Transcripts For MSNBC All In With Chris Hayes 20240709 : com

Transcripts For MSNBC All In With Chris Hayes 20240709

since the 19 seventies. and in the last 12 gubernatorial reelection's in virginia. only one has -- ironically enough, mcauliffe's narrow victory back in 2013. here's the basic situation. when a party is in power, as democrats are in the white house, it's often mobilizes the opposition party. part of the political gravity is held for decades. heck, look back to the 1930s. 1934 side which was an anomaly situation, when the democrats under roosevelt, got absolutely blown out in the 1938 midterm election. that's after they did all the new deal stuff everybody, loved it was so popular he was elected president four times, and even he went through the same kind of political backlash to his presidency, that were seeing last night. in many ways it's an unavoidable part of our political reality, in a divided country. here's another interesting angle in virginia, which is that, in many ways, republicans kind of turn back the clock a little, they nominated a very bush era style candidate. glenn youngkin, is a private equity barren. in a vest. he talks about economic issues, and when he pushes talking points that are meant to flirt with and stoke backlash, he does so in a coated, way with dog whistles on education, i think that kind of coated top is intended to appeal to, it's bad obviously, but there is no denying it's successful and it's been successful for decades. dating back to richard nixon, talk about law and order, and ronald reagan speech on welfare, and states rights, in mississippi. that's different, appreciably. then the much more explicit racism that we saw from republican candidates under donald trump's leadership, like this guy name cory, stewart also in virginia, he narrowly lost the republican primary for governor in 2017, and was the republican candidate for senate in 2018, he ran statewide, openly flirted with all right talking, points removing the flag from virginia was quote, losing its identity, that was not glenn youngkin's campaign, glenn youngkin very much tried and successfully achieved having it both ways. he did stoke white politics for the republican base. the ad of the white mother who is the fact that he was upset that being taught tony morrison 's beloved. but he did will not be alienating the -- trended toward democrats in the trump era, i think the appeal is best symbolized by this picture, of this person attending a glenn room can rally with a confederate flag. that nose would youngkin needs for him to hear when he talks about education. in the fact that youngkin can win well sort of half embracing donald trump, and also keeping an arms length. that clearly has the former president panicked about his own influence over the republican party. because, here's the thing, last night's results proof, then in large parts of the country, and maybe everywhere, the republican party does not need trump anymore. the maga, base white voters will show up for elections in vote for republicans without trump's name on the ballot, which is why we are seeing this increased sense of desperation from the ex president. trump released a statement in the run up to the election, endorsing youngkin, and talking about how much the two men like one another, and show policy goals. they met over the weekend, he turned to fox news to make sure everyone understood how important donald trump would be, for glenn youngkin's campaign. >> i think you should win. i'll be honest, my base has to turn out, if my based turns out, he's going to win, and i hope they turn out. i really want them to turn out. >> it's a sentiment trump echoed in one of his multiple statements today, taking credit for youngkin's win. quote. i would like to fit thank my base for coming out in force and voting for young, and without you he would not even close to winning, the magnet movement is peering stronger than ever. you can smell the desperation coming off a statement. the multiple statements he put out saying the same thing. nearly a year out from office, trump said its movement is stronger than. ever but i'm not so sure. interesting moment right now, the reality of what happened last night, the image of glenn youngkin, up there, talking about education, in normal republican issues, it's kind of a version of normal politics, for lack of a better word. the same time you are watching this, -- that is continuing to grow underneath the surface. all you have to do is check on what the trump movie was up to yesterday. to start, with it least seven republicans who were in d.c. for the january 6th insurrection, were elected in the state and local races last. they although they say they did not actually breached the capitol with the violent mob. the reelection was in texas of all places. where you might have seen, this hundreds of people, including many supporters of the far-right conspiracy theory known as qanon. which is among many claims that there is a massive child sex trafficking ring, they gathered in dallas, that of course is the site where john f. kennedy was assassinated back in 1963. in they did that because some qanon supporters believe that president kennedy's son, jfk junior, who tragically died in a plane accident back in 1999, actually faked is, death and is going to return to the public stage, to announce that he will be donald trump's vice president. and what's interesting about, this in newsworthy, why we're covering in showing you this footage. this is not a big hyped up event, this is one of those things with lots of press coverage leading up to the rally, and more reporters than there are protesters. in fact, a lot of reporters kind of stumbled onto it through social media, hundreds of people just congregating. of course, jfk junior did not materialize last night, in the hundreds of qanon supporters went home disappointed. but that's a little glimpse into where part of the maga movement is right now. and so republicans, they need to decide whether they want to return to the coated politics of the past, before trump. or run with a guy who's die hard supporters believe a dead man is going to ascend is the vice presidency, before trump can enact retribution on all their pursuit and enemies. alex wagner is a cohost of the circus, and a writer for the atlantic, she covered the gubernatorial race for the ground in virginia, former congressman -- fifth contract congressional district from 2000 ended 2011, he is a new opinion piece in the new york times today also a road map, they join me now, tom let me start with you. i was in charlottesville, on election night, in 2010, where you lost that race. in the big sort of key party backlash. you have personally experienced this. what do you make of what happened last night? >> i think it's a warning in time for democrats to avoid next year. the losses that we had in 2010. first of all it was a much closer election. we saw the democratic coalition turnout, in a close race. but really at the end of the day, i think we saw that simply being anti trump is not enough. democrats are going to have to show the results that they're producing for everyday folks. and for good reason to get the biden build back agenda passed, and passed faster, and actually saw with the delegates, many of whom were running to the left of the ticket, they actually survived, and kept most of the gains of 2017 by running on having a minimum wage, expanding medicaid, health care benefits, and delivering a paid family leave. i think where democrats can show those results, in addition to -- there's still time to put together a winning formula for next year. >> alex you did some reporting you did a great interview with one mom in virginia. so i keep thinking about his when you asked, what's your issue with the curriculum she basically said, well there's an assignment that sort of ran down andrew jackson. for ethnic cleansing, and i don't really like that very much. and i thought, that's a real grievance. it's not invented. your kid really did have an assignment that really did call andrew jackson a purveyor of ethnic cleansing anita it looked like that. but i also wonder, how much this sort of education issue and all this stuff, how much that was playing, and how much this is just like what our national environment, is kind of in a backlash moment in what it looks like. >> i think you have to look at a couple of different weather patterns in virginia. the first is that the state has seen this dramatic racial -- in the last 20 5:30 years, there's been a lot of growing pains to put it lately around that. the naacp has had its sights on the virginia school system for a while because of racists incidents, in complaints, and as a response to that, and current events like for example, the murder of george floyd, or are mine, arbery or breonna taylor, the school system is trying to be more inclusive in its curriculum. conservatives in the state, magnified by the dark money conservative movement, and fox news, has called a critical race theory, but what's happening is a bid to make the curriculum taught in schools, more inclusive, more accurate in terms of history, and more responsive to the needs of a diverse population. that's a new problem to have, as much as we talk about glenn youngkin as a throwback to republicans politicians, the problem that he's kind of trying to tackle if you will in virginia, is very much a 24 century one, how do we talk about race and structural racism in our history of racism in america, in a way that is inclusive inaccurate, what that will mean that i spoke to she's a former gop strategist and a mom of six, the issue she had was the way that those lessons were being taught. and how it degraded whiteness. and that's the fundamental problem for these parents. and the anti crtc movement, they don't like the way whiteness is being portrayed in these new more inclusive methods, and that is a complicated issue to solve. all around. it's different and it's also the same. >> i should be clear, people have grievances giving education system. i think that when you look at youngkin's messaging, he was very smartly talking about things like teacher pay, he put ads on teacher. pay everybody is talking about -- he was out there saying, we're going to raise teacher pay. i also think this satisfies no one. because everyone after an election like this, has they talk there look about well and becomes this or that. biden was elected, because donald trump drove a lot of people nuts. in the country went through a once in a century catastrophe, that he abjectly mismanaged. and the promises we're gonna get back to normal, whatever normal is. something better than this madness. and it looks like that was happening in the spring, and then the summer it fell a lot less normal. delta was back, places were closing again, all this, stuff and i just think, the supply chain stuff. it's bad vibes, gas prices are high, people feel like of this is not normal, and that's the auctions razor story of what we're seeing. >> i want to agree with that and then also go back to a really point that alice made, voters are angry, and they keep voting for change, and i think some people misread my nomination as being this desire to return to the old, but in fact, it was change relative to a trump represented. now biden is the president so and voters are angry, they want something that's different from that, and youngkin did a very good job of presenting himself as the outsider, who is ready to drain the swamp of richmond, with equal sort of credibility to trump doing so in d.c.. but the fact, was he was able to pay terry mcauliffe as the insider, i was getting to the last two weeks and they were all about the corporate donations that terry mcauliffe had taken an earlier campaign, i think as democrats think about where they position themselves, right now being anti establishment or at least being against the corruption, is a good position to take. not trying to revert to the consensus which is much of what people are reacting to, to alex's point, i think it presents the painful truth and an opportunity, we would expect, if you look at times when a white majority has essentially needed, power you every construction with ended in the thick cleansing, and you have california in the 19 nineties which ended with a multiracial coalition that has held morales since that time. it is not hard for democrats to be the party of public education. we want kids to have schools that are safe, and teach accurate history. not fairytales. and many of those parents, white, black, and brown, want their kids to be learning real history. when we talk about it that way, even when some of those things are uncomfortable, we want our kids to learn critical thinking skills. that's how they're going to compete, in today's work environment. and we should not be afraid of that. part of what's happened is democrats have wanted to unilaterally called for a -- cause the democratic party does not support defund, it's not surprising that only one side is fighting the war, they're winning it, very much handedly, so we should talk about being pro teacher, talk about being for a safe and accurate curriculum, as we see, confederate monuments, and world propaganda monuments come down, we see monuments a black liberation go up, that is true history, it's also inspiring history, when it's taught the right way. >> we'll just end on saying it's an amazing story of america that the former ceo, of the carlile group, got elected governor. it's an incredible story to say. thank you both. one reason a fairly generic candidate like glenn youngkin was able to win an increasingly radicalized publican party, is that the state party fixed, it so we don't have to pay the die hard magnet can. they're much trump your candidates out there that could cause major headaches for republicans, we'll explain that next. republicans, we'll explain tha next next to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. so, you can 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opposed to how many -- shawn parnell is an afghanistan war veteran from western pennsylvania, he's running to fill retire going public around senator pat toomey see which is a critical c. he's also endorsed by donald trump. he has his complete and total endorsement, and while he is running for this important, cte is in the midst right now of a divorce and custody battle for his three children. on monday, his estranged wife, testified under oath, that he allegedly, and i'm going to quote here, choked her until she bit him to escape, and once called her a horror, a piece of ass, while pinning her down. she also testified that after 2008 thanksgiving sheriff, he forced her out of her vehicle, alongside a highway. after raging at her telling her to go get an abortion. she testified the alleged abused extended to their children, saying that i'm one occasion he slapped one child hard enough to eat fingerprint shaped welts, on the back of the child's teacher. in many one's got so angry, he punched a closet door with such forest's swung into the child's face and left a bruise. she said he told this child that was your fault. sean bernal denied the claims, he said he will put his case in court next week, parnell is not alone, he's just one of many candidates with similar problematic profiles, of trump's indoors, candidates that have a big chance of being on the ballots next year midterm election in the 2020 general election. michael field is a former chair of the republican national committee. he joins me now. michael, there is a history here, we saw in 2010, it happened again in 2012, republicans having a shot at the senate, and ending up with candidates that lost the races that they probably should of won, o'donnell in delaware, is a really famous one, how do you think of this now, with youngkin having secured this victory, having never having to run in a primary, and compare that to what these primaries look like in a lot of these senate races? >> chris you just put your finger on a very important difference between the rays that we just saw unfold, and the races that are about to come up. what virginia republicans, did and the country should know, in virginia, you can choose whether to go into an actual primary, or on election day primary day new voters across the street go vote, or, you can have a party convention. in which the party officials will me, and they will decide who, with the activists and central committee chairman and so, fourth who the nominee of the party will be. instead of the primary, they shows the convention. because they wanted to tailor make the results. they wanted to get the candidate, who could be competitive enough, in a race,. the, you can put it that way. >> in some ways are doing with the establishment was doing. >> they wanted it to be youngkin, and they didn't want cory stewart whatever. >> and that's perfectly okay, and perfectly fine. parties have those options, in the states to do that. here's the rub across the rest of the map. what you're seeing now, in the races you've identified, from herschel walker in georgia, in parnell and others, if they go to the primary, where typically hard edged party loyal this come out, the most conservative part of the party on the edge, the most liberal progressive party on the left. we saw that play out in buffalo in the race up there. so the reality of it is, you set it up perfectly. where trump is going to really come into play. this race is i can look over now, with trump's sort of like, i want to get a good one in. champ was not happy about the way this played out. he can stay at the curb gentleman's day. they're now he can make the claim, i got one. i got it. them in a blue state. right? that pivots him instead sin up well to look at all these races, chris. where they're going to be clamoring if they're not already. and they get that endorsement to push them to the primary, and set them up for what they think is going to be a very aggressive competitive race, against democrats next fall. yes and i think there is a few things that i think are interesting here, one is, you've got the bio problem with someone like shawn carnal. in normal circumstances, you don't want someone, or whether these allegations are true or, not but you don't want to feel the candidate whose ex-wife is saying. he abused me, he told me to go get an abortion action, he had our kids so hard. you know, you don't want that, right? >> right. >> the other thing is, that youngkin -- trump change so much about politics, he's returned to the old normal -- youngkin didn't seem like he was going out of his way to be an acknowledges jerk all the time to everyone, which is just normally how politics work. again, it can cross the spectrum, tried to be likable. and then you look at this ohio spectrum, and it seems like they're all competing with each other to be as obnoxious as possible, even the hold is that's what gets the trump endorsement. >> and that is what happens when you get a system set up the way it. is in these races where there is an actual primary in the market base is expected to turn up. i have not met a governor like youngkin personally, i know of him, a lot of neutral. friends and he is that guy. and we respect, we saw it within this campaign. he is a family man, a businessman, the very approachable -- and i think you are going to see that on the back end of it. now you can a policy debate, but what you are looking, at strategically, is how he approach the election. >> right. >> he was not a trump god. >> that is the question though, the question for me is, can you -- hear is the thing that i want republican strategist to realize, which i think is true. you don't need trump. those people are going to crawl over broken glass. trump or no trump. because you already have him, you don't need. you're better off without him. and i wonder how much republican strategist get that message. a lot more than what may think, and certainly a lot more than you may hear in a public square coming on a program like this to talk about it. it is, you know. as we see what's a lot inside my party over the last few years. there are a lot of hush tones, and sidebar conversations, and nodding heads, and rolling eyes, and oh my god. >> right. >> and then they get out in public, and there, like donald trump is the best thing to happen to the republican party and the head of stage and threw up in the trash can. >> so this is the reality that the party now finds itself, and what i think you are going to see in some races are candidates coming out and saying, bunk that, i'm going to stand firm on conservative republican principles, i'm going to run my race. and i'm going to make my case, and take my chances, because to your more important point, what a lot of folks know to be true, you don't need trump to win. that was proven last night. >> it was. >> maybe by accident, maybe deliberately. but it was privileges. night >> michael steals, thank you so much, that was great. >> you got a buddy. >> coming up, the moment that millions of americans have been waiting a, kids five and older, can get that vaccine. doctor fauci is going to walk us through what the families in school say, right after the break. after th break. [inaudible] great job you did it. that was great. >> how do you feel? >> happily vaccinated. [laughs] >> congratulations. are you happy about it? >> yes. >> why are you happy about it? >> because i'm closer to doing things i couldn't do before. >> do you feel like you have a little bit more protection? >> yeah. >> did you need convincing to do it, or were you ready to do it. >> i was ready. >> -- more than 20 million young children are now eligible to get vaccinated, after the cdc director signed off last night on a low dose to shot pfizer vaccine, children ages 5 to 11. most kids don't get as sick as adults from covid, more than 2 million kids ages 5 to 11, more than 83 were hospitalized, 173 died. although, if you think about that from 2 million cases. vaccinated would not only help keep them safe, it will help slow down the disease. it will -- families already signing their kids up with millions of doses have been shipped across the country, because this is an entirely new vaccination program with smaller doses, and smaller needles, the regular shot, it is unclear how quickly it will move along. doctor fauci, the director of the national chief of infectious diseases, and the national institute of health, also the chief advisor for joe biden, and he joins me now. >> first of all, dr. fauci, how does this work in the next week? just the immediate, you know, distribution. is this already present geographically across the country? can people expect to go to their local pharmacy or the pediatrician and get the shot? >> well, yes. very very soon chris. the preparation for this in anticipation of the favorable response of the regulatorily agency for the fda. and as you mentioned, last night, when the advisory committee and immunization practices made the recommendation by anonymous vote, to make this a vaccine available to children 5 to 11, we were preparing for this for quite a while to the point, where by the time we get just a few days into november 8th, we will be at full speed. so it is inching up to, that over the next few days, but clearly by the time, we get into next, week we are going to have all systems go. mainly, have the product available, appropriately, in pharmacies, in pediatric offices, in children hospitals, and in places of distribution for the children. so we hope to really be able to put a full court press on this and hopefully get as many of these children vaccinated as possible. so what i'm hearing from you, i just want to be crystal clear on. this right now, if you're -- for adult doses in the u.s., it is very easy to find vaccination. >> exactly. >> almost anywhere. you could walk in, it's not like we're in the battle days of reloading a website. what i'm hearing from you, know we got from the, day you're hoping that we are in roughly a similar situation of, if you want to take your kid to go get vaccinated, you can do it? >> that is precisely the case. we are aiming at november 8th for full speed. >> gotcha. i am not a parent who is reluctant, hesitant, worried about giving my kids the vaccine. in fact, i am one of those who are going to do it as soon as possible. there are parents who are vaccinated themselves, who are not vaccine resistant, who may feel a little more concerned anxious about kids, parents tend to be a little more worried and anxious about kids. we'll go into their kid's bodies. how do you think about the messaging there, and about the patients, and what level of uptake you're anticipating? >> well first of all we absolutely have to respect the concerns and parents are going to have valid questions, it is up to us, and communication, to answer those questions, and to make that information available widely. you want to have trusted messaging, some of the best trustee messaging in the sketches, would be pediatricians, or family members, or people who have had vaccinations as an adult and can talk about the results. the data is very clear, chris, the efficacy data, and the safety data. our fda particularly when it comes to children, are very very scrupulous in figuring out whether or not we have a benefit risk ratio that is favorable for the benefit. and it clearly came out with that. and that is the reason why they authorized it, and that is the reason why we had 14 to 0 recommendation from the advisory committee on immunization practices whose job is to look out for both the safety of the children, as well as the protection from the vaccine. so we have to get that message across to parents, and not put down or be put off by those very valid questions. we'd like them to add questions, we believe we have the data to back up the answer. >> the vaccination for kids ages 5 to 11, obviously there are kids ages four kids younger than five, it shocked me in that respect. in some point in my life, i hope, we are not going to be living in the midst of a pandemic. there's a sort of technical public health term for what make something up pandemic. diseases could go from infectious diseases to, endemic, we have the flu season every year, we have the other pandemic of coronavirus that travel around, that brings something what we called the comical. it seems to me, that -- when do we get to that? the current situation is kind of unsustainable. it has been unraveling in 1 million different, ways and i think you see him bubbling up socially, politically, and culturally. but some universe, this stays out, they're like the flu. it presents some risk, we are going to take steps to mitigate against it. but it will not hangover our society. >> right. >> right. >> and i think we can get there. so let me just briefly explain. you characterized it quite correctly, chris. you have a pandemic. a pandemic phase, in one many respect, things are out of control. then you get a turning around of a deflection of the dynamic of the outbreak. from there, you go into control, and control is a wide bracket, because better than control is elimination. for example, we've eliminated polio from the united states. we've eliminated malaria from the united states. the next one down, is eradication. i don't think we should be aspirational about eradication. i don't think that is going to occur. hopefully we may ultimately be able to limit it but given the transmissibility of this particular virus i don't think that is something that we are going to see in the future -- in the reasonable future. but control is where we want to be. and we want to be controlled at a low enough level of background infection community, with the large proportion of individual vaccination and those who are in fact infected, they will have a degree of infection for the pair of time. we are recommending that they ultimately end up getting vaccinated to, so that you have a villa protection over the community. so even though you haven't eliminated it. >> yes. >> not having an impact on the way of life. that is where i would consider adequate control. >> i mean, just in terms of my mental preparation, i'm watching cases that are going back up in europe. where, which is quite vaccinated in some countries, maybe even more vaccinated than, them i'm watching new york city, which is a high vaccinated, had a case rise from delta, but kept that hospitalization and fatality low. and i just wonder, we should expect cases to go up this winter. they're going to go up. if they are at sufficient threshold of vaccination, can we basically look at this as not the kind of looming threat to our health care system, and our well-being, mortality and more below the, that it has been in the past? >> the answer to that is yes. if we continue to get people vaccinated, and now we have 28 million children from 5 to 11. who are eligible to be vaccinated. we have not and many children of we like in the adolescent, to get vaccinated, about half of them are. we want to get that number. up if we continue, to really eat away at that recalcitrant number, around 60 million, and get more people vaccinated. we are obviously going to have cases, because when you get to cold weather, you put people indoors, sometimes they even pulled back on mitigation. but we certainly want to make sure that we don't get severe disease among a significant number of people, or hospitalization. if we could go in a study way to keep more more people vaccinated you mentioned europe, is very interesting chris, if you look at the profile of your, and look at the countries that are hard vaccinated, namely more than 70% of the population as the least one dose, the cases are way down. if you look at those countries in europe, which are mostly eastern europe, they have at least less than 60% of the population. you see a big blimp. just continuing to prove that vaccinations is the answer. >> all right doctor anthony fauci. hopefully, i'm going to be getting government could soon. thank you for making some time tonight. >> good to be with you, thank you for having me. >> coming, up the case support the supreme court, that can be more guns on the street of new york and everywhere else for that matter, the details of that case and what it can mean for you, just ahead. for you, just ahead. frequent heartburn? 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[inaudible] you will never be allowed in public again. >> in a big very noticeable rise, and what i call an antisocial behavior during the pandemic, basically from the start in the once in the century -- according to nbc news more than 750 people have died from covid in this country. there's been more than 46 million confirmed cases. during the first two months, the coronavirus pandemic from 24 million workers have lost their job. forced to change everything about their lifestyle, work from home, work in dangerous environments, to wear a mask, to get brand-new vaccines, and these are stressful times. and in the stressful times people have been sort of losing their minds. we have seen it and lots of places, in stores, in schools, an airplane just about everywhere people are forced to be near other people. >> [inaudible] >> i think i'll get real close to you and cough house that? >> what are you doing? >> [inaudible] >> she came off unmasked and she came really close. to me >> turn around, turn around. face everybody. >> that's just a snapshot, you've probably seen a lot of these videos, it's a real problem. incidents of unruly behavior on airplanes alone have skyrocketed. 146 investigations have been initiated by the aviation administration. from this year, there's been 950. that is what the graph looks like. it's six and a half times higher, and even over that spike. but it's not just people yelling, or refusing to wear a mask in public, there's been a real escalation in interpersonal violence in this country. according to npr, the number of borders have jumped by nearly 30%, compared to the previous years in the largest single year increase ever recorded. i get, we just had the largest single year increase in murders that are recorded, so, question for you, would you think now is an ideal time to have more people carrying more guns in a country that really does seem like it's processing a lot of trauma, and is on very dinners? that is exactly what the supreme court is considering right now and the outcome can be can truly terrifying. that's next. that's next. with xfinity home, you can keep your home and everything in it more protected. i can wrangle all my deliveries. thanks, hoss! and i help walk the dog from wherever. *door unlocks* ♪ ♪ well, i can bust curfew-breakers in an instant. well, you all have xfinity home, with cameras to home security monitored by the pros. *laughs* learn more about home security or get our self-monitored solution we just got some breaking news. starting at just $10 per month. nbc news now projects that democrat phil murphy has held on to the governor see in new jersey, narrowly beating out republican jack ciattarelli. murphy had been pulling double digits for turnout was low. and the race was much tighter. new york times points out that murphy is the first democrat in 44 years to get reelected to the governor's office of new jersey, and you can understand what happened without going to steve kornacki with the big board in the latest. steve what we have? >> here you go, you can see murphy, old days here rude beginning small updates from different counties, murphy has been building that we, now there's about 22,000 votes, is over 50%, he is one whole percentage point ahead. this is what we're looking at here in terms of the votes that are coming in today, and the votes still to come. it's generally one of two. things there's boats from core democratic areas, of give you an example, we're still waiting on more votes to come out, in essex county, this is the biggest single democratic vote producing counting in new jersey. we know whatever comes in here particularly, will give the exact presents we're talking about, here in essex county, we know it's going to be a big murphy vote coming there, the other thing we've been waiting, on has been absentee votes, it's been vote by mail, the vote by mail that tends to be overwhelmingly democratic. it is taken them exceptionally long time to get that vote by mail counted up and recorded out, one of the reasons for that in new jersey, is that they did not allow the counties until midnight on election day, to begin processing all of these mail ballots that they received. if there was a backlog there it seems it took some extra time, every reason to believe that the vote still to come here in new jersey, is only going to help murphy, the final margin wherever it lands, here i don't think it will be too much more than what you're looking at now, as you said, this was the scare of phil murphy's life here, apparently the murphy campaign, not even republicans in new jersey, thought this was going to be that competitive, he wins by 16 a year ago, maybe were murphy winds by a point and a half. >> quickly i think this story here, i was running the numbers. virginia was a high turnout election, you have ciattarelli getting about 66% of donald trump's vote total. a year ago. in murphy getting about 46% in run, an enormous democratic turnout drop off. as one of the big stories here. >> i think democratic dropoff, republican enthusiasm, because some of these areas, i mean like ocean county here, you have sky-high enthusiasm here, it's not just the ciattarelli got 68% of the vote here, the wrong number of votes that ciattarelli got out here, chris christie won this county it's one of the reasons chris county get erected governor back in 2002, he got more votes in this county, than chris christie, did we saw this coming last night instead of holy cow. he might have a chance statewide. so republicans, and especially i think you seen an osha county in these other counties in south jersey, that enthusiasm, in that turnout, was so high for republicans in fact, that the state senate president, here a democrat, looks like he's going to go down to defeat, losing to a republican candidate who spent a grand total of $161 on his campaign, because of that republican tie, in some of these areas. >> steve kornacki at the big board, thank you so much. that's the big news out of jersey tonight, now turning now to what happened in washington d.c. a day, supreme court heard arguments about keeping new york states gun restrictions, that require gun owners to obtain a special license to carry a firearm at home. seems like a reasonable ad. if you want to carry a gun. need a license. kindly driving the car, the conservative majority on the court seemed skeptical, denying -- 's constitutional. and with what we've seen the increase in violence across the country, what could possibly go wrong with even more people armed? chris brown is the president a brady the national canned pain against gun violence. she joins me now. the constitutional question, here my understanding is, the court is considering whether to issue an opinion, saying that the second amendment requires every state, to just let anyone carry a gun, that wants to. whenever. >> yeah, that's basically correct, in new york has had a permitting system for over a century. that just said, we need to decide when someone wants to carry a gun in public, in times square, whether or not they have a good reason to carry that gun. in an issue in this case is that system, whether or not someone should have to stay a reason, because of a concern for their own safety, to carry a gun in public, anywhere, and anytime. it's not just new york. all of us here in america live in states with those kinds of permitting systems. what's before this court is really an interpretation of the second amendment, that we have very sounding, since before that, the idea of a government -- was whether or not we have a right, two basic public safety, whether we can walk down the, street or go to the, movies or go to a public square, and not be afraid of violence. and that's why these permitting systems exist chris, and that's where they work. they have worked. in a really important to protect and preserve our public safety, and let's not forget, that we had an insurrection on january six, and against that backdrop, we did not have so many guns that were brought into the district of columbia, because of strong laws in d.c., and many other places, this is not an argument, -- in the stakes are really high with this case. >> we had multiple messages, text messages among folks going to, that saying leave your guns, because d.c. is super strict. there is real evidence of, that there's a moment today in the arguments, were sam alito, made it seem like, the subways of new york were, it was like from the film the warriors or the wild, west and said we people need to carry guns on the subway, to defend themselves. i have to say if someone just took the subway here, it's perfectly safe, and happy to not have the whole subway car armed, but, the conservative justices sound very sympathetic to this argument. >> i thought about that chris, i'm sure that they were referencing back to vigilante justices. this notion this seems to be under guarding some of the more conservative justices, that somehow in the constitution, there's a right, and it's not found in the second amendment, it's not found anywhere, else for vigilante justice. it doesn't exist. in fact, it's quite the contrary. so it is alarming. i'm just hoping that in the, and people recognize that we have an epidemic of gun violence, that the laws we have, work and they are well regulated militia, is completely separate and apart from our ability to protect ourselves, and our kids. in this country. >> call me old fashion, i think this state should have a monopoly and legitimate use of violence. that's just. me thank you very. much i appreciated. that is all in on this wednesday night, rachel maddow shows now. good evening rachel. >> good evening chris, thank you very much my friend. i will say, you just did that quick it, wait put chris back. you just did that quick it, with steve kornacki, about the call in new jersey, the colleges came in in the past couple of minutes right? >> yes, we are in commercial break. we came out of it to go to kornacki at the big. board tonight is now as of nbc and official called it phil murphy has been reelected as governor. >> okay, what i'm gonna do, if you don't mind, if i'm not retroactively stepping on your toes, i'm going to ask steve kornacki who's been awake for a very long time, i'm going to ask him to come back. intersections segment and walk us through why it took a long time, and why the it's closely going to be in the end, just to be clear, the call has officially been ruled by bc. >> you are in the clear, and i'm sure that's someone who can pass that message, will do so on tv here. >> thank you my friend. and thank you home for joining us. 25 years, ago in 1996, a lawsuit was filed in great britain, against a historian, and her publisher. a renowned historian, hurst study -- and, a few years before this lawsuit was filed, she had in fact published a book, on antisemitism. and it was specifically about the nazis had actually killed millions of jewish people during world war ii. she wrote a seminal book about that. and one of the most prominent promoters of that myth, a guy who tried not to look the part, he didn't just stomp around with a shaved head and jackboots giving nazi salutes. he wasn't that kind of a guy. he was a guy who took a pseudo academic, fake intellectual approach to his holocaust denial. he had a star role in her book and he sued her for libel, saying it was unfair of her to describe his scholarship the way she did, unfair for her to describe his scholarship as

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Child , Course , Site , Sex Trafficking Ring , President Kennedy , Dallas , 1963 , Jfk Junior , Stage , Vice President , Plane Accident , Death , 1999 , Lot , Things , Lots , Reporters , Event , Press Coverage , Protesters , Rally , Big Hyped Up , Footage , It , Home , Social Media , Guy , Glimpse , Alex Wagner , Vice Presidency , Writer , Man , Cohost , Circus , Retribution , Enemies , Pursuit , Ascend , Atlantic , New York Times , Opinion Piece , District , Congressman , Ground , Road Map , Tom , 2000 , 2011 , Sort , Election Night , Party Backlash , Charlottesville , 2010 , Losses , Warning , Reason , Folks , Results , Coalition Turnout , Closer , Many , Biden Build Back , Most , Left , Delegates , Ticket , Gains , Health Care Benefits , Family Leave , Medicaid , Wage , Addition , Issue , Curriculum , Mom , Interview , Reporting , Formula , Kid , Assignment , Ethnic Cleansing , Grievance , Andrew Jackson , Ran Down , Playing , Education Issue , Environment , Purveyor , First , 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Bruise , Fault , Sean Bernal , Court , Chance , Indoors , Ballots , Profiles , 2020 , Shot , Chair , Michael Field , Republican National Committee , 2012 , Now , O Donnell In Delaware , Finger , Difference , Rays , Officials , Party Convention , The Street Go Vote , Chairman , Nominee , Activists , Central Committee , Convention , Enough , States , Parties , Rest , Map , Rub , Options , Stewart Whatever , Come Out , Others , Parnell , Georgia , Herschel Walker , Liberal Progressive Party , Play , Edge , Buffalo , Champ , Curb Gentleman , Claim , Clamoring , Someone , Circumstances , Bio Problem , Shawn Carnal , Ex Wife , Action , Allegations , Normal , Didn T , Trump , Hold , Each Other , Spectrum , Ohio Spectrum , Market Base , System Set , Businessman , Friends , Neutral , Back End , Policy Debate , God , Glass , Message , Public Square , Program , Sidebar Conversations , Eyes , Nodding Heads , Hush Tones , Oh My God , Head , Trash Can , Chances , Point , Bunk , Saying , Principles , Steals , Accident , Privileges , Buddy , Vaccine , Coming Up , Families , Break , Millions , Anthony Fauci , Waiting A , Th Break , School Say , Five , Inaudible , Protection , Congratulations , Yes , Director , Cdc , 20 Million , Covid , Dose , Adults , Sick , 2 Million , 83 , 11 , 173 , Cases , Disease , Doses , Help , Infectious Diseases , Vaccination Program , Needles , Chief , National Institute Of Health , Distribution , Work , Chief Advisor , Dr , Preparation , Anticipation , Pediatrician , Pharmacy , Fda , Recommendation , Committee , Anonymous Vote , Regulatorily Agency , Immunization Practices , Speed , 8 , November 8th , Pharmacies , Product , Pediatric Offices , Children Hospitals , All Systems Go , Adult , Press , Vaccination , Anywhere , Website , Parent , Gotcha , Anxious , Level , Bodies , Uptake , Patients , Questions , Communication , Concerns , Data , Vaccinations , Trustee Messaging , Pediatricians , Sketches , Family Members , Benefit Risk Ratio , Efficacy Data , Safety Data , Benefit , Safety , 14 , Answer , Add Questions , Respect , Pandemic , Coronavirus , Term , Health , Flu Season , Unsustainable , Unraveling , Comical , 1 Million , Steps , Flu , Risk , Society , Universe , Hangover , Control , Turning , Pandemic Phase , Polio , Elimination , Bracket , Deflection , Outbreak , Dynamic , Eradication , Malaria , Transmissibility , Background Infection Community , Proportion , Virus , Infection , Villa Protection , Pair , Degree , Life , Countries , Eastern Europe , Community , Impact , Haven T , New York City , Hospitalization , Rise , High , Low , Fatality , Winter , Mortality , Health Care System , Threat , Well Being , Threshold , 28 Million , Number , Adolescent , 60 Million , Weather , Mitigation , Profile , 70 , Big Blimp , 60 , Guns , Government , Street , Case Support The Supreme Court , Doctor , Details , Matter , Challenge , Heartburn , Zero Heartburn , Prilosec Otc , Prilosecotc Dot Com , Zero , Behavior , Start , 750 , 46 Million , Mask , Everything , Workers , Minds , Vaccines , Lifestyle , Environments , 24 Million , Airplane , Stores , Airplanes , Snapshot , Videos , Investigations , 146 , Administration , Aviation , Spike , Yelling , Graph , 950 , Violence , Increase , Single , Escalation , Borders , Npr , Murders , Trauma , Outcome , Xfinity , Wherever , Curfew Breakers , Thanks , Dog , Hoss , Unlocks , Deliveries , News , Security , Solution , Instant , Home Security , Cameras , Pros , Xfinity Home , 10 , Turnout , Jack Ciattarelli , Digits , Steve Kornacki , Latest , Updates , Big Board , 44 , Votes , Counties , Percentage Point , Building , 22000 , 50 , Areas , Give , Counting , Essex County , Boats , Mail , Presents , Absentee Votes , Big Murphy Vote , Reasons , Backlog , Mail Ballots , Margin , Scare , 16 , Numbers , Vote Total , 46 , 66 , Enthusiasm , Stories , Ocean County , Dropoff , Turnout Drop Off , County , Governor Back , Chris County , 2002 , 68 , South Jersey , Osha , Holy Cow , Defeat , Tie , Grand Total , 61 , 161 , Arguments , License , Gun Owners , Jersey Tonight , Gun Restrictions , Gun , S Constitutional , Car , Firearm , Gun Violence , Pain , Understanding , A Brady The National , Amendment , Opinion , System , Times Square , Concern , Systems , Kinds , Interpretation , All Of Us , Right , Public Safety , Idea , Second Amendment , Movies , Laws , Backdrop , Insurrection , Argument , Text Messages , Messages , Stakes , Leave , Evidence , Subways , Sam Alito , Subway , Wild , Warriors , Film , Subway Car Armed , Justices , It Doesn T , Notion , Constitution , Vigilante Justice , Contrary , Epidemic , Militia , Ability , Use , Fashion , Monopoly , Friend , Chris Back , Wait , Rachel Maddow , Call , Big , Colleges , Board Tonight , Gonna , Intersections Segment , Toes , You Don T Mind , Clear , Tv , The Call , The End , Bc , Historian , Lawsuit , Great Britain , 1996 , 25 , Book , Publisher , On Antisemitism , Hurst Study , Nazis , World War Ii , Jackboots , Nazi , 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Transcripts For MSNBC All In With Chris Hayes 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC All In With Chris Hayes 20240709

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since the 19 seventies. and in the last 12 gubernatorial reelection's in virginia. only one has -- ironically enough, mcauliffe's narrow victory back in 2013. here's the basic situation. when a party is in power, as democrats are in the white house, it's often mobilizes the opposition party. part of the political gravity is held for decades. heck, look back to the 1930s. 1934 side which was an anomaly situation, when the democrats under roosevelt, got absolutely blown out in the 1938 midterm election. that's after they did all the new deal stuff everybody, loved it was so popular he was elected president four times, and even he went through the same kind of political backlash to his presidency, that were seeing last night. in many ways it's an unavoidable part of our political reality, in a divided country. here's another interesting angle in virginia, which is that, in many ways, republicans kind of turn back the clock a little, they nominated a very bush era style candidate. glenn youngkin, is a private equity barren. in a vest. he talks about economic issues, and when he pushes talking points that are meant to flirt with and stoke backlash, he does so in a coated, way with dog whistles on education, i think that kind of coated top is intended to appeal to, it's bad obviously, but there is no denying it's successful and it's been successful for decades. dating back to richard nixon, talk about law and order, and ronald reagan speech on welfare, and states rights, in mississippi. that's different, appreciably. then the much more explicit racism that we saw from republican candidates under donald trump's leadership, like this guy name cory, stewart also in virginia, he narrowly lost the republican primary for governor in 2017, and was the republican candidate for senate in 2018, he ran statewide, openly flirted with all right talking, points removing the flag from virginia was quote, losing its identity, that was not glenn youngkin's campaign, glenn youngkin very much tried and successfully achieved having it both ways. he did stoke white politics for the republican base. the ad of the white mother who is the fact that he was upset that being taught tony morrison 's beloved. but he did will not be alienating the -- trended toward democrats in the trump era, i think the appeal is best symbolized by this picture, of this person attending a glenn room can rally with a confederate flag. that nose would youngkin needs for him to hear when he talks about education. in the fact that youngkin can win well sort of half embracing donald trump, and also keeping an arms length. that clearly has the former president panicked about his own influence over the republican party. because, here's the thing, last night's results proof, then in large parts of the country, and maybe everywhere, the republican party does not need trump anymore. the maga, base white voters will show up for elections in vote for republicans without trump's name on the ballot, which is why we are seeing this increased sense of desperation from the ex president. trump released a statement in the run up to the election, endorsing youngkin, and talking about how much the two men like one another, and show policy goals. they met over the weekend, he turned to fox news to make sure everyone understood how important donald trump would be, for glenn youngkin's campaign. >> i think you should win. i'll be honest, my base has to turn out, if my based turns out, he's going to win, and i hope they turn out. i really want them to turn out. >> it's a sentiment trump echoed in one of his multiple statements today, taking credit for youngkin's win. quote. i would like to fit thank my base for coming out in force and voting for young, and without you he would not even close to winning, the magnet movement is peering stronger than ever. you can smell the desperation coming off a statement. the multiple statements he put out saying the same thing. nearly a year out from office, trump said its movement is stronger than. ever but i'm not so sure. interesting moment right now, the reality of what happened last night, the image of glenn youngkin, up there, talking about education, in normal republican issues, it's kind of a version of normal politics, for lack of a better word. the same time you are watching this, -- that is continuing to grow underneath the surface. all you have to do is check on what the trump movie was up to yesterday. to start, with it least seven republicans who were in d.c. for the january 6th insurrection, were elected in the state and local races last. they although they say they did not actually breached the capitol with the violent mob. the reelection was in texas of all places. where you might have seen, this hundreds of people, including many supporters of the far-right conspiracy theory known as qanon. which is among many claims that there is a massive child sex trafficking ring, they gathered in dallas, that of course is the site where john f. kennedy was assassinated back in 1963. in they did that because some qanon supporters believe that president kennedy's son, jfk junior, who tragically died in a plane accident back in 1999, actually faked is, death and is going to return to the public stage, to announce that he will be donald trump's vice president. and what's interesting about, this in newsworthy, why we're covering in showing you this footage. this is not a big hyped up event, this is one of those things with lots of press coverage leading up to the rally, and more reporters than there are protesters. in fact, a lot of reporters kind of stumbled onto it through social media, hundreds of people just congregating. of course, jfk junior did not materialize last night, in the hundreds of qanon supporters went home disappointed. but that's a little glimpse into where part of the maga movement is right now. and so republicans, they need to decide whether they want to return to the coated politics of the past, before trump. or run with a guy who's die hard supporters believe a dead man is going to ascend is the vice presidency, before trump can enact retribution on all their pursuit and enemies. alex wagner is a cohost of the circus, and a writer for the atlantic, she covered the gubernatorial race for the ground in virginia, former congressman -- fifth contract congressional district from 2000 ended 2011, he is a new opinion piece in the new york times today also a road map, they join me now, tom let me start with you. i was in charlottesville, on election night, in 2010, where you lost that race. in the big sort of key party backlash. you have personally experienced this. what do you make of what happened last night? >> i think it's a warning in time for democrats to avoid next year. the losses that we had in 2010. first of all it was a much closer election. we saw the democratic coalition turnout, in a close race. but really at the end of the day, i think we saw that simply being anti trump is not enough. democrats are going to have to show the results that they're producing for everyday folks. and for good reason to get the biden build back agenda passed, and passed faster, and actually saw with the delegates, many of whom were running to the left of the ticket, they actually survived, and kept most of the gains of 2017 by running on having a minimum wage, expanding medicaid, health care benefits, and delivering a paid family leave. i think where democrats can show those results, in addition to -- there's still time to put together a winning formula for next year. >> alex you did some reporting you did a great interview with one mom in virginia. so i keep thinking about his when you asked, what's your issue with the curriculum she basically said, well there's an assignment that sort of ran down andrew jackson. for ethnic cleansing, and i don't really like that very much. and i thought, that's a real grievance. it's not invented. your kid really did have an assignment that really did call andrew jackson a purveyor of ethnic cleansing anita it looked like that. but i also wonder, how much this sort of education issue and all this stuff, how much that was playing, and how much this is just like what our national environment, is kind of in a backlash moment in what it looks like. >> i think you have to look at a couple of different weather patterns in virginia. the first is that the state has seen this dramatic racial -- in the last 20 5:30 years, there's been a lot of growing pains to put it lately around that. the naacp has had its sights on the virginia school system for a while because of racists incidents, in complaints, and as a response to that, and current events like for example, the murder of george floyd, or are mine, arbery or breonna taylor, the school system is trying to be more inclusive in its curriculum. conservatives in the state, magnified by the dark money conservative movement, and fox news, has called a critical race theory, but what's happening is a bid to make the curriculum taught in schools, more inclusive, more accurate in terms of history, and more responsive to the needs of a diverse population. that's a new problem to have, as much as we talk about glenn youngkin as a throwback to republicans politicians, the problem that he's kind of trying to tackle if you will in virginia, is very much a 24 century one, how do we talk about race and structural racism in our history of racism in america, in a way that is inclusive inaccurate, what that will mean that i spoke to she's a former gop strategist and a mom of six, the issue she had was the way that those lessons were being taught. and how it degraded whiteness. and that's the fundamental problem for these parents. and the anti crtc movement, they don't like the way whiteness is being portrayed in these new more inclusive methods, and that is a complicated issue to solve. all around. it's different and it's also the same. >> i should be clear, people have grievances giving education system. i think that when you look at youngkin's messaging, he was very smartly talking about things like teacher pay, he put ads on teacher. pay everybody is talking about -- he was out there saying, we're going to raise teacher pay. i also think this satisfies no one. because everyone after an election like this, has they talk there look about well and becomes this or that. biden was elected, because donald trump drove a lot of people nuts. in the country went through a once in a century catastrophe, that he abjectly mismanaged. and the promises we're gonna get back to normal, whatever normal is. something better than this madness. and it looks like that was happening in the spring, and then the summer it fell a lot less normal. delta was back, places were closing again, all this, stuff and i just think, the supply chain stuff. it's bad vibes, gas prices are high, people feel like of this is not normal, and that's the auctions razor story of what we're seeing. >> i want to agree with that and then also go back to a really point that alice made, voters are angry, and they keep voting for change, and i think some people misread my nomination as being this desire to return to the old, but in fact, it was change relative to a trump represented. now biden is the president so and voters are angry, they want something that's different from that, and youngkin did a very good job of presenting himself as the outsider, who is ready to drain the swamp of richmond, with equal sort of credibility to trump doing so in d.c.. but the fact, was he was able to pay terry mcauliffe as the insider, i was getting to the last two weeks and they were all about the corporate donations that terry mcauliffe had taken an earlier campaign, i think as democrats think about where they position themselves, right now being anti establishment or at least being against the corruption, is a good position to take. not trying to revert to the consensus which is much of what people are reacting to, to alex's point, i think it presents the painful truth and an opportunity, we would expect, if you look at times when a white majority has essentially needed, power you every construction with ended in the thick cleansing, and you have california in the 19 nineties which ended with a multiracial coalition that has held morales since that time. it is not hard for democrats to be the party of public education. we want kids to have schools that are safe, and teach accurate history. not fairytales. and many of those parents, white, black, and brown, want their kids to be learning real history. when we talk about it that way, even when some of those things are uncomfortable, we want our kids to learn critical thinking skills. that's how they're going to compete, in today's work environment. and we should not be afraid of that. part of what's happened is democrats have wanted to unilaterally called for a -- cause the democratic party does not support defund, it's not surprising that only one side is fighting the war, they're winning it, very much handedly, so we should talk about being pro teacher, talk about being for a safe and accurate curriculum, as we see, confederate monuments, and world propaganda monuments come down, we see monuments a black liberation go up, that is true history, it's also inspiring history, when it's taught the right way. >> we'll just end on saying it's an amazing story of america that the former ceo, of the carlile group, got elected governor. it's an incredible story to say. thank you both. one reason a fairly generic candidate like glenn youngkin was able to win an increasingly radicalized publican party, is that the state party fixed, it so we don't have to pay the die hard magnet can. they're much trump your candidates out there that could cause major headaches for republicans, we'll explain that next. republicans, we'll explain tha next next to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. so, you can really promise better sleep? yes! you'll know exactly how well you slept, night after night. we take care of the science. all you have to do is sleep. and now, save $1,000 on the sleep number 360 special edition smart bed, million up to last night's now only $1,999. plus, 0% interest for 24 months. only for a limited time election, virginia who is difficult to paint republican glenn youngkin as trump -- he was able to present himself, successfully is a kind of neutral rich guy, he was able to emerge from a convention process that spared in the private primary which he could be outflanked by some hard-core maga candidate. that's not the case and a lot of the upcoming statewide races across the country. the upcoming midterms in 2022, donald trump is even more incentive now to put his stamp on the party's primaries. again, you can feel the desperation coming from him as you watched this unfold yesterday. the question republicans now face is, how many glenn youngkin's can you field, as opposed to how many -- shawn parnell is an afghanistan war veteran from western pennsylvania, he's running to fill retire going public around senator pat toomey see which is a critical c. he's also endorsed by donald trump. he has his complete and total endorsement, and while he is running for this important, cte is in the midst right now of a divorce and custody battle for his three children. on monday, his estranged wife, testified under oath, that he allegedly, and i'm going to quote here, choked her until she bit him to escape, and once called her a horror, a piece of ass, while pinning her down. she also testified that after 2008 thanksgiving sheriff, he forced her out of her vehicle, alongside a highway. after raging at her telling her to go get an abortion. she testified the alleged abused extended to their children, saying that i'm one occasion he slapped one child hard enough to eat fingerprint shaped welts, on the back of the child's teacher. in many one's got so angry, he punched a closet door with such forest's swung into the child's face and left a bruise. she said he told this child that was your fault. sean bernal denied the claims, he said he will put his case in court next week, parnell is not alone, he's just one of many candidates with similar problematic profiles, of trump's indoors, candidates that have a big chance of being on the ballots next year midterm election in the 2020 general election. michael field is a former chair of the republican national committee. he joins me now. michael, there is a history here, we saw in 2010, it happened again in 2012, republicans having a shot at the senate, and ending up with candidates that lost the races that they probably should of won, o'donnell in delaware, is a really famous one, how do you think of this now, with youngkin having secured this victory, having never having to run in a primary, and compare that to what these primaries look like in a lot of these senate races? >> chris you just put your finger on a very important difference between the rays that we just saw unfold, and the races that are about to come up. what virginia republicans, did and the country should know, in virginia, you can choose whether to go into an actual primary, or on election day primary day new voters across the street go vote, or, you can have a party convention. in which the party officials will me, and they will decide who, with the activists and central committee chairman and so, fourth who the nominee of the party will be. instead of the primary, they shows the convention. because they wanted to tailor make the results. they wanted to get the candidate, who could be competitive enough, in a race,. the, you can put it that way. >> in some ways are doing with the establishment was doing. >> they wanted it to be youngkin, and they didn't want cory stewart whatever. >> and that's perfectly okay, and perfectly fine. parties have those options, in the states to do that. here's the rub across the rest of the map. what you're seeing now, in the races you've identified, from herschel walker in georgia, in parnell and others, if they go to the primary, where typically hard edged party loyal this come out, the most conservative part of the party on the edge, the most liberal progressive party on the left. we saw that play out in buffalo in the race up there. so the reality of it is, you set it up perfectly. where trump is going to really come into play. this race is i can look over now, with trump's sort of like, i want to get a good one in. champ was not happy about the way this played out. he can stay at the curb gentleman's day. they're now he can make the claim, i got one. i got it. them in a blue state. right? that pivots him instead sin up well to look at all these races, chris. where they're going to be clamoring if they're not already. and they get that endorsement to push them to the primary, and set them up for what they think is going to be a very aggressive competitive race, against democrats next fall. yes and i think there is a few things that i think are interesting here, one is, you've got the bio problem with someone like shawn carnal. in normal circumstances, you don't want someone, or whether these allegations are true or, not but you don't want to feel the candidate whose ex-wife is saying. he abused me, he told me to go get an abortion action, he had our kids so hard. you know, you don't want that, right? >> right. >> the other thing is, that youngkin -- trump change so much about politics, he's returned to the old normal -- youngkin didn't seem like he was going out of his way to be an acknowledges jerk all the time to everyone, which is just normally how politics work. again, it can cross the spectrum, tried to be likable. and then you look at this ohio spectrum, and it seems like they're all competing with each other to be as obnoxious as possible, even the hold is that's what gets the trump endorsement. >> and that is what happens when you get a system set up the way it. is in these races where there is an actual primary in the market base is expected to turn up. i have not met a governor like youngkin personally, i know of him, a lot of neutral. friends and he is that guy. and we respect, we saw it within this campaign. he is a family man, a businessman, the very approachable -- and i think you are going to see that on the back end of it. now you can a policy debate, but what you are looking, at strategically, is how he approach the election. >> right. >> he was not a trump god. >> that is the question though, the question for me is, can you -- hear is the thing that i want republican strategist to realize, which i think is true. you don't need trump. those people are going to crawl over broken glass. trump or no trump. because you already have him, you don't need. you're better off without him. and i wonder how much republican strategist get that message. a lot more than what may think, and certainly a lot more than you may hear in a public square coming on a program like this to talk about it. it is, you know. as we see what's a lot inside my party over the last few years. there are a lot of hush tones, and sidebar conversations, and nodding heads, and rolling eyes, and oh my god. >> right. >> and then they get out in public, and there, like donald trump is the best thing to happen to the republican party and the head of stage and threw up in the trash can. >> so this is the reality that the party now finds itself, and what i think you are going to see in some races are candidates coming out and saying, bunk that, i'm going to stand firm on conservative republican principles, i'm going to run my race. and i'm going to make my case, and take my chances, because to your more important point, what a lot of folks know to be true, you don't need trump to win. that was proven last night. >> it was. >> maybe by accident, maybe deliberately. but it was privileges. night >> michael steals, thank you so much, that was great. >> you got a buddy. >> coming up, the moment that millions of americans have been waiting a, kids five and older, can get that vaccine. doctor fauci is going to walk us through what the families in school say, right after the break. after th break. [inaudible] great job you did it. that was great. >> how do you feel? >> happily vaccinated. [laughs] >> congratulations. are you happy about it? >> yes. >> why are you happy about it? >> because i'm closer to doing things i couldn't do before. >> do you feel like you have a little bit more protection? >> yeah. >> did you need convincing to do it, or were you ready to do it. >> i was ready. >> -- more than 20 million young children are now eligible to get vaccinated, after the cdc director signed off last night on a low dose to shot pfizer vaccine, children ages 5 to 11. most kids don't get as sick as adults from covid, more than 2 million kids ages 5 to 11, more than 83 were hospitalized, 173 died. although, if you think about that from 2 million cases. vaccinated would not only help keep them safe, it will help slow down the disease. it will -- families already signing their kids up with millions of doses have been shipped across the country, because this is an entirely new vaccination program with smaller doses, and smaller needles, the regular shot, it is unclear how quickly it will move along. doctor fauci, the director of the national chief of infectious diseases, and the national institute of health, also the chief advisor for joe biden, and he joins me now. >> first of all, dr. fauci, how does this work in the next week? just the immediate, you know, distribution. is this already present geographically across the country? can people expect to go to their local pharmacy or the pediatrician and get the shot? >> well, yes. very very soon chris. the preparation for this in anticipation of the favorable response of the regulatorily agency for the fda. and as you mentioned, last night, when the advisory committee and immunization practices made the recommendation by anonymous vote, to make this a vaccine available to children 5 to 11, we were preparing for this for quite a while to the point, where by the time we get just a few days into november 8th, we will be at full speed. so it is inching up to, that over the next few days, but clearly by the time, we get into next, week we are going to have all systems go. mainly, have the product available, appropriately, in pharmacies, in pediatric offices, in children hospitals, and in places of distribution for the children. so we hope to really be able to put a full court press on this and hopefully get as many of these children vaccinated as possible. so what i'm hearing from you, i just want to be crystal clear on. this right now, if you're -- for adult doses in the u.s., it is very easy to find vaccination. >> exactly. >> almost anywhere. you could walk in, it's not like we're in the battle days of reloading a website. what i'm hearing from you, know we got from the, day you're hoping that we are in roughly a similar situation of, if you want to take your kid to go get vaccinated, you can do it? >> that is precisely the case. we are aiming at november 8th for full speed. >> gotcha. i am not a parent who is reluctant, hesitant, worried about giving my kids the vaccine. in fact, i am one of those who are going to do it as soon as possible. there are parents who are vaccinated themselves, who are not vaccine resistant, who may feel a little more concerned anxious about kids, parents tend to be a little more worried and anxious about kids. we'll go into their kid's bodies. how do you think about the messaging there, and about the patients, and what level of uptake you're anticipating? >> well first of all we absolutely have to respect the concerns and parents are going to have valid questions, it is up to us, and communication, to answer those questions, and to make that information available widely. you want to have trusted messaging, some of the best trustee messaging in the sketches, would be pediatricians, or family members, or people who have had vaccinations as an adult and can talk about the results. the data is very clear, chris, the efficacy data, and the safety data. our fda particularly when it comes to children, are very very scrupulous in figuring out whether or not we have a benefit risk ratio that is favorable for the benefit. and it clearly came out with that. and that is the reason why they authorized it, and that is the reason why we had 14 to 0 recommendation from the advisory committee on immunization practices whose job is to look out for both the safety of the children, as well as the protection from the vaccine. so we have to get that message across to parents, and not put down or be put off by those very valid questions. we'd like them to add questions, we believe we have the data to back up the answer. >> the vaccination for kids ages 5 to 11, obviously there are kids ages four kids younger than five, it shocked me in that respect. in some point in my life, i hope, we are not going to be living in the midst of a pandemic. there's a sort of technical public health term for what make something up pandemic. diseases could go from infectious diseases to, endemic, we have the flu season every year, we have the other pandemic of coronavirus that travel around, that brings something what we called the comical. it seems to me, that -- when do we get to that? the current situation is kind of unsustainable. it has been unraveling in 1 million different, ways and i think you see him bubbling up socially, politically, and culturally. but some universe, this stays out, they're like the flu. it presents some risk, we are going to take steps to mitigate against it. but it will not hangover our society. >> right. >> right. >> and i think we can get there. so let me just briefly explain. you characterized it quite correctly, chris. you have a pandemic. a pandemic phase, in one many respect, things are out of control. then you get a turning around of a deflection of the dynamic of the outbreak. from there, you go into control, and control is a wide bracket, because better than control is elimination. for example, we've eliminated polio from the united states. we've eliminated malaria from the united states. the next one down, is eradication. i don't think we should be aspirational about eradication. i don't think that is going to occur. hopefully we may ultimately be able to limit it but given the transmissibility of this particular virus i don't think that is something that we are going to see in the future -- in the reasonable future. but control is where we want to be. and we want to be controlled at a low enough level of background infection community, with the large proportion of individual vaccination and those who are in fact infected, they will have a degree of infection for the pair of time. we are recommending that they ultimately end up getting vaccinated to, so that you have a villa protection over the community. so even though you haven't eliminated it. >> yes. >> not having an impact on the way of life. that is where i would consider adequate control. >> i mean, just in terms of my mental preparation, i'm watching cases that are going back up in europe. where, which is quite vaccinated in some countries, maybe even more vaccinated than, them i'm watching new york city, which is a high vaccinated, had a case rise from delta, but kept that hospitalization and fatality low. and i just wonder, we should expect cases to go up this winter. they're going to go up. if they are at sufficient threshold of vaccination, can we basically look at this as not the kind of looming threat to our health care system, and our well-being, mortality and more below the, that it has been in the past? >> the answer to that is yes. if we continue to get people vaccinated, and now we have 28 million children from 5 to 11. who are eligible to be vaccinated. we have not and many children of we like in the adolescent, to get vaccinated, about half of them are. we want to get that number. up if we continue, to really eat away at that recalcitrant number, around 60 million, and get more people vaccinated. we are obviously going to have cases, because when you get to cold weather, you put people indoors, sometimes they even pulled back on mitigation. but we certainly want to make sure that we don't get severe disease among a significant number of people, or hospitalization. if we could go in a study way to keep more more people vaccinated you mentioned europe, is very interesting chris, if you look at the profile of your, and look at the countries that are hard vaccinated, namely more than 70% of the population as the least one dose, the cases are way down. if you look at those countries in europe, which are mostly eastern europe, they have at least less than 60% of the population. you see a big blimp. just continuing to prove that vaccinations is the answer. >> all right doctor anthony fauci. hopefully, i'm going to be getting government could soon. thank you for making some time tonight. >> good to be with you, thank you for having me. >> coming, up the case support the supreme court, that can be more guns on the street of new york and everywhere else for that matter, the details of that case and what it can mean for you, just ahead. for you, just ahead. frequent heartburn? 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[inaudible] you will never be allowed in public again. >> in a big very noticeable rise, and what i call an antisocial behavior during the pandemic, basically from the start in the once in the century -- according to nbc news more than 750 people have died from covid in this country. there's been more than 46 million confirmed cases. during the first two months, the coronavirus pandemic from 24 million workers have lost their job. forced to change everything about their lifestyle, work from home, work in dangerous environments, to wear a mask, to get brand-new vaccines, and these are stressful times. and in the stressful times people have been sort of losing their minds. we have seen it and lots of places, in stores, in schools, an airplane just about everywhere people are forced to be near other people. >> [inaudible] >> i think i'll get real close to you and cough house that? >> what are you doing? >> [inaudible] >> she came off unmasked and she came really close. to me >> turn around, turn around. face everybody. >> that's just a snapshot, you've probably seen a lot of these videos, it's a real problem. incidents of unruly behavior on airplanes alone have skyrocketed. 146 investigations have been initiated by the aviation administration. from this year, there's been 950. that is what the graph looks like. it's six and a half times higher, and even over that spike. but it's not just people yelling, or refusing to wear a mask in public, there's been a real escalation in interpersonal violence in this country. according to npr, the number of borders have jumped by nearly 30%, compared to the previous years in the largest single year increase ever recorded. i get, we just had the largest single year increase in murders that are recorded, so, question for you, would you think now is an ideal time to have more people carrying more guns in a country that really does seem like it's processing a lot of trauma, and is on very dinners? that is exactly what the supreme court is considering right now and the outcome can be can truly terrifying. that's next. that's next. with xfinity home, you can keep your home and everything in it more protected. i can wrangle all my deliveries. thanks, hoss! and i help walk the dog from wherever. *door unlocks* ♪ ♪ well, i can bust curfew-breakers in an instant. well, you all have xfinity home, with cameras to home security monitored by the pros. *laughs* learn more about home security or get our self-monitored solution we just got some breaking news. starting at just $10 per month. nbc news now projects that democrat phil murphy has held on to the governor see in new jersey, narrowly beating out republican jack ciattarelli. murphy had been pulling double digits for turnout was low. and the race was much tighter. new york times points out that murphy is the first democrat in 44 years to get reelected to the governor's office of new jersey, and you can understand what happened without going to steve kornacki with the big board in the latest. steve what we have? >> here you go, you can see murphy, old days here rude beginning small updates from different counties, murphy has been building that we, now there's about 22,000 votes, is over 50%, he is one whole percentage point ahead. this is what we're looking at here in terms of the votes that are coming in today, and the votes still to come. it's generally one of two. things there's boats from core democratic areas, of give you an example, we're still waiting on more votes to come out, in essex county, this is the biggest single democratic vote producing counting in new jersey. we know whatever comes in here particularly, will give the exact presents we're talking about, here in essex county, we know it's going to be a big murphy vote coming there, the other thing we've been waiting, on has been absentee votes, it's been vote by mail, the vote by mail that tends to be overwhelmingly democratic. it is taken them exceptionally long time to get that vote by mail counted up and recorded out, one of the reasons for that in new jersey, is that they did not allow the counties until midnight on election day, to begin processing all of these mail ballots that they received. if there was a backlog there it seems it took some extra time, every reason to believe that the vote still to come here in new jersey, is only going to help murphy, the final margin wherever it lands, here i don't think it will be too much more than what you're looking at now, as you said, this was the scare of phil murphy's life here, apparently the murphy campaign, not even republicans in new jersey, thought this was going to be that competitive, he wins by 16 a year ago, maybe were murphy winds by a point and a half. >> quickly i think this story here, i was running the numbers. virginia was a high turnout election, you have ciattarelli getting about 66% of donald trump's vote total. a year ago. in murphy getting about 46% in run, an enormous democratic turnout drop off. as one of the big stories here. >> i think democratic dropoff, republican enthusiasm, because some of these areas, i mean like ocean county here, you have sky-high enthusiasm here, it's not just the ciattarelli got 68% of the vote here, the wrong number of votes that ciattarelli got out here, chris christie won this county it's one of the reasons chris county get erected governor back in 2002, he got more votes in this county, than chris christie, did we saw this coming last night instead of holy cow. he might have a chance statewide. so republicans, and especially i think you seen an osha county in these other counties in south jersey, that enthusiasm, in that turnout, was so high for republicans in fact, that the state senate president, here a democrat, looks like he's going to go down to defeat, losing to a republican candidate who spent a grand total of $161 on his campaign, because of that republican tie, in some of these areas. >> steve kornacki at the big board, thank you so much. that's the big news out of jersey tonight, now turning now to what happened in washington d.c. a day, supreme court heard arguments about keeping new york states gun restrictions, that require gun owners to obtain a special license to carry a firearm at home. seems like a reasonable ad. if you want to carry a gun. need a license. kindly driving the car, the conservative majority on the court seemed skeptical, denying -- 's constitutional. and with what we've seen the increase in violence across the country, what could possibly go wrong with even more people armed? chris brown is the president a brady the national canned pain against gun violence. she joins me now. the constitutional question, here my understanding is, the court is considering whether to issue an opinion, saying that the second amendment requires every state, to just let anyone carry a gun, that wants to. whenever. >> yeah, that's basically correct, in new york has had a permitting system for over a century. that just said, we need to decide when someone wants to carry a gun in public, in times square, whether or not they have a good reason to carry that gun. in an issue in this case is that system, whether or not someone should have to stay a reason, because of a concern for their own safety, to carry a gun in public, anywhere, and anytime. it's not just new york. all of us here in america live in states with those kinds of permitting systems. what's before this court is really an interpretation of the second amendment, that we have very sounding, since before that, the idea of a government -- was whether or not we have a right, two basic public safety, whether we can walk down the, street or go to the, movies or go to a public square, and not be afraid of violence. and that's why these permitting systems exist chris, and that's where they work. they have worked. in a really important to protect and preserve our public safety, and let's not forget, that we had an insurrection on january six, and against that backdrop, we did not have so many guns that were brought into the district of columbia, because of strong laws in d.c., and many other places, this is not an argument, -- in the stakes are really high with this case. >> we had multiple messages, text messages among folks going to, that saying leave your guns, because d.c. is super strict. there is real evidence of, that there's a moment today in the arguments, were sam alito, made it seem like, the subways of new york were, it was like from the film the warriors or the wild, west and said we people need to carry guns on the subway, to defend themselves. i have to say if someone just took the subway here, it's perfectly safe, and happy to not have the whole subway car armed, but, the conservative justices sound very sympathetic to this argument. >> i thought about that chris, i'm sure that they were referencing back to vigilante justices. this notion this seems to be under guarding some of the more conservative justices, that somehow in the constitution, there's a right, and it's not found in the second amendment, it's not found anywhere, else for vigilante justice. it doesn't exist. in fact, it's quite the contrary. so it is alarming. i'm just hoping that in the, and people recognize that we have an epidemic of gun violence, that the laws we have, work and they are well regulated militia, is completely separate and apart from our ability to protect ourselves, and our kids. in this country. >> call me old fashion, i think this state should have a monopoly and legitimate use of violence. that's just. me thank you very. much i appreciated. that is all in on this wednesday night, rachel maddow shows now. good evening rachel. >> good evening chris, thank you very much my friend. i will say, you just did that quick it, wait put chris back. you just did that quick it, with steve kornacki, about the call in new jersey, the colleges came in in the past couple of minutes right? >> yes, we are in commercial break. we came out of it to go to kornacki at the big. board tonight is now as of nbc and official called it phil murphy has been reelected as governor. >> okay, what i'm gonna do, if you don't mind, if i'm not retroactively stepping on your toes, i'm going to ask steve kornacki who's been awake for a very long time, i'm going to ask him to come back. intersections segment and walk us through why it took a long time, and why the it's closely going to be in the end, just to be clear, the call has officially been ruled by bc. >> you are in the clear, and i'm sure that's someone who can pass that message, will do so on tv here. >> thank you my friend. and thank you home for joining us. 25 years, ago in 1996, a lawsuit was filed in great britain, against a historian, and her publisher. a renowned historian, hurst study -- and, a few years before this lawsuit was filed, she had in fact published a book, on antisemitism. and it was specifically about the nazis had actually killed millions of jewish people during world war ii. she wrote a seminal book about that. and one of the most prominent promoters of that myth, a guy who tried not to look the part, he didn't just stomp around with a shaved head and jackboots giving nazi salutes. he wasn't that kind of a guy. he was a guy who took a pseudo academic, fake intellectual approach to his holocaust denial. he had a star role in her book and he sued her for libel, saying it was unfair of her to describe his scholarship the way she did, unfair for her to describe his scholarship as

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Trump , Primary , Racism , Candidates , Stewart , Leadership , Guy Name Cory , 2017 , Campaign , Flag , Senate , Quote , Talking , Identity , 2018 , Base , Politics , White , Ad , Being , Mother , Tony Morrison , Glenn Room , Appeal , S Beloved , Picture , Person , President , Half , Nose , Arms Length , Everywhere , Maga , Parts , Base White Voters , The Thing , Influence , Last Night S Results Proof , Election , Vote , Statement , Desperation , Run , Sense , Elections , Endorsing Youngkin , Men , Ballot , Name , Ex , Two , Everyone , Weekend , Fox News , Show Policy Goals , One Another , Statements , Win , Turns , Credit , Sentiment , Force , Thing , Office , Voting , Young , Magnet Movement , Peering , Movement , Image , Word , Lack , Version , Wall , Races , State , Republicans , Washington D C , Movie , Surface , January 6th Insurrection , January 6th , Seven , 6 , People , Places , Supporters , Hundreds , Reelection , Mob , Capitol , Claims , Texas , Conspiracy Theory , Qanon , Child , Course , Site , Sex Trafficking Ring , President Kennedy , Dallas , 1963 , Jfk Junior , Stage , Vice President , Plane Accident , Death , 1999 , Lot , Things , Lots , Reporters , Event , Press Coverage , Protesters , Rally , Big Hyped Up , Footage , It , Home , Social Media , Guy , Glimpse , Alex Wagner , Vice Presidency , Writer , Man , Cohost , Circus , Retribution , Enemies , Pursuit , Ascend , Atlantic , New York Times , Opinion Piece , District , Congressman , Ground , Road Map , Tom , 2000 , 2011 , Sort , Election Night , Party Backlash , Charlottesville , 2010 , Losses , Warning , Reason , Folks , Results , Coalition Turnout , Closer , Many , Biden Build Back , Most , Left , Delegates , Ticket , Gains , Health Care Benefits , Family Leave , Medicaid , Wage , Addition , Issue , Curriculum , Mom , Interview , Reporting , Formula , Kid , Assignment , Ethnic Cleansing , Grievance , Andrew Jackson , Ran Down , Playing , Education Issue , Environment , Purveyor , First , Couple , Weather Patterns , Racial , Response , Incidents , Racists , Growing Pains , Virginia School System , Complaints , Sights , Naacp , 5 , 30 , 20 , Example , School System , Conservatives , Murder , Events , Dark Money Conservative Movement , Arbery , Breonna Taylor , George Floyd , History , Schools , Terms , Bid , Needs , Happening , Inclusive , Critical Race Theory , Problem , Population , Politicians , Throwback , 24 , Way , Strategist , America , Six , Parents , Whiteness , Methods , Anti Crtc Movement , Lessons , Messaging , Same , Grievances Giving Education System , Teacher Pay , Teacher , No One , Ads , Joe Biden , Catastrophe , Once , He Abjectly Mismanaged , Something , Delta , Supply Chain Stuff , This , Madness , Spring , Vibes , Gas Prices , Story , Razor , Alice , Voters , Nomination , Change , Old , Desire , Job , Credibility , Outsider , Swamp , Richmond , Donations , Insider , In My Life , Consensus , Position , Establishment , Corruption , Nineties , Majority , Construction , Cleansing , Opportunity , Truth , Kids , Safe , Coalition , Morales , Fairytales , Some , In Today S Work Environment , Chris Brown , Black , Critical Thinking Skills , A , War , Cause , Defund , Pro Teacher , World Propaganda Monuments , Monuments A Black Liberation Go Up , Confederate Monuments , Got Elected , Ceo , Carlile Group , Publican Party , Party , Die Hard Magnet , Sleep , Care , Headaches , Night After , Tha , Science , Next , Interest , Smart Bed , Sleep Number , Plus , 360 , 000 , 1000 , 0 , 999 , Case , Convention Process , Question , Primaries , The Party , Incentive , Midterms , Stamp , 2022 , Public , Pat Toomey , Shawn Parnell , Afghanistan War Veteran , Critical C He S , Western Pennsylvania , Children , Wife , Endorsement , Battle , Midst , Cte , Custody , Divorce , Important , On Monday , Three , Down , Piece , Horror , Oath , Ass , Sheriff , Vehicle , 2008 , Abortion , Alleged , Back , Highway , Welts , Occasion , Closet Door With Such Forest , Bruise , Fault , Sean Bernal , Court , Chance , Indoors , Ballots , Profiles , 2020 , Shot , Chair , Michael Field , Republican National Committee , 2012 , Now , O Donnell In Delaware , Finger , Difference , Rays , Officials , Party Convention , The Street Go Vote , Chairman , Nominee , Activists , Central Committee , Convention , Enough , States , Parties , Rest , Map , Rub , Options , Stewart Whatever , Come Out , Others , Parnell , Georgia , Herschel Walker , Liberal Progressive Party , Play , Edge , Buffalo , Champ , Curb Gentleman , Claim , Clamoring , Someone , Circumstances , Bio Problem , Shawn Carnal , Ex Wife , Action , Allegations , Normal , Didn T , Trump , Hold , Each Other , Spectrum , Ohio Spectrum , Market Base , System Set , Businessman , Friends , Neutral , Back End , Policy Debate , God , Glass , Message , Public Square , Program , Sidebar Conversations , Eyes , Nodding Heads , Hush Tones , Oh My God , Head , Trash Can , Chances , Point , Bunk , Saying , Principles , Steals , Accident , Privileges , Buddy , Vaccine , Coming Up , Families , Break , Millions , Anthony Fauci , Waiting A , Th Break , School Say , Five , Inaudible , Protection , Congratulations , Yes , Director , Cdc , 20 Million , Covid , Dose , Adults , Sick , 2 Million , 83 , 11 , 173 , Cases , Disease , Doses , Help , Infectious Diseases , Vaccination Program , Needles , Chief , National Institute Of Health , Distribution , Work , Chief Advisor , Dr , Preparation , Anticipation , Pediatrician , Pharmacy , Fda , Recommendation , Committee , Anonymous Vote , Regulatorily Agency , Immunization Practices , Speed , 8 , November 8th , Pharmacies , Product , Pediatric Offices , Children Hospitals , All Systems Go , Adult , Press , Vaccination , Anywhere , Website , Parent , Gotcha , Anxious , Level , Bodies , Uptake , Patients , Questions , Communication , Concerns , Data , Vaccinations , Trustee Messaging , Pediatricians , Sketches , Family Members , Benefit Risk Ratio , Efficacy Data , Safety Data , Benefit , Safety , 14 , Answer , Add Questions , Respect , Pandemic , Coronavirus , Term , Health , Flu Season , Unsustainable , Unraveling , Comical , 1 Million , Steps , Flu , Risk , Society , Universe , Hangover , Control , Turning , Pandemic Phase , Polio , Elimination , Bracket , Deflection , Outbreak , Dynamic , Eradication , Malaria , Transmissibility , Background Infection Community , Proportion , Virus , Infection , Villa Protection , Pair , Degree , Life , Countries , Eastern Europe , Community , Impact , Haven T , New York City , Hospitalization , Rise , High , Low , Fatality , Winter , Mortality , Health Care System , Threat , Well Being , Threshold , 28 Million , Number , Adolescent , 60 Million , Weather , Mitigation , Profile , 70 , Big Blimp , 60 , Guns , Government , Street , Case Support The Supreme Court , Doctor , Details , Matter , Challenge , Heartburn , Zero Heartburn , Prilosec Otc , Prilosecotc Dot Com , Zero , Behavior , Start , 750 , 46 Million , Mask , Everything , Workers , Minds , Vaccines , Lifestyle , Environments , 24 Million , Airplane , Stores , Airplanes , Snapshot , Videos , Investigations , 146 , Administration , Aviation , Spike , Yelling , Graph , 950 , Violence , Increase , Single , Escalation , Borders , Npr , Murders , Trauma , Outcome , Xfinity , Wherever , Curfew Breakers , Thanks , Dog , Hoss , Unlocks , Deliveries , News , Security , Solution , Instant , Home Security , Cameras , Pros , Xfinity Home , 10 , Turnout , Jack Ciattarelli , Digits , Steve Kornacki , Latest , Updates , Big Board , 44 , Votes , Counties , Percentage Point , Building , 22000 , 50 , Areas , Give , Counting , Essex County , Boats , Mail , Presents , Absentee Votes , Big Murphy Vote , Reasons , Backlog , Mail Ballots , Margin , Scare , 16 , Numbers , Vote Total , 46 , 66 , Enthusiasm , Stories , Ocean County , Dropoff , Turnout Drop Off , County , Governor Back , Chris County , 2002 , 68 , South Jersey , Osha , Holy Cow , Defeat , Tie , Grand Total , 61 , 161 , Arguments , License , Gun Owners , Jersey Tonight , Gun Restrictions , Gun , S Constitutional , Car , Firearm , Gun Violence , Pain , Understanding , A Brady The National , Amendment , Opinion , System , Times Square , Concern , Systems , Kinds , Interpretation , All Of Us , Right , Public Safety , Idea , Second Amendment , Movies , Laws , Backdrop , Insurrection , Argument , Text Messages , Messages , Stakes , Leave , Evidence , Subways , Sam Alito , Subway , Wild , Warriors , Film , Subway Car Armed , Justices , It Doesn T , Notion , Constitution , Vigilante Justice , Contrary , Epidemic , Militia , Ability , Use , Fashion , Monopoly , Friend , Chris Back , Wait , Rachel Maddow , Call , Big , Colleges , Board Tonight , Gonna , Intersections Segment , Toes , You Don T Mind , Clear , Tv , The Call , The End , Bc , Historian , Lawsuit , Great Britain , 1996 , 25 , Book , Publisher , On Antisemitism , Hurst Study , Nazis , World War Ii , Jackboots , Nazi , Promoters , Myth , Pseudo , Approach , Star Role , He Wasn T , Holocaust Denial , Scholarship , Libel ,

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