Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 2

Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20240709

to her since before the 2020 election. i mean it i know it's been covid, we haven't been doing any person interview, and we haven't been traveling, or doing all those things. but we sometimes make big interviews like that come around. i am really looking forward to that, there's a lot to talk about. >> we will be watching, thank you rachel. >> thank you learns. >> so let us not be petty when our causes so great let us not quarrel amongst ourselves when our nation's future is at stake. let us stand together with renewed confidence in our cause, united in our heritage of the past and our hopes for the future and determined that this land we love shall lead all mankind's into new frontiers of peace and abundance. and of course, those are not my words. and if you are old enough you can easily guess who's words they are, because they are of a certain style. that was president, jf kennedy, and that is what he said in the last speech of the day. what he intended to say. when he planned to say. and the last speech of the day in texas exactly 58 years ago, today. that is how he would have closed his evening speech on november 22nd, 1963, in austin, texas. but he did not live to deliver that speech. at the end of this hour, we will show you the last word that president kennedy did deliver in his last speech on the morning of november 22nd, 1963. >> senator john f. kennedy won the presidency in 1960 by less than 1% of the vote. he defeated the sitting vice president republican richard nixon who was regarded at that time. as one of the most, if not the most malevolent politician in washington. but even richard nixon, known then as turkey, dick will go on to win the presidency, eight years later, and then lose the presidency in a corruption scandal that forced him to become the only president in history who resigned? even that richard nixon did believe in the peaceful transfer of presidential power. both parties believed in that, fully. in 1960. and so, when richard nixon lost his first presidential campaign by less than 1% of the vote. he did not lie about. it and claim that he won. he didn't organize a rally on the day the electoral votes would be counted in the congress to try and change the electoral outcome. in fact, richard nixon in his role as vice president of the united states smiled his way through his official duties on january six, 1961. when he presided over congress's certification. of senator jon kennedy's victory over vice president, richard nixon. that scenario was now inconceivable. now that the republican party has sunk below even the nixon level of honor and decency, and become the trump party. as long as the republican party is locked in his were trip of donald trump, it is inconceivable, but a republican vice president would participate in certifying the electoral victory of a democratic president. the house select committee investigating the attack on the capital is, added to most and vicious, attempting to prevent such an attack from happening again. but it might simply be an investigation that shows us exactly what we should expect to happen the next time a trump republican loses a presidential election. today, the house select committee investigating the january attack issued five more subpoenas to witnesses involved in planning and organizing the trump rally on january six. two prominent trump allies. they are targeted in this batch of subpoenas. they are roger stone, and alex jones. roger stone avoided serving the 40 month prison sentence that he got for his previous crimes on behalf of donald trump, when donald trump commuted the sentence that roger drone was scheduled to begin serving. the committee's letter to roger stone says, quote, you have stated that you are invited to lead a march to the capitol from the ellipse rally on january six, but did not end up doing so are going to the ellipse rally or the capitol, that day. tonight, roger stone issued this statement, saying, quote, i have said time and time again that i have no advance knowledge in the events that took place at the capitol on that day. after the subpoenas served and after my council reviews the requests, i will make the determination of how i will proceed. today subpoena will add to alex jones is mounting legal bills. last week a connecticut court found alex jones liable for money damages in the defamation lawsuit brought by the parents of children killed in the 2012 massacre at sandy hook elementary school. alex jones famously lied about the murders of those children and their teacher. facebook, twitter, and you to have removed pages associated with alex jones for violating the community services forcing malicious things, and lying. the committee letter to alex jones quotes the statement that he made on his show the day after the attack on the capital. >> the white house told me three days before, we are going to have you leave the march, the secret service before trump then 30 minutes before. we will lead you to a point, take you out of the front row, and lead you to the place where they wanted to start the march and trump will tell people go at an all niche at the capitol. >> the committee's letter to alex jones also referenced this video of alex jones at the capitol on january six. >> you better not should -- please don't do it. do not there do. it >> [inaudible] >> open up. open up. >> [inaudible] >> everyone you know, go to the other side of the capitol, that's where trump is coming. >> joining us now is democratic zoe lofgren, she is the chair of the committee of house administration and the member of the select committee to investigate the january 6th attack on the u.s. capital. congresswoman, thank you so much for joining us tonight. i want to begin where we ended with alex jones. you have video of him, saying to people at the capitol, go over to the other side. that is where trump is coming. alex jones believed, apparently, when he was told by the white house. but donald trump was going to come up to the capitol to join that part of his then a movable rally. >> yes, we want to learn a lot more about that. also, each one of the individuals who received a subpoena today, apparently, had a role in raising money for the rally on the six and in some cases so called stop the key rally earlier in december. and so we want to follow the money, find out how this whole riot was planned and paid for in the light. and we think mr. stone and mr. jones have information that we need. >> did the committee make any attempt to get testimony from roger stone or alex jones without subpoenas? >> i think they have made it pretty clear that they are not going to willingly come in and we as you have noticed, i'm sure, are moving quickly, we don't wanting gauge in lengthy unproductive negotiations in indication when someone shows a willingness to work out issues, we will do that. but we are not going to spend a lot of time on people who are defiant. >> dustin justin stopped in stockton who is one of who is one of the the three not-so-well-known people added to three not-so-well-known people the list today, is quoted by the letter to him as having warned the white house. that this could be a dangerous situation and he said the suggestion of moving the crowd without a permit to the capitol felt unsafe. he suggested there was possible danger and that that was communicated to mark meadows. what do you know about that communication to mark meadows? >> not as much as we need to know. we need to hear from mr. stopped and exactly what we need, mark meadows reaction. how much of this was in fact directed by the white house and mr. tom stuff. we need to find that out. as you know, we are pursuing mark meadows testimony but we can also get the information from mr. stop new he and his fiancée enrolled in fundraising this riot. >> they're surprising specific about alex jones shawl, but it was delivered by a substitute host on his show on december 31st, 2020, just seven days before the attack on the capital. let's speak about what he told the audience? >> we will only be saved by millions of americans moving to washington, occupying the entire area, if necessary storming way into the capital. we know the rules of engagement. >> storming right into the capital. that is the week before. that's been communicated directly to the kinds of people who showed up that day. >> exactly right. it was not only predicting, but perhaps it's ending people to do exactly what they did which is to try and overthrow the election through violence. we need to find out everything about that so that we can shine a light on it and see what steps we can take through legislation or other steps to see that this number happens again. this mob tried to overthrow the government and they came close. people don't realize how close this was. it's really important to get all this information and prevent this from happening in the future. >> it does seem that given what we now know about it, you could establish a kind of security perimeter around the capital that would prevent this event from happening again on another january 6th, but it doesn't seem you can change the direction of the republican party where it's now inconceivable that the next republican vice president we have wouldn't participate in a process that would give the electoral result to a democrat in the election. >> one of the things we are looking at is the electoral -- act in the 1800s and is not specific and not really -- it is not required in the way it's drafted by the 12th amendment. we are going to take a look at crafting the law so that the room for mischief is quite minimal. the vice president actually doesn't have any rule in the constitution of the 12 amendments except that he opens the envelope. that's all the constitution says. he doesn't really have a right to reject ballots as vice president pence made clear. we can look at the statute and have some success in narrowing the opportunity for mischief. in the end, it's the voters of america who's willed needs to be adhere to. not the republicans saying our guy lost so we want to reinstate him. it's not up to me or broken members to say who will be the president. it's up to the voters of america. >> as we close out this discussion tonight on this november 22nd 58 years after the assist -- assassination of president kennedy -- all of us who live to that moment vividly remember everything about that day. when you think about that presidential election, the nixon candy election being decided by less than 1% of the vote, the peaceful transfer of power was never in question in 1960 1961 going into january. it is a long way we have come since where we were in our politics. >> i was never refine of richard nixon but he did the right thing. it wasn't up to him to try to overturn the election it was a very close election in 1960 but the people spoke, he did his job. this election last year, it was not that close actually. the former president started talking in april of 2020, about maybe not adhering to the results of the election. this is something that is a very alarming phenomenon and really trump is the only one who's ever done anything like this. >> congresswoman zoe lofgren thank you for starting off our discussions tonight. >> have a good thanksgiving >> thank you. you as well. coming up later tonight, president biden the first lady help serve an early thanksgiving meal to service members and their families. the president will speak to americans about the economy tomorrow and lowering prices ahead of the holiday shopping season. today the president decided who will be his field general in the fight against inflation. some democrats are opposed to his choice. jarred bernstein, will join us next. join us next what is this nightmare? 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trump appointed him to be the chair of the federal reserve. president biden announced that he will anomaly him to serve a second for your term as chair as the federal reserve. >> someone no doubt questioned why i'm renominating jay. when he was a choice of a republican president. i'm not picking a democrat. why i'm not picking fresh blood? or taking a fed in the different direction. directly, at this moment both of the enormous potential an enormous uncertainty for a comedy. we need stability, and independents at the federal reserve. >> if these three democratic senators, including elizabeth warren, announced they will vote against the paul nomination. but that is unlikely to change the outcome in the senate and the majority of democrats, and almost every republican senator voted to come from paul four years ago. when the senate vote was 84, to 13. today he became president biden's fuel general in the fight between inflation. >> we know that high inflation takes a toll on families, especially those less able to beat the higher -- like food housing in transportation, we will use our tools to build support the economy and strong labor market and prevent labor market to becoming entrenched. >> joining us now is jared bernstein, a member of president biden's council of economic advisory. thank you very much for joining us tonight. the presidents choice seemed to please wall street, the stock market had a great day. upon this news. and perhaps was going to have a great day anyway. but what does it mean to biden economic policies? >> i think that that is really the central question. what does this mean for working people for the biden, brought in up, middle out agenda. the agenda that has helped to get this economy really rolling again with an unemployment rate of 4.6%. 5.6 million jobs since the president has got here. and i think the reason why jay powell is such a great choice is that he has always put full employment at the core of his school in realizing the feds dual mandate, full employment, stable crisis. but you know, i am old enough to remember when fed chairs thoughtful employment with 6% and then 5%. was jerome powell willing to test the waters and let the unemployment rate go to three and a half percent before the pandemic. and inflation, if anything, was quite -- he has been a real champion of working people. and he has been explicit about. that he has talked about the importance of monetary policy reaching people and places in communities that have been historically left behind, and that is also at the core biden economics. so i think that's a very important commonality, lawrence. >> senator warren said that there is no secret that i opposed chair jerome powell renomination and i will vote against him, paul's failures on regulation, climate, and ethics make the still vacant position of vice chair of supervision critically important. this position must be filled by a strong regulator with a proven track record of tough and effective enforcement and it needs to be done quickly. do you agree with senator warren about that vice chair of supervision and what that job entails and the kind of person that it should be? >> i very much agree with that. at that the vice president for supervision is so important in doing another part of the job that is very important to the president which is overseeing wall street and making sure that there is a real oversight on the reckless behavior that has taken this economy down, tied with the path. i think where we disagree is that we obviously view a chair paul, and let's not forget, who is nominated for vice chair. she has been a great voice for financial regulation. but we think chair powell is also going to be and continued to be implementing the kind of wall street oversight that this president i think holds to be a very important characteristic for a fed chair. i should mention, we jerome powell's support is quite widespread. representative jayapal, and the representative caucus, we are congratulating them today to support those choices. and of course, senator brown who chairs the banking committee is going to be dealing with these nomination, very supportive of powell. and yes, as you mentioned you also have senators to me and rodney on the side. so i think that that support is going to be very helpful in making this a fast confirmation. >> well, mitch mcconnell voted to come from last. time you had over 80 vote for his confirmation in the last time. presumably all of those republicans will come back. although, who knows with the crazy party whether they will come back. so, wasn't this first and foremost just a really easy confirmation choice joe biden was going to have one easy confirmation possibly has only easy confirmation in the senate? >> i guess that's not really the way i was thinking about. it and i don't think it saw the president was thinking about it. it's obviously in the mix. i'm not trying to be cute here. but if he thought that jpl could be confirmed, but then he didn't have the characteristics that he was looking for, we wouldn't be talking about jay paul tonight. when the president talked to chairman paul, they talked about the importance of centering climate change in the federal reserve in the oversight of financial markets, and they're networking with other banks with how paul's been working on climate change. recognizing that this is a real risk for the economy. and jerome powell and him, have articulated the importance of taking that risk very seriously on financial recollection. they know that a reckless wall street can take down an economy, they have already done so in the past, and that kind of oversight is essential for president biden. remember, he is all about middle bottom out economics. and if the growth is only flowing to the top, and they are engaged in reckless financial behavior. that is not okay with them. and i know that that was a topic of conversation with both paul and -- >> i have to say, i've never heard of discussion of the federal reserves involved in climate change, but i am open to. it will look at the federal reserve do about climate change? >> very important question. first of all, one of the things that they do right out of the gate is that they recognize that climate change is increasingly a serious threat to the macro economy and to financial markets. it can be a threat to the value of assets when those assets are sunk into fossil fuels. so that means that it might have to become part of stress testing, for example, when you are a value waiting the kinds of stressors on the financial sector. you have to put climate issues on the list. you detail your hundred plus ph.d. economists to start doing work on those connections between climate change and the macro economy. and by the way, we are doing the same thing at the white house. we are making sure that we tried to start factoring in the impact of climate change in our economic, and our budgeting. because this is not just an issue that the president stresses -- can come to 100 billion dollars a year in terms of cost for the economy. so that is not something that we can ignore. jarred bernstein, thank you very much for joining us tonight, really appreciate it. we >> my pleasure, lawrence. >> coming up, donald trump endorsed a republican candidate for the united states done it in pennsylvania who was accused of physical and remote abuse of his wife. donald trump of course, was accused of the same thing. by the first mrs. trump. and that didn't stop him from running for president. that is next. that is next so they only pay for what they need. woooooooooooooo... we are not getting you a helicopter. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ introducing the biggest advancement in the history of small business bookkeeping. having someone else do your books for you. i'm linda, your quickbooks live bookkeeper. let's do this linda! sounds good! a live expert bookkeeper who 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hygienic clean no surprises in these clothes! donald trump picked a winner in couple more surprises. the republican primary for the united states senate and pennsylvania, and he picked that winner the year before the republican primary. donald trump picked frequent fox nick -- fox net -- fox news candidate -- then of course the general election when donald trump endorsed sean parnell on december 1st, nine months before the -- well, maybe it's technically not scheduled yet next year, but about nine months before. after donald trump's endorsement, sean parnas start to get in trouble when he was accused of something donald trump was accused of himself. he physically -- physically abused his wife and his child. donald trump -- divorced litigation after she did that, donald trump happily scheduled a fund-raiser for sean parnell at mar-a-lago, where there is no policy against republican fund-raisers for wife beaters. -- senatorial campaign chair had no problem that he was accused of beating his wife, especially since rick scott supported a candidate accused of the same thing. >> we will see who comes out of the primary, folks will come out. i think that ultimately happens is people look at some of these backgrounds and say is that the type of person they want? are they talking about the issues i care about? >> you have someone whose wife is saying that he strangled them, and that he left welts on their child. i think that is a fair question to ask you if this is the right guy for this job. >> greta, i'm not two opposing people in primary. >> the republican party has no problem with an alleged wife beater running for a republican nomination for senate in pennsylvania or anywhere else. the first republican to give up on shawn parnell was sean parole after the judge got sole custody of the three children -- and was granted to his wife. >> joining us now is jennifer palmieri and more kim schrier of "the circus". jail, i'll begin with you as a lawyer just to discuss how difficult it is and how much evidence has to be established for a judge to give sole custody too apparent, in this case to the mother, telling the judge this man has beaten her and her children? >> the judge made a very clear pronouncement that he believed parnell's wife and he didn't think there was much think there was muchenials credibility in the denials by porn or that he wasn't credible or had any specific facts, or she had faced, times places photographed. he was also criticize for showing discontent for the court why dressing in jeans and an untouched shirt, again saying that hurt his credibility. here's a man who can't be believed and deny accusations of physical and emotional abuse of his family, and it was being supported by the republican party, the former president, the senate candidacy committee, and it is a heavy standard when you are to baiting whether to give so costly to one parent. the judge acted and what seems like a wall based conclude. >> it seems donald trump would like to moralize these kinds of accusations against men, since he's been the subject of the same thing from his first wife. that works for him to endorse these candidates. republican plan to haynes -- after sexual charges were made against him. herschel walker, very famous football player who was running, also has a history of abuse accusations. in his background, he said he did things he came to term with. people think of donald trump can get away with it i can as well. i think this is a while democrats are very concerned about the historic trends of how things turn out for the party in power, republicans have to get through the primaries. in these primaries they're gonna face these kinds of decisions about are they willing to support men with these kinds of, sometimes charges, sometimes sexual history, convictions, and backgrounds of assault. >> michelle coddle wrote in the new york times, it is not simply that mr. trump has jill, that seems to be a wave donald trump uses to identify the man in his party who wants to support. and almost seems that in donald trump's perversion, these accusations against the man solidify dawn from sense of this is the kind of man you want. >> good point, lawrence. i think i would go further than jennifer, not just that this is something that people think they can get away with. they actually think this is valued and donald trump has set the tone that he admires people who does this. he has spoken out for someone who body slam someone. these are the kind of candidates and donald trump's courts. it's about the republican party has become. it is a real shame. i think this goes beyond imitating him. where trying to get his attention in support. that's what we have to do. they have all become -- i'm wearing a pig pen because their male chauvinist pigs. >> jennifer, you saw rick scott. there was not a republican who knew what to say about this on the side of decency. it was apparently never going to happen. this guy was going to either drop out on his own or not. >> it's repeated in the house of chamber with gosar, like, truly horrific video of him as a character or murdering congresswoman or cause yokota's. matt gaetz who is charged with underage sex is still walking around as a republican member of congress, welcomed in the house caucus. this is -- and kevin mccarthy tolerates it and sodas rick scott. a lot of people were excited with glenn youngkin's when, but it's showing that someone can both win over moderate republicans and the trump base. but when it comes to the national politics leaders like ruben scott and kevin mccarthy, they continued to be terrified of trump and that of anyone who is endorsed by him or that they are concerned they will suffer trump like backlash if they do not back them and they are held hostage and they intern are enabling these sort of vestiges of a time where men thought they could get away with this and trump is i think you are both right, making it acceptable so he would never be questioned. >> matt gates who is under investigation for his things with underage girls has not been charged with any crimes but anthony weiner was not charged with anything either one nancy pelosi told him to quit the representatives house within hours of the first uncomfortable photograph of him being made public. she didn't give him an ethics committee hearing or vote or anything except the root out the door, as fast as possible. the difference between that and matt gates, who is actually under federal investigation is quite striking. jennifer angelo thank you both kevin mccarthy spoke on the house floor to try to stop democrats from lowering the monthly cost of life saving insulin to $35 or less. that is what kevin mccarthy was fighting against amongst other things. congresswoman -- kim shrine or will join us next. join us next. 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if i'm a diabetes patient now and i presumably i'm getting some kind of coverage for this in my health insurance, how will this work for me? >> if you are impatient now, you are paying a cohen shirts when you pick up your medicine. if you are a person with a high deductible, you end up paying for costs until you get up here a deductible. now you will pay no more than $35 per month and that is a really big deal. the people who pay the most for insulin are those without insurance and those with high deductible insurance. this is going to particularly help them. >> there is one survey indicated that about 25% of patients in this country have to hoard or manage their insulin supply in some way. and use less of it on schedule than they're supposed to. >> you need a certain amount and sling just to stay alive. but to have really good control, to have the kind of control that would keep you healthy for many years and keep you out of the hospital and heavy living a long productive life, you need more insulin and to use it properly. in the notion that people are rationing it at the end of the month, it means they compromise the health. when that happens, we all pay. they end up in the hospital and none of us should tolerate that. >> congresswoman kim schrier, thank you for your unique perspective on this. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> thank you. coming up, president kennedy will get tonight's last word with the last speech that he gave on what turned out to be the last day of his life, exactly 58 years ago today. y 58 years ago today nurse mariyam sabo knows a moment this pure... ...demands a lotion this pure. new gold bond pure moisture lotion. 24-hour hydration. no parabens, dyes, or fragrances. gold bond. champion your skin. like pulsing, electric shocks, sharp, stabbing pains, or an intense burning sensation. what is this nightmare? 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(naj) one that we don't take lightly. it's why our fees are structured so we do better when our clients do better. fisher investments is clearly different. switching wireless carriers is easy with xfinity. just lean on our helpful switch squad to help you save with xfinity mobile. they can help break up with your current carrier for you and transfer your info to your new phone. giving you a fast and easy experience that can save you hundreds a year on your wireless bill. visit your nearest xfinity store and see how the switch squad can help you switch and save. it's the xfinity black friday sales event. learn how to save up to $1000 on select phones two years ago i said i would by visitng your local xfinity store today. introduce myself in paris by saying i was a man who accompany mr. candid paris, by getting some of that same sensation as i travel around texas. nobody wondered when lyndon and i wear. >> that was the beginning of the last speech of president john f. kennedy's life. he was assassinated in dallas, later that day, which was exactly 50 years ago today. president kennedy began the speech in the neighboring city area for worth accompanied by lyndon johnson, and the first lady of the united states jacqueline candidly who was wearing what turned out to be the most memorable outfit in the history of first lady fashion watching, a pink suit. it became so enveloped and memorable when it was covered with her husband's blood. first lady refused to change her clothes until she returned to the white house late that night, when offered a change of clothes on air force one she said, no. i want them to see with the did to him. here are the last words of president candidates last speech on that morning in texas, on november 22nd, 1963. >> i am confident, as i look to the future, that our chances for security and peace are better than they have been in the past and the reason is because we are stronger. with that strength is a determination to not only maintain the peace but also the vital interest of the united states. that great cause texas in the united are committed. thank you. [applause] president john fund gerald candid against tonight's last word, and his last standing ovation. the 11th hour with brian williams starts now. williams sta rts now. well good evening once again, day 307 of the biden administration, the one six committee on the hill has started these new weights with five new subpoenas for trump allies. this round includes two big names. his longtime friend and advisor, roger stone. and the noted conspiracy theorists, alex jones. committee's letter to stone says that he promoted his attendance at rallies on january 5th and sixth supporting trump's false claims of election fraud. it also points out, he did speak at the january 5th rally and used members of the far-right oath keepers for security. the letter adds, quote, you have stated you were invited to lead a march to the capitol from the ellipse rally on january six, and did not end up doing. so last

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Certification , 1961 , Six , Party , Decency , Honor , Level , Trip , Donald Trump , Attack , Democratic , House Select Committee , Investigation , Capital , Vicious , Subpoenas , Allies , Witnesses , Five , Two , Roger Stone , Alex Jones , Crimes , Behalf , Prison Sentence , Batch , 40 , Committee , Capitol , March , Letter , Ellipse Rally , Drone , Quote , Sentence , Events , Statement , Place , Advance , Saying , Knowledge , Court , Council , Bills , Determination , Subpoena , Requests , Connecticut , Children , Parents , Money Damages , Defamation Lawsuit , Massacre , Sandy Hook Elementary School , 2012 , Twitter , Committee Letter , Community Services , Murders , Teacher , Pages , Lying , Facebook , White House , Show , Three , People , Point , Trump , Niche , Front Row , 30 , Video , Inaudible , Zoe Lofgren , Member , Chair , Side , Everyone , Administration , Congresswoman , January 6th , 6 , Part , Individuals , Subpoena Today , Money , Stop , Cases , Mr , Stone , Light , Riot 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Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20240709

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to her since before the 2020 election. i mean it i know it's been covid, we haven't been doing any person interview, and we haven't been traveling, or doing all those things. but we sometimes make big interviews like that come around. i am really looking forward to that, there's a lot to talk about. >> we will be watching, thank you rachel. >> thank you learns. >> so let us not be petty when our causes so great let us not quarrel amongst ourselves when our nation's future is at stake. let us stand together with renewed confidence in our cause, united in our heritage of the past and our hopes for the future and determined that this land we love shall lead all mankind's into new frontiers of peace and abundance. and of course, those are not my words. and if you are old enough you can easily guess who's words they are, because they are of a certain style. that was president, jf kennedy, and that is what he said in the last speech of the day. what he intended to say. when he planned to say. and the last speech of the day in texas exactly 58 years ago, today. that is how he would have closed his evening speech on november 22nd, 1963, in austin, texas. but he did not live to deliver that speech. at the end of this hour, we will show you the last word that president kennedy did deliver in his last speech on the morning of november 22nd, 1963. >> senator john f. kennedy won the presidency in 1960 by less than 1% of the vote. he defeated the sitting vice president republican richard nixon who was regarded at that time. as one of the most, if not the most malevolent politician in washington. but even richard nixon, known then as turkey, dick will go on to win the presidency, eight years later, and then lose the presidency in a corruption scandal that forced him to become the only president in history who resigned? even that richard nixon did believe in the peaceful transfer of presidential power. both parties believed in that, fully. in 1960. and so, when richard nixon lost his first presidential campaign by less than 1% of the vote. he did not lie about. it and claim that he won. he didn't organize a rally on the day the electoral votes would be counted in the congress to try and change the electoral outcome. in fact, richard nixon in his role as vice president of the united states smiled his way through his official duties on january six, 1961. when he presided over congress's certification. of senator jon kennedy's victory over vice president, richard nixon. that scenario was now inconceivable. now that the republican party has sunk below even the nixon level of honor and decency, and become the trump party. as long as the republican party is locked in his were trip of donald trump, it is inconceivable, but a republican vice president would participate in certifying the electoral victory of a democratic president. the house select committee investigating the attack on the capital is, added to most and vicious, attempting to prevent such an attack from happening again. but it might simply be an investigation that shows us exactly what we should expect to happen the next time a trump republican loses a presidential election. today, the house select committee investigating the january attack issued five more subpoenas to witnesses involved in planning and organizing the trump rally on january six. two prominent trump allies. they are targeted in this batch of subpoenas. they are roger stone, and alex jones. roger stone avoided serving the 40 month prison sentence that he got for his previous crimes on behalf of donald trump, when donald trump commuted the sentence that roger drone was scheduled to begin serving. the committee's letter to roger stone says, quote, you have stated that you are invited to lead a march to the capitol from the ellipse rally on january six, but did not end up doing so are going to the ellipse rally or the capitol, that day. tonight, roger stone issued this statement, saying, quote, i have said time and time again that i have no advance knowledge in the events that took place at the capitol on that day. after the subpoenas served and after my council reviews the requests, i will make the determination of how i will proceed. today subpoena will add to alex jones is mounting legal bills. last week a connecticut court found alex jones liable for money damages in the defamation lawsuit brought by the parents of children killed in the 2012 massacre at sandy hook elementary school. alex jones famously lied about the murders of those children and their teacher. facebook, twitter, and you to have removed pages associated with alex jones for violating the community services forcing malicious things, and lying. the committee letter to alex jones quotes the statement that he made on his show the day after the attack on the capital. >> the white house told me three days before, we are going to have you leave the march, the secret service before trump then 30 minutes before. we will lead you to a point, take you out of the front row, and lead you to the place where they wanted to start the march and trump will tell people go at an all niche at the capitol. >> the committee's letter to alex jones also referenced this video of alex jones at the capitol on january six. >> you better not should -- please don't do it. do not there do. it >> [inaudible] >> open up. open up. >> [inaudible] >> everyone you know, go to the other side of the capitol, that's where trump is coming. >> joining us now is democratic zoe lofgren, she is the chair of the committee of house administration and the member of the select committee to investigate the january 6th attack on the u.s. capital. congresswoman, thank you so much for joining us tonight. i want to begin where we ended with alex jones. you have video of him, saying to people at the capitol, go over to the other side. that is where trump is coming. alex jones believed, apparently, when he was told by the white house. but donald trump was going to come up to the capitol to join that part of his then a movable rally. >> yes, we want to learn a lot more about that. also, each one of the individuals who received a subpoena today, apparently, had a role in raising money for the rally on the six and in some cases so called stop the key rally earlier in december. and so we want to follow the money, find out how this whole riot was planned and paid for in the light. and we think mr. stone and mr. jones have information that we need. >> did the committee make any attempt to get testimony from roger stone or alex jones without subpoenas? >> i think they have made it pretty clear that they are not going to willingly come in and we as you have noticed, i'm sure, are moving quickly, we don't wanting gauge in lengthy unproductive negotiations in indication when someone shows a willingness to work out issues, we will do that. but we are not going to spend a lot of time on people who are defiant. >> dustin justin stopped in stockton who is one of who is one of the the three not-so-well-known people added to three not-so-well-known people the list today, is quoted by the letter to him as having warned the white house. that this could be a dangerous situation and he said the suggestion of moving the crowd without a permit to the capitol felt unsafe. he suggested there was possible danger and that that was communicated to mark meadows. what do you know about that communication to mark meadows? >> not as much as we need to know. we need to hear from mr. stopped and exactly what we need, mark meadows reaction. how much of this was in fact directed by the white house and mr. tom stuff. we need to find that out. as you know, we are pursuing mark meadows testimony but we can also get the information from mr. stop new he and his fiancée enrolled in fundraising this riot. >> they're surprising specific about alex jones shawl, but it was delivered by a substitute host on his show on december 31st, 2020, just seven days before the attack on the capital. let's speak about what he told the audience? >> we will only be saved by millions of americans moving to washington, occupying the entire area, if necessary storming way into the capital. we know the rules of engagement. >> storming right into the capital. that is the week before. that's been communicated directly to the kinds of people who showed up that day. >> exactly right. it was not only predicting, but perhaps it's ending people to do exactly what they did which is to try and overthrow the election through violence. we need to find out everything about that so that we can shine a light on it and see what steps we can take through legislation or other steps to see that this number happens again. this mob tried to overthrow the government and they came close. people don't realize how close this was. it's really important to get all this information and prevent this from happening in the future. >> it does seem that given what we now know about it, you could establish a kind of security perimeter around the capital that would prevent this event from happening again on another january 6th, but it doesn't seem you can change the direction of the republican party where it's now inconceivable that the next republican vice president we have wouldn't participate in a process that would give the electoral result to a democrat in the election. >> one of the things we are looking at is the electoral -- act in the 1800s and is not specific and not really -- it is not required in the way it's drafted by the 12th amendment. we are going to take a look at crafting the law so that the room for mischief is quite minimal. the vice president actually doesn't have any rule in the constitution of the 12 amendments except that he opens the envelope. that's all the constitution says. he doesn't really have a right to reject ballots as vice president pence made clear. we can look at the statute and have some success in narrowing the opportunity for mischief. in the end, it's the voters of america who's willed needs to be adhere to. not the republicans saying our guy lost so we want to reinstate him. it's not up to me or broken members to say who will be the president. it's up to the voters of america. >> as we close out this discussion tonight on this november 22nd 58 years after the assist -- assassination of president kennedy -- all of us who live to that moment vividly remember everything about that day. when you think about that presidential election, the nixon candy election being decided by less than 1% of the vote, the peaceful transfer of power was never in question in 1960 1961 going into january. it is a long way we have come since where we were in our politics. >> i was never refine of richard nixon but he did the right thing. it wasn't up to him to try to overturn the election it was a very close election in 1960 but the people spoke, he did his job. this election last year, it was not that close actually. the former president started talking in april of 2020, about maybe not adhering to the results of the election. this is something that is a very alarming phenomenon and really trump is the only one who's ever done anything like this. >> congresswoman zoe lofgren thank you for starting off our discussions tonight. >> have a good thanksgiving >> thank you. you as well. coming up later tonight, president biden the first lady help serve an early thanksgiving meal to service members and their families. the president will speak to americans about the economy tomorrow and lowering prices ahead of the holiday shopping season. today the president decided who will be his field general in the fight against inflation. some democrats are opposed to his choice. jarred bernstein, will join us next. join us next what is this nightmare? 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trump appointed him to be the chair of the federal reserve. president biden announced that he will anomaly him to serve a second for your term as chair as the federal reserve. >> someone no doubt questioned why i'm renominating jay. when he was a choice of a republican president. i'm not picking a democrat. why i'm not picking fresh blood? or taking a fed in the different direction. directly, at this moment both of the enormous potential an enormous uncertainty for a comedy. we need stability, and independents at the federal reserve. >> if these three democratic senators, including elizabeth warren, announced they will vote against the paul nomination. but that is unlikely to change the outcome in the senate and the majority of democrats, and almost every republican senator voted to come from paul four years ago. when the senate vote was 84, to 13. today he became president biden's fuel general in the fight between inflation. >> we know that high inflation takes a toll on families, especially those less able to beat the higher -- like food housing in transportation, we will use our tools to build support the economy and strong labor market and prevent labor market to becoming entrenched. >> joining us now is jared bernstein, a member of president biden's council of economic advisory. thank you very much for joining us tonight. the presidents choice seemed to please wall street, the stock market had a great day. upon this news. and perhaps was going to have a great day anyway. but what does it mean to biden economic policies? >> i think that that is really the central question. what does this mean for working people for the biden, brought in up, middle out agenda. the agenda that has helped to get this economy really rolling again with an unemployment rate of 4.6%. 5.6 million jobs since the president has got here. and i think the reason why jay powell is such a great choice is that he has always put full employment at the core of his school in realizing the feds dual mandate, full employment, stable crisis. but you know, i am old enough to remember when fed chairs thoughtful employment with 6% and then 5%. was jerome powell willing to test the waters and let the unemployment rate go to three and a half percent before the pandemic. and inflation, if anything, was quite -- he has been a real champion of working people. and he has been explicit about. that he has talked about the importance of monetary policy reaching people and places in communities that have been historically left behind, and that is also at the core biden economics. so i think that's a very important commonality, lawrence. >> senator warren said that there is no secret that i opposed chair jerome powell renomination and i will vote against him, paul's failures on regulation, climate, and ethics make the still vacant position of vice chair of supervision critically important. this position must be filled by a strong regulator with a proven track record of tough and effective enforcement and it needs to be done quickly. do you agree with senator warren about that vice chair of supervision and what that job entails and the kind of person that it should be? >> i very much agree with that. at that the vice president for supervision is so important in doing another part of the job that is very important to the president which is overseeing wall street and making sure that there is a real oversight on the reckless behavior that has taken this economy down, tied with the path. i think where we disagree is that we obviously view a chair paul, and let's not forget, who is nominated for vice chair. she has been a great voice for financial regulation. but we think chair powell is also going to be and continued to be implementing the kind of wall street oversight that this president i think holds to be a very important characteristic for a fed chair. i should mention, we jerome powell's support is quite widespread. representative jayapal, and the representative caucus, we are congratulating them today to support those choices. and of course, senator brown who chairs the banking committee is going to be dealing with these nomination, very supportive of powell. and yes, as you mentioned you also have senators to me and rodney on the side. so i think that that support is going to be very helpful in making this a fast confirmation. >> well, mitch mcconnell voted to come from last. time you had over 80 vote for his confirmation in the last time. presumably all of those republicans will come back. although, who knows with the crazy party whether they will come back. so, wasn't this first and foremost just a really easy confirmation choice joe biden was going to have one easy confirmation possibly has only easy confirmation in the senate? >> i guess that's not really the way i was thinking about. it and i don't think it saw the president was thinking about it. it's obviously in the mix. i'm not trying to be cute here. but if he thought that jpl could be confirmed, but then he didn't have the characteristics that he was looking for, we wouldn't be talking about jay paul tonight. when the president talked to chairman paul, they talked about the importance of centering climate change in the federal reserve in the oversight of financial markets, and they're networking with other banks with how paul's been working on climate change. recognizing that this is a real risk for the economy. and jerome powell and him, have articulated the importance of taking that risk very seriously on financial recollection. they know that a reckless wall street can take down an economy, they have already done so in the past, and that kind of oversight is essential for president biden. remember, he is all about middle bottom out economics. and if the growth is only flowing to the top, and they are engaged in reckless financial behavior. that is not okay with them. and i know that that was a topic of conversation with both paul and -- >> i have to say, i've never heard of discussion of the federal reserves involved in climate change, but i am open to. it will look at the federal reserve do about climate change? >> very important question. first of all, one of the things that they do right out of the gate is that they recognize that climate change is increasingly a serious threat to the macro economy and to financial markets. it can be a threat to the value of assets when those assets are sunk into fossil fuels. so that means that it might have to become part of stress testing, for example, when you are a value waiting the kinds of stressors on the financial sector. you have to put climate issues on the list. you detail your hundred plus ph.d. economists to start doing work on those connections between climate change and the macro economy. and by the way, we are doing the same thing at the white house. we are making sure that we tried to start factoring in the impact of climate change in our economic, and our budgeting. because this is not just an issue that the president stresses -- can come to 100 billion dollars a year in terms of cost for the economy. so that is not something that we can ignore. jarred bernstein, thank you very much for joining us tonight, really appreciate it. we >> my pleasure, lawrence. >> coming up, donald trump endorsed a republican candidate for the united states done it in pennsylvania who was accused of physical and remote abuse of his wife. donald trump of course, was accused of the same thing. by the first mrs. trump. and that didn't stop him from running for president. that is next. that is next so they only pay for what they need. woooooooooooooo... we are not getting you a helicopter. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ introducing the biggest advancement in the history of small business bookkeeping. having someone else do your books for you. i'm linda, your quickbooks live bookkeeper. let's do this linda! sounds good! a live expert bookkeeper who 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hygienic clean no surprises in these clothes! donald trump picked a winner in couple more surprises. the republican primary for the united states senate and pennsylvania, and he picked that winner the year before the republican primary. donald trump picked frequent fox nick -- fox net -- fox news candidate -- then of course the general election when donald trump endorsed sean parnell on december 1st, nine months before the -- well, maybe it's technically not scheduled yet next year, but about nine months before. after donald trump's endorsement, sean parnas start to get in trouble when he was accused of something donald trump was accused of himself. he physically -- physically abused his wife and his child. donald trump -- divorced litigation after she did that, donald trump happily scheduled a fund-raiser for sean parnell at mar-a-lago, where there is no policy against republican fund-raisers for wife beaters. -- senatorial campaign chair had no problem that he was accused of beating his wife, especially since rick scott supported a candidate accused of the same thing. >> we will see who comes out of the primary, folks will come out. i think that ultimately happens is people look at some of these backgrounds and say is that the type of person they want? are they talking about the issues i care about? >> you have someone whose wife is saying that he strangled them, and that he left welts on their child. i think that is a fair question to ask you if this is the right guy for this job. >> greta, i'm not two opposing people in primary. >> the republican party has no problem with an alleged wife beater running for a republican nomination for senate in pennsylvania or anywhere else. the first republican to give up on shawn parnell was sean parole after the judge got sole custody of the three children -- and was granted to his wife. >> joining us now is jennifer palmieri and more kim schrier of "the circus". jail, i'll begin with you as a lawyer just to discuss how difficult it is and how much evidence has to be established for a judge to give sole custody too apparent, in this case to the mother, telling the judge this man has beaten her and her children? >> the judge made a very clear pronouncement that he believed parnell's wife and he didn't think there was much think there was muchenials credibility in the denials by porn or that he wasn't credible or had any specific facts, or she had faced, times places photographed. he was also criticize for showing discontent for the court why dressing in jeans and an untouched shirt, again saying that hurt his credibility. here's a man who can't be believed and deny accusations of physical and emotional abuse of his family, and it was being supported by the republican party, the former president, the senate candidacy committee, and it is a heavy standard when you are to baiting whether to give so costly to one parent. the judge acted and what seems like a wall based conclude. >> it seems donald trump would like to moralize these kinds of accusations against men, since he's been the subject of the same thing from his first wife. that works for him to endorse these candidates. republican plan to haynes -- after sexual charges were made against him. herschel walker, very famous football player who was running, also has a history of abuse accusations. in his background, he said he did things he came to term with. people think of donald trump can get away with it i can as well. i think this is a while democrats are very concerned about the historic trends of how things turn out for the party in power, republicans have to get through the primaries. in these primaries they're gonna face these kinds of decisions about are they willing to support men with these kinds of, sometimes charges, sometimes sexual history, convictions, and backgrounds of assault. >> michelle coddle wrote in the new york times, it is not simply that mr. trump has jill, that seems to be a wave donald trump uses to identify the man in his party who wants to support. and almost seems that in donald trump's perversion, these accusations against the man solidify dawn from sense of this is the kind of man you want. >> good point, lawrence. i think i would go further than jennifer, not just that this is something that people think they can get away with. they actually think this is valued and donald trump has set the tone that he admires people who does this. he has spoken out for someone who body slam someone. these are the kind of candidates and donald trump's courts. it's about the republican party has become. it is a real shame. i think this goes beyond imitating him. where trying to get his attention in support. that's what we have to do. they have all become -- i'm wearing a pig pen because their male chauvinist pigs. >> jennifer, you saw rick scott. there was not a republican who knew what to say about this on the side of decency. it was apparently never going to happen. this guy was going to either drop out on his own or not. >> it's repeated in the house of chamber with gosar, like, truly horrific video of him as a character or murdering congresswoman or cause yokota's. matt gaetz who is charged with underage sex is still walking around as a republican member of congress, welcomed in the house caucus. this is -- and kevin mccarthy tolerates it and sodas rick scott. a lot of people were excited with glenn youngkin's when, but it's showing that someone can both win over moderate republicans and the trump base. but when it comes to the national politics leaders like ruben scott and kevin mccarthy, they continued to be terrified of trump and that of anyone who is endorsed by him or that they are concerned they will suffer trump like backlash if they do not back them and they are held hostage and they intern are enabling these sort of vestiges of a time where men thought they could get away with this and trump is i think you are both right, making it acceptable so he would never be questioned. >> matt gates who is under investigation for his things with underage girls has not been charged with any crimes but anthony weiner was not charged with anything either one nancy pelosi told him to quit the representatives house within hours of the first uncomfortable photograph of him being made public. she didn't give him an ethics committee hearing or vote or anything except the root out the door, as fast as possible. the difference between that and matt gates, who is actually under federal investigation is quite striking. jennifer angelo thank you both kevin mccarthy spoke on the house floor to try to stop democrats from lowering the monthly cost of life saving insulin to $35 or less. that is what kevin mccarthy was fighting against amongst other things. congresswoman -- kim shrine or will join us next. join us next. 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if i'm a diabetes patient now and i presumably i'm getting some kind of coverage for this in my health insurance, how will this work for me? >> if you are impatient now, you are paying a cohen shirts when you pick up your medicine. if you are a person with a high deductible, you end up paying for costs until you get up here a deductible. now you will pay no more than $35 per month and that is a really big deal. the people who pay the most for insulin are those without insurance and those with high deductible insurance. this is going to particularly help them. >> there is one survey indicated that about 25% of patients in this country have to hoard or manage their insulin supply in some way. and use less of it on schedule than they're supposed to. >> you need a certain amount and sling just to stay alive. but to have really good control, to have the kind of control that would keep you healthy for many years and keep you out of the hospital and heavy living a long productive life, you need more insulin and to use it properly. in the notion that people are rationing it at the end of the month, it means they compromise the health. when that happens, we all pay. they end up in the hospital and none of us should tolerate that. >> congresswoman kim schrier, thank you for your unique perspective on this. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> thank you. coming up, president kennedy will get tonight's last word with the last speech that he gave on what turned out to be the last day of his life, exactly 58 years ago today. y 58 years ago today nurse mariyam sabo knows a moment this pure... ...demands a lotion this pure. new gold bond pure moisture lotion. 24-hour hydration. no parabens, dyes, or fragrances. gold bond. champion your skin. like pulsing, electric shocks, sharp, stabbing pains, or an intense burning sensation. what is this nightmare? 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[applause] president john fund gerald candid against tonight's last word, and his last standing ovation. the 11th hour with brian williams starts now. williams sta rts now. well good evening once again, day 307 of the biden administration, the one six committee on the hill has started these new weights with five new subpoenas for trump allies. this round includes two big names. his longtime friend and advisor, roger stone. and the noted conspiracy theorists, alex jones. committee's letter to stone says that he promoted his attendance at rallies on january 5th and sixth supporting trump's false claims of election fraud. it also points out, he did speak at the january 5th rally and used members of the far-right oath keepers for security. the letter adds, quote, you have stated you were invited to lead a march to the capitol from the ellipse rally on january six, and did not end up doing. so last

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Second , Doubt , Fed , Blood , Renominating Jay , Senators , Elizabeth Warren , Stability , Comedy , Potential , Uncertainty , Independents , Jay Paul Tonight , United States Senate , Senator , Nomination , Majority , Four , 84 , Food Housing , Toll , Biden S Fuel General , Higher , 13 , Labor Market , Transportation , Advisory , Tools , Jared Bernstein , Wall Street , Presidents , Stock Market , Policies , News , Agenda , Mean , Central Question , Up , Jay Powell , Reason , Jobs , Unemployment Rate , 5 6 Million , 4 6 , Employment , School , Core , Crisis , Realizing The Feds Dual Mandate , Working People , Unemployment Rate Go , Champion , Pandemic , Waters , Half , 5 , Importance , Secret , Communities , Commonality , Monetary Policy , Places , Core Biden Economics , Left Behind , Vice Chair , Position , Supervision , Climate , Regulation , Regulator , Ethics , Failures , Jerome Powell Renomination , Track Record , Enforcement , Oversight , Behavior , Chair Paul , Economy Down , Path , Chair Powell , Financial Regulation , Support , Jayapal , Fed Chair , Characteristic , Senator Brown , Banking Committee , Choices , Caucus , Mitch Mcconnell , Last , Powell , Fast Confirmation , 80 , Wall , Confirmation , Confirmation Choice , Characteristics , We Wouldn T , Mix , Jpl , Climate Change , Markets , Banks , Networking , Risk , Recollection , Economics , Essential , Growth , Top , Reserves , Conversation , Topic , Threat , Gate , Example , Assets , Value , Stress Testing , Fossil Fuels , Work , Stressors , Ph D Economists , Connections , Sector , Economic , Issue , Factoring , Impact , Budgeting , Terms , Stresses , Cost , Pleasure , Lawrence , 100 Billion , 100 Billion Dollars , Wife , Candidate , Didn T , Abuse , Coming Up , Mrs , Pennsylvania , Pay , Liberty , Helicopter , Woooooooooooooo , Books , Linda , Expert Bookkeeper , Advancement , Business , Small Business Bookkeeping , Intuit Quickbooks , Sounds Good , Hair Gel Expenses , Experts , Profits , Live Bookkeeping , Felipe , Steve , Taking Ibrance , Men , Women , Breast Cancer , Aromatase Inhibitor , Thousands , Ibrance Plus , Hr , Therapy , Infections , Hormonal , Disease Progression , Blood Cell , Cough , Trouble , Both , Chills , Chest Pain , Breathing , Kidney Problems , Liver , Signs , Infection , Lungs , Death , Fever , Breastfeeding , Side Effects , Husband , Voltaren , Gel , Arthritis Pain Gel , Arthritis Pain Relief , Alternative , Pills , Movement , Feel , Worries , Experience , Sanctuary , Power , Sign , Heart , Sky , Cloud , Clothes , Wish List Event , Bargain Brand , Dirt , Lincoln , Clothes Ugh , Winner , Surprises , Cleaner , Tide Hygienic , Primary , Fox News , Fox Net , Fox Nick , Sean Parnell , December 1st , Nine , Endorsement , Sean Parnas , Child , Litigation , Campaign Chair , Policy , Fund Raiser , Wife Beaters , Fund Raisers , Mar A Lago , Problem , Folks , Rick Scott , Backgrounds , Type , Say , Welts , Greta , Anywhere , Beater Running , Judge , Shawn Parnell , Custody , Parole , Congresswoman Kim Schrier , Jail , Jennifer Palmieri , The Circus , Evidence , Case , Lawyer , Mother , Man , Pronouncement , Times , Credibility , Facts , Denials , Discontent , Shirt , Jeans , Dressing , Accusations , Family , Parent , Baiting , Wall Based , Subject , Candidates , Haynes , Herschel Walker , Charges , Abuse Accusations , Running , Background , Trends , Primaries , Decisions , New York Times , Assault , Convictions , Michelle Coddle , Wave , Jill , Sense , Perversion , Jennifer Angelo , Tone , Courts , Shame , Body Slam , Pig Pen , Attention , Pigs , Saw , You , House , Chamber , Gosar , Matt Gaetz , Character , Cause Yokota , Kevin Mccarthy , Sex , Tolerates , Showing , Base , Sodas , Win , Glenn Youngkin , Anyone , Leaders , Ruben Scott , Backlash , Hostage , Vestiges , Sort , Matt Gates , Nancy Pelosi , Representatives , Girls , Anthony Weiner , Difference , Fast , Photograph , Public , Door , Root , Ethics Committee Hearing , Floor , Life Saving Insulin , Fighting , 35 , Tree Mendous Views , Quote Today , Bum , Farmers , Farmers Policy Perks , Pa Dum , Shrine , Woman , Ingredients , Punchlines , Moss , Naturals , Dad , Robitussin , Me Hanging , 100 , Narrator , Therabreath , Healthy , Stores , Capful , Smile , Mouthwash , Target , Crowd Cheering , Walmart , Mom , Short Ribs , Franchising Everything , Starters , Restaurant , Instacart , Probiotic , Discomfort , Gas , No One , Bloating , Bacteria , Gut , Gastroenterologists , Health , Biotic Gummies , Upsets , Try Align , 7 , Bond , Skin , Maggie Gronewald , Feeling , Ointment , Yays , Weather , Restore Healthy , Nays , 220 , Bill , Provisions , Build , On Friday , 213 , Lifeline , 34 , Lives , Guest , Insulin , Diabetes , Provision , Bottle , Deal , Price , Teaspoons , Better , 0 , 300 , 10 , 37 , 2000 , Lifesaving , 35 Dollar , Inflation Republicans , Form , Drug Pricing , Pricing , Rest , System , Least , Profit , 4 , 3 , Coverage , Health Insurance , Diabetes Patient , Gorgeous , Deductible , Costs , Now , Insurance , Patients , Insulin Supply , Survey , 25 , Amount , Hospital , Notion , None , Perspective , Mariyam Sabo , Pure , Lotion , Moisture , Hydration , Fragrances , Dyes , Parabens , Pulsing , Electric Shocks , 24 , Stabbing Pains , Burning Sensation , Sharp , Punches , Why Don T , Mood , Scent , Downy , Plans , Infusions , Aarp Medicare Advantage , Advantage , Prescription Drugs , Unitedhealthcare , Copays On Tier 1 , Uh Huh , , 2 , Naj , Clients , Brain Performance , Memory Supplements , Neuroscientist , Indicators , Science , Neuriva Plus , Fisher Investments , Yes , Neuriva , Tv , Money Manager , Responsibility , Backs , Fiduciary , Retirement , Carriers , Fees , Squad , Store , Info , Switch , Carrier , Phone , Xfinity Mobile , Sales Event , Phones , Save , Black Friday , 1000 , 000 , Sensation , Some , Paris , Candid Paris , Lyndon Johnson , Nobody , In Dallas , Beginning , City Area , Worth , Fashion , Suit , Outfit , Pink , Change , Air Force One , Chances , On November 22nd , Security , Strength , Interest , John Fund Gerald Candid Against Tonight S Last Word , Applause , 11th Hour , Brian Williams , Standing Ovation , Williams Sta Rts , 11 , 307 , Round , Advisor , Weights , Names , Friend , Conspiracy Theorists , The Hill , Rallies , Attendance , Claims , January 5th Rally , Election Fraud , January 5th , Oath Keepers , Doing ,

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