Transcripts For MSNBC The Sunday Show With Jonathan Capehart

Transcripts For MSNBC The Sunday Show With Jonathan Capehart 20240709

making their way back to the nation's capitol for a historic week for infrastructure. tomorrow, president biden will host a signing ceremony at the white house for the largest federal investment in infrastructure in more than a decade. >> proving we can still come together. it is hard, but we can still come together to get something big done for the american people. and the bill represents critical investments that are long overdue in our country. from rebuilding our roads and highways to getting rid of lead pipes, delivering clean water to thousands of -- actually millions of people around the nation. >> the president has invited a bipartisan group of lawmakers to the event, but some republicans who voted to pass the bill will be skipping it. most notably the grim reaper senate minority leader mitch mcconnell, he has other things to do. the house is slated to vote on the build back better social spending bill, which is supported by a majority of the american people, according to a new "washington post"/abc news poll. all that is missing now is the all important financial score from the congressional budget office. but, even if it clears that hurdle, the proposed legislation awaits a familiar foe, west virginia senator joe manchin, already ciing rising inflation stats as a reason to whittle down the bill, giving creed ans to mcconnell's comment earlier this week that manchin and kyrsten sinema are in charge of the build back better passage. the human infrastructure bill would come up for a vote the week of november 15th, which begins tomorrow. with the clock ticking, i have the perfect guest to tell us how far or close we are to that really happening. joining me now, chair of the congressional progressive caucus, congresswoman pramila jayapal of washington. welcome back to "the sunday show." >> thank you, jonathan. always great to be with you. >> all right, so, will there be a vote on build back better as promised in that agreement this coming week? >> i believe there will be, jonathan. it is not the cbo score that we're waiting for. they said they would vote on this bill pending agreement on top lines for the score -- not the score, but the fiscal information that would come from the cbo and the information that was already provided by the white house, that's really all we're waiting for. we're not waiting for a full score. so i do believe that we will have a vote this week on the build back better act. it will go to the senate and then it will be up to the senate democrats and the president who gave us his commitment that he believed that he could get this across the finish line in the form that it is -- that the framework was presented. so, yes is the short answer. we will have a vote this week. >> okay. and i just want to be clear, yes we will vote this week means -- the we is we in the house, correct? >> that's correct. the agreement that we made was about passing the bill through the house, and that has been what we have been saying for weeks, that we wanted to make sure we passed both bills through the house. the senate, we are taking the president's word and our democratic colleagues in the senate who need to do the work to make sure they have got 50 votes in the senate to pass the build back better act, which, of course, jonathan, if we can just take 30 seconds and say this is truly the transformational bill that will bring americans relief. this is universal child care, universal pre-k, $555 billion of investment into bringing down carbon emissions, following our performance at cop26 this past week. it is also the biggest investment in housing, $150 billion in housing. and also in healthcare, lowering healthcare costs for all americans, including by cutting the cost of prescription drugs. and capping the cost of, you know, many, many important drugs like insulin as well as, of course, lifting up immigrants. these are all the things that are in this transformational build back better act. >> okay. so that is in the build back better act as envisioned by the house of representatives. and as we have seen, the house of representatives when a bill comes to the floor, when the house decides to pass something, it can pass. i think for a lot of people watching, there is no concern about the house of representatives whether you guys will actually pass build back better. the concern comes in when that bill travels over to the other side of the capitol to the senate, and what the senate is going to do to build back better. are there things within the bill that will pass the house? are there red lines in there that once it comes back from the senate, you can't possibly vote for passage of build back better? >> well, the big thing to know here, first of all, it was not in, you know it was not assured that the bill would pass the house, that was a lot of work we had to do to get us to the point where we were going to get hopefully every single democrat, we might lose one. but every single democrat to say that they would vote for the build back better act as it was drawn. but i think the important thing here, jonathan, is what we have been waiting for the last four weeks or five weeks and what the progressive caucus was able to get is actually negotiations to take place between the two senators -- sinema and manchin in the senate, the white house and the house to get the vast majority of the bill preconferenced. that means agreed to. negotiations had not happened prior to five weeks ago, prior to us saying we got to pass both these bills and we're going to make sure that we're not leaving anybody behind. now the vast majority of this bill has been preconferenced. that's why it is no longer $3.5 trillion bill, it is a $1.75 trillion bill. there are a few things that the house did add to the bill that have not necessarily been fully preconferenced. and hopefully the democrats in the senate and the president can prevail upon one or two senators to make sure that those pass. and that is going to be some work, but i just want to be clear, the vast majority of this, thanks to the work of the progressive caucus over the five weeks, has been agreed to by everybody. >> okay. so you mentioned, you know, agreement of one or two senators, and what we're talking about,manchin and sinema, you had meetings with senator sinema in the weeks prior. how confident are you that she is a serious negotiator and that the meetings that you have had with her will result in a build back better act that can actually get out of the senate, and actually get to the president's desk for signature? >> well, i don't want to talk about the specifics of our conversation, i'll let her speak for herself, but she is absolutely a serious negotiator. that i can say. she is absolutely been at the table with the white house, that i can say. and i do believe she will be an incredibly productive force in helping us to get this across the finish line. so that i think is really important and, again, that's what i was trying to say. it is not like this bill hasn't been discussed and agreed to and negotiated. that's what we finally got happening over the last five weeks. and it was a very important step forward. and the president played an incredibly important leadership role in negotiating this with those two senators, with us in the house, and with, of course, the rest of the senate. >> so one of the things -- let's talk about senator manchin. as i said in the intro, senator manchin has been expressing concern about inflation before those big inflation numbers came out last week showing a 30-year high. how concern ready you. should we be concerned about inflation and the impact build back better would have on inflation? >> this is a really important point. part of the reason that people are talking about inflation is because there are costs rising for american families across the country. and that is in large part due to supply chains, plus the recovery, the natural recovery from the covid crisis and the economic crisis that we have been in for the last two months. and thanks to the president, we made incredible advances, progress, on all of these things. but it is going to take some time because we're not through covid. so what american families are looking at right now, and by the way, we should say wages have risen at the same time. the actual impact on families is not as big as whatever the rise in inflation is. but the thing that is important for us to know is families are hurting. they're still hurting. and if the cost of gas is rising, what we need to do is bring down costs in other parts of a budget. jonathan, i have lived on a very fixed budget. tight budget. and what i know is if costs go up in one area, i want to bring costs down in another area. so that i can manage my money. so if we pass the build back better act, we will cut child care costs for families in half. we will cut the cost of pre-k for every family because 3 and 4-year-olds will get free universal pre-k. we will cut the cost of prescription drugs, and healthcare. that is what families need us to do right now. because this recovery, if we're honest, will take some time. it was a terrible, terrible crisis, set of crises that the united states has been thrown into. so that's the big thing here is let's pass the build back better act. we will control costs for working families and, you know, 17 nobel prize winning economists agree with us that this is the thing we need to do if we want to bring relief to working families across this country. >> and the key phrase you had in that answer is cutting costs. especially for those who are concerned about inflation. congresswoman pramila jayapal, thank you so much for coming back to "the sunday show." >> always love it, jonathan. thank you. all right, up next, a tale of two economies, unemployment is low, but inflation as we just discussed is at a 30-year high. what is going on? and later, the iconic singer and twitter queen dionne warwick joins me live. don't want to miss that. n dionnk joins me live. don't want to miss that. kevin! kevin? kevin. oh nice. kevin, where are you? kevin?!?!? hey, what's going on? i'm right here! i was busy cashbacking for the holidays with chase freedom unlimited. i'm gonna cashback on a gingerbread house! oooh, it's got little people inside! and a snowglobe. oh, i wished i lived in there. you know i can't believe you lost another kevin. it's a holiday tradition! that it is! earn big time with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. ♪ ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. to unveil them to the world. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? you got it. ♪ liberty, liberty - liberty, liberty ♪ uh, i'll settle for something i can dance to. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ ♪ ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ in business, setbacks change everything. so get comcast busit and add securityedge. it helps keep your network safe by scanning for threats every 10 minutes. and unlike some cybersecurity options, this helps protect every connected device. yours, your employees' and even your customers'. so you can stay ahead. get started with a great offer and ask how you can add comcast business securityedge. plus for a limited time, ask how to get a $500 prepaid card when you upgrade. call today. today's economic report showing unemployment continuing to fall, but consumer prices remain too high. everything from a gallon of gas to a loaf of bread costs more and it is worrisome. even though wages are going up. we still face challenges and we have to tackle them, we have to tackle them head on. >> president biden acknowledged the reality for millions of americans experiencing two different experiences of our economy. there is low unemployment, wage increases and record highs on the stock market. at the micro level, it is a different story. we see empty store shelves, inflation at a 30-year high and cross sector labor shortages. how can all of this be true at the same time? joining me now to answer that question, maya macguineas. maya, welcome back to "the sunday show." thank you very much for being here. >> thank you for having me, jonathan. >> all right, maya, answer the question, how can things be so great and so bad at the same time? >> yeah, that's the problem with the economy. it is always kind of this really tricky balancing act. let me start with the really good news, the economy is stronger and most important reason for that is because we're working our way through the terrible covid pandemic and the economic downturns that went with that. knock on wood, that is the thing that we should keep in mind. we're moving through that crisis. there is lots of good news as you said as the economy strengthens, lots of things are going on, consumers are coming back, jobs are coming back, wages are going up, that's terrific. one of the things that often happens with a really strong economy, when it runs hot, is inflation. and many people today haven't really been through inflation before, but it eats away at all of the other good parts of the economic story. there are a lot of reasons for the inflation we're enduring. on the demand side, we're buying move and moving back into the service sector. we have been hearing about supply chain issues, we're all becoing experts on that. the actions of the fed which helped get us through the crisis have been keeping interest rates down and purchasing government bonds all of those things push up inflation, and we're now going to have to move again through that tricky balancing act of how you control inflation without stopping the economic recovery that is so important. >> i'm going to come back to inflation in a second. i need to explain a disconnect for me. i want to put up this chart here from the story. in the short-term, the good news here, you see 4.4 million americans quit their jobs in september. this is good news because among the reasons they quit is because the job market is great. it is a job seeker's market. they can get higher wages, but the bad sign is here is there are 4 million fewer jobs than there were in 2020. they're also stories about the mismatch, that the people -- the employers who have the jobs can't find people to fill those jobs. so what is going on with that? >> yeah, this is really an unusual situation because the recovery that we're in right now is not like normal economic recoveries. huge transformations that happened because of the covid experience. so i think overall this is good news in that employees are trying to figure out what really matters to them in the job environment, the work environment and going for situations that both in terms of wages and the overall flexibility of work, what they're looking for, will make them happier. and this is probably going to push some upward pressure on wages as people are trying to fill the jobs and fill them with the right people. but the bad news think continues to be that given this huge economy that we have in the u.s., we still don't do a good enough job of matching people to the right jobs. i think once we get through this immediate moment, there is some really important changes which is we now learned you don't have to be in the same place to do that same job and we'll be more able to match people up with the right job sjobs. all these disruptions along the way cause pain as we're moving into a new normal, when it comes to the job market. >> right. so in the couple of minutes that we have left, i want to come back to inflation, talk about inflation with regard to build back better. one of the reasons why senator manchin says he has concerns about the $1.75 trillion plan, such as it is, is that the impact that will have on inflation. is that a -- is that the right concern to have? will passing build back better on top of the bipartisan infrastructure plan on top of the american rescue plan, is that having an impact on inflation. >> well, sure, certainly that is a concern that everybody has to have. no matter whether you're a huge advocate of build back better or huge opponent, you've got to be more concerned about the effects of inflation today, than you were a little while ago. the numbers are showing us this is a real problem. one of the biggest issues in new policies is if you are borrowing a lot, that will likely fuel inflation. and because the way this bill is structured, there is a lot of up front borrowing that is likely to push inflation up to beyond what it otherwise would have been. now, the main thing for when you're thinking about inflation is what are the actions of the fed? and that is going to be very complicated. we have such a huge debt in this country that anytime the fed pushes up interest rates, that's going to hurt the overall economy, that's one of the tricky spots we're in because we're borrowing so much. no matter what you think about this bill and the substance of it, you have to be more concerned now that we're talking about 2 trillion or if you look at the full cost, trillions more of putting that into the economy, and particularly because it is still not fully paid for if you look at the real numbers, particularly in the early years, that is likely to push up inflation and i think it is important that those who are crafting the bill update the structure of it to reflect this very serious concern that if inflation gets out of control, it undermines the effects that they want to achieve. >> and real quickly, the president says that this bump up in inflation is temporary, temporary meaning six months or so. but should americans be concerned this bump up in inflation isn't just happening in the united states, but it is also happening in china, and also in japan, which posted its biggest year to year spike in 40 years? >> i mean, of course, we all have to be concerned. the whole discussion has been as this temporary or is this going to be longer lasting. we don't know. but you definitely want to be cautious against inflation fueling itself. and building into expectations. whatever the concerns were, they're greater now today. and there is the signs from around the world that there is the economic recovery this is pushing up inflation, the worst thing about inflation is letting it get out of control, it is much, much harder to stop the worse it is. so we want to take actions to prevent it from getting worse early on in the process. >> all right, i'll squeeze in one more question. that is, is inflation a reason not for -- for congress not to do anything on build back better? >> there are lots of issues, the substance and the effects on the fiscal policy. inflation is the reason if you pass the bill, you need to craft it in a way that doesn't borrow more and thinks about controlling spending, absolutely. >> maya macguineas, thank you very, very much for coming back to "the sunday show." and speaking plain english on the economy. >> good to see you. >> we'll see you soon. as the gop gets over -- gets ever more radical, a former republican says it is time to heal. he joins me next to explain how. heal he joins me next to explain how. instantly clear everyday congestion with vicks sinex saline. for fast drug free relief vicks sinex. instantly clear everyday congestion. and try vicks sinex children's saline. safe and gentle relief for children's noses. at t-mobile for business, unconventional thinking means we see things differently, so you can focus on what matters most. whether it's ensuring food arrives as fresh as when it departs... being first on the scene when every second counts... or teaching biology without a lab. we are the leader in 5g and a partner who delivers exceptional customer support and 5g included in every plan. so, you get it all, without trade-offs. unconventional thinking, it's better for business. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ hi, i'm debra. i'm from colorado. i've been married to my high school sweetheart for 35 years. i'm a mother of four-- always busy. i was starting to feel a little foggy. just didn't feel like things were as sharp as i knew they once were. i heard about prevagen and then i started taking it about two years now. started noticing things a little sharper, a little clearer. i feel like it's kept me on my game. i'm able to remember things. i'd say give it a try. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. (swords clashing) -had enough? -no... arthritis. here. new aspercreme arthritis. full prescription-strength? reduces inflammation? thank the gods. don't thank them too soon. kick pain in the aspercreme. the menace from the right is agreeing. only 23 lawmakers have been censured by the house since the early 1800s. congressman marjorie taylor greene is doubling down on her tweet calling the 13 republicans who voted for the bipartisan infrastructure bill, quote, traitors. after she listed their phone numbers prompting a flood of hateful and threatening calls. faced with this growing madness, one former republican still believes we can heal our divides. joining me now is that former republican, candidate for lieutenant governor of texas, matthew dowd. he's the author of the new book "revelations on the river: healing the nation, healing ourselves". welcome back to "the sunday show." before we start our discussion, i got to -- on this point of just how far the right has gone in terms of basically condoning violence here, i want to put up this poll from prri, which is just stunning. on the statement, because things have gotten so far off track, true american patriots may have to resort to violence in order to save our country. 30% of republicans agree with that statement. 18% of all americans surveyed here agree with that statement. how concerned should we be, matthew, that a large chunk of the right believes that taking violence to safeguard the country in their view is the way to go? >> i think we should be incredibly concerned. we're at a moment where all of the guardrails seem to be off, especially among the right. and on the republican side of this. it used to be -- we always had as you know fringe elements of america that believed in crazy stuff and even actually wanted to act on violent things. we always had leaders that maintained guardrails on that. and we had leaders in two parties that wouldfringes out, gone on the right. those guardrails are gone and there is no accountability for that. that is why i think, one, we're all called to do better, but we have to actually put leaders in place that are actually believing in the same values that we believe in. which is that we're supposed to be kind, compassionate, treat everyone with respect and dignity, things we were all taught as kids, or we expect in our friends or our siblings. the guardrails are gone. the guardrails are gone and that's what allows this awful behavior to surface. >> matthew, are the guardrails gone because leaders don't believe in the guardrails? are the guardrails gone because leaders are too afraid to enforce them? >> both. it is both. it is a lack of courage by our leaders, not all, but many republican leaders to make sure that it is put in place and willing to risk failing politically or losing politically in that. they seem to believe that holding the office or the power is more important than actually the fundamentals of our democracy or the fundamental of the bonds that is supposed to bring us together in this. so it is a lack of courage. but it is also a moment we're in, as a say, where the guardrails of our leaders, they are no longer put in effect. we had, as i said, we had a series of groups of people in this country who are whack, who are crazy, who -- we are willing to use violence for their memes. but as i said, most of the institution had those guardrails in place, we don't have them anymore. and our leaders, republicans especially, don't have the courage to enforce them. >> and i'm going to be talking about one of them in my byline. despite the concern that you have and the concern that we all have, you know, you've written a book that sort of outlines we can heal. we can get past this. i want to read one passage that zeros in on the 2020 election cycle. you write, to repair the damage done in the 2020 election cycle, the damagers, which includes many voters who facilitated the events will need to acknowledge truth, take responsibility, express remorse, and assist in repairing damage and reform their behaviors. until that occurs, reconciliation is a pipe dream. matthew, i agree with you 100% that that is indeed what needs to happen. but where things are right now in the country, how long do you think it will take for those people who have caused this damage to walk through these very necessary steps that you outline in your book? >> well, i appreciate that, jonathan. so, to me, the first part of this is truth. we have to actually understand the truth, which is why the january 6th commission in my view is so important. understand the truth, understand who is responsible, because we can't even start this process until we get to the truth. it is what i learned and i'm sure you learned in examining what happened in south africa. their goal wasn't to punish people. their goal was truth and reconciliation. you can't get the reconciliation until you get to the truth. i think we will get there because i'm a believer and i'm a hopeful person that truth always overcomes lies and love always overcomes hate. it is not necessarily in the short-term. this is not going to be solved in 2022, it is solved over a course of years in order for us to get there. i believe what we should aim for restorative justice, which means truth, understand responsibility, and instead of punitive justice, i'm not interested in punishing people, i'm interested in finding the truth, and getting to a point where we can reconcile in the american story that we're all part of. >> and i think that is what you just said there, matthew, is what a lot of americans want, is truth, a conversation based in truth. matthew dowd, thank you very, very much for coming back to "the sunday show." congratulations on the book. >> thanks, jonathan. take care. up next, music legend idol, the one and only dionne warwick joins me after the break. stay with us. nne warwick joins me after the break stay with us ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. everything felt like a 'no'. everything. but then ray went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now he knows his glucose levels when he needs to. and... when he wants to. so ray... can be ray. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free. visit ♪ now you know. 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>> no. it is my ninth. >> oh, excuse me. i guess i should have been calling you dr. dionne warwick forever now. this is fantastic. >> absolutely. thank you, darling. >> go ahead. >> no, i was about to say it is quite an honor. it really is. to be getting an honorary doctorate. >> right. so when we spoke almost a year ago, you were at the height of being the queen of twitter and you really took off when you tweeted at chance the rapper asking about his name. and in two weeks, there it is, hi, chance the rapper, if you're very obviously a rapper, why did you put it in your stage name. i can't stop thinking about this. we're two weeks up from you and chance the rapper releasing a single together benefiting charity. tell me how you got him from point a to point b? >> well, actually, i spoke with him on the telephone and we became friends all of a sudden. and i mentioned to him that i was doing this particular song called not impossible and i would love for him to be part of it, and he agreed. we recorded it and it is ready to come out now. >> and does it have a beat i can dance to or is it one that is more lounging? >> well, a little bit of both. you can do whatever you want to it. >> so, i wanted to ask you about philanthropic effort that is going to get under way on november 30th. you're going to launch a campaign for 12 days of giving, leading up to your 81st birthday on december 12th. tell us more about that. >> yes. basically we're entering a period of our weather which is primarily very cold. we want to feed and make sure those that are not fortunate enough to be able to feed themselves and/or stay warm during this period of time to accommodate them. >> mm-hmm. you know, dr. dionne warwick, i have to ask you this question before -- in the little bit of time we have left, i want to give some time to this, last time you were on, i asked you about the vaccine, the vaccine was kind of new. and a lot of folks were -- you were among them, like, you know what, i'm going to wait and see how it plays out. here we are, almost, you are at the end of the year, what have you done about the vaccine? >> well, i had no choice but to take it. i didn't want it, i'll tell you that. but i did it. and it really -- and my son has a heart condition. he was so stressed out that mommy's not taking this vaccine. and he just stayed on me. you have to, you have to, you have to, so i did. >> have you gotten your booster yet? >> nope. >> okay. i don't know if you can see me when you said you got the vaccine, i was -- i let out an audible and visible -- because i don't know if you saw it, after you were on, folks were really -- they were upset, they were alarmed by your hesitation. and so i was bracing myself for what your answer would be. were you -- did you see that concern after the show? i'm sure you heard from more than just your son pleading with you to get the vaccine. >> yes, i did. all of my friends, my friends who i didn't even know and on social media, like, please, please, please. so, you know, i'm happy people are that concerned about my not having taken the vaccine. and relieved that i finally did. >> what would you say -- i'm sure you're not -- even though you've taken the vaccine, there is still folks out there who haven't taken the vaccine. what would you tell them as a way of trying to get them to take the vaccine so that they too can be vaccinated on behalf of a loved one in the same way you did for your son? >> yeah, well, it appears to be something that is vitally important to keeping people healthy. i still believe, though, that it is a choice, you know, and there are people who still have reservations about it as i did. and i feel that, you know, it is eventually, you know, once it has basically truly proven itself, because there is people suffering from covid once they have gotten it, i think that basically is what the problem is, the actual proof, that it is going to keep everybody away from the covid craziness. but like i said, you know, it is your choice. i can't persuade you to do anything. but i feel that it has helped me to ease the trauma of my friends and my family that i have finally taken it and i think people's thoughts are heavy. doing it for others as well. so, you know, it is your choice to make. >> well, dr. dionne warwick, it is someone's choice to make. but i think that the fact that you've gotten the vaccine and talking about it publicly will persuade other people who haven't gotten the vaccine to get it. so i thank you for that. and i thank you for once again coming on "the sunday show" and prehappy birthday to you. your 81st birthday and my mother's 80th birthday is this week. i sent her a text if you two were celebrated at birth because you favor each other as folks used to say back home. >> really? that's a cool thing. happy birthday to your mom. >> she's going to flip out. if she's watching, she's going to flip out. dionne warwick, thank you for being here and coming back to the "the sunday show" again this morning. >> my pleasure, darling. you take good care and happy thanksgiving. >> same to you. next up, the nevada candidate trying to make national history. nevada candidate trying to make national history ♪ ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ - your mom's got to go! - she's family. she's using my old spice moisturize with shea butter to unveil them to the world. and she's wearing my robe. mom: ahem ahem ahem we're out. 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all the advantages, i figure, you know, this is what we got to do and this is really the time. >> on wednesday, the chair of the nevada democratic rural caucus, kimi cole, announced her plans to run for lieutenant governor. if elected, she would become the country's first out transgender politician elected to a state wide office. joining me now is the democratic candidate for lieutenant governor in nevada, kimi show. >> well, good morning. thank you for having me, and it is really nice to know when you talk about interviewing icons you'll also include future icons. i appreciate that. >> that is great. well, you are most welcome. why are you running for lieutenant governor of nevada? >> well, we're always going to start with the basics. obviously we need to keep our economy on track. we're, you know, very conscientious about our climate. we need to keep our infrastructure solid but one of the other big things we face here is a housing shortage. it's absolutely terrible. we have people who are working full-time jobs, living in their cars. so there are so many issues that we see facing us. another thing we see is people want to be engaged in politics and their voices are overheard. it's important to give everybody representation wherever they are in the state, whatever their background is in the state. i'm really running to represent all nevadans. >> what's the number one thing you hear from constituents on the campaign trail? >> like i pointed out a little bit earlier, most of the people -- many of the people i've been talking to recently said they don't feel that their voices are being heard and there is -- this isn't to put anybody down. we have some great elected officials. we've got the first majority female legislature in nevada and they've all done a really great job, but a lot of the time the powers at the top are separated from the people that are out there trying to make a living in this world and we're kind of missing that connection, and that comes to me from so many directions where people say we don't feel like anybody is listening to us. i'll give credit where credit is due, i know a lot of the elected officials are absolutely wonderful people and they do the best they can to connect with people, but a lot of the time that doesn't come together and i hope to be a little bit more of a bridge in that regard. >> have you -- have you spoken to danica rome? danica rome is the virginia house of delegates member who was elected in 2017. the first out transgender person elected to office -- elected to the state legislature in virginia. one notable thing about her campaign is that she spent her entire time talking about traffic even when her opponent tried to use her gender identity against her. and i'm wondering if you've had an opportunity to talk to her and gotten any pointers or tips on how to run your campaign as you seek to become the first out transgender person to win statewide? >> yes. we're working on that connection right now. she's on my call list getting the contact information to put us together, and i think she did just a master full job in her campaign and what she's doing and she really focused on the issues. one of the things i like to make really clear with people, yes, we're all about telling the truth about who we are, what we're doing and i openly acknowledge who i am, but that really, really isn't the issue. the real issue is to represent nevadans, to listen to their concerns, to bring the pieces together to make the quality of life the best we can for the most nevadans possible. >> like i say to any person who comes here to "on the run." what's your website? >> our website is i'd encourage everybody to check it out. it has information about me, opportunity to donate. i really appreciate that. thank you. >> kimi cole, candidate for lieutenant governor in nevada. good luck on the campaign trail. >> thanks for having me. in the next hour the latest in the january 6th investigation after steve bannon's indictment, is the pressure increasing on other trump allies? plus, closing arguments in the trial of kyle rittenhouser for tomorrow. much more on "the sunday show." . in honey lemon chill. for fast-acting sore throat relief. wooo vaporize sore throat pain with vicks vapocool drops. like many people with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease, i was there. be right back. but my symptoms were keeping me from where i needed to be. so i talked to my doctor and learned humira is the #1 prescribed biologic for people with uc or crohn's disease. and humira helps people achieve remission that can last, so you can experience few or no symptoms. humira can lower your ability to fight infections. serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where 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group as you said, ska veino, too. they're going to wear it as a badge of honor. we're going to fund raise. patriots are going to step up. this will make everybody excited for 2022 and the select committee will go away. >> joining me now, congresswoman maxine waters. chair waters, welcome back to "the sunday show." thank you for being here. >> i'm delighted. glad to be with you today. >> so i would love to get your reaction to this notion, and it's not a farfetched notion, that defying -- one, getting a congressional subpoena and then defying it will be a badge of honor for a lot of these trumpers being hit with the subpoenas. >> well, it's not going to be a badge of honor when they find themselves in jail for having defied the order of the select committee to come in and to give testimony and bring documents. if that's what they think, they can defy the law, raise money, be all right, they've got another thought coming. this is very serious. i want you to know our chair, mr. thompson, is very serious about this. these subpoenas are being issued. we expect them to honor those subpoenaed. we'll go to court. we're going to win and they're going to have to either comply or go to jail. that's where they need to be. >> you know, the two batches of subpoenas that came out earlier in the week this week set up a calendar where basically every day from november 29th to december 15th someone will be due to present -- to show up for a deposition and we could be in a situation where every day someone is defying a subpoena but, chair waters, of course donald trump could not stay silent on this. no investigations on election fraud, but if anybody was near the capitol waiving an american flag, they've had nothing but trouble. american patriots are not going to allow this subversion of justice to continue including the use of prosecutors, local, state and federal to torment and destroy innocent people. all this while our country is going to hell. this country perhaps never done to anyone what they have done to steve bannon and they are looking to do it to others also. i'm sorry i had to read that statement, but folks follow this lunatic. your reaction to the former president. >> the former president is the worst threat to our democracy that i have ever known and perhaps anyone has ever known. despite the fact that we're on the other side of the issues and the aisles, we've never seen anything like this, democrats and republicans. this man has no respect for this democracy and he supports those who basically invaded our capitol. he supports those who threatened his own vice president, mr. pence, and he continues to go along this separation line. he has destroyed patriotism and those who are in his circle who are afraid of him need to be ashamed of themselves in the way they're trying to dismiss the law and not being compliant and continue the big lie about this campaign that they have had that said that somehow the presidency was taken from him. we are watching the greatest threat to our democracy right now in the way this president is handling himself and his inner circle who are all trying to defy the law. we are not going to give up. we are going after him. the american people deserve to have better than this past president. >> let me get your reaction from tucker carlson. >> from what i can tell they are trying to criminalize opinions they don't like. you are allowed to have any view. your views cannot be criminalized. i don't understand -- i mean, the pretexts for they're going to throw bannon in jail if they can because they don't like his opinions? >> that's not what's at issue here, is it, congresswoman waters. it's not criminalizing opinions. >> actually, he knows that what he's saying does not make good sense. no one is criminalizing opinion. we all support freedom of speech. this is not about freedom of speech, this is about defiance of the law. they think they can get away with not obeying the law. this is about an official subpoena to bannon. he thumbed his nose at it and he's going to go to jail if he does not comply in the way that the subpoena forces him to do. and i want to tell you, bannon is a very dangerous man. he is all about dealing with race and he said so. and he said that if in fact they take on these issues and they deal with the race thing, that they will win. he means literally they're going to use race in order to fire up their people and to create confrontation and separation in this country. bannon is as dangerous as president trump. >> congresswoman maxine waters, also chair of the house financial services committee, thank you as always for coming to "the sunday show." >> thank you so very much to having me. i look forward to it. joining me now, former alabama u.s. attorney joyce bans and civil rights attorney maya wiley. thank you both very, very much for coming to "the sunday show." joyce, i think this is your first time so i'm going to start with you. give me your view of where things are now. steve bannon was indicted on friday but that came hours after mark meadows defied a subpoena. so do you think that we're going to see now a flurry of contempt votes and indictments going forward? >> well, thanks for having me on, jonathan. i think it's a little bit early to believe that we are going to have a deluge of contempt cases. what sets steve bannon apart is that he had not worked in the white house for more than three years. the indictment against him sets that out very squarely early on. that means he has no claim to executive privilege. in some of these other cases there is a tentative claim to executive privilege. i would expect that if those cases are referred by congress to doj, doj might let and wait for the appeal to shake out. >> we're waiting for a district judge's opinion. does that mean -- is that the end of the process? or is there a possibility that the supreme court will get involved in this question? >> i think it's very likely that it will go to the supreme court. there's this question that's left open when president nixon sued to keep some of his papers private after he's no longer president. the question that's left over is the sphere of influence that the president has. but the law seems to be solidly laid out in the district court's opinion to indicate that there is no way for the prior president to countermand the sitting president because it's an issue that's never been decided, it may well end up before the supreme court. as one of the lawyers said, the fact that it's a new question, unanswered question of first impression doesn't mean it's difficult. the answer here should be to favor the absence of executive privilege for these former trump white house folks. >> may a wiley, welcome back. what are we not paying attention to that we should be? >> let me say, yeah, i'm on with joyce. it's been over a year. thank you, jonathan, for making that happen. i agree with joyce's analysis. what we're not talking about enough is that executive privilege extends to a -- to protect the presidency, not the person. in this case donald trump is trying to weaponize executive privilege to protect himself and his personal interests. one of the ways we know that, if i was the committee itself, when i'm looking at drafting and considering a contempt vote, i'm going to be focused very clearly on the fact that mark meadows was not acting as the chief of staff for the white house, he was acting for the trump campaign. that was true for jeffrey clark and so many others. the campaign manager has also been subject to the subpoena and very explicitly part of what he was doing is transitioning the trump campaign for president in 2020 into the messaging machine around stealing the election. and all of these things are really important relevant facts and contexts to what the january 6th committee is trying to understand, which is how did we get here? and what do we need to fix to prevent it as well as whether or not there are any law violations that need to be attended to. you just can't simply hide from that because you want sack in the white house. the questions are also were you acting on behalf the of the presidency and the people of the country or were you acting on behalf of your own aspirations and presidential re-election campaign. >> earlier i played for congresswoman maxine waters that clip of tucker carlson saying that the indictment of steve bannon is criminalizing opinion. disabuse everyone watching of that notion. that's crazy land and not true and it's intentionally. this is about whether or not a witness who's been subpoenaed, it's a legal document, a legal process that compels you by law, and in this case it's a constitutional power of congress to tell congress what you know. that's not an opinion, that's about you sharing facts. this has nothing to do with your opinion of those facts. in fact, you can go out and say anything you want. steve bannon can be out there tomorrow and continue to say he is being abused. he has every freedom to do that. what he doesn't have is the freedom to tell congress they can't do their job and collect the facts that they need to answer the questions that they have been elected by the people. this is their job is to figure out what goes wrong in this country and whether or not there are ways that they can fix it. that's what this is about. >> you know, this panel is so good, i'm going to have you hang around. joyce vance and maya wiley are going to stay with us as we have to discuss the kyle rittenhouse and what we've learned as closing arguments are city set for tomorrow. keep it right here. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. paul loves food. but his diabetes made food a mystery. everything felt like a "no". but then paul went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now he knows how food affects his glucose. and he knows 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are back with me. joyce, here's the number one question i have. upon hearing that the prosecution was seeking lesser charges, why didn't they do that from jump? why all of a sudden is this a thing now? is it because they realized that they put on a crappy prosecution? >> well, you know, i don't think i would characterize the prosecution that way, jonathan. >> okay. >> the problem with this trial is that it's been under a microscope and sometimes things don't look very good as you're watching the sausage get made. it's not uncommon to see lesser included offenses coming up in the charging conference. but in a case like this it may well be an acknowledgment that not everything has gone precisely as the prosecution would have hoped. on the other hand, the lesser included offenses are serious charges that carry lengthy sentences. a conviction on lesser included offenses would be a victory. the real question i have, conviction in a criminal case takes a unanimous jury. having tried a number of civil rights cases, cases where we indicted a police officer for a civil rights crime, very often you have jurors that are unable to reach unanimous jurors, a hung jury. that's a possible outcome here. that would mean that we would go through this trial a second time. second trials are never as good for the prosecution, although, you know, this has been an unusual trial in many regards, but that said, these lesser included offenses i don't find to be more troubling. i'm more worried about the hung jury. >> maya, i would love your view on that, but also, i mean, joyce brings up the concern about a hung jury. there are others who are like this prosecution is going to lose, there are others saying there could be a mistrial. we just put up the headline from the washington post saying he could lose it about the prosecution's missteps where janine geske said i think he's cutting corners as close as he can to get his evidence in front of the jury. unfortunately, he's really angered the trial judge. then you have in newsweek why a rittenhouse mistrial is unlikely, which is my concern. the judge would need to prove that binger prevented rittenhouse from receiving a fair trial and that his conduct was, quote, outrageous, provoked a mistrial. maya, if maya is concerned about a hung jury, loss by the prosecution or a mistrial. none of the above? >> i'm concerned about all of it. i think a mistrial is unlikely. i don't think the judge is going to see it as a mistrial situation. i also think that joyce is absolutely right about the importance and possibility of conviction for lesser included offenses. remember actually the most serious charge in this case is the murder charge for mr. huber, who is the second man kyle rittenhouse killed who had the skateboard. if that becomes a lesser included offense, he could still get 25 years for reckless endangerment if he's convicted of it. i do think it's important. i was a little concerned that the judge in this case, and i think we should mention that this jury could become a hung jury. if it does, i think in part it's going to be because the judge communicated in my view let's say some bias, okay, in this case? he communicated it in different ways. we had the issue most recently of veterans day where he asked about veterans in the room and the only veteran in the room was a defense witness, a defense witness and then he called for the room to clap for the veteran. now if he had said any veterans in this room, let's all applaud for any veterans who served but not singling out, and there were other aspects of his behavior that i think, and there is research behind that that judges do communicate sometimes nonverbally in ways that jurors get. they're using the judge as the neutral arbiter sometimes tounder stand which side is doing a better job. some of these items that have been under a microscope matter. you usually ask what are we not paying attention to. the larger context here. jacob blake. the reason there was all that activity that resulted in kyle rittenhouse showing up with his ar-15 violating wisconsin law, violating a curfew was because jacob blake was killed by a police officer and his uncle, who's also named jacob blake, has been in that courtroom outside that courthouse every single day hoping for justice for somebody and in this case it's the victims of kyle rittenhouse. >> on that we're going to have to leave it there. maya wiley, joyce advance, you both were terrific. going to have to have you back. thank you for coming to "the sunday show." next, my panel and i are ready to sound off after the break. keep it right here. keep it right here ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ ♪♪ hi mr. charles. we made you dinner. aww, thank you. ♪♪ if you're 55 and up, t- mobile has plans built just for you. aww, thank you. whether you need a single line or lines for 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so you would think that as a southern man he would know this really well. that's one of those cross cultural things. i think the second thing that troubles me, and kimberly's exactly right, there is nothing in the law that says we can't have family members. passengers, in fact quite the opposite. you are there to have people there in these difficult moments. i'm troubled by people saying what they think out loud that in a decade we wouldn't do but that post donald trump these folks have been freed up and they say some things that -- they say some things and we're seeing it more and more and more and this is just another example of saying things that are completely inappropriate, frankly racist and just not okay. and it's happening quite a bit in both of these trials to be frank. >> right. jake, i'm coming to you but i'm switching gears because i'm old enough to remember when roads and bridges were a bipartisan thing that was celebrated, that republicans love roads and bridges, infrastructure, right. have a listen to this voicemail that fred upton, member of congress received, because he voted for the bipartisan infrastructure bill. >> [ bleep ] traitor, that's what you are. you are' a [ bleep ] piece of blooip traitor. i hope you die. i hope everybody in your [ bleep ] family dies. you [ bleep ] piece of [ bleep ] trash mother [ bleep ] voted for dumb ast [ bleep ] biden. you're stupider than he is, he can't even complete a [ bleep ] sentence. you dumb mother [ bleep ] traitor, piece of [ bleep ] mother [ bleep ] piece of trash. >> i mean, i -- speechless. but, jake, i read punch bowl news every morning, monday through friday, i know you've written many times about having been there at the capitol on january 6th. you've written many times about the atmosphere of menace that there is in the capitol. talk about what it means for a member of congress to get a voicemail like this and about the person who instigated it, marjorie taylor green. >> yeah. i mean, a lot of thoughts here, jonathan. this is not a charged piece of legislation by any stretch of the imagination. first of all, this behavior is deplorable, let's start with that. number two, this is not some sort of charged issue, like health care is a charged issue. i've never seen so many people worked up over roads and bridges but, of course, we understand what this is about. this is about giving biden, a president who donald trump's base thinks is illegitimate, a victory. this is about donald trump not being president. that's what this anger is due to i would say. marjorie taylor greene, frankly, put everybody's name on -- everyone who voted for this, their name in a tweet and listed their phone numbers. by the way, in addition to that, kevin mccarthy, the house republican leader, specifically told people not to do that. so, you know, that's kind of the situation that we're confronting. and, again, fred upton is a tried and true republican. he's a conservative. he's been in congress since 1983, i believe. i mean, this is somebody who came in in the ragan years and has been a member of congress for a very long time. behavior is deplorable but if fred upton is not a republican, i know this is a bit redundant, but i don't know what the republican party is. >> right. in the minute that we have left, jake, november -- the week of november 15th, which begins tomorrow, is when house progressives and moderates agreed that build back better would be voted on. is it going to be voted on? >> it's a good question. i'm trying to make heads or tails of that right now. i don't know. we'll have to see if the moderates are sufficiently happy with the budgetary information they've gotten from the congressional budget office. the progressives basically view this as it's time for moderates to get on board. four days is not enough time to pass a piece of legislation. i have to imagine there will be tremendous pressure. >> just to be clear, when we talk about progressives voting on build back better, we're only talking about the house, right? >> right. >> this doesn't mean the house and senate vote for build back better? >> correct. >> it's all tied up? >> yes. sorry about that, jonathan. the house is going to vote on this. it's going to change very, very significantly. it's going to be shredded apart in the senate and then the house will have to vote on it again in the next 4 to 6 to 8 weeks. >> all three of my guests will stick around as we sound off on the other sunday shows right after the break. one of our guests in the last segment said that jacob blake was killed. he was not killed, he is alive but paralyzed. before we go to the break, a little fun from "saturday night live." >> hello, i'm texas senator and the last one invited to thanksgiving, ted cruz. you know, for 50 years i stood by as sesame street taught our children dangerous ideas like numbers and times, but when big bird told children to get vaccinated against a deadly disease, i said, enough, and i created my own sesame street called cruz street. it's a gated community where kids are safe from the woke government. government omization. that's why i love liberty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? you got it. ♪ liberty, liberty - liberty, liberty ♪ uh, i'll settle for something i can dance to. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ ♪ ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ ♪ (man) still asleep. (woman vo) so, where to next? (vo) reflect on the past, celebrate the future. season's greetings from audi. 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>> i think we would be in the white house. >> can you ever forgive him for that? >> i don't know because i picked him. i like him. i still like him but i don't know that i can forgive him. >> i picked him. i like him. i don't know if i could forgive him. >> yeah. that demonstrates what we have seen since donald trump descended the escalator those six years ago is that he demands loyalty and he will accept nothing else. he gives no loyalty to be sure. he only demands it and punishes those who don't deliver it regardless of the situation. to me, those standing by him, they should see even his closest confidantes, start with jeff sessions, at some point he turns on them and when he does, it's over. so knowing that their day will be coming except steve bannon because he's more trumpy than trump himself. you've seen him eat his own time and time again even in the case of mike pence he stood with him right up until an insurrection. that was his line in the sand but that still wasn't enough. >> jake, not everything on the sunday shows was about trump. jake talked about the bipartisan infrastructure bill. have a listen to what he had to say about it. >> your colleagues voted for it. are they going to lose committee assign snmts where is the accountability? why would your colleagues, 13 republicans in it, vote for it? >> i don't know. i don't know what's going to happen. i wish they wouldn't have voted for it. they're still paying people not to build a wall. they're getting ready to pay people who illegally came into our country $450,000. >> they're still on the border wall. >> that's something. you know, the irony is not to get too much in the weeds here, their argument, as ted cruz says, doesn't include too much infrastructure. the border wall is outside of it. when they were in the majority, when trump was president they included ancillary issues in bills all the time. remember, the president, donald trump when he was president at the end of his administration wanted to include a rewrite of tech regulations in the national defense authorization act. so, i mean, it's all nonsense. i will say he didn't say they should be removed and it probably alliance him with the leadership on this. >> and on that point then, is that going to go anywhere? or is that the marjorie taylor greenes and the others trying to rattle cages? >> i think there are a significant number of republicans who wanted to punish those who voted for this. the smart internal house politics is to let people vote for bills that the other party puts forward because it could help them. nicole maliatakis from long island probably needs to vote for infrastructure. we'll be reporting heavily on this. i don't think -- i think kevin mccarthy will come out and say he's not for that. >> oh, oh, jake, wait, so you're expecting to hear from kevin mccarthy? he's like punxsutawney phil. >> that's right. he will be in the building. he will be in the capitol this week. so i anticipate we will be hearing from him although he has ducked, as you know, he ducked reporters, his office ducked reporters on some of these very charged issues, let's say, for the last week, but congress has been out of session. he doesn't have that luxury anymore. >> that is no excuse. we've got the internet. >> oh, it's definitely no excuse. >> in california -- >> i'm not saying -- brother man needs to show up and i'm going to talk about that in my bye line. kim, sophia, thank you all very much for coming back to "the sunday show" and ahead on alex witt reports, attorney benjamin crump gives alex his take on the astroworld case at noon eastern on msnbc. next, amid all the right wing nonsense this week from gosar to greene, someone has been conspicuously missing. >> kevin! >> sorry. my bye line is next. see blood when you brush or floss can be a sign of early gum damage. parodontax active gum repair kills plaque bacteria at the gum line to help keep the gum sealed tight. parodontax active gum repair toothpaste at fidelity, your dedicated advisor will help you create a comprehensive wealth plan for your full financial picture. with the right balance of risk and reward. so you can enjoy more of...this. this is the planning effect. it's subway's eat fresh refresh! don't let its rookie status fool you. the new baja steak & jack hits you like a seasoned vet with new juicy steak, pepper jack cheese, and smokey baja chipotle sauce. save big. order through the app. ♪ ♪ at t-mobile for business, unconventional thinking means we save big. order through the app. see things differently, so you can focus on what matters most. whether it's ensuring food arrives as fresh as when it departs... being first on the scene when every second counts... or teaching biology without a lab. we are the leader in 5g and a partner who delivers exceptional customer support and 5g included in every plan. so, you get it all, without trade-offs. unconventional thinking, it's better for business. here comes the interception. oh... -shawn? 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>> paul gosar tweeted out an adaptedanime video since removed that showed him killing alexandria ocasio-cortez, just the latest in a litany from a man his own family wants booted from congress for his adherence to the big lie. one said i consider him a traitor to this country. i consider him a traitor to his family. >> then, there's marjorie taylor greene, whose latest instance of appalling thuggery involved calling the 13 republicans who voted for the bipartisan infrastructure bill, quote, traitors. but what's even more alarming is what's not being said, and the person not saying it. i'm talking about house minority leader kevin mccarthy, where you at, kevin? where you at? a leader would have said something immediately about gosar. a leader would have said something immediately about marjorie taylor greene's traitor comment, among so many other things. a leader would have been saying immediately and incessantly, this is not who we are as a caucus. this is not who we are as republicans. but mccarthy is no leader. we all know why he has said nothing this week. he'll do anything to become the next speaker of the house, even if it means ignoing the atmosphere of menace that has enveloped the capitol since january 6th. if mccarthy thinks he can control his caucus with silence today, what makes him think he'll be able to maintain that control with the speaker's gavel tomorrow? he won't. by giving a pass to the gosars and greenes of his caucus, by doing the bidding of donald trump, by ignoring the menace they have all created, mccarthy is doubling down on a dangerous bet that puts our nation and american democracy at risk. i'm jonathan capehart. and this has been the sunday show. ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ instantly clear everyday congestion to with vicks sinex saline.. for fast drug free relief vicks sinex. instantly clear everyday congestion. and try vicks sinex children's saline. safe and gentle relief for children's noses. i booked our hotel on kayak. it's flexible if we need to cancel. cancel. i haven't left the house in a year. nothing will stop me from vacation. no canceling. flexible cancellation. kayak. search one and done. what can i du with less asthma? with dupixent i can du more... flexible cancellation. yardwork... teamwork... long walks.... that's how you du more, with dupixent, which helps prevent asthma attacks. dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's an add-on-treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that can improve lung function for better breathing in as little as two weeks. and can reduce, or even eliminate, oral steroids. and here's something important. dupixent can cause serious allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis. get help right away if you have rash, shortness of breath, chest pain, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection, and don't change or stop your asthma treatments, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. are you ready to du more with less asthma? 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>> you know, it's calm here, but to give you a sense of the climate surrounding this case, yesterday it was discovered that someone posted the home address of the lead prosecutor in this case on a message board. it was quickly taken down, but some saw that as a veiled threat. the governor has activated some 500 members of the national guard, and they are on stand-by should officials here in kenosha ask for their help once the jury delivers a verdict. closing arguments are going to begin tomorrow, and this could be in the jury's hands as soon as tomorrow night. >> i just hope everything stays peaceful. city can't have any more of this. >> there's a quiet tension in the city of kenosha as the prosecutor and defense prepare to deliver closing arguments in the homicide

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Identity , Traffic , Pointers , Call List , Tips , On The Issues , Contact Information , Issue , Really Isn T The Issue , On The Run , Pieces , Quality , Website , Kimicoal Com , Indictment , Latest , Campaign Trail , Luck , January 6th Investigation , Trump , Trial , Closing Arguments , Allies , Kyle Rittenhouser , Sore Throat Relief , Sore Throat Pain , Honey Lemon Chill , Vicks Vapocool , Wooo Vaporize , Moderate , Ulcerative Colitis , Humira , Crohn S Disease , Symptoms , Doctor , Biologic , 1 , Remission , Infections , Cancers , Ability , Tuberculosis , Areas , Reactions , Blood , Have , Nervous System Problems , Sores , Liver , Hepatitis B , Heart Failure , Lymphoma , Tb , Multi Vitamin , Infection , Gastroenterologist , Chapter , Fermentation , Ingredients , Body , Goodness , Wellness , Loan , Sofi , Personal Loan , Rate , 0 , Network Solutions , Guests , Security , Devices , Cyberthreat , Comcast Business , Activecore Platform , Sd Wan , 1200 , Anywhere , Big Day , Network 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Sense , Saying , Nose , Defiance , Race , Confrontation , Separation , Attorney , Maya Wiley , Civil Rights , Alabama , Joyce Vance , Contempt Votes , Indictments , Flurry , Contempt Cases , Deluge , Three , Weaponize , Cases , Claim , Some , Appeal , Possibility , District Judge , End , Supreme Court , Nixon , Papers , Influence , District Court , Sphere , Lawyers , Absence , Attention , Welcome Back , Analysis , Ways , Interests , Committee Itself , Drafting , Trump Campaign , Campaign Manager , Doing , Messaging Machine , Subject , Jeffrey Clark , Facts , Contexts , Election , Questions , Law Violations , Whether , Sack , Re Election , Aspirations , Witness , Document , Say Anything , Freedom , Panel , Kyle Rittenhouse , City Set , Paul Gosar , Brain Performance , Memory Supplements , Indicators , Neuriva Plus , Neuriva , Glucose , Choices , Business Internet , Risk , Jury , Conviction , Offense , Judge , Charges , Crime , Murder Trial , Arguments , Compromising , Tony Evers , Murder , Rittenhouse , Troops , National Guard , Degree , Stand By , Prosecution S , Didn T , Verdict , Microscope , Offenses , Charging Conference , Acknowledgment , Victory , Sentences , Hand , Jurors , Police Officer , Rights , Trials , Hung Jury , Regards , Outcome , Maya , Mistrial , Headline , Janine Geske , Trial Judge , Evidence , Front , Missteps , Corners , Rittenhouse Mistrial , Binger , Newsweek , Conduct , Loss , Outrageous , Joyce , Mistrial Situation , None Of The Above , Huber , Murder Charge , Importance , Skateboard , Endangerment , 25 , Little , Veterans Day , Bias , Room , Veterans , Defense Witness , Veteran , Judges , Research , Singling Out , Aspects , Arbiter , Tounder Stand , Items , Context , Microscope Matter , Jacob Blake , Activity , Uncle , Curfew , Wisconsin , Ar 15 , Somebody , Courtroom , Courthouse , Victims , Advance , Aww , Line , Plans , Charles , Dinner , Hi , 55 , Family Members , Burke , 5g Network , Value , Movie , 7 50 , 27 50 , Farmers Home Policy Perk , Hope , Figure , Limits , Materials , Farmers Policy Perks , Hero , Farmers , Bum , Ending , Y You , Pa Dum , Georgia , Attorneys , Men , Murdering Ahmaud Arbery , Victim , Idea , Another , Lie , Figures , Pastors , Jesse Jackson , Pastor , Fine , Al Sharpton , Kimberly Atkins Storr , Comments , Usa Today , Inavert Tently , Sophia Nelson , Jake Sherman , Punch Bowl News , Msnbc , Contributor , Founder , Columnist , Women , Look , Telling , Words , Mouth , Woman In Red , Source , Flub , Optics , Members , Practice , Litigation Practice , Sophia , Sofia , Nod , Gobsmacking , Ignorance , Comfort , Black Church , Places , Passengers , Opposite , We Wouldn T , Example , Bridges , Voicemail , Fred Upton , Traitor , Bleep , Listen , Piece , Blooip Traitor , Dumb Ast , Sentence , Trash , Times , Capitol On January 6th , Atmosphere , Stretch , Marjorie Taylor Green , Health Care , Let , Base , Anger , Giving Biden , Who , House Republican Leader , Put Everybody S Name On , Addition , Frankly , Conservative , 1983 , Jake , House Progressives , November , Moderates , Heads Or Tails , Progressives , I Don T Know , Correct , 8 , Segment , Paralyzed , Ted Cruz , Sesame Street , Saturday Night Live , Disease , Enough , Big Bird , Community , Cruz Street , Omization , Woman Vo , Anna , Night , It Starts , Dream , Sleep , Acid , Nexium 24hr , 24 , Night Protection , Covid Relief Bill , 1 9 Trillion , Joe Manchin , Wasn T Covid Relief , Much , Bernie Sanders Socialist Budget , 1 2 Trillion , Kick , Licked , Package , Yeefrmt Let , Spending Bill , Wisdom , Brakes , Uh Huh , Fox , Assist , Tape , Mike Carl , Penz , Pence , Phone Call , Language , Patriot , Incorrect , P Word , Sunken , War , Common Sense , Sociopath , Wait , Feelings , Escalator , Loyalty , Nothing Else , Standing , Him , Jeff Sessions , Confidantes , Trumpy , Case , He , Insurrection , Line In The Sand , Wasn T Enough , Sunday Shows , What , Snmts , Irony , Border Wall , 50000 , 450000 , Argument , Weeds , Administration , The End , Rewrite Of Tech Regulations , Nonsense , National Defense Authorization Act , Marjorie Taylor Greenes , Party , Cages , Smart , Long Island , Nicole Maliatakis , Reporting , Building , Oh , Punxsutawney Phil , Reporters , Excuse , Office , Session , Bye Line , Brother , Internet , Kim , California , Benjamin Crump , Alex Witt Reports , Noon Eastern , Gosar To Greene , Wing , Gum Line , Gum Damage , Gum , Help , Gum Repair , Floss , Plaque Bacteria , Parodontax , Advisor , Balance , Wealth , Gum Repair Toothpaste , Picture , Reward , Planning Effect , App , Rookie Status , Eat , Vet , Pepper Jack Cheese , Save Big , Juicy Steak , Baja Steak Jack , Subway , Smokey Baja Chipotle Sauce , Interception , Shawn , Walgreens , Screening , Colon Cancer , Workouts , Coaching , American Cancer Society , Yep , 45 , Cancer , Colon Cancers , Cologuard , Stages , Results , Adults , 92 , Provider , Pass , Supporters , Transfer , Bullies , Sxr , Pow , Chanting , Shape , Chants , Siege , Video , Adaptedanime , Adherence , Litany , Alexandria , Ocasio Cortez , Instance , Thuggery , Kevin , House Minority Leader , Traitor Comment , Caucus , Speaker , Ignoing , Silence , Bet , Greenes , He Won T , Gosars , Bidding , Vacation , Hotel , Kayak , Cancellation , Asthma , Canceling , Search One , 9 ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC The Sunday Show With Jonathan Capehart 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC The Sunday Show With Jonathan Capehart 20240709

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making their way back to the nation's capitol for a historic week for infrastructure. tomorrow, president biden will host a signing ceremony at the white house for the largest federal investment in infrastructure in more than a decade. >> proving we can still come together. it is hard, but we can still come together to get something big done for the american people. and the bill represents critical investments that are long overdue in our country. from rebuilding our roads and highways to getting rid of lead pipes, delivering clean water to thousands of -- actually millions of people around the nation. >> the president has invited a bipartisan group of lawmakers to the event, but some republicans who voted to pass the bill will be skipping it. most notably the grim reaper senate minority leader mitch mcconnell, he has other things to do. the house is slated to vote on the build back better social spending bill, which is supported by a majority of the american people, according to a new "washington post"/abc news poll. all that is missing now is the all important financial score from the congressional budget office. but, even if it clears that hurdle, the proposed legislation awaits a familiar foe, west virginia senator joe manchin, already ciing rising inflation stats as a reason to whittle down the bill, giving creed ans to mcconnell's comment earlier this week that manchin and kyrsten sinema are in charge of the build back better passage. the human infrastructure bill would come up for a vote the week of november 15th, which begins tomorrow. with the clock ticking, i have the perfect guest to tell us how far or close we are to that really happening. joining me now, chair of the congressional progressive caucus, congresswoman pramila jayapal of washington. welcome back to "the sunday show." >> thank you, jonathan. always great to be with you. >> all right, so, will there be a vote on build back better as promised in that agreement this coming week? >> i believe there will be, jonathan. it is not the cbo score that we're waiting for. they said they would vote on this bill pending agreement on top lines for the score -- not the score, but the fiscal information that would come from the cbo and the information that was already provided by the white house, that's really all we're waiting for. we're not waiting for a full score. so i do believe that we will have a vote this week on the build back better act. it will go to the senate and then it will be up to the senate democrats and the president who gave us his commitment that he believed that he could get this across the finish line in the form that it is -- that the framework was presented. so, yes is the short answer. we will have a vote this week. >> okay. and i just want to be clear, yes we will vote this week means -- the we is we in the house, correct? >> that's correct. the agreement that we made was about passing the bill through the house, and that has been what we have been saying for weeks, that we wanted to make sure we passed both bills through the house. the senate, we are taking the president's word and our democratic colleagues in the senate who need to do the work to make sure they have got 50 votes in the senate to pass the build back better act, which, of course, jonathan, if we can just take 30 seconds and say this is truly the transformational bill that will bring americans relief. this is universal child care, universal pre-k, $555 billion of investment into bringing down carbon emissions, following our performance at cop26 this past week. it is also the biggest investment in housing, $150 billion in housing. and also in healthcare, lowering healthcare costs for all americans, including by cutting the cost of prescription drugs. and capping the cost of, you know, many, many important drugs like insulin as well as, of course, lifting up immigrants. these are all the things that are in this transformational build back better act. >> okay. so that is in the build back better act as envisioned by the house of representatives. and as we have seen, the house of representatives when a bill comes to the floor, when the house decides to pass something, it can pass. i think for a lot of people watching, there is no concern about the house of representatives whether you guys will actually pass build back better. the concern comes in when that bill travels over to the other side of the capitol to the senate, and what the senate is going to do to build back better. are there things within the bill that will pass the house? are there red lines in there that once it comes back from the senate, you can't possibly vote for passage of build back better? >> well, the big thing to know here, first of all, it was not in, you know it was not assured that the bill would pass the house, that was a lot of work we had to do to get us to the point where we were going to get hopefully every single democrat, we might lose one. but every single democrat to say that they would vote for the build back better act as it was drawn. but i think the important thing here, jonathan, is what we have been waiting for the last four weeks or five weeks and what the progressive caucus was able to get is actually negotiations to take place between the two senators -- sinema and manchin in the senate, the white house and the house to get the vast majority of the bill preconferenced. that means agreed to. negotiations had not happened prior to five weeks ago, prior to us saying we got to pass both these bills and we're going to make sure that we're not leaving anybody behind. now the vast majority of this bill has been preconferenced. that's why it is no longer $3.5 trillion bill, it is a $1.75 trillion bill. there are a few things that the house did add to the bill that have not necessarily been fully preconferenced. and hopefully the democrats in the senate and the president can prevail upon one or two senators to make sure that those pass. and that is going to be some work, but i just want to be clear, the vast majority of this, thanks to the work of the progressive caucus over the five weeks, has been agreed to by everybody. >> okay. so you mentioned, you know, agreement of one or two senators, and what we're talking about,manchin and sinema, you had meetings with senator sinema in the weeks prior. how confident are you that she is a serious negotiator and that the meetings that you have had with her will result in a build back better act that can actually get out of the senate, and actually get to the president's desk for signature? >> well, i don't want to talk about the specifics of our conversation, i'll let her speak for herself, but she is absolutely a serious negotiator. that i can say. she is absolutely been at the table with the white house, that i can say. and i do believe she will be an incredibly productive force in helping us to get this across the finish line. so that i think is really important and, again, that's what i was trying to say. it is not like this bill hasn't been discussed and agreed to and negotiated. that's what we finally got happening over the last five weeks. and it was a very important step forward. and the president played an incredibly important leadership role in negotiating this with those two senators, with us in the house, and with, of course, the rest of the senate. >> so one of the things -- let's talk about senator manchin. as i said in the intro, senator manchin has been expressing concern about inflation before those big inflation numbers came out last week showing a 30-year high. how concern ready you. should we be concerned about inflation and the impact build back better would have on inflation? >> this is a really important point. part of the reason that people are talking about inflation is because there are costs rising for american families across the country. and that is in large part due to supply chains, plus the recovery, the natural recovery from the covid crisis and the economic crisis that we have been in for the last two months. and thanks to the president, we made incredible advances, progress, on all of these things. but it is going to take some time because we're not through covid. so what american families are looking at right now, and by the way, we should say wages have risen at the same time. the actual impact on families is not as big as whatever the rise in inflation is. but the thing that is important for us to know is families are hurting. they're still hurting. and if the cost of gas is rising, what we need to do is bring down costs in other parts of a budget. jonathan, i have lived on a very fixed budget. tight budget. and what i know is if costs go up in one area, i want to bring costs down in another area. so that i can manage my money. so if we pass the build back better act, we will cut child care costs for families in half. we will cut the cost of pre-k for every family because 3 and 4-year-olds will get free universal pre-k. we will cut the cost of prescription drugs, and healthcare. that is what families need us to do right now. because this recovery, if we're honest, will take some time. it was a terrible, terrible crisis, set of crises that the united states has been thrown into. so that's the big thing here is let's pass the build back better act. we will control costs for working families and, you know, 17 nobel prize winning economists agree with us that this is the thing we need to do if we want to bring relief to working families across this country. >> and the key phrase you had in that answer is cutting costs. especially for those who are concerned about inflation. congresswoman pramila jayapal, thank you so much for coming back to "the sunday show." >> always love it, jonathan. thank you. all right, up next, a tale of two economies, unemployment is low, but inflation as we just discussed is at a 30-year high. what is going on? and later, the iconic singer and twitter queen dionne warwick joins me live. don't want to miss that. n dionnk joins me live. don't want to miss that. kevin! kevin? kevin. oh nice. kevin, where are you? kevin?!?!? hey, what's going on? i'm right here! i was busy cashbacking for the holidays with chase freedom unlimited. i'm gonna cashback on a gingerbread house! oooh, it's got little people inside! and a snowglobe. oh, i wished i lived in there. you know i can't believe you lost another kevin. it's a holiday tradition! that it is! earn big time with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. ♪ ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. to unveil them to the world. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? you got it. ♪ liberty, liberty - liberty, liberty ♪ uh, i'll settle for something i can dance to. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ ♪ ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ in business, setbacks change everything. so get comcast busit and add securityedge. it helps keep your network safe by scanning for threats every 10 minutes. and unlike some cybersecurity options, this helps protect every connected device. yours, your employees' and even your customers'. so you can stay ahead. get started with a great offer and ask how you can add comcast business securityedge. plus for a limited time, ask how to get a $500 prepaid card when you upgrade. call today. today's economic report showing unemployment continuing to fall, but consumer prices remain too high. everything from a gallon of gas to a loaf of bread costs more and it is worrisome. even though wages are going up. we still face challenges and we have to tackle them, we have to tackle them head on. >> president biden acknowledged the reality for millions of americans experiencing two different experiences of our economy. there is low unemployment, wage increases and record highs on the stock market. at the micro level, it is a different story. we see empty store shelves, inflation at a 30-year high and cross sector labor shortages. how can all of this be true at the same time? joining me now to answer that question, maya macguineas. maya, welcome back to "the sunday show." thank you very much for being here. >> thank you for having me, jonathan. >> all right, maya, answer the question, how can things be so great and so bad at the same time? >> yeah, that's the problem with the economy. it is always kind of this really tricky balancing act. let me start with the really good news, the economy is stronger and most important reason for that is because we're working our way through the terrible covid pandemic and the economic downturns that went with that. knock on wood, that is the thing that we should keep in mind. we're moving through that crisis. there is lots of good news as you said as the economy strengthens, lots of things are going on, consumers are coming back, jobs are coming back, wages are going up, that's terrific. one of the things that often happens with a really strong economy, when it runs hot, is inflation. and many people today haven't really been through inflation before, but it eats away at all of the other good parts of the economic story. there are a lot of reasons for the inflation we're enduring. on the demand side, we're buying move and moving back into the service sector. we have been hearing about supply chain issues, we're all becoing experts on that. the actions of the fed which helped get us through the crisis have been keeping interest rates down and purchasing government bonds all of those things push up inflation, and we're now going to have to move again through that tricky balancing act of how you control inflation without stopping the economic recovery that is so important. >> i'm going to come back to inflation in a second. i need to explain a disconnect for me. i want to put up this chart here from the story. in the short-term, the good news here, you see 4.4 million americans quit their jobs in september. this is good news because among the reasons they quit is because the job market is great. it is a job seeker's market. they can get higher wages, but the bad sign is here is there are 4 million fewer jobs than there were in 2020. they're also stories about the mismatch, that the people -- the employers who have the jobs can't find people to fill those jobs. so what is going on with that? >> yeah, this is really an unusual situation because the recovery that we're in right now is not like normal economic recoveries. huge transformations that happened because of the covid experience. so i think overall this is good news in that employees are trying to figure out what really matters to them in the job environment, the work environment and going for situations that both in terms of wages and the overall flexibility of work, what they're looking for, will make them happier. and this is probably going to push some upward pressure on wages as people are trying to fill the jobs and fill them with the right people. but the bad news think continues to be that given this huge economy that we have in the u.s., we still don't do a good enough job of matching people to the right jobs. i think once we get through this immediate moment, there is some really important changes which is we now learned you don't have to be in the same place to do that same job and we'll be more able to match people up with the right job sjobs. all these disruptions along the way cause pain as we're moving into a new normal, when it comes to the job market. >> right. so in the couple of minutes that we have left, i want to come back to inflation, talk about inflation with regard to build back better. one of the reasons why senator manchin says he has concerns about the $1.75 trillion plan, such as it is, is that the impact that will have on inflation. is that a -- is that the right concern to have? will passing build back better on top of the bipartisan infrastructure plan on top of the american rescue plan, is that having an impact on inflation. >> well, sure, certainly that is a concern that everybody has to have. no matter whether you're a huge advocate of build back better or huge opponent, you've got to be more concerned about the effects of inflation today, than you were a little while ago. the numbers are showing us this is a real problem. one of the biggest issues in new policies is if you are borrowing a lot, that will likely fuel inflation. and because the way this bill is structured, there is a lot of up front borrowing that is likely to push inflation up to beyond what it otherwise would have been. now, the main thing for when you're thinking about inflation is what are the actions of the fed? and that is going to be very complicated. we have such a huge debt in this country that anytime the fed pushes up interest rates, that's going to hurt the overall economy, that's one of the tricky spots we're in because we're borrowing so much. no matter what you think about this bill and the substance of it, you have to be more concerned now that we're talking about 2 trillion or if you look at the full cost, trillions more of putting that into the economy, and particularly because it is still not fully paid for if you look at the real numbers, particularly in the early years, that is likely to push up inflation and i think it is important that those who are crafting the bill update the structure of it to reflect this very serious concern that if inflation gets out of control, it undermines the effects that they want to achieve. >> and real quickly, the president says that this bump up in inflation is temporary, temporary meaning six months or so. but should americans be concerned this bump up in inflation isn't just happening in the united states, but it is also happening in china, and also in japan, which posted its biggest year to year spike in 40 years? >> i mean, of course, we all have to be concerned. the whole discussion has been as this temporary or is this going to be longer lasting. we don't know. but you definitely want to be cautious against inflation fueling itself. and building into expectations. whatever the concerns were, they're greater now today. and there is the signs from around the world that there is the economic recovery this is pushing up inflation, the worst thing about inflation is letting it get out of control, it is much, much harder to stop the worse it is. so we want to take actions to prevent it from getting worse early on in the process. >> all right, i'll squeeze in one more question. that is, is inflation a reason not for -- for congress not to do anything on build back better? >> there are lots of issues, the substance and the effects on the fiscal policy. inflation is the reason if you pass the bill, you need to craft it in a way that doesn't borrow more and thinks about controlling spending, absolutely. >> maya macguineas, thank you very, very much for coming back to "the sunday show." and speaking plain english on the economy. >> good to see you. >> we'll see you soon. as the gop gets over -- gets ever more radical, a former republican says it is time to heal. he joins me next to explain how. heal he joins me next to explain how. instantly clear everyday congestion with vicks sinex saline. for fast drug free relief vicks sinex. instantly clear everyday congestion. and try vicks sinex children's saline. safe and gentle relief for children's noses. at t-mobile for business, unconventional thinking means we see things differently, so you can focus on what matters most. whether it's ensuring food arrives as fresh as when it departs... being first on the scene when every second counts... or teaching biology without a lab. we are the leader in 5g and a partner who delivers exceptional customer support and 5g included in every plan. so, you get it all, without trade-offs. unconventional thinking, it's better for business. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ hi, i'm debra. i'm from colorado. i've been married to my high school sweetheart for 35 years. i'm a mother of four-- always busy. i was starting to feel a little foggy. just didn't feel like things were as sharp as i knew they once were. i heard about prevagen and then i started taking it about two years now. started noticing things a little sharper, a little clearer. i feel like it's kept me on my game. i'm able to remember things. i'd say give it a try. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. (swords clashing) -had enough? -no... arthritis. here. new aspercreme arthritis. full prescription-strength? reduces inflammation? thank the gods. don't thank them too soon. kick pain in the aspercreme. the menace from the right is agreeing. only 23 lawmakers have been censured by the house since the early 1800s. congressman marjorie taylor greene is doubling down on her tweet calling the 13 republicans who voted for the bipartisan infrastructure bill, quote, traitors. after she listed their phone numbers prompting a flood of hateful and threatening calls. faced with this growing madness, one former republican still believes we can heal our divides. joining me now is that former republican, candidate for lieutenant governor of texas, matthew dowd. he's the author of the new book "revelations on the river: healing the nation, healing ourselves". welcome back to "the sunday show." before we start our discussion, i got to -- on this point of just how far the right has gone in terms of basically condoning violence here, i want to put up this poll from prri, which is just stunning. on the statement, because things have gotten so far off track, true american patriots may have to resort to violence in order to save our country. 30% of republicans agree with that statement. 18% of all americans surveyed here agree with that statement. how concerned should we be, matthew, that a large chunk of the right believes that taking violence to safeguard the country in their view is the way to go? >> i think we should be incredibly concerned. we're at a moment where all of the guardrails seem to be off, especially among the right. and on the republican side of this. it used to be -- we always had as you know fringe elements of america that believed in crazy stuff and even actually wanted to act on violent things. we always had leaders that maintained guardrails on that. and we had leaders in two parties that wouldfringes out, gone on the right. those guardrails are gone and there is no accountability for that. that is why i think, one, we're all called to do better, but we have to actually put leaders in place that are actually believing in the same values that we believe in. which is that we're supposed to be kind, compassionate, treat everyone with respect and dignity, things we were all taught as kids, or we expect in our friends or our siblings. the guardrails are gone. the guardrails are gone and that's what allows this awful behavior to surface. >> matthew, are the guardrails gone because leaders don't believe in the guardrails? are the guardrails gone because leaders are too afraid to enforce them? >> both. it is both. it is a lack of courage by our leaders, not all, but many republican leaders to make sure that it is put in place and willing to risk failing politically or losing politically in that. they seem to believe that holding the office or the power is more important than actually the fundamentals of our democracy or the fundamental of the bonds that is supposed to bring us together in this. so it is a lack of courage. but it is also a moment we're in, as a say, where the guardrails of our leaders, they are no longer put in effect. we had, as i said, we had a series of groups of people in this country who are whack, who are crazy, who -- we are willing to use violence for their memes. but as i said, most of the institution had those guardrails in place, we don't have them anymore. and our leaders, republicans especially, don't have the courage to enforce them. >> and i'm going to be talking about one of them in my byline. despite the concern that you have and the concern that we all have, you know, you've written a book that sort of outlines we can heal. we can get past this. i want to read one passage that zeros in on the 2020 election cycle. you write, to repair the damage done in the 2020 election cycle, the damagers, which includes many voters who facilitated the events will need to acknowledge truth, take responsibility, express remorse, and assist in repairing damage and reform their behaviors. until that occurs, reconciliation is a pipe dream. matthew, i agree with you 100% that that is indeed what needs to happen. but where things are right now in the country, how long do you think it will take for those people who have caused this damage to walk through these very necessary steps that you outline in your book? >> well, i appreciate that, jonathan. so, to me, the first part of this is truth. we have to actually understand the truth, which is why the january 6th commission in my view is so important. understand the truth, understand who is responsible, because we can't even start this process until we get to the truth. it is what i learned and i'm sure you learned in examining what happened in south africa. their goal wasn't to punish people. their goal was truth and reconciliation. you can't get the reconciliation until you get to the truth. i think we will get there because i'm a believer and i'm a hopeful person that truth always overcomes lies and love always overcomes hate. it is not necessarily in the short-term. this is not going to be solved in 2022, it is solved over a course of years in order for us to get there. i believe what we should aim for restorative justice, which means truth, understand responsibility, and instead of punitive justice, i'm not interested in punishing people, i'm interested in finding the truth, and getting to a point where we can reconcile in the american story that we're all part of. >> and i think that is what you just said there, matthew, is what a lot of americans want, is truth, a conversation based in truth. matthew dowd, thank you very, very much for coming back to "the sunday show." congratulations on the book. >> thanks, jonathan. take care. up next, music legend idol, the one and only dionne warwick joins me after the break. stay with us. nne warwick joins me after the break stay with us ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. everything felt like a 'no'. everything. but then ray went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now he knows his glucose levels when he needs to. and... when he wants to. so ray... can be ray. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free. visit ♪ now you know. 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>> no. it is my ninth. >> oh, excuse me. i guess i should have been calling you dr. dionne warwick forever now. this is fantastic. >> absolutely. thank you, darling. >> go ahead. >> no, i was about to say it is quite an honor. it really is. to be getting an honorary doctorate. >> right. so when we spoke almost a year ago, you were at the height of being the queen of twitter and you really took off when you tweeted at chance the rapper asking about his name. and in two weeks, there it is, hi, chance the rapper, if you're very obviously a rapper, why did you put it in your stage name. i can't stop thinking about this. we're two weeks up from you and chance the rapper releasing a single together benefiting charity. tell me how you got him from point a to point b? >> well, actually, i spoke with him on the telephone and we became friends all of a sudden. and i mentioned to him that i was doing this particular song called not impossible and i would love for him to be part of it, and he agreed. we recorded it and it is ready to come out now. >> and does it have a beat i can dance to or is it one that is more lounging? >> well, a little bit of both. you can do whatever you want to it. >> so, i wanted to ask you about philanthropic effort that is going to get under way on november 30th. you're going to launch a campaign for 12 days of giving, leading up to your 81st birthday on december 12th. tell us more about that. >> yes. basically we're entering a period of our weather which is primarily very cold. we want to feed and make sure those that are not fortunate enough to be able to feed themselves and/or stay warm during this period of time to accommodate them. >> mm-hmm. you know, dr. dionne warwick, i have to ask you this question before -- in the little bit of time we have left, i want to give some time to this, last time you were on, i asked you about the vaccine, the vaccine was kind of new. and a lot of folks were -- you were among them, like, you know what, i'm going to wait and see how it plays out. here we are, almost, you are at the end of the year, what have you done about the vaccine? >> well, i had no choice but to take it. i didn't want it, i'll tell you that. but i did it. and it really -- and my son has a heart condition. he was so stressed out that mommy's not taking this vaccine. and he just stayed on me. you have to, you have to, you have to, so i did. >> have you gotten your booster yet? >> nope. >> okay. i don't know if you can see me when you said you got the vaccine, i was -- i let out an audible and visible -- because i don't know if you saw it, after you were on, folks were really -- they were upset, they were alarmed by your hesitation. and so i was bracing myself for what your answer would be. were you -- did you see that concern after the show? i'm sure you heard from more than just your son pleading with you to get the vaccine. >> yes, i did. all of my friends, my friends who i didn't even know and on social media, like, please, please, please. so, you know, i'm happy people are that concerned about my not having taken the vaccine. and relieved that i finally did. >> what would you say -- i'm sure you're not -- even though you've taken the vaccine, there is still folks out there who haven't taken the vaccine. what would you tell them as a way of trying to get them to take the vaccine so that they too can be vaccinated on behalf of a loved one in the same way you did for your son? >> yeah, well, it appears to be something that is vitally important to keeping people healthy. i still believe, though, that it is a choice, you know, and there are people who still have reservations about it as i did. and i feel that, you know, it is eventually, you know, once it has basically truly proven itself, because there is people suffering from covid once they have gotten it, i think that basically is what the problem is, the actual proof, that it is going to keep everybody away from the covid craziness. but like i said, you know, it is your choice. i can't persuade you to do anything. but i feel that it has helped me to ease the trauma of my friends and my family that i have finally taken it and i think people's thoughts are heavy. doing it for others as well. so, you know, it is your choice to make. >> well, dr. dionne warwick, it is someone's choice to make. but i think that the fact that you've gotten the vaccine and talking about it publicly will persuade other people who haven't gotten the vaccine to get it. so i thank you for that. and i thank you for once again coming on "the sunday show" and prehappy birthday to you. your 81st birthday and my mother's 80th birthday is this week. i sent her a text if you two were celebrated at birth because you favor each other as folks used to say back home. >> really? that's a cool thing. happy birthday to your mom. >> she's going to flip out. if she's watching, she's going to flip out. dionne warwick, thank you for being here and coming back to the "the sunday show" again this morning. >> my pleasure, darling. you take good care and happy thanksgiving. >> same to you. next up, the nevada candidate trying to make national history. nevada candidate trying to make national history ♪ ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ - your mom's got to go! - she's family. she's using my old spice moisturize with shea butter to unveil them to the world. and she's wearing my robe. mom: ahem ahem ahem we're out. 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all the advantages, i figure, you know, this is what we got to do and this is really the time. >> on wednesday, the chair of the nevada democratic rural caucus, kimi cole, announced her plans to run for lieutenant governor. if elected, she would become the country's first out transgender politician elected to a state wide office. joining me now is the democratic candidate for lieutenant governor in nevada, kimi show. >> well, good morning. thank you for having me, and it is really nice to know when you talk about interviewing icons you'll also include future icons. i appreciate that. >> that is great. well, you are most welcome. why are you running for lieutenant governor of nevada? >> well, we're always going to start with the basics. obviously we need to keep our economy on track. we're, you know, very conscientious about our climate. we need to keep our infrastructure solid but one of the other big things we face here is a housing shortage. it's absolutely terrible. we have people who are working full-time jobs, living in their cars. so there are so many issues that we see facing us. another thing we see is people want to be engaged in politics and their voices are overheard. it's important to give everybody representation wherever they are in the state, whatever their background is in the state. i'm really running to represent all nevadans. >> what's the number one thing you hear from constituents on the campaign trail? >> like i pointed out a little bit earlier, most of the people -- many of the people i've been talking to recently said they don't feel that their voices are being heard and there is -- this isn't to put anybody down. we have some great elected officials. we've got the first majority female legislature in nevada and they've all done a really great job, but a lot of the time the powers at the top are separated from the people that are out there trying to make a living in this world and we're kind of missing that connection, and that comes to me from so many directions where people say we don't feel like anybody is listening to us. i'll give credit where credit is due, i know a lot of the elected officials are absolutely wonderful people and they do the best they can to connect with people, but a lot of the time that doesn't come together and i hope to be a little bit more of a bridge in that regard. >> have you -- have you spoken to danica rome? danica rome is the virginia house of delegates member who was elected in 2017. the first out transgender person elected to office -- elected to the state legislature in virginia. one notable thing about her campaign is that she spent her entire time talking about traffic even when her opponent tried to use her gender identity against her. and i'm wondering if you've had an opportunity to talk to her and gotten any pointers or tips on how to run your campaign as you seek to become the first out transgender person to win statewide? >> yes. we're working on that connection right now. she's on my call list getting the contact information to put us together, and i think she did just a master full job in her campaign and what she's doing and she really focused on the issues. one of the things i like to make really clear with people, yes, we're all about telling the truth about who we are, what we're doing and i openly acknowledge who i am, but that really, really isn't the issue. the real issue is to represent nevadans, to listen to their concerns, to bring the pieces together to make the quality of life the best we can for the most nevadans possible. >> like i say to any person who comes here to "on the run." what's your website? >> our website is i'd encourage everybody to check it out. it has information about me, opportunity to donate. i really appreciate that. thank you. >> kimi cole, candidate for lieutenant governor in nevada. good luck on the campaign trail. >> thanks for having me. in the next hour the latest in the january 6th investigation after steve bannon's indictment, is the pressure increasing on other trump allies? plus, closing arguments in the trial of kyle rittenhouser for tomorrow. much more on "the sunday show." . in honey lemon chill. for fast-acting sore throat relief. wooo vaporize sore throat pain with vicks vapocool drops. like many people with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease, i was there. be right back. but my symptoms were keeping me from where i needed to be. so i talked to my doctor and learned humira is the #1 prescribed biologic for people with uc or crohn's disease. and humira helps people achieve remission that can last, so you can experience few or no symptoms. humira can lower your ability to fight infections. serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where 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group as you said, ska veino, too. they're going to wear it as a badge of honor. we're going to fund raise. patriots are going to step up. this will make everybody excited for 2022 and the select committee will go away. >> joining me now, congresswoman maxine waters. chair waters, welcome back to "the sunday show." thank you for being here. >> i'm delighted. glad to be with you today. >> so i would love to get your reaction to this notion, and it's not a farfetched notion, that defying -- one, getting a congressional subpoena and then defying it will be a badge of honor for a lot of these trumpers being hit with the subpoenas. >> well, it's not going to be a badge of honor when they find themselves in jail for having defied the order of the select committee to come in and to give testimony and bring documents. if that's what they think, they can defy the law, raise money, be all right, they've got another thought coming. this is very serious. i want you to know our chair, mr. thompson, is very serious about this. these subpoenas are being issued. we expect them to honor those subpoenaed. we'll go to court. we're going to win and they're going to have to either comply or go to jail. that's where they need to be. >> you know, the two batches of subpoenas that came out earlier in the week this week set up a calendar where basically every day from november 29th to december 15th someone will be due to present -- to show up for a deposition and we could be in a situation where every day someone is defying a subpoena but, chair waters, of course donald trump could not stay silent on this. no investigations on election fraud, but if anybody was near the capitol waiving an american flag, they've had nothing but trouble. american patriots are not going to allow this subversion of justice to continue including the use of prosecutors, local, state and federal to torment and destroy innocent people. all this while our country is going to hell. this country perhaps never done to anyone what they have done to steve bannon and they are looking to do it to others also. i'm sorry i had to read that statement, but folks follow this lunatic. your reaction to the former president. >> the former president is the worst threat to our democracy that i have ever known and perhaps anyone has ever known. despite the fact that we're on the other side of the issues and the aisles, we've never seen anything like this, democrats and republicans. this man has no respect for this democracy and he supports those who basically invaded our capitol. he supports those who threatened his own vice president, mr. pence, and he continues to go along this separation line. he has destroyed patriotism and those who are in his circle who are afraid of him need to be ashamed of themselves in the way they're trying to dismiss the law and not being compliant and continue the big lie about this campaign that they have had that said that somehow the presidency was taken from him. we are watching the greatest threat to our democracy right now in the way this president is handling himself and his inner circle who are all trying to defy the law. we are not going to give up. we are going after him. the american people deserve to have better than this past president. >> let me get your reaction from tucker carlson. >> from what i can tell they are trying to criminalize opinions they don't like. you are allowed to have any view. your views cannot be criminalized. i don't understand -- i mean, the pretexts for they're going to throw bannon in jail if they can because they don't like his opinions? >> that's not what's at issue here, is it, congresswoman waters. it's not criminalizing opinions. >> actually, he knows that what he's saying does not make good sense. no one is criminalizing opinion. we all support freedom of speech. this is not about freedom of speech, this is about defiance of the law. they think they can get away with not obeying the law. this is about an official subpoena to bannon. he thumbed his nose at it and he's going to go to jail if he does not comply in the way that the subpoena forces him to do. and i want to tell you, bannon is a very dangerous man. he is all about dealing with race and he said so. and he said that if in fact they take on these issues and they deal with the race thing, that they will win. he means literally they're going to use race in order to fire up their people and to create confrontation and separation in this country. bannon is as dangerous as president trump. >> congresswoman maxine waters, also chair of the house financial services committee, thank you as always for coming to "the sunday show." >> thank you so very much to having me. i look forward to it. joining me now, former alabama u.s. attorney joyce bans and civil rights attorney maya wiley. thank you both very, very much for coming to "the sunday show." joyce, i think this is your first time so i'm going to start with you. give me your view of where things are now. steve bannon was indicted on friday but that came hours after mark meadows defied a subpoena. so do you think that we're going to see now a flurry of contempt votes and indictments going forward? >> well, thanks for having me on, jonathan. i think it's a little bit early to believe that we are going to have a deluge of contempt cases. what sets steve bannon apart is that he had not worked in the white house for more than three years. the indictment against him sets that out very squarely early on. that means he has no claim to executive privilege. in some of these other cases there is a tentative claim to executive privilege. i would expect that if those cases are referred by congress to doj, doj might let and wait for the appeal to shake out. >> we're waiting for a district judge's opinion. does that mean -- is that the end of the process? or is there a possibility that the supreme court will get involved in this question? >> i think it's very likely that it will go to the supreme court. there's this question that's left open when president nixon sued to keep some of his papers private after he's no longer president. the question that's left over is the sphere of influence that the president has. but the law seems to be solidly laid out in the district court's opinion to indicate that there is no way for the prior president to countermand the sitting president because it's an issue that's never been decided, it may well end up before the supreme court. as one of the lawyers said, the fact that it's a new question, unanswered question of first impression doesn't mean it's difficult. the answer here should be to favor the absence of executive privilege for these former trump white house folks. >> may a wiley, welcome back. what are we not paying attention to that we should be? >> let me say, yeah, i'm on with joyce. it's been over a year. thank you, jonathan, for making that happen. i agree with joyce's analysis. what we're not talking about enough is that executive privilege extends to a -- to protect the presidency, not the person. in this case donald trump is trying to weaponize executive privilege to protect himself and his personal interests. one of the ways we know that, if i was the committee itself, when i'm looking at drafting and considering a contempt vote, i'm going to be focused very clearly on the fact that mark meadows was not acting as the chief of staff for the white house, he was acting for the trump campaign. that was true for jeffrey clark and so many others. the campaign manager has also been subject to the subpoena and very explicitly part of what he was doing is transitioning the trump campaign for president in 2020 into the messaging machine around stealing the election. and all of these things are really important relevant facts and contexts to what the january 6th committee is trying to understand, which is how did we get here? and what do we need to fix to prevent it as well as whether or not there are any law violations that need to be attended to. you just can't simply hide from that because you want sack in the white house. the questions are also were you acting on behalf the of the presidency and the people of the country or were you acting on behalf of your own aspirations and presidential re-election campaign. >> earlier i played for congresswoman maxine waters that clip of tucker carlson saying that the indictment of steve bannon is criminalizing opinion. disabuse everyone watching of that notion. that's crazy land and not true and it's intentionally. this is about whether or not a witness who's been subpoenaed, it's a legal document, a legal process that compels you by law, and in this case it's a constitutional power of congress to tell congress what you know. that's not an opinion, that's about you sharing facts. this has nothing to do with your opinion of those facts. in fact, you can go out and say anything you want. steve bannon can be out there tomorrow and continue to say he is being abused. he has every freedom to do that. what he doesn't have is the freedom to tell congress they can't do their job and collect the facts that they need to answer the questions that they have been elected by the people. this is their job is to figure out what goes wrong in this country and whether or not there are ways that they can fix it. that's what this is about. >> you know, this panel is so good, i'm going to have you hang around. joyce vance and maya wiley are going to stay with us as we have to discuss the kyle rittenhouse and what we've learned as closing arguments are city set for tomorrow. keep it right here. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. paul loves food. but his diabetes made food a mystery. everything felt like a "no". but then paul went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now he knows how food affects his glucose. and he knows 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are back with me. joyce, here's the number one question i have. upon hearing that the prosecution was seeking lesser charges, why didn't they do that from jump? why all of a sudden is this a thing now? is it because they realized that they put on a crappy prosecution? >> well, you know, i don't think i would characterize the prosecution that way, jonathan. >> okay. >> the problem with this trial is that it's been under a microscope and sometimes things don't look very good as you're watching the sausage get made. it's not uncommon to see lesser included offenses coming up in the charging conference. but in a case like this it may well be an acknowledgment that not everything has gone precisely as the prosecution would have hoped. on the other hand, the lesser included offenses are serious charges that carry lengthy sentences. a conviction on lesser included offenses would be a victory. the real question i have, conviction in a criminal case takes a unanimous jury. having tried a number of civil rights cases, cases where we indicted a police officer for a civil rights crime, very often you have jurors that are unable to reach unanimous jurors, a hung jury. that's a possible outcome here. that would mean that we would go through this trial a second time. second trials are never as good for the prosecution, although, you know, this has been an unusual trial in many regards, but that said, these lesser included offenses i don't find to be more troubling. i'm more worried about the hung jury. >> maya, i would love your view on that, but also, i mean, joyce brings up the concern about a hung jury. there are others who are like this prosecution is going to lose, there are others saying there could be a mistrial. we just put up the headline from the washington post saying he could lose it about the prosecution's missteps where janine geske said i think he's cutting corners as close as he can to get his evidence in front of the jury. unfortunately, he's really angered the trial judge. then you have in newsweek why a rittenhouse mistrial is unlikely, which is my concern. the judge would need to prove that binger prevented rittenhouse from receiving a fair trial and that his conduct was, quote, outrageous, provoked a mistrial. maya, if maya is concerned about a hung jury, loss by the prosecution or a mistrial. none of the above? >> i'm concerned about all of it. i think a mistrial is unlikely. i don't think the judge is going to see it as a mistrial situation. i also think that joyce is absolutely right about the importance and possibility of conviction for lesser included offenses. remember actually the most serious charge in this case is the murder charge for mr. huber, who is the second man kyle rittenhouse killed who had the skateboard. if that becomes a lesser included offense, he could still get 25 years for reckless endangerment if he's convicted of it. i do think it's important. i was a little concerned that the judge in this case, and i think we should mention that this jury could become a hung jury. if it does, i think in part it's going to be because the judge communicated in my view let's say some bias, okay, in this case? he communicated it in different ways. we had the issue most recently of veterans day where he asked about veterans in the room and the only veteran in the room was a defense witness, a defense witness and then he called for the room to clap for the veteran. now if he had said any veterans in this room, let's all applaud for any veterans who served but not singling out, and there were other aspects of his behavior that i think, and there is research behind that that judges do communicate sometimes nonverbally in ways that jurors get. they're using the judge as the neutral arbiter sometimes tounder stand which side is doing a better job. some of these items that have been under a microscope matter. you usually ask what are we not paying attention to. the larger context here. jacob blake. the reason there was all that activity that resulted in kyle rittenhouse showing up with his ar-15 violating wisconsin law, violating a curfew was because jacob blake was killed by a police officer and his uncle, who's also named jacob blake, has been in that courtroom outside that courthouse every single day hoping for justice for somebody and in this case it's the victims of kyle rittenhouse. >> on that we're going to have to leave it there. maya wiley, joyce advance, you both were terrific. going to have to have you back. thank you for coming to "the sunday show." next, my panel and i are ready to sound off after the break. keep it right here. keep it right here ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ ♪♪ hi mr. charles. we made you dinner. aww, thank you. ♪♪ if you're 55 and up, t- mobile has plans built just for you. aww, thank you. whether you need a single line or lines for 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so you would think that as a southern man he would know this really well. that's one of those cross cultural things. i think the second thing that troubles me, and kimberly's exactly right, there is nothing in the law that says we can't have family members. passengers, in fact quite the opposite. you are there to have people there in these difficult moments. i'm troubled by people saying what they think out loud that in a decade we wouldn't do but that post donald trump these folks have been freed up and they say some things that -- they say some things and we're seeing it more and more and more and this is just another example of saying things that are completely inappropriate, frankly racist and just not okay. and it's happening quite a bit in both of these trials to be frank. >> right. jake, i'm coming to you but i'm switching gears because i'm old enough to remember when roads and bridges were a bipartisan thing that was celebrated, that republicans love roads and bridges, infrastructure, right. have a listen to this voicemail that fred upton, member of congress received, because he voted for the bipartisan infrastructure bill. >> [ bleep ] traitor, that's what you are. you are' a [ bleep ] piece of blooip traitor. i hope you die. i hope everybody in your [ bleep ] family dies. you [ bleep ] piece of [ bleep ] trash mother [ bleep ] voted for dumb ast [ bleep ] biden. you're stupider than he is, he can't even complete a [ bleep ] sentence. you dumb mother [ bleep ] traitor, piece of [ bleep ] mother [ bleep ] piece of trash. >> i mean, i -- speechless. but, jake, i read punch bowl news every morning, monday through friday, i know you've written many times about having been there at the capitol on january 6th. you've written many times about the atmosphere of menace that there is in the capitol. talk about what it means for a member of congress to get a voicemail like this and about the person who instigated it, marjorie taylor green. >> yeah. i mean, a lot of thoughts here, jonathan. this is not a charged piece of legislation by any stretch of the imagination. first of all, this behavior is deplorable, let's start with that. number two, this is not some sort of charged issue, like health care is a charged issue. i've never seen so many people worked up over roads and bridges but, of course, we understand what this is about. this is about giving biden, a president who donald trump's base thinks is illegitimate, a victory. this is about donald trump not being president. that's what this anger is due to i would say. marjorie taylor greene, frankly, put everybody's name on -- everyone who voted for this, their name in a tweet and listed their phone numbers. by the way, in addition to that, kevin mccarthy, the house republican leader, specifically told people not to do that. so, you know, that's kind of the situation that we're confronting. and, again, fred upton is a tried and true republican. he's a conservative. he's been in congress since 1983, i believe. i mean, this is somebody who came in in the ragan years and has been a member of congress for a very long time. behavior is deplorable but if fred upton is not a republican, i know this is a bit redundant, but i don't know what the republican party is. >> right. in the minute that we have left, jake, november -- the week of november 15th, which begins tomorrow, is when house progressives and moderates agreed that build back better would be voted on. is it going to be voted on? >> it's a good question. i'm trying to make heads or tails of that right now. i don't know. we'll have to see if the moderates are sufficiently happy with the budgetary information they've gotten from the congressional budget office. the progressives basically view this as it's time for moderates to get on board. four days is not enough time to pass a piece of legislation. i have to imagine there will be tremendous pressure. >> just to be clear, when we talk about progressives voting on build back better, we're only talking about the house, right? >> right. >> this doesn't mean the house and senate vote for build back better? >> correct. >> it's all tied up? >> yes. sorry about that, jonathan. the house is going to vote on this. it's going to change very, very significantly. it's going to be shredded apart in the senate and then the house will have to vote on it again in the next 4 to 6 to 8 weeks. >> all three of my guests will stick around as we sound off on the other sunday shows right after the break. one of our guests in the last segment said that jacob blake was killed. he was not killed, he is alive but paralyzed. before we go to the break, a little fun from "saturday night live." >> hello, i'm texas senator and the last one invited to thanksgiving, ted cruz. you know, for 50 years i stood by as sesame street taught our children dangerous ideas like numbers and times, but when big bird told children to get vaccinated against a deadly disease, i said, enough, and i created my own sesame street called cruz street. it's a gated community where kids are safe from the woke government. government omization. that's why i love liberty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? you got it. ♪ liberty, liberty - liberty, liberty ♪ uh, i'll settle for something i can dance to. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ ♪ ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ ♪ (man) still asleep. (woman vo) so, where to next? (vo) reflect on the past, celebrate the future. season's greetings from audi. 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>> i think we would be in the white house. >> can you ever forgive him for that? >> i don't know because i picked him. i like him. i still like him but i don't know that i can forgive him. >> i picked him. i like him. i don't know if i could forgive him. >> yeah. that demonstrates what we have seen since donald trump descended the escalator those six years ago is that he demands loyalty and he will accept nothing else. he gives no loyalty to be sure. he only demands it and punishes those who don't deliver it regardless of the situation. to me, those standing by him, they should see even his closest confidantes, start with jeff sessions, at some point he turns on them and when he does, it's over. so knowing that their day will be coming except steve bannon because he's more trumpy than trump himself. you've seen him eat his own time and time again even in the case of mike pence he stood with him right up until an insurrection. that was his line in the sand but that still wasn't enough. >> jake, not everything on the sunday shows was about trump. jake talked about the bipartisan infrastructure bill. have a listen to what he had to say about it. >> your colleagues voted for it. are they going to lose committee assign snmts where is the accountability? why would your colleagues, 13 republicans in it, vote for it? >> i don't know. i don't know what's going to happen. i wish they wouldn't have voted for it. they're still paying people not to build a wall. they're getting ready to pay people who illegally came into our country $450,000. >> they're still on the border wall. >> that's something. you know, the irony is not to get too much in the weeds here, their argument, as ted cruz says, doesn't include too much infrastructure. the border wall is outside of it. when they were in the majority, when trump was president they included ancillary issues in bills all the time. remember, the president, donald trump when he was president at the end of his administration wanted to include a rewrite of tech regulations in the national defense authorization act. so, i mean, it's all nonsense. i will say he didn't say they should be removed and it probably alliance him with the leadership on this. >> and on that point then, is that going to go anywhere? or is that the marjorie taylor greenes and the others trying to rattle cages? >> i think there are a significant number of republicans who wanted to punish those who voted for this. the smart internal house politics is to let people vote for bills that the other party puts forward because it could help them. nicole maliatakis from long island probably needs to vote for infrastructure. we'll be reporting heavily on this. i don't think -- i think kevin mccarthy will come out and say he's not for that. >> oh, oh, jake, wait, so you're expecting to hear from kevin mccarthy? he's like punxsutawney phil. >> that's right. he will be in the building. he will be in the capitol this week. so i anticipate we will be hearing from him although he has ducked, as you know, he ducked reporters, his office ducked reporters on some of these very charged issues, let's say, for the last week, but congress has been out of session. he doesn't have that luxury anymore. >> that is no excuse. we've got the internet. >> oh, it's definitely no excuse. >> in california -- >> i'm not saying -- brother man needs to show up and i'm going to talk about that in my bye line. kim, sophia, thank you all very much for coming back to "the sunday show" and ahead on alex witt reports, attorney benjamin crump gives alex his take on the astroworld case at noon eastern on msnbc. next, amid all the right wing nonsense this week from gosar to greene, someone has been conspicuously missing. >> kevin! >> sorry. my bye line is next. see blood when you brush or floss can be a sign of early gum damage. parodontax active gum repair kills plaque bacteria at the gum line to help keep the gum sealed tight. parodontax active gum repair toothpaste at fidelity, your dedicated advisor will help you create a comprehensive wealth plan for your full financial picture. with the right balance of risk and reward. so you can enjoy more of...this. this is the planning effect. it's subway's eat fresh refresh! don't let its rookie status fool you. the new baja steak & jack hits you like a seasoned vet with new juicy steak, pepper jack cheese, and smokey baja chipotle sauce. save big. order through the app. ♪ ♪ at t-mobile for business, unconventional thinking means we save big. order through the app. see things differently, so you can focus on what matters most. whether it's ensuring food arrives as fresh as when it departs... being first on the scene when every second counts... or teaching biology without a lab. we are the leader in 5g and a partner who delivers exceptional customer support and 5g included in every plan. so, you get it all, without trade-offs. unconventional thinking, it's better for business. here comes the interception. oh... -shawn? 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>> paul gosar tweeted out an adaptedanime video since removed that showed him killing alexandria ocasio-cortez, just the latest in a litany from a man his own family wants booted from congress for his adherence to the big lie. one said i consider him a traitor to this country. i consider him a traitor to his family. >> then, there's marjorie taylor greene, whose latest instance of appalling thuggery involved calling the 13 republicans who voted for the bipartisan infrastructure bill, quote, traitors. but what's even more alarming is what's not being said, and the person not saying it. i'm talking about house minority leader kevin mccarthy, where you at, kevin? where you at? a leader would have said something immediately about gosar. a leader would have said something immediately about marjorie taylor greene's traitor comment, among so many other things. a leader would have been saying immediately and incessantly, this is not who we are as a caucus. this is not who we are as republicans. but mccarthy is no leader. we all know why he has said nothing this week. he'll do anything to become the next speaker of the house, even if it means ignoing the atmosphere of menace that has enveloped the capitol since january 6th. if mccarthy thinks he can control his caucus with silence today, what makes him think he'll be able to maintain that control with the speaker's gavel tomorrow? he won't. by giving a pass to the gosars and greenes of his caucus, by doing the bidding of donald trump, by ignoring the menace they have all created, mccarthy is doubling down on a dangerous bet that puts our nation and american democracy at risk. i'm jonathan capehart. and this has been the sunday show. ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ instantly clear everyday congestion to with vicks sinex saline.. for fast drug free relief vicks sinex. instantly clear everyday congestion. and try vicks sinex children's saline. safe and gentle relief for children's noses. i booked our hotel on kayak. it's flexible if we need to cancel. cancel. i haven't left the house in a year. nothing will stop me from vacation. no canceling. flexible cancellation. kayak. search one and done. what can i du with less asthma? with dupixent i can du more... flexible cancellation. yardwork... teamwork... long walks.... that's how you du more, with dupixent, which helps prevent asthma attacks. dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's an add-on-treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that can improve lung function for better breathing in as little as two weeks. and can reduce, or even eliminate, oral steroids. and here's something important. dupixent can cause serious allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis. get help right away if you have rash, shortness of breath, chest pain, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection, and don't change or stop your asthma treatments, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. are you ready to du more with less asthma? 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>> you know, it's calm here, but to give you a sense of the climate surrounding this case, yesterday it was discovered that someone posted the home address of the lead prosecutor in this case on a message board. it was quickly taken down, but some saw that as a veiled threat. the governor has activated some 500 members of the national guard, and they are on stand-by should officials here in kenosha ask for their help once the jury delivers a verdict. closing arguments are going to begin tomorrow, and this could be in the jury's hands as soon as tomorrow night. >> i just hope everything stays peaceful. city can't have any more of this. >> there's a quiet tension in the city of kenosha as the prosecutor and defense prepare to deliver closing arguments in the homicide

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Identity , Traffic , Pointers , Call List , Tips , On The Issues , Contact Information , Issue , Really Isn T The Issue , On The Run , Pieces , Quality , Website , Kimicoal Com , Indictment , Latest , Campaign Trail , Luck , January 6th Investigation , Trump , Trial , Closing Arguments , Allies , Kyle Rittenhouser , Sore Throat Relief , Sore Throat Pain , Honey Lemon Chill , Vicks Vapocool , Wooo Vaporize , Moderate , Ulcerative Colitis , Humira , Crohn S Disease , Symptoms , Doctor , Biologic , 1 , Remission , Infections , Cancers , Ability , Tuberculosis , Areas , Reactions , Blood , Have , Nervous System Problems , Sores , Liver , Hepatitis B , Heart Failure , Lymphoma , Tb , Multi Vitamin , Infection , Gastroenterologist , Chapter , Fermentation , Ingredients , Body , Goodness , Wellness , Loan , Sofi , Personal Loan , Rate , 0 , Network Solutions , Guests , Security , Devices , Cyberthreat , Comcast Business , Activecore Platform , Sd Wan , 1200 , Anywhere , Big Day , Network Management , Business Powering Possibilities , Criminal Contempt Of Congress , Department , House Financial Services Committee , Number , Leadership , Contempt Vote , Chief Of Staff , Acolytes , Astroworld Case , Any , Loyalists , Pride , Meadows , Stephanie Grisham , Core Group , Badge Of Honor , Ska Veino , Congresswoman , Maxine Waters , Raise , Reaction , Notion , Chair Waters , Subpoenas , Jail , Badge , Trumpers Being Hit , Law , Testimony , Raise Money , Documents , Mr , Thought , Thompson , Batches , Court , November 29th To December 15th Someone , Calendar , Deposition , 29 , December 15th , November 29th , Donald Trump , Investigations , Election Fraud , Nothing , Prosecutors , Trouble , Use , Subversion , American Flag , Anyone , Hell , Threat , Lunatic , Aisles , Man , Mike Pence , Vice President , Separation Line , Patriotism , Circle , Presidency , Big Lie , Inner Circle , Tucker Carlson , Opinions , Views , Criminalized , Pretexts , Opinion , Freedom Of Speech , No One , Sense , Saying , Nose , Defiance , Race , Confrontation , Separation , Attorney , Maya Wiley , Civil Rights , Alabama , Joyce Vance , Contempt Votes , Indictments , Flurry , Contempt Cases , Deluge , Three , Weaponize , Cases , Claim , Some , Appeal , Possibility , District Judge , End , Supreme Court , Nixon , Papers , Influence , District Court , Sphere , Lawyers , Absence , Attention , Welcome Back , Analysis , Ways , Interests , Committee Itself , Drafting , Trump Campaign , Campaign Manager , Doing , Messaging Machine , Subject , Jeffrey Clark , Facts , Contexts , Election , Questions , Law Violations , Whether , Sack , Re Election , Aspirations , Witness , Document , Say Anything , Freedom , Panel , Kyle Rittenhouse , City Set , Paul Gosar , Brain Performance , Memory Supplements , Indicators , Neuriva Plus , Neuriva , Glucose , Choices , Business Internet , Risk , Jury , Conviction , Offense , Judge , Charges , Crime , Murder Trial , Arguments , Compromising , Tony Evers , Murder , Rittenhouse , Troops , National Guard , Degree , Stand By , Prosecution S , Didn T , Verdict , Microscope , Offenses , Charging Conference , Acknowledgment , Victory , Sentences , Hand , Jurors , Police Officer , Rights , Trials , Hung Jury , Regards , Outcome , Maya , Mistrial , Headline , Janine Geske , Trial Judge , Evidence , Front , Missteps , Corners , Rittenhouse Mistrial , Binger , Newsweek , Conduct , Loss , Outrageous , Joyce , Mistrial Situation , None Of The Above , Huber , Murder Charge , Importance , Skateboard , Endangerment , 25 , Little , Veterans Day , Bias , Room , Veterans , Defense Witness , Veteran , Judges , Research , Singling Out , Aspects , Arbiter , Tounder Stand , Items , Context , Microscope Matter , Jacob Blake , Activity , Uncle , Curfew , Wisconsin , Ar 15 , Somebody , Courtroom , Courthouse , Victims , Advance , Aww , Line , Plans , Charles , Dinner , Hi , 55 , Family Members , Burke , 5g Network , Value , Movie , 7 50 , 27 50 , Farmers Home Policy Perk , Hope , Figure , Limits , Materials , Farmers Policy Perks , Hero , Farmers , Bum , Ending , Y You , Pa Dum , Georgia , Attorneys , Men , Murdering Ahmaud Arbery , Victim , Idea , Another , Lie , Figures , Pastors , Jesse Jackson , Pastor , Fine , Al Sharpton , Kimberly Atkins Storr , Comments , Usa Today , Inavert Tently , Sophia Nelson , Jake Sherman , Punch Bowl News , Msnbc , Contributor , Founder , Columnist , Women , Look , Telling , Words , Mouth , Woman In Red , Source , Flub , Optics , Members , Practice , Litigation Practice , Sophia , Sofia , Nod , Gobsmacking , Ignorance , Comfort , Black Church , Places , Passengers , Opposite , We Wouldn T , Example , Bridges , Voicemail , Fred Upton , Traitor , Bleep , Listen , Piece , Blooip Traitor , Dumb Ast , Sentence , Trash , Times , Capitol On January 6th , Atmosphere , Stretch , Marjorie Taylor Green , Health Care , Let , Base , Anger , Giving Biden , Who , House Republican Leader , Put Everybody S Name On , Addition , Frankly , Conservative , 1983 , Jake , House Progressives , November , Moderates , Heads Or Tails , Progressives , I Don T Know , Correct , 8 , Segment , Paralyzed , Ted Cruz , Sesame Street , Saturday Night Live , Disease , Enough , Big Bird , Community , Cruz Street , Omization , Woman Vo , Anna , Night , It Starts , Dream , Sleep , Acid , Nexium 24hr , 24 , Night Protection , Covid Relief Bill , 1 9 Trillion , Joe Manchin , Wasn T Covid Relief , Much , Bernie Sanders Socialist Budget , 1 2 Trillion , Kick , Licked , Package , Yeefrmt Let , Spending Bill , Wisdom , Brakes , Uh Huh , Fox , Assist , Tape , Mike Carl , Penz , Pence , Phone Call , Language , Patriot , Incorrect , P Word , Sunken , War , Common Sense , Sociopath , Wait , Feelings , Escalator , Loyalty , Nothing Else , Standing , Him , Jeff Sessions , Confidantes , Trumpy , Case , He , Insurrection , Line In The Sand , Wasn T Enough , Sunday Shows , What , Snmts , Irony , Border Wall , 50000 , 450000 , Argument , Weeds , Administration , The End , Rewrite Of Tech Regulations , Nonsense , National Defense Authorization Act , Marjorie Taylor Greenes , Party , Cages , Smart , Long Island , Nicole Maliatakis , Reporting , Building , Oh , Punxsutawney Phil , Reporters , Excuse , Office , Session , Bye Line , Brother , Internet , Kim , California , Benjamin Crump , Alex Witt Reports , Noon Eastern , Gosar To Greene , Wing , Gum Line , Gum Damage , Gum , Help , Gum Repair , Floss , Plaque Bacteria , Parodontax , Advisor , Balance , Wealth , Gum Repair Toothpaste , Picture , Reward , Planning Effect , App , Rookie Status , Eat , Vet , Pepper Jack Cheese , Save Big , Juicy Steak , Baja Steak Jack , Subway , Smokey Baja Chipotle Sauce , Interception , Shawn , Walgreens , Screening , Colon Cancer , Workouts , Coaching , American Cancer Society , Yep , 45 , Cancer , Colon Cancers , Cologuard , Stages , Results , Adults , 92 , Provider , Pass , Supporters , Transfer , Bullies , Sxr , Pow , Chanting , Shape , Chants , Siege , Video , Adaptedanime , Adherence , Litany , Alexandria , Ocasio Cortez , Instance , Thuggery , Kevin , House Minority Leader , Traitor Comment , Caucus , Speaker , Ignoing , Silence , Bet , Greenes , He Won T , Gosars , Bidding , Vacation , Hotel , Kayak , Cancellation , Asthma , Canceling , Search One , 9 ,

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