Transcripts For MSNBC Ayman 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Ayman 20240709

insurrectionists were elected into office on tuesday. you heard that correctly. today marks ten months since the january 6th riot. are voters really just moving on from it? and new york city has its first muslim city councilwoman. she joins me to discuss her historic victory and what she plans to accomplish in office. i'm ayman mohyeldin. let's get started. so at long last the one phrase that all of washington has been saying ironically for years -- for years can for once and for all be said unironically. get ready for it. >> finally, infrastructure week. i'm so happy to say that. infrastructure week. >> yes, we are all so happy that you can finally say that. the house of representatives voted late last night to send the bipartisan infrastructure bill to the president's desk. and if the final vote tally was announced late last night the energy in the house chamber was electric. >> on this vote the yeas are 228 and the nays are 226. the motion is adopted. >> all right, so that cheering there signified passage of the $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill which will allocate $550 billion of new spending into transportation projects, the utility grid and broadband including $110 billion for roads, bridges and other major projects. $666 billion for passenger and freight rail and $65 billion for broadband. now, this concludes nearly nine months of political maneuverings and gameman'sship and delivers a huge win to the president who touted the legislation's importance just this morning. watch. >> a once in a generation investment that's going to create millions of jobs modernizing instruct, our roads, our bridges, broadband, a whole range of things, to turn the climate crisis into an opportunity. and it puts us on a path to win the economic competition of the 21st century. >> all right, in the companion build back better social spending bill, though, that is still going to face a separate vote tentatively scheduled for december 15th and there remains a lot of of unanswered questions on the future of that bill. but for now president biden finally does have a major piece of very important to emphasize here bipartisan legislation heading to his desk for his signature. still, one thing stands out about this entire process, namely the timing of this. democrats passed this bill just days after suffering a grim set of election results on tuesday. it's only natural to wonder as some have this week if the infrastructure bill had passed just a week ago or two months ago when it passed the senate, would it have made a difference in the outcome in virginia? it's impossible to know that. really it is. and there has been no shortage of overconfident explanations of what caused such a poor showing for democrats in virginia and new jersey and who's to blame for it. so many, in fact, you could even build out an entire wheel of excuses. you could spin this baby and land on any number of excuses each of which might explain part of it. you got the idea that progressives were just too woke or manchin and sinema made it too hard or it really could be bad candidate. you heard each one of these excuses one way or another just this week. watch. >> i don't know why we couldn't pass or why the house members couldn't pass the two bills they've been setting off for quite some time. >> millions of women across the country are outraged one man would say we're not going to do paid leave. >> politics is about timing and we blew it on the timing. >> i think people are rebelling against what the democrat party stands for nowadays. >> the wokism. not listening to parents but listening to politicians. >> what's wrong is stupid wokeness. some of these people need to go to a woke detox center or something. >> folks, i'm going to spare you the suspense. the truth of the matter is that we really don't know what caused the shellacking that democrats received. we don't know if passing the bif a week ago or two months ago would have made any difference. democrats not passing any legislation before the election left a void, one republicans were only two eager to fill with their own narratives. but let's begin with the legislation that did pass, finally. i'm joined by democratic congressman steven, first black chair of the congressional black caucus. last night he was one of the 228 members who voted to send the bipartisan infrastructure bill to the president's desk. thank you for joining us this saturday evening. and you you heard me talking there about the major provisions in the infrastructure bill. from your perspective why is the legislation so significant for the nation at this time? >> well, thank you for having me on. the congressional black caucus as you know played an integral role at a critical moment to make sure we were able to reach an agreement and to bring both the bipartisan infrastructure bill, the jobs bill as i call it and build back better to the floor for a vote so that it can move forward, and we delivered. that's what democrats do. we delivered for the american people. i'm proud this bill will provide millions of good paying union jobs. it's going to make historic investments in our climate crisis to address environmental injustice that has plagued our country. historic investments in public transit as well as making sure that more americans have access to the internet, which is really a critical quality of life issue for the 21st century. >> yeah, and we have what wus was, again, in that bipartisan infrastructure bill there on our screen for viewers to see. this bill passed back in august. it took three months for the house to approve it. much of the delay came from progressives who actually to their credit were holding out for the build back better act. this was not about bif. they wanted to make sure because they wanted to trust senator sinema and others were going to stick to their word and pass the bbb. the delay was costly there. not only in virginia but to citizens in states all over the country, quite frankly, who could have been reaping the benefits of these critical funds. was it worth the delay politically speaking, and especially since bbb has still not passed and there are now going to be questions about whether it ever will. >> well, i think those are important questions. but really what the american people, at least the ones i represent from nevada's fourth district are focused on is how we're going to move forward. look, we're still in the middle of a public health crisis, a pandemic that has disproportionately affected communities of color and women. and the president and vice president wrote the bipartisan infrastructure bill as well as the build back better reconciliation bill, and it's going to provide historic investments. yes, there's going to be a lot of, you know, quarterbacking about whether or not what we did and the timing and how we delivered was the right timing or not, but the question most americans are focused on is how are these bills going to impact them? and i'm proud that when democrats were in the majority and controlled the white house, the senate and the house, that this is what we were able to deliver this time four years ago republicans when they were in the majority they were delivering the -- the tax cuts for the wealthiest and biggest corporations, 83% of the benefits going to the top 1%. that's the difference between the two parties. >> i was going to say trying to repeal the affordable care act, obamacare, that would have affected millions of americans. listen real quick, congressman, i want to play for you congresswoman pramila jayapal. this is what she said about the continuing negotiations between the progressives and so-called moderates on the build back better act. listen. >> this was about can we look each other in the eye and start to re-establish trust? because that is going to be essential for everything we try to do. i trust they looked me in my eye and passed the build back better act as soon as they had a chance to look at the fiscal information and that will be transformative. >> you talked about the importance of getting support for the people and help for the people of your district in nevada there, and certainly that we're still in the pandemic. the bbb is going to help out way more than the bipartisan infrastructure bill. i'm not saying the bipartisan infrastructure bill won't help, but the bbb is the social spending bill of the two. how convinced are you that it will pass, it will not be summarily dismissed by senators manchin and sinema now that they have what they wanted in the infrastructure bill? they were never big fans of the bbb, and why would you even trust them? >> because it's not about them. it's about the american people. you know, for far too long the focus has been about the personalities in washington, d.c. and not the people and the policy that's going to actually improve their lives. and so overwhelmingly american support providing middle class tax cuts for families with children, in my district that's 92% of children that are receiving benefits from the child tax credit. they overwhelmingly support the paid leave and child care provisions. they overwhelmingly support lowering prescription drug costs for seniors and other consumers in health care and making -- going further on climate provisions including the provisions that we sponsor to make sure that we are tackling the climate crisis. so these are all important provisions, and they're overwhelmingly supported by republicans, independents and democrats. so i'm not worried about the senate. in fact, my question is to the republicans. why don't they get onboard and work with us to deliver these historic investments on behalf of the american people so that we can build back together our country in a more equitable and inclusive way? >> absolutely. a very important question. it feels like republicans have been given a free pass in all of this just simply because they most of the time don't even want to be at the negotiating table with democrats. they're playing politics with peoples lives. greatly appreciate your time this evening, sir. the defeat by democrats this week brought a question to my mind. are republicans simply better at politics right now than the democrats? and i don't mean policy here? i'm talking about no holds barded in your face politics? while democrats got stuck in the weeds debating the intricacies of major policy and how to pay for it, republican candidates, on the other hand, campaigned on a phantom issue here, the idea critical race theory is being taught in high schools and elementary schools. let me be clear for our viewers, that is not happening. that is not happening. does having fewer ideas and perhaps fewer scruples here make it easier to persuade voters? and what lessons can be taken from all this? for those questions and more i'm joined by -- it's great to have both of you with us. let me start with you. in a column this week you argued democrats in congress let president biden down and terry mcauliffe paid the price. you write in part, quote, virginia voters decided not to return him for a nonconsecutive term as governor instead electing republican congressman youngkin who ran a trump inspired campaign of conspiracy theories and race baiting. it wasn't terribly close. what do you make of the election results as a whole not just virginia? and are republicans just better at the game of scaring voters to the polls than offering them solutions? >> i think that's the point. it's not that they're better at politics that are scaring. they're in an entirely different game here. i mean, could you imagine if the democrats were running a campaign based on race baiting, based on conspiracy theories and based on outright fabrications? their own voters wouldn't allow it. the republican party is able to do this because its base tends to be non-college educated and almost entirely white. so they can get away with these sorts of things. there's also the question of, you know, the democratic party is much more of a big tent. we've seen under trump and even before that the republican party becoming much more homogenous. so, you know, we could see democrats running around and calling the republicans fascists the way the republicans call the democrats socialists. they're just sort of disinclined to do this. i do think there's a middle ground. you don't need to play so you don't commit any fouls while the other side is slashing at you with a knife and other weapons. so i think they could be a lot tougher and spend a little less time focusing as you just mentioned on all the fire policy details that the average voter does not know a thing about. >> i was going to say i was in december earlier this week, spoke to some prominent congress members and they told me democrats simply too things. they don't want to get in the mud with republicans and sling it out so to speak. at the same time they're not just good at delivering a narrative about what they represent. fair assessment, you think? >> well, i think they -- part of the problem was they didn't have a narrative because they didn't have build back better and the infrastructure bill passed. you know, i really think if they had at least the infrastructure bill passed a few months ago mcauliffe would have had a very positive agenda to run on, we would have had probably more injection into the economy, would have had a much better story to tell. look, the democrats are the governing party. the republicans are all about attacking, about throwing sand in the ears. it's easier to throw sand in the ears than it is to govern. so they've got a harder pass to start with, but that doesn't mean you have to sit back and take it, and i think their language could indeed be a great deal tougher in calling the republicans what they are. >> jessica, this morning president biden had something to say about voters in this election. >> the american people have made clear one thing and i really mean it, all of the talk of the elections and what do they mean -- they want us to deliver. they want us to deliver. democrats, they want us to deliver. last night we can on one big item. we delivered. >> all right, so not to disagree with the president. he knows politics certainly a lot better than i do, but republicans didn't run a campaign in virginia on delivering. they ran a campaign in virginia as we heard there race baiting and conspiracy theories. so is the white house sensitive about the critique that the president could have done more to push his agenda and get it passed far earlier? or are they not listening to this broader conversation that some are saying, like it's, not what's happening in washington, it's about what an individual candidate is using as a tactic to scare voters to the polls. >> well, i think that biden had a very bad summer. august with afghanistan, and things never really improved exponentially from there. i think it sort of snowballed into a fall where you had congressional inaction. would they have passed the infrastructure bill? would it have helped mcauliffe? yes. but i'm not sure it would have been determinative as you were saying before. i think this is multifaceted race we're talking aboutch and i think for a lot of parents, yes, critical race theory became the buzzword they were talking about. but really covid and the pandemic i think it elevated education as an issue a lot of voters were sensitive to because you had schools that were closed down for a year, and children, young children falling behind because they were being taught on-screens. and certainly debates went on about ways to return safely and all the different things, but i think amountimately you had parents very frustrated. and oftentimes the opposition party in this case republicans who had been out of power in virginia for 12 years, they were the ones animating voters better on this issue. and you also had mcauliffe, i think, really had a major faux pas in the final debate. there's a lot of nuance that goes into that. but when he says i don't think parents should be telling schools what to teach, well, even i talk to democrats that even said, listen, parents should have a role. i think that's -- and they really delayed walking that back. they didn't respond to the education ad for 11 days. it took them 11 more days to respond with a direct to camera ad with mcauliffe, and i think at that point some of the damage had been done. yes, you could talk about race and that was certainly an element. but i think overall education as an issue was one elevated because of the pandemic. >> it's a conversation we're going to continue to have as we get to the mid-terms next year. coming up, tuesday marked the first statewide election since the january 6th insurrection, so why did ten participants get elected to office? plus the first muslim woman elected to the new york city council joins us live later in the show. us live later in the show as someone who resembles someone else, i appreciate that liberty mutual knows everyone's unique. that's why they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. [ ferry horn honks ] i mean just cause you look like someone else doesn't mean you eat off the floor, [ chuckles ] or yell at the vacuum, or need flea medication. oh, yeah. that's the spot. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ ♪ ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ today marks just ten months since trump supporters stormed the capitol on january 6th to reverse election results, and yet this week a republican won a statewide race in virginia. a year ago joe biden carried that state by 10 points. were some of the same people who took part in the events of january 6th are now finding themselves in positions of power in this country. let that sink in. on tuesday at least ten republicans on january 6th were elected to office. among those two were re-elected to the virginia house of delegates. and although most of these republicans claim they didn't breach the capitol, all were participants in the demonstration leading up to that attack. even more january 6th participants expected to be on the ballot in 2022, what do these victories tell us about the future of the republican party? joining me now the senior reporter for huff post covering the far right disinformation and hate. christopher, great to have you with us this evening. you wrote an extensive article about these republicans who were elected despite the fact having participated there in the march. break it down for us. who are they exactly, and what type of power will they have? and did they run on a campaign where they openly talked about and celebrated their participation in what happened on january 6th? >> yeah, thanks so much for having me. so like you said three officials got elected to the virginia house of delegates and the rest were mostly on the local level. one of the people elected to the house of delegates, marie march, you know, they're very extreme figures. and i think at one point she made a facebook post about a coming civil war she wanted to take a part of. so that's kind of the people that we're talking about here. and elsewhere a lot of people on skoo school boards, for example. there's a husband-wife duo in massachusetts -- i'm sorry, in pennsylvania -- who got elected to the school board that ran on a campaign of keeping critical race theory and the 1619 project out of classrooms. and what it really demonstrates is that there hasn't really been any political fallout for these people. >> yeah. >> they took part in this demonstration that was clearly anti-democratic and were lent legitimacy to a rally that turned too u a riot. and then they went home and voters were fine with it. and i think it -- it's a really, really concerning trend. i think some people do not back away, but your question on the debate campaign on this, they certainly didn't back away from it. >> i was going to ask you about that. did you in your reporting on this, did you get a sense as to whetherthies constituents knew about these candidates taking part in january 6th and were willing to look past it? or were they kept in the dark and not aware about it? what did you uncover in your reporting on that? >> oh, no, this is all public. like, everybody back home, like every -- like my article is based off local in these reportings. this is widely reported in all these candidates hometowns and all the counties and districts. so their constituents deft, definitely knew they were at this historic rally that turned into the insurrection. so it does not bode well. and what's especially concerning i first reported earlier this year there are nearly 60 gop officials, lawmakers, you know, school board members, council members, et cetera, that were at the rally that turned into the insurrection. and because 2022 is a bigger election year like these ten candidate that got elected this week, there's going to be a lot more of these candidates next year. >> what about these house members who voted against certifying the election for biden. if you look ahead if you voted against it back on january 6th and are up for re-election, is this giving you new hope you'll be re-elected to your seat on a platform of being anti-democratic in this country? >> yeah, yeah. i mean, i could foresee, next year it actually being a boost to candidates to say they were at this rally. i think there's so much -- the amount of january 6th trutherism and revisionism that has occurred over the last several months, slowly the right is developing a narrative that before all, you know, really heartfelt, genuine moral patriots. >> yeah, exactly, patriots. >> and we're kind of like the new tucker carlsinceries this week is an explicit piece of fascist propaganda making these people into martyrs. and i think it's a real crisis because we're really losing focus of how horrible and, you know, terrible that day was. so i could foresee candidates next year, republican candidates running on the fact they were at the rally that turned into the riot. >> i was going to say they want to have it both ways. portraying those who died and those on january 6th as patriots and martyrs, and on the other hand saying it was a false flag operation. a bit of a disconnect there. thank you so much. greatly appreciate your reporting. coming up, the manhattan da's continuing this investigation into the trump organization with a second grand jury. we're going to discuss what that means for additional indictments in the case. stay with us. r additional indics in the case. stay with us [gaming sounds] [gaming sounds] [gaming sounds] just think, he'll be driving for real soon. every new chevy equinox comes standard with chevy safety assist, including automatic emergency braking. find new peace of mind. find new roads. chevrolet. there's a different way to treat hiv. it's once-monthly injectable cabenuva. cabenuva is the only once-a-month, complete hiv treatment for adults who are undetectable. cabenuva helps keep me undetectable. it's two injections, given by a healthcare provider once a month. hiv pills aren't on my mind. i love being able to pick up and go. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions, liver problems,...and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. with once-a-month cabenuva, i'm good to go. ask your doctor about once-monthly cabenuva. why give your family just ordinary eggs when they can enjoy the best? eggland's best. the only eggs with more fresh and delicious taste. plus, superior nutrition. because the way we care is anything but ordinary. ♪♪ wealth is breaking ground on your biggest project yet. is anything but ordinary. worth is giving the people who build it a solid foundation. wealth is shutting down the office for mike's retirement party. worth is giving the employee who spent half his life with you, the party of a lifetime. wealth is watching your business grow. worth is watching your employees grow with it. principal. for all it's worth. new vicks convenience pack. dayquil severe for you... and daily vicks super c for me. vicks super c is a daily supplement with vitamin c and b vitamins to help energize and replenish. dayquil severe is a max strength daytime, coughing, power through your day, medicine. new from vicks. more bad news for former president donald trump out of new york this week. manhattan district attorney cy vance has impanelled a second long-term grand jury u into the investigation into the trump organization. one person familiar with the matter telling nbc news the grand jury could hear testimony of the valuation of trump's properties. the news comes after the first grand jury issued an indictment criminally charged the trump company's chief financial officer allen weisselberg this past summer. you may recall that. joining me to discuss this legal analyst barbara mcquade. barbara is of course an expert in criminal law, criminal procedure and national security law. barbara, it's great to vuioback on this show. whatted should we make of this second grand jury? does it tell us anything about where this investigation appears to be heading? >> well, it does and it doesn't. grand jury investigations are by definition secret, and so we only know little drips and drebs that get leaked out. and just because a grand jury is investigating doesn't mean charges will be returned. it means they'll investigate and could determine there's sufficient evidence or none at all. they'll begin lie looking at documents and records and talking to people. and if and when they think it's reaching a point they need to call people in to testify, that's when they impanel a grand jury, so it sounds like they've reached that stage. so i do think to suggest it's moving into an advanced stage and that the evidence they've obtained so far is serious enough to believe it, charges are possible. >> the interesting timing -- the interesting thing about this is the timing of it, barbara, because this new six-month jury is actually going to extend beyond district attorney cy vance who leaves office at the end of this year. does that have any impact whatsoever? how do you expect the investigation will differ under his successor alvin brack? >> it really shouldn't. it doesn't matter who was at the helm of that office. as long as the person was an effective manager it should continue as it did before. the fact they're impanelling now perhaps they did learn something in the investigation that caused them to believe there is sufficient evidence to go forward. it does seem unlikely in the remaining time in cy vance's term he's going to see any charges come to fruition. so we'll have a new prosecutor in place, but as long as they're pursuing justice and the facts and the law then it really doesn't matter who's at the helm. >> let's shift gears for a moment, barbara, to another trump court case. on thurds a federal judge appeared unwilling to block the reesloo of documents from the national archives that have been requested by the january 6th committee responding to claims by the trump lawyers the committee can only seek material directly related to writing legislation. the judge responded in part, are you really saying the president's notes, talking points and records of telephone conversations on january 6th have no bearing on the investigation? these are about who the president was talking to as people were breaking windows and climbing into the capitol. if these documents are released, barbara, how bad could that end up being for trump? and should we expect his lawyers to continue to fight to slow this investigation down despite that excerpt i read there from the judge? >> i think stall tactic is always the m.o. we've seen by trump from the duration of his administration. he famously himself said i'm going to fight all the subpoenas. so i think he'll fight to keep these from being disclosed. but as the judge said there's really no legal basis here. i think these documents will get ordered disclosed. at some point they will be turned over, and at some point we won't know until we see them. but based on some of the things we see so far that talks about some schemes to try to undermine public confidence in the outcome of the election and schemes to try to persuade members of congress to vote against the certification of the election, it could be explosive. and so it makes perfect sense as the judge said that the committee investigating what happened on january 6th would want to see what the president was doing. as commander in chief it was up to him to decide whether to send in the national guard. why was there such a significant delay? so i think all of that stuff is potentially relevant here. and i think one day congress will get it. one day the committee will get it and -- >> the question is when. >> yeah, able to drag his feet, exactly. >> let me ask you another question not about this but on something else, some developing news happening today. earlier you had the fifth circuit court of appeals issuing a stay on the biden administration's requirement for workers with companies over 100 employees to get covid vaccines or at least be tested weekly. the rule is set to take or was set to take effect in january, but what do we know about the fifth circuit? and should we expect these challenges to eventually reach the supreme court? because we know in other cases in other parts of the country they've been pretty much rejected. others have said that the government does have the ability to make sure that workplace environments are healthy. >> yeah, and the law is pretty clear here, ayman. and it's disappointing to me. i hate to bash courts as being politically motivated. the law has been clear the government can take action to mandate vaccines, and in this case there's even a testing option in addition to a vaccine people can choose from. it empowers osha which regulates workplaces to impose this either vaccine or testing requirement if there are more than 100 employees. supreme court president is very clear. what's especially disappointing here the fifth circuit, a very conservative circuit has said, you know, the issues here are complicated so we're going to put a halt, an injunction in place against this law until we can sort it out. this is the very same sort, ayman, that said we're not going to do that with regard to sb8, the texas abortion case when there's all kind of complicated issues there. hard to see that double standard. >> as citizens our judiciary is supposed to be independent and then you see these decisions and you can't but wonder if politics or political ideology is a factor in these decisions. thank you for joining us this evening. coming up in this week's that's what they said, critical race theory was on the minds of voters as they went to the polls in virginia on tuesday. but not everyone did their homework. i'm going to explain next. plus one year after rudy giuliani's infamous press conference at four seasons total landscaping took the internet by storm meet the family behind the small business thrown into the spotlight. four seasons documentary sunday 10:00 p.m. eastern right here on msnbc. right here on msnbc. jection. translation: certified goosebumps. certified from headlamp to tailpipe. that's certified head turns. and it's all backed by our unlimited mileage warranty. that means unlimited peace of mind. mercedes-benz certified pre-owned. translation: the mercedes of your dreams is closer than you think. introducing the biggest advancement in the history of small business bookkeeping. having someone else do your books for you. i'm linda, your quickbooks live bookkeeper. let's do this linda! sounds good! a live expert bookkeeper who understands your business. felipe, i've categorized last month's hair gel expenses. steve, i just closed your books. great, how are we looking? 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>> getting back to the basics of teaching children not teaching them critical race theory. >> and what is critical race theory? >> well, i'm not going to get into the specifics of it because i don't understand it that much, but it's something that i don't -- what little bit that i know i don't care for. >> all right, so if you like that, you're going to love my saturday night panel. next i'll be joined by the good liars themselves. you're not going to want to miss this one, folks. folks. t customi. that's why i love liberty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? you got it. ♪ liberty, liberty - liberty, liberty ♪ uh, i'll settle for something i can dance to. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ ♪ ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ ♪ ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ we're getting destroyed out there. we need a plan! to unveil them to the world. right now, at t-mobile, customers on magenta max can get the new iphone 13 pro... and t-mobile will pay for it! upgrade to the iphone 13 pro... on us. (tiger) this is the dimension of imagination. ♪ ♪ in 2016, i was working at the amazon warehouse when my brother passed away. and a couple of years later, my mother passed away. after taking care of them, i knew that i really wanted to become a nurse. amazon helped me with training and tuition. today, i'm a medical assistant and i'm studying to become a registered nurse. in filipino: you'll always be in my heart. do you struggle with occasional nerve aches in your hands or feet? try nervivenerve relief from the world's #1 selling nerve care company. nervive contains alpha lipoic acid to relieve occasional nerve aches, weakness and discomfort. try nervivenerve relief. doesn't your family deserve the best? eggland's best eggs. classic, cage free, and organic. more delicious, farm-fresh taste. plus, superior nutrition. which is now more important than ever. because the way we care... is anything but ordinary. only eggland's best. ♪♪ it was a history making election night this week with an array of first time achievements at the polls. and boston michelle wu became the first woman and first person of color elected. in pittsburgh ed gainy. over in michigan abdula ham mud has been elected as the first american mayor of that city. and in cincinnati the first asian-american elected to that post. it is the same story in seattle. bruce harrell also the first asian-american to hold the job of mayor. and right here in new york city shahana hanif made history as the first muslim woman to be elected. and she's excited by the honor and excited to build an anti-racist city. first of all, congratulations on your historic win. i want to start by asking you about your campaign and what being elected means to you. >> thank you so much for having me. what an honor. this is a moment of tremendous joy for me, my communities, my ancestors, my parents who arrived to brooklyn without any expectations or even dreams of their daughter -- i'm the oldest of three daughters -- becoming an elected official. so this is huge for us, and i'm just proud i'll have an opportunity and some bigger tools to continue organizing in the city council. >> yeah, and i wanted to ask you about the new mayor of new york city, eric adams. he's been elected here. he's taking office as well as you are at a difficult time for the xenophobic, islamophobic trump administration. so i look forward to ensuring that we've got food options and that we're working toward food justice in our schools, our seniors, south asians and seniors have particular services and programs within senior centers. we've got a huge need for senior services and that we expand on resources for survivors of domestic violence. we've seen an uptick in domestic violence through covid, impacting south asians and muslim survivors. i'm actually really looking forward to ensuring expanded representation for the muslim community and i know that mayor eric adams will be a champion. and so i'm looking forward to just getting to work. and then on a anti-racist and feminist business, for the new yorkers, it means no city is abandoned. i'm a survivor, survived at the age of 17, and so i'm coming into the council really pushing us to think about what is caring for new yorkers and our constituents and every nook of the city look like. so this is to transform government and to prioritize care, not intimidation, bullying and domination. how do we make government work for the people who have been left out of the legislative tables, of the budgetary tables? we got work to do. so feminism for me means that we root our practice and care, it means that we are accepting accountability and that we are transparent with our consistencies across the city. and of course this moment with over 30 women in the council means that we can do so much more to be a champion, to make new york city a champion and reproductive health care services. we've seen a removal of abortion care around the u.s. new york city will be a champion. >> you've talked about some important issues obviously in new york city. although you and eric adams won your election, surprisingly a series of ballot issues that would have made it easier to vote lost or failed. how surprised were you by those results? what will it take for new york to modernize its voting laws? >> so i, you know, we worked really hard to bring in the consistency and my run was a catalyst for this new electorate to feel heard and to feel seen. so i will work really hard to push to make voter registration, to occur on the same day, to make it easier. so many folks who wanted to change their party affiliation didn't know why there were so many challenges. and so this has opened up an opportunity to do better around voter education and to prioritize language access and to prioritize bilingual organizers in this work to ensure adequate social and ballot education. council woman-elect, thank you and congratulations again on your historic victory. >> coming up, it's not often that i agree with nikki haley but i gets never say never. i guess i'll explain when we come back. we come back. searches for hope. then, a mysterious figure reminds her that she has the farmers home policy perk, guaranteed replacement cost. and that her home will be rebuilt, regardless of her limits or if the cost of materials has gone up. 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(woman) yeah, y-you did. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ there's a different way to treat hiv. it's once-monthly injectable cabenuva. cabenuva is the only once-a-month, complete hiv treatment for adults who are undetectable. cabenuva helps keep me undetectable. it's two injections, given by a healthcare provider once a month. hiv pills aren't on my mind. i love being able to pick up and go. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions, liver problems,...and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. with once-a-month cabenuva, i'm good to go. ask your doctor about once-monthly cabenuva. with once-a-month cabenuva, i'm good to go. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ let's check in with former south carolina governor and form are u.n. ambassador nikki haleighly. regular viewers of this show will know we're big fans of haley for here near constant stream of flip flops. so much so we bestowed upon her the nikki haley lifetime achievement award in flip-flopping. it's rather for nikki haley and i agreeing but watch this. >> if you're going to have anyone above a certain age in a position of power, whether it's the house, whether it's the senate, whether it's vice president or president, you should have some sort of cognitive test, just like you have to show your tax returns, you should have some sort of health screening so that people have faith in what you're doing. >> hold on there for a sec. honestly governor haley, i completely agree with you. candidate the should have to show us their taxes if they want to run for president. this hasn't been a problem for a major presidential candidate going back to the 70s except for one guy. and as far as a cognitive test, i fully support that, too. why you might ask in. >> like a memory question. it's like you'll go person, woman, man, camera, tv. so they say could you repeat that. so i said, yeah. so it person, woman, man, camera, tv. okay, that's very good. if you get it in order, you get extra points. go back to that question and repeat them. can you do it? you go person, woman, man, camera, tv. they say, that's amazing. how did you do that? i do it because i have like a good memory because i'm cognitively there. >> all right, look, if you have to insist on tv that you're, quote, cognitively there, well, all jokes aside it looks like governor haley may yet again be flip-flopping here. back in february she spoke to politico about the future of trump and the republican party and said at the time, quote, i don't think he's going to be in the picture. i don't think he can. he's fallen so far. she back tracked on that a few weeks ago telling "the wall street journal," look, we need him in the republican party. i don't want to us go back to the days before trump, which brings us back to now, with governor haley this close to saying what she really wants to say, that she does not want trump as the gop nominee in 2024. come on, governor haley, just say it. just say you

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Quality , Delay , Much , Viewers , Screen , Three , Build , Others , Act , Senator , Word , Credit , Bbb , Citizens , Benefits , States , Funds , Ones , Pandemic , District , Public Health Crisis , Middle , Nevada , Color , Vice President , Reconciliation Bill , Question , White House , Tax Cuts , Majority , Four , Congressman , Parties , Corporations , Affordable Care Act , 1 , 83 , Moderates , Negotiations , Pramila Jayapal , Eye , Other , Everything , Trust , Essential , Help , Support , Information , Fans , Policy , Lives , Focus , Personalities , Children , Child Care Provisions , Families , Class , Child Tax Credit , 92 , Seniors , Health Care , Consumers , Prescription Drug Costs , Making , Independents , Behalf , Peoples , Negotiating Table , Sir , Mind , Defeat , Barded , Weeds , Intricacies , Candidates , Critical Race Theory , Hand , High Schools , Elementary Schools , Phantom , Ideas , Scruples , Lessons , Quote , Terry Mcauliffe , Both , Congress , Price , Column , 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Trutherism , Patriots , Martyrs , Propaganda , Tucker Carlsinceries , Crisis , On January 6th , Flag , Investigation , Second Grand Jury , Organization , Indictments , Bit , Disconnect , Operation , Manhattan Da , Stay , Indics , Gaming Sounds , Assist , Driving , Safety , Chevy Equinox , Chevy , Peace Of Mind , Including Automatic Emergency Braking , Injectable Cabenuva , Adults , Hiv , Hiv Treatment , Find New Roads , Medicines , Healthcare Provider , Injections , Ingredients , Hiv Pills Aren T On My Mind , Me Undetectable , Side Effects , Reactions , Liver Problems , Doctor , Reaction , Depression , Mental Health Concerns , Symptoms , Treatment Appointments , Injection Site Reactions , Breastfeeding , Pregnancy , Tiredness , Fever , Eggs , Family , Best , We Care , Eggland S Best , Superior Nutrition , Taste , Anything , Wealth , Worth , Foundation , Mike S Retirement Party , Business , Employee , Employees , Party , Lifetime , Daily Vicks , Supplement , Vitamin C , Strength , B 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Daughters , Daughter , Eric Adams , Tools , Islamophobic Trump , Food Options , Food Justice , Xenophobic , Domestic Violence , Survivors , Services , Programs , Centers , Resources , Need , Uptick , South Asians , Community , Representation , Champion , Feminist , Council , Age , I M A Survivor , 17 , Work , Nook , Bullying , Domination , Intimidation , Tables , Feminism , Practice , Consistencies , Accountability , 30 , Abortion Care , Health Care Services , Removal , Results , Voting Laws , Electorate , Consistency , Run , Catalyst , Voter Registration , Voter Education , Didn T , Party Affiliation , Organizers , Nikki Haley , Elect , Farmers Home Policy Perk , Cost , Figure , Materials , Searches , Hope , Limits , Bum , Farmers , Pa Dum , Farmers Policy Perks , Burke , Y You , Google , Nikki Haleighly , Form , South Carolina , U N , Flip Flops , Stream , Nikki Haley Lifetime Achievement Award , Flip Flopping , Cognitive Test , Health Screening , Position , Anyone , Tax Returns , Taxes , Faith , Sec , Memory Question , Test , Guy , 70 , Tv , Order , Memory , Politico , Cognitively There , Jokes , Picture , Look , Wall Street Journal , Nominee , 2024 ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC Ayman 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Ayman 20240709

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insurrectionists were elected into office on tuesday. you heard that correctly. today marks ten months since the january 6th riot. are voters really just moving on from it? and new york city has its first muslim city councilwoman. she joins me to discuss her historic victory and what she plans to accomplish in office. i'm ayman mohyeldin. let's get started. so at long last the one phrase that all of washington has been saying ironically for years -- for years can for once and for all be said unironically. get ready for it. >> finally, infrastructure week. i'm so happy to say that. infrastructure week. >> yes, we are all so happy that you can finally say that. the house of representatives voted late last night to send the bipartisan infrastructure bill to the president's desk. and if the final vote tally was announced late last night the energy in the house chamber was electric. >> on this vote the yeas are 228 and the nays are 226. the motion is adopted. >> all right, so that cheering there signified passage of the $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill which will allocate $550 billion of new spending into transportation projects, the utility grid and broadband including $110 billion for roads, bridges and other major projects. $666 billion for passenger and freight rail and $65 billion for broadband. now, this concludes nearly nine months of political maneuverings and gameman'sship and delivers a huge win to the president who touted the legislation's importance just this morning. watch. >> a once in a generation investment that's going to create millions of jobs modernizing instruct, our roads, our bridges, broadband, a whole range of things, to turn the climate crisis into an opportunity. and it puts us on a path to win the economic competition of the 21st century. >> all right, in the companion build back better social spending bill, though, that is still going to face a separate vote tentatively scheduled for december 15th and there remains a lot of of unanswered questions on the future of that bill. but for now president biden finally does have a major piece of very important to emphasize here bipartisan legislation heading to his desk for his signature. still, one thing stands out about this entire process, namely the timing of this. democrats passed this bill just days after suffering a grim set of election results on tuesday. it's only natural to wonder as some have this week if the infrastructure bill had passed just a week ago or two months ago when it passed the senate, would it have made a difference in the outcome in virginia? it's impossible to know that. really it is. and there has been no shortage of overconfident explanations of what caused such a poor showing for democrats in virginia and new jersey and who's to blame for it. so many, in fact, you could even build out an entire wheel of excuses. you could spin this baby and land on any number of excuses each of which might explain part of it. you got the idea that progressives were just too woke or manchin and sinema made it too hard or it really could be bad candidate. you heard each one of these excuses one way or another just this week. watch. >> i don't know why we couldn't pass or why the house members couldn't pass the two bills they've been setting off for quite some time. >> millions of women across the country are outraged one man would say we're not going to do paid leave. >> politics is about timing and we blew it on the timing. >> i think people are rebelling against what the democrat party stands for nowadays. >> the wokism. not listening to parents but listening to politicians. >> what's wrong is stupid wokeness. some of these people need to go to a woke detox center or something. >> folks, i'm going to spare you the suspense. the truth of the matter is that we really don't know what caused the shellacking that democrats received. we don't know if passing the bif a week ago or two months ago would have made any difference. democrats not passing any legislation before the election left a void, one republicans were only two eager to fill with their own narratives. but let's begin with the legislation that did pass, finally. i'm joined by democratic congressman steven, first black chair of the congressional black caucus. last night he was one of the 228 members who voted to send the bipartisan infrastructure bill to the president's desk. thank you for joining us this saturday evening. and you you heard me talking there about the major provisions in the infrastructure bill. from your perspective why is the legislation so significant for the nation at this time? >> well, thank you for having me on. the congressional black caucus as you know played an integral role at a critical moment to make sure we were able to reach an agreement and to bring both the bipartisan infrastructure bill, the jobs bill as i call it and build back better to the floor for a vote so that it can move forward, and we delivered. that's what democrats do. we delivered for the american people. i'm proud this bill will provide millions of good paying union jobs. it's going to make historic investments in our climate crisis to address environmental injustice that has plagued our country. historic investments in public transit as well as making sure that more americans have access to the internet, which is really a critical quality of life issue for the 21st century. >> yeah, and we have what wus was, again, in that bipartisan infrastructure bill there on our screen for viewers to see. this bill passed back in august. it took three months for the house to approve it. much of the delay came from progressives who actually to their credit were holding out for the build back better act. this was not about bif. they wanted to make sure because they wanted to trust senator sinema and others were going to stick to their word and pass the bbb. the delay was costly there. not only in virginia but to citizens in states all over the country, quite frankly, who could have been reaping the benefits of these critical funds. was it worth the delay politically speaking, and especially since bbb has still not passed and there are now going to be questions about whether it ever will. >> well, i think those are important questions. but really what the american people, at least the ones i represent from nevada's fourth district are focused on is how we're going to move forward. look, we're still in the middle of a public health crisis, a pandemic that has disproportionately affected communities of color and women. and the president and vice president wrote the bipartisan infrastructure bill as well as the build back better reconciliation bill, and it's going to provide historic investments. yes, there's going to be a lot of, you know, quarterbacking about whether or not what we did and the timing and how we delivered was the right timing or not, but the question most americans are focused on is how are these bills going to impact them? and i'm proud that when democrats were in the majority and controlled the white house, the senate and the house, that this is what we were able to deliver this time four years ago republicans when they were in the majority they were delivering the -- the tax cuts for the wealthiest and biggest corporations, 83% of the benefits going to the top 1%. that's the difference between the two parties. >> i was going to say trying to repeal the affordable care act, obamacare, that would have affected millions of americans. listen real quick, congressman, i want to play for you congresswoman pramila jayapal. this is what she said about the continuing negotiations between the progressives and so-called moderates on the build back better act. listen. >> this was about can we look each other in the eye and start to re-establish trust? because that is going to be essential for everything we try to do. i trust they looked me in my eye and passed the build back better act as soon as they had a chance to look at the fiscal information and that will be transformative. >> you talked about the importance of getting support for the people and help for the people of your district in nevada there, and certainly that we're still in the pandemic. the bbb is going to help out way more than the bipartisan infrastructure bill. i'm not saying the bipartisan infrastructure bill won't help, but the bbb is the social spending bill of the two. how convinced are you that it will pass, it will not be summarily dismissed by senators manchin and sinema now that they have what they wanted in the infrastructure bill? they were never big fans of the bbb, and why would you even trust them? >> because it's not about them. it's about the american people. you know, for far too long the focus has been about the personalities in washington, d.c. and not the people and the policy that's going to actually improve their lives. and so overwhelmingly american support providing middle class tax cuts for families with children, in my district that's 92% of children that are receiving benefits from the child tax credit. they overwhelmingly support the paid leave and child care provisions. they overwhelmingly support lowering prescription drug costs for seniors and other consumers in health care and making -- going further on climate provisions including the provisions that we sponsor to make sure that we are tackling the climate crisis. so these are all important provisions, and they're overwhelmingly supported by republicans, independents and democrats. so i'm not worried about the senate. in fact, my question is to the republicans. why don't they get onboard and work with us to deliver these historic investments on behalf of the american people so that we can build back together our country in a more equitable and inclusive way? >> absolutely. a very important question. it feels like republicans have been given a free pass in all of this just simply because they most of the time don't even want to be at the negotiating table with democrats. they're playing politics with peoples lives. greatly appreciate your time this evening, sir. the defeat by democrats this week brought a question to my mind. are republicans simply better at politics right now than the democrats? and i don't mean policy here? i'm talking about no holds barded in your face politics? while democrats got stuck in the weeds debating the intricacies of major policy and how to pay for it, republican candidates, on the other hand, campaigned on a phantom issue here, the idea critical race theory is being taught in high schools and elementary schools. let me be clear for our viewers, that is not happening. that is not happening. does having fewer ideas and perhaps fewer scruples here make it easier to persuade voters? and what lessons can be taken from all this? for those questions and more i'm joined by -- it's great to have both of you with us. let me start with you. in a column this week you argued democrats in congress let president biden down and terry mcauliffe paid the price. you write in part, quote, virginia voters decided not to return him for a nonconsecutive term as governor instead electing republican congressman youngkin who ran a trump inspired campaign of conspiracy theories and race baiting. it wasn't terribly close. what do you make of the election results as a whole not just virginia? and are republicans just better at the game of scaring voters to the polls than offering them solutions? >> i think that's the point. it's not that they're better at politics that are scaring. they're in an entirely different game here. i mean, could you imagine if the democrats were running a campaign based on race baiting, based on conspiracy theories and based on outright fabrications? their own voters wouldn't allow it. the republican party is able to do this because its base tends to be non-college educated and almost entirely white. so they can get away with these sorts of things. there's also the question of, you know, the democratic party is much more of a big tent. we've seen under trump and even before that the republican party becoming much more homogenous. so, you know, we could see democrats running around and calling the republicans fascists the way the republicans call the democrats socialists. they're just sort of disinclined to do this. i do think there's a middle ground. you don't need to play so you don't commit any fouls while the other side is slashing at you with a knife and other weapons. so i think they could be a lot tougher and spend a little less time focusing as you just mentioned on all the fire policy details that the average voter does not know a thing about. >> i was going to say i was in december earlier this week, spoke to some prominent congress members and they told me democrats simply too things. they don't want to get in the mud with republicans and sling it out so to speak. at the same time they're not just good at delivering a narrative about what they represent. fair assessment, you think? >> well, i think they -- part of the problem was they didn't have a narrative because they didn't have build back better and the infrastructure bill passed. you know, i really think if they had at least the infrastructure bill passed a few months ago mcauliffe would have had a very positive agenda to run on, we would have had probably more injection into the economy, would have had a much better story to tell. look, the democrats are the governing party. the republicans are all about attacking, about throwing sand in the ears. it's easier to throw sand in the ears than it is to govern. so they've got a harder pass to start with, but that doesn't mean you have to sit back and take it, and i think their language could indeed be a great deal tougher in calling the republicans what they are. >> jessica, this morning president biden had something to say about voters in this election. >> the american people have made clear one thing and i really mean it, all of the talk of the elections and what do they mean -- they want us to deliver. they want us to deliver. democrats, they want us to deliver. last night we can on one big item. we delivered. >> all right, so not to disagree with the president. he knows politics certainly a lot better than i do, but republicans didn't run a campaign in virginia on delivering. they ran a campaign in virginia as we heard there race baiting and conspiracy theories. so is the white house sensitive about the critique that the president could have done more to push his agenda and get it passed far earlier? or are they not listening to this broader conversation that some are saying, like it's, not what's happening in washington, it's about what an individual candidate is using as a tactic to scare voters to the polls. >> well, i think that biden had a very bad summer. august with afghanistan, and things never really improved exponentially from there. i think it sort of snowballed into a fall where you had congressional inaction. would they have passed the infrastructure bill? would it have helped mcauliffe? yes. but i'm not sure it would have been determinative as you were saying before. i think this is multifaceted race we're talking aboutch and i think for a lot of parents, yes, critical race theory became the buzzword they were talking about. but really covid and the pandemic i think it elevated education as an issue a lot of voters were sensitive to because you had schools that were closed down for a year, and children, young children falling behind because they were being taught on-screens. and certainly debates went on about ways to return safely and all the different things, but i think amountimately you had parents very frustrated. and oftentimes the opposition party in this case republicans who had been out of power in virginia for 12 years, they were the ones animating voters better on this issue. and you also had mcauliffe, i think, really had a major faux pas in the final debate. there's a lot of nuance that goes into that. but when he says i don't think parents should be telling schools what to teach, well, even i talk to democrats that even said, listen, parents should have a role. i think that's -- and they really delayed walking that back. they didn't respond to the education ad for 11 days. it took them 11 more days to respond with a direct to camera ad with mcauliffe, and i think at that point some of the damage had been done. yes, you could talk about race and that was certainly an element. but i think overall education as an issue was one elevated because of the pandemic. >> it's a conversation we're going to continue to have as we get to the mid-terms next year. coming up, tuesday marked the first statewide election since the january 6th insurrection, so why did ten participants get elected to office? plus the first muslim woman elected to the new york city council joins us live later in the show. us live later in the show as someone who resembles someone else, i appreciate that liberty mutual knows everyone's unique. that's why they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. [ ferry horn honks ] i mean just cause you look like someone else doesn't mean you eat off the floor, [ chuckles ] or yell at the vacuum, or need flea medication. oh, yeah. that's the spot. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ ♪ ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ today marks just ten months since trump supporters stormed the capitol on january 6th to reverse election results, and yet this week a republican won a statewide race in virginia. a year ago joe biden carried that state by 10 points. were some of the same people who took part in the events of january 6th are now finding themselves in positions of power in this country. let that sink in. on tuesday at least ten republicans on january 6th were elected to office. among those two were re-elected to the virginia house of delegates. and although most of these republicans claim they didn't breach the capitol, all were participants in the demonstration leading up to that attack. even more january 6th participants expected to be on the ballot in 2022, what do these victories tell us about the future of the republican party? joining me now the senior reporter for huff post covering the far right disinformation and hate. christopher, great to have you with us this evening. you wrote an extensive article about these republicans who were elected despite the fact having participated there in the march. break it down for us. who are they exactly, and what type of power will they have? and did they run on a campaign where they openly talked about and celebrated their participation in what happened on january 6th? >> yeah, thanks so much for having me. so like you said three officials got elected to the virginia house of delegates and the rest were mostly on the local level. one of the people elected to the house of delegates, marie march, you know, they're very extreme figures. and i think at one point she made a facebook post about a coming civil war she wanted to take a part of. so that's kind of the people that we're talking about here. and elsewhere a lot of people on skoo school boards, for example. there's a husband-wife duo in massachusetts -- i'm sorry, in pennsylvania -- who got elected to the school board that ran on a campaign of keeping critical race theory and the 1619 project out of classrooms. and what it really demonstrates is that there hasn't really been any political fallout for these people. >> yeah. >> they took part in this demonstration that was clearly anti-democratic and were lent legitimacy to a rally that turned too u a riot. and then they went home and voters were fine with it. and i think it -- it's a really, really concerning trend. i think some people do not back away, but your question on the debate campaign on this, they certainly didn't back away from it. >> i was going to ask you about that. did you in your reporting on this, did you get a sense as to whetherthies constituents knew about these candidates taking part in january 6th and were willing to look past it? or were they kept in the dark and not aware about it? what did you uncover in your reporting on that? >> oh, no, this is all public. like, everybody back home, like every -- like my article is based off local in these reportings. this is widely reported in all these candidates hometowns and all the counties and districts. so their constituents deft, definitely knew they were at this historic rally that turned into the insurrection. so it does not bode well. and what's especially concerning i first reported earlier this year there are nearly 60 gop officials, lawmakers, you know, school board members, council members, et cetera, that were at the rally that turned into the insurrection. and because 2022 is a bigger election year like these ten candidate that got elected this week, there's going to be a lot more of these candidates next year. >> what about these house members who voted against certifying the election for biden. if you look ahead if you voted against it back on january 6th and are up for re-election, is this giving you new hope you'll be re-elected to your seat on a platform of being anti-democratic in this country? >> yeah, yeah. i mean, i could foresee, next year it actually being a boost to candidates to say they were at this rally. i think there's so much -- the amount of january 6th trutherism and revisionism that has occurred over the last several months, slowly the right is developing a narrative that before all, you know, really heartfelt, genuine moral patriots. >> yeah, exactly, patriots. >> and we're kind of like the new tucker carlsinceries this week is an explicit piece of fascist propaganda making these people into martyrs. and i think it's a real crisis because we're really losing focus of how horrible and, you know, terrible that day was. so i could foresee candidates next year, republican candidates running on the fact they were at the rally that turned into the riot. >> i was going to say they want to have it both ways. portraying those who died and those on january 6th as patriots and martyrs, and on the other hand saying it was a false flag operation. a bit of a disconnect there. thank you so much. greatly appreciate your reporting. coming up, the manhattan da's continuing this investigation into the trump organization with a second grand jury. we're going to discuss what that means for additional indictments in the case. stay with us. r additional indics in the case. stay with us [gaming sounds] [gaming sounds] [gaming sounds] just think, he'll be driving for real soon. every new chevy equinox comes standard with chevy safety assist, including automatic emergency braking. find new peace of mind. find new roads. chevrolet. there's a different way to treat hiv. it's once-monthly injectable cabenuva. cabenuva is the only once-a-month, complete hiv treatment for adults who are undetectable. cabenuva helps keep me undetectable. it's two injections, given by a healthcare provider once a month. hiv pills aren't on my mind. i love being able to pick up and go. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions, liver problems,...and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. with once-a-month cabenuva, i'm good to go. ask your doctor about once-monthly cabenuva. why give your family just ordinary eggs when they can enjoy the best? eggland's best. the only eggs with more fresh and delicious taste. plus, superior nutrition. because the way we care is anything but ordinary. ♪♪ wealth is breaking ground on your biggest project yet. is anything but ordinary. worth is giving the people who build it a solid foundation. wealth is shutting down the office for mike's retirement party. worth is giving the employee who spent half his life with you, the party of a lifetime. wealth is watching your business grow. worth is watching your employees grow with it. principal. for all it's worth. new vicks convenience pack. dayquil severe for you... and daily vicks super c for me. vicks super c is a daily supplement with vitamin c and b vitamins to help energize and replenish. dayquil severe is a max strength daytime, coughing, power through your day, medicine. new from vicks. more bad news for former president donald trump out of new york this week. manhattan district attorney cy vance has impanelled a second long-term grand jury u into the investigation into the trump organization. one person familiar with the matter telling nbc news the grand jury could hear testimony of the valuation of trump's properties. the news comes after the first grand jury issued an indictment criminally charged the trump company's chief financial officer allen weisselberg this past summer. you may recall that. joining me to discuss this legal analyst barbara mcquade. barbara is of course an expert in criminal law, criminal procedure and national security law. barbara, it's great to vuioback on this show. whatted should we make of this second grand jury? does it tell us anything about where this investigation appears to be heading? >> well, it does and it doesn't. grand jury investigations are by definition secret, and so we only know little drips and drebs that get leaked out. and just because a grand jury is investigating doesn't mean charges will be returned. it means they'll investigate and could determine there's sufficient evidence or none at all. they'll begin lie looking at documents and records and talking to people. and if and when they think it's reaching a point they need to call people in to testify, that's when they impanel a grand jury, so it sounds like they've reached that stage. so i do think to suggest it's moving into an advanced stage and that the evidence they've obtained so far is serious enough to believe it, charges are possible. >> the interesting timing -- the interesting thing about this is the timing of it, barbara, because this new six-month jury is actually going to extend beyond district attorney cy vance who leaves office at the end of this year. does that have any impact whatsoever? how do you expect the investigation will differ under his successor alvin brack? >> it really shouldn't. it doesn't matter who was at the helm of that office. as long as the person was an effective manager it should continue as it did before. the fact they're impanelling now perhaps they did learn something in the investigation that caused them to believe there is sufficient evidence to go forward. it does seem unlikely in the remaining time in cy vance's term he's going to see any charges come to fruition. so we'll have a new prosecutor in place, but as long as they're pursuing justice and the facts and the law then it really doesn't matter who's at the helm. >> let's shift gears for a moment, barbara, to another trump court case. on thurds a federal judge appeared unwilling to block the reesloo of documents from the national archives that have been requested by the january 6th committee responding to claims by the trump lawyers the committee can only seek material directly related to writing legislation. the judge responded in part, are you really saying the president's notes, talking points and records of telephone conversations on january 6th have no bearing on the investigation? these are about who the president was talking to as people were breaking windows and climbing into the capitol. if these documents are released, barbara, how bad could that end up being for trump? and should we expect his lawyers to continue to fight to slow this investigation down despite that excerpt i read there from the judge? >> i think stall tactic is always the m.o. we've seen by trump from the duration of his administration. he famously himself said i'm going to fight all the subpoenas. so i think he'll fight to keep these from being disclosed. but as the judge said there's really no legal basis here. i think these documents will get ordered disclosed. at some point they will be turned over, and at some point we won't know until we see them. but based on some of the things we see so far that talks about some schemes to try to undermine public confidence in the outcome of the election and schemes to try to persuade members of congress to vote against the certification of the election, it could be explosive. and so it makes perfect sense as the judge said that the committee investigating what happened on january 6th would want to see what the president was doing. as commander in chief it was up to him to decide whether to send in the national guard. why was there such a significant delay? so i think all of that stuff is potentially relevant here. and i think one day congress will get it. one day the committee will get it and -- >> the question is when. >> yeah, able to drag his feet, exactly. >> let me ask you another question not about this but on something else, some developing news happening today. earlier you had the fifth circuit court of appeals issuing a stay on the biden administration's requirement for workers with companies over 100 employees to get covid vaccines or at least be tested weekly. the rule is set to take or was set to take effect in january, but what do we know about the fifth circuit? and should we expect these challenges to eventually reach the supreme court? because we know in other cases in other parts of the country they've been pretty much rejected. others have said that the government does have the ability to make sure that workplace environments are healthy. >> yeah, and the law is pretty clear here, ayman. and it's disappointing to me. i hate to bash courts as being politically motivated. the law has been clear the government can take action to mandate vaccines, and in this case there's even a testing option in addition to a vaccine people can choose from. it empowers osha which regulates workplaces to impose this either vaccine or testing requirement if there are more than 100 employees. supreme court president is very clear. what's especially disappointing here the fifth circuit, a very conservative circuit has said, you know, the issues here are complicated so we're going to put a halt, an injunction in place against this law until we can sort it out. this is the very same sort, ayman, that said we're not going to do that with regard to sb8, the texas abortion case when there's all kind of complicated issues there. hard to see that double standard. >> as citizens our judiciary is supposed to be independent and then you see these decisions and you can't but wonder if politics or political ideology is a factor in these decisions. thank you for joining us this evening. coming up in this week's that's what they said, critical race theory was on the minds of voters as they went to the polls in virginia on tuesday. but not everyone did their homework. i'm going to explain next. plus one year after rudy giuliani's infamous press conference at four seasons total landscaping took the internet by storm meet the family behind the small business thrown into the spotlight. four seasons documentary sunday 10:00 p.m. eastern right here on msnbc. right here on msnbc. jection. translation: certified goosebumps. certified from headlamp to tailpipe. that's certified head turns. and it's all backed by our unlimited mileage warranty. that means unlimited peace of mind. mercedes-benz certified pre-owned. translation: the mercedes of your dreams is closer than you think. introducing the biggest advancement in the history of small business bookkeeping. having someone else do your books for you. i'm linda, your quickbooks live bookkeeper. let's do this linda! sounds good! a live expert bookkeeper who understands your business. felipe, i've categorized last month's hair gel expenses. steve, i just closed your books. great, how are we looking? 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>> getting back to the basics of teaching children not teaching them critical race theory. >> and what is critical race theory? >> well, i'm not going to get into the specifics of it because i don't understand it that much, but it's something that i don't -- what little bit that i know i don't care for. >> all right, so if you like that, you're going to love my saturday night panel. next i'll be joined by the good liars themselves. you're not going to want to miss this one, folks. folks. t customi. that's why i love liberty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? you got it. ♪ liberty, liberty - liberty, liberty ♪ uh, i'll settle for something i can dance to. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ ♪ ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ ♪ ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ we're getting destroyed out there. we need a plan! to unveil them to the world. right now, at t-mobile, customers on magenta max can get the new iphone 13 pro... and t-mobile will pay for it! upgrade to the iphone 13 pro... on us. 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we got work to do. so feminism for me means that we root our practice and care, it means that we are accepting accountability and that we are transparent with our consistencies across the city. and of course this moment with over 30 women in the council means that we can do so much more to be a champion, to make new york city a champion and reproductive health care services. we've seen a removal of abortion care around the u.s. new york city will be a champion. >> you've talked about some important issues obviously in new york city. although you and eric adams won your election, surprisingly a series of ballot issues that would have made it easier to vote lost or failed. how surprised were you by those results? what will it take for new york to modernize its voting laws? >> so i, you know, we worked really hard to bring in the consistency and my run was a catalyst for this new electorate to feel heard and to feel seen. so i will work really hard to push to make voter registration, to occur on the same day, to make it easier. so many folks who wanted to change their party affiliation didn't know why there were so many challenges. and so this has opened up an opportunity to do better around voter education and to prioritize language access and to prioritize bilingual organizers in this work to ensure adequate social and ballot education. council woman-elect, thank you and congratulations again on your historic victory. >> coming up, it's not often that i agree with nikki haley but i gets never say never. i guess i'll explain when we come back. we come back. searches for hope. then, a mysterious figure reminds her that she has the farmers home policy perk, guaranteed replacement cost. and that her home will be rebuilt, regardless of her limits or if the cost of materials has gone up. 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Country , Course , Agency , Santos , American , Voices , 6 , 00 , Way , One , Terms , Democracy , Spotlight , Stories , Colleague , Census , Functions , Communities , Chance , Yes , Ayman Mohyeldin , Tax Dollars , Ten , Infrastructure Bill , Election , Virginia , House Of Representatives , Democrats , Wheel , Excuses , Ending , Blow , It , Office , Voters , New York City , City Councilwoman , Muslim , Insurrectionists , January 6th Riot , January 6th , Victory , Wall , Phrase , Be , Washington D C , Bill Won T , President , Vote , House , Desk , Chamber , Energy , Tally , Nays , Yeas , 226 , 228 , Right , Passage , Motion , Cheering , 50 Billion , Trillion , 550 Billion , 1 Trillion , Spending , Broadband , Roads , Passenger , Transportation Projects , Projects , Utility Grid , Freight Rail , 110 Billion , 666 Billion , 10 Billion , 5 Billion , 65 Billion , 66 Billion , Legislation , Importance , Watch , Win , Generation , Once , Nine , Things , Investment , Climate Crisis , Opportunity , Millions , Competition , Bridges , Range , Path , Jobs Modernizing Instruct , 21 , Lot , Bill , Questions , Companion Build , December 15th , 15 , Timing , Biden Down , Thing , Piece , Process , Signature , Difference , Senate , Election Results , Outcome , Set , Two , Fact , Showing , Many , Explanations , Shortage , New Jersey , Part , Idea , Progressives , Baby , Number , Land , Candidate , Senators Manchin , Sinema , Leave , House Members Couldn T Pass , Women , Bills , Another , Man , We Couldn T Pass , People , Politics , Parents , Politicians , Listening , Rebelling , Stupid Wokeness , Wokism , Something , Don T , Some , What , Matter , Truth , Detox Center , Suspense , Shellacking , Bif , Republicans , Void , Congressional Black Caucus , Congressman Steven , Pass , Narratives , Eager , Members , Provisions , Perspective , Last Night , Role , Nation , Agreement , Jobs Bill , Floor , Investments , Injustice , Union Jobs , Issue , Access , Internet , Life , Transit , Quality , Delay , Much , Viewers , Screen , Three , Build , Others , Act , Senator , Word , Credit , Bbb , Citizens , Benefits , States , Funds , Ones , Pandemic , District , Public Health Crisis , Middle , Nevada , Color , Vice President , Reconciliation Bill , Question , White House , Tax Cuts , Majority , Four , Congressman , Parties , Corporations , Affordable Care Act , 1 , 83 , Moderates , Negotiations , Pramila Jayapal , Eye , Other , Everything , Trust , Essential , Help , Support , Information , Fans , Policy , Lives , Focus , Personalities , Children , Child Care Provisions , Families , Class , Child Tax Credit , 92 , Seniors , Health Care , Consumers , Prescription Drug Costs , Making , Independents , Behalf , Peoples , Negotiating Table , Sir , Mind , Defeat , Barded , Weeds , Intricacies , Candidates , Critical Race Theory , Hand , High Schools , Elementary Schools , Phantom , Ideas , Scruples , Lessons , Quote , Terry Mcauliffe , Both , Congress , Price , Column , Campaign , Governor , Conspiracy Theories , Race Baiting , Term , Ran A Trump , Who , Congressman Youngkin , Point , Polls , Game , It Wasn T , Whole , Solutions , Fabrications , Base , Trump , Sorts , Question Of , Big Tent , Homogenous , Disinclined , Ground , Side , Weapons , Knife , Fouls , Voter , Fire Policy Details , Narrative , Problem , Mud , Assessment , Agenda , Ears , Injection , Story , Attacking , Sand , Governing Party , Economy , Better , Throwing Sand , Language , Doesn T , Deal , Jessica , Elections , Talk , Item , Critique , Baiting , Conversation , It S , Saying , Tactic , Summer , Afghanistan , There , Inaction , Determinative , Race , Buzzword , Schools , Education , Ways , Debates , On Screens , Power , Case , Opposition Party , 12 , Debate , Faux Pas , Nuance , Listen , Back , Camera , Ad , Damage , 11 , Coming Up , Virginia On Tuesday , Element , Participants , January 6th Insurrection , Show , Someone , Everyone , Woman , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , New York City Council , Unique , Spot , Flea Medication , Vacuum , Chuckles , Ferry Horn Honks , Yell , Liberty , Pay , Experience , Dark , Flexibility , World , Points , Events , Joe Biden , Supporters , State , Capitol On January 6th , 10 , Positions , Demonstration , Virginia House Of Delegates , Most , Attack , Capitol , Ballot , Reporter , Victories , Hate , Huff Post , Christopher , 2022 , Article , Type , Officials , Participation , Figures , Level , Marie March , Facebook , Rest , Kind , Elsewhere , Duo , Example , Skoo School Boards , Civil War , Race Theory , Project , Classrooms , School Board , Massachusetts , Pennsylvania , 1619 , Hasn T , Fallout , Rally , Legitimacy , Trend , Ua , Riot , Reporting , Sense , Constituents , Every , Everybody , Public , Home , Hometowns , Counties , Districts , Reportings , Insurrection , 60 , Council Members , Et Cetera , School Board Members , More , House Members , Seat , Platform , Re Election , Amount , Boost , Revisionism , January 6th Trutherism , Patriots , Martyrs , Propaganda , Tucker Carlsinceries , Crisis , On January 6th , Flag , Investigation , Second Grand Jury , Organization , Indictments , Bit , Disconnect , Operation , Manhattan Da , Stay , Indics , Gaming Sounds , Assist , Driving , Safety , Chevy Equinox , Chevy , Peace Of Mind , Including Automatic Emergency Braking , Injectable Cabenuva , Adults , Hiv , Hiv Treatment , Find New Roads , Medicines , Healthcare Provider , Injections , Ingredients , Hiv Pills Aren T On My Mind , Me Undetectable , Side Effects , Reactions , Liver Problems , Doctor , Reaction , Depression , Mental Health Concerns , Symptoms , Treatment Appointments , Injection Site Reactions , Breastfeeding , Pregnancy , Tiredness , Fever , Eggs , Family , Best , We Care , Eggland S Best , Superior Nutrition , Taste , Anything , Wealth , Worth , Foundation , Mike S Retirement Party , Business , Employee , Employees , Party , Lifetime , Daily Vicks , Supplement , Vitamin C , Strength , B Vitamins , Super C , Pack , Coughing , Dayquil , Medicine , Person , Donald Trump , Cy Vance , Trump Organization , Bad News , Impanelled A Second Long Term , Manhattan District Attorney , News , Indictment , Testimony , Properties , Valuation , Nbc News , The Grand Jury , Barbara Mcquade , Allen Weisselberg , Expert , Company , Criminal Law , Security , Criminal Procedure , Whatted , Investigations , Law , Definition Secret , Drebs , Drips , Doesn T Mean , Documents , Evidence , Records , None , Charges , Stage , Jury , Impact , Six , Alvin Brack , Shouldn T , It Doesn T Matter , Helm , Manager , Place , Prosecutor , Fruition , Doesn T Matter , Judge , The National Archives , To Another Trump Court Case , Facts , Justice , Shift Gears , Thurds A , Reesloo , January 6th Committee , Lawyers , Claims , Talking Points , Writing Legislation , Telephone Conversations , Material , Notes , Climbing , Windows , Bearing , Administration , Stall Tactic , Excerpt , Duration , M O , Subpoenas , Basis , Schemes , Certification , Over , Confidence , Talks , Commander , Guard , Feet , One Day , Stuff , Fifth Circuit Court Of Appeals , Vaccines , Requirement , Covid , Companies , Workers , Biden Administration , Something Else , 100 , Challenges , Supreme Court , Parts , Effect , Cases , Rule , Government , Ability , Workplace Environments , Vaccine , Courts , Action , Testing Option , Addition , Osha , Workplaces , Testing , Sort , Issues , Circuit , Injunction , Halt , Regard , Sb8 , Decisions , Judiciary , Double Standard , Ideology , Abortion , Texas , Factor , Minds , Homework , Plus One , Rudy Giuliani , Storm , Landscaping , Press Conference , Certified Goosebumps , Certified , Tailpipe , Msnbc , Headlamp , Four Seasons , Jection , Head , Turns , Warranty , Mileage , Dreams , Mercedes Benz , Certified Pre Owned , Books , Linda , Advancement , History , Small Business Bookkeeping , Intuit Quickbooks , Expert Bookkeeper , Hair Gel Expenses , Profits , Steve , Sounds Good , Felipe , Experts , Vapors , Live Bookkeeping , Vicks Vapobath , Vicks Vaposhower , Hun , Take A Soothing Vicks , Edition , Race Election , Assignment , Basics , Teaching , Specifics , Don T Care For , Liars , Saturday Night Panel , Folks , Throwback , T Customi , Liberty Uh , Pro , Customers , Plan , Magenta Max , T Mobile , 13 , Dimension , Tiger , Imagination , Iphone , Amazon , Brother , Couple , Mother , 2016 , Care , Assistant , Nurse , Registered Nurse , Training , Tuition , Nerve Aches , Nervivenerve Relief , Nerve Care Company , Nervive , Hands , Heart , Filipino , Alpha Lipoic Acid , More Delicious , Discomfort , Weakness , Classic , Cage Free , Only Eggland S Best , History Making Election Night , Elected , Achievements , Array , Ham Mud , Michigan , Boston , Michelle Wu , Pittsburgh , Ed Gainy , Abdula , City , Mayor , Post , Asian American , Seattle , Bruce Harrell , Honor , Job , Shahana Hanif , Congratulations , Ancestors , Joy , Brooklyn , Official , Expectations , Daughters , Daughter , Eric Adams , Tools , Islamophobic Trump , Food Options , Food Justice , Xenophobic , Domestic Violence , Survivors , Services , Programs , Centers , Resources , Need , Uptick , South Asians , Community , Representation , Champion , Feminist , Council , Age , I M A Survivor , 17 , Work , Nook , Bullying , Domination , Intimidation , Tables , Feminism , Practice , Consistencies , Accountability , 30 , Abortion Care , Health Care Services , Removal , Results , Voting Laws , Electorate , Consistency , Run , Catalyst , Voter Registration , Voter Education , Didn T , Party Affiliation , Organizers , Nikki Haley , Elect , Farmers Home Policy Perk , Cost , Figure , Materials , Searches , Hope , Limits , Bum , Farmers , Pa Dum , Farmers Policy Perks , Burke , Y You , Google , Nikki Haleighly , Form , South Carolina , U N , Flip Flops , Stream , Nikki Haley Lifetime Achievement Award , Flip Flopping , Cognitive Test , Health Screening , Position , Anyone , Tax Returns , Taxes , Faith , Sec , Memory Question , Test , Guy , 70 , Tv , Order , Memory , Politico , Cognitively There , Jokes , Picture , Look , Wall Street Journal , Nominee , 2024 ,

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