Transcripts For MSNBC Jose Diaz-Balart Reports 20240709 : co

Transcripts For MSNBC Jose Diaz-Balart Reports 20240709

recommending the pfizer vaccine for use in children, ages 5 to 11. as president biden rounds out his overseas trip, he's pledging to cut methane emissions and pushes world leaders to do more to fight climate change. biden will soon return home and find not a lot has changed, as democrats continue to work on a deal that can get through congress. and we begin with election day, as all eyes, as i was saying, were on virginia. today voters will elect their next governor in a high-stakes race for both parties. if virginians haven't already voted early, the polls are open until 7:00 p.m. eastern, as long as you're in line by 7:00, you will be able to vote. recent polling shows both candidates locked in a dead heat. joining us now, catie beck, live from richmond, virginia. heidi przybyla, and jeff shapiro with the richmond times dispatch. heidi, recent polling lays out the top issues on virginia voters' minds going into this election day with education and the economy at the top. how does that match what you're seeing on the ground? >> reporter: jose, we're here in virginia beach, because it is the most populous city in virginia and it is a great barometer for what is happening in this race. because it went first for trump, then for biden. we've been talking to individuals here just randomly for the past couple of days. hearing from a lot of youngkin voters and to a person, this is really unusual for most elections, jose, they talk about education. what do they mean when they talk about education? they mean that they believe that parents don't have enough control in the classroom. they believe that this notion of critical race theory is being taught, although, jose, i really couldn't find any of them to give me what the specific evidence was that that is actually happening. take a listen, though, to one voter who we just randomly sampled this morning outside of this polling location. >> the important issue this year was education, of course. we've got to make sure we have the right people doing the right things for our education. it's parent's responsibility to make sure our children grow up. so we should play a big part in our kids' education, as well. >> reporter: now, there's no denying, jose, that there's a lot of enthusiasm on the republican side. but the democrats say they have the numbers in this state, and they say that they believe that they will benefit from a last-minute turnout push. we're here outside of this polling location and miss audrey all morning has been handing out sample ballots and she says a lot of voters have been taking those ballots, including a lot of younger african-american voters, which is the demographic that the democratic party is most concerned about, jose. turning out in terms of enthusiasm levels. at the same time, miss audrey has given out a lot of ballots to them this morning. yesterday win smoke with a terry mcauliffe canvasser who told me that she was having real anxiety about that base. younger african-american voters as well as millennials, actually turning out. if they do, mcauliffe wins because there's more democrats in this state, at least according to the past election. jose? >> interesting. katie, just to kind of talk a little bit more about what heidi was mentioning, there are many more democrats than there are republicans in that state. and yet -- and also, that's a state that biden won by ten points just last year. and yet, it seems like things really close. what's going on? >> well, at least in 2020, jose, a possible explanation for that big win was the fact that president donald trump was not a popular candidate with virginia republicans. so that was evident to glenn youngkin's campaign. from the start, they have done their best to distance themselves from president trump, not appearing in rallies, not appearing in campaign ads. trying to keep that name as much off of their platform as they can. now, last night, president trump did do a telerally for youngkin, endorsing him and urging his voters and supporters to turn out today. but, again, youngkin, keeping that delicate distance, to try to make the separation that he is a very different republican candidate for virginia than president donald trump was. as heidi said, turnout will be the determining factor today. by the numbers, yes, there are more registered democrats in the state of virginia than there are republicans. but same-day turnout usually tends to lean towards republicans. this is an off-year election. and virginia has a history with this. their gubernatorial elections are always one year after a presidential. and it typically occurs that the party that is not in the white house is elected as governor in the state. so it is all sort of going to be really interesting, as this unfolds later tonight. this is certainly going to be a very close race. virgin, historically, is very good at counting votes and getting totals and tallies in early. so we do hope to have a result tonight, but it is going to be, as the margins show, a very close race. >> and jeff, we've seen top political figures on both sides of the aisle on the campaign trail. break down what a win could mean for democrats and what a win could mean for republicans. >> certainly, if the democrats hold the governorship, this is an affirmation of the state's blue cast. and of course, to the out world, it signals that for all of joe biden's problems, compounded by the dirkering by congressional democrats, there's still a level of buoyancy around democrats and their spirits. should a republican win, it will be touted by national republicans as evidence that democrats aren't safe, even if supposedly blue states. and that the message that may have, for the 2022 midterm elections, could be troubling for the republicans, who, of course, are spoiling to take back the house and the senate. >> jeff, how efficient and effective is the system in virginia? do you think that we'll have results tonight? >> a lot of the early voting that has concluded on saturday, those votes will probably be announced early in the evening. so for example, fairfax county, outside of washington, d.c.. the largest vote trove in the state. also, the most deeply blue. we're going to be hearing about the early vote early in the evening. and that will likely show that mcauliffe has a lead up there. but will it be sufficient to hold back what is anticipated to be a wave, likely a red wave, in in-person voting today. >> jeff shapiro, heidi przybyla, and catie beck, thank you for being with me this morning. let's take a closer look at a group of voters who could decide the race. the asian american and pacific islanders community. asian americans are the fastest growing racial group, both nationally and within virginia. and joining me now, suhas, a member of the virginia house of delegates and the first asian american to be elected to the state legislature. he's also the secretary of the virginia's first aapi caucus. it's great to see you. let's talk a little bit about this race. the significance of the aapi voters in general on a day like today. >> absolutely. first, it's great to be on. and i feel like the asian american vote is really going to decide this election. we are the fastest growing voting block in the state and really in the country. and my district has over 30% asian americans and it's growing. there are a lot of people who came over on h-1b visas and have their green card and they're going to be citizes soon and they're already active in the grassroots. it's not surprising and it's welcoming to see the grassroots support and the involvement of asian american immigrants. >> 30% in your district? that's extraordinary! asian americans make up 7% of the state population. what needs to be done to get more aapi representation in government, at all levels? >> absolutely. well, one of the things i wanted to do when i was elected, i was the first south asian and indian american elected here, and i wanted to have parents bring their kids to my swearing in ceremony. i was sworn in, the first person in 400 years in virginia's history and i wanted to show the kids here, yes, you can get involved in the economy and as doctors, lawyers, engineers, but you can also get involved in public service. and that there's a blueprint for it. >> you mentioned your family emigrated here in the '70s. give us a sense of the impact of the asian american community today, economically, politically, socially, in our country. >> yeah, absolutely. you know, my parents came here in the late '70s, dulles airport was my mother's port of entry, and you know, loudoun county where i live and fairfax county next door has been sort of the ellis island for so many, hundreds of thousands of asian americans. and you know, we've made many contributions over the past two decades, and the economy and madison and our government contracting, a lot of small businesses, as well, asian american owned, but now we're making it a difference and an impact in the political arena. you know, the asian american vote has come out in big numbers over the past three to four years. i'm seeing more and more asian americans get involved and come to canvas launches and rallies, and it's very exciting. and now it's a group that we need to be taken seriously. and you know, we're seeing that. people are coming to our events and we even have an aapi caucus, as you mentioned, because we want to make sure that we have a legislative agenda for all asian americans in virginia. >> it's so important that we highlight the contributions of this extraordinary community. thank you so much for being with me this morning. i appreciate it. >> thank you, jose. and make sure you stay with msnbc throughout the day. we'll have complete coverage of all the important races. it's time now to take a look at the headlines out west. the illegal border crossings are at their highest since 1960, when the tracking began. in texas, a group of 75 migrants were discovered in a refrigerated truck during a border stop. the trailer was 58 degrees inside. its doors padlocked prosecute outside. and over the weekend, one woman drowned after a group of migrants attempted to cross the u.s./mexico border, by actually swimming around this ocean barrier off san diego. joining us now from california, nbc's steve patterson. steve, good morning. what more can you tell us about this increase in border crossings? >> reporter: well, jose, it's just as you say. illegal border crossings now at an all-time high. something that's been exemplified by a series of recent stories resulting in tragedy. first, as you mention, a woman drowned off the coast of san diego after dozens of migrants attempted to swim around that san diego border fence. u.s. customs and border protection says they were notified friday night of 70 people trying to swim from tijuana into the u.s. agents say they found the unresponsive woman and attempted cpr. she was found dead the next morning. they reportedly took 36 adult mexican nationals into custody, including 13 people who were rescued in the water by the coast guard. meanwhile, that other story, texas mirgs discovered after the driver of her truck underwent an immigration inspection. when agents opened their doors, they found 75 migrants packed inside the refrigerator, the doors padlocked from the outside. the temperature set to 58 degrees. the driver arrested. all migrants taken into custody. the last 12 months, again, the u.s. has recorded the most illegal border crossings since record keeping began in 1960. jose? >> and steve, vaccine mandates have been all over the headlines. there's been a change in chicago for its police officers. what happened there? >> big change. yeah, yesterday, a chicago judge blocked the city from enforcing an upcoming december 31st mandate for police officers until the issue can be addressed in arbitration. this is a major below to mayor lori lightfoot and a big victory for the police union that's been locked in this bitter battle with the city over the vaccinations. the judge said that has unionized employees, police officers have a right to have their objections heard by an arbitrator before the requirement takes effect. officers would still have to report their vaccination stouts to the cities. about 71% of the department reported their status so far by last week. that's the lowest of any police department in the country. all while nearly 500 law enforcement officers have died from work-related covid since the start of the pandemic. jose? >> and steve, it's been a tough week for airline passengers with american airlines. flight cancellations in the thousands. what's going on? >> more trouble in the friendly skies. american airlines canceled more flights over the weekend, bringing its total number of cancellations since friday to more than 2,000. according to flight tracker, there were 376 canceled flights by monday afternoon. that's 13% of the airline's scheduled flights. another 375 were delayed. the airline has cited staffing shortages and bad weather for the disruptions to its schedule. jose? >> that's 7:14 in the morning los angeles time. steve patterson, thank you. good to see you. appreciate your time, steve. >> thanks. still ahead, another big race that we're watching today. new jersey's governor's race. steve kornacki will break things down for us. why it is such an important race. and we could be just hours away from the cdc's decisions for covid vaccines for kids. we'll talk to a doctor about how the rollout will work. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. ♪ say it's all right ♪ ♪ say it's all right, it's all right ♪ ♪ have a good time 'cause it's all right ♪ ♪ now listen to the beat ♪ ♪ kinda pat your feet ♪ ♪ it's all right ♪ ♪ have a good time 'cause it's all right ♪ ♪ oh, it's all right ♪ bipolar depression. it made me feel like i was trapped in a fog. this is art inspired by real stories of people living with bipolar depression. i just couldn't find my way out of it. the lows of bipolar depression can take you to a dark place... ...and be hard to manage. latuda could make a real difference in your symptoms. latuda was proven to significantly reduce bipolar depression symptoms and in clinical studies, had no substantial impact on weight. this is where i want to be. latuda is not for everyone. call your doctor about unusual mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. elderly dementia patients on latuda have an increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, as these may be life threatening... ...or uncontrollable muscle movements, as these may be permanent. these are not all the serious side effects. now i'm back where i belong. ask your doctor about latuda and pay as little as $0 for your first prescription. growing up in a little red house, and pay as little as $0 on the edge of a forest in norway, there were three things my family encouraged: kindness, honesty and hard work. over time, i've come to add a fourth: be curious. be curious about the world around us, and then go. go with an open heart, and you will find inspiration anew. viking. exploring the world in comfort. every day in business brings something new. so get the flexibility of the new mobile service designed for your small business. introducing comcast business mobile. you get the most reliable network with nationwide 5g included. and you can get unlimited data for just $30 per line per month when you get four lines or mix and match data options. available now for comcast business internet customers with no line-activation fees or term contract required. see if you can save by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities. it is 19 past the hour and right now, a cdc advisory panel is meeting to discuss the pfizer covid-19 vaccine for children, the dose for children is one third the amount of the one for adults. it's differentiated with that special orange cap on the top. the vaccine granted emergency use authorization from the fda last week for kids ages 5 to 11. now the cdc has the final say. a director, dr. rochelle walensky's word, providers across the nation will have permission to administer the shot. i want to bring in dr. nahid bhadelia, director at the boston university center for infectious diseases and policy research. she's also an msnbc contributor. doctor, it's great seeing you this morning. yesterday, the white house's jeffrey zions pushed back saying that they need time to make it to vaccination sites. there's been confusion it seems with the wl rollout in the past what needs this time around to fworkt rollout to run smoothly? >> the doses initially announced were 20 million. what we heard yesterday was about 15 million of these doses, as soon as the committee, the advisory committee today, and the cdc director signed off on it, will make their way to the pharmacy pediatrics, pediatrician's offices, children's hospitals and, you know, but as soon as they're approved is to try to get parents to be able to access it through a if you go to that after today, you'll be able to find those areas around you that are carrying the pediatric vaccine. so the interesting thing here is that because it's, as you said, it's a different dosing, pfizer has had to re-vial these and send these out in a separate bottle to reduce confusion. we're also going to see that the initial distribution of this is going to be by the proportion of kids that are in that age group in every state, and what jeff zients has said, from there onwards, they'll ask for more and getting more. the current survey shows that parents are kind of divided one third, one third, one third. they'll immediately get their kids vaccinated, one third are in the wait-and-see group, and one third are saying they're not going to -- they're not ready to vaccinate their kids. and i think some of that's from just confusion about the information around the vaccines themselves. but i do hope today's advisory committee will allay some of those fears by presenting the safety data from these randomized control trials. >> so the distribution pipeline already exists, right, for pfizer. i recall that there had to be some special refrigeration issues, both in transportation and in storing that. >> that's right. it does, and in many of these, pediatrician's offices may already have been carrying pfizer vaccines for the kids that are over 12, right? they've been vaccinating kids over 12 for a while nap distribution already exists. it's getting these lower doses out for places where they need to go. and as i mentioned, i think that it's going to be on a rolling basis. what i do want to sort of stress to parents is that if you are considering vaccinating chased of the holidays, to try to access these vaccines right away, at least the one dose that's in, you need that second dose to be fully vaccinated. and so if you're traveling with your kids this holiday, still take all of these precautions, the masking, taking the rapid tests with you, making sure the adults around them are vaccinated as well. >> and doctor, do we expect that children will have the same reaction to the pfizer vaccine than adults did? >> so that's exactly right, jose and the studies have shown that the kind of side effect, the adverse effects have been very similar, the fever, the muscle pain, feeling a bit run down for a couple of days. none of these -- a couple of things that parents have been hearing about, there's a concern in adolescents of this condition called myocarditis, this inflammation of the heart. and we have to sort of put this in perspective. so the data we have, those cases have occurred in adolescents at the rate in 15 to 16-year-olds, you're looking at a rate of 70 per million. in the 12 to 15-year-olds, it's about 40 per million. 95% of those cases are self-resolving. kids don't need medical care. and we haven't seen any of those cases in the 5 to 11 groups in the randomized trials. if it does exist, i'm sure there'll be some cases. it's very rare. and the rare side effects are actually really quite rare and the common side effects are very similar to what the adults are experiencing with our boosters and of course our primary series. >> dr. nahid bhadelia, thank you very much for being with me this morning. appreciate it. up next, mi amigo steve kornacki is at the big board with a look at the new jersey gubernatorial race. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. ♪ ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ mm. 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>> you mentioned it, jose. 1977, brendan burn, the last democratic governor who got himself re-elected in new jersey. phil murphy now, as you say, the polls show that he's the favorite here over jack ciattarelli, his republican opponent. let's give you kind of the lay of the land in new jersey. this is obviously a blue state. this was decisively for biden. 16 points last year. new jersey in a presidential race hasn't gone republican since back in 1988. but more recently, there is a republican who won a governor's race, won two governor's races in new jersey. that was chris christie. chris christie got himself elected a little bit more than a decade ago, in 2009. re-elected in 2013. if ciattarelli is going to pull off a surprise tonight, a couple of places we're going look on this map when the votes start coming in. the first thing to keep in mind here is some big, high proposition, very democratic areas. essex county right where newark is. hudson county, across the hudson river from new york city. these two counties right here are big, big-time vote producers for democrats. so one of the reasons republicans start in a hole, essex, camden county down south. we'll take a look tonight. bergen county. this is the biggest county in the state, nearly a million people. suburbs of new york city. you can see the result here, closely mirrored the statewide result in the 2020 presidential election. biden carried bergen by 15 points. this could be a bellwether as we watch the results tonight. there are also some republicans in the old days, the christie days, when republicans could win in new jersey, used to dlir huge margins, talk about monmouth county. trump won monmouth county by less than three points. when christie was winning statewide in new jersey, he could win monmouth by 30 points. so if there's going to be a surprise here tonight in new jersey, we're going to see ciattarelli start rolling up numbers here that republicans haven't seen in some time. we'll get a sense, polls closing at 8:00 p.m. in new jersey. we'll get a sense if he's on the path to doing that and have a surprise. >> give us a photo of virginia at this hour. >> let's take a look over here at the virginia map. new jersey, we say, was a ten-point state for joe biden in 2020. virginia -- excuse me, was a 16. virginia was a ten-point state. this went on paper, more in reach for the republicans. you can see here, the democratic margin in virginia comes from northern virginia, high population, suburbs outside washington, d.c. also, democrats lately, hen rico county, chesterfield county, right outside of richmond. democrats have been driving up numbers in those places, as well. so one question we're looking at tonight, glenn youngkin, his campaign. they've really made ate priority. they think they can make inroads in the suburbs of d.c. and richmond, places where donald trump really put republicans in the hole the last couple of elections. can they make those inroads there? also, you've got to look at the shenandoah valley, southwestern virginia. core republican areas. rural. very heavily republican. very heavily pro-trump. can youngkin get the same kind of support in this region that donald trump did? because trump did better than republicans have historically done in a lot of these counties. and we'll also be certainly looking -- if you're looking for a bellwether, i said, in new jersey, bergen. in virginia, virginia beach. the biggest city in the state. 450,000 people. it actually went for trump in 2016. flipped to biden in 2020. that could be a big tale tonight, how virginia beach goes. >> steve, tell me about the latino vote, specifically in virginia. >> yeah, it could be crucial here, jose. you're talking about statewide, a little bit more than 10% of the population. latinos -- it's also a fast-growing segment of the population, particularly in a couple of places. i can show you, prince william county here. again, talking about northern virginia, heavily populated, an area that's been swinging towards the democrats in recent times. one of the reasons prince william county has become such a big democratic county, there's been a large increase in the latino population that's been favoring democrats. you're looking at about a quarter of the population. about 25%, the adult population, in prince william county is latino. this is one place we're going to look. i'll give you another one that's interesting here. go out here. the city of winchester, a small city, a rapidly growing hispanic population in winchester, virginia, and this is one of these areas that's went big towards biden in 2020. it will be very interesting to me to see if glenn youngkin is doing really well in like a winchester tonight, maybe he's made some inroads with hispanic voters. we're just moments away from president biden delivering remarks at an event at the climate summit. we'll bring you there live. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. ve you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. frequent heartburn? 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[beep] i just wanted to say... ♪ find yourself in these situations and see who you are. and that's just part of the bargain. ♪ to make progress, we must keep taking steps forward. we believe the future of energy is lower carbon. and to get there, the world needs to reduce global emissions. at chevron, we're taking action. tying our executives' pay to lowering the carbon emissions intensity of our operations. it's tempting to see how far we've come. but it's only human... to know how far we have to go. it's already been a busy day at the on-26 international climate summit in scotland, where the biden administration rolled out two historic deals. just last hour, biden announcing a commitment in collaboration with 90 governments to curb methane emissions coupled with a new domestic initiative to regulate methane at u.s. oil and gas rigs. also today, more than 100 world leaders vowed to end deforestation in a $19 billion pledge of private and public funds. the countries that signed the agreement are home to 85% of the earth's forests. joining me now from scotland, is nbc's josh letterman. great seeing you. tell us about this methane commitment. what does it mean for us here in the states? >> reporter: this is one of the biggest actions president biden has taken domestically on climate change so far, putting for the first time, about a million oil and gas wells in the united states under federal regulation. now, the obama administration had started regulations on new wells that were rolled back under president trump, but this is the first time the u.s. is going after existing wells. one really interesting part of this, the oil and gas industry, they are onboard. they have seen the writing on the wall for a long time on this. and we've heard from the american petroleum institute just a few minutes ago, the big oil and gas lobby saying they're reviewing this, but they are supportive of direct federal regulation of methane, which is a very know greenhouse gas. >> josh letterman, thank you very much. appreciate that. it is 39 past the hour. time now for a check of headlines beyond our borders. we begin with breaking news of an explosion in kabul, afghanistan, that left at least three people dead. at least 16 wounded. joining us now with more is nbc's claudia, we're having audio difficulties with claudio lavangia in rome. here's some video of this, that has left 16 wounded and three killed in the afghan capital. still ahead, senator joe manchin says he won't be pressured into supporting president biden's economic plan. we'll talk to teresa ledger fernandez when we come back. le fernandez when we come back. this... is the planning effect. this is how it feels to know you have a wealth plan that covers everything that's important to you. this is what it's like to have a dedicated fidelity advisor looking at your full financial picture. making sure you have the right balance of risk and reward. and helping you plan for future generations. this is "the planning effect" from fidelity. bipolar depression. it made me feel like i was trapped in a fog. this is art inspired by real stories of people living with bipolar depression. i just couldn't find my way out of it. the lows of bipolar depression can take you to a dark place... ...and be hard to manage. latuda could make a real difference in your symptoms. latuda was proven to significantly reduce bipolar depression symptoms and in clinical studies, had no substantial impact on weight. this is where i want to be. latuda is not for everyone. call your doctor about unusual mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. elderly dementia patients on latuda have an increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, as these may be life threatening... ...or uncontrollable muscle movements, as these may be permanent. these are not all the serious side effects. now i'm back where i belong. ask your doctor about latuda and pay as little as $0 for your first prescription. ♪ say it's all right ♪ and pay as little as $0 ♪ say it's all right, it's all right ♪ ♪ have a good time 'cause it's all right ♪ ♪ now listen to the beat ♪ ♪ kinda pat your feet ♪ ♪ it's all right ♪ ♪ have a good time 'cause it's all right ♪ ♪ oh, it's all right ♪ ♪ (man) still asleep. (woman vo) so, where to next? (vo) reflect on the past, celebrate the future. season's greetings from audi. 44 past the hour. now to capitol hill where the path forward for president biden's agenda still remains unclear, one day after he said he was not sold on the framework of a bill to reshape the social safety net, west virginia senator joe manchin told reporters just a short time ago he did not sign off on that plan. and he had this to say when asked about democrats who accuse him of throwing a curveball while president biden was out of the country. >> i think basically it's time to do something. the president is over there. he went there. he asked for something before he left and everyone ignored it. i didn't ignore it and i thought of something that could have been done that was a very easy ask. vote for the bipartisan infrastructure bill, would have helped an awful lot and it does an awful lot. more than we've ever done before. they can't even do that, because they're saying it's not the perfect and it's going to be enemy of the good if we don't sit down and be rationale about what we're doing. >> joining me now, cofounder of punch bowel news. jake, good morning. what should we make of what senator manchin is saying today? >> well, we should make that he's not a party to whatever deal exists. and i'm not sure that there is a deal that exists at this moment, between the white house and house democrats or whoever -- whatever deal exists. let's put it that way, joe manchin is just not a part of it. joe manchin made clear yesterday that he's not for, "a," being held hostage on the build back better act in exchange for the infrastructure vote. he's basically going to take his time and control the process, as he sees hit. and he's now at complete odds with progressive democrats and progressive democrats are now saying, well, let's pass it all, and they're trying to clean their hands of it. so listen, at the end of the day, the house is going to probably vote for a bill, the build back better act, this week, next week, or the week after that doesn't have joe manchin's buy-in. the risk is that manchin, when it gets to the senate and gets changed, that's risk that a lot of house democrats will have to live with. >> what are the big issues still remaining to deal with, as far as democrats are concerned, to get this through the house and the senate? >> yeah, so nancy pelosi was just in a closed party meeting in the capitol a couple of minutes ago. i was over there staking it out. she told house democrats there are a couple of issues that are hanging out there, as you have on the screen. precipitation drug prices, immigration, and those are the two big ones, frankly. immigration being possibly chief among them. here's the problem with immigration. you could craft an immigration plan over in the house of representatives, send it over to the senate, and then it's subject to the senate's arcane budget rules. it needs to go through what we call a birdbath. a birdbath to make sure that all of the policies in the bill comply to budget resolutions and are a little bit more complicated than we have time to get into. but there's no way to predict whether they will fall within those guidelines. so house democrats could be giving their approval to a bill they'll eventually have to change. moderates might be voting for immigration policy that could be stripped out of the bill. there's no guarantees here. a lot of complicated dynamics. by the way, medicare expansion, a massive, massive policy. still unsolved. so let's put it this way, quite simply. all of the big policies across the board are not decided on. so to say that they're close to an agreement is not exactly tethered to reality. >> jake sherman, thank you for bringing that up, i really appreciate it. thanks so much. with me now to continue our conversation is new mexico democratic congresswoman, teresa ledger fernandez. she's a member of the congressional progressive and hispanic caucuses. it's great to see you, congressman, thank you for being with me. let's talk about this issue that jake was talking about. where do thing stands with the bipartisan infrastructure bill. where we are at, we are working on finalizing the language, so that we all know on the house side exactly what's in the bill and that is what we are doing. we want to make sure that we have all the language in there. that we are addressing issues with our senate colleagues. there are discussions going on between the house and the senate. and in the progressive caucus and the hispanic congressional caucus and the democratic caucus, you are feeling a sense of mechanism and determination to get things done. the other thing is, we are energized by what is in there. there's been a lot of agreement on many key issues and we are energized to talk about what's in that bill. and i would love to talk more about that. >> well, you and i can talk about that, because i'm really interested in your perspective. i want to say, what are the issues that for you are paramount. that are must issues? >> well, one, we are addressing legislation that is going to transform the ability of women and in my community, the latino community and the native american communities that i work with to be able to create community to rise up and that starts with early pre-k, early childhood education, and kmik. that allows women to get back to work, and it makes such a benefit for our children. we know that they're educated, when they're young, i was a head start baby myself. that's where i fell in love with learning. i want everybody to have that opportunity, because they do better throughout life. so we are investing in our very youngest in this bill. that's a priority. what we are doing around immigration is not just the immigration reform that we are seeking to help millions, but also, we have in the bill, the fact that all children, regardless of your immigration status will be eligible for the child tax credit. all students, regardless of your immigration status will be eligible for federal financial aid. those are big victories for us, that we are very proud of. and that we are energized by. >> there's another issue that has been victories we are proud of and energized by. >> there's another issue that has been unresolved since 2010, which is how about everybody regardless of their immigration status have access to health care and health insurance, something that really has been an impossibility for millions in this country? >> right. that is another issue. what we are also trying to do in the bill is make sure we expand the access for all to medicaid. we're doing that by expanding the access through the affordable care act, which it shouldn't matter where you live whether ir able to get access to health insurance. that is something we are doing in this bill. >> your district covers the northern half of new mexico, home to a significant native american operation. what will the bill do to help indigenous people in our country? >> we fought hard to make sure we had investments in the bill. it is going to focus on health care. over $1 billion will help in terms of building indian health service facilities or those owned by tribes. when tribes operate their own facilities, it's phenomenal. there's a lot of climate resilience. tribes have been some of the hardest hit in terms of where the climate crisis is having negative impacts. we're going to have a range of funding in there. it's the largest investment we have ever made in indian country is in the reconciliation bill, the build back better act. >> let's make a deal. let's continue this conversation going forward. >> absolutely. it's a deal. coming up, the day of the dead. morgan ratford is going to be here. that's outside 30 rock. that is a beautiful exhibit. a b. you're an owner with access to financial advice, tools and a personalized plan that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. ♪ ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. - grammarly business turned my marketing team ♪ into rock stars. 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Voters , Children , Indian Country , Polls , Parents , Vaccines , Cdc , Stephanie Ruhle , Coverage , Anywhere , Friend , Colleague , Breaking News Coverage , Jose Diaz Balart , America , Eastern , Coast To , Pacific , Sec , 7 , 00 , 10 , Hasn T , Populous City In Virginia , Governor , Elections , New Jersey , Results , Eyes , Phil Murphy , Clue , Democratic , Cities , Advisory Panel , Leaders , Unrest , Towns , New York , Boston , Miami , Minneapolis , Covid Front , 45 , President , Vaccine , Pfizer , Methane Emissions , World Leaders , Use , Trip , Climate Change , Biden Rounds , 11 , 5 , Joe Biden , Lot , Deal , Home , Congress , Election Day , Parties , Saying , Virginians Haven T , Polling , Line , Heat , Candidates , Richmond , Catie Beck , Issues , Education , Economy , Jeff Shapiro , Heidi Przybyla , Top , Virginia Voters , Minds , Richmond Times Dispatch , Reporter , Ground , Barometer , Match , Virginia Beach , Glenn Youngkin , Trump , Person , Hearing , Individuals , Control , Classroom , Race Theory , Notion , People , Issue , Course , Voter , Evidence , Polling Location , Listen , One , Jose , Things , Kids , Republican , Parent , Side , Enthusiasm , Responsibility , Part , No Denying , State , Ballots , Audrey , Numbers , Morning , Turnout Push , Demographic , Terms , African American , Enthusiasm Levels , Win , Terry Mcauliffe , Wins , Millennials , Anxiety , Base , Smoke , Election , Talk , Democrats , Kind , Mentioning , Katie , Fact , Points , What S Going On , Explanation , 2020 , Ten , Donald Trump , Candidate , Best , Rallies , Start , Campaign , Virginia Republicans , Telerally , Supporters , Campaign Ads , Platform , Name , Last Night , Turnout , Distance , Factor , Separation , History , Party , White House , Virgin , Sort , Votes , Result , Hope , Margins , Sides , Campaign Trail , Totals , Tallies , Figures , Aisle , World , Governorship , Affirmation , Blue Cast , Wall , Spirits , Level , Problems , Buoyancy , Dirkering , States , Message , Democrats Aren T Safe , 2022 , House , Senate , System , Who , Voting , Evening , Fairfax County , Example , Vote , Vote Trove , Washington D C , Lead , Red Wave , Wave , Look , Group , Asian American , Pacific Islanders Community , Member , Virginia House Of Delegates , State Legislature , Secretary , Aapi Caucus , Suhas , Significance , Aapi , First , District , South Asian , Voting Block , 30 , Grassroots , Involvement , Green Card , Citizes , H 1b Visas , 1 , State Population , Government , Aapi Representation , Levels , Indian American , Doctors , Ceremony , Swearing , Lawyers , Engineers , 400 , Sense , Impact , Family , Public Service , Blueprint , Asian American Community Today , 70 , Loudoun County , Many , Port Of Entry , Mother , Ellis Island , Dulles Airport , Difference , Contributions , Businesses , Government Contracting , Hundreds Of Thousands Asian Americans , Madison , Two , Asian American Vote , Arena , Canvas Launches , Four , Three , Agenda , Events , Msnbc , Community , Migrants , Races , Headlines , Border Crossings , It S Time , Tracking , Texas , 75 , 1960 , Doors , Woman , Weekend , Truck , Trailer , Border Stop , 58 , Increase , Steve Patterson , Mexico Border , Nbc , San Diego , Ocean Barrier , California , Something , Stories , Series , Coast , High , Tragedy , Dozens , Exemplified , Agents , U S Customs And Border Protection , Cpr , Border Fence , Tijuana , Driver , Story , Immigration Inspection , Water , Adult Mexican Nationals Into Custody , Coast Guard , Texas Mirgs , 36 , 13 , Custody , Refrigerator , Outside , Temperature Set , 12 , Police Officers , Change , Judge , Chicago , Vaccine Mandates , Record Keeping , Big Change , City , Lori Lightfoot , Union , Police , Major , Victory , Arbitration , December 31st Mandate , 31 , December 31st , Officers , Vaccinations , Effect , Vaccination Stouts , Arbitrator , Battle , Requirement , Employees , Right , Objections , Status , Law Enforcement Officers , Lowest , Department , Police Department , 500 , 71 , American Airlines , Flights , Thousands , Flight Cancellations , Pandemic , Airline Passengers , Trouble , Friendly Skies , Airline , Another , Number , Cancellations , Flight Tracker , Monday Afternoon , 375 , 376 , 2000 , Thanks , Weather , Staffing Shortages , Schedule , Disruptions , Los Angeles , 14 , Doctor , Steve Kornacki , Race , Decisions , Time , Jose Diaz Balart Reports , Rollout , Beat , Feet , Medicare Expansion , Depression , Art , Fog , Latuda , Weight , Lows , Studies , Place , Symptoms , Adults , Everyone , Dementia Patients , Mood Changes , Thoughts , Behaviors , Antidepressants , Teens , Risk , Side Effects , Confusion , Muscle Pain , Movements , Muscles , Muscle , Stroke , Death , Life Threatening , Work , Prescription , Pay , Kindness , Little Red House , Forest , Edge , Honesty , Norway , , 0 , Heart , Inspiration , Fourth , Flexibility , Comfort , Small Business , Network , Service , Comcast Business Mobile , Nationwide 5g , Viking , Data , Contract , Lines , Business , Customers , Term , Internet , Match Data Options , Mix , Fees , Possibilities , Comcast Business , 19 , Dose , Meeting , Amount , Emergency Use Authorization , Orange Cap , Fda , Director , Nation , Nahid Bhadelia , Dr , Say , Shot , Providers , Permission , Word , Rochelle Walensky , Boston University Center For Infectious Diseases , Seeing , Contributor , Policy Research , Wl Rollout , Vaccination Sites , Jeffrey Zions , Doses , Fworkt , 15 Million , 20 Million , Committee , Offices , Pediatrician , Way , Pediatrics , It , Hospitals , Pharmacy , Areas , Thing , Vaccine Gov , Proportion , Distribution , Age Group , Dosing , Bottle , More , Survey , Jeff Zients , Third , Information , Some , Safety , Hope Today S Advisory Committee , Fears , Distribution Pipeline , Randomized Control Trials , These , Refrigeration , Transportation , Places , Nap Distribution , Basis , Stress , Vaccinating , Holidays , Holiday , Precautions , Tests , Reaction , Masking , Couple , Side Effect , Effects , Run , None , Cases , Perspective , Rate , Adolescents , Inflammation , Condition , Myocarditis , Concern , Put , 15 , 16 , Resolving , Kids Don T Need Medical Care , Haven T , 40 , 95 , Groups , Trials , Boosters , Up Next , Mi Amigo , Gubernatorial Race , Big Board , Ideas , Dark , Experience , Man , Tongue , Don T Know , Progressive , Em , Bit , Mm , Tight , You Don T Want , Uh , Roadside Assistance , Choice , 24 7 , Eggland , More Delicious , Doesn T , Eggs , Classic , Cage Free , Anything , Superior Nutrition , 28 , Fighting , Re Election , 8 , Correspondent , Nbc News , Let S Talk , Opponent , Favorite , Jack Ciattarelli , Brendan Burn , The Lay Of Land , 1977 , Blue State , Back , 1988 , Chris Christie , Surprise , 2013 , 2009 , The Big One , Counties , Essex County , Hudson County , Big Time , Map , Mind , Vote Producers , Newark , High Proposition , Hudson River , Hole , County , Suburbs , Camden County Down South , Bergen County , Reasons , A Million , Bellwether , Monmouth County , Monmouth , Dlir , Republicans Haven T , State , Path , Photo , Virginia Map , Northern Virginia , Margin , Hen Rico County , Reach , Paper , High Population , Priority , Inroads , Chesterfield County , D C , Question , Republicans , Southwestern Virginia , Shenandoah Valley , Core , Rural , Region , Support , Big Tale Tonight , 2016 , 2016 Flipped , 450000 , Population , Prince William County , Latinos , Segment , Times , Big Democratic County , Adult Population , City Of Winchester , Is Latino , 25 , Hispanic Population , Big Towards Biden , Event , Remarks , Climate Summit , Life , Challenge , Heartburn , Ve , Zero Heartburn , Prilosec Otc , 24 , Zero , Prilosecotc Dot Com , Music , Tm Light Under Control , Signature Gen , New York Times , Colors , Transitions , 4 , Situations , Bargain , Beep , Carbon , Energy , Make Progress , Action , Emissions , Carbon Emissions Intensity , Operations , Executives , Chevron , On 26 International Climate Summit In Scotland , Human , 26 , Commitment , Administration , Methane , Governments , Deals , Collaboration , Initiative , 90 , Agreement , Gas , Countries , Oil , Funds , Forests , Rigs , Deforestation , Pledge , Earth , 19 Billion , 85 , 100 , 9 Billion , Methane Commitment , Josh Letterman , Actions , Scotland , Wells , Regulation , Regulations , Obama , American Petroleum Institute , Oil And Gas Industry , Big Oil And Gas , Writing On The Wall , Greenhouse Gas , 39 , Borders , Breaking News , Explosion , Check , Afghanistan , Kabul , Audio Difficulties , Claudia , Senator Manchin , Video , Afghan Capital , In Rome , Claudio Lavangia , Plan , Teresa Ledger Fernandez , Planning Effect , Wealth , Everything , Le Fernandez , Fidelity , Balance , Advisor , Generations , Picture , Reward , Bipolar Depression , Woman Vo , Vo , Season , Greetings , Capitol Hill , Framework , Audi , 44 , Bill , Reporters , West Virginia , Curveball , Social Safety Net , Infrastructure Bill , Rationale , Enemy , Punch Bowel News , Jake , Cofounder , House Democrats , Whoever , Hit , Infrastructure Vote , Act , Build , Exchange , Hostage , Process , Being , Hands , Odds , Nancy Pelosi , Immigration , Immigration Plan , Problem , Screen , Precipitation Drug Prices , Big Ones , Birdbath , Policies , House Of Representatives , Resolutions , Budget Rules , Subject , Immigration Policy , Moderates , Guidelines , Approval , Guarantees , Board , Dynamics , Conversation , New Mexico , Reality , Jake Sherman , Congresswoman , Caucuses , Congressman , Let , Language , Know , Colleagues , Discussions , Caucus , Determination , Mechanism , Hispanic Congressional Caucus , Progressive Caucus , Women , Communities , Legislation , Ability , Native American , Paramount , Childhood , Starts , Pre K , Benefit , Kmik , Everybody , Head Start , Opportunity , Baby , Learning , Love , Immigration Status , Millions , Immigration Reform , Child Tax Credit , Students , Victories , Federal Financial Aid , 2010 , Health Care , Health Insurance , Impossibility , Access , Affordable Care Act , Shouldn T , Medicaid , Operation , Half , Investments , 1 Billion , Billion , Tribes , Facilities , Indian Health Service , Investment , Impacts , Funding , Climate Resilience , Climate Crisis , Range , Reconciliation Bill , Let S Make A Deal , Rockefeller Plaza Is Morgan Ratford , Coming Up , Exhibit , Owner , Future , Advice , Tools , 30 Rock , Vanguard , Grammarly Business , Marketing Team , Maya , Rock Stars , Error , Brand , Grammarly , Diana Strums Guitar , Let S Go , Announcer , Grammarly Com Business , Offering , Our Lady Of Guadalupe , Offerings , Friends , Family Members , Tradition Originating , Celebration , Display , Is , Ancestors , Remembrance , Halloween , Tradition , Dade , Land , Movies , Mexican , 3000 , Parades , Mexicans , Rockefeller Center , Colorado , North Carolina , Kentucky , Living With The Dead , Deceased , High Offering , Neighborhood , Yes , Isabel Hernandez , Virus , Commemoration , Altars , Legacy , Thecircle , Loved Ones , Traditional Mexican Folkloric Art , Diaz Balart , Privilege , Show , News , Msnbc World Headquarters , Craig Melvin , Battleground , Folks , Smells , Trail , Former , Big Board Ready ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC Jose Diaz-Balart Reports 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Jose Diaz-Balart Reports 20240709

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recommending the pfizer vaccine for use in children, ages 5 to 11. as president biden rounds out his overseas trip, he's pledging to cut methane emissions and pushes world leaders to do more to fight climate change. biden will soon return home and find not a lot has changed, as democrats continue to work on a deal that can get through congress. and we begin with election day, as all eyes, as i was saying, were on virginia. today voters will elect their next governor in a high-stakes race for both parties. if virginians haven't already voted early, the polls are open until 7:00 p.m. eastern, as long as you're in line by 7:00, you will be able to vote. recent polling shows both candidates locked in a dead heat. joining us now, catie beck, live from richmond, virginia. heidi przybyla, and jeff shapiro with the richmond times dispatch. heidi, recent polling lays out the top issues on virginia voters' minds going into this election day with education and the economy at the top. how does that match what you're seeing on the ground? >> reporter: jose, we're here in virginia beach, because it is the most populous city in virginia and it is a great barometer for what is happening in this race. because it went first for trump, then for biden. we've been talking to individuals here just randomly for the past couple of days. hearing from a lot of youngkin voters and to a person, this is really unusual for most elections, jose, they talk about education. what do they mean when they talk about education? they mean that they believe that parents don't have enough control in the classroom. they believe that this notion of critical race theory is being taught, although, jose, i really couldn't find any of them to give me what the specific evidence was that that is actually happening. take a listen, though, to one voter who we just randomly sampled this morning outside of this polling location. >> the important issue this year was education, of course. we've got to make sure we have the right people doing the right things for our education. it's parent's responsibility to make sure our children grow up. so we should play a big part in our kids' education, as well. >> reporter: now, there's no denying, jose, that there's a lot of enthusiasm on the republican side. but the democrats say they have the numbers in this state, and they say that they believe that they will benefit from a last-minute turnout push. we're here outside of this polling location and miss audrey all morning has been handing out sample ballots and she says a lot of voters have been taking those ballots, including a lot of younger african-american voters, which is the demographic that the democratic party is most concerned about, jose. turning out in terms of enthusiasm levels. at the same time, miss audrey has given out a lot of ballots to them this morning. yesterday win smoke with a terry mcauliffe canvasser who told me that she was having real anxiety about that base. younger african-american voters as well as millennials, actually turning out. if they do, mcauliffe wins because there's more democrats in this state, at least according to the past election. jose? >> interesting. katie, just to kind of talk a little bit more about what heidi was mentioning, there are many more democrats than there are republicans in that state. and yet -- and also, that's a state that biden won by ten points just last year. and yet, it seems like things really close. what's going on? >> well, at least in 2020, jose, a possible explanation for that big win was the fact that president donald trump was not a popular candidate with virginia republicans. so that was evident to glenn youngkin's campaign. from the start, they have done their best to distance themselves from president trump, not appearing in rallies, not appearing in campaign ads. trying to keep that name as much off of their platform as they can. now, last night, president trump did do a telerally for youngkin, endorsing him and urging his voters and supporters to turn out today. but, again, youngkin, keeping that delicate distance, to try to make the separation that he is a very different republican candidate for virginia than president donald trump was. as heidi said, turnout will be the determining factor today. by the numbers, yes, there are more registered democrats in the state of virginia than there are republicans. but same-day turnout usually tends to lean towards republicans. this is an off-year election. and virginia has a history with this. their gubernatorial elections are always one year after a presidential. and it typically occurs that the party that is not in the white house is elected as governor in the state. so it is all sort of going to be really interesting, as this unfolds later tonight. this is certainly going to be a very close race. virgin, historically, is very good at counting votes and getting totals and tallies in early. so we do hope to have a result tonight, but it is going to be, as the margins show, a very close race. >> and jeff, we've seen top political figures on both sides of the aisle on the campaign trail. break down what a win could mean for democrats and what a win could mean for republicans. >> certainly, if the democrats hold the governorship, this is an affirmation of the state's blue cast. and of course, to the out world, it signals that for all of joe biden's problems, compounded by the dirkering by congressional democrats, there's still a level of buoyancy around democrats and their spirits. should a republican win, it will be touted by national republicans as evidence that democrats aren't safe, even if supposedly blue states. and that the message that may have, for the 2022 midterm elections, could be troubling for the republicans, who, of course, are spoiling to take back the house and the senate. >> jeff, how efficient and effective is the system in virginia? do you think that we'll have results tonight? >> a lot of the early voting that has concluded on saturday, those votes will probably be announced early in the evening. so for example, fairfax county, outside of washington, d.c.. the largest vote trove in the state. also, the most deeply blue. we're going to be hearing about the early vote early in the evening. and that will likely show that mcauliffe has a lead up there. but will it be sufficient to hold back what is anticipated to be a wave, likely a red wave, in in-person voting today. >> jeff shapiro, heidi przybyla, and catie beck, thank you for being with me this morning. let's take a closer look at a group of voters who could decide the race. the asian american and pacific islanders community. asian americans are the fastest growing racial group, both nationally and within virginia. and joining me now, suhas, a member of the virginia house of delegates and the first asian american to be elected to the state legislature. he's also the secretary of the virginia's first aapi caucus. it's great to see you. let's talk a little bit about this race. the significance of the aapi voters in general on a day like today. >> absolutely. first, it's great to be on. and i feel like the asian american vote is really going to decide this election. we are the fastest growing voting block in the state and really in the country. and my district has over 30% asian americans and it's growing. there are a lot of people who came over on h-1b visas and have their green card and they're going to be citizes soon and they're already active in the grassroots. it's not surprising and it's welcoming to see the grassroots support and the involvement of asian american immigrants. >> 30% in your district? that's extraordinary! asian americans make up 7% of the state population. what needs to be done to get more aapi representation in government, at all levels? >> absolutely. well, one of the things i wanted to do when i was elected, i was the first south asian and indian american elected here, and i wanted to have parents bring their kids to my swearing in ceremony. i was sworn in, the first person in 400 years in virginia's history and i wanted to show the kids here, yes, you can get involved in the economy and as doctors, lawyers, engineers, but you can also get involved in public service. and that there's a blueprint for it. >> you mentioned your family emigrated here in the '70s. give us a sense of the impact of the asian american community today, economically, politically, socially, in our country. >> yeah, absolutely. you know, my parents came here in the late '70s, dulles airport was my mother's port of entry, and you know, loudoun county where i live and fairfax county next door has been sort of the ellis island for so many, hundreds of thousands of asian americans. and you know, we've made many contributions over the past two decades, and the economy and madison and our government contracting, a lot of small businesses, as well, asian american owned, but now we're making it a difference and an impact in the political arena. you know, the asian american vote has come out in big numbers over the past three to four years. i'm seeing more and more asian americans get involved and come to canvas launches and rallies, and it's very exciting. and now it's a group that we need to be taken seriously. and you know, we're seeing that. people are coming to our events and we even have an aapi caucus, as you mentioned, because we want to make sure that we have a legislative agenda for all asian americans in virginia. >> it's so important that we highlight the contributions of this extraordinary community. thank you so much for being with me this morning. i appreciate it. >> thank you, jose. and make sure you stay with msnbc throughout the day. we'll have complete coverage of all the important races. it's time now to take a look at the headlines out west. the illegal border crossings are at their highest since 1960, when the tracking began. in texas, a group of 75 migrants were discovered in a refrigerated truck during a border stop. the trailer was 58 degrees inside. its doors padlocked prosecute outside. and over the weekend, one woman drowned after a group of migrants attempted to cross the u.s./mexico border, by actually swimming around this ocean barrier off san diego. joining us now from california, nbc's steve patterson. steve, good morning. what more can you tell us about this increase in border crossings? >> reporter: well, jose, it's just as you say. illegal border crossings now at an all-time high. something that's been exemplified by a series of recent stories resulting in tragedy. first, as you mention, a woman drowned off the coast of san diego after dozens of migrants attempted to swim around that san diego border fence. u.s. customs and border protection says they were notified friday night of 70 people trying to swim from tijuana into the u.s. agents say they found the unresponsive woman and attempted cpr. she was found dead the next morning. they reportedly took 36 adult mexican nationals into custody, including 13 people who were rescued in the water by the coast guard. meanwhile, that other story, texas mirgs discovered after the driver of her truck underwent an immigration inspection. when agents opened their doors, they found 75 migrants packed inside the refrigerator, the doors padlocked from the outside. the temperature set to 58 degrees. the driver arrested. all migrants taken into custody. the last 12 months, again, the u.s. has recorded the most illegal border crossings since record keeping began in 1960. jose? >> and steve, vaccine mandates have been all over the headlines. there's been a change in chicago for its police officers. what happened there? >> big change. yeah, yesterday, a chicago judge blocked the city from enforcing an upcoming december 31st mandate for police officers until the issue can be addressed in arbitration. this is a major below to mayor lori lightfoot and a big victory for the police union that's been locked in this bitter battle with the city over the vaccinations. the judge said that has unionized employees, police officers have a right to have their objections heard by an arbitrator before the requirement takes effect. officers would still have to report their vaccination stouts to the cities. about 71% of the department reported their status so far by last week. that's the lowest of any police department in the country. all while nearly 500 law enforcement officers have died from work-related covid since the start of the pandemic. jose? >> and steve, it's been a tough week for airline passengers with american airlines. flight cancellations in the thousands. what's going on? >> more trouble in the friendly skies. american airlines canceled more flights over the weekend, bringing its total number of cancellations since friday to more than 2,000. according to flight tracker, there were 376 canceled flights by monday afternoon. that's 13% of the airline's scheduled flights. another 375 were delayed. the airline has cited staffing shortages and bad weather for the disruptions to its schedule. jose? >> that's 7:14 in the morning los angeles time. steve patterson, thank you. good to see you. appreciate your time, steve. >> thanks. still ahead, another big race that we're watching today. new jersey's governor's race. steve kornacki will break things down for us. why it is such an important race. and we could be just hours away from the cdc's decisions for covid vaccines for kids. we'll talk to a doctor about how the rollout will work. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. ♪ say it's all right ♪ ♪ say it's all right, it's all right ♪ ♪ have a good time 'cause it's all right ♪ ♪ now listen to the beat ♪ ♪ kinda pat your feet ♪ ♪ it's all right ♪ ♪ have a good time 'cause it's all right ♪ ♪ oh, it's all right ♪ bipolar depression. it made me feel like i was trapped in a fog. this is art inspired by real stories of people living with bipolar depression. i just couldn't find my way out of it. the lows of bipolar depression can take you to a dark place... ...and be hard to manage. latuda could make a real difference in your symptoms. latuda was proven to significantly reduce bipolar depression symptoms and in clinical studies, had no substantial impact on weight. this is where i want to be. latuda is not for everyone. call your doctor about unusual mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. elderly dementia patients on latuda have an increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, as these may be life threatening... ...or uncontrollable muscle movements, as these may be permanent. these are not all the serious side effects. now i'm back where i belong. ask your doctor about latuda and pay as little as $0 for your first prescription. growing up in a little red house, and pay as little as $0 on the edge of a forest in norway, there were three things my family encouraged: kindness, honesty and hard work. over time, i've come to add a fourth: be curious. be curious about the world around us, and then go. go with an open heart, and you will find inspiration anew. viking. exploring the world in comfort. every day in business brings something new. so get the flexibility of the new mobile service designed for your small business. introducing comcast business mobile. you get the most reliable network with nationwide 5g included. and you can get unlimited data for just $30 per line per month when you get four lines or mix and match data options. available now for comcast business internet customers with no line-activation fees or term contract required. see if you can save by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities. it is 19 past the hour and right now, a cdc advisory panel is meeting to discuss the pfizer covid-19 vaccine for children, the dose for children is one third the amount of the one for adults. it's differentiated with that special orange cap on the top. the vaccine granted emergency use authorization from the fda last week for kids ages 5 to 11. now the cdc has the final say. a director, dr. rochelle walensky's word, providers across the nation will have permission to administer the shot. i want to bring in dr. nahid bhadelia, director at the boston university center for infectious diseases and policy research. she's also an msnbc contributor. doctor, it's great seeing you this morning. yesterday, the white house's jeffrey zions pushed back saying that they need time to make it to vaccination sites. there's been confusion it seems with the wl rollout in the past what needs this time around to fworkt rollout to run smoothly? >> the doses initially announced were 20 million. what we heard yesterday was about 15 million of these doses, as soon as the committee, the advisory committee today, and the cdc director signed off on it, will make their way to the pharmacy pediatrics, pediatrician's offices, children's hospitals and, you know, but as soon as they're approved is to try to get parents to be able to access it through a if you go to that after today, you'll be able to find those areas around you that are carrying the pediatric vaccine. so the interesting thing here is that because it's, as you said, it's a different dosing, pfizer has had to re-vial these and send these out in a separate bottle to reduce confusion. we're also going to see that the initial distribution of this is going to be by the proportion of kids that are in that age group in every state, and what jeff zients has said, from there onwards, they'll ask for more and getting more. the current survey shows that parents are kind of divided one third, one third, one third. they'll immediately get their kids vaccinated, one third are in the wait-and-see group, and one third are saying they're not going to -- they're not ready to vaccinate their kids. and i think some of that's from just confusion about the information around the vaccines themselves. but i do hope today's advisory committee will allay some of those fears by presenting the safety data from these randomized control trials. >> so the distribution pipeline already exists, right, for pfizer. i recall that there had to be some special refrigeration issues, both in transportation and in storing that. >> that's right. it does, and in many of these, pediatrician's offices may already have been carrying pfizer vaccines for the kids that are over 12, right? they've been vaccinating kids over 12 for a while nap distribution already exists. it's getting these lower doses out for places where they need to go. and as i mentioned, i think that it's going to be on a rolling basis. what i do want to sort of stress to parents is that if you are considering vaccinating chased of the holidays, to try to access these vaccines right away, at least the one dose that's in, you need that second dose to be fully vaccinated. and so if you're traveling with your kids this holiday, still take all of these precautions, the masking, taking the rapid tests with you, making sure the adults around them are vaccinated as well. >> and doctor, do we expect that children will have the same reaction to the pfizer vaccine than adults did? >> so that's exactly right, jose and the studies have shown that the kind of side effect, the adverse effects have been very similar, the fever, the muscle pain, feeling a bit run down for a couple of days. none of these -- a couple of things that parents have been hearing about, there's a concern in adolescents of this condition called myocarditis, this inflammation of the heart. and we have to sort of put this in perspective. so the data we have, those cases have occurred in adolescents at the rate in 15 to 16-year-olds, you're looking at a rate of 70 per million. in the 12 to 15-year-olds, it's about 40 per million. 95% of those cases are self-resolving. kids don't need medical care. and we haven't seen any of those cases in the 5 to 11 groups in the randomized trials. if it does exist, i'm sure there'll be some cases. it's very rare. and the rare side effects are actually really quite rare and the common side effects are very similar to what the adults are experiencing with our boosters and of course our primary series. >> dr. nahid bhadelia, thank you very much for being with me this morning. appreciate it. up next, mi amigo steve kornacki is at the big board with a look at the new jersey gubernatorial race. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. ♪ ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ mm. [ clicks tongue ] i don't know. i think they look good, man. mm, smooth. uh, they are a little tight. like, too tight? might just need to break 'em in a little bit. you don't want 'em too loose. for those who were born to ride there's progressive. with 24/7 roadside assistance. -okay. think i'm gonna wear these home. -excellent choice. doesn't your family deserve the best? eggland's best eggs. classic, cage free, and organic. more delicious, farm-fresh taste. plus, superior nutrition. which is now more important than ever. because the way we care... is anything but ordinary. only eggland's best. ♪♪ 28 past the hour now. turning to new jersey for another closely watched governor's race. while polling there favors phil murphy, he's fighting to become the state's first democratic governor to win re-election in more than 40 years. new jersey voters have until 8:00 p.m. eastern to call and cast their ballots before the polls close there. for more on the race, i'm joined by nbc news national political correspondent, steve kornacki. great to see you. let's talk first about new jersey. what are you looking for there? >> you mentioned it, jose. 1977, brendan burn, the last democratic governor who got himself re-elected in new jersey. phil murphy now, as you say, the polls show that he's the favorite here over jack ciattarelli, his republican opponent. let's give you kind of the lay of the land in new jersey. this is obviously a blue state. this was decisively for biden. 16 points last year. new jersey in a presidential race hasn't gone republican since back in 1988. but more recently, there is a republican who won a governor's race, won two governor's races in new jersey. that was chris christie. chris christie got himself elected a little bit more than a decade ago, in 2009. re-elected in 2013. if ciattarelli is going to pull off a surprise tonight, a couple of places we're going look on this map when the votes start coming in. the first thing to keep in mind here is some big, high proposition, very democratic areas. essex county right where newark is. hudson county, across the hudson river from new york city. these two counties right here are big, big-time vote producers for democrats. so one of the reasons republicans start in a hole, essex, camden county down south. we'll take a look tonight. bergen county. this is the biggest county in the state, nearly a million people. suburbs of new york city. you can see the result here, closely mirrored the statewide result in the 2020 presidential election. biden carried bergen by 15 points. this could be a bellwether as we watch the results tonight. there are also some republicans in the old days, the christie days, when republicans could win in new jersey, used to dlir huge margins, talk about monmouth county. trump won monmouth county by less than three points. when christie was winning statewide in new jersey, he could win monmouth by 30 points. so if there's going to be a surprise here tonight in new jersey, we're going to see ciattarelli start rolling up numbers here that republicans haven't seen in some time. we'll get a sense, polls closing at 8:00 p.m. in new jersey. we'll get a sense if he's on the path to doing that and have a surprise. >> give us a photo of virginia at this hour. >> let's take a look over here at the virginia map. new jersey, we say, was a ten-point state for joe biden in 2020. virginia -- excuse me, was a 16. virginia was a ten-point state. this went on paper, more in reach for the republicans. you can see here, the democratic margin in virginia comes from northern virginia, high population, suburbs outside washington, d.c. also, democrats lately, hen rico county, chesterfield county, right outside of richmond. democrats have been driving up numbers in those places, as well. so one question we're looking at tonight, glenn youngkin, his campaign. they've really made ate priority. they think they can make inroads in the suburbs of d.c. and richmond, places where donald trump really put republicans in the hole the last couple of elections. can they make those inroads there? also, you've got to look at the shenandoah valley, southwestern virginia. core republican areas. rural. very heavily republican. very heavily pro-trump. can youngkin get the same kind of support in this region that donald trump did? because trump did better than republicans have historically done in a lot of these counties. and we'll also be certainly looking -- if you're looking for a bellwether, i said, in new jersey, bergen. in virginia, virginia beach. the biggest city in the state. 450,000 people. it actually went for trump in 2016. flipped to biden in 2020. that could be a big tale tonight, how virginia beach goes. >> steve, tell me about the latino vote, specifically in virginia. >> yeah, it could be crucial here, jose. you're talking about statewide, a little bit more than 10% of the population. latinos -- it's also a fast-growing segment of the population, particularly in a couple of places. i can show you, prince william county here. again, talking about northern virginia, heavily populated, an area that's been swinging towards the democrats in recent times. one of the reasons prince william county has become such a big democratic county, there's been a large increase in the latino population that's been favoring democrats. you're looking at about a quarter of the population. about 25%, the adult population, in prince william county is latino. this is one place we're going to look. i'll give you another one that's interesting here. go out here. the city of winchester, a small city, a rapidly growing hispanic population in winchester, virginia, and this is one of these areas that's went big towards biden in 2020. it will be very interesting to me to see if glenn youngkin is doing really well in like a winchester tonight, maybe he's made some inroads with hispanic voters. we're just moments away from president biden delivering remarks at an event at the climate summit. we'll bring you there live. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. ve you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. frequent heartburn? 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[beep] i just wanted to say... ♪ find yourself in these situations and see who you are. and that's just part of the bargain. ♪ to make progress, we must keep taking steps forward. we believe the future of energy is lower carbon. and to get there, the world needs to reduce global emissions. at chevron, we're taking action. tying our executives' pay to lowering the carbon emissions intensity of our operations. it's tempting to see how far we've come. but it's only human... to know how far we have to go. it's already been a busy day at the on-26 international climate summit in scotland, where the biden administration rolled out two historic deals. just last hour, biden announcing a commitment in collaboration with 90 governments to curb methane emissions coupled with a new domestic initiative to regulate methane at u.s. oil and gas rigs. also today, more than 100 world leaders vowed to end deforestation in a $19 billion pledge of private and public funds. the countries that signed the agreement are home to 85% of the earth's forests. joining me now from scotland, is nbc's josh letterman. great seeing you. tell us about this methane commitment. what does it mean for us here in the states? >> reporter: this is one of the biggest actions president biden has taken domestically on climate change so far, putting for the first time, about a million oil and gas wells in the united states under federal regulation. now, the obama administration had started regulations on new wells that were rolled back under president trump, but this is the first time the u.s. is going after existing wells. one really interesting part of this, the oil and gas industry, they are onboard. they have seen the writing on the wall for a long time on this. and we've heard from the american petroleum institute just a few minutes ago, the big oil and gas lobby saying they're reviewing this, but they are supportive of direct federal regulation of methane, which is a very know greenhouse gas. >> josh letterman, thank you very much. appreciate that. it is 39 past the hour. time now for a check of headlines beyond our borders. we begin with breaking news of an explosion in kabul, afghanistan, that left at least three people dead. at least 16 wounded. joining us now with more is nbc's claudia, we're having audio difficulties with claudio lavangia in rome. here's some video of this, that has left 16 wounded and three killed in the afghan capital. still ahead, senator joe manchin says he won't be pressured into supporting president biden's economic plan. we'll talk to teresa ledger fernandez when we come back. le fernandez when we come back. this... is the planning effect. this is how it feels to know you have a wealth plan that covers everything that's important to you. this is what it's like to have a dedicated fidelity advisor looking at your full financial picture. making sure you have the right balance of risk and reward. and helping you plan for future generations. this is "the planning effect" from fidelity. bipolar depression. it made me feel like i was trapped in a fog. this is art inspired by real stories of people living with bipolar depression. i just couldn't find my way out of it. the lows of bipolar depression can take you to a dark place... ...and be hard to manage. latuda could make a real difference in your symptoms. latuda was proven to significantly reduce bipolar depression symptoms and in clinical studies, had no substantial impact on weight. this is where i want to be. latuda is not for everyone. call your doctor about unusual mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. elderly dementia patients on latuda have an increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, as these may be life threatening... ...or uncontrollable muscle movements, as these may be permanent. these are not all the serious side effects. now i'm back where i belong. ask your doctor about latuda and pay as little as $0 for your first prescription. ♪ say it's all right ♪ and pay as little as $0 ♪ say it's all right, it's all right ♪ ♪ have a good time 'cause it's all right ♪ ♪ now listen to the beat ♪ ♪ kinda pat your feet ♪ ♪ it's all right ♪ ♪ have a good time 'cause it's all right ♪ ♪ oh, it's all right ♪ ♪ (man) still asleep. (woman vo) so, where to next? (vo) reflect on the past, celebrate the future. season's greetings from audi. 44 past the hour. now to capitol hill where the path forward for president biden's agenda still remains unclear, one day after he said he was not sold on the framework of a bill to reshape the social safety net, west virginia senator joe manchin told reporters just a short time ago he did not sign off on that plan. and he had this to say when asked about democrats who accuse him of throwing a curveball while president biden was out of the country. >> i think basically it's time to do something. the president is over there. he went there. he asked for something before he left and everyone ignored it. i didn't ignore it and i thought of something that could have been done that was a very easy ask. vote for the bipartisan infrastructure bill, would have helped an awful lot and it does an awful lot. more than we've ever done before. they can't even do that, because they're saying it's not the perfect and it's going to be enemy of the good if we don't sit down and be rationale about what we're doing. >> joining me now, cofounder of punch bowel news. jake, good morning. what should we make of what senator manchin is saying today? >> well, we should make that he's not a party to whatever deal exists. and i'm not sure that there is a deal that exists at this moment, between the white house and house democrats or whoever -- whatever deal exists. let's put it that way, joe manchin is just not a part of it. joe manchin made clear yesterday that he's not for, "a," being held hostage on the build back better act in exchange for the infrastructure vote. he's basically going to take his time and control the process, as he sees hit. and he's now at complete odds with progressive democrats and progressive democrats are now saying, well, let's pass it all, and they're trying to clean their hands of it. so listen, at the end of the day, the house is going to probably vote for a bill, the build back better act, this week, next week, or the week after that doesn't have joe manchin's buy-in. the risk is that manchin, when it gets to the senate and gets changed, that's risk that a lot of house democrats will have to live with. >> what are the big issues still remaining to deal with, as far as democrats are concerned, to get this through the house and the senate? >> yeah, so nancy pelosi was just in a closed party meeting in the capitol a couple of minutes ago. i was over there staking it out. she told house democrats there are a couple of issues that are hanging out there, as you have on the screen. precipitation drug prices, immigration, and those are the two big ones, frankly. immigration being possibly chief among them. here's the problem with immigration. you could craft an immigration plan over in the house of representatives, send it over to the senate, and then it's subject to the senate's arcane budget rules. it needs to go through what we call a birdbath. a birdbath to make sure that all of the policies in the bill comply to budget resolutions and are a little bit more complicated than we have time to get into. but there's no way to predict whether they will fall within those guidelines. so house democrats could be giving their approval to a bill they'll eventually have to change. moderates might be voting for immigration policy that could be stripped out of the bill. there's no guarantees here. a lot of complicated dynamics. by the way, medicare expansion, a massive, massive policy. still unsolved. so let's put it this way, quite simply. all of the big policies across the board are not decided on. so to say that they're close to an agreement is not exactly tethered to reality. >> jake sherman, thank you for bringing that up, i really appreciate it. thanks so much. with me now to continue our conversation is new mexico democratic congresswoman, teresa ledger fernandez. she's a member of the congressional progressive and hispanic caucuses. it's great to see you, congressman, thank you for being with me. let's talk about this issue that jake was talking about. where do thing stands with the bipartisan infrastructure bill. where we are at, we are working on finalizing the language, so that we all know on the house side exactly what's in the bill and that is what we are doing. we want to make sure that we have all the language in there. that we are addressing issues with our senate colleagues. there are discussions going on between the house and the senate. and in the progressive caucus and the hispanic congressional caucus and the democratic caucus, you are feeling a sense of mechanism and determination to get things done. the other thing is, we are energized by what is in there. there's been a lot of agreement on many key issues and we are energized to talk about what's in that bill. and i would love to talk more about that. >> well, you and i can talk about that, because i'm really interested in your perspective. i want to say, what are the issues that for you are paramount. that are must issues? >> well, one, we are addressing legislation that is going to transform the ability of women and in my community, the latino community and the native american communities that i work with to be able to create community to rise up and that starts with early pre-k, early childhood education, and kmik. that allows women to get back to work, and it makes such a benefit for our children. we know that they're educated, when they're young, i was a head start baby myself. that's where i fell in love with learning. i want everybody to have that opportunity, because they do better throughout life. so we are investing in our very youngest in this bill. that's a priority. what we are doing around immigration is not just the immigration reform that we are seeking to help millions, but also, we have in the bill, the fact that all children, regardless of your immigration status will be eligible for the child tax credit. all students, regardless of your immigration status will be eligible for federal financial aid. those are big victories for us, that we are very proud of. and that we are energized by. >> there's another issue that has been victories we are proud of and energized by. >> there's another issue that has been unresolved since 2010, which is how about everybody regardless of their immigration status have access to health care and health insurance, something that really has been an impossibility for millions in this country? >> right. that is another issue. what we are also trying to do in the bill is make sure we expand the access for all to medicaid. we're doing that by expanding the access through the affordable care act, which it shouldn't matter where you live whether ir able to get access to health insurance. that is something we are doing in this bill. >> your district covers the northern half of new mexico, home to a significant native american operation. what will the bill do to help indigenous people in our country? >> we fought hard to make sure we had investments in the bill. it is going to focus on health care. over $1 billion will help in terms of building indian health service facilities or those owned by tribes. when tribes operate their own facilities, it's phenomenal. there's a lot of climate resilience. tribes have been some of the hardest hit in terms of where the climate crisis is having negative impacts. we're going to have a range of funding in there. it's the largest investment we have ever made in indian country is in the reconciliation bill, the build back better act. >> let's make a deal. let's continue this conversation going forward. >> absolutely. it's a deal. coming up, the day of the dead. morgan ratford is going to be here. that's outside 30 rock. that is a beautiful exhibit. a b. you're an owner with access to financial advice, tools and a personalized plan that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. ♪ ♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. - grammarly business turned my marketing team ♪ into rock stars. (diana strums guitar) maya swears by grammarly business because it keeps her work on brand and error-free. fast and easy. - [announcer] learn more at still fresh unstopables in-wash scent booster downy unstopables let's go to the white house. take a look at this video. this is an offering for the day of the dead. there you see our lady of guadalupe inside the white house. they're missing offerings for those who have already gone before us. what a beautiful offering. it's a tradition originating in mexico that honors family members and friends who have passed away. with me now at the day of the dead display at rockefeller plaza is morgan ratford. it's a celebration and a remembrance of our ancestors. >> reporter: that's what this exhibit is really all about. what's interesting is that a lot of people confuse it with halloween. it is a completely separate dade. a completely separate tradition. it's not about being scary or spooky. instead, it's about comfort. it's a celebration gone global. day of the dead is a mexican tradition that's more than 3,000 years old. still being celebrated today. from popular movies for kids. >> welcome to the land of your ancestors. >> reporter: to parades in the heart of mexico. and right here at home. >> this is a very special day for the mexicans. now in new york at rockefeller center it's magnificent. >> reporter: from north carolina to kentucky and colorado. >> well, i think i'm done. >> reporter: the two-day holiday is to unite the living with the dead. >> it's to remember what's important. >> reporter: the deceased are said to come back at midnight for offerings. did you do this all by yourself? >> yes, all by myself. >> reporter: isabel hernandez created a 15-foot high offering in her chicago neighborhood to honor those who died. >> this year and last year it was very depressing seeing friends, family die of this virus. so i just wanted to lift up the spirits and remember even though they're gone, they will never be forgotten. >> reporter: those who celebrate now is the time to honor tradition. whether through collective commemoration or tiny altars made by children. a moment to honor the legacy and thecircle of life. jose, as you know, covid has disproportionately impacted the latino community. a lot of people weren't able to mourn properly or together with their loved ones which is why it's so important to collectively remember. you can see the traditional mexican folkloric art behind me. that wraps up the hour for me. i'm jose diaz balart. follow the show online. thank you for the privilege of your time. craig melvin picks up with more news right now. a good tuesday morning to you. craig melvin here from msnbc world headquarters in new york city. breathe it all in, folks. smells like another election day. polls are open. we are watching several critical races. the big one, the bell weather battleground in virginia. president biden is on the trail for mcauliffe. former president trump has thrown his weight behind youngkin. steve kornacki at the big board ready to dig into the state of

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Voters , Children , Indian Country , Polls , Parents , Vaccines , Cdc , Stephanie Ruhle , Coverage , Anywhere , Friend , Colleague , Breaking News Coverage , Jose Diaz Balart , America , Eastern , Coast To , Pacific , Sec , 7 , 00 , 10 , Hasn T , Populous City In Virginia , Governor , Elections , New Jersey , Results , Eyes , Phil Murphy , Clue , Democratic , Cities , Advisory Panel , Leaders , Unrest , Towns , New York , Boston , Miami , Minneapolis , Covid Front , 45 , President , Vaccine , Pfizer , Methane Emissions , World Leaders , Use , Trip , Climate Change , Biden Rounds , 11 , 5 , Joe Biden , Lot , Deal , Home , Congress , Election Day , Parties , Saying , Virginians Haven T , Polling , Line , Heat , Candidates , Richmond , Catie Beck , Issues , Education , Economy , Jeff Shapiro , Heidi Przybyla , Top , Virginia Voters , Minds , Richmond Times Dispatch , Reporter , Ground , Barometer , Match , Virginia Beach , Glenn Youngkin , Trump , Person , Hearing , Individuals , Control , Classroom , Race Theory , Notion , People , Issue , Course , Voter , Evidence , Polling Location , Listen , One , Jose , Things , Kids , Republican , Parent , Side , Enthusiasm , Responsibility , Part , No Denying , State , Ballots , Audrey , Numbers , Morning , Turnout Push , Demographic , Terms , African American , Enthusiasm Levels , Win , Terry Mcauliffe , Wins , Millennials , Anxiety , Base , Smoke , Election , Talk , Democrats , Kind , Mentioning , Katie , Fact , Points , What S Going On , Explanation , 2020 , Ten , Donald Trump , Candidate , Best , Rallies , Start , Campaign , Virginia Republicans , Telerally , Supporters , Campaign Ads , Platform , Name , Last Night , Turnout , Distance , Factor , Separation , History , Party , White House , Virgin , Sort , Votes , Result , Hope , Margins , Sides , Campaign Trail , Totals , Tallies , Figures , Aisle , World , Governorship , Affirmation , Blue Cast , Wall , Spirits , Level , Problems , Buoyancy , Dirkering , States , Message , Democrats Aren T Safe , 2022 , House , Senate , System , Who , Voting , Evening , Fairfax County , Example , Vote , Vote Trove , Washington D C , Lead , Red Wave , Wave , Look , Group , Asian American , Pacific Islanders Community , Member , Virginia House Of Delegates , State Legislature , Secretary , Aapi Caucus , Suhas , Significance , Aapi , First , District , South Asian , Voting Block , 30 , Grassroots , Involvement , Green Card , Citizes , H 1b Visas , 1 , State Population , Government , Aapi Representation , Levels , Indian American , Doctors , Ceremony , Swearing , Lawyers , Engineers , 400 , Sense , Impact , Family , Public Service , Blueprint , Asian American Community Today , 70 , Loudoun County , Many , Port Of Entry , Mother , Ellis Island , Dulles Airport , Difference , Contributions , Businesses , Government Contracting , Hundreds Of Thousands Asian Americans , Madison , Two , Asian American Vote , Arena , Canvas Launches , Four , Three , Agenda , Events , Msnbc , Community , Migrants , Races , Headlines , Border Crossings , It S Time , Tracking , Texas , 75 , 1960 , Doors , Woman , Weekend , Truck , Trailer , Border Stop , 58 , Increase , Steve Patterson , Mexico Border , Nbc , San Diego , Ocean Barrier , California , Something , Stories , Series , Coast , High , Tragedy , Dozens , Exemplified , Agents , U S Customs And Border Protection , Cpr , Border Fence , Tijuana , Driver , Story , Immigration Inspection , Water , Adult Mexican Nationals Into Custody , Coast Guard , Texas Mirgs , 36 , 13 , Custody , Refrigerator , Outside , Temperature Set , 12 , Police Officers , Change , Judge , Chicago , Vaccine Mandates , Record Keeping , Big Change , City , Lori Lightfoot , Union , Police , Major , Victory , Arbitration , December 31st Mandate , 31 , December 31st , Officers , Vaccinations , Effect , Vaccination Stouts , Arbitrator , Battle , Requirement , Employees , Right , Objections , Status , Law Enforcement Officers , Lowest , Department , Police Department , 500 , 71 , American Airlines , Flights , Thousands , Flight Cancellations , Pandemic , Airline Passengers , Trouble , Friendly Skies , Airline , Another , Number , Cancellations , Flight Tracker , Monday Afternoon , 375 , 376 , 2000 , Thanks , Weather , Staffing Shortages , Schedule , Disruptions , Los Angeles , 14 , Doctor , Steve Kornacki , Race , Decisions , Time , Jose Diaz Balart Reports , Rollout , Beat , Feet , Medicare Expansion , Depression , Art , Fog , Latuda , Weight , Lows , Studies , Place , Symptoms , Adults , Everyone , Dementia Patients , Mood Changes , Thoughts , Behaviors , Antidepressants , Teens , Risk , Side Effects , Confusion , Muscle Pain , Movements , Muscles , Muscle , Stroke , Death , Life Threatening , Work , Prescription , Pay , Kindness , Little Red House , Forest , Edge , Honesty , Norway , , 0 , Heart , Inspiration , Fourth , Flexibility , Comfort , Small Business , Network , Service , Comcast Business Mobile , Nationwide 5g , Viking , Data , Contract , Lines , Business , Customers , Term , Internet , Match Data Options , Mix , Fees , Possibilities , Comcast Business , 19 , Dose , Meeting , Amount , Emergency Use Authorization , Orange Cap , Fda , Director , Nation , Nahid Bhadelia , Dr , Say , Shot , Providers , Permission , Word , Rochelle Walensky , Boston University Center For Infectious Diseases , Seeing , Contributor , Policy Research , Wl Rollout , Vaccination Sites , Jeffrey Zions , Doses , Fworkt , 15 Million , 20 Million , Committee , Offices , Pediatrician , Way , Pediatrics , It , Hospitals , Pharmacy , Areas , Thing , Vaccine Gov , Proportion , Distribution , Age Group , Dosing , Bottle , More , Survey , Jeff Zients , Third , Information , Some , Safety , Hope Today S Advisory Committee , Fears , Distribution Pipeline , Randomized Control Trials , These , Refrigeration , Transportation , Places , Nap Distribution , Basis , Stress , Vaccinating , Holidays , Holiday , Precautions , Tests , Reaction , Masking , Couple , Side Effect , Effects , Run , None , Cases , Perspective , Rate , Adolescents , Inflammation , Condition , Myocarditis , Concern , Put , 15 , 16 , Resolving , Kids Don T Need Medical Care , Haven T , 40 , 95 , Groups , Trials , Boosters , Up Next , Mi Amigo , Gubernatorial Race , Big Board , Ideas , Dark , Experience , Man , Tongue , Don T Know , Progressive , Em , Bit , Mm , Tight , You Don T Want , Uh , Roadside Assistance , Choice , 24 7 , Eggland , More Delicious , Doesn T , Eggs , Classic , Cage Free , Anything , Superior Nutrition , 28 , Fighting , Re Election , 8 , Correspondent , Nbc News , Let S Talk , Opponent , Favorite , Jack Ciattarelli , Brendan Burn , The Lay Of Land , 1977 , Blue State , Back , 1988 , Chris Christie , Surprise , 2013 , 2009 , The Big One , Counties , Essex County , Hudson County , Big Time , Map , Mind , Vote Producers , Newark , High Proposition , Hudson River , Hole , County , Suburbs , Camden County Down South , Bergen County , Reasons , A Million , Bellwether , Monmouth County , Monmouth , Dlir , Republicans Haven T , State , Path , Photo , Virginia Map , Northern Virginia , Margin , Hen Rico County , Reach , Paper , High Population , Priority , Inroads , Chesterfield County , D C , Question , Republicans , Southwestern Virginia , Shenandoah Valley , Core , Rural , Region , Support , Big Tale Tonight , 2016 , 2016 Flipped , 450000 , Population , Prince William County , Latinos , Segment , Times , Big Democratic County , Adult Population , City Of Winchester , Is Latino , 25 , Hispanic Population , Big Towards Biden , Event , Remarks , Climate Summit , Life , Challenge , Heartburn , Ve , Zero Heartburn , Prilosec Otc , 24 , Zero , Prilosecotc Dot Com , Music , Tm Light Under Control , Signature Gen , New York Times , Colors , Transitions , 4 , Situations , Bargain , Beep , Carbon , Energy , Make Progress , Action , Emissions , Carbon Emissions Intensity , Operations , Executives , Chevron , On 26 International Climate Summit In Scotland , Human , 26 , Commitment , Administration , Methane , Governments , Deals , Collaboration , Initiative , 90 , Agreement , Gas , Countries , Oil , Funds , Forests , Rigs , Deforestation , Pledge , Earth , 19 Billion , 85 , 100 , 9 Billion , Methane Commitment , Josh Letterman , Actions , Scotland , Wells , Regulation , Regulations , Obama , American Petroleum Institute , Oil And Gas Industry , Big Oil And Gas , Writing On The Wall , Greenhouse Gas , 39 , Borders , Breaking News , Explosion , Check , Afghanistan , Kabul , Audio Difficulties , Claudia , Senator Manchin , Video , Afghan Capital , In Rome , Claudio Lavangia , Plan , Teresa Ledger Fernandez , Planning Effect , Wealth , Everything , Le Fernandez , Fidelity , Balance , Advisor , Generations , Picture , Reward , Bipolar Depression , Woman Vo , Vo , Season , Greetings , Capitol Hill , Framework , Audi , 44 , Bill , Reporters , West Virginia , Curveball , Social Safety Net , Infrastructure Bill , Rationale , Enemy , Punch Bowel News , Jake , Cofounder , House Democrats , Whoever , Hit , Infrastructure Vote , Act , Build , Exchange , Hostage , Process , Being , Hands , Odds , Nancy Pelosi , Immigration , Immigration Plan , Problem , Screen , Precipitation Drug Prices , Big Ones , Birdbath , Policies , House Of Representatives , Resolutions , Budget Rules , Subject , Immigration Policy , Moderates , Guidelines , Approval , Guarantees , Board , Dynamics , Conversation , New Mexico , Reality , Jake Sherman , Congresswoman , Caucuses , Congressman , Let , Language , Know , Colleagues , Discussions , Caucus , Determination , Mechanism , Hispanic Congressional Caucus , Progressive Caucus , Women , Communities , Legislation , Ability , Native American , Paramount , Childhood , Starts , Pre K , Benefit , Kmik , Everybody , Head Start , Opportunity , Baby , Learning , Love , Immigration Status , Millions , Immigration Reform , Child Tax Credit , Students , Victories , Federal Financial Aid , 2010 , Health Care , Health Insurance , Impossibility , Access , Affordable Care Act , Shouldn T , Medicaid , Operation , Half , Investments , 1 Billion , Billion , Tribes , Facilities , Indian Health Service , Investment , Impacts , Funding , Climate Resilience , Climate Crisis , Range , Reconciliation Bill , Let S Make A Deal , Rockefeller Plaza Is Morgan Ratford , Coming Up , Exhibit , Owner , Future , Advice , Tools , 30 Rock , Vanguard , Grammarly Business , Marketing Team , Maya , Rock Stars , Error , Brand , Grammarly , Diana Strums Guitar , Let S Go , Announcer , Grammarly Com Business , Offering , Our Lady Of Guadalupe , Offerings , Friends , Family Members , Tradition Originating , Celebration , Display , Is , Ancestors , Remembrance , Halloween , Tradition , Dade , Land , Movies , Mexican , 3000 , Parades , Mexicans , Rockefeller Center , Colorado , North Carolina , Kentucky , Living With The Dead , Deceased , High Offering , Neighborhood , Yes , Isabel Hernandez , Virus , Commemoration , Altars , Legacy , Thecircle , Loved Ones , Traditional Mexican Folkloric Art , Diaz Balart , Privilege , Show , News , Msnbc World Headquarters , Craig Melvin , Battleground , Folks , Smells , Trail , Former , Big Board Ready ,

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