Transcripts For MSNBC Andrea Mitchell Reports 20240709 : com

Transcripts For MSNBC Andrea Mitchell Reports 20240709

president john f. kennedy, the only other roman catholic president, met with pope paul vi. president biden has developed a personal relationship wit the pontiff after he comforted the bynes after the death of their son beau. joining us peter alexander, senior vatican analyst george waggle, chair of catholic studies at the ethics and public policy center and francis clon, adviser to the biden administration will help us lead the climate discussion about the policy going forward. first of all, peter alexander, just now, it was hard to hear, so again we apologize to viewers, but presidents biden and macron speaking to the press moments ago and there have been apologies all around or at least trying to pass over different -- patch over differences. >> andrea, i think that's right. this was significant. it was one of the one-on-one meetings the president would have over the course of the european tour we had been circling for, significant given that the french, the oldest ally, had recalled their ambassador after that diplomatic dispute over a nuclear submarine deal where france was cut out of a deal ultimately sealed between the uk, australia and the united states, costing the french more than $60 billion. the president in his remarks moments ago, described it as clumsy, saying he was under the impression that that deal had fallen through with the french long before that and that they had been aware of the circumstances before america and the uk and australia ultimately inked that deal. but there were certainly moments that made this significant today. seeing those two men together, seeing the french president who often speaks in his -- in french in his native tongue speaking before world audiences, speaking in english as the two men try to sort of heal this breach. it's relevant for a lot of reasons. among them, the fact that the u.s. does rely on france for so many of its efforts across the planet, not the least of which what took place in afghanistan in recent months and hoping the french will continue to be good allies in spite of this recent dispute. >> let's talk about the president's meeting with pope francis at the vatican. so important to president biden. this is a man who is deeply devout. we know how often he attends mass here in washington or wilmington and he's developed a personal history with the pope. >> this was certainly a personal highlight for the president as he begins this nearly week-long tour of europe the first stop being here at the vatican. of it back in 1980 when senator biden met with pope john paul ii and that meeting lasted 40 seconds and being extraordinarily long. today the visit almost twice that length going 75 minutes where the two met privately in the papal library. among the takeaways from the visit, they have developed a personal connection, the president with later visits was asked to pull back the curtain on the visit and said that pope, pope francis, said he was a good catholic and said that he should continue to receive communion, which was notable because many american bishops have sparked controversy saying catholic politicians, including president biden, should not receive communion for their support of abortion rights. andrea? >> and want to bring in george waggle, of course, president biden in meeting with the pope and in passing on that information about communion, that's been a controversy, at least raised political issue here for the president, certainly some of his political critics have been trying to exploit it. >> andrea, this is all very interesting to me. the fact that yesterday the vatican, i think to all of our surprise, pulled back from live video coverage of this meeting, suggests to me, at least, that they did not want this, the vatican did not want to turn this meeting into some sort of a campaign stop for the president. they wanted to focus on the personal conversation. secondly, it's interesting to me that the vatican's statement on of what discussed did not mention this highly contentious question of the president's support of what the pope described in a press conference on the way back from slovakia a few weeks ago as homicide. the vatican said nothing about any conversation between the pope and the president on this issue. i think this is an ongoing story, as i understand it right before we came on air, the latest comment from the vatican was that they had no comment on the president's comment. we'll see if they have a comment later, but this question is not going away. >> it's so very interesting. francis clon, let me bring you in and talk about the president arriving without everything he wanted, of course, on climate, but so much still significant in the package as it exists despite the efforts by senator manchin to veto, you know, a central part of the climate program. talk about what you think is important and can be really accomplished? >> i think this is a historic package. as we saw with the framework that the president presented yesterday, this is a half trillion dollar investment in a transition to a clean energy economy. but it is much more than that. what we're talking about here is clean energy that will spur wind and solar and more clean energy that reduces costs for american families, $500 annually. millions of jobs over the next decade for americans. it means parents will be able to send their kids to school in electric busses and be able to afford electric vehicles. it will means that the very damaging effects of climate change that we've seen this very year, $90 billion in loss and damages, will be able with climate action to stave off the worst of the impacts that would only get that much more severe. >> francis, the absence, though, of course, of president xi of china not participating, he will have a virtual presentation when they get to glasgow, but not participating here where a lot of nuts and bolts will be done at the g-20 in terms of pressuring other countries to deliver more, china being so critical, and frankly some internal disputes between those in the administration and the nsc who don't want to -- want to pressure china because of its military aggressions, taiwan and hong kong, and john kerry, wanting to win concessions from the chinese and take a different posture. so there hasn't been a united front on china. >> yeah. it's definitely -- it would be great if china were to show up with, and put forward many -- a more ambitious target for reaching the reduction in emissions the world needs to reach by 2030, 50% by 2030 and net zero by 2050. it's what the science tells us very clearly that we're not on track right now with business as usual to meet that goal. that climate test that we're pressuring congress on of meeting that goal. what it's going to take is, the united states showing up again to the climate table after four years of absence in a credible way. this framework that the president presented yesterday does that. it tells the world that president from day one was willing to negotiate with congress, was willing to put forwards the mo important and aggressive actions from across the government on regulation and will continue to do that, and that he is telling countries, hey, look at what i'm willing to do at home. now it's time for you to step up and do the same. >> and peter, finally, just some color from your trip, from one of the pool reports, indicated that because of covid rule, that there are so few people in each car, there was actually i would think a record-breaking 85 car presidential motorcade. i can't imagine that in the traffic of rome. >> exactly. certainly they had a police escort that made it easier. but 85 cars is a ton for a motorcade that's traditionally -- that is due to this covid crises the pandemic that plague the planet. because they can only have four individuals in each one of the vans as a member of the press who travel in the motor cade. they like to pack you in. due to the circumstances it was a different situation. >> what a way to see rome, though. peter alexander, thank you so much. george waggle, as always your insights so important to us. and francis clon, thanks for being with us today. in the works, president biden leaving d.c. with a lot left over. the details of his legislative agenda still in process. how it's going to work out. we've got the experts coming up next. this is "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. this is "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. si ty, you can finish your degree faster, and for less money. transfer up to 90 college credits toward your bachelor's degree. - i was able to transfer a lot of my credits and it made it easier for me knowing that i don't have to start all over again. - definitely lowered the cost by being able to transfer those credits in. - [narrator] get more transfer credits, pay less tuition. now that's something to celebrate. apply free at this is... ♪ ♪ this is iowa. we just haven't been properly introduced. say hello to the place where 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kristen, right off of the annual fabulous "today" show halloween presentation. >> that was a quick change. >> very quick change. that was taped. >> so, garrett, let's talk about they came up empty. nancy pelosi's body language was so significant watching her day by day, the optimism and then sort of the fall bravado. >> we found ourselves in a groundhog situation from the end of september where the president came to the hill, a big push to pass something and the votes weren't there. there's a sense among democrats this is now a matter of when, not if they will get these pieces of legislation through. the progressives who blocked the infrastructure vote yesterday simultaneously endorsed the framework for the bigger bill here. they're not so frustrated they're not ready to move. the big question, joe manchin and kirsten sinema who had every opportunity yesterday and since to come out and endorse this framework and haven't done so. >> it is a product of what was possible based on their objections to a number of things. i am impressed, talking to francis colon, an adviser on climate, when you look at the details maybe we haven't reported the climate sufficiently. there's a lot in there. >> hundreds of millions of dollars. >> not enough to get to the big goals. >> but enough for president biden, the white house would argue, to go to this climate summit and say, he is on the cusp of doing something significant and that's really the framing that you heard from the president yesterday when he spoke from the east room of the white house after he had been on capitol hill trying to twist elbows, they are going to sell this as transformational even though so much has been cut out including paid family leave as you have been reporting on as well as tuition-free community college. i was at the white house la night talking to senior administration officials saying they are are in a stronger place than they were, the day did not unfold as they hoped, they wanted that vote on infrastructure, so the president had something to show for it on the world stage, but they believe they have a wink and nod from sinema and manchin as garrett points out what would be more helpful if they came out and gave a full throated endorsement of it. i think one of the things we're watching, is this a done deal some as we've been reporting, there's still a lot of people who want to see paid leave back in. that's something a lot of people are going to be fighting for to the bitter end. >> as you know, i was talking to this young woman, a kindergarten teacher in virginia, and could not -- doesn't have paid family leave, neither does her husband, neither do her brothers so her sister-in-law quit her job to take care of their ailing mother who -- this woman, never a smoker, diagnosed with stage four lung cancer and needed care and she was kind enough amazing throw sit down with me, her mother died two days earlier, the night before la, and here she has a 12 week old baby to take care of. they've exhausted their savings just to take the time off for maternity leave. >> this is a popular policy item here. there's a ton of emotional cache to it. people are invested in this. democrats ran on it in the last election cycle and some of the big advocates including kirsten gillibrand say they're not giving up this fight until the bill is on the floor. that's the case in a lot of issues. you can do this when it's a framework not a piece of legislation. there are several issues like that where individual lawmakers or groups of lawmakers have said look, we support this in general but there is still room to add more to it. we may see that with paid leave. gillibrand is committed to continuing to chase joe manchin around the senate like she's one of us in the press corps. >> she's a tiger as did patty murray. the paid for has come up with 1.75 but they have 1.95 so they've got, you know, some money to play with there. >> they do. gillibrand is making the argument to manchin it's not a significant amount of money in the grand scope of this broader framework that they're debating, and it really is joe manchin because the other moderate senator sinema, has signaled she would support paid leave. >> and one quick point about the g-20, he's at the g-20, he's the leader of the only country in the 20 wealthiest countries in the world who don't have paid leave, which is very quickly, garrett, i'm sorry, wanted to mention adam kinzinger, not a surprise, they lost a seat in illinois, he's going to retire and not run again. clearly he's been isolated from his party by his stance on the january 6th insurrection and if that seat is going to go, he clearly would be gerrymandered. >> kinzinger was in a bad spot. he's been isolated from his party, a man alone, he and liz cheney the only vocal anti-trump republicans left in the party. his seat he would have been having to run against another incumbent republican. illinois losing a seat and blue state, state democrats are happy to pit him against another republican. i think it makes the liz cheney primary race, as if this wasn't already the most important and interesting primary in the country, more so now. something we'll all be watching over the next year. >> you're going to be coanchoring with chuck tuesday night so we're all excited about the coverage. >> all of this -- >> mcauliffe of course. >> all will have big implications for the other race we will be watching the virginia gubernatorial race which is going to be a nail biter and you will be with us. >> i certainly will be. >> it's going to be a late night. >> that's okay. >> thank so much. great to see you both. joining me now, dell democratic senator chris coons. thank you very much. you've had talks with senator manchin i know about where things stand. i want to start with family leave because, you know, the interviews i've done and the statistics on it are awful. only 23% of people in the private sector, you know, have family leave, paid family leave. that's an appalling number for our country. >> andrea, there are important priorities that many of us will continue to press forward, prescription drug price negotiation, paid family leave, are high on the list. it's important for your viewers to realize the major development yesterday was that the congressional progressive caucus, most likely to say no to this deal in the house, endorsed the framework and both senator manchin and senator sinema made public and private statements that this is a framework they can work with, that they look forward to getting this done. so although there wasn't a final vote on on the infrastructure deal or this package last night i am confident that it's a matter of when, not if, this bold $1.75 trillion investment in areas from howing, elder care, day care and pre-k, will move forward and president biden can go to the glasgow world conference on climate change confident he has a path forward of making investment in american history in combatting climate change. >> you've talked about the house progressives, what about bernie sanders? you need his vote too. >> we do. i'm confident we will get it in the end. one of the things that's been positive here in recent days is that de might their disappointment at a number of key things they had pushed hard for, progressives i spoke to last night and yesterday in the senate and house, indicate a willingness to move forward with this package and now there's text that folks are working through over the weekend and optimistic we'll have a vote some time in the coming week. >> how concerned are you about china? i know, you know, you're an important voice on foreign relations and china testing this hypersonic missile that national security officials whom i've talked to are very concerned about. we heard what the chairman of the joint chiefs milley said, it could possibly be a sputnik movement, a game changer in terms of defense policy and a military threat from an increasingly aggressive china and president xi isn't even at the g-20. >> one of the reasons i am so glad that president biden is our leader at this moment, he's at the g-20, he will be at cop 26, is that we face remarkable striking, concerning threats from countries from china and russia to iran and north korea. and this hypersonic missile test that was just carried out by china, suggests they are developing a weapons system that could defeat our missile defenses that were designed to protect us from ballistic missile attacks coming over the arctic. this would allow them to deploy a direct strike on the american homeland following almost any path around the globe and it is just another reminder of how aggressive china has become in developing new weapons systems. >> and what about concerns about russia? they're also not coming. vladimir putin isn't coming. we've seen some cyber attacks, some continuing ransomware from russian based properties. does that mean that president still has to -- has some work to do with putin as a follow-up on the geneva summit? >> absolutely. as you know, president biden believes, as do i, that our allies are our greatest strength. russia and china do not have a global network of treaty allies of long-term partners and president biden, in going to cop26, going to the g-20, is going to be able to help to pull together our allies. his meeting with president macron was an important step forward in bringing closer together the united states and one of our vital european allies france and the time he will be spending at the global climate summit where there is an absence of leadership from china and russia, is another opportunity for him to demonstrate what it means to have a seasoned and capable senior leader of the united states now serving as our president rather than a president who disrespects our allies and two tries to break apart some of our long-term alliances and relationships. we in the senate are working to support president biden's leadership on climate and on working more closely with our allies. >> thank you so much, senator chris coons of delaware. >> thank you. coming up, cuomo charged. new york's disgraced former governors facing a sex charge that could land him behind bars. roe v. wade on the line. supreme court days away from hearing two challenges to the texas abortion ban. you're watching "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. tonight, i'll be eating a club sandwich with fries and a side of mayonnaise. 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we understand the albany sheriff will have a news conference or appearance this afternoon. what could he be facing, if that's down the road? >> this is an unusual interpretation, andrea, because everyone seems surprised the charges have been filed. the prosecutor, county district attorney was caught off guard, even the sheriff's office were surprised to see them become public so quickly, although they filed them and the victim, too, was caught off guard, although her attorney said she would continue to be a cooperative victim. although cuomo has an order to appear in court on the 17th to be arraigned, when the charges against him are formally read to him in court, and he enters a plea, it's not really clear at this point how this case will move forward. >> and, pete, let's talk abe the supreme court and texas abortion law. these are constitutional arguments, procedural arguments on monday, not the substance of it? >> the monday cases are not about abortion. it's really about the structure of the it can law. can texas -- texas itself, texas state officials could not ban abortion after six weeks because of supreme court decisions that say a state can't do that before the age of viability. what texas is saying is, it's not us, it's private individuals who will sue. that's the real question. can texas do that? two lawsuits, one filed by abortion providers in texas, the other filed by the justice department, and the question is, can they sue, can the state do this, and if they can sue, who does the court order not to do something? what the people suing here are saying is we ought to be able to stop state court clerks and judges from doing anything to further along the lawsuits. so there are questions about who can sue and who can they sue. >> and joyce, you know, we're not getting to the substance of abortion itself, but justice sonia sotomayor said this future hearing offers, quote, cold comfort to texas women seeking abortions because they refused the justice department's request that they enjoin the state from letting this law continue while waiting for the outcome here. >> that's right. the fifth circuit court of appeals reversed the district court. the trial judge wrote a 113-page order documenting case by case problems with clinics just across the texas border that were deluged with texas people seeking abortion services. it talked in some detail about how women of color and women of lesser financial means were being prejudiced in losing their rights because the law was in effect. the district court said while the litigation was ongoing, srj b. 8 needed to be enjoined and blocked but the fifth sir cut restored it. the supreme court has let that decision stand while all of this is going on, and these arguments occur against a backdrop of people in texas being unable to access abortion services in state. >> and pete, looking down the road to december 1st, that's when the mississippi case, which will be a major argument, testing the new supreme court on roe v. wade. >> this is the big one for abortion this term. mississippi law that would restrict abortion after 15 weeks, unlike srjt b. 8, this was blocked by the lower courts. mississippi said to the supreme court -- you can rule for us and don't have to overturn roe v. wade, missy said okay, now you really should overturn roe v. wade. the constitution doesn't provide a right to abortion. roe v. wade was wrongly decided. the questions here are, you know, was the supreme court right the first time and even if some justices think it wasn't, will they say under that prince. that's known as stare decisis, a legal decision long standing that the country has come to rely on, should it stand. >> it's a different court, 6 to 3 and all that entail. thank you so much. joyce vance, of course, as always. we're only four days away from virginia's crucial gubernatorial race. its impact on the midterms and beyond. we have the inside scoop on that. the neck wave of voters will decide the nation's future. stay with us. you're watching "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. you're watching "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. ty, but we lose control. ♪ ♪ ♪ should i stay or should i go? 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>> well, the "washington post" out that has mcauliffe up one point among likely voters. which ever poll you believe, this is a very tight race, one democrat are in great risk of losing, a ray they thought they would be able to win and one that many democrat are worried will be a signal for bad news for democrat in next year's midterm. >> schooling, education, the whole business about critical race theory which is not even, you know, k through 12 curriculum agenda. but it does seem to be taking -- catching fire with school districts, and school boards under fire. >> this is an issue youngkin and his campaign have used to tie across a number of plank that pertains covid and build school are keeping them closed too long and in person education and culture and whether the curriculum is too progressive and offensive to parents even though as you note critical race theory is not taught in the system. it allow them to make inroads in the communities that had been drifting further from republicans, especially under trump. the epicenter of the ed saying battle is louden county. you see it with the school board fights. his hope is essentially to stop the bleeding in the suburbs that happened under trump, run up the margins in southwest virginia which went heavily for trump and hold on for dear life and that's the type of play that look to be on the verge of working. >> siris, your team has incoming college students optimistic about their futures but only 48 pr optimistic about the country, the united states. these are young people that have had to deal with anxiety and depression impacted by the pandemic during their final high school year. talk to me about that. >> exactly. so optimism in big supply. i think that leaves us at a cross-roads, i'm loathed to say, because we're all at a crossroads. 92% of young people saying they're optimistic or super optimistic about their personal and professional lives. that's staggering considering what's going on with all the chaos swirling outside of their lives. this bill, for example, what's going on in congress, is kitchen table stuff, this is bread and butter, whatever metaphor we want to use. child care, pre-k, climate change, electric cars that might be affordable and things that seem they might make some folk lives better. i think that leaving us at a croroads because we don't invest in the next generation and some of that optimism sour into cynicism or congress does invest in the next generation in the form of infrastructure. >> when you polled some of these young people about people in congress, the politicians, interesting that ted cruz and donald trump with the people in your survey are the least popular. speaker pelosi and mitt romney have, you know, different following and then it's all topped by xhr and ao c with their strong social media pren. any surprises there? >> i think we should repoll this after mitt romney dressed up as ted lasso the other day. we should look at this in broad stroke. trump got young people in the voting booth in 2020. it's the white house and congress' job to show young people putting the ball lot in the box or however you vote makes your life better and now that considering that trump got folks in the voting booth again, i think that if you pass infrastructure, lot stronger chan based on a lot of the evidence that we've seen from polling out of tufts university folk that vote early in life remain engaged the rest of their live. they have to keep them in the voting booth and see that in 2022 and 2024 and potentially for decades to come. >> susan, as you look at the virginia voting, you, you know, are they going to get people out? are they going to motivate their base? are people so tired of politics, especially, because of watching all the sausage making on capitol hill? >> of course it's easier to get people to vote when mad and what we have is a situation they face in virginia now the republicans are madder than the democrat and the democrat are discouraged because they haven't seen action on capitol hill they were hoping for. we see terry mcauliffe pleading in person and in private with democrat to just get that infrastructure bill through that hasn't happened yet, unlikely to happen before tuesday's election day. >> he was here sitting next to me the week before last, basically pleading with the president, get in the game. get involved. sam, they can revisit this and already are of course. do they reach too high, $3.5 trillion too big a target. of it a negotiating number but took too long to get them down. what about the pro gresives and the power they have. they seem to be in line but will they deliver the votes? >> yeah. it's weird because yesterday was so frapting and chaotic and today there's a renewed optimism that this will get done, mostly because of the pro gresives have really necked their power, have mother-in-law -- more or less signaled they are comfortable with is this framework they're willing to vote yes on it, they need to see assurances that manchin and sinema are too. one they get there, this will fall into place. you know, it's coming fairly late for mcauliffe and there are legitimate questions to be asked of the you who whether biden waited too long to actually introduce a framework to say this is the plan. had he done it earlier would we be in a different spot. >> it's too late for mcauliffe because it's not going to be passed before the president get back. lots of coverage on tuesday and monday of that race. thanks so much. sam and susan, thank to you. coming up, the child sized doses, almost here according to most reports. convining parents and kids to get the shot once it's approved. a brave 12-year-old who helped pave the way. you're watching "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. you're watching "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. to make sure you don't run out of meds here. and with amazon prime, get refills and free two-day shipping. who knew it could be this easy? 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>> well, the fact that younger children are getting the vaccine is really exciting for me, and i'm really glad that i participated because i wanted to help the broader community and help everyone to feel safe and confident in the vaccine, and this will definitely help us get further into reaching herd immunity, and finally being completely rid of this entire pandemic, and i definitely highly recommend getting the vaccine when it becomes available. i know there are many people who are hesitant or, like, afraid of, like, the side effects. when i got my own vaccines, i only experienced, like, some headache, fatigue, sore limbs or -- and, like, sore throat and stuff like that, but nothing extremely serious or long-term. i know there are people who are completely against the vaccine, but i ask for those who don't want to get the vaccine or don't feel like it's safe to think about the broader community and not just themselves, and hopefully that will push them over the edge so they will get the vaccine themselves. >> well, and that's such an important point, caleb, because it's really not just about yourself. it's about everyone and about not passing on this virus so that you can get ahead of it finally. dr. chung, you've got a younger son? your younger son is i think eight years old and he was in the trial now as well? >> that's right. so his younger brother is eight, joshua. he got the privilege of watching caleb participate in the trial for the older age. he wanted to do something that he himself at age eight could do. so this was a golden opportunity for him and then for caleb before him to do that. the trials and the kids thapar tis pated are courageous. it's a unique opportunity for kids to do something that adults cannot do for them. the trials and vaccines could not become available to the public unless thousands of kids volunteered and made themselves available. >> that was such a service that you did, caleb, and your brother. let's talk about school. now you're back in person. i'm assuming that you had a hybrid or virtual experience in the beginning during the pandemic. how is it being back in school? you're wearing a mask, i assume? are you comfortable? >> yeah. i am definitely very ecstatic to be back in school. i get to see my friends and interact with my teachers. it's a lot easier without having to do with technical difficulties all the time and communication is much clearer. obviously, i still have to be careful even when i am vaccinated because not everyone else at my school is vaccinated, and some people don't take the virus as seriously as i do and my friends do. so i always have to be on alert, and in my classrooms, we like -- we go through standard health protocols like always wearing your masks properly, always sanitizing your hands, washing your hands, staying socially distanced. and, like, the desks are, like, separated, and to our own individuals so we all have our own separate space, but otherwise it's basically just like before the pandemic. it's just there's still something that you have to look out for no matter if you're vaccinated or if you're not. >> what's your favorite subject? >> my current favorite subject is probably spanish, because i really enjoy learning the new language, and it's really fun for me, and it's much easier in person, because it's more interactive, and you can actually speak instead of having to do it online. >> yeah. i can imagine that learning a language online for me, at least, would be really difficult. it's much better in person. dr. chung, for other parents, what's your message? you've now had two of your sons volunteering and making this important decision to be involved that you and your wife and your kids made. to be involved in the tests. >> yes, so i think as was said before, parents are going through a lot right now considering all the new information that's coming along, and for months we've talked to parents of kids in the 5 to 11-year-old age group, so many of whom are eager to get their kids protected and would be first in line if and when it becomes available to them. i also with parents who are not sure yet. and i get that. as a parent myself, whenever you make a health decision for your kid, it's multi-layers and really complicated, particularly in the context of the pandemic where all sorts of new information is coming at you seemingly every day. my encouragement is that people are not sure and hesitant to not stay in the hesitancy but to make the data we have around safety and efficacy and bring it to your pediatrician or other people tasked with helping you process the information so that you can hopefully move forward toward a positive, competent decision. and along the way steering clear of the potholes of misinformation on social media and otherwise. those people out there aren't tasked with keeping your kids safe and healthy. they don't have that front of mind. so go to people who you trust, process the information. my hope is that over time more of these folks who aren't just sure yet will become sure. that's what we've seen in the older age groups. you know, where we didn't just have the clinical trial data, but we had hundreds of thousands in the real world getting the vaccine, becoming safe, and having a positive experiences. >> it's so much fun to be with you. dr. chung and calebcaleb. caleb, when what are you going to be for halloween? >> i'm going to be a plague doctor, and i'm excited to have that costume. it's really fun, and it's kind of like the past pandemic, except in europe only, not worldwide. >> okay. well, send me a picture. we love it. we'll post it. thank you so much, both of you. that does it for this edition of "andrea mitchell reports. follow us online, on facebook and twitter. happy halloween, everyone. happy and safe halloween. garrett haake is up next for chuck todd. chuck todd this is... ♪ ♪ this is iowa. we just haven't been properly introduced. say hello to the place where rolling hills meets low bills. where our fields, inside and out, are always growing. and where the fun is just getting started. this is iowa. so, when are you coming to see us? ♪ ♪ look good. feel good. play good. gillette proglide, five blades and a pivoting flexball to get virtually every hair on the first stroke. look good, game good. gillette. moving is a handful. no kidding! fortunately, xfinity makes moving easy. easy? -easy? 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, Voting Booth , 2020 , Folk , Live , Rest , Evidence , Tufts University , 2022 , 2024 , Politics , Base , Sausage Making , Virginia Voting , Election Day , Negotiating Number , Game , Big A Target , 3 5 Trillion , 5 Trillion , Gresives , Power , Votes , Mother In Law , Assurances , Lots , Get Back , Reports , Child , Doses , Convining , Shot , Refills , Prime , Meds , Shipping , Amazon , Pharmacy , Medicare , Enrollment , Ends December 7th , Remember , October 15th , December 7th , 7 , Advantage , Plans , Prescription Drug Coverage , Unitedhealthcare , Call Unitedhealthcare , Choice , Part D , Aarp , Hospital , Plan , Primary Care , Lab Tests , Low , Dental Care , Designer Frames , Eye Exams , Prescription Lenses , Variety , Copays On Routine Hearing Exams , Traveling , Ppo Plans , Doctors , Referral , Unitedhealthcare Medicare National Network , Prescriptions , Copays , Mail Order , Members , Over , Average , 9000 , 000 , 2 , Gym Network , Gym Membership , Access , Schedule Appointments , Specialist , Benefits , Name , Enrollment Ends December 7th , Parkinson S , Passion , Don T Take Nuplazid , Hallucinations , Delusions , Medicine , Disease , Weren T True , Changes , Heart Rhythm , Ingredients , Psychosis , Drugs , Medicines , Heart Rhythms , Arms , Legs , Swelling , Someone , Healthcare Provider , Unique , S Yeah , Nuplazid , Don T Wait , Liberty The Pfizer Covid Vaccine , Cdc , Shots , Surveys , Quarter , Caleb Chung , Vaccine Trial , Test Group , Advice , Father , First , Duke Health , Pfizer , Vaccine , Community , Herd Immunity , Or , Afraid Of , Vaccines , Sore Throat , Stuff , Headache , Limbs , Fatigue , Safe , Virus , Edge , Joshua , Son , Dr , Trial , Brother , Chung , Privilege , Trials , Kids Thapar Tis Pated Are Courageous , Service , Public , Thousands , Let S Talk About School , School , Mask , Friends , Communication , Difficulties , Teachers , Classrooms , Alert , Desks , Hands , Masks , Health Protocols , Space , Subject , Spanish , 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Transcripts For MSNBC Andrea Mitchell Reports 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Andrea Mitchell Reports 20240709

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president john f. kennedy, the only other roman catholic president, met with pope paul vi. president biden has developed a personal relationship wit the pontiff after he comforted the bynes after the death of their son beau. joining us peter alexander, senior vatican analyst george waggle, chair of catholic studies at the ethics and public policy center and francis clon, adviser to the biden administration will help us lead the climate discussion about the policy going forward. first of all, peter alexander, just now, it was hard to hear, so again we apologize to viewers, but presidents biden and macron speaking to the press moments ago and there have been apologies all around or at least trying to pass over different -- patch over differences. >> andrea, i think that's right. this was significant. it was one of the one-on-one meetings the president would have over the course of the european tour we had been circling for, significant given that the french, the oldest ally, had recalled their ambassador after that diplomatic dispute over a nuclear submarine deal where france was cut out of a deal ultimately sealed between the uk, australia and the united states, costing the french more than $60 billion. the president in his remarks moments ago, described it as clumsy, saying he was under the impression that that deal had fallen through with the french long before that and that they had been aware of the circumstances before america and the uk and australia ultimately inked that deal. but there were certainly moments that made this significant today. seeing those two men together, seeing the french president who often speaks in his -- in french in his native tongue speaking before world audiences, speaking in english as the two men try to sort of heal this breach. it's relevant for a lot of reasons. among them, the fact that the u.s. does rely on france for so many of its efforts across the planet, not the least of which what took place in afghanistan in recent months and hoping the french will continue to be good allies in spite of this recent dispute. >> let's talk about the president's meeting with pope francis at the vatican. so important to president biden. this is a man who is deeply devout. we know how often he attends mass here in washington or wilmington and he's developed a personal history with the pope. >> this was certainly a personal highlight for the president as he begins this nearly week-long tour of europe the first stop being here at the vatican. of it back in 1980 when senator biden met with pope john paul ii and that meeting lasted 40 seconds and being extraordinarily long. today the visit almost twice that length going 75 minutes where the two met privately in the papal library. among the takeaways from the visit, they have developed a personal connection, the president with later visits was asked to pull back the curtain on the visit and said that pope, pope francis, said he was a good catholic and said that he should continue to receive communion, which was notable because many american bishops have sparked controversy saying catholic politicians, including president biden, should not receive communion for their support of abortion rights. andrea? >> and want to bring in george waggle, of course, president biden in meeting with the pope and in passing on that information about communion, that's been a controversy, at least raised political issue here for the president, certainly some of his political critics have been trying to exploit it. >> andrea, this is all very interesting to me. the fact that yesterday the vatican, i think to all of our surprise, pulled back from live video coverage of this meeting, suggests to me, at least, that they did not want this, the vatican did not want to turn this meeting into some sort of a campaign stop for the president. they wanted to focus on the personal conversation. secondly, it's interesting to me that the vatican's statement on of what discussed did not mention this highly contentious question of the president's support of what the pope described in a press conference on the way back from slovakia a few weeks ago as homicide. the vatican said nothing about any conversation between the pope and the president on this issue. i think this is an ongoing story, as i understand it right before we came on air, the latest comment from the vatican was that they had no comment on the president's comment. we'll see if they have a comment later, but this question is not going away. >> it's so very interesting. francis clon, let me bring you in and talk about the president arriving without everything he wanted, of course, on climate, but so much still significant in the package as it exists despite the efforts by senator manchin to veto, you know, a central part of the climate program. talk about what you think is important and can be really accomplished? >> i think this is a historic package. as we saw with the framework that the president presented yesterday, this is a half trillion dollar investment in a transition to a clean energy economy. but it is much more than that. what we're talking about here is clean energy that will spur wind and solar and more clean energy that reduces costs for american families, $500 annually. millions of jobs over the next decade for americans. it means parents will be able to send their kids to school in electric busses and be able to afford electric vehicles. it will means that the very damaging effects of climate change that we've seen this very year, $90 billion in loss and damages, will be able with climate action to stave off the worst of the impacts that would only get that much more severe. >> francis, the absence, though, of course, of president xi of china not participating, he will have a virtual presentation when they get to glasgow, but not participating here where a lot of nuts and bolts will be done at the g-20 in terms of pressuring other countries to deliver more, china being so critical, and frankly some internal disputes between those in the administration and the nsc who don't want to -- want to pressure china because of its military aggressions, taiwan and hong kong, and john kerry, wanting to win concessions from the chinese and take a different posture. so there hasn't been a united front on china. >> yeah. it's definitely -- it would be great if china were to show up with, and put forward many -- a more ambitious target for reaching the reduction in emissions the world needs to reach by 2030, 50% by 2030 and net zero by 2050. it's what the science tells us very clearly that we're not on track right now with business as usual to meet that goal. that climate test that we're pressuring congress on of meeting that goal. what it's going to take is, the united states showing up again to the climate table after four years of absence in a credible way. this framework that the president presented yesterday does that. it tells the world that president from day one was willing to negotiate with congress, was willing to put forwards the mo important and aggressive actions from across the government on regulation and will continue to do that, and that he is telling countries, hey, look at what i'm willing to do at home. now it's time for you to step up and do the same. >> and peter, finally, just some color from your trip, from one of the pool reports, indicated that because of covid rule, that there are so few people in each car, there was actually i would think a record-breaking 85 car presidential motorcade. i can't imagine that in the traffic of rome. >> exactly. certainly they had a police escort that made it easier. but 85 cars is a ton for a motorcade that's traditionally -- that is due to this covid crises the pandemic that plague the planet. because they can only have four individuals in each one of the vans as a member of the press who travel in the motor cade. they like to pack you in. due to the circumstances it was a different situation. >> what a way to see rome, though. peter alexander, thank you so much. george waggle, as always your insights so important to us. and francis clon, thanks for being with us today. in the works, president biden leaving d.c. with a lot left over. the details of his legislative agenda still in process. how it's going to work out. we've got the experts coming up next. this is "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. this is "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. si ty, you can finish your degree faster, and for less money. transfer up to 90 college credits toward your bachelor's degree. - i was able to transfer a lot of my credits and it made it easier for me knowing that i don't have to start all over again. - definitely lowered the cost by being able to transfer those credits in. - [narrator] get more transfer credits, pay less tuition. now that's something to celebrate. apply free at this is... ♪ ♪ this is iowa. we just haven't been properly introduced. say hello to the place where 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kristen, right off of the annual fabulous "today" show halloween presentation. >> that was a quick change. >> very quick change. that was taped. >> so, garrett, let's talk about they came up empty. nancy pelosi's body language was so significant watching her day by day, the optimism and then sort of the fall bravado. >> we found ourselves in a groundhog situation from the end of september where the president came to the hill, a big push to pass something and the votes weren't there. there's a sense among democrats this is now a matter of when, not if they will get these pieces of legislation through. the progressives who blocked the infrastructure vote yesterday simultaneously endorsed the framework for the bigger bill here. they're not so frustrated they're not ready to move. the big question, joe manchin and kirsten sinema who had every opportunity yesterday and since to come out and endorse this framework and haven't done so. >> it is a product of what was possible based on their objections to a number of things. i am impressed, talking to francis colon, an adviser on climate, when you look at the details maybe we haven't reported the climate sufficiently. there's a lot in there. >> hundreds of millions of dollars. >> not enough to get to the big goals. >> but enough for president biden, the white house would argue, to go to this climate summit and say, he is on the cusp of doing something significant and that's really the framing that you heard from the president yesterday when he spoke from the east room of the white house after he had been on capitol hill trying to twist elbows, they are going to sell this as transformational even though so much has been cut out including paid family leave as you have been reporting on as well as tuition-free community college. i was at the white house la night talking to senior administration officials saying they are are in a stronger place than they were, the day did not unfold as they hoped, they wanted that vote on infrastructure, so the president had something to show for it on the world stage, but they believe they have a wink and nod from sinema and manchin as garrett points out what would be more helpful if they came out and gave a full throated endorsement of it. i think one of the things we're watching, is this a done deal some as we've been reporting, there's still a lot of people who want to see paid leave back in. that's something a lot of people are going to be fighting for to the bitter end. >> as you know, i was talking to this young woman, a kindergarten teacher in virginia, and could not -- doesn't have paid family leave, neither does her husband, neither do her brothers so her sister-in-law quit her job to take care of their ailing mother who -- this woman, never a smoker, diagnosed with stage four lung cancer and needed care and she was kind enough amazing throw sit down with me, her mother died two days earlier, the night before la, and here she has a 12 week old baby to take care of. they've exhausted their savings just to take the time off for maternity leave. >> this is a popular policy item here. there's a ton of emotional cache to it. people are invested in this. democrats ran on it in the last election cycle and some of the big advocates including kirsten gillibrand say they're not giving up this fight until the bill is on the floor. that's the case in a lot of issues. you can do this when it's a framework not a piece of legislation. there are several issues like that where individual lawmakers or groups of lawmakers have said look, we support this in general but there is still room to add more to it. we may see that with paid leave. gillibrand is committed to continuing to chase joe manchin around the senate like she's one of us in the press corps. >> she's a tiger as did patty murray. the paid for has come up with 1.75 but they have 1.95 so they've got, you know, some money to play with there. >> they do. gillibrand is making the argument to manchin it's not a significant amount of money in the grand scope of this broader framework that they're debating, and it really is joe manchin because the other moderate senator sinema, has signaled she would support paid leave. >> and one quick point about the g-20, he's at the g-20, he's the leader of the only country in the 20 wealthiest countries in the world who don't have paid leave, which is very quickly, garrett, i'm sorry, wanted to mention adam kinzinger, not a surprise, they lost a seat in illinois, he's going to retire and not run again. clearly he's been isolated from his party by his stance on the january 6th insurrection and if that seat is going to go, he clearly would be gerrymandered. >> kinzinger was in a bad spot. he's been isolated from his party, a man alone, he and liz cheney the only vocal anti-trump republicans left in the party. his seat he would have been having to run against another incumbent republican. illinois losing a seat and blue state, state democrats are happy to pit him against another republican. i think it makes the liz cheney primary race, as if this wasn't already the most important and interesting primary in the country, more so now. something we'll all be watching over the next year. >> you're going to be coanchoring with chuck tuesday night so we're all excited about the coverage. >> all of this -- >> mcauliffe of course. >> all will have big implications for the other race we will be watching the virginia gubernatorial race which is going to be a nail biter and you will be with us. >> i certainly will be. >> it's going to be a late night. >> that's okay. >> thank so much. great to see you both. joining me now, dell democratic senator chris coons. thank you very much. you've had talks with senator manchin i know about where things stand. i want to start with family leave because, you know, the interviews i've done and the statistics on it are awful. only 23% of people in the private sector, you know, have family leave, paid family leave. that's an appalling number for our country. >> andrea, there are important priorities that many of us will continue to press forward, prescription drug price negotiation, paid family leave, are high on the list. it's important for your viewers to realize the major development yesterday was that the congressional progressive caucus, most likely to say no to this deal in the house, endorsed the framework and both senator manchin and senator sinema made public and private statements that this is a framework they can work with, that they look forward to getting this done. so although there wasn't a final vote on on the infrastructure deal or this package last night i am confident that it's a matter of when, not if, this bold $1.75 trillion investment in areas from howing, elder care, day care and pre-k, will move forward and president biden can go to the glasgow world conference on climate change confident he has a path forward of making investment in american history in combatting climate change. >> you've talked about the house progressives, what about bernie sanders? you need his vote too. >> we do. i'm confident we will get it in the end. one of the things that's been positive here in recent days is that de might their disappointment at a number of key things they had pushed hard for, progressives i spoke to last night and yesterday in the senate and house, indicate a willingness to move forward with this package and now there's text that folks are working through over the weekend and optimistic we'll have a vote some time in the coming week. >> how concerned are you about china? i know, you know, you're an important voice on foreign relations and china testing this hypersonic missile that national security officials whom i've talked to are very concerned about. we heard what the chairman of the joint chiefs milley said, it could possibly be a sputnik movement, a game changer in terms of defense policy and a military threat from an increasingly aggressive china and president xi isn't even at the g-20. >> one of the reasons i am so glad that president biden is our leader at this moment, he's at the g-20, he will be at cop 26, is that we face remarkable striking, concerning threats from countries from china and russia to iran and north korea. and this hypersonic missile test that was just carried out by china, suggests they are developing a weapons system that could defeat our missile defenses that were designed to protect us from ballistic missile attacks coming over the arctic. this would allow them to deploy a direct strike on the american homeland following almost any path around the globe and it is just another reminder of how aggressive china has become in developing new weapons systems. >> and what about concerns about russia? they're also not coming. vladimir putin isn't coming. we've seen some cyber attacks, some continuing ransomware from russian based properties. does that mean that president still has to -- has some work to do with putin as a follow-up on the geneva summit? >> absolutely. as you know, president biden believes, as do i, that our allies are our greatest strength. russia and china do not have a global network of treaty allies of long-term partners and president biden, in going to cop26, going to the g-20, is going to be able to help to pull together our allies. his meeting with president macron was an important step forward in bringing closer together the united states and one of our vital european allies france and the time he will be spending at the global climate summit where there is an absence of leadership from china and russia, is another opportunity for him to demonstrate what it means to have a seasoned and capable senior leader of the united states now serving as our president rather than a president who disrespects our allies and two tries to break apart some of our long-term alliances and relationships. we in the senate are working to support president biden's leadership on climate and on working more closely with our allies. >> thank you so much, senator chris coons of delaware. >> thank you. coming up, cuomo charged. new york's disgraced former governors facing a sex charge that could land him behind bars. roe v. wade on the line. supreme court days away from hearing two challenges to the texas abortion ban. you're watching "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. tonight, i'll be eating a club sandwich with fries and a side of mayonnaise. 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we understand the albany sheriff will have a news conference or appearance this afternoon. what could he be facing, if that's down the road? >> this is an unusual interpretation, andrea, because everyone seems surprised the charges have been filed. the prosecutor, county district attorney was caught off guard, even the sheriff's office were surprised to see them become public so quickly, although they filed them and the victim, too, was caught off guard, although her attorney said she would continue to be a cooperative victim. although cuomo has an order to appear in court on the 17th to be arraigned, when the charges against him are formally read to him in court, and he enters a plea, it's not really clear at this point how this case will move forward. >> and, pete, let's talk abe the supreme court and texas abortion law. these are constitutional arguments, procedural arguments on monday, not the substance of it? >> the monday cases are not about abortion. it's really about the structure of the it can law. can texas -- texas itself, texas state officials could not ban abortion after six weeks because of supreme court decisions that say a state can't do that before the age of viability. what texas is saying is, it's not us, it's private individuals who will sue. that's the real question. can texas do that? two lawsuits, one filed by abortion providers in texas, the other filed by the justice department, and the question is, can they sue, can the state do this, and if they can sue, who does the court order not to do something? what the people suing here are saying is we ought to be able to stop state court clerks and judges from doing anything to further along the lawsuits. so there are questions about who can sue and who can they sue. >> and joyce, you know, we're not getting to the substance of abortion itself, but justice sonia sotomayor said this future hearing offers, quote, cold comfort to texas women seeking abortions because they refused the justice department's request that they enjoin the state from letting this law continue while waiting for the outcome here. >> that's right. the fifth circuit court of appeals reversed the district court. the trial judge wrote a 113-page order documenting case by case problems with clinics just across the texas border that were deluged with texas people seeking abortion services. it talked in some detail about how women of color and women of lesser financial means were being prejudiced in losing their rights because the law was in effect. the district court said while the litigation was ongoing, srj b. 8 needed to be enjoined and blocked but the fifth sir cut restored it. the supreme court has let that decision stand while all of this is going on, and these arguments occur against a backdrop of people in texas being unable to access abortion services in state. >> and pete, looking down the road to december 1st, that's when the mississippi case, which will be a major argument, testing the new supreme court on roe v. wade. >> this is the big one for abortion this term. mississippi law that would restrict abortion after 15 weeks, unlike srjt b. 8, this was blocked by the lower courts. mississippi said to the supreme court -- you can rule for us and don't have to overturn roe v. wade, missy said okay, now you really should overturn roe v. wade. the constitution doesn't provide a right to abortion. roe v. wade was wrongly decided. the questions here are, you know, was the supreme court right the first time and even if some justices think it wasn't, will they say under that prince. that's known as stare decisis, a legal decision long standing that the country has come to rely on, should it stand. >> it's a different court, 6 to 3 and all that entail. thank you so much. joyce vance, of course, as always. we're only four days away from virginia's crucial gubernatorial race. its impact on the midterms and beyond. we have the inside scoop on that. the neck wave of voters will decide the nation's future. stay with us. you're watching "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. you're watching "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. ty, but we lose control. ♪ ♪ ♪ should i stay or should i go? 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>> well, the "washington post" out that has mcauliffe up one point among likely voters. which ever poll you believe, this is a very tight race, one democrat are in great risk of losing, a ray they thought they would be able to win and one that many democrat are worried will be a signal for bad news for democrat in next year's midterm. >> schooling, education, the whole business about critical race theory which is not even, you know, k through 12 curriculum agenda. but it does seem to be taking -- catching fire with school districts, and school boards under fire. >> this is an issue youngkin and his campaign have used to tie across a number of plank that pertains covid and build school are keeping them closed too long and in person education and culture and whether the curriculum is too progressive and offensive to parents even though as you note critical race theory is not taught in the system. it allow them to make inroads in the communities that had been drifting further from republicans, especially under trump. the epicenter of the ed saying battle is louden county. you see it with the school board fights. his hope is essentially to stop the bleeding in the suburbs that happened under trump, run up the margins in southwest virginia which went heavily for trump and hold on for dear life and that's the type of play that look to be on the verge of working. >> siris, your team has incoming college students optimistic about their futures but only 48 pr optimistic about the country, the united states. these are young people that have had to deal with anxiety and depression impacted by the pandemic during their final high school year. talk to me about that. >> exactly. so optimism in big supply. i think that leaves us at a cross-roads, i'm loathed to say, because we're all at a crossroads. 92% of young people saying they're optimistic or super optimistic about their personal and professional lives. that's staggering considering what's going on with all the chaos swirling outside of their lives. this bill, for example, what's going on in congress, is kitchen table stuff, this is bread and butter, whatever metaphor we want to use. child care, pre-k, climate change, electric cars that might be affordable and things that seem they might make some folk lives better. i think that leaving us at a croroads because we don't invest in the next generation and some of that optimism sour into cynicism or congress does invest in the next generation in the form of infrastructure. >> when you polled some of these young people about people in congress, the politicians, interesting that ted cruz and donald trump with the people in your survey are the least popular. speaker pelosi and mitt romney have, you know, different following and then it's all topped by xhr and ao c with their strong social media pren. any surprises there? >> i think we should repoll this after mitt romney dressed up as ted lasso the other day. we should look at this in broad stroke. trump got young people in the voting booth in 2020. it's the white house and congress' job to show young people putting the ball lot in the box or however you vote makes your life better and now that considering that trump got folks in the voting booth again, i think that if you pass infrastructure, lot stronger chan based on a lot of the evidence that we've seen from polling out of tufts university folk that vote early in life remain engaged the rest of their live. they have to keep them in the voting booth and see that in 2022 and 2024 and potentially for decades to come. >> susan, as you look at the virginia voting, you, you know, are they going to get people out? are they going to motivate their base? are people so tired of politics, especially, because of watching all the sausage making on capitol hill? >> of course it's easier to get people to vote when mad and what we have is a situation they face in virginia now the republicans are madder than the democrat and the democrat are discouraged because they haven't seen action on capitol hill they were hoping for. we see terry mcauliffe pleading in person and in private with democrat to just get that infrastructure bill through that hasn't happened yet, unlikely to happen before tuesday's election day. >> he was here sitting next to me the week before last, basically pleading with the president, get in the game. get involved. sam, they can revisit this and already are of course. do they reach too high, $3.5 trillion too big a target. of it a negotiating number but took too long to get them down. what about the pro gresives and the power they have. they seem to be in line but will they deliver the votes? >> yeah. it's weird because yesterday was so frapting and chaotic and today there's a renewed optimism that this will get done, mostly because of the pro gresives have really necked their power, have mother-in-law -- more or less signaled they are comfortable with is this framework they're willing to vote yes on it, they need to see assurances that manchin and sinema are too. one they get there, this will fall into place. you know, it's coming fairly late for mcauliffe and there are legitimate questions to be asked of the you who whether biden waited too long to actually introduce a framework to say this is the plan. had he done it earlier would we be in a different spot. >> it's too late for mcauliffe because it's not going to be passed before the president get back. lots of coverage on tuesday and monday of that race. thanks so much. sam and susan, thank to you. coming up, the child sized doses, almost here according to most reports. convining parents and kids to get the shot once it's approved. a brave 12-year-old who helped pave the way. you're watching "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. you're watching "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. to make sure you don't run out of meds here. and with amazon prime, get refills and free two-day shipping. who knew it could be this easy? 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>> well, the fact that younger children are getting the vaccine is really exciting for me, and i'm really glad that i participated because i wanted to help the broader community and help everyone to feel safe and confident in the vaccine, and this will definitely help us get further into reaching herd immunity, and finally being completely rid of this entire pandemic, and i definitely highly recommend getting the vaccine when it becomes available. i know there are many people who are hesitant or, like, afraid of, like, the side effects. when i got my own vaccines, i only experienced, like, some headache, fatigue, sore limbs or -- and, like, sore throat and stuff like that, but nothing extremely serious or long-term. i know there are people who are completely against the vaccine, but i ask for those who don't want to get the vaccine or don't feel like it's safe to think about the broader community and not just themselves, and hopefully that will push them over the edge so they will get the vaccine themselves. >> well, and that's such an important point, caleb, because it's really not just about yourself. it's about everyone and about not passing on this virus so that you can get ahead of it finally. dr. chung, you've got a younger son? your younger son is i think eight years old and he was in the trial now as well? >> that's right. so his younger brother is eight, joshua. he got the privilege of watching caleb participate in the trial for the older age. he wanted to do something that he himself at age eight could do. so this was a golden opportunity for him and then for caleb before him to do that. the trials and the kids thapar tis pated are courageous. it's a unique opportunity for kids to do something that adults cannot do for them. the trials and vaccines could not become available to the public unless thousands of kids volunteered and made themselves available. >> that was such a service that you did, caleb, and your brother. let's talk about school. now you're back in person. i'm assuming that you had a hybrid or virtual experience in the beginning during the pandemic. how is it being back in school? you're wearing a mask, i assume? are you comfortable? >> yeah. i am definitely very ecstatic to be back in school. i get to see my friends and interact with my teachers. it's a lot easier without having to do with technical difficulties all the time and communication is much clearer. obviously, i still have to be careful even when i am vaccinated because not everyone else at my school is vaccinated, and some people don't take the virus as seriously as i do and my friends do. so i always have to be on alert, and in my classrooms, we like -- we go through standard health protocols like always wearing your masks properly, always sanitizing your hands, washing your hands, staying socially distanced. and, like, the desks are, like, separated, and to our own individuals so we all have our own separate space, but otherwise it's basically just like before the pandemic. it's just there's still something that you have to look out for no matter if you're vaccinated or if you're not. >> what's your favorite subject? >> my current favorite subject is probably spanish, because i really enjoy learning the new language, and it's really fun for me, and it's much easier in person, because it's more interactive, and you can actually speak instead of having to do it online. >> yeah. i can imagine that learning a language online for me, at least, would be really difficult. it's much better in person. dr. chung, for other parents, what's your message? you've now had two of your sons volunteering and making this important decision to be involved that you and your wife and your kids made. to be involved in the tests. >> yes, so i think as was said before, parents are going through a lot right now considering all the new information that's coming along, and for months we've talked to parents of kids in the 5 to 11-year-old age group, so many of whom are eager to get their kids protected and would be first in line if and when it becomes available to them. i also with parents who are not sure yet. and i get that. as a parent myself, whenever you make a health decision for your kid, it's multi-layers and really complicated, particularly in the context of the pandemic where all sorts of new information is coming at you seemingly every day. my encouragement is that people are not sure and hesitant to not stay in the hesitancy but to make the data we have around safety and efficacy and bring it to your pediatrician or other people tasked with helping you process the information so that you can hopefully move forward toward a positive, competent decision. and along the way steering clear of the potholes of misinformation on social media and otherwise. those people out there aren't tasked with keeping your kids safe and healthy. they don't have that front of mind. so go to people who you trust, process the information. my hope is that over time more of these folks who aren't just sure yet will become sure. that's what we've seen in the older age groups. you know, where we didn't just have the clinical trial data, but we had hundreds of thousands in the real world getting the vaccine, becoming safe, and having a positive experiences. >> it's so much fun to be with you. dr. chung and calebcaleb. caleb, when what are you going to be for halloween? >> i'm going to be a plague doctor, and i'm excited to have that costume. it's really fun, and it's kind of like the past pandemic, except in europe only, not worldwide. >> okay. well, send me a picture. we love it. we'll post it. thank you so much, both of you. that does it for this edition of "andrea mitchell reports. follow us online, on facebook and twitter. happy halloween, everyone. happy and safe halloween. garrett haake is up next for chuck todd. chuck todd this is... ♪ ♪ this is iowa. we just haven't been properly introduced. say hello to the place where rolling hills meets low bills. where our fields, inside and out, are always growing. and where the fun is just getting started. this is iowa. so, when are you coming to see us? ♪ ♪ look good. feel good. play good. gillette proglide, five blades and a pivoting flexball to get virtually every hair on the first stroke. look good, game good. gillette. moving is a handful. no kidding! fortunately, xfinity makes moving easy. easy? -easy? 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