Transcripts For MSNBC The 11th Hour With Brian Williams 2024

Transcripts For MSNBC The 11th Hour With Brian Williams 20240709

this morning, biden visited capitol hill to unveil what he called a new framework for his domestic spending bill, hoping to sway the liberals in the house. they've refused to vote on the infrastructure bill until the larger spending measure advances in the senate. biden appealed to his fellow democrats, framing the moment as one that would determine his future and theirs. nbc reporting the president told democrats gathered, quote, i don't think it's hyperbole to say that the house and senate majorities and my presidency will be determined by what happens in the next week. after that the president appeared on live television. >> i know we have historic economic framework. no one got everything they wanted, including me, but that's what compromise is. that's consensus. and that's what i ran on. i've long said compromise and consensus are the only way to get big things done in a democracy. the agenda that's in these bills is what 81 million americans voted for. >> this news $1.75 trillion plan includes priorities like funding for health care, climate change, child care, your life preschool. the package notably does not include programs like paid family leave and free community college. tonight the white house says it is confident the bill will become law. >> i've been involved in these negotiations for the last many weeks, even months. we believe this framework has the votes that can pass the senate and pass the house. >> the two senate democrats who held out on supporting the bill were noncommittal, you know their names already. joe manchin posted this message saying, quote, as we work through the text of the legislation, i would hope all of us will continue to deal in good faith and do what's right for the future of the american people. a statement from his wing woman, kyrsten sinema, read in part, quote, we have made significant progress on the proposed budget reconciliation package. i look forward to getting this done. but earlier tonight we heard this from the leader of the liberal democrats in the house. >> i met with senator kyrsten sinema today. it was a really good meeting, very productive. i've been talking, as you know, to joe manchin. we will deliver both the infrastructure bill and the remarkably transformational build back better act. i see the end. >> there is also news tonight on the january 6th investigation and special committee. "washington post" reporting that that committee has postponed tomorrow's deposition for one jeffrey clark, the former trump doj lawyer who was reportedly sought to back up the president's false claims of election fraud. nbc news has learned that the committee expects to subpoena joan east mba, the trump lawyer who drafted the blueprint to overturn a presidential election. and there is a new development involving former new york governor andrew cuomo. according to court documents, cuomo has been charged with forcible touching, a misdemeanor sex crime. this, of course, comes after he resigned in august following a report from the state attorney general alleging that he sexually harassed multiple women. cuomo's attorney responded today saying his client, quote, never assaulted anyone. with that, let's bring in our starting line on this thursday night. ashley parker, pulitzer white house bureau chief for "the washington post", eugene darjsz white house correspondent for politico, and jackie alemany, political reporter for "the washington post" and the author of "the early 202." good evening and welcome to all of you. alex i'd like to begin with you. let's begin on the hill. this was billed as almost a locker room scene with the president, members of his party exhorting them to get this done, saying in effect, if you don't, this can be ball game. do you have any reason to disagree with the president's assessment? >> i do not. you're right that it was -- there were members who were chanting vote, vote, vote, but when you have a president go up to the hill, use that capital, meet with lawmakers, implore them in many ways to do something for his presidency, for their majority, he didn't necessarily say it, but for terry mcauliffe in the virginia governor's race, and also so that the u.s. is not embarrassed when he arrives at the climate summit in glasgow basically empty handed and to show his case that the government can work, and you still can't get a deal? that's a big problem for this president. one bit of frustration i picked up in biden world this evening was that, again, for all his imploring and this was one of the few times he sort of said trust me, it's on me, and tried to make it about doing something for him than for those two senators where there's really distrust. the frustration is he never explicitly said the words i need your vote, i'm begging you for my vote. someone put it to me this evening, that's politics 101. there was some questions why for that whole show he didn't take that final extra step that potentially could have made a difference. >> he certainly had a number of votes asked of him in his many decades on the other side as a member of the u.s. senate. eugene, listening to ashley's reporting, no one needs to remind you presidential power is a currency. you spend it when you think there's going to be a return. so we have this scene on the capitol. president and the first lady get on air force one. they land in rome. nothing, no vote. is it just because everything, including the democratic party, is broken in 2021? or is there something i'm not seeing here? >> i mean, i think the thing that was missing from a lot of this conversation between democrats was trust, right? you had the white house tell progressives, work with progressives, to kind of put these two bills in tandem. and then you also have to ask these same people who were told these things were put in tandem that these were going to go together, that now you have to vote for the bif when i head to rome so i have a win to show people, and also you have to take all these cuts, these difficult cuts that senators joe manchin and kyrsten sinema agreed to. that is part of the issue here. is that there's such a lack of trust. that's why they had to step in, that is why he had to use that presidential capital as you put it to actually try to make this thing move along. but some folks wanted him to do this earlier, to lean and talk about how important this was earlier and they're happy he's doing it now, but the process, the timing doesn't have to be now, right? they still have negotiating to do. progressives are really feeling their power, they know that their votes are needed, and they have a lot of things that they still want to put in and take out of this reconciliation bill before they they vote for bif. that's one of the things we'll see. i don't think we'll see until next week. congressman today were heading home and weren't expecting to come back tomorrow anytime this weekend. so they're not going to get to this again till next week. that doesn't change a lot. it continues the conversation. but what it does as it makes voters feel like nothing is happening in washington, d.c. you promised us, joe biden, you were going to go there and get things done. whether it's fair or not, the president has only so much power. but he promised he was going to make things happen and they're not feeling that and you see that reflected in his skpolg polling overall. >> they said the most dangerous place in washington is to get between a member of congress and the airport on a thursday night. jackie, this somehow brings us to you. i'm curious about your reporting on the hill. even the atmosphere surrounding the president's visit, what was said afterwards, and could you hazard a guess when we'll see this vote understanding you're not being graded on it and it's a moving target? >> brian, there are two tracks of conversations going on at the moment. one of them you hit upon, this major you need a trust. there were lots of lawmakers liked what joe biden had to say. they agree with the framework, they support the framework even though some of their priorities aren't reflected in it. i got off the phone with congresswoman rosa doloro who conceded if a vote was held tonight, she still wove would have voted yes and she still supported the framework. she wanted to support president biden's vend. -- agenda. you had rep one a vargas who said he liked what the president said, but at the end of the day he still doesn't trust marchl manchin and kyrsten sinema who actually support this framework, even though they were the lawmakers who were requesting the $3.5 trillion package to get shaved down to $1.7 trillion. and both of those senators today sort of oddly, inconspicuously hedged when asked explicitly whether or not they supported the framework they had worked so closely with this white house on hammering down. so i think that raised a lot of red flags. another was an optimism that the legislative text is going to get done next week and now turning and pivoting towards the messaging. people like sherrod brown saying democrats had two choices, either complain about what is excluded from this package or democrats can herald the transformative policies that they've successfully funded for the first time in history. >> indeed, jackie, the messaging has been criticized. we were hearing the first pivot to positive messaging on the cable networks this afternoon when the president was en route to air force one. ashley, you touched on this. let's talk about this overseas summit, g-7, g8, i don't know how many g's we're up to these days. it's not like the mean kids in the cafeteria are talking smack about you when you walk in. though there is some evidence that did indeed happen to donald trump on the world stage. what is, do you reckon, the real-world impact of showing up -- they know because they can see our media the struggle he's been through, showing up with no legislation in hand, even though it wouldn't have anything to do with that gathering anyway? >> let me just start by answering your question with his first foreign trip, the g-7. we're now in the g20, but the g-7 i went on with him. i remember standing there just feet away from him and macron of france where macron couldn't have been more delighted and he was channelling all the other leaders pretty much. america was back. it was someone they felt like they could trust, they could deal with, was not as mercurial or chaotic at president trump. this is now his second trip. reality in some ways has intruded, and when president biden campaigned, he sort of said one of his case was if you elect me, i can show you democracy in action. i can restore democracy. i can show you how it works. in an ironic way he's very much showing the world how democracy works, but not in the way he hoped. it's not bipartisan bliss. it's not the republicans have suddenly changed their tune because he's a fellow senator just like them. it's democracy with razor-thin majorities, where it's messy and there's a lack of trust and policy disagreements and republicans still aren't helping him. that's what he's -- that's the baggage that he's carrying with him. but leaders are also aware he arrives empty handed, they see what's going on back in washington, they know there's still a chance for a deal. so is it sort of the blissful greeting he got first time? no. it's a more real-world one, but they are still cautiously optimistic the same way this administration, the progressives, and the moderates are as well. >> great analysis there. after the submarine dust-up, i don't think he'll feel the love from macron this trip quite yet. eugene, you can always tell the rookie white house aides and people for whom this is not their first rodeo. been there, done that. a number of prominent white house aides are indeed staying back, and i imagine, eugene, all their work is cut out for them. >> no, absolutely. they have a lot of work to do that has nothing to do with what's happening over there overseas for president biden, right? you have this reconciliation bill. they're going to continue, they say, to meet, talking to everyone they possibly can to make sure that next week does happen. you do see some kind of infrastructure boat next week so that they don't have to go another week with these negotiations. like all three of us have been saying, it's about finding out where the trust is, making sure they can say, okay, maybe we don't have every single thing hammered out, but we promise we're not going to change it in some voter rama. that is something people in the house are extremely worried about, right? there are things in the senate that make it kind of difficult to believe that the text you're looking at is going to be the exact text that's going to come out at the end of the process, and that's something they talked about being worried about. you also have -- we're going to be in november here pretty soon. they will have to raise the debt ceiling, fund the government. they have all types of things they're going to have to do at the beginning of december, and some of that work is going to have to start now because they have to do all of these things while also and more importantly selling it to the american people. we have the documents they sent out to supporters and different progressive groups basically trying to sell this as president biden did what he promised to do because what they wanted to see all day on television was people going up and saying -- we heard a little bit. we talked about that optimism we were seeing at one point, people saying that president biden promised -- he did what he came to do, he got compromise, compromise is hard, democracy is dirty at times, but we're going to keep fighting for these things. but then things started to fall apart, so that is something they have to contend with as president biden's over there. all eyes are going to be over here and not so much what he's doing over there. something good for president biden is that this framework that came out as he goes over there and talks start next week about climate change, the biggest aspect of his proposal is on climate change, right? a lot of climate change activists are happy with that, and that is something he's going to be able to sell to the folks over there, saying, hey, we are going to have a huge investment in climate change prevention over here. >> jackie, one last question for you. i know in your spare time you've been covering the 1/6 committee. not the first time we had a major name and we're expecting an action only to hear it's been postponed. such is the case with mr. clark's deposition, which was scheduled for tomorrow. do you have any intel on the reason for the postponement? >> yeah, brian. the select committee is quietly chugging along as lawmakers are trying to hash out this packages. jeffrey clark was one of the top justice department officials who sought to execute and support president trump's false claims of massive voter fraud in the 2020 election, received a continuance or postponement of his friday deposition and subpoena deadline to appear before the house sleekt committee and provide testimony, and that's because he had a bit of a breakup with his lawyer. my colleagues referred to him earlier today. it's unclear what the schism over the two was, but usually when a lawyer and his client break up, it's most likely differences in legal strategy. maybe a client might have been pulled in another direction. still unclear, but the select committee thought it was only fair to offer a postponement so clark can readjust his own legal strategy. we know that his testimony is a big priority for this committee along with documents from clark during this time at the justice department in those final months of the trump presidency. so i think, you know, they are going to try to give him leeway here to move forward. >> much obliged to these three friends of our broadcast. ashley parker, eugene daniels, jackie alemany, our starting line on a thursday night. thanks, gang, very much for starting us off. coming up for us, with the election just days away, the only twice-impeached retiree in all of florida can't seem to stay out of that virginia governors race. he feels needed and he's a giver, after all. later, pulitzer prize-winning presidential historian jon meacham to talk about how important this moment is for biden's agenda and foreign policy chops as he goes to europe. all of it as "the 11th hour" is just getting under way on this thursday night overlooking the u.s. capitol. when i break a long run i'm talking long long. that's why i use old spice triple protection sweat defense. old spice works harder for longer. hey derrick man, you gonna be much longer? 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and how nervous are you about what lies ahead? >> no, the party is up to it. i mean, i still think we're going to face not the greatest political environment next year, but yeah. and i agree with eugene. once the ink is dry on this, you got to get to -- most people are going to decide next year's election, brian. swing voters, people that you need to energize for turnout. they're not following this debate. it's trillions of dollars, democrats arguing. so you got to start selling what's in the package just as popular at the revenue-producing measures, asking the wealthiest to pay for child care and elder care. members of congress, senators, governors need to be in people's homes and small businesses. so yes, the next year, you know, in many respects is going to be defined by the effectiveness of that. if people get the sense this is just pile of money and they didn't benefit from it, i think we're going to be in a world of hurt. i think this is the doable. unlike the affordable care act which took years for the benefits to be realized, a lot of the benefits happen right away. you can start to do good storytelling right away. i'm disappointed about some things that didn't make it in. it's still a historic accomplishment, so everybody needs to link arms because if voters hear democratic members of congress saying they're not happy with the package, how on earth can you expect that voter to think it's going to help their lives? >> mike, in your view, have the liberals ended up hurting the larger democratic party? >> i think they have. they're defining the narrative right now. you know, you look at joe biden's numbers are in decline. you look at what's going on in virginia, we're going to talk about that. you know, the worst thing politically about this is biden is being marginalized a bit. clearly if you want to get things done in the house are 30 liberal members calling the shots, the president told them to trust him, asked for a vote, and they said no sale and they shot down the biggest easy political win that's been in front of the democrats now for weeks, which is the bipartisan infrastructure bill. it's a great bill and it's a huge accomplishment for joe biden. yet his back-benching liberals decided they're going to hold him up because they're mad they don't have enough votes in the senate to pass a multitrillion-dollar progressive dream bill. so it's one of these things where we're going to win by punishing you, mr. president, and it is pretty crazy. now, i agree with david that eventually something will pass, but the opportunity cost of what could have happened is pretty big, and the narrative is set in a way that biden is going to have to dig out of now. with all this squabbling left overshadowing the party, it's going to make -- particularly for the moderate democrats, next year very treacherous, which is how they can lose control. >> so the ball bounces back to you. let me ask you to help me clear something up. is this a progressive country, as the liberal democrats insist on being called? because the research shows joe biden won 16% of u.s. counties. donald trump won 86% of u.s. counties, and i think a look at the map would show a center-right nation. >> well, no. if joe biden won a decisive electoral college margin, brian, an electoral college beatdown. but what is true is that generally to win a presidential race or win a competitive house district or competitive senate race, you have to win the moderate vote. some of those are true independents. some of them might be leaning democrat or republican and they do not move around election to election. political scientists believe there's no such thing as persuadable voters anymore. i see them every election. you have to basically win the moderates in an election. now, what is true is child care, your life pre-k, taxing the wealthy more to pay for it, expanding health care. all of these things enjoy support 60% to 70%. so you are getting the support of basically all progressives and a heck of a lot of moderates. so from a policy standpoint, i think most of the things in this bill you can sell. but he won't be they don't sell themselves. you got to go up there and really lift the hood and show people in your local community who are benefiting from this, and then eventually right now this entire debate is about the democratic party. you got to shift this to a choice, which is the republicans have said in usefulness against these things and seem only interested in doing donald trump's bidding to try and steal the next election. so i think democrats can get on a rhetorical foot much more soundly soon. but yeah, we're not going to have success in 2022 if moderates, you know, bail on the democratic party. you have to have both. you got to get strong turnout and you've got to do well with moderate votes. what's nice about what's in this bill, by the way, is you're not choosing. it works well with both of them. >> i think home-delivered s'mores for every american would poll at 80%. but back to david's point about how you have to make choices. both of these gentlemen, thankfully, are going to stay with us. we're going to fit in a break and continue our conversation. the leader of the republican party has some second thoughts after suggesting his followers refuse to vote until nonexistent voter fraud is fixed. interesting timing given that we have two big elections coming up in a couple of days. ♪i try so hard, i can't rise above it♪ ♪don't know what it is 'bout that little gal's lovin'♪ ♪but i like it, i love it♪ applebee's. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. applebee's. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ with chase security features, guidance and convenience, banking feels good. chase. make more of what's yours. 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>> well, donald trump can't stand to have a campaign that's not about him, so he keeps trying to muscle his way into the virginia campaign so he can claim credit if there is a youngkin victory. now, the youngkin people during the primary were in love with trump. now they're trying to distance themselves as much as they can under smart calculus. he's not threatening, so he's doing okay in the suburbs where trump is anthrax, but he'll try to get the trump vote in the rural areas. i saw a big mailer yesterday from virginia, an endorsement of youngkin by donald trump with the hat and pictures. but if you get out your magnifying class glass, the paid for party is the democrats. just a quick footnote too, the poll is a card trick. it's a likely voter poll, which in most cases is a scam. among in that poll registered voters, it's still a one-point race, like every other poll, margin of error. the trend has been bad for mcauliffe and good for youngkin. it's moving his way. so i'm not sure i'd bet the farm on youngkin, but i would bet a tractor. we'll see what happens tuesday. >> david, so many people find it hard to believe that national politics and the like affects, say, a gubernatorial election in the commonwealth of virginia or the one we're not talking about, phil murphy trying to hang on in the most densely populated blue state in the union in new jersey. but mike's been around the block a few times, as have you. this certainly appears to be the case. >> well, brian, there's a history in both of these states. when one party wins the white house, the very next election, which happens the next year, the party that lost the white house tends to do well, number one. number two, right, i think when your party is struggling, even though we're days away from historic legislative achievements but everyone sees is they're not done yet and they're fighting, that kills enthusiasm. we'll see what murphy's margin is. might expect him to hang on. but, you know, biden won new jersey by 16 and virginia by 10. there's uniqueness to both of these races, but you're going to see those margins narrowed. as you're looking at preparation for next year, brian what works democrats who are involved in these swing house and senate races need to do is really do research about what happened here. which swing voters moved from democrat to republican this year and why. which democratic base groups didn't turn out at the levels we were expecting and why. so you need to learn a lot about this. i think mike would agree year in politics is longer than it used to be. things aren't baked anymore. a lot can happen in a year. do democrats do a good job storytelling around their achievements as we just talk about, does trump loom over the races next year in a way that's negative? but we're going to learn a lot next tuesday, and there's no doubt that -- i agree that the eight-point poll -- fox polling tends to be decent polling, but they also have mcauliffe with a big lead in their last poll. so i think this is a razor-close, tight race. monday it's going to help youngkin with turnout. they would rather trump not do a tele-town hall because i think he needs to do well in those suburban areas and he's going to do better than we've seen a republican do in some time there. the question is will it be enough. >> the news on trump was he said today that he never told republicans just not to vote until the big lie was so, that's exactly what he said, cleanup in aisle 3 in mar-a-lago. david plouffe, mike murphy, our friends for good reason. thank you both for coming on tonight. coming up, joe biden says he campaigned on compromise and consensus. we heard him say it tonight. he says that's what he is delivering here. we will ask the pulitzer prize prize-winning historian jon meacham about that very thing when we come back. can damage blood vessels, causing vision loss or even blindness. so remember this: now is the time to get your eyes checked. eye care is important to your long-term diabetes management. see a path forward with actions and treatments that may help your eyes— and protect against vision loss. visit and take control of your sight. tonight, i'll be eating a buffalo chicken panini with extra hot sauce. tonight, i'll be eating salmon sushi with a japanese jiggly cheesecake. 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i argue that the question is, are americans up to it? because the republicans have opted out of this debate. they have chosen to follow a single person, a single will to power, and have basically ceded, outsourced the government of this country to the american president and to 50 democrats in the senate and nancy pelosi's narrow majority in the house. and so i think if you want to look at this moment in a broader sense, it's a miracle in a way that president biden has gotten as much as he has. he asked for 3.5, looks like he's going to get, what works you know the numbers better than i do, 1.75, something like that. that's the old reagan rule. you ask for 100 and you settle for 60 is what reagan learned in hollywood when he was negotiating with the screen actors guild. did president biden set out to do this? no, i don't think so. i've never asked him that directly. i don't think this is some great mastermind plan. but it's what reality is. and one of the things we've learned in the last five years is the price of not dealing in a reality-based universe. we've gone from having a reality show president to having a president to actually deals with a very divided country, and he's doing all he can within the constitutional framework to push the country forward. and i think in that sense we may be able to look back at these six months or so. you might argue you could teach a class on america from january 6th, 2021, until roughly november 6th, right? and what do those 11 months tell you about the worst of us and the best of us? and it may just be that the best of us isn't as great as many people would want. but guess what, that's human nature. >> all right. i'll see your love of susan glasser's journalism and raise you one susan glasser, quote. i'm going to read this and for dramatic effect, after reading it we're going to go to break and continue our conversation. she writes in "the new yorker," in 2020 biden campaigned as a deal-maker, not a trump the, i could sell at you brooklyn bridge-type deal-maker, but an actual washington insider who can make this town work again-type deal-maker. this is why the stakes for him now are so high. it's become a basic test of his ability to deliver. jon and i give you both susan glasser of the new yorker. now i give you a break. jon meacham sticking around. our conversation will continue. we'll talk about what to expect is the president prepares for this world-stage moment in glasgow. d... even after paying for this. love you, sweetheart they guide me with achievable steps that give me confidence. this is my granddaughter...she's cute like her grandpa. voya doesn't just help me get to retirement... ...they're with me all the way through it. come on, grandpa! later. got grandpa things to do. aw, grandpas are the best! well planned. well invested. well protected. voya. be confident to and through retirement. with relapsing forms of ms... there's a lot to deal with. not just unpredictable relapses. all these other things too. it can all add up. kesimpta is a once-monthly at-home injection... that may help you put these rms challenges in their place. kesimpta was proven superior at reducing the rate of relapses, active lesions, and slowing disability progression vs aubagio. don't take kesimpta if you have hepatitis b, and tell your doctor if you have had it, as it could come back. kesimpta can cause serious side effects, including infections. while no cases of pml were reported in rms clinical trials, it could happen. tell your doctor if you had or plan to have vaccines, or if you are or plan to become pregnant. kesimpta may cause a decrease in some types of antibodies. the most common side effects are upper respiratory tract infection, headache, and injection reactions. ready for an at-home treatment with dramatic results? it's time to ask your doctor about kesimpta. ♪ darling, i, i can't get enough of your love babe♪ ♪girl, i don't know, i don't know,♪ ♪i don't know why i can't get♪ applebee's. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. get pumped fans, because basketball's back! and our league pass lineup is totally stacked. applebee's. forty games a week, all season long, on all your devices, so you'll never go wrong. watch your favorite sport, and do it your way, with nba league pass. order today! experience all the nba action with xfinity x1 - track stats and scores while watching your team live. to upgrade, just say nba league pass into your voice remote or go online today. president biden has arrived in europe tonight for some high-stakes international summits. the ap reporting it this way. quote, headed first to rome and then to glasgow, scotland, biden will be pressed to deliver concrete ideas for stopping a global pandemic, boosting economic growth, and halting the acceleration of climate change. still with us, thankfully, jon meacham. we have a few closing minutes here. so wave two-part trip here. number one is quite personal for a president i would define as a devout catholic, a meeting with the pope. the pope's facial expression and body language pretty much told us how psyched he was to meet with donald trump. i think this is going to be an altogether different meeting with joe biden. and then onto the g20. talk about both and biden on the world stage. >> yeah. real quick. the only edit i would have made to tsunami's piece, which she wouldn't have asked me for is is this the way the world works in a 50/50 senate, and she didn't need to ask the question. this is the way the world works in a 50/50 senate. i think a trip to the vatican is really interesting for the bidenologists of the world. there is this very uncomfortable debate for many of us. i'm not a roman catholic -- about whether the president can receive communion. as you say, he is a devout catholic. he is a faithful keeper of the sacraments. he keeps the feast. and to be in the vatican, i think, will be sort of a lifetime of memories. as you know, in many ways, the power of the sacrament and the power of liturgical life is when you're in it, you're part of a sweeping chain of time in your own head. that is, you look at the cross, you look at the stained glass, you remember when you were a little kid. i still remember what the floor of the church at st. nicholas school in chattanooga, tennessee, looked like when i said the lord's prayer every day. president biden will have that kind of deeply emotional moment tomorrow, and i think it'll be fascinating. you know, he's hugely comfortable on this stage. chairman of the senate foreign relation committee, and he does see the two stories we're talking about very much as intertwined, which is -- and he says this a lot. he talks to world leaders and they say, yeah, america is back, but for how long? and i think if he doesn't hear that explicitly, it will be a subtext of what he hears the next weeks or so. huge issues. and what i would say to him and all of us is the issues that he's there to talk about, climate, the pandemic, these are millennial issues, right? these are centuries-long challenges he has to pick up. it has very little to do with what twitter says over the next 36 hours. >> thank you for that. >> what we do now, to paraphrase lincoln, because why not, what we do now will mark this generation of americans down to the last part of time. it really will. that may sound hyperbolic, but climate, the fate of american democracy, the rule of law, our very sense of neighborliness with one another, so much is in flux, and i think -- i know those are the stories that are unfolding, the sounds unfolding in the president's head. >> brilliant stuff. ticket to the bank, those listening and watching. jon meacham has been our guest tonight. we're grateful for it, appreciate it, pal. coming up for us, today's big announcement from the tech world. turns out we scooped the story earlier this week. feel stuck with student loan debt? 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[ clicks tongue ] i don't know. i think they look good, man. mm, smooth. uh, they are a little tight. like, too tight? might just need to break 'em in a little bit. you don't want 'em too loose. for those who were born to ride there's progressive. with 24/7 roadside assistance. -okay. think i'm gonna wear these home. -excellent choice. i heard it's meta, supposedly, and it's thursday. but i'm not so sure what it'll be. >> that was the story. last thing before we go tonight, you heard it here first. that was monday of this week. that was kara swisher, our friend, in effect three kids new name for facebook four days early, which was indeed announced just today by mark zuckerberg from his headquarters on venus. >> it is time for us to adopt a new company brand to encompass everything that we do. to reflect who we are and what we hope to build, i am proud to announce that starting today our company is now meta. >> at another point in the video, the twitterverse noticed a bottle of barbecue sauce being used as a bookend. it was immediately theorized it was selected by algorithm as something humans enjoy. the reaction to the new name was both instantaneous and relentless. it's still going on. lots of jokes wondering if they'll partner with a company named mucil. folks had fun with the new logo, lots of comments along these lines. can't have problems with facebook if the company isn't called facebook. from the daily used to say and he was radicalized in the meta group. many people pointing out the nba star ron our test changed his name to whet a world peace a decade ago, and finally, meta is short for, i met a girl in high school who i had a huge crash on, only to find her years later on facebook posting anti vax links and tom hanks pedophile theories. that's going to do it for our thursday night, with our thanks for being here with us on behalf of all of our colleagues at the networks of nbc news, goodnight. it used to be called, value jet. it was founded in 1992, it

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Lyndon Johnson , Susan Glasser , Piece , The New Yorker , Reading , 50 , Students , Second , Great Trepidation , 1930 , Conservatives , White Southern Democrats , He Wasn T , Any , Region , He Wasn T Being Transformational Enough , Roof , Questioners , Segregation , Bulwark , Many , Doesn T , Case Study , Shout , Age , Sulfurously , American Democracy Works And Doesn T Work , Person , Will To Power , Nancy Pelosi , It S A Miracle , Old Reagan Rule , 1 75 , 3 5 , Mastermind Plan , Biden Set Out , Screen Actors Guild , Hollywood , Reagan , Reality Show , Price , Universe , Forward , America From January 6th , November 6th , January 6th 2021 , Six , Best , Guess What , Isn T , Worst , Human Nature , Journalism , Deal Maker , Insider , You , Town , Brooklyn Bridge , Test , Ability , Steps , Sweetheart , Confidence , Love You , D , Granddaughter , Grandpa , Retirement , Grandpas , Come On , Well Invested , Voya , Aw , Don T Take Kesimpta , Relapses , Add Up , Relapsing , Ms , Home Injection 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Transcripts For MSNBC The 11th Hour With Brian Williams 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC The 11th Hour With Brian Williams 20240709

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this morning, biden visited capitol hill to unveil what he called a new framework for his domestic spending bill, hoping to sway the liberals in the house. they've refused to vote on the infrastructure bill until the larger spending measure advances in the senate. biden appealed to his fellow democrats, framing the moment as one that would determine his future and theirs. nbc reporting the president told democrats gathered, quote, i don't think it's hyperbole to say that the house and senate majorities and my presidency will be determined by what happens in the next week. after that the president appeared on live television. >> i know we have historic economic framework. no one got everything they wanted, including me, but that's what compromise is. that's consensus. and that's what i ran on. i've long said compromise and consensus are the only way to get big things done in a democracy. the agenda that's in these bills is what 81 million americans voted for. >> this news $1.75 trillion plan includes priorities like funding for health care, climate change, child care, your life preschool. the package notably does not include programs like paid family leave and free community college. tonight the white house says it is confident the bill will become law. >> i've been involved in these negotiations for the last many weeks, even months. we believe this framework has the votes that can pass the senate and pass the house. >> the two senate democrats who held out on supporting the bill were noncommittal, you know their names already. joe manchin posted this message saying, quote, as we work through the text of the legislation, i would hope all of us will continue to deal in good faith and do what's right for the future of the american people. a statement from his wing woman, kyrsten sinema, read in part, quote, we have made significant progress on the proposed budget reconciliation package. i look forward to getting this done. but earlier tonight we heard this from the leader of the liberal democrats in the house. >> i met with senator kyrsten sinema today. it was a really good meeting, very productive. i've been talking, as you know, to joe manchin. we will deliver both the infrastructure bill and the remarkably transformational build back better act. i see the end. >> there is also news tonight on the january 6th investigation and special committee. "washington post" reporting that that committee has postponed tomorrow's deposition for one jeffrey clark, the former trump doj lawyer who was reportedly sought to back up the president's false claims of election fraud. nbc news has learned that the committee expects to subpoena joan east mba, the trump lawyer who drafted the blueprint to overturn a presidential election. and there is a new development involving former new york governor andrew cuomo. according to court documents, cuomo has been charged with forcible touching, a misdemeanor sex crime. this, of course, comes after he resigned in august following a report from the state attorney general alleging that he sexually harassed multiple women. cuomo's attorney responded today saying his client, quote, never assaulted anyone. with that, let's bring in our starting line on this thursday night. ashley parker, pulitzer white house bureau chief for "the washington post", eugene darjsz white house correspondent for politico, and jackie alemany, political reporter for "the washington post" and the author of "the early 202." good evening and welcome to all of you. alex i'd like to begin with you. let's begin on the hill. this was billed as almost a locker room scene with the president, members of his party exhorting them to get this done, saying in effect, if you don't, this can be ball game. do you have any reason to disagree with the president's assessment? >> i do not. you're right that it was -- there were members who were chanting vote, vote, vote, but when you have a president go up to the hill, use that capital, meet with lawmakers, implore them in many ways to do something for his presidency, for their majority, he didn't necessarily say it, but for terry mcauliffe in the virginia governor's race, and also so that the u.s. is not embarrassed when he arrives at the climate summit in glasgow basically empty handed and to show his case that the government can work, and you still can't get a deal? that's a big problem for this president. one bit of frustration i picked up in biden world this evening was that, again, for all his imploring and this was one of the few times he sort of said trust me, it's on me, and tried to make it about doing something for him than for those two senators where there's really distrust. the frustration is he never explicitly said the words i need your vote, i'm begging you for my vote. someone put it to me this evening, that's politics 101. there was some questions why for that whole show he didn't take that final extra step that potentially could have made a difference. >> he certainly had a number of votes asked of him in his many decades on the other side as a member of the u.s. senate. eugene, listening to ashley's reporting, no one needs to remind you presidential power is a currency. you spend it when you think there's going to be a return. so we have this scene on the capitol. president and the first lady get on air force one. they land in rome. nothing, no vote. is it just because everything, including the democratic party, is broken in 2021? or is there something i'm not seeing here? >> i mean, i think the thing that was missing from a lot of this conversation between democrats was trust, right? you had the white house tell progressives, work with progressives, to kind of put these two bills in tandem. and then you also have to ask these same people who were told these things were put in tandem that these were going to go together, that now you have to vote for the bif when i head to rome so i have a win to show people, and also you have to take all these cuts, these difficult cuts that senators joe manchin and kyrsten sinema agreed to. that is part of the issue here. is that there's such a lack of trust. that's why they had to step in, that is why he had to use that presidential capital as you put it to actually try to make this thing move along. but some folks wanted him to do this earlier, to lean and talk about how important this was earlier and they're happy he's doing it now, but the process, the timing doesn't have to be now, right? they still have negotiating to do. progressives are really feeling their power, they know that their votes are needed, and they have a lot of things that they still want to put in and take out of this reconciliation bill before they they vote for bif. that's one of the things we'll see. i don't think we'll see until next week. congressman today were heading home and weren't expecting to come back tomorrow anytime this weekend. so they're not going to get to this again till next week. that doesn't change a lot. it continues the conversation. but what it does as it makes voters feel like nothing is happening in washington, d.c. you promised us, joe biden, you were going to go there and get things done. whether it's fair or not, the president has only so much power. but he promised he was going to make things happen and they're not feeling that and you see that reflected in his skpolg polling overall. >> they said the most dangerous place in washington is to get between a member of congress and the airport on a thursday night. jackie, this somehow brings us to you. i'm curious about your reporting on the hill. even the atmosphere surrounding the president's visit, what was said afterwards, and could you hazard a guess when we'll see this vote understanding you're not being graded on it and it's a moving target? >> brian, there are two tracks of conversations going on at the moment. one of them you hit upon, this major you need a trust. there were lots of lawmakers liked what joe biden had to say. they agree with the framework, they support the framework even though some of their priorities aren't reflected in it. i got off the phone with congresswoman rosa doloro who conceded if a vote was held tonight, she still wove would have voted yes and she still supported the framework. she wanted to support president biden's vend. -- agenda. you had rep one a vargas who said he liked what the president said, but at the end of the day he still doesn't trust marchl manchin and kyrsten sinema who actually support this framework, even though they were the lawmakers who were requesting the $3.5 trillion package to get shaved down to $1.7 trillion. and both of those senators today sort of oddly, inconspicuously hedged when asked explicitly whether or not they supported the framework they had worked so closely with this white house on hammering down. so i think that raised a lot of red flags. another was an optimism that the legislative text is going to get done next week and now turning and pivoting towards the messaging. people like sherrod brown saying democrats had two choices, either complain about what is excluded from this package or democrats can herald the transformative policies that they've successfully funded for the first time in history. >> indeed, jackie, the messaging has been criticized. we were hearing the first pivot to positive messaging on the cable networks this afternoon when the president was en route to air force one. ashley, you touched on this. let's talk about this overseas summit, g-7, g8, i don't know how many g's we're up to these days. it's not like the mean kids in the cafeteria are talking smack about you when you walk in. though there is some evidence that did indeed happen to donald trump on the world stage. what is, do you reckon, the real-world impact of showing up -- they know because they can see our media the struggle he's been through, showing up with no legislation in hand, even though it wouldn't have anything to do with that gathering anyway? >> let me just start by answering your question with his first foreign trip, the g-7. we're now in the g20, but the g-7 i went on with him. i remember standing there just feet away from him and macron of france where macron couldn't have been more delighted and he was channelling all the other leaders pretty much. america was back. it was someone they felt like they could trust, they could deal with, was not as mercurial or chaotic at president trump. this is now his second trip. reality in some ways has intruded, and when president biden campaigned, he sort of said one of his case was if you elect me, i can show you democracy in action. i can restore democracy. i can show you how it works. in an ironic way he's very much showing the world how democracy works, but not in the way he hoped. it's not bipartisan bliss. it's not the republicans have suddenly changed their tune because he's a fellow senator just like them. it's democracy with razor-thin majorities, where it's messy and there's a lack of trust and policy disagreements and republicans still aren't helping him. that's what he's -- that's the baggage that he's carrying with him. but leaders are also aware he arrives empty handed, they see what's going on back in washington, they know there's still a chance for a deal. so is it sort of the blissful greeting he got first time? no. it's a more real-world one, but they are still cautiously optimistic the same way this administration, the progressives, and the moderates are as well. >> great analysis there. after the submarine dust-up, i don't think he'll feel the love from macron this trip quite yet. eugene, you can always tell the rookie white house aides and people for whom this is not their first rodeo. been there, done that. a number of prominent white house aides are indeed staying back, and i imagine, eugene, all their work is cut out for them. >> no, absolutely. they have a lot of work to do that has nothing to do with what's happening over there overseas for president biden, right? you have this reconciliation bill. they're going to continue, they say, to meet, talking to everyone they possibly can to make sure that next week does happen. you do see some kind of infrastructure boat next week so that they don't have to go another week with these negotiations. like all three of us have been saying, it's about finding out where the trust is, making sure they can say, okay, maybe we don't have every single thing hammered out, but we promise we're not going to change it in some voter rama. that is something people in the house are extremely worried about, right? there are things in the senate that make it kind of difficult to believe that the text you're looking at is going to be the exact text that's going to come out at the end of the process, and that's something they talked about being worried about. you also have -- we're going to be in november here pretty soon. they will have to raise the debt ceiling, fund the government. they have all types of things they're going to have to do at the beginning of december, and some of that work is going to have to start now because they have to do all of these things while also and more importantly selling it to the american people. we have the documents they sent out to supporters and different progressive groups basically trying to sell this as president biden did what he promised to do because what they wanted to see all day on television was people going up and saying -- we heard a little bit. we talked about that optimism we were seeing at one point, people saying that president biden promised -- he did what he came to do, he got compromise, compromise is hard, democracy is dirty at times, but we're going to keep fighting for these things. but then things started to fall apart, so that is something they have to contend with as president biden's over there. all eyes are going to be over here and not so much what he's doing over there. something good for president biden is that this framework that came out as he goes over there and talks start next week about climate change, the biggest aspect of his proposal is on climate change, right? a lot of climate change activists are happy with that, and that is something he's going to be able to sell to the folks over there, saying, hey, we are going to have a huge investment in climate change prevention over here. >> jackie, one last question for you. i know in your spare time you've been covering the 1/6 committee. not the first time we had a major name and we're expecting an action only to hear it's been postponed. such is the case with mr. clark's deposition, which was scheduled for tomorrow. do you have any intel on the reason for the postponement? >> yeah, brian. the select committee is quietly chugging along as lawmakers are trying to hash out this packages. jeffrey clark was one of the top justice department officials who sought to execute and support president trump's false claims of massive voter fraud in the 2020 election, received a continuance or postponement of his friday deposition and subpoena deadline to appear before the house sleekt committee and provide testimony, and that's because he had a bit of a breakup with his lawyer. my colleagues referred to him earlier today. it's unclear what the schism over the two was, but usually when a lawyer and his client break up, it's most likely differences in legal strategy. maybe a client might have been pulled in another direction. still unclear, but the select committee thought it was only fair to offer a postponement so clark can readjust his own legal strategy. we know that his testimony is a big priority for this committee along with documents from clark during this time at the justice department in those final months of the trump presidency. so i think, you know, they are going to try to give him leeway here to move forward. >> much obliged to these three friends of our broadcast. ashley parker, eugene daniels, jackie alemany, our starting line on a thursday night. thanks, gang, very much for starting us off. coming up for us, with the election just days away, the only twice-impeached retiree in all of florida can't seem to stay out of that virginia governors race. he feels needed and he's a giver, after all. later, pulitzer prize-winning presidential historian jon meacham to talk about how important this moment is for biden's agenda and foreign policy chops as he goes to europe. all of it as "the 11th hour" is just getting under way on this thursday night overlooking the u.s. capitol. when i break a long run i'm talking long long. that's why i use old spice triple protection sweat defense. old spice works harder for longer. hey derrick man, you gonna be much longer? 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and how nervous are you about what lies ahead? >> no, the party is up to it. i mean, i still think we're going to face not the greatest political environment next year, but yeah. and i agree with eugene. once the ink is dry on this, you got to get to -- most people are going to decide next year's election, brian. swing voters, people that you need to energize for turnout. they're not following this debate. it's trillions of dollars, democrats arguing. so you got to start selling what's in the package just as popular at the revenue-producing measures, asking the wealthiest to pay for child care and elder care. members of congress, senators, governors need to be in people's homes and small businesses. so yes, the next year, you know, in many respects is going to be defined by the effectiveness of that. if people get the sense this is just pile of money and they didn't benefit from it, i think we're going to be in a world of hurt. i think this is the doable. unlike the affordable care act which took years for the benefits to be realized, a lot of the benefits happen right away. you can start to do good storytelling right away. i'm disappointed about some things that didn't make it in. it's still a historic accomplishment, so everybody needs to link arms because if voters hear democratic members of congress saying they're not happy with the package, how on earth can you expect that voter to think it's going to help their lives? >> mike, in your view, have the liberals ended up hurting the larger democratic party? >> i think they have. they're defining the narrative right now. you know, you look at joe biden's numbers are in decline. you look at what's going on in virginia, we're going to talk about that. you know, the worst thing politically about this is biden is being marginalized a bit. clearly if you want to get things done in the house are 30 liberal members calling the shots, the president told them to trust him, asked for a vote, and they said no sale and they shot down the biggest easy political win that's been in front of the democrats now for weeks, which is the bipartisan infrastructure bill. it's a great bill and it's a huge accomplishment for joe biden. yet his back-benching liberals decided they're going to hold him up because they're mad they don't have enough votes in the senate to pass a multitrillion-dollar progressive dream bill. so it's one of these things where we're going to win by punishing you, mr. president, and it is pretty crazy. now, i agree with david that eventually something will pass, but the opportunity cost of what could have happened is pretty big, and the narrative is set in a way that biden is going to have to dig out of now. with all this squabbling left overshadowing the party, it's going to make -- particularly for the moderate democrats, next year very treacherous, which is how they can lose control. >> so the ball bounces back to you. let me ask you to help me clear something up. is this a progressive country, as the liberal democrats insist on being called? because the research shows joe biden won 16% of u.s. counties. donald trump won 86% of u.s. counties, and i think a look at the map would show a center-right nation. >> well, no. if joe biden won a decisive electoral college margin, brian, an electoral college beatdown. but what is true is that generally to win a presidential race or win a competitive house district or competitive senate race, you have to win the moderate vote. some of those are true independents. some of them might be leaning democrat or republican and they do not move around election to election. political scientists believe there's no such thing as persuadable voters anymore. i see them every election. you have to basically win the moderates in an election. now, what is true is child care, your life pre-k, taxing the wealthy more to pay for it, expanding health care. all of these things enjoy support 60% to 70%. so you are getting the support of basically all progressives and a heck of a lot of moderates. so from a policy standpoint, i think most of the things in this bill you can sell. but he won't be they don't sell themselves. you got to go up there and really lift the hood and show people in your local community who are benefiting from this, and then eventually right now this entire debate is about the democratic party. you got to shift this to a choice, which is the republicans have said in usefulness against these things and seem only interested in doing donald trump's bidding to try and steal the next election. so i think democrats can get on a rhetorical foot much more soundly soon. but yeah, we're not going to have success in 2022 if moderates, you know, bail on the democratic party. you have to have both. you got to get strong turnout and you've got to do well with moderate votes. what's nice about what's in this bill, by the way, is you're not choosing. it works well with both of them. >> i think home-delivered s'mores for every american would poll at 80%. but back to david's point about how you have to make choices. both of these gentlemen, thankfully, are going to stay with us. we're going to fit in a break and continue our conversation. the leader of the republican party has some second thoughts after suggesting his followers refuse to vote until nonexistent voter fraud is fixed. interesting timing given that we have two big elections coming up in a couple of days. ♪i try so hard, i can't rise above it♪ ♪don't know what it is 'bout that little gal's lovin'♪ ♪but i like it, i love it♪ applebee's. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. applebee's. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ with chase security features, guidance and convenience, banking feels good. chase. make more of what's yours. 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[ sneeze ] are you ok? oh, it's just a cold. if you have high blood pressure, a cold is not just a cold. unlike other cold medicines, coricidin provides powerful cold relief without raising your blood pressure be there for life's best moments with coricidin. now in sugar free liquid. a day after tease ing a potential campaign top in virginia for the republican glenn youngkin, donald trump reportedly will now be holding a telerally, the next best thing ahead of next week's election. like every republican in politics from kevin mccarthy to chuck grassley, youngkin lives each day in abject fear of angering donald trump. and the stakes just got higher in this race. new fox news poll out today made big headlines because it shows youngkin pulling ahead 53% to mcauliffe's 45% among likely voters. a lot to discuss. david plouffe and mike murphy remain with us. if indeed that polling bears out, you get credit for being the first to predict that. you got tough on the democrats today on twitter talking about worth trying to get the bill passed before the president lands in rome if you're the democrats, since terry mcauliffe is circling the drain. this debacle has hurt the democrats, biden, and mcauliffe. and today made it worse. democrat/biden numbers are killing mcauliffe. mike, at this point what could hobble the republican? >> well, donald trump can't stand to have a campaign that's not about him, so he keeps trying to muscle his way into the virginia campaign so he can claim credit if there is a youngkin victory. now, the youngkin people during the primary were in love with trump. now they're trying to distance themselves as much as they can under smart calculus. he's not threatening, so he's doing okay in the suburbs where trump is anthrax, but he'll try to get the trump vote in the rural areas. i saw a big mailer yesterday from virginia, an endorsement of youngkin by donald trump with the hat and pictures. but if you get out your magnifying class glass, the paid for party is the democrats. just a quick footnote too, the poll is a card trick. it's a likely voter poll, which in most cases is a scam. among in that poll registered voters, it's still a one-point race, like every other poll, margin of error. the trend has been bad for mcauliffe and good for youngkin. it's moving his way. so i'm not sure i'd bet the farm on youngkin, but i would bet a tractor. we'll see what happens tuesday. >> david, so many people find it hard to believe that national politics and the like affects, say, a gubernatorial election in the commonwealth of virginia or the one we're not talking about, phil murphy trying to hang on in the most densely populated blue state in the union in new jersey. but mike's been around the block a few times, as have you. this certainly appears to be the case. >> well, brian, there's a history in both of these states. when one party wins the white house, the very next election, which happens the next year, the party that lost the white house tends to do well, number one. number two, right, i think when your party is struggling, even though we're days away from historic legislative achievements but everyone sees is they're not done yet and they're fighting, that kills enthusiasm. we'll see what murphy's margin is. might expect him to hang on. but, you know, biden won new jersey by 16 and virginia by 10. there's uniqueness to both of these races, but you're going to see those margins narrowed. as you're looking at preparation for next year, brian what works democrats who are involved in these swing house and senate races need to do is really do research about what happened here. which swing voters moved from democrat to republican this year and why. which democratic base groups didn't turn out at the levels we were expecting and why. so you need to learn a lot about this. i think mike would agree year in politics is longer than it used to be. things aren't baked anymore. a lot can happen in a year. do democrats do a good job storytelling around their achievements as we just talk about, does trump loom over the races next year in a way that's negative? but we're going to learn a lot next tuesday, and there's no doubt that -- i agree that the eight-point poll -- fox polling tends to be decent polling, but they also have mcauliffe with a big lead in their last poll. so i think this is a razor-close, tight race. monday it's going to help youngkin with turnout. they would rather trump not do a tele-town hall because i think he needs to do well in those suburban areas and he's going to do better than we've seen a republican do in some time there. the question is will it be enough. >> the news on trump was he said today that he never told republicans just not to vote until the big lie was so, that's exactly what he said, cleanup in aisle 3 in mar-a-lago. david plouffe, mike murphy, our friends for good reason. thank you both for coming on tonight. coming up, joe biden says he campaigned on compromise and consensus. we heard him say it tonight. he says that's what he is delivering here. we will ask the pulitzer prize prize-winning historian jon meacham about that very thing when we come back. can damage blood vessels, causing vision loss or even blindness. so remember this: now is the time to get your eyes checked. eye care is important to your long-term diabetes management. see a path forward with actions and treatments that may help your eyes— and protect against vision loss. visit and take control of your sight. tonight, i'll be eating a buffalo chicken panini with extra hot sauce. tonight, i'll be eating salmon sushi with a japanese jiggly cheesecake. 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i argue that the question is, are americans up to it? because the republicans have opted out of this debate. they have chosen to follow a single person, a single will to power, and have basically ceded, outsourced the government of this country to the american president and to 50 democrats in the senate and nancy pelosi's narrow majority in the house. and so i think if you want to look at this moment in a broader sense, it's a miracle in a way that president biden has gotten as much as he has. he asked for 3.5, looks like he's going to get, what works you know the numbers better than i do, 1.75, something like that. that's the old reagan rule. you ask for 100 and you settle for 60 is what reagan learned in hollywood when he was negotiating with the screen actors guild. did president biden set out to do this? no, i don't think so. i've never asked him that directly. i don't think this is some great mastermind plan. but it's what reality is. and one of the things we've learned in the last five years is the price of not dealing in a reality-based universe. we've gone from having a reality show president to having a president to actually deals with a very divided country, and he's doing all he can within the constitutional framework to push the country forward. and i think in that sense we may be able to look back at these six months or so. you might argue you could teach a class on america from january 6th, 2021, until roughly november 6th, right? and what do those 11 months tell you about the worst of us and the best of us? and it may just be that the best of us isn't as great as many people would want. but guess what, that's human nature. >> all right. i'll see your love of susan glasser's journalism and raise you one susan glasser, quote. i'm going to read this and for dramatic effect, after reading it we're going to go to break and continue our conversation. she writes in "the new yorker," in 2020 biden campaigned as a deal-maker, not a trump the, i could sell at you brooklyn bridge-type deal-maker, but an actual washington insider who can make this town work again-type deal-maker. this is why the stakes for him now are so high. it's become a basic test of his ability to deliver. jon and i give you both susan glasser of the new yorker. now i give you a break. jon meacham sticking around. our conversation will continue. we'll talk about what to expect is the president prepares for this world-stage moment in glasgow. d... even after paying for this. love you, sweetheart they guide me with achievable steps that give me confidence. this is my granddaughter...she's cute like her grandpa. voya doesn't just help me get to retirement... ...they're with me all the way through it. come on, grandpa! later. got grandpa things to do. aw, grandpas are the best! well planned. well invested. well protected. voya. be confident to and through retirement. with relapsing forms of ms... there's a lot to deal with. not just unpredictable relapses. all these other things too. it can all add up. kesimpta is a once-monthly at-home injection... that may help you put these rms challenges in their place. kesimpta was proven superior at reducing the rate of relapses, active lesions, and slowing disability progression vs aubagio. don't take kesimpta if you have hepatitis b, and tell your doctor if you have had it, as it could come back. kesimpta can cause serious side effects, including infections. while no cases of pml were reported in rms clinical trials, it could happen. tell your doctor if you had or plan to have vaccines, or if you are or plan to become pregnant. kesimpta may cause a decrease in some types of antibodies. the most common side effects are upper respiratory tract infection, headache, and injection reactions. ready for an at-home treatment with dramatic results? 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and i think if he doesn't hear that explicitly, it will be a subtext of what he hears the next weeks or so. huge issues. and what i would say to him and all of us is the issues that he's there to talk about, climate, the pandemic, these are millennial issues, right? these are centuries-long challenges he has to pick up. it has very little to do with what twitter says over the next 36 hours. >> thank you for that. >> what we do now, to paraphrase lincoln, because why not, what we do now will mark this generation of americans down to the last part of time. it really will. that may sound hyperbolic, but climate, the fate of american democracy, the rule of law, our very sense of neighborliness with one another, so much is in flux, and i think -- i know those are the stories that are unfolding, the sounds unfolding in the president's head. >> brilliant stuff. ticket to the bank, those listening and watching. jon meacham has been our guest tonight. we're grateful for it, appreciate it, pal. coming up for us, today's big announcement from the tech world. turns out we scooped the story earlier this week. feel stuck with student loan debt? 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Lyndon Johnson , Susan Glasser , Piece , The New Yorker , Reading , 50 , Students , Second , Great Trepidation , 1930 , Conservatives , White Southern Democrats , He Wasn T , Any , Region , He Wasn T Being Transformational Enough , Roof , Questioners , Segregation , Bulwark , Many , Doesn T , Case Study , Shout , Age , Sulfurously , American Democracy Works And Doesn T Work , Person , Will To Power , Nancy Pelosi , It S A Miracle , Old Reagan Rule , 1 75 , 3 5 , Mastermind Plan , Biden Set Out , Screen Actors Guild , Hollywood , Reagan , Reality Show , Price , Universe , Forward , America From January 6th , November 6th , January 6th 2021 , Six , Best , Guess What , Isn T , Worst , Human Nature , Journalism , Deal Maker , Insider , You , Town , Brooklyn Bridge , Test , Ability , Steps , Sweetheart , Confidence , Love You , D , Granddaughter , Grandpa , Retirement , Grandpas , Come On , Well Invested , Voya , Aw , Don T Take Kesimpta , Relapses , Add Up , Relapsing , Ms , Home Injection 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Of Law , Neighborliness , Flux , Story , Tech World , Bank , Watching , Stuff , Ticket , Listening , Announcement , Pal , Student Loan Debt , Feel , Rates , Fees , 500 , Shipping Manager , Find Themself , Mercedes Eqs , Pharmacy , Prime Members , Medication , Meds , Prices , Save , Low , Amazon , Cardiologist , Form , Coq10 , Mm , Tongue , Tight , Em , Home , Roadside Assistance , You Don T Want , 24 7 , Meta , Supposedly , Kara Swisher , Mark Zuckerberg , Four , Headquarters , Venus , Twitterverse , Barbecue Sauce , Video , Bottle , Bookend , Jokes , Humans , Reaction , Algorithm , Comments , Problems , The Company Isn T , Lines , Facebook , Logo , Fun , Named Mucil , Star Ron , Girl , Daily , Peace , Meta Group , High School , Links , Behalf , Networks , Crash On , Pedophile Theories , Vax , Tom Hanks , Value Jet , 1992 ,

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