Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 2

Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20240709

and it was a compelling shirt, and i had no cuff links? >> what did you do? >> the thing is, brian is not working in the building. mr. cup fling is in here. and you know cardiac you can help you, on a wardrobe distress situation, right? so, i don't know if we can get this but we sterling ran to the control room, and to get the paper clips. >> we can at least upgrade you to binder clips. i have binder clips of my office. >> i am blaming brian for not being here. we're being able to russian some manly cuff links for me when i needed him. >> i am going to russia views some nice. i >> yes get me some vegas coupling. that's what i want for christmas. there you go. >> on my way. lawrence >> thank you rachel, well in june, our first guest, received a phone call from jaime falcon. jamie is a 54 year old stay at home dad and part-time driver who lives in arizona. he called arizona secretary of state katie hobbs. and he said this, they're going to hang you for treason you -- . you are going down. what are you going to do one election comes back and it already shows you trump won by 1 million votes? what are you gonna do than katie? what are you gonna do then? >> two weeks later, secretary hobbs got a call from jeff yeager. a 56 year old, self employed electrician in los angeles california. >> when katie the -- is executed for treason, what are you -- traders going to be doing for work? -- and useless, lying, corrupt, un-american, evil piece -- of, your days coming. >> he was addressing that to katie hub steph, the secretary of state's office. calling a cross state line, to threaten peoples lives, is a federal crime. but the two men who placed these calls have not been contacted by any local state or federal law enforcement. they were contacted by reporting team at reuters who have issued a chilling report on what is happening to election officials like katie hubs, another government officials who are receiving threats like this all the time. they report that they have quote, documented nearly 800 intimidating messages to election officials in 12 states including more than 100 that could warrant prosecution, according to legal experts. the two men who placed the call, that you just, heard were interviewed by rioters. they were not apologetic. jamie said, i am not denying anything because i'm a patriot. jeff said if she thinks that i am a threat to her, i'm not, but the public is going to hang this woman. >> while he was at, it he told the reporters that their employers are, one of the most evil organizations on the planet. those two phone calls are the tip of a very large iceberg, yesterday, the department of homeland security updated its terrorism bulletin. saying, violent extremists have called for violence against elected officials, political representatives, government facilities, law enforcements, religious communities or commercial facilities, and perceived ideological opponents. the two men in these phone calls that you just heard, are the kind of extremist that the homeland security terrorism bulletin is describing. they are lost in their homicidal fantasies that they might or might not, at some point, tried to turn into reality. now, they are spreading terror with their telephones. the mix of stupidity enraged and drive, these people are shared by and promoted by donald trump. they are, trump tears. these people want katie hubs and others executed because they are supporters of donald trump. the same people have never wanted to kill public officials before donald trump became temporarily a public official. there is no other political figure in america who has followers, who are calling government officials every day in this country. threatening to kill them every day. on behalf of that politician, that politician is donald trump. this is trump inspired terrorism and they are trump terrace. that is donald trump's gift to american politics and american life and possibly at some point, it could become, an american way of death. when one of donald trump's terrorists decide to do something more than just terrorize people with telephone calls. the threats are not limited to elected officials, imagine you are one of the roughly 200 people who work in the office with secretary of state of arizona. and you listen to this voice mail. left at the place where you work by jeff yeager, who is just a six hour drive away in los angeles. >> when all of you pieces -- of and katie are executed for treason, what are your families going to do in a living in a world in which they know that their family members were some of the biggest pieces -- of that ever existed on the planet. go -- yourselves. trump is still your president and god bless america you -- traders. >> what is jeff yeager's family going to do about his sickness? who is going to help him. who is going to stop him. trump is not anyone's president. and jeff yeager is, like donald trump, a cowardly man. twisted by reach full stupidity. joining us now is the democratic secretary of state of arizona, katie hobbs we, she is running for governor of arizona. secretary katie hobbs it is always amazing to meet and to see you when you appear on this program as you always have that small. you are always upbeat about the way your work is going and what you have to do next. and now that we're able to hear the kinds of phone calls that you are getting on basically a daily basis, it is all the more extraordinary that you are doing the work that you are doing, but i have a new concern for those 200 people who work in your office. i didn't realize, that the threats were being delivered to all of them. every single one of them. >> yes, absolutely, this is one of the biggest concerns i have to. these are public servants who are just working on elections they are working on all of the other divisions of our office and they have to get these kind of calls on a regular basis. it is hurting morale in our office, it is interfering with the work that they do to serve the public. and i think this kind of thing is one of the biggest threats that we face to continue ongoing administration. we are losing good staff over these kind of threatening messages. the other disturbing part of the report is that there are legal authorities in the law professors saying that these things are prosecutable crimes. they are federal crimes even when they are not necessarily interstate phone calls and nothing is happening. >> i am certainly not gonna question the work of law enforcement, we have done what we need to do and reporting these things across the country, but here is the thing about me i'm going to continue doing the job that i was elected to do. i am not backing down, we executed a stellar election in 2020 and the face of unprecedented challenges, we saw that we should be celebrating. that we are focused on the work ahead of us and getting ready for 2022, and, you know, i am running for governor. because we have to stand up to this kind of ongoing threat to our democracy, and if folks want to join in, they can go to katie hobbs at work but i am not going to back down. >> the purpose of terrorism is to creator. it isn't necessarily to kill. it is to create fear and terror in the people who you want to terrorize. how afraid of going to work are the 200 people who work for the secretary of state of arizona? >> fortunately our office has been able to continue to allow a lot of people to continue to work remotely, that is a good thing. but certainly folks in the executive power, not just my office, are in higher alert than we have been in taking security. i am thankful for those who are doing their job there. we certainly have had to put more in place to ensure everyone safety in the workplace. >> you are hearing homicidal rage in these phone calls you are in grave mental than this. you are hearing extreme danger. these kinds of people who are making these kinds of calls to jump in their car at anytime. this is the state where he, saw members of congress attempt to the assassination of gabby, and killing of people around. or this is a very viable threat of force and violence that you are facing every day. >> we are going to keep doing our jobs. honestly i feel sad for these people that this is what their life. is that they are spending their times, making phone calls to elected officials office, saying the things that they're saying. they should really find something better to do with their time. >> will all feel sad for them when they start to try to get help, then we will all want to do everything we can to help them, but, right now they are terrorists. and they are trying to creator. arizona secretary of state, katie hobbs, thank you very much for joining. stay safe. >> thank you. >> and joining us now is democratic's senator amy klobuchar, she is chair of the senate rules committee who oversees the administering of elections and senator amy klobuchar you are also a member of the judiciary committee over at the justice department. is anyone interested in finding out what federal authorities are doing about phone calls like this? >> i am. and i have been using my position to push this out here. we cannot have a democracy if there are tax made on people like katie, who is a guardian of our democracy and secretary of state, i had a hearing in the rules committee, and we heard shocking testimony, not only from katy, who came out for the hearing, but also a guy in named al smith. he was a republican elected official in philadelphia whose family was threatened. this was a message saying the tell the truth or your three kids will be fatally shot. the names of the seven year old, 11 year old, 14-year-old all put out public that they are just a photo of their house. you know what lawrence, he's not running again and we heard from a conservative secretary of state in kentucky, who reported that because of that intimidation and various things that it happened that less people are signing on to be voluntary election officials. so no matter where it comes from on the political spectrum, the effect of all of this is a democracy on fire. and that is why it is so important to go up for this, and why i think we should make it a federal cline and you see those numbers out of the reporting, and you find out that the no investigation is worth going on when there's 800 threats with legal experts saying that 100 of them could be prosecutable. and that is why our bill, with freedoms vote act, that every democrat in the united states senate is supported of. basically has in, they're a clear federal crime, if someone intimidates and threatens both to administer our elections. these local legends -- go ahead. lawrence >> sorry, i was just going to say imagine hummus beating there would be on our highways if no one ever got arrested for speeding, ever. and that is where we are right now on these phone calls. this is a terrorism program that they are launching against any officials involved in elections and if there are going to be any arrests for when these calls are criminal, and not all of them are criminal, they are not all threatening. but the ones that are, and threatening deaths, if there are no arrests, they are going to keep happening and people are going to keep quitting and not running for these jobs. >> exactly. or even voluntary in elections. the other thing that was pointed out was in rural areas, the guy from philadelphia was saying how he had enough protection. but in some rural areas there is an even enough police or officials to protect them. i think that this should be a number one focus and i asked merrick garland about it, during a hearing, the recent hearing at the judiciary, i'm going to keep pushing. this and it would be very helpful to get a clear federal crime identified for going after election officials. >> i mean, this is the use of terrorism to try and get the election outcome that you want. and getting that outcome by driving out of office the people who will handle elections honestly. >> exactly. when you hear their stories and you see them choke up when all they wanted to do was serve our countries, you know that this is deadly wrong, what is going on and it is of course part of the big lie that has been perpetrated, but it is also part of the corrosive-ness that we're seeing right now in our politics. which includes of course the 13 republicans in the house of representatives. it is simply, i guess, have the gall to vote for broadband and to do a vote for better roads and bridges and rails in their district and in the state, and then they are the subject of death threats. this just has to stop. and i believe that as a former prosecutor. that one way you stop it is by making very clear that you are going to enforce the law, and in some cases that means that we're going to have to make sure that there is a [inaudible] on the vote. and you know why we want to pass the freedom of vote act. including making sure that people can vote clearly, safely, in any way that they want from mailing in their ballots to voting early. when we see the attack on voting across this country. everyone should have the freedom to vote, and certainly, they should have the freedom to be able to be safe if they are an election official. >> senator amy klobuchar, thank you very much for joining this discussion tonight, we really appreciate it. >> thank you lawrence. >> up next, neal katyal will give us his reading of the appeals court decision, giving donald trump a bit more time to fight the subpoenas from the january six committee, and why is merrick garland taking so long to deal with the house of representatives recommendation that steve bannon be prosecuted for contempt of congress. that is next. that is next as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? 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>> well i love professor, type and i get what he's saying, at the same time that the justice department for exactly the reason they're talking about it moments ago will be the first time that steve bannon was indicted, it took longer than the justice department to do that. he has already been a convicted felon, so a few extra days are worth, it if bannon actually faces the consequences, a second time around. i've been willing to, if the just justice department does take some time, but if they take action by next week, they will sign us up. >> well, as you know, the frustration is based on the eight-day model it was a regular administration official, but the reagan justice department, took eight days to charge that official. and the representative, time is everything in congress, and enforcement combined with the time tables of enforcement is what makes enforcement real. we have the midterms coming, up because the republicans have shown themselves, that they were more comfortable with violence than voting, we saw that they took to task, the republican secretary of state did not side with them in the presidential election. they were perfectly fine when democratic secretary of state would say that an election went their way as it did in virginia, and so, they expect that their own people are going to be with them and behind them, so they are showing themselves, as we go into the midterms, that if that is not the, case they cannot put in place the barriers to keep from winning the election that they will resort to violence. in fact, by the way lawrence, the evolution that we're seeing here is that donald trump must invent a lie to help the violence that took place on january six. here we are, into the biden administration, and you don't even have to invent lies anymore, or republican members of congress to help the threats for voting. god forbid, roads, bridges, and tunnels -- it's getting much worse. that is why the pressure is on, i think at this. point >> neil, what is your reading of the appeals court ruling today, giving donald trump more time to argue over the possible blocking of the delivery of documents to the january six committee? >> no big deal, lawrence whatsoever. when i was in government, i saw exactly these time of temporary things over the days. and the court grants them because they are worried about doing something indelible. it is kind of the same reason that you look at your friends username three times before you venmo them. your money is probably going to the right place, but it is if it is wrong it's never going back. even if the claims are bogus, they make a mistake, or something you can't undo what has already been done. there is no chance, law, is that donald trump is going to win this claim before the court of appeal. the claim is, the joke of being charitable, and judge chutkan wrote that in the crowd opinion -- that they are not kings, and the plaintiff is not the president. so she identified two big problems, one is that donald trump is the former president. the current president, as you said in the lead to the segment, has already rejected his claim of executive privilege in the supreme court. and also, executive privilege can be over comments -- and here is trump claiming executive privilege. he is claiming all sorts of things. steve bannon, as we talked about, winners like stephen miller who evidently took a break from reading his products have brought a, coup with the brother cast of, character winners like kylie haven't ever been able to tell the truth, and so when all these claims are about is that these peoples are free to vote of confidence and that is why they are turning exact forbid. thank you both very much for joining our discussion, really appreciate. it >> thank you. >> and a programming know as we wait for the january 6th committee to subpoena giuliani. you can watch the extraordinary documentary about the infamous press conference giuliani held last year in the parking lot of the family landscaping company in philadelphia. is that by mistake? that documentary is the four seasons total documentary, it will air tomorrow night at 10 pm right here on msnbc. coming up, why do texas republicans want to get -- wilkerson's masterful book out of texas school libraries. texas representatives and julie johnston will tell us next. s next you're driving innovation. you're racing to the cloud. you need to do it securely. that's why palo alto networks developed prisma cloud - an integrated platform that secures your cloud environment end to end. used by the world's largest organizations, prisma cloud provides the cyber security you need from code to cloud. so you can get cloud security right, the first time around. we've got next. and texas the republican party's vision for america is taking shape. no access to abortion, vaccination is discouraged, voting rights diminished, books banned. texas state representative matt prowse is a candidate for state attorney general and he has compiled a list of 850 books that make students feel discomfort. that list includes last year's bestseller by isabelle wilkerson, cast, the origins of our discontents. that book is indispensable to our understanding of american history, and ourselves. it is a book that belongs on a reading list in every high school and every university in america, and in universities around the world. it is on reading lists around the world. texas governor greg abbott, who still has no plans to prevent future collapses of the power grid in texas, that caused texans to freeze to death in their homes, has found the time to direct the texas education agency quo, to immediately develop statewide standards to prevent the presidents of pornography and other obscene content and texas public schools, including libraries. joining us now, texas state representative jasmine crockett, and texas state representative julie johnson, both are democrats representing -- . representative, crockett, one real legislative agenda here. no real improvements to the power grid infrastructure in texas that this government is trying to accomplish. teaching high school kids what they need to know about their own country. >> [laughs] you know first of all it's good to see you, it's really sad that they are using the children as pingpong balls in this game of primary. that is essentially what we have going on. we are talking about books not necessarily -- but books that have been around forever i remember when -- a text message about these books that -- put out because one is actually named jasmine. she said matt prow is trying to ban from schools now. it's ridiculous, but they are trying to do whatever it takes to make sure that this far-right -- feel like they're being quote unquote as conservative as possible. >> these book less of 150 books is something that obviously he is using for political purposes, is this about winning republican primaries in texas? >> absolutely. any rational thoughtful person would want people to read and study critically acclaimed novel, and a pulitzer prize-winning novel. it is incredible that greg abbott has stoop so low to try and manipulate the mines and critical thinking of so many people. at the end of the day though, it is critical to see these books remain in our schools. kids go to resources for information. do you know that texas is one of the highest states of teen pregnancy? they are trying to remove all books about pregnancy, pregnancy assistance, how to get pregnant, things you can do to keep getting pregnant, and all they can do is make his get more pregnant. i don't think kids are getting pregnant because they read it in a book in their high school library. so the fact that they are trying to ban this incredible. it is really just trying to put it down as the most popular level of an an educated based to try and get them fearful and thinking why they are critically doing is making this not trust experts. they are making us not trust our teachers, our librarians, our school officials who have the best interest of our kids at heart. >> and this seems to be the argument that they want. it seems to me that they want to be in an argument with you over books. they do not want to be in an argument with you over the power grid or other real governing issues for the state of texas. >> that's absolutely right. i was speaking with someone earlier today, and i talked about that very fact. republicans right now they say, how do we deal with this argument that they give about critical race theory. there is no argument to give. we need to focus on what matters. these are nothing but distractions. when we have to talk about substance, republicans are losing every single time, especially here in the state of texas. so that is what we have right now, they are throwing out critical race theory, throwing out books in schools, throwing out chants kids, they are doing all the stuff instead of talking about what really matters. we have a grid that is not functioning, we have an attorney general that has been under felony indictment for years, and constantly under federal investigations but we don't want to talk about that. so we need to focus on the meat and potatoes as democrats and -- this nonsense to make sure that we focus on -- . not just democrats, but everyone to focus on things that matter which is making sure that we have feet when this winter is over. >> texas state representative jasmine crockett, and julie johnston, thank you very much for joining us tonight. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> coming up mitch mcconnell is called the bipartisan infrastructure deal and godsend in kentucky, but he says he won't attempt the bill signing ceremony for the bill he voted for. that bill signing ceremonies on monday. that's up next. that's up next be there for life's best moments with coricidin. now in sugar free liquid. want your clothes to smell freshly washed all day without heavy perfumes? 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>> i think he certainly will. i think he is committed to finding a path forward. i think he just wants to take the necessary time to make sure that -- gets everything done that we want to get done, and he knows what the effects will be. there needs to be -- we won't have -- to make sure that it is a real problem, he wants to make sure there are any issues that need to be -- before by the way third bill when it comes to this year. [inaudible] . you >> jonathan, could you help the audience with the way joe manchin talks about this legislation publicly. you have senator sinema who says basically nothing publicly, so she doesn't end up seeming to contradict herself. i know a lot of people think that senator manchin overtime contradicts himself because at a certain point he suggests that he is open to certain things, but months later his noah longer open to. how would you describe, how would you checked his public comments about this, and how would you guide the audience to listen to them? >> i think he tells people how he feels at the time, he likes to -- one reporters ask him questions he is not afraid to answer them. i think that is what happened. he will look at the issue and answer honestly and directly. things may change, he may get new information, that is why he wants to see what the long term impact of the bill will be. analysis will [inaudible] he will answer the question honestly when he doesn't [inaudible] upfront an honest but -- [inaudible] >> norman, we saw the house members, the 13 republicans who voted for this bipartisan infrastructure bill all basically threatened by their own party. there was a period where there was a question should we discipline them, kick them off their committees in the house. miss mcconnell who voted for announced that he will not be able to attend the bill signing on monday, because he will be busy with other stuff, like being afraid of what donald trump would say if he attended the bill signing. >> he needs to get his hair washed, he just can't make it there. so those threats were absolutely chilling. fred is one of the 13th who signed this, his life, his wife life, his family life is just horrible. some of them are going to be there, but you are absolutely right that this is a huge accomplishment, but now we segue to the next one which is absolutely critical. remember we got basically 24 days ahead that are extraordinarily important. we have to get done this big bill, becomes even more important because of the inflation numbers. remember by december 3rd we also need to keep the government running to avoid a shutdown, and we need to deal with the debt ceiling. getting all of that done, and maybe packaging it altogether into that big reconciliation bill is going to be a heavy lift, and a challenge. i'm not worried about joe manchin and -- i think we are going to find some way of making it happen. the timing is a little bit of a greater concern. we have to keep in mind that we have those voting bills coming up next, and that is where joe manchin becomes another critical player. >> and jonathan kott, as this bill goes forward they are going to be complexities in the senate that we all know. a lot of house members will be discovering those complexities for the first time as they see things rolled out of water in effect. that is moving through there it could be that whatever the house passes has to go back to a conference and it will have to pass again through -- basically they have to take wet turns out to be the senate product and passed through the house again. >> yeah, i mean i will leave it up to you -- [inaudible] will come out looking completely different. yes we will need to get -- have a new whole new ulises. probably on december 23rd, hopefully not december 22nd the pending the senate becomes one of the most people in the country and i'm guessing most of your audience has no idea who that is, but you are very familiar with. >> yeah, and of course it's the role of the senate robert byrd who used to hold the state that joe manchin holds now. those rules basically rule out certain things that the house is able to do, that the senate is not able to do. we will be hearing a lot about the bird bath as this bill proceeds, jonathan kott and norman ornstein thank you both for joining us tonight. we will be right back with tonight's last words on a historic first, that's next. first, that's next. or fun. daring, or thoughtful. sensitive, or strong. progress isn't either or progress is everything. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. bogeys on your six, limu. whose resumes on indeed they need customizedriteria. car insurance from liberty mutual so they only pay for what they need. woooooooooooooo... we are not getting you a helicopter. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ the new sensodyne repair and protect with deep repair has the science to show that the toothpaste goes deep inside the exposed dentin to help repair sensitive teeth. my patients are able to have that quality of life back. i recommend sensodyne repair and protect with deep repair. tide pods ultra oxi one ups the cleaning power of liquid. can it one up whatever they're doing? 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[applause] i want to congratulate mayor-elect woo for leading an impressive campaign, and becoming the first woman of color elected to the office of mayor. it >> boston mayor -- was confirmed as -- then the president have become the acting mayor of boston. the first mayor in the city who was not a white man. she ran for mayor this year on an election that was won by michelle wu who will become the city's first asian american mayor. michelle wu will be sworn in as mayor on tuesday. yesterday mayor kim janey gave her farewell speech as mayor i high barney and hall in rocks very, a building that was originally an irish dance hall actually the building where my grandparents met. >> when i moved into the mayor's office in march, i hung to framed prints on the concrete wall opposite my desk and city hall. the first frame print is the cover of the april 2013 issue of boston magazine, cover depicts a heart shaped collection of running shoes worn by marathon airs on april 15th 2013. a day our city, and the world will never forget. the second frame to print features kamala harris, the first woman, and the first person of color to serve as vice president. she is striving forward next to a silhouette is a pine sign -- and just like me kamala and ruby were also on the front lines of our nations battle to desegregate our schools. they too had to overcome adversity, and paved the way for others to follow. the inscription beneath the two iconic figures in this figure read, the first but not the last. >> jim cheney was a first when she was 11 years old, and she was bussed across town in boston to a school in a white neighborhood that violently resisted the court ordered desegregation of its public schools. yesterday, after thinking her mother and daughter and the rest of her family, kim janey says this. >> as i reflect back on the two prints that i hung in my office, and as we laced up our sneakers to finish this race, and you know i will be wearing converse, we must continue to run towards justice equity and love. just like vice president kamala harris, and ruby bridges, and so many in between, let's continue to break barriers and create opportunities for those who will follow us. it has been my greatest honor to serve my city as the 55th mayor. thank you boston. you will forever be in my heart. [applause] [applause] >> the honorable kim janey gets tonight's last words, the 11th hour with brian williams starts now. zip you >> well good evening once again they 96 of the biden administration, the committee investigating the january 6th insurrection is now on a new fight with another of trump's top lieutenants. mark meadows. he was originally subpoenaed back in late september, he's been negotiating with investigators, but tonight the chairman gave him an ultimatum. and a letter the panel insisted he appeared to give a deposition tomorrow at 10 am, or quote, this election many will be his failure to appear at the disposition as noncompliance. such willful noncompliance will force the committee to can vote the contempt of congress procedures. that means meadows could share the same fate as steve bannon who is referred to the justice department for prosecution, three weeks ago. because not all insurrectionists are eager to cooperate it turns out. mark meadows attorney has insisted his client did not have to appear because he was covered by trump's claim of executive privilege. the white house has not made it quite clear that no one serve the terms that it rejected that claim executive privilege is ot

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Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20240709

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and it was a compelling shirt, and i had no cuff links? >> what did you do? >> the thing is, brian is not working in the building. mr. cup fling is in here. and you know cardiac you can help you, on a wardrobe distress situation, right? so, i don't know if we can get this but we sterling ran to the control room, and to get the paper clips. >> we can at least upgrade you to binder clips. i have binder clips of my office. >> i am blaming brian for not being here. we're being able to russian some manly cuff links for me when i needed him. >> i am going to russia views some nice. i >> yes get me some vegas coupling. that's what i want for christmas. there you go. >> on my way. lawrence >> thank you rachel, well in june, our first guest, received a phone call from jaime falcon. jamie is a 54 year old stay at home dad and part-time driver who lives in arizona. he called arizona secretary of state katie hobbs. and he said this, they're going to hang you for treason you -- . you are going down. what are you going to do one election comes back and it already shows you trump won by 1 million votes? what are you gonna do than katie? what are you gonna do then? >> two weeks later, secretary hobbs got a call from jeff yeager. a 56 year old, self employed electrician in los angeles california. >> when katie the -- is executed for treason, what are you -- traders going to be doing for work? -- and useless, lying, corrupt, un-american, evil piece -- of, your days coming. >> he was addressing that to katie hub steph, the secretary of state's office. calling a cross state line, to threaten peoples lives, is a federal crime. but the two men who placed these calls have not been contacted by any local state or federal law enforcement. they were contacted by reporting team at reuters who have issued a chilling report on what is happening to election officials like katie hubs, another government officials who are receiving threats like this all the time. they report that they have quote, documented nearly 800 intimidating messages to election officials in 12 states including more than 100 that could warrant prosecution, according to legal experts. the two men who placed the call, that you just, heard were interviewed by rioters. they were not apologetic. jamie said, i am not denying anything because i'm a patriot. jeff said if she thinks that i am a threat to her, i'm not, but the public is going to hang this woman. >> while he was at, it he told the reporters that their employers are, one of the most evil organizations on the planet. those two phone calls are the tip of a very large iceberg, yesterday, the department of homeland security updated its terrorism bulletin. saying, violent extremists have called for violence against elected officials, political representatives, government facilities, law enforcements, religious communities or commercial facilities, and perceived ideological opponents. the two men in these phone calls that you just heard, are the kind of extremist that the homeland security terrorism bulletin is describing. they are lost in their homicidal fantasies that they might or might not, at some point, tried to turn into reality. now, they are spreading terror with their telephones. the mix of stupidity enraged and drive, these people are shared by and promoted by donald trump. they are, trump tears. these people want katie hubs and others executed because they are supporters of donald trump. the same people have never wanted to kill public officials before donald trump became temporarily a public official. there is no other political figure in america who has followers, who are calling government officials every day in this country. threatening to kill them every day. on behalf of that politician, that politician is donald trump. this is trump inspired terrorism and they are trump terrace. that is donald trump's gift to american politics and american life and possibly at some point, it could become, an american way of death. when one of donald trump's terrorists decide to do something more than just terrorize people with telephone calls. the threats are not limited to elected officials, imagine you are one of the roughly 200 people who work in the office with secretary of state of arizona. and you listen to this voice mail. left at the place where you work by jeff yeager, who is just a six hour drive away in los angeles. >> when all of you pieces -- of and katie are executed for treason, what are your families going to do in a living in a world in which they know that their family members were some of the biggest pieces -- of that ever existed on the planet. go -- yourselves. trump is still your president and god bless america you -- traders. >> what is jeff yeager's family going to do about his sickness? who is going to help him. who is going to stop him. trump is not anyone's president. and jeff yeager is, like donald trump, a cowardly man. twisted by reach full stupidity. joining us now is the democratic secretary of state of arizona, katie hobbs we, she is running for governor of arizona. secretary katie hobbs it is always amazing to meet and to see you when you appear on this program as you always have that small. you are always upbeat about the way your work is going and what you have to do next. and now that we're able to hear the kinds of phone calls that you are getting on basically a daily basis, it is all the more extraordinary that you are doing the work that you are doing, but i have a new concern for those 200 people who work in your office. i didn't realize, that the threats were being delivered to all of them. every single one of them. >> yes, absolutely, this is one of the biggest concerns i have to. these are public servants who are just working on elections they are working on all of the other divisions of our office and they have to get these kind of calls on a regular basis. it is hurting morale in our office, it is interfering with the work that they do to serve the public. and i think this kind of thing is one of the biggest threats that we face to continue ongoing administration. we are losing good staff over these kind of threatening messages. the other disturbing part of the report is that there are legal authorities in the law professors saying that these things are prosecutable crimes. they are federal crimes even when they are not necessarily interstate phone calls and nothing is happening. >> i am certainly not gonna question the work of law enforcement, we have done what we need to do and reporting these things across the country, but here is the thing about me i'm going to continue doing the job that i was elected to do. i am not backing down, we executed a stellar election in 2020 and the face of unprecedented challenges, we saw that we should be celebrating. that we are focused on the work ahead of us and getting ready for 2022, and, you know, i am running for governor. because we have to stand up to this kind of ongoing threat to our democracy, and if folks want to join in, they can go to katie hobbs at work but i am not going to back down. >> the purpose of terrorism is to creator. it isn't necessarily to kill. it is to create fear and terror in the people who you want to terrorize. how afraid of going to work are the 200 people who work for the secretary of state of arizona? >> fortunately our office has been able to continue to allow a lot of people to continue to work remotely, that is a good thing. but certainly folks in the executive power, not just my office, are in higher alert than we have been in taking security. i am thankful for those who are doing their job there. we certainly have had to put more in place to ensure everyone safety in the workplace. >> you are hearing homicidal rage in these phone calls you are in grave mental than this. you are hearing extreme danger. these kinds of people who are making these kinds of calls to jump in their car at anytime. this is the state where he, saw members of congress attempt to the assassination of gabby, and killing of people around. or this is a very viable threat of force and violence that you are facing every day. >> we are going to keep doing our jobs. honestly i feel sad for these people that this is what their life. is that they are spending their times, making phone calls to elected officials office, saying the things that they're saying. they should really find something better to do with their time. >> will all feel sad for them when they start to try to get help, then we will all want to do everything we can to help them, but, right now they are terrorists. and they are trying to creator. arizona secretary of state, katie hobbs, thank you very much for joining. stay safe. >> thank you. >> and joining us now is democratic's senator amy klobuchar, she is chair of the senate rules committee who oversees the administering of elections and senator amy klobuchar you are also a member of the judiciary committee over at the justice department. is anyone interested in finding out what federal authorities are doing about phone calls like this? >> i am. and i have been using my position to push this out here. we cannot have a democracy if there are tax made on people like katie, who is a guardian of our democracy and secretary of state, i had a hearing in the rules committee, and we heard shocking testimony, not only from katy, who came out for the hearing, but also a guy in named al smith. he was a republican elected official in philadelphia whose family was threatened. this was a message saying the tell the truth or your three kids will be fatally shot. the names of the seven year old, 11 year old, 14-year-old all put out public that they are just a photo of their house. you know what lawrence, he's not running again and we heard from a conservative secretary of state in kentucky, who reported that because of that intimidation and various things that it happened that less people are signing on to be voluntary election officials. so no matter where it comes from on the political spectrum, the effect of all of this is a democracy on fire. and that is why it is so important to go up for this, and why i think we should make it a federal cline and you see those numbers out of the reporting, and you find out that the no investigation is worth going on when there's 800 threats with legal experts saying that 100 of them could be prosecutable. and that is why our bill, with freedoms vote act, that every democrat in the united states senate is supported of. basically has in, they're a clear federal crime, if someone intimidates and threatens both to administer our elections. these local legends -- go ahead. lawrence >> sorry, i was just going to say imagine hummus beating there would be on our highways if no one ever got arrested for speeding, ever. and that is where we are right now on these phone calls. this is a terrorism program that they are launching against any officials involved in elections and if there are going to be any arrests for when these calls are criminal, and not all of them are criminal, they are not all threatening. but the ones that are, and threatening deaths, if there are no arrests, they are going to keep happening and people are going to keep quitting and not running for these jobs. >> exactly. or even voluntary in elections. the other thing that was pointed out was in rural areas, the guy from philadelphia was saying how he had enough protection. but in some rural areas there is an even enough police or officials to protect them. i think that this should be a number one focus and i asked merrick garland about it, during a hearing, the recent hearing at the judiciary, i'm going to keep pushing. this and it would be very helpful to get a clear federal crime identified for going after election officials. >> i mean, this is the use of terrorism to try and get the election outcome that you want. and getting that outcome by driving out of office the people who will handle elections honestly. >> exactly. when you hear their stories and you see them choke up when all they wanted to do was serve our countries, you know that this is deadly wrong, what is going on and it is of course part of the big lie that has been perpetrated, but it is also part of the corrosive-ness that we're seeing right now in our politics. which includes of course the 13 republicans in the house of representatives. it is simply, i guess, have the gall to vote for broadband and to do a vote for better roads and bridges and rails in their district and in the state, and then they are the subject of death threats. this just has to stop. and i believe that as a former prosecutor. that one way you stop it is by making very clear that you are going to enforce the law, and in some cases that means that we're going to have to make sure that there is a [inaudible] on the vote. and you know why we want to pass the freedom of vote act. including making sure that people can vote clearly, safely, in any way that they want from mailing in their ballots to voting early. when we see the attack on voting across this country. everyone should have the freedom to vote, and certainly, they should have the freedom to be able to be safe if they are an election official. >> senator amy klobuchar, thank you very much for joining this discussion tonight, we really appreciate it. >> thank you lawrence. >> up next, neal katyal will give us his reading of the appeals court decision, giving donald trump a bit more time to fight the subpoenas from the january six committee, and why is merrick garland taking so long to deal with the house of representatives recommendation that steve bannon be prosecuted for contempt of congress. that is next. that is next as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? 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>> well i love professor, type and i get what he's saying, at the same time that the justice department for exactly the reason they're talking about it moments ago will be the first time that steve bannon was indicted, it took longer than the justice department to do that. he has already been a convicted felon, so a few extra days are worth, it if bannon actually faces the consequences, a second time around. i've been willing to, if the just justice department does take some time, but if they take action by next week, they will sign us up. >> well, as you know, the frustration is based on the eight-day model it was a regular administration official, but the reagan justice department, took eight days to charge that official. and the representative, time is everything in congress, and enforcement combined with the time tables of enforcement is what makes enforcement real. we have the midterms coming, up because the republicans have shown themselves, that they were more comfortable with violence than voting, we saw that they took to task, the republican secretary of state did not side with them in the presidential election. they were perfectly fine when democratic secretary of state would say that an election went their way as it did in virginia, and so, they expect that their own people are going to be with them and behind them, so they are showing themselves, as we go into the midterms, that if that is not the, case they cannot put in place the barriers to keep from winning the election that they will resort to violence. in fact, by the way lawrence, the evolution that we're seeing here is that donald trump must invent a lie to help the violence that took place on january six. here we are, into the biden administration, and you don't even have to invent lies anymore, or republican members of congress to help the threats for voting. god forbid, roads, bridges, and tunnels -- it's getting much worse. that is why the pressure is on, i think at this. point >> neil, what is your reading of the appeals court ruling today, giving donald trump more time to argue over the possible blocking of the delivery of documents to the january six committee? >> no big deal, lawrence whatsoever. when i was in government, i saw exactly these time of temporary things over the days. and the court grants them because they are worried about doing something indelible. it is kind of the same reason that you look at your friends username three times before you venmo them. your money is probably going to the right place, but it is if it is wrong it's never going back. even if the claims are bogus, they make a mistake, or something you can't undo what has already been done. there is no chance, law, is that donald trump is going to win this claim before the court of appeal. the claim is, the joke of being charitable, and judge chutkan wrote that in the crowd opinion -- that they are not kings, and the plaintiff is not the president. so she identified two big problems, one is that donald trump is the former president. the current president, as you said in the lead to the segment, has already rejected his claim of executive privilege in the supreme court. and also, executive privilege can be over comments -- and here is trump claiming executive privilege. he is claiming all sorts of things. steve bannon, as we talked about, winners like stephen miller who evidently took a break from reading his products have brought a, coup with the brother cast of, character winners like kylie haven't ever been able to tell the truth, and so when all these claims are about is that these peoples are free to vote of confidence and that is why they are turning exact forbid. thank you both very much for joining our discussion, really appreciate. it >> thank you. >> and a programming know as we wait for the january 6th committee to subpoena giuliani. you can watch the extraordinary documentary about the infamous press conference giuliani held last year in the parking lot of the family landscaping company in philadelphia. is that by mistake? that documentary is the four seasons total documentary, it will air tomorrow night at 10 pm right here on msnbc. coming up, why do texas republicans want to get -- wilkerson's masterful book out of texas school libraries. texas representatives and julie johnston will tell us next. s next you're driving innovation. you're racing to the cloud. you need to do it securely. that's why palo alto networks developed prisma cloud - an integrated platform that secures your cloud environment end to end. used by the world's largest organizations, prisma cloud provides the cyber security you need from code to cloud. so you can get cloud security right, the first time around. we've got next. and texas the republican party's vision for america is taking shape. no access to abortion, vaccination is discouraged, voting rights diminished, books banned. texas state representative matt prowse is a candidate for state attorney general and he has compiled a list of 850 books that make students feel discomfort. that list includes last year's bestseller by isabelle wilkerson, cast, the origins of our discontents. that book is indispensable to our understanding of american history, and ourselves. it is a book that belongs on a reading list in every high school and every university in america, and in universities around the world. it is on reading lists around the world. texas governor greg abbott, who still has no plans to prevent future collapses of the power grid in texas, that caused texans to freeze to death in their homes, has found the time to direct the texas education agency quo, to immediately develop statewide standards to prevent the presidents of pornography and other obscene content and texas public schools, including libraries. joining us now, texas state representative jasmine crockett, and texas state representative julie johnson, both are democrats representing -- . representative, crockett, one real legislative agenda here. no real improvements to the power grid infrastructure in texas that this government is trying to accomplish. teaching high school kids what they need to know about their own country. >> [laughs] you know first of all it's good to see you, it's really sad that they are using the children as pingpong balls in this game of primary. that is essentially what we have going on. we are talking about books not necessarily -- but books that have been around forever i remember when -- a text message about these books that -- put out because one is actually named jasmine. she said matt prow is trying to ban from schools now. it's ridiculous, but they are trying to do whatever it takes to make sure that this far-right -- feel like they're being quote unquote as conservative as possible. >> these book less of 150 books is something that obviously he is using for political purposes, is this about winning republican primaries in texas? >> absolutely. any rational thoughtful person would want people to read and study critically acclaimed novel, and a pulitzer prize-winning novel. it is incredible that greg abbott has stoop so low to try and manipulate the mines and critical thinking of so many people. at the end of the day though, it is critical to see these books remain in our schools. kids go to resources for information. do you know that texas is one of the highest states of teen pregnancy? they are trying to remove all books about pregnancy, pregnancy assistance, how to get pregnant, things you can do to keep getting pregnant, and all they can do is make his get more pregnant. i don't think kids are getting pregnant because they read it in a book in their high school library. so the fact that they are trying to ban this incredible. it is really just trying to put it down as the most popular level of an an educated based to try and get them fearful and thinking why they are critically doing is making this not trust experts. they are making us not trust our teachers, our librarians, our school officials who have the best interest of our kids at heart. >> and this seems to be the argument that they want. it seems to me that they want to be in an argument with you over books. they do not want to be in an argument with you over the power grid or other real governing issues for the state of texas. >> that's absolutely right. i was speaking with someone earlier today, and i talked about that very fact. republicans right now they say, how do we deal with this argument that they give about critical race theory. there is no argument to give. we need to focus on what matters. these are nothing but distractions. when we have to talk about substance, republicans are losing every single time, especially here in the state of texas. so that is what we have right now, they are throwing out critical race theory, throwing out books in schools, throwing out chants kids, they are doing all the stuff instead of talking about what really matters. we have a grid that is not functioning, we have an attorney general that has been under felony indictment for years, and constantly under federal investigations but we don't want to talk about that. so we need to focus on the meat and potatoes as democrats and -- this nonsense to make sure that we focus on -- . not just democrats, but everyone to focus on things that matter which is making sure that we have feet when this winter is over. >> texas state representative jasmine crockett, and julie johnston, thank you very much for joining us tonight. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> coming up mitch mcconnell is called the bipartisan infrastructure deal and godsend in kentucky, but he says he won't attempt the bill signing ceremony for the bill he voted for. that bill signing ceremonies on monday. that's up next. that's up next be there for life's best moments with coricidin. now in sugar free liquid. want your clothes to smell freshly washed all day without heavy perfumes? 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>> i think he certainly will. i think he is committed to finding a path forward. i think he just wants to take the necessary time to make sure that -- gets everything done that we want to get done, and he knows what the effects will be. there needs to be -- we won't have -- to make sure that it is a real problem, he wants to make sure there are any issues that need to be -- before by the way third bill when it comes to this year. [inaudible] . you >> jonathan, could you help the audience with the way joe manchin talks about this legislation publicly. you have senator sinema who says basically nothing publicly, so she doesn't end up seeming to contradict herself. i know a lot of people think that senator manchin overtime contradicts himself because at a certain point he suggests that he is open to certain things, but months later his noah longer open to. how would you describe, how would you checked his public comments about this, and how would you guide the audience to listen to them? >> i think he tells people how he feels at the time, he likes to -- one reporters ask him questions he is not afraid to answer them. i think that is what happened. he will look at the issue and answer honestly and directly. things may change, he may get new information, that is why he wants to see what the long term impact of the bill will be. analysis will [inaudible] he will answer the question honestly when he doesn't [inaudible] upfront an honest but -- [inaudible] >> norman, we saw the house members, the 13 republicans who voted for this bipartisan infrastructure bill all basically threatened by their own party. there was a period where there was a question should we discipline them, kick them off their committees in the house. miss mcconnell who voted for announced that he will not be able to attend the bill signing on monday, because he will be busy with other stuff, like being afraid of what donald trump would say if he attended the bill signing. >> he needs to get his hair washed, he just can't make it there. so those threats were absolutely chilling. fred is one of the 13th who signed this, his life, his wife life, his family life is just horrible. some of them are going to be there, but you are absolutely right that this is a huge accomplishment, but now we segue to the next one which is absolutely critical. remember we got basically 24 days ahead that are extraordinarily important. we have to get done this big bill, becomes even more important because of the inflation numbers. remember by december 3rd we also need to keep the government running to avoid a shutdown, and we need to deal with the debt ceiling. getting all of that done, and maybe packaging it altogether into that big reconciliation bill is going to be a heavy lift, and a challenge. i'm not worried about joe manchin and -- i think we are going to find some way of making it happen. the timing is a little bit of a greater concern. we have to keep in mind that we have those voting bills coming up next, and that is where joe manchin becomes another critical player. >> and jonathan kott, as this bill goes forward they are going to be complexities in the senate that we all know. a lot of house members will be discovering those complexities for the first time as they see things rolled out of water in effect. that is moving through there it could be that whatever the house passes has to go back to a conference and it will have to pass again through -- basically they have to take wet turns out to be the senate product and passed through the house again. >> yeah, i mean i will leave it up to you -- [inaudible] will come out looking completely different. yes we will need to get -- have a new whole new ulises. probably on december 23rd, hopefully not december 22nd the pending the senate becomes one of the most people in the country and i'm guessing most of your audience has no idea who that is, but you are very familiar with. >> yeah, and of course it's the role of the senate robert byrd who used to hold the state that joe manchin holds now. those rules basically rule out certain things that the house is able to do, that the senate is not able to do. we will be hearing a lot about the bird bath as this bill proceeds, jonathan kott and norman ornstein thank you both for joining us tonight. we will be right back with tonight's last words on a historic first, that's next. first, that's next. or fun. daring, or thoughtful. sensitive, or strong. progress isn't either or progress is everything. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. bogeys on your six, limu. whose resumes on indeed they need customizedriteria. car insurance from liberty mutual so they only pay for what they need. woooooooooooooo... we are not getting you a helicopter. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ the new sensodyne repair and protect with deep repair has the science to show that the toothpaste goes deep inside the exposed dentin to help repair sensitive teeth. my patients are able to have that quality of life back. i recommend sensodyne repair and protect with deep repair. tide pods ultra oxi one ups the cleaning power of liquid. can it one up whatever they're doing? 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[applause] i want to congratulate mayor-elect woo for leading an impressive campaign, and becoming the first woman of color elected to the office of mayor. it >> boston mayor -- was confirmed as -- then the president have become the acting mayor of boston. the first mayor in the city who was not a white man. she ran for mayor this year on an election that was won by michelle wu who will become the city's first asian american mayor. michelle wu will be sworn in as mayor on tuesday. yesterday mayor kim janey gave her farewell speech as mayor i high barney and hall in rocks very, a building that was originally an irish dance hall actually the building where my grandparents met. >> when i moved into the mayor's office in march, i hung to framed prints on the concrete wall opposite my desk and city hall. the first frame print is the cover of the april 2013 issue of boston magazine, cover depicts a heart shaped collection of running shoes worn by marathon airs on april 15th 2013. a day our city, and the world will never forget. the second frame to print features kamala harris, the first woman, and the first person of color to serve as vice president. she is striving forward next to a silhouette is a pine sign -- and just like me kamala and ruby were also on the front lines of our nations battle to desegregate our schools. they too had to overcome adversity, and paved the way for others to follow. the inscription beneath the two iconic figures in this figure read, the first but not the last. >> jim cheney was a first when she was 11 years old, and she was bussed across town in boston to a school in a white neighborhood that violently resisted the court ordered desegregation of its public schools. yesterday, after thinking her mother and daughter and the rest of her family, kim janey says this. >> as i reflect back on the two prints that i hung in my office, and as we laced up our sneakers to finish this race, and you know i will be wearing converse, we must continue to run towards justice equity and love. just like vice president kamala harris, and ruby bridges, and so many in between, let's continue to break barriers and create opportunities for those who will follow us. it has been my greatest honor to serve my city as the 55th mayor. thank you boston. you will forever be in my heart. [applause] [applause] >> the honorable kim janey gets tonight's last words, the 11th hour with brian williams starts now. zip you >> well good evening once again they 96 of the biden administration, the committee investigating the january 6th insurrection is now on a new fight with another of trump's top lieutenants. mark meadows. he was originally subpoenaed back in late september, he's been negotiating with investigators, but tonight the chairman gave him an ultimatum. and a letter the panel insisted he appeared to give a deposition tomorrow at 10 am, or quote, this election many will be his failure to appear at the disposition as noncompliance. such willful noncompliance will force the committee to can vote the contempt of congress procedures. that means meadows could share the same fate as steve bannon who is referred to the justice department for prosecution, three weeks ago. because not all insurrectionists are eager to cooperate it turns out. mark meadows attorney has insisted his client did not have to appear because he was covered by trump's claim of executive privilege. the white house has not made it quite clear that no one serve the terms that it rejected that claim executive privilege is ot

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, Threats , Government Officials , Quote , States , Messages , Election Officials , Prosecution , 800 , 12 , 100 , Experts , Anything , The Call , Rioters , Patriot , Heard , Threat , Public , Reporters , Woman , Organizations , Employers , Phone Calls , Planet , Saying , Tip , Terrorism Bulletin , Extremists , Iceberg , Department Of Homeland Security , Officials , Violence , Communities , Representatives , Facilities , Opponents , Government Facilities , Law Enforcements , Point , Terror , Kind , Fantasies , Extremist , Reality , Homeland Security Terrorism Bulletin , People , Schedule Requiring Trump , Drive , Stupidity , Mix , Telephones , Tears , Official , Others , Supporters , Country , Politician , Figure , Followers , Behalf , Terrorism , Gift , Terrace , American Way , American Politics , Terrorists , Death , Telephone Calls , Place , Voice Mail , 200 , Pieces , Families , Living , Six , Trump , President , World , Family , Family Members , Go , God Bless America , Anyone , Sickness , Governor , Twisted , Way , Kinds , Program , Basis , Concern , Doing , Wall , Elections , Concerns , Servants , Yes , Divisions , Morale , Administration , Staff , Part , Authorities , Crimes , Professors , Nothing , Law Enforcement , Job , Challenges , Face , 2020 , Democracy , Folks , 2022 , It Isn T , Creator , Purpose , Fear , Lot , Terrorize , Security , Executive Power , More , Workplace , Everyone Safety , Homicidal Rage , Contempt Of Congress , Members , Car , Danger , Assassination , Killing , Gabby , Saw , Force , Times , Jobs , Everything , Feel , Help , Amy Klobuchar , Chair , Democratic , Stay Safe , Senate Rules Committee , Member , Judiciary Committee , Justice Department , Hearing , Guardian , Position , Tax , Guy , Al Smith , Rules Committee , Philadelphia , Republican , Testimony , Katy , Kids , House , Truth , Lawrence , Names , Message , Photo , 11 , 14 , Three , Seven , Intimidation , Kentucky , Effect , Matter , On Fire , Spectrum , Investigation , Reporting , Numbers , Worth , Cline , Bill , United States Senate , Someone , Freedoms Vote Act , Highways , Speeding , Hummus , Beating , Legends , Criminal , Arrests , Terrorism Program , Ones , Deaths , Areas , Police , Protection , It , Merrick Garland , Focus , Judiciary , Outcome , Use , Countries , Stories , Course , Republicans , Corrosive Ness , Politics , House Of Representatives , Big Lie , 13 , Vote , Bridges , Roads , Death Threats , District , Broadband , Rails , Gall , Subject , Prosecutor , Cases , Voting , Inaudible , Attack , Mailing , Ballots , Freedom Of Vote Act , Everyone , Discussion , Freedom , Election Official , Safe , Committee , Neal Katyal , Reading , Up Next , Subpoenas , Giving Donald Trump , Court Decision , Steve Bannon , Recommendation , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Liberty , Customization , Dj , Throwback , Perfumes , Clothes , Beads , Boosters , Washing Machine , Downy Light , Capful , Wash Freshness , Light Scent , Dyes , Scents , Laundry , Load , Detergent , Four , Salonpas , Inflammation , Prescription Strength , Arthritis Pain , Pain Relief Ingredient , Medicine , Arthritis Gel , Network , Small Business , Data , Service , Flexibility , Comcast Business Mobile , Nationwide 5g , 5 , Term , Contract , Lines , Business , Line , Internet , Customers , Match Data Options , Fees , Comcast Business , Federal Appeals Court , 30 , 0 , Possibilities , White House , Border , Emergency Motion , Archives , Judge Panel , House Select Committee January 6th Attack , Turning Over , 6 , January 6th , Executive Privilege , Lawyer , Courts , Appellants , Judges , Injunction , Jurisdiction , Written Brief By Tuesday , Call Logs , Speeches , Ruling , Visitor Logs , Merits , Drafts , 46 , 300 , Biden , Mark Meadows , Letter , Deputy Counsel , Immunity , Mark Meadows Lawyer , Supreme Court , Deposition , Documents , Client , Principle , Meadow , Instruction , Congressman , Conflict , Meadows Failure , 10 , Privilege , Roofs , Log , Noncompliance , Procedures , Eric Swalwell , Brief Manager , Subpoena , Impeachment Trial , Acting , General , He Isn T Msnbc News Legal Contributor , Doesn T Show , Referral , Refusal , 21 , Need , Facts , Ability , Contempt , Indictment , Meadows , Waiting , Steve Bennett , Benin , Witnesses , Bottom Up , Few , Impeachment , Pressures , Document , Witness , Blind , Students , Neil , Law Professor , Delay , Tribe , Harvard Of Law School , Justice , Professor , Action , Type , Reason , Department , Time , Second Time Around , Consequences , Felon , Frustration , Eight , Crockett , Reagan , Tables , Midterms , Task , Virginia , Barriers , Case , Lie , Lies , Fact , Evolution , Pressure , Tunnels , Court Ruling Today , God Forbid , Government , Deal , Delivery , Blocking , Grants , Friends Username , Money , Claims , Mistake , Claim , Chutkan , Chance , Joke , Court Of Appeal , Crowd , Opinion , Plaintiff , Problems , Segment , Lead , Kings , Comments , Sorts , Winners , Kylie Haven T , Character Winners , A , Coup , Break , Products , Brother Cast Of , Stephen Miller , Confidence , Documentary , Programming , January 6th Committee To Subpoena Giuliani , The Infamous Press Conference Giuliani , Parking Lot , Family Landscaping Company , Seasons , Coming Up , Texas , Texas Representatives , Texas School Libraries , Isabelle Wilkerson , Msnbc , Julie Johnston , Cloud , Innovation , Palo Alto Networks , Prisma , Cloud Environment End , Cyber Security , Code , Prisma Cloud , Cloud Security Right , Access , Vision , Shape , Vaccination , Abortion , Books , List , Matt Prowse , Candidate , State Attorney General , 850 , Discomfort , Discontents , Origins , Bestseller , Cast , High School , Around The World , University , Reading List , Universities , Understanding , American History , Texans , Greg Abbott , Power Grid , Plans , Homes , Collapses , Schools , Presidents , Libraries , Texas State Representative , Standards , Quo , Pornography , Content , Texas Education Agency , Julie Johnson , Power Grid Infrastructure , Agenda , Teaching , Improvements , Children , Primary , Pingpong Balls , Game , Text Message , Jasmine , Matt Prow , Conservative , Quote Unquote , 150 , Person , Purposes , Primaries , And A Pulitzer Prize , Thinking , Stoop , Mines , Information , Teen Pregnancy , Resources , High School Library , Pregnancy , Pregnancy Assistance , Incredible , Level , Educated , Heart , Argument , School Officials , Interest , Teachers , Issues , Governing , Race Theory , Distractions , Substance , Stuff , Grid , Felony Indictment , Attorney General , Investigations , Nonsense , Meat , Potatoes , Mitch Mcconnell , Bill Signing Ceremony , Infrastructure Deal , Godsend , Liquid , Bill Signing Ceremonies On Monday , Coricidin , Scent Beads , Light , Plan , Owner , Future , Investor , Advice , Tools , Vanguard , Lift , Skip , Step , Spray , Move , Freshness , Spin , Swipe , Degree , Still Fresh Move , Pan , Aaaaand , Slam , Bill Ceremony , Infrastructure Bill , Attention , Infrastructure Plan , Senator Manchin , Policy , Social Policy , Pace , Nancy Pelosi , House Speaker , Legislation , Inflation , Fight Inflation , New York Times , Economists , Government Spending , Range , Economy , Workers , Infrastructure , Services , Businesses , Goods , Interest Rate Increases , Demand , Prices , Fed , Energy Services , Broadening , Childcare , Transition , Ambitions , Priorities , Inflation Risks , Scholar , Historian , Senior Adviser , Communications Director , American Enterprise Institute , Gentlemen , The Big Question , Bill Signing Pens , Effects , Path Forward , Problem , Audience , Talks , Sinema , Noah , Issue , Question , Impact , Analysis Will , Doesn T , Honest , Committees , In The House , Party , Bill Signing On Monday , Hair , Family Life , Wife , Fred , Some , Accomplishment , 24 , Running , Inflation Numbers , Because , Shutdown , December 3rd , 3 , Reconciliation Bill , Challenge , Debt Ceiling , Done , Voting Bills , Bit , Timing , Mind , Complexities , House Members , Know , Player , Jonathan Kott , Conference , Water , Product , December 23rd , Ulises , 23 , December 22nd , 22 , Most , Idea , Role , Robert Byrd , Rules , Bird Bath , Bill Proceeds , First , Words , Fun , Norman Ornstein , Progress Isn T , Daring , Candidates , Shortlist , Project Managers , Job Criteria , Projects , Bogeys , Limu , Helicopter , Pay , Customizedriteria , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Woooooooooooooo , Repair , Toothpaste , Quality , Dentin , Science , Teeth , Sensodyne Repair , Patients , Sensodyne , Power , Cleaning Power , Questions , Oxi , Stains , Tide Pods Ultra , Sure , Tide Pods , Ultra Oxi , Network Solutions , Guests , Devices , Cyberthreat , 1200 , Boston , Big Day , Network Management , Activecore Platform , Anywhere , Business Powering Possibilities , Sd Wan , Mayor , Last , Color , Applause , Campaign , Michelle Wu , City , City S First Asian American , Kim Janey , Farewell Speech , Hall , Rocks , Irish Dance Hall , High Barney , Prints , Grandparents , Desk , City Hall , Concrete Wall , Cover , Frame , Print , Collection , Marathon Airs On April 15th 2013 , Boston Magazine , April 15th 2013 , April 2013 , 2013 , Kamala Harris , 15 , Vice President , Pine Sign , Silhouette , Nations , Ruby , Figures , Adversity , Inscription , School , Town , Neighborhood , Jim Cheney , Desegregation , Mother , Daughter , Rest , Yesterday , Race , Converse , Sneakers , Justice Equity , Love , Many , Opportunities , Honor , Ruby Bridges , 55 , 11th Hour , Brian Williams , January 6th Insurrection , Another , Fight , 96 , Investigators , Chairman , Panel , Lieutenants , Ultimatum , Negotiating , Failure , Disposition , Insurrectionists , Fate , Justice Department For Prosecution , Terms , Attorney ,

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