fun , Holiday Deliveries , United States Postal Service , Bond , Pure , Lotion , Parabens , Moisture , Hydration , Dyes , Fragrances , Nurse Mariyam Sabo , 24 , Injectable Cabenuva , Hiv Treatment , Hiv , Injections , Me Undetectable , Medicines , Reactions , Hiv Pills Aren T On My Mind , Healthcare Provider , Help , Liver Problems , Reaction , Mental Health Concerns , Breastfeeding , Depression , Pregnancy , Treatment Appointments , Injection Site Reactions , Fever , Tiredness , Lisa , Nanny , Jobs , Retail , Barista , Kids , Rush Hour , Career , Caregiver , Power , Congestion , Cold Season , Coughing , Bounce Back , Sneezing , Mucus , Alka Seltzer Plus , Work Waiting , Break , D C , Senate , Congress , Debt Ceiling , Build , To Do List , Staggeringing , Eight , Daniel , Act , House Bill , Agenda , Priority , Joe Manchin , Changes , House Vote , Sinema , Shutdowns , Reason , Control , Democracy , Debt Ceilings , Types , Democrat , Human Infrastructure Bill , Spending , 2022 , Josh , Care , House , Bill , Boost , Momentum , Bit , Vote , Page , Conservatives , Moderates , Districts , Elections , Politics , Legislation , Deadline , Reasons , Pressure , Action , Cleez , Slips , Sort , Strategy , Ran , Talk Inside Baseball , Negative , Players , Senators , Joe Biden , Outreach , Dance , Get Go , Leaders , Senator , Outsource , Nancy Pelosi , Chuck Schumer , House Leadership , Matter , Done , Guess Who , Doesn T Want , Contact , Swearing , Scratch , Pre Negotiated , Side , Votes , Hope , Edges , Making Tweaks , Ticking , Election , Clock , Process , Wayside , The End , Handful , Grabs , Republicans , Retirements , Kind , Stuff , Biden Ran On , Administration , Child Care , Supply Chain Shortages , Cost , Climate Change , Isn T Doing Enough , Americans , Workers , Touch , Prices , Pocketbook , Physician , Stores , Poll , Colonoscopy , 2008 , Seven , Tribe , Pilgrims , May Flower , Context , Images , 79 , Ancestors , That S Why , Subaru , Charity , Love Event , Meals , Feeding America , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million Dollars , One Hundred And Fifty Million , Warfarin , Stroke Risk , Afib , Car Company , Heart Valve Problem , Stop Taking Eliquis , Bleeding , Stroke , Trail , Bruise , Artificial Heart Valve , Bruising , Blood Thinner , Procedures , Coins Clinking , Jar , Suitcase Closing , Jimmy Cliff , Ding , Wind , Gusts , Car Insurances , Limu , Six , Woooooooooooooo , Voltaren , Husband , Gel , Pills , Alternative , Arthritis Pain Gel , Helicopter , Movement , Arthritis Pain Relief , Mourning , Descendents , Football , 400 , Aid , 1920 , Village , Feast , Lore Overshadows The Real Story , Bu , 1621 , Brian , Chairman , Wasn T The Case , Misconception , South Eastern Massachusetts , 10000 , Fighting , Other , Alliance , Natives , Sickness , Roll Of The Dice , Land , Steven Peters , Ses , Thes , Paula , Indians , Truth , Land Colonized , Newcomers , Doesn T Get , 99 , Turkeys , Turkey , Invitation , Reszs , Muskets , The Sound , Over , Harvest , Threat , Warriors , Kindness , Bounty , Loss , Half , Weakness , Ancestry Territory , Portion , Trust , Limbo , Obama , Trump , 300 , Care Of , Department Of Interior , Myths , Wompanog , There , Colonizing , Consequences , 1620 , Jose Diaz Balart , Questions , Eastern , Pacific , 11 , 8 , Attorneys , Neighbor ,

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