Transcripts For MSNBC Stephanie Ruhle Reports 20240709 : com

Transcripts For MSNBC Stephanie Ruhle Reports 20240709

>> our own catie beck is live in houston, texas, and zack despart, a reporter with the "houston chronicle," covering this story from the beginning. zach, astro world, a huge concert, supposedly had a plan for mass casualty events. what broke down? >> that's a great question, stephanie. at this time, we're not sure about that, because none of the organizers want to talk with us about what went wrong. yesterday, we secured from them the actual operations and safety plans that they had put together. the entire purpose of that is to keep patrons safe. the plan is quite details. 56 pages long. lists what to do in all types of emergencies, including mass casualty events. talks about how to communicate with the public, about emergencies, about evacuations, about what to do if something goes wrong. it's clear they didn't follow some parts of it. it's not clear if they followed any key parts of it at this time. >> okay, but that's the thing. there's a big difference between a plan and actual regulations. those are two different things. and that's where the law gets involved. were that many people allowed to be in that small of a space? we know years ago, different types of concerts got rid of mosh pits for this very reason. >> that's a good question. so as an outdoor event, in terms of capacity issues, like, legally, 50,000 people there, that was totally within the legal limits. the questions that you bring up about should that many people have been in that sort of compressed space is a good one. we're not exactly sure what physical barriers were there, if they were adequate. i'm certain that would be part of the investigation, because as the patrons had described it at the beginning of your video there, and the same thing, the attendees we talked to, shortly after the travis scott concert began, 9:00 p.m., described the feeling of feeling crushed, especially towards the front of the stage. a lot of people on the left side of the stage. i would be curious, we're going to try map out exactly where all of the fatalities occurred. but it seems like there was a particular danger area where everyone was crushed and great questions about why was that not more safety barriers there. >> when you think about concerts, there may be a standing area, floor, seats, but there's often a very limited number of people who can get into that area. there didn't seem to be a limit, and people lost their lives. katie, what can you tell us about those victims? >> well, i think the most striking thing about the victims, steph, is how young they were. travis scott had an incredible following among young people, as you stated earlier. the youngest victim was 14, but all of the eight victims were under the age of 30. there was a 10-year-old that was in critical condition that was transported from this event to the hospital. so it is no surprise that there is lawsuits in the works and have already been filed. we heard from one houston attorney who's going to have a press conference today on behalf of a 21-year-old victim who died and he said multiple others are involved in that lawsuit. they're going to explain why they think event organizers should be held liable. and i'm interested to hear the reasons for that. i think there's a lot of questions, as you just stated, about capacity and security whether or not these plans were adhered to. we've seen that video at 1:00 in the afternoon, when fans charge over the security line, crushing magnetometer and getting into the venue. at 1:00, things look disorderly. there are questions about what could have been done, what could have been prevented, how soon things were shut down. and certainly this lawsuit today that we're going to be hearing about is likely not going to be the last. >> zach, i've got one of those young super fans living in my house. and so many young people, travis scott fans are saying, how can you blame him? he didn't even know it was happening. he was on stage, but above a crowd of thousands and thousands of people, do we know what scott knew? because there's much blame saying, why wasn't the concert stopped? he was still performing for another 37 minutes. do we know if he knew any of this was even happening? >> we are not entirely sure what he knew about the danger and when he knew it. we know that he had seen people in the crowd in distress. he had halted the show a couple of times to direct ambulances over there. what we do know according to police is that at about 9:38 p.m., half an hour after scott took the stage, that's when the houston fire department declared a kmashlsz tymass casualty even. that is when police they told the promoter, live nation, what was going on, and at that point, live nation agreed to cut the show early. what's not clear is that the show actually did end early. scott played for another 37 more minutes after that danger was known to the promoters. and so far as we can tell, he played his entire set. it was the same length of the show he had played the last time he played astro world. our investigation has focused on that critical 37-minute window when the danger was clearly known, but the concert did not end. >> the danger was known, but we don't know if scott knew it. catie, has he put out any statement? as he said anything? >> he reached out overnight saturday night to fans, saying that he was absolutely devastated by these events anded that no concept this was even possible, this could have happened. he did seem genuinely shocked and grief stricken as he reached out. and that's sort of saying something in terms of his response. these fans here are certainly grieving. we're seeing them come to the memorial, lay flowers, lay pictures of these victims. houston, as a community, is in mourning. so that was an important point that he make that outreach to fans. >> catie beck, zach, thank you both so much. we are going to be following this story as the press conference airs later today. now we want to turn to washington, d.c., where the white house is gearing up for a big pitch to promote the newly passed hard infrastructure bill. bipartisan hard infrastructure bill. president biden hitting the road to sell it later this week, but we're going to start by breaking it down for you right now. this bill includes $110 billion for roads and bridges. the biggest investment we have seen since the 1950s. $105 billion for passenger railroads, freight cars, buss, and public transit. $65 billion for broadband access, specifically in rural areas. $55 billion for clean drinking water. things like replacing lead pipes and a combined $42 billion to upgrade our airports and waterways. let's discuss. i want to bring in capitol hill correspondent, lee ann caldwell, mike memoli, and jake sherman. there's a lot of much-needed very popular things in this bill. hard to argue we don't need it. is there confusion, though, about what's in it? because i keep hearing people talk about socialism and welfare. if you want to go after this bill, go for. it but it seems silly to call welfare a socialism on roads and bridges. this is our crumbling infrastructure. >> yeah, steph. there might not be many clearer examples than this one of where biden's experience as vice president is really shaping the president's approach moving forward at this stage. remember, what was one of vice president biden's first big assignments from president obama. it was overseeing the implementation of the stimulus bill that they passed in 2009. a lot of roads and bridges and other projects, as well. but then vice president told me at the time, and he said often since, he doesn't think they did enough of a job promoting what was in the plan after they passed it. and it created this vacuum that really let the tea party flourish. and we saw what happened politically to the democrats after that. that's why you're going to be seeing a sales pitch now in the way that biden didn't think they did one in the obama administration moving forward. the president will be out on the road this week, wednesday in baltimore, at the port of baltimore. you're going to see pete buttigieg, the treasure secretary in the briefing room today. he's going to be really at the forefront of the biden administration's messaging around this. but there's another critical component, steph, that we know is ahead, too. the biden administration is only just beginning. they know they have still some work to do as it relates to the reconciliation measure moving forward, but that's why the president is going to be doing as much as he can to try to build momentum that they really lost. remember, when the senate passed the bipartisan infrastructure bill, by the end of the week, we were talking about the deteriorating situation in afghanistan. this is a white house that is a big believer in the power of momentum, especially political momentum. they had a win, it happened very late on a friday night, but they want to move the conversation now as quickly as they can away from the sausage making that really has dominated the attention over the last few weeks, and start really talking about the very clear tangible results that they believe this is going to deliver for the american people, steph. >> ana, the administration wants, needs to impact people quickly, but they have to do it right. what is the plan? those who do argue against it would say their problem is the way the government spends and a whole lot of government waste. how is this going to be spent? >> they are going to implement this in a very sort of systemic way, right? they want to make sure that they don't give republicans any leeway to say, they're just, you know, spending money. they're putting things into programs that don't need it. i think you'll start to see this happen really fast. it's something we haven't heard a lot in terms of how democrats are going to approach this kind of in that very sober way. are they going to really look to pete buttigieg as department of transportation as some of the other cabinet secretaries, at urban affairs, for example, that may be looking at how to try how to exactly implement this. that's one of the things that we'll all be watching very closely now that it is finally over the finish line. >> jake, how do they build momentum around this? this is a huge win, right? it's an economic win, it improves jobs, it improves people's quality of life. but how do they take this win and at the same time not forget about the human infrastructure bill? they don't want to lose momentum there. >> those are two different challenges, steph. i mean, the big thing is, can they -- so they say that they'll be -- people will begin to feel the impact of this hard infrastructure bill in the next two to three months when they get shovels in the ground. fair enough. the election is a year from today. the real question on the human infrastructure bill is we are basically at square up with at this moment and you could argue we're not even at square one. we are -- the house has not passed a bill, we don't have budgetary scores for that human infrastructure package. we expect that in the next two weeks. then that bill passes, it gets out of the house and goes to the senate, where it's going to be completely overhauled and done again. while the administration -- i agree that mike is absolutely right. the administration does not want to be talking about the sausage making, should not be talking about the sausage making. but they're going to get right back into the sausage making in the next couple of weeks and it's going to last another four, six, eight, ten weeks. >> leigh ann, scare one isn't a bad thing unless you're not en route to square two. have we heard from any of those moderates, the kyrsten sinema, joe manchin, scott gotheimer who pushed for this bill. progressives were scared. they didn't want to sign on to the first, because they were scared moderates would say, see ya and forget all about the second. >> i have a little bit different of an analogy. i know you're familiar with mile subpoena of the new york city marathon and i think that's where we're here right now, mile 17. we know the last nine to ten miles are the most difficult. and that's what congress is trying to do with this care and climate change bill, this reconciliation bill. there's a lot of ifs left. these six moderates said that they would vote for it if the cbo score lines up with their assessment that it will be paid for, that it won't negatively impact the economy. and then, you know, josh gottheimer was on the sunday shows yesterday saying that he thinks it will, but he thinks, he doesn't know that for sure. and then it has to pass the house and still go to the senate. there's lots of questions around senator manchin where he stands. we know speaker pelosi added paid family leave to the house bill, something that manchin does not support. and there's other problems as well. immigration, state and local tax. senator bernie sanders has problems with the house version of that bill. they have a lot of work to do, and it's the most difficult part of this process still, steph. >> he's not okay with paid family leave, he is okay with carried interest. i do hope he'll join us and explain that one for us. thank you all for joining us. we'll leave it there. coming up, after 18 months, vaccinated travelers from overseas are able to enter the united states for the first time today. we're going to go live to one of the nation's busiest airports. and the uphill battle for the president's vaccine mandate, after a judge temporarily blocked the order. what happens now? we are already in a good place with many mandates. over 200 million americans vaccinated. they work. plus, one of the biggest names in the nfl now slamming aaron rodgers after he missed a game due to covid and spread false claims about the vaccine and misled people about his own status. the latest in that saga, coming up next. status the latest in that saga, coming up next. ♪ ♪ welcome to allstate. where everything just seems to go your way. ♪ ♪ you're in good hands with allstate. click or call for a lower auto rate today. i've lost count of how many asthma attacks i've had. you're in good hands but my nunormal with nucala? fewer asthma attacks. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection-site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your doctor about nucala. find your nunormal with nucala. ♪ ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ gordan ramsey this is a cold call! to unveil them to the world. nfl teams are turning to cold with tide. will you? 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>> i guess it depends on some of these republican attorneys in the courts here, stephanie. we know that republican attorney generals sued the biden administration and they have won in the fifth circuit. that's that very conservative circuit that also sided with the state of texas and the abortion lawsuit that we've talked a lot about. there was a three-judge panel that decided over the weekend to put a stay, that's a temporary block, on that vaccine mandate. now, we do expect to hear from the justice department today. they have said, through the labor department, that osha, under the osha act, they have the explicit right to push a vaccine mandate and to make this work when there is an emergency need to protect the health and safety of american workers. so they're standing by this. but the court over the weekend said that they thought that it went too far and that there were some questions about the constitutionality of a vaccine mandate for these workers. again, we're seeing republican states pitting off against the administration on a number of issues, vaccine mandates being the latest among them, stephanie. >> but that's political. down in louisiana, are you seeing big businesses there, fight these mandates? they don't want their employees to have to get vaccinated? >> as far as what's going down in louisiana, i think these are things that are coming now through the governors that are trying to say, look, our people don't want to do this. as we know, sometimes this has been incredibly split. it's been incredibly politically. some people are more skeptical of these vaccines. we've seen this play out in law enforcement circles. and then in the end, a lot of times, the workers, the people in law enforcement themselves do go decide to be vaccinated, even if someone above them is saying that there shouldn't be a mandate. i think that's the thing to pay attention to. who actually goes out and does this anyway without a mandate. >> all right, rahema, take us to the airport. international travelers arriving today. who's allowed in? >> people from about 35 countries are allowed in. they're welcome here if they're fully vaccinated. there are still some safety protocols, of which full vaccination is one of them, stephanie. in addition, these travelers have to make certain that they get a negative covid-19 test, 72 hours before they board the flight. children under 18 do not need that vaccine, but they do have to have a negative covid-19 test before they depart. and kids younger than 2 years old, they're exempt from the testing. we talked to a couple of passengers at the newark international airport a little while ago, who had to follow all of these protocols. here's what they had to say about it. >> we were required to get tested before -- it was required while checking into the flight. and all the protocols. >> i think it was all very well organized. there were a lot of checks, because we had gone through a security check in delhi, and we had to redo it for united, so there were multiple checks. other than that, for me, it was good. >> reporter: and so who's going to enforce this, stephanie? it's going to be up to the airlines to make sure that passengers meet those protocols before they get on the plane. if they do not, they could be fined up to $35,000 per violation. in addition, the cdc says, it's going to have workers doing spot checks at the airlines, at the airports, to make certain the protocols being followed. stephanie? >> rahema, julia, thank you both so much. and another sign that things are coming back to normal. a beautiful day here in new york city yesterday. 33,000 people ran the marathon after it was canceled last year, of course, because of covid. throughout the day, hundreds of thousands gathered to cheer on friends, families, strangers across all five boroughs. i was part of that crowd. i got to cheer on my dear friend and colleague, willie geist. and by cheer on, i mean, i did break the rules. i jumped over the barricade to hug him. for those who are saying, you are terrible, stephanie, you slowed him down, i don't know, maybe i actually supercharged him. and should i have run a couple more blocks with him? maybe, but jumping over that barricade, i think i probably pulled a hammy. grache congratulations to willie. he raised over $500,000 for the parkinson's foundation. it's a great day for new york city. coming up next, president obama speaking right now, sounding the alarm on climate change. we're going to share what he just said. and coming up, the committee investigating january 6th could issue a dozen new subpoenas any minute, as yet another former trump official refuses to cooperate. so what do those subpoenas mean if you don't get what you need? everything you need to know, next. t you need erything you need to know, next to make my vision a reality. i have to take every perspective, and see clearly from every point of view. with my varilux progressive lenses i seamlessly transition from near to far. and see every detail in sharp focus. when you see no limits, there are no limits. book now at your local essilor experts to push the limits of your vision. varilux lenses by essilor. right now, we're watching capitol hill, where up to 20 subpoenas in the january 6th riot investigation could go out any moment. but what do those subpoenas mean? this comes after congresswoman liz cheney, the vice chair of the committee leading the probe, said they have already spoken to more than 150 people. but we also learned that one of those people, former trump department of justice official, jeffrey clark, he's not cooperating. and that could be a problem from the committee moving forward. i want to go straight to sahil kapur in washington, also with us. former u.s. attorney, harry litman. sahil, when can we expect these subpoenas and more importantly, any members of congress expected to get them? >> stephanie, the subpoenas are expected to drop today and tomorrow. that's according to the chairman of the committee, bennie thompson, who i spoke to on friday night. in terms of members of congress, it is unclear that they will be part of this round of subpoena. there was a suggestion that they weren't quite there yet. but we can safely say that persons of interest to this committee include members of congress who spoke at that so-called stop the steal rally that led directly to the attack on the capitol, as well as members of congress, who have spoken privately or who spoke privately to former president trump that day. those individuals relate directly to the mandate of this committee. we know that one of the individuals discussed for this current round of subpoenas is a man named john eastman. the trump attorney that wrote that memo, that's been described as a road map for a coup. his certainly a part of this. he's expected to be a part of this round of subpoenas, but the chairman did not exactly confirm. we are awaiting that and we'll see where the committee goes in terms of the subpoenas as well as enforcing that subpoena for jeffrey clark, by the way. thompson told me that he should be worried about a potential criminal contempt referral in the same way that steve bannon got if he doesn't cooperate. >> all right, harry, this guy, jeffrey clark, he wanted department of justice officials to overturn the election. the reason he's not talking is he is citing attorney/client privilege. please explain this. attorney/client privilege? he worked for the department of justice. we, the american people, are the client, the taxpayers. we want to hear from him! >> no kidding. and the other thing he's citing is executive privilege and his argument in his letter is, trump was entitled to assertive. trump hasn't asserted it as to him. it's really inane. it has no purchase, at all. but if you read his letter, the very first thing that happens, the letter from his lawyer is, he drops a footnote saying, i preserve all my other rights. here's my read on jeffrey clark, he's not talking, no matter what, but he wants to do it in the way that most preserves his reputation. his openinged by is this really lousy, nonclaim of executive privilege. but when push comes to shove, he'll cite the fifth amendment and not talk then. that's the basic play, i think, with him. he's in too much hot water, but he wants to have a future in the town to the extent he can. >> and there's no consequences for that? for me, i'm guessing, if i get a subpoena and i don't respond to it, a u.s. marshal bangs on my front door and says, let's go, steph-o. >> and then you say, i cite the fifth, and maybe msnbc doesn't put you in the anchor chair anymore. he's mostly concerned with reputational harm at this point, but he must not talk. that's what his lawyers told him. in general, by the way, the committee is playing a carrot and stick game. we are seeing all of this stuff outfront, all of the disputes, but as you just heard from cheney, they have 150 people behind the scenes they're saying, talk to us, we won't reveal who you are yet. you won't necessarily have to be in public. and for a guy like clark, they have now collected all kinds of incoupletory information that puts pressure on him. and if he doesn't talk, the bad story about him gets told without his being able to give any retort. >> and with inculpatory, harry litman wins the vocabulary word of the day. >> i learned that in law school. >> you won it today. and gop lawmakers keep spreading lies as a grand jury looms in georgia over that infamous call, where trump tried to overturn the election results there. the guy who was on the other end of that line will be here next. and remember, infrastructure and everything else congress is debating, none of it matters if we don't have a functioning democracy. your vote has to count. it has to work. e has to count it has to rkwo to make progress, we must keep taking steps forward. we believe the future of energy is lower carbon. and to get there, the world needs to reduce global emissions. at chevron, we're taking action. tying our executives' pay to lowering the carbon emissions intensity of our operations. it's tempting to see how far we've come. but it's only human... to know how far we have to go. why give your family just ordinary eggs when they can enjoy the best? eggland's best. the only eggs with more fresh and delicious taste. plus, superior nutrition. which is now more important than ever. ♪♪ because the way we care... is anything but ordinary. only eggland's best. ♪♪ developing in the state of georgia, the criminal probe into former president trump's effort to overturn georgia's election is officially ramping up and moving toward convening a grand jury, one year after former president trump lost the state, officially. and a year before a key governor's race there and five other swing states, as republicans across the country continue to run on trump's election lie, including carrie lake, who's running for arizona governor. vaughn hillyard has a closer look on what her race means for the country next year. >> reporter: this is carrie lake, she's at the heart of this story. a candidate for office in 2022, who could through the u.s. into election chaos in 2024. in the last 24 hours, you have said the election result was stolen. would you have certified arizona's results? >> hell no. >> carrie lake -- >> reporter: lake, a former phoenix local news anchor caught trump's attention over the summer. >> i think we came very close to a constitutional crisis. >> reporter: trump pressured current arizona governor greg doocy last year, but doocy did not back down. >> governor doocy was horrible. he was missing in action. >> reporter: but it's not just arizona, it's georgia, michigan, nevada, pennsylvania, wisconsin. all of these swing states have races for governor in 2022. >> donald trump has just begun. i'm a part of his team and we're going to take back this country. >> reporter: that man, bernon jones, a georgia legislature, now running for governor. if you were to win the governorship, why should one trust that you would have certified the election results in the state of georgia in 2024. if joe biden were to win a re-election or another democrat. >> see, that is your narrative. that's what you want to push -- >> you're not even willing to say that you would certify the 2020 election. >> i will certify anything that's legal. >> reporter: some states also require the sign-off of their secretary of state. trump trying to influence here too. in arizona, backing mark fincham, a state legislature who was also outside the capitol on january 6th and supporting jodie heist, who is trying to beat brad raffensperger in georgia. >> we witnessed that steal go down. >> reporter: multiple reviews found no majority voter fraud that would have impacted the outcome, but no mention of that here. >> reporter: in 2024, would you be willing to put the country in a position potentially of a constitutional crisis by not certifying arizona's result? >> in 2024? >> if you were governor, that would come down to you. >> let's just take it slow here and get through decertifying. i think we need to decertify our election right now. >> vaughn hillyard, thank you. decertify? why? i want to dig deeper and bring in georgia secretary of state, brad raffensperger. he stopped president trums efforts to overturn the election there and he's the author of the new book, "integrity counts." well, it definitely should. secretary, thank you for joining us. this election lie has now become the republican brand. you've got candidates running on it everywhere. are you worried the damage has already been done? >> well, we're going through a very challenging cycle right now. and that's why i wrote the book, "integrity counts," to really go back and look at what happened in georgia on the 2020 race. at the end of the day, president trump came up short. but i do go through every single allegation that was raised, and i respond to it. and every allegation was never supported by the facts. and so we are facing falsehoods after falsehoods. and it was a rumor whackamole, and we continue to knock them down. but when you have 80 million twitter followers versus our office with maybe 40,000 on a good day, it's tough to win that battle. and that's why i wrote the book, to set the record straight. >> you've blamed both sides for our political climate, but it was republicans who stormed the capitol. it's republicans who keep lying about the election and say that it was stolen. why are you staying a republican if a party punishes you for telling the truth and continues to push this? >> well, i've been a lifelong conservative and i've been a lifelong republican. and so i believe in the principles of economic opportunity and upward economic mobility. i think we're the best part for the middle class and small business owners. so that's my spot, and that's where i am. >> but that's not what i hear republicans running on, sir. i hear republicans running on voter fraud, which isn't true. >> well, if you look at what glenn youngkin ran on in virginia, he talked about parental involvement and really economic issues, pocketbook issues for virginians. so that's a great model forward. but also in my book, i do talk about the difference between stacey abrams. she poll tested the voter suppression in 2014. if we don't get honest with ourselves on both sides of the aisle, these narratives of storming election claims are unhealthy for america. and so we really have to look. our side needs to look into our mirror, your side needs to look in your mirror, when you lose an election, accept the results and move on. if you want to run again, by all means. but we have to really understand that elections are run with fair and honest basis. we have good people up and down the line from your precinct workers to your secretary of state, and i will stand in the gap to make sure we have fair and honest elections. >> but sir, that's not really a fair comparison. stacey abrams never tried to overturn an election. you mentioned virginia and glenn youngkin's win. the democrat in the state of virginia conceded. in the state of new jersey, phil murphy has won the race and actually by a larger margin than we've seen in virginia, yet the republican there has not yet conceded. is this the new republican playbook? if we win, it was a good election, if we lose, it was voter fraud. >> well, the person that i can control is myself. peter ddrucker, management guru says, managing one's self, if everyone managed themselves, they'd be pretty busy. that's what i work on, follow that line of integrity, make sure our office follow the law and follow the constitution. >> since you manage yourself, have you spoken to investigators yet about your conversation with donald trump? you had said in the past that you would. >> no, they've -- as it relates to fulton county, the district attorney, they've interviewed some of our people here and they've asked for documents, which we have supplied. if you look at grand juries, that goes back to the original constitution, so you supply with grand jury investigations. and we will comply. >> all right. secretary, thank you so much for joining us this morning. i appreciate it. >> thank you. and as we have been on the air, former president obama has been speaking at the u.n. climate change conference, cop-26 in scotland, laying out the progress made in the years since the paris climate agreement to go effect, while calling for more action now. >> collectively and individually, we are still fall short. we have not done nearly enough to address this crisis. we are going to have to do more. and whether that happens or not, to a large degree, is going to depend on you. >> in just a few hours, the former president will also lead a roundtable discussion with emerging climate leaders at the conference. but coming up next, right here, a massive infrastructure bill passes over the weekend and yet president biden's approval ratings are hitting a new low. so how does the president and democrats make sure americans see this as a win? we'll ask dnc chair jamie harrison about that next. c chai rrison about that next (man 1) oh, this looks like we're in a screen saver. (man 2) yeah, but we need to go higher. (man 1) higher. (man 2) definitely higher. (man 1) we're like yodeling high. [yodeling] yo-de-le-he... (man 2) hey, no. uh-uh, don't do that. (man 1) we should go even higher! (man 2) yeah, let's do it. (both) woah! (man 2) i'm good. (man 1) me, too. (man 2) mm-hm. (vo) adventure has a new look. (man 1) let's go lower. (man 2) lower, that sounds good. (vo) discover more in the all-new subaru outback wilderness. love. it's what makes subaru, subaru. like you, my hands are everything to me. but i was diagnosed with dupuytren's contracture. and it got to the point where things i took for granted got tougher to do. thought surgery was my only option. turns out i was wrong. so when a hand specialist told me about nonsurgical treatments, it was a total game changer. like you, my hands have a lot more to do. learn more at today. i booked our hotel on kayak. it's flexible if we need to cancel. cancel. i haven't left the house in a year. nothing will stop me from vacation. no canceling. flexible cancellation. kayak. search one and done. wondering what actually goes into your multi-vitamin. at new chapter. flexible cancellation. its innovation organic ingredients and fermentation. fermentation? yes, formulated to help your body really truly absorb the natural goodness. new chapter. wellness well done. the president's $1.2 trillion hard infrastructure bill along with the october jobs report and the drop in covid numbers give democrats powerful weapons ahead of the 2022 midterms. the question is, do they know how to use these weapons? i want to bring in jamie harrison to discuss. he's the chair of the democratic national committee. jamie, you guys have been racking up massive wins. 200 million vaccinations, 5 million jobs created. a $1 trillion infrastructure bill, wages are up. the dow is up. yet your poll numbers are down. how do you square these two things? >> well, part of what we have to do is we have to double down on sellinging all of these achievement. and you're right, on top of that, stephanie, i would add that childhood poverty is down. and very, very soon, we're going to see bridges go up, we'll see roads get fixed and paved. we'll see dirt roads paved. we are going to see water that is clean, because of new pipes. so i'm very proud of what we've been able to do. and you know i've been on your show a number of times and i've said that the message i want for democrats going into 2022 is that democrats deliver. that's what this "d" on my lapel stands for. so part of delivering is putting out there what you have delivered. and making sure that you paint the contrasts with the republicans. you know, you would think that the republicans would prefer infrastructure, but it seems like they prefer insurrection. this is a party, a party that is built on fear and lies and fascism, in some aspects. but the democratic party has to be built on delivering for the american people and making sure that we let the american people know what we've done. >> they may prefer infrastructure, but they didn't get it done. but let's be honest, if trump -- if he got even one of these accomplishments done, there would be a massive pr push, prime-time addresses, parades, and i can't even imagine what else. i understand that democrats don't want to seem insensitive to people who are still struggling, but those same people that you're fighting for will gain absolutely nothing if you lose power. why not celebrate the win? >> well, stephanie, you will hear so much about this bill over the course of the next few days and weeks and months that you're going to have me come back on and say, jamie, i'm hired of hearing about the infrastructure bill. i'm tired of hearing about build back better and then we'll double down even more. we already have ads that are going to go up, we're going to be billboards all over the place, selling this accomplishment. because it's big! it's huge! and it's really, really significant. i mean, i just take one sliver of this in rural areas, for the first time, you are going to get broadband expansion. for, you know, months and years, people have had to have their kids sit out in a parking lot at mcdonald's just to do their homework because they don't have broadband in their community. >> i'm with you -- i hear you 100%, but it's that rural voter that has turned red in a deep way. you're not just offering broadband. you're offering clean drinking water, better public transit. these are things that are going to help that forgotten american who's turned on the democratic party and really became trump's base. how do you communicate with them that you're delivering? because they're the same people who keep talking about culture wars, and you're delivering them hard results. >> well, stephanie, we have to go into those communities. you know, regrettably, the democratic party you'd to be the party of rural america, as well. but we stopped going into those communities because we saw the low-hanging fruit of just going into urban areas where we could rack up hundreds of thousands of votes. we have to go back into those communities. and i want to dispel a myth. rural does not just equate to white. rural also -- rural communities are just as diverse as urban communities. but we have to go into those communities. we have to show up, we have to listen to them about the things that they are challenges. you've got to make sure that they know that we see them and we've got to continue to fight for them. that's what we're going to do. people ask me, what kind of democrat are you, jamie? i'm not a progressive or a conservative, i'm a dirt road democrat. i grew up on a dirt road. i understand about hogs and pigs and corn and all of that. so we've got to go back into those communities and one of the things i'm going to do as chair, very soon, we'll announce a rural outreach tour, where we're going all across rural america, talking about the achievements of this administration and how we have actually delivered. >> before you go, do you need to start addressing more of these culture war issues head on. until now, i often hear, this is misinformation, this is nonsense, when it absolutely is. however, this misinformation and nonsense is impacting how people vote. do you need to take a different approach to combat it? >> we have to. we have to call the lies out for what they are. and they're bolt faced,put them in a box lies. that's what the republican party feeds on. they understand the only path to power for them is to make the american people scared. to come up with all of the dog whistles and boogie men, and all of that. they think somebody is living in their closet or something. that is what they -- that is what they rely upon. but democrats have to call out the lies, and we have to be bold in calling them out, and we've got to make sure that we paint a contrast. let people know what we have done for them. >> all right, then, jamie, please come back soon. always good to have you. coming up next, green bay packers learning what it's like to play without aaron rodgers. spoil alert, it wasn't pretty. so what is next for the league's mvp and more importantly, what's the league going to do about it? 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People , Concert , Travis Scott Concert , Police , Organizers , Promoter , Houston , Criminal Investigation , Crowd Surge , Astro World Festival , One , Eight , Victim , Victims , Families , News Conference , Witnesses , Teenagers , Scene Of Pure Chaos , Two , Ags , 16 , 14 , Kind , Everyone , Everybody , I Can T Breathe , Head , Sky , Wave , Point , Crowd , Security , Area , Anybody , Barricades , Couldn T , Emts , Hindrance , Plan , Catie Beck , Zack Despart , Zach , Story , Beginning , Astro World , Supposedly , Houston Chronicle , Texas , Question , Stephanie Ruhle , None , Mass Casualty Events , Safety Plans , Emergencies , Types , Operations , Safe , Purpose , Pages , Lists , 56 , Thing , It , Something , Parts , Events , Public , Difference , Talks , Evacuations , Things , Concerts , Space , Law , Reason , Regulations , Mosh Pits , Questions , Capacity , Limits , Issues , Terms , Event , 50000 , Part , Sort , Investigation , Video , Patrons , Barriers , Lot , Stage , Wall , Map , Feeling , Side , Attendees , Front , 9 , 00 , Danger Area , Standing Area , Safety Barriers , Fatalities , Floor , Seats , Steph , Number , Limit , There Didn T , Travis Scott , Lives , Katie , Lawsuits , Works , Surprise , Following , Age , Condition , Hospital , 10 , 30 , One Houston , Lawsuit , Others , Press Conference , Event Organizers , Behalf , Liable , 21 , Fans , Plans , Security Line , Reasons , 1 , Hearing , Magnetometer , Venue , House , Saying , Thousands , Last , Danger , Blame , Wasn T The Concert , 37 , Show , Times , Couple , Distress , Ambulances , 38 , Live Nation , Houston Fire Department , Kmashlsz Tymass Casualty , Promoters , Length , Set , Window , Anything , Saturday Night , Statement , Concept , Grief , Community , Memorial , Response , Pictures , Mourning , Lay Flowers , Washington D C , The Press Conference , Outreach , Climate Change Bill , President , Infrastructure Bill , White House , Biden Hitting , Road , Pitch , 10 Billion , 110 Billion , Bridges , Roads , Investment , Passenger Railroads , Freight Cars , Broadband Access , Public Transit , Buss , 65 Billion , 1950 , 5 Billion , 05 Billion , 105 Billion , Airports , Areas , Drinking Water , Waterways , Lead Pipes , Capitol Hill Correspondent , 2 Billion , 55 Billion , 42 Billion , Hearing People , Confusion , Mike Memoli , Socialism , Lee Ann Caldwell , Jake Sherman , Examples , Crumbling Infrastructure , Welfare , Welfare A Socialism On Roads , Vice President Biden , Vice President , President Obama , Experience , Stimulus Bill , Approach , Assignments , Implementation , 2009 , Vacuum , Tea Party , Projects , Job , Administration , The Way , Democrats , Sales , On The Road , Biden Didn T , Pete Buttigieg , Messaging , Component , Briefing Room , Forefront , Baltimore , Port Of Baltimore , Momentum , Work , Senate , Situation , The End , Reconciliation Measure Moving Forward , Afghanistan , Win , Sausage Making , Attention , Power , Conversation , Believer , Friday Night , Results , Problem , Ana , Republicans , Government , Government Waste , Haven T , Way , Programs , Spending Money , Leeway , Some , Cabinet Secretaries , Example , Affairs , Department Of Transportation , Jobs , Human Infrastructure Bill , Life , Quality , Finish Line , Jake , Challenges , Shovels , Impact , Ground , Three , Election , Square One , Bill Passes , Human Infrastructure Package , Scores , Six , Four , Ten , Moderates , Kyrsten Sinema , Any , Scare One Isn T , En Route To Square Two , Senator Manchin , Leigh Ann , Scott Gotheimer , Progressives , First , Second , Analogy , Bit , Subpoena , Congress , Reconciliation Bill , Difficult , Care , Left , New York City Marathon , Ifs , Nine , 17 , Won T , Josh Gottheimer , Sunday , Score , Assessment , Economy , Cbo , Bill , Family Leave , Lots , Speaker , Sure , State , Problems , Bernie Sanders , Immigration , Tax , Version , Travelers , Time , Interest , U S , Coming Up , Hope , Overseas , 18 , Vaccine Mandate , Mandates , Place , Uphill Battle For The President , Nation , Judge , Order , 200 Million , Aaron Rodgers , Game , Vaccine , Status , Nfl , Latest , Plus , Claims , Names , Saga , Everything , Hands , Allstate , Asthma Attacks , Nunormal , Reactions , Count , Breathing Problems , Add On Injection , Asthma , Auto Rate , Nucala , Infections , Doctor , Breathing , Help , Headache , Face , Infection , Swelling , Mouth , Tongue , Trouble , Shingles , Back Pain , Fatigue , Don T Stop Steroids , World , Ideas , Dark , Flexibility , Call , Cold , Teams , Jerseys , Tide , Gordan Ramsey , Guy , Fine , Someone , Brain Performance , Memory Supplements , Neuroscientist , Indicators , Science , Neuriva Plus , Tv , Wherever , Home , Xfinity , Dog , Yes , Deliveries , Hoss , Thanks , Unlocks , Neuriva , Home Security , Curfew Breakers , Solution , Instant , Pros , Cameras , Xfinity Home , 0 , Fight , Coronavirus , Developments , Republican , Louisiana , States , Businesses , Vaccine Requirement , Federal Appeals Court , Court , Look , Mandate , Numbers , Battle , New York City , City Workers , Mayor , Police Officers , Travel Restrictions , Visitors , Firefighters , Increase , 70 , 58 , Course , Airlines , Measures , Rahema Ellis , Restaurants , Hotels , Revenue , Retailers , Jfk Airport , Julia Ainsley , Up , Hasn T , Vaccine Mandates , Attorneys , Courts , Stephanie , Support , Ceos , Fortune 500 , 500 , Circuit , Attorney Generals , Abortion , Fifth Circuit , Weekend , Rahema , Osha , Department Today , Panel , Block , Stay , Labor Department , Osha Act , Workers , Safety , Emergency , Health , Constitutionality , Governors , Employees , Play , Vaccines , Law Enforcement Circles , Law Enforcement , Shouldn T , Anyway , Countries , Vaccination , Safety Protocols , Airport , 35 , Kids , Children , Test , Addition , Flight , 72 , 2 , 19 , Passengers , Protocols , Testing , Newark International Airport , Checks , Security Check , United , Delhi , Plane , Spot Checks , Violation , Cdc , 35000 , 5000 , Marathon , Covid , Hundreds , Sign , Yesterday , 33000 , Rules , Willie Geist , Barricade , Friends , Friend , Cheer On , Boroughs , Strangers , Colleague , Five , Don T Know , Hammy , Jumping , Blocks , It S A Great Day , Congratulations , Foundation , Alarm , Parkinson S , Grache , 500000 , 00000 , Trump , Jeffrey Clark , Subpoenas , The Committee Investigating January 6th , January 6th , 6 , Vision , Perspective , Reality , Progressive Lenses , Point Of View , Experts , Detail , Essilor , Sharp Focus , Varilux Lenses , Capitol Hill , 20 , Democratic National Committee , Liz Cheney , Probe , January 6th Riot Investigation , 150 , Department Of Justice , Harry Litman , Sahil Kapur , Bennie Thompson , Members , Members Of Congress , Round , Rally , Persons , Stop , Suggestion , Capitol , Individuals , Attack , Led , Attorney , Memo , Coup , Man Named John Eastman , Road Map , Officials , Criminal Contempt Referral , Client Privilege , Steve Bannon , Kidding , Client , Taxpayers , Attorney Client Privilege , Letter , Executive Privilege , Trump Hasn T , Argument , Purchase , Reputation , Preserves , Footnote Saying , Rights , Lawyer , No Matter What , Openinged , Water , Push Comes To Shove , Nonclaim , Fifth Amendment , Consequences , Town , Extent , Marshal , Let S Go , Front Door , Anchor Chair , Doesn T , Fifth , Lawyers , General , Harm , Msnbc , Steph O , Talk , Scenes , Disputes , Carrot , Stuff Outfront , Doesn T Talk , Kinds , Information , Guy Like Clark , Vocabulary Word , Law School , Retort , Inculpatory , Infrastructure , Election Results , Grand Jury , Line , Lies , Georgia , End , Lawmakers , E , Progress , Vote , Functioning Democracy , Action , Pay , Carbon Emissions Intensity , Carbon , Executives , Emissions , Energy , Chevron , Human , Eggs , Family , Best , Taste , Eggland S Best , Superior Nutrition , Only Eggland S Best , Effort , Criminal Probe Into , Country , Governor , Race , Swing States , Arizona , Election Lie , Running , Including Carrie Lake , Office , Candidate , This Is Carrie Lake , Heart , Vaughn Hillyard , Chaos , 2022 , 2024 , Result , 24 , Greg Doocy Last Year , Crisis , Former , Summer , Lake , News Anchor , Phoenix , Team , Bernon Jones , Races , Pennsylvania , Wisconsin , Michigan , Nevada , 2022 Donald , Governorship , Narrative , Trust , Re Election , Georgia Legislature , Secretary Of State , Mark Fincham , Sign Off , Backing , 2020 , Brad Raffensperger , State Legislature , Capitol On January 6th , In Georgia , Jodie Heist , Voter Fraud , Reviews , Outcome , Mention , Position , Thank You , Georgia Secretary Of State , Decertifying , Decertify , Secretary , Book , Integrity Counts , Trums Efforts , Author , Candidates , Everywhere , Brand , Damage , Cycle , Allegation , Falsehoods , Facts , The End Of Day , On A Good Day , Rumor Whackamole , 40000 , 80 Million , Sides , Climate , Record , Conservative , Mobility , Opportunity , Principles , Truth , Spot , Sir , Republicans Running On , Small Business Owners , Class , Isn T True , Model , Involvement , Pocketbook , Glenn Youngkin Ran On In Virginia , Virginians , Stacey Abrams , Voter Suppression , Election Claims , Narratives , Aisle , 2014 , Elections , Mirror , Means , Basis , Run , Precinct Workers , Comparison , Virginia , Gap , Glenn Youngkin , Margin , Phil Murphy , New Jersey , Playbook , Person , Management Guru , Peter Ddrucker , Constitution , Integrity , Self , District Attorney , Investigators , Fulton County , Documents , Investigations , Cop 26 In Scotland , Air , U N Climate Change Conference , Paris Climate Agreement , 26 , Effect , More , Degree , Conference , Roundtable , Climate Leaders , Low , Approval Ratings , Discussion , Jamie Harrison , Next , Chai Rrison , Screen Saver , Looks , Man , Vo , Democrats Don T , Adventure , Let S Go Lower , Yo De Le He , Hm , Both , Uh , Yodeling High , Lower , Love , Sounds Good , Subaru Outback Wilderness , Dupuytren S Contracture , Treatments , Option , Hand Specialist , Game Changer , Factsonhand Com , Nothing , Hotel , Vacation , Kayak , Cancellation , Chapter , Fermentation , Canceling , Multi Vitamin , Ingredients , Search One , Wellness , Goodness , Body , 2 Trillion , 1 2 Trillion , Weapons , October Jobs Report , Drop , Midterms , Chair , Guys , Wages , Dow , 1 Trillion , Trillion , 5 Million , Poll Numbers , Achievement , Top , Sellinging , Childhood , Poverty , Pipes , Dirt Roads Paved , Message , Lapel , D , Contrasts , Insurrection , Fascism , Aspects , Fear , Pr Push , Addresses , Accomplishments , Else , Parades , Fighting , Ads , Billboards , Sliver , Accomplishment , Parking Lot , Broadband Expansion , Mcdonald S , Broadband , Better Public Transit , Voter , Homework , Red , 100 , Base , Culture Wars , Communities , Party , Fruit , Regrettably , Votes , Myth , White , Jamie , Dirt Road , Progressive , Corn , Hogs , Pigs , Outreach Tour , Achievements , Nonsense , Misinformation , Culture War Issues Head On , Box , Path , Bolt Faced , Somebody , Boogie Men , Dog Whistles , Closet , Right , Contrast , League , Green Bay Packers , Wasn T , Learning , Mvp , Spoil Alert , Liberty Mutual , Limu , Bogeys , Car Insurancehem , Cough Sneeze , Sneezing , Helicopter , Plop Fizz , Cold Relief , Alka Seltzer , Woooooooooooooo , Dissolves , Alka Seltzer Plus , Fast Sinus Relief , Handful , Moving , Offers , Movers , Internet , Address , Services , Yep , Money , Save , Xfinity Com Moving , Thinking , Business , T Mobile , Partner , Counts , Customer Support , Scene , 5g , Leader , Food , Teaching , Lab , Biology , 5 , Trade Offs , Scandal , Sports World , Hunl , Packers , Quarantine , Leading , Words , Covid Rules , Hall Of Famer , Actions , Players , Football Talks , Terry Bradshaw , Violations , Mike Flourio , Draft Picks , Punishments , Unvaccinateded , Back , Penalties , Well , Mob , Teammates , Unvaccinated , Mask , August 26th , Anyone , Direction , Breaking News Coverage , Jose Diaz Balart , Borders , Reunions , Eastern , Pacific , 7 , Efforts , Pandemic , Connection , Tragedy , Agenda ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC Stephanie Ruhle Reports 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Stephanie Ruhle Reports 20240709

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>> our own catie beck is live in houston, texas, and zack despart, a reporter with the "houston chronicle," covering this story from the beginning. zach, astro world, a huge concert, supposedly had a plan for mass casualty events. what broke down? >> that's a great question, stephanie. at this time, we're not sure about that, because none of the organizers want to talk with us about what went wrong. yesterday, we secured from them the actual operations and safety plans that they had put together. the entire purpose of that is to keep patrons safe. the plan is quite details. 56 pages long. lists what to do in all types of emergencies, including mass casualty events. talks about how to communicate with the public, about emergencies, about evacuations, about what to do if something goes wrong. it's clear they didn't follow some parts of it. it's not clear if they followed any key parts of it at this time. >> okay, but that's the thing. there's a big difference between a plan and actual regulations. those are two different things. and that's where the law gets involved. were that many people allowed to be in that small of a space? we know years ago, different types of concerts got rid of mosh pits for this very reason. >> that's a good question. so as an outdoor event, in terms of capacity issues, like, legally, 50,000 people there, that was totally within the legal limits. the questions that you bring up about should that many people have been in that sort of compressed space is a good one. we're not exactly sure what physical barriers were there, if they were adequate. i'm certain that would be part of the investigation, because as the patrons had described it at the beginning of your video there, and the same thing, the attendees we talked to, shortly after the travis scott concert began, 9:00 p.m., described the feeling of feeling crushed, especially towards the front of the stage. a lot of people on the left side of the stage. i would be curious, we're going to try map out exactly where all of the fatalities occurred. but it seems like there was a particular danger area where everyone was crushed and great questions about why was that not more safety barriers there. >> when you think about concerts, there may be a standing area, floor, seats, but there's often a very limited number of people who can get into that area. there didn't seem to be a limit, and people lost their lives. katie, what can you tell us about those victims? >> well, i think the most striking thing about the victims, steph, is how young they were. travis scott had an incredible following among young people, as you stated earlier. the youngest victim was 14, but all of the eight victims were under the age of 30. there was a 10-year-old that was in critical condition that was transported from this event to the hospital. so it is no surprise that there is lawsuits in the works and have already been filed. we heard from one houston attorney who's going to have a press conference today on behalf of a 21-year-old victim who died and he said multiple others are involved in that lawsuit. they're going to explain why they think event organizers should be held liable. and i'm interested to hear the reasons for that. i think there's a lot of questions, as you just stated, about capacity and security whether or not these plans were adhered to. we've seen that video at 1:00 in the afternoon, when fans charge over the security line, crushing magnetometer and getting into the venue. at 1:00, things look disorderly. there are questions about what could have been done, what could have been prevented, how soon things were shut down. and certainly this lawsuit today that we're going to be hearing about is likely not going to be the last. >> zach, i've got one of those young super fans living in my house. and so many young people, travis scott fans are saying, how can you blame him? he didn't even know it was happening. he was on stage, but above a crowd of thousands and thousands of people, do we know what scott knew? because there's much blame saying, why wasn't the concert stopped? he was still performing for another 37 minutes. do we know if he knew any of this was even happening? >> we are not entirely sure what he knew about the danger and when he knew it. we know that he had seen people in the crowd in distress. he had halted the show a couple of times to direct ambulances over there. what we do know according to police is that at about 9:38 p.m., half an hour after scott took the stage, that's when the houston fire department declared a kmashlsz tymass casualty even. that is when police they told the promoter, live nation, what was going on, and at that point, live nation agreed to cut the show early. what's not clear is that the show actually did end early. scott played for another 37 more minutes after that danger was known to the promoters. and so far as we can tell, he played his entire set. it was the same length of the show he had played the last time he played astro world. our investigation has focused on that critical 37-minute window when the danger was clearly known, but the concert did not end. >> the danger was known, but we don't know if scott knew it. catie, has he put out any statement? as he said anything? >> he reached out overnight saturday night to fans, saying that he was absolutely devastated by these events anded that no concept this was even possible, this could have happened. he did seem genuinely shocked and grief stricken as he reached out. and that's sort of saying something in terms of his response. these fans here are certainly grieving. we're seeing them come to the memorial, lay flowers, lay pictures of these victims. houston, as a community, is in mourning. so that was an important point that he make that outreach to fans. >> catie beck, zach, thank you both so much. we are going to be following this story as the press conference airs later today. now we want to turn to washington, d.c., where the white house is gearing up for a big pitch to promote the newly passed hard infrastructure bill. bipartisan hard infrastructure bill. president biden hitting the road to sell it later this week, but we're going to start by breaking it down for you right now. this bill includes $110 billion for roads and bridges. the biggest investment we have seen since the 1950s. $105 billion for passenger railroads, freight cars, buss, and public transit. $65 billion for broadband access, specifically in rural areas. $55 billion for clean drinking water. things like replacing lead pipes and a combined $42 billion to upgrade our airports and waterways. let's discuss. i want to bring in capitol hill correspondent, lee ann caldwell, mike memoli, and jake sherman. there's a lot of much-needed very popular things in this bill. hard to argue we don't need it. is there confusion, though, about what's in it? because i keep hearing people talk about socialism and welfare. if you want to go after this bill, go for. it but it seems silly to call welfare a socialism on roads and bridges. this is our crumbling infrastructure. >> yeah, steph. there might not be many clearer examples than this one of where biden's experience as vice president is really shaping the president's approach moving forward at this stage. remember, what was one of vice president biden's first big assignments from president obama. it was overseeing the implementation of the stimulus bill that they passed in 2009. a lot of roads and bridges and other projects, as well. but then vice president told me at the time, and he said often since, he doesn't think they did enough of a job promoting what was in the plan after they passed it. and it created this vacuum that really let the tea party flourish. and we saw what happened politically to the democrats after that. that's why you're going to be seeing a sales pitch now in the way that biden didn't think they did one in the obama administration moving forward. the president will be out on the road this week, wednesday in baltimore, at the port of baltimore. you're going to see pete buttigieg, the treasure secretary in the briefing room today. he's going to be really at the forefront of the biden administration's messaging around this. but there's another critical component, steph, that we know is ahead, too. the biden administration is only just beginning. they know they have still some work to do as it relates to the reconciliation measure moving forward, but that's why the president is going to be doing as much as he can to try to build momentum that they really lost. remember, when the senate passed the bipartisan infrastructure bill, by the end of the week, we were talking about the deteriorating situation in afghanistan. this is a white house that is a big believer in the power of momentum, especially political momentum. they had a win, it happened very late on a friday night, but they want to move the conversation now as quickly as they can away from the sausage making that really has dominated the attention over the last few weeks, and start really talking about the very clear tangible results that they believe this is going to deliver for the american people, steph. >> ana, the administration wants, needs to impact people quickly, but they have to do it right. what is the plan? those who do argue against it would say their problem is the way the government spends and a whole lot of government waste. how is this going to be spent? >> they are going to implement this in a very sort of systemic way, right? they want to make sure that they don't give republicans any leeway to say, they're just, you know, spending money. they're putting things into programs that don't need it. i think you'll start to see this happen really fast. it's something we haven't heard a lot in terms of how democrats are going to approach this kind of in that very sober way. are they going to really look to pete buttigieg as department of transportation as some of the other cabinet secretaries, at urban affairs, for example, that may be looking at how to try how to exactly implement this. that's one of the things that we'll all be watching very closely now that it is finally over the finish line. >> jake, how do they build momentum around this? this is a huge win, right? it's an economic win, it improves jobs, it improves people's quality of life. but how do they take this win and at the same time not forget about the human infrastructure bill? they don't want to lose momentum there. >> those are two different challenges, steph. i mean, the big thing is, can they -- so they say that they'll be -- people will begin to feel the impact of this hard infrastructure bill in the next two to three months when they get shovels in the ground. fair enough. the election is a year from today. the real question on the human infrastructure bill is we are basically at square up with at this moment and you could argue we're not even at square one. we are -- the house has not passed a bill, we don't have budgetary scores for that human infrastructure package. we expect that in the next two weeks. then that bill passes, it gets out of the house and goes to the senate, where it's going to be completely overhauled and done again. while the administration -- i agree that mike is absolutely right. the administration does not want to be talking about the sausage making, should not be talking about the sausage making. but they're going to get right back into the sausage making in the next couple of weeks and it's going to last another four, six, eight, ten weeks. >> leigh ann, scare one isn't a bad thing unless you're not en route to square two. have we heard from any of those moderates, the kyrsten sinema, joe manchin, scott gotheimer who pushed for this bill. progressives were scared. they didn't want to sign on to the first, because they were scared moderates would say, see ya and forget all about the second. >> i have a little bit different of an analogy. i know you're familiar with mile subpoena of the new york city marathon and i think that's where we're here right now, mile 17. we know the last nine to ten miles are the most difficult. and that's what congress is trying to do with this care and climate change bill, this reconciliation bill. there's a lot of ifs left. these six moderates said that they would vote for it if the cbo score lines up with their assessment that it will be paid for, that it won't negatively impact the economy. and then, you know, josh gottheimer was on the sunday shows yesterday saying that he thinks it will, but he thinks, he doesn't know that for sure. and then it has to pass the house and still go to the senate. there's lots of questions around senator manchin where he stands. we know speaker pelosi added paid family leave to the house bill, something that manchin does not support. and there's other problems as well. immigration, state and local tax. senator bernie sanders has problems with the house version of that bill. they have a lot of work to do, and it's the most difficult part of this process still, steph. >> he's not okay with paid family leave, he is okay with carried interest. i do hope he'll join us and explain that one for us. thank you all for joining us. we'll leave it there. coming up, after 18 months, vaccinated travelers from overseas are able to enter the united states for the first time today. we're going to go live to one of the nation's busiest airports. and the uphill battle for the president's vaccine mandate, after a judge temporarily blocked the order. what happens now? we are already in a good place with many mandates. over 200 million americans vaccinated. they work. plus, one of the biggest names in the nfl now slamming aaron rodgers after he missed a game due to covid and spread false claims about the vaccine and misled people about his own status. the latest in that saga, coming up next. status the latest in that saga, coming up next. ♪ ♪ welcome to allstate. where everything just seems to go your way. ♪ ♪ you're in good hands with allstate. click or call for a lower auto rate today. i've lost count of how many asthma attacks i've had. you're in good hands but my nunormal with nucala? fewer asthma attacks. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection-site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your doctor about nucala. find your nunormal with nucala. ♪ ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ gordan ramsey this is a cold call! to unveil them to the world. nfl teams are turning to cold with tide. will you? 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>> i guess it depends on some of these republican attorneys in the courts here, stephanie. we know that republican attorney generals sued the biden administration and they have won in the fifth circuit. that's that very conservative circuit that also sided with the state of texas and the abortion lawsuit that we've talked a lot about. there was a three-judge panel that decided over the weekend to put a stay, that's a temporary block, on that vaccine mandate. now, we do expect to hear from the justice department today. they have said, through the labor department, that osha, under the osha act, they have the explicit right to push a vaccine mandate and to make this work when there is an emergency need to protect the health and safety of american workers. so they're standing by this. but the court over the weekend said that they thought that it went too far and that there were some questions about the constitutionality of a vaccine mandate for these workers. again, we're seeing republican states pitting off against the administration on a number of issues, vaccine mandates being the latest among them, stephanie. >> but that's political. down in louisiana, are you seeing big businesses there, fight these mandates? they don't want their employees to have to get vaccinated? >> as far as what's going down in louisiana, i think these are things that are coming now through the governors that are trying to say, look, our people don't want to do this. as we know, sometimes this has been incredibly split. it's been incredibly politically. some people are more skeptical of these vaccines. we've seen this play out in law enforcement circles. and then in the end, a lot of times, the workers, the people in law enforcement themselves do go decide to be vaccinated, even if someone above them is saying that there shouldn't be a mandate. i think that's the thing to pay attention to. who actually goes out and does this anyway without a mandate. >> all right, rahema, take us to the airport. international travelers arriving today. who's allowed in? >> people from about 35 countries are allowed in. they're welcome here if they're fully vaccinated. there are still some safety protocols, of which full vaccination is one of them, stephanie. in addition, these travelers have to make certain that they get a negative covid-19 test, 72 hours before they board the flight. children under 18 do not need that vaccine, but they do have to have a negative covid-19 test before they depart. and kids younger than 2 years old, they're exempt from the testing. we talked to a couple of passengers at the newark international airport a little while ago, who had to follow all of these protocols. here's what they had to say about it. >> we were required to get tested before -- it was required while checking into the flight. and all the protocols. >> i think it was all very well organized. there were a lot of checks, because we had gone through a security check in delhi, and we had to redo it for united, so there were multiple checks. other than that, for me, it was good. >> reporter: and so who's going to enforce this, stephanie? it's going to be up to the airlines to make sure that passengers meet those protocols before they get on the plane. if they do not, they could be fined up to $35,000 per violation. in addition, the cdc says, it's going to have workers doing spot checks at the airlines, at the airports, to make certain the protocols being followed. stephanie? >> rahema, julia, thank you both so much. and another sign that things are coming back to normal. a beautiful day here in new york city yesterday. 33,000 people ran the marathon after it was canceled last year, of course, because of covid. throughout the day, hundreds of thousands gathered to cheer on friends, families, strangers across all five boroughs. i was part of that crowd. i got to cheer on my dear friend and colleague, willie geist. and by cheer on, i mean, i did break the rules. i jumped over the barricade to hug him. for those who are saying, you are terrible, stephanie, you slowed him down, i don't know, maybe i actually supercharged him. and should i have run a couple more blocks with him? maybe, but jumping over that barricade, i think i probably pulled a hammy. grache congratulations to willie. he raised over $500,000 for the parkinson's foundation. it's a great day for new york city. coming up next, president obama speaking right now, sounding the alarm on climate change. we're going to share what he just said. and coming up, the committee investigating january 6th could issue a dozen new subpoenas any minute, as yet another former trump official refuses to cooperate. so what do those subpoenas mean if you don't get what you need? everything you need to know, next. t you need erything you need to know, next to make my vision a reality. i have to take every perspective, and see clearly from every point of view. with my varilux progressive lenses i seamlessly transition from near to far. and see every detail in sharp focus. when you see no limits, there are no limits. book now at your local essilor experts to push the limits of your vision. varilux lenses by essilor. right now, we're watching capitol hill, where up to 20 subpoenas in the january 6th riot investigation could go out any moment. but what do those subpoenas mean? this comes after congresswoman liz cheney, the vice chair of the committee leading the probe, said they have already spoken to more than 150 people. but we also learned that one of those people, former trump department of justice official, jeffrey clark, he's not cooperating. and that could be a problem from the committee moving forward. i want to go straight to sahil kapur in washington, also with us. former u.s. attorney, harry litman. sahil, when can we expect these subpoenas and more importantly, any members of congress expected to get them? >> stephanie, the subpoenas are expected to drop today and tomorrow. that's according to the chairman of the committee, bennie thompson, who i spoke to on friday night. in terms of members of congress, it is unclear that they will be part of this round of subpoena. there was a suggestion that they weren't quite there yet. but we can safely say that persons of interest to this committee include members of congress who spoke at that so-called stop the steal rally that led directly to the attack on the capitol, as well as members of congress, who have spoken privately or who spoke privately to former president trump that day. those individuals relate directly to the mandate of this committee. we know that one of the individuals discussed for this current round of subpoenas is a man named john eastman. the trump attorney that wrote that memo, that's been described as a road map for a coup. his certainly a part of this. he's expected to be a part of this round of subpoenas, but the chairman did not exactly confirm. we are awaiting that and we'll see where the committee goes in terms of the subpoenas as well as enforcing that subpoena for jeffrey clark, by the way. thompson told me that he should be worried about a potential criminal contempt referral in the same way that steve bannon got if he doesn't cooperate. >> all right, harry, this guy, jeffrey clark, he wanted department of justice officials to overturn the election. the reason he's not talking is he is citing attorney/client privilege. please explain this. attorney/client privilege? he worked for the department of justice. we, the american people, are the client, the taxpayers. we want to hear from him! >> no kidding. and the other thing he's citing is executive privilege and his argument in his letter is, trump was entitled to assertive. trump hasn't asserted it as to him. it's really inane. it has no purchase, at all. but if you read his letter, the very first thing that happens, the letter from his lawyer is, he drops a footnote saying, i preserve all my other rights. here's my read on jeffrey clark, he's not talking, no matter what, but he wants to do it in the way that most preserves his reputation. his openinged by is this really lousy, nonclaim of executive privilege. but when push comes to shove, he'll cite the fifth amendment and not talk then. that's the basic play, i think, with him. he's in too much hot water, but he wants to have a future in the town to the extent he can. >> and there's no consequences for that? for me, i'm guessing, if i get a subpoena and i don't respond to it, a u.s. marshal bangs on my front door and says, let's go, steph-o. >> and then you say, i cite the fifth, and maybe msnbc doesn't put you in the anchor chair anymore. he's mostly concerned with reputational harm at this point, but he must not talk. that's what his lawyers told him. in general, by the way, the committee is playing a carrot and stick game. we are seeing all of this stuff outfront, all of the disputes, but as you just heard from cheney, they have 150 people behind the scenes they're saying, talk to us, we won't reveal who you are yet. you won't necessarily have to be in public. and for a guy like clark, they have now collected all kinds of incoupletory information that puts pressure on him. and if he doesn't talk, the bad story about him gets told without his being able to give any retort. >> and with inculpatory, harry litman wins the vocabulary word of the day. >> i learned that in law school. >> you won it today. and gop lawmakers keep spreading lies as a grand jury looms in georgia over that infamous call, where trump tried to overturn the election results there. the guy who was on the other end of that line will be here next. and remember, infrastructure and everything else congress is debating, none of it matters if we don't have a functioning democracy. your vote has to count. it has to work. e has to count it has to rkwo to make progress, we must keep taking steps forward. we believe the future of energy is lower carbon. and to get there, the world needs to reduce global emissions. at chevron, we're taking action. tying our executives' pay to lowering the carbon emissions intensity of our operations. it's tempting to see how far we've come. but it's only human... to know how far we have to go. why give your family just ordinary eggs when they can enjoy the best? eggland's best. the only eggs with more fresh and delicious taste. plus, superior nutrition. which is now more important than ever. ♪♪ because the way we care... is anything but ordinary. only eggland's best. ♪♪ developing in the state of georgia, the criminal probe into former president trump's effort to overturn georgia's election is officially ramping up and moving toward convening a grand jury, one year after former president trump lost the state, officially. and a year before a key governor's race there and five other swing states, as republicans across the country continue to run on trump's election lie, including carrie lake, who's running for arizona governor. vaughn hillyard has a closer look on what her race means for the country next year. >> reporter: this is carrie lake, she's at the heart of this story. a candidate for office in 2022, who could through the u.s. into election chaos in 2024. in the last 24 hours, you have said the election result was stolen. would you have certified arizona's results? >> hell no. >> carrie lake -- >> reporter: lake, a former phoenix local news anchor caught trump's attention over the summer. >> i think we came very close to a constitutional crisis. >> reporter: trump pressured current arizona governor greg doocy last year, but doocy did not back down. >> governor doocy was horrible. he was missing in action. >> reporter: but it's not just arizona, it's georgia, michigan, nevada, pennsylvania, wisconsin. all of these swing states have races for governor in 2022. >> donald trump has just begun. i'm a part of his team and we're going to take back this country. >> reporter: that man, bernon jones, a georgia legislature, now running for governor. if you were to win the governorship, why should one trust that you would have certified the election results in the state of georgia in 2024. if joe biden were to win a re-election or another democrat. >> see, that is your narrative. that's what you want to push -- >> you're not even willing to say that you would certify the 2020 election. >> i will certify anything that's legal. >> reporter: some states also require the sign-off of their secretary of state. trump trying to influence here too. in arizona, backing mark fincham, a state legislature who was also outside the capitol on january 6th and supporting jodie heist, who is trying to beat brad raffensperger in georgia. >> we witnessed that steal go down. >> reporter: multiple reviews found no majority voter fraud that would have impacted the outcome, but no mention of that here. >> reporter: in 2024, would you be willing to put the country in a position potentially of a constitutional crisis by not certifying arizona's result? >> in 2024? >> if you were governor, that would come down to you. >> let's just take it slow here and get through decertifying. i think we need to decertify our election right now. >> vaughn hillyard, thank you. decertify? why? i want to dig deeper and bring in georgia secretary of state, brad raffensperger. he stopped president trums efforts to overturn the election there and he's the author of the new book, "integrity counts." well, it definitely should. secretary, thank you for joining us. this election lie has now become the republican brand. you've got candidates running on it everywhere. are you worried the damage has already been done? >> well, we're going through a very challenging cycle right now. and that's why i wrote the book, "integrity counts," to really go back and look at what happened in georgia on the 2020 race. at the end of the day, president trump came up short. but i do go through every single allegation that was raised, and i respond to it. and every allegation was never supported by the facts. and so we are facing falsehoods after falsehoods. and it was a rumor whackamole, and we continue to knock them down. but when you have 80 million twitter followers versus our office with maybe 40,000 on a good day, it's tough to win that battle. and that's why i wrote the book, to set the record straight. >> you've blamed both sides for our political climate, but it was republicans who stormed the capitol. it's republicans who keep lying about the election and say that it was stolen. why are you staying a republican if a party punishes you for telling the truth and continues to push this? >> well, i've been a lifelong conservative and i've been a lifelong republican. and so i believe in the principles of economic opportunity and upward economic mobility. i think we're the best part for the middle class and small business owners. so that's my spot, and that's where i am. >> but that's not what i hear republicans running on, sir. i hear republicans running on voter fraud, which isn't true. >> well, if you look at what glenn youngkin ran on in virginia, he talked about parental involvement and really economic issues, pocketbook issues for virginians. so that's a great model forward. but also in my book, i do talk about the difference between stacey abrams. she poll tested the voter suppression in 2014. if we don't get honest with ourselves on both sides of the aisle, these narratives of storming election claims are unhealthy for america. and so we really have to look. our side needs to look into our mirror, your side needs to look in your mirror, when you lose an election, accept the results and move on. if you want to run again, by all means. but we have to really understand that elections are run with fair and honest basis. we have good people up and down the line from your precinct workers to your secretary of state, and i will stand in the gap to make sure we have fair and honest elections. >> but sir, that's not really a fair comparison. stacey abrams never tried to overturn an election. you mentioned virginia and glenn youngkin's win. the democrat in the state of virginia conceded. in the state of new jersey, phil murphy has won the race and actually by a larger margin than we've seen in virginia, yet the republican there has not yet conceded. is this the new republican playbook? if we win, it was a good election, if we lose, it was voter fraud. >> well, the person that i can control is myself. peter ddrucker, management guru says, managing one's self, if everyone managed themselves, they'd be pretty busy. that's what i work on, follow that line of integrity, make sure our office follow the law and follow the constitution. >> since you manage yourself, have you spoken to investigators yet about your conversation with donald trump? you had said in the past that you would. >> no, they've -- as it relates to fulton county, the district attorney, they've interviewed some of our people here and they've asked for documents, which we have supplied. if you look at grand juries, that goes back to the original constitution, so you supply with grand jury investigations. and we will comply. >> all right. secretary, thank you so much for joining us this morning. i appreciate it. >> thank you. and as we have been on the air, former president obama has been speaking at the u.n. climate change conference, cop-26 in scotland, laying out the progress made in the years since the paris climate agreement to go effect, while calling for more action now. >> collectively and individually, we are still fall short. we have not done nearly enough to address this crisis. we are going to have to do more. and whether that happens or not, to a large degree, is going to depend on you. >> in just a few hours, the former president will also lead a roundtable discussion with emerging climate leaders at the conference. but coming up next, right here, a massive infrastructure bill passes over the weekend and yet president biden's approval ratings are hitting a new low. so how does the president and democrats make sure americans see this as a win? we'll ask dnc chair jamie harrison about that next. c chai rrison about that next (man 1) oh, this looks like we're in a screen saver. 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i want to bring in jamie harrison to discuss. he's the chair of the democratic national committee. jamie, you guys have been racking up massive wins. 200 million vaccinations, 5 million jobs created. a $1 trillion infrastructure bill, wages are up. the dow is up. yet your poll numbers are down. how do you square these two things? >> well, part of what we have to do is we have to double down on sellinging all of these achievement. and you're right, on top of that, stephanie, i would add that childhood poverty is down. and very, very soon, we're going to see bridges go up, we'll see roads get fixed and paved. we'll see dirt roads paved. we are going to see water that is clean, because of new pipes. so i'm very proud of what we've been able to do. and you know i've been on your show a number of times and i've said that the message i want for democrats going into 2022 is that democrats deliver. that's what this "d" on my lapel stands for. so part of delivering is putting out there what you have delivered. and making sure that you paint the contrasts with the republicans. you know, you would think that the republicans would prefer infrastructure, but it seems like they prefer insurrection. this is a party, a party that is built on fear and lies and fascism, in some aspects. but the democratic party has to be built on delivering for the american people and making sure that we let the american people know what we've done. >> they may prefer infrastructure, but they didn't get it done. but let's be honest, if trump -- if he got even one of these accomplishments done, there would be a massive pr push, prime-time addresses, parades, and i can't even imagine what else. i understand that democrats don't want to seem insensitive to people who are still struggling, but those same people that you're fighting for will gain absolutely nothing if you lose power. why not celebrate the win? >> well, stephanie, you will hear so much about this bill over the course of the next few days and weeks and months that you're going to have me come back on and say, jamie, i'm hired of hearing about the infrastructure bill. i'm tired of hearing about build back better and then we'll double down even more. we already have ads that are going to go up, we're going to be billboards all over the place, selling this accomplishment. because it's big! it's huge! and it's really, really significant. i mean, i just take one sliver of this in rural areas, for the first time, you are going to get broadband expansion. for, you know, months and years, people have had to have their kids sit out in a parking lot at mcdonald's just to do their homework because they don't have broadband in their community. >> i'm with you -- i hear you 100%, but it's that rural voter that has turned red in a deep way. you're not just offering broadband. you're offering clean drinking water, better public transit. these are things that are going to help that forgotten american who's turned on the democratic party and really became trump's base. how do you communicate with them that you're delivering? because they're the same people who keep talking about culture wars, and you're delivering them hard results. >> well, stephanie, we have to go into those communities. you know, regrettably, the democratic party you'd to be the party of rural america, as well. but we stopped going into those communities because we saw the low-hanging fruit of just going into urban areas where we could rack up hundreds of thousands of votes. we have to go back into those communities. and i want to dispel a myth. rural does not just equate to white. rural also -- rural communities are just as diverse as urban communities. but we have to go into those communities. we have to show up, we have to listen to them about the things that they are challenges. you've got to make sure that they know that we see them and we've got to continue to fight for them. that's what we're going to do. people ask me, what kind of democrat are you, jamie? i'm not a progressive or a conservative, i'm a dirt road democrat. i grew up on a dirt road. i understand about hogs and pigs and corn and all of that. so we've got to go back into those communities and one of the things i'm going to do as chair, very soon, we'll announce a rural outreach tour, where we're going all across rural america, talking about the achievements of this administration and how we have actually delivered. >> before you go, do you need to start addressing more of these culture war issues head on. until now, i often hear, this is misinformation, this is nonsense, when it absolutely is. however, this misinformation and nonsense is impacting how people vote. do you need to take a different approach to combat it? >> we have to. we have to call the lies out for what they are. and they're bolt faced,put them in a box lies. that's what the republican party feeds on. they understand the only path to power for them is to make the american people scared. to come up with all of the dog whistles and boogie men, and all of that. they think somebody is living in their closet or something. that is what they -- that is what they rely upon. but democrats have to call out the lies, and we have to be bold in calling them out, and we've got to make sure that we paint a contrast. let people know what we have done for them. >> all right, then, jamie, please come back soon. always good to have you. coming up next, green bay packers learning what it's like to play without aaron rodgers. spoil alert, it wasn't pretty. so what is next for the league's mvp and more importantly, what's the league going to do about it? 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Roads , Investment , Passenger Railroads , Freight Cars , Broadband Access , Public Transit , Buss , 65 Billion , 1950 , 5 Billion , 05 Billion , 105 Billion , Airports , Areas , Drinking Water , Waterways , Lead Pipes , Capitol Hill Correspondent , 2 Billion , 55 Billion , 42 Billion , Hearing People , Confusion , Mike Memoli , Socialism , Lee Ann Caldwell , Jake Sherman , Examples , Crumbling Infrastructure , Welfare , Welfare A Socialism On Roads , Vice President Biden , Vice President , President Obama , Experience , Stimulus Bill , Approach , Assignments , Implementation , 2009 , Vacuum , Tea Party , Projects , Job , Administration , The Way , Democrats , Sales , On The Road , Biden Didn T , Pete Buttigieg , Messaging , Component , Briefing Room , Forefront , Baltimore , Port Of Baltimore , Momentum , Work , Senate , Situation , The End , Reconciliation Measure Moving Forward , Afghanistan , Win , Sausage Making , Attention , Power , Conversation , Believer , Friday Night , Results , Problem , Ana , Republicans , Government , Government Waste , Haven T , Way , Programs , Spending Money , Leeway , Some , Cabinet Secretaries , Example , Affairs , Department Of Transportation , Jobs , Human Infrastructure Bill , Life , Quality , Finish Line , Jake , Challenges , Shovels , Impact , Ground , Three , Election , Square One , Bill Passes , Human Infrastructure Package , Scores , Six , Four , Ten , Moderates , Kyrsten Sinema , Any , Scare One Isn T , En Route To Square Two , Senator Manchin , Leigh Ann , Scott Gotheimer , Progressives , First , Second , Analogy , Bit , Subpoena , Congress , Reconciliation Bill , Difficult , Care , Left , New York City Marathon , Ifs , Nine , 17 , Won T , Josh Gottheimer , Sunday , Score , Assessment , Economy , Cbo , Bill , Family Leave , Lots , Speaker , Sure , State , Problems , Bernie Sanders , Immigration , Tax , Version , Travelers , Time , Interest , U S , Coming Up , Hope , Overseas , 18 , Vaccine Mandate , Mandates , Place , Uphill Battle For The President , Nation , Judge , Order , 200 Million , Aaron Rodgers , Game , Vaccine , Status , Nfl , Latest , Plus , Claims , Names , Saga , Everything , Hands , Allstate , Asthma Attacks , Nunormal , Reactions , Count , Breathing Problems , Add On Injection , Asthma , Auto Rate , Nucala , Infections , Doctor , Breathing , Help , Headache , Face , Infection , Swelling , Mouth , Tongue , Trouble , Shingles , Back Pain , Fatigue , Don T Stop Steroids , World , Ideas , Dark , Flexibility , Call , Cold , Teams , Jerseys , Tide , Gordan Ramsey , Guy , Fine , Someone , Brain Performance , Memory Supplements , Neuroscientist , Indicators , Science , Neuriva Plus , Tv , Wherever , Home , Xfinity , Dog , Yes , Deliveries , Hoss , Thanks , Unlocks , Neuriva , Home Security , Curfew Breakers , Solution , Instant , Pros , Cameras , Xfinity Home , 0 , Fight , Coronavirus , Developments , Republican , Louisiana , States , Businesses , Vaccine Requirement , Federal Appeals Court , Court , Look , Mandate , Numbers , Battle , New York City , City Workers , Mayor , Police Officers , Travel Restrictions , Visitors , Firefighters , Increase , 70 , 58 , Course , Airlines , Measures , Rahema Ellis , Restaurants , Hotels , Revenue , Retailers , Jfk Airport , Julia Ainsley , Up , Hasn T , Vaccine Mandates , Attorneys , Courts , Stephanie , Support , Ceos , Fortune 500 , 500 , Circuit , Attorney Generals , Abortion , Fifth Circuit , Weekend , Rahema , Osha , Department Today , Panel , Block , Stay , Labor Department , Osha Act , Workers , Safety , Emergency , Health , Constitutionality , Governors , Employees , Play , Vaccines , Law Enforcement Circles , Law Enforcement , Shouldn T , Anyway , Countries , Vaccination , Safety Protocols , Airport , 35 , Kids , Children , Test , Addition , Flight , 72 , 2 , 19 , Passengers , Protocols , Testing , Newark International Airport , Checks , Security Check , United , Delhi , Plane , Spot Checks , Violation , Cdc , 35000 , 5000 , Marathon , Covid , Hundreds , Sign , Yesterday , 33000 , Rules , Willie Geist , Barricade , Friends , Friend , Cheer On , Boroughs , Strangers , Colleague , Five , Don T Know , Hammy , Jumping , Blocks , It S A Great Day , Congratulations , Foundation , Alarm , Parkinson S , Grache , 500000 , 00000 , Trump , Jeffrey Clark , Subpoenas , The Committee Investigating January 6th , January 6th , 6 , Vision , Perspective , Reality , Progressive Lenses , Point Of View , Experts , Detail , Essilor , Sharp Focus , Varilux Lenses , Capitol Hill , 20 , Democratic National Committee , Liz Cheney , Probe , January 6th Riot Investigation , 150 , Department Of Justice , Harry Litman , Sahil Kapur , Bennie Thompson , Members , Members Of Congress , Round , Rally , Persons , Stop , Suggestion , Capitol , Individuals , Attack , Led , Attorney , Memo , Coup , Man Named John Eastman , Road Map , Officials , Criminal Contempt Referral , Client Privilege , Steve Bannon , Kidding , Client , Taxpayers , Attorney Client Privilege , Letter , Executive Privilege , Trump Hasn T , Argument , Purchase , Reputation , Preserves , Footnote Saying , Rights , Lawyer , No Matter What , Openinged , Water , Push Comes To Shove , Nonclaim , Fifth Amendment , Consequences , Town , Extent , Marshal , Let S Go , Front Door , Anchor Chair , Doesn T , Fifth , Lawyers , General , Harm , Msnbc , Steph O , Talk , Scenes , Disputes , Carrot , Stuff Outfront , Doesn T Talk , Kinds , Information , Guy Like Clark , Vocabulary Word , Law School , Retort , Inculpatory , Infrastructure , Election Results , Grand Jury , Line , Lies , Georgia , End , Lawmakers , E , Progress , Vote , Functioning Democracy , Action , Pay , Carbon Emissions Intensity , Carbon , Executives , Emissions , Energy , Chevron , Human , Eggs , Family , Best , Taste , Eggland S Best , Superior Nutrition , Only Eggland S Best , Effort , Criminal Probe Into , Country , Governor , Race , Swing States , Arizona , Election Lie , Running , Including Carrie Lake , Office , Candidate , This Is Carrie Lake , Heart , Vaughn Hillyard , Chaos , 2022 , 2024 , Result , 24 , Greg Doocy Last Year , Crisis , Former , Summer , Lake , News Anchor , Phoenix , Team , Bernon Jones , Races , Pennsylvania , Wisconsin , Michigan , Nevada , 2022 Donald , Governorship , Narrative , Trust , Re Election , Georgia Legislature , Secretary Of State , Mark Fincham , Sign Off , Backing , 2020 , Brad Raffensperger , State Legislature , Capitol On January 6th , In Georgia , Jodie Heist , Voter Fraud , Reviews , Outcome , Mention , Position , Thank You , Georgia Secretary Of State , Decertifying , Decertify , Secretary , Book , Integrity Counts , Trums Efforts , Author , Candidates , Everywhere , Brand , Damage , Cycle , Allegation , Falsehoods , Facts , The End Of Day , On A Good Day , Rumor Whackamole , 40000 , 80 Million , Sides , Climate , Record , Conservative , Mobility , Opportunity , Principles , Truth , Spot , Sir , Republicans Running On , Small Business Owners , Class , Isn T True , Model , Involvement , Pocketbook , Glenn Youngkin Ran On In Virginia , Virginians , Stacey Abrams , Voter Suppression , Election Claims , Narratives , Aisle , 2014 , Elections , Mirror , Means , Basis , Run , Precinct Workers , Comparison , Virginia , Gap , Glenn Youngkin , Margin , Phil Murphy , New Jersey , Playbook , Person , Management Guru , Peter Ddrucker , Constitution , Integrity , Self , District Attorney , Investigators , Fulton County , Documents , Investigations , Cop 26 In Scotland , Air , U N Climate Change Conference , Paris Climate Agreement , 26 , Effect , More , Degree , Conference , Roundtable , Climate Leaders , Low , Approval Ratings , Discussion , Jamie Harrison , Next , Chai Rrison , Screen Saver , Looks , Man , Vo , Democrats Don T , Adventure , Let S Go Lower , Yo De Le He , Hm , Both , Uh , Yodeling High , Lower , Love , Sounds Good , Subaru Outback Wilderness , Dupuytren S Contracture , Treatments , Option , Hand Specialist , Game Changer , Factsonhand Com , Nothing , Hotel , Vacation , Kayak , Cancellation , Chapter , Fermentation , Canceling , Multi Vitamin , Ingredients , Search One , Wellness , Goodness , Body , 2 Trillion , 1 2 Trillion , Weapons , October Jobs Report , Drop , Midterms , Chair , Guys , Wages , Dow , 1 Trillion , Trillion , 5 Million , Poll Numbers , Achievement , Top , Sellinging , Childhood , Poverty , Pipes , Dirt Roads Paved , Message , Lapel , D , Contrasts , Insurrection , Fascism , Aspects , Fear , Pr Push , Addresses , Accomplishments , Else , Parades , Fighting , Ads , Billboards , Sliver , Accomplishment , Parking Lot , Broadband Expansion , Mcdonald S , Broadband , Better Public Transit , Voter , Homework , Red , 100 , Base , Culture Wars , Communities , Party , Fruit , Regrettably , Votes , Myth , White , Jamie , Dirt Road , Progressive , Corn , Hogs , Pigs , Outreach Tour , Achievements , Nonsense , Misinformation , Culture War Issues Head On , Box , Path , Bolt Faced , Somebody , Boogie Men , Dog Whistles , Closet , Right , Contrast , League , Green Bay Packers , Wasn T , Learning , Mvp , Spoil Alert , Liberty Mutual , Limu , Bogeys , Car Insurancehem , Cough Sneeze , Sneezing , Helicopter , Plop Fizz , Cold Relief , Alka Seltzer , Woooooooooooooo , Dissolves , Alka Seltzer Plus , Fast Sinus Relief , Handful , Moving , Offers , Movers , Internet , Address , Services , Yep , Money , Save , Xfinity Com Moving , Thinking , Business , T Mobile , Partner , Counts , Customer Support , Scene , 5g , Leader , Food , Teaching , Lab , Biology , 5 , Trade Offs , Scandal , Sports World , Hunl , Packers , Quarantine , Leading , Words , Covid Rules , Hall Of Famer , Actions , Players , Football Talks , Terry Bradshaw , Violations , Mike Flourio , Draft Picks , Punishments , Unvaccinateded , Back , Penalties , Well , Mob , Teammates , Unvaccinated , Mask , August 26th , Anyone , Direction , Breaking News Coverage , Jose Diaz Balart , Borders , Reunions , Eastern , Pacific , 7 , Efforts , Pandemic , Connection , Tragedy , Agenda ,

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