Transcripts For MSNBC The Rachel Maddow Show 20240709 : comp

Transcripts For MSNBC The Rachel Maddow Show 20240709

half-staff in colin powell's honor not just for a day, but for every day this week until sunset on friday night. general powell's legacy is an important, powerful, complex thing that operates on a lot of different levels. we're going to have much more on his passing coming up over the course of this hour. he's just about the only american i can think of who was not a u.s. president but for whom you nevertheless need to consult a presidential historian to talk about his role in our country and his role in modern history, how he changed this country as a singular figure. we're going to do that later on this hour. that coming up. we are also following a number of developing stories tonight. the committee investigating the january 6 attack on the u.s. capitol tonight has released a formal report recommending something that hasn't been done in nearly 40 years. former president trump's campaign manager and one-time white house advisor steve bannon has lately settled into a sort of marginal role as a right-wing podcaster and effectively a trump surrogate. he travels around the country promoting the myth that joe biden really didn't win the 2020 election. former president trump is going to somehow be reinstated. steve bannon has become like the mypillow guy but without the pillows. it was less than a year ago that trump pardoned him for the felony fraud charges he was facing for his role in a fake border wall fund-raising scheme that appears to have separated lots of gullible trump supporters from lots of their money. that money just ended up going into the pockets of steve bannon and the co-defendants. the co-defendants interestingly were not pardoned by trump but ban nonhas gotten off scot-free. they're real things, but bannon has decided to defy the one he got regarding the january 6 investigation. tonight the committee investigating the january 6 attack, they just released a report tonight which recommends that bannon should, therefore, be referred to the justice department for prosecution. now, the committee is going to formally vote tomorrow night to make that referral for prosecution. then what will happen is that the justice department, specifically the u.s. attorney for washington, d.c., will have to decide what to do about it. it has been nearly 40 years since a former government official has been prosecuted for denying a subpoena like this. but, hey, you never know. couldn't happen to a nicer guy. that high drama tonight around trump's former campaign manager, who he has already had to pardon once, that drama comes after president trump had to investigate himself. he's basically trying to stop the investigation from getting to his white house records. he followed that lawsuit tonight we shall see. before he filed the lawsuit tonight, earlier this afternoon trump completed a 4.5-hour sworn deposition in one of the roughly ten civil lawsuits that is currently pending against him. this lawsuit relates to anti-trump protesters who say they were subject to violence from trump's private security guards outside trump tower in 2015. they worked for him and he's responsible for his employees' conduct. the suit has been around for several years. it has been pending for a long time. he was able to delay having to give any deposition or any other testimony in these cases because he was serving as president, but now that he's no longer serving as president, the floodgates are starting to open. he's having to appear for these things. miss vrbo says trump defamed her. he's facing another potential deposition and potentially a dna test in a similar case brought by a different woman who also has trump claims. he's facing another potential deposition in a major fraud case brought against him by people who say they were duped into investing in a bunch of worthless schemes because trump endorsed them. again, that case ongoing. they've been seeking his deposition since he's no longer president. that may happen. there's a bunch more of these. i could go on. there's a lot of these. before today, the last time he was actually deposed in one o these civil suits was in 2016. in that case he had another case brought against him which he ran for years. that case did not end well. he gave that deposition as part of his defense in that lawsuit, but ultimately in the end he paid out $25 million to settle that case. paid out $25 million. right before he was sworn in as president. i always felt like that was one of the underplayed angles of trump ascending to presidency. who else pays out $25 million to settle a massive fraud suit against them right before becoming president? we should have known. but that was in 2015 in the trump university fraud case that cost him $25 million. that was the last time he had to do one of these depositionings before the one he did today. this is the last as of today they have started back up. so we're watching that. also as of tonight we've got eyes on the u.s. supreme court. the u.s. justice department has gone to the supreme court on the issue of texas' abortion ban. you'll recall that the supreme court allowed that texas abortion ban to go into effect in september, last month. the justice department is fighting it. today doj basically asked the supreme court to look at the case from a different angle than the way they previously looked at it. the justice department wants the supreme court to block the law, basically, on the grounds that texas can't do something that deliberately violates the u.s. constitution and then block the federal courts from reviewing it. so, again, the justice department could have gone back to a lower appeals court to . they've decided to try their luck with the united states supreme court. it appears they have some appetite to fold that in with the other major abortion case that's coming their way before the end of the year, a mississippi case, which anti-abortion advocates believe that will be the vehicle by which the supreme court final eradicates the protections of roe v. wade. they're mostly coalescing. today a remarkable thing happened. today the people who you want to be in the same room together, talking one on one, talking it out among them, today those people did get in the room together personally, one on one. here they are. here's the situation. they're going to talk about a path forward for the agenda on the build back better act. today ahead of those meetings president biden met separately with one key progressive democrat, congresswoman pramila jayapal. throughout this whole caucus she's been the lead negotiator for the progressives. she's been doing this to make sure the build back better act would get a vote, that it would not be killed in the united states senate. now, she's been the lead on the progressive side. on a moderate side, there is no need for a voter. he would probably still not have to fight against who has more talks directly between her and president biden. on the progressive side we've got jayapal active. really for all the democrats in washington who are all but united about wanting to see as much of president biden's agenda passed as possible, it's noteworthy, she was there. what's even more newsworthy is what she did after her meeting with president biden. it is nbc news garrett haake that held a meeting with president obama, and she had another meeting with a guy named joe in the middle of this drama. congresswoman jayapal met for two hours with senator joe manchin. finally the two people who need to be in the same room fighting this out are in the same room fighting this out. senator manchin is one of two, count 'em, two, who has been blocking this thing, saying president biden's agenda shouldn't pass. he and kyrsten sinema of arizona want to shrink the president's bill t build back better bill. they want to strip out some of the provisions. they don't care if it's smaller or if they should cut different things. it depends how good the mood is on. >> it looks like it would match up to the president's agenda at all. "the new york times" reporting on friday that the core climate provisions in the bill were likely to be stripped out of it because of joe manchin's singular opposition to those. on sunday, yesterday, axios reported that senator manchin had come out with a whole new list of ways that he wanted to cut down the very popular child tax credit that democrats passed in the covid relief bill and now want to make permanent. at the same time, everybody's frustration with joe manchin seemed to reach a bit of a tipping point. saturday night, senator sanders, head of the budget committee, head of the senate, wrote an op-ed for the charleston paper about the build back better program. the senator said all of those things will post another delivering article, publishing that in senator manchin's hometown paper in west virginia. he doesn't like anyone else handing him those discussions except him. we now have only 48 yes votes. two democratic senators remain in opposition including west virginia senator joe manchin. again, senator sanders publishing that in senator manchin's hometown paper in west virginia which senator manchin very much did not like. he does not like anyone else talking to west virginians except him. he responded in a snippy statement that said, quote, this isn't the first time an out-of-stater has tried to tell west virginians what's best for them despite having no relationship to our state. i will not vote for a reckless expansion of programs. no op-ed from a self-declared independent socialist is going to change that. so all of that made it seem like the prospects for democrats figuring something out, coming to some kind of resolution, it seems like those prospects were getting more and more remote as senator manchin seemed to be getting more dug in and more prickly about it all the time, but then today happened. i mean, for the first time since these talks began, you had the lead progressive negotiator, congresswoman pramila jayapal, somehow managing to get into the same room as one of the two elusive senators holding up this deal. from the very beginning, because we care about the policy and human drama of it, those of us who aren't politicians have sort of instinctively felt couldn't jayapal and manchin talk about this and kind of figure it out? they both seem like they've got an argument to make. what if they made it to each other without anybody else there. couldn't they get us there? le couldn't senator manchin sit in the same room and talk about it one on one? obviously they both have points to make. if they talked about it 101 in this. sources tell msnbc news that during the conversation between jail paul and manchin, each of them laid out their priorities for the build back better bill. they reportedly did not get into a specific back-and-forth over how they were going to resolve their differences, but they each laid out their case one to the other at length. again, this was a first meeting between jayapal and manchin and it went on for quite a while, apparently about two hours. and also senator manchin held another one-on-one meeting with senator sanders. later, looking chippier, they posted a picture while walking to their cars. >> do you want to get a picture? we're talking. >> we're talking. >> are you going to have a resolution by the end of the week? >> again, we're talking. >> you sort of heard senator manchin say something to senator sanders as they both got in their cars. according to producer frank thorp who was there? the moment said what he said to sanders, quote, never give up, bernie. what does that mean? just before we got on the air, senator manchin also apparently had a direct phone call with president biden today. does this mean that things are changing? what does it mean that the key progressives in this fight are now meeting one on one and directly with senator manchin, who's the guy who's got his thumb in the dike here? what is he saying? does this mean progress? i have just the person to ask. joining us, congresswoman jayapal. she's had quite a day. it's a pleasure to have you here. thanks for making the time. >> it's great to be here, rachel. >> again, i'm watching from the cheap seats as is everybody in this country who is a stakeholder in this fight, who you know how transformative this could be who just do the drama. what can you tell us about that meeting with senator manchin and how we should understand it in terms of whether this thing is going to get done? >> rachel, for some time, i have said we're going to get them both done. we're going to get them done. it's not easy. everybody knows there are differences. we have to bridge them and come together because at the end of the day, we have to deliver both of these bills, the build back better bill and the one that goes to the president's desk. i'm always happy to talk to anybody. it was graduate great to talk to senator manchin today. i'm not going to get into the details, but i think it is important to be talking to each other. i've felt that way for some time, and i think those conversations are important to have because we're not going to be able to make progress unless we all talk to each other. that's what today was about. again, this is the president's agenda, and i am really proud of the progressive caucus for what we did to actually get the build back better act onto the table and have us negotiating on it, have a real discussion around it because unlike the bipartisan bill which you and i talked about and i think we were both kind of skeptical honestly that it was going to get done, but it took five months and eventually it got done, but this also has really only been two weeks of negotiation. it's only since the progressive caucus said we're not going to do one without the other, that we then were able to get people to take this negotiation seriously and come to the table. and that's what we're doing right now. i'm not saying it's going to -- i don't know that it's going to be done tomorrow, right? we're going to keep having these conversations. i'm back at the white house tomorrow with some of my progressive colleagues. i know the president is also doing another meeting with some of the other centrist democrats, but this is important, and i do think it's important that the president himself has been really engaged, because as i've been saying on tv, i said it to him directly, he thanked me for this -- it's the president's agenda. this is the agenda that joe biden ran on, the democrats ran on, and now we have to delve it, all of us, and he's at the center of that, and he's working very hard to get us to resolution. >> do you believe that senator manchin wants to pass the build back better act? you said at the very top of your remarks there that you believe that both of these things will pass. if he doesn't want build back better to pass, it won't pass. do you believe he wants a bill and it's just a matter of finding what it is exactly that he can say yes to? >> yes, i do believe that, and i don't think he would have all of those discussions if that wasn't the case. there are differences. some of them have been reported in the papers. there are differences in terms of what our states -- i mean one of the things that's always interesting to me, you know, when i'm talking to people that are from very different states is just to listen and hear, okay, what is it like in your state and visa versa. and so i think that is an important part of getting to understand where somebody's coming from in any negotiation that i've ever been in, and i think, you know, obviously the main negotiations have been happening primarily between the two senators and the white house and then between us and the white house, but this was an important step for us to listen to each other directly and to be able to say -- for example, for me to say, yes, it's a different bill to pass. will we get to a resolution? i believe so. it may take a little time. it may look opaque on the outside, and it may be frustrating because i don't think everybody is going to get everything they want, and that is true. that is the reality. but can we do something that is truly transformative for the country that really does provide universe at child care, pre-k, a real investment in climate, housing, all of the things we've been talking about, i do think that we will deliver something very transformative for the country, i really do. >> you just said there that nobody's going to get everything they want ant the bill you want to pass is not the same bill that senator manchin wants to pass. i have to ask you, does senator manchin think he is going to get everything he wants? does he actually think he gets to decide the full scope of the bill and that he doesn't have to negotiate? and i ask that not to be snide, but specifically because, i mean, the critique that senator sanders has made here really resonates with me, which is that everybody who wants to pass this bill is willing to talk about what it's going to be. it can't -- the results of negotiation can't be that two people get to dictate that they get everything they want. there has to be some meeting in the middle. i don't know that senator manchin shares that though. do you feel like you know that after meeting with him today? >> i can't speak for him. i can't speak for him. i think that probably he would have been fine originally -- well, i'm not going to speak for him. i just think that we're going to get this bill done. it is going to be more than some people wanted. it is going to be less than what other people wanted. what i'm concerned about is it transformative? is it going to be a massive investment in people's lives, in improving people's lives, so that, rachel, at the end of the day, they actually trust us in government to deliver. that to me is the biggest thing here, and that's why i'm looking at every piece of this with that lens. are we going to be able to get people to trust that we did if not everything that we said we would do, a substantial portion of it. and one of the things that the president has said -- he said it in connecticut. he saidet to me today. we're going to fight for everything. we just may not get everything in this particular moment, but we aren't giving up on any of this, you know, for the longer term, but we've got to be able to deliver at least something transformational, and that's -- i think that's -- i mean i -- look, i'm an optimist. can you be in politics without being an optimist? can you be an organizer without being an optimist? i'm an optimist. i think we're going to get there. >> briefly, any followup plans with senator sinema? >> i've had another already and i would be happy to have another. i'm ready to talk to anyone literally anywhere, any time, because we've got to get this done. we have to work to deliver things that make people say my life is better. that's all i want at the end of the day, people to wake up and say, you know what? they fought for me and made my life better and maybe they didn't get everything but they fought for me and made my life better. that's what i want people to say, and i think we're going to be able to do that. >> congresswoman jayapal, very much in the room where it happens today both with the president and with senator manchin. thanks for keeping us apprised. i have a feeling we're going to be prying with you more about these conversations in days ahead. thanks for helping us understand. i really appreciate it. >> thank you, rachel. >> a vision of optimism and also relentlessness from the chair of the progressive congressional caucus. this is getting to be remarkable. we'll be right back. stay with us. remarkable we'll be right back. stay with us classical music plays. um uh, brass band, new orleans. ♪ ♪ she drives hands free... along the coast. make it palm springs. ♪ cadillac is going electric. if you want to be bold, you have to go off-script. experience the all-electric 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general colin powell in 1995 announcing he would not make a run for the u.s. prez den sichlt general powell had retired from the u.s. military two years earlier. public opinion showed at the time he was the single most popular public figure in the united states of america at that time. before he made that speech in '95 announcing he would not run for the presidency, it was very, very possible that he would run. he had written two speeches, one announcing he'd run and one announcing that he wouldn't. either was possible. he had written a memoir that was a smash success. people mobbed his book events as if they were campaign events. he did travel, including to some of the crucial earlier states. he did some campaign-style events to basically test the waters and see if running for president was going to be right for him. colin powell had been an independent and legitimate non-partisan throughout his 35 years of military service. both parties, in fact, considered him as a candidate before he did test the waters in '95. but in '95 when he was testing the waters, he made clear he was a republican. he said so after leaving the military. the nomination he thought about pursuing in 1996 would havetown ben the republican party's nomination, which meant he would have been running to try to make bill clinton a one-term president. if he had succeeded and received his party's accommodation, he would have been. my friend, producer who writes maddow blog, steve told me today, quote, you'd be amazed at how many people in the clinton white house that day were watching general powell's speech live. that's because the stakes were so high. looking back at it now. looking at the huge margin by which clinton won, there was no question. he was never in danger. he was always going to be a two-term president. but during president's first term in 1995, the prospect of running against that one guy, against colin powell, made blood run cold in the clinton white house. again, the single most popular public figure in the united states of america. he decided not to run. colin powell died of covid at the age of 84. he was vaccinated against covid-19 and it greatly reduces your risk of getting covid and dying from covid if you do get infected, but with the rest -- as is true with the unvaccinated population, age and medical comorbidiies make things worse. with his age and other medical issues, he was profoundly vulnerable in the case of infection and ultimately he did not survive it. by now you've heard the national firsts. he was chair of the joint chiefs of staff. secretary of state to george w. bush. left government office in 2004. the pulitzer prize-winning columnist eugene robinson wrote, colin powell knew how his o ed by obituaries would describe him, the first african-american secretary of state, first african-american chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. he wrote there's a special pride and special burden of being the first black fill in the blank. colin l. powell shouldered that responsibility while giving the impression that that was as light as a feather. he was the son of immigrants. he grew up in harlem. he went to school. was in combat two times in vietnam. he was the youngest general, by the time he was 42. he led the invasion of pan marx first gulf war in 1991, but his impact on the country was beyond even what he did in the u.s. military and the strength of his example as a public servant. it was profoundly political. he announced that he was a republican in 1995. he announced that he could no longer consider himself a republican this year after the attack on the u.s. capitol on january 6th. that said he was still a republican and a decades-long friend of john mccain, someone who had been floated as a potential running mate for jon mccain in 2008 when colin powell instead shocked the country by endorsing a candidate who was running against john mccain. he endorsed presidential candidate barack obama for president. that was two weeks before the election in 2008 and some people say the election might as well have ended then. if republicans needed permission to cross the aisle and broke vogt for this democrat, barack obama, nobody could provide a more powerful permission slip than colin powell did two weeks before that election. his political impact was profound and it was complex. of course, in the first sentence of every obituary of general powell today along with all of the firsts, and there were many of them, there is also the apex tragedy of his time in public life, his 76-minute-long speed in february of 2003 to the united nations in which he made a long, detailed, fairly impassioned, and ultimately profoundly false case to the world that the united states needed to invade iraq and urgently. >> every statement i make today is backed up by sources, solid sources. these are not assertion. we're giving you facts and conclusions based on solid intelligence. >> i remember listening to that live when it happened, listening to those opening lines and being bewildered that this man, colin powell, was making that case. of course, it was him. the tragedy of that moment unfolded soon in iraq with the u.s. invasion and in the lives of everyone touched by that catastrophic war, which was launched on those false pretences. but the tragedy of that moment was because of who he was. it was only because general colin powell had so much credibility, rightfully earned, that they put him out to make the most unbelievable, unsustainable, ultimately unforgivable false argument for the iraq war. if they hadn't had him, they wouldn't have made the case that way. if they had only been able to put out someone of lesser stature, lesser reputation, less widespread respect. if they hadn't had him, they would have had to aim lower in making that case. the false pretext for the war was that much more false and that much more spectacularly made specifically because they had him, because they had someone so respected to use as a mouthpiece for it. and for that, general colin powell lost to us today is a tragic figure. not a victim. he wasn't unwillingly or unwittingly used. he knew what was up. that speech is something he spoke bluntly about within two years of making it. it was a source of lifelong regret for him about which he was outspoken. and for all of us, we are all more than the worst thing that we have ever done, right? in the case of colin powell, he was so much more than that terrible worse thing that he did, which, again, was a lifelong source of regret and which will inflict forever our understanding how he changed american life, american history in ways hard to attribute, in ways large and small, but large in ways that people who aren't u.s. presidents almost never, ever attain. joining us now is nbc news presidential historian michael beschloss. mr. beschloss, it's wonderful to see you tonight. >> thank you, rachel. wonderful to see you as always. i thought you beautifully captured this amazing paradox of colin powell who we're thinking about tonight. >> let me tell you about this frame and why i wanted to call on you about it today. i do feel like there are sort of in the early days of american history, some of founding fathers, some of the most important figures in u.s. history, in our ancient history were not presidents, but in modern time, i don't know of that many other figures who had the kind of direction personal inflection on u.s. history in military terms and in political terms and in our understanding of political service than colin powell did. you're a presidential historian, but i didn't know who else to call today to get the big picture to look at him besides you. >> you're absolutely right. you were talking about the fact that the gallup poll found him the most popular man of more than one year. how many non-presidents do that, or non-popes? pretty rare. it shows he was a figure in -- >> excuse me. said with a slightly tongue-in-cheek that a lot of people looking back at that said, well, it's two weeks before the election, but you could have ended the election then. it feels like such a determinative moment in that election. is it right to look at it that way? >> sure, it is, because barack obama is not ready for prime time. if you and i had to choose one person two weeks before the election of 2008 to vouch for the fact that barack obama would not only protect the nation but be as -- powell called him a transformational figure that took the heart out of the argument. >> in terms of what happened in 2003, i was struck looking back at that timeline today that he had given that speech in february 2003. in 2004, he left government service. by 2005, he was giving national interviews sort of rending his heart over that, talking about how it was his responsibility and his great regret for what he did. he didn't wait for ten years down the road. he was doing it in a matter of months. that feels like a singular tragedy, as i said, but a remarkable personal moment for him as a historical figure. >> it tells everything about him. robert mcnamara quit the -- or he was fired. he still didn't know at that point whether lbj fired him or not, but he was having qualms about vietnam but waited almost 30 years to write a book that said, we all made mistakes in vietnam. well, we didn't all make them. he made them and a few others. and the other thing is why did we have to wait for 30 years? in colin powell's case, this is someone with such towering integrity and sensitivity that he suffered from the fact that he had delivered that speech that allowed there to be a war that privately he had at best huge reservations about and probably did not want to see a war in iraq even though he thought there might be wmds, and at the same time, you know, if you were trying to torture colin powell, what's the one thing you would take away if there him is authority, credibility. that's what his speech did. it's waning because he believed the intelligence he had studied made a lot of the intelligence he thought was wrong, but the result was the one moment of that decade that le'll be remembered for will be that speech to the u.n., and he bore that speech to his grave. >> indeed. michael beschloss, msnbc historian. thank you for being here. it's a big loss for our country but his legacy will be studied for a long time, the good and the bad of it. thank you for helping us do that tonight. thank you. >> he was a great man. thank you for having me, rachel. be well. >> stay with us. get pumped fans, because basketball's back! and our league pass lineup is totally stacked. forty games a week, all season long, on all your devices, so you'll never go wrong. watch your favorite sport, and do it your way, with nba league pass. order today! experience all the nba action with xfinity x1 - track stats and scores while watching your team live. to upgrade, just say nba league pass into your voice remote or go online today. it was ten days before donald trump was inaugurated as president when buzzfeed news published what came to be known as the dossier, a series of intelligence reports by a former political spy named richard steele a, alleging coordination as russia was trying to help get donald trump into the white house. the allegations in that dossier have been debated and litigated and demagogued ever since. now two years after the release of the mueller report and after being relentlessly attacked and dragged through the mud by president trump and his allies, christopher steele himself is finally speaking speaking for himself in an interview with george stephanopoulos. steele's putting himself out there. if anything he says the mueller report reinforces it. >> robert mueller said could not establish firm evidence of the criminal conspiracy. >> mueller was working to beyond reasonable doubt there was evidence in criminal cases and prosecutions and in much intelligence work you never get to the point where you're 99% certain of the evidence and secure a conviction. >> so on the whole in your view does the mueller report reinforce the dossier or refute it? >> overall i think it reinforces it. >> how so? >> bus there was a whole-scale campaign organized by the leadership in russia to get dew point elected and there was a lot of contacts between the russians and the trump campaign that they didn't report or admit to and, in fact, lied about. >> so you stand by the dossier. >> i stand by the work we did, the sources we had, and the professionalism we applied to it. >> so you think donald trump was colluding with the russians. >> i think the evidence suggests that, yes. >> i think the evidence suggests that, yes. that was christopher steele's view. what about the tape and -- what about that? certainly christopher steele is disavowing the part of the dossier about donald trump and prostitutes and the ritz-carlton and something that shouldn't be happening on a bed. nope, he said in his view he thinks that tape probably still exists. it remains his view that there was collusion. he believes the tape probably exists. as for the other allegations, he remains adamant that none of them have been disproven which will infuriate everyone. watch this space. will infuriate everyone. watch this space potentially some big news coming on the issue of booster shots. you'll remember that last week an advisory panel to the fda discussed some promising data that suggested that missing and matching doses of different vaccines could be safe and it could be particularly effective for people who got the single dose of the johnson & johnson vaccine. well, tonight "the new york times" is reporting that the fda might grant approval for the mix-and-match approach as early as this week. on wednesday, the day after tomorrow, the fda is expected to authorize booster shots for moderna and j&j. the mix and max recommendation could come on wednesday. the cdc will have its booster shot meeting on thursday. what it means is it's possible by the end of this week all three available covid vaccines may have an approved booster dose including the option of mixing and maxing between brands, which, of course, could be a big deal. watch this space. d be a big deal. watch this space sensing your movements and automatically responding to both of you. and, it's temperature balancing to help you stay comfortable all night. it even tracks your circadian rhythm, so you know when you're at your best. in other words, it's the most energy-building, wellness-boosting, parent-powering, proven quality night's sleep we've ever made. don't miss our weekend special. save up to $800 on sleep number 360 smart beds. - if you want a rockstar team like ours, plus, 0% interest for 48 months on all smart beds. ends monday. you need grammarly business. (guitar strumming) grammarly business turned my marketing team into rock stars that amplify our bottom line. just ask maya, who started three weeks ago. - [announcer] maya swears by grammarly business, because it keeps her work on brand and error free, fast, and easy. and we know clear and concise marketing leads to a killer performance. - steady beat to rising revenues, right, maya? (microphone whooshing) - [announcer] learn more at all right. that is going to do it for us tonight. we will see you again tomorrow when i'm scheduled to be hitting a grand slam for the boston red sox. everybody gets a turn. "way too early" is up next. ♪♪ the fight over executive privilege escalates. former president trump is suing the house select committee investigating the january 6th insurrection in order to keep white house records secret. the question is will it work or just delay the process? plus, remembering former secretary of state colin powell. politicians and friends from both sides of the aisle are paying tribute to the military trail blazer. the question is can the country live up to his legacy? and another grand slam for the red sox. boston makes history as the first team to hit three grand slams in a single postseason series. the question is how am i still

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Records , Deposition , Lawsuits , Protesters , 4 5 , Ten , Violence , Security Guards , Subject , Trump Tower , 2015 , Suit , Employees , Conduct , Cases , Serving , Testimony , Floodgates , Trump University Fraud Case , Woman , Vrbo , Dna Test , Claims , People , Fraud , Bunch , Investing , Schemes , More , Go On , Suits , O , 2016 , Part , The End , Defense , 5 Million , 25 Million , Presidency , Who , Angles , Trump Ascending , Underplayed , Last , Depositionings , Texas , Issue , U S Justice Department , U S Supreme Court , Eyes , Effect , Abortion Ban , Texas Abortion Ban , Way , Case , Fighting It , Angle , Department Wants The Supreme Court , Law , Grounds , U S Constitution , Courts , Appeals Court , Luck , Abortion , Appetite , Mississippi , Advocates , Protections , Vehicle , Final , Roe V Wade , Room , One On , Situation , Build , Agenda , Progressive Democrat , Act , Path , Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal , Lead , Progressives , Negotiator , Caucus , It , United States Senate , Vote , Progressive Side , Talks , Side , Voter , Need , Centrist Democrats , Washington , Is , Meeting , Haake , Obama , Nbc News , A Guy Named Joe In The Middle , Senator Manchin , Two , Bill , Count , Em , Bill T Build , Agenda Shouldn T Pass , Kyrsten Sinema , Arizona , They Don T , Some , Mood , Provisions , Care , Wall , The New York Times , Opposition , Axios , Climate Provisions , On Sunday , Ways , List , Relief Bill , Child Tax Credit , Covid , Everybody , Tipping Point , Frustration , Bit , Senator Sanders , Head , Budget Committee , Saturday Night , Anyone , Program , Op Ed For The Charleston Paper , Yes , Votes , Discussions , West Virginia , Article , Hometown Paper , 48 , Senators , Senator Sanders Publishing , Statement , Quote , This Isn T The First Time , State , Programs , Relationship , Expansion , Senator , Prospects , Resolution , Kind , Remote , Socialist , Time , Progressive Negotiator , Deal , Politicians , Aren T , Policy , Human Drama , Argument , Each Other , Anybody , Couldn T Jayapal , Senator Manchin Sit , Points , Le Couldn T , 101 , Sources , News , Each , Conversation , Priorities , Msnbc , Jail Paul , Other , Differences , Jayapal , Length , Picture , Cars , Chippier , Frank Thorp , On The Air , Biden Today , Phone Call , Fight , Thumb , Dike , Progress , Person , Pleasure , Rachel , Stakeholder , Seats , Terms , Both , Bills , Desk , Conversations , Details , Talk , Table , Negotiating , Discussion , Progressive Caucus , Negotiation , Five , Colleagues , Tv , Ran On , Center , Remarks , Matter , Finding , States , Papers , Wasn T The Case , Visa Versa , Somebody , Negotiations , Example , Step , Outside , Everything , Reality , Child Care , Pre K , Universe , Investment , Housing , Climate , Nobody , Ant , Critique , Scope , Results , Middle , Lives , Government , Piece , Lens , He Saidet To Me Today , Portion , Connecticut , Optimist , Term , , Any , Politics , Organizer , Plans , Briefly , Followup , Life , Another , Done , 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, Made Blood Run , Age , Risk , 19 , Population , Rest , Comorbidiies , Issues , Infection , Secretary Of State , Firsts , Government Office , Joint Chiefs Of Staff , George W Bush , 2004 , Eugene Robinson , O Ed By Obituaries , Pulitzer Prize , Pride , African American , Chairman Of The Joint Chiefs Staff , Responsibility , Fill , Blank , Burden , Impression , Feather , Times , Immigrants , Son , Harlem , Impact , Vietnam , Invasion , General , Servant , Strength , First Gulf War , Pan Marx , 1991 , 42 , Someone , Running Mate , John Mccain , U S Capitol On January 6th , January 6th , 2008 , Aisle , Vogt , Permission , Permission Slip , Tragedy , Obituary , Sentence , Apex , Speed , Long , World , United Nations , 76 , February Of 2003 , 2003 , Assertion , Iraq , Intelligence , Man , Facts , Lines , Conclusions , War In Iraq , Everyone , Pretences , Credibility , Rightfully , Unbelievable , Stature , Hadn T , Reputation , Respect , They Wouldn T Have , Unsustainable , Pretext , Mouthpiece , Source , Regret , Victim , He Wasn T Unwillingly , Which , American History , Attribute , Presidents , Michael Beschloss , Mr , Paradox , History , Figures , Feel , Frame , Founding , Fathers , Understanding , Direction , Inflection , The Big Picture , Non Popes , Non Presidents , Poll , Gallup , Tongue In Cheek , Prime Time , Determinative , Heart , Powell , Timeline , Government Service , February 2003 , Interviews , 2005 , Road , Point , Book , Qualms , Robert Mcnamara , Lbj , 30 , Others , Mistakes , Integrity , Reservations , Sensitivity , Torture Colin Powell , Authority , Wmds , Result , Grave , Good , Msnbc Historian , Bad , Loss , League Pass Lineup , Fans , Back , Devices , Basketball , Season , Games , Forty , Order , X1 Track Stats , Sport , Nba League Pass , Action , Nba , Xfinity , Team , Scores , Voice , Upgrade , Dossier , Richard Steele A , Series , Donald Trump , Spy , Buzzfeed News , Allegations , Coordination , Demagogued , Russia , Christopher Steele , 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Fast , Error , Killer Performance , Beat , Revenues , Microphone Whooshing , Grand Slam , Boston Red Sox , Turn , Executive Privilege , House Select Committee Investigating The January 6th Insurrection , Sides , Plus , Friends , Process , Tribute , Records Secret , Remembering , Military Trail Blazer , Slams , Postseason , Boston ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC The Rachel Maddow Show 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC The Rachel Maddow Show 20240709

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half-staff in colin powell's honor not just for a day, but for every day this week until sunset on friday night. general powell's legacy is an important, powerful, complex thing that operates on a lot of different levels. we're going to have much more on his passing coming up over the course of this hour. he's just about the only american i can think of who was not a u.s. president but for whom you nevertheless need to consult a presidential historian to talk about his role in our country and his role in modern history, how he changed this country as a singular figure. we're going to do that later on this hour. that coming up. we are also following a number of developing stories tonight. the committee investigating the january 6 attack on the u.s. capitol tonight has released a formal report recommending something that hasn't been done in nearly 40 years. former president trump's campaign manager and one-time white house advisor steve bannon has lately settled into a sort of marginal role as a right-wing podcaster and effectively a trump surrogate. he travels around the country promoting the myth that joe biden really didn't win the 2020 election. former president trump is going to somehow be reinstated. steve bannon has become like the mypillow guy but without the pillows. it was less than a year ago that trump pardoned him for the felony fraud charges he was facing for his role in a fake border wall fund-raising scheme that appears to have separated lots of gullible trump supporters from lots of their money. that money just ended up going into the pockets of steve bannon and the co-defendants. the co-defendants interestingly were not pardoned by trump but ban nonhas gotten off scot-free. they're real things, but bannon has decided to defy the one he got regarding the january 6 investigation. tonight the committee investigating the january 6 attack, they just released a report tonight which recommends that bannon should, therefore, be referred to the justice department for prosecution. now, the committee is going to formally vote tomorrow night to make that referral for prosecution. then what will happen is that the justice department, specifically the u.s. attorney for washington, d.c., will have to decide what to do about it. it has been nearly 40 years since a former government official has been prosecuted for denying a subpoena like this. but, hey, you never know. couldn't happen to a nicer guy. that high drama tonight around trump's former campaign manager, who he has already had to pardon once, that drama comes after president trump had to investigate himself. he's basically trying to stop the investigation from getting to his white house records. he followed that lawsuit tonight we shall see. before he filed the lawsuit tonight, earlier this afternoon trump completed a 4.5-hour sworn deposition in one of the roughly ten civil lawsuits that is currently pending against him. this lawsuit relates to anti-trump protesters who say they were subject to violence from trump's private security guards outside trump tower in 2015. they worked for him and he's responsible for his employees' conduct. the suit has been around for several years. it has been pending for a long time. he was able to delay having to give any deposition or any other testimony in these cases because he was serving as president, but now that he's no longer serving as president, the floodgates are starting to open. he's having to appear for these things. miss vrbo says trump defamed her. he's facing another potential deposition and potentially a dna test in a similar case brought by a different woman who also has trump claims. he's facing another potential deposition in a major fraud case brought against him by people who say they were duped into investing in a bunch of worthless schemes because trump endorsed them. again, that case ongoing. they've been seeking his deposition since he's no longer president. that may happen. there's a bunch more of these. i could go on. there's a lot of these. before today, the last time he was actually deposed in one o these civil suits was in 2016. in that case he had another case brought against him which he ran for years. that case did not end well. he gave that deposition as part of his defense in that lawsuit, but ultimately in the end he paid out $25 million to settle that case. paid out $25 million. right before he was sworn in as president. i always felt like that was one of the underplayed angles of trump ascending to presidency. who else pays out $25 million to settle a massive fraud suit against them right before becoming president? we should have known. but that was in 2015 in the trump university fraud case that cost him $25 million. that was the last time he had to do one of these depositionings before the one he did today. this is the last as of today they have started back up. so we're watching that. also as of tonight we've got eyes on the u.s. supreme court. the u.s. justice department has gone to the supreme court on the issue of texas' abortion ban. you'll recall that the supreme court allowed that texas abortion ban to go into effect in september, last month. the justice department is fighting it. today doj basically asked the supreme court to look at the case from a different angle than the way they previously looked at it. the justice department wants the supreme court to block the law, basically, on the grounds that texas can't do something that deliberately violates the u.s. constitution and then block the federal courts from reviewing it. so, again, the justice department could have gone back to a lower appeals court to . they've decided to try their luck with the united states supreme court. it appears they have some appetite to fold that in with the other major abortion case that's coming their way before the end of the year, a mississippi case, which anti-abortion advocates believe that will be the vehicle by which the supreme court final eradicates the protections of roe v. wade. they're mostly coalescing. today a remarkable thing happened. today the people who you want to be in the same room together, talking one on one, talking it out among them, today those people did get in the room together personally, one on one. here they are. here's the situation. they're going to talk about a path forward for the agenda on the build back better act. today ahead of those meetings president biden met separately with one key progressive democrat, congresswoman pramila jayapal. throughout this whole caucus she's been the lead negotiator for the progressives. she's been doing this to make sure the build back better act would get a vote, that it would not be killed in the united states senate. now, she's been the lead on the progressive side. on a moderate side, there is no need for a voter. he would probably still not have to fight against who has more talks directly between her and president biden. on the progressive side we've got jayapal active. really for all the democrats in washington who are all but united about wanting to see as much of president biden's agenda passed as possible, it's noteworthy, she was there. what's even more newsworthy is what she did after her meeting with president biden. it is nbc news garrett haake that held a meeting with president obama, and she had another meeting with a guy named joe in the middle of this drama. congresswoman jayapal met for two hours with senator joe manchin. finally the two people who need to be in the same room fighting this out are in the same room fighting this out. senator manchin is one of two, count 'em, two, who has been blocking this thing, saying president biden's agenda shouldn't pass. he and kyrsten sinema of arizona want to shrink the president's bill t build back better bill. they want to strip out some of the provisions. they don't care if it's smaller or if they should cut different things. it depends how good the mood is on. >> it looks like it would match up to the president's agenda at all. "the new york times" reporting on friday that the core climate provisions in the bill were likely to be stripped out of it because of joe manchin's singular opposition to those. on sunday, yesterday, axios reported that senator manchin had come out with a whole new list of ways that he wanted to cut down the very popular child tax credit that democrats passed in the covid relief bill and now want to make permanent. at the same time, everybody's frustration with joe manchin seemed to reach a bit of a tipping point. saturday night, senator sanders, head of the budget committee, head of the senate, wrote an op-ed for the charleston paper about the build back better program. the senator said all of those things will post another delivering article, publishing that in senator manchin's hometown paper in west virginia. he doesn't like anyone else handing him those discussions except him. we now have only 48 yes votes. two democratic senators remain in opposition including west virginia senator joe manchin. again, senator sanders publishing that in senator manchin's hometown paper in west virginia which senator manchin very much did not like. he does not like anyone else talking to west virginians except him. he responded in a snippy statement that said, quote, this isn't the first time an out-of-stater has tried to tell west virginians what's best for them despite having no relationship to our state. i will not vote for a reckless expansion of programs. no op-ed from a self-declared independent socialist is going to change that. so all of that made it seem like the prospects for democrats figuring something out, coming to some kind of resolution, it seems like those prospects were getting more and more remote as senator manchin seemed to be getting more dug in and more prickly about it all the time, but then today happened. i mean, for the first time since these talks began, you had the lead progressive negotiator, congresswoman pramila jayapal, somehow managing to get into the same room as one of the two elusive senators holding up this deal. from the very beginning, because we care about the policy and human drama of it, those of us who aren't politicians have sort of instinctively felt couldn't jayapal and manchin talk about this and kind of figure it out? they both seem like they've got an argument to make. what if they made it to each other without anybody else there. couldn't they get us there? le couldn't senator manchin sit in the same room and talk about it one on one? obviously they both have points to make. if they talked about it 101 in this. sources tell msnbc news that during the conversation between jail paul and manchin, each of them laid out their priorities for the build back better bill. they reportedly did not get into a specific back-and-forth over how they were going to resolve their differences, but they each laid out their case one to the other at length. again, this was a first meeting between jayapal and manchin and it went on for quite a while, apparently about two hours. and also senator manchin held another one-on-one meeting with senator sanders. later, looking chippier, they posted a picture while walking to their cars. >> do you want to get a picture? we're talking. >> we're talking. >> are you going to have a resolution by the end of the week? >> again, we're talking. >> you sort of heard senator manchin say something to senator sanders as they both got in their cars. according to producer frank thorp who was there? the moment said what he said to sanders, quote, never give up, bernie. what does that mean? just before we got on the air, senator manchin also apparently had a direct phone call with president biden today. does this mean that things are changing? what does it mean that the key progressives in this fight are now meeting one on one and directly with senator manchin, who's the guy who's got his thumb in the dike here? what is he saying? does this mean progress? i have just the person to ask. joining us, congresswoman jayapal. she's had quite a day. it's a pleasure to have you here. thanks for making the time. >> it's great to be here, rachel. >> again, i'm watching from the cheap seats as is everybody in this country who is a stakeholder in this fight, who you know how transformative this could be who just do the drama. what can you tell us about that meeting with senator manchin and how we should understand it in terms of whether this thing is going to get done? >> rachel, for some time, i have said we're going to get them both done. we're going to get them done. it's not easy. everybody knows there are differences. we have to bridge them and come together because at the end of the day, we have to deliver both of these bills, the build back better bill and the one that goes to the president's desk. i'm always happy to talk to anybody. it was graduate great to talk to senator manchin today. i'm not going to get into the details, but i think it is important to be talking to each other. i've felt that way for some time, and i think those conversations are important to have because we're not going to be able to make progress unless we all talk to each other. that's what today was about. again, this is the president's agenda, and i am really proud of the progressive caucus for what we did to actually get the build back better act onto the table and have us negotiating on it, have a real discussion around it because unlike the bipartisan bill which you and i talked about and i think we were both kind of skeptical honestly that it was going to get done, but it took five months and eventually it got done, but this also has really only been two weeks of negotiation. it's only since the progressive caucus said we're not going to do one without the other, that we then were able to get people to take this negotiation seriously and come to the table. and that's what we're doing right now. i'm not saying it's going to -- i don't know that it's going to be done tomorrow, right? we're going to keep having these conversations. i'm back at the white house tomorrow with some of my progressive colleagues. i know the president is also doing another meeting with some of the other centrist democrats, but this is important, and i do think it's important that the president himself has been really engaged, because as i've been saying on tv, i said it to him directly, he thanked me for this -- it's the president's agenda. this is the agenda that joe biden ran on, the democrats ran on, and now we have to delve it, all of us, and he's at the center of that, and he's working very hard to get us to resolution. >> do you believe that senator manchin wants to pass the build back better act? you said at the very top of your remarks there that you believe that both of these things will pass. if he doesn't want build back better to pass, it won't pass. do you believe he wants a bill and it's just a matter of finding what it is exactly that he can say yes to? >> yes, i do believe that, and i don't think he would have all of those discussions if that wasn't the case. there are differences. some of them have been reported in the papers. there are differences in terms of what our states -- i mean one of the things that's always interesting to me, you know, when i'm talking to people that are from very different states is just to listen and hear, okay, what is it like in your state and visa versa. and so i think that is an important part of getting to understand where somebody's coming from in any negotiation that i've ever been in, and i think, you know, obviously the main negotiations have been happening primarily between the two senators and the white house and then between us and the white house, but this was an important step for us to listen to each other directly and to be able to say -- for example, for me to say, yes, it's a different bill to pass. will we get to a resolution? i believe so. it may take a little time. it may look opaque on the outside, and it may be frustrating because i don't think everybody is going to get everything they want, and that is true. that is the reality. but can we do something that is truly transformative for the country that really does provide universe at child care, pre-k, a real investment in climate, housing, all of the things we've been talking about, i do think that we will deliver something very transformative for the country, i really do. >> you just said there that nobody's going to get everything they want ant the bill you want to pass is not the same bill that senator manchin wants to pass. i have to ask you, does senator manchin think he is going to get everything he wants? does he actually think he gets to decide the full scope of the bill and that he doesn't have to negotiate? and i ask that not to be snide, but specifically because, i mean, the critique that senator sanders has made here really resonates with me, which is that everybody who wants to pass this bill is willing to talk about what it's going to be. it can't -- the results of negotiation can't be that two people get to dictate that they get everything they want. there has to be some meeting in the middle. i don't know that senator manchin shares that though. do you feel like you know that after meeting with him today? >> i can't speak for him. i can't speak for him. i think that probably he would have been fine originally -- well, i'm not going to speak for him. i just think that we're going to get this bill done. it is going to be more than some people wanted. it is going to be less than what other people wanted. what i'm concerned about is it transformative? is it going to be a massive investment in people's lives, in improving people's lives, so that, rachel, at the end of the day, they actually trust us in government to deliver. that to me is the biggest thing here, and that's why i'm looking at every piece of this with that lens. are we going to be able to get people to trust that we did if not everything that we said we would do, a substantial portion of it. and one of the things that the president has said -- he said it in connecticut. he saidet to me today. we're going to fight for everything. we just may not get everything in this particular moment, but we aren't giving up on any of this, you know, for the longer term, but we've got to be able to deliver at least something transformational, and that's -- i think that's -- i mean i -- look, i'm an optimist. can you be in politics without being an optimist? can you be an organizer without being an optimist? i'm an optimist. i think we're going to get there. >> briefly, any followup plans with senator sinema? >> i've had another already and i would be happy to have another. i'm ready to talk to anyone literally anywhere, any time, because we've got to get this done. we have to work to deliver things that make people say my life is better. that's all i want at the end of the day, people to wake up and say, you know what? they fought for me and made my life better and maybe they didn't get everything but they fought for me and made my life better. that's what i want people to say, and i think we're going to be able to do that. >> congresswoman jayapal, very much in the room where it happens today both with the president and with senator manchin. thanks for keeping us apprised. i have a feeling we're going to be prying with you more about these conversations in days ahead. thanks for helping us understand. i really appreciate it. >> thank you, rachel. >> a vision of optimism and also relentlessness from the chair of the progressive congressional caucus. this is getting to be remarkable. we'll be right back. stay with us. remarkable we'll be right back. stay with us classical music plays. um uh, brass band, new orleans. ♪ ♪ she drives hands free... along the coast. make it palm springs. ♪ cadillac is going electric. if you want to be bold, you have to go off-script. experience the all-electric cadillac lyriq. in business, setbacks change everything. if you want to be bold, you have to go off-script. so get comcast business internet and add securityedge. it helps keep your network safe by scanning for threats every 10 minutes. and unlike some cybersecurity options, this helps protect every connected device. yours, your employees' and even your customers'. so you can stay ahead. get started with a great offer and ask how you can add comcast business securityedge. plus for a limited time, ask how to get a $500 prepaid card when you upgrade. call today. finally, let me say how honored i am that so many of you thought me worthy of your support. it says more about america than it says about me. in one generation we have moved from denying a black man service at a lunch counter to elevating one to the highest military office in the nation and to being a serious contender for the presidency. this is a magnificent country. i am proud to be one of its sons. thank you very much. . >> general colin powell in 1995 announcing he would not make a run for the u.s. prez den sichlt general powell had retired from the u.s. military two years earlier. public opinion showed at the time he was the single most popular public figure in the united states of america at that time. before he made that speech in '95 announcing he would not run for the presidency, it was very, very possible that he would run. he had written two speeches, one announcing he'd run and one announcing that he wouldn't. either was possible. he had written a memoir that was a smash success. people mobbed his book events as if they were campaign events. he did travel, including to some of the crucial earlier states. he did some campaign-style events to basically test the waters and see if running for president was going to be right for him. colin powell had been an independent and legitimate non-partisan throughout his 35 years of military service. both parties, in fact, considered him as a candidate before he did test the waters in '95. but in '95 when he was testing the waters, he made clear he was a republican. he said so after leaving the military. the nomination he thought about pursuing in 1996 would havetown ben the republican party's nomination, which meant he would have been running to try to make bill clinton a one-term president. if he had succeeded and received his party's accommodation, he would have been. my friend, producer who writes maddow blog, steve told me today, quote, you'd be amazed at how many people in the clinton white house that day were watching general powell's speech live. that's because the stakes were so high. looking back at it now. looking at the huge margin by which clinton won, there was no question. he was never in danger. he was always going to be a two-term president. but during president's first term in 1995, the prospect of running against that one guy, against colin powell, made blood run cold in the clinton white house. again, the single most popular public figure in the united states of america. he decided not to run. colin powell died of covid at the age of 84. he was vaccinated against covid-19 and it greatly reduces your risk of getting covid and dying from covid if you do get infected, but with the rest -- as is true with the unvaccinated population, age and medical comorbidiies make things worse. with his age and other medical issues, he was profoundly vulnerable in the case of infection and ultimately he did not survive it. by now you've heard the national firsts. he was chair of the joint chiefs of staff. secretary of state to george w. bush. left government office in 2004. the pulitzer prize-winning columnist eugene robinson wrote, colin powell knew how his o ed by obituaries would describe him, the first african-american secretary of state, first african-american chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. he wrote there's a special pride and special burden of being the first black fill in the blank. colin l. powell shouldered that responsibility while giving the impression that that was as light as a feather. he was the son of immigrants. he grew up in harlem. he went to school. was in combat two times in vietnam. he was the youngest general, by the time he was 42. he led the invasion of pan marx first gulf war in 1991, but his impact on the country was beyond even what he did in the u.s. military and the strength of his example as a public servant. it was profoundly political. he announced that he was a republican in 1995. he announced that he could no longer consider himself a republican this year after the attack on the u.s. capitol on january 6th. that said he was still a republican and a decades-long friend of john mccain, someone who had been floated as a potential running mate for jon mccain in 2008 when colin powell instead shocked the country by endorsing a candidate who was running against john mccain. he endorsed presidential candidate barack obama for president. that was two weeks before the election in 2008 and some people say the election might as well have ended then. if republicans needed permission to cross the aisle and broke vogt for this democrat, barack obama, nobody could provide a more powerful permission slip than colin powell did two weeks before that election. his political impact was profound and it was complex. of course, in the first sentence of every obituary of general powell today along with all of the firsts, and there were many of them, there is also the apex tragedy of his time in public life, his 76-minute-long speed in february of 2003 to the united nations in which he made a long, detailed, fairly impassioned, and ultimately profoundly false case to the world that the united states needed to invade iraq and urgently. >> every statement i make today is backed up by sources, solid sources. these are not assertion. we're giving you facts and conclusions based on solid intelligence. >> i remember listening to that live when it happened, listening to those opening lines and being bewildered that this man, colin powell, was making that case. of course, it was him. the tragedy of that moment unfolded soon in iraq with the u.s. invasion and in the lives of everyone touched by that catastrophic war, which was launched on those false pretences. but the tragedy of that moment was because of who he was. it was only because general colin powell had so much credibility, rightfully earned, that they put him out to make the most unbelievable, unsustainable, ultimately unforgivable false argument for the iraq war. if they hadn't had him, they wouldn't have made the case that way. if they had only been able to put out someone of lesser stature, lesser reputation, less widespread respect. if they hadn't had him, they would have had to aim lower in making that case. the false pretext for the war was that much more false and that much more spectacularly made specifically because they had him, because they had someone so respected to use as a mouthpiece for it. and for that, general colin powell lost to us today is a tragic figure. not a victim. he wasn't unwillingly or unwittingly used. he knew what was up. that speech is something he spoke bluntly about within two years of making it. it was a source of lifelong regret for him about which he was outspoken. and for all of us, we are all more than the worst thing that we have ever done, right? in the case of colin powell, he was so much more than that terrible worse thing that he did, which, again, was a lifelong source of regret and which will inflict forever our understanding how he changed american life, american history in ways hard to attribute, in ways large and small, but large in ways that people who aren't u.s. presidents almost never, ever attain. joining us now is nbc news presidential historian michael beschloss. mr. beschloss, it's wonderful to see you tonight. >> thank you, rachel. wonderful to see you as always. i thought you beautifully captured this amazing paradox of colin powell who we're thinking about tonight. >> let me tell you about this frame and why i wanted to call on you about it today. i do feel like there are sort of in the early days of american history, some of founding fathers, some of the most important figures in u.s. history, in our ancient history were not presidents, but in modern time, i don't know of that many other figures who had the kind of direction personal inflection on u.s. history in military terms and in political terms and in our understanding of political service than colin powell did. you're a presidential historian, but i didn't know who else to call today to get the big picture to look at him besides you. >> you're absolutely right. you were talking about the fact that the gallup poll found him the most popular man of more than one year. how many non-presidents do that, or non-popes? pretty rare. it shows he was a figure in -- >> excuse me. said with a slightly tongue-in-cheek that a lot of people looking back at that said, well, it's two weeks before the election, but you could have ended the election then. it feels like such a determinative moment in that election. is it right to look at it that way? >> sure, it is, because barack obama is not ready for prime time. if you and i had to choose one person two weeks before the election of 2008 to vouch for the fact that barack obama would not only protect the nation but be as -- powell called him a transformational figure that took the heart out of the argument. >> in terms of what happened in 2003, i was struck looking back at that timeline today that he had given that speech in february 2003. in 2004, he left government service. by 2005, he was giving national interviews sort of rending his heart over that, talking about how it was his responsibility and his great regret for what he did. he didn't wait for ten years down the road. he was doing it in a matter of months. that feels like a singular tragedy, as i said, but a remarkable personal moment for him as a historical figure. >> it tells everything about him. robert mcnamara quit the -- or he was fired. he still didn't know at that point whether lbj fired him or not, but he was having qualms about vietnam but waited almost 30 years to write a book that said, we all made mistakes in vietnam. well, we didn't all make them. he made them and a few others. and the other thing is why did we have to wait for 30 years? in colin powell's case, this is someone with such towering integrity and sensitivity that he suffered from the fact that he had delivered that speech that allowed there to be a war that privately he had at best huge reservations about and probably did not want to see a war in iraq even though he thought there might be wmds, and at the same time, you know, if you were trying to torture colin powell, what's the one thing you would take away if there him is authority, credibility. that's what his speech did. it's waning because he believed the intelligence he had studied made a lot of the intelligence he thought was wrong, but the result was the one moment of that decade that le'll be remembered for will be that speech to the u.n., and he bore that speech to his grave. >> indeed. michael beschloss, msnbc historian. thank you for being here. it's a big loss for our country but his legacy will be studied for a long time, the good and the bad of it. thank you for helping us do that tonight. thank you. >> he was a great man. thank you for having me, rachel. be well. >> stay with us. get pumped fans, because basketball's back! and our league pass lineup is totally stacked. forty games a week, all season long, on all your devices, so you'll never go wrong. watch your favorite sport, and do it your way, with nba league pass. order today! experience all the nba action with xfinity x1 - track stats and scores while watching your team live. to upgrade, just say nba league pass into your voice remote or go online today. it was ten days before donald trump was inaugurated as president when buzzfeed news published what came to be known as the dossier, a series of intelligence reports by a former political spy named richard steele a, alleging coordination as russia was trying to help get donald trump into the white house. the allegations in that dossier have been debated and litigated and demagogued ever since. now two years after the release of the mueller report and after being relentlessly attacked and dragged through the mud by president trump and his allies, christopher steele himself is finally speaking speaking for himself in an interview with george stephanopoulos. steele's putting himself out there. if anything he says the mueller report reinforces it. >> robert mueller said could not establish firm evidence of the criminal conspiracy. >> mueller was working to beyond reasonable doubt there was evidence in criminal cases and prosecutions and in much intelligence work you never get to the point where you're 99% certain of the evidence and secure a conviction. >> so on the whole in your view does the mueller report reinforce the dossier or refute it? >> overall i think it reinforces it. >> how so? >> bus there was a whole-scale campaign organized by the leadership in russia to get dew point elected and there was a lot of contacts between the russians and the trump campaign that they didn't report or admit to and, in fact, lied about. >> so you stand by the dossier. >> i stand by the work we did, the sources we had, and the professionalism we applied to it. >> so you think donald trump was colluding with the russians. >> i think the evidence suggests that, yes. >> i think the evidence suggests that, yes. that was christopher steele's view. what about the tape and -- what about that? certainly christopher steele is disavowing the part of the dossier about donald trump and prostitutes and the ritz-carlton and something that shouldn't be happening on a bed. nope, he said in his view he thinks that tape probably still exists. it remains his view that there was collusion. he believes the tape probably exists. as for the other allegations, he remains adamant that none of them have been disproven which will infuriate everyone. watch this space. will infuriate everyone. watch this space potentially some big news coming on the issue of booster shots. you'll remember that last week an advisory panel to the fda discussed some promising data that suggested that missing and matching doses of different vaccines could be safe and it could be particularly effective for people who got the single dose of the johnson & johnson vaccine. well, tonight "the new york times" is reporting that the fda might grant approval for the mix-and-match approach as early as this week. on wednesday, the day after tomorrow, the fda is expected to authorize booster shots for moderna and j&j. the mix and max recommendation could come on wednesday. the cdc will have its booster shot meeting on thursday. what it means is it's possible by the end of this week all three available covid vaccines may have an approved booster dose including the option of mixing and maxing between brands, which, of course, could be a big deal. watch this space. d be a big deal. watch this space sensing your movements and automatically responding to both of you. and, it's temperature balancing to help you stay comfortable all night. it even tracks your circadian rhythm, so you know when you're at your best. in other words, it's the most energy-building, wellness-boosting, parent-powering, proven quality night's sleep we've ever made. don't miss our weekend special. save up to $800 on sleep number 360 smart beds. - if you want a rockstar team like ours, plus, 0% interest for 48 months on all smart beds. ends monday. you need grammarly business. 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"way too early" is up next. ♪♪ the fight over executive privilege escalates. former president trump is suing the house select committee investigating the january 6th insurrection in order to keep white house records secret. the question is will it work or just delay the process? plus, remembering former secretary of state colin powell. politicians and friends from both sides of the aisle are paying tribute to the military trail blazer. the question is can the country live up to his legacy? and another grand slam for the red sox. boston makes history as the first team to hit three grand slams in a single postseason series. the question is how am i still

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