Transcripts For MSNBC The Beat With Ari Melber 20240709 : co

Transcripts For MSNBC The Beat With Ari Melber 20240709

participants are convicted, they go to jail for years, including the sentence of the so-called qanon shaman today. they are trying to act on different calls for violence. there was a busted plot to bomb political party office in california. there was a busted plot to kidnap the governor of michigan. why do i mention all of this now? because it's serious when a sitting member of congress releases a murder fantasy video. we're not showing the video, but it came out. these are stills that depict the killing of another fellow member of congress. that matters. it is exactly the kind of act which so many would-be criminals have been taking as inspiration for reality-based violence. it raises the question -- what will be done to stop this before things get even worse? this is the news, and we have an answer for you on this one. today, the house of representatives answered that question. it took a formal step against one of its owns, which is quite rare. the united states house censures representative paul gosar for the violent video i just mentioned. the nonpartisan outlet that coverings congress, c-span reported the news. >> he may be censured over posting an animated video of himself. >> yes, attacking the president with weapons, killing another member of congress. that's not c-span's usual topic, but they gave it the usual dry distillation. c-span typically broadcasts the routine hearings of congress. it doesn't usually have to broadcast what congress does when one of its own lawmakers publicly imagines murdering a colleague. today's debate and vote was not business as usual. it could be lost that it occurred inside a year of the political violence, which turned that congressional floor into a crime scene as trump fans, maga advocates and their red heads bashed down doors, attacked police and advocated for the murder of, among others, the vice president. they took the calls to overthrow officials quite literally. all of that is the context for today's action. the debate on the floor ranged from many democrats looking quite genuinely outraged and concerned to quite a few republicans minimizing that kill video as some fun gag or cartoon. >> this is actions demand a response. we cannot have members joking about murdering each other or threatening the president of the united states. >> for democrats, this vote isn't about a video. it's about control. >> we're critiquing paul gosar's an i me. >> every time we see lower -- we gets crickets or excuses. >> do you have no shame? >> if i must join alexander hamilton, the first person to be tempted to be censure by this house, so be it. >> mr. gosar, you are not alexander hamilton. you must be held accountable. >> representative gosar refusing to take any responsibility. instead he likens his censure to hamilton, who the congress did censure over allegations regarding how he handled funds at the treasury department. the comparison is especially odd, because hamilton engaged in a lawless duel that famously resulted in his own death. he was killed in that duel, one of the most prominent political violence run amok in the era. it doesn't matter much if he does. what matters is that the congress and the public and our democracy realize the political violence is real. it tends to spike in periods where there is intention or reckless polarization, and obvious in conjunction with clashes in american over races and civil rights. where are we right now for facing both those challenges in our body politic? today it was really on display among republicans who stuck with gosar on the vote. 99% of house republicans backed him and voted against censure, only two voted to censure him. congress voted for its first censure of a sitting member in a decade and took away his pow ner office, booting him off his two committees, and that's some of the only ways members wield power and win things for their home districts. this is what happened to steve king in 2019, as punishment after he voiced controversial support for white supremacy. he was booted off his committees. he lost the next race, long the primary to a rep who argued that congressman king was unable to deliver for his district, without committee power. king now is an ex-house member. gosar might learn something from that recent history, or like hamilton, it's not all that evident how good congressman gosar is at history. today's vote does show accountability in reaction. the support for gosar may be telling, may be important, may be something for people to consider, but when it comes to the news tonight and what happened, it is governmentally irrelevant to the outcome. power that those republicans don't wield. the winning side with the action taken by congress, which i'm reminding you is rare. or fantasy or inspiration that teem can take literally. one of the officials started in the video, aoc, came to the floor and didn't ask a question about ref or right. i want you to hear it. it was about asking how modern american republicans have reached a point, as demonstrated by their chosen leaders, or even a part from the censure question, could argue is a kind of domestic inter -- before you get to censure, how do the republicans get to the point they won't even say it's wrong in public to traffic in depictions of political assassination. >> it's a sad day, in which a member who leads a political party in the united states of america cannot bring themselves to say that issuing a depiction of murdering a member of congress is wrong. what is so hard -- what is so hard about saying that this is wrong? >> that's the question. let's bring in some experts who have been tracking this. lisa layers is with "new york times," covering these issues, including the article. we're also joined by juanita tolliver. welcome to you both. lisa, much of this is clear in what the congressman put out, the lack of contrition, and a rallying of republicans, but really just backing him up 100%. what do you see here? >> well, look, i think we do see this violent rhetoric is a partisan issue. we have seen that republicans increasingly have been trafficking in things like revolution and tyranny, you know, talking about armed conflict. while they often say, like congressman gorar said, this is symbolic, we know there's been real-life threats. the fbi is worried about domestic extremists. when they talk about that, they know it's overwhelmingly right-wing extremists. there's a line here. what's remarkable about today, normally when these things happen, much likes -- like in surveys, plus or minus a third of republicans say they see political violence as possibly justified. here republicans were forced to go on the record. so you saw where republican leadership is on this issue beyond their silent acquiescence to letting this flourish within their party. >> you're making that sense. in the analysis, we have this headline on domestic extremists, pushing the violence against, basically -- calling for attacks on the electeds, government facilities, law enforcement, and then reading from your own "new york times" coverage that we are looking at in this story, among the most fervent conservatives, the belief that the country is at a cross roads could require armed confrontation is no longer limited to the fringe. given your reporting, lisa, how does that square or contrast to one of defenses heard on the floor, which is to liken it to harm wills children's cartoons. >> i think there's two things going on here. while there's a fringes element in congress, congress still has a venee reform going on, but i think what you hear is, when you talk to them privately, they are concerned about this, but frankly they're concerned about the one third of the base where they feel that political violence should be justified, are some of the most active and engaged members of their party. solve, you know, for political reasons they don't want to get cross-wise with them. many republicans feel, even if they do condemn political violence, there is a double standard, and we heard that a lot in the comments on the floor today, that they are being held accountable for things that democrats are not being held accountable for. there can be extremists of all stripes when those things happen, we are more likely to see condemnation from the leaders of the democratic party than from the republican party. that is a crucial difference. >> you lay that out and that's what the facts bear out. juanita, it's not as if a criminology textbook doesn't fined that people with different views -- of course, that's a general fact, but with regard to the political leaders. even in the summer protests, we are weren't talking about advocacy of murder and assassination. we were talking about incidence, for example, some looting or some other unrest we covered it. al sharpton, also works here, also said don't break the law, don't do violence. here we have january 6th looming over all of this, which is now indicted and convicted, or you have a video imagining assassination and no -- no floor speeches hardly from any republicans, saying, by the way, don't advocate, joke about or condone murder. >> it's just like representative ocasio-cortez said, why is this so hard to say this is wrong? it's the reality they know to condemn this moment is to condemn tremt and -- and the years he was a candidate for the president sis, and really living up to the mark he made. what is new is this license to go ahead and act out however you feel. these threats are not fake. these threats are not a joke. this is not a comical exercise. this is something that could be leveraged to incite violence against representative ocasio-cortez, against the president. as speaker pelosi said, this is something that law enforcement activity should get into, look into it and make sure it's handled. none of this can be taken lightly after thousands of people stormed the capitol building, and did horrible things, threatening the lives of the vice president, threatened the lives of everyone in that building. so what is frustrating is to see the entire republican party back this up, it's a disgusting display, but also unsurprising. lisa said it best. they know the primary voters, the most ardent right-wing supporters see this and will be riled up, excited by it. they're doing it sass a political calculation. they're condoning violence against members of congress. we know the gop will not step up to anything, because stepping up to this moment means challenging trump and the things he laid out for the party. and there could be layers of basically what appears to be the motivating factors. joe biden and mike pence are in different parties. they both happen to be older white men. there may be motivation to talk about those kind of attacks. that's one layer of it, but the explicit and returning vitriol and violent rhetoric and violent content and talk of attacks on aoc, as a woman of color, rises the underlying violence. it speaks to sort of the very ugly history of the united states of many civil rights black leaders assassinationed, murdered in that same animating way. given aoc, i did plant to play some of her remarks today. let's hear that. >> our example matters. there is meaning in our service. as leaders in this country, when we incite violence with depictions against our colleagues, that trickles down into violence in this country. >> i wanted to give you the final without on what she said and how she did it today. many may know her for her accomplice cal history and ideology, it was striking that much of her focus was, for lack of better words, because i don't always have the right words, it was nonpartisan, it was aspirationally patriotic, it was about values, it was not some sort of right or left wing thing. it was more calling out what is right-wing talk of violence, but she seemed to try to take it to a higher level. i'm curious what you thought. >> it was about basic humanity. she said, this gets to our core and what we say about human decency, human values, human worth. that's where she hit the nail on the head, because that, again, flying above any partisanship in terms of basket right and wrong. basket issues of morality, basic issues of ethical behavior. when you hear her talk like that, you know that's going to resonate with a lot of people across this country, because that is what it comes down to. i think the other thing, that steers the conversation away from kind of the partisan behavior and the violence that we know, that we see from right-wing members, especially when you have these town has where people come up to the microphone and say, when can we start killing them? when can we start shooting people who voted against this? that's what she's trying to appeal to, but i sadly think it falls on deaf ears. >> important stuff, juanita and lisa, thanks to both of you. we have a lot more coming up, including pivotal trial days here in a related issue, the rittenhouse jury is deliberating, and we'll give you an update, and one of the accused killers in the ahmed ar berry case taking the stand. that's legally rare. and the president getting a major boost on the economy. and tough times for all, light at the end of the tunnel? what have we learned? what should we be listening for? i have a very special thinker here by the end of the hour, so stay with us for that. hour, so stay with us for that. feel stuck with credit card debt? move to sofi and feel what it's like to get your money right. ♪ move your high-interest debt to a sofi personal loan. you could save with low rates and no fees. earn $10 just for viewing your rate and get your money right. ♪ hearing is important to living life to the fullest. that's why inside every miracle-ear store, you'll find a better life. it all starts with the most innovative technology. like the new miracle-earmini, available exclusively at miracle-ear. so small that no one will see it, but you'll notice the difference. and now, miracle-ear is offering a thirty-day risk-free trial. you can experience better hearing with no obligation. call 1-800-miracle right now and experience a better life. do i need to pretreat my laundry? 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>> i mean, well, first of all, the judge they have spent more time blaming apple and samsung for the tech problems around the pictures than anybody else. my son sent me a video of the exchange around whether, the judge thinking that apple using a.i. to take pictures -- it was baffling. so number one, all these people should have their children and grandchildren handling the tech. they would be better off. we just went through four years of someone in power blowing off steam will how they're portrayed. it's not unusual to see screaming judges. they have those, and it's not unusual to see judges go off on tangents, but when people's lives are at stakes, we can't be having the rambling man as the judge. these decisions need to be crisp, clear. he's the longest-serving judge apparently in wisconsin, and does wacky things like he was talking b. letting the defendant pick out of a tumblers the alternate jurors which, you know people just don't do. the reason why they don't do things like that, they need to feel the system is fair, and that the defendants or prosecutors or the judge's thumb is not on the scale. not doing a very good job of that at all, i think. it's actually a little strange and bizarre. >> that goes to people's understanding of fair trials or how this works. and someone who, in this case, isn't grappling with the substance criticism, that maybe his rulings were overly pro-prosecution, but saying in open court, he doesn't like the criticism. get used to it. vin warren, thank you, as always, for your expertise. >> thanks. it was great to be with you. i want to give you an updade on another important case that we've been covering. this is the murder trial for those individuals who tracked down an unarmed jogger, ahmaud arbery, and killed him. one of the defendants took the stand in his own defense. it's rare that defendants take the stand in their own defense, except in self-defense cases. travis mcmichael testified for nearly four hours, and arguing, you'll note the vigilante echos, that somehow he saw himself making a citizen's arrest, but it went bad. >> he was all over me, and he was not relending, so i shot again to stop him. the third shot, the final shot, he disengaged. >> that is just one moment from what we saw there. it's an important case we are covering this week. coming up tonight, there's an execution that will take place in america. it's on track unless the governor intervenes. and we have a big political week. boy, has it been biden's week. special coverage of why he's back on the road with policy wind at his back. e road with poy wind at his back vicks sinex. instantly clear everyday congestion. and try vicks sinex children's saline. safe and gentle relief for children's noses. why give your family just ordinary eggs when they can enjoy the best? 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>> he needs willy loamen's shoe shine and a smile. i'm writing about this, so i looked up past infrastructure bills, and i saw that your senator for three terms, a red senator in deep blue new york who won three terms, happily called senator pothole. that was al dimatto. that's when sane people thought infrastructure was a bipartisan matter, a great thing to have, bring the bacon home, and you were golden for the next election. a bridge, a road, anything, but not now, because the republicans have made biden into a socialist and inflation a problem. so he really has to sell this really, really hard. those republicans who voted for it, they're in a heap of trouble, all 13 republicans are, you know, getting death threats, maybe stripped of their committee assignments. trump is calling mitch mcconnell an old crow for voting for it. you know, biden has his work cut out for him, despite the big being a magnificent piece of legislation. >> which is not that partisan view, when taking taxpayer dollars and funding america projects. the white house points to these numbers that were just updated today, we show they continue to spike the number of jobs -- i guess i should say capitalist jobs. these are not jobs it -- 6 million-plus jobs, which the white house points out but the facts show dwarf and triple what trump was doing in his first year. >> well, he's way ahead on unemployment. it's at 4.3%, way ahead of what they projected, and found 600,000 jobs they hadn't counted before in previous reports. so he's doing well, but democrats just aren't good at getting the message out. i mean, look at obamacare. it wasn't considered a good thing under years later. it could be the same thing with this. maybe the shovel will have to be digging the dirt out of the ground before people appreciate what's going to happen, or appreciate biden. you know, the idea that he's so overstepped his mandate by being fdr is something that's even repeated by democrats now, which makes you think maybe he needs to step back. the worst thing that could happen is republicans win the messaging war, and democrats lose in 2022, and republicans take over, and democracy is in peril, because elections don't matter anymore. they can be rethought and recounted fairly well with republicans in control. >> yeah, it's a stark warning, there's policy and then the political brandting, both matter in our society. margaret, always good to see you. >> thanks, ari. bye. it's like ending a zoom call. bye-bye. we have something involving great news at the light at the end of the tunnel, and stay with us. tunnel, and stay with us ♪ in wash-scent booster ♪ downy unstopables this may look like a regular movie night. but if you're a kid with diabetes, it's more. it's the simple act of enjoying time with friends, knowing you understand your glucose levels. ♪♪ bye mom. my helpers abound, i'll need you today. our sleigh is now ready, let's get on our way. a mountain of toys to fulfill many wishes. must be carried across all roads and all bridges. and when everyone is smiling and having their fun i can turn my sleigh north because my job here is done. it's not magic that makes more holiday deliveries to homes in the us than anyone else, it's the hardworking people of the united states postal service. ♪♪ this... is the planning effect. this is how it feels to know you have a wealth plan that covers everything that's important to you. this is what it's like to have a dedicated fidelity advisor looking at your full financial picture. making sure you have the right balance of risk and reward. and helping you plan for future generations. this is "the planning effect" from fidelity. as someone who resembles someone else, and helping you plan for future generations. i appreciate that liberty mutual knows everyone's unique. that's why they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. oh, yeah. that's the spot. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ ♪♪ hi mr. charles. we made you dinner. aww, thank you. ♪♪ there is light at the end of the tunnel. that's what health experts are saying tonight, dr. fauci noting by next week covid may not be dominating. thanksgiving on track to be the busiest holiday travel in two years. united saying december looks to be the busiest flying month in two years. what's more iconic that new year's eve in times square? northern, with covid in america, still many problems, and larger questions about how they come out of -- jeff bezos reaping huge profits while workers continue to face many challenges. there's just what we come back to, remote work is sparking new and fairly uncharted debates about what is fair for everyone? a novelist, gary shyguard has a new novel where his character rides out the pandemic safely from a country home, but harbors guilt for felto workers stuck in his own uncle he restaurants. "was he here and why was his co-workers there?" and it taps into ongoing racism. one scene debt pikes discrimination against asian-americans, and one woman says she feels like some view her as a, quote, double threat. it's a reminder that the pandemic has uncorked many things, including new art. we're joined by gary shteyngart. as for the new book, "new york times" says your pandemic novel is your finest yet. and, quote. >> wow. >> fact check -- true? >> let's hope so. [ laughter ] yeah, this was -- at the same time. my goodness, look at this. yeah. yeah, i was up here in march, did mostly living up in the country now. everyone around me was baking bread, but i don't know how, so i decided to write this book instead. >> got to do something. how do you feel about channeling an experience that's clearly not over, and then publishing this? does that feel different than some of the books written about your own childhood, on which much more distant events? >> nowadays the dystopia is in the present. as somebody who is a satirist, i don't have to look too far. also the trump administration was -- i was born in the soviet union, so this felt very familiar to me, this condemnation of incompetent and gross negligence. it was a chernobyl moment for me. >> what is the funniest thing about the pandemic? >> there was nothing funny about the pandemic, except for the fact that one restaurant near us was very known for its hand sanitizer. they had is much a book hand sanitizer, so that people were flocking to it. nothing is really funny about it, on the toll it took, and the characters are constantly looking back 100 miles south, because many of the characters russia like myself, korea, india and many have roots in elmhurst and jackson height that bear the brunt of the pandemic. many first responders lived there and perished. the book is still comedy but comedy is how i deliver the tragedy. the payload is the tragedy. >> well, isn't comedy just tragedy plus time? >> yes, but here the time is only three months so i'm really sorry about that. >> not a lot of time. i'm also curious about the stress test you mentioned and wrote about a quazi failed state or as far as democracy is concerned in russia and pandemic made people say are we going to change or what are we going to do with this? it's a complex story to be sure but a lot of what that stress test revealed is what you write about the book, the underlying problems, inequity, racism, who bears the brunt of any crisis. like the bad things were worse. how does that scare for you in telling a story that has to have some uplift or change or growth because people don't want to read cold winter russian novels. >> well, what i decided to do was i decided to have all of those be in the background of book for sure. what the floyd murder takes place, everyone in this little group of people hunkering down everyone notices this. a lot of immigrant characters feel like we came to this country because our parents came from countries with a lot of difficulties china during the revolution, cultural revolution, the korean civil war, russia after hitler. they brought us here but things are now as bad as in the countries they left. >> yeah. >> so this is something i considered quite a bit. a lot of books i wrote i make fun of the countries came from, the soviet union and everything that happened after putin, these oil rich republics but this feels less funny to me because i'm here in my little son is here and my homeland. i think all of these characters undergo that epiphany. >> that's a deep point to find it in a new frontier. i got 45 seconds. want to ask you as an artist how you feel about some attacks on free speech and the arts on the right there is a school district trying to strip, you know, critical race theory and the hand maids tale, quite a stance for a free thinking institution to take don't you worry about this in america now or do you think the concerns are over blown? >> this is so worrisome. this is what i grew up with in the soviet union. if you can get rid of toi morrison's "belove," anything can happen. anyone that doesn't read a book like that is ignoring a huge chunk of the republic. to do that to kids is a crime, it's child abuse. >> strongly put. i told viewers i was excited for you to be here, which i am, so thanks for coming by. >> thanks so much. >> absolutely. the book is "our country friends" you can check it out up ahead we have another legal update, a story that we covered extensively here with an execution looming. stay with us. with an execution looming. stay with us i am robert strickler. i've been involved in communications in the media for 45 years. i've been taking prevagen on a regular basis for at least eight years. for me, the greatest benefit over the years has been that prevagen seems to help me recall things and also think more clearly. and i enthusiastically recommend prevagen. it has helped me an awful lot. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. why hide your skin if dupixent has your moderate to severe eczema or atopic dermatitis under control? 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"the reidout" with joy reid starts now. >> hi, ari, thank you. have a wonderful evening. we begin "the reidout" with the scene on the floor of the u.s. house of representatives. alexandria ocasio-cortez addressed the video and posed today official house account that depicted him killing ocasio-cortez and turning knives on biden. she

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Transcripts For MSNBC The Beat With Ari Melber 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC The Beat With Ari Melber 20240709

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participants are convicted, they go to jail for years, including the sentence of the so-called qanon shaman today. they are trying to act on different calls for violence. there was a busted plot to bomb political party office in california. there was a busted plot to kidnap the governor of michigan. why do i mention all of this now? because it's serious when a sitting member of congress releases a murder fantasy video. we're not showing the video, but it came out. these are stills that depict the killing of another fellow member of congress. that matters. it is exactly the kind of act which so many would-be criminals have been taking as inspiration for reality-based violence. it raises the question -- what will be done to stop this before things get even worse? this is the news, and we have an answer for you on this one. today, the house of representatives answered that question. it took a formal step against one of its owns, which is quite rare. the united states house censures representative paul gosar for the violent video i just mentioned. the nonpartisan outlet that coverings congress, c-span reported the news. >> he may be censured over posting an animated video of himself. >> yes, attacking the president with weapons, killing another member of congress. that's not c-span's usual topic, but they gave it the usual dry distillation. c-span typically broadcasts the routine hearings of congress. it doesn't usually have to broadcast what congress does when one of its own lawmakers publicly imagines murdering a colleague. today's debate and vote was not business as usual. it could be lost that it occurred inside a year of the political violence, which turned that congressional floor into a crime scene as trump fans, maga advocates and their red heads bashed down doors, attacked police and advocated for the murder of, among others, the vice president. they took the calls to overthrow officials quite literally. all of that is the context for today's action. the debate on the floor ranged from many democrats looking quite genuinely outraged and concerned to quite a few republicans minimizing that kill video as some fun gag or cartoon. >> this is actions demand a response. we cannot have members joking about murdering each other or threatening the president of the united states. >> for democrats, this vote isn't about a video. it's about control. >> we're critiquing paul gosar's an i me. >> every time we see lower -- we gets crickets or excuses. >> do you have no shame? >> if i must join alexander hamilton, the first person to be tempted to be censure by this house, so be it. >> mr. gosar, you are not alexander hamilton. you must be held accountable. >> representative gosar refusing to take any responsibility. instead he likens his censure to hamilton, who the congress did censure over allegations regarding how he handled funds at the treasury department. the comparison is especially odd, because hamilton engaged in a lawless duel that famously resulted in his own death. he was killed in that duel, one of the most prominent political violence run amok in the era. it doesn't matter much if he does. what matters is that the congress and the public and our democracy realize the political violence is real. it tends to spike in periods where there is intention or reckless polarization, and obvious in conjunction with clashes in american over races and civil rights. where are we right now for facing both those challenges in our body politic? today it was really on display among republicans who stuck with gosar on the vote. 99% of house republicans backed him and voted against censure, only two voted to censure him. congress voted for its first censure of a sitting member in a decade and took away his pow ner office, booting him off his two committees, and that's some of the only ways members wield power and win things for their home districts. this is what happened to steve king in 2019, as punishment after he voiced controversial support for white supremacy. he was booted off his committees. he lost the next race, long the primary to a rep who argued that congressman king was unable to deliver for his district, without committee power. king now is an ex-house member. gosar might learn something from that recent history, or like hamilton, it's not all that evident how good congressman gosar is at history. today's vote does show accountability in reaction. the support for gosar may be telling, may be important, may be something for people to consider, but when it comes to the news tonight and what happened, it is governmentally irrelevant to the outcome. power that those republicans don't wield. the winning side with the action taken by congress, which i'm reminding you is rare. or fantasy or inspiration that teem can take literally. one of the officials started in the video, aoc, came to the floor and didn't ask a question about ref or right. i want you to hear it. it was about asking how modern american republicans have reached a point, as demonstrated by their chosen leaders, or even a part from the censure question, could argue is a kind of domestic inter -- before you get to censure, how do the republicans get to the point they won't even say it's wrong in public to traffic in depictions of political assassination. >> it's a sad day, in which a member who leads a political party in the united states of america cannot bring themselves to say that issuing a depiction of murdering a member of congress is wrong. what is so hard -- what is so hard about saying that this is wrong? >> that's the question. let's bring in some experts who have been tracking this. lisa layers is with "new york times," covering these issues, including the article. we're also joined by juanita tolliver. welcome to you both. lisa, much of this is clear in what the congressman put out, the lack of contrition, and a rallying of republicans, but really just backing him up 100%. what do you see here? >> well, look, i think we do see this violent rhetoric is a partisan issue. we have seen that republicans increasingly have been trafficking in things like revolution and tyranny, you know, talking about armed conflict. while they often say, like congressman gorar said, this is symbolic, we know there's been real-life threats. the fbi is worried about domestic extremists. when they talk about that, they know it's overwhelmingly right-wing extremists. there's a line here. what's remarkable about today, normally when these things happen, much likes -- like in surveys, plus or minus a third of republicans say they see political violence as possibly justified. here republicans were forced to go on the record. so you saw where republican leadership is on this issue beyond their silent acquiescence to letting this flourish within their party. >> you're making that sense. in the analysis, we have this headline on domestic extremists, pushing the violence against, basically -- calling for attacks on the electeds, government facilities, law enforcement, and then reading from your own "new york times" coverage that we are looking at in this story, among the most fervent conservatives, the belief that the country is at a cross roads could require armed confrontation is no longer limited to the fringe. given your reporting, lisa, how does that square or contrast to one of defenses heard on the floor, which is to liken it to harm wills children's cartoons. >> i think there's two things going on here. while there's a fringes element in congress, congress still has a venee reform going on, but i think what you hear is, when you talk to them privately, they are concerned about this, but frankly they're concerned about the one third of the base where they feel that political violence should be justified, are some of the most active and engaged members of their party. solve, you know, for political reasons they don't want to get cross-wise with them. many republicans feel, even if they do condemn political violence, there is a double standard, and we heard that a lot in the comments on the floor today, that they are being held accountable for things that democrats are not being held accountable for. there can be extremists of all stripes when those things happen, we are more likely to see condemnation from the leaders of the democratic party than from the republican party. that is a crucial difference. >> you lay that out and that's what the facts bear out. juanita, it's not as if a criminology textbook doesn't fined that people with different views -- of course, that's a general fact, but with regard to the political leaders. even in the summer protests, we are weren't talking about advocacy of murder and assassination. we were talking about incidence, for example, some looting or some other unrest we covered it. al sharpton, also works here, also said don't break the law, don't do violence. here we have january 6th looming over all of this, which is now indicted and convicted, or you have a video imagining assassination and no -- no floor speeches hardly from any republicans, saying, by the way, don't advocate, joke about or condone murder. >> it's just like representative ocasio-cortez said, why is this so hard to say this is wrong? it's the reality they know to condemn this moment is to condemn tremt and -- and the years he was a candidate for the president sis, and really living up to the mark he made. what is new is this license to go ahead and act out however you feel. these threats are not fake. these threats are not a joke. this is not a comical exercise. this is something that could be leveraged to incite violence against representative ocasio-cortez, against the president. as speaker pelosi said, this is something that law enforcement activity should get into, look into it and make sure it's handled. none of this can be taken lightly after thousands of people stormed the capitol building, and did horrible things, threatening the lives of the vice president, threatened the lives of everyone in that building. so what is frustrating is to see the entire republican party back this up, it's a disgusting display, but also unsurprising. lisa said it best. they know the primary voters, the most ardent right-wing supporters see this and will be riled up, excited by it. they're doing it sass a political calculation. they're condoning violence against members of congress. we know the gop will not step up to anything, because stepping up to this moment means challenging trump and the things he laid out for the party. and there could be layers of basically what appears to be the motivating factors. joe biden and mike pence are in different parties. they both happen to be older white men. there may be motivation to talk about those kind of attacks. that's one layer of it, but the explicit and returning vitriol and violent rhetoric and violent content and talk of attacks on aoc, as a woman of color, rises the underlying violence. it speaks to sort of the very ugly history of the united states of many civil rights black leaders assassinationed, murdered in that same animating way. given aoc, i did plant to play some of her remarks today. let's hear that. >> our example matters. there is meaning in our service. as leaders in this country, when we incite violence with depictions against our colleagues, that trickles down into violence in this country. >> i wanted to give you the final without on what she said and how she did it today. many may know her for her accomplice cal history and ideology, it was striking that much of her focus was, for lack of better words, because i don't always have the right words, it was nonpartisan, it was aspirationally patriotic, it was about values, it was not some sort of right or left wing thing. it was more calling out what is right-wing talk of violence, but she seemed to try to take it to a higher level. i'm curious what you thought. >> it was about basic humanity. she said, this gets to our core and what we say about human decency, human values, human worth. that's where she hit the nail on the head, because that, again, flying above any partisanship in terms of basket right and wrong. basket issues of morality, basic issues of ethical behavior. when you hear her talk like that, you know that's going to resonate with a lot of people across this country, because that is what it comes down to. i think the other thing, that steers the conversation away from kind of the partisan behavior and the violence that we know, that we see from right-wing members, especially when you have these town has where people come up to the microphone and say, when can we start killing them? when can we start shooting people who voted against this? that's what she's trying to appeal to, but i sadly think it falls on deaf ears. >> important stuff, juanita and lisa, thanks to both of you. we have a lot more coming up, including pivotal trial days here in a related issue, the rittenhouse jury is deliberating, and we'll give you an update, and one of the accused killers in the ahmed ar berry case taking the stand. that's legally rare. and the president getting a major boost on the economy. and tough times for all, light at the end of the tunnel? what have we learned? what should we be listening for? i have a very special thinker here by the end of the hour, so stay with us for that. hour, so stay with us for that. feel stuck with credit card debt? move to sofi and feel what it's like to get your money right. ♪ move your high-interest debt to a sofi personal loan. you could save with low rates and no fees. earn $10 just for viewing your rate and get your money right. ♪ hearing is important to living life to the fullest. that's why inside every miracle-ear store, you'll find a better life. it all starts with the most innovative technology. like the new miracle-earmini, available exclusively at miracle-ear. so small that no one will see it, but you'll notice the difference. and now, miracle-ear is offering a thirty-day risk-free trial. you can experience better hearing with no obligation. call 1-800-miracle right now and experience a better life. do i need to pretreat my laundry? 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>> i mean, well, first of all, the judge they have spent more time blaming apple and samsung for the tech problems around the pictures than anybody else. my son sent me a video of the exchange around whether, the judge thinking that apple using a.i. to take pictures -- it was baffling. so number one, all these people should have their children and grandchildren handling the tech. they would be better off. we just went through four years of someone in power blowing off steam will how they're portrayed. it's not unusual to see screaming judges. they have those, and it's not unusual to see judges go off on tangents, but when people's lives are at stakes, we can't be having the rambling man as the judge. these decisions need to be crisp, clear. he's the longest-serving judge apparently in wisconsin, and does wacky things like he was talking b. letting the defendant pick out of a tumblers the alternate jurors which, you know people just don't do. the reason why they don't do things like that, they need to feel the system is fair, and that the defendants or prosecutors or the judge's thumb is not on the scale. not doing a very good job of that at all, i think. it's actually a little strange and bizarre. >> that goes to people's understanding of fair trials or how this works. and someone who, in this case, isn't grappling with the substance criticism, that maybe his rulings were overly pro-prosecution, but saying in open court, he doesn't like the criticism. get used to it. vin warren, thank you, as always, for your expertise. >> thanks. it was great to be with you. i want to give you an updade on another important case that we've been covering. this is the murder trial for those individuals who tracked down an unarmed jogger, ahmaud arbery, and killed him. one of the defendants took the stand in his own defense. it's rare that defendants take the stand in their own defense, except in self-defense cases. travis mcmichael testified for nearly four hours, and arguing, you'll note the vigilante echos, that somehow he saw himself making a citizen's arrest, but it went bad. >> he was all over me, and he was not relending, so i shot again to stop him. the third shot, the final shot, he disengaged. >> that is just one moment from what we saw there. it's an important case we are covering this week. coming up tonight, there's an execution that will take place in america. it's on track unless the governor intervenes. and we have a big political week. boy, has it been biden's week. special coverage of why he's back on the road with policy wind at his back. e road with poy wind at his back vicks sinex. instantly clear everyday congestion. and try vicks sinex children's saline. safe and gentle relief for children's noses. why give your family just ordinary eggs when they can enjoy the best? 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>> he needs willy loamen's shoe shine and a smile. i'm writing about this, so i looked up past infrastructure bills, and i saw that your senator for three terms, a red senator in deep blue new york who won three terms, happily called senator pothole. that was al dimatto. that's when sane people thought infrastructure was a bipartisan matter, a great thing to have, bring the bacon home, and you were golden for the next election. a bridge, a road, anything, but not now, because the republicans have made biden into a socialist and inflation a problem. so he really has to sell this really, really hard. those republicans who voted for it, they're in a heap of trouble, all 13 republicans are, you know, getting death threats, maybe stripped of their committee assignments. trump is calling mitch mcconnell an old crow for voting for it. you know, biden has his work cut out for him, despite the big being a magnificent piece of legislation. >> which is not that partisan view, when taking taxpayer dollars and funding america projects. the white house points to these numbers that were just updated today, we show they continue to spike the number of jobs -- i guess i should say capitalist jobs. these are not jobs it -- 6 million-plus jobs, which the white house points out but the facts show dwarf and triple what trump was doing in his first year. >> well, he's way ahead on unemployment. it's at 4.3%, way ahead of what they projected, and found 600,000 jobs they hadn't counted before in previous reports. so he's doing well, but democrats just aren't good at getting the message out. i mean, look at obamacare. it wasn't considered a good thing under years later. it could be the same thing with this. maybe the shovel will have to be digging the dirt out of the ground before people appreciate what's going to happen, or appreciate biden. you know, the idea that he's so overstepped his mandate by being fdr is something that's even repeated by democrats now, which makes you think maybe he needs to step back. the worst thing that could happen is republicans win the messaging war, and democrats lose in 2022, and republicans take over, and democracy is in peril, because elections don't matter anymore. they can be rethought and recounted fairly well with republicans in control. >> yeah, it's a stark warning, there's policy and then the political brandting, both matter in our society. margaret, always good to see you. >> thanks, ari. bye. it's like ending a zoom call. bye-bye. we have something involving great news at the light at the end of the tunnel, and stay with us. tunnel, and stay with us ♪ in wash-scent booster ♪ downy unstopables this may look like a regular movie night. but if you're a kid with diabetes, it's more. it's the simple act of enjoying time with friends, knowing you understand your glucose levels. ♪♪ bye mom. my helpers abound, i'll need you today. our sleigh is now ready, let's get on our way. a mountain of toys to fulfill many wishes. must be carried across all roads and all bridges. and when everyone is smiling and having their fun i can turn my sleigh north because my job here is done. it's not magic that makes more holiday deliveries to homes in the us than anyone else, it's the hardworking people of the united states postal service. ♪♪ this... is the planning effect. this is how it feels to know you have a wealth plan that covers everything that's important to you. this is what it's like to have a dedicated fidelity advisor looking at your full financial picture. making sure you have the right balance of risk and reward. and helping you plan for future generations. this is "the planning effect" from fidelity. as someone who resembles someone else, and helping you plan for future generations. i appreciate that liberty mutual knows everyone's unique. that's why they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. oh, yeah. that's the spot. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ ♪♪ hi mr. charles. we made you dinner. aww, thank you. ♪♪ there is light at the end of the tunnel. that's what health experts are saying tonight, dr. fauci noting by next week covid may not be dominating. thanksgiving on track to be the busiest holiday travel in two years. united saying december looks to be the busiest flying month in two years. what's more iconic that new year's eve in times square? northern, with covid in america, still many problems, and larger questions about how they come out of -- jeff bezos reaping huge profits while workers continue to face many challenges. there's just what we come back to, remote work is sparking new and fairly uncharted debates about what is fair for everyone? a novelist, gary shyguard has a new novel where his character rides out the pandemic safely from a country home, but harbors guilt for felto workers stuck in his own uncle he restaurants. "was he here and why was his co-workers there?" and it taps into ongoing racism. one scene debt pikes discrimination against asian-americans, and one woman says she feels like some view her as a, quote, double threat. it's a reminder that the pandemic has uncorked many things, including new art. we're joined by gary shteyngart. as for the new book, "new york times" says your pandemic novel is your finest yet. and, quote. >> wow. >> fact check -- true? >> let's hope so. [ laughter ] yeah, this was -- at the same time. my goodness, look at this. yeah. yeah, i was up here in march, did mostly living up in the country now. everyone around me was baking bread, but i don't know how, so i decided to write this book instead. >> got to do something. how do you feel about channeling an experience that's clearly not over, and then publishing this? does that feel different than some of the books written about your own childhood, on which much more distant events? >> nowadays the dystopia is in the present. as somebody who is a satirist, i don't have to look too far. also the trump administration was -- i was born in the soviet union, so this felt very familiar to me, this condemnation of incompetent and gross negligence. it was a chernobyl moment for me. >> what is the funniest thing about the pandemic? >> there was nothing funny about the pandemic, except for the fact that one restaurant near us was very known for its hand sanitizer. they had is much a book hand sanitizer, so that people were flocking to it. nothing is really funny about it, on the toll it took, and the characters are constantly looking back 100 miles south, because many of the characters russia like myself, korea, india and many have roots in elmhurst and jackson height that bear the brunt of the pandemic. many first responders lived there and perished. the book is still comedy but comedy is how i deliver the tragedy. the payload is the tragedy. >> well, isn't comedy just tragedy plus time? >> yes, but here the time is only three months so i'm really sorry about that. >> not a lot of time. i'm also curious about the stress test you mentioned and wrote about a quazi failed state or as far as democracy is concerned in russia and pandemic made people say are we going to change or what are we going to do with this? it's a complex story to be sure but a lot of what that stress test revealed is what you write about the book, the underlying problems, inequity, racism, who bears the brunt of any crisis. like the bad things were worse. how does that scare for you in telling a story that has to have some uplift or change or growth because people don't want to read cold winter russian novels. >> well, what i decided to do was i decided to have all of those be in the background of book for sure. what the floyd murder takes place, everyone in this little group of people hunkering down everyone notices this. a lot of immigrant characters feel like we came to this country because our parents came from countries with a lot of difficulties china during the revolution, cultural revolution, the korean civil war, russia after hitler. they brought us here but things are now as bad as in the countries they left. >> yeah. >> so this is something i considered quite a bit. a lot of books i wrote i make fun of the countries came from, the soviet union and everything that happened after putin, these oil rich republics but this feels less funny to me because i'm here in my little son is here and my homeland. i think all of these characters undergo that epiphany. >> that's a deep point to find it in a new frontier. i got 45 seconds. want to ask you as an artist how you feel about some attacks on free speech and the arts on the right there is a school district trying to strip, you know, critical race theory and the hand maids tale, quite a stance for a free thinking institution to take don't you worry about this in america now or do you think the concerns are over blown? >> this is so worrisome. this is what i grew up with in the soviet union. if you can get rid of toi morrison's "belove," anything can happen. anyone that doesn't read a book like that is ignoring a huge chunk of the republic. to do that to kids is a crime, it's child abuse. >> strongly put. i told viewers i was excited for you to be here, which i am, so thanks for coming by. >> thanks so much. >> absolutely. the book is "our country friends" you can check it out up ahead we have another legal update, a story that we covered extensively here with an execution looming. stay with us. with an execution looming. stay with us i am robert strickler. i've been involved in communications in the media for 45 years. i've been taking prevagen on a regular basis for at least eight years. for me, the greatest benefit over the years has been that prevagen seems to help me recall things and also think more clearly. and i enthusiastically recommend prevagen. it has helped me an awful lot. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. why hide your skin if dupixent has your moderate to severe eczema or atopic dermatitis under control? 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"the reidout" with joy reid starts now. >> hi, ari, thank you. have a wonderful evening. we begin "the reidout" with the scene on the floor of the u.s. house of representatives. alexandria ocasio-cortez addressed the video and posed today official house account that depicted him killing ocasio-cortez and turning knives on biden. she

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